And Tolstoy Peter the first novel read. Petr Book First Read Online

A. N. Tolstoy Roman "Peter First" created about a half decades. Three books were written, the continuation of the epic was planned, but even the third book was not communicated to the end. Before writing the author deeply studied historical sourcesAnd as a result, we have the opportunity to see the portrait of the creator of the empire.

"Peter the first" is a novel about the nras and to be the epoch, in which the magnificent portraits of Petrovsky time are given. This largely contributes to the language that conveys the flavor of the XVII century.

King childhood and youth

After the death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and then his son to power sought to come to the active and energetic Sophia Alekseevna, but the boyars prophesy to the kingdom of Peter - a healthy and fool's son Naryshkin. "Peter the first" is a novel who describes the tragic events in Russia, where the old man is right and knowledge, not the mind and business qualities, where life flows across the old man.

Attachment of Sofia Sagittarius demands that they show two young Tsarevichi Ivan and Peter, who are later deployed to the kingdom. But despite this, in the state, their sister Sophia rules. She sends Golitsyn's Vasily to the Crimea to fight with the Tatars, but hempsiously returns russian army. Meanwhile, Petrusha is growing up from the Kremlin. "Peter First" - a novel who acquainted the reader with those persons who are later the companions of Peter: Alexashka Menshikov, smart boyar Fedor Zommer. In German Sloboda, young Peter meets from which later becomes an unailed queen. Meanwhile, the mother marries the Son on Evdokia Lopukhina, which does not understand the aspirations of her husband and gradually becomes a burden. So rapidly develops the effect in the novel of Tolstoy.

"Peter the first" is a novel, which in the first part shows, in what conditions the incrementable character of the autocrat is discharged: conflicts with Sofia, the capture of Azov, great embassy, \u200b\u200bwork on shipyards in the Netherlands, return and bloody suppression of Streletsky rebound. It is clear one thing - Russia of Byzantine in Peter will not be.

Maturity autocrat

How does the king build new country, shows in the second volume A. Tolstoy. Peter the first does not give to sleep Boyars, elevates an active merchant of Brovkina, gives his daughter Sanka married to their former Mr. and the owner of Volkova. The young king eager to bring the country to the seas to free trade freely and duty free. It organizes in Voronezh the construction of the fleet. Later, Peter floats to the shores of the Bosphorus. By this time, Franz Lefut died - true friend And the assistant who understood the king is better than he himself. But the thoughts laid down by Leftor who could not formulate Peter begin to be implemented. He is surrounded by active energetic people, and all the suede and hospitable boyars, like Bunosov, have to pull out of their dorm. The merchant Brovkin is gaining great strength in the state, and his daughter, a noble boyfriend of Volkova, masters Russian and foreign languages And dreams about Paris. The son of Yakov - on the fleet, Gavril is studying in Holland, Artamosha, who received a good education, helps his father.

War with Sweden

Already laid on the brakes and swampy St. Petersburg - the new capital of Russia.

Natalia, Favorite Sister Peter, in Moscow does not give to dorm to the Boyars. She puts performances, suits the European yard of his beloved Peter - Catherine. In the meantime, war begins with Sweden. About 1703-1704 tells in the third book A. Tolstoy. Peter the first acts at the head of the troops and after a long siege takes Narva, and the general of the commandant of the fortress of Mountain, who is committed to senseless death of many people, lead to prison.

Person Petra

Peter is the central personality of the work. In the novel introduced a lot acting persons From the people who see in it and replaced abroad of the ruler, and the king of the reformer, who hardworking and does not have black work: he himself rubs the ax when building ships. The king is torturing, easy to communicate, leaning in battle. Roman "Peter First" The image of Peter is in dynamics and development: from a young low-fledged boy, who already in childhood begins to plan the creation of a new type army, to the purposeful builder of a huge empire.

On his way, he sweeps everything that Russia prevents Russia to turn into a full-fledged European state. The main thing for him at any age is to dream old, stale, everything that prevents movement forward.

Memorable paintings created A. N. Tolstoy. Roman "Peter First" reads easily and captures the reader immediately. Language is rich, fresh, historically accurate. The artistic skill of the writer is based not only on talent, but also on a deep study of the original sources (works by N. Ustrylova, S. Solovyova, I. Golikova, diaries and notes of contemporaries Peter, tovical records). Based on the novel, feature films are put.

