Creative work in the Russian language. Creative work in the Russian language on the topic

5. Pedagogical experience and qualifying category - 5 years; First

Organization of creative activities of students in the lessons of the Russian language and in extracurricular work on the subject. "

7. The level of experience and the degree of novelty - modern approaches to the organization of creative activities in the lessons of the Russian language and in extracurricular activities

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"Creative activity in Russian lessons"

Generalization of the pedagogical experience of the teacher of the Russian language and Literature MBOU Most Bolsselyskaya Sosh Golubey Olga Leonidovna (at the competition "Teacher of the Year") on the topic: " Organization of creative activities of students in the lessons of the Russian language and in extracurricular work on the subject. "

Information card Pedagogical experience

2. City (district) - Municipal Education, Most Bolshestsky district

3. Educational institution - municipal budget

general Education "Most Bolshestsky School"

4. Poverty Position - Teacher of Russian Language and Literature

5. Pedagogical experience and qualifying category - 5 years; First

6. The topic of pedagogical experience - " Organization of creative activities of students in the lessons of the Russian language and in extracurricular work on the subject. "

7. The level of experience and the degree of novelty are modern approaches to the organization of creative activities in the lessons of the Russian language and in extracurricular activities.

8. The purpose of pedagogical experience is to create conditions for creative activity in the lessons of the Russian language and in extracurricular activities.

9. Short description Experience - B. modern conditions Modernization

education, given the decline in the significance of the Russian language,

the problem of the formation of creative activity in the lessons of the Russian language and in extracurricular activities is updated. It follows not only

talk about the meaning of the Russian language for schoolchildren, but also to form

mathematical qualities man.

In his work, I considered ways to work in the Russian lessons

language with material based on creative activity.

In the concept of modernization russian education says: "... in the outlined contours of the future society education and intellect refer to the category of national wealth, and human spiritual health, its comprehensive development, professional training, striving for creativity, the ability to solve non-standard tasks turn into the most important factor in the country's progress ... "

Modernization general education school Ensures the orientation of education not only for the assimilation of the learning specific amount of knowledge, but also on the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. In modern reality, intellectually and creatively developed personality is in demand. That's why development of creative abilities of studentsin the lessons of the Russian language, I consider the fundamental.

In our work I use research S.A. Psareva, E.V. Ulyanovoy, L.M. Golovina, I.E. CNT.

In works S.A. Psareva Significant for me performed ideas:

The need to identify, accounting and developing students' creative abilities,

The introduction of schoolchildren to the diverse creative activity.

In works S.V. Ulyanovova I consider the most important provision for the education of socio-active creative personality.

Methodists experience is very important TA Ladyzhenskaya, E.I. Nikitinawho conduct the ideas of the creative interaction of the teacher and students in teaching the Russian language.

Creativity is the most powerful impetus in the development of the child. In each person there is an individual originality:

No people in the world no,

Their fate - as the stories of the planets.

Everything is all special, its

And there is no planets similar to it.

It should be. But as often, since childhood, the child does not believe in itself, and as a result, development is inhibited. therefore the main task of the teacher: not to kill, but to release, reveal creative forces in the student.

The teacher is obliged to make a lot of effort so that the life of the child at school was interesting, joyful, full of creative work. The lesson should reign atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation. For this, I attract my students to teacher functions. So there were assistants, laboratory technicians, informants, consultants. I try to even the most weak student felt fit in the classroom. This contributes to the development of the child.

Integration of urgent and extracurricular activities allows to ensure the continuity of the process of development and education of the creative person. The development of creative abilities I carry out through technology for the development of critical thinking, research, computer and game technologies.

Make a lesson more effective, achieve a high result in training contributes to the admission of students to research activities Since it is based on the development of cognitive skills and creativity, the skills independently mined knowledge.

The "inclusion" of the student in the process of producing knowledge is starting from grade 5. I try to make the guys independently withdraw the rules (this work is laid in the paragraphs of the textbook - material for observations). Vocabulary work in the lesson also turns into mini-research. Pupils in turn introduce a class with word words from the frame (they independently find out lexical meaning Words, its origin, use). Such work enriches the vocabulary, teach students to use dictionaries, develops cognitive activity And the tendency to work.

I actively use in work critical thinking technology, the feature of which is "constructing one's own knowledge within its own search activity." This technology is characterized by the following structure:

Activation of cognitive activity;

Understanding of the material through active reading and listening;

Through thinking and analysis to creative interpretation.

I use this technology when working with the text in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, when preparing students to OGE and EGE. This technique is not only interesting, but also an extremely useful type of work. He develops the language flair, contributes to the elimination of grammatical, stylistic and speech errors. It helps to finally understand the features of the text, the author's intent and, as a result, develops literary - creative abilities. To analyze the poem in the prose of Russian writers: I.S. Romegeneva, V.Astafieva, V. Solowkina. At the "stage of understanding", students get acquainted with the content of text using active reading methods: put the icons on the fields "?" (incomprehensible), "+" (agree), "-" (causes doubt), "!" (This is the main thing). Such work teaches to read the text between the lines. We are talking at the lesson about the problem of text, the position of the author, students formulate arguments to prove their own point of view. Text analysis is completed by writing creative work.

The use of critical thinking technology contributes to the formation of students logical thinkingCommunicative competence has great importance Not only in the process of preparing for the USE, but also in solving the problem of the return of the culture of the mass reader.

It's no secret that today's schoolchildren do not like to read. And according to sociological research "Reading fiction... stopped being distinctive feature Our people. "

L.S. Azerman wrote: "If the literature does not open today's schoolboy in literature lessons, then most likely it will not open him after school. And the point here is not only in the fate of the literature as a training subject. We are talking about feelings and values, ideas and ideals of those in life. We are talking about our tomorrow. "

In the lessons of the Russian language, I actively use various types of creative tasks:

Creative dictations (replace the phrase in one word - synonymous);

An essay at this beginning;

Presentation of a creative nature (creative presentation with text style transformation, creative presentation with reproduction of the main thought of text);

Drawing up and rebuilding rebs, mysteries and crosswords;

Drawing up fairy tales on the grammatical theme (grade 6 - "Normal Name", Grade 7 - "Naschaya").

