The first soil samples from the moon. How and where the lunar soil is stored in America

Lunar meteorite:

Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "The star was already flicished in the sky, I raised my eyes to her. Hundreds of thousands of years, I thought, this white smooth opened only the eyes of the shone. Challennically a clean tablecloth, dismissed under clean heaven. And suddenly, my heart froze, as if on the threshold of an extraordinary discovery: on this tablecloth, in some thirty steps from me, Cherned the stone.

Under the legs lay a three-hundredth thickness of compressed seashells. This solid giant reservoir was like the most irrefutable argument: there is no stones here. If there is a dormant there, deep underground, silicon - the fruit of slow transformations committed in the depths of the planet, - What miraculously one of them could take on this untouched surface? With a beating heart, I picked up the find - a thick black stone magnitude with a fist, heavy, like metal, and rounded, like a tear.

Only an apple can fall on the tablecloth, only an apple may fall, only stellar dust can fall on the tablecloth, and only star dust can fall, "never a single meteorite showed so clearly, where he comes from.

And naturally, lifting your head, I thought that the heavenly apple tree had to drop and more fruit. And I will find them where they fell, - after all, hundreds and thousands of years nothing could disturb them. And they could not dissolve in this sand. I immediately set out in search to check out the guessed.

She was true. I picked up a stone behind a stone, approximately one by hectare. All of them were exactly droplets of frozen lava. All hard as black diamond. And in short minutes, when I froze at the top of my star rainer, I predicted with this time, this launched Millennium Fire Shine. " "Planet of people"

The topic of studying the American lunar soil, according to the legend of NASA collected by the hands of astronauts on the surface of the Moon and delivered during the fulfillment of the missions of the Apollo program to Earth. special. Since a large number of large breed samples, weighing a few kg, which NASA is as lunar, is already practically the last enough serious border defense of the defenders of the Lunar Scamer, the only one who is indirectly, but still somehow materially prove the landing of American astronauts to the moon. The fact is that it is not possible to deliver such large samples of the indigenous rock from the moon with automatic stations possible and I agree with this statement.

But that's just Are American samples really lunar? That is the question.

On the origin of the lunar soil from NASA

Recall that Exupery spoke about a clean tablecloth, distinguished under the heavenly apple tree, on which every apple falling from the sky will be seen. One of the biggest such tablecloths is Antarctica.

I explain: S.G. Pokrovsky at one time suggested that the Americans could give the lunar meteorites in Antarctica. He began to check and ... It turns out there to go to the Werner von Brown himself with the comrades responsible for the lunar soil.

(Here is an article about this mysterious mission von Brown: Werner von Brown in Antarctica)

Based on a crushed meteorite substance, the fine fractions of the American "lunar soil" were made, imitating the regite, bulk lunar soil and, possibly, small pebble samples.

But what about the big stones displayed in the Houston storage?

And very simple - these are ordinary earth stones, specially selected from a huge earthly diversity mountain breedsThe part of which was later selected for the chemical composition under the lunar (based on published Soviet data and the study of the real lunar soil obtained from the USSR). They were treated with ionizing radiation on industrial ion-track technology to imitate the impact of solar wind:

Electronic micrograph of the surface (a) and chipping (b) track membrane obtained by ion-track technology

and the bombardment of the surface of microparticles in accelerators under the signs of the corresponding cosmic effect on them on the non-closer moon.

This is how it is done:

Electrodynamic "bomber" accelerator

At the Space Instrument Institute of the University of Samara University developed a laboratory booth of simulation of space environment factors - an electrodynamic accelerator. Installation of only 9 meters long allows on Earth to simulate the impact of micrometeorites and technogenic space debris on materials from which spacecraft are created.Using an accelerator created in Samara UniversityMaterials (for example, for optics of telescopes or solar cells) are bombarded by very small particles (sizes from 0.1 to 10 microns), but flying at speeds up to 15 km / s. Two days of testing and becomes clear how the material will look like after 5-10 years of operation in orbit.

As a result of such a bombardment of a stone in small particles in an electrodynamic accelerator, a picture of the use of its surface with microcrants from micrometeorites is obtained, as it should be obtained naturally on the moon:

Where did the rock material be taken to falsify the lunar soil?

Yes you never know where - For example, here, from here, where the material is taken from for one of the options for the official imitator of the lunar soil, manufactured legally for various technical experiments:

Here, for example, MLS 1 (Minnesota Lunar Simulant 1), a regolic simulator (a rash view of the lunar soil, dusty sand), developed at the University of Minnesota (USA) based on full-rolled magmatic rocks of the main composition (high-grade amphibole feels) mined in a quarry in Minnesota.

Now you have a technological falsification of "lunar samples" clear?

All the conversations that scientists would immediately notice the catch, the eggs left are not worthy, as you will be convinced of the materials of further publications. Scientists are not that this was not noticed, scientists were found in the samples of American "lunar breeds", for example: earthly clay, earth nitrogen and earthly water. So what? But the fact of the matter is that nothing! That is, detect discovered, but the trick did not notice!

All these wonderful details, as well as about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the scientific blindness of scientists who saw the obvious signs of the fakes of American samples of the lunar soil, but did not make any conclusions from this to this eloquent discovery, let's talk in the following publications dedicated to the American "lunar soil."