Sanka jumped off the oven, hit the back of the door. The yashka, Gavrilka and Articheka, quickly peehed behind Sanya: Suddenly everyone wanted to drink, - jumped into dark sies after the cloud of a couple and smoke from the blackened hut. A little bluish light was fermented into the window through the snow. Students. Oblaged waters with water, walked wooden bucket.

Chad jumped from foot to the leg, "everyone was Bosa, Sanki's head was tied with a handkerchief, gavrilka and articula in some shirts, to the navel.

- Door announced! - screamed the mother from the hut.

Mother stood in the oven. On the sixth brightly tanned raysin. Mattern wrinkled face lit by fire. The scary of all flashed from under the ripped fee, appointed eyes - as on the icon. Sanya for some reason I was sanging, slammed the door from all over. Then he crumbled the sterchase water, bored, bit the ice and gave to get drunk his brothers. Whispered:

- Drink? And then on the courtyard we run away, let's see - the babes of the horse harnesses ...

In the yard, his father was packed in Sani. Fucking a quiet snowball, the sky was snowy, a tank was sitting on a high ton, and here are not so students, like in the Seine. On Bath, Ivan Artemich, - so called his mother, and people himself, and he himself in humans - Ivashka, nicknamed Brovkin, - the high cap will be thrown on angry eyebrows. The redhead beard is not scheduling from the very cover ... Mittens sticking out the sinus of a semidic caftana, subjected to low scroll, Napti evil squeezed through the roadside snow: Bati did not fit with a dressing ... Rotia was giving away, some nodes. With his annoyance, he shouted on the Roven Horse, the same as the bass, a short-sided, with a bloated belly:

- Balute, unclean spirit!

Chad cited a small need for the porch and fought on the outstanding threshold, although the frost caught. Articheka, the smallest, barely spoke:

- Nicavo, I'll get warm on the stove ...

Ivan Artemich Podpharg and began to steal a horse from the baff. Horse drank for a long time, inflating the Boca Boca: "Well, feed the injignment, I can't get enough" ... Daja put on the mittens, took from the sleigh, from under straw, whip.

- Run to the hut, I am! He shouted by Chadam. Fallen sideways on Sani and, swinging outside the gate, Rynsty went past the high fir trees shoved by the snow on the estate of the Son of the Noborsky Volkova.

- Oh, students, Lyutu, said Sanka.

Chad rushed into the dark hut, climbed onto the oven, knocked her teeth. Under the black ceiling, a warm, dry smoke, went into a wolf window over the door: The hut was treated in black. Mother worked the dough. The yard, after all, was a guise - horse, cow, four chicken. About Ivashka Brovkin said: strong. Fallen from a sole step into the water, sleeved coal raysin. Sanka pulled on himself, on the brothers Barbus Tulup and under Tulup, again began to whisper about different passions: about those, do not be remembered, who is rustled at night in the underground ...

- Live, burnt my eyes, so caught ... At the threshold - litter, and on the sare - a broom ... I look from the stove, - with us the crop power! From under the broom - shaggy, with cat mustache ...

- Oh, oh, oh, they were afraid under Tulup small.

A slightly fated road led the forest. Century pines closed the sky. Burner, a chapher - heavy places. The land of this Vasily, the son of wolves, in the year before last was at the discoverty from the Father, the Moscow servant of the nobleman. The right order was completed by Vasily by four fifty decades, and the peasants attributed to thirty-seven souls with families.

Vasily put the estate, yes propagated, half of the earth had to lay in the monastery. The monks gave money to a big height - twenty-kopecks from the ruble. And it was necessary on the layout to be on the sovereign service at a good one, in the shell, with a saber, with food and taking with me warriors, three men, on the horses, in the ones, in the sabers, in Saadaki ... Already hard to monastic money raised He is a weapon. And live yourself? And to feed the palanche? And the growth of paying monks?

The royal treasury does not know the mercy. Not that a year is a new unit, new money - feed, road, tributes and regulations. Is it a lot of things going? And everyone asks from the landowner - why lazy to knock out the lifts. And from the man more than one skins do not minimize. The state has exhausted at the deceased king Aleksa Mikhailovich from wars, from smut and riots. As the thief of Anathema Stenka Razin was wagged on the ground, - the peasants forgot God. A little impressing stronger, - the teeth are scalating in Wolf. From the burden to be running to the Don, - where did they get them with a letter or a saber to get.

