Development of a seminar for beginner class managers. Workshop for class managers "Forms of extracurricular work on moral education" Methodical development on the topic

Seminar for class managers on the topic:

"Are we engaged in education?"


acquaintance of teachers with characteristics (signs) of education situations in order to designate the borders of the "educational field";

preparation of a teacher to analyze (self-analysis) of its pedagogical activities for its contribution to the education of the individual;

development of reflexive qualities of the teacher's personality.


1) Preparation of a memo "signs of education situations".

2) Preparation of sheets with signs of education situations.

3) Color pencils (red and green) for each teacher.

4) Roll of bright color toilet paper to perform a demonstration exercise.


1. Opening word leading.

Is the teacher's activities for learning students from their upbringing activities? How?

The teacher is not only the transmitting knowledge, but also raising, performs some specific actions. What exactly?

2. What is upbringing?

What is upbringing from the point of view of a personal approach?

Educational activities are:

pedagogical activityaimed at developing a child of subjective moral experience through the inclusion of it in the situation of transformation of his own life, gaining responsibility, independence, criticality, system of meanings, ability to choose a moral choice, including in matters of their own education;

the assistance of the teacher in creating a schoolboy's own subjective experience, experiences, developing and compliance with moral norms, as well as overcoming the difficulties and removal of contradictions;

organization of volitional, moral efforts of schoolchildren to work with their inner world - value, semantic, moral sphere of personality;

creating conditions for manifestation and development personal qualities pupil;

The "inclusion" of a schoolchildren in such a situation in which he could survive events, make substantive or mental actions, moral actions that will lead it to this experience; This is a kind of "inclusion" of a schoolboy in a chain of events and their pedagogical support in the event space;

the creation of the teacher's conditions for finding and gaining a schoolboy the meanings of the responsible, actively creative attitude to education, as well as to transfer this experience in the area of \u200b\u200bdesign of their own life.

The purpose of upbringing is the formation of a moral cultural personality. Teach etiquette, pass the cultural traditions to the teacher easier. But how to form a conscience, the inner moral position of a person?

Reading Open from the book "Pedagogy for All" Simon Solovychik

"If we proceed from the fact that a child who is next to us, no conscience, then education will become impossible."

The conscience is all. Not our business to educate conscience, the conscience itself arises in the child's soul. Our business is to bring up conscientiousness. Conscience - an idea of \u200b\u200bthat general truth that keeps everything. Gradually, the child begins to obey not the highest morality, but the group morality of the close and respected people, morality of the "reference group". According to conscience, it is ashamed to steal, and from the point of view of rural children it happens ashamed not to climb into someone else's garden - this is a sign of cowardice. Therefore, no matter how much we assure a boy or a girl, that it is bad to get twice, persuasions do not act if there are no two-ways in the class, and excellent students.

The persuasions here act little, and the punishments do not act at all, they only strengthen the confidence of the child in his rightness and make proud - after all, each of us is proud if he suffers for their beliefs.

It is believed that if the child can constantly say "it is impossible", then gradually it is external - from the outside - "it is impossible" will turn into a moral habit, in the inner "I can not ... Otherwise." Is it so? Let's look at this situation visually ...

Demonstration of the consequences of multiple prohibitions.

One teacher (who wants to participate in the demonstration) comes forward. Chair (standing in the center, at the board, deployed the seat to the audience) - symbolizes the position of the schoolboy - "sat down on a school bench." Sit down please. You are a schoolboy.

The lead assumes the role of a teacher raising forces. So…

1. So that the schoolboy is accustomed to his new social position, it is important to keep it on a chair:

Where did your legs wear? Do not dare run there! To your feet there were not! If there is no walking feet, then something with your head! (The presenter gives the "schoolboy" legs)

2. It is important that the schoolboy learned self-control:

Do not touch! Do not take! Put it on it's place! Keep calm! (The presenter gives the "schoolboy" hands)

3. It is important that the schoolboy in the lessons is focused on the educational material:

Sit calmly! Turn to the board! Do not spin! (tied shoulders).

Do not hang ears! In one ear flew, to another flew out? In the lesson listen to me! (tie ears)

Not eye to face! Do not look into someone else's notebook! Eyes on the board! (Tie the eyes). Now the entire spectrum of external "impossible" is applied to the student.

Reflection after a demonstration:

discussion of questions:

What feelings do you have, thoughts when you look at the student in the prohibition system going out out?

How do you feel about what you think about the schoolchildren limited forces? What do you want in this situation? Do what you want.

How strong are these prohibitions? It became an external "impossible" system of internal values \u200b\u200band guidelines for action? And why? Finger, and what needs to be done in this exercise so that "you can not" become "I can not"? (Strengthen ways - to tighten the prohibitions and the system of punishments - will heal, hangs and humble). But then "I can not" will not "I can't do differently", but I can not ". (Passivity, brushlessness, chance).

Let's return to the Soloveachik:

"One children say" it is impossible, it is impossible ", and it turns into" I CA ", and in other cases this transformation does not happen ... it can be noted that the transformation" can not "in" I can not "almost always takes place in the field" External shame ", shame exposure. The deep human shame with a violation of the truth is not brought up with the forbids "cannot be impossible." He has another root - conscience.

Shame can not be inspired, the nature of shame does not allow to inspire it. You can repeat a thousand times the boy: "You should be ashamed!" "But he is not ashamed, and he cannot do anything with him, even if he feels guilty that he is not ashamed.

To the child tormenting the conscience, so that he knew what shame is, it can not be embarrassed. Shaim - facilitate conscience. The strength of shame depends not on how often we shame, and on how much we respected by a teenager, as far as we are close and expensive. "

3. Work in groups

Task number 1.

Make a list of educational actions of the teacher, continuing the phrase:

- "During the preparation of extracurricular activities (lesson), the teacher is engaged in raising, if ..."

- "In the process of holding an extracurricular lesson (lesson), the teacher is busy with education when ..."

