Mohenjo daro on the map of india. Ancient City - Mohenjo-Daro

Nuclear war in antiquity?

There is evidence that empire rama(now India) was devastated by nuclear warth.
In the Indus Valley - now Thar Desert, west of Jodhpur found many areas with traces of radioactive ash.

Read these verses from the ancient (6500 BC at the latest) Mahabharata:

"... a single projectile blamed for all the power of the universe. A blazing plume of smoke and flames as bright as a thousand suns rose in all its brilliance ... a perpendicular explosion with its billowing clouds of smoke ... a cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into the expansion of circular circles like the opening of giant beach umbrellas ... "

It was an unknown weapon iron lightning strike, the giant messenger of death who burned down the whole valley Vrishnis and Andhakas.
The corpses were so burned, what it was impossible to identify them.
Hair and nails fell out The pottery broke for no apparent reason and the birds turned pale.
After a few hours, all food was contaminated…, to wash away the ashes, who settled on soldiers and their equipment, they rushed into the seething stream but he was infected.

Before the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, modern humanity could not imagine a weapon as terrible and destructive as described in ancient Indian texts.
Yet they very accurately described the consequences of an atomic explosion.
As a result of radioactive contamination, hair and nails fall out, food becomes unusable.
Bathing in the river provides some respite, although it is not a cure.

When Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro excavations have reached street level, they discovered skeletons, scattered in the streets of the ancient city and in the cities, many were holding various objects and tools in their hands, as if there was an instant, terrible death.
People lay, not buried, in the streets of the city.
And these skeletons are thousands of years old, even by traditional archaeological standards.
The picture revealed to archaeologists strikingly resembled the picture after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
On one site Soviet scientists found a skeleton, which one background radiation was 50 times higher than normal.

Other cities found in northern India show signs of high-power explosions.
One such city found between the Ganges and the Rajmahal mountains seems to have been exposed to intense heat.
Huge masses of ancient city walls fused together, literally turned into glass!
And there is no sign of a volcanic eruption in Mohenjo-Daro or in other cities.
Intense heat capable of melt a stone, may be explained only by a nuclear explosion or some other unknown weapons.
The cities were completely wiped off the face of the Earth.

Human skeletons have been radiocarbon dated to 2500 BC but we must keep in mind that radiocarbon dating consists of measuring the amount of residual radiation.
But as a result of exposure to radiation, during a nuclear explosion, the remains seem much younger.

Supervisor research works of the Manhattan Project, Dr. Robert Oppenheimer was known to be familiar with ancient Sanskrit literature.
In an interview conducted after he observed the first atomic explosion, he quoted Bhagavad-gita:
"Now I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds".
When asked in an interview at the University of Rochester, seven years after the Alamogordo nuclear test, if this was the first atomic bomb to detonate on Earth, he replied, "Well, in modern history, yes."

Ancient cities, stone walls which were fused together and literally turned into glass, find not only in India, also in Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places.
There is no logical explanation for vitrification (transition to a glassy state) of stone forts and cities, other than from an atomic explosion.
Another curious sign of an ancient nuclear war in India is giant crater, situated 400 kilometers northeast of Bombay and at least 50,000 years old, could be related to nuclear war antiquities.
No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has been found at or near the site, and this is the world's only known "impact" crater in basalt.

Signs of great destruction (from pressure, exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, sharp high temperature (indicated by glassy basalt balls - tektites), also found in another known place.
Destruction of the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah(a dense column of smoke quickly rose, the cloud poured burning sulfur, the surrounding soil was turned into sulfur and salt so that not even a blade of grass could grow there, and anyone in the vicinity turned into a column of salt) is like a nuclear explosion.
If the pillars of salt at the end of the Dead Sea(which are still there today) would be ordinary salt , they would disappear with occasional rains.
Instead, these the pillars are made of salt which heavier than usual, and can only be created by nuclear reaction such as an atomic explosion.

Every ancient text contains references to Sodom and Gomorrah.
It is also known from these sources that happened to Babylon:
“Babylon, the most magnificent of the kingdoms, the flower of the Chaldean culture, will be devastated like Sodom and Gomorrah when God destroyed them.
Babylon will never rise again.
Generation after generation will come, but no one will ever live on this earth again.
The nomads will refuse to camp there, and the shepherds will not allow their sheep to sleep in that land. ”- Isaiah, 13: 19-20.

Glassy formations - tektites.

The Secret of Mohenjo-Daro.

For many decades, archaeologists have been worried about the death of the city of Mohenjo Daro in India 3,500 years ago.
In 1922, the Indian archaeologist R. Banarji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands of the Indus River.
They were named Mohenjo-Daro, which means " Hill of the dead".
Even then, questions arose: how was this big city destroyed, where did its inhabitants go?
The excavations did not give an answer to any of them ...

The ruins of the structures did not contain numerous corpses of people and animals, as well as fragments of weapons and traces of devastation.
Only one fact was obvious - the disaster happened suddenly and did not last long.

Decline of culture - slow process, no traces of flooding were found.
Moreover, there is undeniable evidence that talking about massive fires.
The epidemic does not affect people walking quietly through the streets or doing business all of a sudden and at the same time.
And this is exactly what it was - this is confirmed by the location of the skeletons.
Paleontological research also rejects the epidemic hypothesis.
It is with good reason to reject the version of a surprise attack by the conquerors. none of the discovered skeletons have traces, left with melee weapons.

A very unusual version was expressed by the Englishman D. Davenport and the Italian E. Vincenti.
They claim that Mohenjo-Daro outlives the fate of Hiroshima.
In favor of their hypothesis, the authors provide the following arguments.
Among the ruins scattered pieces of caked clay and green glass come across(whole layers!).
In all likelihood, the sand and clay under the influence of high temperature first melted and then instantly solidified.
Similar layers of green glass appear in the Nevada desert(USA) every time after a nuclear explosion.
Sample analysis carried out at the University of Rome and in the laboratory of the Italian National Research Council showed: melting occurred at a temperature of 1400-1500 degrees.
At that time, such a temperature could be obtained in the forge of a metallurgical workshop, but in no way in a vast open area.

If you look closely at the destroyed buildings, you get the impression that outlinedclear area - epicenter, in which all buildings have been swept away by some kind of flurry.
From the center to the periphery, the destruction gradually decreases.
The most preserved outlying buildings of the Word, the picture reminds aftermath of the atomic explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Is it conceivable that the mysterious conquerors of the Indus Valley owned atomic energy?
Such an assumption seems incredible and categorically contradicts the ideas of modern historical science.
However, the Indian epic "Mahabharata" speaks of a kind of "explosion" that caused "blinding light, fire without smoke", while "the water began to boil, and the fish were charred."
That this is just a metaphor.
Davenport believes that there are some real events at its core.

But back to the city itself ...

Mohenjo-Daro occupied an area of ​​about 259 hectares and was a network of neighborhoods (the oldest example of such a layout), separated by wide streets with a developed drainage system, which were divided into smaller ones and built up with houses made of baked bricks.
The dating of this settlement is still a matter of debate.
Radiocarbon analysis and connections with Mesopotamia allow us to attribute it to the years 2300-1750. BC.

When Indian archaeologists D.R.Sakhin and R.D.Banerjee were finally able to look at the results of their excavations, they saw red brick ruins the oldest city in India, belonging to the proto-Indian civilization, a city quite unusual for the time of its construction - 4.5 thousand years ago.
He was planned with the greatest meticulousness: streets stretched like a ruler, houses are basically the same, proportions reminiscent of cake boxes.
But behind this "cake" shape, sometimes the following structure was hidden: in the center - a courtyard, and around it - four or six living rooms, a kitchen and a room for ablution (houses with this layout are found mainly in Mohenjo-Daro, the second big city) ...
Spans for stairs preserved in some houses suggest that two-story houses were also built.
The main streets were ten meters wide, the network of thoroughfares obeyed a single rule: some went strictly from north to south, and transverse ones - from west to east.

But this monotonous as a chessboard the city provided residents with unprecedented amenities at that time.
Ditches flowed along all the streets, and from them water was supplied to houses (although wells were found near many of them).
But more importantly, each house was connected to a sewage system, laid underground in pipes made of baked bricks and leading all sewage outside the city limits.
This was an ingenious engineering solution that allowed large masses of people to gather in a rather limited space: in the city of Harappa, for example, at times lived up to 80000 human.
The instinct of the then city planners is truly amazing!
Knowing nothing about pathogenic bacteria, especially active in warm climates, but possessing, probably, the accumulated experience of observations, they protected the settlements from the spread of the most dangerous diseases.

Two versions of the name of the city: common and genuine

In modern science, the name "Mohenjo-Daro" has long become familiar and indisputable, but there is no need to talk about its authenticity. The naming, taken from the Sindhi language, literally means "the hill of the dead" and became widespread only in the middle of the twentieth century. The true name of the city remains a mystery, but the analysis of written sources found in the complex gives every reason to believe that during its heyday this settlement was called "Kukkutarma", which in translation from the local dialect meant "the city of the rooster". The fact is that the cult of this bird was developed in Mohenjo-Daro, which rather served as a ritual element than food. In addition, it is likely that this particular city was the birthplace of domestic chickens.

