History of one city Summary by chapters. The work of the "Story of one city" in brief retelling

On May 29, 1453, the capital of the Byzantine Empire fell under the blows of the Turks. Tuesday 29 May is one of the most important goals of the world. On this day, the Byzantine Empire, created by another 395, was stopped by the final section of the Roman Empire after the death of Emperor Feodosia I on the Western and Eastern part. With her death ended a huge period of human history. In the life of many nations of Europe, Asia and North Africa A radical fracture has occurred due to the establishment of Turkish rule and creating Ottoman Empire.

It is clear that the fall of Constantinople is not a clear face between the two epochs. Turks in the century before the fall of the Great capital were established in Europe. Yes, and the Byzantine Empire, by the time of the fall, was already a fragment of the former majority - the power of the emperor was distributed only to Constantinople with the suburb and part of Greece with the islands. Byzantium, the 13-15 centuries can be called the Empire only conditionally. At the same time, Constantinople was a symbol ancient Empire, was considered the "second Rome".

Background Fall

In the XIII century, one of the Turkic tribes - Kaya - led by Ertogrul-Beem, extruded from the nomads in the Turkmen steppes, was converging in the western direction and stopped in Malaya Asia. The tribe was assisted by the Sultan of the largest of the Turkish states (was founded by the Seljuk Turkis) - the Rumsky (Konian) Sultanate - Aladdin Kay-Kubad in his fight against the Byzantine Empire. For this, Sultan gave the ERRIOGRULA of the Lens of the Earth in the field of Viphinia. The son of the leader ERROGRULA - Osman I (1281-1326) Despite the constantly growing power, recognized its dependence on the kones. Only in 1299, he accepted the title of Sultan and soon subdued himself all western Malaya Asia, hiding a number of victories over the Byzantines. By the name Sultan Osman, his subjects became known as Ottoman Turks, or Osmans (Ottomans). In addition to the wars with the Byzantines, Ottomans conducted the struggle for the subordination of other Muslim possessions - by 1487, the Omman Turks approved their power over all Muslim possessions of the Majual Peninsula.

A great role in strengthening the power of Osman and his successors was played by Muslim clergy, including local debris orders. The spiritual persons not only played a significant role in creating a new Great Power, but justified the policy of expansion as "the struggle for faith." In 1326, the Omman Turks were captured by the largest shopping city of Bursa, the most important point of transit caravan trade between the West and East. Then Nikia and Nikomidia fell. The sultans captured by the Byzantines of the Earth distributed nobility and distinguished soldiers as Timarov - the conditioned possessions received for the service of the service (places). Gradually, the Timar system has become the basis of the socio-economic and military administrative device of the Power of Ottomans. With Sultan Orhans I (rules from 1326 to 1359) and his son Murade I (rules from 1359 to 1389), important military reforms were carried out: the irregular cavalry was reorganized - equestrian and infantry troops convened from the Turks-agriculture. The warriors of equestrian and infantry troops in peacetime were farmers, receiving benefits, during the war they were obliged to come to the army. In addition, the army was completed by the militia from the peasants of the Christian faith and the Yanychar Corps. In Yanychars, the prisoners of Junior Christians were originally taken, who were forced to accept Islam, and from the first half of the 15th century - from the sons of Christian subjects of Ottoman Sultan (as a special tax). Siphai (a kind of nobles of the Ottoman Power, who received income from Timarov) and Yanychars became the core of the Army of Ottoman Sultanov. In addition, in the army, the divisions of Pushkjers, gunsmiths and other parts were created. As a result, a powerful power arose at the boundaries of Byzantium, which claimed the domination in the region.

It must be said that the Byzantine Empire and the Balkan states themselves accelerated their drop. During this period between Byzantium, Genoa, Venice and the Balkan states, there was an acute struggle. Often the fighting parties sought to enlist the military support of Ottomans. Naturally, this sharply facilitated the expansion of the Ottoman Power. Ottomans received information about paths, possible crossings, strengthening, strong and weaknesses The enemy's troops, the inner situation, etc. Christians themselves helped crossing the straits in Europe.

The Turks-Ottoman Turkis have achieved in Sultan Murade II (rules in 1421-1444 and 1446-1451). With it, the Turks recovered after a heavy lesion deposited by Tamerlane in the Angora battle of 1402. In many ways, this is the defeat and delayed the death of Constantinople on the attachment. Sultan suppressed all the uprisings of Muslim Lord. In June 1422, Murad was siege to Konstantinople, but could not take. The absence of a fleet and powerful artillery affected. In 1430, the major city of the Dessaloniki in Northern Greece was captured, he belonged to Venetians. Murad II won a number of important victories in the Balkan Peninsula, noticeably expanding the ownership of his power. So in October 1448 the battle was held on the Kosovo field. In this battle, the Ottoman army opposed the united forces of Hungary and Valahia under the command of the Hungarian General Janos Hunyadi. The fierce three-day battle ended with the full victory of Ottomans, and decided the fate of the Balkan peoples - for several centuries they were under the dominion of the Turks. After this battle, the Crusaders suffered a final defeat and no longer undertake serious attempts to beat the Balkan Peninsula at the Ottoman Empire. Constantinople's fate was solved, the Turks were able to solve the task of seizing the ancient city. Byzantium itself no longer represented a big threat to the Turks, but the coalition of Christian countries, relying on Constantinople, could bring significant harm. The city was almost in the middle of Ottoman possessions, between Europe and Asia. The task of seizing Constantinople solved Sultan Mehmed II.

Byzantium. Byzantine powers for the 15th century lost most of its possessions. The entire XIV century was a period of political failure. For several decades it seemed that Serbia would be able to capture Constantinople. Various internal discords were a constant source of civil wars. So the Byzantine Emperor John V Paleologist (Rule from 1341 - 1391) was heard from the throne three times: his son, son and then grandson. In 1347, the epidemic rolled " black death"Which claimed the lives of at least a third of the Population of Byzantium. The Turks crossed Europe, and using the troubles of Byzantium and the Balkan countries, by the end of the century they went to the Danube. As a result, Constantinople was surrounded by almost all sides. In 1357, the Turks master Gallipoli, in 1361 - Adrianopole, which became the center of Turkish possessions in the Balkan Peninsula. In 1368, Sultan Murada I submitted to Nissa (countryside location of the Byzantine emperors), and Ottomans were already under the walls of Constantinople.

