Bocharov, lev nikolaevich. Bocharov, Lev Nikolaevich - Calculation of electronic devices on transistors

Director of the Pacific Fisheries Research Center (TINRO Center) since 1997; was born on August 20, 1950 in the Crimean region; Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Far Eastern state university(Vladivostok) in 1972, graduate school of the Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, doctor of technical sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; since 1979 head of the laboratory, 1983-1997 - deputy director for scientific work Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (since 1995 - TINRO Center); one of the founders of a new scientific direction integrated analysis and predicting the state of the system " environment- marine biological objects "; the main area of ​​scientific activity: the study of space and aviation methods of ocean exploration, the creation of information systems for data banks, the modeling of marine ecosystems, problems of commercial forecasting, industrial fishing and hydroacoustics; the author of more than 80 scientific papers, including two monographs; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fisheries Scientific Organizations Of the Far East, Deputy Chairman of the Far Eastern Scientific and Production Fisheries Council, Chairman of the Academic and Editorial and Publishing Councils of the TINRO Center; Chief National Delegate of Russia and Member of the Governing Council of the International Organization for Marine Science in the Northern Pacific Ocean (PICES); awarded the medal "300 years of the Russian Navy" and the medal of the National Fund "Russian Mark"; married, has a daughter; hobbies: sports (vice-president of the TINRO basketball veterans club), painting, literature.

  • - Terenty - Art. Berezovskaya ...

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  • - Head of the Department of Literary and Art Criticism and Journalism of the Faculty of Journalism. Was born on November 29, 1922 in the city of Tula. Candidate of Philology, Doctor of Philology, Professor ...
  • - Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; was born on May 17, 1935 in Tomsk; Graduated from the Novosibirsk State Medical Institute in 1960, Doctor medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; specialist in virology ...

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  • - the author of a collection of poems, having published ...

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  • - agricultural. writing ...

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  • - Bocharov, Mikhail Ilyich, - academician of decorative painting, decorator of the Imperial Theaters. He graduated from the course at the Academy of Arts ...

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  • - Bocharov, Nikolay P. - statistician. Consisted of the secretary of the Moscow statistical committee. Under his editorship was published "Collection of materials for the study of Moscow and the Moscow province" ...

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  • - Sergei Georgievich, literary critic. Studies on the Russian classics: A. Pushkin, E. A. Baratynsky, L. N. Tolstoy, N. V. Gogol, F. M. Dostoevsky ...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - I - academician of decorative painting, decorator of the Imperial Theaters, was brought up at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, from which at various times he was awarded several silver and gold medals ...

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  • - Mikhail Ilyich, Russian theater and landscape painter. Studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and under MN Vorobiev at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts; academician. Decorator for imperial theaters ...
  • - Russian theater painter and landscape painter. Studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and under MN Vorobiev at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts; academician. Decorator for imperial theaters ...

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  • - Russian critic, literary critic. In articles and books about multinational literature Soviet period explores the patterns and trends of the modern literary process ...
  • - Russian theater artist. Representative of late romanticism ...

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  • - Russian literary critic. Major works on poetics and history of Russian literature ...

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  • - n., number of synonyms: 1 state residence ...

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"Bocharov, Lev Nikolaevich" in books

II. Lev Nikolaevich lived in the past

From the book by Leo Tolstoy the author Shklovsky Victor Borisovich

II. Lev Nikolaevich lived in the past Once, Lev Nikolaevich told about the old prince Bolkonsky, who did not understand what was happening in Russia during the invasion of Napoleon. The prince is old, but not insane, of course, but he has senile sclerosis; he simultaneously asserts

Davydov (real name Gorelov Ivan Nikolaevich) Vladimir Nikolaevich (1849-1925)

From the book The Path to Chekhov the author Gromov Mikhail Petrovich

Davydov (real name Gorelov Ivan Nikolaevich) Vladimir Nikolaevich (1849-1925) Actor of the St. Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theater; also played at the Russian Drama Theater of F. A. Korsh in Moscow, was the first performer of the role of Ivanov (1887) and Svetlovidov in Chekhov's play Swan

S. BOCHAROV Averintsev in our history

From the book Memoirs of Averintsev. Collection. the author Averintsev Sergei Sergeevich

