The most famous guys bridges in the world. Golden Gate, San Francisco

Bridges connect continents, countries, cities and people. For many centuries, humanity uses the latest achievements in architecture in order to overcome all sorts of obstacles that nature takes place before him. Bridges are one of the most ancient engineering inventions of humanity. Many of them have already become not just an opportunity for the intersection of the river or the sea, but also the real symbols of cities and countries. Today I suggest to cross the 20 most famous bridges in the world.

Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge), intersecting Thames, was built at the end of the last century and is one of the attractions not only London, but also to all of Britain.

Millennium Gateshead (Gateshead Millennium Bridge), crossing the river Tyne, in english city Gateshead is the first tilted bridge in the world. The construction of the bridge is quite unusual and regularly attracts the crowd of viewers.

Magdeburgsky water Most (Kanalbrücke Magdeburg) is located in Germany near the city of Magdeburg and is famous for not so much with its design, how much is intended - it is intended to cross the Elbe River by water ships. In addition, it is the longest water bridge in Europe - its length is 918 meters.

Viaduct Miyo. (Le Viaduc de Millau) is located in the southern part of France and is the highest transport bridge in Europe, the height of one of its supports is 17 meters above Eiffel Tower. The bridge connects two plateau and passes not just across the river, but immediately over the entire valley of the Tarn river.

The Allalo Bridge (Puente Del Alamillo) in Seville consists of a single support that holds 200 meters of roadbed across the Guadalaquivir River. Actually, the bridge itself connects the island of the map and, located here, the Olympic stadium with the central part of the city of Seville.

Rialto Bridge (Ponte Di Rialto) is overcome through the Grand Canal in Venice and is one of the symbols of this city. In addition to him, there are about 400 bridges in Venice.

Another unusual Italian Vecchio Bridge (Ponte Vecchio) across the Arno River in Florence is famous for both its parties are located at home. In the form in which we now observe it now has existed since 1345.

Of all the cities in Europe, Prague is located in the sixth place in its attendance by tourists. Among its attractions are distinguished by 18 stone and steel bridges, the most famous of which is Charles Bridge (Karlův Most) across the Vltava River.

Old Most (Stari Most) across the Nerretva River in the city of Mostar safely stood more than 400 years before the Yugoslav conflict, during which was destroyed. Today the bridge is restored and is a symbol of reconciliation, and the bridge area was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Bosphorus Bridge (Bosphorus Bridge) spread through the Bosphorus Strait and is the only bridge in the world connecting two continents in Europe and Asia. This bridge is located in Istanbul and a sign to everyone who ever was in Turkey.

The Hadju Bridge in the Iranian city of Isfahan is an outstanding example of Iranian architecture and not only the symbol of this city, but also one of the attractions of the whole country. In addition to its main function (crossing), the bridge is a dam and a place to relax on the River Zyanda.

This is the longest transcean bridge in the world. It is located in China and connects two cities - Shanghai and Ningbo.

In the capital South Korea Located one of the most colorful fountains in the world - the bridge Fountain Rainbow. This is the longest bridge fountain in the world, its length is 1140 meters. The bridge crosses the Khangan River.

Akasi-Kaico Bridge connects two Japanese islands - Honsu and Avseji. He is thrown through the Strait of Akasi and is the longest hanging bridge in the world, its length is 3911 meters.

Bridge Harbor (Harbor Bridge) in Australian Sydney is one of the world's largest steel arched bridges. It is laid through the Bay of Port Jackson and, along with the Sydney Opera House, is one of the sights of the city.

New York can be easily found in photographs of the Statue of Freedom, Empire State Building Skyscraper, Central Park and Brooklyn Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge), which crosses the Strait of East River and connects the districts of Brooklyn and Manhattan.

Another of the United States business cards is a Golden Gate Bridge (Golden Gate Bridge), which shifted through the eponymous bay in San Francisco. The bridge is often depicted on the emblems and it periodically flashes in Hollywood blockbusters and computer games.

Perhaps the most famous bridge and the symbol of St. Petersburg will shift through the big neva and connects the central part of the city with Vasilyevsky Island.

The picturesque bridge in Moscow is one of those attractions that you need to see in the Russian capital. The guy bridges in the world are enough, but the design of this is unique and so unusual that it will be remembered for life.

20. "Dancing Bridge" in Volgograd

Well, finally, our today's hit parade of the world crossing, a bridge, peroxided through the Volga, which glorified the Hero-Hero Volgograd to the whole world. In 2010, as a result of wind load, the bridge began to swing in the vertical plane, the amplitude of the oscillations reached one meter, but neither the road canvas nor the support was injured. Thanks to this event, the bridge firmly entrusted the name "Dancing".

Highlighting cities, people cared not only about the greatness of buildings, but also about the beauty of bridges. As a result, bridges became not only a safe crossing through the aquatic space, but also a symbol, the city and even countries.

The famous is located in the capital of Great Britain, London. The construction was built in 1894 - for that time it was a grand project. Bridge half lifting and half mounted. Each of its massive supports has a weight of 70,000 tons and a height of 65 m. The bridge's adjustable wings will also weigh thousands of tons, but the special system allows them to raise them in a few minutes. To protect against corrosion, the elements of the bridge were lined with a stone, thanks to this bridge is a real work of art in the Gothic style.

