Violation of articulation. Specific speech articulation disorders (dischairs) in children

- "Cup" - the crumb smiles, widely reveals the mouth, suits a wide tongue and forms a "cup" from it (lifts the tip);

- "Dudochka" - the child must pull the busy lips forward, closer to the teeth;

- "Malay" - a child smiles, open his mouth and the tongue tongue strokes (colors) sky;

- "Mushrooms" - the baby needs to smile, after flying the tongue (as if rides on the horse) and seek a wide language to the sky;

- "Nature" - Kroch smiles in wider, opening his mouth. The tip of his tongue should persuade into the lower teeth, the language at the same time should be hidden so that it overtook the tip in the lower teeth;

- "Swing" - the child smiles, opens his mouth, the tip of his tongue comes for the upper teeth, then behind the lower teeth.

- "Color" the upper arch in the mouth - from a soft sky and up to the base of the upper teeth;

Pronounce vowel sounds, scoring;

Imitate the rinse of the throat;

Develop the lower jaw moving it back and forward, as well as from side to side;

Lower the jaw book with resistance;

Develop cheeks alternately retracting either inflating them;

Rolling the "balloon" from the cheek to the cheek;

Tighten both cheeks so that the "Fish Rot" has been formed and move lips;

Pierce as a horse;

Gently shake the lips;

Pull the tongue with the sharp tip morestantly, after put it relaxed on the bottom of the lip.


Dysarthria - Disorder of the Speech Protecting Organization, associated with the defeat of the central department of the spectavatic analyzer and the innervation of the muscles of the articulation apparatus. The structure of the defect in the dysarthria includes a violation of speech motility, sound-proof, speech breathing, voice and a selection side of speech; In severe lesions, anarterium occurs. In suspected dysarthria, neurological diagnosis (EEG, EMG, EGG, MRI of the brain, etc.), speech therapy examination of oral and written speech. Correctional work with dysarthria includes therapeutic effects (drug courses, lescape, massage, FTL), speech therapy classes, articulating gymnastics, speech therapy massage.


Dysarthria is a severe violation of speech, accompanied by a disorder of articulation, lamp, speech breathing, a tender-rhythmic organization and intonation color of speech, as a result of which it loses its self-disconnectivity and indity. Among children, the prevalence of dysarthria is 3-6%, but last years A pronounced tendency towards the growth of this speech pathology is traced. In the logist of dysarthria enters the top three most common forms of violations oral speech, in frequency, inferior only to the disliers and ahead of Alalia. Since the basis of the pathogenesis of dysarthria is organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system, this speech violation is also studied by specialists in the field of neurology and psychiatry.

Causes of Dysarthria

Most often (in 65-85% of cases) dysarthria accompanies child cerebral paralysis and has the same causes of occurrence. In this case, the organic defeat of the CNS occurs in the intrauterine, childbirth or early period of the child's development (usually up to 2 years). The most frequent perinatalistic factors of dysarthria are toxicosis of pregnancy, fetal hypoxia, reserves conflict, chronic somatic diseases Mother, pathological flow of birth, generic injuries, asphyxia at birth, nuclear jaundice newborn, presence, etc. The degree of expression of the Dysarthria is closely related to the severity of motor disorders in porch: so, with dual hemiplegia dysarthria or anarterium is detected from almost all children.

In early childhood, the defeat of the central nervous system and dysarthria in a child can develop after suffering neuroinfections (meningitis, encephalitis), purulent medium otitis, hydrocephalus, cranial injury, heavy intoxication.

Classification of dysarthria

The neurological classification of the dysarthria is based on the principle of localization and syndromological approach. Taking into account the localization of the lesion of the speaking machine, distinguish:

  • bulbaric dysarthria, associated with the defeat of the centered brain nerve nuclear / language, sub-speaking, wandering, sometimes facial, triple / in the oblong brain
  • pseudobulbar dysarthria associated with the defeat of cortical nuclear conducting
  • extrapyramidal (subcortical) dysarthria associated with the defeat of the subcortical cerebral nuclei
  • cerebellar dysarthria associated with the defeat of the cerebellum and its conductive paths
  • cork dysarthria, associated with focal lesions of the cerebral cortex.

