Supporting as a rooster in the furnace bake pies. Non-free-transverse

1. Guess the riddle of O. Emelyanova, write below the multivalued word.

Maybe at least a flood arrange
Though in a glass of water pour,
Stoeted house build

And the composition stop.

2. Select and add another value of each word.

Cushion on a jacket, trousers



Tank Chassis Detail



Words to choose:natural phenomenon, thunder sister, heavenly arrow, garden pest, beetle girlfriend.

3. Enter the words - Omonimi from words for choice. Write the same words next to once again by smoking on syllables.
They are stored perfume, medicines. They beat into the nose when they drink lemonade.
It ____________________. ________________________.

Table game. Special emblem on a taxi.
It ___________________. ___________________________.

Words to choose: Blockers, bubbles, boxes, checkers, sabers, knives.

4. Guess and enter the words of the word-Omonimi.

1. _________________ In the sky already became the moon, and the dad is whole _________________ not comes from a business trip.

2. Raise the resulting __________________, sticking to the album ___________________.

3. ____________________, _____________________ There will be a hole, and maybe not alone,

and the whole _____________________.

Come up with your sentence with the words-Omoniemis zebra and Zebra.


5. Insert the missed letters (where you need) and answer the question in writing.

What kind of bird _ ka l _ melts in our checks _ p _ bots?


Verification work 26
Words close by value (synonyms)

1. Talk a series in which all the words are close in value (synonyms).
 sullen, sad, sad, angry
 Dwarf, crumb, Liliput, boy - with finger.
 Take off, rummage, climb, distilling.
 Simply, it is not difficult, it is interesting.

2. Think, in what order should the words be located. Record them in the correct order.
Big, giant, universal, huge, immense.


Are these words close in meaning? Mark the tick right
 Yes  No

With any two of these words, make up and write the phrase.

3. Read the text. Choose from the brackets the most suitable value of the word and enter it into the offer. In the penultimate offer, emphasize the words close by the meaning.

I went out into the garden and ___________________________________ (Abnul, screamed, surprised). The sun is not quite not at all _____________________________ (rose, rose, rose), but his first rays have already been overflowing in dew droplets. Apricot trees were _______________________________ (fabulous, beautiful, unusual)! They shone and sparkled red summer shine. And smelled.
(By A. Mironenko)

4. Record offers by replacing every word in close value.

Babushkino apricot jam was special. In the thick, amber and surprisingly soul syrup flooded the ascemary apricots.


5. Compare two poetic passages. Find and write down the words close by the value.

1. You made me, and tell me - why?

Lollipop covered in hand, I'm not removed all!

I asked for quite a bit, I asked a tiny,

Caution corner, I would bite off.

(I. Tokmakova)

2. You upset me, but answer me - why?
Lollipop hidden in the fist, I will not fully carefully!
I caught a little bit, the droplet klyanchil,
Carefully edge I would remove.
(S. Mikhailova)
Sample. Cared - offended,


Checking 27.
Words opposed by value (antonyms)

1. In proverbs and sayings, find and emphasize the words opposite
By meaning.
Know more, speak less. Do not be afraid of the enemy smart, fighting a friend stupid. With the book will tell - the mind will be cheated.
First proverbs write down, dividing
All words for transfer.

2. Insert the missing letters. Guess the riddle, write a guess. Stress out the words opposite to the value.
In the floor page _ not by p _ ke - sheet
Flowing n _ roar, then n _ rear, then vo _ ig.

And behind him, such a smooth is not in _ Rchchka not in _ give.

3. Select and write down the words opposite to the value.
Floats - ___________________, land - _______________, moon - __________, black - _______________________________, night- __________________,
land - ______________

4. Enter B. folk signs Words with the opposite meaning.
Spring red, yes hungry; Autumn rainy, frowning, yes ___________________________.
Summer week is more expensive _____________________________.
Words to choose: Rich, generous, rich, winter, new, hot.

Write down the word rainy, dividing it for transfer.


5. The girl accidentally replaced one word to another. Will the new word be the opposite meaning? Tick \u200b\u200bthe correct answer.
We decided the story
About the protein read.
But from the wave
I read
What in a cage
Bun lived!
(By A. Barto)
 Yes  No

Can I pick up to words squirrelor bun opposite by the meaning of the word? Explain in writing.


