School supplies project. The project "From the history of school supplies

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten combined type No. 3"

Project "History school supplies»

Lapina Svetlana Yurievna,


Kolpashevo -2016

Project participants: pupils preparatory group, educator - Lapina S.Yu.

Age group: preparatory

Project type: informational and creative

Project theme: History of school supplies.

Objective of the project: Build interest in school.To acquaint children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that children do not play with them at school, but use them for their intended purpose. educational process as a tool for achieving certain goals.


    The development of cognitive interests - the purpose of school supplies, their decoration, the history of appearance, changes in appearance and functions.

    Development of creative abilities - composition, drawing, applique, design project "Timeline"

    Development of communication skills - discussion, hypothesis, establishment of agreements.

The duration of the project is 10 days.

Relevance of the project:

Our preschool institution is working in depth on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the issue of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is part of this question.

Analysis teaching experience teachers and research results indicate that a preschooler, entering school, has an insufficient understanding of the purpose and functions of school supplies.
If in before school age the leading activity is play, then at school age such a role in the child's life is acquired by educational activity.
For former preschooler and already a first-grader schoolchild, school supplies, first of all, act as toys and, as with any toy, it is necessary to teach the child to “play”.

Long before school, it is necessary to form elementary skills of self-organization in learning activities... These skills will later become “helpers” for the child in learning activities.
Even in preschool years, the child needs to learn: any activity - play, work, classes - requires some preparation. Therefore, it is important to provide for what, for example, is required for drawing, sculpting for play or work, where and how best to sit, whether you have everything you need at hand, how best to arrange the materials and aids needed for the lesson.

1 day


"Secrets of the school portfolio" (Conversation on the history of school supplies) book.

Why do you need school supplies?

How the first letters appeared. (Book-papyri)

Offer to view encyclopedias and books with the history of writing.

Tips for parents in the corner

First books "

2nd day




"Secrets of the school pencil case"

What did you write before?

The history of the emergence of the handle.

What they are using now.

Di« Help Cinch to put together a pen "

It is proposed to collect one handle at a time.

Ballpoint Pens Exhibition

Consultation for parents and educators on the topic "Pencil cases"

As for the pencil cases, since none of the existing structures can cause any harm to the health of the child.

Day 3



"Secrets of the school pencil case" (continued) eraser, paper clips.

What other items can be in the pencil case?

History of origin.

Di « Quick eraser "

- childmust remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing with the eraser as soon as possible.

Д / и "Help Shpuntik to assemble a chain of paper clips"

The development of fine motor skills.

Children are encouraged to assemble a chain of paper clips. (Who is faster)

Children are offered the outline of school supplies.

Sliding folder: "Requirements for pencil cases."

4th day





"Secrets of a school pencil case" (continued) pencils (colored and simple), a sharpener.

History of origin.

What are pencils for?

How to use a sharpener?

D / and "Stream pencils"

The development of fine motor skills.

Д / и "Help Malvina to collect pencils"

To teach to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creativity.

Coloring pages.

Information in the parent corner "Preparing your hand for writing"

Day 5





Riddles about school supplies.

Learn one of the riddles.

Role-playing game "SCHOOL" PURPOSE:

Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

Learn to assign roles and act according to the assumed role;

Learn to carry out game actions according to speech instructions;

Learn to model role dialogue;

Expand and deepen children's knowledge of school and school supplies.

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for study, pointer, attributes, assignments, bell.

Who invented the ballpoint pen?

( Information

for the parent corner)

6 day



"Schoolbag Secrets" (continued) scissors, paper.

Where the paper came from.

Paper making.

Respect for paper.

Instructions for working with scissors.

Application "Figures"

Using scissors and paper, cut out any items from school supplies and glue them on cardboard in the form of a portfolio.

Exhibition different types paper.

"When taking care of your child, do not forget about him ..."