A huge role in the development of students' creative abilities is played and speech Development Lessons. At such lessons, the individuality of each student should be manifested, its creative abilities should develop, curiosity.

Traditionally, the main idea of \u200b\u200bfuture work is clearly distinguished in the speech development lessons, the plan is drawn up, together the entry and conclusion are composed, words and phrases are written on the board, which can be used in writing. Such work is important, it contributes to the working out of students, skills and skills. But should be on the development of speech and lessons - holidays, when the teacher gives freedom of creativity.

I like to conduct speech development lessons using works of decorative - applied art, as folk art It is a powerful incentive of the intellectual and emotional development of schoolchildren.

I was conducted a lesson "Architecture - this was frozen music" (learning an essay - descriptions with elements of the narration of the architectural monument, grade 8). Such lessons are based on playing elements: children act as a guide, historian, architect, which contributes to the development of monologic speech, enriching students' vocabulary.

The educational process includes different kinds Activities, and each of them in its own way activates students, awakens their independence, creative thought.

One of these activities - the game. She equally contributes to both the acquisition of knowledge, activating this process and the development of the creative qualities of the person. There are topics, the study of which I spend in the form of the game. For example, the topic "Riddles", "Proverbs". Lessons - travel to the country Russian, vocabulary, phraseology. Lessons - games are the fruit of the joint creativity of the teacher and students. They are able to carry the guys, bring up careful attitude towards their native language.

Games - Exercises develop children's memory, attention, intelligence, their common outlook. So, when studying "vocabulary" I use the game "Translator": who will quickly replace all the words in the sentence of synonyms or who will find foreign-speaking words and replace them with Russians. Very relevant in all classes the game "Corrector": Find a mistake in choosing a word or replacing adjectives with such a word so that it gives a bright, figurative representation.

The teacher must keep up with the times. Today's students do not think of themselves without a computer, and teachers dream of having such a miracle - equipment in their office.

Students work with interest with gaming programs ON spelling and punctuation, perform various tests.

In the development of creative abilities play a huge role extracurricular work. It contributes to moral and aesthetic education, the introduction of students to cultural traditions, reveals the individual abilities of each child and is even able to organize leisure adolescent. That is why it should be interesting and exciting.

The traditional view of extracurricular work is the holding of literary - music evenings, conducting quiz, competitions, newspaper production.

Live interest causes children performance literary works. The guys with enthusiasm pick up costumes and scenery, rehearse, refracting through themselves and their creativity Russian classics.

The upbringing of patriotism through love and interest in the native language is a complex and multifaceted process, the success of which largely depends on how much the child and real homeland managed to bring in the soul. And love for his homeland begins with love for his hometown, with interest in the history of his region. Research activity stimulates interest in the subject, develops the need for schoolchildren's self-education, forms the ability to educational cooperation.

V.F. Shahatalov wrote: "How to make the years of exercises ... have become for each student a punch point for the entire subsequent life." In today's such difficult life, only the school remains a "support point" for a person. And the teacher can give students not only the amount of knowledge, but also to develop creative abilities, awaken in children's "feelings", to instill deep love for his native language. All this will help the formation of a person with an active life position. Becoming an adult, he will definitely find his place in life.

Wake up the lessons of creativity in students in the Russian language: first, they may differ high emotionality, secondly, improving students' speech, we are thereby helping the student in academic work And in other subjects, in -rech, we organize the situation of success.



Creative work In the lesson of the Russian language

Kekukh Olga Leonidovna

"Interest in teachings," Sukhomlinsky wrote, "manifests itself when there is inspiration that is born from success.

Wake up the lessons of creativity in students in students: first, they may differ high emotionality, secondly, improving students' speech, we are thereby helping a student in academic work and in other subjects, to -rery, we organize the situation of success.

I will focus on the composition of the miniature. A special attitude to the composition-miniature at school, since the preparation for such work is related to the finding of a material that won the desire of the guys to respond.

Writing creative work preceded preparatory work: not only vocabulary and lexical.

Understand the world, seeunusual in the usual The world of art will help.

Topics take different: "Rain Music", "Whisper autumn leaves"," In this mood of the September day ", etc.

For example, the composition of the thumbnail "Awakening of Spring".

In the lesson we appeal to lyrical works Masters of the artistic word, students consider the reproductions of paintings, illustrations, the classical music ("Seasons" Tchaikovsky) - I consider the appeal to the world of art prerequisite Activation of the creative potential of students.

Development of creative The abilities consider one of the important components of any lesson of the Russian language, not only the development of speech.

For example, support for text assource or exemplary gives you the opportunity to develop a sense of style, genre due to the statement, the ability to selectlanguage funds.

The basis for the construction of a statement can be almost any artistic work, which is studied in the literature lessons or is included in the circle of independent reading, regardless of the volume and genre.

Since Russian language and literature are distortionally linked high School Most of the practical material takes me from the works of classics.

It may be

practical part to the monoological response in the lesson

Work on the statement of famous playwright

Excerpt from the beautiful artistic work When working on spells + linguistic analysis text.

And such a form of work, as the creation of didactic material to the lessons, creates a special positive creative attitude towards the learning process. The model of teaching with passion is created.

The lesson must be permeated with creativity and at the same time remain a lesson. Otherwise, as they say, you can throw a child with water.

Through creative work (the best of them is demonstrated on the permanent stand of the "sample pen"), you can go to children's gifts.

The creative abilities of students develop and educational work at the lesson, as one of the effective forms of improving the quality of education.

Our students are people of a new generation, a new information society. So, in the lesson of the Russian language, new skills and skills relating to working with information are needed.

She also said Dysterweg that "the bad teacher presents the truth, good - teaches it to find it."

The computer becomes not only an assistant, but also an indispensable tool of almost any component lesson.

I went to this in three stages.

Stage 1 - creation of tsori graduates (now these are students) that I use in the lessons as didactic material;

2 stage - My learning on courses and the creation of our own tsivs;

3 stages - Attraction of middle guys (these are my seventh graders) to research activities. Which, I repeat, develops creative abilities.