Depending on the leading clinical syndrome, the cerebral, spastic-rigid, spastic-paretic, spastic-hyperkinetic, spasticoctic, attacco-hyperkinetic dysarthria may occur.

The speech therapy classification is based on the principle of understanding speech for others and includes 4 severity of dysarthria:

1 degree (erased dysarthria) - sound-proof defects can only be detected by a speech therapist with a special examination.

2 degree - sound-proof defects are noticeable to others, but in general, it remains clear.

3 Degree - an understanding of the patient's speech with dysarthria is available only to a close surrounding and partially unauthorized people.

4 Degree - there is no question or not even the most close people (anarterium).

Symptoms of dysarthria

Patient speech with dysarthritia is a vague, fuzzy, uninterrupted ("porridge in the mouth"), due to insufficient innervation of the muscles of the lips, language, soft sky, voice folds, larynx, respiratory muscles. Therefore, with dysarthria, a whole complex of speech and non-neutral disorders are developing, constituting the essence of the defect.

Violation of articulation motility in patients with dysarthria can manifest itself in spasticity, hypotension or dystonia articulation muscles. Muscular spacious is accompanied by a permanent elevated tone and tension of the muscles of the lips, language, face, neck; Tight lip closure, limiting articulation movements. With muscular hypotension, the tongue is sluggish, motionless lies at the bottom of the oral cavity; The lips are not closed, the mouth is semi-open, hypercupation is expressed (saliva); Due to the paresis of a soft sky, a nasal shade of voice appears (nasalization). In the case of dysarthritia that flows with muscle dystonia, when trying to speech, the muscle tone varies with low on elevated.

Violations of sound suspension with dysarthria can be expressed to varying degrees, depending on the localization and severity of the damage to the nervous system. With erased dysarthria, individual phonetic defects (sound distortions) are observed, "SVIDULATION" Speech. With more pronounced degrees of dysarthria there are distortion, skipping, replacement of sounds; The speech becomes slow, inexpressive, vague. General speech activity Noticeably reduced. In the most difficult cases, with full paralysis of the speech motor muscles, the motor implementation of speech becomes impossible.

Specific features of the impact of sound testing in dysarthria serve as defects and the difficulty of overcoming them, as well as the need for a longer period of sound automation period. With dysarthritia, articulation of almost all speech sounds is disturbed, including vowels. For dysarthritis, the interdental and lateral pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds is characterized; Defects of sound unconditions, palatalization (softening) of solid consonants.

Due to the insufficient innervation of speech muscles in dysarthria, speech breathing is disturbed: the exhalation is shortened, breathing at the moment of speech becomes rapid and intermittent. Voices voices in dysarthria are characterized by its insufficient force (the voice is quiet, weak, running), changing the timbre (deafness, nasalization), melody-intonation disorders (monotony, absence or non-votor modulation).

Due to speech inseparality in children with dysarthria, the auditory differentiation of sounds and phonmethic analysis and synthesis are secondary. The difficulty and insufficiency of speech communication can lead to non-formation of the vocabulary and the grammatical system of speech. Therefore, children with dysarthria may have phonetic-phonematical (FFN) or general underdevelopment of speech (ONR) and related relevant types of disgrave.

Characteristics of clinical forms of dysarthria

For the bulbar dysarthritis, aureflexia, amymia, sucking disorder, swallowing solid and liquid food, chewing, hypersion, caused by the muscle atonium of the oral cavity. The articulation of sounds is insensitive and extremely simplified. All variety of consonants is reduced to a single slit sound; Sounds are not differentiated among themselves. Typical Nasalization Voice timbre, Dismony or Aphony.