The history of the discovery of an ancient city near the Indus River

For almost 4 thousand years, Mohenjo-Daro remained unknown to science and could not have left a trace in history at all, if not for the 37-year-old Indian archaeologist Rakhal Das Banerjee. The young scientist worked in the Archaeological Administration of India and was engaged in research in the field of ancient cultures of the East. In 1922, he went to the banks of the Indus, as he learned about the ancient Buddhist structure located there. Arriving with his team at the site, he was amazed to discover a huge complex dating back to an earlier period in history than anticipated. In the same year, Banerjee recruited John Marshall to his project, with whom they conducted the first excavations of Mohenjo-Daro.

Already at the initial stages, the cultural connection of the settlement with other city-states of this period became obvious. The layout of the streets, the location of religious buildings and the artifacts found confirmed the age of the Hill of the Dead. The first expeditions and archaeological excavations were intense. For 40 years, groups of scientists from all over the world have come to the shores of the Indus to find as much information as possible about the unique settlement. Unfortunately, it was only in the 1960s that it became known that the existing excavation techniques are very crude and damage fragile material. This discovery led to the restriction of work in this area, except for those aimed at conservation and preservation of already open areas.

Mysterious destruction

Like any ancient city, Mohenjo-Daro attracts attention with its buildings, which help to better understand the life and thinking of our ancestors. But one factor makes this settlement much more mysterious and interesting than its neighbors. The thing is that from the first days of excavations, scientists discovered finds, which in their totality testified to a very strange event that once happened in the village. Around the 15th century BC, a cataclysm struck the city, instantly destroying all its inhabitants. Several factors are in favor of this theory:

  • firstly, all the buildings of the settlement are completely or partially destroyed, but with one curious nuance: in the center of the city, the greatest deformation is observed, while the most extreme houses have minor defects. In other words, the city looks as if some kind of bomb was dropped into its center, the waves of which swept from the center to the periphery of Mohenjo-Daro;
  • secondly, all the bricks from which the houses are erected look as if they were baked at a temperature of several thousand degrees, but scientists have not been able to find any devices that could process the building material in this way. In addition, layers of glass were discovered, the melting of which also requires temperatures unattainable for humans at that time;
  • thirdly, like Pompeii, the remains of people were found on the streets of Mohenjo-Daro, whose postures are more indicative of carefree walks than attempts to escape from danger.

Together, these findings have been stirring the minds of both scientists and ordinary tourists for decades. Indeed, what catastrophe could lead to such a destruction of an entire settlement? All descriptions of damage are incredibly similar to what was found in the infamous Hiroshima and Nagasaki, after atomic bombs were dropped on them. Some researchers even hypothesize the existence of an advanced Indian civilization that could use explosives and similar technologies.

In addition, scientists come to the conclusion that this cataclysm was noticed by the inhabitants of that time and even received its reflection in written sources. The sacred texts of Hinduism contain records of the "divine fire" that rained down on a large city, completely exterminating its population. The people of that time saw in this event the retribution of the angry gods, which was supposed to serve as a warning to neighboring settlements.

Stairs to the top

Cultural monuments and archaeological finds

But it is not only the mysterious disappearance of the city that attracts thousands of tourists to these places. The unique layout of the space makes it possible to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the ancient urban planning, which was extremely logical and practical. Identical houses with flat roofs, which at the same time served as terraces, are located along ideally flat streets 10 meters wide. Such schematism and ideal stylistic integrity could be learned by modern developers.

In addition, a huge citadel is located in the center of the city, which, most likely, sheltered residents during possible flooding by the waters of the river. But the presence of the Indus brought more benefits to the inhabitants than inconveniences. So, Mohenjo-Daro is one of the first cities with an incredibly developed system of irrigation and water supply. Scientists have found traces of public toilets and even baths. Also in the city there is a swimming pool with an area of ​​83 sq. m., which was used during ritual actions and festivities.

It may seem like getting to a city like Mohenjo-Daro is not easy, but fortunately it is not. There is an airport just one kilometer from the settlement, which receives regular flights from other cities in Pakistan. Depending on your preferences, you can get from the terminal to the complex in two ways:

For those who want to save money or simply do not like to fly an airplane once again, the Karachi-Quetta train runs through the region. Having reached the station "Larkana" on it, it remains only to transfer to the bus, which takes passengers to the walls of Mohenjo-Daro in 40 minutes.

Previously, the tourist infrastructure in this area was poorly developed. Usually tourists went to Mohenjo-Daro early in the morning and, after spending the whole day in the complex, returned to Karachi - a large city with many hotels, beaches and interesting cultural monuments. Recently, the situation has begun to change, the government of Pakistan has begun a project to improve the surroundings of the ancient city-state, and in the near future tourists will be able to spend the night in close proximity to Mohenjo-Daro.

literally "hill of the dead" - the city of the Indus Valley civilization, which arose around 2600 BC. NS. Located in Pakistan, in Sindh province. It is the largest ancient city of the Indus Valley and one of the first cities in the history of South Asia, a contemporary of the civilization of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mesopotamia. Archaeologists first visited Mohenjo-Daro in 1911. Regular excavations were carried out from 1922 to 1931. Archaeologist John Marshall, who led the British expedition, noted the "identity" of the finds at Mohenjo-Daro with those found at Harappa, 400 km upstream of the Indus. Subsequently, large expeditions visited here in 1950 and 1964, but the work of the American expedition in 1964-1965 was curtailed due to erosional damage to the excavated structures. In 1980, Mohenjo-Daro was awarded the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The perimeter of Mohenjo-Daro reaches five kilometers. The territory of the city is divided into quarters ("islands") of the same size (384 meters from north to south and 228 meters from west to east). Each block is in turn divided by straight or curved streets.

Interestingly, 384 and 228 give a percentage of 62.7 and 37.2 which is a reflection of the golden ratio, or at least very close to it. For practical purposes, they are limited to an approximate value. F= 1.618 or F= 1.62. Percentage rounded off golden ratio- this is a division of any value in the ratio of 62% and 38%.

The art of building reached a high level. The settlements of the Harappa culture, surrounded by powerful walls, sometimes occupied an area of ​​hundreds of hectares. The main streets of the cities - straight and fairly wide, with well-positioned houses - intersected at right angles. The buildings, usually two-story, sometimes hundreds of square meters in size, were built of fired bricks. They were devoid of architectural decorations, did not have windows facing the street, but were relatively comfortable, had rooms for ablutions, often a separate well and sewerage facilities. In Mohenjo-Daro, a city-wide sewerage system was discovered, which is the most advanced of all sewerage systems known to us at that time in the cities of the ancient East. It had main canals, sedimentation tanks, drains for drainage of rainwater.

All of these structures have been carefully thought out and perfectly executed. During the excavations, many skillfully constructed, brick-lined wells were found, which testifies to a well-established water supply. In Mohenjo-Daro, a well-preserved public bathing pool was discovered, a very perfect device, which suggests that its builders had extensive experience in the construction of such structures.

The culture of the population of these urban settlements has reached a significant development. This is indicated, in particular, by the comparative high level visual arts and artistic handicrafts. During the excavations, skillfully made figurines were found, made of clay, soft rocks and bronze. Examples of fine artistic work are seals-amulets carved from steatite (adipose stone), ivory, as well as made of copper and clay. More than 2 thousand of such seals have been found. They are of particular interest, since many of them have inscriptions made in a kind of hieroglyphic script. The same kind of inscriptions are found on some metal objects. These samples of the oldest Indian writing resemble the earliest writing of the Sumerians and other ancient peoples. The inscriptions from Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa attracted the attention of many scientists, however, so far attempts to decipher them have not been crowned with success.


A description of the Harappan civilization and seals from the city of Mohenjo-Daro is in the AllatRa book p. 437-464. Let's see the description of the seals.

Anastasia: This is indisputable. Your words, just as opportunely, confirm the material from the archaeological excavations of the Harappan civilization, which I brought with me to this meeting. Find, as they say, found signs, symbols, and unique artifacts, but their interpretation by modern people leaves much to be desired. I made drawings of photographs of archaeological finds, including artifacts from Mohenjo-Daro (the conditional name of the ruins once largest city Harappan civilization, discovered in the Indus Valley in present-day Pakistan). For example, the steatite seal you talked about! A man sits in a lotus position on a dais. When I first saw this picture, I was, of course, amazed that people five thousand years ago were engaged in the same spiritual practices as we are now!

True, the very museum description of this seal, like the rest of the finds, once again made me smile with sadness. Indeed, in fact, this description is a reflection of the worldview of those people who composed it. But, probably, I myself, if I did not know about the existence of this spiritual practice, then, obviously, reasoned in the same way being in the place of these scientists. Archaeologists describe this image as follows: a nude male deity with three faces sits on a throne in a yogic pose; on his hands there are bracelets, on his head there is a complex headdress, the top of which looks like a “branch of a ficus tree”. Various assumptions are expressed, including such that since the person depicted on the seal has such "vegetation" over his head, then this probably symbolizes the power of this "three-faced deity" over nature.

Rigden: I think if the person who made this seal heard such an interpretation of "learned people" from the distant future, he would be surprised no less than they were when they discovered it. How much in the distant future did civilization slide down in the spiritual development so that its "best color", advanced people - "learned men" reasoned in this way ?! How could you forget what contributes to the spiritual liberation of a person, what is the main goal of his life? So for an ancient master, such an interpretation of modern people would be no less amazement.

