Appendix SIT30 - the system of the perfect body - "For me, the best application." our history

Polls show that the overwhelming majority of women are dissatisfied with their figure, many of them are struggling with overweight, but do not reach any results. Some can lose weight, but then the weight returns, and the struggle begins with the beginning.

Ekaterina Mirimanova is confident that the mistake is attitude to life and its own body. Incorrect installations and internal blocks reduce all efforts.

The perfect body is the system of Catherine Mirimanova

Trainer and expert in the field of proper nutrition Ekaterina Mirimanova experienced own technique on myself. She dropped weight from 120 kg to 60 kg for a year and a half without exhausting workouts, starvation, liposuction and harmful drugs.

She is confident that every way to lose weight can every. Free program "Program yourself to the perfect body for 5 days" - Learn how to start losing weight.

The program for weight loss is absolutely safe for health and even provides therapeutic effect, leading to the norm all the organs and increasing immunity. The slimming technique "Minus 60" is approved by doctors, as an efficient and universal.

Slimming power supply system

Want to have the perfect body, slim and tightened in a figure, but do not know how to start losing weight? Get free program Catherine Mirimanova "We program yourself to the perfect body for 5 days" and set up an effective weight loss.

School perfect body Reflexio Academy is a system of online lessons and online trainings on which you get a ready-made weight reduction scheme by 5-9 kg every 27 days to the desired result.

The lessons disclosed the secrets "Bodyhelz formula" - the scientific technology of creating an ideal body according to the principles of molecular diets.

  1. Agree, P. rosto burn fat - boring and stressful. Imagine that you are at the same time:
    1. Extrase from 5-9 kg of barking fat every 27 days.
    2. Rejuvenate the body for 7 - 15 years.
    3. Forget about pain in body, fatigue and colds.
    4. Part with cellulite.
    5. Get moving joints, strong muscles and elastic skin.

You do not just lose weight - in the Bodyhelz formula, the features of your psychology and physiology are taken into account. Therefore:

  • the process goes without straining;
  • the whole organism is heated;
  • the result remains with you forever.

Have you tried many ways and did not get the result?

That is why you easier to go close to mentors. All valuable information you get first-hand. You are insured from errors - all steps are controlled and adjust experts in the field of molecular nutrition and physiology of movement.

From reviews: Artem, 28 years old, Lviv:

« I'll pucked here :) Pants from the wedding 3 years ago.

Other photos - changed the style of clothes, now it looks like »

We created a "Bodyhelz formula" for themselves, we lost weight and trained this technique for 2.5 years 497 people. All program participants received a persistent result. Some of them has a weight dropped by 6 kg, and someone has almost 30 kg - and remains for more than 1 year.

How to lose weight without diets and tension?

Attention: you put the process of weight loss on the reflex - And your body itself will form the necessary volumes and shapes.

15 years we dreamed of a beautiful figure. We wore 52 clothes size and tried to lose weight. We are starving and exhausted themselves with workouts, encoded and visited massage sessions.

As a result, I understood: you want to lose weight and keep health - Understand the intricacies of the work of your body.
We figured out, because one of us is an athlete, a psychologist with a 15-year experience of coaching work, and the second - biochemist, gerontologist and practitioners of Tibetan medicine.

2 years we have searched for information: read reports on modern scientific discoveries, more than 25 techniques for themselves and their friends were tested, studied the market for nutritional and fitness consultants.

As a result, they took the basis 3 mechanism, which are responsible for the beauty and harness of the body. 2 of them are open at the beginning of the 21st century, so they do not know 9 of 10 doctors and nutritionists today. These are these mechanisms:
1. Hormonal regulation of hunger and saturation processes.
2. Stop aging of body cells.
3. Formation of new conditional reflexes.

In your program, we use the principles of molecular nutrition.

Molecular dietology - new Sciencewhich describes the principles of food selection by their molecular composition For the improvement and rejuvenation of the body.

Lose weight with molecular dietology is simple. Your body will start getting everything you need and independently launches the program to achieve perfect weight and good health.

Doubt that this time you will succeed?

Agree: Obid once on the milk, you will blow on the water.

That is why you can get on your way step-by-step support. In this case, we are engaged only by you, because we understand how difficult it is to change yourself.
Error - fix.
Tell me - tell me.
Stay - push and melting.
You only need wanted Become slimmer and younger.