In addition, there was a problem of the struggle of supporters and opponents of Ulya with the Catholic Church. For many Byzantine politicians, it was obvious that without the help of the West, the empire could not survive. Back in 1274, the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail VIII promised to the Pope to seek the reconciliation of churches from political and economic considerations. True, his son Emperor Andronik II convened the cathedral of the Eastern Church, which rejected the decision of the Lyon Cathedral. Then John Paleologist went to Rome, where I solemnly accepted faith in the Latin rite, but I did not receive help from the West. Supporters of Union with Rome were mainly politics, or belonged to the intellectual elite. Open enemies of Ulya was the lowest clergy. John VIII Paleologist (the Byzantine Emperor in 1425-1448) believed that Constantinople could be saved only with the help of the West, so I tried to conclude a sland as soon as possible with the Roman Church. In 1437, together with the Patriarch and the delegation of the Orthodox Bishops, the Byzantine Emperor goes to Italy and spent more than two years in the Ferrara, and then at the Universal Cathedral in Florence. At these meetings, both sides came to a dead end and were ready to stop negotiations. But, John forbade his bishops to leave the cathedral before making a compromise decision. In the end, the Orthodox delegation was forced to give way to Catholics almost all major issues. On July 6, 1439, Florentine Union was adopted, and the eastern churches reunited with Latin. True, the Sania turned out to be fragile, after a few years, many Orthodox hierarchs attended the council began to deny their agreement with unia or say that the decisions of the cathedral were caused by bribing and threats from Catholics. As a result, the Sania was rejected by most eastern churches. Most clergy and people did not accept this sland. In 1444, the Roman dad was able to organize a crusade against the Turks (the main force was Hungary), but under the boat crusaders suffered a crushing defeat.

Disputes about the ENIA occurred against the background of the country's economic decline. Constantinople The late 14th century was a sad city, a city of decline and destruction. The loss of Anatolia deprived the capital of the empire of almost all agricultural land. The population of Constantinople, which in the XII century consisted of 1 million people (together with the suburb), fell to 100 thousand and continued to decline - by the time of falling in the city there were approximately 50 thousand people. The suburb in the Asian coast of Bosphorus was captured by the Turks. The suburb of the feather (Galata) on the other side of the Golden Horn was the colony of Genoa. The city himself was surrounded by a wall of 14 miles, lost a number of quarters. In fact, the city has become several separate settlements separated by gardens, gardens, abandoned parks, ruins of buildings. Many had their own walls, fences. The most crowded villages were located along the shores of the Golden Horn. The richest quarter, adjacent to the bay, belonged to the Venetians. Nearby were the streets where the people lived from the West - Florentine, Ankonants, Ragusyan, Catalans and Jews. But, the pier and the bazaars were still full of merchants from Italian cities, Slavic and Muslim lands. Each year pilgrims arrived in the city, mainly from Russia.

Last years before the fall of Constantinople, preparation for war

Konstantin XI Paleologist (Rule in 1449-1453) became the last emperor of Byzantium. Before becoming the emperor, he is a despot of sea - the Greek province of Byzantium. Konstantin possessed a sound mind, was a good warrior and administrator. He possessed the gift to cause love and respect for his subjects, he was met in the capital with great joy. For a short years of his reign, he was dragged by Constantinople to Siege, looking for help and union in the West and tried to calm the confusion caused by unia with the Roman Church. He was appointed Luka Notarace to his first minister and commander-in-chief fleet.

Sultan Mehmed II received a throne in 1451. It was a targeted, energetic, clever man. Although it was originally believed that this was not shaking the young man - it was the impression on the first attempt to rule in 1444-1446, when his father Murada II (he handed the throne to his son to move away from public affairs) had to return to the throne to solve the appeared Problems. It reassured the European rulers, all their problems have enough. Already in winter, 1451-1452 Sultan Mehmed has commanded the construction of a fortress in the narrowest place of the Bosphorus Strait, thereby cutting off Konstantinople from the Black Sea. Byzantines were confused - it was the first step towards siege. An embassy was sent to a reminder of the oath of Sultan, who promised to preserve the territorial integrity of Byzantium. The embassy was left unanswered. Konstantin sent messengers with gifts and asked not to touch the Greek villages located on the Bosphorus. Sultan ignored this mission. In June, the third embassy was directed - this time the Greeks were arrested and then beheaded. In fact, it was the announcement of the war.

By the end of August 1452, the fortress of Bogat Caesan ("Overlooking Strait", or "Calm Throat") was built. In the fortress they installed powerful guns and announced the ban to pass the Bosphorus without inspection. Two Venetian ships were distilled and the third recessed. The crew was beheaded, and the captain was planted on the count - it dispelled all the illusions at the expense of Mehmed's intentions. Osmanov's actions caused concern not only in Constantinople. Venetsians in the Byzantine capital belonged a whole quarter, they had significant privileges and benefits from trade. It was clear that after the fall of Constantinople, the Turks would not stop, Venice's possessions in Greece and the Aegean Sea turned under the blow. The problem was that the Venetians were bogged down in a costly war in Lombardy. With the Genoa, the Union was impossible, with Rome the relationship was stretched. Yes, and with the Turks, the relationship did not want to spoil - the Venetians led profitable trade in Ottoman ports. Venice allowed Konstantin to recruit the soldiers and sailors in Crete. In general, Venice retained neutrality about the time of this war.

Genoa was about the same situation. Concern caused the fate of feathers and Black Sea colonies. Genoese, as well as Venetians, showed flexibility. The government appealed to the Christian world to send the help of Constantinople, but did not provide such support. Private citizens received the right to act at their discretion. The administrations feathers and the islands of Chios received an indication to adhere to the Turks of such a policy that they would find the most appropriately suitable situation.

Ragusan - residents of Raguz (Dubrovnik), as well as Venetians, recently received from the Byzantine Emperor, confirmation of their privileges in Constantinople. But the Dubrovnitskaya Republic did not want to risk their trade in Ottoman ports. In addition, the city-state fleet was small and did not want to risk, if there is no widespread coalition of Christian states.

Roman dad Nikolai V (Head of the Catholic Church from 1447 to 1455), having received a letter to Konstantin with consent to take the Ulya, turned in vain for help from various sovereigns. There was no proper response to these appeals. Only in October 1452, the papal legat to Emperor Isidor brought with him 200 hired in Naples. The problem of UII with Rome again caused disputes and excitement in Constantinople. December 12, 1452 in the temple of St. Sofia served the solemn liturgy in the presence of the emperor and the entire courtyard. It mentions the names of Pope, Patriarch and officially proclaimed the provisions of the Florentine Union. Most citizens took this news with sullen passivity. Many hoped that if the city deceives, it will be possible to reject the Ulya. But paying this price for the help, the Byzantine elite was calculated - courts with soldiers of Western states did not profit for the help of a dying empire.