And as for this seal, for a person who is knowledgeable in the ancient cryptography of signs and symbols indicating certain basic meditative techniques and spiritual practices that lead to spiritual liberation, these designations are like an open book. It is clearly shown here that the person is sitting in the lotus position. This is not a nude male deity. This is an indication of the beginning of meditation: the activation of the lower chakran (a surge of energy and its movement through the energy meridians) ... "Throne on the hooves" only indicates that this person is spiritually higher than his Animal nature (the symbol of the latter is the hoof). In addition, in some cases, such a conventional graphic designation (a small elevation on which the meditator sits) can indicate the Leader in the group when doing this spiritual practice together. The four-faced (three visible faces and one invisible) speaks of the level of this spiritual practice, where the integrity of the four Aspects is already used in cognizing the invisible world. By the way, in ancient times, three-facedness was almost always depicted, implying four-faced (the fourth invisible side), as evidenced, for example, by mythology and images of "gods" in ancient Indian civilization. The sign above his head is by no means a "ficus branch." This shows the release of energy from the Yarrow chakran and the activation of the indicated working sign during this meditation.

Anastasia: And here is a copy of a steatite print from the Mohenjo-Daro finds. You once told us about it. The knowledge of the technique of conducting the group meditation "Fiery Lotus" is really displayed here. Judging by the imprint, the leader in meditation is a woman who has a connection with the spiritual world. The AllatRa sign is placed on her head.

Image on the imprint of the seal of the group meditation, .

Although this seal is described in scientific books as a ritual of sacrifice with a procession of seven figures, where a deity is placed, standing on a sacred "fig tree". It is clear that when the foundations of spiritual knowledge, sacred symbols and signs have been lost in human society, it is difficult to understand anything like that from the point of view of the material worldview. For most people, even now, this picture will not go beyond their current understanding of the world.

Rigden: Everyone carries their own baggage of personal experience through life. By its content, a person judges the world, but in fact these are his judgments about himself. The material worldview grounds it, further enslaving the Soul and making the burden heavier, forcing a person, like a convict, to drag out these burdening shackles in his consciousness. The spiritual worldview inspires the Soul, improves and contributes to the formation of personal baggage, exclusively from the values ​​of the spiritual world, which are not lost even after the physical death of the human body.

Anastasia: Once again I am convinced how important it is for a person to have personal spiritual experience and Knowledge and to take full responsibility for his spiritual development... After all, life goes by very quickly. In the Harappan civilization, people knew this for sure, judging by the remnants of their culture. Here is an image of the stamp of a seal that you once referred to as a symbolic scheme of meditation on the four essences. It again depicts a three-faced man sitting in the lotus position. Above the head of a meditator in the area of ​​the Yarrow chakran, a lotus flower is symbolically depicted (the ancient Egyptians also drew the flower in the same way), a schematic designation of the signs of Allat, "AllatRa". And next to it there is an inscription in the form of symbols and signs. On the sides of the central image there are four animals.

Seal depicting meditation on the four Aspects,(Harappan civilization; III-II millennium BC; Indus Valley, South Asia).

And what are the four beasts: elephant, tiger, buffalo and one-horned rhino! The elephant is depicted walking to the side - a symbol of the Back Aspect, the slow and strong past of a person. The attacking tiger is a symbol of the aggressive Right Essence. The screaming buffalo is a symbol of the Left Essence, given the same symbolism of ancient India and South-East Asia, where the buffalo is a symbol of supernatural strength, masculinity. But the one-horned rhinoceros, according to the mythology of the ancient Indus peoples, is a symbol of strength, insight, happiness, a fearless creature that even a tiger is afraid of. That is, he is endowed with the characteristics of the Front Aspect. And here it is not by chance that the symbolism of the single horn is displayed.

By the way, you know, I was surprised to find that on the seals of the Harappan civilization, a common motif was a mythical sacred creature with one horn (scientists called it a unicorn), depicted next to sacred (spiritual) attributes. This was a very intriguing discovery for me, considering everything that you told us earlier about this creature.

Rigden: Since ancient times, the Unicorn has been one of the symbols of the Front Essence, which promotes a spiritually pure person to connect with his Soul, to leave the circle of rebirth. He personified striving only in one direction - the spiritual, therefore he was endowed with those qualities that are characteristic of a person during his spiritual work on himself: purity, nobility, wisdom, strength, courage, perfect goodness, and was also associated with the forces of Allat - the divine purity of the female. beginnings (myths about the Virgo and the unicorn).

,(Harappan civilization; III-II millennium BC; Indus valley, South Asia). On the seal, two unicorns (necks and horns are depicted indicating a spiral structure) with a circle in the middle form a stylized symbolic sign of Allat with a circle (the AllatRa symbol), above it there is a rhombic structure and seven large leaves (an indication of the spiritual transformation of a person and his exit to seventh dimension), as well as two small leaves on the sides of the rhombus. In the lower corner of the seal, a rhombic sign with a sphere inside (a rhombus sign is a sign of transformation) also indicates a person who achieved spiritual liberation and exit into the seventh dimension during his lifetime (4 circles at the corners of the rhombus indicate four completely controlled Essences; the inner circle is depicted as a symbol the six-dimensional world, in this symbol indicates a person's comprehension of all six worlds through inner knowledge).

If you trace the history of symbols, then, for example, the Sumerians put the image of a unicorn as a symbol associated with a circle (Soul), which researchers interpret as a "lunar symbol", as well as an attribute of goddesses in the concept of spiritual purity. The Assyrians depicted a unicorn on the bas-reliefs next to the Tree of Life, the Egyptians put the best moral qualities in its image. The Persians, according to their sacred knowledge, considered the unicorn to be perfect, a representative of “ clean world”Among animals (originally four animals), and his horn is the only force capable of defeating Ahriman. Or take the ancient Slavic legends and epics recorded in the old Russian collection of spiritual songs "The Dove Book" (a book that in the 13th century became banned by the religious priests of that time), where the unicorn is referred to as Indrik the beast (Indra). There are lines like this:

“We have Indrik the beast for all beasts,
And he walks, beast, in the dungeon,
He passes all the white-stone mountains,
Cleans streams and depressions.
When this beast plays out
The whole universe is shaking.
All the beasts worship him, the beast,
He does not hurt anyone. "

Rigden: Quite right. All these animals are only associations understandable for the thinking of the people of that time, which characterize the features of spiritual knowledge, meditations, a world outlook other than the three-dimensional world, nothing more. But people tend to imitate. In the absence of primordial Knowledge, experience and developments in spiritual practices, or simply misunderstanding them, they begin to perceive associations from spiritual teachings as material reality. Moreover, people from their material mind make these associative images "sacred" and begin to worship them in the material world, thinking that in this way they will attain enlightenment, they will gain "the grace of heaven." That is why there are incidents in history with the alteration of Knowledge, with interpretations from the human mind: when it was indicated in the spiritual teaching “in order to be involved in the divine, one must kill the beast in oneself,” ignorant people took these words literally. As a result, in the history of mankind, bloody sacrifices of animals and people arose, simply because of an incorrect or deliberate, distorted interpretation of the remnants of past Knowledge by those who led religious policy or influenced the formation of the beliefs of a particular people. Today religions, together with their sacrifices, look somewhat primitive in the eyes of people of a technogenic civilization. Indeed, the livelihood and survival of human society as a whole does not depend on their political set and show-worship of different gods. Now the material "god" of most living people is money, just like the same goat in the family used to be. But some time will pass, and material priorities will change again, although this will not cease to be material ... Look what associations you have to operate today, renewing the lost spiritual Truth: compare with scientific generally understood information, make associations with the work of a computer, technology etc. If people now for the most part do not change in the spiritual aspect, then it is quite possible that in the future, if it comes to this human society, all this knowledge will also be perceived by people literally, with a perversion of the spiritual meaning.

Anastasia: I can imagine what the calls of technogenic priests might be: “Sacrifice nanomolecules of the last selective modification to the gods, and you will atone for all your sins in a whole month. Believe in the mind of the world Supercomputer and you will be saved! "

Rigden: All this would be funny if it were not so sad. So jokes are jokes, and people should seriously think about it. The spiritual world cannot be accurately described, it is a completely different world, different from the material one. But spiritual world you can really feel it by engaging in spiritual practices, conquering your egocentrism and opening your way to the Eternal world.

Anastasia: It really is. You especially understand the essence of what you have said only after you begin to disciplined yourself, to spiritual work and daily practices ... Defeating your Animal nature and spiritually liberating yourself is the actual goal of all spiritual teachings, starting from the Paleolithic era. Another thing is how people recorded this knowledge, in contrast to the modern understanding of information transfer. Again, in the same Harappan civilization, they also found such a very interesting print on terracotta. On one side of the tablet - a person is depicted sitting in the lotus position (Observer), with a corresponding meditative symbol above his head. And next to him is a man killing a buffalo (conquering his Animal nature). Above the buffalo is a lizard with six spines on its tail. Of course, scientific books suggest that this is hunting, sacrifice, and so on ...

An image symbolizing the victory over the Animal nature, (Harappan civilization; III-II millennium BC; Indus Valley, South Asia).

Rigden: By the way, a lizard (lizard) is also an ancient traditional symbolic designation of certain spiritual knowledge. She was considered a mystical creature, just like the snake, but again, only because earlier the life of this amphibian was associatively compared with various spiritual processes. For example, her image was associated with ancient times, with ancient structures of the brain, as well as with a connection with water (another world), the fact of presence or immersion (the Observer, his entry into an altered state of consciousness), penetration (tunneling, the symbol of the Back Aspect). The image of a lizard was also depicted as a sign of wisdom, warning of danger, a symbol of change.