The Perfect Schoolbag (Information for Parents)

Day 7

"Secrets of the school portfolio" Ruler, squares.

D / and "Help Pinocchio to measure objects"

Teach the skills of measuring objects using a ruler.

Drawing segments of a certain length.

Exhibition of various types of rulers and squares, protractor, mold.

Suggest to parents at home.

Reading the poem "Portfolio"

V. Danko

Day 8




"Secrets of the school portfolio" paints, gouache, brushes.

Types of brushes.

Appointment, use in people's lives.

Drawing "To school"

Exhibition of brushes (for painting, for glue, paint brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick)

"How to teach a child to draw", "Developing creative person"(Information in the corner)

Day 9




"Secrets of the school portfolio" (summary)

Rebus, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

D / and on the development of attention "Toys, school, sports"

If you hear a word that refers to toys, clap your hands; if you hear a word referring to school supplies, place your hands on the table, as in school; and if the word refers to sports equipment, spread your arms to the side.

Cut pictures depicting school subjects.

Invite parents to visit the school to which the child is going to go to first grade.

Day 10




"Secrets of the school portfolio" (summary)

D / and "Help to collect a portfolio of Dunno"

- instill a respect for school property and personal school supplies.

D / and "Divide words into syllables" (speech development)

EQUIPMENT: school supplies necessary for study.

Tips for parents in the corner “Just getting the child to school”

Crossing the school threshold, a new, very important period of personality formation begins in recent preschoolers. This is also a new way of life, which presupposes a new system of relations with people around, the implementation of new forms of activity, the fulfillment of new tasks, a change in the regime so that adaptation to school is painless.

We consider many tools and devices to be familiar in our Everyday life and school supplies are no exception. By the way, have you ever thought about how and why the materials that we habitually use during our studies appeared?

1. Pencil

The stylus, an ancient Roman writing instrument, was the progenitor of the modern pencil. Some early styluses were made of lead. For the first time, graphite was used instead of a heavy metal in 1564 in England. It left darker lines on the paper, but was too soft and broke easily. To protect the graphite, he needed a holder. The first graphite holders or housings were ropes wrapped around graphite sticks. Later, the ropes were replaced by hollow wooden sticks, and the first pencil production began in 1662 in Nuremberg. By the end of the 19th century in the United States, pencils began to be produced in large quantities, they were made from red cedar, but they were not stained so that the texture of the wood was better visible.

2. Eraser

Until 1770, when the first erasers appeared, people erased their pencil mistakes with bits of rubber or wax, and sandstone or pumice was used to remove ink. Japanese writers used soft bread to erase the pencil. English engineer Edward Nairn was the first to use a rubber eraser and was impressed with the effect. The problem was that his erasers crumbled easily and they smelled bad. When Charles Goodyear invented vulcanization, the problem was solved. And then in the middle of the 19th century, Hymen Lipman patented his successful idea, and erasers began to be attached to the tip of the pencil.

3. Ballpoint pen

In 1888, the American tanner John Lode patented the first version of a ballpoint pen to mark the skins, and then other inventors began to patent their modifications of this invention. In 1935, newspapermen Ladislas and Greg Biro, disappointed fountain pens, wanted to invent a more versatile pen and improve ink. This is how the Biro pens were born, but there were no huge sales, and after the Second World War, the inventors sold their design to Eberhard Faber for 500 thousand dollars. Milton Reynolds, a Chicago salesman who became interested in the Biro pen, became a multimillionaire after he started producing and selling the product in the United States. The business thrived, but customers were constantly finding that the pens were still flawed. Since then, the modernization of such a simple thing has not stopped.

4. Protractor

The protractor has been measuring angles for the past 500 years. The cartographer Thomas Blandeville first described this tool in his 1589 monograph “ Short description universal cards ". By the early 17th century, protractors were often used by sailors for navigation. By the 20th century, they came to school. Protractors began to be produced from brass, steel, ivory and plastic in the form of circles, rectangles, squares, semicircles and quarter circles. Some protractors come with rulers, stencils and templates. The Japanese protractor, exhibited at the 1876 World's Fair, looked like a bar with jagged edges, and was marked with a zodiac sign every 30 degrees.