The horse flew to the roadside, the whole was covered with Inem. The branches hung the arc, poured a snowy dust. After reaching the trunks, fluffy proteins looked at the passage, the death in the forests was this protein. Ivan Artemich lay in the sleigh and thought - the man only remained a man: think ...

"Well, okay ... that is supposed to give it ... to pay, this is paid ... but - a breakdown, a kind of state! - Do you have it up? We do not run away from work, tolerant. And in Moscow, the boyars in golden cras began to ride. Feed him and on the crawl of the devil. Well, okay ... you make, take, what do you need, but do not bark ... And this guys, two skins fuck - mischief. Sovereign people now divorced - spit, and there, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali Codel is sitting, writes ... And one man is one ... oh, guys, I'd rather run away, the beast of me in the forest feels, death rather than this mischief ... so you are long on us Do not feed ... "

Ivashka Brovkin thought, maybe, so, maybe not so. From the forest to the road left, standing in a sleigh on the knees, Gypsy (on nicknamed), the Volkovsky, a peasant, black, with a smarter, man. Fifteen years old he was in the run, flew near the courtyard. But a decree came out: to return to the landowners of all runaway without limitation. Gypsy took under Voronezh, where he was peasant, and returned to the older wolf. He again was rebuilt the lapti, "they caught, and there was a gypsy to beat the whip without mercy and keep in prison, - on the estate of Volkova, - and how the skin approaches, having drowned out, to beat him back without mercy and throw him back in Prison, to him, Pluto, Warmer, to continue to run unwild. Gypsy only to the topics, he was unsubscribed to Vasilyev Dacha.

"Great," said Tsygan Ivan and moved to his sleigh.

- Great.

- I can not hear anything?

- Good if nothing can be heard ...

Gypsy removed the mittens, blown the mustache, beard, hiding the shower:

- met in the forest of man: the king, says, roms.

Ivan Artemech brought to Sanya. I took the horror ... "TPRU" ... pulled the cap, crossed:

- Who will they say to the king now?

- Oaksya, says, no one, like a boy, Peter Alekseevich. And he barely threw ...

- Well, a guy! - Ivan walked the cap, the eyes were afraid. - Well, the guy ... wait now the boyars kingdom. All with a defect ...

- Wait, and maybe nothing is so. - Gypsy slipped down. Winked. - This man talked to - to be a smoothie ... maybe there is still a live, we will joy, tea - experienced. - Gypsy scalled the hearsh teeth and laughed, coughed on the whole forest.

The squirrel rushed from the barrel, flew across the road, Snow sprinkled, played a post of needles in oblique light. The big raspberry sun hung at the end of the road over the hill, over high frequencies, steep roofing and smoke of the Volkovo estate ...

Ivashka and Gypsy left horses around the high gate. Above them under a two-tie roof - the image of the honest Cross of the Lord. Next stretched the entire estate of the non-loyal tune. Although Tatars meet ... The men removed the caps. Ivashka took the ring in the gate, said as it should be:

- Lord Isus Christ, the Son of God, nice us ...

Sripping with lapties, Averyan came out of the colvers, the watchman, looked at the gap, - her. Speak: Amen, - and began to turn out the gate.

Guys brought horses to the courtyard. Stood without caps, set on the salivary winds of the boyars. There, in the choir, led the porch with a steep staircase. Beautiful porch of carved wood, roof on bulk. Above the porch - a roof - a tent, with two semi-bodies, with a gilded ridge. The lower housing is hollowing - from the mighty logs. She prepared her Vasily Volkov, under the pantry for winter and summer reserves - bread, saltinists, pickles, urenations of different. But, the men knew, - in the storeroom he had some mice. And the porch - God forbid a different prince: the porch is rich ...

Roman A.N. Tolstoy Peter the First

Shemyakina Lyudmila

11 cl.

Roman A.N. Tolstoy "Peter the first" A.M. Gorky called "the first

in our literature, a real historical novel "," Book -

for a long time.

Relaxed one of the most interesting eras in Russia's development -

the era of the root breakage of patriarchal Russia and the struggle of the Russian

people for their independence, Roman A.N. Tolstoy "Peter First"

will always attract readers with their patriotism, unusual

freshness and high artistic skill.

