Ottawa Capital of which country. Ottawa is somewhere

The Tower of the Republic of Canadian Parliament is one of the main attractions of Ottawa, the symbol of Canada

In the XIX century, Baitown (renamed in 1855 in Ottawa) was a worker camp, notorious in all North America permanent skimming between loggers. And here on these dirty and dangerous streets in 1859-1865, to the horror of many Canadians, the buildings of the parliament were erected (are open daily for free excursions).

Today, the second after logging in the source of income Ottawa is tourism. This is a pleasant city with charming parks and channels, with world-class museums and beautiful monuments. His short story As the capital of the country is reflected in the impressive Victorian complex of parliamentary buildings, in modern office architecture and in works of art stored in the National Gallery of Canada (National Gallery Of Canada).

Located on the border between Ontario and Quebec, Ottawa bilingual city, but most Frankocanades (and many excellent restaurants) Now live in Gatino, on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River.

With the exception of long excursions, it is better to leave the car at the hotel parking and walk around the city on foot or ride by bus. The complex system of unilateral movement and additional confusion due to winding rivers and canals makes driving a car with difficult affairs even for local residents.

Parliament area

Like his analogue in London, Canadian Parliament (Open to visit, but is located at the restoration of at least 2020) It is an impressive complex in a neo-neutic style, erected on the ruins left after the fire of 1916. He rises above the River Ottawa, on a small cliff, which is somewhat exaggerated called the Parliamentary Hill. Imitation of Westminster Big-Ben, the 92-meter Tower of the world with the clock in four sides and a carillon of 53 bells, stands in front of the central building as a monument to the fallen in World War II. Climb the elevator on the sightseeing deck, from there a beautiful view of the city, Gatino Hills and the Ottawa River.

The program of excursion tours is usually a visit to the Senate (Analogue of the House of Lords in the UK) and chambers of communities. If you want to be present on debates, then in the center for visitors, under the tower of the world, you will help you get permission. To the north of the central building there is charming, Parliamentary Library, which is miraculous in the fire in the fire of 1916, the elegant building has recently been recently opened after a 4-year reconstruction and restored in the victorian era. You will see a majestic, almost god-like statue of Queen Victoria, surrounded by the first prime ministers of Canada. Some of their cabinets were restored in the West Wing, preserved after the fire.

Miscellaneous of the Guards Guards of the Vice-Governor is performed by the Guards Guard (daily July and Aug. 9.45)reminiscent of the ceremony in front of the Buckingham Palace. Summer evenings (beginning of July - Middle Saint.) Before the buildings of the parliament, a 30-minute high-sounded show representing the history of Canada is held.

We advise you to walk through Sparks Street Mall (Sparks Street Mall)The first in Canada is a paved street and the first pedestrian only. This is a pleasant shopping area, with street musicians and clowns, "framed by modern office houses. The most prominent place among them is the elegant 12-storey building of Canada Bank from mirror glass. (between Kent Street and Bank Street)built on the project Arthur Erikson. The green patina of the copper "skeleton" of the supporting structure is a slight hint of copper roofs of old parliament buildings. Inside there is a museum of money.

On a large triangular area of \u200b\u200bthe Confederation, pay attention to the high granite arch of the National Military Memorial with the statues of 22 soldiers of the First World War and the cannon on horseback. There is a sad irony that the arch was dedicated to King Georgi VI for only three months before the start of World War II. Looking like a fortress building of the National Center for Arts (1969) - Home Stage Place in Canada: There are a capital symphony orchestra, English and French theater and a ballet studio.

No less than concert performances, the summer veranda "Le Cafe" is popular overlooking the Rido Channel.

On the north side of Square is Chateau Lauge (Fairmont Chateau Laurier, 1912), Luxurious hotel in the style of the Renaissance, such preferred to build the main railway companies of the country - Canadian Pacific and National.

According to local residents, Channel Rido Rideau Canal)which stretches out 200 km from the Ottawa River, to Lake Ontario, in the winter turns into a "the longest rink in the world." This channel, laid in 1826-1832, has 47 gateways. It was originally intended for military purposes: the British army wanted to get a second, more reliable route connecting the upper and lower Canada, in case Americans capture the St. Lawrence River. The channel was built by Irish workers specially delivered to Canada. They worked in incredibly difficult conditions: only yellow fever claimed thousands of people.

Nowadays, ship excursions and canoe walks on the canoe are offered. You can also drive along its shore on the rental bike.

On the edge of the parliamentary quarter is the Baiouord market (Byward Market, one block east of Sussex Drive and north of Rido Street). Since 1846, when farmers began to trade here with their products, it has become a popular city center. Today, only one of his stalls remained from the past, attributable to 1867, nevertheless, the market retains the atmosphere of the XIX century. His colorful fruit and vegetable trays, craft shops, trendy restaurants and nightclubs attract visitors from morning to late evening.

Sussex Drive.

This is a big alley, walking along the shore of the Ottawa River to gorgeous residential quarters - ministers and the "Embassy Row".

Nepotic Basilica Notre Dame (at the crossroads with Hyges Street) It was created with the capital. Her spiers appeared in 1858, although the church itself was completed only in 1890. Quebec sculptors Louis-Philipp Ebela, Philip Pariso and Flavy Roshon decorated the carving department, benches for singers, organic choirs and bas-reliefs.

Turn to St. Patrick Street to drive through Nipen Point Park NEPEAN POINT PARK) To the statue of Samuel de Chapplen, the founder of Ottawa. It is captured looking to the West, along the Ottawa River, along with his conductor - an Indian from the Guron tribe. Astrolabia, which Chapplen lost during the travel, gave the name of the amphitheater "Astrojabia", an attractive stage for summer concerts in an open-air overlooking the Ottawa River.

Where the road crosses the Ridea River and Green Island, admire the Ridea waterfall, deponging the double cascade of water in the river. Windmill near forms part of the exhibition of mechanisms operating on the energy of the sun and wind.

Gray Stone House for Trees, at Sussex Drive, 24, - Residence of Canada Prime Minister. A little further (Sussex Drive, 1) Is the Rido Hall Rideau Hall)where the Vice-Governor settled, the representative of the Queen. With the exception of official receptions, the guards in British uniforms are usually allowed to penetrate inside to admire wonderful gardens and lawns; In winter, you can also see the track for riding on Tobogan and a personal rink of vice-governor.

In the barracks of the Royal Equestrian Police of Canada (RCMP) You can see the preparation of the police to the popular musical parade, the only case when they can be seen in the saddle.


We advise you to visit the Canadian National Gallery (National Gallery of Canada; Open: May-Saint. Daily 10.00-17.00, Thu up to 20.00; Oct.-Apr. Wt-Sun 10.00-17.00, Thu until 20.00)where the best collection of European painting is exhibited. Herried Elegant Building of Steel and Glass (Designed by Moshe Safdi, who also glorified by its complex "Habitat-67" in Montreal) Provides natural coverage of the majestic large hall and other premises. The veranda of the Main Museum Restaurant is facing Nipen Point Park; Another restaurant gives a magnificent view of the Ottawa River.