We will define that we are talking about two characteristic types of American lunar soil:

1. Falsified from lunar meteorites - it is pushed lunar meteorites, a crushed meteorite substance, depicting regite and, probably, a certain number of small solid monolithic samples - pebbles. The total number of such meteoric falsification is relatively small, but quite enough for scientific experiences.

2. Large samples of lunar breeds that were falsified on the basis of specially selected and treated under the lunar earth samples of the indigenous rock.

And the third important nuance - Americans have a real lunar soil!

This is the regolithic obtained by them in the 70s from the Soviet Union.

Pay attention to how the American samples and real, brought by Soviet automatic stations from the Moon, differ dramatically.

By 2003, out of 51 samples of registered lunar meteorites 29 were found in Oman, 6 in Sahara, 15 in Antarctica, 1 in Australia. No one was found in either the deserts of the US West, nor on the ice fields of Greenland, i.e. in the territories that are securely controlled by the Americans. The likelihood is very high that they were simply not registered as lunar. And they went straight into the American collection of lunar soil. link

Collecting the Americans of the meteorite harvest and Antarcticadoes not stop :

"Meteorites that we find in Antarctic will help us understand how it arose and was formed solar system. These "heavenly stones" fall to us, climbed from the surface of the other planets, their moons and asteroids, not all of which NASA can visit, using riskers and probes.It gives us a great chance to collect and explore the material from other planets, without leaving land"," Nina Lanza said (Nina Lanza), head of the new expedition.

AnSmet expeditions are held and organized by NASA and the US National Scientific Foundation since 1976 for collecting and cataloging meteorites falling on the territory of Antarctic, mainly in the eastern part of the Ice Continent. Over the past 39 years, scientists managed to find and explore over 20 thousand fragments of "heavenly stones", some of which, such as Martian meteorite ALH84001, became real celebrities.

Each year, these faults in the glaciers and snow of the Antarctic give scientists about 500 "fresh" meteorites ... Only on Christmas Day, December 24, scientists managed to find 81 meteorites in one such points of the glacier collision and mountains.

There is a delusional statement of defenders of Blef NASA, that von Brown traveled to Antarcta to study the effect of cold on astronauts and equipment in connection with the upcoming landing on the moon, and this is the official version.

1. The landing, according to NASA, took place on the sun's illuminated part of the moon and therefore it was worth it to take care of the problem of overheating under sunshine, and not supercooling.

2. Problems with the superrogation of astronaut should have been solved at least a year before the expedition to Antarctica: before the first exit of the American in open space, that is, before June 3, 1965.

3. Baron Brown has nothing to do anymore, how to personally manage the exposure to cold, losing its precious time during the preparation of the most important stage of the Apollo program - for this special people are, the specialists of the relevant profile responsible for this part of the Program Program. The head that is engaged in rocket technology and issues of the general organization, is not needed there. But if at this time the Apollo program is due to significant punctures in relation to technical support Flights got up or began to get up on the spare, in the case of which, the rails of the hoax, then here it is responsible for the outcome of the entire venture, the boss is just the very place for personally evaluate the prospects for obtaining the necessary material for falsification.

4. There are all signs of Zhuzhuutkoy Frost in Antarctica, when there was a brown von, and he was there in the middle of the polar summer 1967, in January. Here is a photo from there:

There was a much more convenient place to study the cold exposure, (especially in the warm time of the year to shine without a cap) - for example, on the American Air Base of Tula, in the north of Greenland, where there is all the necessary infrastructure to provide such works, including an excellent airfield.

But instead of a comfortable equipped base with a good airfield von Brown, travels to the Spartan conditions of the American scientific camp in Antarctica.

Yes, because meteorites were looking for and collected everywhere, and in Greenland too. But it was in Antarctica that apparently expected to find them the greatest number. That's the background Brown and went. According to a scientist propaganda of American flights to Moon Astronomer Surdin, hiking "by meteorites". And not in vain, because they really brought a "excellent harvest."

But after collecting this crop, you could fly to the moon.

More precisely, to imitate this flight, because the main material evidence has already been received. And indeed from the moon)))

On the Internet recently walks the rumor that allegedly moon sad, which astronauts brought from the moon more than forty years ago during the Lunar missions in the program Apollo disappeared somewhere, it is carefully hiding and do not give anyone, and it is not clear to anyone that it is not clear . Since this rumor aroused because of doubt whether the Americans were on the moon, the head of the Soviet lunar group Alexey Leonov at the conference, where I participated, wrote about it here - if Kubrick Astronauts was filmed on the Moon and Was Gagarin in space?

And what about the lunar soil, he is quite calmly kept in the repository of the lunar soil, located on the territory of the space center. Johnson in Houston. About him and tell me today. I will add only a small excerpt about the lunar soil from Wikipedia: For the first time, the lunar soil was delivered to the land crew of the Apollo-11 spacecraft in July 1969 in the amount of 21.7 kg.