And as for this picture, the lizard's tail is not marked with thorns, but just a symbolic designation of the mountains. It is in today's society that we have the opportunity to talk about dimensions, the multidimensionality of the world, altered states of consciousness. And in the distant past, this knowledge was associatively expressed in a slightly different way. For people who spent their whole life surrounded by mountains, the difficult path of self-improvement, detachment from their Animal nature (worldly desires, egocentrism) was compared to climbing a mountain (overcoming oneself), and passing measurements in spiritual practices, as overcoming the first mountain, for her - the second mountain and so on. The mountain for many peoples is a symbol of spiritual elevation, connection with higher worlds, an associative image of the connection of different worlds (for example, earth and sky, earth and the underworld), respectively, the abode of beings of another world. It was possible to get to the “other world” only by overcoming oneself. But, it is true, because of such associations, when spiritless, empty material imitation began, the mountain began to be designated as a place of sacrifice, since it allegedly "is closer to the gods."

Anastasia: Another interesting drawing on the other side of this terracotta form. It depicts a smiling woman who grabbed two "tigers" (lateral Aspects) by the throat and stands over an elephant (a symbol of a slow, outgoing, strong past - the Rear Aspect). Her hair is like a symbolic image of 12 rays. And above the head is the sign of an oblique cross in a circle with crossed out lateral Aspects, that is, a symbol of complete control over them. Researchers are at a loss as to the interpretation of this image, because it is the only "Indus manuscript" depicting, in their opinion, a "spoked wheel over the head of a female deity."

Rigden: Eh, there would be more such "wheels" in the spiritual history of mankind, and not in theory, but in practice - there would be no price for this mankind!

Anastasia: Well, considering the historical artifacts, not only the best representatives of the Pro-Indian civilization who once lived in Asia kept their lateral Aspects under control so tightly "by the throat". The sacred symbols of the ancient Egyptians (Africa), the Indians of Ancient Peru (South America), the Scythians, the Slavs (Europe) also have similar symbols. And, by the way, there is subsequently a clear transformation of this ancient associative symbol of the lateral Aspects into a corresponding separate symbol in the form of a staff.

Symbolic image among different peoples of spiritual control by a person of his lateral Aspects:

1) image on terracotta form: ancient symbol over the head of a smiling woman holding two "tigers" by the throat (Harappan civilization; III-II millennium BC; Indus Valley, South Asia);

2) the image of the Scythian goddess Artimpas, who was part of the seven-gods Scythian pantheon (VII-III centuries BC; Northern Black Sea region);

3) depicts the ancient Egyptian sign "ankh" holding two mythical animals with hooves (relief in the Egyptian temple of Sebek and Haroeris; 80 BC; the city of Kom Ombo, Egypt);

4) an ancient gold pendant of the peoples of South America in the form of a cube-shaped figure standing on a two-headed snake;

5) the sign of the victorious deity, the god of thunder of the ancient Slavs - Perun (before Christianity it was considered supreme god in the pantheon Kievan Rus IX century A.D.); according to legend, after the victory of Perun over the mythical enemy, the waters are freed (in the archaic transformations of the myth, the divine women (Makosh), kidnapped by his adversary, are liberated), and heavenly moisture (rain) is shed;

6) white stone carving on the southern facade of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral (a monument of Russian architecture; the cathedral was built in 1194–1197; Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve; Vladimir, Russia);

7) rock painting (about IV-III millennium BC; White Sea coast; Republic of Karelia, north-west of Russia);

8) a fragment of the mantle of the Indian culture of Paracas (V-III century BC; Ancient Peru; South America);

9) the image of a Scythian Goddess on a bridle decoration - a golden horse forehead (IV century BC; Bolshaya Tsimbalka mound, Zaporozhye region, Ukraine; Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia);

10) a slotted plaque with the image of the Goddess (VII-VIII centuries; an archaeological find in the area of ​​Lake Chud, Perm region, Russia; Cherdyn Museum of Local Lore named after A.S. Pushkin);

11) the ancient Egyptian sacred scepter "uas" in the form of a staff with a curved top and a bifurcated bottom (head and hooves of an animal); an attribute of the ancient Egyptian gods, meaning control (power) over the Animal nature;

12) the symbolic image of a dragon-like serpent with feathers in the mythology of the North American Indians; in myths it is mentioned that he symbolized storms; only the Great Hero, who possessed moral purity and superior fortitude, could defeat such a dragon;

13) the supreme deity of water and earth, a demiurge in the religion of the Incas - Viracocha (holds two serpents in his hands - one with seven "divisions" of the body, indicating seven-dimensionality, the second with three "divisions" of the body and cloven hooves, indicating the three-dimensionality of the world and the Animal Start); (XI-XVI centuries AD, South America);

14) stele "Mountains on crocodiles" (III century BC; Ancient Egypt); Horus is depicted naked as a symbol of purity, not being burdened by material desires in his procession through this world (the importance of controlling one's Essences, the dominance of non-material values ​​in human life is indicated).

More artifacts can be viewed.

From the above passages, it becomes obvious that the inhabitants of the city of Mohenjo-Daro possessed primordial knowledge, moreover, they not only possessed, but also applied them in practice, were engaged in spiritual development. On the Internet to me came across a curious interpretation of the hieroglyphs on one of the seals given.

Quite an interesting interpretation, considering that the seal shows meditation on the four Essences.

For a long time, scientists have been puzzling over solving the great mystery of this city, which is more than 5000 years old. Scientists have not yet come to a consensus about the origin of this culture. To date, only about 10 percent of its territory has been opened and cleared. The excavated area of ​​Mohenjo-Daro is 260 hectares, or more than 2.5 square kilometers. Its outskirts are buried today under the muddy deposits of the Indus. Excavations were carried out here until the 1960s. As the archaeologists descended lower and lower, saline water began to rise towards them. Salt deposits are visible all over the bricks. The salt began to eat away at what was left of the city. And then, by decision of UNESCO, the excavations were mothballed.

There is also very interesting fact, and it is connected rather with a desire to hide the truth, so they have already managed to dig up a lot, and how many have not yet been dug up. Moreover, the ruins were restored. Here is how the Russian researcher Andrei Sklyarov writes: “Some sources mentioning the version of Devenport and Vincenti claim that the remains of people found (somewhere outside the epicenter) had radioactivity exceeding the norm by more than 50 times ... I, unfortunately, did not succeed find neither confirmation of these statements, nor any (albeit dubious) information about who exactly and when conducted the study of the remains for radioactivity. Unfortunately, it now seems almost impossible to verify the conclusions of Davenport and Vincenti about the explosive nature of the destruction in Mohenjo-Daro, since as a result of careful "restoration" carried out in recent decades, the appearance of the city has changed significantly - brick debris has been dismantled, the walls have been rebuilt. So now you can see only another "Disneyland for tourists" here ...

Going back to UNESCO, for example, I would never believe that it was impossible to invite a few talented engineers to solve the problem of saline water. I think that, if desired, this problem would be solved and the excavations would be continued, and the world could see more than one seal, which is written about above, as well as other artifacts. But since we do not see this, it means that it is beneficial for someone, although, of course, it is known to whom it is beneficial.

Let's go back to AllatRa, remember the story of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.

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Rigden: Well, yes, the torchlight procession. As the saying goes, he who has ears, let him hear. It will not be difficult for smart people to understand why St. Sophia Cathedral became the first architectural monument on the territory of Ukraine, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, which means that it is forbidden to rebuild, transfer to any religious organization, or perform divine services in it.

Anastasia: It turns out that the free masons from the Archons rebuilt the original and now, with the help of their own specious UNESCO instrument, they are setting conditions for the local residents that the cathedral cannot be rebuilt, and besides, it is impossible to conduct primordially Orthodox services in it, so to speak, to activate the "pearl" ?! Well, business ... This can only be called lawlessness.

One of the possible reasons for all this booth associated with the closure of excavations and restoration may be the death of the city of Mohenjo-Daro. Let's consider the possible reasons for the death of the city. From the research carried out, one thing was clear: Mohenjo-Daro became a victim of some kind of ecological disaster, it happened suddenly and did not last long. However, its strength was such that it led to the sudden and irreversible death of the whole city. An interesting fact is that almost simultaneously with Mohejo-Daro, other large cities located nearby were also killed.

According to some reports, a powerful explosion occurred on the hill where the city was located, the ruins of buildings were melted, and the skeletons in the area of ​​the explosion were radioactive. Allegedly, back in 1927, archaeologists found 27 or 44 completely preserved human skeletons with an increased level of radiation. The authorities got worried. You cannot give people proof that in the middle of the second millennium someone used powerful nuclear bombs. Some version was needed. To begin with, they launched a message in the disinformation media that the epicenter of an ancient earthquake was allegedly found one hundred and forty kilometers from Mohenjo-Daro, which caused the tragedy. However, no one believed that the earthquake was capable of melting the stones. Then a certain A.P. Nevsky spoke out, declaring that it was a comet. Like, when entering the atmosphere, a discharge of static electricity with a force of millions of amperes occurred, and it was it that destroyed the city. However, no signs of flooding, volcanic eruptions or large meteorites were found in Mohenjo Daro.