With pseudobulbar dysarthria, the character of disorders is determined by spastic paralysis and muscle hypertonus. The most vividly pseudobulberry paralysis manifests itself in violation of the movements of the language: great difficulties cause attempts to raise the tip of the tongue upwards, take to the sides, hold in a certain position. When pseudobulbar dysarthria is difficult to switch from one articulation posture to another. Typically selective violation of arbitrary movements, synctanese (friendly movements); Abundant salivament, strengthening of pharyngeal reflex, accumulation, dysphagia. The speech of patients with pseudobulbar dysarthria was smeared, vague, has a nasal shade; Roughly violated the regulatory reproduction of sonorov, whistling and hissing.

For subcortical dysarthria, the presence of hypercines - involuntary violent muscle movements, including facial and articulation. Hypercines may arise alone, but usually become enhanced when trying to speech, causing articulation spasm. There is a violation of the timbre and the strength of the voice, the proper side of speech; Sometimes patients break into involuntary gestures.

When subcortical Dysarthria may violated the tempo of speech on the type of bradylia, tachilaly or speech design (organic stutter). The sub-barker distemper is often combined with pseudobulbar, bulbar and cerebellar form.

The typical manifestation of the cerebulic dysarthria serves a violation of the coordination of the speech process, the consequence of what is a tremor of the tongue, a pushing, chandented speech, separate shouts. Speech slowed down and vigilant; The pronunciation of advanced and lifting sounds is largely violated. In the cerebelchikovkaya dysarthria, the ataxia is marked (gait, equilibrium disruption, awkward movements).

Cork dysarthria for its speech manifestations resembles motor aphasia and is characterized by a violation of arbitrary articulation motility. Disorders of speech breathing, voices, requests for cortical dysarthritia. Taking into account the localization of the lesions, there is a kinesthetic post-central cortex dysarthria (afferent cortical dysarthria) and a kinetic prime cortical dysarthria (efferent cortical dysarthria). However, with a cortical dysarthria, there is only an articulation apraxia, whereas with motor aphasia suffers not only to the articulation of sounds, but also reading, letter, understanding of speech, the use of means of language.

Diagnosis of dysarthria

The examination and subsequent maintenance of patients with dysarthria is carried out by a neurologist (children's neurologist) and a speech therapist. The amount of neurological examination depends on the intended clinical diagnosis. The most important diagnostic importance is the data of electrophysiological studies (electroencephalography, electromyography, electronics), transcraniac magnetic stimulation, MRI of the brain, etc.

The speech therapy examination of the dysarthria includes the assessment of speech and non-violations. Evaluation of neust symptoms involves the study of the structure of the articulation apparatus, the volume of articulation movements, the state of the mimic and speech muscles, the character of breathing. Special attention to the speech therapist draws a history of speech development. As part of the diagnosis of oral speech, the dysarthria is conducted a study of the pronunciation side of speech (sound-proof, tempo, rhythm, request, intelligibility of speech); synchronism of articulation, respiration and voicing; phonematics perception, level of development of the lexico-grammatical system of speech. In the process of diagnosing a written speech, tasks are given to the writing off text and the letter under dictation, reading passages and understanding read.

Based on the results of the survey, it is necessary to distinguish between Dysaryry and Motor Alalia, Motor Aphazia, Dislavia.

Correction of Dysarthria

The speech therapy work to overcome the dysarthria should be carried out systematically, against the background of drug therapy and rehabilitation (segmental-reflex and point massage, acupressures, lescape, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, mechanotherapy, acupuncture, hirudotherapy) appointed neurologist. A good background for correctional-pedagogical occupations is achieved by the use of non-traditional forms of reducing treatment: dolphinotherapy, sensory therapy, isotherapy, sand-medicine, etc.

On the speech therapy classes for the correction of dysarthria is carried out small Motoriki (finger gymnastics), motility of the speech apparatus (speech therapy massage, articulation gymnastics); physiological and speech breathing (respiratory gymnastics), voices (orthophonic exercises); Correction of violated and consolidate the correct sound; Work on the expressiveness of speech and the development of speech communication.