Tower Bridge

In Seoul, in the city of Bospo you can see modern and unique bridge-fountain. His discovery took place in 2009. The entire length of the bridge is 1140 meters - beat fountains whose jets are directed to the sides and down. Thanks to the extraordinarily beautiful illumination, the bridge is known as "Rainbow Fountain". Seoul Bridge is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Bridge "Fountain Raduga"

Bridge Khaju In Iran, a delightful example of an old Iranian architecture. The bridge was built for a very long time, through it was supposed to be a great silk path. Today Khaju Bridge is an architectural landmark and a place of worship of Iranians. At the same time, the bridge is used and directly intended - as a crossing and dam for the River Zyanda.

Bridge Khaju

Japanese pearl bridge Through the Strait of Akasi is the longest suspension bridge in the world. Its length - 3911 m. The bridge was built in a very difficult basis - this area is subject to storms and seismically dangerous. The construction of the bridge was started in 1988 and lasted 10 years. Today the bridge is successfully functions.

Pearl Bridge, Japan

Viaduct Miyo. In France - the highest bridge in the world. One of his supports has a height of 341 m and caught up with even such buildings such as Eiffel Tower and Empire Street Bilding.

Viaduct Miyo Bridge

Bridge Hangzhou China is unique in that it helps cross the ocean. It crosses the bay in the East China Sea, its length is 36 km. The bridge was commissioned in 2008, thousands of cars are moving on it today. Around the middle of the bridge for drivers, a rest is created with hotels, restaurants, refueling and an observation platform.

Bridge Hangzhou

Bridge over the Bosphorus Strait It is famous for connecting Europe with Asia. It is geographically located in the Turkish city of Istanbul. This is an unusually elegant bridge, despite the impressive sizes. The years of its construction - 1970 - 1974

Bridge over the Bosphorus Strait

Architectural genius is most pronounced when creating bridges. Famous bridges of the world! It is them, having a completely reasonable practical necessity, often become unique symbols of countries and cities that are recognizable as well-known world capitals and distant picturesque corners. From a huge number of these objects, we chose the 10 most beautiful bridges of the world and publish a very conditional top-10, since the most original and affecting the magnificence of bridges in the world many. And yet, using the generally accepted criteria for the beauty of architectural objects, we tried to draw up this list in which the recognized samples of the bridge architecture of past centuries, and new items, surprising contemporaries the grandeur of the idea and execution.

Bridge (Viaduk) Millow

Opens a list called "The most beautiful bridges of the world" Millow Bridge, opened in December 2004 and being today the largest suspension construction in the world.

Majestically towering over the valley of the carriage lake, located in the south of France, at an altitude of 343 meters, the Millow car bridge creates a feeling of stunning flight in all passing on him. Promotes this illusion and architecture of the bridge - easy, as if flying. Exceeding the height of the famous Eiffel Tower, Viaduct leads and in the global list high bridges. The grandiose 8-span structure is placed on seven supports and weighs 36 thousand tons. Viaduct has erected in the form of a semicircle with a radius of 20 km, its length is 2.4 km.

Pedestrian Bridge Royal Gorge Bridge

Our list, referred to as "The most beautiful bridges of the world, would be incomplete without the famous American bridge, erected in 1929

He spread over and has long been one of the most famous landlords. The monumentality of the structure is organically combined with the amazing ease of structures, and the height of 305 meters allows you to enjoy unforgettable mountain landscapes of this picturesque area. The length of the structure is 385 m.

Spain: Puente de Piedra Bridge

One of the most visited tourists has long been recognized by Puente de Piedra across the Ebro River, rightfully occupies one of the leading places in our rating "The most beautiful bridges of the world." The photo presented in the article demonstrates the integrity and elegance of the structure. Located in the city center near the Basilica El Pilar, this bridge is also known under the name of the lion's name, as decorated with four symbolic sculptures of Lviv.

He is famous and the duration of the construction: they built it for 40 years, and in the 17th and 18th centuries capitally reconstructed. Today, Puente de Piedra Bridge is a monument of history and architecture, which appeared in the 15th century, and, at the same time, powerful transport artery, extremely important for the economic health of the whole country.

Hong Kong: Tsin Ma Bridge

To the list "The biggest and beautiful bridges in the world", we will attract the famous Hong Kong suspension bridge Tsin Ma - one of the world masterpieces of architecture, which has become a kind of symbol of the country and a guideline for tourists.

Graceful and surprisingly beautiful (especially in the night light), the bridge connects the city with Lantau Island. In addition, being an essential part of the infrastructure of the Hong Kong International Airport, Tsin Ma provides a motorway and railway communication. The bridge was commissioned in 1997. Its length is very impressive - 2.2 km, and the main span is 1.4 km away.

Argentina: Women Bridge (Puente de la Muher)

The category "The most beautiful bridges of the world" is impossible not to include the most interesting Argentine women's bridge. The story of creating this unique rotary bridge is surprising. Inspiration for the architect became elegant vapor movements, dancing Argentine tango. This 170-meter graceful swivel bridge located in Buenos Aires and connects two streets: Pierin-Dealaesi and Manuela Gorriti in Puerto Madero's urban area. The opening of the bridge was held at the end of 2001, and he immediately became an urban attraction.

Pedestrian bridge. In the width, it is 6.2 m, divided into 3 sections, 2 of which 25 and 32.5 m long and are located along the shores, the average part rotates on the concrete support of the base and is able to release the fairway for passing vessels in 2 minutes. This mobile section of the bridge is equipped with a metal giant 34-meter "needle". Cable cables that hold the middle part of the bridge are in contact with the "needle", the slope of which is 39 ° over the stroke of water. A special support that protrudes from the water balances the end of the middle section when you turn 90 °. Controlling all the work of this magnificent structure, the computer system includes a rotary mechanism if necessary.