At the end of January 1453, the issue of war was finally solved. Turkish troops in Europe received an order to attack the Byzantine cities in Thrace. Cities on the Black Sea surrendered without a fight and avoided the pogrom. Some cities on the seaside of the Marmara Sea tried to defend themselves, and were destroyed. Part of the army invaded Peloponnese and attacked the brothers Emperor Konstantin, so that they could not come to the aid of the capital. Sultan took into account the fact that a number of previous attempts to take Constantinople (his predecessors) failed due to the lack of fleet. Byzantines had the opportunity to bring reinforcements and supplies. In March in Gallipoli, all the vessels available to the Turks are tightened. Part of the courts were new, built over the past few months. In the Turkish fleet was 6 trill (two-dimensional sail-rowing vessels, one step was kept three rowes), 10 BIME (a single-handed vessel, where there were two rowes on one paddle), 15 gallery, about 75 pust (lungs, high-speed vessels), 20 parandaries (heavy transport barges) and a lot of small sailing boats, boats. At the head of the Turkish fleet was Suleiman Baltoglu. Rowers and sailors were prisoners, criminals, slaves and part of volunteers. At the end of March, the Turkish fleet passed through Dardanelles to the Marmara Sea, causing horror of the Greeks and Italians. It was another blow to the Byzantine elite, they did not expect the Turks to prepare such significant sea forces and will be able to block the city from the sea.

At the same time, the army was preparing in Frakia. All winter gunsmiths did not give up the hands did various kinds, the engineers created the trumpeted and stalking machines. A powerful shock fist from about 100 thousand people was assembled. Of these, 80 thousand were regular army - cavalry and infantry, Janchars (12 thousand). Approximately 20-25 thousand. There were irregular troops - militias, Bashibuzuki (irregular cavalry, "awesome" did not receive a salary and "awarded" themselves as a looting), rear divisions. Much of attention, Sultan paid and artillery - the Hungarian Master of Urban cast several powerful guns capable of drowning the ships (with the help of one of them the Venetian vessel) and destroy powerful fortifications. The largest of them were dragging 60 bulls, and a team of several hundred people were put to her. The gun fired about 1200 pounds with cores (about 500 kg). During March, the huge army of Sultan began to gradually move towards Bosphorus. On April 5, Mehmed II itself arrived under the walls of Constantinople. The morale of the army was tall, everyone believed in success and hoped for rich prey.

People in Constantinople were depressed. A huge Turkish fleet in the marble sea and a strong enemy artillery, only enhanced anxiety. People remembered the predictions about the fall of the empire and the coming of the Antichrist. But it is impossible to say that the threat deprived all the wills of the will to resistance. All winter men and women who are encouraged by the emperor, worked, clearing the rye and strengthening the walls. A fund for unforeseen expenses was created - the emperor, churches, monasteries and individuals were made to it. It should be noted that the problem was not the availability of money, but the lack of the right number of people, weapons (special firearms), the problem of food. All weapons were collected in one place to distribute the most threatened areas if necessary.

There were no hopes for external assistance. The support of Byzantium was only some individuals. So, the Venetian colony in Constantinople offered his help to the emperor. Two captain of the Venetian vessels returned from the Black Sea - Gabriele Trevorzano and Alvizo Diedo, gave an oath to participate in the fight. Total fleet, defending Konstantinople, consisted of 26 ships: 10 of them belonged to the visa to the Vizantians, 5 - Venetsians, 5 - Genoesers, 3 - Cretans, 1 arrived from Catalonia, 1 from Ancona and 1 from Provence. Several noble genes arrived to fight for the Christian faith. For example, a volunteer from Genoa Giovanni Justiniani Longo led 700 soldiers with him. Justiniani was known as an experienced military, so he was appointed emperor to the commander of the defense of the land walls. In general, the Byzantine emperor, not including allies, was about 5-7 thousand warriors. It should be noted that part of the population of the city left Constantinople before the start of the siege. Part of the Genoes - the Colony of Feather and Venetians retained neutrality. On the night of February 26, seven ships - 1 from Venice and 6 from Crete left the Golden Horn, thoroughly 700 Italians.

To be continued…

"The death of the empire. Byzantine lesson » - Publicistic film of the governor of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery of Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunova). The premiere was held on the State Channel "Russia" on January 30, 2008. Leading - Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) - from the first person gives its version of the collapse of the Byzantine Empire.


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An end came. But at the beginning of the IV century. The center of Power moved to more relaxed and rich oriental, Balkan and low-depth, provinces. Soon, Constantinople became the capital, founded by Emperor Konstantin on the site of the ancient Greek city of Byzantium. True, and in the West left their emperors - the management of the empire was divided. But the seniors were considered to be the state trucks of Constantinople. In V c. Eastern, or Byzantine, as they spoke in the West, the empire resulted under the strike of the barbarians. Moreover, in the VI century. Her rules won many lands busy by Germanians and held their two centuries. Then they were the Roman emperors not only on the title, but also in essence. Having lost to the IX century. significant part of Western possessions, Byzantine Empire Nevertheless, continued to live and develop. She existed up to 1453., When the last stronghold of her power is Konstantinople fell under the head of the Turks. All this time, the empire remained in the eyes of subjects by the legal successor. Her residents called themselves romaineThat in Greater means "Romans", although the main part of the population was the Greeks.

The geographical location of Byzantium, spreading his possessions on two continents - in Europe and Asia, and sometimes I stretched the power and on the field of Africa, made this empire as if the link between East and the West. A constant split between the Eastern and Western world became the historical diet of the Byzantine Empire. The mixture of Greco-Roman and Eastern traditions imposed a print on social life, statehood, religious philosophical ideas, culture and art of the Byzantine society. However, Byzantium went his own historical path , in many ways other than the fate of the countries of both the east and the West, which determined the features of its culture.

Map of the Byzantine Empire

History of the Byzantine Empire

The culture of the Byzantine Empire was created by many nations. In the first centuries, the existence of a Romary Power under the authority of its emperors was all eastern provinces Rome: Balkan Peninsula, Small Asia, South Crimea, Western Armenia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Northeast Libya. The creators of the new cultural unity were, the Romans, Armenians, Syrians, Egyptian Copds and settlers in the borders of the Varvara Empire.

The most powerful cultural reservoir in this cultural diversity was an antique heritage. Long before the advent of the Byzantine Empire, thanks to Alexander Macedon's campaigns, all the peoples of the Middle East were subjected to a powerful unifying effects of ancient Greek, Hellenic, culture. This process was called Hellenization. Greek traditions and migrants from the West adopted. So the culture of the updated empire developed as a continuation of the main culture of ancient Greek. Greek language Already in the VII century. fertilely dominated in writing and oral speech Romeyev (Romans).

The East, unlike the West, did not happen to experience the rules of barbaric raids. Therefore, there was no terrible cultural decline. Most of the ancient Greco-Roman cities continued to exist in the Byzantine world. In the first centuries of the new era, they maintained the former appearance and the device. As in Eldead, the heart of the city-remained Agora is an extensive area where popular assets were held. Now, however, the people became increasingly going on the racetrack - the place of representations and races, declaring decrees and public executions. The city was decorated with fountains and statues, magnificent houses of local knowledge. Public buildings. In the capital - Constantinople - monumental palaces of emperors were erected by the best masters. The most famous of the early - the Big Imperial Palace of Justinian I, the famous Winner of the Germans, which was ruled in 527-565, was erected over the Marmara's Sea. The appearance and decoration of the metropolitan palaces reminded the times of the ancient Greek-Macedonian Vladyk of the Middle East. But the Byzantines used the Roman city-planning experience, in particular the water supply system and the baths (terms).

