Kuprin garnet bracelet heroes. Characteristics of the hero Vera Nikolaevna, Garnet bracelet, Kuprin

The story "Garnet Bracelet" by A. I. Kuprin is dedicated to the theme of unrequited love. The main female character of the story is Princess Sheina Vera Nikolaevna.

Vera is young beautiful woman, with a good figure. She has been married for six years and is happy with her marriage. But already at the very beginning of the story, after reading the description of the withering garden, it becomes clear that not everything is so smooth in her life. The existence of Vera Nikolaevna resembles this autumn landscape. Her feelings and emotions are in a drowsy, monotonous state. Nothing drives her out of herself, she is always calm with everyone, kind and aloofly cold.

The opposite of Vera is her younger sister Anna. Although she is not beautiful and lives with a man whom she does not love, the fire of life has not extinguished in her, and this fire has not been extinguished in Vera for a long time. The princess has no love either. With her husband Vasily, whom she has known since childhood, she is connected only by strong friendships, and all love passions are in the past.

Despite the high position of the prince in society, the financial situation of the family is unenviable. Vera is doing her best to help her husband not go broke completely. She saves on household chores, on her own wardrobe, trying to hide emerging problems from her husband. Sheins do not have children, and this is a burden for a woman. She transfers all her unspent tenderness to the children of her sister Anna.

Vera loves music, especially Beethoven, often attends concerts. She is quite reckless and loves to play poker with her sister. Dislikes or reads newspapers, mainly because they get dirty with ink. She can be considered superstitious: she believes in a premonition, the number "13" scares her.

Everything in the life of the princess is determined and put in place. The exception is one strange affection. For eight years now, Vera has had an unknown admirer who, from time to time, reminds of himself with messages. On her name day, he sends her a garnet bracelet as a gift. The birthday girl is confused and asks her husband and brother Nikolai to return the bracelet and not bother her anymore.

Soon Vera receives a farewell letter and learns of Zheltkov's suicide. She decides to go to him. Having said goodbye to the deceased, the princess realizes that the eternal exclusive love that General Anosov was talking about passed by her.

Frustrated, Vera returns home and asks the pianist to perform a Beethoven sonata. Hearing a passage from the sonata, which was mentioned in Zheltkov's letter, she feels a connection with a person who unrequitedly loved her, and understands that she is forgiven.

Option 2

In 1910, the great Russian writer finished his lyrical story "The Pomegranate Bracelet". The work is devoted to family relationships in particular and the relationship between people in general. In order to fully reveal this topic, the author shows everything using the example of one love story taken from life.

The main character of the story is Vera Nikolaevna Sheina - the wife of Vasily Lvovich Shein. The princess, a socialite, Vera Nikolaevna was a beautiful and sophisticated woman. Everything about her was beautiful: both to become and to her face. Outwardly a little cold and arrogant, however, Sheina was kind and sensitive nature.

The heroine no longer loved her husband, whom she had known since early childhood. There could be no question of any ardent feelings. Habit and good friendships have replaced love. The husband of Vera Nikolaevna, who has the title of prince and a certain weight in society, was not a wealthy person. His financial affairs did not at all correspond to the way of life led by Prince Shein.

Being on the verge of bankruptcy, Vasily Lvovich observed all external decency. He always looked impeccable, did charity work, went out with his wife. The house of the Shein couple was also open for social receptions. Vera Nikolaevna, as best she could, helped her husband cope with financial troubles. But the position in society obliged to observe etiquette and the spouses continued to lead their usual way of life.

On Vera Nikolaevna's birthday, the guests were invited to the dacha. During the celebration, the birthday girl was given a gift from a man who secretly and for a very long time had been in love with Sheina. The heroine periodically received signs of attention from a secret admirer. But the gift was made for the first time. The insistence of an unknown man, secretly in love with her, seemed to Vera Sheina to be importunate and irritated her. A man who from time to time reminded of himself with his love messages, brought some confusion into the measured life of the heroine.

In the life of Vera Nikolaevna there was no hint of love. But this did not stop her from living. And only after the death of her secret admirer, the heroine realized that she was dearly loved. And such love, pure and selfless, she will never experience.

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A.I. Kuprin in his works often raises the topic of true love. In his story "The Pomegranate Bracelet", written in 1911, he touches on her infinity and significance in human life. However, this vivid feeling is often unrequited. And the power of such love can destroy the one who experiences it.