From reviews : Albina, 56 years old, St. Petersburg:

"Now I understand that without your advice would have been" driving. " My acquaintances are already asked how I managed to change. I say that I can give a recipe, but without accompaniment of the authors he is ineffective. "

Have you heard anything about us?

Gennady Falkovsky. Age by passport: 61 year. Result: minus 29 kg and 52 cm in volumes. Biological age - 45 years.

Founder of the Reflexio Academy. Psychologist, coach with 15 years of experience in conducting training for the disclosure of human potential.

Master of sports on speed running on skates, winner of international competitions.

Graduate course on the molecular dietology of the California Technological University.

Dad 2 adult children, grandfather.

Elena Shaparenko. Age by passport: 46 years old. Result: minus 27 kg and 48 cm in volumes, biological age - 30 years.

Founder of the RELEXIO Academy, Master of Biology, Gerontologist.

Practice of Tibetan medicine.

Author of books: "Eastern ways of beauty and longevity", "Secrets of Tibetan Medicine", "heal the spirit and body", "Encyclopedia of Vitamins", "The Reflexes of the Perfect Body", "reflexes of youth and beauty", "reflexes of healthy relationships".

Graduate of the molecular dietology of the California Technological University.

Mom 2 adult children and grandmother 2 grandchildren.

Do you think it's hard to lose weight?

Yes, for the acquisition of the perfect body you need to make efforts. But they are worth it! We facilitate your way.

Next to us lose weight and comfortably, because we are energetic and positive. We are all the time near, because your result is important.

From reviews: Galina, 54 years old, Barnaul:

"Today I was told that the skin on the face was noticeably pulled. Without any voltage, without food additives for 1.5 months, reduced its volumes by 2 sizes. Thank you, Gennady and Elena for an honest attitude. I feel great! "

You can create a perfect body yourself, getting ready-made scheme And you can do it with our step-by-step support .

The choice is yours. In the meantime: start free to build your perfect bodywith the video course "Turn Fat to youth."

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Sit30 - Your perfect body system!
Slimming, based on proper balanced nutrition, moderate physical exertion and home recipes of beauty.

With the system of the perfect body, you quickly and comfortably lose extra kilograms, you will acquire a shining skin of the face, silky hair and strong nails - everything that is necessary for the perfect appearance.

Slimming with Sit30 is:

Programs of proper nutrition (there are all recipes in the application!)
Programs of moderate physical exertion (lessons with pictures!)
Body care programs with home remedies (Natural Cosmetics Recipes!)
The promotion system in the form of awards.
The ability to track each discarded centimeter (your hero will lose weight with you).
The ability to develop an individual loss program depending on the goals set.

SIT30 - real story Your transformation.

Slimming Sitten System is based on the principle of awards and promotions, allowing the weight simply, easily and imperceptibly for themselves. From the first day with Sit30 you turn on in fascinating game, which will be your cardinal transformation.

Daily you will receive a nutrition plan, sports activities and facial and body treatments. We took care that you get tasks in advance. Your task is to follow the recommendations without violating the rules of the system so that the result was noticeable from the first days.

We are for the convenience and lack of routine!
The system is based on diversity of nutrition, physical exertion and beauty procedures. Each procedure, sports occupation or recipe is already described in detail in the Appendix.

Collectors your achievements!
You do not just drop extra kilograms, we encourage your weight loss collectible thematic awards! Share with friends achieved by heights, receiving rewards and Badi Sit30!

Lose weight delicious!
Especially for you, we have developed a variety of proper nutrition plans. Lucky with Sit30 You do not have to starve: We took care of not only the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also that your diet is truly full. We included a huge, convenient to use, a collection of detailed recipes of delicious and useful dishes, among which you will definitely find your favorite!

Go to goal - it's easy!
Statistics will help keep track of changes in your body using a detailed schedule, a convenient diary and the original visualization of the dynamics of weight loss.
Processing primary weightspecified during registration The application creates the model of your body - a character that loses with you.
Visualization of the weight loss process allows you to day after day, centimeter per centimeter, track real changes in your body.

You lose weight with Sit30, Sit30 lose weight with you!

"Sit30" is not just a slimming:
Power plan, moderate physical exertion and care with natural beauty recipes;
Visualization of your weight loss schedule;
Accounting of drinking water;
reminders of food receptions, sports activities and beauty procedures;
statistics performed tasks;
detailed recipes for proper nutrition;
Beauty lessons at home;
Sports exercises in pictures;
Motivating system of promotions for completed tasks;
individual program Slimming and care, designed depending on the goals set by you.