Checking 28.

Sustainable combinations of words

1. Connect the arms stable expressions with their values.
Very friendful
Breakfast breakfasts
get confused, it does not immerse something simple,

water will not fall out simple

promise and not fulfill something

in three pines get lost to deceive
get lost

2. Connect the arms opposite in meaning stable expressions.
Watch both spill salt

sleeves take up the mind

store silence to work without barking hands
wind in the head of the raven count

Finish the proposal by one of the above sustainable expressions.

Previously, I thought that in the lesson you can count the raven, and it will still be clear what we are talking about. But, having received two twins in a row, I understood: need _______________________________


3. Insert the missing letters. Find sustainable expressions and emphasize them.

The bobbies in him - the cat was applied, and P _Terok and Ch _ Telok - Pond Pruds. If I am about _ I do something to someone, then Sun _ Gda perform: I x _ Zyain Sv _ his words.

4. Insert the missing letters.
- Ga-ga-ha - g _ gobets goose, - I s_ Myyy my g _ grows!
All ch _ zhu - not brazen _ hug.
(N. Kostarev)

Select and emphasize the stable expression that can be completed.

saying a goose.

All as a selection.

One else is better.
Like water off a duck's back.

5 . Read the text. Find a steady expression.

My younger brother somehow wanted to drink milk from the jug, but he could not resist him and dropped him. Mom asks who broke, he or a cat, and the brother is silent - watered in her mouth

Tick \u200b\u200bthe line with a faithful statement.

 And in the literal, and figurative sense.
 Little sense.
 in a figurative sense.

Checking 29.
Thematic groups of words

1. Guess the riddles. What topic can you combine them?

On the bookpoint page of thirty-three heroes. Thirty-three native sisters on one live a page.
Raddle: ____________________________________________
Subject: _______________________________________________

2. Crouch words that are not included in thematic groups.

School: duty, bouquet, class, teacher, glasses, student, surname.

School supplies: Pencil, Dance, Notebook, Vacuum Cleaner, Pencil, Chalk.

Russian Folk Games: Bowlings, Bowling, Cossacks - Robbers, Czechhard, Zhmurki,
River, hockey.



When I was small, I was afraid of thunderstorms. My grandfather ref _ Chal in with _ MEE per thunder and lightning. He climbed into the roof of our house and long sh _ stom with tied at the end of the broom the promenade _ nyal low gray clouds. Then I stopped the b_s. And the grandfather pulled the _ to the roof was not needed.

(S. Georgiev)

Choose from the text of the word and collect them in the thematic group.

Badness: _________________________________________________________________

4. Answer in writing to the question. Complete the thematic group.

Who accounted for a grandfather narrator from the text of the task 3? ___________________________


A family: ______________________________________________________________________

5. Make a word-commercial. It is one of the thematic group with the rest of the poem characters.
Z.uBR, b.arsuk I. rс.
Somehow together gathered.
Skaskala butnonylopa
Someone with her still suffocate.
Try to guess.
Letters in the guess exactly five.
(By A. Kochergin)
Answer: __________________

What words from the riddles can enter this thematic group?
Gathered: ___________________________________________________________________


Checking 30.

The composition of the word.

1. Complete each row to the word that must answer the question in brackets.

Fun, cheerful, having fun, (what?)


Red, blush, (what?)


Story, storyteller, (what to do?)


Volume, loud, loud, (how?)


2. Underline single-roof words.

The cat ran his kittens, Mole was in a hurry to gear.

(I. Suchin)

Who are these animals go? Extract single-roof words to
It turned out a poem in rhyme.
Squirrel jumped to _________________________________________,
Elk stepged to his __________________________________
Wolf rushed to ____________________________________,
And Lisa rushed to __________________________________________.

In the names of the baby's names, emphasize the general part.

3. Find in the poem of the task 2 words denoting the actions of the beasts. Will they be related? Tick \u200b\u200bthe valid answer.
 Yes

From the word jump Form three related words.