This novel introduces the reader with Russia end of XVII -

early XVII century, draws a struggle of a new young Russia, striving

to progress, with Russia old, patriarchal, clinging

for the old days, it approves the irresistibleness of the new one. "Peter first" is

a huge historical canvas, the widest painting of morals, but

first of all, this is, according to A.S.Serafimovich, a book about Russian


The identity of Peter and his era was worried about the imagination of writers,

artists, composers of many generations. From Lomonosov to

the day the topic of Peter does not come down from pages of artistic

teaturas. Pushkin, Nekrasov, L. Tolstoy, Block, and others turned to her.

Over twenty years worried the topic of Peter and Alexey Tolstoy:

the story "Peter's Day" was written in 1917, the last challenges

you are his historical novel "Peter First" - in 1945. Not immediately

i managed to A.N. Tolstoy deep, truthfully and comprehensively draw a pet

rovsky era, show the character of Petrovsky transformations.

"I was aimed at Peter for a long time, from the beginning of the February

revolution, - wrote A.N. Tolstoy. - I saw all the stains on his cam

alas, - But still Peter stuck in the mystery in the historical fog. "

This is also evidenced by his story "Peter's Day", and

gedia "On Diff" (1928).

It is characteristic that A.N. Tolstoy appealed to the Petrovsk epoch

1917; In the distant past, he tried to find answers to Mu

his questions about the fate of the Motherland and the people. Why exactly

a writer addressed this epoch? Petrovskaya Epoch - time

educational reforms, native breaking of patriarchal rus

he was taken as something resembling 1917.

In the story "Day of Peter" Tolstoy sought to show Peter

The first pilot landowner who wants to change the life of

noah country. "Yes, fully, - he writes, if the king wanted good Russia

Peter? That was Russia to him, the king, the owner, tavering his annoyance

and jealousy: how it is his courtyard and cattle, bars and all

it is worse, a stupid neighbor? "Negative attitude to Peter

and its converter activity was associated as

gaut researchers, with rejection and misunderstanding A.N. Tolstov in

1917 by the October Revolution.

In the play "On the DB" there is a wider characteristic of the time

meni Peter and his environments. The epoch is still in the gloomy

tones. Through a number of episodes passes the motive of the tragic

nativity Peter. He is alone in his vast country for which

roy "Belly has not regretted"; People against the converter. Lonely

Peter and in the middle of their "chicks": Menshikov, Shafirov, Shakhovskaya-

all liar and thieves. Lonely Peter and in his family - he changes him

Catherine. Despite the fact that in the tragedy "on the punch" (on

boo is raised by Peter all Russia) Peter has already been drawn

by the state leader, he still remained for Tolstoy

the mystery is from here and the approval by the writer's futility

converter activity and image collapse of all it

perennial works. Element wins Peter, and not the opposite, as

pushkin in the poem " Bronze Horseman ".

One of the best works Soviet literature on historical

the topic was "Excellent", according to A.M. Gorky, Roman

A.N. Tolstoy "Peter First".

The beginning of work on this novel coincides with the events,

in the life of our country. 1929 - year of historical fracture.

It is at this time that Tolstoy again refers to the image

Petrovskaya era. He feels the rollback of the distant Petrovsky,

"When cracks and collapses old world", with our time,

there is a certain consonance between these two era.

Ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Peter first"

1. First of all, the writer had to determine what would

for him the main thing in the novel, and from these positions to select

related material in the writings of historians, historical documents,

memoirs. This major for Tolstoy, according to him, appeared

"The formation of a person in the era." He spoke about it in conversation

with the team of the editorial office of the magazine "Change": "Personality

in the historical era - the thing is very complicated. This is one of the tasks.

my novel. "

2. Otherwise, the question is solved and the question of Petrovsky transformations. All

structure of the narrative, the whole system artistic images should

were emphasized the progressive importance of converter measures

pleasses, their historical pattern and necessity.

3. One of the most important tasks was for fat "identification

era moving forces "- permission of the problem of the people, his historical

whole role in all country transformations finally

complex relationships of Peter and the people.

These are the main tasks, whose resolution is thick

come only in the late 20s. Ideological idea Roman found

the corresponding expression in the composition of the work, in all its


Composition and plot of the novel

"The historical romance cannot be written in the form of a chronicle, in the form of

stories ... need first of all, as in every artistic

the canvas - composition, architectonics of the work. What it is -

composition? This is primarily the establishment of the center, the center of view

the artist ... In my novel, the center is Figure Peter I.

