Bridge in France through the valley. Viaduct Miyo (France) - the world's highest transport bridge: description, sizes

Last week I flew to Europe and the main goal of the trip was a cable bridge in the village of Miyo (Millao). This is French Glush 250 kilometers from the border with Spain. We drove as Karaz from Spain, from Barcelona. All this is 400 km distance. This is one of the highest and most long bridges in the world.

Now a little about the bridge itself is a grandiose structure. Long passage of 2460 meters. 32 meters width, the height of the highest pilon (P2) 343 meters from the ground. The height of the Eiffel Tower is 324 meters. It was built this miracle in 2004, as it was built - you can look at Discovery or Neutlla Jesographer, I don't remember exactly where I watched.

It is located on the A75 highway, from Barcelona to go straight and left :).

Photos in the album "Viaduct Miyo" N Adlle on Yandex.Photes

The border between Spain and France. And rather her absence. You go and go, neither brakes nor checks. I didn't even take the documents with me.

Roads in France, and in Spain, chic. On the tracks, the resolved speed of 130km / h (in the rain 110). But most of the route - toll roads. The total road back comes around somewhere in 50 euros. Take cards, so everything is simple.

Entrance to the bridge from the south. Limit 110, 3 bands, you can not walk on foot.

Turning to the observation site We, of course, profudkali. Here is the left track. I had to hand over.

It is about looking, there you can shout and buy souvenirs. Parking is free. Full people in the houses on the wheels.

Viewpoint. Russians were clearly very little, there is no characteristic inscriptions anywhere. French and few people sometimes come across.

Miyo village itself. The bridge was built so that in the summer the corks did not paralyzal this village.

This is the support that the closest thing is the highest.

Support and guys.

Especially for curious everything is fenced. Do not fly anywhere. Also between the supports you can see another observation deck.

From Paris to the south of France, four highways lead in a common account: A7 through Lyon, A75 through Orleans and Clermont-Ferrand, A20 through Limoges and Toulouse and A10 through Poitiers and Bordeaux along the Atlantic coast. The shortest path to the Mediterranean Sea is running just on A75 - one of the highest highways in Europe. For a long time, huge traffic jams were considered the main disadvantage of this road in the city of Mio, where A75 crossed the Tarn River. Every year during summer holidays And the vacations congestion stretched for many kilometers, so over time, the construction of Viaduct over the valley of Tarn was needed. Studies began in 1987, and himself viaduct Miyo. Opened only in 2004. This masterpiece of engineering thought broke several records and today is considered the highest transportation in the world. In my opinion, it is impossible to drive past and do not go to the parking lot to enjoy the views of the bridge and southern landscapes.

I have already drove through Viaductuk Miyo three times and each time I did a stop with him, so there will be photos taken in three different days. It will be possible to watch the bridge with different lighting.

Miyo is located in an incredibly picturesque valley of the Tarn River and is surrounded by the Mountains of the Central Arrays.

Miyo lives a little more than 20 thousand people.

To admire the viaduct, it is best to spend a little strength and time and climb to the observation platform that hangs over the parking lot.

Viaduct Miyo - a cable bridge with a total length of two and a half kilometer, standing on seven supports, one of which exceeds the Eiffel Tower at its height.

Unlike other, higher bridges (if you consider the distance from the roadway to the bottom), the supports of Viaduct Miyo are installed at the bottom of the gorge. That is why the bridge can be considered the highest in the world.

The implementation of the project was assigned to the design company "EiFaj", and the famous Norma Foster and Michel Witra became the main architects, the author of the impressive bridge of Normandy at the mouth of the Seine.

Designers faced a number of difficulties: huge sizes and depth of the gorge, wind, reaching 200 km / h, some seismic activity, as well as resistance from local residents and associations to protect nature.

Preliminary studies revealed four possible routes for the motorway: "East" (involving the complex construction of two high bridges through the valleys of Tarn and Durbie), "West" (the construction of four viaducts, which would be very much affected by environment), "Close to RN9" (technical difficulties, as it would have passed on the already built-up areas) and finally the "median" - who received more approval in the environment of local residents, but also conjugate with certain difficulties of the geological and technological plan.

Additional studies have shown that the "median" project can be implemented. It remained only to choose from two options: "Upper" option meant the construction of the Viaduct with a length of 2.5 km, and the "Lower" suggested a descent to the valley, the bridge over the tar group and additional viaduct with the tunnel. The shortest, cheap and safe "upper" version was eventually approved by the Ministry of Source.

In 1996 (i.e., after 9 years after the start of research), the final draft of Viaduct (the third above) was chosen from several options, which is best inscribed in the landscape.