4. Find single-handed words in each trick. Next to write down the number of their number.

The cook on the hot kitchen fry in the roast roast. __________________________________
Firefly light and brightly glowed in the dark with shimmering light. _____________________

Highlight a common part of the words before the root of the icon.

Pressed, naughty, pumped, head.

Wandered, dimly, re-, long.

5. Come up with your offer so that there was a lot of words with a common root -

Checking 31.
Root main part the words. Single (related) words

1. Stress in the poem related words.
Snow bought on snow
Snow blizzards.
Snegiri Snowmen
Slimmed song.
(S. Pogorelovsky)

2. Select and mark the checkbox row with related words

 Blizzard, to take, sweeping, mark.
Love, promotional, started, washed.
 Snowball, lump, snowflake, snowy.
 Lod, ice, ice, icecine.
 Frost, cold, frost, frosty.

3. Insert the missing letters. Casting text.


On the start of _ to the cumshots with _ ate three chl _ PKA, two knocks, one creak. And it washed it all with a subtle pisk. Mama-hype showering Lambog Tr _ Movet, taura Tr _ Cutor and a steam buoy.
Dad-noise run _ Til hum of aircraft and gr _ hinting thunder.
And then they all the _ okok something sweet. Laughter, for example. And they went to the cinema on the _ village cartoons.
(K. Dragunskaya)
Stress the relationships. Which the thematic group can include all the words that have eaten the shoes? _____________________________________________

4. Extract the related words into each line.
Squeaky, creak, creap, _____________________________________________.

Sweets, sweet, sweeten, _________________________________________________.

Mix, funny, mixture, __________________________________________________.

Will the words of the rumble and roar be related? Tick \u200b\u200bthe correct answer.
 Yes. Not

5. Write out of the text of the task 3 words with a dividing soft sign (b).


Turn on these rows to one related word from the text of the task 3.

6. Extract a single word into each group.

Funny, laugh, _______________________, Smeshanka, funny.
Creak, creaky, creak, _____________________________.

Bead, buzz, ________________________, buzzing, bonding.

Sweets, sweet, _________________________, sweet, sweet,

Verification work 32.


1. Decide the "equations", "calculating" the console. Enter the answers.

Freeze \u003d freeze.
___________ + work \u003d work.

Soon \u003d soon.

City \u003d suburb.

2. Write down the words with opposite prefixes. Prefix Highlight the icon

Go - _________________________, enter - _______________________,

go out - ______________________, leaving - _______________________.

Write only words with the prefix, which means "start action".

Pick up, whistling, screaming, sunbathing, laughing.


3. Answer the questions. Correct answers to check the check mark.

The words finished and finished- Single?

The words finishedand finished- Synonyms?

 Yes  No

4. Insert the missing letters. Find relative words in the text.

I love to bask in the sun. Say in DV _ RE on the SC _ Make and warm. You can still go to the forest or to warm up onto the beach. Everywhere - with _ NCC!
This is the summer so x _ Rsho. And z _ my, I won't warm on the pl _. And in l _, the snow is completely full.
(By K. Dragunskaya)

Write the related words at first without consoles, and then with consoles.
Prefix highlight.

5. Tick \u200b\u200bthe line in which there is a prefix in all words.

 Impossible, dissatisfied, wrong, Negro.
 Suburb, habit, winner, stick.
 overcome, refract, interrupt, obstruct.
 Late, lower, besides, bezen.

Verification work 33.


1. Form new words on samples.
Hand - Switching, leg - _____________________________,
Nose - ______________________, eyes - ___________________.
Ear - Ushko, Roth - ___________________________________,

man - ___________________________, Kot- ____________________________.

2. In sustainable expressions are replaced in the words of suffixes. Record them correctly.

Take under your wing. Rushed into the eyes. Keep the bee on the breeze.

3. Change words according to the scheme "It is she".

Guitarist - Guitarist, Boyber - _______________________________,

violinist - _______________________________, singer - __________________________, employee - ______________________________, pilot - _________________________.

4. Stress in the text name your own, in which there is a suffix.

A servo will not allow Nickname to twinger Zhanna for pigtails. If necessary, he does it himself!
(S. Georgiev)

Form as much as possible diminitious names with different suffixes From Incen Anya, Vanya.


