Trans-Siberian Highway Which Cities. Transsib - History, Interesting Facts, Records

The Trans-Siberian Highway was called its contemporaries as one of the great and significant achievements of the human mind, setting this constructed construction for one level with the Suez Canal or the opening of the American continent Christopher Columbus.

Our contemporary, historian Alexander Fahnin, argues that the Russians are proud of the constructed Transsib to the same extent as the first launched artificial satellite of our planet Earth.

The length of the entire Trans-Siberian Railway Mainer is 9288.2 kilometers, which connected, while the capital of our Russia with large cities of Siberia and the Far Eastern region. It is considered one of the long roads on a global scale. The highest point of paths is located on an appleary pass with a height above sea level equal to one thousand forty methms. It should also be noted that the complete completion of the electrification of the entire route ended only in the twenty-first century, in 2002.

Construction history

The history of the Trans-Siberian History begins from the end of the eighteenth century, on March 29, 1989, the Russian emperor Alexander was signed by a decree on the start of construction work, on the creation of the Great Siberian Path. It was that the name in the documents initially wore the Trans-Siberian Highway.

Magnificent celebrations at the centenary of the road did not produce. The reasons may be different, if you remember, in 1991, a hundred years after the start of the operational period of the Transsib, such a country has ceased to exist as the USSR. Not the best years were the subsequent time. The country tried to build now capitalism, however, for the majority of people, such an economic system, mostly showed his animal grinding.

In society, the existence of this railway was treated with a philosophical worldview: it is, it works - it means everything is fine, while people did not show any emotions.

The official birth of the Trans-Siberian Railway Railway is the date 01.07.1903 for the Julian calendar. For the Soul Succession in the Gregorian calendar, Russia has passed since 1918. As for the movement of the train compositions on the Transsib, the first of them went back in the mid-nineties of the nineteenth century.

Tomsk on the map of Transsib

In the entire history of the Trans-Siberian Highway there are many different anecdical and not very funny cases. Somewhere in the distance, by July 1896, Tomsk, Tomsk, heard the stead-seated roads. But they were not sounded at the Tomsk railway station, which was not yet, but ran out on the highway held by Tomsk. All this could mean that from the city of the provincial value, Tomsk could turn into a provincial town, and the ladies would become ordinary provinces. In fact, the reason that the main route of the Transsib paved the south of the provincial city, was economic problems.

If the paths would be laid through Tomsk, then the railway became longer on the integer eighty six wool, and this, 91.744 kilometer. Considering the complexity of the local relief, and the fact that there is the possibility of delivering any cargo directly to the railway, then, on the same rule, the rulers that the gasket will be implemented south of Tomsk, although the public of the city and merchants actively opposed such a decree. In 1910, the townspeople were treated with a petrose to the then Prime Minister Peter Stolypin. There were several projects to solve this problem, starting with the connection with the Altai Railway, then another offer appeared, lead paths from the Ural region, from Krasnoufimsk through the city of Tobolsk. In the period when civil war was hampered throughout Russia, this issue was not shot from the agenda of the Government of the Young Socialist Republic.

Despite the fact that Tomsk's townspeople had a resentment for the power of the Russian, there were those who did not remain at the welfare, according to the common myth - these were local pervolors. The legend stated that the projectors of the road were bribed with representatives of equestrian transport, and the railway began to lay south of Tomsk. In those days, the stables of the carriages were 5,000 horses. In essence, at the end of the nineteenth century, every fifth resident of Tomsk province was engaged in transport worker. People then argued that feeding them was not arable land, but the grave work of cabidors on the transport tract. If the railways were initially laid through Tomsk, then the gentle transport in this province, simply, has ceased to be considered the main type of transportation carried out, and Tomsk city treasure would lose a significant part of their profits. True, scientists historical sciences indicate the absence of similar real eventsrelated to the bribery of the road designers, as well as the myth about Tomsk Starts Fedor Kuzmich, who, allegedly, was actually Alexander, remains only in a humble myth. After all, the main mission of all existing legends - This is nothing more than an attempt to present reality in another color or perspective, thereby addicted reality.

The beginning of the work of the Trans-Siberian Highway allowed the economy of the Siberian region to rush forward. The people of Tomsk province began to actively engage in oil. The peasants began to profitably make the milk obtained on his opposition, delivering it to the receiving items, in return to get live cash. There are also small oil breeding. The value of the Siberian oil was not lower than the Vologda products of this species, but now it has the opportunity to transport its best products for longer distances to other Russian regions, where they enjoyed in great demand. Oil products exported to Western european countries. All this became possible, thanks to, nevertheless, the appearance of the very impasteer railway branch, which connected with the main highway. And the main part of people was satisfied with the fact that their hail Tomsk did not lose his provincial status.

But without minuses in such situations does not happen. First of all, its remoteness from the main trunk line of paths influenced the economy of the provincial country. Tomsk has ceased to be a significant transshipment of the Siberian region. The palm of the championship moved to the newly educated city of Novosibirsk, built on the spot the god of the forgotten settlement Krivoshukovo. The modern city quickly expressed, becoming a huge megalopolis, thanks to the railway line of the Transsib.