ICT - technologies that allow learning to independently search for processing, analyzing and assimilating information from various sources + fill the lessons with new content, are a factor affecting the improvement of the quality of education.

Students put a goal: learn how to find, select and specify the material (specifically on the topic).

For the course of the 7th grade, such work is done on all topics.

With each lesson, the number of people willing to do this. Even constant have developed creative groups.

All this is in me on electronic media - excellent didactic material for any lesson.

At the initial stage, it looked simply in the form of presentations.

Now it is already completely complete research, creative work.

For example, creative groups independently explore the theme "Particle" - the last thing we study in grade 7:

Presentation of work (theoretical knowledge)

Task "Check yourself"


Linguistic fairy tale

Control form: an essay on a linguistic topic (already in the 7th grade work on the part of the "C" of the EGE).

This is a creativity that encourages knowledge. The expected result is improving the quality of education.

I think so, relying on your own experience, competence, fantasy Teacher and students in joint activities will reveal the secrets of the language, coming to the art of the word, will experience their strengths in research and speech creativity.


"All possible methods It is necessary to ignite in children a hot desire for knowledge and teachings. The student will burn from impatience to learn, not afraid of any work if the teacher can develop interest and creative approach to teaching in children. "

The main task of education is today not so much mastering the amount of knowledge, how much is the development of creative thinking of schoolchildren, the formation of skills and skills of independent search, analysis and evaluation of information, self-actualization, self-affirmation and self-realization of creative abilities.

The development of creative abilities is one of the ways to motivate students in the learning process. We live in the age of the scientific and technical revolution, and life in all its manifestations is becoming diverse and more difficult; It requires from person not template, familiar actions, but mobility of thinking, rapid orientation, creative approach to solving large and small tasks. A person with a creative mind warehouse is easier not only to change the profession, but also to find a creative "highlight" in any case, captivated by any work and achieve high productivity.

I believe that it is at school that the process of becoming the qualities of a creative person begins. And it is very important to correctly organize this process. The theme of my creative work is "the development of the creative abilities of students in the lessons of the Russian language."

The relevance of the selected topic proceeds from the following problems:

  • reducing the total culture of students, literacy, interest in the subject, to reading;
  • lack of moral reference;

Hence, targetmy work: to offer a bank of ideas, pedagogical finds for the development of students' creative abilities in Russian lessons. To achieve this goal in front of me stood several tasks:

  • collect practical material According to the topic, to systematize it;
  • check the attention of colleagues to the relevance of this problem;

In my work, I relied on the scientific conclusions of the author of numerous works on pedagogy V.A.Sumlylinsky, who believes that the creative approach of the teacher to the educational process can awaken hidden abilities and talents in the child.

Most of all I am close to the point of view K.D. Shushinsky. He argued that the independence of students in the mining of knowledge will bring more fruits than the prepared material provided by the mentor. And the task of the teacher is to correctly organize educational process

Chapter 1. ROLE independent work in the process of developing creative potential.

I consider the main task in the lessons of the Russian language - learning the ability to expediently and correctly use the language means to express your thoughts. In each child you need to develop the ability to own a word, understand the Word, consider it from different sides. Children need to be placed as often as possible to the position of the author, to give the opportunity to express, reveal their identity, reveal the attitude towards what is happening, express their feelings, emotions.

In a number of main tasks in the lessons, I put the task in front of myself - to teach thinking, to express my thoughts in oral and writing, analyze the responses of peers, to participate in disputes on any other issues, both with the teacher and class. The development of the creative potential of students is one of the tasks of school training. What uses methods and receptions so that the child will study with the hunt and desire and at the same time developed his creative abilities.

The main techniques for the development of creative abilities:

  • writing writings, presentation.
  • operations review;
  • games "Exam", "Linguistic Gangs", etc.;
  • creative dictionaries, rebuses, characters, crosswords.
  • creative tasks for the house;

It is known how much the school children attached to the independent work of the K.D. Shushinsky. The activity and independence of students is one of the basic principles of its didactic system. The Great Teacher believed that the task of the teacher is not to give children ready-made knowledge, but to send their mental activity. Students should work independently if possible, and the teacher is to lead this independent work and give material for him. At the same time, it is important that practical tasks are carried out by schoolchildren not mechanically, but consciously, you need to seek to practical work Children made elements of creativity.

The main objective of independent work of students is to teach children to think, analyze and summarize the language facts, which in turn positively affects the assimilation of the educational material. To this end, practicing tasks like "explain", "prove".

A great place in the teaching of the Russian language is occupied by creative independent work. The work of a creative nature increases the interest of children to teaching, develop their observation, teach them to independently solve the goals. It is important that the individual qualities of students and the characteristics of their language appear in creative written works.

Chapter 2. Speech development lessons.

We widely use work with supporting words, miniatures in the picture, writings on a given topic, writings on the proverb, by analogy with read, according to the observations of students, drawing up a letter of a friend or friend, an essay at first. The exercises described above are performed under my leadership, while the degree of independence of students is constantly increasing. When children assimilate the material quite firmly and master the "technique" of performing the appropriate type of work, similar tasks are offered by students to the house. The ability to analyze, summarize, logically correct, clearly, as well as emotionally to build their speech is necessary when writing a good essay. Therefore, we must help develop them speech activities. "Speech activities" is an active, targeted process of creating and perceiving statements carried out by language agents during the interaction of people in different situations Communication.

I apply the following stages of preparation for the composition: 1) Creating a speech situation. The goal is to create a motive, providing the necessary emotional attitude, awakening interest in work, organization of observations, discussion of tasks and conditions of the situation; 2) Preliminary preparation. The goal is to create a base for subsequent work, to organize the accumulation of the necessary knowledge, impressions; 3) writing an essay.