1. In the magazine "Vokrug sveta" # 7 for 1987, an article by Professor M. Dmitriev "Black lightning over Mohenjo-Daro" was published. In it, the high temperature that melted the stones in the "epicenter of the explosion" was explained by the explosion a large number ball lightning or physical and chemical formations (FHO) (black lightning) , which are unstable and when they decay, a significant temperature arises. These formations can exist for a very long time and release poisonous gases. It is assumed that it was they who "strangled" the inhabitants. Moreover, FHOs can explode like ordinary ball lightning. It is the aggression of a huge accumulation of "black lightning" that supporters of such a hypothesis explain the melted stones and skeletons of people on the streets of Mohenjo-Daro.

It’s hard to believe in wild black lightning bolts that suddenly, for no apparent reason, attacked the city, unless these lightning bolts were purposefully directed at the city by someone.

2. D. Reiks, who studied the structure of the earth's layers in the Mohenjo-Daro area. He established that in one hundred and forty kilometers to the south of the city there was a source of the strongest earthquake, which changed the appearance of the Indus Valley. It probably started with him. Apparently, the earthquake reared the earth, the Indus was blocked, and its waters were turned back. Then the onset of mud streams began. The settlements near Mohenjo-Daro were buried under a multi-meter layer of silt and sand. The townspeople tried to defend themselves, they began to erect dams, traces of which were found during excavations. But it became more and more difficult to deal with water and mud streams. Scientists believe that the onset of the mud sea lasted for about a hundred years. As a result, the elements won, and the city died.

The nature of the destruction in the city, - from the center, where the largest, to the outskirts is less. During earthquakes, the nature of the destruction is different.

3. Some historians believe that the city was the victim of a series of powerful floods - the overflowing Indus often flooded Mohenjo-Daro, and residents were forced to leave the city. As images from space showed, the channels of the Indus River and a number of other local rivers changed their directions many times. The reason for this was progress crust... Moreover, Indus flooded Mohenjo-Daro more than once. As a result, the sewage system was damaged, as a result of which, in a hot climate, terrible epidemics began, literally mowing people down. The survivors hurriedly left the city. In support of this version, the researchers refer to archaeologists who have established seven or nine layers of silt between the levels of the mature Mohenjo-Daro culture. Thus, the city was successively destroyed and rebuilt at least seven times. Each time, new cities were built on top of the old ones.

In my opinion, this only says that it is very, very Old city and nothing else.

4. Mohenjo-Daro and the weapons of the ancients

This version was stated in their book "The Atomic Explosion in 2000 BC" ("Atomic Destructionin 2000 BC", 1979) David Davenport and Ettore Vincenti. The English researcher of the culture and languages ​​of Ancient India D. Davenport, an expert in Sanskrit, was born and lived for some time in India. He was obsessed with the idea of ​​translating ancient Indian texts from Sanskrit into English and an objective interpretation of the philosophical meaning and historical facts set out in these texts. He also lived for 12 years in Pakistan, studying the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro. D. Davenport, together with the Italian researcher Vincenti, found that about 3,700 years ago, at the top of the hill around which Mohenjo-Daro was built, there was a powerful explosion similar to an atomic one (according to various estimates, the date of destruction varies from 1500 to 2000 BC). . NS.). They posted a diagram of the destruction of buildings in the book mentioned. If you look at it carefully, you can see a clearly delineated epicenter, inside which all buildings have been swept away. As we move from the center to the periphery, the destruction decreases, gradually coming to naught. It becomes clear why the outlying buildings are the best preserved buildings in Mohenjo-Daro. Upon close examination of the destroyed buildings, D. Davenport and E. Vincenti found that the diameter of the epicenter of the explosion was about 50 m. Everything was crystallized and melted at this place, all buildings were wiped off the face of the earth. At a distance of up to 60 m from the center of the explosion, bricks and stones are melted on one side, which indicates the direction of the explosion.

As you know, stones melt at a temperature of about 2000 ° C. Sand turned into glass was also found in these places. (Exactly the same layers of green glass were found in the Nevada desert (USA) after nuclear tests).

In the direction from the center to the periphery, the degree of destruction of buildings gradually decreases. The researchers also found that the ancient city was destroyed by three powerful shock waves that spread a mile from the epicenter of the explosion. Scattered among the ruins in an area with a radius of over 400 meters are pieces of clay, ceramics and some minerals, which were quickly melted. All the people who were in the epicenter instantly evaporated, so archaeologists did not find skeletons there. Researchers sent the so-called black stones, which were scattered across the streets of the city, to the Institute of Mineralogy at the University of Rome and to the laboratory of the National Research Council (Italy). It turned out that black stones are nothing more than fragments of earthenware, sintered at a temperature of about 1400-1600 degrees, and then hardened.

D. Davenport and E. Vincenti in their studies referred not only to the nature of destruction and analysis of the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro studied, but also to ancient Indian texts, which repeatedly describe the use of the "weapon of the gods". The texts say about the explosion of the weapon, “ sparkling like fire but no smoke", From which the sky over the city was covered with darkness, and good weather was replaced by hurricanes," bringing evil and death. " Clouds and earth mixed together and in the chaos of madness even the sun and the moon began to walk across the sky in a different way. The elephants, scorched by the flames, rushed about in terror, the water boiled, the fish were charred, and the warriors threw themselves into the water in a vain attempt to wash away the "deadly dust" from their bodies. The authors of the stated atomic hypothesis admit that the opponents of Mohenjo-Daro were not only familiar with atomic explosives, but also had the technical means of “vimans” to deliver the bomb. As David Davenport stated “ even more surprising are those passages in the Mahabharata, where strange weapons are spoken of not in general words, but in specific terms".


Detailed information about vimanas is contained in the book "" or "Vimanik prakaranam" (translated from Sanskrit - "Science of Vimanas" or "Treatise on Flight"). According to some sources, "Vimanika Shastra" was discovered in 1875 in one of the temples in India. It was compiled in the 4th century BC. sage Maharsha Bharadwaja, who used even more ancient texts as sources. According to other sources, its text was recorded in 1918-1923. Venkatachaka Sharma in the retelling of the sage-medium, pandit Subbraya Shastri, who dictated 23 books of "Vimaniki Shastra" in a state of hypnotic trance. Subbraya Shastri himself claimed that the text of the book was written on palm leaves for several millennia and was passed orally from generation to generation. According to his testimony, "Vimanika Shastra" is part of an extensive treatise by the sage Bharadwaja, entitled "Yantra-sarvasva" (translated from Sanskrit "Encyclopedia of Mechanisms" or "All About Machines"). According to other specialists, it is about 1/40 of the work Vimana Vidyana (Science of Aeronautics). The Vimanika Shastra was first published in Sanskrit in 1943. Three decades later it was translated into English by the director International Academy Sanskrit Studies in Mysore (India) by J.R. Josier, it was published in 1979 in India.
The Vimanika Shastra contains numerous references to the works of 97 ancient scientists and experts on the construction and operation of aircraft, materials science, meteorology.

The book describes four types of aircraft (including aircraft that could not catch fire or crash) - " Rukma Vimana", "Sundara Vimana", "Tripura Vimana" and " Shakuna Vimana". The first of them had a conical shape, the configuration of the second was rocket-like: " Tripura Vimana "was three-tiered (three-story), and on the second floor there were cabins for passengers, this multi-purpose vehicle could be used for both air and underwater travel;" Shakuna Vimana "looked like a big bird.

All aircraft were made of metals. Three types of them are mentioned in the text: "somaka", "soundalika", "maurthvika", as well as alloys that can withstand very high temperatures. In addition, the Vimanika Shastra provides information on 32 main parts of aircraft and 16 materials used in their manufacture, absorbing light and heat. The various instruments and mechanisms on board the vimaana are most often called yantra (machine) or darpana (mirror). Some of them resemble modern television screens, others are radars, and still others are cameras; generators are also mentioned electric current, solar energy absorbers, etc.
An entire chapter of "Vimaniki Shastra" is devoted to the description of the device " guhagarbhadarsh ​​yantra a ". With its help, from a flying vimaana, it was possible to determine the location of objects hidden under the ground!

The book also speaks in detail about the seven mirrors and lenses that were installed on board the vimaanas for visual observations. So, one of them, called " Pinjula's mirror", intended to protect the pilots' eyes from the blinding" devil's rays "of the enemy." Vimanika Shastra "names seven sources of energy that set aircraft in motion: fire, earth, air, the energy of the sun, moon, water and space. Abilities that are currently inaccessible to earthlings. Thus, the power of "guda" allowed the vimanas to be invisible to the enemy, the force of "paroksha" could disable other aircraft, and the force of "pralaya" emitted electrical charges and destroyed obstacles. Using the energy of space, the vimanas could bend it and create visual or real effects: starry sky, clouds, etc. The book also talks about the rules of management aircraft and their maintenance, describes methods of training pilots, diet, methods of making special protective clothing for them. It also contains information on protecting aircraft from hurricanes and lightning and guidance on how to switch the engine to "solar power" from a free energy source called "anti-gravity".