United Kingdom: in Gateshead

This is the first tilted bridge, which has not been analogues. He is awarded many architectural premiums and awards. By implementing a unique project of a pedestrian bridge required for the city, but not interfering with river shipping, in 2001 a unique 850-ton structure was erected with a length of 126 m.

The bridge of their two steel arches is, one of which shams the semicircle over the water, reaching at the upper point of 50 m, the second is a pedestrian canvas, under which low courts can pass. When the high vessel approaches approaches, the arches begin to move towards each other, turning at 40 °, and are connected. The duration of such a maneuver is 4.5 minutes. Upon its completion, both canvases are equilibrium-raised and tower over the water at an altitude of 25 meters. In the people, this turn was laughed in the "winking eye".

Singapore: Henderson Wave Bridge

The bridge over Henderson Road is an outstanding structure, resembling a huge snake, whipping a tree branch. In 2008, the most beautiful bridges on Earth were complemented by this ingenious pedestrian construction. The lead leader among the bridges of Singapore, he immediately won the love of residents of the city.

The basis of the bridge was the frame of the characteristic curved steel edges, alternately towering over the deck. The original framework of the frame of special wood breeds is perfectly withstanding climatic peripetics. Henderson wave bridge connects two urban parks. The wave-like 7-section structure in a length of 294 m as if soars on a 36-meter height over a busy highway. In the internal bends of the bridge there are comfortable niches equipped with benches and seats, where you can relax, admiring the picturesque views. External "waves" are both the roof, creating excellent protection against wind and the sun. The "Wave Henderson Waves" is great at any time of the day, but there is a special sophistication at dawn or sunset. At night, it is illuminated by the garlands of LEDs and becomes romantic and mysterious.

Italy: Rialto Bridge

The oldest stretching over the Grand Canal is the pearl of world bridge buildings and a popular attraction. decent place In the list "The most beautiful famous bridges of the world."

Stone design, replacing the original wooden structure, was erected at the end of the 16th century. She connects urban areas of San Polo and San Marco. The 48-meter Rialto Bridge, based on 12,000 piles, is a pedestrian, consisting of one traditional arch. The width of the structure is 22 m. Today, as at the time of the heyday of Italy, the bridge did not lose popularity: it is always revived and lovers in the city and tourists.

French p-du-gar

This Roman bridge, withstood the test of time, is taken under the protection of UNESCO. Erected in antiquity, three-level bridge and today is the place of pilgrimage of tourists of many countries. Pont Du-Gar - Aqueduct, connecting the shores of the Gardon River near the French city of him. Its dimensions are wonderful, they surprise and amazed at the same time: the length of the bridge is 275 m, and the height reaches 47 m. Pont du-Gars - not just a majestic Ancient Roman aqueduct, here every stone remembers exciting historical events. The construction time of this unique structure dates the 19th to N. er, but none of the scientists can explain exactly how it was built.

The three-core aqueduct is part of a 50-kilometer water supply system that feeds water for the needs of Nima citizens. For more than 2000 years of history, changes have occurred, the aqueduct has long ceased to perform the functions of the water supply, remaining a majestic crossing.

in London

Top 10 "The most beautiful bridges of the world" completes the famous recruiting bridge over the Thau, located near Tower. This British symbol, built in the style of Victorian Gothic, was built in 1894 and is a 244-meter construction with two 65-meter towers. The length of the span between them is 61 m, and the span itself is divided into 2 movable wings capable of climbing at 83 ° and equipped with a special counterweight, giving the opportunity to distribute the bridge for one minute.

For pedestrians in the construction, except for the sidewalks, galleries, uniting towers at an altitude of 44 m are built. Today, the museum and viewpoint.

We tried to list and characterize the most beautiful bridges of the world. The photos and the names of the bridges are different, but they are similar in one: these majestic structures are created by brilliant masters and became unique monuments of architectural art.

The best engineering designs of all time

No matter how surprisingly, the city with the largest number of bridges in Europe is not at all Venice, as many people think, and Hamburg. In this city, more than 2,300 bridges, which is almost 6 times more than in St. Petersburg ...

However, it's not so much in the number of bridges as in the uniqueness of the most unusual structures. If you think about, each of such impressive projects, including the newest, is able to glorify an absolutely unlucky place and, at the same time, to become the most memorable architectural landmark of cities and geoparks with a centuries-old history ...

Vinogradovsky Bridge (1985). Krasnoyarsk. RUSSIA

Vinogradovsky bridge - Pedestrian through the Ductoy Yenisei in Krasnoyarsk, the favorite place of walks of citizens and the tourist symbol of the city. The length of this bridge is 550 m, width - 10 m.

Initially, the bridge was named after the founder of Krasnoyarsk Andrei Dubensky. However, after a while by the order of the city administration unique design Assigned the name of the architect-builder Sergey Nikolayevich Vinogradov - Head of Mostotrydad No. 7, which built this bridge.

Thanks to the Vinogradovsky bridge, the uninhabited island of Tatyshev became one of the most popular places in Krasnoyarsk. The duplex cable bridge looks incredibly easy and elegant, but the exact mathematical calculations allow you to not doubt the high reliability of its designs, despite their external weightlessness.