During the lunar missions of the program, Apollo, 382 kg of lunar soil was delivered to the Earth. The Luna-16 automatic station delivered the 101 g. Soil on September 24, 1970 (already after expeditions Apollo-11 and Apollo-12). "Luna-16", "Luna-20" and "Luna-24" delivered the soot of three regions of the Moon: the sea of \u200b\u200babundance, the mainland district near the Crater of Amgino and the sea of \u200b\u200bcrises in the amount of 324 g., And he was transferred to Geochi RAS for research and storage.
Source on the original as usual at the end of the post

Today, we, Oleg, the violine and me, fell out an amazing opportunity to get into the warehouse of the lunar soil, located on the territory of the Space Center. Johnson. Andrea Moz, Oleg Syriphet, I, Ryan Zeigler. Andrea - the most experienced researcher in this laboratory, works here for more than 30 years. Ryan is a senior storage curated.

Inside Knowledge No. 31 is a laboratory that is engaged in storing and studying materials arriving on Earth from Space. Almost all the lunar soil brought by the crews of Apollonov from the Moon is stored here.

The entrance to the laboratory is carried out through a series of small gateways, which prevent the contaminants from entering the laboratory. The cleaner room has a class of purity 1000. Phones and cameras are wiped with alcohol and put in the gateway.

We ourselves are clinging in bathrobes, booties, hats and pass to the gateway. For a full picture there is not enough masks. All this kit has a pretty funny name - Bunny Suit

In fact, the initially moon stones were kept in a completely different building, here in the center of them. Johnson. There provided a multi-zone defense: a large number of gateways, replaceable overalls and showers. Then no one knew whether extraterrestrial artifacts contain dangerous viruses or bacteria. Scientists tried to observe the planetary quarantine. And the samples themselves were kept in vacuum boxes, which, in turn, prevented them from air pollution.

Soon it turned out that there was no life on the moon. In addition, vacuum boxes constantly proceeded, still sucking air and polluting samples. Then the entire lunar soil was transferred to a new storage, without such a severe quarantine regime, and the vacuum was replaced with a dry nitrogen atmosphere under excess pressure.

In each subsequent room, the pressure is slightly higher than in the previous one to avoid the ingress of the dirty atmosphere from the outside. The walls are installed in such pressure gauges

He drew attention to the strange units of pressure measurement - inches of a water column (not millimeters of the water column, not pasted and not bars). Ryan said he himself does not remember how to quickly translate this pressure into clear units. :))

By the way, now the old building is still working and serves as a laboratory to study fresh samples of extraterrestrial materials - meteorites, comet, cosmic dust.

Inside a clean room, these are chief heads (not from the word "main" if someone does not know, but from the Bourgeois "Glove-Box" that translated into the great and mighty means "glove box").

White bubbles sticking out of the boxes on the sides are rubber gloves, if someone is not an inner. Inside boxing there is always overpressure. And so that the gloves are not sticking out in all directions, they put on white rag covers on them.

In this box, the largest samples of the soil are exhibited for example. Some have their own stories.

This is, for example, "Belt Rock". Brought by the Apollo-15 expedition.

The story is such. David Scott and James Irvin investigated a remote section of the Moon and at a certain point received an indication of the COO to return to the rover to the runway due to restrictions on Sprafandrov's resignation. On the back path Scott noticed an interesting sample of basalt aside from Rover. Understanding that it will not be allowed to stop the PC, he is under the pretext of having to pull the weakened belt of the attraction of tears from Rover quickly photographed the stone, took it and sat down back. All this time, his partner distracted the CU for the description of the surrounding landscapes. The deception was revealed only after the return of the expedition home, when the number of delivered samples did not come together with the reports of astronauts. And the stone was called - "Belt Rock"

Photo from the NASA archive. And that stone. Sometimes it is not even believed, so he, this very stone that was 380,000 km from here.

And this sample is a fragment of the largest lunar stone brought from the moon.

Initially, a piece of breccia №61016 weighed 11.7 kg and was sipped into several parts. It was just very difficult with him to work in glove box - he was not placed in the gateway. By the way, he has his own name, astronauts called His "Big Mueli" (Big Muley - Wikipedia), in honor of the geologist Bill Mülberger from the landing group of flight support.

A pair of remaining samples from this box

# 70017 (Apollo 17)

# 15459 (Apollo 15)

Information for each of the samples can be easily found on the Internet, knowing only the sequence number.

Each new piece formed by laying stones is documented. Its position is documented relative to other parts of the stone, it is photographed, it is assigned a number. Everything is going, even dust remaining after cutting. Naturally, everything is weighed before and after the study.

Samples from different areas of the moon have different mineral composition. To eliminate the mixing of the material and contamination of one sample to others, they are investigated in different boxes. This, for example, for the samples of Apollo-17.

An interesting sample, similar to the egg. In the laboratory it is called "Moon Egg". I haven't found anything about him yet, but it is very interesting: initially practically spherical, covered with a thin layer of glass.

The only explanatory way to create such a ball is to throw a round piece of rock (fragment of the meteorite, for example) through liquid magma. But no one can ever learn the true nature of this phenomenon. We can only guess.

This is also one of the most famous artifacts delivered by the Apollo 15 - "Genesis Rock" ("stone being", so the reporters were called).

At first, astronauts believed that they found a fragment of the initial lunar bark. But after analysis it turned out that this is simply an anorty, only sooooo old, the age of some 4.1 billion years.

You can look at it a little closer.

But he is in the lunar landscape.