Feature child school age is the purity and the immediacy of perception. An unusual and rich in children's fantasy, imagination, the need to invent and compose. Grade 5, I suggested writing my books, my idea was encountered with optimism. Fairy tales fit on the first pages. I get acquainted with the pedagogical heritage of V.A.Sumlylinsky, I drew attention to one quote: "Through a fairy tale, fantasy, the game from the unique children's creativity is the right road to the heart of the child."

I made sure that the preparation of fairy tales is beneficial to the development of the creative possibilities of children, brings them closer with nature, develops observation and curiosity, brings up good feelings, revives and makes an interesting educational process. When writing fairy tales, the vocabulary of children is expanding. The guys learn to express their thoughts in writing. The interest of children to magical fairy tales is especially great, which is explained by no limited freedom of movement and actions in the fabulous world. I try to diversify speech development lessons using various types of work.

Types of work that make lessons to develop speech alive.

1. Free writing - write what you want! Risching to gain reproach in the repetition of the already said, I want to once again draw attention to the fact that this type of work is very important for the development of speech.

2. "My diary" - write about what I remembered now. Performance of this type of work can be stimulated by acquaintance with published diaries different people or with the diaries of literary heroes.

3. "Fantasy-picture" - We describe the picture with the picture that does not see only you are in your imagination. If the written is fresh and expressive, words can be embodied in the drawing.

4. Excursion to the art gallery on reproductions of pictures of professional artists. The situation of excursions brings such a genre with life as an essay in the picture.

5. Cartoon Scenarial on the drawings performed on the board meets the need of a teenager in the revitalization of the drawing and writing an essay-narration instead of writing-description.

6. Musical writing.

  • 1st option - describe images that arise in your consciousness under the impression of a listened musical work.
  • The 2nd option is to reproduce a fragment from the film, the performance (existing or by you), which could be accompanied by music.

7. The essay is the continuation of the outlining or dictation written on the eve.

8. Essay - Associations based on once written dictation or presentation.

Of all the above species, I would like to allocate writings - descriptions of nature at different times of the year. This type of work very much like my children. Nature on their pages come to life, takes the face of human. Before proceeding with such a creative process, we collect material, observe, make the mark. Discussing the written written writings on the topic "Golden Run", students paid attention to the construction of proposals, on a colorful description of autumn nature. Each child the autumn is revealed in its own way. And with the help of essays, this time of year is becoming richer and expressive for all. The disadvantages in the works of children include the fact that in some of them there is no conclusion. Reflection on an essay awakens the guys of interest to observations, his creative charge revives the mind of students, excites their emotions, causing interest in the lessons of the Russian language. Children began to relate to the word attentively, became more independent, a clear structure of the statement, the validity of thought, there was a skillful use of figurative language of language. The experience of the work convinced me that, first of all, the guys need to be taught to tell on a given topic, to properly build suggestions, choose the necessary words, enrich the vocabulary. In these lessons, children arise a sense of pride for their land, love for their native nature and the Russian language, a careful attitude towards them is manifested.

In the creative process, turn on the stage of learning to present in the lessons of the Russian language. The presentation is creative work. On the one hand, it provides no literal, but independent, free reproduction of text teacher, and on the other hand, it gives a disciple a clear storyline and lexical canvas that helps to compose a connected story. In educational purposes I use the material not only of literary and artistic works, but also the material of a journalistic nature - from newspapers, children's and youth journals, newspapers, encyclopedias, telling about the life and affairs of man, about the relationship with nature, friendship and partnership, for honesty and humanity. I ask students to the texts of the presentation, I introduce problematic questions, I propose to change the name of the text in accordance with the main idea, supplement your own reasoning on this issue.

I use different types Executions: Educational and control, detailed and compressed, selective and creative, with elements of description and with grammatical tasks - and they all represent a huge field of activity of both students and teachers.

Much attention in the statements of presentation, we pay a linguistic analysis of the text, when students should not only determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe reading work, its emotional perception, retell, withsting speech style, but also produce complete analysis Text: Definition of the topic and the main thought of statements, style and type of speech, determining how to communicate proposals, monitoring the functioning of language agents. Practice shows that such work is not only developing the creative abilities of children, but also successfully prepares for the exam in grade 9.

It is known that the attention of middle-class schoolchildren is involuntarily, not sufficiently stable, limited by volume. Therefore, the whole process of learning and educating the child is subordinate to the education of culture of attention. With a fairly developed speech, children can offer a drawing reception along the hearing of the text (memo - sketches), this technique develops attention, memory, thinking, manifests the prerequisites for creativity. Pupils that have been trained in the statement of memos - sketches, and become active students at the stage of learning outlining with the elements of the composition.

To summarize the experience of difficulties experienced by students when writing a presentation, I chose the following algorithm of learning outlining:

  • start actively listening to the first reading of the text teacher;
  • words of the Memo of each sentence write down;
  • between proposals make the interval in two lines for additions;
  • after graduating from the first active hearing, close eyes and restore imaginary pictures that arise from you when reading the text;
  • help yourself with a pattern or scheme, making them on the back of the sheet;
  • from words to make up all suggestions; - actively listen to the second reading of the text by the teacher, make changes and additions on the strokes left to you;
  • finished work on the presentation in draft, read written, correct errors.

Working on this algorithm, students perform several exercises on the development of memory. And we will feel the moment when you can easily and access to learning to present with the elements of writing, reasoning.

Chapter 3. Creative Dictionaries.

Creative students' potentials can contribute to memorizing dictionary words.

Students must remember a large number of words with unverified spells, and teach these words without errors - one of the most complex tasks facing the teacher. With the problem of memorizing words, I ran into the first steps to work at school. Long work on memorizing these words is not always effective, but clearly - illustrative material from the school "picture dictionary" only attracts the attention of students to work, and it does not contribute to the memorization of the unverified letter; But there is a way that allows you to remember the letter interesting.

K.D. Shushinsky noticed: "The child is thinking by images." I agree with him completely. We "revived" letter, created her "image" in a specific word. When we started such work with the guys, the results did not make themselves waiting.