5 . Insert the missing letters. Highlight suffixes in words responsible for the question of who? or what?

Cat sir _ Nick sat on P _ chiochka
And T _ Khongchenko signed the song JUR _ CKK:
- Here I woke up with a carcass, a chicken got up,
Raise my friend, cute jour _ chka!

Verification work 34.


1. Determine which part of the word helps to associate in the sentence of the word in meaning.

It ____________________________________

2. Change where it is possible so that they indicate many items.

Bereza - ___________________________, snow - ____________________________,

plant - ____________________________, Cabbage - _________________________,

tableware - ___________________________, Machine - _________________________.

Specify which part of the word has changed. Highlight it icon

3. Change the words to prove: the selected parts of the words are the endings. Hold out

ending icon

Shovel but - ______________________________________

Sparrow and - _____________________________________

Saturday iY - ___________________________________

4. Talk a series in which all the words are separated only by the end.

 Girl-E, village-her, frost, ridden,

 Lisitz-a, cabbage, dish-a, prefix-a.
 Zaitz-s, Crow-s, pencil-and, duty.
 Na-soon, non-fun, pre-fast, Russk-i.

5. Extract ending.
Cyrus, conceived to build a Snezhn yard _____ Gork ____, but did not calculate a little and stopped. But from the vertices ___ Sergey Mountains __ Well, Everest is clearly visible, and with Everest _ - Sergekin ___ Snezhn ___ Gorka ___.
(S. Georgiev)

Divide the word sergegious for transfer.


Checking 35.

Parts of Speech

1. Talk a series in which all words indicate a sign of the subject.

 Folk, rustic, suddenly, birch.
 Voronius, dog, urban, soon

 Hello, family, linguistic, berry.
 Girl, yield, windy, Sabbath.

2. In the poem E. Raneva, emphasize all the words that indicate the action of the subject.

My grandfather and we are very similar, and can not live without a friend.
We read newspapers together, and nails are clogged together.

We drink Pepsi Cola for a couple and singing under the guitar.
Twaster Mama Shelves, and both we wear t-shirts.
And both fell in love with our beautiful grandmother Dasha.

3. Think, right or incorrect this statement. Emphasize the correct answer.

In the text of the task 2, only one word indicates a sign of the subject - this word beautiful.

 Yes, it is so.  No, it is not

Extract three more words responsible for what question?
Granny Dasha Beautiful, _________________________ and __________________________.

4 . Change the words so that they indicate one item.

Nails - ___________________________, newspapers - _____________________________,

shelves - ___________________________, T-shirts - ____________________________

loves - _______________________________.

5 . Read the offer. From sustainable expressions below, select one one you can finish it. Write it down.

My classmate all won on school Olympiad. In Russian, even third-graders ________________________________________________________.

kuram on laughter, shut up for the belt, took the mind.

Verification work 36.

1. Read words that belong to one thematic group. Select and write out of them only nouns.
Dolphin, splash, shell, raging, calm, jellyfish, wave, salty, seagull, sailboat.


2. Guess what nouns need to enter in the merry rhyme.
Bread is carrying on ________________________________,

Poets Roet _______________________________________,
And in the subway there is ___________________________________.

(By A. Kochergin)

Words to choose: Escalator, equator, excavator, tow truck, elevator.

3. In the task 1, emphasize all the waist names of the nouns. From two of them, in their choice, form a form multiple number. Write down.


4. Read the fun. Write down two questions to her.

Sites squirrel on the cart
It sells nuts ...

who? _______________________ what? ________________________

Extra offer.

Protein almost sold everything, the last ___________________________ remained.

5. Tick \u200b\u200ba number of words in which the nouns in the form of the plural are written incorrectly.
 No stocking, boots, shoes, socks

 Many places, apples, deeds, soldiers

 Five Mandarin, Tomatoes, Orange.

Checking 37.


1. Determine what part of the speech is most in this sentence. The correct answer from the data below emphasize.

Lyon was treated, dried, pounded, tearned, twisted, clips, put on the table.

In the proposal, the most verbs, noun virgins, names of adjectives, prepositions.