In contact with

Direction and genre of the work

Kuprin, being a real literary artist, loved to reflect in his works real life ... He was the one who wrote many stories and stories based on real events... "Garnet Bracelet" was no exception. "Garnet bracelet" genre is a story written in spirit.

It was based on an incident that happened to the wife of one of the Russian governors. A telegraph official who once sent her a chain with a small pendant was unrequitedly and passionately in love with her.

If for people from the real world this case was tantamount to an anecdote, then for Kuprinov's characters a similar story turns into a strong tragedy.

The genre of the work "Garnet Bracelet" cannot be a story, due to insufficient a large number characters and one storyline. If we talk about the peculiarities of the composition, then it is worth highlighting many small details that, as events slowly develop, hint at a catastrophe at the end of the work. To an inattentive reader, it may seem that the text is pretty full of details. However, they are the ones help the author to create a complete picture. The “garnet bracelet”, the composition of which is also framed by inserts about love, ends with a scene explaining the meaning of the epigraph: “L. van Beethoven. 2 Son. (op. 2, no. 2). Largo Appassionato "

The theme of love, in one form or another, stitches the whole work with a red thread.

Attention! There is nothing left unsaid in this masterpiece. Thanks to skillful artistic descriptions before the eyes of the readers, realistic images emerge, the credibility of which no one will doubt. Natural, simple people with ordinary desires and needs arouse genuine interest among readers.

Image system

There are not many heroes in Kuprin's work. Each of them the author gives a detailed portrait... The appearance of the characters reveals what is happening in the soul of each of them. Description of the heroes of the "Garnet Bracelet", their memories occupy most of the text.

Vera Sheina

This woman with regal calm is the central figure story. It is on her birthday that an event takes place that forever changed her life - she receives a garnet bracelet as a gift, which gives its owner the gift of foresight.

Important! A revolution in the consciousness of the heroine occurs when she listens to a Beethoven sonata bequeathed to her by Zheltkov. Dissolving in music, she awakens to life, to passions. However, her feelings are difficult, and even impossible, for others to understand.

Georgy Zheltkov

The only joy in the life of a petty official is opportunity to love at a distance Vera Nikolaevna. However, the hero of the "Garnet Bracelet" cannot withstand his all-consuming love. It is she who raises the character over other people with their base, and even insignificant, feelings and desires.

Thanks to his gift of high love, Georgy Stepanovich was able to experience tremendous happiness. He bequeathed his life to Vera alone. While dying, he did not hold any grudge against her, but continued to love, cherishing her image in his heart, as evidenced by the words spoken to her: "Hallowed be thy name!"

Main thought

If you take a close look at Kuprin's work, you can see a number of short stories reflecting his search for the ideal of love. These include:

  • Shulamith;
  • "At the junction";
  • "Helen".

Completing this love cycle, "Pomegranate Bracelet" showed, alas, not the deep feeling that the writer was looking for and would like to fully reflect. However, in its strength, the painful unrequited love of Zheltkov is absolutely not inferior, but on the contrary, transcends the relationships and feelings of other characters. Contrasted to his hot and passionate emotions in the story is the calm that reigns between the Shein spouses. The author emphasizes that only good friendship remained between them, and the spiritual flame had long since died out.

Zheltkov is supposed to stir up Vera's calm state. He does not evoke reciprocal feelings in a woman, but awakens excitement in her. If throughout the book they were expressed as forebodings, then at the end, obvious contradictions rage in her soul.

Sheina's sense of danger arises even when she first sees a gift sent to her and a letter from a secret admirer. She involuntarily compares a modest gold bracelet, adorned with five bright red garnets, with blood. it is one of the key symbols that marked the future suicide of the unfortunate lover.

The author admitted that he had not yet written anything more sensitive and subtle. And the analysis of the work "Garnet Bracelet" confirms this. The bitterness of the narrative intensifies autumn landscape, atmosphere of farewell to summer cottages, cold and transparent days. Even Vera's husband appreciated the nobility of Zheltkov's soul, he allowed the telegraph operator to write her the last letter. In it, every line is a love poem, a real ode.

Play by Alexander Ostrovsky: summary by chapters

Strong episode the story can be considered a scene where the main characters meet, whose fates are so suddenly intertwined and changed. Living Vera looked at the serene face of the deceased and thought about her emotional shock. Numerous aphorisms, often used in speech, fill this small work. What quotes make readers shiver:

  • “I am infinitely grateful to you only for the fact that you exist. I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love, which God wanted to reward me for something. "
  • “In that second, she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by.”
  • "Don't go to your death until they call you."