Baipanjiang (2016). Chezczyan and Yunnan Province, China

Baipanjiang - The new highest cable bridge of the planet, the three-year construction of which was completed in 2016 in China. The bridge is located in the Baipanjiang Valley in the southwest of the country. The new design has become part of the high-speed highway connecting the province of Zhejiang and Yunnan. The bridge passes over the river. at an altitude of 565 m, which is 25 m above the Ostankino Tower. Bridge length 1 341 m.

As the builders noted, the maximum error in the dock connected to two half the bridge is 5 mm!

More than $ 150 million was spent on the construction of the structure.

Previously, the most high in the world was considered the bridge over the river Flashet height of 495 m.

Ereysunsk Bridge (1999 - 2000). Copenhagen, Malmë. Denmark, Sweden

Unique road-rail construction Øresundsbron. (Compromise option between Danish Øresundsbroen. and Swedish ÖresundsBron. ) Connect Denmark (Copenhagen) and Sweden (Malmë)through the Strait Eresund. This is the longest combined bridge-tunnel in Europe. The only bundle between Continental Europe and Scandinavia.

The length of the bridge is 7845 m. Two pairs of free-standing 204-meter carriers of pylons allow shipment in the target of the main span, a length of 490 m, with a height of 57 m. However, most vessels are freely passing through the spray over the tunnel.

Project Architect - George Rothe (George Rothne), Structural Design - Ove Arup & Partners.

Picturesque bridge (2007). MOSCOW. RUSSIA

Picturesque bridge in silver boru. - through the Moscow River in the West of the Russian Capital. The opening of the bridge was held on December 27, 2007.

Competition for the best project of this bridge, which was to connect at once the three shores of the Moscow River, was announced in the early 2000s. The idea of \u200b\u200bOmsk architects from NPO Mostovik LLC, who proposed the guys with an unusual arch of tubular elements, won the idea of \u200b\u200bOmsk architects.

The length of the picturesque bridge is 1.5 km, the width is 40 m, the army height is 105 m. The length of the main span is more than 400 meters, which ensures comfortable passability of river vessels. The main "highlight" of the picturesque bridge is a unique observation deck and a restaurant in the form of an elliptical "flying plate", as if frozen over the water at a 100-meters altitude ...

Bridge Harbor Bridge / Harbor Bridge (1932). SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA

Harbor Bridge - The largest Sydney Bridge and one of the largest steel arched bridges in the world. Sadders in a joke called this bridge "hanger" by virtue of his remarkable form. The bridge opened on March 19, 1932. The length of the arched span of the bridge is 503 m. The total length of the bridge is 1 149 m. Bridge width of 49 m.

Harbor Bridge connects the business part of the city (South Beach) with the central (northern shore) and crosses the Bay of Port Jackson.

In one of the towers of the bridge there is a museum and an observation deck of Pylon Lookout, which offers a magnificent view of the harbor and the city center. For lifting the side arch of the bridge on its vertex, only shoes on the rubber sole and a special insurance with insurance, which is issued in place, instructor will help with all the rest.

Railway bridge through Kama (1899, 1998). Permian. Russia

Kama railway bridge is among the largest engineering structures of Russia of the beginning of the 20th century. The project of the span structures developed by the EN engineer Adadurov, was approved by the Office of the Construction of Siberian railway April 30, 1896 Construction began in 1897. The solemn discovery took place January 27, 1899 in Perm.

In 1919, the second bridge farm from the left-bank side was destroyed by the retreating troops of Kolchak. However, soon at the Chusovsky Metallurgical Plant was made new designs for a destroyed farm, and already on February 18, 1920, the movement on Kamsky Bridge was restored. Before our time the bridge reachedin rebuilt. In 1953, an expansion of the bridge was produced due to the disassembly of icebreakers and the construction of the supports on the existing caisson basis. Not only Russian, but also German and Hungarian factories (including the editors) were involved in the reconstruction.In 1988, the span structures were replaced by new on the project of the Moscow Institute of Gidrotranspunity and the Chelyabinsk branch of the hypostroymost.For its length (840 m), the Kamsky railway bridge is the largest in the Urals. Over two hundred passenger and freight trains in both directions.

Skybridge / Sky.Bridge / (2014). Sochi. RUSSIA

Skybridge - 440-meter suspended bridge in the Ahshtyrsky Gorge of the Adler district of Sochi. Wonderful new attraction Park Extreme Entertainment Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi in the Russian Olympic capital of Russia.

Skybridge can get into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest suspension bridge in the world. 700 meter cable car leads to it. The design is located at an altitude of 218 m, reaching 290 m above the separate sections of the gorge, which is especially impressive, since the bridge is made from the mesh polymer and seems transparent.

The width of the bridge is only 70 centimeters. Designed a new landmark of Sochi New Zelanden Hey Jay Hakkette. From the bridge, an impressive view of the Mzimt River. On the bridge installed platforms for bungee-jumping lovers (jumps from the height of the cable). The bridge is able to withstand the earthquake of magnitude 9 points.

Glass bridge (2015). Geopark in the mountains of Yuntaishan. CHINA

This is the longest glass bridge in the world. He is located in the geopark of Hunan Province in the Yuntaishan Mountains at a height of 180 m and is considered one of the most terrible on the planet.