Complete the rows of words, soving one-sided words that answer the question what to do?
Drying, drying, _________________________________
Weaving, weaving, _____________________________________
Rvania, Rvania, ____________________________________
Beatushka, ________________________________________

2. Write first words denoting useful actions, and then useless.

All day Petrov on the workbench plashed a bar of the placom

And Kadykov, Nevdibe, kicking the tilter.

Petrov sawed, drilled, robbed, fucking, crushed, connected

And I chisted a birdhouse from Stungans.

And Kadikov pounded, branded, dust, halled and pinal

Tin, banks, crycasts and ... ripped boots

(According to O. Grigoriev)

Useful actions:


Useless actions:


3. Extract the verbs with the opposite value.

Leave - ________________________________, come - _________________________, sailing - ________________________________, fly away - _________________________, climb - ________________________________, start - __________________________

4. Read and emphasize in the word text denoting the actions that the Giant performed.

A fog stood over the water. Giant washed in the sea.
Soap a whole store spent one.
It was soothed right in us soap, soap was foaming and sailed,
Soap sea twisted, the sea was angry and burly:
He angry his Buyan - a clean giant.
(E. Axelrod)

Extract words denoting actions.

Soap (what did it do?) ___________________________________________________________.

5. Describe the drawing to get a small story.

Checking 38.

1. In the names of fairy tales, emphasize the adjectives. Each of them write the question to which it answers.
"Two greedy bear". "Greedy Kupchikha". "Rooster and bean grains. "White bull, molar barrel, steep horns." "Frost is a red nose." "The Scarlet Flower".

2. Read the conversation of two student.
- What are you doing in the lesson?
- I sit and wait for the call.
Advance the offer by adding three adjectives from words to select.
The student is, it turns out, not at all diligent, not diligent, not diligent, but,

on the contrary, ___________________________________________________________________.

Words to choose: Smart, obedient lazy, sluggish, unradited, inattentive, thoughtful, sleepy.

3. Read the speigned. Write down two adjectives using words to select.

Bought Marus Beads Baby.

This is __________________________________________________ Girl.

From the pockets of the Arkashka, the papers are forever raw.

Mila washed with soap, washed off - washed away.

This is _____________________________________________________ Girl.

Egor went through the courtyard, the specs ax to repair the fence.

This is a boy.

Words to choose: Spirling, elegant, beautiful, merry, clean, pretty, neat, kind, sloppy, lazy, swallowed, hardworking. Having worked, smart, favorable, sensible.

4. To each word, denoting a sign of the subject, pick up the right word, denoting the subject, and write it down.
Soft ____________________________________________
Empty _____________________________________________
Delicious ____________________________________________
Strong ____________________________________________
dense ____________________________________________
High _________________________________________
Transparent ________________________________________
Full ___________________________________________

5. Read the text. Check the correct option.
The servant planted in the ground Watermelon Seed and watered abundantly every day
His lemonade. By autumn, magnificent carbonated watermelons was ripe.

(S. Georgiev)

 This is a comic story.
 This is a truthful story about the cultivation of watermelons.

Write down so that the highlighted combination of words has become one adjective.
Seven of the watermelon - ______________________________________________________
Water with gas - ___________________________________________________________
Plant from the garden - _____________________________________________________
Berry from the forest - _________________________________________________________

Verification work 39.

1. Read the poetic lines, emphasize all the pretexts in them.

The lines walked to the spring for water -

Green, silver, gold.
Walked around the heat, stood in the shadows,
Water in the spring cried them,
Then they turned their nose for the sunset

And Steel - Guskom - come back.

(On N. Matveva)

2. Guess the riddle, write the answer.

He shakes a tree, whistles whistles, the last leaf tears, knocks him, throws, then he grips again.

Emphasize the correct answer.

There are no prepositions in the riddle. There are pretexts in the riddle.

Write down the number of verbs in the riddle. ____________________________

3. Read the Russian Folk Support. Choose from brackets and apply suitable pretexts.

Like a rooster (in, on) _____ oven pies bake,

Cat (for, on) ______ shirt shirt

Piglets (in, by) _____ stupa peas pushes,

Horse (under, y) ______ porch (in, by) four hoofs beats,

Duck (without, c) _____ boots huddling.