Garnet bracelet. Alexander Kuprin

Garnet bracelet.A.I. Kuprin (analysis)


Zheltkov's unrequited passion did not pass without leaving a trace for the main character. The symbol of eternal love - a garnet bracelet - turned her life upside down. Kuprin, who always blesses this feeling, expressed in his story the full force of this inexplicable attraction.

In the middle of August, before the birth of the young month, disgusting weather suddenly set in, which is so characteristic of the northern coast of the Black Sea. Then for whole days a thick fog lay heavily over the land and sea, and then a huge siren in the lighthouse roared day and night, like a mad bull. From morning until morning, it rained without ceasing, fine as mist, the rain, turning clay roads and paths into solid thick mud, in which the carts and carriages were stuck for a long time. It was blowing from the north-west, from the steppe, a fierce hurricane; from it the tops of the trees swayed, bending down and straightening like waves in a storm, the iron roofs of summer cottages thundered at night, and it seemed as if someone was running along them in shod boots; window frames quivered, doors slammed, and chimneys howled wildly. Several fishing boats got lost in the sea, and two did not return at all: only a week later they threw up the corpses of fishermen in different parts of the coast.

The inhabitants of the suburban seaside resort - mostly Greeks and Jews, life-loving and suspicious, like all southerners - hastily moved to the city. On the softened highway, dray droves stretched endlessly, overloaded with all sorts of household things: mattresses, sofas, chests, chairs, washbasins, samovars. It was a pity, and sad, and disgusting to look through the muddy muslin of rain at this pitiful belongings, which seemed so worn out, dirty and beggarly; on the maids and cooks sitting on top of the wagon on a wet tarp with some kind of irons, cans and baskets in their hands, on sweaty, exhausted horses, which now and then stopped, trembling with their knees, smoking and often carrying their sides, cursing hoarsely, wrapped in mats against the rain. It was even sadder to see the abandoned dachas with their sudden spaciousness, emptiness and bareness, with disfigured flower beds, broken glass, abandoned dogs and all kinds of country litter from cigarette butts, pieces of paper, shards, boxes and pharmaceutical bottles.

But by the beginning of September, the weather suddenly changed dramatically and quite unexpectedly. Quiet, cloudless days immediately came, so clear, sunny and warm, which were not even in July. On the dry, compressed fields, on their prickly yellow bristles, the autumn spiderweb shone with a mica sheen. The quieted trees silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.

Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, the wife of the leader of the nobility, could not leave the dachas, because the renovation had not yet been completed in their town house. And now she was very happy about the lovely days that had come, the silence, solitude, clean air, the chirping on the telegraph wires of the swallows that had strayed to flight, and the gentle salty breeze that weakly pulled from the sea.

Besides, today was her name day - the seventeenth of September. According to sweet, distant childhood memories, she always loved this day and always expected something happy and wonderful from him. Her husband, leaving in the morning on urgent business in the city, put a case with beautiful earrings made of pear-shaped pearls on her night table, and this gift amused her even more.

She was alone in the whole house. Her single brother Nikolai, the assistant prosecutor, who usually lived with them, also went to the city, to the court. For dinner, my husband promised to bring a few and only his closest acquaintances. It turned out well that the name day coincided with the dacha time. In the city, one would have to spend money on a large ceremonial dinner, perhaps even on a ball, but here, at the dacha, one could get by with the smallest expenses. Prince Shein, despite his prominent position in society, and perhaps thanks to him, barely made ends meet. The huge family estate was almost completely upset by his ancestors, and he had to live above the means: to do receptions, do charity, dress well, keep horses, etc. Princess Vera, whose former passionate love for her husband had long since turned into a strong, faithful feeling, true friendship, tried with all her might to help the prince keep from complete ruin. She largely, imperceptibly for him, denied herself and, as far as possible, saved in the household.

Now she walked through the garden and carefully cut flowers to the dining table with scissors. The flowerbeds were empty and a mess. Multicolored terry carnations were blooming, and also levka - half in flowers, and half in thin green pods that smelled of cabbage, rose bushes still gave - for the third time this summer - buds and roses, but already crushed, rare, as if degenerated. But dahlias, peonies and asters bloomed magnificently with their cold, arrogant beauty, spreading an autumn, grassy, ​​sad smell in the sensitive air. The rest of the flowers, after their luxurious love and excessive abundant summer motherhood, quietly showered on the ground countless seeds of future life.

The familiar sounds of a three-ton automobile horn were heard close by on the highway. This was the sister of Princess Vera, Anna Nikolaevna Friesse, who in the morning promised to come over the phone to help her sister receive guests and do the housework.