Among the works of European painting of the XIV-XVIII centuries, housed in the gallery, "St. Ekaterina Alexandrian "Simone Martini, Venus Kranech," Eve, Serpent and Death "Hans Baldung Green," Virgo Maria, Christ and St. Anthony "Hans Memling," Portrait of a Men "Bronzino," Vision of St. Francis "Annibal Karracchi, "Landscape with a woman, detergent"Poussa," The burial of Christ "Rubens," Heroine of the Old Testament "Rembrandt and" Governess "Sharden.

Painting XIX century Presented by the works of Turner, Consthebla, Pissaro, Monet, Degas and Cezanne. Climt and Gemes Enerright "prepare" the transition to the XX century canvases. - Matisse, Picasso, Marriage and Francis Beckon.

In the collection of contemporary art, American artists are published: Jackson Pollock, Barnet Newman, Kenneth Noland, Pop Art James Rosenquist, Andy Warhol and Aldenburg Clase, Minimalist sculpture Donald Judda and Dan Flavin and Conceptualists, such as Solo Lewitt and Joseph Koste . There are also the canvas of modern Canadian artists, such as Guido Molinari, Iva Goshe and Michael Snow.

In addition to the classics of the XIX century, the life and landscapes of the first colonies are presented in the Canadian collection, and above all in the works of Tom Thomson and the "Group of Seven", among which the "Pyramidal larch" of Thomson, "Red Maple" A. Jackson, Northern Beach and Lake Superior Lorena Harris, Thomson's frescoes and J. McDonald, as well as the "Indian hut" and "Queen Charlotte Islands" Emily Carr. The art of Inuit is well represented by impressive sculptures, lines and drawings of 1950-1960s. One of the central museum exhibits is the reconstruction of the monastery chapel Rideo, a bright sample of the Frankokanadsk architecture of the XIX century.

The collection of photography covers the history of this art: from the works of William Henry Fox Talbot, Ezhen Atzh, Walter Evans and August of the Ontra to the work of modern masters - Diana Arbus and Maine Reia.

In the majestic building of the Victoria Memorial Museum (Victoria Memorial Museum Building) At the intersection of Metcalf Street and Maclaod Street is located Canadian Museum of Nature (Canadian Museum of Nature; Open: May Aug. daily 9.00-18.00, Wed Thu to 20.00; Saint.-Apr. W-Sun 9.00-17.00, Thu until 20.00). Exhibits issued here, collected during geological work in 1841, are devoted not only to geology and mineralogy, but also paleontology, as well as climate and Flora Canada. In the East Wing there is a gallery of fossils, where a unique look at the dramatic events, which led to the extinction of dinosaurs and the flourishing of mammals over the past 50 million years, with a large number of genuine dinosaurs skeletons.

In the Canadian Museum of Science and Technology (Canada Science and Technology Museum; 1867 St Laurent Boulevard; Open: Saint.-Apr. W-Sun 9.00-17.00; Apr.-Saint. Daily) Achievements of science are presented using games and entertainment. Here you can look at the sky through a huge refractory telescope, carry out independent mechanical and optical experiments or look at the plastic ball in which chickens hatch; A wonderful collection of vintage cars and steam locomotives is also of great interest.

Canadian Aviation Museum (Canadian Aviation Museum; Open: Daily May-Saint. CP-Sun 10.00-17.00) Rockliffe Airport presents the history of aviation from the first aircraft Fighters of two world wars. Do not miss the "silver boom", the first aircraft of the British Empire, launched in 1909, and durable airplanes intended for flights in the wilderness. About 140 aircraft of the Second World War were exhibited in three hangars. Most of the aircraft presented in the museum rise into the sky on the Day of Aeronautics, celebrated in June.

Canadian Military Museum in Lebroston-Flets (Canadian War Museum; 1 Vimy Place; Open: May-June, Saint. Daily 9.00-18.00, Thu to 21.00; Oct.-Apr. WT-Sun 9.00-17.00, Thu until 21.00) It offers a detailed overview of the military past Canada. The museum building, picturesquely located on the banks of the Ottawa River, built according to the Ramponnd Moriyama project, at the age of 12, he was one of the more than 20,000 Japanese of Canadian origin, interneed by the decision of the federal government as "hostile foreigners". In addition to key events in military history Canada, private conflicts are also reflected in the museum collection, they are represented by personal stories, artifacts, photographs and interactive demonstrations. The only monument is installed in the memorial hall - the tombstone from the grave of the unknown soldier of the First World War, which on the day of remembering, September 11, at 11.00 with clear weather, effectively illuminated by the rays of the sun.

Before entering the Museum of Money (Currency Museum; 245 Sparks Street; Open: May Aug. daily 10.30-17.00, Oct.-Apr. WT-Sat 10.30-17.00) There is a three-tont "coin" from the Caroline Islands. Inside you will see the means of payment used by the indigenous people of Canada (Beads, Vampima (black and white sinks), beaver skins and blankets), as well as coins and banknotes from the colonial era to the present day.

Although Park Gatino (Gatineau Park) Located in Ottawa, this is one of the most popular places for excursions from Ottawa, located at a distance of a 20-minute trip. With a small hill with an area of \u200b\u200b36,000 hectares covered with forests and lakes, scenic views of the Ottawa Valley are opened. For lovers of hiking and cycling, special trails are laid here and well placed special trails. (details can be found in the center for visitors; openly: daily 9.00-17.00). There are five beaches here; In Philippe lakes, La Peche and Meech can be swimming on a boat or canoe (Hire) work). In Kingsmer, we recommend inspecting the estate where William Lyon McKenzy King graduated from the days.

I was associated with me, first of all, with Toronto or Vancouver. The capital appeared more boring administrative center.

But after the trip, I can argue that, despite my small size, the city has all the metropolis attributes. In Ottawa you will find museums, parks, cultural center, Irish pubs, world-class restaurants and much more. This is the city in which I certainly would like to come back again!

Journey to the very heart of Canada will undoubtedly become a pleasant adventure.

Brief historical certificate

Founded in 1826, the city initially received the name of the Baitown. The settlement consisted of workers and military worked in the construction of a new shipping channel.
In 1855, the village, where more than 1,000 people lived by the time, received a new name of Ottawa, in honor of the river river. Two years later, by order of Queen Victoria, the city becomes the center of Ontario Province and, then, in 1867, the capital of Canada.

Ottawa is gradually turning into an industrial, transport, cultural and educational center of the province.

Since 1950, a plan to improve the infrastructure of the city is being implemented. The author of the project was the French architect Jacques Gracker. The goal was to make a comfortable leaning and emphasize the status of the capital.