4. Write all possible prepositions that can be used in meaning.
Fold _________________________________________ table.
Climb ________________________________________ Sofa.
Words to choose: For, under, on, in, through, k, from under, co, from.

5. Read the text. Sustainable expressions suitable in meaning.

I argued somehow with a friend that I learn a lot of poem for the night and I will tell it at the board with the expression, but the arrival for a minute, fell asleep, and the next day ___________


Now ________________________________________________________________.

Sustainable expressions for choice: To stick in the shade, confusing, having crammed with a cracking, borrow on the nose.

Checking 40.
Sentence. Text

1. Write down the text correctly.
Cherry-member distributively separated by β-coanalis-slysilosserdseradets


2. Read the text. What do you think it was then?

One person invented how to save whales from extinction. He settled in the whaling flotilla with a harpiner and was always deliberately aimed by.
(S. Georgiev)

What do you think it was a man? Write your opinion.


3. Insert the letters into the words. Circuit the circle of the figure under which the text is given, and not a set of proposals.

1. But it is best to write snaps, hooks and points on paper l _. All this will grow like Tr _a. And by themselves, followed by _ va.

(By A. Smetanin)

2. Zap _ SHATE OFFER KR_SIVO. Mol _ Loose is growing 6 _ erect mane.
Do not stand on the carriageway. PL _ points we bought Nastya.

4. Read offers. Make up the connected text and write it down.

He began to think like an apple to get. Standing autumn. There were no leaves on the trees. I saw an apple, I wanted to eat it. Only on the apple tree hung one apple. The hare fled. But the apple is high.


5. From the text of the task 4, write offments in which there is only subject to both.

Non-mercy-flippers - one of the species folk creativity. The verses laid the "unbalance", non-absurd nonsense. The name "Perevils" belongs to the root of Ivanovich Chukovsky. Children love such verses, they help to calm the child, distract from whims and improve the mood.

Chic chiki chicelchi!
Rides goose on a stick
Duck on a pipe
Bunny on a wheelbarrow
Boy on a dog.

Standing the village
Suddenly from under the dog
Get the gate.
He grabbed Dubin
Cut the ax,
And on our cat
I ran a fence.
Roofs frightened
Sat on the raven,
Horse chase
Guy whip.

Tracakan Firewood Rubil,
He went his head head.
Komar drove water
In the mud foot fading.
His flies pulled up
The stomachs were all spent.

Like a rooster in the furnace pies bake,
Cat in a shirt shirt window
Piggy in a lot of peas through
Horse at the porch in three hoofs beats,
Duck in boots hut sweeps.

Blue sea ship runs,
Gray wolf standing on the nose
And the bear sail is fastened.
Susting boat for the rope leads,
Chanterelle because of the bustle slyly looks:
As if to steal a bunny
As if to rope.

Between heaven and earth
Piggy rummary
And unexpected tail
To the sky clusted.

Rushed the village past a man
Suddenly, from under the dog, the gate marine.
Jumped stick with baboo in hand
And let's dub off the horse on a man.
Horse ate fat, and a peasant oats,
The horse sat in Sani, and the man was lucky.

In the new village
Wonderful Divo:
Duck something in the skirt,
In a blue serpent.
Cow in Roger -
No more expensive.
Cockerel in shoes,
Chicken in earrings.

Due to the forest, because of the mountains
Rides grandfather Egor
On the Bulanova Thale,
On the creaky horse.
Boots on it with pockets
And a vest with a heel,
Tied with a club
Rejoiced with a cut.

Like our Danil
Barked the cattle:
Sheep - in the Donets,
Cockroaches - in drums,
Ducks - twin
Crickets - in the bow,
Mosquitoes - in boilers,
Goat dancing
The leg is waving.
Cranes went to dance
Leg debts exhibit.
Boo, boo, boo
Captured, Brothers, Spirit!

This, brothers, but not a miracle?
Run a baton with a boy in his hands,
And behind him Tuluupol with a woman on the shoulders.
Knut grabbed a dog to soar a man,
And the man with fear got under the gate.
The village screamed: "Lake is burning!"
Fire hay with firewood is rushing.