So, in the center of the narration of Tolstoy - Peter, the formation of it

personality. However, the novel did not let the masterfully written

peter's biography. Why? Tolstoy it was important to show not only

Peter as a big historical figure, but also an era that

contributed to the formation of this figure.

The formation of the personality of Peter and the image of the era in her historical

clear movement determined composite features novel.

Tolstoy is not limited to the image of life and activity

his hero, he creates a multifaceted composition, which gives him

the ability to show the lives of the most different layers of the population of Russia,

the life of the masses. All classes and groups of Russian society

presented in the novel: peasants, soldiers, firemen, artisans,

nobles, boyars. Russia is shown in a rapid flow of historical

events in the collision of public strength.

Strikes the wide coverage of the events of the Petrovsk era, variety

created characters.

The action is transferred from the poor peasant huts of eggs

kina on the noisy areas of the old Moscow; from the Svetlitsy power,

the predatory printed sofya - on the red porch in the Kremlin, where

kiye Peter becomes eyewittress of fierce cruising

venev; From the chambers of Natalia Kirovna in the Preobrazhensky Palace -

in the German slob, from there in the steppe scaled by the southern sun,

for which the army of Golitsin is slowly moving; from Troitsko-Ser-

guys Lavra, where night from the Preobrazhensky palace fled

Peter, - in Arkhangelsk, under Azov, abroad.

The first chapters of the novel paint the fierce struggle for power between

two boyars groups - Miloslav and Naryshkin, representing

old, boyars, Doparerovskaya Rus. Neither

the group did not interest the interests of the state, nor the fate of the people.

Tolstoy signs it with almost the same type of remarks evaluating

board of some and others. "And everything went old. Nothing is not

it happened. Over Moscow, over cities, over hundreds of counties ...

sour centenary twilight - poverty, butter, idleness "(after

victories of Miloslavsky); But the Naryshkina won - "... became

mother and edit as old custom. Changes special did not happen "

This understands the people himself: "That Vasily Golitsyn, that Boris -

one of them is joy. "

Tolstoy shows that the people play a decisive role in those

events that are played in the Kremlin. Only with support

the people of Naryshkin managed to break Miloslavsky, etc. Displeasure

the people their position manifests itself in a number of mass scenes.

Approximately from the fourth chapter of the first book Tolstoy shows

how increasingly the relationship between Mattering Peter

and Sofia, which leads to the fall of the former government later.

Peter Stonalizy the autocratic ruler and with his characteristic

determination, overcoming the resistance of the boyars, starts the struggle

with Byzantine Rus. "All Russia rested, - writes Tolstoy. Felling

change, "hated the speed and cruelty of the innovative not only

boyars, but also a local nobility, and clergy, and Sagittarius:

"It was not a world, but a zabak, everyone breaks, everyone is disturbing ... do not live -

hurry ... in the abyss we ride ... "resisted and the people -" Little

it was the same burden - fibers for a new incomprehensible work - on

shipbuilding shipyards in Voronezh ". Fighting in the forest is dense,

on the Don - the response of the people to all the life of life during the reign

The first book ends with a cruel suppression by Peter Streletsky

rebellion. Her final is better to read out loud: "All winter were torture and

executions ... The whole country was covered by horror. Old worn by

dark corners. The Byzantine Rus ended. In Martov Wind

they mounted behind the Baltic coasts of the ghosts of commercial ships. "

"Peter First" is an epochal historic novel dedicated to the greatest Russian monarchs.
Impristently written, unique style and scale of the epic events, in which literally comes to life of one of the brightest and difficult periods of the history of our country - the time when "Russia is young man-made by the genius of Peter" - emperor, military leadership, builder and fleets!

Read book Peter first online

First book

Chapter first

Sanka jumped off the oven, hit the back of the door. The yashka, Gavrilka and Articheka, quickly peehed behind Sanya: Suddenly everyone wanted to drink, - jumped into dark sies after the cloud of a couple and smoke from the blackened hut. A little bluish light was fermented into the window through the snow. Students. Oblaged waters with water, walked wooden bucket.

Chad jumped from foot to the leg, "everyone was Bosa, Sanki's head was tied with a handkerchief, gavrilka and articula in some shirts, to the navel.

- Door announced! - screamed the mother from the hut.

