Large little single largest. The concepts of "big" - "small

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Irina Pomorava, Faith Pozin

Classes for the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group kindergarten

Plans for classes

Edition 3rd, corrected and complemented

Library "Programs of Education and Training in children's garden"Sub general edition M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Herb, TS Komarova

Pomorava Irina Aleksandrovnamethodist of the educational and methodological center for professional education Moscow, teacher of Mathematical Development Methodology Pedagogical College №15, Honored Teacher of Russia.

Pozin Vera Arnoldnamethodist, teacher of the methodology of mathematical development of the pedagogical college №4, an excellent student of the folk enlightenment.


This manual is addressed to educators working on the "Program of Education and Training in Children's Garden" edited by MA Vasilyeva, V.V. Herb, TS Komarov, to organize classes in mathematics in the second youngest group.

The manual discusses the organization of work on the development of elementary mathematical ideas in children 3-4 years old, taking into account the patterns of formation and development of them cognitive activity and age possibilities.

The book provides approximate planning of classes in mathematics for the year. The proposed occupation system includes a complex gaming tasks and exercises, visual-practical methods and techniques for the formation of elementary mathematical representations; Helps children to master ways and techniques of knowledge, apply the knowledge and skills in independent activities. This creates prerequisites for the formation of the right world, which, in turn, allows us to provide a common educational orientation of learning, with mental communication, speech development and a variety of activities.

The story of classes and specially selected tasks contribute to the development mental processes (attention, memory, thinking), motivate the activities of the child and send its mental activity to search for ways to solve the tasks. The methodology of classes does not imply direct training, but implies the creation of the situations of the Commonwealth, the seater, which increases the activity of the child in understanding and independently performing mathematical tasks. Knowledge gained by children in classes must be fixed in everyday life. For this purpose, in working with children as in preschool institutionand at home can be used workbook To the "Program of Education and Training in kindergarten" "Mathematics for kids" (M.: Mosaic-Synthesis).

In the manual included additional materialCompiled in accordance with the recommendations of modern psychologists and teachers, allowing to expand the content of the work with the children of the fourth year of life and increase their interest in tasks with mathematical content.

Approximate distribution of software for a year

Considering adaptation period Children, classes on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas in the second younger group are held from the second half of September once a week (32-34 lessons per year).

I quarter


Lesson 1.

Lesson 2.

big small.

Lesson 1.

one, a lot, little.

Lesson 2.

a lot, one, not one.

Lesson 3.

one, a lot, not one.

Lesson 4.

Improve the ability to make a group of individual items and allocate one subject from the Group, denote the set in words one, a lot, none.

big small.

Lesson 1.

Learn to compare two subjects in length and denote the result of comparison with words

Improve the ability to draw up a group of objects from individual items and allocate one subject from the Group; Denote the totality in words one, a lot, none.

Lesson 2.

Learning to find one and many items in a specially created atmosphere, to answer the question "How much?" Using words one, a lot.

Continue to learn to compare two objects in length of overlay and application methods, denote the results of comparison with words long - short, longer - shorter.

Lesson 3.

Continue learning to find one and many items in a specially created setting, denote the set in words one, a lot.

To acquaint a square, learning to distinguish between a circle and square.

Lesson 4.

Fasten the ability to find one and many items in a specially created atmosphere, denote aggregate words one, a lot.

Continue learning to distinguish and call a circle and square.

II quarter

Lesson 1.

Improve the ability to compare two items in length, the results of the comparison indicate words long - short, longer - shorter, the same in length.

Exercise in the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.

Lesson 2.

Continue to improve the ability to find one and many objects in the environment.

Improve the ability to compare two objects in length of overlay and application methods; denote the results of comparison with words long - short, longer - shorter.

Lesson 3.

Learn to compare two equal groups of objects by the method of overlay, understand the meaning of words many, equally.

Exercising in orienting on your own body, distinguish between the right and left hands.

Lesson 4.

Continue to learn to compare two equal groups of objects by the method of overlaying, to activate in the speech of the expression

Improve the ability to compare two subjects in length using applying and applications and words long - short, longer - shorter.

Lesson 1.

Learning to compare two objects contrasting in width using applications and applications, denote the results of comparison with words wide - narrow, wider - already.

Continue to learn to compare two equal groups of objects by imposing, denote the results of comparison with words many, equally, so much - how much.

Lesson 2.