Over the age of two decades, new transport highways, the city hall building and the station, are comfortable distant from the center of the regions.

In the early 1990s, the boom began in the industry of new technologies, the city is called the rolled silicon valley of Canada.

Features of the city

Unlike the major cities of Toronto or Vancouver, where financial flows are concentrated, Ottawa is the political center of the country. Here are the main state and administrative institutions: parliament, ministries, departments. Because of this, Ottaya is called the boring city of officials.

Having live here about 2 years, I would call Ottawa by a quiet city, but not boring! Here are museums and cultural centers, restaurants of varying cuisine and numerous coffee houses, farm market and jazz clubs, bars, parks and shops.

Ottawa is a student city. University of Ottawa and the University of Karlton teach students from all over the world with relevant specialties.

How to get

Ottawa can be reached by plane, train, bus or car. Sleep to the city will not work, in Ottawa there is no fairly spacious port for liners and large ships.


The city has an international airport, Ottawa International Airport. There are no direct flights from Russia, you will have to fly with a transfer to one of the major European airports. The longer the time on the way, the cheaper the flight.

From my own experience I can say to save, you can fly through Frankfurt or. From Frankfurt, one of the German Lookers Condor can be reached by Khalifax, from where to fly to Ottawa.

From Amsterdam you can fly KLM to Philadelphia, from where the budget company West Jet also flies to Ottawa. In this case, the flight will cost 600 euros.
If the prospect of spending 20 hours is not for you on the road, you can fly directly from Frankfurt to Ottawa by the daily air canada flight. Price - from 1000 euros.

Also from many European cities will be directly flying to Toronto or Montreal. From Warsaw in the summer, direct transport performs Air Transat, you can fly for 700 euros to Montreal and get to the bus (about 10 euros) to Ottawa.

You can choose the optimal flight on search engines, for example,.

From the airport to the city center the most convenient way to get to the taxi (35 euros), bus number 97 walks 2 times an hour and takes you to Downtaun in 40 minutes and 6 euros. For accurate schedule, visit the OC Transpo website.


In Canada, a well-developed bus service between cities.
For example, from Montreal to Ottawa it is possible to get for 16 dollars and 3 hours. Comfortable buses, there are Wi-Fi and toilets. Flights are regular, departure from Montreal several times a day.

In my opinion, this is the cheapest, comfortable way to move around the country. To search for tickets and schedules, you can use the BusBond website. Main carriers: Greyhound and Ontarionorthland.
Buses to Ottawa arrive at the top 265 Catherine Street address.

Bus number 4 takes you to the center in 10 minutes and 3 euros.


Time on the road by car from Montreal to Ottawa will be about 2 hours. The main route connecting the proud, Autoroute 40 O. To go on it from the Montreal Center, use the Autoroute 720 W and then the 70-O Congress, focusing on the 520 / Ottawa / Gatineau pointer. It is worth remembering that on the province of Ontario there is a law on limiting speed on the tracks up to 120 km / h.

The path from Toronto to Ottawa will take about 4 hours, the main route for which you need to go - on-401 E towards Ottawa.


Ottawa - time now

The difference in the clock:

Moscow 7.

Kazan 7.

Samara 8.

Ekaterinburg 9.

Novosibirsk 11.

Vladivostok 14.

When the season. When it is better to go

Weather conditions in Ottawa are similar to Moscow: in the summer it is hot, winter is very cold.

The tourist season begins in May and downloaded from October. In the pre-Christmas period from December 1 to December 24, the city arrives for purchases and a festive atmosphere.

Most best time For a trip, in my opinion, this is May - August and September. In addition to excellent weather, from June to August in the city there are many festivals and holidays, sports events. All summer in the center of the city is on duty volunteers, always ready to prompt tourists to the attractions and answer all the questions. Identification signs: blue-green uniforms and Ask Me icon.

Prices in restaurants or shops do not depend on the tourist season.

If you are going to visit Ottawa in winter, be prepared for strong frost and snowfall.

When planning his trip, it will be useful for information on the official website of Tourism Ottawa.

It should be borne in mind that the summer has the most a large number of tourists.

Ottawa in the summer

The most active time of the year in the city!

Summer is the peak of the cultural life of the city. Music festivals and holidays are held: RBC BlueSfest (7.07 - 17.07), (06.22 - 3.07), Light show Northern Lights (30.05 - 15.09) and others.

The weather is sunny, the temperature may rise to +40 ° C. There are many tourists, especially on weekends. This should be considered when visiting the museum, where there are queues at the entrance.

The main event of the summer - the first July - the day of Canada is celebrated. On this day, guests and residents of Ottawa dress up in the Red and White Colors of the National Flag, a solemn parade and concert are held in front of Parliament, the whole center of the city turns into one big party!

Ottawa in autumn

In September, it is still warm and sunny, since October, it is started to go raining, the snow may already fall into the beginning.

In September, the main flow of tourists is terminated, but in the city there is still something to do:

  • a new concert and theatrical season begins,
  • open after vacation Private galleries.

This month is one of the best for inspection of Ottawa.
An early autumn city is painted in red and yellow and reminds the work of Canadian landscape players.

Ottawa Spring

In March, the temperature does not rise above 0 ° C, the snow still lies. It starts to warm only by the end of April, and in May can already be quite hot (up to +30) and sunny.

The most important Spring event is Canadian Tulip Festival, the largest tulip festival in the world. It takes from 12.05 to 22.05.

Every year thousands of tulips of different varieties and flowers are planted around the city around the city, the main platforms are the embankment along the Riot Canal and the park near the lake Dow. The program of events and other details at the festival.

Ottawa Winter

In winter, the temperature is lowered to -25-30 ° C, a large amount of snow falls. Sometimes it is so much that the city authorities do not have time to clean the streets, at this time you have to leave the car at home and jump over drifts.
If you are planning to visit Ottawa in winter, do not forget to take a warm jacket and waterproof boots! One of the few advantages of visiting the city of Winter is the lack of tourists.

Winter entertainment: Winterlude, Christmas Lights Across Canada and skating on Rho Channel.

Ottawa - weather by months


Ottawa - weather by months

Areas. Where better live

The tourist is best to stay in the city center, it is there that attracted attractions, bars, restaurants and discos.

But the hotel in the remote area will not be a problem - on the bus or bicycle easily reach the center.

Ottawa calm and safe city, beware of some specific places Do not.