Conveniently used. The phone is always there! An intuitive interface.

3 variants of a balanced menu based on proper nutrition. Recipes are in the application.

In Sit30 you will find everything to care and your body.

Moderate physical exertion on all muscle groups. All exercises with pictures.

The promotion system in the form of award will help to maintain motivation.

You can lose weight playing. Collect collectible thematic awards!

The application creates the model of your body - a character that loses with you.

Here are some common, but very valuable tips from the "Champions Coach":

Bodybuilding is "conquered" literally any age, starting with teenage and ending with pre-preimb. For example, the famous British bodybuilder Albert Beclaz became the world champion already in 53 years old! And yet, if the age of a newcomer exceeds 35 years, he simply needs to go through a full medical examination to avoid hidden ailments, which, in combination with physical exertion, can become fatal for its owner.

Clothing for trainings should be free, comfortable, made of natural fabrics, and shoes - durable, able to protect the feet and fingers of your feet from injuries in case of an unexpected falling inventory.

Choose a row for yourself power exercises with sufficiently moderate burden. If you feel that the exercise causes you even the slightest pain, immediately reduce the weight of the projectile by 25-30%. When performing the training, watch the breath: in no case delay it at the voltage, otherwise you risk losing consciousness. Take a breath, lowering the projectile, and exhale - on the rise of burdens.

Remember that there are no so many exercises on the efficiency of workouts as a whole group of indirect factors: sufficient sleep and recreation, regularity of trainings, the correct diet, the quality of food, a sufficient amount of fluid consumed and, of course, beliefs and solid mood for success. It is best to do one day in the same hours, especially during the first 3 months.

The first six months it is very important that all exercises are "clean" by you, that is, without the help of other muscle groups - in particular, without additional impetus to the legs or tons of torsa.

The rest between approaches should be no more than 1.5 minutes so that the body does not have time to "cool", and the bloodstream remained strengthened to achieve the best effect on the training.

Each exercise has its optimal speed. For example, it is better to spend 2-3 seconds to spend the rod, and for lowering - 4 seconds. Too fast tempo can lead to injuries of various kinds.

The optimal initial weight of the projectile for a beginner (both men and women) is about the same, but over time it can be confronted under its individual needs, complying with the principle of gradual increase in loads.

Experienced, it is found that the results of which you want to achieve directly depend on the number of repetitions of each exercise. For example, repeating the exercise up to 5 times, the bodybuilder develops the power of its muscles, to 8 - increases muscle mass and overall endurance, and more than 15 repetitions lead to a significant increase in muscle mass. More than 20 repetitions without a pause between approaches greatly strengthen the cardiovascular system. According to Joe Wider, it is best to train comprehensively using the most different variants repetitions.

It is very important during training to focus only at the work of your own muscles, feeling how they strain and relax. Such a concentration is very positively affected by the exercise result, which is marked by many bodybuilding champions.

At the heart of the Wider system is 24 Main Training Principleshelping to achieve the desired result as soon as possible and with the greatest benefit for a bodybuilder. The program is concisely divided into three main parts containing recommendations for a newbie, for bodybuilder with experience and, finally, for a professional already having a solid training experience.

Each new principle reveals a certain methodical secret, thanks to which anyone can bring her body to the level of perfection that he dreams about. We will not list all the principles of the system of the Great Wizard, in order not to deprive our readers of pleasure to discover the secrets of Azov Bodybuilding for themselves, but they still allow themselves to mention.

For example, for a beginner bodybuilder, the following principles will be very useful:

Principle of progressive superload

It is worth it historical myth About the ancient Greek Athlete named Milon, who invented to train his muscles, daily taucked on his shoulders of a young bull. As the bull, its weight increased, and at the same time he grew up and physical Power Milon. In the end, the resourceful athlete became the strongest wrestler in all Greece, and Joe Wyder guessed to use his invaluable experience as effective method Building muscle mass. According to this principle, the bodybuilder must constantly increase the weight of his projectile, as well as the number of approaches during each new training or to reduce the rest time between approaches.

Principle of isolation

Performing an exercise should be very closely monitored so that every muscle "worked" on their own, without the help of the rest. In this bodybuilder will help excellent knowledge of his own anatomy and special anatomical positions during the training, which in the book Wider is quite detailed.

The principle of muscle shocking

Too long use of the same exercise leads to the fact that the muscles are "getting used to" to the load and simply cease to react to it properly. Bind the adaptation of the muscles, constantly changing the type of exercise, as well as the number of repetitions and approaches.