Continue to learn to compare two items in the width of the methods of overlay and applications, to determine the results of the comparison with the words wide - narrow, wider - already.

Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects by imposing; skill denote the results of comparison with words many, equally, so much - how much.

Fasten the ability to distinguish and call a circle and square.

Lesson 3.

To acquaint a triangle: learning to distinguish and call the shape.

Improve the ability to compare two equal groups of objects in the method of overlay, denote the results of comparison with words many, equally, so much - how much.

Fix the skills of comparison of two items in width, learn to use the words wide - narrow, wider - already, the same in width.

Lesson 4.

Learn to compare two equal groups of objects by the application method, denote the results of comparison with words many, equally, so much - how much.

Continue to acquaint with a triangle, learn to call and compare it with a square.

Lesson 1.

Continue learning to compare two equal groups of objects by the application method, denote the results of comparison with words many, equally, so much - how much.

Improve the ability to distinguish and call familiar geometric figures (Circle, square, triangle).

Exercise in determining spatial directions from ourselves and denote by them at the top - down.

Lesson 2.

Introduce meals with comparison of two items in height, teach to understand words

Exercise in the definition of spatial directions from ourselves.

Improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects by the application and use the words many, equally, so much - how much.

Lesson 3.

Continue to learn to compare two objects at the height of the methods of overlay and applications, denote the results of comparison with words high - low, above - below.

Continue to improve the skills of comparing two equal groups of objects of imposition and applications, denote the results of comparison with words porovna, so much - how much.

Lesson 4.

Learn to compare two unequal groups of objects by overlay, denote the results of comparison with words more - less, so much - how much.

Improve the ability to compare two contrasting items with familiar ways, denote the results of comparison with words high - low, above - below.

III quarter

Lesson 1.

Continue learning to compare two unequal groups of objects of overlay and applications, denote the results of comparison with words more - less, so much - how much, equally.

Improve the ability to distinguish and call a circle, square, triangle.

Lesson 2.

Improve the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, use expressions equally,

Fasten ways of comparing two items in length and height, denote the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

Lesson 3.

Exercise in comparing two groups of objects by overlay and applications and enjoy words so much - how much more is less.

day Night.

Lesson 4.

Fasten ways to compare two items in length and width, denote the results of the comparison with the corresponding words.

To form the ability to distinguish the number of sounds on the rumor (much and one).

Exercise in distinguishing and calling geometric shapes: Circle, square, triangle.

Lesson 1.

Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to the sample (without an account and call number).

Improve the ability to distinguish and call familiar geometric shapes: a circle, square, triangle.

Lesson 2.

Fasten the skill to reproduce the specified number of objects and sounds according to the sample (without counting and calling a number).

Exercise in the ability to compare two objects in magnitude, denote the result of comparison with words big small.

Exercise in the ability to distinguish between spatial directions from ourselves and denote by them: ahead - rear, left - right.

Lesson 3.

Learning to distinguish one and many movements and denote them the number of words one, a lot.

Exercise in the ability to distinguish between spatial directions regarding yourself and denote by them ahead - rear, at the top - downstairs, on the left - right.

Improve the ability to make a group of items from individual items and allocate one subject from the group.

Lesson 4.

Exercise in the ability to reproduce a given number of movements and call them words lotand one.

Fasten the ability to distinguish and call parts: morning evening.

Lesson 1.

Fasten the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects of overlay and applications, use expressions so much - how much more is less.

Exercise in comparison of two items in size, denote the results of comparison with words big small.

Learning to determine the spatial location of the items using prepositions on, underetc.

Lesson 2.

Improve the ability to distinguish and call geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, ball, cube.

Classes 3-4

Free planning of work taking into account the assimilation of the software material and the characteristics of a specific age group.

Plans for classes


Lesson 1.

Software content

Fasten the ability to distinguish and call a ball (ball) and a cube (cube), regardless of the color and size of the figures.

Demonstration material.Large and small red balls, big and small green cubes; 2 boxes of red and green colors; Toys: Teddy bear, truck.

Handout.Little red balls, little green cubes.

Methodical instructions

I part.The tutor imports a truck into a group, in the body of which the bear, balls and cubes are located, and asks: "Who came to us? (Children are considering a bear.) What brought a bear in a truck? "

The educator offers children to find a ball (gives a concept ball): "What did you find? What color ball? "

The educator asks to show what you can do with a ball. (Ride.)