The Vimanika Shastra reveals 32 secrets that an aeronaut should learn from knowledgeable mentors. Among them there are quite understandable requirements and flight rules, for example, accounting for meteorological conditions. However, most of the secrets concerned knowledge that is inaccessible to us today, for example, the ability to make the vimana invisible to opponents in battle, increase or decrease its size, etc. Here are some of them:

"... by bringing together the energies of yasa, viyasa, prayasa in the eighth layer of the atmosphere covering the Earth, attract the dark component of the sunbeam and use it to hide the vimaana from the enemy ..."
"... by means of vyanarathya vikarana and other energies in the heart center of the solar mass, attract the energy of the etheric stream in the sky, and mix it with balaha vikarana shakti into a balloon, thereby forming a white shell that will make the vimana invisible ...";
"... if you enter the second layer of summer clouds, collect the energy of shaktyakarshana with darpana, and apply it to parivesa (" halo-vimana "), you can generate a paralyzing force, and the enemy's vimaana will be paralyzed and incapacitated ...";
"... by the projection of the Rohini ray of light one can make objects in front of the vimaana visible ...";
"... the vimaana will move in a zigzag manner like a snake, if you collect the dandavaktra and seven other energies of the air, connect with the sun's rays, pass through the winding center of the vimaana and turn the switch ...";
"... by means of the photographic yantra in the vimaana to receive a television image of objects inside the enemy's ship ...";
"... if you electrify three types of acid in the northeastern part of the vimaana, expose them to 7 types of sunlight and send the resulting force into the tube of the trishirsh mirror, everything that happens on Earth will be projected onto the screen ...".


"I set out on a campaign, oh best of husbands, to destroy Saubha, the city of Salva ..." (Saubha-flying island, heavenly city of Salva)

"Then the evil king Saubha made invisible, and she began to rush across the sky, but I used arrows flying at the sound, and the Danavas began to fall to the ground again."

"Driven by Krishna, the chariot rushed across the field like lightning, and the arrows fired by Gandiva cut down the elephants and their riders by the thousands, turning the earth into a bloody mess."

"But he summoned Ghatotkach to action a terrible heavenly weapon, struck the horses and the driver Karna with it, and then became invisible."

“But then a huge fiery cloud swelled in the sky, from where flashes of lightning and flaming firebrands erupted, and then there was a terrible rumble, like the thunder of thousands of rams striking at the same time. And then huge stones, and spears, and darts, and clubs, and the roar became even stronger, fell to the ground, but Karna could not hold back all these weapons with the streams of his arrows. "

“Without losing his masculinity, he threw himself at Dhrishtadyumna and showered him with thousands of arrows, and then, when twenty thousand panchals stood up to protect Draupada's son, he summoned Brahma's weapons to destroy them. Having killed all twenty thousand of those ksharias, he began to brilliantly burn with his fire the mothers, srinjays and other warriors ... "

“… The son of Drona, having touched the water, summoned the Narayana weapon, created by Vishnu himself. And at once innumerable arrows appeared in the air, like serpents with flaming jaws, and iron balls, sparkling in the daytime sky like the brightest of stars, and discs with razor-sharp edges, shining like the sun, and various objects spewing fire. Terrified, the Pandavas tried to fight, and the more they fought, the more weapons became in the sky, and these weapons burned them like fire dry grass. "

“Descend from elephants, chariots and horses to the ground! Leave your weapons! - Krishna cried to the confused army. - Leave even thoughts of battle, and then you will be saved from the weapons of the Narayana! The one who will fight, even in his thoughts, will be killed by this weapon, wherever he is. "

"And then the mighty son of Radha launched the weapon of Parasurama, filling everything around with thousands of flaming arrows, and horror seized the army of the Pandavas."

"To the destruction of the Pandavas, the brahmashiras released a terrible weapon, and a fire burst out of that blade of grass, capable of engulfing all three worlds."

"And at the same moment when the weapon of the son of Drona flashed, the owner of Gandiva released his weapon, and that weapon shone brighter than a thousand suns."

"Only a perfect warrior, firm in vows, is capable of stopping the brahmashiras used in battle, such a feat is beyond the strength of even Indra, but Arjuna absorbed the flaming power of the weapon and remained unharmed."

"In the country where brahmashiras stops with the same weapon, it does not rain for twelve years ..."

“But I, O lord, am not able to absorb that weapon, and it must find a goal for itself. Knowing nothing better, I will smite the unborn babies in the womb of the Pandavian wives. "

“The son of Abhimanyu was born dead, because even in the womb of his mother, Ashvatthaman struck him with the terrible weapon of brahmashiras. The great Krishna took the dead baby in his hands and he revived, and gave the grandson of Arjuna the name Pariksit, and all the inhabitants of the kingdom rejoiced that the successor of the glorious Kuru family was born. "

According to experts, ancient Indian scriptures mention more than 90 types of weapons, for example: Agneyastra, Brahmastra, Chakram, Garudastra, Kaumodaki, Narayanastra, Pashupata, Shiva Dhanush (ShivaDhanush) , Trishul, Vaishnavastra, Varunastra, Vayavastra - each character has his own type of weapon. Of all the types, the Brahmastra is the most powerful weapon. According to the texts, to activate it, it was only necessary to touch the water for purification and, concentrating, say a special mantra. This weapon, as the texts say, could only be used gods .
The following words are mentioned in the Mahabharata: "moha"- weapons leading to loss of consciousness; "shatani"- weapons that kill hundreds of people at the same time; "tvashar"- a tool that creates chaos in the ranks of the enemy; "varsana"- a means of causing heavy rain. Guha garbha darpana- directed energy weapon - a device that uses energy from the sun, wind, and ether, and concentrates it through a special mirror. Rowdree Darpana- also a directional energy device that accumulates the sun's rays and emits a high temperature beam that can melt any object it is directed at.

And here is what "collection" of weapons Rostislav Furdui collected in his book "Lost Civilization and Wonderful Weapons". Some of its varieties are mentioned in Virataparva and Udyogaparva (the fourth and fifth books of the Mahabharata). Below are his descriptions from the comments to these books made by V.I.Kalyanov.

  • "Shuka"- a weapon that does not allow elephants and horses to move, as if they were trapped. Sometimes it is called" mohana "(" weapon that confuses ").
  • "Kakudika"- a weapon that plunges the warriors fighting in chariots and elephants into an insensible state, and also wears" Pravapana "(" putting to sleep ").
  • "Take that"- a weapon that drives you crazy and deprives you of consciousness.
  • "Akshisantarjana"- the weapon is hardly material, but is a mantra (spell). As soon as it is pronounced, just a glance thrown at the enemy soldiers is enough, as all of them, trembling with fear, will emit feces and urine. It is also called" srasana "( "frightening").
  • "Santana" - whole class aindra-type weapon (under the auspices of the god Indra), which helps create an endless stream of weapons, although only one has been released.
  • "Nartana"- a weapon that makes the victim dance around in a frantic manner; it also bears another name:" paishacha "(" devilish ").
  • "Ghora"- a weapon that makes a terrible devastation or continuous extermination of enemy soldiers and is also called" rakshasa "(" demonic ").
  • "Asyamodaka" or " pit"- like" akshisantarjana ", it strikes with the help of mantras. A person struck by it himself seeks death in the most terrible form.
  • "Agnea"- some kind of firearm that always causes a fire.

Thus, we have ample information to understand that the ancient Indians had both "tactical" and "strategic" weapons. On this topic there is a very interesting book by the Indian researcher VR Dikshitar "War in Ancient India, published in India back in 1949 (V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar" War in Ancient India ").

Could the use of any weapons similar to the listed types of weapons have destroyed the city of Mohenjo-Daro?


Still, any knowledge is a force that can be used both for the benefit of humanity and for its destruction, for the destruction of their own kind. Let's see how we use knowledge.

In the 20th century, the development of theoretical physics led to the creation atomic bomb... Julius Robert Oppenheimer is a talented theoretical physicist who came to be called "the father of the atomic bomb." The atomic bomb was first tested in New Mexico in July 1945; later Oppenheimer recalled that at that moment the words from the Bhagavad Gita occurred to him: "If the radiance of a thousand suns flashed in the sky, it would be like the brilliance of the Almighty ... I became Death, the destroyer of Worlds."

Result: The total number of deaths ranged from 90 to 166 thousand people in Hiroshima and from 60 to 80 thousand people in Nagasaki. But the most interesting thing is that there are people who are discussing the feasibility of atomic bombings, and even justify the killing of hundreds of thousands of their own kind. Are these people?

November 1, 1952 USA detonated the world's first thermonuclear charge on Enewetok Atoll.

August 12, 1953 in the USSR the world's first hydrogen bomb, the Soviet RDS-6 bomb, was detonated at the Semipalatinsk test site ...

Chemistry: OV (Poisonous substances) of nerve-paralytic action, affecting nervous system... The purpose of the use of nerve agent agents is the rapid and massive incapacitation of personnel with the greatest possible number of deaths. Poisonous substances in this group include sarin, soman, herd and V-gases.

OV skin-blistering action, causing damage mainly through the skin, and when applied in the form of aerosols and vapors - also through the respiratory system. The main toxic substances are mustard gas, lewisite.

Generally toxic agents, which, when entering the body, disrupt the transfer of oxygen from the blood to the tissues. These are one of the fastest operating systems. These include hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride ..

OV of a suffocating effect, affecting mainly the lungs. The main OM are phosgene and diphosgene.

