Mystical unidentified on earth phenomena. Unrecognized


The end of the world has been preached many times as ancient states and modern psychics, but no prediction has come true. Over time, people have lost interest in frightening news about the proximity of the apocalypse. But predicting psychics about the coming cataclysms, ...

Correct about the next end of the world, in the absence of previous global cataclysms, probably stupid. However, supporters of the theory of the disaster are firmly on their own, and assume that in early 2019, Armageddon is waiting for us. It is necessary to figure out why they did ...

Apocalypse - a favorite topic, science, astrologers, predictors and ordinary people - It looks like humanity even dreams of him. Sometimes there is a persistent feeling that everyone is waiting for the end of all things, savoring the details. But what about the instinct of self-preservation? ...

In all his history, our planet met several times with heavenly bodies Different masses, speeds and trajectories. With their fall or passing near the Earth, almost all climate change, which occurred in the past, as well as the extinction of thousands of alive species ...

To any rituals need to be treated very seriously. How to call a demon to conclude a transaction: Before you start a ritual, think carefully about the consequences. Ask yourself whether to be responsible for the perfect act. Clearly decide why you needed ...

Many people who are fond of esoteric want to know to communicate with other entities. Challenge perfume - how to properly spend the ritual and what consequences he can have. You can cause perfume at night and day, at home and on the street to contact good and evil entities, to carry out ...

Some servants of God became the embodiment of the power of evil. Fallen angels - who are they and how appeared? The causes of the fall were different: someone has accumulated a resentment to God for his decision in relation to Dennitsa, some believed Lucifer, and there were those who have long been in his soul ...

People always interested prohibitions, and tempting darkness, the world of underworld Manila most. How to call Satan at home - to our time there was a lot of rites. Probably you guess how about the procedure for concluding a contract with the devil. It...

Let's talk about the demone temptation. Incubes comes to women and their charms can easily seduce them. In the article we will reveal the methods of calling, the consequences of the incuba's visit and the types of protection against this being. Demon Incuba takes the appearance of a perfect man who dreams of a woman. ...

And you know how to recognize vampires in modern world? What do vampires look in real life - This article will tell about the main distinctive featuresAnd also suggest a test in which you can find out whether your familiar energy vampire is. The vampire is different ...

If you have suspicions that someone from your familiar energy vampire, then you can check it out. Energy vampires: how to recognize and defend - here is the topic of our article that will help you understand the difficult situation. With similar people ...

Our ancestors did not doubt the existence of mermaids, but over time people are increasingly trusted only by the facts. Are there any mermaids in our time or is it just fiction? From time to time, the press appears evidence of the existence of mermaids, photos and video, ...

Almost every year we promise to the end of the world, these news are no longer surprised. Will the end of the world in 2018, the exact date and time of the catastrophe are known to the prophets? From the point of view of numerology, figure 8 is infinity, it means that this year the end of the world should not be. ...

Every person knows about this character, even far from religion. Who is the mother of Lucifer in the Bible, among the researchers of the ancient texts to this day there are disputes, scientists cannot come to a single conclusion, who can be attributed to Lucifer relatives, and who is his ...

This is one of the spirits that children like to call. How to call a peak lady and is it worth doing this? Peak lady, as everyone knows, the worst card in the deck, it is often compared with the witch. When you guess on the maps, the peak lady is an evil person, most often ...

Magic manits people from childhood, everyone wants to know the future or answers to important life questions. Who can be caused by home with a friend or friends: among the inhabitants of magical worlds a lot of good and evil creatures. We will tell you what spirits can be caused by the day ...

These mystical creatures It seems to us young beauties, with long hair and a brilliant tail. How to become a mermaid truly, every girl thought about this question. Mermaids live at the bottom of the sea and see many different miracles, can speak with ...

Many young people and young girls dream to turn into this strong and dangerous night creation. How to become worn in real life at home, and why do you need it? As is known from legends, Werewolf, Vervolph, Volkolak is a half-wire that attacks people ...

Surely every every time I dreamed of seeing what he wanted. Conscious dream can transfer you to a tropical island or in the starry sky, you can even have a pleasant time with the opposite sex representative. Surely many of us would like ...