Similar tasks Children are performed with a cube. (Actions with Cube are denoted by the word set.)

II part.Gaming exercise "Hide the cube (ball)."

The educator invites someone from the children to take a ball into one hand, and to another cube and hide one of the figures behind the back. The rest of the children must guess what the child hid and what he left in his hand.

III part.The teacher asks the children to help the Mishke spread the balls and cubes in the boxes: the balls need to put in the red box, and the cubes are in the green.

In the process of performing the task, the teacher clarifies in children: "What did you put in the box? How many balls (cubes)? Are they the same color? What else do balls and cubes differ? " (Large and small.)

Bear thanks children for the help and says goodbye to them.

Lesson 2.

Software content

Fasten the ability to distinguish contrasting items using the words big small.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material.Large and small dolls, 2 cribs of different sizes; 3-4 large cubes.

Handout.Small cubes (3-4 pcs. For each child).

Methodical instructions

I part.Two dolls come to visit children. The guys together with the educator consider them, find out that one doll is big, and the other little, give them names.

The tutor then draws the attention of children to the cribs: "Cots are the same in size? Show a large crib. And now small. Where is a bed for a big doll, and where for small? Lay dolls to sleep. Let's sing them the lullaby "sleep tired toys" ".

II part.Gaming exercise "Build a turret".

The tutor puts big and small cubes on the table, invites children to compare them in size, and then build turrets. The tutor on the carpet is building a tower of large cubes, and the children build a turrets from small cubes. Upon completion of the work, all together are considered construction, show a large (small) tower.

Lesson 1.

Software content

Fasten the ability to distinguish the number of items using words one, a lot, little.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Doll.

Handout.Matryoshki (two more than children).

Methodical instructions

Educator. Matryoshki came to visit a doll, and we will all together we will drive around her dance. Look, how many nephews came to visit? (Lot.)Take one matrychka and put them in the dance around Kati's doll.

Children arrange dolls.

Educator. How many dolls? How many satieres in the dance? All the nesting stood in the dance? How many mats do not dance dance? (Few.)

In conclusion, the children will lead a dance around the dolls and matryoshek.

Lesson 2.

Software content

Introduce the preparation of a group of objects from individual items and the allocation of one object from it; Teach to understand words a lot, one, not one.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material.Parsley, basket.

Handout.The balls of the same color and size (one for each child).

Methodical instructions

I part.Parsley brings the basket with balls with balls.

Educator. What did parsley bring? What color balls? How many goals brought parsley?

Parsley pour balls to the floor. At his request, children take one ball.

Educator(in turn turns to children). How many goals did you take? How many goals in the basket? (The concept is introduced no one.) What needs to be done so that Parsley in the basket has many goals?

Children fold balls in the basket.

Educator. How many goals did you put? How many goals became in the basket? How many goals do you have in your hands?

II part.Moving game "My cheerful, ringing ball."

The educator reads the poem of S.Ya. Marshak:

My cheerful, ringing ball,
You woomed to scrol
Yellow, red, blue,
Do not keep up with you.

I clapped you palm
You jump and hoisenly stolen,
You fifteen times in a row
Jumping in the corner and back.

And then you rolled
And no longer returned
Rained in the garden,
Spent to the gate.

That rotted at the gate,
Return to turn
There came under the wheel,
I burst, slammed, that's all.

Children jump into the clock poem. At the end of the poem, they scatter.

The game is repeated several times.

Lesson 3.

Software content

Continue to form the ability to draw up a group of items from individual items and allocate one item from it, to learn to answer the question "How much?" and determine the combination with the words one, a lot, none.

Introduce a circle; Learn to examine its shape to the motorway.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material.Doll, basket, circle, cardboard train without wheels, tray, napkin, pelvis with water.

Handout. Circles of the same size and color, clarification.

Methodical instructions

Game "Gifts from Masha doll."

I part.From the basket of dolls Masha tutor pulls the circle and informs children: "This is a circle (driven by his hand)". Then clarifies the name of the subject: "What is it?" To several children, he offers hand to circle a circle.

II part.The tutor offers children to take from the basket of Masha in one circle and asks: "What form of the figure? What color are they?" Children at the request of the teacher will drive the circle contour by hand and find out that the circle can be rolled out.

