Slimming with SIT30. Application Sit30 - ideal body system - "For me the best application"

School perfect body from the Reflexio Academy is a system of online lessons and online trainings where you get a ready-made weight loss scheme of 5-9 kg every 27 days until the desired result.

The lessons reveal the secrets of the BodyHealth Formula, a scientific technology for creating an ideal body based on the principles of molecular nutrition.

  1. Agree p. Just burning fat is boring and stressful. Imagine that you are both:
    1. Get rid of 5-9 kg of annoying fat every 27 days.
    2. Rejuvenate your body for 7-15 years.
    3. Forget about pain in the body, fatigue and colds.
    4. Get rid of cellulite.
    5. You get mobile joints, strong muscles and elastic skin.

You do not just lose weight - the BodyHealth Formula takes into account the peculiarities of your psychology and physiology. So:

  • the process goes without tension;
  • the whole body heals;
  • the result stays with you forever.

Have you tried many ways and did not get the result?

That is why it is easier for you to walk alongside mentors. All valuable information you get first hand. You are insured against mistakes - all steps are controlled and corrected by experts in the field of molecular nutrition and physiology of movement.

From the reviews: Artem, 28 years old, Lviv:

« Here's another thing to brag about :) Pants from a wedding 3 years ago.

Other photos - I changed the style of clothes, now I look like this 🙂 »

We created the "Formula BodyHealth" for ourselves, lost weight ourselves and taught this technique to 497 people in 2.5 years. All program participants received stable results. Some of them have lost 6 kg of weight, while others have lost almost 30 kg - and have remained so for more than 1 year.

How to lose weight without dieting and stress?

Attention: you put the process of losing weight on a reflex- and your body itself will form the necessary volumes and shapes.

For 15 years we dreamed of a beautiful figure. They wore size 52 and tried to lose weight. We starved and exhausted ourselves with workouts, coded and massages.

As a result, we realized: if you want to lose weight and maintain health, understand the intricacies of how your body works.
We figured it out because one of us is an athlete, a psychologist with 15 years of coaching experience, and the other is a biochemist, gerontologist and practitioner of Tibetan medicine.

For 2 years we have been looking for information: we read reports on modern scientific discoveries, tested more than 25 methods on themselves and their friends, studied the market for the services of nutritionists and fitness consultants.

As a result, we took as a basis 3 mechanisms, which are responsible for the beauty and harmony of the body. 2 of them were opened at the beginning of the 21st century, so 9 out of 10 doctors and nutritionists do not know about them today. These are the mechanisms:
1. hormonal regulation of hunger and satiety processes.
2. stop the aging of body cells.
3. formation of new conditioned reflexes.

In our program, we use the principles of molecular nutrition.

Molecular Dietetics - new science, which describes the principles for selecting products according to their molecular composition for healing and rejuvenation of the body.

Losing weight with molecular nutrition is easy. Your body will begin to receive everything it needs and will independently launch a program to achieve ideal weight and good health.

Doubt that this time you will succeed?

We agree: burn yourself once in milk, you will blow into the water.

That's why on your way you can get step by step support. In this case, we are only concerned with you, because we understand how difficult it is to change yourself.
Make a mistake - we'll fix it.
Doubt - we will advise.
Stop - push and motivate.
All you need is want become leaner and younger.

From reviews : Albina, 56 years old, St. Petersburg:

“Now I understand that without your advice I would have “moved out” long ago. My friends are already asking how I managed to change so much. I say that I can give a recipe, but without the support of the authors, it is ineffective.

Have you heard anything about us?

Gennady Falkovsky. Age according to the passport: 61 years. Result: minus 29 kg and 52 cm in volume. Biological age - 45 years.

Founder of the Reflexio Academy. Psychologist, trainer with 15 years of experience in training to unlock human potential.

Master of sports in speed skating, winner of international competitions.

Graduate of the Molecular Dietetics course at California Institute of Technology.

Dad of 2 adult children, grandfather.

Elena Shaparenko. Age according to the passport: 46 years. Result: minus 27 kg and 48 cm in volume, biological age - 30 years.

Founder of the Relexio Academy, Master of Biology, gerontologist.

Tibetan medicine practitioner.

Author of the books: Oriental Ways of Beauty and Longevity, Secrets of Tibetan Medicine, Heal the Spirit and Body, Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Reflexes of the Ideal Body, Reflexes of Youth and Beauty, Reflexes of Healthy Relationships.

Graduate of the Molecular Dietetics course at California Institute of Technology.

Mother of 2 adult children and grandmother of 2 grandchildren.