The procedure for setting and automating sounds is determined by the greatest availability of articulating stages at the moment. The automation of sounds during dysarthria is sometimes transferred until the full purity of their isolated pronunciation is reached, and the process itself requires more time and perseverance than during disliers.

Forecast and Prevention Dysarthria

Only early, the systematic speech therapy work on the correction of dysarthria can give positive results. The therapy of the underlying disease is a big role in the success of the correctional and pedagogical impact, the very patient-dysarthritis and its close surroundings.

Under these conditions on almost complete normalization speech function It can be calculated in the case of an erased dysarthria. Miscean skills proper speech, such children can successfully learn in secondary schoolAnd the necessary speech therapy assistance is obtained in clinics or on school logoptings.

With heavy forms of dysarthria, it is possible only to improve the speech function status. The continuity of various types of speech therapy institutions: kindergartens and schools for children with severe speech disorders, speech departments of psychoneurological hospitals are important for the socialization and education of children with dysarthria. Friendly work of a speech therapist, a neurologist, a psychoneurologist, a masseur, a specialist in therapeutic physical education.

Medical and pedagogical work on the prevention of dysarthria in children with perinatal lesions of the brain should begin with the first months of life. Prevention of dysarthria in early childhood and adulthood is to prevent neuroinfection, brain injuries, toxic effects.

Dysarthria - Treatment in Moscow

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Violations of speech

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Specific speech articulation disorder

What is a specific speech articulation disorder -

What provokes a specific speech articulation disorder:

Symptoms of specific speech articulation disorder:

Diagnosis of specific speech articulation disorder:

Includes three stages:

For violations of articulation caused by structural or neurological pathology (dysarthria), a small speech speed, non-appoded motor behavior, vegetative function disorders, for example, chewing, reusable. Possible pathology of lips, tongue, sky, muscle weakness. Disorder concerns all the background, including vowels.

Treatment of specific speech articulation disorder:

River articulation disorder

This disorder associated with development is manifested in the fact that the use of speech sounds is at a lower level than it is expected by its age, but the level of the child's linguistic skills is normal.

This is quite a frequent phenomenon in young children. It is called molding, whispered, infant speech, poverty, discharge, lazy speech, inaccurative speech.

In most cases, intelligence is not broken.

In severe cases, articulation disorder is detected at the age of 3 years. In easier cases, the violation may not be explicit until 6 years.

Articulation in such children is significantly different from the articulation of their peers. Especially difficult to children are given such sounds as "in", "l", "p", "h", "sh", "f", "c", "b", "t", all or some of them. Sometimes one sound can be disturbed.

A child with an impaired articulation cannot pronounce certain sounds correctly, distorts them, replaces others or misses if it cannot pronounce them correctly.

Distortion is the easiest option of violation of articulation. When disturbing, the child utters approximately the right sounds, but in general, the pronunciation is wrong to facilitate the pronunciation of difficult sounds, between the consonants, the child can add vowels, for example, "Palyka" instead of "stick", "Vazal" instead "took".

When replacing, hard sounds are replaced with incorrect, for example, "Labota" instead of "work", "idle" instead of "good".

The most serious impaired articulation is the skipping of difficult sounds and syllables, for example, "Bono" instead of "pain", "Gavka" instead of "head", "Kotik" instead of the "bell". Pass comes most often are characterized by children of younger.

The child's speech can be understandable, partly understandable or incomprehensible (or understandable only to his parents). In severe cases, the child's speech is completely incomprehensible to parents, and the surrounding and requires long-term treatment.

The frequency of this disorder in children under 8 years is 10%, and children over 8 years old - 5%. In most light cases, children under 8 years have recovered without treatment. But in children over 8 years in itself, this disorder usually does not pass, and a qualified treatment is required.