Subtle ear did not deceive Vera. She went to meet him. A few minutes later, an elegant carriage-car stopped abruptly at the dacha gates, and the driver, deftly jumping off the seat, opened the door.

The sisters kissed happily. From early childhood they were attached to each other by a warm and caring friendship. Outwardly, they were strangely not alike. The eldest, Vera, went to her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall, flexible figure, gentle but cold and proud face, beautiful, albeit rather large, hands and that charming slope of the shoulders that can be seen on old miniatures. The youngest, Anna, on the contrary, inherited the Mongol blood of her father, a Tatar prince, whose grandfather was baptized only in early XIX centuries and the ancient family of which dates back to Tamerlane himself, or Lang-Temir, as her father proudly called her, in Tatar, this great bloodsucker. She was half a head shorter than her sister, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mockery. Her face was of a strongly Mongolian type with quite noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes, which, moreover, she narrowed her eyes due to myopia, with a haughty expression in her small, sensual mouth, especially in the slightly pushed forward full lower lip - this face, however, captivated some that elusive and incomprehensible charm, which consisted, perhaps, in a smile, perhaps in the deep femininity of all traits, perhaps in a piquant, perky-flirtatious facial expressions. Her graceful ugliness excited and attracted the attention of men much more often and more strongly than the aristocratic beauty of her sister.

She was married to a very rich and very stupid man who did absolutely nothing, but was listed in some charitable institution and had the title of chamber junker. She hated her husband, but she gave birth to two children - a boy and a girl; more she decided not to have children and did not have. As for Vera, she eagerly wanted children and even, it seemed to her, the more the better, but for some reason they were not born to her, and she painfully and passionately adored the pretty anemic children of her younger sister, always decent and obedient, with pale, mealy faces and curled linen doll hair.

Anna all consisted of cheerful carelessness and cute, sometimes strange contradictions. She willingly indulged in the most risky flirtation in all capitals and all resorts of Europe, but she never cheated on her husband, whom, however, she contemptuously ridiculed both in the eyes and behind the eyes; was wasteful, terribly fond of gambling, dancing, strong impressions, sharp spectacles, visited dubious cafes abroad, but at the same time was distinguished by generous kindness and deep, sincere piety, which made her even secretly accept Catholicism. She had a back, chest and shoulders of rare beauty. Going to big balls, she bared much more than the limits allowed by decency and fashion, but they said that under a low neckline she always wore a hair shirt.

Vera Nikolaevna was a little cold, beautiful, young woman. She looked like her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman. She had a lithe figure and beautiful shoulders, and her face was proud and beautiful, everyone always admired her beauty and sophistication. She was married to Prince Shein, Vasily Lvovich. He was her childhood friend, and then they got married. Vera Nikolaevna was not only beautiful, but also kind and intelligent. Her love for her husband had long become a deep friendship, but she tried to help him cope with business, she denied herself something to alleviate the situation.

Vera Nikolaevna was a real woman, she wanted to have children very much, but she did not succeed, so they transferred all their care to her husband, and also to the children of her sister, Anna. In addition, Vera Nikolaevna was compassionate, since she felt sorry for the person who loved her, despite the fact that he sometimes gave her trouble. that she was very sensitive. She is sympathetic to the situation, does not make a problem out of it, she simply gives her inconvenience, because she does not like Zheltkov, he has become just a permanent person who appears sometimes. Vera Nikolaevna is capable of love and compassion, which she shows in relation to her admirer. She is the very embodiment of calm and dignity in any situation, very honest and generous towards the weak, but also a little arrogant, although she does not try to appear that way. This is her innate quality.

To help the teacher of literature in conducting lessons on the story of AI Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet".

The first sign of love is reverence . We idolize the one with whom we are in love, and this is completely true, for nothing in the world compares for us to the object of our passion.

Blaise Pascal

Option 1.

1. Tell us about the history of the creation of the work and about the prototypes of the main characters?

2. Why is the epigraph to his work A.I. Kuprin took Son. No. 2, op. 2. Beethoven's Largo Appassionato?

3. Where and when does the story take place? (Black Sea resort, autumn, September)

4. The work begins with a landscape sketch. Read it.(The student reads a fragment of the text)

5. What role does the first chapter play in the story? What mood does the landscape create?

(The first chapter is an introduction. Its content prepares the reader for the perception of further events. Immediately there is a feeling of a fading world: in the autumn landscape, in the sadness of empty summer cottages with broken glass, in empty flower beds. It was disgusting to look through this muddy gauze of rain at this pitiful belongings. " But the weather suddenly changed abruptly and unexpectedly: "The trees calmed down, silently and obediently dropped yellow leaves." The same calm, cold, prudent existence is characteristic of the heroine of the story - Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, wife of the leader of the nobility.)