Do you think losing weight is hard?

Yes, it takes effort to get the perfect body. But they are worth it! We make your journey easier.

It is fun and comfortable to lose weight next to us, because we are energetic and positive. We are always there, because your result is important to us.

From reviews: Galina, 54 years old, Barnaul:

“Today I was told that the skin on my face was noticeably tightened. Without any tension, without nutritional supplements, in 1.5 months she reduced her volumes by 2 sizes. Thank you, Gennady and Elena for an honest attitude. I feel great!”

You can create the perfect body yourself by getting ready scheme, and you can do it with our step by step support .

The choice is yours. For now: start building your perfect body for free with the video course "Turn fat into youth."

Here are some general but very valuable tips from the "trainer of champions":

Literally any age is “subdued” to bodybuilding, from adolescence to pre-retirement. For example, the famous British bodybuilder Albert Beckles became the world champion at the age of 53! And yet, if the age of a beginner exceeds 35 years, he simply needs to undergo a complete medical examination in order to avoid hidden ailments, which, combined with physical exertion, can become fatal for their owner.

Clothing for training should be free, comfortable, made of natural fabrics, and shoes should be durable, able to protect your feet and toes from injury in case of an unexpected fall of equipment.

Choose the type of program that suits you strength exercises with a fairly moderate burden. If you feel that the exercise causes you even the slightest pain, immediately reduce the weight of the projectile by 25-30%. When performing the training, watch your breathing: in no case do not hold it under tension, otherwise you risk losing consciousness. Breathe in as you lower the weight, and breathe out as you lift the weight.

Remember that the effectiveness of training is influenced not so much by the exercises themselves, but by a whole group of indirect factors: sufficient sleep and rest, training regularity, proper diet, food quality, sufficient fluid intake and, of course, self-confidence and a strong attitude to success. It is best to practice every other day at the same hours, especially during the first 3 months.

For the first six months, it is very important that you perform all the exercises "cleanly", that is, without the help of other muscle groups - in particular, without additional kicks or torso tilts.

Rest between sets should be no more than 1.5 minutes, so that the body does not have time to "cool down", and the blood flow remains increased to achieve the best effect from the training.

Each exercise has its own optimal speed. For example, it is better to spend 2-3 seconds on lifting the bar, and 4 seconds on lowering it. Too fast a pace can lead to various kinds of injuries.

Optimal starting weight the projectile for a beginner (both men and women) is approximately the same, but over time it can be adjusted to your individual needs, observing the principle of a gradual increase in loads.

It has been empirically found that the results that you want to achieve directly depend on the number of repetitions of each exercise. For example, by repeating an exercise up to 5 times, a bodybuilder develops the strength of his muscles, up to 8 - increases muscle mass and overall endurance, and more than 15 repetitions lead to a significant increase in muscle mass. More than 20 repetitions without pauses between sets perfectly strengthen the cardiovascular system. According to Joe Weider, it is best to train comprehensively, using the most different variants repetitions.

It is very important during training to focus only on the work of your own muscles, feeling how they tense and relax. This concentration has a very positive effect on the result of training, which has been noted by many bodybuilding champions.

At the heart of the Wyder System are 24 basic training principles helping to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time and with the greatest benefit for the bodybuilder. The program is succinctly divided into three main parts, containing recommendations for a beginner, for an experienced bodybuilder and, finally, for a professional who already has solid training experience.

Each new principle reveals a certain methodological secret, thanks to which anyone can bring his body to the level of perfection that he dreams of. We will not list all the principles of the Great Master System, so as not to deprive our readers of the pleasure of discovering the secrets of the basics of bodybuilding for themselves, but we still allow ourselves to mention something.

For example, for a beginner bodybuilder, the following principles will be very useful:

Progressive overload principle

It is based on historical myth about an ancient Greek athlete named Milo, who came up with the idea of ​​​​training his muscles by daily carrying a young bull on his shoulders. As the bull grew, its weight increased, and at the same time, its physical strength Milona. In the end, the resourceful athlete became the strongest fighter in all of Greece, and Joe Weider guessed to use his invaluable experience as an effective method of building muscle. According to this principle, a bodybuilder must constantly increase the weight of his projectile, as well as the number of approaches during each new training, or reduce the rest time between sets.

The principle of isolation

When performing the exercise, you should be very careful to ensure that each muscle "works" independently, without the help of the others. In this, the bodybuilder will be helped by excellent knowledge of his own anatomy and special anatomical positions during training, which are described in sufficient detail in Weider's book.