What was happening, for the period of the second decade, the twentieth century, the city of Tomsk ceases to be considered the provincial center. The Tomsk province disappeared from the card, and only with the onset of 1944 the formation of the Tomsk region.

After the whole century, the Trans-Siberian Transit continues to have negative influences on the Tomsk Regional Economy. The presence of remoteness from the main route leads to the appreciation of the incoming various products. There are no big wholesale companies, practically, no benefit to taking small cargo parties, next in two or three wagons. On the total volumes of goods - this is not reflected in any way, and the delivery time is significantly increased. Sometimes, no one was taken to predict the end of the end of such a transaction.

The statione point of White Yar is a work type village, but a rail track laid to it only aggravates similar Tomsk economic problems.

One of the main minuses of the Tomsk railway branch is the presence of only one way. In the summer months, most of its own, repair work on the road is activated. The daily size of the time period of the repair of paths, makes it stand without moving the trainings exactly the same amount of time that leads to significant direct losses.

Restriction on transport accessibility to Tomsk Grad has an impact on the social plan and on student outflows. For various reasons, their number in regional universities continues to decline.

Historical direction

The historical part of the Transsib is considered only his eastern branch of the track, which begins in Miass, in the South Urals, in Chelyabinsk regionAnd ends in Vladivostok. The length of this route is equal to seven thousand kilometers, construction was conducted from 1891 to 1916.

Over the construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway, nine thousand six hundred and man worked from the beginning of the construction. In the peak construction period from 1895 to 1896, eighty-nine thousand people were attracted to work. Upon completion of the creation of this type of construction, only five thousand three hundred people remained in a large scale plan. Almost all held construction work was carried out by "sricapass", where the main tool was: primitive wooden cars, kylo, shovels, saws and axes. Despite the similar technical equipment of builders, the annual gasket of railway tracks reached a six-hundredth parcel mark.

The Trans-Siberian Railway Highway allowed the movement of trainings from European cities, located on the ocean coast of the Atlantic, on railways, excluding ferry crossings, in the Russian hail of Vladivostok, standing on the Pacific Coast of Russia.

In total, Transsiba railway branches were connected to the Far Eastern region with Siberia, the Urals and the European part of the Earth. In a single transport system, Russian ports in the West were included in the West: St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad, in the north: Arkhangelsk and Murmansk and in the south: Novorossiysk, in the Far Eastern region ports: Nakhodka and Vladivostok, an abnormal village of urban-type city type Zabaikalsk.

The history of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway testifies to the main milestones of laying the railway tracks, which began in Cooper Paddy, next to Vladivostok 31.05.1891. For this solemn case, the future Russian emperor Nikolai second took part in the starting ceremony of the construction of the track, then still stayed in the statue of Cesarevich. The young man of imperial blood with his own hands filled with an earthed ground a whole wheelbarrow and dismissed it to a mound of the future canvas of the railway. The actual construction date is counted from March of 1891, when the creation of the road in the city of Miass, Chelyabinsk province began.

The amount of preliminary estimates of such ambitious construction was equal to three thousand millions of gold rubles. The actual cash flow was repeatedly increased.

The name of one of the leaders of the engineer Nikolai Sergeyevich Sviyagina wears the Station Item Sviyagino, some of the cargo intended for the construction of Transsib were delivered in the Northern sea Path, with a sunset at the mouth of the Yenisei River. In ensuring the wiring of twenty-two steamboats, N.V. Morozov, being a hydrologist being a scholarship.

Noteworthy and the fact that Cesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich is appointed to the position of Chairman of the State Committee, whose duties included a mandatory supervision of the construction of construction work on the Trans-Siberian Highway. When the Russian autocrat of the time, Alexander Third, noticed this appointment, then expressed his surprise on the early age of the Chairman of the State Committee, calling his son a boy. By that time, Cesarevich only changed the third decades of his age.

What is the Minister of Communication Russian Empire Mr. Sergey Vitte allowed the emperor to argue: "If today the heir not to give such responsible orders, then he will never learn them." With such a response, Aleksandru prangled to Alexander, there was nothing to say the third.

In the third decade, the twentieth century, the diplomats from Japan sat down and night moves from the carriages, leading the counteranteent military echelons. In this connection, the disadvantaged trainings were followed by ordinary doubt.

The current indicator of the bandwidth of this road, according to expert assessment, will be able to achieve a level of equal to one hundred million tons of annual cargo turnover.

The indicator of the temporary factor of container transport is equal to the ten-day period, which is three times faster than marine routes. Despite such convincing indicators, the Trans-Siberian Highway produces only two percent of the entire amount of international turnover carried out in this direction. The reason lies in the absence of large and powerful sea harbors in the Far Eastern region.

Transsib in the Far East area has a number of railway branches connecting to the station points of East and Nakhodka ports and Cape Astafieva.

The farthest routes of the Trans-Siberian highway began in Kharkov and Kiev. The length of the first route was nine thousand seven hundred fourteen kilometers. The indicator of the temporary factor reached the value equal to seven days of six o'clock and ten minutes. 05/15/2010 This route is reduced, and the above-mentioned compositions are followed only to Ufa. The direct drivers continued to follow the end item of the previous route. A year later, this train composition was finally canceled. The length of the second path from the Ukrainian capital was ten thousand two hundred and fifty nine kilometers, the way time was equal to seven days of nineteen o'clock and fifty minutes. Canceled at the same time that the route from Kharkov.