Gomunkula is the mythical creatures that believing existed in the Middle Ages or even earlier. How to create a homuncule at home - the instruction has reached us from the Middle Ages. Although it is still unknown, is it possible to create a gomunkul, did it manage to ...

Unidentified and inexplicable: All you wanted to know and were afraid to ask

Outside the human understanding, something intriguing remains. We were always interested in the unknown world, the causes of certain strange things. People with antiquity believe in spirits, gods, life after leaving the right. Is everything left as before, or our faith staggered for so many hundreds of years. , Nostradamus and other psychics What do we know about them?

Is there an unidentified mystery?

Each of us came across your life with something inexplicable. Scientists carry out archaeological studies, immersion in water at all places of anomalies. In all parts of the globe, animals are found, which should not exist. And when mentioning bermuda triangle The heart of each pilot beats faster. There is too much inexplicable in the world, and specialists of the direction have been formed in each region. Some phenomena entered the story, some remain with us and in our time.

Communication with spirits: Is there any danger?

The history of Spiritis begins with the outbreaks of poltergeists in the house of the priest. Starting from the XVII century, spirits began to disturb people. Some consider it demonless, some are trying to communicate with spirits, as Allan Cardek did. He began to study the specifics of communicating with spirits in 1850. Coming with otherworldly creatures through cotton and knocks. Sometimes with the help of a spiritual board. Until now, cotton and tapping are used in films to communicate with otherworldly residents. But if you are inexperienced, you need to be careful with spirits. Since many of them are unkind: some are misleading, manipulate and put in a person.

Attention! Do you visit the cemetery, go to the "clauses"? The shepherd of the Protestant Church Alexander Muntean at one of the assembly said the following: "Meadow, this is a certain sacred effect. When you eat in the cemetery "together with relatives", you should know that your relatives are no longer there. They are far from this place. On cemeteries only demons. And when you eat on the cemetery and communicate with your dead relatives, you are talking to demons. At this time they put in you. I warning you not to do this. "

Extraterrestrial mind

The idea that we are not alone in this universe began long ago. Herbert Wells wrote the novel "War of the Worlds" about the invasion of Martian in 1897. The last film about contact with the aliens was removed in 2015 (InterStellar). Scientists have never discarded the theory that we are not alone in the universe. Unknown online - will help you to get acquainted with those riddles that leave often a trace in our lives. Pictures on the fields flying objects - may be attempts extraterrestrial civilization tell us something?

Paranormal phenomena happen every day in different parts The globe. - This is a documentary collection of material about otherworldly and not solidified, it will help you to open your eyes on things that may have happened or occur in your life.

The danger of love spellors and conspiracy

Any manipulations with magic have their consequences. Both for the sorcerer and for his client. Remember the book about the mermaid? The witch gave the mermaid legs, but in return he took her wonderful voice. It does not happen that magic does not require the victim.

But this applies not only to magic. The energy in the world flows from one source to another and does not disappear anywhere. If you are unfair somewhere, or lost, it returns. What happens "by chance" is the result of your actions.

Tip! If you access the sorcerer or witch for help, always ask what the price of your transaction is. And we are not talking about money. The sorcerer will never tell you that you get sick, or lose your loved ones, work, etc.

Fantastic creatures

The extraterrestrial creatures came to us from the legends and myths. Such as mermaids, Yeti, Lessel. There are creatures demonic - sukkuby, Banshi, demons. Stories are also talking about reptiloids and giants. All of them are united by what they are mentioned in all stories, but no one has seen them. One of the theories says that the inexplicable nature of the creature came to us from another dimension. Even physicists do not refute the existence of other measurements and worlds. If within our world, the emergence of other races is impossible, who said that they can't come from the other?

Are our relatives with us after care?

Many are interested in whether you see the deceased souls hear? Following the Orthodox canons, the shower of 40 days goes out of the day, then goes to paradise or hell. If the soul remains among the living after death, it means that she became a ghost - eternally awake spirit, not knowing peace.

Such a phenomenon arises if the soul keeps something in our world. Powerful energy that does not let her go. Often you could hear how they talk about the incompleteness of cases, unnatural death, etc. Feelings of revenge, strong attachment, a sense of duty - do not give the soul to leave our world. It is necessary to let go of our relatives, rearing, and not try to keep their souls near yourself.