And the letter O in the word car turned into a wheels in the word highway - in road sign. And in the dictionary appeared words from the usual letters in conjunction with the drawings - the letter:

The letter is very easy to draw tomato, and the letter and is a knife that can be cut:

When you are horrified by nettle, it is difficult to stay from the scream:

And the bananas can be very easy to lay out the letter A, but it is impossible to lay out the letter O.

There is no alley without trees:, and people walk through the alleys, and not one - two, and a lot:

And this plumbing came to repair the battery.

Why not make sure so!

F and t and z and i

Well, what sunrise without the sun?

And what drum without sticks?

When the appetite breaks, no one will give up a couple of meat or popsicle.

The drawings should be done only on those letters that cause difficulties when writing, otherwise the "stick" images occurs. The drawing must necessarily comply with the meaning of the word.

The process of this is how fascinating, so useful. Children are happy to draw that not only allows them to remember the vocabulary words, but also develops imagination.

Unfortunately, it is not for every letter to come up with a drawing, reflecting the semantic meaning of the word or the association with this word. Therefore, in some cases, "Word in Word" was used to memorize. For example, a word journey I remembered this: students found in him on the task of my word pole, explained the meaning of this word. Then students read the poem written in advance on the board: We take the pole on the journey, we are easier for the journey to go.

The rhymed lines were used to memorize the word well: It's good that X irney is written through three O.

I also use the technique of "through letter": k a s t r y

In a saucepan, hot dishes are often prepared, and therefore there are couples from it. "The pairs rose from the pan: this soup prepares Julia."

Memorization do not do without jokes. In the word Saturday, 7 letters, as much as many days in the week, and 2 letters "b", as much as weekend. If someone became mistaken and wrote one letter "b", then the children joked "Now the voyas will have one day off!"

These creative dictionaries give me the opportunity to speed up the process of memorizing the children of vocabulary, as well as develop creativity, the ability to allocate the main thing in a certain word, compare it with other phenomena and objects.

Chapter 4. Use of Games in the lessons.

Pupils are developing in activities, looking for knowledge, compare, group, classified, thanks to them presented by them for self-expression. However, various preparedness of children does not allow everyone to identify hidden abilities. Didactic, role-playing games are needed, in which the mental abilities of children are particularly activated, their creativity and imagination is developing.

The game is an organic form of a junior schoolboy. It significantly activates thinking, attention, memory, interest in the result. Games develop observation, creative abilities. Very useful games - competitions, such as "auction". Pick up as many words as possible according to the scheme. We must not forget that the game is a natural need for middle school children. In the game, the child will be liberated, and relaxing, he can create and know in creativity. Children have the need to extract inanimate objects, to draw a verbal image into a material, visible and tangible. To activate mental activity in the lesson, many opportunities.

Chapter 5. Forms of holding creative lessons.

Increased interest in the lessons of the Russian language facilitates and entertaining form of them: Lessons - Tales, Contests, Lessons - Traveling to the country. Grammar, in the stations of the word loss, Skatement, subjects, sound

In the lessons - fairy tales turn on the material of the famous fairy tales, sometimes fabulous heroes accompany students throughout the lesson, help them perform a variety of tasks.

Business games are brought up by students a sense of responsibility of each of them for a common cause and allow familiar material to prevent in a new way. The work is then carried out in groups, the results are discussed, and the conclusion is made. The work ends with the conclusion of an expert - teacher.

Lessons - seminars help me to summarize, systematize and deepen the knowledge of students on the topic. To such lessons, children are preparing in advance, they have questions, study literature, seek to find a new additional interesting material, which undoubtedly contributes to the development of creative and cognitive interests. Lessons - seminars help develop monologue.

Children are happy to tell, show the books that they managed to read to the lesson, they set grades, write poems, fairy tales. Lessons pass alone, emotionally. The most interesting lessons are holidays.

The creative abilities of the personality in the lessons of the Russian language can be carried out in creative activity not only in the lessons, but also when performing homework. Widespread use in my practice received problem situations resulting from the prompting of schoolchildren to the nomination of hypotheses, preliminary conclusions, generalizations. Being a complex method of mental activity, the generalization suggests the ability to analyze phenomena, allocate the main thing, abstragging, compare, evaluate, determine the concepts. At the same time, any cognitive activity requires an ability to operate not only by common techniques, but also specific, due to the content of the subject being studied. In achieving such results, it helps me the creative work of children at home, where they generalize and fix the material studied.

According to the results of studies of the American scientists, homework reaches sometimes the reverse result: instead of serious self-education work - countless textbooks, vigorous chopping and torture. Instead of benefit, instead of joy - despair. To avoid this, you should practice non-traditional homework on each topic: the preparation of dictionaries, visual aids, tables, schemes, algorithms. Along with the traditional, habitual boring exercises, you can give the tasks of a creative nature. It can be a writing of fairy tales, poems, inventing mysteries, crosswords.

It can be paid to the name of the home essay theme a bit of smile and fantasy so that the child can be happy to take advantage. For example, an essay "How I spent the day" Teacher asks to write on behalf of the dog, cat, ant, etc., instead of the usual essay "My room" suggests writing an essay "My room in 2030". It is interesting and such a task on the house: in the carved from the magazine photography invent a story, the illustration to which this photo could be. The next lesson chooses the best job. A task to write off the text by changing its beginning or end, also contributes to the development of the creative abilities of students, inspires the guys, because here you can write not what "put", but what I want. Such types of work develop imagination, smelting, frank thought, make it look at the world with a fresh look.

Thus, the creation problem situations In the learning process, it ensures the constant inclusion of students in independent search activities aimed at resolving emerging problems, which inevitably leads to development and cognitive independence, and creative activity, and this, first of all, affects the quality of knowledge of students, an increase in activity.


Summing up, I want to note once again that the upbringing of a comprehensive, harmonious and creative personality is the main task of the teacher.

The presence of creative interests among schoolchildren contributes to the growth of their activity in the lessons, the quality of knowledge, the formation of the positive motives of the teachings, active life position, which is in aggregate and causes an increase in the efficiency of the learning process.

All of the above leads to the need to form and develop research skills among students: work with scientifically popular literature and reference books; analyze language units; formulate conclusions; Compile messages, abstracts, reports.