And where it is seen
And in which village is breathed
So that the chicken bull give birth
Piglets Egg demolished
Yes, the shelf took.
And the shelf breaking
And the egg broke.
Oveachka has spoiled,
The mare has learned:
- Oh, where-to-somewhere!
I didn't have it
So that the needless of our crate rogue,
Hoping for the sinus kicked
And blindly peeping
And the deafness was listening,
And a legless one ran away,
Bulk-free "Karaul" shouted!

Hedgehog sitting on birch -
New shirt
On the head of the boot
On the leg of a forar.

I have a cat in a yeast,
A Kitten in Tarantas
And go on the village
All guys at the bottom.

On the mountain there is a cart,
Tears drip from arc,
Under the mountain is a cow,
Wear boots.

At the Chepukha Bazaar.
Roasted jam,
Kuras ate a rooster
On Sunday.

Chepuha, nonsense,
It's just the doctors!
Kuras ate a rooster,
They say dogs.

Chepuha, nonsense,
It's just the doctors.
Hay kit on the furnace
Hammers crayfish.

Like a volzhanka river
Solovyhalve on a stick.
Sat on a slim board -
Divided the harmonic ringing.

We have horses in the galosh,
And the cow in boots.
We are plowing on the carts,
And harrowed on the sleigh.

Eh, my boots on your cotton,
And the fit on the screens.
Yes, I'm on Peg Thale,
On a pine horse.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
Baba went on foot
In the sieve carriage.
And for her for all acumes,
Quiet steps
The wolf tried to twist
A bowl with cakes.
Someone looked at the sky -
There earthquake
Why did the cat sneeze
Tomorrow is Sunday.

Here we arrived two brothers
To the village from the village,
One name is Erema,
And the other name of Thomas.
Here Yerema bought a boat,
And Thomas bought a shuttle.
Erema boat with a hole,
Foma has a shuttle without the bottom.
Here Yerema began to sink
Thoma for the legs pull.
Here Foma went to the bottom,
And Erema there has long been.

Due to the forest, because of the mountains
Routed Uncle Yegor.
He is on a svoy on the cart
On the creaky horse.

He masal oats,
Deghem the horse drove away
Ax he is subfering
Kushak firewood cut.

Here to the yard, Yegor enters,
His Daria stretches
And horsepie takes
Directly in the hube leads.
Unprecedented yes unheard!
Duck sits on the fence
Singo sings song
And Egorova Old Man
Hay fresh chews ...
Unprecedented yes unheard!

I was on the pencil, I sat down the whole day.
She walked past the cockroach, beat in the drum.
I saw my grief.
"Go," says, "for blue the sea!
Behind the sea of \u200b\u200bcattle is checked: bulls change on the hedge,
The other is full of flies, the third - mosquitoes.
I went for the sea. I started to exchange my cattle.
Exchanged all three bags.
And the road is far away. How to cross?
I became my cattle across the sea in my village
Throw tails. Mount all the cattle,
Left one bull left.
Swung, threw him - and himself
I jumped down, thought - downstairs Babkina oven,
And got into the swamp, stuck to the very shoulders.
Begg, beat, barely got out.
Fucked - yes, so I came to you!

There was a karapuz,
He had such a long mustache!
Put on Karapuz
On the carriage put watermelon,
On watermelon - radish,
On radish - carrots,
On carrot - cabbage,
On cabbage - beet
On beets - peas,
On the peas - cucumber ...
Here is a book
The end.

  1. Restrain fairy tales
  2. I'm afraid of Babu Yagu !!!
  3. Tongue Twisters

Wait, wait, Barynka!

- Netches standing,

It's time for me to bary

Wolf rig.

Wolves have a wedding:

Mushka - Strank,

Komar - Film,

And I'm driving.

* * *

I went to the bazaar,

Brought home product:

Native mother scarf -

SCarring flower,

Sokol Brothers -

On gantry boots

Swan's sister -

Yes, on white mittens.

* * *


Rides Vanya on the will,

Rides Vanya on the will,

Holds a dull in his hands.

He played on his twin,

The kids amusing.

* * *

Walks the cat on a bench,

Drives a cat behind a paw:

Tops, tops along a bench!

Duckings, Diases for the paws!

* * *

By blue, the sea is running.

Gray wolf standing on the nose

And the bear sail is fastened.