The educator shows the children the train: "Is it possible to go on this train? (Not.)Why? (No wheels.) "The educator asks children to prepare the train to the trip. The guys join the wheel of the wheel (circles) and to the music "ride" to feed the clarification.

III part.The teacher removes the napkin from the tray and asks: "Who is it? (Clarification.)How many clarops? " (Lot.)

Children take one toy, and the educator finds out: "How many of you took the clarops? How many clarops remained on the tray? "

The educator invites children to play with clarops. To the music of "opener" run, beolate the grains.

The tutor puts the table with water with water and asks children to make a lot of clarops in the basin. Children allow their clarops in a basin. The teacher finds out: "How many of you let the clarops? (One.)How many clarops in the basin? (Lot.)How many clarops remain in your hands? (None.)"

Masha's doll says goodbye to the guys. Children "ride" home.

Lesson 4.

Software content

Improve the ability to draw up a group of items from individual items and allocate one subject from the group, denote the set in words one, a lot, none.

Continue to learn to distinguish and call a circle, examine it by means of a motorway and compare circles in magnitude: big small.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material.Machine, bag, big and small circles of the same color.

Handout. Vegetables (by the number of children), clay (plasticine), skidding for modeling, napkins.

Methodical instructions

I part.The game situation "We collect the harvest of vegetables."

On the floor imitation of the garden. The tutor offers children to see what grows in the garden. Guys listed vegetables. The educator summarizes their answers ("these are vegetables"), then finds out: "How many vegetables have grown in the garden?"

The educator proposes to collect vegetables in the car (imports the car). Children take on one vegetable, and the teacher specifies: "What kind of vegetable did you take? How many vegetables did you take? "

Children in turn lay vegetables into the car and comment: "I put one carrot (beets, potatoes ...)" The actions of the children The tutor accompanies with the words: "Vegetables in the car becomes greater." When the guys fill the car, the teacher finds out: "How many vegetables in the car?"

II part.The game "Wonderful Pouch".

In the car with vegetables, children find a wonderful bag. They get a circle out of it, report the name of the shape and what color it is.

The teacher attaches the circle to flannelugaph and offers someone from the children to circle a figure with hand.

Similar actions are performed with another circle.

Then children find out what kind of figures look like and what they differ.

III part.Gaming exercise "Bake pancakes".

Children are made of clay (plasticine) large and small pancakes. The teacher then proposes to put large pancakes on a large circle, small ones.


fasten the ability to compare the number of itemssick, where one object, and where much;

compare two groups of items, set equalbetween them;

compare familiar items in magnitude (big, small), combine objects on this feature;

teach to guess puzzles based on visually perceptioninformation;

consolidate knowledge about the geometric shape circle (come among other geometric shapes);

form an idea that circles can be timessize;

learn to understand educational task and perform her selfexplicitly;

form the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

Game "Riddles and Radows"

Offer children to guess the riddles.

Always in the forest you will find it

Let's go for a walk and meet:

It is striking, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress.

(Christmas tree)

Well, who of you will answer:

Not fire, but hurts

Not lantern, but shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bake.

(The sun)

Angry Nadrog

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Needles a lot,

And the threads are none.


Under the pine

Who is among the grass?

The leg is, but no boots,

Hat eat - no head.


Questions and task to children.

What items in a lot of pictures? (Cones, hedgehogs.)

What objects are one? (Sun, Mushroom, Christmas tree.)

Zak rape objects that are one.

2. game "Connect right"

Ask children questions.

How many balls on the card in the upper left corner, inright lower corner? (One.)

How many pyramids on the card in the upper right corner,in the lower left corner? (Two.)

What is more: balls or pyramids? (Mines ballsshe, and the pyramids are greater.)

The task. Offer children to connect the card with the card withidentical number of objects.

3 Fizkultminthka "Bear".

Children perform movements on the text of the poem.

In more often lived your head was twisted:

Messenger Honey was looking for

A friendly tree swung:

So, like that, like this, like this.

And then they danced,

Above the paws raised:

So, like that, like this, like this.

4. Game "Walkway"

Offer children to spend the track from big matrees ki to the big bucket, and from a little nestingmu bucket.

Ask children as they spent the tracks (from a big nesting to the big bucket, and from a little nesting to the small bucket).

5. Game "Find and Fall"

Give children task to paint all the circles.

Ask how many circles they painted (three).

What size circles are they painted? (Big, smaller,small.)

