One of the most beautiful cities in Israel is Rehovot. Rehovot - City of Science and Culture Israel Rehovot

Rehovot is located in the Central District of Israel, just 20 km south of the former capital Tel Aviv. Founded by Polish Jews in 1890 as an agricultural commune. I received my name in honor of the deep well, symbolizing the fertility of the terrain and the biblical character wide expanses, once surrounded by a 135 thousandth city.

Foundation of the city

Rehovot in Israel was founded in 1890 by the Polish Jews of the first wave of immigrants on the "Holy Land", which fled from the pogroms in Tsarist Russia. Refugees bought a wasteland, dug up a 23-meter well, water from which began to use for irrigation of the surrounding lands. As a result, the commune was founded, where agricultural products were grown. On the early stage The settlement consisted of two parallel streets.

In 1904, a large citrus grove was laid, a stable, a packaging factory was built, the irrigation system was established. The water in the aqueduct went to the irrigation pool, and from there on the channel system - on the fields. This made it possible to expand the vineyards and almond gardens. In 1908, the program for the resettlement of emigrants started. The first families from Yemen arrived in Rehovot, and later - from Ethiopia.

Today's day

Many tourists who acquire trips to Israel visit the city along the way to Tel Aviv. Today is a large industrial and scientific center. New quarters with modern architecture grow, while a lot of space is given to landscaping.

A powerful Israeli Research Center is concentrated here. In Rehhovota act:

  • Institute of Sciences named Waltzman with a particle acceleration unit.
  • Center for the study of the country population.
  • National Institute Wines.


Rehovot is a house for numerous industrial enterprises, many of which are located aside from the residential building. For their work in the western part of the city, an industrial park has been created. The food industry has traditionally remains the leader in the region's economy. The most famous brands are Milk Plant "TNUVA", the factory of drinks "Jaquora-Tavory" and the Feldman ice cream factory. By the way, in 2013, Rehovot had the highest average net monthly income among households in Israel - 16,800 shekels.

In 2000, a high-tech Scientific Park Tamar with an area of \u200b\u200b1 km 2. He adjoins the old industrial park Kiryat Weizman. Tamar Science Park is a focus of branches of leading high-tech and biotechnological companies in the country.


Between 1914 and 1991, the population increased from 955 to 81,000 people, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Rehovota in Israel doubled. Parts of the suburbs are built on Earth, until 1948, which belonged to the village of Slaughter. Today, the number of inhabitants is approaching 136000.

As of 2007, Jews are dominated in the ethnic component (99.8%). Gender composition is as follows: 48% of men and 52% of women, of which:

  • 32% aged 19 years and younger;
  • 16% aged 20 to 29 years;
  • 18% between 30 and 44 years;
  • 18% - from 45 to 59 years;
  • 16% older than 60 years.

Population growth rate for last years amounted to 1.8%.

In Rehovote (Israel) there are three significant Jewish ethnic minorities: immigrants from the CIS, Yemen and Ethiopia. They are concentrated in the urban areas of Kiryat Moshe and Oshio. The community of English-speaking residents is growing.

Education and culture

In 2004, there were 53 schools in the city: 30 primary and 29 medium. Education level is high. It is enough to note that more than 60% of graduates of the 12th grades finish school with a Bagrat certificate (analogue of gold and silver diplomas).

In addition to the Institute of Science, the city is the Faculty of Agriculture of the Jewish University in Jerusalem and Academic College. The Rehovote has also several small colleges that provide specialized and technical training of specialists. The Caplan Medical Center acts as an auxiliary educational hospital for the medical school of the Jewish University.


By purchasing a ticket to Israel, it is standing on the day to call in this original city. The tourist dominant city is the house of Abraham Dundodikov, one of the founders of the settlement. It rises on a high hill, like the temple. The building surrounds an excellent well-kept park with an abundance of greens, and the walkway outlined by palm trees and cypresses.