Principle of muscle shock

Too long use of the same exercise leads to the fact that the muscles "get used" to the load and simply stop responding to it properly. Interfere with muscle adaptation by constantly changing the type of exercise, as well as the number of repetitions and sets.

Diet for Champions

A special place in the Weider System is occupied by the diet, which, according to the author himself, determines at least half of success in bodybuilding. But what is it that a future champion should eat so that his training is not in vain?

Of course, since we are talking about building muscle tissue, then there is no way to do without protein food. After all, protein is the main participant in any cellular and tissue "construction" and a source of essential amino acids. However, in any case, you should know the measure, otherwise all excess protein can turn into fat. Wider insists that the ideal daily balance was 25-30% protein, 55-60% carbohydrates, and the remaining 10-20% should be fat.

As for proteins, they can be consumed up to 100-200 g per day (about 2 g per kg of body weight), but often (4-5 times a day) and in small portions of 30 g. be low fat foods. Ideally, this is white meat chicken or turkey, lean fish, chicken proteins, low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables. Soy foods and nuts are also acceptable.

A bodybuilder cannot do without carbohydrates, because it is their energy that is mainly consumed during training. Wholemeal bread, muffins, noodles, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, nuts, and legumes are ideal sources of this energy.

Wilder speaks about fats with great respect, since normal functioning is simply impossible without them. internal organs and transport of fat-soluble vitamins. With intense and long-term training, fats can be an additional source of energy, but about the benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids like Omega-2 and Omega-3 today, only very lazy athletes do not know. Therefore, fat-containing foods must be present in the bodybuilder's diet - vegetable oils, milk, cheese, yogurt and, of course, fish oil.

Here is an approximate daily menu for a future champion (serving size is determined individually):

Breakfast (8-00): two soft-boiled eggs, oatmeal in skim milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey, nutritional supplements.

Lunch (12-00): sea fish salad (tuna, mackerel, mackerel) or boiled chicken meat and green salad with a baked potato garnish, tea or coffee, nutritional supplements.

Afternoon snack (17-00): boiled fish with rice garnish, vegetable salad without dressing, a glass of skimmed milk, nutritional supplements.

Dinner (21-00): a cocktail of 2 tbsp. spoons of protein powder, 1-1.5 cups of skimmed milk with fruit.

Also, the "trainer of champions" advises bodybuilders to never eat fried foods, drink as much water as possible (about 12-16 glasses per day) and do not forget about regular vitamin and mineral support for their body.

You are an aggregate, Dusya!

And finally. Many will ask: what can be beautiful in a pumped-up female body? And they will be partly right, since not all men like overly muscular female bodies with broad shoulders, a narrow pelvis, shrouded in a network of veins and sometimes completely devoid of seductive roundness. But in bodybuilding, as in any other sport, you can choose the required level of load, and it is not at all necessary to “pump up” your muscles to a professionally hypertrophied state. Each of us can "build" our own body the way we want and to whatever extent we want. Just look at the first Ms. Olympia - has the beautiful Rachel McLeish lost her feminine charm?

In addition, the reason for the appearance of "terribly" swollen forms, ugly bulging veins and other repulsive "special effects" may be an anabolic addiction - chemicals, with which unscrupulous bodybuilders try to accelerate muscle growth. But when Master Weider developed his System, there was no place for chemical doping in it, as, in principle, there is none today.

According to Weider, women's bodybuilding is a great way not only to get rid of excess body fat, but also to become stronger, more flexible and healthier for the rest of your life. He is deeply convinced that the female hormonal system itself does not allow a lady to build up muscles in the same hypertrophied volume as men do. That is, the excessive “pumping” of the female figure is rather the result of not quite sports intervention, but not at all conscientious training ...

According to Joe Weider himself, in bodybuilding, the female body has a certain advantage over the male due to its natural flexibility, so ladies are able to exercise their muscles using a wider range of motion. Due to the center of gravity shifted to the pelvis and hips, it is much easier for a woman to build up the muscle frame of the lower extremities than for men. But the ladies need to “pump the top” with extreme caution, since their too narrow shoulder and elbow joints can withstand far from any burden.

And yet, in women's bodybuilding, the same diet and the same exercises are used as in men's, with the same frequency, duration and perseverance. But a healthy body, like a healthy mind, is worth the effort, isn't it?

(Photo credit: Catalin Petolea(1),stryjek(3),

SIT30 - the system of your ideal body!
Weight loss based on proper balanced nutrition, moderate physical activity and homemade beauty recipes.