Most of the major cities of antiquity remained the centers of trade, crafts, science, literature and art. Such were Athens and Corinth in the Balkans, Ephesus and Nikeya in Malaya Asia, Antioch, Jerusalem and Berit (Beirut) in Siro-Palestines, Alexandria in ancient Egypt.

Wheel of many cities of the West He led to the displacement of trade routes to the east. At the same time, the invasions and captures of the barbarians made the land roads unsafe. The law and order remained only in the possessions of Constantinople emperors. Therefore, "dark", filled with centuries (V- VIII centuries) became sometimes the heyday of Byzantine ports. They served and transshipment points for military units sent to numerous wars and parking lots of the strongest in Europe of the Byzantine Fleet. But the main sense and the source of their existence was maritime trade. Romeev's trade ties extended from India to Britain.

Antique crafts continued to develop in the cities. Many products of the Earnevianizan masters are real works of art. Masterpieces of Romary Jewelers are made of precious metals and stones, from stained glass and ivory - caused admiration in the countries of the Middle East and barbaric Europe. Germans, Slavs, Gunns adopted the skill of Romeev, imitated them in their own creations.

Coins in the Byzantine Empire

In the whole of Europe, for a long time only a romary coin appeared. Constantinople's emperors continued to be chased Roman money, bringing only minor changes to their appearance. The right of Roman emperors to the authorities was not subject to even the lute enemies, and the only mint in Europe was confirmed. The first in the West dared to start the frank king's own coin in the second half of the VI century. However, and then the barbarians only imitated a Romainy pattern.

Heritage of the Roman Empire

Anotherly noticeable Roman heritage of Byzantium is traced in the state management system. Political figures and philosophers of Byzantium were not tired of repeating that Constantinople was a new Rome that they themselves - Roma, and their powers - the only Empire stored by God. The branched apparatus of the central government, the tax system, the legal doctrine of the inviolability of the imperial uniformly preserved in it without fundamental changes.

The everyday life of the emperor, a worship of him been inherited from the traditions of the Roman Empire. In the Late Rime period, even before the Byzantine era, the palace rituals included many elements of the eastern despoty. Vasilev, the emperor, appeared before the people only, accompanied by a brilliant suite and impressive armed guard, following in a strictly defined order. In front of Vasilevs, NIC extended, during the throne speech it was closed with special curtains, the right of the right to sit in his presence. Only the highest ranks of the empire were allowed to his meal. The reception of foreign ambassadors, whom the Byzantines tried to hit the magnitude of the emperor's power.

Central administration was concentrated in several departments-secrets: the head of the logo (ruler) of the Genicon - the main tax institution, the department of the military office, the office of mail and external relations, the Department of Property Management of the Imperial Family, etc. In addition to the staff of officials in the capital, each agency had officials sent with temporary orders in the province. There were also palace secrets that manage directly serviced the royal courtyard institutions: food, wardrobe, stable, repair.

Byzantium preserved the Roman law and the foundations of Roman proceedings. The development of Roman theory of law was completed in the Byzantine Epoch, such theoretical concepts Jurisprudence, as law, law, custom, was clarified by the difference between private and public law, the basics of regulating international relations, the norms of criminal law and the process were identified.

The heritage of the Roman Empire was a clear tax system. A free citizen or a peasant paid taxes and duties from all kinds of their property and from any kind of employment. He paid for the possession of the land, and for the garden in the city, and for Moula or sheep in Khlev, and for the room, surrendered by V., and for the workshop, and for the shop, and for the ship, and for the boat. Almost no goods on the market moved from hand to hand, bypassing the alert Oko officials.


Preserved Byzantium and Roman art of reference " right War" In the empire, it was carefully kept, rewriting and studied ancient strategic - treatises about military art.

Periodically, the authorities reformed the army, partly due to the emergence of new enemies, partly for its compliance with the possibilities and needs of the state itself. The basis of the Byzantine troops became cavalry. Its amount in the composition of the army hesitated from 20% in the late clock time to more than one third in the x century. A minor part, but very combatable steel of kataphractia - heavy cavalry.

Military fleet Byzantium was also direct inheritance of Rome. The following facts speak his strength. In the middle of the VII century. Emperor Konstantin V was able to send in the mouth of the Danube for conducting hostilities against Bulgarian 500 vessels, and in 766 - even over 2 thousand. The largest ships (Dromons) with three rows of fun were taken aboard to 100-150 soldiers and about the same Rowers.

Innovation on the fleet became "Greek fire" - a mixture of oil, combustible oils, asphalt of sulfur, - invented in VII century. And inspired horror on enemies. It was thrown out of the siphones arranged in the form of bronze monsters with loose pastes. Siphons could be rotated in different directions. The ejected fluid is self-replicated and burned even on the water. It is with the help of "Greek fire" the Byzantines beat two Arab invasions - in 673 and 718.

A military construction was perfectly developed in the Byzantine Empire, based on a rich engineering tradition. Byzantine engineers - the builders of fortresses were famous far outside the country, even in distant Khazaria, where the fortress was erected by their plans

Primorsky big cities In addition to the walls, underwater moles and massive chains were protected, blocking the entrance to the enemy fleet to the bay. Such chains were closed by the Golden Horn in Constantinople and the Bay of the Dessaloniki.

For the defense and siege of the fortresses, the Byzantines used various engineering facilities (pivans and frequencies, subpopters and mounds) and all sorts of guns. The Byzantine documents mentions the tarana, moving towers with overheaded bedtops, chanetable ballists, hooks for the capture and destruction of siege devices of the enemy, boilers from which boiling resin and melted lead poured on the heads of the precipitated.

Byzantium is an amazing medieval state in the south-east of Europe. A peculiar bridge, a relay stick between antiquity and feudalism. All his thousand-year existence is a continuous series of civilian and external enemies, Buntes of mobile, religious stripping, conspiracies, intrigues, government coups made by aware. Then taking off to the top of power, then overthrowing in the abyss of despair, decay, insignificance, Byzantia, nevertheless managed to keep himself for 10 centuries, being an example for contemporaries in state device, army organizations, trade, diplomatic art. Yes, and today, the chronicle of Byzantium is a book that teaches as it should and should not be managed by the country, the country, the world, demonstrates the importance of the role of a person in history, shows the sinfulness of human nature. At the same time, historians are still arguing than the Byzantine Society - Late Tanning, earlyFodal or something else *

The name of this new state was the "kingdom of Romeyev", in the Latin West, it was called "Romania", and the Turks later began to call the "state of rooms" or simply "Rum". Historians began in their writings to call this state "Byzantia" or "Byzantine Empire" after its fall

History of Constantinople Capital of Byzantium

Approximately 660 BC, the Bosphorus, the Black Sea Waves of the Bay of Golden Horn and the Marble Sea, and the Greek City of the Golden Horn and the Marble Sea, and the Greek city of Megar founded a trade outpost on the path from the Mediterranean in the Black Sea, named after the leader of the colonists of Byzanta. New town So called Byzantine.