Visitors of ethnic culture will probably be interested in visiting the museum. Minkova. It was founded with the assistance of the Swiss descendants of Zalma, the husband of which put the first citrus grove in the city.

Children will be able to feel like adults, and adults - children in the interactive park of science. Clora. The collected unique exhibits allow you to know the nature of different phenomena.

As in any major city, there are clubs, entertainment centers, restaurants and cafes. Cultural hunger can be filled by visiting theatrical performance, concert or to do dancing.

By the way, planning a journey, you should pay attention to the weather in Rehukhov. The most pleasant sometimes of the year is spring and autumn. In summer, it can be quite hot, and in the winter cold winds are often.

The city of Rehovot plays a key role in scientific achievements Countries, because here is the famous Wecomman Institute. But, besides this, this is a completely modern settlement with high-altitude houses and new buildings, parks and supermarkets, concert halls and cinemas.

Rehovot - Description

Located picturesque Rehovot in the central part of the country, in the seaside plain. It is very convenient because the Mediterranean Sea is only 10 km away from it, and to one of the main cities -, the distance is about 20 km.

Rehovot (Israel) was founded in 1890, therefore, it is considered a young but progressive town. He was founded by immigrants from Poland, organizing the peasant settlement near big City. The name of the settlement is associated with biblical storiesAccording to which the well-connected well, dug up with Isaac. Interesting fact It is that in the literary Hebrew the emphasis is placed on the last syllable, and in conversational speech - to the second.

The status of the city of Rehovot received in 1950, but the archaeologists have found signs of the presence of settlements dating from Greek, Byzantine and Roman epochs. The city was based on money collected by the Organization in Warsaw, which made it possible to avoid the help of Baron Rothschild.

Weather in Rehovota will delight resting sunny days even in winter. Temperature here never falls below + 7 ° C. As for precipitation, they can be causing them in a small amount of autumn and early spring.

What is known to rehovot?

The whole world learned about a small town thanks to the outstanding chemist Khaim Weizman, who was also the first president of Israel. In 1934, he opened a research institute that became the largest educational and scientific center of world importance.

But for ordinary tourists who are not interested in science, there are quite a few classes and visits. Planning a trip to Rehovot, the attractions of the next species should be defined in the notebook:

When visiting remarkable places is necessarily recommended to capture Rehovot (Israel) in the photo by browsing which you can refresh in memory of the experience of the trip.

The place, very interesting for the visit, is a scientific museum located in an open-air. It was built with the aim of bringing people to all ages to science, explain physical nature ordinary phenomena with interactive exhibits. Museum is knowledgeable for visitors of any age. The smallest will demonstrate how the rainbow is obtained, and adults - how the satellite plate works.

At this, cultural and entertainment events do not end. Recreation in Rehovote has the opportunity to get on one of the largest jazz festivals. The city has its own conservatory, the Memorial complex "Poison Le Banim".

From sports facilities worth noting two the largest center, as well as many gym, paired and saunas. A water park deserves special attention, where there are all sorts of pools for people of all ages, attractions and slides of any complexity. After an overly active recreation, you can find peace on shaded alleys, where comfortable shops are installed. You can also cool in the hall of the waterfalls when the heat will become really unbearable.

Hotels in City

The city offers a room like in an expensive hotel and a mini-hotel. At the same time, the accommodation can be found near the city if the appropriate option is not in the count. The most popular accommodation options include the following:

Restaurants Rehovota

There are many restaurants in the city of Rehovot, which offer delicious seafood dishes, meat, fish and other products. The most famous of these includes the following: Patisserie., CEZAR BISTRO & BAR, Moovmoo., Badra., Hamara., Piatto Italian Eatery., Pastina Rehovot., Gojo..

How to get?

If you try to find Rehovot, you can find that it is located in the very center of the country. It can be reached by bus routes or rented car in a straight line from and other cities of the country.