On the October results of 2014, a route from Beijing to Moscow and Vladivostok to Moscow became one of the long ways.

The train "Russia" was recognized as the most comfortable and high-speed, overcomes his way from Moscow to Vladivostok for six days one hour and fifty-nine minutes. The average speed is equal to sixty fourth kilometers per hour. The Yaroslavl railway station of the Russian Metropolitan Grad can boast the mounted historical pillars on which the mileage of the entire route is indicated. The same posts are installed in Vladivostok and in Novosibirsk.

On October 5, the Transsiberian Railway Railway Mainer was noted - the longest on the planet. Its length is 9288.2 km. The initial point of Trans-Siberian - the Yaroslavl station of Moscow, and the destination - Vladivostok station. It was built 25 years old, the road passes through 8 time zones, through Europe and Asia, 11 regions, 5 edges, two republics and one autonomous region, 88 cities, crosses 16 major rivers. In this review, the history of the Millennium Road.

On March 30, 1891, the head of the Russian state was issued a decree on the start of construction of the path through the entire territory of Siberia. The State Committee created on its basis issued a resolution in which she approved such an important task and welcomed the use of domestic labor and material resources for the Great Business.

The first stage of construction

In May of the same year, a solemn laying of the first stone took place, in which the future Russian emperor Nicholas was directly involved. The creation of the Trans-Siberian Road began in very difficult conditions. On all over the way there was a century-old taiga, and near Baikal builders waited for rocks. To lay the sleepers, had to blow up and create a mound.

Huge funds were required for the state of the sovereign to life. The initial estimate was designed for 350 million rubles. If we take into account the difference in the weight of the modern Russian currency and the full-fledged Golden Ruble, the project will seem very expensive. For decreasing financial costs Darm working force attracted to construction: soldiers and religion. At the peak of construction in the works, 89 thousand people were involved.

Unusual pace

The railway line was laid with an unprecedented speed at the time. For 12 years, the builders managed to create 7.5 thousand kilometers of first-class paths, although in the past period they had to overcome many difficulties. These paces did not work in any country.

For laying sleepers and rails used the most primitive mechanisms and tools: manual cars, shovels, axes and saws. Every year about 600 km of the road was laid. Workers worked not to twist the hands, sometimes until a complete decline of forces. The harsh conditions of Siberia negatively influenced health, and many builders graduated from life during operation.

Engineering frames

During construction, many famous engineers at the time participated in the project. Among them is very popular, Oesty Vyazemsky, who was worthy of a large plot in the Ussuri Taiga. The Vyazemskaya station was named precisely in his honor and today keeps the name of the great Russian specialist. The connection of the railway routes of Novosibirsk with Chelyabinsk was engaged in another construction specialist - Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky. He is more famous for his descendants in his literary works.

His part of the road engineer finished in 1896. The plot between Irkutsk and Ory was built by Nikolai Messenino. Today he is known as the medium-grained road. The design and construction of the bridge across Ob was engaged in Nikolay Belelyubsky. He was an expert and expert in mechanics and creating engines. Work on the laying of the medium-grained line of the highway ended in 1899.

Alexander Liverovsky was engaged in the Krugobyaikal region of the road. Construction took place in very complex natural conditions. Ussuriysk city connected with Grodekovo railway rinsing in 1901. Due to the successful end of the Plot, Vladivostok received a constant convenient connection with the center of the country. European goods and passengers got a faster and convenient way to the Pacific Ocean.

Expansion of the project

The construction of a new way from the central regions of Russia to the Far East has created economic prerequisites for the further growth of the region's economy. Expensive project Began to give and practical benefit. Some problems brought war with Japan. At this time, the cargo-passenger flux on the railway decreased many times due to restrictions on several sites.

The highway could pass only 13 compositions per day, which was too small for the national economy and the army. The Council of Ministers on June 3, 1907 decided to expand the Trans-Siberian Highway. To do this, it was necessary to pave an extra rut. The construction of the construction was handed over to Alexander Liveurovsky. Already by the beginning of 1909, the road has doubled its bandwidth.

The leadership of the country decided that one of the main negative factors that had an impact on the course and the result of the war with Japan was poor transport links between Vladivostok and the European part of the country. Among the particularly important tasks, the government allocated expansion of the railway network. After the meeting of the Council of Ministers, the creation of minusinsk-Achinsky and Amur sections of the highway began. The total length of the path amounted to almost 2 thousand km.

Ending construction

The project approached its completion in 1916. Railway track connected Chelyabinsk with the quiet ocean. At the same time ended the construction of the bridge through the Amur and Amur highway. For ease of operation, all the way was divided into four sections. Rail transportations grew every year and reached the figures to 3.2 million passengers by 1912. Significantly increased and cargo transportation. The highway began to give a large income of the country.

Restoration after destruction

Huge damage caused highways first world War. Many kilometers of paths were destroyed, bridges and office structures were strongly injured. Even the famous bridge over Cupid became a victim of the revolution and was injured. The new power understood the whole importance of the railway communication and already in 1924-1925 engaged in the restoration of the highway. Passed reconstruction and railway bridge over Cupid. In 1925, Transsib became fully functional.