Although this violation of articulation is more related to the speech therapy, but psychiatrists often have to meet with the consequences of untreated disorder, especially in adolescent and older age, when due to the preservation of the speech defect there are violations of behavior and social deadaption.

Children and adolescents can be shying their shortage, to become the object of ridicule peers, because of this, they have a complex of inferiority, they may refuse to attend classes at school, communicate with peers and exercise protest reactions.

In adults, the speech defect limits their opportunities in professional activities.

Therefore, articulation disorder should be treated since the small years, when treatment is much more successful than adults.

Specific speech articulation disorder (F80.0).

It is characterized by frequent and repeated impaired speech sounds. The use of sounds below the level corresponding to his mental age - that is, the acquisition of speech sounds, either detained, or deviates, leading to disarcticulation with difficulties in understanding his speech, miss, replace, distortions of speech sounds, changes depending on their combination ( Says correctly, then no). Most speech sounds are purchased by 6-7 years, by 11 years all sounds must be purchased.

In most cases, a non-verbal intellectual level within the normal range.

The cause of articulation development disorders is unknown. Presumably, the violation of the speech is the delay in the development or ripening of neuronal bonds and neurological processes, and not organic dysfunction. The high percentage of children with this disorder, in which many relatives suffer from similar disorders indicates the genetic component. With this disorder there is no thin differentiation of motor kinesthetic stones, sky, lips; The brain basis is the activity of post-central departments of the left hemisphere of the brain.

The frequency of articulation development disorders is installed in 10% of children under 8 years and 5% of children over 8 years old. This disorder is 2-3 times more often in boys than girls.

An essential feature is a defect of articulation, with a steady inability to apply in accordance with the expected level of development of speech sounds, including skipping, replacement and distortion by the phone. This disorder cannot be caused by structural or neurological pathology and is accompanied by the normal development of the language sphere.

In more severe cases, disorder is recognized about 3 years. In easily cases, clinical manifestations may not be recognized up to 6 years. The essential features of the speech articulation disorder is the violation of the acquisition by the child speech sounds, leading to disarcticulation with difficulties for other understanding of his speech. Speech can be assessed as defective when compared with the language of children of the same age and which cannot be explained by the pathology of intelligence, hearing or physiology of speech mechanisms. The pronunciation of speech sounds is often disturbed, which appear later in ontogenesis, but the pronunciation of vowels is never disturbed. The most severe type of violations - skipping sounds. Replacing and distortion - less severe type of disorders. Children with articulation development disorder can detect concomitant disorders of social, emotional and behavioral nature. In 1/3 of these children, there is a mental disorder.

Includes three stages:

1. Allocation of the severity of articulation disorder.

2. The exception of physical pathology, which could determine the pronunciation, dysarthria, hearing impairment or mental retardation.

3. Exception of expressive speech development disorder, general development disorder.

For violations of articulation due to structural or neurological pathology (dysarthria) Characterized by small speech speed, non-coordinated motor behavior, frustration of vegetative functions, such as chewing, reusable. Possible pathology of lips, tongue, sky, muscle weakness. Disorder concerns all the background, including vowels.

The most successful speech therapy for most articulation errors.

Drug treatment is shown in the presence of concomitant problems of emotional and behavioral nature.

Expressive speech disorder (F80.1).

A pronounced violation of the development of speech, which cannot be explained through mental retardation, inadequate training and which is not associated with the general disorder of development, hearing impairment or neurological disorder. This is a specific impairment of development, in which the ability of the child to use expressive speaking is noticeably below the level corresponding to his mental age. Understanding speech within the normal range.

The cause of expressive speech development disorder is unknown. Minimum brain dysfunction or delay in the formation of functional neural systems is made as possible causes. The presence of family history indicates the genetic determination of this disorder. The neuropsychological disorder mechanism may be associated with the kinetic component, with interest in the process of prime departments of the brain or rearhead structures; With the non-formation of the nominative function of speech or non-formation of the spatial presentation of speech (temporal departments and the area of \u200b\u200bthe testicular-occipital crossing), under the condition of normal left-hand localization speech centers and disorders of functioning in the left hemisphere.