- "Judging by the results of the event (lesson), it can be argued that the teacher carries out the process of education, if ..."

After 10 - 15 minutes of discussion, imagine reflections from your group.

Task number 2.

Individually familiarize yourself with the list of educational actions.

Mark green five educational actions that you apply most often.

Mark in red five educational actions that you apply rarely or do not apply to your pupils.

On a group sheet of educational influences, note the coincidences with the list that the group has accumulated. What remains outside the field of attention of the group?

Do you relate your rare educational impacts with the educational impacts that were missed by the group?

What to pay attention to?!

If much coincides, then the general trend is detected. And need additional information, help to class managers from administration, methodologist, psychologist.

Does not coincide - the situation is locally. You can work on it individually.

List of teacher actions

"I'm doing exactly upbringing" if:

I create situations for the union and cohesion of the children's team;

Create a situation for the manifestation of responsibility and independence, tolerance;

Consider age features and life situation pupil;

I stimulate the manifestation of his own initiative by the child;

I attract the life facts and personal (and personal) experience in the content of education;

I create a situation of success;

Training the ability to make a choice "in the field" Moral-immoral "in different life circumstances;

I help the child in overcoming the difficulties and removal of contradictions;

I attracted our own life, personal experience in communicating with children, but not proclaiming: do, as I want;

I appeal to the formation of reflexive personal qualities;

In communication with pupils constantly focusing on the fact that, why, why I do, the nearest environment, society;

I trust the independence of children and I hope for their responsibility;

Inspire to participate in common deed For the benefit of yourself and others;

I show and demonstrate personal interest;

I create and maintain a favorable psychological climate and an atmosphere of interest to joint besis;

I configure pleasure, joy (for myself and others) and success;

I support the situation of mutual support and help. "

4. Reading the final passage

From the book Simon Solovychik.

"Epiphanies are a passive pedagogy. We have outlined a certain course in the form of a child's image, and now all our actions are determined by this. A little real child will rejoint, we begin to respond. If he followed the specified behavior trajectory, we would sleep. We We do not notice the child, we notice only its flaws.

Moral and spiritual education is active pedagogy. We cause a sense of sympathy, awaken good. They themselves do not sleep soul and do not let the child's soul.

Pedagogy goals focuses on the fact that the child should know should be able to understand. She tells us: It is necessary that ... it is necessary that ... Pedagogy means makes emphasis on what way to achieve these well-known "should and should". She says: To, you need ... so that, you need ...

In order for children to grow moral people, it is necessary to achieve from the child only what we can achieve without being attached to him. There will be morality - everything will be; There will be no morality - nothing will be. "

At the end of the seminar, teachers are invited to use signs of education situations when designing a lesson and its educational influence, as well as for the self-analysis of the educational potential of the classes. Removed memo with a list of signs of education situations.

Signs of education situations


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Signatures for slides:

How do we do?

Is the teacher's activities for learning students from their upbringing activities? The teacher is not only the transmitting knowledge, but also raising, performs some specific actions. What exactly?

What is upbringing from the point of view of a personal approach?

Educational activities are: pedagogical activities aimed at developing a child of subjective moral experience through its inclusion in the situation of conversion of its own life; Help the teacher in creating a schoolboy's own subjective experience; organization of volitional, moral efforts to work with its inner world; creating conditions for manifestation and development of personal qualities of the pupil;

The "inclusion" of a schoolchildren in such a situation in which he could survive events, make substantive or mental actions, moral actions that will lead it to this experience; This is a kind of "inclusion" of a schoolchildren in a chain from colors and their pedagogical support in the event space; Creating a teacher's conditions for finding and gaining a schoolboy to the meanings of the responsible, active attitude to education, as well as to transfer this experience in the area of \u200b\u200bdesign of their own life.

The purpose of upbringing is the formation of a moral cultural personality.

"Children do not need to bring up - you need to be friends with children." S. with tin

"During the preparation of extracurricular work, the teacher is engaged in the education, if ..." "In the process of holding an extracurricular session, the teacher is busy with education when ..." "Judging by the results of the event, it can be argued that the teacher carries out the process of education, if ..."

Thanks for the job!



Signs of education situations (or educational actions of the teacher)

Support for a teacher-educator of his own efforts of a child in moral self-implantation.

The establishment of a child as an ally of the educator in overcoming its own failure, in the "effort on himself".

Focusing the attention of the teacher on the sphere of values \u200b\u200band meanings committed by the child actions, and not on external attributes and regulation of its activities.

The prompting of the pupil to manifest relations to another person as self-profit.

The formation of the teacher of the moral abilities of the pupil (to the dedication, to a freely elected moral act, to the referee, etc.).

Inclusion of the pupil into creative (creative) life with a constant reflection of its goals and meanings, every case and a deed,

The prompting of the pupil to the manifestation of the volitional effort, stress, the desire to lead themselves from the "easy way"; live according to your individual plan; Assistance in promotion on its own trajectory.

Fixing the teacher-tutor attention is not on the process and result of objective activity, but on the change in behavior, consciousness, the moral and semantic sector of the person (or the possibility of it), which is expected.

The formation of an active position of pupils in the process of acquiring knowledge, in social projects, as a result of which the features, motivation, self-organization are implemented in their activities.

The inclusion of a schoolboy in a situation-events that put it before the need for manifestation of personal functions (selectivity, reflection, sensemology, responsibility, will, creativity, arbitrariness, etc.) in solving existential issues.

Abstract of the seminar for class school leaders on the topic "Creativity class teacher Or how to succeed and avoid failures in educational activities of the class teacher. " The goal: to realize that the creativity of the class teacher is a powerful incentive in educational activities, a favorable basis for building cooperation with adults and students. "Education is higher from the goods, but only when it is the first grade, otherwise it is not suitable for anything." R. Kickling. Pedagogical Council course 1. Organizational moment (division of participants in groups: primary School, Cool leaders 5-8 skills, cool leaders 9-11 classes, subjects). 2. Opening a pedsovet. Speech by the deputy director for educational work of the school (theme, goals and objectives, determination of the progress of the pedsovet) 3. Speech by the Deputy Director for BP. "Features of educational activities of the class teacher." 4. Analysis of the survey. (10 min).