Trans-Siberian Mainer - Powerful Two-Piece Electrified Railway Line with a length of about 10 thousand km, equipped with modern means Informatization and communication. It is the most extended railway railway, natural continuation.

In the East, through the Hasan border stations, Grodekovo, Zabaikalsk, the Transsiberian highway provides access to the North Korea railway network, China and Mongolia, and in the West, through Russian ports and border crossings with the former republics Soviet Union - to European countries.

The highway passes through the territory of 20 subjects Russian Federation and 5. federal districts. These natural resource-rich regions have significant export and import potential. In regions serviced by the highway, more than 65% of coal produced in Russia are produced, almost 20% of refining and 25% of the production of business wood are carried out. More than 80% of the industrial potential of the country and the main natural resources, including oil, gas, coal, forest, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, etc. On the Transsib, there are 87 cities, of which 14 are centers of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

There are more than 50% of foreign trade and transit cargo on the transmissib.

The Trans-Siberian Highway is included as a priority route in a message between Europe and Asia to the projects of international UNECE organizations, the UN ESCATO, OSJD.

  • See also the photo gallery "The history of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway"

Advantages of transportation on a trassist compared with the sea

  • Reducing the time of the load of goods by more than 2 times: The time of passing a container train by following China to Finland through the Trans-Siberian Highway is less than 10 days, and the time of follow-up is 28 days.
  • Low level of political risks: Up to 90% of the route passes through the territory of the Russian Federation - States with a sustainable democratic system state power, stable political climate and confidently growing economy.
  • Reducing to a minimum of the number of cargo handlingthat reduces cargo owner's expenses and prevents the risk of accidental damage to the transshipment.

Currently, a significant part of the freight traffic in the direction of East - the West goes through the sea. The dominant or almost monopoly position of marine carriers in this direction does not allow shippers to expect to reduce the transport component in their expenditures. In this regard, rail transportation are a reasonable economic alternative to shipping by sea.

Basic routes of container trains flying through Transsib

  • Art. Find-oriental - Art. Madsevo (delivery of Hyundai Motors Co. components. From Busan on a motor assembly plant in Taganrog).
  • Nakhodka - Moscow.
  • Nakhodka - Brest.
  • Zabaikalsk / Nakhodka - Kaliningrad / Klaipeda.
  • Beijing - Moscow.
  • Kaliningrad / Klaipeda - Moscow ("Mercury").
  • Helsinki - Moscow ("Northern Light").
  • Berlin - Moscow ("East Wind").
  • Brest - Ulan Bator ("Mongolian vector - 1").
  • Hukho - Duisburg ("Mongolian vector - 2").
  • Baltic countries - Kazakhstan / Central Asia ("Baltika - Transit").
  • Nakhodka - Alma-Ata / Uzbekistan.
  • Brest - Alma-Ata ("Kazakhstan vector").


  • The use of modern information technologies that ensure complete control over trains lasts and inform customers in real time about the location of the location, following the entire route, the arrival of the container or cargo to any item of Russia.
  • Using the technology of electronic cargo declaration: due to this, time for cargo inspection is reduced from 3 days to 1.5 hours.
  • Simplified procedure, according to which all containers in the container train follow on one transport document. This customs practice is used in the transport of components from South Korea on the motor assembly plant in Taganrog.
  • The use of an improved technology of work of commercial inspection points (PKO), which are equipped with modern means of monitoring the status of wagons and containers in trains.
  • Monitoring the safety of goods in the following way.

Perspectives of the Trans-Siberian Mainstream

The Government of the Russian Federation and Russian Railways has been developed and implemented a set of measures to further increase the transit potential of the entire transport corridor between Europe and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region formed on the basis of Transsib, namely:

  • large-scale investment projects in the eastern part of the Transsib are being implemented to ensure the growth of rail transport and transit between Russia and China;
  • the necessary development of railway stations on the border with Mongolia, China and the DPRK are carried out;
  • approach approaches to maritime ports;
  • container terminals are upgraded in accordance with world standards.
  • a comprehensive reconstruction of the Karymskaya site - Zabaikalsk to ensure the increasing volume of cargo transportation to China (primarily oil).

In accordance with the "Railway Transport Development Strategy in the Russian Federation until 2030" is planned to be a specialization of the Transsib for skipping specialized container trains and for passenger traffic.

Coordination Council on Trans-Siberian Transport (CSTP), together with the leadership of Russian Railways, is preparing the concept of the development of trans-Siberian traffic for the period up to 2020but. Concept provides:

  • formation system approach to the development of trans-Siberian container transportation on railways, marine areas, in ports with the participation of forwarding associations of Europe, Russia, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Austria, as well as freight forwarding companies;
  • production and application of competitive tariffs for the transport of foreign trade and transit cargo, taking into account the directions of cargo traffic and the conditions for transportation of goods on alternative routes;
  • further improvement of technology and the organization of transportation of transit and foreign trade cargo on the Trans-Siberian route (TCM);
  • improving the conditions and principles of joint activities of railways, shipping companies, ports, freight forwarders and operators - CSTP members to attract goods on TCM;
  • ensuring high quality of service in order to attract goods on TSM based on coordination at the international level of the activities of the participants of the Trans-Siberian transport of goods (compliance with the delivery time, maintenance of goods);
  • information support of the transportation process on TSM (provision of information to customers in real time about the promotion of goods to the destination);
  • an increase in the processing capabilities of ports in the east and west of Russia;
  • creating in the Moscow node, in others industrial centers and in the Far East of modern logistics centers with warehouse complexes;
  • further development of transport links between countries in Asia, Russia, CIS countries, Central and of Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and the Baltic States.