S. BOCHAROV Averintsev in our history Averintsev was early treated not just as a new author and scientist, but as a phenomenon. He was a phenomenon even then, in the mid-60s. Then he stood in a row extraordinary phenomena decades, and a number

Aleksnadr Bocharov

From the book Architects of St. Petersburg in the 18th – 20th centuries the author Isachenko Valery Grigorievich

Aleksnadr Bocharov Bocharov Alexander Dmitrievich (b. 1919). Graduated from the flight school. Member of the first night bombing of Berlin. Graduated from the Academy of Arts (1950). Participant of many competitions. Diploma project "High-rise building for design organizations on the sea embankment

From the book One Hundred Days of War the author Simonov Konstantin Mikhailovich

78 "Bocharov ... began to talk about Iran, that there would hardly be anything interesting there, and remotely hinted that our departure there from Odessa would look ugly." intent

Vladimir Vladimirovich Baronov, Georgy Nikolaevich Kalyanov, Yuri Ivanovich Popov, Igor Nikolaevich Titovsky Information technologies and enterprise management

From the book Information Technology and Enterprise Management the author Baronov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Vladimir Vladimirovich Baronov, Georgy Nikolaevich Kalyanov, Yuri Ivanovich Popov, Igor Nikolaevich Titovsky Information technologies and management

Grand Dukes Nikolai Nikolaevich and Mikhail Nikolaevich

From the book The First Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855. "Russian Troy" the author Dubrovin Nikolay Fedorovich

Grand Dukes Nikolai Nikolaevich and Mikhail Nikolaevich In October 1854, Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich sent his two sons to Sevastopol so that they would share military labors and dangers with the troops.

Sergei Nikolaevich Sergeev-Tsensky (Sergei Nikolaevich Sergeev) (September 30 (September 18) 1875 - December 3, 1958)

From the book History of Russian Literature in the Second Half of the 20th Century. Volume II. 1953-1993. In the author's edition the author Petelin Viktor Vasilievich

Sergei Nikolaevich Sergeev-Tsensky (Sergei Nikolaevich Sergeev) (September 30 (September 18) 1875 - December 3, 1958) Born in the village of Preobrazhenskoye, Tambov province, in the family of a zemstvo teacher, retired captain, participant of the Sevastopol defense in 1854-1855. Father had a rich

Bocharov Mikhail Ilyich

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BO) of the author TSB

Mikhail Bocharov (International Press Club)

From the book PR-Elite of Russia: 157 Interviews with the Highest Echelon of Russian PR the author Maslennikov Roman Mikhailovich

Mikhail Bocharov (International Press Club) How did you become the first person of a PR agency - by founding it or as a result of promotion? What do you think is more interesting? I am not the first person of the PR agency, but the second: the deputy. CEO - Head of the Analytical Department

Alexey Alekseevich Bocharov Armored frigates "Minin" and "Pozharsky"

From the author's book

Aleksey Alekseevich Bocharov Armored frigates "Minin" and "Pozharsky" St. Petersburg 1999 - 98 pp. Popular science edition Battle ships of the world On the 1st page of the cover: Armored frigate "Prince Pozharsky"; on the 2nd page: Armored frigate "Prince Pozharsky". Rank I Captain

Major General L. P. BOCHAROV COMMUNISTS Taught Courage

From the book At the Black Sea Strongholds. Separate Primorskaya army in the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol. Memories author Sakharov V.P.

Major General LP BOCHAROV COMMUNISTS Taught Courage After Odessa, Sevastopol was unusually quiet and calm - no artillery shelling, no attacks and counterattacks. Only occasionally did fascist planes appear over the city. And the Crimean sun still shone in the cloudless sky

Bocharov is failing

From the book How Yeltsin Became President [Notes of the First Aide] the author Sukhanov Lev Evgenievich

Bocharov is failing. The scenario of the election of the Prime Minister was somewhat reminiscent of the election of the Deputy Chairmen of the Supreme Soviet. Passions ran high up to open-hearth temperatures. A little background. Mikhail Bocharov was already known as a member of the Supreme Soviet, associate of B.N.