Pay attention to children that one and the same geometric figure - a circle - can be of different sizes.

Merry opposites (comparison)

Big small

Elephant big ears wave,

Muha little dancing.

Elephant big, almost huge,

And the size of the flies is modest!

Finely deep

Frog in a mouse finely:

This puddle is like a plate!

In the blue sea, far

The bottom is not visible - deep!


On the porch kitten clean,

White, small, fluffy.

Piggy in the puddle dirty

The view has ugly!

High Low

On the hill stands pine.

Ah, High she!

And pine clinging close

Low penetrate lowered.

Head to stars delivered

Proudly looks down the giraffe.

He is high as the house.

Next wanders low gnome.

Light dark

The sun rose bright

It became light in the room.

At night it will go to sleep,

Will in the room dark!

Long short

Python crawls on the grass:

Like the train long he.

Near pink and meek

The worm crawls short.


Whispering perch out of the pond:

Wet here, everywhere water!

Rubbing the paws of the fly:

Get out, we have dry here!

Fat thin

Good good teddy bear walks

Nearby - Slender Bunny.

Bear chubby such

And his friend is thin!

In the warm lake lives

Very fat hippopotamus.

Towering over water

Stork wanders thin.


Under the shy moon

Quietly sang a cricket night!

At the dawn cock rises,

He sings loudly!


There was a cheerful bear

Honey ate the Barrel's Bear,

And to meet the hedgehog sad:

The hedgehog ate the tear taskless!


Old grandfather with a key goes

Grandson by hand leads.

Old grandfather is very gray

And the granddaughter is young!

Light heavy

On the scales, a heavy elephant:

He weighs a lot.

Light Pier Mothyek

I could not even wave!

Here is a heavy steamer

On gray waves float.

Fish Lightly playing

Steamer catch up!


Somehow Elk said Gracch,

Amanior I do not want!

Bitter, he is not sweet,

I adapted with chocolate!

Fast slow

Quickly runs cheetah,

He has a good start!

Turtle barely

Will harden up to the goal!


Broad, on the road

Elephant went big legs,

And in narrow, along the path

Martishkina shoes!

6. Self-control and self-assessment of completed work.

You can use two types of self-control.

By sample

Show children in advance prepared sheet 1 with rules but made the task and suggest compare your rabotter with sample. If the child's work corresponds to the sample,ask for the right corner the green rhollOW, if there is one error - yellow, if there are many errors - red.

Tell the children that these colors symbolize traffic lightsand denote: green - everything is in order, you can go to the next page, yellow - you need to be a little attentive it is red - you need to perform some tasksagain.

According to verbal instructions

Offer children to check if they are correctnased tasks:

You must have fungus, sun, tree.

You must be connected to the balls withpyramids.

It was necessary to combine a large nesting lot with a big bucket, and a small nesting lot with a small bucket.

4. You should be painted three circles. Self-esteem is carried out just like with visual controle.

Self-monitoring types are desirable to alternate.

Gulshat Akbarova
Abstract of classes in mathematics in the middle group

Educational tasks: to educate prudence, diligence and interest in classes.

Developing tasks: Continue to learn to compare items in size (large, smaller, the smallest, use these words in speech. Develop the ability of children focus, not distracted when performing a task, develop the ability to understand the parts of the day.

Educational tasks: Continue to learn to count objects within 5, learning to add to less group missing subject, learn to establish equality between groupsconsisting of the same number of different items, continue to learn to compare items in size (large, smaller, the smallest, use these words in speech. Secure the ability to distinguish geometric shapes and exercise in comparison group Objects by application.

Basic educational region: Cognition.

Integrated educational region:socialization, physical educationreading fictionCommunication.

Methods and techniques: Verny, explanation, question, conversation, artistic word, visual - pictures of paintings.

Visual means of education

Demonstration: 5 hedgehogs, 5 mushrooms, pictures-part of the day, pictures from a fairy tale "three Bears".

Dispensing: geometric figures.

Preliminary work: Study of concepts "as much as", "more less", learning of physical attacks; Exercise in account until 5- and, exercise in distinguishing and calling geometric figures, draw up from them from different objects and comparison group Objects by application.

Move directly educational activities

Educator: Hedgehogs are jumping between cheeks

With his small chambers.

Under the bushes of hedgehog prickly

Heave the leaves in a bunch.

And under the Christmas tree passed

Each fungus found themselves.