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You lose weight with SIT30, SIT30 loses weight with you!

"SIT30" is not just weight loss:
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beauty lessons at home;
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individual program weight loss and personal care, designed depending on your goals.

Convenient to use. The phone is always there! Intuitive interface.

3 options for a balanced menu based on proper nutrition. The recipes are in the app.

In sit30 you will find everything to take care of yourself and your body.

Moderate physical activity on all muscle groups. All exercises with pictures.

A reward system in the form of rewards will help keep you motivated.

You can lose weight by playing. Collect collectible themed rewards!

The application creates a model of your body - a character that loses weight with you.

Greetings ladies and gentlemen! Today we are waiting for a theoretical and practical note, and it will be devoted to training programs for each body type. We will analyze how to exercise, eat and carry out aerobic activity for people with a certain type of constitution. The article promises to be extremely rich, so let's get started.

So, sat down, inhaled, rushed!

Body type training program: what, why and why?

I always try to keep track of the wishes of my readers and therefore from time to time I monitor the articles already on the project. So, in the course of it, it was revealed that the most commented note, or rather, even to say, the note in which users left their questions most actively, was this one. At the moment, it has received more than 100 comments, to be honest, the author of these lines did not expect such a stir around a seemingly unsightly note :), but you decided otherwise. Therefore, it seemed to me that it would be interesting to write some continuation of it and highlight in detail both the general issues of compiling training programs for your body type, and private issues - to issue ready-made training schemes that can be immediately applied in your iron traction activity.

Actually, let's see what I got.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Three body types: detailed study question

Body type is the starting point for proper training, nutrition and aerobic activity. Determining your type and characteristics of the body is very important for the qualitative-quantitative training of muscles. There are tons of tips, workout programs, meal plans, supplements scattered around the web these days, but usually that information is worthless and has minimal impact on body composition. This happens because an individual person with his own characteristics of complexion and metabolic processes begins to work according to a template scheme that does not take into account his characteristics.

Therefore, if a person wants to start as efficiently as possible, he needs to know himself and first of all decide on the type of physique.

Often, skinny beginners will fish out some elite bodybuilder training program and begin to work hard on it. However, after 3-4 months they do not understand why they have not yet become the second Arnold Schwarzenegger. It turns out that everything is simple - the training and nutrition program should be radically different due to their bodily characteristics (anthropometry), metabolic processes (metabolic rate) and training strategies (number of sets/reps/rest periods).

So, let's try to correctly identify ourselves and understand our body type. It is customary to distinguish three types of male physique (for women, this grid is larger, and we will pay attention to it in the relevant articles). Let's consider each separately, having studied in detail the characteristics of the physique, nutrition program and training tips.

No. 1. Ectomorph

The second name is "hardgainer" or a skinny guy or, as evil tongues call them, skinny. Most often, this body type has a “light build” with small joints and the same muscle mass. The ectomorph has long, thin limbs, stringy muscles, and narrow shoulders. As for the total body weight, with growth 175-180 see she can be everything 55-60 kg.

Typical features of an ectomorph:

  • a small bone skeleton (bearing frame);
  • flat chest;
  • thin neck;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • skinny buttocks;
  • tall (over 175 cm) ;
  • finds it difficult to gain weight;
  • has a fast metabolism (fast calorie burn);
  • fast metabolism puts ectomorphs at a higher risk of losing muscle mass;
  • have relatively normal testosterone/estrogen hormone profiles but have higher adrenaline and cortisol levels than other body types
  • can easily eat whatever they want and not gain body fat;
  • low percentage of subcutaneous fat.

Ectomorph Training Tips:

  • focus on large muscle groups (legs, back, chest);
  • high-volume training should be avoided, as this can increase the production of oxidants while lowering androgen levels, leading to more inflammation and more muscle loss;
  • the total number of sets per workout should not exceed 9-12 approaches (when working with multi-joint exercises) and 10-15 (with the inclusion of small muscle groups - abs, forearms, arms);
  • rest m / s sets 30-60 sec;
  • train harder with ranged reps 4-8 ;
  • do (squats, bench press, military press, push-ups, deadlifts) in which fast-twitch white muscle fibers work, responsible for the total volume of muscles and their density;
  • say "no" to isolation machines;
  • training should be moderately intense and short (be within the range of pure time 40-45 minutes);
  • don't do a lot of cardio;
  • The best form of aerobic activity would be interval running.

