GDZ in Russian Language 6 Innovative School. How ready homework can help in study

3rd ed. - M.: 2014. - Part 1 - 247c., Part 2 - 208c.

Tutorial "Russian. Grade 6 "is a continuation of the CMD in the Russian language for 5-9 classes. In grade 6, the study of vocabulary, word formation, morphology continues. At the beginning and end of the textbook, the material is presented to the repetition of the past. Education systemThe educational and methodological apparatus found continued and development in the 6th grade textbook. Theoretical Material, as in class 5 textbook, is introduced in the form of texts explaining, sometimes in the form of the author's conversation with the student. Systematic work with scientific text continues. The development of the student of the schoolchild is implemented in the system of tasks that form self-assessment skills, self-analysis and designed to help comprehend their activities, its results. The textbook is repetition and systematization of the speech concepts already studied in grade 5, as well as the study of a new material on the speech. This section is theoretical basis Study of connected speech. The concepts of "Stylistics and Speech Styles" are introduced.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Russian language in Russia 3
Speech (repeat and learn new)
§ 1. Text. Theme and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text 6
§ 2. How the text is built. Communication of proposals in the text 8
§ 3. Types of speech 19
§ 4. Speech styles. Colloquial 26
§ 5. Scientific style speech 37
§ 6. Official-business style Speech 44
§ 7. Language artistic literature 55
Vocabulary (repeat and learn new)
§ 8. Word and its values \u200b\u200b66
§ 9. Paronims 69
§ 10. Ordinary Russians and borrowed words 72
§ eleven. Outdated words 79
§ 12. Neologisms 83
§ 13. Words are commonly used and limited consumption 89
§ 14. Dialectims 91
§ 15. Terms, Special Words (Professionalism), Jargonisms 93
§ 16. Stylistic properties of the word 100
§ 17. What is phraseological units 106
§ 18. How to arise phraseologisms 110
§ 19. Stylistic properties of phraseologism 114
Morfemic. Word formation. Spelling (repeat and learn new)
§ 20. From what is the words 123
§ 21. Spelling of the roots of words 130
§ 22. Methods of word formation.
Pottar and suffix method 140
§ 23. Difficult words 147
§ 24. Morphemnaya and word-forming analysis of the word 155
§ 25. What is etymology 160
§ 26. Parts of speech 166
Noun name (repeat and learn new)
§ 27. Natural name as part of speech 171
§ 28. Eating nouns in speech 179
Adjective Name (Repeat and Learning New)
§ 29. The name is adjective as part of speech 188
§ 30. The use of impressions in speech 197
Verb (repeating n study new)
§ 31. Verb as part of speech 210
§ 32. The use of verbs in speech 215
Slogistics of spelling and orthoepic difficulties 231
Explanatory dictionary 237.

§ 1. What is the pronoun 3
Plan morphological parsing Proponation 10.
§ 2. Personal pronouns 13
§ 3. Return pronation itself 18
§ four. Possessive pronouns 20
§ 5. Indexing pronouns 26
§ 6. Determined pronouns 31
§ 7. Questionally relative pronouns 34
§ 8. Uncertainty pronouns 40
§ 9. Negative pronouns 43
§ 10. Eating pronouns in speech 47
§ 11. What denotes the name number 54
§ 12. Numbers are simple, complex and composite 60
§ 13. Quantitative numerical and their discharges 63
§ 14. Declination of numerals denoting integers 70
§ 15. Declination of fractional numerical 81
§ 16. Declination of the collective numeral 83
§ 17. Ordinal Names Numbered 87
Numeral Numbers Morphological Paper Plan 89
§ 18. The use of numerals in speech 91
§ 19. What denotes the adverb 101
§ 20. Definitions of the Naschard by value 107
§ 21. The degrees of comparison of the shortcoming 120
Morphological parsing plan 126
§ 22. Word formation of adverbs 130
§ 23. Specify the adverbs. Fitting and separate writing of the mock 138
§ 24. Defis Writing Instant 143.
§ 25. Spelling is not with adverbs on -O (e) 147
§ 26. Spelling is not either in negative adverbs 149
§27. The letters n and nn in adverbs on o (e) formed from the adjectives 151
§ 28. Letters Oh, E (E) at the end of the mock after hissing 153
§ 29. Letters Oh, and at the end of the mock 154
§ 30. Soft sign at the end of the mock after hissing 157
§ 31. Using the adverbs in speech 162
We repeat the studied 174.
Slog of spelling and orthoepic difficulties 192
Explanatory dictionary 198.

The textbook corresponds to the federal ...

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The textbook "Russian language. Grade 6" is a continuation of the CMD in the Russian language for 5-9 classes. In grade 6, the study of vocabulary, word formation, morphology continues. At the beginning and end of the textbook, the material is presented to the repetition of the past. The training system, the educational and methodological apparatus found continued and development in the 6th grade tutorial. Theoretical material, as in class 5 textbook, is introduced in the form of texts explaining, sometimes in the form of the author's conversation with the student. Systematic work with scientific text continues. The development of the student of the schoolchild is implemented in the system of tasks that form self-assessment skills, self-analysis and designed to help comprehend their activities, its results. The textbook is repetition and systematization of the speech concepts already studied in grade 5, as well as the study of a new material on the speech. This section is the theoretical basis for the study of connected speech. The concepts of "Stylistics and Speech Styles" are introduced.
The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
6th edition.