The frequency of expressive speech disorders ranges from 3 to 10% in school children. 2-3 times more often found in boys than girls. More often occurs among children, in the family history of which there are arctications of articulation or other development disorders.

Heavy disorders usually manifest up to 3 years. The absence of separate word formations - to 2 and simple proposals and phrases by 3 years - a sign of delay. Later violations - limited dictionary development, the use of a small set of template words, difficulties in the selection of synonyms, abbreviated pronunciation, the immature structure of proposals, syntactic errors, skipping of verbal endings, consoles, improper use of prepositions, pronoun, hinge, leaning verbs, nouns. Lack of smoothness in the presentation, lack of sequence in presentation and during retelling. Understanding speech is not difficult. Characterized by adequate use of non-verbal replicas, gestures, desire for communication. Articulation is usually immature. There may be compensatory emotional reactions in relationships with peers, behavioral disorders, inattention. Coordination development disorder and functional enuresis are often associated violations.

Expressive speech indicators are significantly lower than the indicators obtained by non-verbal intellectual abilities (a non-verbal part of the test of the ventilation).

Disorder greatly prevents success in school and everyday life requiring expressions in verbal form.

Not related to general developmental disorders, hearing defect or neurological disorder.

Articulation Disorder Speech

1. Organic CNS damage as a result of the impact of various adverse factors on the developing brain of the child in the intrauterine and early period of development. Most often, these are intrauterine lesions, which are the result of sharp, chronic infections, oxygen deficiency (hypoxia), intoxication, pregnancy toxicosis and a number of other factors that create conditions for the occurrence of generic injury. In a significant number of such cases, asphyxia occurs during childbirth, the child arises, the child is born premature.

The classification of the clinical forms of dysarthria is based on the allocation of various localization of the brain lesion. Children with different forms of dysarthria differs from each other with specific defects of sound-proof, voices, articulation motility, need various techniques of speech therapy and in varying degrees Amenable to correction.

Bulbar dysarthri (from lat. Bulbus - a bulb, the shape of which has an oblong brain) is manifested in the disease (inflammation) or the tumor of the oblong brain. At the same time, the kernels of the motorcycle brain-brain nerves (Language, wandering and sub-speaking, sometimes trigeminal and facial) are destroyed.

Characteristic is paralysis or partares of the muscles of pharynx, larynx, language, soft nose. In a child with a similar defect, swallowing solid and liquid food is disturbed, chewing is difficult. Insufficient mobility of voice folds, soft nose leads to specific violations of the voice: it becomes weak, nasalized. The speech does not realize ringing sounds. Pares of the muscles of soft nose leads to the free passage of exhaled air through the nose, and all sounds acquire a pronounced nose (nasal) shade.

In children with the described form of dysarthria, there is an atrophy of muscle muscles and pharynx, muscle tone (atony) is also reduced. The paretic state of the muscles of the tongue is the cause of numerous distortions of sound-proof. Speech is not enough, extremely fuzzy, slow. The face of the child with the boulevard dysarthria is amomically.

The changing nature of the muscular tone (from normal to elevated) and the presence of hyperkinase cause peculiar disorders of the lancement and articulation. The child can correctly pronounce separate sounds, words, short phrases (especially in the game, in a conversation with loved ones or in the state of emotional comfort) and after a moment it is not able to pronounce no sound. An articulatory spasm occurs, the language becomes tense, the voice is interrupted. Sometimes involuntary shouts are observed, "break through" the gentle (pharynganeous) sounds. Children can pronounce words and phrases overly quickly or, on the contrary, monotonously, with large pauses between words. The surroundings of speech suffers because of the unlawful switching of articulation movements during the pronunciation of sounds, as well as due to the violation of the timbre and the strength of the voice.