Nutrition for an ectomorph, tips:

  • increase your current daily calorie intake by 500-750 kcal;
  • the number of meals should be 5-6 in a day;
  • not inclined to keep (set aside as stock) certain nutrients and may be deficient in them;
  • sports nutrition - gainers on simple / complex carbohydrates (Weider MegaMass, Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass);
  • to gain weight, you need to consume a large number of calories;
  • loses fat easily so no need to do cardio 3-4 once a week;
  • eating for 40-60 minutes before bed to prevent muscle breakdown at night.
  • to absorb this amount of food, drink for 30 minutes before meals 1.5 a glass of water, this will increase the secretion of gastric juice and spur the body to homing;
  • consume gainers (including homemade ones) 1-2 once a day during periods of training to increase the calorie content of the diet;
  • include nutritious and high-calorie foods, such as nuts, in your diet;
  • break large portions into several (if unable to digest the current amount of food at a time);
  • 50-60% diet should be complex carbohydrates, 25% squirrel, 15-20% fats;
  • drink a lot (0,5-1 liter/day) milk (before 3,5-5% fat content);
  • Eat foods you enjoy in moderation, even if they are unhealthy.

Famous personalities ectomorphs:

  • Brad Pitt (similar to “Fight Club”);
  • Bruce Lee;
  • Chris Rock;
  • Edward Norton;
  • Vasily Alekseev (young);
  • Kate Moss;
  • Audrey Hepburn;
  • Cameron Diaz.

Do not worry about gaining muscle mass, ectomorphs are quite capable of gaining it using the right type of training. (aerobic/anaerobic) and following an appropriate diet and meal plan. In particular, here's what a lean ectomorph might look like when gaining muscle.

No. 2. Mesomorph

Genetic lucky guys with the perfect muscle building platform. They are distinguished by an athletic physique and a large, strong “bearing frame”. best type physique for bodybuilding. It is quite easy to gain muscle and lose fat mass. The height-to-weight ratio is in the ideal range X (kg) = height - 100/110.

Typical features of the mesomorph:

  • athletic build (geometric shape body inverted triangle);
  • broad shoulders and a strong butt;
  • "symmetrical assembly";
  • average height approx. 170-175 cm;
  • fairly wide and massive bones;
  • good musculature and already its visible outlines;
  • good strength performance (can easily pull up, wring out);
  • relatively easy set of muscle mass;
  • moderately high metabolic rate;
  • carbohydrates and fats are used as energy sources, and proteins are used to build new contractile muscle structures;
  • fat layer (total mass) is gained more easily than in ectomorphs;
  • ideal hormone profiles with higher and lower levels of estrogen and cortisol.

Mesomorph Training Tips:

  • the body responds well to volume-strength training, inducing an optimal balance between muscle stimulation and fat burning;
  • workouts should be fairly intense, heavy and relatively long ( 45-60 minutes) ;
  • beginners should not do more 3 exercises for each part of the body 3 once a week;
  • medium-high reps per set ( 8-12 ) to engage slow-twitch red fibers;
  • one exercise should include 3-4 approach;
  • 30-60 sec rest m / y sets;
  • a moderate amount of aerobic activity per week ( 2-3 times) ;
  • The best type of cardio for burning fat is jogging and interval running.

Nutrition for the mesomorph, tips:

  • 40-45% ; 35-40% lean protein; 25-30% fats;
  • it is necessary to maintain an anabolic diet by slightly increasing daily calorie intake by 350-500 kcal;
  • the serving size by volume should be a clenched fist;
  • 4-5 meals during the day;
  • exclusion of favorite and unhealthy products;
  • include sources of healthy fats such as almonds in your diet.
  • selectively low insulin levels allow you to lean on simple carbohydrates and protein after training, closing more effectively;

Famous mesomorph personalities:

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger;
  • Sylvester Stallone;
  • George Clooney;
  • Bruce Willis;
  • Jennifer Garner;
  • Tina Turner;
  • Halle Berry;
  • Anna Kournikova.

Such prospects (at its best) can expect a mesomorph when gaining muscle.

No. 3. Endomorph

Body type with shorter build, thick arms and legs. They have an impressive mass with a fairly low growth. They have a massive skeleton (stocky) and fairly strong legs. Easily gain fat mass and get rid of it for a long time.

Typical features of an endomorph:

  • loose and round body (usually with a stomach);
  • strong and massive bones (mosl);
  • low growth;
  • slow metabolism;
  • large fat reserves and loss of muscle in fat mass;
  • easily gain both muscle and fat, giving more preference to the second;
  • quickly store carbohydrates and fats in the depot and poorly use proteins (have low stockpiles) for ;
  • fatigue and poor stamina;
  • often suffer from water retention;
  • have higher levels of estrogen, cotisol, and circulating insulin, as well as lower levels of testosterone.