But this does not mean that the connection is interrupted with close - often they come in a dream, support you.

Caution! If you think that a deceased person comes to you, a relative, a loved one, a friend, then do not hurry to rejoice. Cooker sucks or demons often take the appearance of your close manTo fool you, boil the mind and drink your energy.

In the world of living there are leaders - presidents, chiefs, director. In the world, there is also their own caste, such as interpreters of dreams, is one of the most famous works on this matter. Careful, sorcerers can also take advantage of your ignorance, mislead you, and take advantage of your energy. For an ordinary person, a powerful energy leader is a nagal. This is the leader to which his environment reaches. Often, they did not make themselves suspected of their mission. Such people have an internal energy supply and give it unselfishly to their surrounding, emitting it. To solve the problem of a person - the Nagal himself can put himself under the blow (there may be diseases, troubles), but the person will solve his tasks. The only thing to do is to do everything that Nagvale says, and sincerely want help.

 13.11.2017 02:44  0

The coast of the province of the Algarve by the staff of the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the atmosphere was caught a prehistoric sideline shark. Reports about it The Portugal News. It is noted that the planned shark dwells in Atlantic Ocean Another 80 million years ago, for which scientists of live fossils were called. This type of shark has more than 300 teeth, its body length is 1.5 meters, and movement is similar to the snake. FRILLED SHARK IS A PREHISTORIC ANIMAL. IT ...

 9.11.2017 21:23  0

Vadim Lovers researcher talks about the four examples of the "impossible" situation in modern science. It is believed that the electrical charge carrier is an electron particle, and that its charge is negative. This is based on a modern concept of electricity. The charge is an excess or disadvantage of electrons, and their movement - electricity. It would seem - everything is simple ... But it is necessary only to imagine a simple model, how these ideas begin to break away and ...

 5.11.2017 21:20  1

Movie-sensation about the mysterious civilizations of the past centuries and an ancient little learned history of the planet Earth. Numerous archaeological discoveries, eternal riddles and secrets of the architectural structure of Megalites, alternative history and archeology that are not amenable to logical explanation. New unique and unusual finds of archaeologists and artifacts from the ancient civilizations of our forefathers from the cities of the world of the past centuries ...

 14.07.2016 04:43  0

The reportage of the channel "Russia 24" about one of the most famous mysteries of the 20th century - "Kyshtym Dwarf", which local residents called "Aleshyanka". Until now, it is not known where he came from, but also today in the city there are those who saw him personally. True, they seen it already dead, in the form of mummy. And only one pensioner suffering from mental illness, argued that he lived in her for a month. At the same…

 24.06.2016 11:42  4

Everyone knows about the famous Easter Island with his mysterious statues, but few people know that there is an even more mysterious island in Russia. The Russian island of Champs (Land Franz-Joseph) is very popular among tourists floating in the Arctic Cruise. And it is not surprising, it meets objects, the origin of which is still not clear - these are mysterious stone balls of rather impressive sizes and perfectly round shapes that are forced to be lost in numerous ...

 27.12.2015 00:57  4

Unusual children S. high levels Intellect always born. According to the legend, the baby Leonardo da Vinci was so painted the wooden shield that his father sold the work of his son in Florence for 100 ducats. Mozart began writing music from 5 years, and at the age of 6 he spoke before the public. William Sadis began to read at 18 months. In the second half of the last century, such children called adderkinda. In the 90s, the whole world spoke about the indigo children ....

 26.12.2015 17:02  0

- inexplicable disappearances of people; - expedition of the program "Secrets of the World"; - in the footsteps of 3 Reich; - Sensational finds; - Login B. parallel world; - Mystery of the death of Adolf Hitler.

 24.12.2015 01:31  1

The strange anomaly was photographed by researchers of paranormal phenomena on the old cemetery of St. Bartholomew, in the west of Sydney. Hardly appearing on the Internet, the picture has done a lot of noise. A strange foggy bunch is really similar to the ghost of a person, but at first glance it is difficult to determine the authenticity of this image. Anomalous silhouette was photographed by the hunters for paranormal phenomena at the burial site of William Lawson's burial (William Lawson). Locals believe that the old church and cemetery, based ...