The bridge was completely redone in 2015. The previous construction, connecting the vertices of the Stone Buddha Mountain Mountain, was made of wood and dilapidated over time. However, 11 fearless engineers who worked at 12 o'clock per day, managed to turn it into a unique 300-meter glass "attraction", creating an illusion of walk through the air at a huge height.

Not everyone is solved along the glass bridge. The base of the bridge is made of two-layer glass with a thickness of 24 millimeters, which is 25 times more than ordinary window braids. Builders argue that the bridge is able to withstand the load of 800 kilograms per square meter.

Why the bridge cracked?

Nevertheless, barely opened, the superfoot glass bridge suddenly cracked when one of the tourists dropped a metallic thermos thermos. Eyewitnesses tell that they were afraid loud sound And felt vibrations. A panic began, people shouted and tried to escape from the bridge, risking each other - a word in some blockbuster. Fortunately, the cracked did not go, and no one was injured. From the incidence of the thermos, only one glass layer of three was damaged. Experts believe that the guilt of architects is not here. It's all about glass features - like material. As is known from the laws of physics, even the bulletproof glass can crack, if you get to a certain point. Apparently, the thermos fell precisely in such a point. However, given the presence of several layers of glass, each of which has its own "risk points", the probability of breaking the bridge completely, even by the strongest impact, is actually zero.

Ecological Most. (2015). Hubei Province. CHINA

In the province of Hubei built the world's first ecological low-water bridge above a river. What is noteworthy, the four-kilometer bridge is not across the river, but right along the line, which made it possible not to cut down trees in its construction. The bridge is part of the motorway, 10.5 km long. He exactly repeats the bends of the river and connects the mountainous county with the central motorway. This bridge has become a tourist attraction as soon as it has opened. And already many travelers have been removed to ride along the new environmental highway.

Akasi-Kayke Bridge (1998). Islands Honshu and Avazi. JAPAN

Akasi-Kaike Bridge - One of the main works of Japan Engineering Art. The longest suspension bridge of the world, reaching almost four kilometers. The length of steel cables stretched along the bridge is a total of 300 thousand kilometers. This is enough to wrap the land 7.5 times! The bridge crosses the Strait of Akasi and connects the city of Kobe on Honshu Island with the city of Avseji on the island of Avseji. It is part of one of the three highways connecting Honsu and Sikoku.

Before the construction of the bridge through the Strait of Akasi, ferries walked, which was very dangerous due to severe storms. In fact, the construction of the bridge began in 1988, and the discovery took place on April 5, 1998. Initially, two concrete bases for pylons at the Day of the Acasi Strait were built. To do this, on the shore there were two huge round forms for the fill of concrete, then they were flooded. The difficulty was to flood them with great accuracy, but the builders of the bridge cope with this, despite the strong course in the Strait of Akasi. For the construction of this bridge, a special concrete was developed, which does not dissolve in water when pouring. The next stage of the construction of the bridge was the stretching of cables, which was carried out using a helicopter. In 1995, when both cables were extended and could be started at the installation of the roadway, happened large earthquake at 7.3 points. And due to the change in the face of the strait, one of the pylons moved to 1 m to the side, thus violating all the calculations. However, engineers found a decision, and construction work was detained only for a month. Due to the high cost of travel ($ 20), few car owners enjoy the bridge, preferring to cross the strait on buses or, as before, on the ferry.


In Nepal, there is a suspension bridge, which is not created to decorate the landscape or attracting tourists, but for the convenience of local residents. This bridge is extended over the gorge, and every day hundreds of people and domestic cattle are moved along it for their own fear and risk absence of any alternatives. The construction of the bridge is very mobile and stubborn, so it is very scary to go on it.

"Bridge of Monkeys." Tatton Park. GREAT BRITAIN

Practically weightless bridge overprooped the pond, suspended on three huge white balloons In the English Tatton Park. The composition is called "Bridge of Monkeys". Bridge author French artist Olivier Grossette. Unfortunately, people spend on such a crossing cannot be carried out, it is just a fabulous art installation.

Viaduct Miyo / Millfu Viaduct. FRANCE

Futuristic bridge over clouds Millfu Viaduct.located in France. At the time of construction, Viaduct Miyo was the highest transport bridge in the world. The height of one of its support reaches 341 m, i.e. It is above the Eiffel Tower and only 40 meters below Empire State Building in New York. The total length of the bridge is 2,460 m. Driving through this architectural miracle, it seems that it takes off.

Bridge "Rainbow Fountain" Banpo Bridge (2009). Seoul. KOREA

A bridge-fountain is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a bridge on which the world's longest fountain is located (length - 1140 m). The bridge connects two shores of the Hansui River in the South Korean city of Seoul and the fountain became only in 2009. Under the music, illuminated by multi-colored LEDs of water jet moving, performing a beautiful dance.

"Drunk Bridge" / StorsEisundet Bru (1989).
Gubernia Mör-Og Romsdal. NORWAY

StorsEisundet Bru. - One of the seven bridges of the unique "Atlantic Road" of Norway, connecting the mainland and the island of Avero in the province of Möre-Og Romsdal. The storsazante bridge is built in such a way that at the time of approaching the illusion of the springboard, from which you can fly with the car. Locals call this bridge "drunk", because its form is constantly changing depending on the angle of view.