Employed fact: In 2002, an internal practice, his girl and friends from the laboratory, a 270-kg safe with samples of lunar soil and meteorites was stolen. The value of the safe containing 113 grams of lunar soil and meteorites was about a million dollars. Soon, the comrades were detained when attempting to sell stolen and went to jail. And merchants quickly took advantage of this and released the book "Sex On The Moon" - they say, after the alarm, a student and his Gerlfrend took up sex right on the bed with lunar stones. Romance, b..te!

By the way, to see or explore the lunar stones do not necessarily come to this laboratory. Samples of the lunar soil can be taken into temporary use on request.

The test tube with the regolic, which was recently returned to the laboratory.

But such samples are used to demonstrate.

A photo causing a smile :) Yes, there are even such garbage buckets. :)

The fact is that all used packages from under the lunar material are collected separately from ordinary garbage and destroy. So that no one has a temptation to find a package with the remnants of the lunar dust and assign it to himself.

One of the cabinets in the sample storage.

The door in the repository itself weighs 18,000 pounds, almost 8 tons. Two codow locks, code from each of them is available only to one employee. Those. To get inside, you need to strain at least two keepers.

The building itself is strong enough to withstand any tornado and 8 meter flood. "But 8.5 meters is already bad," Khuchits Ryan.

The repository contains not only samples of lunar stones, brought by expeditions "Apollonov", but also samples obtained by Soviet automatic stations "Moon" (16,20,24).

And in this box there are samples of solar winds, assembled by the genesis apparatus at the Lagrange Point of L1 Sun-Sun Systems. More precisely, the fact that they remained from them, as the descent capsule slammed into the Utah's desert with the refused parachute.

Cabinet with cores of the lunar soil.

To the question why he was buried and hanging his tablet, Ryan replied to nobody so fool, say, Kern could shrive from shaking.

This is such an interesting visited.

The sample of the soil, brought from the Moon by American astronauts, most likely has earthly origin. As it seems to be honest, at first glance, the international group of researchers came to the conclusion, published an article in the magazine Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

Scientists from Sweden, Australia, the United States and Britain found in the regolith sample delivered to Earth in 1971 by the "Apollo-14" crew, Felzite inclusions with the grains of zircon of obviously earthly origin. The researchers came to the conclusion that this breed was formed in a saturated oxygen and, presumably, aqueous space, and there is no oxygen on the moon at all, water in liquid form - too. Another proof of the real origin of the studied sample of the mineral is that it was created in a pressure of about 6.9 thousand bar, and on the moon of this type of type can only exist at a depth of 167 kilometers. So deeply allegedly visited the Earth's satellite, the Americans "did not dig."

In the scientific publication, a few more evidence of this kind, which we lower, because without them everything is clear. Therefore, we turn immediately to the conclusion: " Chemical composition Zircon in this sample ... amazingly similar to items found on Earth. Among other things, the sample contains quartz, which makes it an even more unusual find. "

Why is it done?

"Unusual find"? This phrase appeared in the article. scientific journal Not by chance. "Unusual" it turns out, because there are no characteristics of the corresponding sample ... in other minerals brought by "apollons". We are talking about about 400 kilograms of the "lunar" soil.

How do Dear Western scientists explain this unusualness? Are they really dared to expose the grandiose American hoax with flights to the moon to lose a significant part of grants and get a lot of other troubles on their head? Unfortunately no. This can afford only genius, what is lower. These did not solve this. They found quite suitable for the opponents of explanation as a particular case and "otmazku" for the entire American lunar scam.

First, unusual, similar to earthly conditions could arise on the moon - in a small area and in a narrow time interval. Secondly, the studied fragment of rocks from quartz, field spat and zircon weighing about two grams is a deviation from the norm.

The "lunar epic" of the United States was a fiction as 400 kilograms allegedly delivered from the satellite to the Lunar Soil Earth. Photo:

But the simplest explanation, and this is third, is that this sample hit the moon with a meteorite from the ground about four billion years ago, when our planet faced asteroid, which could be accompanied by the release of the earth in outer space. In general, crashed into the Earth heavenly body, scattered in all sides of the fragments. Something got to the moon, and then with American astronauts returned to Earth. Do you never know wonders?

At the same time, scientists do not question that the rest of the soil is really lunar. It turns out that this "earthly" exception is only confirmed: everything was honest, no deception, Americans on the moon were and pebbles there for earthlings were collected. And they even managed to get such a rare copy among them, who first made the journey to the moon at the beginning, and then - back to Earth. Ay yes well done!

And this after in various countries, numerous claims with American "lunar" soil and stones were installed and recorded (which Americans generously gave museums in their time and handed respected people), their earth's origin has been proven. Moreover, some people gifted by these cynical fakes are really offended.

Yes, this international group of scientists has greatly disappointed. It can be seen that not a genius.

Valuable recognition of David Gellerrter

A real genius can afford to say everything and as it is without fear of consequences. We witnessed this a year and a half ago. Then Professor of Yale University David Gelerrhr, Advisor on Science of US President Donald Trump, in an interview with Science Today, openly admitted what the "Conspirologists" ridiculed by the inhabitants have long guessed: American astronauts on the moon have never been.

How can we organize an American piloted orbital mission to Marsu by the mid-2030s, if we never flew even to the moon?

- Posted a question to the edge of Professor Gellerrter, which the American magazine Time calls "archigration" and included in the number of 100 most influential people of the XXI century.