(He draws a parallel between internal state Faith and description of the autumn garden.)

7. Find and read the description (second chapter).

This description was preceded by a description of Vera's feelings for her husband. Read from the words: "Princess Vera, whose former passionate love for her husband ..."

(Show that Vera's soul is in a state of slumber. "And Vera was strictly simple, cold with everyone ... kind, independent and regally calm.")

9. The plot of the action takes place on the day of Princess Vera's name day, September 17. Kuprin writes: "Vera Nikolaevna Sheina always expected something happy and wonderful from the name day." What "happily-miraculous" happened that day?

Option 2.

1. Kuprin introduces into the story an element of expectation, mystery, anxiety. What happens next?(Vera is presented with a gift and a letter from Zheltkov.) (Pupils talk about the heroine's premonitions: 13 guests; read the description of the gift; and find out the impression of what they saw: "Like blood!" - thought Vera anxiously.)

2.What did we learn about the bracelet from Zheltkov's letter?

(“According to an old legend preserved in our family, it tends to impart the gift of foresight to women wearing it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while it protects men from violent death ...”)

3. Why did Zheltkov give Vera a bracelet, a family value, the most expensive thing that passed from generation to generation to women in the Zheltkov family?(This is a symbol of his hopeless, enthusiastic, selfless, reverent love.)

4. What does it mean for Vera? What does she see in the bracelet? What does it feel?

5. How does Zheltkov change over 7 years of "hopeless and polite love"? Tell us about the “three steps” of Zheltkov in his last attempt to explain himself with Shein (Ch. X, p. 312), with Vera (Ch. XI, pp. 315-316) and, finally, with the whole world.(An explanation to the whole world and to everyone who can hear is Beethoven's Sonata No. 2 - about life, about death and about love) (Chapter XII, p. 319).

6. Can Zheltkov's feeling for Vera be called madness? Find in the text the words of Prince Shein, which are the answer to this question (Ch. XI, p. 316) (Ch. X, p. 313).

Option 3.

    To understand Vera Nikolaevna more deeply, you need to know the princess's entourage. That is why Kuprin describes in detail her relatives.

    How did Kuprin portray Vera Nikolaevna's guests?

(Students look for “characteristics” of guests in the text: both the “fat, ugly huge” Professor Sveshnikov; and with “rotten teeth on the face of the skull” of Anna's husband, a stupid person who “did absolutely nothing, but was listed in some charitable institution "; And Staff Colonel Ponomarev," prematurely aged, thin, bilious man, emaciated by overwhelming clerical work. "

    Which of the guests is depicted with sympathy? Why?

(This is General Anosov, a friend of the late father of Vera and Anna. He gives a pleasant impression of a simple but noble person, and most importantly - wise. Kuprin endowed him with “Russian, peasant features”: “a good-natured and cheerful outlook on life”, “ingenuous, naive faith "... It belongs to him the murderous characteristic of the society of his day, in which interests have been crushed and vulgarized, and people have forgotten how to love. , at twenty years old, jaded, with chicken bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, heroic deeds, tenderness and adoration before love. ”This is how the theme of true love began in the story, love for which“ to perform a feat, give up life, go torment is not labor at all, but joy alone. ")

4. What role does Kuprin assign to General Anosov in the story?

5. How does he talk about love?

6. What did General Anosov learn about Zheltkov from Vera?

7. What characteristic of Zheltkov do we find in Vera's story and in Anosov's conclusions?

(“Madman; maybe this is just a crazy guy, a maniac, who knows? - maybe your life path, Vera, crossed exactly the kind of love that women dream about and which men are no longer capable of ”)

    Let us turn to the episode of the visit of Zheltkov by the husband and brother of Princess Vera Nikolaevna. How does Kuprin represent his hero to us? How do the stage participants behave? Who wins a moral victory in this confrontation? Why?

(Zheltkov. Behind his nervousness and confusion lies a tremendous feeling, which can only be killed by death. love and is it possible to control such a feeling as love - a feeling that has not yet found an interpretation ... I feel sorry for that person. And I not only feel sorry for, but now I feel that I am present at some tremendous tragedy of the soul ... " )

Option 4

    The turning point for Vera is the farewell to the deceased Zheltkov (Chapter Twelve). Let's turn to this episode. Let's read aloud from the words: "The room smelled of incense ..." until the end of the chapter.(The student reads a fragment of the text.)