Training tips for the endomorph:

  • the volume of training should be less than that of the mesomorph;
  • overtraining for this type can lead to muscle loss, inflammation and increased endomorphic tendencies;
  • The duration of one lesson should be within 65-75 minutes;
  • repetition range 15+ ;
  • 30-40 seconds of rest m / y sets;
  • recommended number of approaches 7-9 ;
  • the weights of the weights must be significant so that this contributes to the transformation of fat into muscle;
  • moderate-volume training with the mandatory presence of multi-joint movements with an emphasis on the beginning of training will help increase muscle mass while reducing fat mass, helping to shift the metabolic profile to mesomorphic characteristics;
  • circuit training works great (when the exercises are performed one after another by a train) for the development of the whole body;
  • a large number of all kinds of aerobic activity, and it can be performed both on rest days and immediately after the workout;
  • The best types of cardio are brisk running for 30-35 minutes and rowing on the simulator.

Nutrition for the endomorph, tips:

  • Nutrient ration should look like this: carbohydrates 30-35% ; 55-60% lean protein; 10-15% fats;
  • this is the most costly (financially) body type. lean protein makes up the lion's share of the diet, and it is not cheap;
  • include whole grains in your diet;
  • eat plenty of vegetables and fiber (sold in pharmacies, including in the form of bran);
  • drink up 3 liters of water per day (on 2 glass before each meal);
  • number of meals per day 5-7 ;
  • cut your current diet 250-500 kcal;
  • minimize empty calories (exclude foods that provide energy only for a short period - sweets, sugar);
  • sports nutrition fat burners - Lipo 6 (Nutrex), Hydroxycat hardcore elite (Muscle Tech); a complex of vitamins and minerals - Animal Pak.

Famous endomorph personalities:

  • Philip Seymour Hoffman;
  • John Goodman;
  • Jack Black;
  • Jennifer Hudson;
  • Oprah Winfrey;
  • Beyonce Knowles.

Such prospects (at its best) may expect an endomorph when gaining muscle.

So, these were the three main body types, and although they are repelled when compiling training programs and nutrition plans, mixed body types still rule the ball.

No. 4. Mixed body type

If you look at the comments on the article on types of constitution, you will see that most of the questioners, i.e. readers and visitors of the project have a mixed body type, and most often ectomorph-mesomorph.

For example, look at the anthropometry of some people who asked questions and see for yourself.

In such a mixed case, it is necessary to focus on both types, their characteristics, tips and advice on nutrition and training.

For example, if you are a mesomorph-endomorph, then you need:

  • carry out enhanced aerobic activity to get rid of fat;
  • conduct strength training as for the backbone of the mesomorph;
  • eat taking into account the characteristics of the body, i.e. how quickly it converts food calories into energy and how quickly it stores them into fat. In other words, if you notice that the body does not disdain to put off fat, then you need to eat like an endomorph, otherwise - like a mesomorph.

Conclusion: “purebred” body types are much less common than half-breeds :). Therefore, it is necessary to correctly identify your constitution and take into account both its positive and negative sides.

In general, to make it clearer and more clearly what is at stake, take a look at the following image.

It has a pure ectomorph (left) and a pure mesomorph (right), and between them a combination of these two types. Now let's look at a specific example of a mixed type and its nutrition, sports nutrition and training program.


It is important to understand that mixed types are also not pronounced, i.e. the percentage of ectomorphism may be greater (For example, 68% ) , and there is less mesomorphism ( 32% ) .

Conditional example:

  • guy, shoulders the same width as the pelvis;
  • loose-fitting trousers fit perfectly around the buttocks without a belt;
  • has small forearms;
  • the body has excess fat and looks round and soft;
  • the thumb and middle finger do not touch each other when grasping the wrist;
  • weight is gained easily but difficult to lose;
  • chest in girth is 94-105 cm.

Such a pepper in our country has the features of three types at once.

As a result, body type (and workout/nutrition programs) line up according to dominant traits and traits, i.e. for our case, this is an endomorph ( 50% )-mesomorph ( 38% ) .

  • for endomorph:

Strength training is the main means to improve the ratio of muscle to fat and help. Use moderate-to-heavy weights and short rest m/u sets and reps. Reduce your calorie intake, eat often and in small portions. You can train 4-6 once a week, using the system of separation of muscle groups (split).