We must develop the creative abilities of children in the Russian language lessons, their worldview and beliefs, that is, to promote the upbringing of an highly moral personality. This basic goal of learning can be achieved only when interest in knowledge will be formed in the learning process. You need to build training so that the child is an active participant in the subject of activity.

Based on the analysis and generalization of my little experience on the formation and development of the creative potential of schoolchildren, you can draw conclusions:

1. In work on the development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren, it is necessary to use various techniques, methods, forms of work in the lessons of the Russian language.

2. As practice shows, the independent knowledge of the knowledge is digested by the children, so it is necessary to give problems with the problem more often.

3. Educational material It is absorbed better when it is submitted not in the "dry" form, but by playing the situation, enraged, creative approach as a student and teachers.

Using similar methods, I reached certain results:

1. My children can freely and competently use the word when writing essays and presentations.

2. Pupils Zareshva Aina writes the poems of C5 class.

3. Positive dynamics in changing the literacy and quality of knowledge.

Creativity is a creation that creates new spiritual and material values.

Creativity is the creation of a new and beautiful, it opposes the destruction, template, banalities, stupidity, cosiness, it fills the life with joy, initiates the need for knowledge, the work of thought, introduces a person to an eternal search atmosphere.

In the lessons of the native language, the creativity of children is possible at perception readable works, with them expressive reading, translation, especially in dramatization; in various types of work, in language Games, in compiling dictionaries, modeling language phenomena and the like.

In creativity, self-expression, self-discharge of the child's personality.

The native language has always been and remains the main subject at school, he belongs to a decisive role in the child's spiritual life. Chief wrote about it. Ushinsky: "The language of the people is the best, never fades and forever again blooms the color of his spiritual life, beginning far in history. In the language, all the people are spiritualized and all of its homeland, it is embodied by the creative forces of the People's Spirit ... There is the living, the most abundant and most durable connection, connecting the tales, living and future generations of the people in one great historical living whole. "

Native language in school is a tool of knowledge, thinking, development, it has the rich opportunities for creative enrichment. The student teaches the traditions of his people, his worldview, ethnic values; Through the language, he approaches the greatest treasures - Russian literature and literature of other peoples. Reading books opens the student a new world of knowledge.

The serious and difficult task of the teacher is to teach children to think, think about everything that happens around and be able to talk about it, share their thoughts. It is this task that such training objects as Russian and literature are designed. These school subjects must teach the guys to think creative ability. One of the important tasks of training is the development of literary and creative deposits, language creativity, the needs and ability to own the riches of the native language.

To solve this problem, there are many methods and learning tools. Already reading in the lessons of literature implies the creation of the reader. The most important role in the development of students' speech, as well as their creative abilities play creative work. There are a variety of creative works: an essay, a miniature, presentation, an essay-description in the picture, an essay review, review.

One of the main types of creative works is a work. This work teaches schoolchildren to think, reason. It is in the work that the creative abilities of students appear. But in order for this kind of work to be really interested in children, it is necessary to correctly formulate the topic of the work. Thought it up so that the student, working on it, could express his opinion, personal attitude to the problem. Usually, the students write writings on topics that suggest the possibility of an emotional response to the student read or saw, encourage personal estimates Literary facts, life situations. The work should be not only the screenwriting of students' knowledge. In such works, there is no place for presenting their experiences, intentions, judgments, there is no element of creativity.

Children's work is a kind of form of self-expression, child identity. Using the work, children will share their impressions, experiences with the teacher, class. Value children's work It is determined by how much a reflection of the feelings, the thoughts of the child were reflected, the freshness of the perception of any phenomena.

The work, as well as a connected speech as a whole, is the section of the Russian language and literature, reflection and the result of all learning, which means that it prepares for it begins long before it is written - from the first days of school training.

Theme determines the content of the work, so any new topic - This is a new content. However, today the form, and not the content acts aspecting a factor determining the purpose of the work. As a result, all the richest possibilities of this type of study are in full dependence on the correctness of the writing of the text, exclude anyone of independent reflection over the subject. After all, it is clear that in creative work it is difficult to plan the number of proposals. Therefore, disciples are given narrow boring topics that do not affect their mind and emotions. This affects the overall development of the child, on the formation of its worldview.

You can highlight two main groups of topics: reproductive and creative. The topics of the first group suggest the disclosure of any particular fact, the phenomenon associated with the experience of children or a separate training subject. The second group is creative themes, whose writing requires the child's creative processing of the entire foundation of the knowledge. Developing such topics, the student is forced to carry out a substantive transfer of knowledge, emotional-evaluative judgments appear. Creative themes form the most important thing: the need for self-expression, in empathy, form the ability to transfer and bind knowledge from different regions, think about famous facts and phenomena. Thus, conditions are created for the disclosure of all the intellectual and spiritual possibilities of children.

For the development of individual opportunities of schoolchildren, such topics that provide them are very important. full freedom In the choice of genre and even to some extent, the content of your work. For example, "Let the sun always be!"

The formulation of themes, their emotional presentation is of particular importance. The teacher should strive to cause guys of interest in work. This aspect is very important to motivate language creativity, because exactly how the student responds to the task, largely determines its implementation. The formation of creative topics should correspond to the expected result: a multidimensional coverage of reality, manifestations of emotional and evaluation judgment, that is, to affect not only the mind of the child, but also his feelings.

Bright emotional color The miniatures are worn. This type of creative work has been used often in recent times in the lessons of the Russian language, and in the literature lessons. In the fifth and sixth grades, children can offer a wide variety of topics for writing work-miniatures, for example, such: "My School", "Russian Lesson", "Our Class", "My Teacher", "Culture of the Russian People" and many others.

Creative works that occupy no more than ten minutes in the lesson, very much like schoolchildren, develop their speech skills. The most important thing is that in such works you can see the immediate reaction of children on what they write about. And this is very important and from the point of view of education.

Creative works contribute to the literary and general development of schoolchildren, their moral education, the formation of the aesthetic taste.