Susting boat for the rope leads,

Chanterelle because of the bustle slyly looks:

As if to steal a bunny

As if to rope.

* * *

- Wait, doll!

Wait, Barynka!

- no time to stand

It's time for me to run,

Owl to equip.

Sovie is a wedding,

Owls in the manor:



Stern stern





Eyes narrowed


Came to place!

* * *

We have in Ryazan

Mushrooms with eyes!

They are eaten, and they look.

* * *

Fedya-Radiah ate a bear

Fell into the pit shouted:


* * *

Street, ulita,

Along the horns!

I'll give you, ulita,

* * *

Our moon

In a cute friend

Forty Kadushek

Salted frogs

Forty Ambarov

Dry cockroaches.

Fifty piglets -

Only legs hang.

* * *

Oh dud, dud, dud,

Cat sits on an oak.

Cat sits on an oak

And plays a pipe

In silver


Already you, cat, play,

Our babies are amusing!

* * *

- Grandma Ulyana, where was it?

- Walked.

- What miracle see?

- chicken-robust

With a rooster on the trembling.

* * *

Like a rooster in the furnace pies bake,

Cat on a shirt shirt shirt,

Piggy in a lot of peas through

Horse at the porch in three hoofs beats,

Duck in boots hut sweeps.

* * *

There is Kuzma from the forge,

Bashes Kuzma two hammeters.

- Knock-Knock!

Here I will hit the time suddenly:

For all people

Naku the nails!

* * *

Knocked down, scalled - here is the wheel,

Selo yes went - ah, good!

Looked back -

Some needles lie.

* * *

Grandfather my eyes

Do not go on bass:

There melted snowball

Fills a meadow.

You walk legs,

Red boots!

* * *

Ay yes Uncle Afanas!

Himself with the top,

Head with a pot,

And beard with a shovel!

* * *

- White hare,

Where ran?

- In the forest-dubravu.

- What did you do there?

- Curra Dral.

- Where did it?

- Under the parakee cleaned!

* * *

Ivan Poor

Found copper boiler -

Went for a driver

Found Molod.

Molod Moldovka

Pies hit,

At the bazaar suffered.

* * *

- Brothers, brothers!

Bear caught!

- Turning soon!

- Yes, he does not go!

- So go!

- Yes, he does not poke!

* * *

- Chuh, Chuh, woodpecker,

Does Yakov at home?

- No House Yakov,

Go to the city:

Himself on the horse

In a new hat.

Bane Wife -

In the new Sarafan.

Kids on cats -

In new boots.

* * *

- Duck-townozhka,

Where did you spend the night?

- At the city.

- What did you work at night?

- Eck of grazing.

- What did you drop out?

- horse in the saddle,

In the golden train.

- Where is this horse?

- Nikolka led.

- Where is this Nikolka?

- went to the city.

- Where is this city?

- Water demolished.

- Where is this water?

- Bulls drank.

- Where are these bulls?

- on the mountain gone.

- Where is this mountain?

- Chervy pulled out.

- Where are these worms?

- Gus turned off.

- Where are these geese?

- In the reed gone.

- Where is the reed?

- The orphan is nailed.

Akulin Sirota

Occashed the gate -

Bitch, crochet,


* * *

The stove is token -


Cat in Sybank is swinging,

Wolf on the reagents is extended,

Bear at the Furnace


Chicken in boots

Wit Bakes.

* * *

I went to melanch.

I saw a wonder there:

Goat flour chalk

Goat poured

Little goat

In the violin plays.

* * *

Oh, guys, Ta-Ra!

Mountain stands mountain

And on that grief oak,

And on the Dube of the funnel.

Raven in red boots,

In gilded earrings.

Black raven on oak

He plays a pipe

Tube is accurate,


Pipe opaque

Foldable song!

* * *

Oh, leshes, tooheny,

Shouts in Berrod Misha:

- Hurt, stomach ache!

- go, bunny, in the garden,

Narvi herbs mint,

Farm him heel.

- Paril, Lisa-Kumushka,

Paril, Lisa-Golubushka,

His couple does not take,

Forest to heels sticks.

* * *


Big head,

On the tree sits,

Head sprout.

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