By calling the idea of \u200b\u200blanding and even the flight of American astronauts on the moon "Raidening", the scientist continued:

The admiration of Apollo is the biggest deception in the history of mankind, even the worst than all this non-global warming.

This said the man whom the newspaper The New York Times calls the "rock star" of computer science and "one of the brightest and insightful computer scientists of our time."

Professor of Yale University David Gellerrter, who is in his homeland called the genius, convincingly exposed the "Lunar Asphar" of the United States. Photo:

In his appeared a few years ago, the book Gellerrter in this regard wrote:

The "Apollon" mission should have become the first event when people overcame the belt Wang Allen, which was one of several radiation hazards, famous to missions planning specialists, but even today, NASA scientists recognize that they cannot pass by Van Allen's belts. If scientists NASA ... honestly admit that they still have not figured out how to properly protect the spacecraft from radiation in Wang Allen's belt, how, did we send people to space in Aluminum Foil Space? And during the peak of solar activity. The answer is very simple: it was never!

For those who did not believe him, Gellerrter continued: "In modern era We have never been out magnetic field Earth, all space flights man occurred at low near-earth orbit (Noo) or below. Even the International Space Station leads all its operations in the NEO. Why is that? This is due to the fact that orbits exceeding low can lead to early destruction of electronic components due to intensive radiation and charge accumulation. " He meant that flights outside the magnetic field of the Earth are extremely dangerous for a person.

Magnetic and gravitational fields of the Earth brake high-energy cosmic wind particles, filter hard ultraviolet and x-ray radiation Sun. Therefore, without very serious protection of astronauts, even if they had some miracle hit the moon, they would not be able to pace, jump, run, play baseball and ride there "with a breeze" on Lowobil - for tens of kilometers from the lunar module in search of the most Exotic stones and soil samples. And it is in light aluminum spaces on bombarded straight sunny rays of the lunar surface. They would not even save even the thin walls of "Apollo" ...

By the way, about the same, and with a stunning evidence basis, Russian researchers Alexander Popov and Yuri Muhin - "Americans on the Moon. Great breakthrough or cosmic scam? " and "US Space Scam". They are on the Internet, written in Russian, anyone can familiarize themselves with them if he wants. From these books, it follows that the Americans first flew into space on the "Shuttle" - all previous manned flights were a hoax. Americans have never had, as not now, rockets to fly to the Moon, relevant space engines (the United States is still purchased by Soviet-Russian RD-180), spent lunar module, space docking experience, return to Earth with second space speed .

Nothing confuses you?

We look closely, in which the Soviet and American astronauts and astronauts returned from space. Soviet - in black from the soot of descent devices, semi-art, in pre-infrack state, barely capable of walking. Americans had everything else. American descent devices glistened in the sun, and the astronauts, which were in them in more crowded conditions and spent the legend longer than their lively Soviet colleagues, deftly and independently got out the outside and vigorous, a spring step went along the deck of an aircraft carrier to report to his superiors about The safe conclusion of the mission. Funny smiling full forces and health. What is no wonder - in the cosmos sent actually missiles without crews, the descent devices were discharged into the ocean from American transport aircraft, which there are witnesses. Therefore, a well-rested in a secluded place astronauts did not cost any difficulty playing a performance with the arrival of land after space exploits.

Therefore, all the "original" images and photographs relating to the "Lunar epic" of the United States, which have 400 kilograms of the "lunar" soil (perhaps only with the exception of a small real part, delivered to Earth on the Soviet model using automatic descent devices) - these are the most Banal earth fakes. Because, in fact, the "Moon Odyssey" of the United States is a merit, rather than Hollywood than NASA. Even in terms of flights around the ground of the first spacecraft with astronauts, the Skylab orbital station, as well as the American part of the Union-Apollo mission (the Soviet part was real).

This indicates, in particular, fluttering in the wind and saving under the strength of the American flag on the non-atmosphere of the moon. The shadow of astronauts and the "lunar" stones discarded in different directions, which indicates the illumination of the filming pavilion by several spotlights. This is the lack of crater on the satellite surface from rocket engines moon modules. Like the stars in the sky, which, on the contrary, would have to be very clearly visible. Or water-laced sand instead of the lunar soil, as evidenced by the nature of the traces of astronauts and lounomobil. Buta stones as part of the props with Hollywood marks. The impossible position of the sun over the horizon in the "landing places". And this is only a small part of the "nonstovers" in the American "lunar epopea." As she actually passed, it is told in the film "Capricorn-1", in which the moon was replaced by Mars. As you can see, the Americans will not only fill their own and the international alignment, but also laugh at him. All this also explains why NASA, with perfect American order, periodically "loses" the most important snapshots and samples of the "lunar" soil, and then they find where in a more decent form, gradually improving the fakes.

In general, from the "lunar program" in the United States remained "Velcroe" and Teflon Sbitoke, the lunar lunar race for the political reasons of Russia - the "Union" and Proton missiles, spaceships "Union" and "Progress", on which even now, if you donate the health of the cosmonauts and risk, you can fly to the moon, the technology of creating reliable orbital stations. Therefore, let's close the question once and forever, whether the Americans were on the moon, and that they from there brought to Earth.