At all levels of teaching the Russian language in order to develop a monologue speech of students, a landscape genre of painting can be used. As experience shows, schoolchildren write work-descriptions in paintings. In the fifths - sixth grades it is advisable to use landscapes with a clear content objective, with a clearly pronounced pattern, close life experience Students of their environment, simple on composition. Landscapes should be accessible to students related to a certain lexico-grammatical topic, to cause students a need for speech activity, help education their moral and aesthetic qualities.

These requirements are responsible for the following landscapes: "Landscape with oaks" A. Savrasova, "Morning in Pine Bor", "Rye" I. Shishkin, " Winter evening"N. Krymova," Martov Sun "," The end of winter. Noon "K. John, etc. An essay-description in the picture not only develops the creative abilities of children, but also introduces schoolchildren to art, develops aesthetic taste, introduces them to the work of outstanding artists. It is on such lessons that multimedia technologies can be used. You can show the children a portrait of the artist, to briefly tell about his life and work, to introduce best works. It is much more effective than working with reproduction in the textbook, as children can trace the stages of artist's creativity, it is better to understand the topic, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture. All this causes their living interest, makes the imagination work.

Another type of creative work is the presentation, as well as a presentation with elements of the composition. This type of work is developing children's memory, the ability to retell the text. And the presentation with the composition elements teaches schoolchildren not only written presentation of read, but also the ability to express their thoughts on a specific topic.

The appointment of texts about the culture of the Russian people for various types of dictations and creative works is to give practical material in all major grammatical and spelling sections of the program in the Russian language.

The text of the texts is designed for those who educate the Russian language at all levels (at school, college, lyceum, university), for all those who are interested in the originality of the Russian language and worries his fate.

The process of organizing speech creativity of children includes the following interrelated stages:

Stage of indirect preparation;

The stage of direct work on the work (the choice of the topic, representing it to children, the organization of independent work);

The stage of work on the work after writing it (oral discussion, use in lessons on various training subjects).

IN methodical literature Increasingly, articles of verbal teachers, telling about the experience of various types of work on the development of students' speech. And this is understandable: the monotony of work species creates boredom in the lessons, does not leave a living trace in the minds of children, does not instill love to their native language. To avoid this, the Wistrite must use various types of creative works. Conducting them in the lessons of the Russian language is the effective admission of consolidating knowledge of students.

The task to achieve creative lifting in the classroom and thereby contribute to the solid absorption of the native language set himself a teacher of high school ha 12 g. Armavir Krasnodar Territory D. A. Boyko, M. A. Yarova, A. N. Nelina.

I tell about the experience of these teachers and about your work in the brochure.

A. Astafurov.

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Lexical phenomena are studied for a very short time, therefore, there is a need for further system-tickens, aimed at repetition and consolidate in connection with the study of non -exed topics.

The following two directions are allocated in Lexi-KE work when studying word formation and morphology, as well as in the process of forming spelling skills and skills:

1) lexicological tasks for the content of texts of exercise and 2) lexical tasks In connection with the studied irreski concepts.

To repeat vocabulary in connection with the analysis of the text of the exercise texts, selected the following concepts: "The meaningfulness of the word", the "figurative meaning of the word", "synonyms", "antonyms". Work on them is conducted in connection with the clarification of their functions in the text. To do this, the following types of additional issues and tasks for vocabulary are given in the textbook: 1) in which lexichene value is the highlighted word used? In the straight or in portable meaning, is used in the text highlighted word?

2) For what purpose are synonyms used in the text? What word in text are synonymous such words? 3) Explore the lexical importance of the highlighted word. 4) Explain why these words are used in the text, and not others.

5) In which of the values, the highlighted word is the antonym of this word?

To repeat the vocabulary in the study of non -exed topics, the following concepts were selected: "The lexical meaning of the word", "Synonym". The lexical meaning of the word affects the formation of new words and forms of words, for a combination of words in a prevention. The use of synonyms is closely related to the construction of text. The textbook formulates the following types of repeat tasks. In the section "Slocuporation": 1) What significant part of the word do you use to explain the lectural meaning of such a word? 2) Why the table, a chair and the likeness is not added to the table, and the suffix is \u200b\u200bnot added, but to the words to teach, to explore added? 3) With the help of what in such a word is expressed with a diminutive value?

In the "Morphology" section: 1) Why is two forms formed in the plural from the word sheet - sheets and leaves? 2) why the words like Vanya (Petrov) do not have multiple number? 3) why from the word birch can not form a browse form? 4) From which verb (in the exercise) cannot be accessed by the shape of the 1st person. numbers?

Additional tasks are performed after the main one. It is advisable to accompany the work on them with the brief comment-taririors of the teacher about the relationships between the studied language phenomena.

The knowledge and skills of students are checked at all stages of ra-bots according to vocabulary: in the process of studying lexical concepts, when generalizing and systematizing studied according to vocabulary, in the process of monitoring the assimilation of non -exic material.

When familiarizing with the new phenomenon, questions are given, the three-buzze reproduction of the studied, for example: what is the lexiest meaning of the word? What words are called synonyms? When systematizing and summarizing the issues studied at the end of the topic, questions aimed at finding out the differences and similar features between famous students with lexical phenomena, for example: what is the similarity and what is the difference between multivalued words and homonyms? What do you have and what are synonyms and antonyms different?

To check "the level of lexical skills, it is advisable to offer the following tasks:

1) when familiarizing lexical phenomenon: to emphasize multi-valued words (words with a portable value, etc.); write antonyms (homonyms, etc.) in the composition of the phrases revealing their meaning;

2) when summarizing the studied: pick up synonyms (Antoni, Omonyms) to this word; grouped multi-valued words (words with a portable value);

3) when writing control dictation by spelling

(Works, presentations): emphasize synonyms (antonyms

Studying word formation

Word formation as a section of science language studies the word from the side, its structure and education. The study of the word-shaping in school is of great importance for the knowledge of the specialness of the structure of the Russian word and the methods of its formation, awareness of the word-forming value of single-structural words, as well as structural and semantic ties of single-damned words. Acquaintance with the word creates the most important prerequisites for enrichment vocabulary Pupils, OS-Latin, speech and spelling skills and skills (see this in the respective chapters).