Seminar to MO.DOC.


"Creativity of the class teacher or how to succeed and avoid failures in educational activities of the class teacher." Pedagogical Council for class managers (slide 1) "Education is a higher friend, but only when it is the first grade, otherwise it is not suitable for nothing." R. Kiking. (Slide 2) Podagogical Council course 1. Organizational moment (division of participants in groups: elementary school, cool leaders 58 skills, class managers 911 classes, subjects). 2. Opening a pedsovet. Speech by the deputy director for educational work of the school (theme, goals and objectives, determination of the progress of the pedsovet) 3. Speech by the Deputy Director for BP. "Features of educational activities of the class teacher." 4. Analysis of the survey. (10 min) 5. Speech by teachers. The goal: to realize that the creativity of the class teacher is a powerful incentive in educational activities, a favorable basis for building cooperation with adults and students. Basic ideas: 1. To identify signs of creativity in the activities of the class teacher. 2. Assess the level of creativity of class managers in real practice, identify experience deserving study and application. 3. Earn general rules for the successful activity of the class teacher. 4. Determine the possibilities and conditions for the further integration of family efforts and the lyceum in the education of students. 5. Building the business unity of class managers, the experience of approvals of positions in the educational sphere. Form: Pedagogical Council. (Slide 3) Famous French teacher Selenin Franz The main in the upbringing believed: 1. Health of the child, the development of his creative opportunities, the desire for knowledge. 2. Creating a favorable environment. 3. Equipment and technical means. "Education is the maximum identity development in a reasonable organized society." In this case, the purpose of the upbringing is the personality, and the main means of education "reasonably organized society". Respect for the educational process makes us proceed to consider the following question, namely, the main pedagogical conditions that definely affect the quality of the education of children. (Slide 4) The pedagogical conditions include circumstances that contribute to the manifestation and development of the creative individuality of the class teacher. The success of the educational practice of the school largely depends on the cohesion of the pedagogical team. At the same time, creative search for individual class managers can make a new one that is capable of translate to more high level All the work of the school. And finally, the most important thing. How to achieve the result and at the same time get

satisfaction? Our conviction is that everything must be done together, you need a team of like-minded people. On the key character of the figure of the educator in the life of the children's team insisted by V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "If we say that the team great Power, then, figuratively speaking, we mean the flowering and green crown of the tree that feed deep and inconspicuous roots, and these roots are the human wealth of the educator. " Constantly build up, enrich your educational potential, the important task of the teacher who took to work with the student team. (Slide 5) What educational tasks sets the class teacher? 1. Cohesion of the student team 2. Organization of collective creative affairs (including personally oriented) 3. Creating a favorable psychological climate, a comfortable state for each student 4. Creating the conditions of self-realization, self-discharge of each student 5. Correction interpersonal relationshipcontributing to the resolution of conflicts between students 6. Stimulating the positive behavior of students 7. Assisting students in complex, difficult situations 8. Coordination of the interaction of teachers, students and parents to raise means creating all the conditions so that children become good. It is the class teacher that is a central figure. educational process. The success of the educational institution as a whole depends on the success of its activities in the future.  Class leaders The most massive category of the organizers of the educational process at school.  Class teacher - the immediate and main organizer of educational work at school. It is closer to the child than Ktolibo from the members of the pedagogical team. And therefore, it is able to provide a decisive influence on the personal development of children. The class teacher must be the organizer of the student's student team, to know the students, the conditions of their life, characteristics of characters, their interests and inclinations and considering this to carry out a versatile work with the class to solve the educational educational tasks facing the school.  (Slide 6) It is the creativity of a class manager - the main condition for improving the educational process, improving the quality and efficiency of the school. "Creativity is activities that the result of which is the creation of new material or spiritual values." V.I. Dal  Class leader - Pedagoghprofessional, spiritual mediator between society and child in the development of culture accumulated by humanity, organizing a system of relations through a variety of types of educating activities of the class team; Creating conditions for the individual self-expression of each child and the development of each personality, saving

uniqueness and disclosure of its potential abilities, protecting childhood interests. (Slide 6) The purpose of the class leadership is the formation of value orientation of students, which determine the overall humanistic orientation of their personality, corresponding to the urgent interests of the individual and society. The purpose of his work with the class is to create a favorable microsphere and psychological climate The team, as well as in coordinating the efforts of teachers (teachers, teachers, educators, leaders of circles, etc.), parents, other adults affecting the formation of the personality of his pupils. Practical part 1 of the "tasks of the class teacher." Developing basic tasks in the work of the class teacher. All those present on the leaves formulate any task of the class teacher. In completion, everyone reads it out loud. After that, the cooked tasks on the slides are read. (I propose to record the tasks of the class teacher, and then read them out loud). - Disassemble on sheets. The main tasks and content of the work of the class teacher. 1. The creation of favorable psychologicopodaghological conditions for the maximum development of each child. 2. Carries out assistance to pupils in training activities. 3. Organizes and participates in pedagogical consultations on the problems of students in their class, if necessary, visits subject teachers lessons. 4. Promotes to obtain additional education by students through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations. 5. Promotes the professional self-determination of the graduate, conscious of the choice of profession. 6. Protects the rights and freedoms of pupils, is responsible for their lives, health and safety at school in school. 7. Gives advice to parents, holds parental meetings, attracts parents to helping school. 8. Organizes food, duty. 9. Fills the magazine, maintains attendance, immediately reports administration and parents about all emergencies related to the health and life of children. 10. Participates in the work of pedsoves, seminars, administrative and methodological meetings. The class teacher organizes and sends the educational process, he is a direct educator and mentor unites the educational efforts of parents and society. He takes care of the comprehensive development of students, about hard work, education, to improve the quality of knowledge, strengthen discipline and order in the classroom. The main in the activities of the class teacher is the upbringing of students and cohesive them in a friendly team. Of course, in the center of his attention are questions academic work, increase knowledge. The class teacher is responsible for the content of the educational process. The work of the class teacher is a targeted, systemic, planned activity based on the program of education of the whole school, analyzing previous activities, positive and negative trends in public life, based on a personal-oriented approach, taking into account the current tasks facing the pedagogical team of the school. The work of the class teacher is primarily aimed at working with studying its class. It forms motivation to the teachings of each individual student, studying its age and individual characteristics for the development and incentive of cognitive interests; through a variety of methods and forms of individual work creates favorable conditions for