Diet for champions

A special place in the Wider system occupies a diet, which, according to the author himself, determines at least half of the success in bodybuilding. But what is a special should there be a future champion, so that his training does not pass in vain?

Of course, since we are talking about building muscle tissue, it is not necessary to do without protein food. After all, the protein is the chief participant in any cellular and fabric "construction" and source indispensable amino acids. However, in any case, it is necessary to know the measure, otherwise the entire excess protein can turn into fat. Wyder insists that the perfect daily balance was as follows: 25-30% proteins, 55-60% of carbohydrates, and the remaining 10-20% should be fats.

As for proteins, they can be consumed to 100-200 g per day (about 2 g per each kg of body weight), but - often (4-5 times a day) and in small portions of 30 g. The source of useful protein must certainly Be products with low fat content. Ideally, it is white chicken or turkey meat, low-fat fish, chicken squirrels, low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables. Also permissible dishes from soybeans and nuts.

Do not do bodybuilder and without carbohydrates, because it is their energy mainly spent during training. An ideal source of this energy can be: Bread from coarse grinding flour, beaches, noodles, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, nuts and legumes.

Wilder Firahth speaks with great respect, since without them it is simply impossible for normal functioning internal organs, as well as transportation of fat-soluble vitamins. With intense and long-term trainings, fats may be an additional source of energy, and the benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids It seems like Omega-2 and Omega-3 today do not know except very lazy athletes. Therefore, in the body of a bodybuilder, fat-containing products must be present - vegetable oils, milk, cheese, yogurt and, of course, fish oil.

Here is an approximate daily menu for the future champion (the size of the portion is determined individually):

Breakfast (8-00): Two sick eggs, oatmeal on low-fat milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey, food additives.

Lunch (12-00): Sea fish salad (tuna, macroll, mackerel) or boiled chicken meat and green salad with garnish from baked potatoes, tea or coffee, food additives.

Afternoon person (17-00): Boiled fish with rice garnish, vegetable salad without refueling, a glass of skimmed milk, nutritional supplements.

Dinner (21-00): Cocktail of 2 tbsp. Spoons of protein powder, 1-1.5 cup of low fat milk with the addition of fruit.

Also, the "Champions Coach" advises bodybuilders to never eat fried food, drink as much water as possible (about 12-16 glasses per day) and not forget about regular vitamin and mineral support for their body.

You are an aggregate, duskey!

And finally. Many will ask: What can be beautiful in the inflamed female body? And partly will be right, since not all men like unnecessarily muscular women's bodies with wide shoulders, a narrow pelvis, shrouded in the mesh of veins and sometimes completely devoid of seductive roundabouts. But in bodybuilding, as in any other sport, you can choose the necessary level of load, and it is not at all necessary to "pump up" your muscles to a professional hypertrophied state. Each of us can "build" your own body as it is directed to any limits. Just look at the first "Miss Olympia" - Did the beauty of Rachel McLish losing her female charm?

In addition, the reason for the appearance of "scary" bloated forms, ugly discontinuous veins and other repulsive "special effects" may be a passion for anabolics - chemicalsWith the help of which unscrupulous bodybuilders are trying to speed up the growth of muscles. But when the master Wider developed his system, there was no place for chemical doping, as, in principle, there is no it today.

According to Wider, women's bodybuilding is a great way to not only get rid of unnecessary fat deposits, but also become stronger, flexible and healthy for the rest of your life. He is deeply convinced that the female hormonal system itself does not allow the lady to build muscles in the same hypertrophied volume, as it turns out in men. That is, the excessive "mining" of the female figure is rather the result of not very sporting intervention, but not at all of no bona fide training ...

According to Joe Wider, in bodybuilding, the female body has a certain advantage over male due to its natural flexibility, so the ladies are able to exercise their muscles using a wider amplitude of movements. Thanks to the center of gravity, shifted to the pelvis area and hips, a woman is much easier to increase the muscular frame of the lower extremities than men. But the "swing up" the ladies are needed with extreme caution, since their too narrow shoulder and elbow joints can withstand far from any burden.

And, nevertheless, the same diet and the same exercises as in men, with the same frequency, durability and perseverance are going to work in the Dame Bodybuilding. But after all, a healthy body, like a healthy mind, is worth their efforts, is it not true?

(Photo in Material: Catalin Petolea (1), Stryjek (3), http: //

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