When choosing a hotel or apartments, focus on the following areas:

  • Byward Market. The very heart of the Ottawa, within walking distance there is a parliament, and the center of arts, restaurants, bars and discos. Of the minuses: constant noise, parking problems. The room at the Courtyard Ottawa Downtown Hotel costs from 120 euros, overnight at the Ottawa Backpackers Inn hostel with VAZ will take 50 euros.
  • CENTERTOWN. Financial center of the city. Here runs the only fully pedestrian street of Ottawa - Sparks Street. Main tourist places are within walking distance. Of the minuses: after 6 pm on weekdays and in the weekend, "dies", and to eat or drink, you will have to go to the BYWARD MARKET area. Marriott Hotel offers rooms from 200 euros, Hotel Indigo - a budget option for 120 euros.
  • Sandy Hill.Ottawa University district, located in the eastern part of Downoutaun. At the end of the 19th onwards of the 20th century was the richest district of the city. Since those times, well-kept red brick mansions are preserved. There are many student cafes and kiosks, in the most western part there is a large beautiful park Strathcona Park. This place is suitable for lovers of colonial architecture and long walks. On foot to the center - about 20 minutes. You can book a room for 120 euros, for 50 euros you can rent a room in the hostel of the Ottawa University. Information about free rooms and booking is posted on the Campus website.
  • The Glebe.. Located south of the city center. This area is known for its restaurants for vegetarians, vintage boutiques and farm shops. Plus accommodation in this place: the opportunity to see local mods and stroll along the Rice Channel. Of the shortcomings: the need to get to the center in transport. The pension of Ashbury House B & B will cost 50 euros, and Voyageur Guest Apartments offers apartments with a kitchen for 100 euros.

Other quarters, where it is convenient to stay:

  • Golden Triangle is convenient to the center and the Rice Channel. Quiet area, there are embassies and consulates here.
  • Old Ottawa East is a picturesque area between the river and the Rido Channel. Good place for walking.
  • Little Italy is famous for its Italian restaurants. In the West bordered to the lake Dow, where in the summer you can ride a boat or canoe.

What are the prices for rest

Compared to Vancouver or Toronto, in Ottawa prices are acceptable. Planning travel budget, you need to take into account that the basic costs will come to restaurants and accommodation.

The price per room in a 3-star hotel varies from 50 to 120 euros (60-130 Canadian dollars). You can book a hotel on, and you can compare prices from different sites. Some prefer another option - rent a private apartment or apartments ,.

For the dinner for two in the bistro will have to pay 30 euros, dinner with wine and dessert in the middle class restaurant will cost 100 euros.

A hike in the museum from 10 euros, a movie ticket about 9 euros. If you are going to visit more than one museum, I advise you to purchase Canada "S Capital Museums Passport. You can buy it at the checkout of any city museum or at the point of sale at 90 Wellington Street. For one person, the passport costs 42 euros, for a family of 5 people - 95. Detailed information can be found.

Special Entry Expenses - Public Transportation. The price of one trip varies from 3 to 5 euros, you can save by buying a pass directly for several travel on the Internet.

The hop-on hop-off bus tour costs about 23 euros for 1.5 hours. You can buy at the bus stop at the corner of Sparks and Elgin Street.

It is important to remember that all prices in cafes, restaurants and shops are shown without provincial tax at 13%. For example, if the Sandwich menu costs $ 8, ultimately, its price will be 9.04, add to this tip waiter (at least 10% and as a result, a small snack will cost you $ 10. Remuneration for the service in some establishments is already included in the account if No - then you can and not leave for tea, but this will be considered as disrespect for the personnel).

Also also applies to alcohol and other drinks, tickets to the museum or a concert.

It is difficult to get used to this. At first, paying, I brought incredulously at the expense.


The cost of food, accommodation, transport and other things

Currency: Euro, € Dollar USA, $ Russian ruble, Rub Canadian dollar, $

Main attractions. What to see

In Ottawa, the tourist definitely has something to do:

  • several large museums
  • Parliamentary hill
  • churches and cathedrals
  • parks,
  • shops and streets with unusual architecture.

The choice of attractions depends on the interests of the traveler and the purpose of the visit.

Main tourist places are from each other within walking distance.

Top 5.

  • National G.lerie Canada. Collection of the works of Canadian and international artists. Among the objects of the exposition of the picture of Alex Colville, Salvador Dali, Gustav Clima, Andy Warhol and many others. Entrance to the gallery - from 12 euros, detailed information on the site. You can read about the museum in our site.

  • Biouord market.Center of life city, concentration of restaurants, bars and cafes. In the daytime, the market can buy farm vegetables and fruits, maple syrup and other delicacies, as well as to eat in one of the pavilions. In the evening, it is filled with people, street musicians and circus entertains the public as they can. In the summer, on terraces of bars and restaurants it is difficult to find a place closer to night the majority of holidaymakers goes to bars and nightclubs.

  • Chateau Laurage.The chic hotel in the city center was built in a castle style in 1912. I received my name in honor of the former once Prime Minister of Canada Wilfried Loria. The hotel is known primarily for its guests: at different times, Elizabeth II was held here with Prince Philip, President Ronald Regen, Winston Churchill and Beatles in full. The modest room at the hotel will cost 150 euros. In the evenings in the lobby you can enjoy a cocktail and enjoy live music. Details about the hotel can be found in mine.

  • Majors Hill Park.It is located in close proximity to the National Gallery. I recommend to look here during sunset: from the park there is a romantic view of Parliament and Rido Channel on the one hand, and on the Basilica of Our Lady - on the other. In the summer, you can arrange a picnic and relax from the heat.

Churches and temples. What are you worth a visit

In total, Ottawa has more than a hundred churches and parishes. In my opinion, attention deserves attention:

  • Notre Dame, or Basilica of Our Lady.The Catholic Cathedral, built in neo-style style in 1866. Notable with sharp metal spiers, which on a sunny day fascinatingly shine and overflow. The gilded statue of Our Lady - the symbol of the cathedral, personifies privacy and calm. The interior of the church copies a classic gothic style with vaulted high ceilings and stained glass windows.

  • Church of the Holy Brigid.Built in 1890 in the neoroman style for the Irish community of the city. Currently, the church simultaneously performs the functions of the Irish Cultural Center. Distinctive trait The facade - the towers of different heights, inside the church is decorated with arches, windows of different shapes and an altar of white stone.
  • Basilica of St. Patrick.The Catholic Church, made in a neo-neutic style, opened the doors to parishioners in 1898. The main details are the bright stained glass windows of the German atelier Franz Maera. There are organ concerts and regular services.

Museums. What are you worth a visit

Ottawa is rightfully considered a museum center of the country. There are more than 10 major exhibition centers on various topics: from the National Art Gallery to the Museum of Nature.
If the time is not so much, I recommend visiting the 3 largest museum:

  • National Gallery of Canada.It is worth going to see the best samples of Canadian art: from the works of the Aboriginal and the peoples of the North to modern paintings. In addition, the gallery presents the works of the most famous global artists.

  • Canadian Military Museum.Encompasses the military history of the country and its role in major world conflicts. Big collection military equipment and weapons. From interesting exhibits - Personal car Hitler and the original form of Canadian soldiers of the First World War.