development of citizenship, ideological culture, creative labor skills, creative individuality, formation of democratic culture in the system of self-government. The most important functions of the class leader include: the development of cognitive interests and abilities of students, care for health protection. The class teacher organizes timely help of retarding students. Cool leader - member of the pedagogical team. Organizational and educational work he does not spend alone, but under the direction of the director of the school, his deputies, in close contact with other teachers. In the process of education, the class teacher comes to each student among the main qualities of the personality of the class teacher, first of all, such qualities should be called such qualities as communicative ideas, public activity, moral maturity. These qualities, of course, are needed to each teacher. But it is especially important to possess them to the class teacher. After all, he raises students and personal examples, his behavior. An important meaning for the class teacher has such qualities of his personality, as the passion of the profession, humane attitude To children, demanding to themselves and their disciples. In the work of the class teacher there is a difficult, but very important mission to be a class teacher. The class teacher is a key figure in educational school activities, it is the organizer of the educational process. We all know that the upbringing of children is probably the most confusing from all kinds of creativity. This is the creation of living characters, and it would be worth treating it as the most important of all professions. In the work of the class teacher, there are many unforeseen situations that require instant intervention. And now we will offer you different pedagogical situations. Time not more than 3 minutes. - Disassemble on sheets, work in groups. 1. Each creative group is invited to carefully read, collectively discuss and submit in the form of a staging (role-playing) or otherwise joint decision of the pedagogical problem. Pedagogical tasks include the following problem situations, quite typical and "output" on the problem of school interaction and family. Situation of 1 Three pupils of the ninth grade are in a drunken state in one of the entertainment sites of the city. This circumstance became known to educators, however, the fact was not tested by any of them and was not confirmed, although, according to parents of several students, he took place. These parents do not want to act as a source of information, not wanting to spoil relations with the parents of adolescents. What to do in this situation to teachers? Situation 2 You pass by the chicken in the corner of the lice of high school students. Your actions? Situation 3 Student of the seventh grade is constantly not ready for lessons, Grubits, prevents other students. The class teacher has repeatedly invited parents in the Lyceum and visited the family at home. Relationship between family and lyceum, unfortunately, do not fold, since all the attempts of teachers find a coordinated solution to the problem of the problem are found by family members in the bayonies. How to enroll in this situation? Situation 4 At the Parent Meeting Parents agreedly outlined the claim to the teacher, which is that he always sets boring, uninteresting homework and when students are trying to respond to the next lesson, the teacher accuses them in incomprehensibility. Situation 5.

The principle is the first unconditional adoption of each student, its strengths and weaknesses. The principle of the second impartiality in the assessment of the actions of students. The principle of the third patience and tolerance in achieving the effectiveness of pedagogical impact. Principle Fourth dialogue and openness in communicating with students. The principle of the fifth lack of fear of the teacher to recognize its wrongness, its non-professional action. Principle of the sixth use of a sense of humor as an integral methodological means in working with students. The principle of the seventh ability to manage its mood, do not be influenced by a biased opinion. Principle of the eighth ability to recognize errors. It is very great if a cool leader, starting working with a class team, can tell the guys about the principles of his communication with them, as well as about their former students, how attracted relations in the team, about those traditions and customs that existed in the classroom. Beginning to work with the class team, you need to ask students the following questions, the answers to which will be able to create a system of traditions and values \u200b\u200bin the classroom. What, in your opinion, should be a friendly class? How to make the class become friendly? What traditions already have in your class? Name your "you can" and "it is impossible" in the classroom. What events in the class, in your opinion, should be traditional. (Slide 9 14) Pedagogical Hygiene Rules. 1. Came to school Make a smart and noble face. 2. Each time you want to command by children, remember your childhood or better eat ice cream. 3. Let all the world's mannequins see your smile and resign. 4. Do not go into the soul to the children, if you were not asked about it. 5. Remember a bad doctor can pick up life, a bad teacher is to roam the soul. 6. Say parents the most best truthwhich you know. 7. Well, if late in the evening, when you remember your disciples, your face is illuminated by a smile. (Slide 15 16) In conclusion, I would like to give the "10 Commandments of the Class Leader": * Quality to listen for for the ideas of children there is a rational grain. Find it. * Do not shout. Do not suppress the voice because your authoritative words said quietly, they will be faster. * Find, for what to praise because a good word and a cat is nice. * Be fair for the resentment hurts the children's soul. * Code to see positive traits Student for good in children more than bad. * Infection with its own example for the ktoto should be a steam locomotive. * Protect your student even before teachers because there are no reasons in negative points. * Do not like parents on trifles because only weaklik signs in your own impotence. * Encourage the initiative of students because it is not possible to do everything. * Use during communication a lot of gentle words for a class teacher mother from breakfast and dinner. And let these simple rules Will help us in our difficult work. Do you think "cool" to be easy? Do not sleep from thoughts by long nights and listen to the noise of students, and argue with those who are not happy with trifles. To live a hundred lives, kind and bad, someone else's misfortune to sow one day.