Suspension Bridge Kikki (1991). MIE Prefecture. JAPAN

The unique suspension bridge Kikki in the form of the letter Y on the territory of the Golf Club of the Aoyama Kogen in the MIE prefecture was designed in 1991. Length of a bridge of 12 meters. This bridge provides the club members a free transition from the club house to the Golf Power. The uniqueness of the design lies in the fact that the bridge is designed without a single support and can roll and unfold. The bridge is controlled by hydraulic pumps in the railings. From an architectural point of view, Kikki bridge is incredibly beautiful, its railing is made of valuable wood and decorated with very thin carvings in the national style.

Bridge-aqueductWasserstraßenkreuz Magdeburg. (2003). BERLIN. GERMANY

Wasserstraßenkreuz Magdeburg. - The largest water bridge in Germany connecting the inner port of Berlin with ports on the Rhine. The length of the bridge is 918 m. The bridge is 10 km north of the center of Magdeburg. On the right bank of the Elbe at the bridge there is a settlement of Hoenvart.

For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bconstruction of such a bridge was expressed in 1919, and by 1938, the Rotenzee Supplist and Supports of the Bridge were ready. During the first and second world wars, construction was postponed. Also, after the separation of Germany on Germany and GDR, the construction was postponed indefinitely by the Government of the GDR. With the union of Germany, the construction of the bridge again became a priority. Construction began in 1997 and was completed in six years. In total, 0.5 billion euros was spent on the project. Before the construction of the bridge, the ships were forced to perform a twelvethic meter hook through the Rothenzean gateway on the Elbe and through the Nigripp gateway.

Python Bridge / Pythonbrug (2001). AMSTERDAM. NETHERLANDS

Pythonbrug. - A serpentine bridge in Amsterdam, connecting the Sportor Peninsula with Borneo Island. This is one of the most bizarre bridges in the world. He was built in 2001. The design and construction of this post was engaged in West 8.

Ayola Bridge Restaurant (2003). Graz AUSTRIA

In 2003, New York architect Vito Acconchi created a bridge Ayola Island, who spread over the Moore river in the city of Graz. The island part of the bridge is a small restaurant in the middle of a river with an interesting interior and an observation platform.

Bridge Ponte Vecchio (1345). FLORENCE. ITALY

Ponte Vecchio. - The most ancient Bridge of Florence and the only one who retained his original appearance. The bridge was built in 1345. Distinctive trait Ponte Vecchio - houses that are tested on both its parties. In the center of the bridge, a number of buildings are interrupted by an open platform from which you can admire the river and other bridges of the city.

ROYAL GORGE BRIDGE (1929).Big Canyon Arkansas River. USA

366-meter bridge Royal Gorge.George Coulov and Frank Stalom in the Big Canyon of the Arkansas River Canyon, became the prototype of the "Jurassic Park". This canyon was particularly fame in the middle of the XIX century. At that time, native silver found there, but the field was quickly depleted. But the archaeologists found in these places the remains of dinosaurs, and Canyon City instantly became a popular tourist town, especially for which a unique suspended attraction bridge with a pavement was built. True, in the 1960s, Royal Gorge got sad fame as a "suicide bridge", where those who have come to bring abuse with life specifically. Fortunately, at the beginning of the XXI century. They replaced tourists who wish to make extreme jumps from the legendary bridge.

Gateshead Millennium Bridge (2001). Gateshead, Newcastle. GREAT BRITAIN

126-meter swinging bridge over the river Tyne between Gatesheted and Newcastle, built by architects Chris Wilkinson and Jim Eir in honor of the new millennium - a unique lifting-turntable design. The basis of this design is two associated arches, one of which serves as a pedestrian walkway capable of passing small vessels under them; And the other is raised above the water about 50 m. When a high vessel is approaching the bridge, the bridge makes the so-called "winking eye", when six hydraulic jacks rotate both arches by 40 degrees around the axis connecting their ends, and their upper points It turns out at a height of about 25 m above the water. Thus, the bridge "winks" about 2000 times a year, and every time it is going to look at it many people. The bridge weighing more than 800 tons is able to withstand a collision with a vessel with a displacement of up to 4000 tons, reaching at speeds of up to 4 knots. Gateshead Millennium Bridge - owner of more than 30 premiums for engineering, architectural and design solutions. In 2007, the Royal Mint posted his image on the reverse of coins in one pound.

Heavenly Bridge / Langkawi Sky Bridge (2004). Langkavi Island. MALAYSIA

Architects: Peter Wyss, Höltschi & Schurter Dipl. Ing. ETH / SIA AG.

Mysteriously curved "Heavenly Bridge" and indeed seem soaring over the abyss at an altitude of 700 m above sea level. Langkawi Sky Bridge is not far from the top of the mountain Mat Chichang in the resort island of Langkawi. Once there were pirates of the Andaman Sea, and now it is a UNESCO geopark. The length of the bridge is 125 m. It holds everything on one column and cables fixed in the rocks. The cable car in two receptions with an intermediate stop raises tourists to the survey bridge at an altitude of 712 m, offering views of the gorge, the sea and the nearby islands of Thailand. In 2005, the bridge was awarded award international Competition Footbridge.

Bridge Transformer / ROLLING BRIDGE (2005). Paddington. GREAT BRITAIN

The unique eight-marginal bridge transformer in Paddington every Friday at noon literally unfolds, turning into a 12-meter pedestrian walkway over the boat twisting, adjacent to the canal between London and Birmingham.

English Sculptor Thomas Heatherwick, who created this miracle, together with Anthony Hunt and Packman Lucas, spied the principle of the action of this "segmented kinetic sculpture" at ... Garden caterpillar. In the folding metal parapet of the bridge, hydraulic pistons are hidden, synchronously unfolding and folding the bridge, which in 2005 received the prestigious British Structural Steel Design Award.