In 1857, the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia N. N. Muravyev-Amur raised the question of the construction of the railway in the Siberian outskirts of Russia. He instructed the military engineer D. Romanov to conduct research and draw up a project for the construction of the railway from Amur to the Bay of De-Kastri. In the 50-70s years XIX in. Russian specialists have developed a number of new construction projects in Siberia, but they all did not find support from the government, which is only in the mid-80s of the XIX century. It began to resolve the issue of the Siberian Railway. There were many sentences from foreign entrepreneurs. But the Government of Russia, fearing the strengthening of foreign influence in Siberia and in the Far East, rejected the proposals of foreign capitalists and their industrial companies and decided to build the road to the treasury.
The first practical impetus to the beginning of the structures of the grandiose highway gave the emperor of the Russian Empire Alexander III. In 1886, on the report of the Irkutsk Governor General, the sovereign was imposed by the resolution: " I read how many reports of General Governors of Siberia I read and should with sadness and shame to confess that the government has not yet done anything to meet the needs of this rich, but launched edge. And it's time for a long time". And in the same year, having familiarized himself with the opinion of A. N. Korf about the value of the railway for the Far Eastern regions, Alexander III ordered "to present considerations" about the preparation for the construction of steel canvas.
In 1887, under the leadership of the engineers of N. P. Mezheninova, O. P. Vyazemsky and A. I. Ursati were organized three expeditions to find the route of the Meshnessism, Trans-Baikal and South Ussuri railways, which by the 90s of the XIX century. Mainly completed their work. In early 1891, the Committee was established on the construction of the Siberian Railway, which was made an important decree that " Siberian Railway, this is a great nationality, should be carried out by Russian people and from Russian materials", And approved the lightweight technical conditions for the construction of the highway. In February 1891, the Committee of Ministers recognized it possible to start working on the construction of the Great Siberian Way at the same time from both parties from Chelyabinsk and Vladivostok.

Listing highway: Vladivostok, 1891.

The start of work on the construction of the Ussuriy plot of the Siberian Railway Alexander III gave the meaning of an emergency event in the life of the empire, as evidenced by the text of the rescript of the king in the name of the heir to the Russian throne: We currently start building a solid across the entire Siberia of the Railway, which is aimed at combining the abundant gifts of the nature of the Siberian areas with a network of internal rail messages. I instruct you to declare this will, at the entry into the Russian Earth again, after the ferris of the ingenic countries of the East. At the same time, I place on you the commission in Vladivostok the bookmarks allowed for the construction, at the expense of the treasury and direct order of the Government, the Ussuriy plot of the Great Siberian Railway“.
Nikolay Alexandrovich performed an indication of the August parent. May 19 (May 31 in a new style) of 1891 at 10 am in two and a half versts from the city in the luxurious pavilion was performed on the occasion of the case of the road bookmarks. Cesarevich also took part in the first stone bookmark railway Station and a silver plate made in St. Petersburg on the sample approved by the emperor. So began ambitious and difficult construction.

Grand Construction (1891-1903).

The construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway was carried out in harsh climatic conditions. Almost all throughout the route was laid on a low-seated or deserted terrain, in the impassable taiga. She crossed the mighty Siberian rivers, numerous lakes, raised wetlands and eternal areas merzlotes (from Cuengi to Bochkarevo, now Belogorsk). Exceptional difficulties for builders represented a plot around Baikal (Baikal Station - Zadovaya Station). Here I had to blow up the rocks, lay the tunnels, build artificial structures in the gorges of the mountain rivers flowing to Baikal.
The construction of the Trans-Siberian highway demanded tremendous funds. According to preliminary calculations of the Committee on the Construction of the Siberian Railway, its value was determined at 350 million rubles. Gold, therefore, in order to accelerate and reduce the cost of construction, in 1891-1892. For the Ussuri line and the West Siberian line (from Chelyabinsk to r. Ob), simply simplified technical conditions took the basis. Thus, according to the recommendations of the Committee, reduced the width of the earthen canvase in the mounds, recesses and in the mountainous areas, as well as the thickness of the ballast layer, launched light rails and shortened sleepers, reduced the number of sleepers per 1 km of way and so on. Capital construction of only large railway Bridges, and medium and small bridges were supposed to erect wooden. The distance between the stations was allowed to 50 miles, travel buildings were built on wooden columns.
The problem of ensuring the construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway, the workforce, was most acute and difficult. The need for qualified workers was satisfied with the recruitment and transformation into the Siberia of builders from the center of the country. According to V. F. Barzunova, the construction of the West Siberian plot of the highway in different years was attracted from 3.6 thousand to 15 thousand workers from European Russia, the Meshnessism - from 3 thousand to 11 thousand, Transbaikalsky - from 2, 5 thousand to 4.5 thousand. A significant part of the builders constituted exile arrestants and soldiers. The continuous replenishment of the labor force on the construction of the highway was due to the involvement of Siberian peasants and citizens and the influx of peasants and burghers from European Russia. In total, on the construction of Transsib in 1891, at the beginning of the construction, there were 9,600 people, in a 1895-1896, in the height of construction work. - 84-89 thousand, in 1904, at the final stage - only 5,300 people. At the construction of the Amur Railway in 1910, 20 thousand people worked.
According to the speed of the structure (for 12 years), in length (7.5 thousand km), the difficulties of construction and the volume of work performed by the Great Siberian Railway did not know equal to all over the world. In the conditions of almost complete off-road for the delivery of the necessary construction materials - and actually it was necessary to import everything except the forest, it took a lot of time and money. For example, for the bridge over the Irtysh and for the station in Omsk, the stone was taken by 740 versts on the railway from Chelyabinsk and 580 versts from the bias, as well as on the water on the barges of quarries located on the shores of Irtysh in 900 versts above the bridge. Metal structures for the bridge across Cupid were made in Warsaw and delivered by rail to Odessa, and then transported by sea in Vladivostok, and from there by rail to Khabarovsk. In the autumn of 1914, the German cruiser sank in Indian Ocean Belgian steamer, which was driving steel for the last two farms of the bridge, which delayed the year completion of work.
Almost all works were made by hand, the tools of labor were the most primitive - ax, saw, shovel, Kylo and car. Despite this, about 500 were launched annually. railway track. Such paces still did not know the story. On volume the work performed and the enormous cost of human labor is evidenced by the data at 1903: produced over 100 million cubic meters. Mal earthenware, more than 12 million was harvested and laid, about 1 million tons of rails and bondings, built bridges and tunnels with a total length of up to 100 km. Only during the construction of a circuit breaker of the Bag-bay railway with a length of a few more than 230 km, 50 galleries were built to protect the path from mountain colors, 39 tunnels and about 14 km of retaining walls mainly on cement and hydraulic solution. The cost of all tunnels with pillars and galleries amounted to over 10 million rubles, and the construction costs of the entire highway exceeded 1 billion rubles. Gold rubles.
In the construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway, many talented Russian engineers participated - pupils of domestic educational institutionswho received the experience of railway construction in Russia.
The gasket of the South Ussuri road, started in April 1891, ended in 1894, and in three years later, her northern plot was put. A temporary movement on a plot from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk with a length of 772 km opened on October 26, 1897, permanent - November 13, 1897. The construction of the Ussuri railway was led by an engineer O. P. Vyazemsky. His name is named one of the railway stations (Vyazemskaya) on this road.
In 1896, the West Siberian Railway from Chelyabinsk to Novonikolayevsk (now Novosibirsk) was commissioned (now Novosibirsk) with a length of 1422 km. The head of the expedition and construction at approaches to the river Ob and the bridge transition through it was an engineer and writer N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky.
The medium-grained railway from Ob to Irkutsk with a length of 1839 km was built in 1899 under the direction of engineer N. P. Mezheninova. The railway bridge across Ob processed the outstanding Russian engineer-designer and builder of bridges, subsequently a major scientist in the field of construction mechanics and bridge buildings N. A. Belelyubsky.
A large role in organizing the construction of the Krugobaikal Railway and solving many technical problems, with him related, played by A. V. Liveurovsky. He also participated in the construction of the eastern plot of the Amur Railway, and the Amur Bridge unique on the European-Asian continent. On September 12, 1904, the first experienced train was held on the Bagaikal road, and regular movement was opened in 1905. A talented engineer, subsequently a major scientist in the field of bridge buildings L. D. Proskuryakov designed the bridge over the Yenisei in Krasnoyarsk (he was the author of the draft bridge over CMUR).
By the spring of 1901, the construction of the Trans-Baikal section of Transsib was completed to the Sretensk station and for connecting the European part of Russia with the Pacific coast, a solid rail was lack of a plot of approximately 2 thousand km from Khabarovsk to Sretensk. True, due to the complex climatic and geological conditions on the Amur site, as well as on political reasons, the royal government at first refused construction of the road here and decided to go from Transbaikal to Vladivostok to be more southern, through Manchuria. Thus arose constructed by Russia and the Chinese-Eastern Railway, held in 1903 in 1903, passing through the territory of Manchuria through Harbin to the Border Station (Grodekovo). In 1901, a line from Grodekovo to Ussuriysk was also built, and Vladivostok was connected by Steel Kolas with the Center for Russia. With the construction of the Sino-Eastern Railway, a message has been established with the Far East throughout the Great Siberian Way. Europe has gained access to the Pacific Ocean.

After the Russian-Japanese War: Again, a new road (1905-1916).