In the seaside plain, in the central part of Israel, the picturesque city of Israel Rehovot is located. This city has a very profitable location, because it is not much difficult to get to the Mediterranean Sea - only 10 kilometers, and to the capitals of Israel: Tel Aviv is 22 kilometers, and to Jerusalem. Rehovot is a small town, his population is a little more than one hundred thousand. Today, in Israel, Rehovot is a pretty young and progressive town, which was based on historical standards recently - at the end of the 19th century. And not at all by chance today the main branch of this city is the main industry scientific research and modern high technologies.

With its appearance to the light in Israel, Rehovot is obliged to Jewish migrants from Poland, organizing the peasant village near the Big City. The name of the city is associated with biblical stories, since here is the well "Rehovot", which, according to the Bible, dug out Isaac. As we see, Rehovot has a small story, but, despite this, people at the location of the city lived a long time ago. From the chronicles it is known that in the 2nd century BC. Jews lived on the territory of the modern Rehovot, who were subsequently forced to leave. Then, the Turks were then populated, and afterwards the Arab tribes.

Today, Rehovot in Israel, nevertheless, received his, though small, fame. This happened thanks to the Waitmana Research Institute, founded in 1934 by an outstanding scientist chemist Haim Vaitzman, who later became the first President of Israel. Rehovodov know among numerous cities in the country due to achievements in the field high technologiesAfter all, now the Institute is the largest educational and scientific center of world importance.

Rehovot refers to the number of Israeli cities that are also interesting in the tourist plan. Arriving on holiday in this city, it is recommended to visit the house of the founder of the city of Abraham Dundikov. The house towers on top of the hill, which gives this structure some greatness. Today this building is used for art exhibitions. In the near future, the historical museum of the city is planned in this building. After watching the exhibition, you can stroll around the garden located near the house. Old eucalyptus have been preserved here since the first settlers.

Another object that deserves the attention of Israel's tourists in Rehovota is the High Wezman House Museum. This three-story building erected by the project Erich Mendelssohn is in the middle of a citrus grove. The tower with narrow windows is reflected in the waters of the pool located in the inner courtyard of the building. The Wezman Room was located on the third floor, the windows of which went to the garden. It is here, at a semi-open window of his bedroom, spent a long clock outstanding scientist and first President of Israel. He worked in this room, he suggested the beauty of the Jewish mountains and fed the birds.

By visiting the Waitmann House Museum, you can learn a lot about the life of his tenants - a large collection of personal belongings of the scientist is kept. In addition, the museum is a rich collection of works of art, which also deserves attention. In the park, located near the house there are two graves: Jaima Wezman and his wife faith. Tourists of Israel in Rehuhovot Inspection of the museum can be combined with a visit to the Wezman Institute. You can also inspect the solar tower and the field of mirrors. I would like to draw attention to the fact that the combined entrance ticket to the Wezman Museum makes it possible to visit the free Park named Clora.

Cloore Science Park is a Scientific Museum, located in an open-air, 8 Dunov. It was built to bring people to all ages to science. A unique collection of interactive exhibits is collected here, with which you can understand the physical nature of the most common phenomena. In the museum you can blame the movement of the waves, behind the mechanism of the occurrence of air bubbles in the water. It is in this museum that you can understand why the ballerina is spinning so quickly on pointers, as a rainbow is formed, as a satellite plate and much more. Moreover, adults are delighted with Israel more seen in the Museum than children.

For holidaymakers in Israel, Rehovot will not let me be bored. There are many clubs and socio-cultural centers where all sorts of concerts of various destinations are held, clubs and studios, which provide opportunities for free time for both children and adults. For those who want to combine rest with useful informationThe city has a network of libraries, a conservatory. In addition, you can visit the Memorial Complex "Poison Le Bar". One of the largest jazz festivals is held in Rehovote annually.