Consisted by the Byzantiums near the seven hundred years, serving the transit point on the path of merchants and the seurines, following Greece to the Greek colonies of the northern shores of the Black Sea and Crimea and back. From the Metropolis, the merchants were brought wines and olive oil, fabrics, ceramics, other artisan products, back - bread and fur, ship and crab forest, honey, wax, fish and cattle. The city of Ros, rich and therefore was constantly under threat of an enemy invasion. More than once, his residents reflected on the onslaught of barbaric tribes from Thrace, Persians, Spartans, Macedonians. Only in 196-198 of our era, the city fell under the onslaught of the Legions of the Roman Emperor Septimia of the North and was destroyed

Byzantium is hardly the only state in history, having accurate birth dates and death: May 11, 330 - May 29, 1453

The story of Byzantium. Briefly

  • 324, November 8 - the Roman emperor Konstantin Great (306-37) founded the new capital of the Roman Empire on the site of the ancient Byzantium. What is the solution caused, it is not known. Perhaps Konstantin sought to create the Empire Center removed from Rome with his continuous gravestics in the struggle for the imperial throne.
  • 330, May 11 - solemn ceremony The proclaims of Constantinople with the new capital of the Roman Empire

The ceremony was accompanied by Christian and pagan religious rites. In memory of the founding of the city, Konstantin ordered the coin tool. On one side, the emperor himself was depicted in the helmet and with a spear in his hand. Here was the inscription - "Constantinople". On the other side - a woman with ears and a horn of abundance in her hands. The emperor bestowed by Constantinople Municipal Rome. Senate was established in it, the Egyptian bread, which previously supplied Rome, began to go to the needs of the population of Constantinople. Like Rome built on seven hills, Constantinople spread over the extensive territory of the seven hills of the Bosphorus Cape. During the reign of Constantine, about 30 magnificent palaces and temples, more than 4 thousand major buildings, in which he lived to know, Circus, 2 Theater and Hippodrome, more than 150 baths, about the same amount of bakery, as well as 8 water pipes

  • 378 - Battle of Adrianopol, in which the Romans were broken by the army ready
  • 379 - the Roman emperor was Feodosiya (379-395). He concluded the world with Gotami, but the position of the Roman Empire was fragile
  • 394 - Feodosius proclaimed Christianity the only religion of the empire and divided it between sons. Western gave Honoria, Eastern - Arkady
  • 395 - Constantinople became the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, which subsequently turned into the state of Byzantium
  • The Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire became the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, during which the walls that determined those boundaries in which Constantinople existed for many centuries were built around Constantinople.
  • 410, August 24 - the troops of the Westgot king Alarich seized and plundered Rome
  • 476 - Falling the Western Roman Empire. The leader of the Germans of the Odoacre supervision of the last emperor Western Empire Romula.

The first centuries of the history of Byzantium. Iconobracy

Byzantium entered the eastern half of the Roman Empire on the line, held on the western part of the Balkan to Kerenaiki. Located by Natrekh continents - at the junction of Europe, Asia and Africa, - she held an area of \u200b\u200bup to 1 million square meters. km, including the Balkan Peninsula, Small Asia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Kerenaica, part of Mesopotamia and Armenia, Islands, first of all, Crete and Cyprus, support possessions in Crimea (Chersonese), in the Caucasus (in Georgia), some areas of Arabia, Islands of the Eastern Mediterranean. Her borders stretched from the Danube to the Eufrat. The territory of the empire was tightly populated. According to some calculations, she had 30-35 million inhabitants. The main part was the Greeks and the Hellenized population. In addition to the Greeks in Byzantium, Syrians lived, Copts, Thracians and Illyrians, Armenians, Georgians, Arabs, Jews

  • V century, ending - VI century, the beginning is the highest lifting point of early Byzantium. The world reigned on the eastern border. From the Balkan Peninsula managed to remove the sharp (488), giving them Italy. At the board of Emperor Anastasia (491-518), the state had significant savings in the treasury.
  • VI-VII century - gradual liberation from Latin. Greek has become not only the language of the church and literature, but also the government.
  • 527, August 1, Emperor of Byzantium became Justinian I. With it, it was developed by the Code of Justinian - a set of laws regulated by all parties to the life of the Byzantine society, the temple of Saint Sophia was built - a masterpiece of architecture, an example of the highest level of development of the Culture of Byzantium; There was a rebellion of Constantinople in the story, which was in history under the name "Nika"

The 38-year-old Board of Justinian was a culmination and period of early Russian history. His activity played a significant role in the consolidation of the Byzantine society, the major successes of the Byzantine weapons, twice the borders of the Empire to the already never achieved later limits. His politics was strengthened by the authority of the Byzantine state, and the glory of the brilliant capital - Constantinople and the emperor ruled in it began to spread among peoples. The explanation of this "take-off" of Byzantium is the identity of Justinian himself: a tremendous ambition, mind, organizational talent, extraordinary performance, ("Emperor who never sleeps"), perseverance and perseverance in achieving its goals, simplicity and severity in the personal house, the cunning peasant who burst under the patient external inconsistency and tranquility to hide his thoughts and feelings

  • 513 - A young and energetic Hosra of I Anushirvan came to power in Iran.
  • 540-561 - The beginning of the large-scale war of Byzantium with Iran, in which Iran had a goal to overlap in the Transcaucasus and South Arabia - the links of Byzantium with the countries of the East, to go to the Black Sea and strike at rich eastern provinces.
  • 561 is a peace treaty of Byzantium with Iran. Was achieved at acceptable for Byzantium, but left the Byzantium ruined and devastated once richest eastern provinces
  • The 6th century - the invasion of the Huns and the Slavs to the Balkan territory of Byzantium. Their defense relied on the border fortress system. However, as a result of continuous invasions, the Balkan provinces of Byzantium were also ruined

To ensure the continuation of the hostilities, Justinianan had to increase the tax oppression, introduce new emergencies, natural duties, to close the eyes to the revised Lahochimity of officials, if only they provided admission to the treasury, it was necessary to minimize not only the construction, including military, but also sharply cut army. When Justinian died, his conjunct wrote: (Justinian died) "After filled the whole world with Ropot and Smooty"