  • Canadian Museum of Nature.Decoded to our planet and everything alive. Each hall is described about a certain stage of evolution in the development of nature. One of the impressive exhibits is a skeleton of blue whale, the biggest mammal in nature. Ideal for visiting with children.


In the center of the city it is easy to find Square or Park, where in hot time can be launched in the shade.

  • Majors Hill Park. The park offers a beautiful view of the Rho Channel and the Parliament Building. Initially, at this place was the residence of Major Daniel Bolton, so the park got its name. In the summer, festivals and holidays are held here.
  • Confederate Park. In the center of the park there is a large fountain brought from Trafalgar Square in London. There are different monuments dedicated to the country's military history.

  • Lake Dow.Great place for cycling tours and jogs. The picturesque lake is most convenient to get on foot along the Rido Channel Embankment. In the summer, this is the most favorite place of fatava residents.

Tourist streets

  • Byward Market.. Several little streets make up the main tourist goal of Ottawa. In addition to the market itself, all the entertainment institutions of the city and private small boutiques are concentrated here. For example, on Murrey Street there is a store of original jewelry, on Sussex Drive boutiques with clothing of local designers.

  • Sparks Street.Pedestrian street in the city's financial center. It has a cafe and a large beer restaurant. On the eve of the New Year, a salute and a festive concert are satisfied here.

  • BANK STREET.The city downtown crosses from north to south: from the Parliamentary Hill and Wellington Street through the Glebe district comes to the municipal border of the city. In the central part of the boulevard, you can find restaurants of varying kitchen, art cafe, designer boutiques, farm shops, tattoo shops, comic shops or just to watch the lives of citizens.

What to look for 1 day

How to distribute time if there is only one day for the inspection of the city?

Start with a visit to the parliamentary hill. This is a large complex of state buildings and the park. Every morning, at 9:00 pm, visitors can observe Karaul's change.
The main building of the Parliament can only be visited with a tour, you can sign up for it.

At the end of the visit to the parliament, it is worth looking into the famous Chateau Laurage Hotel, whose bar you can drink coffee.

The building of the National Center for Arts and the Confederation Park is located across the road.
After a walk through the park, you can eat in one of the pavilions of the market on Byward Market and go through small boutiques or go on shopping in Rideo Center.

After lunch, go for spiritual food! The National Gallery of Canada, located next to the market, presents visitors the best samples of Canadian and world art.

The next item is notre-ladies, or the Basilica of Our Lady. This cathedral is located directly opposite the gallery, has the status of the cultural heritage of Canada.

And enjoy the silence and confusion of the cathedral, go for a walk to Majors Hill Park, offering a magnificent view of the river and parliament.

You can dine and drink Canadian beer in one of the many restaurants by Windard Market. If after that you still have forces will remain, then it's time to immerse the city's nightlife. Jazz and Rock Concerts, clubs with electronic music, disco-party - the choice of place depends only on your musical preferences.

What to see in the vicinity

In the next from Ottawa, Gatino is located a large park for outdoor activities Gatineau Park. This is a real forest area of \u200b\u200b361 km² with lakes and trails. In the summer you can do a nordic walk, ride a bike or run, in the winter there is a large track for cross-country skiing.

If you prefer active leisure and love nature, Gatineau Park appropriate placeTo spend it all day here.

Food. What to try

The capital region is stronger than the Quebec kitchen, where traditionally the maple syrup is used in large quantities.
Only in Ottawa you can try Beaver Tails desserts. Bear tails are puff pastry with sweet filling inside. This delicacy is especially popular among children and tourists. During his visit to Ottawa, President Barack Obama also did not miss the opportunity to enjoy a bear tail.

The second most popular dish is Putine (Poutine). Traditional Quebec treats from roasted potatoes, cheese and bacon. Perfect snack for beer!

Review tourist buses are different species: From the classic hop-off-hop-on to Lady Dive Amphibus buses. Information about tickets and discounts can be found on the company.

Taxi. What features exist

Transportation services in the capital Dear: a trip from the airport to the city center will cost you 40 euros, for the big luggage you will have to pay about 10 euros.

Payment is carried out necessarily on the meter, you can pay a credit card or cash.
There are three main urban taxi services:

The pricing policy is approximately the same.
You can call the car by phone or online on the site of a particular carrier.
Stop a taxi on the street, just having handed the hand, it is unlikely to succeed.

Phone number of the City Hall City Hall, which is engaged in Taxi Regulation - 311.

To save, you can use Uber, for this you need to register and download the app. The same path will cost 20% cheaper than the official taxi.


This is the main type of public transport. Buses walk strictly on schedule, at night on weekends and Fridays there are special lines.

The peak of the workload falls on the morning from 7 to 9 hours and from 5 to 7 pm. At this time, the stops are formed at stops to get inside. All city buses are equipped with air conditioning, in the heat the road will be comfortable.

One trip costs 4 euros, information about benefits, travel and schedule is available on the OC TRANSPO website.

Transport rental

Car rental conditions: You should have more than 21 years, you must have the driver's license of the international sample (the name and surname must be spelled out by Latin letters). The driver's credit card is also required.
You can rent a car immediately by arrival at Ottawa Airport. Also to search for offers and discounts it is convenient to use the Trevevsk section. For the day of the lease, you will have to pay from 50 euros and higher depending on the class of the car. The full price of renting will be kept as collateral, if you have a little driving experience, you will have to pay for extra insurance.
Lease offers also in the city center. Golon gasoline costs about 1 euros, compare prices at refueling will help the site ottawagasprices.

Bike a bike will not work. The city rental system works on the following principle:
It is necessary for 5 dollars to register on the site and enter the payment details. Download the application to the mobile device. Reserve a bike on the nearest parking lot from you.
After you receive a confirmation of booking with a 4-digit PIN, your bike is ready for a trip. Price in 30 minutes of rental - 5 dollars.

The main remarks on driving in Ottawa:

  • Left-sided movement.
  • Motorists in the city strictly follow the rules of the road.
  • On the roads often you can see patrol machines.
  • Permissible dose of alcohol: 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood. Excess limit is equal to a criminal offense. The punishment can be both deprivation of rights and penalty and imprisonment.

Ottawa - rest with children

Children - welcome guests in many restaurants and cafes. In museums and galleries, most often the kids from the 3rd years will give a special guide to the game to make a visit to interesting and calm for parents.

In the neighboring Ottawa, Gatino is a children's museum, which tells about the life of children in different countries. Lectures or educational classes are held regularly. Details can be found on the site of the museum.

In stores, shopping centers and museums have established congresses for baby strollers.

In the XVII century, the same name of the Indian tribes lived on the territory of the current Ottawa. Then, with the arrival of the French, a small village gradually turned into a major city, which received the status of the capital of Canada in 1857.