One of the most famous American astronauts Basz Oldrin finally admitted that he did not fly to any moon - his testimony is trying to turn either in senile dementia, or in a joke. Photo:

Otherwise, they would be widely celebrated their successes in the development of space and the moon and would not be sent quickly on peace, the fullestness of their lunar artists. Many of them, by the way, are still alive, but in every way avoid journalists, applied to the bottle, and sometimes climb into a fight when they are asked to swear on the Bible, that they really were on the moon. True, one "Longrohodets", Basz Oldrin, recently elegantly admitted that she actually did not fly there ...

Bitter precipitate

However, the United States may not be particularly ashamed of this global deception committed during the Cold War from the USSR, which it was necessary to win, because the "Moon Scamp" helped them to defeat the participation of the enemy who agreed to exchange for political (discharge) and material ( Good for sale to the west of oil, gas, etc.) Beginning to stand on the path of self-destruction. First, its much more advanced lunar program, and then and everything else. The United States may well submit this transaction not as a deception and unscrupulous selling of the whole world, but as a tricky move, which led to the defeat of the USSR in cold War. It is also naive to believe that Moscow in the foreseeable future also recognizes this and announces that the Americans in the moon did not go. Subscribe to non-disclosure, scientific and economic interests, connecting some of the works of the space industry with the United States, is the order. In Moscow, everyone knew perfectly well and kept this secret at least thoroughly than in the United States. And after the convergence did not succeed, and Washington returned to the confrontation from the USSR, and after he did not. Alas, the truth is "toxicient" for Moscow, even more than for Washington.

And now many people prevent the explanation international Group Scientists about an abandoned ancient cataclysm on the moon wreckage of the earthly mineral puts everything in its place: the American "Lunny" soil on Earth is, they were there.

Let's go wrong with a virtual tour of the Space Center. Johnson is an NASA object in which the lunch of the lunar soil is located.

Andrea Moz, Oleg Syriphet, I, Ryan Zeigler. Andrea - the most experienced researcher in this laboratory, works here for more than 30 years. Ryan is a senior storage curated.

Inside Knowledge No. 31 is a laboratory that is engaged in storing and studying materials arriving on Earth from Space. Almost all the lunar soil brought by the crews of Apollonov from the Moon is stored here.

The entrance to the laboratory is carried out through a series of small gateways, which prevent the contaminants from entering the laboratory. The cleaner room has a class of purity 1000. Phones and cameras are wiped with alcohol and put in the gateway.

We ourselves are clinging in bathrobes, booties, hats and pass to the gateway. For a full picture there is not enough masks. All this kit has a pretty funny name - Bunny Suit.

In fact, the initially moon stones were kept in a completely different building, here in the center of them. Johnson. There provided a multi-zone defense: a large number of gateways, replaceable overalls and showers. Then no one knew whether extraterrestrial artifacts contain dangerous viruses or bacteria. Scientists tried to observe the planetary quarantine. And the samples themselves were kept in vacuum boxes, which, in turn, prevented them from air pollution.

Soon it turned out that there was no life on the moon. In addition, vacuum boxes constantly proceeded, still sucking air and polluting samples. Then the entire lunar soil was transferred to a new storage, without such a severe quarantine regime, and the vacuum was replaced with a dry nitrogen atmosphere under excess pressure.

In each subsequent room, the pressure is slightly higher than in the previous one to avoid the ingress of the dirty atmosphere from the outside. The walls are installed in such pressure gauges

He drew attention to the strange units of pressure measurement - inches of a water column (not millimeters of the water column, not pasted and not bars). Ryan said he himself does not remember how to quickly translate this pressure into clear units. :))

By the way, now the old building is still working and serves as a laboratory to study fresh samples of extraterrestrial materials - meteorites, comet, cosmic dust.

Inside a clean room, these are chief heads (not from the word "main" if someone does not know, but from the Bourgeois "Glove-Box" that translated into the great and mighty means "glove box").

White bubbles sticking out of the boxes on the sides are rubber gloves, if someone is not an inner. Inside boxing there is always overpressure. And so that the gloves are not sticking out in all directions, they put on white rag covers on them.

In this box, the largest samples of the soil are exhibited for example. Some have their own stories.

This is, for example, "Belt Rock". Brought by the Apollo-15 expedition.

The story is such. David Scott and James Irvin investigated a remote section of the Moon and at a certain point received an indication of the COO to return to the rover to the runway due to restrictions on Sprafandrov's resignation. On the opposite way, Scott noticed an interesting sample of basalt aside from the Rover. Understanding that it will not be allowed to stop the PC, he is under the pretext of having to pull the weakened belt of the attraction of tears from Rover quickly photographed the stone, took it and sat down back. All this time, his partner distracted the CU for the description of the surrounding landscapes. The deception was revealed only after the return of the expedition home, when the number of delivered samples did not come together with the reports of astronauts. And the stone was called - "Belt Rock"

Photo from the NASA archive. And that stone. Sometimes it is not even believed, so he, this very stone that was 380,000 km from here.

And this sample is a fragment of the largest lunar stone brought from the moon.

Initially, a piece of breccia №61016 weighed 11.7 kg and was sipped into several parts. It was just very difficult with him to work in glove box - he was not placed in the gateway. By the way, he has his name, astronauts called His "Big Mueli" (Big Muley), in honor of the geologist Bill Mülberger from the landing group of flight accompaniment.