The bridge is supported by 7 supports (or pylons). Each pilon is departed to the roadbed of 11 pairs of vantes with tension from 900 to 1200 tons.

The mass of the steel bridge flooring is 36 thousand tons, which is five times heavier than the world famous Eiffel Tower.

A special windproof screen is installed on both sides of the road linen, protecting viaduct and motorists from strong wind gusts.

The state of the bridge is monitored by a huge number of sensors measuring pressure, temperature, acceleration, stretching, etc. The oscillations of the flooring are fixed with an accuracy of a millimeter.

I believe that Viaduct Miyo is one of the most beautiful and elegant bridges in the world. Its rigor of lines and the apparent simplicity of the design not only do not spoil, but even decorate the landscape.

Many opponents of construction led as an argument that the fee for travel on the bridge will score motorists and truck drivers, and the project will not pay off. It turned out on the contrary: Viaduk attracts not only cargo transportation companies (saving time and nerves of drivers), but also tourists who are specially visiting to look at the miracle of engineering thought.

Despite the fact that cars are no longer driving through the city center on the road to South or from the south, hotels and restaurants in neighboring cities with bridge celebrate the growth of attendance, called the "effect of viaduct".

Point of payment of the road duty is located north of Viaduct. It can serve 16 lanes. The fare on the bridge in 2013 in the summer season - 8.90 € for passenger cars, 32,40 € for trucks.

Initially, the bridge acted a standard speed limit of 130 km / h, but it was lowered to 90 km / h to reduce emergency danger - many drivers slowed down to have time to enjoy the scenery.

The radius of the curvature of the bridge 20 km allows motorists to move along a more accurate trajectory and gives Viaduk the illusion of infinity.

Some say that these days no one thinks over the aesthetic component of large structures, since capitalism seeks to reduce the cost of construction to the detriment of appearance. Viaduct Miyo - Direct proof of the opposite.

How to get: By car, 6 hours from Paris or an hour with a little of Montpellier.
The fare on the bridge: 8,90 € in summer, 7 € off season

Friends, and what bridges did you impress you at your time?

views: 23 / Posted by Vladimir October 29, 2009

Viaduct Miyo (Millau) r. Le Viaduc De Millau) - a guy road bridge passing through the valley of the Tarn River near the city of Miyo in South France (Department of Averon). The bridge is the last link of the A75 highway, providing high-speed movement from Paris through Clermont Ferrand to the Bezier City.

Viaduct Miyo.

Official name Le Viaduc de Millau

Scope of autotrass

Cross Tarn

Miojo - Cresan location

Construction type Went Road Bridge

Total length 2 460 m

Bridge width 32 m

Date of discovery 2004.

The authors of the Bridge project are the French engineer Michel Virdendo, a well-known project of the second for the centers of the guy bridge in the world - Normandy Bridge - and English Architect Norman Foster, which is also the author of the airport projects in Hong Kong and the restoration of the Reichstag Building in Berlin. Viaduk was created under the concession agreement of the French government with the Eiffage group (the French Design Company, including the workshops of Gustav Eiffel, which built the Eiffel Tower). The term of the concession agreement is 78 years.

The bridge crosses the valley of the Tarn River at its lowest point, linking the Larzak plateau with a red plateau and passes through the inside of the perimeter natural Park Big plateau. This is the highest transport Most In the world, one of his supports has a height of 341 meters - a little higher than the Eiffel Tower, and only 40 meters lower than the Empire State Building. The bridge was solemnly opened on December 14, 2004, and for the movement - December 16, 2004.

Three global records

The highest support in the world: P2 and P3 supports, having respectively height in 244.96 and 221.05 meters, significantly exceeded the previous record of France - Viaduct Tulle and Faucerer (141 m) and recently installed world record of Viaduct Kohretal (Germany), height which is 181 meters.

The world record of the height of the support of the bridge with a pylon: the height of the pilon, towering over the support P2, reaches 343 m.

The highest road canvas in the world: 270 m above the ground at the highest point. Only the cloth of the ROYAL GORGE Bridge bridge (321 m) in Colorado in the United States, which is considered the highest bridge in the world, surpasses Viaduct Miyo, but there we are talking about pedestrian walkways crossing Arkansas.

Viaduct Miyo.

Viaduct is vantey Bridge. 2 460 m long.

It crosses the Tarn valley at an altitude of about 270 m above the earth.

The road leather width of 32 m is four-way (two bands in each direction) and has two backup bands.

Viaduk stands on 7 supports, each of which is crowned with pylons with a height of 87 m (11 pairs of VANT are fixed).