A characteristic feature of the subcortical dysarthria is a violation of the interior side of speech - tempo, rhythm and intonation. The combination of violation of the articulation motility with violations of violations, speech respiration leads to specific sounding defects of speech, manifested varying depending on the state of the child, and is mainly affected by the communicative function of speech.

Sometimes, with subcortical dysarthria, children have a decrease in hearing, complicating a speech defect.

However, in contrast to children with Motor Alalia, in children with this form of dysarthria, there are no violations in the development of the lexic and grammatical side of speech. Cork dysarthria should also be distinguished from disliers. Children with difficulty reproduce an articulating position, they make it difficult to transition from one sound to another. When correction, attention is drawn to the fact that defective sounds are quickly corrected in an isolated pronunciation, but they can hardly automate in speech.

I especially want to allocate an erase (light) form of dysarthriaSince recently, in the process of speech therapy practice, children are increasingly meeting, whose speech violations are similar to the manifestations of complex forms of disliers, but with a longer and complex dynamics of training and correction of speech. A thorough speech therapy examination and observation reveal a number of specific disorders (violation of the motor sphere, spatial gnosis, the phonetic side of speech (in particular, the prosodic characteristics of speech), lamp, breathing and others), which makes it possible to conclude about the presence of organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Chronic hypocia of the fetus;

Acute and chronic mothers disease during pregnancy;

Minimal damage to the nervous system with reserves-conflict situations of mother and fetus;

Acute infectious diseases of children in infancy, etc.

As a result of the pseudobulbar paralysis, the child is disturbed by the overall and speech motility. The kid sucks badly, steamed, chuckles, swallows badly. The mouth flows saliva, the muscles of the face is broken.

The shortcomings of pronunciation have adverse effects on phonamatic development. Most children with a slight degree of dysarthria experience some difficulties in sound analysis. When writing, they have specific sound replacement errors (T-d, Ch-C, etc.). The violation of the structure of the word is almost no observed: the same refers to the grammatical system and vocabulary. Some originality can be revealed only with a very careful examination of children, and it is not characteristic. So, the main defect in children suffering from pseudobulbar dysarthria in a mild degree is the violation of the phonetic side of speech.

Children with a similar violation that have normal hearing and good mental development, visit speech therapy classes in the district children's clinic, and at school age - a speech therapy point at a secondary school. A significant role in the elimination of this defect may have parents.

Children with such a violation cannot be successfully trained in secondary school. The most favorable conditions for their training and education are created in special schools for children with severe violations of speech, where an individual approach is carried out towards these students.

Children with a more preserved pronunciation allow fewer errors, for example, select the following pictures on the sound: bag, wasp, plane, ball.

Children suffering from anartree, such forms of sound analysis are not available.

The level of ownership of sound analysis in the overwhelming majority of children-disartrics is insufficient to absorb the diplomas. Children enrolled in mass schools are completely unable to learn the program of the 1st grade.

Especially bright deviations in sound analysis are manifested during a hearing dictation.

lr: Proteka - "Berk"; X-H: Fur - "Sword"; Bt: Duck - "Ubka"; Mr.: Horodok - "Dudok"; S-h: Geese - "Guches"; Bd: Watermelon - "Arpus".

The reading of children-disartricians is usually extremely difficult due to the largerness of the articulation apparatus, difficulties in switching from one sound to another. Mostly, it is a story, intonationally not painted. Understanding the read text is insufficient. For example, a boy reading the word stool, shows on the table, reading the word boiler, shows a picture depicting a goat (kotel-goat).

As noted above, the direct result of the lesion of the articulation apparatus are the difficulties of pronunciation, which lead to a not enough perception of speech on rumor. The overall speech development of children with rude articulation disorders is peculiar. Later, the beginning of speech, limited speech experience, gross defects pronunciation lead to insufficient accumulation of the dictionary and deviations in the development of the grammatical system of speech. Most children with articulation disorders have deviations in the vocabulary, do not know everyday words, often mix words, focusing on the similarity of the sound composition, the situation, etc.