Mother stood in the oven. On the sixth brightly tanned raysin. Mattern wrinkled face lit by fire. The scary of all flashed from under the ripped fee, appointed eyes - as on the icon. Sanya for some reason I was sanging, slammed the door from all over. Then he crumbled the sterchase water, bored, bit the ice and gave to get drunk his brothers. Whispered:

- Drink? And then on the courtyard we run away, let's see - the babes of the horse harnesses ...

In the yard, his father was packed in Sani. Fucking a quiet snowball, the sky was snowy, a tank was sitting on a high ton, and here are not so students, like in the Seine. On Bath, Ivan Artemich, - so called his mother, and people himself, and he himself in humans - Ivashka, nicknamed Brovkin, - the high cap will be thrown on angry eyebrows. The redhead beard is not scheduling from the very cover ... Mittens sticking out the sinus of a semidic caftana, subjected to low scroll, Napti evil squeezed through the roadside snow: Bati did not fit with a dressing ... Rotia was giving away, some nodes. With his annoyance, he shouted on the Roven Horse, the same as the bass, a short-sided, with a bloated belly:

- Balute, unclean spirit!

Chad cited a small need for the porch and fought on the outstanding threshold, although the frost caught. Articheka, the smallest, barely spoke:

- Nicavo, I'll get warm on the stove ...

Ivan Artemich Podpharg and began to steal a horse from the baff. Horse drank for a long time, inflating the Boca Boca: "Well, feed the injignment, I can't get enough" ... Daja put on the mittens, took from the sleigh, from under straw, whip.

- Run to the hut, I am! He shouted by Chadam. Fallen sideways on Sani and, swinging outside the gate, Rynsty went past the high fir trees shoved by the snow on the estate of the Son of the Noborsky Volkova.

- Oh, students, Lyutu, said Sanka.

Chad rushed into the dark hut, climbed onto the oven, knocked her teeth. Under the black ceiling, a warm, dry smoke, went into a wolf window over the door: The hut was treated in black. Mother worked the dough. The yard, after all, was a guise - horse, cow, four chicken. About Ivashka Brovkin said: strong. Fallen from a sole step into the water, sleeved coal raysin. Sanka pulled on himself, on the brothers Barbus Tulup and under Tulup, again began to whisper about different passions: about those, do not be remembered, who is rustled at night in the underground ...

- Live, burnt my eyes, so caught ... At the threshold - litter, and on the sare - a broom ... I look from the stove, - with us the crop power! From under the broom - shaggy, with cat mustache ...

- Oh, oh, oh, they were afraid under Tulup small.

A slightly fated road led the forest. Century pines closed the sky. Burner, a chapher - heavy places. The land of this Vasily, the son of wolves, in the year before last was at the discoverty from the Father, the Moscow servant of the nobleman. The right order was completed by Vasily by four fifty decades, and the peasants attributed to thirty-seven souls with families.

Vasily put the estate, yes propagated, half of the earth had to lay in the monastery. The monks gave money to a big height - twenty-kopecks from the ruble. And it was necessary on the layout to be on the sovereign service at a good one, in the shell, with a saber, with food and taking with me warriors, three men, on the horses, in the ones, in the sabers, in Saadaki ... Already hard to monastic money raised He is a weapon. And live yourself? And to feed the palanche? And the growth of paying monks?

The royal treasury does not know the mercy. Not that a year is a new unit, new money - feed, road, tributes and regulations. Is it a lot of things going? And everyone asks from the landowner - why lazy to knock out the lifts. And from the man more than one skins do not minimize. The state has exhausted at the deceased king Aleksa Mikhailovich from wars, from smut and riots. As the thief of Anathema Stenka Razin was wagged on the ground, - the peasants forgot God. A little impressing stronger, - the teeth are scalating in Wolf. From the burden to be running to the Don, - where did they get them with a letter or a saber to get.

The horse flew to the roadside, the whole was covered with Inem. The branches hung the arc, poured a snowy dust. After reaching the trunks, fluffy proteins looked at the passage, the death in the forests was this protein. Ivan Artemich lay in the sleigh and thought - the man only remained a man: think ...