Today Ottawa is the most important cultural center of the country where there are many museums, galleries and various theaters. Food around the city are restaurants, shops, bars and nightclubs that meet any tastes. And every spring in Ottawa is satisfied with the beautiful holiday - the tulip festival, during which the city is simply drowning in colors, pleaseing the eyes of their inhabitants and tourists. It is safe to argue that Ottawa is an amazing city in which monumental beauty, calm and commitment to traditions are harmoniously combined with the dynamic of modern metropolis.


Number of population

Population density

251.8 people / km²

CAD (Canadian Dollar)


Winter time: UTC -5

Summer time: UTC-4

Postal code

International Area Code

Climate and weather

Ottawa prevails a wet continental climate with clearly pronounced pores of the year. Winter lasts from December to March, although freezing are even in early May. The average temperature fluctuates in the area -5 ° C., sometimes goes to -20 ° C. Summer begins from mid-May and lasts almost before October. The average temperature in the early summer is +25 ° C., and from July to the end of August rises to +30 ° C.. For summer and winter are characterized by rather sharp differences of weather, therefore the most favorable time visits to the city is considered early autumn.


Ottawa is located in the southeastern part of Canada at an altitude of 114 meters above sea level. The city lies on the shores of the Ottawa River and her tributaries, and in the south intersects with an artificial canal Rido.

The city is famous for an excellent ecology, abundance of water and greenery. In summer, all lawns are covered with thousands of tulips and poppies, and on the sidewalks often you can meet the proteins that have become almost manual. In winter, on the ice of urban channels and rivers, most local residents move to work skating.


Ottawa is a beautiful, well-groomed city with many museums and architectural structures built in ancient and modern styles. In the city center there is a complex of parliamentary buildings - the architectural symbol of all Canada. Among the parliament towers, the highest - tower of the world stands out. Located in it Altar victims and memory book With the list of names of people who died during wars. You can also see the bells called Ottawa Carillon, performing any musical compositions.

Near the Parliament is the building Supreme Court, in front of which the Caraul change ceremony passes daily. You can also see fountain with eternal fire, symbol of the union of all provinces of Canada.

Among the most famous architectural monuments can also be allocated Christchurch Cathedral and Notre Dame Cathedral. In addition, Ottawa is famous for its giant National Museum and the National Art Gallery with the richest collection of sculptures and paintings. No less interesting and public archive of Ottawa with various antiquity objects (manuscripts, coins, books, memorable signs, paintings, etc.), Military Museum and Museum of Currency. And in the city there is a National Center for Art, where various concerts and performances regularly pass (ballet, opera and dramatic).


As such national cuisine in Canada does not exist, and all culinary traditions are based on the recipes of the peoples of the world, since numerous emigrants brought here their gastronomic customs. At every step of Ottawa, you can find cafes and restaurants where literally any food is served. Anglo-Saxon, French and Italian cuisine are most common, and Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Russians, Polish, Mexican and Portuguese establishments often come across. Also widespread snack bars "fast food".

In general, Canadians prefer dishes from meat - steaks, roast beyphs, steaks, etc. The most popular dishes are "FILE BROCHET" (Skewer of cutting, bacon and champignons), kidney pie, roasted on a spit chicken, boiled venison, stewed rabbit and others. Soup from pumpkin and noodles come from Italy and pasta. The pride of Canadians is maple syrup. In Ottawa, you can try pancakes with syrup, cupcakes, pies and buns with its use. And the main dish of Ottawa chefs is considered an unusual dish - piquant ham in the maple syrup.

The drinking drink canadians is beer, which here is represented by an incredible amount of varieties.


From the category of fashionable and luxury hotels can be recommended Chateau Laurier and The Ottawa Marriott, Which are near the parliament building and a few steps from most shops and museums (from $ 150).

From standard options deserves attention ALBERT HOUSE INN. - hotel in Victorian style (from 90 $), as well as Avalon Bed and Breakfast (from $ 75) and Executive Suitesthe Bostonian.(from 104 $).

For budget residence suitable Ottawa Backpackers Inn. (24 $), Barefoot Hostel. ($ 38) and Ottawa Jail Hostel. ($ 25). And lovers of the original can accommodate the hostel Ottawa Jail.which is located in the building of the former prison, there even the numbers look like cameras for prisoners.

Entertainment and recreation

Ottawa is an ideal place to relax. In this regard, first of all it is worth noting a large number of magnificent urban parks. Of these, the most famous was the Park Gatina: in winter there can be skiing there, and in the summer it is possible to arrange picnics and ride on bicycles. Also in Ottawa on the channel Rido is the longest outdoor skating rink. In general, local citizens love sports, so in many bars, cafes and pubs show direct sports broadcasts (hockey, football, baseball, etc.).

Among the lovers of nightly fun, pedestrian street use the most popular Sparks.Where Flash Mobs and the area near the market are arranged Byward Market.with world-famous clubs Helsinki and Heaven, as well as numerous bars and pubs.

Each spring in the city is a beautiful holiday - Tulip festival. During its conduct in all fleets, the Ottawa from an incredible number of colors is created a peculiar mosaic of beauty and color, from which it is impossible to tear the eye. By the way, the flowers for the festival annually send the Dutch in gratitude for the fact that during the war, Canada sheltered the royal family of the Netherlands.


Shops in Ottawa are presented in huge variety and quantities: these are old department stores, and elite boutiques, and all sorts of shopping centers, and, of course, Byward Market.- The famous giant outdoor market.

The most popular souvenirs of Ottawa are the traditional maple syrup and Ice Wine (original wine from the frost-frozen grape). Never in demand use Indian "Dream catchers", as well as various figures of police, elk, beavers and bears. In addition, Canadian craft products are appreciated among tourists, such as wood carving, cotton clothing and ceramics.

Most of the shops work all week from 10:00 to 18:00, only some large department stores are open until 21:00. On Sundays, only some small shops and souvenir benches are usually working.


Public transport in Ottawa is represented by buses and trains. Bus routes are divided into ordinary, peak and expressions (in suburbs). The fare is $ 3.25 when paying from the driver. Also, tickets can be bought in stop kiosks. In this case, the ticket costs $ 1.25, for the passage of an adult, you need 2 tickets, and for a child from 6 to 11 years old - one. In addition, tickets are sold for the whole day ($ 7.5).

Urban network of trains Ottawa called O-train, Tickets can be bought in an automatic machine at any station ($ 2.75). In addition, in the city there are more than 170 km of cycles, and rent a bike is an opportunity in any area of \u200b\u200bthe city.


Call Ottawa from any bar or restaurant, as well as from a street telephone. Local conversations cost $ 0.5, and the call time is not limited. If you need calls abroad at any store you can buy a card for international conversations.

National mobile operators in Canada are Bell Mobility, Telus and FIDO. It should be noted that in North America, cellular communication works at frequencies 850-1900 MHz., unlike the rest of the world where frequencies are used 900-1800 MHz. Therefore, you must make sure that your phone supports these frequencies.