Incredible facts

Scientists for many centuries try to solve many tyne natural world However, some phenomena still put even the best minds of humanity in a dead end.

It seems that these phenomena, ranging from strange outbreaks in the sky after earthquakes to stones, which are spontaneously moving along the ground, do not have a certain meaning or purpose.

Here are 10 most strange, mysterious and incredible phenomena, found in nature.

1. Messages about bright outbreaks during earthquakes

Light outbreaks that appear in the sky before and after earthquake

One of the most mysterious phenomena is inexplicable outbreaks in the sky, which accompany earthquakes. What causes them? Why do they exist?

Italian physicist Christiano Feruga gathered all observations of outbreaks during earthquakes, dating from to 2000 BC. For a long time, scientists skeptically treated this strange phenomenon. But everything changed in 1966, when the first testimonies appeared - the photographs of the earthquake of Matsusiro in Japan.

Now such photos are a great set, and the outbreaks are so so different colors and forms that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the fake.

Among theories explaining this phenomenon is heat caused by friction, radon gas and piezoelectric effect - Electric charge accumulating in quartz rocks when tectonic plates are moving.

In 2003, physicist NASA Dr. Friedeman Freund (Friedemann Freund) spent laboratory experiment And showed that, possibly, outbreaks are caused by electrical activity in rocks.

The shock wave from the earthquake can change the electrical properties of silicon and minerals containing oxygen, allowing them to transmit the current and emit the glow. However, some believe that the theory can only be one of the possible explanations.

2. Pictures of Nask.

Huge figures drawn on the sand in Peru ancient people, but no one knows why

Naska lines extending at 450 square meters. km of coastal desert, are huge works of art left on Peruvian plains. Among them are geometric figures, as well as pictures of animals, plants and rarely figures of peoplewhich can be seen from the air in the form of huge drawings.

It is believed that they were created by the people of Nask for the 1000-year period between 500 BC. And 500 AD, but no one knows why.

Despite the status of the World Heritage Object, the authorities of Peru hardly protect the Lines of Nask from the settlers. In the meantime, archaeologists are trying to study the lines until they were destroyed.

Initially, it was assumed that these geoglyphs were part of an astronomical calendar, but later this version was refuted. Then the researchers focused their attention on the history and culture of people who created them. Are Lines of Nask establishing aliens or represent some encrypted message, no one can say.

In 2012, the University of Yamagata in Japan stated that he would open a research center in place and intends to study more than 1000 drawings for 15 years.

3. Migration of monarch butterflies

Butterfly monarchs find the way through thousands of kilometers to certain places

Every year, millions of North American Danaid Monarchs Butterflies migrate for a distance more than 3000 km south to wintering. For many years, no one knew where they fly.

In the 1950s, Zoologists began to marry and follow butterflies and found out that they were in the Mekorna Forest Mexico. However, even knowing that the monarchs choose 12 of the 15 mountain places in Mexico, scientists still can not understand how they are oriented.

According to some studies, they enjoy the situation of the Sun to fly to the south, adapting to the time of the day along the circadian clock of their antennas. But the sun gives only the general direction. The way they are equipped, still remains a mystery.

According to one of theories, the geomagnetic forces attract them, but it was not confirmed. Only recently scientists began to study the features of the navigation system of these butterflies.

4. Ball lightning (video)

Fiery balls that appear during or after thunderstorm

Nikola Tesla allegedly created ball lightning in his laboratory. In 1904, he wrote that "I had never seen fireballs, but he managed to determine their formation and reproduce artificially."

Modern scientists could not reproduce these results.

Moreover, many still are skeptical about the existence of ball lightning. However, many witnesses starting from the era Ancient Greece, declare that this phenomenon was observed.

The ball lightning is described as a luminous sphere that appears during or after a thunderstorm. Some argue that they saw how ball lightning passes through window glass And down the chimney.

According to one of theories, ball lightning is plasma, on the other, it is a chemiluminescent process - that is, the light appears as a result of a chemical reaction.

5. Moving stones in the valley of death

Stones that slide on the ground under the action of mysterious power

In the Raekla Playa region in the Death Valley, California, mysterious forces pushed heavy stones on the flat surface of the dried lake, when no one sees it.