For lovers of outdoor activities, tourists who have come to Israel, there are two largest sports center in Rehovot. In addition, gyms with gym, many pairs and saunas are located in all city neighborhoods. Particular attention deserves a water park. This is a beautiful park array that occupies a territory of 55 Dunov. By visiting this park, vacationers are immersed in the world of magnificent recreation and entertainment. Visitors are provided with all sorts of pools for different ages, a huge amount of attractions, water slides of varying degrees of complexity and many other fun, designed for both kids and adults. For adolescents, extreme water entertainment are built here. This park is a pleasant pastime for tourists of all categories, it is here that you can "shine ancient."

Having arrived in Israel in Rehovot, not one vacationer will not make himself bored in a water park. And, enjoying the attractions, you can change the pocket pace on the complete peace on the darkened and spacious lawns. For holidaymakers, there are many comfortable chairs and original seating places that are created by nature itself. And if you move a little on the side, you can see a darkened pad with a canopy. There are mangals and tables here, so those who wish can make themselves kebab under the sensitive leadership of the local chef. In Water Park, Rehovota can be found a buffet with light snacks. And who still burned the insufficient calorie calorie on the attractions, gyms and places for moving games are provided.

Arriving in Israel, the city of Rehovoda can be visited in order to study. The city has a scientific center of Haveeda, on the basis of training project "Parach". This is an excellent scientific and technical center. It is in this center that outstanding children are being trained. In addition, expositions are created in this center, which can be familiar with the works of students in the field of optics, hydrodynamics, mechanics, electricity and much more. These exhibits are working, so you can observe them in practice. The center employs a number of laboratories where various experiments are conducted. Vacationers can visit this center and learn many new and useful for themselves.

At the end of a successful rest in Israel in the city of Rehovota, you can purchase souvenirs and crafts. And finally, visit the amazing hall of the waterfalls and swim in his souls. After such a holiday, any rest returns home, as if born again.

The city of Rehovot (from Hebrew translates as "expanses") is located in the very center of Israel in Primorskaya Plain. It is 10 kilometers from the Mediterranean Sea and 20 kilometers from Tel Aviv.

History of the city of Rehovot.

The city was built on the lands, which once belonged to a rich Jew named Doron, whose name is mentioned in the Byzantine, Roman and Arab sources of related to 2 century of our era. In Turkish documents, these lands were called Kirbet Duran. Over time, all ancient settlements were destroyed during numerous wars.

For a long time, this territory was empty, and then the land bought Henkin from Arabs with his assistant Jehuda Gur. At the beginning, the future Rehovot was a small agricultural settlement. It gradually grow up and attracted new settlers.

The first street, built in this city, was the street of Yakov, who was named after Jacob Broyda - a prominent figure of that time and the creator of the Menuha-Ve-Nahala organization. At the same time, the city bell was installed in Rehovot, which remained so far. It was used as urban clock. Not far from the bell was located a wooden building, which distributed the mail coming from the city of Jaffa. This part of the street was the main place of collecting the population to discuss the news.

Gradually, various enterprises appeared in the city and its territory increased. Now Rehovot in the country, Israel is the largest scientific and the educational center world significance is the same as. Institute. Weicman, the Israeli Institute of Wine, the School of Studying Nutrition, the Center for Rural and Urban Settlement of the country, created in Rehovot, give rise to him to the city of science and culture.

How to get to the city of Rehovot?

In Israel, the city of Rehovot is located quite conveniently and before it can be reached from any location by bus, train or car, renting. In addition, this city can arrive by plane, as there is an airport. It should be noted that the cost of travel on the bus depends on the distance, for example, a trip from the city will cost more than if you board the bus in the town. If you travel around the country yourself, the location of the city of Rehovot in the country Israel can always be found on the map.

Upon arrival at the place of rest, it is better to purchase a card at once in one of several stationery shops. Card Rehovota is offered here in several languages. It shows the addresses of all hotels, the exact bus schedule, the addresses of museums, major trading and cultural centers.