But one hedgehog did not find fungus. Children, let's believe how many hedgehogs are there? (1,2,3,4,5 - 5 hedgehogs.) And how many mushrooms? (1,2,3,4) . What more, hedgehogs or mushrooms. (Hedgehogs more than mushrooms). What is less? (Mushrooms are less than hedgehogs.). What is less? (for one). Why is fungi less? (Because, one hedgehog did not find fungus.) What should be done so that the hedgehogs and mushrooms become equally, five? (give the hedgehog mushroom). Let's, we will give him mushrooms. How much mushrooms become? (choir We consider mushrooms 1,2,3,4,5- five fungi) A, Hedgehogs how much? (choir We consider hedgehogs1,2,3,4,5, and five, there are also five). What can I say? (equally) Yes, hedgehogs and mushroom porovna, five.

Educator: Children, look at this picture, from what fairy tale is this drawing? (three Bears)

Look, the children are the biggest bear-who? (Dad Bear.) And smaller? (Mama Bear) The smallest - who? (Mishutka).

Fizkultminutka: (Children go and go in a circle)

Three bears walked home (children go in a circle)

Dad Mishka was big (raise hands up)

Mom slightly smaller growth (Breast Hands)

A, baby baby just (to squat)

The smallest he was.

With rattles went (imitation motion by text)

Dzin-Dzhin, Dzin - Dzin.

Educator: Children, sat down. We continue. Listen carefully. Now let's talk about parts of the day.

The sun rises, the rooster sings when it happens? (in the morning)

We sleep at night, and do the charge (in the morning). What else do we do in the morning? (Get up, dress, we go to kindergarten, breakfast.)

And at what time of the day adults work, schoolchildren learn, and kids are in kindergarten (day)

We break in the morning, and we dine (day).

Sun behind the mountain sits down, the stars are lit - the evening begins. After which comes evening? (After day sleep, after afternoon). What do people do in the evening? (Go from work, boil dinner, watch TV.)

We dine afternoon, and dinner (in the evening).

At night, I walk in the sky, I will light up the earth, boring, I am bored with me alone, and my name is me (moon). What do you do at night? (SPEE)We feel in the evening, but sleep (at night)

Let's look at these drawings, there are painted parts of the day. (Together with the children we find parts of the day and call. So many parts in the day? (four).

Educator: You have geometric shapes on your table. Find me - a circle. A, now a triangle. Find the square. Now, carefully Look at my drawing and build exactly the same.

Tell us, from which geometric figures built. (Square, Triangle, Circle). How much circle used? How many squares used? How many triangle used?

Educator: Now there will be a task "Interesting friends". Put the children in front of them as many circles, how many times I say. (if you find it difficult to consider the choir 1,2,3,4.)

How many circles did you put? (four)

Put so many squares in front of yourself how many times I'm trapped. (I consider choir 1,2,3,4,5.)

How many squares did you put? (five).

Make friends circles with squares. How did you do that?

Compare what figures are more and how much? (Squares, per)

What figures are less and how much? (Circles, per)

Do so that they are the same.

What you did to be the same. (added one circle.)

Now how many have become. (five)

And how many squares? (also five)

What can be said about them? (they robbed)

Yes, right, they ride, five.

Well done children, you coped well with this task. Let's praise yourself together. Well done!

Educator: Children What we did, what they did on classes? (children's responses) Well done guys, you were today attentive, I tried very hard, so they were able to cope with all the tasks. On this Nashe the occupation is completed.

Software content


Journey to the zoo. Game "Train".

Fasten the ability to distinguish the number of items,

using words one, a lot, little;


Big and small.

Learn to compare circles in size (big, small) fasten the ability to distinguish contrasting items in size using the words are big, small.

Andryusha and chicken.

Learn to compare two subjects in length and designate the result

comparison with words: Long - short, longer - shorter;

fasten the ability to distinguish the number of items, using the words: one, much, little.

Palace and furniture for princes are notsens.

Introduce a square; Learning to distinguish between the circle and square, pointing at the request of the teacher these figures in the pictures, set their images in the order that the teacher offers;


Travel to the forest.

Improve the ability to compare two objects in length, the results of the comparison indicate the words long-cortical, longer than the same length.

Cat and mouse.

Learning to compare two different groups of objects in the method of overlay, to understand the word equally, to focus in the location of the parts of the body, distinguish between the right and left hand; Secure knowledge of the signs of the subject (width, length, color).