OV of psychochemical action, capable of incapacitating the enemy's manpower for some time. These toxic substances, acting on the central nervous system, disrupt the normal mental activity of a person or cause such disorders as temporary blindness, deafness, a sense of fear, limitation of motor functions. Poisoning with these substances in doses that cause mental disturbances does not lead to death. OM from this group are quinuclidyl-3-benzylate (BZ) and lysergic acid diethylamide.

Biology: Biological weapons are pathogenic microorganisms or their spores, viruses, bacterial toxins, infected people and animals, as well as their delivery vehicles (rockets, guided projectiles, automatic balloons, aviation) intended for mass destruction of enemy personnel, farm animals, crops, as well as damage to certain types of military materials and equipment. It is a weapon of mass destruction and is prohibited under the 1925 Geneva Protocol.

It would seem that such branches of science as physics, chemistry, biology should work for the good of people, however, as you can see, they work not only for the good and not so much for the good, but for the mass destruction of the people themselves. But why is it so? ... Our society, which considers itself civilized, to consider, really does not mean to be such, how is it built? It is built on the principle of the domination of one individual over another, similar to his own, everyone tries to dominate over someone, at home at work, but at least where, one considers himself better than the other. Consciousness has divided and uses it. In such a society, after all, an individual takes a stick and begins to wave it in front of another individual, proving his own importance, but the individual, in front of whom they are waving with a stick, is looking for a bigger stick to wave it in front of the one who waved the stick in front of him. This is how we wave with sticks. And as you know, "once a year, and the stick shoots." Or maybe it's better to put all these sticks down ... why do we need them? After all, all people are brothers and we have nothing to share. And having united, all together, to build a world in which there will be no wars or strife, a brother will not have to kill a brother, a son will not have to go against a father, in which it would never even occur to anyone to use science to destroy their own kind. Such a society and KNOWLEDGE will only be for the good.

Articles from the section.

“I have destroyed the nations; their strongholds have been destroyed; made their streets empty, so that no one walks on them anymore; their cities are ruined; there is not a single person, there are no inhabitants. "

/ Sof. 3: 6 /

In 1922, an Indian archaeological expedition led by R. Banerjee, while excavating one of the islands of the Indus River, discovered an ancient city, the true name of which has not yet been established.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-daro

According to the results of excavations, it received the name in the scientific world Mohenjo-daro, literally translated from the Sindhi language means "Hill of the Dead". Despite some dissonance, the name Mohenjo-Daro stuck in the scientific world and is now perceived as the original name of the ancient city. This unnamed city, located in the territory of the modern province of Sindh in Pakistan, was one of the centers of the Harappan civilization.

Results carried out in Mohenjo-daro excavations convincingly proved that the city located on the mountain almost instantly died about 3500 years ago, in the middle of the second millennium BC, as a result of an extremely powerful explosion that destroyed all the buildings of the city and destroyed its inhabitants. The epicenter of the explosion fell on the top of the hill, where the city center was locatedMohenjo-daro, all buildings of which were destroyed to the ground, while at the foot of the hill, where the outskirts of the city were located, the traces of destruction were somewhat less.

To Art. Mohenjo-daro

Ancient stonesMohenjo-daroretained traces of unusually strong melting and fire, and their scatter testified to the enormous power of the explosion.

Individual and group skeletons of people covered with earth and stones testified that until the very last moment before the explosion, people calmly walked around the cityMohenjo-daroand the disaster that broke out caught them by surprise.

Archaeologists and scientists from different countries, who later studied the results of archaeological excavations, were unanimous in the opinion that the explosion that destroyed the ancient Mohenjo-daro, is very similar to the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the American atomic bombings, but an increase in the level of radioactivity in the ancient city and its surroundings was not detected.

Nowhere in the vicinityMohenjo-daro no traces of the eruption of an ancient volcano or a crater from the fall of a large meteorite were found.

To st. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-daro

but approximately 120 kilometers from Mohenjo Daro, in the valley of the Indus River, the epicenter of an ancient earthquake was discovered middle of the second millennium BC, which greatly distorted the original appearance of the valley. On this basis, scientists are inclined to believe that both of these events were interconnected with each other.

The Indian "Mahabharata" also tells about the events of the middle of the second millennium BC, which are directly related to our story.

Then a whole "heavenly city" of numerous "self-propelled lights" appeared in the sky. And suddenly, suddenly flashing "brighter than a thousand suns", the entire "heavenly city of blinding fire" in numerous pillars of fire fell on the Earth, overthrowing its cities and destroying its inhabitants. The death of Mohenjo-Daro occurred on April 3, 1528 BC, when a fiery tornado and a sea of ​​raging fire from an electric discharge explosion of one of the fragments of the "retaliation comet" covered the hill and the city located on it, turning it into ruins and destroying the inhabitants. I have written about this many times in my previous works.

But despite the above, the mysterious circumstances of the death of the ancient cityMohenjo-daro, still attract the attention of scientists, giving birth to the most fantastic hypotheses and versions.

Without knowing the natural scientific reasons, deathMohenjo-darotrying to explain and a nuclear explosion of a mysterious ancient civilization and the death of an interplanetary spaceship during his landing.

So, for example, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vsevolod Korolkov, on the basis of the mysterious death of Mohenjo-Daro, put forward an original version that the first civilizations on Earth were not a consequence evolutionary development, but appeared from great ancestors who came from outside and possessed knowledge in the field of cosmology, astronomy, nuclear theory, etc. And the Englishman D. Davenport and the Italian E. Vincenti believe that Mohenjo-Daro suffered the same fate as Hiroshima. But such hypotheses, despite their tremendous boldness, are usually untenable, and violate the first principle of the scientific worldview, clearly formulated by William of Ockham: "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily", those. you should not create new hypotheses to explain phenomena that can be explained on the basis of previous knowledge.

The basis for such hypotheses was the fantastic temperature that melted the stones of ancient Mohenjo-Daro, which, according to scientists' calculations, should have exceeded 1500 degrees Celsius, and is comparable to the temperature of a thermonuclear explosion. Indeed, among the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, there are whole layers of green glass, formed as a result of the melting of sand under the influence of high temperatures. The same layers of green glass are found at a nuclear test site in the Nevada desert (USA) after atomic explosions. Let me remind you that a temperature of 1500-2000 degrees Celsius is required to melt the sand. A comparable temperature can only be obtained in blast furnaces or electric smelting furnaces. But the same temperature is created by a cosmic electric-discharge explosion of a meteorite. That is, it is extraordinary a natural phenomenon, easily explains the destruction of Mohenjo-Daro.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-daro

Electric Discharge Explosion Hypothesis Alexander Nevsky allows you to simply, logically and scientifically explain the mysterious death of the ancient cityMohenjo-daro.

I will have to remind once again the main provisions of this hypothesis, which allows us to understand a number of mysteries of the biblical text, which are fundamental in Christian doctrine.

According to the hypothesis, “When a large meteorite moving at a tremendous speed invades the earth's atmosphere, then, as concrete calculations show, super-powerful potentials are formed, and a giant electrical breakdown occurs between it and the Earth's surface. Within a short time, the kinetic energy of the meteorite is converted into electrical energy of the discharge, which leads to its explosion. "

Moreover, the larger the diameter and mass of the meteorite, the more greater height it explodes.

The flight of large meteorites necessarily ends with an outbreak of a giant pillar of fire expanding downward and consisting of many thousands of plasma channels (discharges).

To st. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-daro

According to the calculations of Alexander Nevsky, “Through each of these arc channels a pulsed, about a million amperes, current flows, affecting earth surface like the explosion of an aerial bomb with TNT equivalent of several hundred kilograms ", and a huge number of craters with traces of high-temperature impact should remain on the surface of the Earth; stones or rock melted to a glassy state, subjected to powerful X-ray or neutron irradiation, which are accompanied by electric discharge explosions.

As a result of an electric discharge explosion, three main sources of powerful shock waves are formed.

“The emergence of the main, so-called cylindrical shock wave, is associated with the formation of a multichannel electric discharge column, in which the main discharge energy is released. The second, spherical, as physicists say, shock wave is generated by the explosive expansion of meteorite material. The third is an ordinary ballistic wave accompanying the supersonic flight of any body in the earth's atmosphere. "
To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-daro

As can be seen from the above, the main damaging factors of an electric discharge explosion are a dazzling bright pillar of all-consuming fire, the temperature of which is comparable to the temperature of a nuclear explosion, and the crushing shock wave generated by it, which has the power of a nuclear explosion.

It was these damaging factors of the electric discharge explosion that were the components for creating the image of God the Holy Spirit in the biblical texts.

Here is a literal description of the damaging factors of an electric discharge explosion of a meteorite, taken from the Bible: “Our God is coming, and not in silence: before him is a consuming fire, and around him is a violent storm/ Ps. 49: 3 /.

These lines of the biblical text were written by a witness of the catastrophe 3600 years ago, but they concisely and accurately expressed its essence.

Here are some more typical descriptions of the image of our God.

The famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, a God-fearing and deeply religious woman, but possessing a special gift of clairvoyance, represented God in the form of a huge red-hot ball of fire, like a meteorite burning in the Earth's atmosphere. And this is absolutely correct from the point of view of the "retaliation comet" hypothesis.

This is how Vanga's niece, journalist Krasimira Stoyanova, wrote down her words in her book "Vanga".