5. Drawing compasses

Drawing compasses have existed since ancient times. Samples of these Roman instruments can be seen in the British Museum. Initially, both legs of the drawing compass ended with sharp ends so that a circle could be scratched on the paper, which was then outlined with ink. In the 18th century, a graphite pencil was already attached to one leg to draw circles on paper. Previously, compasses were made from brass, German silver, aluminum, steel, wood and plastic. They could also be beautifully decorated, turning them into small works of art.

6. Backpack

Before the advent of backpacks, schoolchildren and students piled textbooks and tied them with a leather or cloth belt. In 1938, the Gerry Outdoors company invented the first zip backpack, but at the time, students had little interest in the new product. They were sold mainly to tourists and skiers, and students walked around with tied piles of books or briefcases. In 1967, Gerry Outdoors created the first modern nylon backpack, and it was an instant hit, but again for backpackers. Students later adopted this accessory. To keep up with the times, backpacks have since gotten smaller and now come with additional pockets and compartments for smartphones, tablets and other gadgets.

Project of joint activities of the educator with children of the preparatory group

Abstract of the project of joint activities of the educator with children for older children preschool age(6-7 years old)

Project topic: History of school supplies

Description: I offer you a summary of the project of joint activities of a teacher with children for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old). Project topic: History of school supplies

This material will be useful for the educators of the preparatory group. Currently, the need for rethinking the essence of the upbringing process, the search for new approaches to the upbringing of preschoolers, contributing to the most complete child development ,

The solution to this important problem makes us pay attention to the educational potential. project activities children

Project goal: to expand children's understanding of school supplies

Project type: informational, research, creative, medium-term.

Project topic: History of school supplies.

Project goal: to expand children's ideas about school supplies.

· Development of cognitive interests - the purpose of school supplies, their decoration, history of appearance, changes in appearance and functions.

Development of creativity - writing, drawing, applique, design project "Timeline"

· Development of communication skills - discussion, hypothesis, establishment of agreements.

Final event form: children's design

Project duration: 2-3 weeks

Integration educational areas (Educational areas indicated)

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas (forms of organization)

Enrichment of the developing environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents, social partners

Stage 1 Motivational and diagnostic


Drafting collection"School supplies" - the collection is assembled together with children and parents, any images are accepted (clippings, photographs, postcards, unusual school supplies, etc.).

Problem Discussion: Where did school supplies come from, why are they as different as appearance the subject speaks of its purpose

Create a playful creative space: (kids can write text on a wax tablet, view a collection, create images using collection items, etc.)

Participation in the creation of a collection, production of wax tablets

Stage 2 Organizational



Examination of images and objects from the collection: classification of images and objects on various grounds (purpose, material), analysis of images and objects on the following issues:

· What do we know about school supplies?

· What do we want to know?

· How can we find out?

Excursion to the stationery store

Organizing children into working groups: researchers, artists, writers

Placement in the environment of "secret vaults"

Participation in the creation of "Secret Repositories"

Participation in the excursion

Stage 3 Substantive and practical



Reading fiction

Artistic creation

Subtopic"What the oldest school supplies looked like"

How are ancient school supplies similar to different countries? What are they decorated with?

Examining images of vintage school supplies.

Searching for an answer to the question "Have the accessories always been the same as they are now?" Viewing images

· Conversation "Account History"

· Watching the animated series "The Fixies" - the History of Things series: "The history of the ballpoint pen", "About the ballpoint pen", "Caution: paint and glue"

· Fantasy games “What a pencil, ballpoint pen, etc., according to the children's choice”

Subtopic: How did my grandparents and my parents go to school?