Learning to compare two objects contrasting in width, using applying and applications, designate the results of the comparison with the words: wide, narrow, wider, already.


Introduce a triangle; Learning to distinguish and call the figure, use the words: wider, already, the same; Build the gate is low, high, fasten the skills: to compare two items in width.


Become acquainted with the comparison of two items in height; Learn to understand the words: high, low, above, below; Improve the skills of the comparison of two equal groups of objects by the method of the application and use the words: I will remember, equally, equally, as much as.


Two dolls.

Teach to compare two unequal groups of items, refer to the results of the comparison with words: more, less, as much as;


Competition. Gift for mom

Fasten the ability to distinguish and call parts of the day: Morning, day, evening, night; To form a good attitude towards your mother, the desire to make a pleasant one.


To form the ability to distinguish the number of sounds on rumor (much and one); Fasten ways to compare items.


Toy store.

Learning to distinguish a certain number of movements and call them with words alone, a lot; improve the ability to draw up a group of objects from individual items and allocate one subject from the group;

The story "About Grandma and Grandfather."

Fasten the ability to compare two equal groups of objects in the methods of overlay and applications: to learn to determine the spatial location of the items using the prepositions on, under, in, etc.;

Improve the ability to distinguish and call geometric shapes: a circle, square, triangle, cube, develop attention, thinking, memory, imagination.


Games with minor.

To form in children the main components of readiness for successful mathematical development: social, psychological, emotional - volitional; help each child feel satisfaction with the learning process, do not experience uncertainty and fear when performing tasks

Birthday of a good sorceress.

Improve the ability to distinguish and call geometric shapes: a circle, square, triangle, cube; develop imagination, thinking, attention;

By the end of the year, children can:

    Able to group items in color, size, form (select all red, all large, all round items, etc.).

    It can be using an adult group of homogeneous objects and allocate one subject from the group.

    Able to find in the environment alone and many identical items.

    Correctly determines the quantitative ratio of two groups of objects; Understands the specific meaning of words: "more", "less", "as much."

    It distinguishes the circle, square, triangle, objects having angles and cool shape.

    It understands the meaning of the designation: at the top - below, ahead - from the back, on the left - to the right, on, above - under, the upper - the bottom (strip).

    Understands the meaning of words: "Morning", "Evening", "Day", "Night."

Kovaleva Svetlana Nikolaevna, educator
I Cat. №54 "Sparking" Naberezhnye Chelny

Purpose: To summarize the ability of children to distinguish and call properties of objects - color, form (Circle, Square, Triangle), the size (large, medium, small, long, short, wide, narrow)


Form ideas about object properties: color, shape, size;

Secure the ability to distinguish and call a circle and square, continue to acquaint with a triangle;

Secure the ability to distinguish contrasting items, using the words "big", "small";

Continue to learn to compare two groups of objects by the method of overlay and applications, denote the result of comparison with the words "equally, as much as";

Material for the lesson:

  1. Demonstration: Pictures - Geometric Shapes different color, beasts toys, multicolored ribbons of different lengths, "towels" of different widths, styrck basin, clothespins, colored gloves, disk with merry music, toy - Cat Leopold, Cat Leopold (sofa, table, chairs, TV, dishes, etc.)
  2. Distribution - multi-colored balls and cubes, geometric shapes, pictures "big, medium, small", circles cut into 2-3 parts.

Structure occupation

(Merry music sounds) V. Guys, today I invite you to visit Kotu Leopold.

Have you watched a cartoon about Cota Leopold? Yes, Leopold - the hero of our favorite cartoon. Do you like him? And what is he? (kind, cheerful, brave ...). And who has relieved all the time and harmed the good cat? (mice). What did they say? ("Forgive us, Leopold"). Do you know how to be friends? (Yes). And you, of course, have friends with whom you never quarrel? And what are the favorite words of Cota Leopold? ("Guys let's be friends!")

Imagine that the Leopold did not come to visit us, and we are now magic and we will be in the apartment of Cota Leopold.

Come quietly into the group - here will be the apartment of Cota Leopold. Be calmly, try not to make noise so as not to scare Leopold - suddenly he sleeps.

(Children enter the group)

Game "pick up the key to the lock"

Guys, it seems, the Cota Leopold is not at home, but he left me the keys from the lock. Oh, all the keys were confused. Will you help me choose the keys to these locks? To each castle you need to pick up the key in color and form (Kids pick up keys to castles in color and form).