Henderson Waves (2008). SINGAPORE

This 36-meter pedestrian bridge - The highest in Singapore. He connects Mount Faber Park and Blanc Hill Park.

Length of the bridge 274m. Bridge design is quite unusual. Seven ribbed steel bulbs over and under the flooring of the bridge form a system of side niches, in which there are places for recreation, with benches and tables. The internal trim of the bridge is made of yellow wood Balau, external - from rib lamellar metal structures, in which lighting devices are hidden for beautiful night illuminations.


The 360-meter bridge at the place of intersection of the Herzl-Boulevard and Jaffa Road in Jerusalem - twice jubilee: it was created to the 60th anniversary of the state of Israel and is a fortieth bridge in the work of the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. According to the architect, the bridge for the high-speed tram line with pedestrian walkways, suspended at 66 guys collected into a single parabolic structure on one pylon with a height of 119 m, symbolizes the harp of the Tsar David. The first two years after the discovery, before the launch of the line tram bridge was exclusively pedestrian, contrary to forecasts and objections to one of the architectural attractions ancient City. The new bridge was unexpectedly in the center of the political scandal. It is located on the border of East Jerusalem captured by Israel during the six-day war and is still legally considered occupied palestinian territory. Immissible in OOP categorically objected to construction and threatened to sue the Government of Israel.

Pont Gustave-Flaubert (2008). Rouen.FRANCE

PONT GUSTAVE-FLAUBERT Located in Ruan and is considered the highest lifting bridge in Europe (the total height of 91 m, the height of the lifting of the canvas of the road is 55 m). Its length is 670 m. The bridge is designed by Emerik of the dental, Michel Virdendo and Francois by Zhilar in such a way that not only cruise ships can pass, but also sailboats involved in the Ruan Armada Ship Parade. By the way, his discovery took place before the next "Armada". The bridge is the name of the German Gustava Flaubert born in the ruan of the French writer, and its lifting mechanism starts 30-40 times a year. Each highway canvas has its own lifting section. In this case, the opening between the platforms of the bridge, hanging over the river at an altitude of 7 m, partly preserves the inflow of sunlight to water under the bridge, which supports the natural ecosystem of the river.

Bridge of the world (2010). TBILISI. GEORGIA

The 156-meter pedestrian bridge of the world over the River Crook, connecting old Tbilisi with new microdistrics, is one of the most recognizable buildings of the Georgian capital.

Bridge of the world in Tbilisi. Photo:

A bridge with a canopy from glass panels in the spirit of Norman Foster is designed by the Italian architect Michele de Lucca together with the French Designer-Illuminator Philip Martino.

A curious illumination system is built into the world bridge design: in the evening and night time, every hour of 30,000 light bulbs are broadcast by the message by Morse, visible on both parapets of the bridge. This message is composed of the names of the Mendeleev table elements, of which it consists human body. According to the architect, "This is a message - the anthem of life and peace between people and nations." For Tbilisi, this bridge played the same role as the Eiffel Tower for Paris, becoming a new symbol of the ancient city, being a modern technological design.

Moses Bridge / Moses Bridge (2011). Fort Roule. NETHERLANDS

Moses Bridge. - The newest of the unusual bridges of the world. Located in Fort Rouler, erected back in the XVII century. As part of the Brabant line of structures guarding Holland from the invasion of the French and Spaniards.

During the large-scale reconstruction of the fort before the designers, a difficult task was raised - to transfer the bridge for tourists through serfs for tourists, making it almost invisible. Architects brilliantly coped with the task, the bridge was designed in such a way that pedestrian flooring is below the water level. He was invisible, and at a closer look, it resembles a small ditch, cutting river. Hence the name in honor of the Prophet Moses, in front of which the water was broken. The bridge is made of specially treated and resistant wood wood. "Moses Bridge" was among the finalists of the prestigious contest Dutch Design Awards.

1. Golden Gate Bridge: San Francisco, USA

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, perhaps the most recognizable bridge in the world. Today he was already 75 years old.
While some people industrial design does not inspire at all, the suspension bridge in San Francisco fits remarkably in the local landscapes, in the category of the famous bridges of the world he was right. Perhaps so he has long become a business card of this city.

2. SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE (Sydney Bridge) :,

The nickname "hanger" Local residents of Sydney gave this bridge due to a special design, which is based on the form of the arch. Sydney Harbor Bridge is open in 1932 and is the coordination center of Pride and the Celebration of Australians.
Sit down the bridge is ideal for novice climbers.
Every year on New Year's Eve itself is used to add fireworks with various effects, such as smiling faces or disco balls.

The medieval bridge over the Arno River, Ponte Vecchio is basically known for its jewelry stores, an art dealership network and souvenir shops, and the fact that this is the oldest a stone bridge Europe, which has closed enameled segmental arches.
At the same time, the Ponte Vecchio Bridge is great and has a rich history that goes out during the Romans.
During World War II, the bridge was not destroyed by the Nazis due to the express of Adolf Hitler's express, in contrast to many other bridges in Europe.

4. Brooklyn Bridge: New York, USA

Completed in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest hanging bridges in the United States.
Like a landmark national HistoryBrooklyn Bridge is a sign feature of New York.