2. Why do you think Vera started crying? What caused her tears - "the impression of death" or something else? (Ch. XII, pp. 318–319) Or maybe a reciprocal feeling awakened in her soul at least for a moment?

3. What is the mood of the ending of the story?(The finale of the story is elegiac, imbued with a feeling of light sadness, and not tragedy. Zheltkov dies, but Vera Nikolaevna awakens to life: the very love that happens once in a thousand years has been revealed to her.)

    In the sounds of Beethoven's sonata, Vera Nikolaevna seems to hear the farewell mental message of a person who “humbly and joyfully” doomed himself “to torment, suffering and death”: “Think of me, and I will be with you, because you and I loved each other only one moment, but forever. " Why are we talking about mutual love as a fait accompli, if Zheltkov's feeling remained unrequited?

    . “… The death of Zheltkov, revealing the beauty of his love, morally conquered Princess Vera. This is Zheltkov's third moral victory. The decisive one, paid for in blood, ”says the literary critic E. Dobin. What are the first and second wins in your opinion?

    Many details of the story are symbolic. Let's pay attention to two of them. Remember that the gilded chain with a pendant in the form of an Easter egg, received as a gift by Lyudmila Ivanovna Lyubimova, the prototype of the heroine of Princess Vera's story, turns into a garnet bracelet under Kuprin's feather. By the way, Vera Nikolaevna received another jewel for her name day - earrings made of pear-shaped pearls from her husband. What is known about the properties of pomegranate and pearls? What is the symbolic meaning of these details? There is another symbolic detail in the story - a red rose, which Princess Vera Nikolaevna put under the neck of the deceased Zheltkov. What is the significance of this detail?

7. Find in the words of the author, who draws the behavior of Zheltkov, evidence that his actions are driven by the same tremendous feeling that can make a person either immensely happy or tragically unhappy. What is your impression of last letter Zheltkova?

(The letter is beautiful, like poetry, convinces us of the sincerity and strength of his feelings. For Zheltkov, loving Vera even without reciprocity is “a tremendous happiness.” He is grateful to her for the fact that for eight years she was for him “the only joy in life, the only consolation , with a single thought. ”Saying goodbye to her, he writes:“ As I leave, I say in ecstasy: “Hallowed be Thy name.”)

8. What is the idea of ​​A.I. Kuprin? What is the meaning of contrasting the first and second parts of the story? What is the tradition of Russian literature XIX century continued the writer in this work?

(The meaning of the story is to show the nobility of the soul of a common man, his ability for deep, lofty feelings by contrasting the hero to high society. The author shows a psychological contrast: a strong, disinterested feeling cannot arise in a world where only well-being, tranquility, beautiful things and words are valued , but such concepts as the beauty of the soul, spirituality, sensitivity and sincerity have disappeared. " Small man”Rises, becomes great with his sacrificial love.)

Characteristics of images in the story.

Provide quotes to illustrate

    the image of Zheltkov;

    the image of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina;

    the image of Vasily Lvovich Shein;

    the image of Anna Nikolaevna Friesse;

    the image of Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky;

    the image of General Anosov

The image of Zheltkov :

... he was tall, thin, with long fluffy, soft hair ... very pale, with a gentle girlish face, with blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old.

... deep importance was in his closed eyes, and his lips smiled blissfully and serenely, as if he had learned some deep and sweet secret before parting with life, which would resolve his entire human life ...

The image of Vera Nikolaevna Sheina:

The eldest, Vera, went to her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall flexible figure, gentle but cold and proud face, beautiful, albeit rather large hands and that charming slope of the shoulders that can be seen on old miniatures ...

... as for Vera, she eagerly wanted children and even, it seemed to her, the more the better, but for some reason they were not born to her, and she painfully and passionately adored the pretty anemic children of her younger sister ...

Vera, on the other hand, was strictly simple, coldly and a little haughty with everyone, independent and regally calm.

The image of Vasily Lvovich Shein:

Prince Shein, despite his prominent position in society, and perhaps thanks to him, barely made ends meet. The huge family estate was almost completely upset by his ancestors, and he had to live above the means: to do receptions, do charity, dress well, keep horses, etc.