Climate Rehovota

Weather in Rehovota is always good, there are warm winters and quite hot in the summer. The air temperature in the summer rises above +32, despite the cool sea wind. In winter, the temperature does not fall below +7. The precipitation here is only in the fall and early spring. For this reason, it can be said that the weather in Rehovote in the country Israel always has to rest.

Sights of Rehovota

Rehovot is a fairly interesting city for tourists, many come here, enjoying the rest and located in the north of Israel. Upon arrival, be sure to visit the house of the founder of this town Abraham Dundicov. The building is located on the top of the hill, which gives him some greatness. Currently, it is actively used for exhibitions, readings and other cultural events. The authorities of the city are planning to open a historical museum here.

Another object deserving close attention is considered the House Museum of Heim Wezman. It is a three-story building located in the heart of an excellent citrus grove. The guide will show you the Cabinet of the First President of Israel, in which he spent almost all his time. Near the main entrance to the house offers a beautiful view of the city, here the Rehovot looks even more beautiful than in the photo.

Be sure to pass through the science park named Clora, which is an open-air museum. Its territory takes more than 7 Dunov. This park was built in order to bring adult population to science and interest young people and children. Here, for many years, an extensive collection of unique exhibits was collected, with which you can understand the nature of various physical phenomena.

In this museum, you can blame for how air bubbles arise in water and, how and how much the waves are moving. It is here, you will understand and see why the ballerina on pointers is spinning so quickly, how the rainbow appears and much more. According to workers of this amazing museum, adults are delighted with the seen exhibits much more than little children.

Rehovot will not force tourists to miss and offers many different ways Strengthening. Many holidaymakers believe that it is much more interesting here than in the city. There are several clubs and cultural centers in which concerts, theatrical performances, scientific conferences and dance classes are held. In addition, there are constantly circles there, which will allow you to realize creative abilities not only to you, but also to your children.

If you wish to combine holidays with learning and obtaining the necessary, and most importantly, useful information, then sign up for courses or visit the Conservatory and the main library of the city. In addition, the annual jazz festival, which is one of the largest in Europe.

Water park is always open for all active recreation lovers. It takes the territory of more than 50 Dunov and is a magnificent park with a variety of attractions. Here you will plunge into the atmosphere of infinite fun and you can ride on each water slide. In addition, there are specially equipped picnic places and cycling paths. For children and adolescents, extreme attractions have been created in the park, which will bring them delight. This beautiful park is suitable for both single and family holidays.

This small town with a population according to the census for December 2010, which is 11,5602 people, is located in the Central District of the country of Israel and lies in the south-east of about 20 kilometers from the metropolis.

Name of the city

The period of 1882-1903 is known in the history of a large immigrant wave in Palestine Jewish refugees who saved from the pogroms. It was during the first Aliya - in 1890 - the Polish repatriates, mostly people from Warsaw, members of the Menuha ve-Nahala community founded an agricultural settlement - Rehovot. What did the name of the future city? Translated from Hebrew the word "Rehovot" means "expanses". In ancient times, the same name was the city lying in the south-west of another village - built in the Negev desert. That ancient city existed to the 4th-6th century of the Byzantine-Christian period and, according to legend, began with the posed by the forefather Isaac Well, the informed "Rehovof" - "wide expanses". The village of the 19th century was first called Duran - it was a deserted plot of land redeemed from the Arabs. And soon the settlers decided to rename the place in honor of the biblical well, and re-rehovot appeared on the sacred land of Israel, began to develop and flourish.

History of development

Near the old, there was a recent well, drenched by the former owner of the Earth. Be carefully watched behind the wells, because the water in the desert is equivalent to life, and conflicts may bring many troubles because of it. The first houses grew near Bedouin tents. The bell was installed on the hill, which called, notifying the danger approaches. This bell has been preserved to this day and installed on one of the central streets of the city - Yakov Street. Of course, now the bell is no longer calling, but resembles residents and come about the first settlers, their dedicated labor and achievements.