September 11, 2002, Sochi, Bocharov Ruchey Speech at a meeting with heads of law enforcement agencies

From the author's book

September 11, 2002, Sochi, Bocharov Ruchey Speech at a meeting with leaders law enforcement agencies Today, September 11, when the whole world is talking about last year's tragedy in the United States and thousands of innocent people who died then as a result of terrorist acts, and we

Schimonakh Leonid (Bocharov)

From the book Optina Patericon the author author unknown

Schimonakh Leonid (Bocharov) († 4/17 December 1853) Born in 1783 on July 18 from the Orthodox parents Tikhon and Evdokia Bocharovs, the townspeople of the city of Karachev, Oryol province, and was baptized Iakinf. In the 22nd year from birth, passing from Kiev, young Iakinf drove to Cholnsky

Bocharov L.N.
Field effect transistors

Founded in 1947
Issue 1075

Second edition, revised and enlarged


Editorial team: Belkin B.G., Bondareiko V.M., Borisov V.G., Genishta E.N., Gorokhovsky A.V., Elyashkevich S.A., Zherebtsov I.P., Korolkov V.G., Smirnov A.D., Tarasov F.I., Khotuntsev Yu.L., Chistyakov N.I.

Bocharov L.N. Field effect transistors... - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Radio and communication, 1984. - 80 p., Ill. (Mass radio library; Issue 1075).

The device, the principle of operation, the main characteristics in the parameters of field-effect transistors of domestic production are described. Issues related to the operation of these devices in various electronic devices are considered. Tables of parameters and averaged static characteristics of the main types of field-effect transistors, as well as the calculation method are given. various elements Schemes with numerical examples... The first edition was published in 1976. This edition was supplemented with information about field-effect transistors, mastered by the industry over the past period.

For trained radio amateurs.

REVIEWER Cand. tech. Sciences V. M. BOGACHEV

Electronic literature editorial office

Editor P. D. Fedorov
Editor of the publishing house Ya.V. Efimova
Region artist V. E. Karpov
Artistic editor N. S. Shein
Technical editor L.A. Gorshkova
Proofreader T.V. Pokatova

© Energiya Publishing House, 1976
© Publishing House "Radio and Communication", 1984, as amended

Briefs from the physics of semiconductors
Contact phenomena in semiconductors
Field-effect transistor with a control pn-junction
MIS transistors
Frequency, temperature and noise characteristics and parameters of field-effect transistors
Methods of switching on and the system of parameters of field-effect transistors
Industrial designs of field-effect transistors
Field effect transistor as a variable, electrically controlled resistor
Zero-effect transistor amplification circuits
Frequency converters, oscillators and amplitude detectors on field effect transistors
Field effect transistors in integrated circuits
Logic (digital) elements on field-effect transistors in IC
Rules for handling field-effect transistors
Appendix 1. Parameters of field-effect transistors
Appendix 2. External design, location and designation of the electrode terminals of field-effect transistors
Appendix 3. Basic static characteristics of field-effect transistors


A field-effect transistor is called a semiconductor device, the operation of which is due to the flow of the main carriers flowing through a conductive channel and a controlled electric field. Field-effect transistors have a number of advantages over bipolar transistors and vacuum tubes. These semiconductor devices in the form of discrete elements and integrated circuits are widely used in various amateur radio designs. The book "Field-effect transistors" offered to the readers is the second revised and supplemented edition of the book of the same name ("Energy", 1976). Here, in a form accessible to radio amateurs, are set out brief information from the physics of semiconductors, the device and the principle of operation of field-effect transistors are considered, their main parameters and characteristics are given, recommendations are given on the practical use of field-effect transistors in some devices.

The second edition of the book is supplemented with information about field-effect transistors, mastered by the domestic industry since 1976, and information about the use of field-effect transistors in integrated circuits. The rest of the material has been corrected and clarified in accordance with modern views about field-effect transistors. Of course, in a small volume of the book it is impossible to strictly and fully consider all the questions of the theory and application of field-effect transistors. Therefore, the author quite deliberately allows a number of simplifications and abbreviations, considering only the most important issues.