  • VII century, the beginning - in many areas of the empire, the uprisings of slaves and ruined peasants broke out. Rebelled poor in Constantinople
  • 602 - Bunvaders raised to the throne of one of their military leaders - Foku. Against him was slaved to know, aristocracy, major landowners. The Civil War began, which led to the destruction of most of the old land aristocracy, sharply weakened the economic and political positions of this social layer.
  • 610, October 3 - the troops of the new emperor Irakli entered Constantinople. Foke was executed. Civil War Ended
  • 626 - War with Avar Kaganat, almost ending with the looting of Constantinople
  • 628 - Irakli Victory over Iran
  • 610-649 - The elevation of the Arab tribes of Northern Arabia. In the hands of Arabs, all Byzantine North Africa
  • VII century, the second half - the Arabs rolled the seaside Zozantium boards, repeatedly tried to capture Constantinople. To them passed the domination of the sea
  • 681 - The formation of the first Bulgarian kingdom, in the century, which became the main opponent of Byzantium in the Balkans
  • The VII century, the end of the 7th century, the beginning is a period of political anarchy in Byzantium, caused by the struggle for the imperial throne between the factories of feudal nobility. After overthrowing from the throne in 695, the emperor of Justinian II for two more than two decades on the throne was changed by six emperors
  • 717 - Trone captured Lion III ISAVR - founder of the new Isair (Syrian) dynasty, during the one and a half centuries ruled by Visantia
  • 718 - an unsuccessful attempt of Arabs to capture Consnatinetin. The turning date in the history of the country is the beginning of the birth of medieval Byzantium.
  • 726-843 - Religious dressing in Byzantium. Fight between iconoborets and icon

Byzantium in the era of feudalism

  • The VIII century - the quantity and importance of cities decreased in Byzantium, most of the seaside cities turned into small port villages, the urban population was kept, but the rural increase in labor, and became a deficit of the metal tools of labor, the trade was crushed, but significantly increased the role of natural exchange. These are all signs of formation in the Byzantium of feudalism
  • 821-823 - the first anti-refortion uprising of the peasants under the leadership of the Foma Slavyanin. The people were dissatisfied with the growth of taxes. The uprising was universal. The Army of Foma Slavikin hardly seized Constantinople. Only bribing some supporters of the Thomas and having received the support of the Bulgarian Khan of Omortaga, the emperor Mikhail II managed to defeat the rebels
  • 867 - The Emperor of Byzantium became Vasily I Macedonian First Emperor of the New Dynasty - Macedonian

She is the rules of Byzantium from 867 to 1056, which became for the Byzantium of the heyday. Its boundaries were spied almost to the limits of early Byzantium (1 million square meters km). She again belonged to Antioch and Northern Syria, the army stood on Euphrates, the fleet - at the coast of Sicily, defending southern Italy from the attempts of Arab invasions. The power of Byzantium recognized Dalmatia and Serbia, and in Transcaucasia, many rulers of Armenia and Georgia. The long fight against Bulgaria ended with the transformation of it in 1018 in the Byzantine province. The population of Byzantium reached 20-24 million people, of which 10% of citizens. Cities numbered about 400, with the number of residents from 1-2 thousand to tens of thousands. The most famous was Constantinople

Magnificent palaces and temples, a lot of prosperous trading and handicrafts, the raging port, whose berths had countless vessels, a multilingual, and a dressed crowd of citizens. Streets of the capital of Kisheli people. Most crowded in numerous shops in the central part of the city, in the ranks of the arthropolyon, where bakery and bakeries were located, as well as shops, where they traded vegetables and fish, cheese and different hot snacks. The common man was usually fed with vegetables, fish and fruit. In countless kabas and taverns, wine, pellets and fish were sold. These institutions were for the Constantinople poor people kinda clubs.

Proshiroshina juts in high and very narrow housesin which there were dozens of tiny apartments or camork. But this housing was expensive and inaccessible to many. The development of residential areas was very randomly. The houses were literally pose on each other, which was one of the reasons for huge destruction during frequent earthquakes here. Curves and very narrow streets were incredibly dirty, chosen by garbage. High houses did not miss daylight. At night, Constantinople's street was practically not covered. And although there was a night guardian, numerous piles of robbers were commissioned in the city. All city gates were locked at the night, and people who did not have time to go before their closure, had to spend the night in the open sky.

An integral part of the picture of the city was crowds of the beggars, who arrived at the foot of proud columns and at the pedestals of beautiful statues. Constantinople's beggars were a kind of corporation. Their day earnings had no every worker man

  • 907, 911, 940 - the first contacts and contracts of emperors of Byzantium with princes Kievan Rus Oleg, Igor, Princess Olga: Russian merchants were given the right of duty-free trade in the possessions of Byzantium, they were issued for free food and everything necessary for life in Constantinople for six months, as well as supplies on return trip. Igor assumed the obligation to defend the possessions of Byzantium in the Crimea, and the emperor gave a promise to provide military assistance to the Kiev prince if necessary
  • 976 - Imperial Trone occupied Vasily II

The Board endowed with extraordinary persistence, merciless determination, the administrative and military talent of Vasily of the second was the top of the Byzantine statehood. 16 thousand blinded by his order Bulgarians who brought him the nickname "Bulgarian" - a demonstration of determination mercilessly to deal with any opposition. Military successes of Byzantium in Vasily were the last major success

  • Xi century - the international position of Byzantium worsened. From the north of Byzantines, Pecheneg began to close, from the east - Seljuk Turks. In the 60s of the XI century. Byzantine emperors several times undertook campaigns against the Seljuk, but it was not possible to stop them. By the end of the XI century. Under the rule of Seljukov, almost all Byzantine possessions in Malaya Asia were. Normans entrenched in Northern Greece and on Peloponnese. From the north almost to the walls of Constantinople, the waves of pectic invasions were sought. The limits of the empire are inexorably decreased, and the ring around its capital gradually shrived.
  • 1054 - the Christian Church was divided into Western (Catholic) and Eastern (Orthodox). It was the most important event for the fate of Byzantium
  • 1081, April 4 - Alexey Komnnin went to the Byzantine throne - the first emperor of the new dynasty. His descendants of John II and Maiuil I were distinguished by the military valor and attention to state affairs. The dynasty was able to return the empire for almost a century, and the capital is shine and pomp

The economy of Byzantium experienced lifting. In the XII century It has become completely feudal and gave more and more product products, expanded the volume of his export to Italy, where the cities needed rapidly in need of grain, wine, butter, vegetables and fruits. The volume of commodity-money relations increased in the XII century. 5 times compared to the IX century. The Government of Komninov weakened the monopoly of Constantinople. In large provincial centers, produced production similar to Constantinople (Athens, Corinth, Nikeya, Smirna, Ephesus). The privileges of Italian merchandise were provided, which in the first half of the XII century stimulated the rise of production and trade, the crafts of many provincial centers

The death of Byzantium

  • 1096, 1147 - Knights of the first and second cross hike Pleased in Constantinople. The emperors with great difficulty looked off them.
  • 1182, May - Constantinople Mobile arranged Latin pogrom.