“When a journalist asked if she had seen Christ, she replied:“ Yes, but he has no figure. It is a huge fireball that is impossible to look at because of the glow. Only light, nothing else is visible. If someone tells you that they saw God, know that this is not true. "

Science still cannot explain the Vanga phenomenon, but the number of its accurate predictions, confirmed by Bulgarian scientists, has exceeded 86%. Believer Vanga, contrary to the version of the official Church, represents God not in the form of a God-man, but in the form of a fireball, and, in my opinion, this is another proof of her mysterious gift of clairvoyance.

Evangelist Matthew also testifies to this: "Then, if someone says to you," here is Christ, "or" there, " don't believe; for false Christs and false prophets will rise and give great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. So I told you in advance. So, if they say to you: "Behold, He is in the wilderness," - do not go out; "Behold, He is in secret rooms" - do not believe / Matt. 24: 23-26 /

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-daro

From the above passage of the text it clearly follows that we cannot talk about a person in the image of God.

And already the next line of the biblical text testifies that we are talking about an electric discharge explosion of a celestial body: “For how lightning comes from the east and can be seen even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of man. " / Matt. 24: 27 /.

Above, I have already given an explanation about the fact that due to the archaic nature of the language of that time, the word "lightning" in the biblical texts denotes a pillar of an electric discharge explosion. But I must say, a little later, the word "pillar" firmly entered the vocabulary of the Christian Church.

Speaking about the biblical symbolism of an electric discharge explosion, I cannot but tell about Rainbow of the Covenant, for this expression is its biblical synonym.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro. Rainbow

This covenant is reported in the first book of Moses: “I make my covenant with you that all flesh will no longer be destroyed by the waters of the flood, and there will no longer be a flood to devastate the earth. And God said: This is the sign of the covenant which I am establishing between me and between you, and between every living soul that is with you, for generations forever: I lay my rainbow in a cloud, so that it may be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth... And it will be, when I put a cloud on the earth, it will appear Rainbow in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and between you, and between every living soul in all flesh; and the water will no longer be a flood to destroy all flesh. And will be rainbow in the cloud, and I will see her and remember the eternal covenant between God and between every living soul in all flesh that is on earth. "/ Gen. 9: 11-17 /.

Despite the archaic nature of the language, it is clear from this quote that we are talking about a sign of a phenomenon that looks like a rainbow.

Let's continue to quote the biblical text using the testimony of John the Theologian: “And I saw another Angel strong coming down from the sky, clothed with a cloud; there was a rainbow over his head and his face is like the sun, and his feet are like pillars of fire. "/ Open 10: 1 /

Angel (lit. "messenger", "messenger") is a mythological designation of a meteorite, and this quote gives an allegorical description of a pillar of an electric discharge explosion of a meteorite, which is associated with a rainbow. To further clarify the situation, I will cite one more testimony of the prophet Ezekiel: “And I saw a kind of flaming metal, like a kind of fire inside it around; from the sight of his loins and above, from the sight of his loins and below, I saw a kind of fire, and the radiance was around it.

In what form is the seven-color on the clouds during the rain, this was the appearance of this radiance all around / Ezek. 1: 27-28 /.

In the above quote, it is quite clearly stated that the pillar of an electric discharge explosion is like a rainbow.

Now let us finally clarify the situation and compare these testimonies of eyewitnesses to the Cretan catastrophe, made in the archaic language of the middle of the second millennium BC, with the testimony of the witness of the Tunguska catastrophe Barakova. She saw and described the pillar of the Tunguska electric discharge explosion, the height of which, according to various estimates, ranged from 10 to 20 kilometers: « A straight arrow stood, all of multi-colored ribbons.»

This is evidenced by eyewitnesses to the Cretan catastrophe and numerous descriptions in biblical texts, and therefore in the Bible the pillar of an electric discharge explosion is called Rainbow Testament in the midst of God and people. To deny this obvious is ridiculous, so eventually, sooner or later, we will have to accept the scientific basis of the biblical texts.

And according to the hypothesis of the electric discharge explosion of Alexander Nevsky, different colors plasma discharge channels were caused by their different temperatures at the edges and in the middle of the discharge column.

I must say, in religious symbolism, the fall of a meteorite in the Earth's atmosphere was represented like the flight of an angel with a fiery sword. In modern iconography, the archangel Michael is depicted with a fiery sword.

Publication 2018-04-03 Liked 8 Views 2125

Mysteriously empty

Destroyed by war

Dying in fire

Defeated by water

Every city is a mystery

Some believe that a city, if people live in it for a long time, takes on a semblance of personality with its own character and mood. He can be mysterious or open, friendly or cold. But the most intriguing secrets hide the cities, whose inhabitants suddenly disappeared. Roanoke, Centralia, Mohenjo-Daro ... Suspiciously quickly abandoned places attract with their secrets and beckon to solve a mysterious puzzle

Incredibly, there were five- and seven-story houses in the city.

Mohenjo-daro, rich and prosperous

The mysterious city is located in Pakistan, in an area called Sindh and is considered the largest of the ancient cities of the Indus Valley. In addition, it is one of the first cities built in this area during the time of Ancient Egypt.

A statue of the priest king greets tourists at the entrance to the museum

In 1911, Mohenjo-Daro was found in the sands, and its regular excavations were carried out by archaeologists until 1931. The specialists were surprised by the well-thought-out layout of the streets, the use of baked bricks in the construction and the complex irrigation and agricultural structures. This is not entirely typical for urban planning of that period.

Mohenjo-daro - view from space

In the golden age of the city, the territory of Mohenjo-Daro reached 300 hectares, and about 40,000 people permanently lived in it. Apparently, the city was an important center Indus civilization... Major religious ceremonies, meetings and other events were held here.

The city was built at the same time as the pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge

Interestingly, despite the presence of signs indicating the wealth and prosperity of the city, archaeologists have not found a single luxurious palace or temple. Everything looks as if the population of Mohejo-Daro did not feel awe of material values ​​and the accumulation of wealth, which is characteristic of later civilizations. The advancement is also indicated by the fact that the city was ruled not by one ruler and not by the priestly elite, but by a group of people who were elected by the inhabitants.

Ancient metropolis plan

Mohenjo-daro, mysteriously deserted

According to experts, Mohenjo-Daro originated around 2600 BC. and existed for about 900 years. Its sunset is not like the slow natural extinction of other abandoned cities. Why did the residents leave their homes and where did they go next? This secret has not yet been revealed, but, like any other mystery, it has given rise to many theories and conjectures, from completely rational to the most fantastic.

Part of the sewer system of the ancient city

Mohenjo-Daro, destroyed by war

Archaeologist M. Wheeler put forward a version that most of the city's population was exterminated during the invasion of the Aryans, and the surviving inhabitants were sold into slavery or fled. As evidence, the researcher cites an episode from where Indra destroys the Aryan fortress with divine fire.

Seal with Shiva during Mohenjo-Daro

However, this version of the Mohenjo-Daro mystery does not seem plausible, since no more than forty human remains were found in the city and the surrounding area. In the event of an attack on Mohenjo-Daro, even with the aim of plundering and capturing slaves, the death toll would have been much higher.

The Dancing Girl. The inhabitants of the city appreciated dancing and sculpture

Mohenjo-daro, dying in fire

In one of the city's districts, the bricks of the buildings are mysteriously melted, which suggests the effect of high temperatures. This fact served as the basis for theories about mysterious aliens who destroyed the city with the help of their advanced technologies.

Melted rock and sand indicate a nuclear explosion
The top of the Buddhist stupa was visible before the excavation began

Another theory related to fire was put forward in the 1980s by chemist M.T.Dmitriev. He assumed that the natural conditions of the area caused the formation of plasma formations like ball lightning. They, in accordance with the hypothesis, caused the fire, and people, frightened by the mysterious heavenly fire, left the city.

44 skeletons found in one room

Mohenjo-daro, defeated by water

The most realistic theory at the moment, explains the mystery of the decline of Mohenjo-Daro by flooding. This assumption was expressed by E. McKay during excavations at the beginning of the century, and continues to be developed by J. Dales.

Despite knowledge of metallurgy, no weapons were found in the city

The proximity of the Indus River initially provided the city with the necessary resources for the rapid development of agriculture and the rise in living standards near the abundant fields. But after the rise in the level of the Arabian Sea in the second half of the second millennium BC. NS. the Indus Valley was constantly tormented by floods, making it uninhabitable. Having ceased to receive enough crops from the sinking fields and unable to feed their families and livestock, the inhabitants of Mohenjo-Daro left their homes and went to look for more comfortable conditions in the southwest, where the city of Bombay is now located.

Jewelry found during the Mohenjo-daro excavation

Every city is a mystery

The history of Mohenjo-Daro still attracts inquisitive minds and lovers of the secrets of the past, despite the fact that the city itself and the civilization that built it are scattered by the winds of time.

Each house had a toilet and a bathroom equipped with a sewerage system

But every city, if you look at it as an integral phenomenon, is full of secrets and secrets. The intricacies of the roads of modern cities, the bee hum of megalopolises, the secret winking of street lamps with stars in the night sky - your city has its own mysterious life. To catch a secret by the tail, it is enough to walk along its streets at sunset, take a closer look at the usual route and listen to the words that the city can whisper.

Indian or Harappan civilization- an ancient eastern civilization. It flourished in the 3300-1300 centuries BC.

Indra- the king of the gods and the lord of the heavenly kingdom in Vedism, Buddhism and Hinduism. The Vedas glorify him as a demiurge who lifts the sky.

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