The radius of curvature in 20 km allows the machines to move along a more accurate path than if it were a straight line, and gives Viaductuk the illusion of non-conformity.


Length 2 460 m

Width 32 M.

Maximum height 343 m, that is, 20 m above the Eiffel Tower

The maximum height of the road canvase is about 270 m above the ground

The height of the biggest support is 245 m

Height of the smallest support 77.56 m

The number of supports 7 (support is in four wells depth 15 m and a diameter of 5 m)

Cost of construction 400 million euros

Terms of Concession 78 years (3 years of construction and 75 years of operation)

Warranty 120 years old


Metal canvas Viaduct, very easy compared to its total mass, about 36,000 tons has a length of 2,460 m and the width of 32 m. The canvas number 8 spills. Six central flights have a length of 342 m each, and two extreme - 204 m. The canvas consists of 173 central caissons, the real spine of the structure to which side flooring and extreme caissons are tightly soldered. Central caissons consist of sections 4 m wide and 15-22 m in length with a total weight of 90 tons. Road canvas has the shape of a turned the wing of the aircraft so that it is less than the impact of the wind.

There are in southern France, near Miyo, one unique constructions - Road bridge of the guidance system, peroxided through the valley of the Tarn River. The skyscraper bridge "unlocks" the tense motorway, the shortest way connecting Paris and Barcelona. Its construction cost 400 million euros, and the fee for the pleasure of riding it is planned to charge over the next 78 years.

By the way, correctly call this design is still "Viaduct", then you mean the same bridge, but peroxided through the gorge, ravine or a whole valley, as in the case of Millau. Yes, and no matter how I wanted to roll into English, reading the name in the form of Millau, you should not do this. Right - Miyo 🙂

In the area of \u200b\u200bViaduct, there are 7 viewing sites well designated on the map \u003e\u003e
There you can find their description and other useful information.

We visited two of them. First, the bottom Cap de Coste-Brunas, indicated in the diagram number 1. With it, it opens a view from the bottom of the valley, and the supports of the bridge look like real giants, especially compared to the bug-machines docking at the bottom. Total supports seven, the second of which love to compare with Eiffel Tower, not in favor of the latter. Immediately they remembered those sweet-fascinating experiences, which were covered during from the third level Eiffel (310 meters). But would you organize the rise in pylons Miyo?!

11 pairs of Want supporting the road are attached to each of the pylons:

The road leaf 32 meter width is four-way (two strips in each direction), and has two backup bands. To resist the deformations of the metal canvase due to the movement of vehicles, the Appia research team has developed a special asphalt concrete based on mineral resin. The relatively soft to adapt to the deformation of the steel, not giving cracks, he, however, had to have sufficient stability to respond to road criteria (wear, density, structure, clutch, resistance to deformation - the formation of a gauge, splas, shifts, etc. .). It took two years of research to find the "ideal formula".

Before the Earth - 270 meters, Oklmn!

But the most impressive views open from the height of the hill near observation deck L'Aire du Viaduc de Millau (number 7 in the diagram). From there it is clearly seen that Viaduct ... curve! The radius of curvature in 20 km allows the machines to move along a more accurate path than if it were a straight line, and gives Viaductuk the illusion of non-conformity.

For passages now take 6.10 euros from cars (in July and in August - more expensive) that almost robbery for 2.5 kilometers. But the project must somehow recoup ...

While Miyo was built, he was the highest transport bridge, but in 2009 the Chinese built the bridge even higher, even further ... and PE. True, there is a nuance: the Chinese bridge passes over the gorge in Polkilometer in depth, but his supports are not at the bottom. Therefore, another question is above and how to count: in the height of pylons or in the height of the roadbed.

View of the "sail" Viaduka with the main observation. The people, by the way, comes here with their wine, are sitting on Parapets, admire beauty and killery. We also joined 🙂

Each support of the bridge is in four wells in a depth of 15 m and a diameter of 5 m, as well as all of them are equipped with a large number of measuring instruments - anemometers, accelerometers, biaspace, temperature sensors that collect detailed information about the "behavior" of Viaduct and transmit it to the service center, Located along with the point of payment of the road duty.

The valley through which Viaduk is thrown. Roads at the bottom, though minor, but all excellent quality.

Green Tarn River, Creator Valley. Despite its meek species, known for catastrophic floods.

And this is Mio's village, dividing his name with Viaduct. At first, the locals were very happy to build a bridge. Like, now the cars will ride on top, will not pollute the air and create traffic jams. But over time, there is a side effect: a decrease in the number of tourists passing through Miyo, negative way affects the economy of the town.

In general, visiting Viaduct Miyo and the accompanying sightseeing sites was very impressed. Single new attraction of southern France, which must be included in the route, especially traveling by car.