The townspeople of Zhgley and robbed the houses of the Venetians and the Genoesers who made up competition to local merchants, were killed, without disassembling age or gender. When a part of the Italians made an attempt to escape on their vessels that were in the harbor, they were destroyed by Greek Fire. Many Latinians were burned alive in their own homes. Rich and prosperous quarters were turned into ruins. Byzantines are thickened by the Latinyan church, their charitable institutions and hospitals. Many spiritual persons were killed, including the papal legate. Those Italians who managed to leave Constantinople before the start of the massacre began to break the Byzantine cities and villages on the banks of the Bosphorus and on the Printed Islands. They began to ubiquitously call the Latin West to Retribution.
All these events enhanced enmity between Byzantium and Western European countries.

  • 1187 - Byzantium and Venice entered into an alliance. Byzantium provided Venice all former privileges and full tax immunity. Relying on the Venice Fleet, his fleet of Byzantium has reduced to a minimum
  • 1204, April 13 - Constantinople took the storm members of the fourth crusade.

The city was subjected to pogrom. His destruction tried fires that were raging to autumn. Fires destroyed rich trade and crafts and completely disassembled merchants and artisans of Constantinople. After this terrible disaster, trading and craft corporations of the city have lost their former importance, and Constantinople has long lost its exceptional place in world trade for a long time. Many architectural monuments were killed and outstanding works of art.

The treasures of temples were a huge part of the production of crusaders. Venetians were taken out of Constantinople many rare art monuments. The former magnificence of the Byzantine Cathedrals after the era of crusades could be seen only in the Venice churches. The repository of the most valuable handwritten books - the focus of Byzantine Science and Culture - fell into the hands of Vandals, which arranged bivochny fires from the scrolls. The fire flew the works of ancient thinkers and scientists, religious books.
Catastrophe 1204 G. sharply slowed down the development of Byzantine culture

Constantinople's conquest Crusaders marked the wreck of the Byzantine Empire. There are several states on her wreckage.
Crusaders created the Latin Empire with the capital in Constantinople. It consisted of land on the shores of Bosphorus and Dardalandell, part of Frakia and a number of the islands of the Aegean Sea
Venice got the northern suburb of Constantinople and several cities on the seaside of the Marmara
The head of the fourth crusade of Bonifacea Monferratsky became the head of the Fessalonian kingdom created on the territory of Macedonia and Fessenia
The seasis princess appeared in the sea
On the Black Sea coast of Malaya Asia formed the Trapezund Empire
In the West of the Balkan Peninsula, Epirian Despotal appeared.
Nicea Empire was formed in the northwestern part of Malaya Asia - the strongest among all new states

  • 1261, July 25 - the army of the emperor of the Nicea Empire Mikhail VIII Paleologus seized Constantinople. The Latin Empire ceased to exist, and the Byzantine was restored. But the territory of the state declined several times. She belonged only to part of Frace and Macedonia, a few islands of the archipelago, separate areas of the Peloponnenne Peninsula and the north-western part of Malaya Asia. Not returned to the Byzantium and trade power.
  • 1274 - Wanting to strengthen the state Mikhail supported the idea of \u200b\u200bUlya with the Roman Church, in order to, relying on the assistance of the Pope, establish an alliance with the Latin West. This caused a split in the Byzantine society
  • XIV century - the Byzantine Empire was steadily to death. She was shaken by civilians, she was defeated by defeat in wars with external enemies. Imperial courtyard Mired in intrigues. Even the appearance of Konstantinople spoke about the sunset, "everyone got into the eyes that the imperial palaces and the chambers were notable were in the destruction and served the seizure places for the walking and cloacons; Equally, the magnificial buildings of the Patriarchate, surrounding the Great Temple of St. Sofia ... were destroyed or exterminated "
  • XIII century, the end - the XIV century, the beginning - in the north-western part of Malaya Asia arose a strong state of Turk Osmanov
  • XIV century, end - XV century first half - Turkish sultans from the Ottoman dynasty completely subordinate to themselves to small Asia, captured almost all ownership of the Byzantine Empire on the Balkan Peninsula. The power of the Byzantine emperors by that time was distributed only to Constantinople and minor territories around him. The emperors were forced to recognize themselves by vassals of Turkish sultans
  • 1452, Autumn - Turks took the last Byzantine cities - Mesimburgh, Annikal, Visa, Silivia
  • 1453, March - Constantinople surrounded by the huge Turkish army of Sultan Mehmed
  • 1453. May 28 - As a result of the storming of the Turks, Constantinople fell. The story of Byzantium is over

Dynasty of Byzantine emperors

  • Constantine Dynasty (306-364)
  • Valentinian-Feodosia Dynasty (364-457)
  • Lviv Dynasty (457-518)
  • Justinian Dynasty (518-602)
  • Irakli Dynasty (610-717)
  • Isavria Dynasty (717-802)
  • Nikifora Dynasty (802-820)
  • Frigian Dynasty (820-866)
  • Macedonian Dynasty (866-1059)
  • Dynasty DUK (1059-1081)
  • Comnin Dynasty (1081-1185)
  • Angel Dynasty (1185-1204)
  • Dynasty of Paleologists (1259-1453)

Basic Military Rivals Byzantium

  • Varvara: Vandals, Ostrogot, Westges, Avars, Langobard
  • Iranian kingdom
  • Bulgarian kingdom
  • Hungarian kingdom
  • Arab Khalifat.
  • Kievan Rus
  • Pechenegi
  • Turks-Seljuki
  • Turks-Osmanas

What does Greek fire mean?

The invention of the Kalinist Constantinople (end of the VII century) is an incered mixture of resin, sulfur, nitrate, combustible oils. The fire was thrown from special copper pipes. It was impossible to extinguish it

*used books
Yu. Petrosyan " Ancient city on the shores of the Bosphorus "
Mr. Kurbatov "History of Byzantium"

"The history of one city" is a stunning novel of the Russian writer Saltykov-Shchedrin. The novel consists of 15 parts. He came out in 1980 and immediately caused the resonance among the inhabitants of Russia. The author was prescribed distortion of historical data of Russia and accused him of a mockery over all residents of this majestic country.

Note! The novel is written in the genre of satire. He refuses true persons and morals, reflects the relationship between the ruling parties with the people.

In the creation, the desire of the people is conquered by the government. The novel refers to the Russian classics and tells about the history of the city called "silly" and the life of his town teams. The events of the book occur in the 18-19 century. By the reasons of this novel in 1991, the film was removed by the directories:

  • Valentin Karavaev.
  • Liliana Monakhova.

The book is written very interesting, from the first minutes of reading a person is transferred to the 18th century and observes the true confusion of power and the people. Those who read the novel remained delighted with a satirical plot to historical data.

But due to employment, not everyone can fully read this book due to its large volume. Therefore, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the summary of the head of the story of one city, presented in the form of the famous story.