The study of any educational discipline can be very interesting if you adhere to a certain research approach. Not an exception here is Russian. However, not every student this item is easily given. You can avoid the emergence of difficulties by using a specialized reshebnik.

Collection of finished homework for textbook grade 6 in the Russian language of the author Bystrovaya E.A. With the content of the responses will be a faithful assistant in successful learning activities For any student. The manual is structured identically to the main book, so there is a division into two sections here, in each of which there are solutions to more than two and a half hundreds of exercises. All rooms are explained in detail, so the child will not have any questions to any task. Training edition Complies with GEF standards.

How can ready homework help in school?

The use of GDZ will help a teenager in the following situations:
  • the emergence of difficulties in the implementation of tasks on the house;
  • the skip of the lesson on which the topic was studied;
  • an incomplete understanding of the material passed.

Taking advantage of this auxiliary instrument, the teenager will receive a chance to independently, without the help of adults or teachers, to deal with difficult moments. For a qualitative learning of knowledge, he needs to start a difficult exercise to begin to begin, and only then view the correct answer. Otherwise you can purchase harmful habit, consisting in automatic thoughtless chosenness.

Who else is worth useing the reshebnik?

Online collection in Russian Language by E.A. It is also suitable for the use of linguists' parents and teachers. For first, it will be a way to control the knowledge of the child, also with its help they will be able to refresh the language of the language traveled in the school. For teachers, the collection will be useful to the fact that on its basis it is possible to make up its techniques and complexes for verification and test work and tests. In some cases, the teacher can use this assistant to save time and effort to quickly check their student's homework.

Undoubtedly, Russian is one of the most important items in the school education system. Any competent person must own them on enough high level. After all, without knowledge of the language, it is impossible to fully realize in any of the spheres of life. This subject is given a lot of time at school, as the exams on it are required absolutely in all universities of the country. In order for training to be effective and interesting, you should use the online reshebnik for grade 6, the authors of which Bystrov E.A., Kibyreva L.V., Goszheva Yu.N. This manual contains faithful answers to all the tasks of their original textbook publishing house " Russian word"2014. All collection materials are relevant at the current time (2019). A large number of Personal teachers use GDZ in their activities to create their own abstracts.

Excellent ratings with reshebnik in Russian fast

Most of the new information, the schoolboy digested right in the lesson. The teacher tries to give the theoretical base: to tell the rules, laws and exceptions, ways of staging. Then the student is engaged on the basis of these materials practical activities: Writes writings, dictations, presentation, puts punctuation marks. Of course, much depends on independent training Schoolchildren. Work at home plays a very important role, without which it is impossible to achieve progress. The child must perform "home", train your skills and skills. And this will help him with a collection with ready-made solutions For grade 6 fast, cybireva, guest.

All Pluses of Electronic Benefits:

  • fast availability of the site from any resource - tablet, computer, telephone. The main thing to include the Internet;
  • the variability of solving some tasks, you can choose the appropriate;
  • interesting methodical instructions, tips and illustrations;
  • convenient table with answers, each exercise has its own search room.

The portal works 24 hours a day, so you can write off the "homework" at any time. But the simple rewriting of ready-made answers will never increase performance and do not increase knowledge. Therefore, you first should independently understand the examples specified on the house, and then to check them with the reshebnik.

All themes in GDZ in Russian for six-graders Authors: Bystrov, Kibyreva, Gostev

Many parents try to engage together with the child to help him in their studies and the analysis of certain rules. But it is worth noting that not all parents remember the material that passed many years ago at school. An excellent rescue will be a collection with assignments containing the following topics:

  • speech;
  • vocabulary;
  • phraseology;
  • morfemic. Word formation;
  • morphology. Spelling.

The educational complex will help all schoolchildren to prepare for any kind of control and verification, final tests and cuts.

Russian language grade 6

Bystrov, Kibivirev

Innovative School

Russian word

The study of this subject can be very interesting if approaching it with research interest. But all children are capable of such feats. And although its complex aspects can be found in any discipline, for some reason it is in this that they are perceived as something insurmountable. To prove the opposite reshebnik to the textbook "Russian language grade 6" Bystrov, Kibyreva, In which the authors are very concise and at the same time explain in detail all the educational material.

As structured reshebnik.

The first section has two hundred ninety-six exercises, and the second one is two hundred sixty-four. Tasks B. GDZ in Russian 6th grade They are delimited by topics, so you can fully understand the essence of any partition. Additional work will help deepen knowledge on the subject.

It requires it in school.

Not always, the guys are simply given phraseological units or the compilation of ungalled adjectives. In the same way, problems may occur when studying any other topic. Where exactly "turns out" the schoolboy to predict is simply impossible. In addition, it may happen that all the material will be extremely understood by the child and it is not even once to contact the parents behind the tips. But for any case it is worth having a reshebnik to the textbook "Russian Language Grade 6" Bystrov At hand, in order to have the opportunity to get high-quality assistance in extremely short time. "Russian Word", 2014

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