  • for mesomorph:

You can do strength training more often and for more long periods, however, observe the measure in everything. Do no more aerobic activity 2-3 once a week for 30-35 minutes.

  • low carb whey protein (e.g. Dymatize ISO-100);
  • a complex of multivitamins to boost metabolism and improve fat burning processes (e.g. Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men);
  • fish oil capsules.

As you can see, based on the main body types, their characteristics and anthropometry, you can quite easily determine your type of constitution. Most likely, he will not be a purebred, in which case it is necessary to take into account the extreme types and identify dominant traits. (i.e. which type is more dominant and leading).

Well, now it's time to move from the general to the particular and consider specific training programs for body types. Or should we leave it for later? Moreover, the article has already exceeded an indecent number of characters, and there was plenty of information given. I don't hear any objections, so let's do it.


Another note has come to an end. Today we deepened our knowledge of body types and now we know what strategy in training and nutrition should be followed. In the next article, we will start by reviewing specific training programs that you can take, print and run in practice. Well, for now - for now!

PS. Friends, does your current training program take into account the characteristics of your body?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed.

Update: now you can independently determine your body type and learn how to eat and exercise properly with the help of

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Nutrition is important - there is no doubt about it. But then it’s more difficult - everyone who is losing weight or taking care of their health falls into a sea of ​​conflicting information. What food can make you slimmer and healthier? Or perhaps more importantly, how much to eat? Or even when?

If you are asking yourself these questions, you are not alone, scientists are looking for answers with you. Let's see what interesting things they managed to find today and how you can use it.

What is?

There are hundreds of systems, diets and approaches, from the conventional to the unconventional. Most of them are based on sound principles and scientific premises. Each approach has its followers who get the desired effect and, as a rule, consider their choice to be the only correct one.

Is there the best among them, effective for everyone? Unlikely. Do they have something in common? Seems to be yes. Researchers Katz and Meller divided all known power systems based on the leading characteristics and, in a comparative way, deduced what unites them.

Power systems The health effects come from:
low carb Decreased consumption of processed carbohydrates, particularly sugar
Low Fat/Vegetarian/Vegan Eat natural plant foods/reduce unhealthy fats
Low GI Reduced consumption of starches, sugars, high fiber content
mediterranean Consumption of natural plant foods and vegetable oils, with an emphasis on monounsaturated fats
Mixed/Balanced Decreased consumption of processed foods, moderate intake of whole foods
Paleo Minimizing processed foods, eating natural plant foods and lean meats
Comparable Items
  • Limiting consumption of processed starches, added sugar, processed foods
  • Limiting the intake of certain types of fats
  • Focus on eating whole plant foods, lean meats, fish, poultry and seafood (or no)
Single base: whole natural food in moderation, mostly plant-based.
Whatever system you lean towards, it should be based on simple and concise principles from the last line of the table.

Everything else varies from system to system and, apparently, can be adjusted through personal preferences and.

How much?

To lose weight, you need to eat less than you spend. This is both simple and difficult, because it does not always work and not with everyone.

Strict restrictive diets are known to have devastating consequences. And at the same time, a growing body of research suggests that systemic calorie restriction provides a host of benefits: longevity, reduced risk of cancer and other diseases, even stimulating the formation of new neural connections in the brain. And yes, in many cases it helps to lose weight.

A 2011 paper on calorie restriction claims that animals live longer, have more high level physical activity, lower cancer rates, less evidence of brain aging, and higher reproductive performance if the energy content of their diet is reduced.

In another study, already in humans, it was found that those who cut their usual calorie intake by 25% not only lost weight, but were also more likely to good mood, noted excellent health and well-being, slept better and sounder, and were more sexually active than participants in the control group who did not change their menu.

It is important that people with body mass index from 22 to 28, that is, with normal or slightly elevated. This made it possible to evaluate the effects of low-calorie nutrition. rather than the consequences of significant weight loss.

Another discovered plus - limiting the diet by 20-30% and increasing the time between meals stimulates neurogenesis - the production of new neurons. So the brain is renewed and can become younger, even if we ourselves are getting older.

The approach used in the studies differs from strict restrictive diets on a number of grounds:

  • The diet of the subjects within the indicated limits was healthy and balanced.
  • Calorie content was reduced by no more than 20-30%.
  • The participants in the experiments consistently adhered to the recommended diet for a long time (from 2 years in the case of humans).
The organisms of the observed animals and humans had the opportunity to smoothly and healthyly adapt to new nutritional conditions and did not experience a lack of nutrients.

To reduce the caloric content of the diet permanently and safely, analyze your current diet and implement meaningful changes.