Yes, it can be "cool" to be easily, but not everyone becomes cool. And again the "cool" case is overloaded, but so he does not survive one. After all, why he will be needed. When he does not need a student? Decision of the Pedagogical Council. The draft decision of the Pedagogical Council 1. Recommend to use in the work of class managers, developed principles. 2. Regularly share the experience of class managers on the school methodological advice. 3. Diversify forms and methods for holding class hours, including project activities, CTD, self-control methods and self-assessment activities. 4. School teachers to focus on humanistic education and training, on a democratic style of work in cooperation with students, see in every student personality. Final word. A teacher who brings up children must meet many requirements. Perhaps, on this difficult way, the lines of B. Okudzhava will be useful to you: "Conscience, nobility and dignity - here it is, the Holy Our Hobbies, to last his palm, is not scary for him and in the fire. His face is high and amazing. Devy your brief age. Maybe you will not become a winner, but you will die like a person. " And let these simple rules help us in our difficult work. Reflection.  The most important idea of \u200b\u200bthe pedsove is for you?  The most controversial thought of the pedsovet, in your opinion?  Do you have any idea that you want to try after the pedsow? Literature       Gutkin ld Package of regulatory documents for class managers. - M.: "Class Leader", No. 4, 2007. Work in the classroom in the year. - M.: "Class Leader", No. 4, 2007. Argenova V.I. Matrix for compiling a report on educational Chernova S.A. Cool leader: rights, duties, content of activity. - M.: "Class Leader", No. 8, 2005. Kolpachkova M.V. Memo to draw up a plan for educational work in the classroom. M.: "Class Leader", No. 8, 2005. Mosonov V.P. Organization educational work in class. - M.: Center "Pedagogical Search", 2000. Stepanov E.N. Planning educational work in the classroom: a methodological manual. - M.: TC Sphere, 2002.

  Nechaev M.P. Diagnostics of schoolchildren's liction. Training manual. - M.: TsGL, 2006. Foreign restricted aspect. M.: "Class Leader", No. 3, 1999. Non-S.S. Assessment of students' students in the questionnaire "Let's estimate yourself!" Requirements for the class teacher 1 score 2 points 3 points Understanding the essence of the processes called "socialization", "Education", "Development", "Communication", "Education". Understanding the essence social role, the pedagogical position of the mentorlessness in relation to the pupil of the child. Erudition, awareness in the field of pedagogical ideas, approaches, systems. The ability to see, allocate, formulate pedagogical problems in its own pedagogical activity. Skill set educational goals And plan your own activities to achieve them. The ability to organize children to the pedagogical action, attract assistants, awaken activity, rally on joint experiences of defeats and victories. The ability to analyze its own activity as a whole, as well as the result of a separate educational event. The ability to design the future of the team and the prospect of the development of a separate pupil. The ability to communicate with children, the ability to attract children to themselves, have pleasure from their proximity. Tolerance and humanism in combination with reasonable number P / P 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

No. P / p Requirements for the class teacher 1 point 2 points 3 points 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Requirement, the ability to be fair. Level of personal responsibility, conscientious performance of official duties. The degree of representation of the writing of the teacher in the behavior of children (whether the teacher is an example for his pupils). Optimism, stress resistance, will, vital purposefulness. The success of activities (possible in comparison with the past years). The presence of support for parents, connections with interstole institutions. Professional fundamental and social significance of the teacher's personality (social activities). Total: The key to the questionnaire: * 34 48 points - a cool leader working creatively. * 17 33 points - a cool leader with a well-established work style. * 0 16 points - a cool leader, requiring special attention. Please read the text, relate their content with your own practice. The position of the class teacher 1. The position "Towards". The class teacher and the child in their activities and communication proceed from the fact that they are equal, equivalent partners and in their interaction they go towards each other. KR R 2. Activities of the class teacher and the child are directly opposite (position "opposite") of the Kyrgyz Republic. 3. The position "OBE". Superiority (real or imaginary) class teacher, but participants in activities and communication tend to "meet each other (this is a real prerequisite for obtaining a positive result). Kr x ρ Results Most likely a positive negative or zero possible, any result is not excluded zero and negative

3. The position "Under". The activity of the class leader is subordinated to the interests of the child's desires. R X Cr 5. The position of the "leader". The class teacher and the child are in motion, in development. It is important that the teacher does not break off too much of his pupils and that this movement is based on mutual interest. R KR 6. The position of the "slave". The actions of the class teacher and children are directed in one direction, but the question arises "Where can the wards of the class teacher?" The KR p of the result may be a different possible result with mutual interest and joint movement, any result is possible 7. The position "alongside". The class teacher and the pupil goes the result positive together, respect and complement each other KR. R Sample performances: "Factors promoting and preventing successful activities of the class teacher" from experience. (10 min)

In the main documents of the FGE, a modern national educational ideal is the high-moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who takes the fate of the Fatherland as his personal, aware of the responsibility for the present and future of its country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people Russian Federation. Three groups of schoolchildren achievements are highlighted: personal (value), compete (competent), subject. Focus on personal characteristics Pupils, on the formation of a common culture, spiritual and moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development, self-development and self-improvement of students, ensuring their social success, the development of creative abilities, preservation and health promotion. Civilian patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride for his country, is formed as a value, emotional component of the civil identity identity.

In accordance with clause 4. The list of orders of the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation sent a letter of May 13, 2013. IR-352/09 "On the direction of the letter on the educational component program in secondary school E "

The purpose of the program: strengthening and developing educational education potential in the socio-cultural space of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the basis of systemic interaction at the level of the region, municipalities and educational institutions. The tasks of the formation of a regional socio-state system for organizing the education of students based on elements of the regional standard of civilian education and education in general educational institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory; Development, introduction of a system of measures for professional development, educational modules, advanced training and retraining programs for pedagogical and management workers for the implementation of education and socialization programs; Organization of information and methodological support of the program through the publication of scientific and methodological literature and a special journal, release of video products, organization of television and radio programs, information support for educational activities through the media, Internet sites of the Ministry, Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Education Administration of Education Workers, Site Pages municipal controls Education I. educational organizations, Internet conferences, webinars, forums, etc. Development and implementation of monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of the education and socialization system of students general Education In the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Improving organizational and managerial forms and mechanisms for the development of educational components, the development of interdepartmental interaction on the implementation of the program in the system of general and additional education with the involvement of bodies for youth Policy and sports, cultural institutions, health and social policy, education management, childhood protection, child rights and other departments.