A pair of remaining samples from this box

# 70017 (Apollo 17)

# 15459 (Apollo 15)

Information for each of the samples can be easily found on the Internet, knowing only the sequence number.

Each new piece formed by laying stones is documented. Its position is documented relative to other parts of the stone, it is photographed, it is assigned a number. Everything is going, even dust remaining after cutting. Naturally, everything is weighed before and after the study.

Samples from different areas of the moon have different mineral composition. To eliminate the mixing of the material and contamination of one sample to others, they are investigated in different boxes. This, for example, for the samples of Apollo-17.

An interesting sample, similar to the egg. In the laboratory it is called "Moon Egg". I haven't found anything about him yet, but it is very interesting: initially practically spherical, covered with a thin layer of glass.

The only explanatory way to create such a ball is to throw a round piece of rock (fragment of the meteorite, for example) through liquid magma. But no one can ever learn the true nature of this phenomenon. We can only guess.

This is also one of the most famous artifacts delivered by the Apollo 15 - "Genesis Rock" ("stone being", so the reporters were called).

At first, astronauts believed that they found a fragment of the initial lunar bark. But after analysis it turned out that this is simply an anorty, only sooooo old, the age of some 4.1 billion years.

You can look at it a little closer.

But he is in the lunar landscape.

Employed fact: In 2002, an internal practice, his girl and friends from the laboratory, a 270-kg safe with samples of lunar soil and meteorites was stolen. The value of the safe containing 113 grams of lunar soil and meteorites was about a million dollars. Soon, the comrades were detained when attempting to sell stolen and went to jail. And merchants quickly took advantage of this and released the book "Sex On The Moon" - they say, after the alarm, a student and his Gerlfrend took up sex right on the bed with lunar stones. Romance, b ..!

By the way, to see or explore the lunar stones do not necessarily come to this laboratory. Samples of the lunar soil can be taken into temporary use on request.

The test tube with the regolic, which was recently returned to the laboratory.

But such samples are used to demonstrate.

Photo causing a smile. Yes, there are even such garbage buckets.

The fact is that all used packages from under the lunar material are collected separately from ordinary garbage and destroy. So that no one has a temptation to find a package with the remnants of the lunar dust and assign it to himself.

One of the cabinets in the sample storage.

The door in the repository itself weighs 18,000 pounds, almost 8 tons. Two codow locks, code from each of them is available only to one employee. Those. To get inside, you need to strain at least two keepers.

The building itself is strong enough to withstand any tornado and 8 meter flood. "But 8.5 meters is already bad," Khuchits Ryan.

The repository contains not only samples of lunar stones, brought by expeditions "Apollonov", but also samples obtained by Soviet automatic stations "Moon" (16,20,24).

And in this box there are samples of solar winds, assembled by the genesis apparatus at the Lagrange Point of L1 Sun-Sun Systems. More precisely, the fact that they remained from them, as the descent capsule slammed into the Utah's desert with the refused parachute.

Cabinet with cores of the lunar soil.

To the question why he was buried and hanging his tablet, Ryan replied to nobody so fool, say, Kern could shrive from shaking.

It is believed that the Americans brought 378 kg of lunar soil and stones from the moon. In any case, the NASA declares about it. These are almost four centners. It is clear that only astronauts could deliver such a soil: no space stations It is not under power.

Moon Soil (NASA Archive)

The stones were photographed, rewritten and are constant statists of "Moon" NASA films. In many such films as an expert and commentator, Astronaut Geologist "Apollo-17", Dr. Harisson Schmidt, is supposedly a lot of such stones in the moon.

It is logical to expect that with such a lunar wealth America will shock them, to demonstrate to someone and someone, and their chief opponent will fall from the whisher kilograms of 30-50. Nata, they say, explore, make sure in our success ... But with this, just for some reason it does not work. The soil gave us little. But "its" (again, according to NASA), 45 kg of lunar soil and stones were obtained.

Astronaut Harrison Schmitt Collects Moon Soil (NASA Archive)

True, some particularly exhausted researchers have been calculated on relevant publications. scientific centers And they could not discover convincing evidence that these 45 kg came to laboratories even western scientists. Moreover, it turns out that at present in the world from the laboratory, no more than 100 g of the American lunar soil, so that the researcher usually received a singularity of the rock.

That is, NASA belongs to the lunar soil, like a stingy knight for gold: keeps the cherished centners in their basements in reliably locked chests, issuing researchers only miserable grams. Did not escape this fate and the USSR.

Sample of the lunar soil (NASA archive)

In our country at that time head scientific Organization For all studies of the lunar soil, the Institute of Geochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences was (now Geohi RAS). Head of the department of meteorics of this institute Dr. M.A. Nazarov reports: "The Americans were transferred to the USSR 29.4 grams (!) Lunar regolith (more simply, lunar dust) from all expeditions" Apollo ", and from our collection of samples" Luna-16, 20 and 24 "was issued abroad 30.2 g. " In fact, the Americans exchanged with us by the lunar rush, which can deliver any automatic station, although the astronauts would have to bring sweature cobblestones, and most interestingly look at them.

What is NASA going to do with the rest of the lunar "good"? Oh, it is a "song".

"In the United States, it was decided to preserve the main mass of the samples delivered in complete immunity until new, more advanced ways of studying were developed," the competent Soviet authors write, from under whose pen was not one book on the lunar soil.