Internet access in Ottawa is provided in numerous Internet cafes and public libraries. Also in most cafes and restaurants there are widespread access to Wi-Fi, free and paid.


The overall crime rate in Ottawa is quite low, and street safety is strictly supported by police patrols.

Tourists are advised to be more vigorous in the sleeping areas of Ottawa, at the station and in public transport, especially - next to the "black" quarters. Moving around the city, it is necessary to have a minimum amount and not to take all the documents. Large amounts of money, documents and valuable things are safer to leave in the hotel's safe.

Business climate

Ottawa is not only the capital of Canada, but also a popular tourist destination, thanks to which the city's economy constantly improves its level, relying directly on the tourist business. Also in Ottawa, enterprises of instrument-making, printing, electronic and pulp and paper industries are successfully operating. Quite often, the city is called the silicone valley, since the famous giants of the electronic industry were created here (Nortel, JDS, Coreland etc.).

The conditions for opening your business in Ottawa are quite acceptable and loyal. For example, becoming the owner of the art gallery, the seller of the leotovs put on auction receives a 50% commission from the sale.

The property

Canada is one of those countries where there are no significant limitations regarding the purchase of real estate by foreign citizens. Also here it is quite easy to get a residence permit to those who have no close relatives in this country.

Ottawa is not the largest city in Canada, so prices for the capital square meters Not too much exceed the provincial. In addition, in the Ottawa real estate market, the offer exceeds the demand, making relevant bargaining. A three-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of the Ottawa will cost about $ 140,000, and the penthouse with a balcony will cost $ 349,900. It is possible to become the owner of a small shop in the city center for $ 59,900.

It is worth paying attention to the rules and laws that regulate the sale of alcohol. It is sold only in state stores that often at night, on Sundays and holidays do not work, as well as in restaurants that have a sign of Licensed Premises, which makes it possible to serve hot drinks in the room.

A small city with only 300 thousand inhabitants since 1875 is the capital of Canada. With his nonsense beauty and the charm of Ottawa is obliged to be the first French-speaking Prime Minister Sir Wilfrida Lorier, who dreamed of turning the city to Northern Washington.

The Canadian capital was called "Westminster among wildlife" and "Northern Washington". The first epithet describes quite accurately, where Ottawa began, and the second one is the goal, to which she always sought, often achieving impressive results. For a half century, from the moment Ottawa proclaimed the capital of the recently united Canada, she was transformed from a small noisy town with a developed timber processing industry in a rather sophisticated city.

Vintage historical buildings, many green parks and squares make thawing on most of the ultra-modern North American cities. Located almost on the border of Ontario and Quebec provinces, the city attracts tourists with a harmonious combination of two crops - English and French.

The process of urbanization in the early XIX. The century was not in Ottawa, but in Halle - the city on the opposite bank of the Ottawa River. Then the first rafts with the forest began to melt downstream, and the valley of the Ottawa River began to acquire great importance as a place where logging is developing. Slightly later, during the war of 1812, the British began to worry about that their strategic route on the St. Lavrentia River is located pretty close to the border with the United States. In need of a more reliable transport route between the upper and lower Canada, between 1826 and 1832, they built the Rido Channel. The new waterway assumed the use of both existing rivers and a new structure between the base of the Royal Fleet on Lake Ontario in Kingston and the navigation port near the city of Hull. The construction of this engineering miracle was led by Colonel Bai. A wonderful gateway that connected the channel with the river became the cornerstone during the construction of the Ottawa. Colonel melted the construction of the area on the opposite side of the channel. A new settlement soon surpassed Hull in size. In the city lived, mainly workers, loggers and river rats. When it was time to choose the capital of the new United Province of Canada, Queen Victoria rejected and Toronto, and Quebec, choosing Ottawa.

Ottawa became a compromise option when choosing the capital of the state, it was precisely such a choice partially due to rivalry between the British and the French and between the two cities - Toronto and Montreal. Ottawa since its foundation in 1826 was formed as a special, not similar to any other city. Already in 1855, Ottawa was declared the capital of Canadian Dominion. The city has a successful geographical position: on the shores of the River Ottawa and Rido. This is a huge megalopolis, where 6 million tourists come every year.

For a long time, Ottawa had a reputation of a boring provincial town. All the establishments were closed early in the evening, and people who preferred to keep a nightlife were forced to move across the river to Hull. The Quebec laws were operated here, according to which the bars and other nightlife were closed by several hours later. As the city grows it becomes more busy. There are many entertainment here: interesting shops, restaurants and cafes, especially around the pretty city market Baiveord. To date, it can be said that Ottawa and Hull borrowed from each other some things: government buildings were partially replaced by forest processing plants who prevailed in Halle, both languages \u200b\u200bwere distributed in Ottawa. In the good old days, tourists came here mainly to look at English soldiers and horses from the royal horse police in front of the parliament building. They still remain among the attractions of the city.

The city center is relatively small, so many of the most famous sights can be reached on foot. Channel Rido (in the south of the city) - Flywa's entertainment place throughout the year: in the summer there are boating here and just walk, and during the frosty Canadian winter skating. In the National Center for Arts, theatrical, opera and ballet representations are held, and fans of history and arts will be able to walk on museums and gallery of Ottawa. In addition, Ottawa is a city of festivals; It is especially impressive by Winterloud, a three-week february holiday, and the Canadian tulip festival opens here, during which the city turns into the ocean of flowers. The celebration of the Day of Canada, July 1, also attract thousands of visitors.

Museums of the capital

As befected by the capital, ottawa has more museums per capita than in any other city of Canada. The Museum of Civilization and the National Canadian Gallery, located in huge modern buildings, attract visitors from all over the world.


The buildings of the government of the country are majestically towers over Duangowan Ottawa. Without paying attention to high-altitude buildings, growing around them in 150 years, since they became the center of power in Ottawa, East and Western blocks continue to joyfully flush over the city with their green copper roofs. The construction of these neutic sandstone buildings ended in 1860. They are located on a 50-meter hill and offer excellent views of the Ottawa River. Parliament Buildings clearly resemble London Westminster Abbey - And your Victorian neothetic style, and location. The building of the Parliament can not only be inspected, but also to visit the meeting of the legislative authority of Canada. After the fire of 1916, the buildings were badly injured, but now they are restored, only the library of parliament has kept its initial View - Her armored doors saved the rare fund from fire with 650 thousand volumes. From the tower of the world, which rises over this architectural ensemble, the excellent review opens. Established on the Tower of 53 bells daily at 12.30 give a concert, which heard in the central quarters of the city. At 10.00 the traditional ceremony of changing Karaul is held.

Ottawa never had the glory of tourist Mecca and seemed to be a boring administrative center. But those who visited there, or simply read the description of the Ottawa, will surely want to return, and maybe it is also to remain coming.