"Well, okay ... that is supposed to give it ... to pay, this is paid ... but - a breakdown, a kind of state! - Do you have it up? We do not run away from work, tolerant. And in Moscow, the boyars in golden cras began to ride. Feed him and on the crawl of the devil. Well, okay ... you make, take, what do you need, but do not bark ... And this guys, two skins fuck - mischief. Sovereign people now divorced - spit, and there, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali Codel is sitting, writes ... And one man is one ... oh, guys, I'd rather run away, the beast of me in the forest feels, death rather than this mischief ... so you are long on us Do not feed ... "

Ivashka Brovkin thought, maybe, so, maybe not so. From the forest to the road left, standing in a sleigh on the knees, Gypsy (on nicknamed), the Volkovsky, a peasant, black, with a smarter, man. Fifteen years old he was in the run, flew near the courtyard. But a decree came out: to return to the landowners of all runaway without limitation. Gypsy took under Voronezh, where he was peasant, and returned to the older wolf. He again was rebuilt the lapti, "they caught, and there was a gypsy to beat the whip without mercy and keep in prison, - on the estate of Volkova, - and how the skin approaches, having drowned out, to beat him back without mercy and throw him back in Prison, to him, Pluto, Warmer, to continue to run unwild. Gypsy only to the topics, he was unsubscribed to Vasilyev Dacha.

"Great," said Tsygan Ivan and moved to his sleigh.

- Great.

- I can not hear anything?

- Good if nothing can be heard ...

Gypsy removed the mittens, blown the mustache, beard, hiding the shower:

- met in the forest of man: the king, says, roms.

Ivan Artemech brought to Sanya. I took the horror ... "TPRU" ... pulled the cap, crossed:

- Who will they say to the king now?

- Oaksya, says, no one, like a boy, Peter Alekseevich. And he barely threw ...

- Well, a guy! - Ivan walked the cap, the eyes were afraid. - Well, the guy ... wait now the boyars kingdom. All with a defect ...

- Wait, and maybe nothing is so. - Gypsy slipped down. Winked. - This man talked to - to be a smoothie ... maybe there is still a live, we will joy, tea - experienced. - Gypsy scalled the hearsh teeth and laughed, coughed on the whole forest.

The squirrel rushed from the barrel, flew across the road, Snow sprinkled, played a post of needles in oblique light. The big raspberry sun hung at the end of the road over the hill, over high frequencies, steep roofing and smoke of the Volkovo estate ...

Ivashka and Gypsy left horses around the high gate. Above them under a two-tie roof - the image of the honest Cross of the Lord. Next stretched the entire estate of the non-loyal tune. Although Tatars meet ... The men removed the caps. Ivashka took the ring in the gate, said as it should be:

- Lord Isus Christ, the Son of God, nice us ...

Sripping with lapties, Averyan came out of the colvers, the watchman, looked at the gap, - her. Speak: Amen, - and began to turn out the gate.

Guys brought horses to the courtyard. Stood without caps, set on the salivary winds of the boyars. There, in the choir, led the porch with a steep staircase. Beautiful porch of carved wood, roof on bulk. Above the porch - a roof - a tent, with two semi-bodies, with a gilded ridge. The lower housing is hollowing - from the mighty logs. She prepared her Vasily Volkov, under the pantry for winter and summer reserves - bread, saltinists, pickles, urenations of different. But, the men knew, - in the storeroom he had some mice. And the porch - God forbid a different prince: the porch is rich ...

In the history of Russia, many significant events can be distinguished, and periods, as well as a large number of Bright historical personalities. One of the most notable and ambiguous figures is Peter I. A person always conducted a discussion about this person, historians can highlight a variety of views. Definitely just that this ruler last king And the first emperor of Russia, completely turned over the lifestyle and the device of the country at the time.

In the novel A. N. Tolstoy "Peter First" reflected not just the image of the ruler great country, but also the general historical picture of the end of the 16th - early 17th centuries. Over this difficulty, the writer worked until the very end of his life and managed to tell only what happened until 1704. The story begins from the moment of the death of Fedor Alekseevich, then the author writes about Streletsky Bunte and the coming to power of the cherry of Sophia. Through this writer reflects the atmosphere in which Peter is the first, and this later affected his character.

The book is told about the characteristics of Peter, his aspirations, worldview, which was noticeably different from the views of all people of that time. He always sought forward, his manifa is all European, this was due to his reforms. At the same time, the writer speaks about negative features Peter. He, as well as anyone, was afraid of his life, performed rapid acts, succumbing to emotions. Sometimes he was cruel, did not regret human lives, it was important for him only that the goals were achieved.

Images of the emperor, his favorite and friends are also well reflected by the writer in the novel. There are many heroes here, which allow volume to convey the lifestyle of people of the time, and not only high-ranking individuals, but also a simple people.

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