... he (Sheina) had an extraordinary and very peculiar ability to tell. He took a true episode as the basis of the story, where the main actor someone from those present or mutual acquaintances appeared, but he exaggerated the colors and at the same time spoke with such a serious face and such a business tone that the listeners burst out laughing.

The image of Anna Nikolaevna Friesse :

... Anna, on the contrary, inherited the Mongolian blood of her father, the Tatar prince ... she was half a head shorter than her sister, somewhat wide in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mockery. Her face is strongly Mongolian ... with a haughty expression in a small, sensual mouth ... - this face, however, captivated by some elusive and incomprehensible charm, which consisted in a smile, perhaps in the deep femininity of all features ... in a piquant, perky-flirtatious facial expressions. Her graceful ugliness excited and attracted the attention of men much more often and more strongly than her sister's aristocratic beauty.

She was married to a very rich and very stupid man ... she could not stand her husband, but she gave birth to two children from him ... more she decided not to have children and did not have.

Anna all consisted of cheerful carelessness and cute, sometimes strange contradictions. She willingly indulged in the most risky flirting ... but never cheated on her husband ...

She was wasteful, terribly fond of gambling, dancing, strong impressions, sharp spectacles ... but at the same time she was distinguished by generous kindness and deep, sincere piety, which made her even secretly convert to Catholicism.

The image of Nikolai Nikolaevich Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky :

Vera Nikolaevna's single brother, assistant prosecutor ... Nikolai out of stinginess (he was really stingy) ...

General Anosov's image:

... a fat, tall, silver old man ... He had a large, rough, red face with a fleshy nose and that good-natured, stately, slightly contemptuous expression in his narrowed eyes ... which is characteristic of courageous and simple people who often and close before their eyes danger and death.

... this fragment of antiquity seemed to be a gigantic and unusually picturesque figure. It combined precisely those simple, touching and deep features ... those purely Russian, peasant features ... consisting of an ingenuous, naive faith, a clear, good-naturedly cheerful outlook on life, cold and business courage, obedience in the face of death, pity for the vanquished, endless patience and amazing endurance.

Group homework for the story.

Option 1.


It is not my fault, Vera Nikolaevna, that God was pleased to send me, as a tremendous happiness, love to you. It so happened thatI am not interested in anything in life: no politics, no science, no philosophy, no concern for the future happiness of people - for me all life is only in you. Now I feel that I have crashed into your life with some uncomfortable wedge. If you can, forgive me for that. Today I am leaving and will never return, and nothing will remind you of me.

I am infinitely grateful to you only for the fact that you exist. I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love that God wanted to reward me for something.

Let me be ridiculous in your eyes and in the eyes of your brother Nikolai Nikolaevich. Leaving, I am delighted to say:"Hallowed be Thy name."


    Is the ability to love highly and beautifully connected, in your opinion, with the level of intellectual and spiritual development person or “love” falls to a person like winning the lottery?

    How, in your opinion, does the author of the story solve this question?


Exercise. Read the text, answer the questions.

And so it was. She recognized from the first chords this exceptional composition, unique in depth. And her soul seemed to split in two. She thought at the same time that a great love passed by her, which is repeated only once in a thousand years. I remembered the words of General Anosov and asked myself: why did this man make her listen to this particular Beethoven work, and even against her wishes? And words were composed in her mind. They so coincided in her thoughts with the music that they were like verses that ended with the words:"Hallowed be Thy name."

“Now I will show you in tender feelings a life that humbly and joyfully doomed itself to torment, suffering and death. Neither complaint, nor reproach ... nor the pain of pride, I knew. I am before you - one prayer:"Hallowed be Thy name."

I remember your every step, smile, look, the sound of your gait. Sweet sadness, quiet, beautiful sadness is wrapped around my last memories. But I won't hurt you. I leave, silently, so pleasing to God and fate."Hallowed be Thy name."

You, you and the people who surrounded you, you all do not know how beautiful you were. The clock strikes. Time. And, dying, in the mournful hour of parting with life I still sing - glory to Thee. "


    What is the author's pictorial task in this part of the work?

    What role does the musical theme play in the story?

    characterize the text in terms of metaphorical content, imagery, stylistic features, rhythmic organization, consistency and consistency of thought


Exercise. Read the text, answer the questions.