Table: Main Heroes Tale.

Name of the main character Characteristic
Ferdychenko Peter Petrovich Petr Petrovich in the story acts as a Grador, former twin at Prince Potemkin.

Initially, Peter did not intervene in the affairs of the city, but after six years I realized that with the help of power you can quench greed and lust.

Ugryum burver The last governor of the city of stupid. His appearance is noted in the last chapter of a satirical story.

The hero is characterized as a selfish person who does not take into account the requirements and wishes of residents of the city.

Pimple Ivan Panteleevich Governor in colonel shames. During his government, the province colonel brought the city to an unusual abundance.
Brudatiy Demente Varlamovich Dementy Varlamovich is known as "Organic". He is one of the governors of the city. I was remembered by the reader a unique phrase "won't suffer."

Dementy Varlamovich was horrified on most of the inhabitants of Silly.

Breakov Semen Konstantinovich He became a duct after Dementi Varlamovich. Ensured such an important post with one goal - to bring the city from the University and establish life in it.

I remember the reader with the original decree on the mandatory use of mustard and laurel sheet.

Silly Indigenous residents of the city of stupid.
Borodavkin Vasilis Semenovich Vasilis Semenovich became the smallest governor of the city. He was dreaming with military hikes and victories, but he limited himself only by the war with the inhabitants of silly.

About the root of the origin of silly

This chapter will draw the story of the emergence of silly. In ancient times, the people existed are groovy. They recognized that without the ruler it would be difficult for them to restore and began to look for the governor. They applied to many princes, but they refused because of the stupidity of the population. No one wanted to become a garde stick.

The people appealed to a person with the nickname "Thief Shovel" with a request to find the ruler to them. The thief found the governor, but he did not want to settle with them on one earth and he sent the Vorah as his governor, who renamed her in silly and assigned the name "stupid".

The new ruler was distinguished by greed and greed, so soon he was sentenced to the death treasury.

The chapter also indicates all city governors:

  • Amadeus Clementy.
  • Foty Ferrapontov.
  • Ivan giakanov.
  • Manyl Urus-Kugush Kildibaev.
  • Lamercass.
  • Ivan Blanklan.
  • Bogdan Pfefer.
  • Dementi Brudy.
  • Semyon bobbies.
  • Marquis Sangtle.
  • Peter Ferdyshchenko.
  • Vasilisk Borodavkin.
  • Onufriy villains.
  • Xavieri Mikladze.
  • Feofilakt Benevolensky.
  • Ivan pimple.
  • Nicodemus Ivanov.
  • Erast of sadness.
  • Uryum burver.
  • Viscount Sharicio.
  • Arresting Zalijatsky.

Important! This title also indicates that the city of the week was without ruler.


The title lashes the arrival of a new commander who remembered all two phrases:

  • "Will not fail."
  • "Razor".

Residents of the city noted that a few ruler is such because there is no lack of brain in the head. His head turned out to be empty. It was installed in it, produced only two compositions.

But the head broke. After this terrible find, the people called the wizard to repair the head, but he could not fix it. After that, a bustle and lawlessness began in the city, which lasted 7 days.

Tale of the six Gradnitsa (painting of the silly inter part)

The head of the struggle of three women who wanted to become government officials.

Note! All three contenders had significant grounds for the public post.

But besides them, they fought for power:

  1. Nelka Lyadohovskaya.
  2. Dunka.
  3. Matrius.

Table: Basic contenders for public post.

The war for power between these six women led the city to destroy and anarchy, which managed to bob.

News about bobbers

The arrival of the bobbin to power significantly changed the established order of the life of the silly.

Semen Konstantinovich during his reign:

  • Tried to create an academy, but he did not succeed.
  • He accepted a decree on the cultivation and consumption of mustard and laurel sheet.
  • Injured in silly brewing.

Important! Breaks are a smart ruler, but for disobedience punished people with shocks.

Hungry city

After the death of the bobbin and the rule of the Marquise of Sanglot, Ferdychenko comes to power.

Events chapter "Hungry City":

  • The arrival of the new governor.
  • Hobbating the ruler of a married woman named Alena.
  • Sending a husband with your beloved in Siberia.
  • Start drought and hunger.
  • Death of Alena from the hands of the silly.
  • The beginning of the war between the people and the ruler.
  • The doubt of the inhabitants with the help of troops.

Straw city

After the death of Aleninka and war in the city, peace temporarily occurs.

Note! But calm stops with the new hobby of the governor of the Strelchikha named the house.

Table: Event chronology after the ruler in love.

Fantastic traveler

Event chronology in the "Fantastic Traveler" section:

  • After a series of unpleasant events, the governor decides to go on a journey around the surrounding area.
  • On the trip, people treat him various culinary abundances.
  • Three days after departure, the Gradchalnik becomes bad against the background of gluttony and overeating. He is dying.
  • A new ruler is coming to replace him - Borodavkin.

Important! Vasilisk Semenovich laid the foundation of the abundant life of the fool.

Wars for enlightenment

Chronology of events:

  1. Borodavkin introduces the cultivation of the Persian chamomile.
  2. Renewing the cultivation of mustard.
  3. The new ruler collects a hike, which lasted only 9 days.

During the reign of this governor of stupid became a poor city. He left his state post before ordered to burn the city and all his population.

The era of dismissal from wars

The field of the destructive board of the old governor, the city finally dismissed and to save it to the ruler's place began to appoint no less irresponsible and selfish person.

Note! In this chapter, the post of the city holder replaced 4 people at once.

Table: Rulers in this chapter in order.

Ruler Description of his board
Captain Nogodaliv The captain became the successor of Wordavina. But in the state post he lasted for a long time, he was fired due to disagreement with the constitutional rights and responsibilities of residents.
Micheladze Claimed ruler of the city. He did not do the affairs of silly. I remember the viewer as Casanova and the heart.
Benevolensky Posted a large number of Legislative acts that have not had the right to write.

With this case, he was engaged in underground, agitating the people to follow new laws. For such illegal activities, the governor was fired.

Acne With a haremaster, the city "bought" in abundance and wealth. But the fate of acne was tragic. His head ate one of the leaders of the nobility.

Mammon worship and repentance

Chronology of events:

  • Ivanov becomes the next mayor of the city. During his reign, residents do not know poverty. But the governor is dismissed.
  • For him, the post of mayor is held by Du Shario, who laid the cult of the worship of the pagan gods.
  • After him, the state post occupies sadlies. But the responsibilities of the mayor notices that the inhabitants live in debauchery.

Important! The last ruler of this chapter is arrested for non-compliance with their official obligations.

Confirmation repentance. Conclusion

Events B. chronological order:

  • The place of the mayor occupies a sullen-burver.
  • He introduces strict regime In silly and forces the inhabitants to obey.
  • After occurrence natural cataclysmThe cruel governor disappears.
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