· Reading were "Filippok"

· Conversation "How my parents studied at school"

Tasks: To teach children a coherent retelling,

· Making a screen "My parents, grandparents are schoolchildren"

· Exhibition of children's drawings, together with parents "My first lesson"

Subtopic How School Supplies Are Decorated

· Conversation "Beautiful school supplies"

· Reading the poem "School Sketches" by V. Berestov To activate children's knowledge of school supplies.

Making riddles about school supplies,

· Decoration of pencils "My jolly pencil"

· Construction from paper "Pencil holder"

· Didactic game "Toy-school-sport"

Tasks: Develop attention, coordinate word and movement. (If you hear a word that refers to toys, clap your hands; if you hear a word that refers to school supplies, place your hands on the table, as in school; and if the word refers to sports supplies, spread your arms to the side)

· Didactic game "Collect a portfolio"

Objectives: Develop attention, consolidate knowledge of school supplies.

Subtopic How Are Different Pencils Different?

· Conversation "What are they different", during the conversation showing graphic works artists created with different materials and real art materials or slides with their images

· Children's experimentation "Determination of the softness and hardness of pencils", "Comparison of charcoal pencil, pastel, sanguine and simple pencils"

Drawing animals with pastels and sanguine

DVD "Fixies" - series

History of things:

Billing, modern Abacus.

Presentation with "Ancient and modern calculating instruments and writing utensils"

Introduction of "Filippok"

Screen "" My parents, grandparents are schoolchildren "

Exhibition of drawings "My first lesson"

Introduction of the poem "School sketches" by V. Berestov, riddles

Materials for decorating pencils

Materials for construction from paper.

Equipment for didactic games

Contribution of various art materials to create graphic works.

books with illustrations by E. Charushin

Search DVD "Fixies" - History of Things series:

Preparation of the presentation "Ancient and modern calculating instruments and writing utensils"

Search for their school photos, photos of relatives,

The participation of parents in joint activities with the child: writing stories, creating drawings, decorating an exhibition of drawings

Search for different, beautiful pens, pencils, etc.

Parents take part in decorating pencils with their children, organizing an exhibition of pencils.

Helping parents in finding equipment for didactic games

Help in finding art materials and slides for display, reproductions of graphic works of artists

Stage 4 Final



Fiction Reading Fiction

Children's design: Creation of time tapes "Pencils" "Pens", "Counting instruments" Discussion of children's projects

Illustrations for creating "Timelines"

Help in creating "Timelines"


1., Veraksa activities of preschoolers. A guide for educators preschool institutions... - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2010.

2. Nechaev inventions.

3. Stories about your surroundings. ... Publisher: Children's Literature, 1962.

4. Kutsakov and artistic work in kindergarten. Program and lecture notes. - M .: Sfera, 2010 .-- 240p.

5. Kutsakov and we make crafts. Manual labor in kindergarten and at home. A guide for educators and parents. For classes with children 4-7 years old. - M., Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.

6. There are many ideas about a person in history and culture: Toolkit for a preschool educational institution. - M .: Sphere, 2009.

7. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. The main general education program preschool education... Ed. , .- 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2011.

8. Pavlova didactic games to familiarize yourself with the world around you. For work with children 4-7 years old. - M. MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2011

9. Ushakova preschoolers with literature and speech development. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011.

10. Reader for preschoolers 5-7 years old. Educator's guide kindergarten and parents. / Comp. and others - 1st edition. M., AST. 1997.

11. Tolstoy, publishing house: Amphora, 2010

12. Shtanko activities with older preschool children // Journal "Management of preschool educational institution". - No. 4, 2004

Municipal autonomous general education educational "secondary comprehensive school No. 111 "

Project theme : History of school supplies.

Prepared by students of the 4th grade under the guidance of Kulakova Svetlana Viktorovna


History of school supplies.