The land of the new village (or "Moshava") Rehovota was cultivated by a small group of singles - young girls and guys, there were 31 people. The colonists were perfectly laid with the Arab workers, with whom she worked on hand in a friendly and friendly atmosphere. In 1891, workers gathered a rich harvest of fruits, almonds and olives. Sand dunes and naked tops of a slide overwhelmed with orange groves and vineyards. Grapes were sold to the neighboring city where wine plants were located. Weathered weather in Rehovota, and the creative activity of its inhabitants, who, despite the desire to maintain peaceful good neighborly relations, had to face hostile actions of some nomadic Arab tribes and Bedouin births.

Since the beginning of the 20th century (in 1904), the Rehovot's surroundings were covered with citrus plantations. The population began to grow, which, above all, is associated with the arrival in 1906 the first Yemeni repatriates, settled by the neighboring area of \u200b\u200bthe Sha'aim district. But especially rapidly began to develop in the 30s of the last century. From Tel Aviv in 1932, a test agricultural station was moved to Moshav, which subsequently became the agricultural faculty of the Jewish University, the center of which is in. Chemist Haim Weizman, the first President of the Israeli state, in 1934 founded the research institute in the settlement. Baron Israel Zefa Moses, on the basis of this scientific institution Already in 1949, the largest NII in Israel natural Sciences named after them. By the way, the president himself from 1936 to 1952 was considered just a rehodist resident, and his house-museum was opened on the territory of the institute.

The official status of the city of Rehovota was assigned in 1950. Considering today Card Rehovota, you will find here all the attributes of the modern city: high-altitude houses and new buildings, parks and supermarkets, concert halls and cinemas, numerous offices and enterprises, hospitals and employment bureau.

Institute. H.Vetsman

The city of Rehovot in Israel, a very small area in the area and the number of people living in it, is famous for the whole world thanks to the research and educational institution - the Weitmann Institute, which is not less known than, for example, Technion in, Academic College and Fashion Research Institute, Textile technologies and design them. Shenkara in or Tel Aviv University. Once the construction of the institute began on the dunes: there was only a sea of \u200b\u200bsand, nor a tree or blade. And after a few years, the territory of the institute has changed to be unrecognizable, turning into a beautiful garden, the benefit of the weather in Rehovote and Israel allowed to work wonders.

Waitman Park is a favorite holiday destination residents of Rehovota and their guests, he is full of wonderful sculptures and amazing plants, here you can find the buildings of an unusual design and relax on the cozy green lawns. In the huge space of the park, the place of the original "childish" attractions is assigned: in gaming form Children, and adults, too, can "play" with the main physical laws Being, to get acquainted with the concept of "wave", experiment with the strength of gravity. One of the existing 8 original copyright copies of the Sculpture "Unicorn" ("Unicorn") Salvador Dali adorns the chemical faculty.

Sculpture of Nathan Rappoport "Tree of Knowledge", which compensation for the sky dark "branches"; Sparkling conference room, where international scientific meetings are being held and lectures scientific luminaries; largest scientific Library; The first, size of the whole room, the Israeli computer Weizac, still stored at the Faculty of Mathematics - all this will be shown to visitors to the Weitmann Center, located on an area of \u200b\u200b130 hectares (1.3 km 2). More than 2,600 people study and work here, including nearly 1,000 scientists leading multi-sectoral research, and more than 1000 students studying computer sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biomedical disciplines.

On the map of the country

Modern Rehovot in Israel is considered a scientific town that play a key role in the country's scientific achievements. The city lies in the very center of Israel, 12 kilometers from the Mediterranean coast. If you count in a straight line, then Rehovot on the map of Israel is:

71 kilometers from Beer Shev;

38 kilometers from Jerusalem;

104 kilometers from Haifa;

If you look at the photo of the coat of arms of the orange tree under the tendented branches of the orange tree: the opened book and microscope. But the real emblem of the city of Rehovota was an egg-shaped in the form of the building of the elementary particle accelerator, towering over the trees of the Weicmann Institute.

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