Well, well ... let's say - an exception ... But in most cases, why do people get married? Take a woman. It's a shame to stay in girls, especially when the girlfriends are already married. It's hard to beextra mouth in family. The desire to be the mistress of the main in the house, a lady, independent ... Besides ... physicalneed of motherhood and to start build your nest. And the man has other motives. Firstly, fatigue from single life, from disorder in rooms, from tavern dinners, from dirt, cigarette butts, torn and scattered linen, from debts, from unceremonious comrades, and so on ... Secondly, you feel that living as a family is more profitable, healthier and more economical. Thirdly, you think: if the kids go, I will die, but a part of me will still remain in the world ... something like the illusion of immortality. In addition, there are sometimes thoughts about a dowry. And where is love? Is love unselfish, selfless, not expecting a reward? The one about which it is said - "strong as death"? you understand, the kind of love for whichcommit any feat, give your life, going to the torment is not labor at all, but one joy. Wait, wait, Vera, do you want me again now about your Vasya? Really, I love him. He is a good guy.Who knows maybe the future will show his love in the light of great beauty. But you must understand what kind of love I am talking about. Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life comforts, calculations and compromises should concern her.


    What are the views on love of other characters in the story?

    Which of the selected expressions are phraseological units?

    what questions in the text are rhetorical? What is their meaning?


Exercise. Read the text, answer the questions.

Love to self-abasement and - even - self-destruction, readiness to perish in the name of a beloved woman - this theme blooms in the exciting, masterfully written "Pomegranate Bracelet". In an effort to glorify the beauty of a lofty, but obviously unrequited feeling, of which "perhaps one in a thousand is capable", A.I. Kuprin, however, gives this feeling to the tiny official Zheltkov. His love for Princess Vera Sheina is unrequited, unable to "straighten", inspire him. Closed in itself, this love does not possess creative, constructive power. Doesn't the wealth of Zheltkov's soul turn into poverty?

Finally, the story raises the theme of the clash of various cultural traditions: 1) the theme of the east; 2) the Mongolian blood of the father of Vera and Anna, the Tatar prince, introduces the theme of love-passion, recklessness into the story; 3) the mention that the mother of the sisters, an Englishwoman, introduces the theme of rationality in the sphere of feelings, the power of reason over the heart.


    How would you answer this question?

    Do you agree with such a broad interpretation of the story's problems?

    Provide additional reasons to support or refute the points of view stated in the text

Option 2.

    Task for the first: Lyubov Zheltkova in the light of Christian morality.

    Task for the second: The theme of love in the story "Shulamith" (read the day before) and the story "Garnet Bracelet".

    Assignment for the third group: The idea of ​​happiness in the story "Pomegranate Bracelet" and the poem by IA Bunin "And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears ..." Expressive reading poems.

Option 3.

    1st option - Compose a garnet bracelet monologue about Vera Sheina

    2nd option - Compose a monologue of a garnet bracelet about Zheltkov.

    3rd option - Prepare a review for one of A. I. Kuprin's stories about love ("Shulamith", "Olesya")

Options for questions for individual assignments.

    How Kuprin draws the main character of the story, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina?

    What gifts did Vera receive? What is their significance?

    How does Zheltkov's gift look against this background? What is its value?

    How does the theme of love develop in the story?

    Zheltkov's letter to Vera. What do we learn about the young man from this letter? How does Vera's husband feel about these letters?

    The role of General Anosov in the story, his reasoning about love.

    What is the significance of the image of the hero after his death?

    What is the mood of the ending of the story? What role does music play in creating this mood?

Creative tasks.

    What kind of love does Kuprin talk about in the story “Garnet Bracelet? (Students speak up.)

    About the only, imperishable love ...

    About beautiful, uplifting love ...

    About modest, selfless ...

    About honest, disinterested ...

    About unrequited, unequal love ...

    About beautiful, mighty love ... !!!

    Here are a few statements about this. amazing feeling... Which one best suits your idea of ​​love? Read them and try to express your point of view. How can they be related to the epigraph? (The opinions of the guys are heard.)

    The first sign of love is reverence. We idolize who we are in love with

and this is absolutely true, for nothing in the world compares to us

With the object of our passion. (Blaise Pascal)

    Love is like a tree; it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our whole being and often continues to turn green and even bloom on the ruins of our heart. (Victor Hugo)

    Love has a thousand subjects, and each of them has its own light, its own sorrow, its own happiness and its own fragrance. (K.G. Paustovsky)

    Love is a feeling that has not yet found an interpreter for itself. (A.I. Kuprin)

3 .Write an essay on topics:

- Love without reciprocity: happiness or tragedy?

Is there a perfect love?

Is love and being loved the same thing? What's better?

4. Creative writing


Why is A.I. Kuprin took L. van Beethoven's sonata No. 2?

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