The main directions of organizing the education and socialization of students of general education institutions Civilian-patriotic, moral and spiritual, education of a positive attitude towards work and creativity, intellectual, health-saving, sociocultural and media cultural, culture creative and aesthetic, legal and culture of security, family values, communicative culture, Environmental

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved. Order. Government of the Russian Federation from the support of programs for the formation of a unified Russian Civil Nation, national-state identity, education of tolerance to representatives of various ethnic groups, interethnic cooperation; Stimulating the interest of young people to the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, protection ambient By developing a system of internal tourism, inter-regional youth exchanges, supporting the participation of young people in the implementation of projects of environmental organizations, the restoration of historical monuments is defined as the direction of the development of the human potential of Russia.

Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. Five Program Goals: - Education of all-Russian civil identity; - support for the ethnocultural development of peoples inhabiting our country; - strengthening of interethnic peace and consent; - ensuring the rights of a citizen in the field of meeting national needs; - Promoting the adaptation and social integration of migrants.

Class leader's mode General rules Organizations of the work of the school and the pedacral flow out of the Code of Law on Labor (KZOT) of the Russian Federation, which should execute any employee. Working time The class teacher, which he is obliged to devote to children within a week - 4 hours (20% of the teacher's bet) Hour of the class teacher ( class hour) - once a week on schedule. The number of educational events is at least two cases per month (from which one can be generally fun). The number of parent meetings is at least one meeting in a quarter. Answers about the work done are the administration at the end of each quarter. In vacation and summer time, the school mode is installed according to the additional plan.

Directions of the work of the class teacher 1. Organization-coordinating organization of academic work Organization of extracurricular work Assistance in social protection of students Leisure organization for the spiritual development of a child Raising pedagogical culture Parents 2. Control and analytical ability to analyze their activities to study the individual characteristics of students. Determination of the state and prospects for the development of the team of class control for the performance of each student and attendance by them

Modern technologies Educational process Changing approach to educating the differentiation of students on various features characteristic of a person forms of coalganization and self-organization in the educational and educational process in training and education effective methods Organization of educational activities such as the method of projects The formation of socio-educational environments arising from the border of school media and society new material environments, including information and library centers for each stage, technocentrators

New demands on the activities of the class teacher as a condition for improving the quality of education at school 1. Finally, attention from the state to the state of education appeared. 2. Began an understanding that it is important to arm a student not only by fundamental knowledge and key competencies, but also prepare for a person's life capable of designing its future. And it is impossible to make a lesson in the format. It is possible to make educational forms 1. It is necessary to change the approach in general to educational work. 2. It will not only be a system of educational work at school, but also a program for the development of a class team, - the program of raising a child at each stage - the program of development of each child.

Structure of the Education and Socialization Program Analysis Analysis of the object class and tasks for the next academic year (specific) areas of activity Principles and organizational conditions for the implementation of the program Program implementation periods and stages Content and mechanism for the implementation of the Program, the Plan of the Program on the Implementation of the Program, indicating the activities and forms of work Criteria, indicators of the effectiveness of the program; monitoring toolkit technique; Expected results (specific, measurable)

The focus of events spiritually - moral social professional orientation Environmental Civil - patriotic positive attitude towards labor and creativity of education Intellectual sociocultural and media cultural right and security culture Communicative

Directions of individual - preventive work. Interaction with the system of prevention system Socio-pedagogical and psychological support. Control over attendance and academic performance. Control over the hourly employment and organization of the holidays involvement in social and useful activities. Provision of social and material assistance

The plan is individually - preventive work with students FIO student, class Class leader of implementation (at least 6 months) Purpose: Preventing cases of repeated commitment, offense, committing public acts, passes of training sessions, public order disorders. Tasks: to conduct socially - preventive measures; Implementing performance and attendance of occupations to conduct an explanatory work on law enforcement, to carry out effective interaction with the organs of the prophylaxis system

The school was and remains one of the most important identity socialization factors. Carrier of some social experiencewhat values, the relationship will be a graduate, largely depends on the nature of that educational environmentin which its formation and development occurs. Social education will be successful only if educational institution The appropriate conditions for the development of creativity are purposefully created, the initiatives of children are supported, the culture of democratic relations is developing.



Seminar training

For class teachers

"Leader School"

Informational immersion

The school was and remains one of the most important identity socialization factors. The carrier of what social experience, what values \u200b\u200bwill be a graduate, largely depends on the nature of the educational environment in which its formation and development occurs. Social education will be successful only if the educational institution uses relevant conditions for the development of creativity, the initiatives of children are supported, the culture of democratic relations is developing.

Development Efficiency student self-government In modern school, it is largely determined by the level of competence of all participants in the educational process. Speaking about the competence of students, we, first of all, we assume the ownership of them with special organizational knowledge and skills necessary to participate in the management of school life.

Today we will talk to you about the phenomenon of leadership.

The purpose of our today's seminar - training:increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers through trainings system.As a result of work you cantop up a piggy bank of educational funds of the class teacher and training exercises leader's qualities At schoolchildren.

And who is the leader?

The task: I ask you to crash into arbitrary groups of 10 people each. Each group will fulfill my tasks, but only after my team "started!". The wider will be considered the command that faster and more accurate task.

  1. Now every team must tell Khorom some one word. "Started!"

Output: In order to accomplish this task, all team members can somehow agree. This feature takes on a person striving for leadership.

  1. Now all teams fly to space ship On Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize the crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator and 8 passengers. So who is faster?! "Started!"