Brief historical certificate

The modern territory of Ottawa was once held long ago were populated by wild tribes, which were crowded off the French who came in the seventeenth century. It should be clear what language in Ottawa. Now most of the population still speaks English, but French remained the main for quite a long time. The first white settlers were assieved at this place in 1800.

The question of the capital became in the middle of the nineteenth century, when the upper Ontario) was united with the bottom (Quebec). For the right to get this status fought many cities, for example, Toronto, Quebec or Montreal. Ottawa became the capital due to its advantageous geographical position on the border of two main provinces, the presence of railway communication and the mixed Anglo and French-speaking population.

Geographical position

Where is Ottawa? The city is located in the southeastern part of the province of Ontario, on the border with Quebec province. The settlement is washed by the shores of the Ottawa Rivers, Rido and the same channel. The city center is located at the merger of flows. On the north bank of the Ottawa River is located the city of Gatino, who, together with the capital, Canada Ottova, is the city agglomeration - the national metropolitan area.

All east End The provinces of Ontario and Quebec are located in the North American time zone. Time in Ottawa lags behind Greenwich for five hours in winter, four to four.

Administrative division

Administratively divided into 23 constituencies. There is also division in the postal regions or police districts. Until 2001, the territory of the settlement was only a small part of modern. As a result of the 2001 reform, Ten Nearests were joined to the capital municipalities.

Currently, division into historical areas is actively used only in real estate transactions and household conversations. Managing in Ottawa is centrally, local councils of former municipalities are liquidated, and all the city government is concentrated in the administration.

There are local community centers. These are voluntary organizations that ensure the interaction of residents of districts and provide individual social services. These centers are not official representatives of the authorities, any resident of the city can contact them, and not only the one who lives on the entrusted center of the territory.

Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is included in the National Capital Region. The territory of the district covers partially the province of Ontario and partly Quebec. The region is subordinate to the National Capital Commission, which is accountable to federal parliament.

Population size

Ottawa is the fourth in the population of the Canadian city. The capital is only Toronto (the administrative center of Ontario Province), Montreal (the largest settlement in Quebec Province) and Calgary (located in the south, if we talk only about Ontario province, then Ottawa is the second in the population of the city after Toronto.

After the census of 1891, the population of Ottawa was only 44 thousand people, by 2016 exceeded 930 thousand. IN last case The settlements were taken into account, which were included in the borders in 2001. City agglomeration Ottawa-Gatino is even more numerous - 1.3 million people. The number of residents of the Canadian capital and nearby districts increased evenly, without sharp jumps or falls.

The average age of the population is 39.2 years (according to the census conducted in 2011). Children up to fifteen years more than pensioners: 16.8% and 13.2%, respectively. Ottawa on the description of many tourists is not the megalopolis to which Europeans or Americans are accustomed to. The Canadian capital is good for pensioners and families with children. IN weekdays The city wakes up at 5:30, and falls asleep at 8:30. Time in Ottawa flows slowly.

Education, employment and income

The population of Ottawa is not the most educated in all Canada. This favors the concentration of government offices and industrial enterprises, actively using high tech. Among residents from 25 to 64 years have almost 40% higher education Not lower than the first stage (bachelor). For comparison: the same indicator for the entire province of Ontario is only 24%.

The average income for one family in Ontario was approximately 84.5 thousand Canadian dollars in 2006. This is a little more than four million rubles. In the province of Ontario, the income on the family on average is 69.2 thousand, that is, 3.3 million rubles.

Most of the Ottawa's population work in trade and other service sectors. Employees of industrial enterprises and agriculture are less than 10% of the total number of employed residents of the capital. As of the beginning of 2018, the unemployment rate in the metropolitan region was 5.2%. In general, in Canada, this indicator is 5.9%.

Ethnic population

Approximately half of the population in the first century and a half the existence of the settlement was Catholics, represented by the French and Irish. These nationalities inhabited the lower city in the historic center and the eastern outskirts of Ottawa. Another half of the inhabitants was represented by Protestants of English Origin. They chose to settle the upper city in the center, southern and western outskirts.

Already by the middle of the nineteenth century, Ottawa became the place of linguistic friction between the French and the English-speaking population of Canada. There were also small German, Jewish, Italian communities, which were formed mainly at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In the period between the two world wars, Louertown (the lower city, inhabited by the French and Irish), was considered the "Jewish" area.

After the end of the Second World War, Arabs appeared in the population of Ottawa - mainly people from Lebanon, and later and native communities East Africa. The most famous areas of residence of immigrants are Little Italy, Gladston-Avenue and the Church district of St. Anthony, Chinatu Town along Somerset Street to the West. Currently, these areas like to visit tourists for their cultural identity.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, settlers from Poland, Ukraine and Ireland arrived in the Little Italy, and now in the district school on Saturdays there are classes in Vietnamese and Severnowy. Italian restaurants for Preston Street are quietly adjacent to Korean, Turkish or Indian. The closer to the china tauna, the more Vietnamese, Filipino, Thai and Lebanese restaurants and shops are added to them.

From the beginning of the twenty-first century, the population of Ottawa, represented by ethnic minorities, is rapidly growing. Now it is predominantly African American and immigrants from Asia. If we talk about the language, then English is considered 65% of residents, French - 15%, other languages \u200b\u200b- 18%.

Religious composition

The Canadian capital is predominantly the Christian city, the center of the Catholic architecture of Ottawa. Most believers profess Catholicism, but many religions represent a significant part of the population. When in last time The questionnaire of the census in Canada included the question of religious affiliation, 14% of residents amounted to representatives of denominations other than Protestantism and Catholicism. Among others were Islam (more than 6% of the population) and Orthodoxy (approximately 2.5%).

Famous natives and residents

At the local official website of the Tourism Department is a list of the five inhabitants of the city, the talents of which are known to millions. " This list includes Jeremy Gara - Drummer of the Arcade Fire group, who received Grammy for the best album in 2011, Alanis Morissett - Rock Executive and Actress, Matthew Perry - Actor who grew up in Ottawa, Brendan Fraser - actor who played in "Mummy" and "Cobra Throwing," lived most of his childhood in Ottawa, Margaret Evwood is a writer, the laureate of the Berechovsky Prize for the novel "The Blind Killer."

Moving to Canada

Canada's authorities conduct politics friendly immigrants. The newcomers receive information in the service service, you can also pass documents for social and health insurance. Immigrants can contact numerous public organizationswho receive subsidies from the government of Ontario province. In the title of many of these organizations, the words "Arabic", "Catholic" or "Christian" are contained, but in fact such centers provide services to all applied. Moving to Canada is a complex and responsible event, but it is worth going for your dream if it is really strong. Maybe Ottawa is exactly the city where she wants to spend the rest of life.

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