Petukhov V.M., Talygin V.I., Khrulev A.K. Field transistors. - M .: Soviet radio, 1978 .-- 144 p.
Igumnov D. V., Gromov I. S. Operational parameters and features of the use of field-effect transistors. - M .: Radio and communication, 1981 .-- 160 p.
Richman P. Physical foundations of field-effect transistors with an insulated gate: Per. from English - M .: Energiya, 1971. - 142 p.
Milekhin A.G. Radio engineering circuits on field-effect transistors. - M .: Energiya, 1976 .-- 144 p.
Ignatov A. N. Field-effect transistors and their application in communication technology. - M .: Communication, 1979 .-- 192 p.
Amplifiers with field-effect transistors / Ed. Stepanenko I.P. - M .: Soviet radio, 1980 .-- 192 p.
Handbook of semiconductor diodes, transistors and integrated circuits / Ed. Goryunova N.N. - M .: Energiya, 1976 .-- 744 p.
Transistors for general-purpose equipment. Directory / Ed. Perelman B.L. - M .: Radio and communication, 1981 .-- 656 p.
Melen R., Garland G. Integrated circuits with CMOS structures: Per. from English - M .: Energiya, 1979 .-- 160 p.
Magden I. N., Sukharev Yu. G. New semiconductor devices. - M .: Knowledge, 1975 .-- 64 p.
Bocharov L.N. Electronic devices. - M .: Energiya, 1979 .-- 368 p.
Bocharov L. N. Field-effect transistors. - M .: Energiya, 1976 .-- 80 p.
Bocharov L. N., Zhebryakov S. K., Kolesnikov I. F. Calculation of electronic devices on transistors. - M .: Energiya, 1978 .-- 208 p.
Kharchenko V. M. Fundamentals of electronics. - M .: Energiya, 1982 .-- 362 p.

Advisor to the President of the All-Russian Association of Fisheries Enterprises, Entrepreneurs and Exporters (VARPE)

In 1972 he graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Far Eastern State University. After graduating from the university, he worked at the Far Eastern State University, completed his postgraduate studies at the Far Eastern Branch of the Academy of Sciences, in 1978 he defended his Ph.D. thesis.

From 1979 he worked at TINRO. First, the head of the laboratory, and since 1983 - the deputy director for scientific work. In 1994 he became a doctor of technical sciences. Dissertation topic: " Information technology short-term field forecasting ”. In 1995 he was elected a Corresponding Member Russian Academy natural sciences.

Appointed Director of TINRO-Center in 1997. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association "NTO TINRO", which includes fisheries scientific organizations Of the Far East, as well as the chairman of the Academic and Editorial and Publishing Councils of the TINRO-Center.

He worked as the Director of the TINRO-Center until the summer of 2017.

In February 2020, he was elected Advisor to the President of the All-Russian Association of Fisheries Enterprises, Entrepreneurs and Exporters (VARPE).

In the country and abroad he is known as a specialist and one of the founders of a new scientific direction of complex analysis and forecasting of the state of the system "environment - marine biological objects". The main area of ​​his scientific interests is the development of space and aviation methods for ocean exploration, the creation of information systems for data banks, the modeling of marine ecosystems, the problems of commercial forecasting, industrial fishing and hydroacoustics. Has published over 100 scientific papers.

Over the years represented The Russian Federation at the International Organization for Marine Sciences in the northern part The Pacific(PICES) as a national delegate of Russia, is the vice-president of the Governing Council of this international organization, he headed Russian scientific delegations at international negotiations and conferences on fisheries problems.

Member of the regional political council of the party " United Russia". A man of broad progressive views with a firm life position, he is known for his adherence to principles in the rational use and management of the biological resources of the Far Eastern basin as a single system based on state interests and the federal legal framework.

Awarded with the medal "300 years of the Russian Fleet", the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree and the medal of the National Fund "Russian Mark", has the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Fisheries of the Russian Federation", the badge "Honorary Worker of the Fisheries of Russia" and others awards.


Lev Bocharov in the news

The face of the Primorye fishing industry and a person of special energy

For more than ten years Georgy Martynov has been the head of one of the brightest associations in the country's fishing industry - the Association of Fisheries Enterprises of Primorye. On February 26, the ARPP President celebrates his anniversary.