Place of shooting: Valley of the River Tarn, France.

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44 Thoughts ON " France: Viaduct Miyo. Photo report

  1. Olegka.
    January 12, 2019
  2. Yurijvar.
    January 7, 2019

    Awesome engineering solution! I have seen documentary About its construction. There were frames for combining the bridge spans from two sides - everything came up to a millimeter!

  3. Catys.
    January 7, 2019

    Miyo is a very impressive structure, it's true! Especially great there in winter ride when the valley of Tarn covers the fog ... Then the bridge looks insplex in general!

  4. Borracho.
    January 7, 2019

    An impressive structure of course, there are plans to look at it. Sorry in 2009, I did not know about Viaduct, and drove from Barcelona to Paris through Toulouse, and not on this road. However, I drove at night anyway, but for the sake of such a structure it would be possible to correct the route.

  5. Saharok.
    October 23, 2012

    i envy white envy to everyone who saw it alive

  6. VEWVER.
    September 16, 2012

    Beautiful panoramas! Pictures are just super. Especially liked the bridge

  7. Vyacheslav
    September 16, 2012

    Powerful structure, terrible however, on such a thing

  8. saulkrasti.
    August 29, 2012

    There is a film from the "Megasocket" series. Cool film - about the construction of this bridge. We just revised it yesterday. And soon we will go watch the bridge "live")))

  9. quinnessa.
    August 29, 2012

    Oh, and we admired him from Miyo himself, did not drive.

  10. sun_sunovna.
    August 29, 2012

    impressive !!! Thank you)

  11. Nikolay Bluechik
    August 28, 2012


  12. junglia
    August 28, 2012

    "The new attraction of southern France, which must be included in the route" is an unconditional truth.
    Thank you for very impressive types and details of travel on man-made beauty 🙂

  13. red_DReadnought.
    August 28, 2012

    Crazers Passatia! Cool how! I will definitely take a look.

  14. mslarisa.
    August 27, 2012

    Wonderful. I dream to drive.

  15. travelodessa.
    August 27, 2012

    Handsomely! And I remember passing the Bridge of Normandy, that in the north, also a beautiful sight

  16. valyam57
    August 27, 2012

    No words! Lasila in his youth to the pylon of the Bridge under construction in Cherepovets (87 m).

  17. kira_an.
    August 27, 2012

    if the French Wikipedia is not lying, then there are enough tourists)) only during the construction of Halmillion came to see.

  18. createmiracle
    August 27, 2012

    I don't think that tourists stop in hotels because of the bridge, the tourists are eaten in local restaurants, etc. Rather, they just go past, stopped, sfotkatsya and drove further.

    But I agree, except for purely practical, there are other criteria.

  19. kira_an.
    August 27, 2012

    then no one would write about him, tourists would not come with packs, would not sell photos ...
    Eiffel Tower also could not build - practical benefit from her no

  20. createmiracle
    August 27, 2012

    Well it is clear. The bridge is possible and needed, but not such a giant. That is, with significantly smaller costs, the effect would be about the same 🙂

  21. kira_an.
    August 27, 2012

    \u003e\u003e I have such a feeling that it was not necessary to build such an expensive bridge.

    without a bridge there you could always drive. Only longer 🙂

  22. createmiracle
    August 27, 2012

    Similarly, the Germans are sinful. That is, the money is not plundered directly, as in Russia, and "masterful" in projects, the need of which is very controversial. In order not to go far, a living example: not far from me, the autobahn is laid, but not on the surface, and it is plugged with meters 15 below the ground level, I do not know how much exactly, but the pit is impressive. And all this is done under the pretext of "noise reduction". Sounds somehow to put it mildly unconvincing, in a radius of several kilometers probably there are no residential buildings there.

  23. 097mcn.
    August 27, 2012

    I also wanted to say it. Some pillars are completely cyclopic.

    By the way, I remember rushed in Croatia, so there I first saw a 4-way autoban, curling the serpentine. Although probably it was possible to throw it through the mountains on the semi-kilometer "legs" 🙂

  24. polinchik
    August 27, 2012

    i do not remember) via Discovery type saw a couple of times)

  25. createmiracle
    August 27, 2012


  26. polinchik
    August 27, 2012

    there is even a gearbox about him which about all sorts of the most confused)

  27. paulpv
    August 27, 2012

    about how! Thank you!
    Drove on him and did not know that everything is so interesting

  28. sheric_ru.
    August 27, 2012

    I was going to drive it, but did not have enough time for such a hook .. and sorry!