Output: Usually the functions of the organizer again takes on the leader.

Thus, we and the crew groups with you. Please take place for group tables.

Exercise "Aquarium"

Participants of the group are distributed sheets, scissors, markers. For 10-15 minutes, they must decide what kind of rock, they will be in this lesson, draw, cut, paint the fish, write a member's name on it, the rock of the fish.

At the next stage, each of the participants must attach their fish on the wall (Watman Sheet), which is a way aquarium. What place to stick the fish - everyone decides itself (someone deeper, someone at the surface), someone in algae, someone among the stones. Also participants should call their name and tell that this fish is looking for in the aquarium, as represents its existence among other fish.

Discussion. What fish live in our aquarium?

« Let's see the leader ".

Cut the palm felt-tip pen and sign, whose palm, pass the sheet in a circle through one to the right, in every finger - the leadership qualities of a person.

When the owner returns - see.


The task: Stand all in a circle. Take on both hands for the rope associated in the ring, which is inside the circle.

Now everyone needs to close the eyes and, without opening the eye, without releasing the rope from the hands, build a triangle from it.

Now try to build a quadrangle.


Output: First there is a pause and the complete inaction of the participants, then someone from the participants offers some kind of solution. Often these functions take on leaders.

Exercise "Circle and I"

For this exercise requires a brave volunteer, ready to first join the game. The group forms a close circle, which will in every way to hinder our valiant volunteer in it. He also gives only three minutes to be the power of conviction (persuasion, threats, promises), dexterity (to stop, slip, break through, in the end), cunning (woute, promises, compliments), sincerity to convince the circle and individual representatives to let it in Circle center.

Our hero moves away from a circle for two or three meters. All participants stand back to him, squeezing into a close and cohesive circle, holding hands. Started!

Thanks for the courage. Who is the next ready to face the circle intellectual forces? On your marks. Started!

At the end of the exercise, we definitely discuss the strategy of the behavior of our players. How did they behave during the training and what do they come in ordinary everyday situations?

Leader. Who is he? What is he?

B.D. Parygin gives next definition Leader:

Leader - this is a member of the group, which spontaneously puts forward to the role of an informal leader in a certain, specific, as a rule, is quite a significant situation to ensure the organization of joint collective activities of people for the fastest and successful achievement of a common goal. " Such, for example, the formation of a triangle in the game "Rope" or when searching for a common word for a group.

Before you is a sheet of Watman. I ask you to divide it into two parts. In the first, specifywhat typical features of the person should have a real leader. In the second, traits of character and habits that "disconnect" or "distinguish" a personality from leadership. For all the work I give you 5 minutes.

The groups are then discussing quality

inherent on leadership and distinguishing from it.

Signs (+) allocated by E. Zharikov and E. Krcheelnitsky are proposed:

  • Volve, capable of overcome obstacles to the goal.
  • Persistently, knows how to risk it wisely.
  • Patient, ready for a long time and well perform a monotonous, uninteresting work.
  • Initiative and prefers to work without petty guardianship. Independent.
  • Mentally stable and does not commit to enthusiastically with unreal suggestions.
  • Well adapts to new conditions and requirements.
  • Self-critical, soberly assesses not only his successes, but also failures.
  • Required to itself and others, knows how to ask the report for the entrusted work.
  • It is critical, able to see the weaknesses in the tempting proposals.
  • Reliable, keeps the word, you can rely on it.
  • Still, can work even in overload conditions.
  • Except for the new, inclined to solve non-traditional tasks with original methods.
  • Stress resistant, does not lose self-control and performance in extreme situations.
  • Optimist, refers to difficulties as inevitable and overcome interference.
  • Decided, is able to make decisions on its own and in a timely manner, in critical situations to take responsibility for themselves.
  • Considered to change the style of behavior depending on the conditions, it may require and cheer.

Signs are offered (-), allocated by Frank Cardelle:

  • Low self-esteem and no respect for yourself.
  • Excessive tendency to deception, excuses, excuses.
  • Inner paintings in consciousness holding us in place.
  • Unwillingness to forgive and let go.
  • Disranged in relation to its creative potential.
  • The need to always be right.
  • Weak Communicative Abilities: Listen to listening and talking.
  • Inability to reconcile with their fears.
  • No clear goals.
  • Lack of commitment.
  • Risk fear.
  • Inability to take responsibility for your life.
  • Loss of hope.
  • Lack of courage.
  • Inability to fantasize and dream.
  • Lack of love
  • Vanity.

Exercise "Leader and his team"

The leader is a group mirror, the leader appears in this particular group, what is the group and the leader. A person who is the leader in the same group will not necessarily be a newer leader in another group (a group of other, other values, other expectations and requirements for the leader).

The school leader is a person who knows how to convince other people to do what he wants, no matter what their own initial intentions were. It can use the qualities and skills of people working in the group, and send a group to achieving their goals.

Now you have enough difficult job. On your tables lie cards with tasks. You carefully read them. The most important thing is that within 5 minutes you have to within the group, not a touching inventory, discuss how to perform this task. I also pay your attention to the fact that during the discussion of materials it is impossible. After you discuss the task, you will perform it, but it is forbidden to communicate with each other. The course of the game is understandable?

1 group "Tower":the group is issued material for the construction of the "Tower": paper and paper clips. Participants need to build a tower from this material. "Tower" should be stable.

2 Group "Drawing of the leader":The group is issued by a sheet of Watman, markers and markers. The result of the group's work should be the image of a leader and an explanation, why it is just such.

After completing the task, each group is setquestions to participate in the participants, having received feedback, focus on their actions at the following stages:

  1. What happened in the group at the time of work?
  2. How did each participant feel?
  3. What role did it perform?
  4. Why did this role assume?
  5. Did he have the opportunity to speak out, make a sentence?
  6. Did everyone listened in the preparation process?
  7. Did you meet with such situations in life, what did you feel?
  8. What did you learn in the process of this exercise, what conclusions for ourselves did?