Thus, the Trans-Siberian Highway already in the first period of operation revealed its great importance For the development of the economy, contributed to the acceleration and growth of the turnover of goods. However, the bandwidth of the road was insufficient. The movement in the Siberian and Trans-Baikal Railways was extremely tense during russian-Japanese warWhen the troops were hung from the West. The highway did not cope with the movement of troops and with the delivery of military goods. The Siberian Railway during the war passed only 13 trains per day, so it was decided to reduce the transport of civil cargo. In addition, the transfer of the troops was complicated by the fact that the section of the Krug-Baikal Railway was not completed and until 1905 the connection between the Western and Eastern Baikal shores was carried out with the help of ferry crossing. Ferry-icebreaker "Baikal" with a displacement of 3470 T transported in one flight 25 loaded wagons. In winter, Baikal station to Tangoi was laid on the ice of the Lake Railway, according to which "rolled" steam locomotives and cars. On some days, it was transported to 220 wagons in this way.
After the end of the Russian-Japanese war, the Russian government took a number of measures to increase the bandwidth of the Trans-Siberian Highway. To consider the entire complex of issues related to this problem, a special commission was created, which concluded that it was necessary to increase the speed of trains. To this end, it was decided: to increase the amount of sleepers per 1 km of the path and the width of the earth canvas; Replace lightweight rails on the rails of heavier types and lay them on metal lining; Instead of temporary wooden bridges, build capital, as well as increase the number of locomotives and cars on the line.
On June 3, 1907, the Council of Ministers considered and approved the proposals of the Ministry of Railways on the construction of the second rut of the Siberian Railway and the reorganization of mountain areas of the path. Under the leadership of A. V. Liveurovsky, work on mitigating blockages in mountain sites from Achinsk to Irkutsk and holding a second path from Chelyabinsk to Irkutsk was launched. In 1909, the Siberian Highway for 3274 km became two-way. In 1913, the second rut was continued along Baikal and for Baikal to Karymskaya station. Implementation of important activities to increase the capacity of the Trans-Siberian highway was accompanied by the construction of new sections or branches from it.
The unsuccessful outcome of the Russian-Japanese War showed that the road running on someone else's territory, a strategic relationship cannot provide the interests of the country, and forced the royal government to create a continuous railway distance to Vladivostok in Russia. On May 31, 1908, the State Council decided to build the Amur Railway. The construction of the Transsib site from Cuenga station to Khabarovsk over 2,000 km long was started in 1907 and commissioned in 1915. In the same period, the construction of the Minusinsky-Achin railway (to Abakan) began.

Conclusion (1916-1925).

The end-to-end railway message from Chelyabinsk to the shores of the Pacific Ocean in the territory of the Russian Empire was opened only in October 1916, after the construction of the Amur Railway and Introduction to the Amur Bridge. The Trans-Siberian Magistral was divided into an administrative attitude to four roads: Siberian, Trans-Baikal, Amur and Ussuriyskaya. Passengers continuously increased: in 1897, 609 thousand were transported, in 1900 - 1.25 million, in 1905 - 1.85 million, in 1912 - 3.2 million.
During the First World War, the technical condition of the road deteriorated sharply. But the most enormous destruction of the road were made during civil War. Most of the locomotives and wagons were destroyed, bridges were undermined and burned, for example, through the Irtysh and the largest bridge over the Amur River, water supply devices, passenger and station structures. But after the civil war on the road, restoration work began without delay. In the winter of 1924-1925, the destroyed part of the Amur Bridge was restored, and in March 1925, a pass-through movement of trains was resumed on the road, now without a break, until today.

Transsib, Trans-Siberian Highway (Modern Names) or the Great Siberian Way (Historical Name) is a well-equipped railway through the entire continent connecting European Russia, its largest industrial areas and the country's capital of Moscow with its middle (Siberia) and Eastern ( Far East) areas. This is the road that bonding Russia is a country stretching for 10 hour zones, in a single economic body, and most importantly, in a single military-strategic space. If he had not been built at one time, then, with a very high probability, Russia would hardly have held behind the Far East and the Pacific Coast - as she could not keep Alaska, in no way associated with the Russian Empire, the reports are not sustainable. Transsib is also a road that gives a push to the development eastern districts and involved them in the economic life of the rest of the huge country.

Some people think that the term "Transsib" must be interpreted as a path connecting the Urals and the Far East, and literally passing "through" TRANS-Siberian). But this contradicts the situation and does not reflect the true meaning of this highway. And name? The title was given to us the British, which brightened the path did not "Great Siberian Way", as it was supposed to be a literal translation from Russian, and "TRANS-Siberian Railway" - and then it was given and rooted in speech.

And now "Transsib" as a geopolitical concept makes sense as a path connecting the center and the Pacific Ocean, Moscow and Vladivostok, and wider - as a way connecting the ports of the West and the capital of Russia, as well as exits to Europe (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Brest, Kaliningrad) with the ports of the East and the outputs in Asia (Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vanino, Zabaikalsk); But not the local path connecting the Urals and the Far East.

The narrow interpretation of the term "Transsib" suggests that we are talking about the main passenger progress Moscow - Yaroslavl - Yekaterinburg - Omsk - Irkutsk - Chita - Vladivostok, the exact route of which is shown below.

The length of the Transsib.

The actual length of the Trans-Siberian Railway Mainstream on the main passenger move (from Moscow to Vladivostok) is 9288.2 km and in this indicator it is the longest on the planet, crossing almost all Eurasia. The tariff length (on which the ticket prices are calculated) a little more - 9298 km and does not coincide with the real one. There are several parallel cargo bypass in different areas. The rut width on the transussier is 1520 mm.