TINRO scientists credited active repentance and past merits

The Frunzensky District Court of Vladivostok terminated the "kosatochny case" against the ex-director of TINRO Lev Bocharov and his former subordinate Lev Smirnykh, who pleaded guilty and compensated for the damage. They were fined 40 thousand rubles and 35 thousand rubles, respectively.

Russia has changed the delegate in the PICES management

Director of TINRO-Center Aleksey Baytalyuk became a delegate of our country to the governing council of the International Organization for Marine Science in the North Pacific Ocean (PIKES, PICES).

Yuri Blinov relaxed preventive measure

The first deputy director of the TINRO-Center, Yuri Blinov, was released from custody under house arrest. The decision was made by the Primorsky Regional Court on May 23.

TINRO-Center directors released on bail

The head of the TINRO Center, Lev Bocharov, was replaced by house arrest as a measure of restraint with a bail of 2 million rubles. The decision was adopted by the Primorsky Regional Court.

The court considered the issue as a measure of suppression to the director of TINRO

On May 4, a court in Vladivostok considered the issue of extending the term of the preventive measure against the director of the TINRO Center, Lev Bocharov. House arrest has been extended until August 9th.

The industry community supports TINRO scientists

The terms for which the measures of restraint were chosen against the director of the TINRO-Center Lev Bocharov and his first deputy Yuri Blinov are expiring. Industry associations, fellow scientists, and fishing companies supported the leadership of the institute.

Industry associations, teams of companies and institutes supported the director of the TINRO-Center Lev Bocharov and his first deputy Yuri Blinov. Their merits in the work of the industry were noted.

TINRO leader released under house arrest

March 17 Frunzensky district court Vladivostok made a decision to keep the director of the Pacific Research Fisheries Center Lev Bocharov under house arrest.

Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Far Eastern State University in 1972. After graduating from the university, he worked at the Far Eastern State University, completed his postgraduate studies at the Far Eastern Branch of the Academy of Sciences, and became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Since 1979 he has been working at TINRO. First the head of the laboratory, and since 1983 - the deputy director for scientific work. In 1994 he defended his doctoral dissertation, in 1995 he was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Appointed Director of TINRO-Center in 1997. More than 100 scientific papers have been published.

It has academic degree Doctor of Technical Sciences, is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He was awarded the medal "300 years of the Russian Navy" and the medal of the National Fund "Russian Mark". Lev Nikolaevich was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Fisheries of the Russian Federation", he is the owner badge"Honorary Worker of the Fisheries of Russia" and certificates of the State Fisheries Committee of the Russian Federation.

In the country and abroad L.N. Bocharov is known as a specialist and one of the founders of a new scientific direction of complex analysis and forecasting of the state of the system "environment - marine biological objects". For 25 years, the main area of ​​his scientific and practical interests has been the study of space and aviation methods of ocean exploration, the creation of information systems for data banks, the modeling of marine ecosystems, the problems of commercial forecasting, commercial fishing and hydroacoustics.

Currently, Lev Nikolaevich is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association "NTO TINRO", which includes the fishery scientific organizations of the Far East, as well as the Chairman of the Scientific and Editorial and Publishing Councils of the TINRO-Center.

L.N. Bocharov enjoys prestige among scientists, he has extensive experience in international cooperation behind him. It is no coincidence that for several years he has represented our country in the International Organization for Marine Sciences in the North Pacific Ocean (PICES) as a national delegate of Russia, and has taken part in international forums and conferences. Since 2007, he has been Vice Chairman of PICES.

Lev Nikolaevich has never been a member of any political party. He is a man of broad progressive views with a firm life position, which has remained practically unchanged since his student days. As a supporter of the market economy, it gives great importance the role of the state in the development of society. L.N. Bocharov is known for his principled position on the rational use and management of biological resources of the Far Eastern basin as a unified system based on state interests and the federal legal framework.

V free time goes in for sports, is the vice-president of the TINRO basketball veterans club, which has gained fame not only in our country, but also abroad. Interested in painting, literature.

To narrow your search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search by several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a request, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is performed taking into account the morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a dollar sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the request:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include the word synonyms in the search results, put a hash " # "before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be appended to each word if found.
Cannot be combined with non-morphology search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases, you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression Relevance

Use the " ^ "at the end of the expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values- a positive real number.

Interval search

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be, specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to exclude a value.

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