Word formation is studied in IV-VI classes. The share of the IV class accounts for the structure of the word structure, i.e., students learn how it is arranged and what could be changes in the sound appearance of the morpheme. Accordingly, in the content of working on word formation include word-forming concepts associated with the structure of the word: "Part of the word", "Composition of the Word", "Basis", "End", "Root", "Prefix", "Suffix", "Sound Alternation" , "Single words". In addition, students get acquainted with word-forming values \u200b\u200bof several suffixes and consoles and with methods of action on word educational phenomena.

In working on word formation in the IV class, it is highlighted by the phase of the stage: repeating (at the beginning of the school year), special, prolonged (when studying non-formative topics) and generalizing (at the end of the year). At the repeated stage, knowledge of the words obtained in the initial classes are reproduced; At the special stage, new concepts and new information on known concepts are studied, and newly educational skills are being enshrined and students are being enshrined; In the attachment stage, word-forming skills are improved and knowledge about the composition of the word is strengthened; At the generalizing stage, the knowledge of the word composition is systematized.

Repeat information about the composition of the words obtained in primary classes

In I-III classes, students learned the following concepts: "Ending", "Prefix", "Root", "Suffix", "Single words". These concepts were needed, first of all, for mastering the skill of spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of the word. In addition to the reproduction of what students know, it is advisable to inform them that the composition of the word is its structure, the structure that words may coincide and differ in structure (structure).

We present an approximate summary of the lesson of repetition of information about the composition of the word. On it, in addition, separate information about the proposal, its members and parts of speech is repeated. These information is needed in order to show the relationship between the tongue-out phenomena with each other.

The lesson can be started with the question of the material of the previous lesson: why is the language? Next, the teacher proceeds to those lesson "Composition of the Word":

Now you know what role the language is performed in the life of people: it is the most important means of communication of people. With the power of the language, we store and convey our knowledge, express feelings. To properly use the language, you need to know how it is arranged and how it works. Today we will remember, from what parts the word may consist. What do you remember parts of the word?

Then the teacher adds that the composition of the word is its structure, structure. According to the structure (composition), the words may match, for example: table-IR and tea-nickname (these words have root and suffix); For example, it may differ, for example: gray-y-yy and gray-ovat-yy (in one of these words only one suffix, and in the other two suffixes).

The teacher reminds how to designate parts of the word when writing on a letter:

Look in the textbook on the fields of pages 6 and 7, how sign is the end, root, suffix, prefix.

After that, the separation rule is remembered in the Word of the Window: Nouns and adjectives need to be changed by pa-depths, and the verb on persons. To consolidate the skill, exercise 4 - students make up proposals with given combinations of words; Denote endings in words. It is necessary to say students about the fact that the end of the word is changing.

At the next stage of the lesson, two concepts are repeated - "Co-Ren" and "Single words". Students answer questions: what is called root? What words are single-handed? (Pupils are checked with the textbook, p. 6.) How is the root in the Word highlight? (By selecting single words.)

The skills are secured to highlight the root and select one-digit words when performing exercises 5, 6 and 9. In the exercises 6 and 9, single-handed words (fishing, fish, fish; three-inven, three) it is advisable to record and designate roots in them. In the exercise 6, it is additionally required to name the verbs. It is desirable to name the roots in them (surprised-div-; frightened-smi-bug; fisherman-fish-; heard - layers-; he said - a thief; said - tale-). In the exercise 9 in the third part, only the first two words are single-handed.

In these exercises there are three text. Each of them can be used for small educational conversations or teacher's comments. So, exercise 6 allows you to say about man-friendly kindness; Exercise 9 - about love for homeland, care for the good of people, about big things.

Turning to the repetition of suffixes and consoles, the teacher in-gives questions: What is the difference between suffixes and consoles from each other? (Location in relation to the root.) How to cast in the word suffix and the console? (Pick up single words without prefixes and suffixes, for example: osinka - aspen; come - go.)

The ability to allocate the suffix and the prefix in the word is fixed when performing exercises 7 and 8.

Ends lesson complete analysis Words in composition (in structure, by structure). Teacher puts barely barely? Draw questions: What parts can the word consist of? How is the composition of the word differently? (Structure, structure.)

Students perform exercise 10 (first line). Once-taking the first word, remember the rules for posting the end, root, as well as consoles and suffixes.

In the presence of time, students write dictation with the prepare-ke (the second part of the UPR. 9).

You can offer a task: to learn the definition of single-handed words (p. 6) and exercise 10 (second line).

In the future, to a special topic "Word formation", the listed word-forming concepts and skills are repeated in the study of syntax and punctuation, phonetics and lek-siki. They are especially needed in the work on spelling.

Studying word formation in special lessons

Meeting new word educational concepts and in-racing new knowledge of known concepts, students of the collapse, the ability to mean the word in terms of composition. In connection with the work on prefixes and suffixes, students learn non-word-forming values \u200b\u200b(i.e. the values \u200b\u200bof individual consoles and suffixes).

Work on new concepts. In the IV class, the concepts are: "The word form" (the opposed concept of "single-handed words"), "basis", "zero ending" and "alternation of sounds".

The opposition of the concepts of the "shape of the word" and "single-cornered words" has both educational and practical knowledge. In a cognitive attitude, the distinction of these concepts ensures the assimilation of the specifics of word formation and formation; In practical, the awareness of the differences between the intercourse of words and single words creates the conditions for the formation of the ability to select single-handed words. Kos-Vennely distinguishing the concepts of the "Form of the Word" and "Single-Pointed Single-Wa" affects the enrichment of the vocabulary stock of students. Therefore, it is necessary not only to achieve the assimilation of the differences between these concepts, but also to form the ability to distinguish the forms of words and single words. They easily differ in the following two criteria: in composition and semantics (lexical meaning). Sedore words different composition And a different lecker value, in the forms of the same word the same composition and the same lexical meaning. These OSOs must enter the argument algorithm. It is intelligent to enter when performing the exercise 328,

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