Explanatory note

At school age, such a role in the life of the child is acquired by educational activity.
For a former preschooler and already a first-grader schoolchild, school supplies, first of all, act as toys and, as with any toy, it is necessary to teach the child to “play”.

Objective of the project :

Introduce children to the origins of school supplies. Generate interest in the school.To acquaint children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that at school children do not play with them, but use them for their intended purpose in the educational process as a tool for achieving certain goals.

Project duration : 8 weeks.

Project objectives :

At school, to form elementary skills of self-organization in educational activities. These skills will later become “helpers” for the child in learning activities.

1 day


"Secrets of the school portfolio" (Conversation on the history of school supplies) book.

Why do you need school supplies?

How the first letters appeared. (book-papyri)

Offer to view encyclopedias and books with the history of writing.

Tips for parents in the corner

First books "

2nd day




"Secrets of the school pencil case"

What did you write before?

The history of the emergence of the handle.

What they are using now.

Di « Help Cinch to put together a pen "

It is proposed to collect one handle at a time.

Ballpoint Pens Exhibition

Consultation for parents and educators on the topic "Pencil cases"

As for the pencil cases, since none of the existing structures can cause any harm to the health of the child.

Day 3



eraser, paper clips.

What other items can be in the pencil case?

History of origin.

D / and " Quick eraser "

- childmust remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing with the eraser as soon as possible.

Д / и "Help Shpuntik to assemble a chain of paper clips"

The development of fine motor skills.

Children are encouraged to assemble a chain of paper clips. (who quickly)

Children are offered the outline of school supplies.

Sliding folder: "Requirements for pencil cases."

4th day





"Secrets of the school pencil case" (continued) pencils (colored and simple), sharpener.

History of origin.

What are pencils for?

How to use a sharpener?

D / and "Stream pencils"

The development of fine motor skills.

Д / и "Help Malvina to collect pencils"

To teach to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

Drawing "Rainbow".

Development of creativity.

Coloring pages.

Information in the parent corner "Preparing your hand for writing"

6 day



"Schoolbag Secrets" (continued) scissors, paper.

Where the paper came from.

Paper making.

Respect for paper.

Instructions for working with scissors.

Application "Figures"

Using scissors and paper, cut out any items from school supplies and glue them on cardboard in the form of a portfolio.

Exhibition of various types of paper.

"When taking care of your child, do not forget about him ..."

The Perfect Schoolbag (Information for Parents)

Day 7

"Secrets of the school portfolio" Ruler, squares.

D / and "Help Pinocchio to measure objects"

Teach the skills of measuring objects using a ruler.

Drawing segments of a certain length.

Exhibition of various types of rulers and squares, protractor, mold.

Suggest to parents at home.

Reading the poem "Portfolio"

V. Danko

Day 8




"Secrets of the school portfolio" paints, gouache, brushes.

Types of brushes.

Appointment, use in people's lives.

Drawing "To school"

Exhibition of brushes (for painting, for glue, paint brushes, wide-narrow, thin-thick)

"How to teach a child to draw", "Developing a creative personality" (information in the corner)

Expected Result:

Crossing the school threshold, a new, very important period of personality formation begins in recent preschoolers. This is also a new way of life, which presupposes a new system of relations with people around, the implementation of new forms of activity, the fulfillment of new tasks, a change in the regime so that adaptation to school is painless.


Aizman R.I. Preparing a child for school / R.I. Eisman. M., 1991.

Arnautova E.P. Educator and family. Moscow: 2001.

E. Arnautova. Successive ties of the preschool educational institution, school and parents of future first graders. - M .: Sphere. 2006.)

Arkhipova I.A. Preparing your child for school. - Yekaterinburg, 2004

Bezrukikh M.M. Steps to school: book. For teachers and parents. M .: Bustard, 2001.

Fostering a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group for school within the framework of the project; Back to school soon; (from the experience of the Almetyevsk preschool educational institution No. 48 October 2006)

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