"House" (for all groups at the same time)

The teacher, raising leaders, needs to show leadership in itself, as well as to know the priorities and objectives of the group, - to unmistakably determine who of the guys enjoys the greatest authority and why.

You are a team of architects. Imagine the process of upbringing leaders as a house of 12 bricks.

  • Pre-fill the bricks by those receptions, means, methods and techniques that you will be used to identify and educate the leaders in the classroom, and determine the place at your discretion.
  • Major four to invest in the foundation, and less important - on the first floor; All others in the second floor.
  • Write on the roof, draw everything that your "house" is better, kinder, more fun.
  • Pipe - everything flies out of it, which prevents the "house", everything is superfluous and unnecessary.

Construction time - 10 minutes, protection 2 minutes.

You can ask you to clarify, explain, prove, ask questions during the protection of groups.

Vyacheslav Yashkova has such words:

After all, the word leader is the best,

And the best should be looking for,

Decent power itself does not climb,

You need to notice worthy.

Thanks to all! Successes to you, dear colleagues

on the way of forming leadership qualities of your students.

These exercises can be used in working with children, to determine the leader's qualities in students.

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow Secondary school № 426 Methodical topic "Organization of a healthy socio-cultural environment for the formation of a socially active personality personality capable of independently and responsibly build their own life, be able to implement the behavior model learned in the process of education and self-education" "Art of upbringing It has the peculiarity that almost to all it seems to be familiar and understandable, and other things are easy, and the more clear it is easier, it seems to be easier than a person with him, theoretically or practically. Almost everyone recognize that education requires patience ... but not many not many came to be convinced that in addition to patience, innate ability and skill, special knowledge also needed. " K.D. Shushinsky. 1. Assisting assistance in improving the competence and professional skill of each class leader, improving forms and methods for organizing educational work. 2. Increasing the pedagogical literacy of the parents. 3. Ensuring the implementation of uniform principal approaches to the upbringing and socialization of students. . 4. Coordination of planning, organization and pedagogical analysis of educational events of class teams. 5. Studying and generalization of the interesting experience of the work of the class teacher. 6. Formation of high spiritual qualities in students. 7. Increasing the level of educational studies of students of class managers of GBOU SOSH No. 426 is an association of class managers of primary, middle, senior, which coordinates their scientific and organizational work. Organizes collective planning and collective analysis of the vital activity of class teams. Coordinates educational activities of class teams and organizes interaction in the pedagogical process. It produces and regularly adjusts the principles of education and socialization of students. Organizes the study and mastering by the class leaders of modern educational technologies, forms, methods of educational work. Discusses social pedagogical programs Cool leaders I. creative groups Pedagogues, generalization materials advanced pedagogical experience Work of class managers. Assesses the work of members of the association, it applies to the school administration about the promotion of the best class leaders. 1. The work plan of the MO is approved by a period of one school year at a merger meeting (if necessary, adjustments may be made to it). 2. A class plan of class managers is part of the annual work plan of the school. 3. The meeting of MO is held 4-5 times in the academic year. 4. MO meetings are recorded (the issues discussed by MO, decisions and recommendations are indicated). 5. Reports, reports made at MO meetings, the abstract developments of educational activities are handed over to its methodical "piggy bank". 6. At the end school year Analysis of the activity of the School administration is presented.  Entrance word Chairman of the MO about the problem and goals of the meeting.  Speech on the topic of the meeting.  Exchange of experience of the class teacher.  Overview of methodical literature.  Recommendations.  Current questions. Analysis of the work of the task Studying and summarizing the experience Calendar Plan Work on the preparation of certification of creative raising teachers of work, professional schedule Speech skills of open events  Methodical sessions  Didactic tribunes  Trainings  Review of the personal development of the child  Business games  Workshops, seminars  Master class  "Brainstorming"  Express - profile of the variety and a capacity of activities. A wide range of responsibilities. The joy of communication, the circle of their children. The desire to be necessary to their pupils, the joy of small achievements and large victories in the education of a person. My Cool Project Briefcase Brief Administration Diagnostic Materials Protocols Parent Meetings Methodical Materials Piggy Bank Educational Events The systematic approach is a fundamental in the activities of class managers. The main directions of the system approach 1. Pupil and morality 2. Pupil - Patriot and citizen 3. Pupil and his health 4. Communication and leisure of the student 5. Aesthetic education 6. The student and his family 7. Carefultation 8. Estimate Rules September - "House, in which I study "October -" Teacher - a long-range profession, home on earth "November -" Citizen to be "December -" Santa Claus "-" Be healthy "February -" Defenders of the Fatherland Dedicated "March -" in the world beautiful »April -" Lands of a lovely beautiful corner "May -" No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten "Cyclogram of work MO Seminars for class teachers - 1 time per year Meeting of class managers in parallel -1 times a month Consultations for class managers - 1 time per week: an appraisal practice aimed at studying the individual and psychological characteristics of the student and the socio-psychological characteristics of the children's team in order to optimize the educational process. The main conditions for communicating teachers with all students, and with leaders especially, are the following: 1. Confidentiality rules. It means the following: It is forbidden to declassify what trusts the participant of the extended participants 2. The rule of equality of participants. It means that everyone has equal rights: the right to speak, the right to be heard, the right to ask for help. 3. The rule of sincerity. "Or I say that I think, or I am silent." 4. The rule of tolerance. It means that opinions, tastes, the addiction of each participant must be respected by everyone. If you can't be pine on the top of the hill, be a small tree in the valley. But only the best tree. Be a bush, if you can't be a tree. Whether the road at the road and give rest to the tired traveler if you can't be a bush. If you can't be whales, be the most beautiful perch in the lake! If you can't be captain. Someone should be a sailor. Everyone has work on the ship of life, just find your business. If you can't be the sun, be a star in the sky, just find your business and try to become the best.

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