5. Millennium Bridge in Gateshead: Gateshead, England

The Millennium Bridge in Gateshead is the first and so far the only inclined bridge in the world. But the most amazing thing is that when pedestrians or bikers crosses the secrets river, then it seems to them as if the bridge winks the eye during raising and lowering.
Its innovative and unique design won many awards from the moment of opening it by Queen Elizabeth in 2002.
It was the work of the largest floating cranes in Europe - Asian Hercules II.

6. Bridge Qin Ma: Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong Bridge Qin Ma is the largest suspension bridge in the world where there are two decks. Here can move both cars and railway transport.
This bridge was subjected to some serious tests on the similarity of the aerodynamic tube, as Hong Kong suffers annual powerful typhoon. After expenses cost HK $ 7.2 billion (US $ 920 million), in 1997 Qin Ma Bridge was opened.
There are several passes on the bridge that are protected and located on the bottom deck. Here can move vehicles when the street is very strong, dangerous winds, the famous world bridges must stand out not only with their beauty and unusualness, but also be safe.

7. Akasi-Kaiko or Pearl Bridge: Kobe-Naruto, Japan

A pearl bridge currently received the title of "the longest bridge-suspension of the world" with a span of 1991 meters. The second length is the Chinese Xihowman Bridge.
As a modern technical feat, the pearl bridge remains the longest in the world since 1998.
The pearl bridge was a true test for strength before his discovery when he experienced an earthquake in Kobe on January 17, 1995.

8. Bridge Hangzhou Bay: Zhejiang, China

The compound of Chinese municipalities Jiaxing and Ningbo in Zhejiang Province is the longest transcean bridge in the world - 35-kilometer Hangzhou Bay Bridge.
More than 600 experts nine years have designed Hangzhou Bay Bridge.

9. Bridge Nanpu: Shanghai, China

His fantastic innovative spiral form, Shanghai Nanpu Bridge was created by designers who came to mind a new idea for saving space.

10. Tower Bridge: London, England

The lifting suspension Tower Bridge in London, covering the River Thames, was opened on June 30, 1894 by Prince Welly. This bridge is one of the main iconic sights of the city.
One of final scenes In the climax of the Hollywood blockbuster "Sherlock Holmes" is played out on the bridge.

11. ROYAL GORGE Bridge: Kenon City, Colorado, USA

The royal bridge over the gorge is the highest hanging bridge in the world, 359 meters above the Arkansas River.
It is not surprising that he attracts a large number of people who are fond of jumping.

12. Sri Vavasan Bridge: Putrajaya, Malaysia

Absolutely magnificent bridge design led to what he got into the first three of the most beautiful bridges of the world.

13. Bridge Lupus: Shanghai, China

The Lupu Bridge in Shanghai receives a place in this list, because having a length of 3900 meters, it is the longest steel arched bridge in the world, and also provides an amazing panorama overlooking the Old Shanghai World Expo Site2010.

14. Viaduct Miyo: Chan Valle, France

The highest automotive bridge in the world, passes over the ground, but during the fog, crossing Miyo, you can easily feel like crossing the sky.
During the construction of this bridge, three world records were established.

15. Bridge Vasco da Gama: Lisbon, Portugal

Vasco da Gama covers the Tahoe River near Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and was built to reduce the congestion and facilitate the access to the World Exhibition along the shores of the Tejo River in 1998.
This is not the longest, it is not the highest, but this is exactly the most beautiful bridge.

16. Khai Bridge: Isfahan, Iran

This bridge makes it possible to observe wonderful landscapes, demonstrates the most beautiful design option, and regulates the river during the river - and all this continues from 1650.
Any fanatic or just a traveler must see this bridge.

17. Wind and rain: Sanyan, China

The wind and rain bridge on the Linksi Sanyan State River is great.
It was built in 1916 and resemble a rainbow. Builders did not use any nails or rivets, but instead thousands of pieces of wood ringed.

18. Solar Bridge: Closters, Switzerland

The sun bridge was built in 1998 and received the first award in the field of architecture in 2001 for the "aesthetic appearance and innovative design."

19. Old Bridge: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bridge of the 16th century in the city of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Sari crosses the Nerretva River.
The bridge stood 427 years, until he was destroyed during the war in Bosnia in 1993. Later he was restored and reopened in 2004.
A tradition was formed in the city: young men should even jump into the water from this bridge at least once.

20. Chain Bridge: Budapest, Hungary

The chain bridge has many reunification symbols. Opened in 1849, he really connected "Buda" and "Pest", which were previously located in two sections of the city.
In 2001, the Hungarian trouser pilot Peteen jumped from the bridge down his head.

21. New Brunswick Hartland Bridge: New Brunswick, Canada

Long indoor bridges cannot look so majestically compared to some other mega bridges presented here. But indoor bridges have their own unique charm.
Some indoor bridges have only one traffic strip, such as this Hartland Bridge in New Brunswick, Canada.

22. Confederation Bridge: Prince Eduard Island, Canada

This bridge connects the island of Prince Edward through the Strait of Northumberland with the mainland of New Brunswick, Canada, and is the most long bridgewhich runs on ice in the world.
This bridge is the embodiment of power, impressiveness and masculinity. From the moment of its opening in 1997, the production of potatoes on the island of Prince Edward, sharply increased.

23. Helix: Marina Bay, Singapore

The bridge in Singapore, which consists of a double helix, is 280 meters, made with special stainless steel. It was carefully collected for two years.
Despite the fact that he is only two years old, he is already presented as an architectural miracle and engineering feat.

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