1. Keep a food diary for at least 1-2 weeks.

2. Calculate the average caloric content of the diet.

3. Plan 1-3 simple actions, which will help reduce the calorie content of the diet by 20-25% without losing the nutritional value of the menu. For instance:

  • replace sugary drinks and juices with water
  • half of each portion of lunch and dinner should be made from vegetables or herbs,
  • replace oil frying with alternative cooking methods,
  • instead of the usual dessert for lunch, eat fruit,
  • cook and use only homemade sauces for dishes.
The essence of these changes is that you are making your usual diet healthier, and not trying to fit into the rules of some kind of diet or nutrition system.

When there is?

At the other end of the scientific world, they are discussing that the harmless division of people into “larks” and “owls” determines not only whether you see sunrise or sunset more often, but also how you eat, how much you weigh and what you can get sick with.

A recent publication from the Obesity Society (February 23, 2017) makes a strong case for waking up early.

Researchers studied how, when and what 2,000 people eat and linked it to what time they get up. It turned out that those who stay up late and wake up when others are preparing for dinner tend to consume more sugar in the morning and evening, they eat more saturated fats at dinner, their diet contains less protein. On weekends, night owls eat more and less regularly than early risers. They also sleep less and are less physically active.

All together, this leads us to the conclusion that early risers are much more likely to be slim and feel good. They seem to intuitively find it easier to make healthy food choices.

This is not the first study to show what influences nutrition, activity and human health. There is evidence that eating more high-calorie foods in the afternoon increases the tendency to gain weight.

People who tend to shift the period of wakefulness in the evening and at night lead a less healthy lifestyle and among them more people with overweight.

There is another detail - often "owls" go to bed late, but also get up early - not because they want to, but because of social obligations, for example, you need to go to work or take your child to Kindergarten. And the lack of sleep proven cause of weight gain.

What to do if, while reading this article, you realized that it was the regime that could prevent you from becoming slimmer?

  • Experiment with your daily routine.
    Try to gradually shift the time of waking up and going to bed. See how this affects your well-being and food choices. If your work schedule or personal beliefs do not allow you to become a "lark", carefully monitor to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day, and also pay more attention to exercise and diet control. Perhaps all these aspects are easier for morning companions, but the conscious choice remains in your hands.
  • Try .
    The intermittent fasting method successfully combines a moderate natural reduction in caloric intake and the adaptation of meal times to natural circadian rhythms. This is especially true for the 8:16 or 10:14 approach, where you eat during the 8-10 hours of the day and don't eat the rest of the time.

The task of maintaining a healthy weight is not magic or a one-time effort like starvation diets. It's a daily job, made up of many small decisions - What to eat? How many? When? Over time, these decisions add up and create a powerful cumulative effect.

It may seem that everything has become more complicated, but in fact we have gained a couple of new tools to achieve our goals. If you've tried a lot but still can't lose weight, take a new tool or a combination of them from this article and approach the problem from a different angle.

1. Mirkka Maukonen, Noora Kanerva, Timo Partonen, Erkki Kronholm, Heli Tapanainen, Jukka Kontto, Satu Männistö. Chronotype differences in timing of energy and macronutrient intakes: A population-based study in adults. Obesity, 2017; 25 (3): 608 DOI: 10.1002/oby.21747
2. Baron, K. G., Reid, K. J., Kern, A. S. and Zee, P. C. (2011), Role of Sleep Timing in Caloric Intake and BMI. Obesity, 19: 1374–1381. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.100
3. Maria Carliana Mota, Jim Waterhouse, Daurea Abadia De-Souza, Luana Thomazetto Rossato, Catarina Mendes Silva, Maria Bernadete Jeha Araújo, Sérgio Tufik, Marco Túlio de Mello & Cibele Aparecida Crispim, Association between chronotype, food intake and physical activity in medical residents
4. Arble, D. M., Bass, J., Laposky, A. D., Vitaterna, M. H. and Turek, F. W. (2009), Circadian Timing of Food Intake Contributes to Weight Gain. Obesity, 17: 2100–2102. doi:10.1038/oby.2009.264
5. Rachel R. Markwald, Edward L. Melanson, Mark R. Smith, Janine Higgins, Leigh Perreault, Robert H. Eckel and Kenneth P. Wright, Jr., Impact of insufficient sleep on total daily energy expenditure, food intake, and weight gain , Research Shows
14. D.L. Katz and S. Meller, Can We Say What Diet Is Best for Health?, Annu. Rev. Public Health 2014. 35:83–103

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