  29. mirage31.
    August 27, 2012

    such bridges are better to go around on an alternative free serpentine -In the whole beauty of driving through France fades in the concrete of the charge road.

  30. Snezhana.
    August 27, 2012

    Very impressive! Thanks for such a detailed report.

  31. Fairy.
    August 27, 2012
  32. createmiracle
    August 27, 2012

    Class! I love such structures. 6 Euro is inexpensive, in France, because it is necessary to pay approximately 5 euros for the fare on autobars, so on this background 6 euros per bridge is a bit.

Miyo Bridge is considered the highest bridge for which cars drive, there are, of course, and higher, for example, in Colorado, but it is allowed to move only to pedestrians, or in China on the Flash River, but his supports are located on the plateau, which is also over Earth. Therefore, if you look honestly, Miyo is the highest with its 270 meters.

Such heights could not be unnoticed, so many tourists come to this place to take a picture of the miracle bridge. He looks particularly impressive when in the valley of Tar fog, then the bridge seems to boil over it. From such a spectacle, really captures the spirit.

Why did Miyo built?

Viaduct Miyo Bridge seems to boil over the valley of the Tar.

Many are surprised, why was such a huge bridge in the area. He does not lead anyone large cities, and connects Paris and Little Gorodishko Bezier. It turns out that Gorodishko although it is small, but it is in him there are many elite educational institutions.

From Paris and other French cities, all students who thirs are going to get an elite education come here. In addition, Beziers is located quite close to the Mediterranean Sea, so that the influx of people heading towards the city is great.

Previously, all motorists holding the path in this direction moved along the number 9. But because of the large stream of people there often formed plugs. Tourists could not arrive at the destination on time, truck drivers deliver goods, the students did not have time to study - everyone stood in huge traffic jams.

Now, thanks to Miyo, the path is free. You can have time to do business on time. However, it should be borne in mind that the passage of Miyo is not free, and about how much fares on the bridge read below.

Construction and difficulties in building a bridge

Studies that were conducted before the construction of the bridge, for some data lasted 10 years. During this time, the chief architect Norma Foster, together with Michel Virlazho and the Eiffage group, were able to create a practically perfect draft bridge. By the way, in Eiffage enters the Eiffel workshop, which designed and built the main Parisian landmark.

Over Miyo worked exactly three years. On December 14, 2001, construction began, but ended the same number, only 2004. During this time, developers had to overcome many difficulties.

The most basic is the development and mounting of the supports on which the bridge holds. Each support was developed separately, each has different lengths, weight and diameter, the greatest support has a base of 25 meters.

Big problems arose with their transportation. For example, the greatest support has 16 sections, and each of them weighs at least 2,300 tons. It is clear that it was impossible to deliver a whole support to the bridge. Therefore, I had to deliver in parts. It took a lot of time and strength. In total, supports 7 pieces, moreover, there are still pylons on the bridge and the mass of other design elements.

However, on this difficulty developers did not end. Miyo Bridge threatened the deformation of metal structures, which are not enough that very expensive, so even more difficult.

Therefore, a group who worked on the project was to invent a new formula asphalt concrete. The coating was intended to protect the cloth from the deformation and comply with other standards. As a result, it was possible to develop a unique asphalt concrete, according to which motorists go.

Despite the exactly thoughtful project and the hardest work not all the idea came to taste. Miyo Bridge sharply criticized, arranged demonstrations, the purpose of which was to stop the construction. Few people believed in the success of the project. And even when the bridge began to build and have already invested in this funds, there were people and organizations who were trying to prevent him with all their efforts.

Is the project of the bridge as a business? Time will tell

Miyo Bridge is considered the highest bridge for which cars drive

Now, when Miyo Bridge is already built, developers had to come with another difficulty. The bridge is not state, it was built for money "Eiffage", but the government of France gave only 78 years in order to recoup these costs. And by the way, it was spent 400 million euros!

So for the passage you need to pay motorists 7, 7 euros, cargo cars from 21, 3 euros, 3 euros motorcyclists and even pedestrians are symbolic 90 cents.

However, the company can be understood, such costs are difficult to recoup, especially for such a lines, and this is despite the fact that the guarantee on the Eiffage Bridge itself was given in 120 years. But if you figure it out, this project was not designed to make a profit, but in order to strengthen the image of the famous company, which can now be famous not only to the Eiffel Tower.

Viaduct Miyo Bridge - Video

Viaduct Miyo Bridge is the highest transport bridge in the world, one of his supports has a height of 341 meters - a little higher than the Eiffel Tower, and only 40 meters lower than Empire State Building. Bridge stands on 7 supports. The total length of the bridge is 2460 m, its width is 32 m. See how Miyo Bridge was built.

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