Well done. Now you can go.

Educator: How comfortable here!

Game "Balls and Cubes"

(on the floor Rasque balls and cubes)

Educator: Oh, look at what a mess here is probably the mouses formerly. What did they scattered? (Cubes and balls). Let's bring order. Cubes need to be folded into the red box, and balls - in blue (children collect cubes and balls).

Well done, you all collected everything very quickly.

Fingering gymnastics

Educator: And this is the favorite Clubs Leopold. He loves to play with them very much. And we will play with your fingers, remember the poem about the pussy.

Motala throat pussy

And the glulls sold.

How much is?

Three rubles. Buy from me!

Game "Game with Cluster"

Educator: Let's play with this glider. To whom I will bother the tangle, he answers.

Who more: Elephant or Mouse?

What is higher: table or chair?

Who else: Owl or Sparrow?

How much hair do you have on your head?

How many stars in the sky?

How many needles have hedgehogs?

Who else is a camel or a dog?

How many spout do you have?

And the sun in the sky?. .. (one)

How many palls have a cat?

How many tails do you have? (no one)

How many spout do you have?

How many legs do you have? (none)

The ceiling upstairs, and the floor ... (down below)

Moon upstairs, and the earth ... (down below)

Well done. The glaker liked to play with you.

"Different Pictures" game

Educator: Leopold also loves to play with these pictures. We will also play - you need to decompose pictures in size: large, medium size, small (Children lay pictures in size).

Well done.

Game "broken plates"

Educator: Guys, while Leopold is not at home, cover the table. Oh, it seems, the mice broke all the plates: see - some fragments remained (Shows colored circles cut on 3-4 parts). What to do? Will we help Leopold - gley plates? Come to the table. Here, Diana, you "broken plate", and this plate Artem will collect.

(children fold "plates"). What form are they "? (Round). What colour? (red, blue, yellow, etc.)

Many thank you guys.

Game "Next table"

Educator: We now have plates, help me cover the table. Well, the mice immediately came running. Guys, forgive them? (Yes) Yes, forgive, because Leopold always forgive them. Treat their delicious cheese. Look - all the mice have enough cheese? What is more - mice or cheese? (mice more, because one mouse remained without cheese). What needs to be done to make mouse and cheese? (You need to bring another piece of cheese). Bring, Polina. Now mice and pieces of cheese row? Why do you think they are equally? (because each mouse has one piece of cheese). How many mice, so much and ... cheese. How much cheese, so much and ... mice.

Well done, now all the mice will be treated.

Game "Enzyst Towel"

Educator: Look, Leopold was engaged in washing - the towel was postponed, and did not hang dry. Let's help him? Go, Diana, a wide towel, and Alain hangs a narrow towel. What color is a wide towel? And narrow?

Well done.

The game "In short, longer"

Educator: Guys, do not go to visit without a gift. These beautiful ribbons will give Leopold. He loves beautiful ribbons. Look, all the tapes of different lengths are some shorter, others are longer. Compare from the ribbons one end and see what tape is longer. What is the longest ribbon? (red). What is the shortest tape? (green). That's right, well done.

Game "Listen to Music" (dynamic pause)

Educator: Guys, let's play with these ribbons in an interesting, dance game. While music sounds, you can dance and move. As soon as the music stops, you must stop and do not move until the music sounds again. Be careful listening to music (kids are playing). Well done, you were attentive.

11) psychogympics "cheerful and sad"

Educator: Have you fun? Leopold is also fun when he has many friends, and he is sad when he is offended. Show how fun leopold smiles? (Children of the Mimicia are depicting Merry Leopold). And if he is sad? (Children depict a sad cat).

Educator: Guys, who visited today today? (Visiting Leopold).

What did we do? (They played, danced, helped Leopold to glue the plates, treated the mice with cheese, painted cheerful Leopold, etc.)

What did you like most?

I really liked how you played.

(the phone rings).

Educator: Is this a cat Leopold? Will you come soon?

Cat Leopold called. He said he would come soon. Guys, do you know how to be friends? Do not offend each other? Not? What are you great! All children who know how to be friends and play together, Cat Leopold has prepared gifts.

(Music from the cartoon sounds, Leopold cat enters)

Educator: And this is our friend Leopold. See what gifts he brought you.

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