"It is necessary to spend the minimum amount of material, leaving untouched and unpolluted most of each individual sample to explore future generations of scientists," the American specialist J. A. Wood clarifies the position of NASA.

Obviously, the American specialist believes that no one will fly to the moon and never now, nor in the future. And therefore you need to take the centner of the lunar soil the enemy's forest. At the same time, modern scientists are humiliated: they can consider each individual atom with their devices, and they were denied confidence - did not grow. Or did not come out. Such persistent care of NASA about future scientists is more like the fact that it is a convenient pretext to hide a disappointing fact: there are no lunar stones in its storerooms, nor the centners of the lunar soil.

Another oddity: after the completion of the "lunar" flights, NASA suddenly began to experience an acute shortage of money for their research. This is what writes as of 1974. One of the American Researchers: "A significant part of the samples will be stored as a reserve in the center of space flights in Houston. Reducing allocations will reduce the number of researchers and slow down the rates of research. "

Astronaut "Apollo-17" Schmitt B.eroet sample of lunar soil (NASA archive)

Having spent $ 25 billion to deliver moon samples, Nasa suddenly found that there was no money for their research ...

An interesting story with the exchange of Soviet and American soil. Here is the message of April 14, 1972 of the main official soviet period - Newspapers "True":

"On April 13, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences visited representatives of NASA. The transfer of samples of the lunar soil from among the Soviet Automatic Station "Luna-20" took place. At the same time, the Soviet scientist was transmitted a sample of the lunar soil obtained by the crew of the American ship Apollon-15. The exchange was carried out in accordance with the Agreement between the USSR Academy of Sciences and NASA, signed in January 1971. "

Now you need to walk in terms. July 1969. Apollo-11 astronauts allegedly brought 20 kg of lunar soil. The USSR from this quantity does not give anything. At the USSR, by this moment the lunar soil is not yet.

September 1970 Our Luna-16 station delivers moon ground to Earth, and from now on Soviet scientists have something to offer in exchange. This puts NASA into a difficult position. But NASA expects that in early 1971 it will be able to automatically deliver its lunar soil on Earth, and in January 1971, the exchange agreement has already been concluded in January 1971. But the exchange itself does not occur for another 10 months. Apparently, the United States has no challenge with automatic delivery. And the Americans begin to pull rubber.

Moon-16 (Archive Range)

July 1971 in the goodwill of the USSR unilaterally reports the USA 3 g of soil from Luna-16, but it does not receive anything from the United States, although the exchange agreement has been signed for six months ago, and 96 kg of lunar lies in the storeroom NASA Soil (from Apollo-11, Apollo-12 and Apollo-14). It takes another 9 months.

April 1972 Finally, NASA transmits a sample of lunar soil. He allegedly delivered the crew of the American ship "Apollo-15", although since the flight "Apollo-15" (July 1971) has passed for 8 months. In the pantry NASA, by this time, 173 kg of lunar stones are already already lying (from Apollona-11, Apollo-12, Apollo-14 and Apollona-15).

Soviet scientists receive a certain sample from these wealth, whose parameters in the True newspaper are not communicated. But thanks to Dr. M.A. Nazarov we know that this sample consisted of regolith and did not exceed 29 g by mass.

It is very similar to the fact that about July 1972 the United States had no real lunar soil at all. Apparently, somewhere in the first half of 1972, the Americans had the first grams of the real lunar soil, which was delivered from the Moon with automatic way. Just then NASA has manifested themselves to compete.

Moon Soil (NASA Archive)

A B. last years The lunar soil among Americans (more precisely, what they are issued for the lunar soil) and at all began to disappear. In the summer of 2002, a huge number of samples of the lunar substance - safe weight of almost 3 centners - disappeared from the shops of the Museum of the American Space Center NAS them. Johnson in Houston. Have you ever tried to steal a 300 kilogram safe from the territory of the Space Center? And do not try: too heavy and dangerous work. But thieves, whom the police have come out to Divo quickly, it easily succeeded. Tiffany Fowler and Ted Roberts, who worked in the building during the breakdown, were arrested by special FBI and NASA agents in one of Florida's restaurants. Subsequently, Houston was taken into custody and the third hortalist, She Saur, and then - and the fourth crime participant, Gordon Mak Verus, who contributed to the transportation of stolen. Thieves intended to sell invaluable testimonies of the Misena Mission NASA at a price of $ 1000-5000 per gram through the site of the mineralogical club in Antwerp (Holland). The cost of stolen, according to the information due to the ocean, was more than $ 1 million.

A few years later - a new misfortune. In the United States in the area of \u200b\u200bVirginia Beach from the car, unknown attackers were twisted two small plastic plastic boxes in the form of a disk with samples of meteorite and lunar substance, judging by the marking on them. Samples of this kind, Space reports, are transmitted to NASA with special instructors "for educational purposes". Before geting such samples, teachers take place special briefing, during which they are taught to correctly handle these national ownership of the United States. And the "national heritage", it turns out to be so easy to steal ... Although it is similar not to theft, but on the drainage theft in order to get rid of the evidence: there is no soil - no "uncomfortable" questions.

Fragment of the film Y.Murhina "Maximum Lie and Stupidity"

"The ratio of nitrogen isotopes in American" lunar "samples is not lunar, and earth"

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