Scientists break their head over this phenomenon since the beginning of the 20th century. Geologists traced 30 stones, weighing up to 25 kg, 28 of which moved within a 7-year period of more than 200 meters.

Analysis of traces of stones shows that they moved at a speed of 1 m per second and in most cases the stones slid in winter.

There were assumptions that everything wind and ice, as well as algae mucus and seismic vibrations.

In 2013 study, they tried to explain what happens when the water on the surface of the dried lake freezes. According to this theory, ice on the stones remains frozen longer than the surrounding ice, since the stone displays heat faster. This reduces the power of friction between the stones and the surface, and they are easier pushing the wind.

However, no one has seen stones in action, and recently they have become fixed.

6. Ground Earth

Unknown Ground, who can only hear some people

The so-called "hum" is the name that was given annoying low-frequency noisewho bothers the inhabitants throughout the world. However, it is able to hear a few, namely only every 20th man.

Scientists attribute "Gul" ringing in ears, distant shocks of waves, industrial noise and sowing sand dunes.

In 2006, a researcher from New Zealand announced that he recorded this abnormal sound.

7. Return of insects Tsicad

Insects that suddenly woke up after 17 years to find a partner

In 2013, in the eastern United States from under the ground, cicadas of the form appeared Magicicada septendecimwho have not shown since 1996. Scientists do not know where the cicadas have learned that it's time to leave our habitat under the ground after 17-year-old sleep.

Periodic cicadas - These are quiet and lonely insects, which most of the time are buried underground. These are long-livers among insects, and they do not grow up to 17 years. However, in the summer of this year, they massively woke up for breeding.

After 2-3 weeks, they die, leaving behind the fruits of their "love." The larvae burned in the ground, and the new starts life cycle.

How do they do it? How do they find out after so many years that the time came to appear?

Interestingly, the 17-year-old cycada appear in the northeastern states, and in the south-eastern states the invasion of the Cycade occurs every 13 years. Scientists suggested that such a life cycle of the Cycade allows them to avoid a meeting with their enemies-predators.

8. Rain from animals

When different animals, such as fish and frogs fall from the sky like rain

In January 1917, a biologist Valdo Makati. (Waldo Mcatee) presented his work called "rains from organic substances", where reported cases of falling larvae salamander, small fish, herring, ants and toad.

In different parts of the world reported rains from animals. So, for example, the rain fell in Serbia from frogs, perches were falling from the sky, and in Japan - toads.

Scientists are skeptical about the rain of their animals. One explanation was proposed by the French physicist in the 19th century: the wind raise animals and throw them to the ground.

According to a more complex theory, waters Such water inhabitants, transfer them and make falling in certain places.

but scientific researchconfirming this theory has not been conducted.

9. Stone balls of Costa Rica

Giant stone spheres, whose purpose is not clear

Why the ancient people of Costa Rica decided to create hundreds of big balls from the stone, still remains a mystery.

Stone balls of Costa Rica were discovered in the 1930s by the Company United Fruit Company.When the workers were purified by the Earth for banana plantations. Some of these balls having perfect spherical shape, reached 2 meters in diameter.

Stones that locals are called Las Bolas.treated K. 600 - 1000 AD Even more complicates the solution of this phenomenon that there is no written data on the culture of people who created them. This happened because the Spanish settlers erased all traces cultural heritage indigenous population.

Scientists began to study stone balls in 1943, denoting their distribution. Later anthropologist John Hupz (John Hoops) denied many theories explaining the purpose of stones, including lost cities and cosmic aliens.

10. Impossible fossil remains

Remnants of long deceased creatures that appear not in that place

Since the theory of evolution was announced, scientists faced the discoveries that seemed to challenge her.

One of the most mysterious phenomena was the fossil remains, especially the remains of the people who appeared in unexpected places.

Petrified prints and traces were found in geographic areas and archaeological time zones to which they did not belong.

Some of these discoveries can provide new information about our origin. Others turned out to be errors or hoaxes.

One example is the discovery of 1911, when the archaeologist Charles Dawson (Charles Dawson) gathered fragments of presumably unknown ancient man With a big brain dated 500,000 years ago. Big head Piltdown man Forced scientists to believe that he was the "missing link" between people and monkeys.

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