The length of the Great Siberian Way before the First World War from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok on the North Passenger move (through Vologda - Perm - Yekaterinburg - Omsk - Chita - Harbin) was 8913 versts, or 9508 km.
Transsib passes through the territory of two parts of the world: Europe (0-777 km) and Asia (1778 - 9289 km). It accounts for 19.1% of the length of the Transsib, Asia, respectively - 80.9%.

The beginning and end of the highway.

Currently, the initial point of Trans-Siberian is the Yaroslavl station of Moscow, and the final item is Vladivostok railway station.
But it was not always that: about the mid-20s, the Kazan (then Ryazan) station was gates to Siberia and the Far East, and at the most initial period of the Transsib - at the beginning of the 20th century - Kursko-Nizhny Novgorod (now Kursk) station of Moscow . It is also necessary to mention that before the 1917 revolution, the Moscow station of St. Petersburg was considered the initial paragraph of the Great Siberian Path - the capital of the Russian Empire.

Not always, Vladivostok was considered a final point: a short time, starting from the very end of the 90s of the XIX century and up to the decisive land battles of the Russian-Japanese War 1904-05, the completion of the Great Siberian Path of the contemporaries considered the Naval Fortress and the city of Port -Arts, located on the coast of the East-China Sea, on the Liaodong Peninsula rented by China.
On the geographical limits of the Transsib (extreme points in the West, East, north and south) you can.

Construction: Major milestones.

Start of construction: 19 (31) May 1891 in the area near Vladivostok (Cooper's Pad), Tsearevich Nikolay Alexandrovich was present on the bookmark, the future emperor Nicholas II.

The actual start of construction occurred somewhat earlier, in early March 1891, when the construction of the Miass section began - Chelyabinsk.
The rails of rails all over the Great Siberian Route occurred on October 21 (November 3), 1901, when the builders of the Sino-Eastern Railway, which lasted the rail from the West and the East, met with each other. But the regular movement of trains throughout the highway at this time did not exist.

Regular communication between the capital of the Empire - St. Petersburg and the Pacific Ports of Russia - Vladivostok and Far Running on the railway was established in July 1903, when the Chinese-Eastern Railway, passing through Manchuria, was adopted in permanent ("correct") operation. Date 1 (14) of July 1903 also marked the introduction of the Great Siberian Way to operation at all of its length, although in the railway path there was a break: across Baikal had to transfer trains on a special ferry.

The continuous railway between St. Petersburg and Vladivostok appeared after the start of the working movement on the 19 September 190) 1904; And a year later, 16 (29) October 1905, the Krugobaquica road, as a segment of the Great Siberian Path, was adopted into continuous operation; and regular passenger trains for the first time in history were able to follow only rails, without the use of ferry crossings, from the shores Atlantic Ocean (from Western Europe) to the shores of the Pacific Ocean (to Vladivostok).

End of construction in the territory of the Russian Empire: 5 (18) October 1916, with a starts of a bridge across Amur near Khabarovsk and the beginning of the train at this bridge.

The cost of construction of Transsib from 1891 to 1913 amounted to 1.455.413 thousand rubles, the value of the construction of specific sites of the Great Siberian Path.

Modern Transsiba route.

Starting from 1956, the Transsiba route is: Moscow-Yaroslavskaya - Yaroslavl-Ch. - Danilov -Bui - Sharya - Kirov - Balezino - Perm-2 - Ekaterinburg-Pass. - Tyumen - Nazevskaya - Omsk-Pass. - Barabinsk - Novosibirsk-Chief - Mariinsk - Achinsk-1 - Krasnoyarsk - Ilanskaya - Taishet - Nizhneudinsk - Winter - Irkutsk-Pass. - Slyudyanka-1 - Ulan-Ude - Petrovsky Plant - Chita-2 -Karmskaya - Chernyshevsk-Zabaikalsky - Mogoche - Skovorodino - Belogorsk - Arkhara -Habarovsk-1 - Vyazemskaya - Ruzhino - Ussuriysk - Vladivostok. This is the main passenger move of Transsib. He finally formed to the beginning of the 30s, when normal operation of a shorter Sino-Eastern Railway became impossible due to military-political reasons, and the South-Ural stroke was too overloaded in connection with the USSR industrialization.

Until 1949, in the area of \u200b\u200bBaikal, the main course of Transsiba passed along the Bagaikal road, through Irkutsk - on the bank of the hangary - Baikal Station - on the shore of Baikal - to the station Slyudyanka, in 1949-56. There were two routes - the old, along the shore of Baikal, and the new, translated. Moreover, the transfer route was first built in a 1st possible option (1941-1948), and by 1957 became 2-pretty and basic.

From June 10, 2001, after the introduction of the new Summer schedule of MPS, almost all trains of the far trans-Siberian report were put on a new route through Vladimir - Nizhny Novgorod With access to the "classic move" in Kotelnich. This stroke allows you to pass trains with a higher route speed. But the kilometer of Transsiba still passes through Yaroslavl - Figure.

Historical Transsiba route.

Before the revolution of 1917 and some time after it (until the end of the 20s of the 20th century), the main route of the Great Siberian Path was held:
From Moscow, starting from 1904: through Ryazan - Ryazhsk - Penza - Syzran - Samara - Ufa -helyabinsk - Kurgan - Petropavlovsk -

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