These features of the speech development of children with dysarthria show that they need systematic special training, aimed at overcoming the defects of the sound side of speech, the development of the lexical stock and the grammatical system of speech, correcting the violations of the letter and reading. Such corrective tasks are solved in a special school for children with violations of speech, where the child is educated in the amount of nine-year-old school.

phased interconnected formation of all components of speech;

system approach to analyzing speech defect;

regulating the mental activity of children by developing communicative and generalizing speech functions.

In the speech therapy work on the speech breathing of children, adolescents and adults, the paradoxical respiratory gymnastics of A. N. Strelnikova is widely used. Strelnikovsky respiratory gymnastics - the brainchild of our country, it was created at the turn of the twentieth century as a way to restore the singing voice, because A. N. Strelnikova was a singer and lost it.

Make 96 (hundred) steps-inhales in a walking pace. You can, standing still, you can when walking around the room, you can, guessing from foot on foot: Forward-back, back and forth, the severity of the body is on the leg standing ahead, then on the foot standing behind. At the pace of steps to make long breaths are impossible. Think: "The legs pumped into me." It helps. With each step - inhale, short, as an injection, and noisy.

Having mastered the movement, lifting the right leg, a little bit squinting on the left, raising the left - on the right. It turns out the Rock and Roll dance. Make sure that the movements and breaths go at the same time. Do not interfere and do not help break out the exhalation after each breath. Repeat the breaths rhythmically and often. Make them as much as you can do easily.

Turns. Turn the head to the right and left, sharply, at the pace of steps. And at the same time with each turn - inhale the nose. Short, like an injection, noisy. 96 breaths. Think: "Gare smells! Where? Left? On right?". Snow the air.

- "Ears". Shake your head as if you say to someone: "Ay-Yai-Yai, as not ashamed!". Watch the body to be rotated. The right ear goes to the right shoulder, left - to the left. Shoulders are stationary. Simultaneously with each shocking - inhale.

- "Small pendulum". Keep your head back-back, breathe. Think: "How does Garoy smell? Bottom? From above? ".

- "Cat". Legs on the width of the shoulders. Remember the cat that sneaks to the sparrow. Repeat her movements - a little bit squeezing, turn to the right, then to the left. The severity of the body tolerate then on the right foot, then on the left. The one in which you turned to the side. And noisily sniff the air on the right, on the left, at the pace of steps.

- "Pump." Take into the hands of a rolled newspaper or a wand, like a pump handle, and think that they pump the car's tire. Inhale - at the extreme point of inclination. The slope ran out - in the breath. Do not pull it, flexing, and do not check out to the end. The tire must quickly pump and go further. Repeat the breaths simultaneously with inclons often, rhythmic and easy. Head do not lift. Watch down on an imaginary pump. Inhale, as an injection, instant. Of all our inhalation movements, this is the most effective.

- "Right shoulders." Raise your hands on the shoulder level. Bend them to elbows. Turn the palm to yourself and put them in front of the breast, just below the neck. Throw your hands towards each other so that the left hug the right shoulder, and the right is the left armpit, that is, the hands go parallel to each other. Temp steps. At the same time with each throw, when the hands are closely touched, repeat short noisy breaths. Think: "The shoulders help the air." Hands do not take away from the body. They are close. Elbows do not instill.

- "Big pendulum." This movement is a fusion similar to a pendulum: "pump" - "hopping shoulders", "pump" - "hopping shoulders." Temp steps. Tilt forward, hands stretch to Earth - inhale, tilt back, hands hug shoulders - also inhale. Forward - back, inhale, tick-so, tick-like a pendulum.

- "Semi-aprides." One leg is ahead, the other is rear. Body weight on the leg standing ahead, the leg of the back slightly concerns the floor, as before the start. Perform an easy, slightly noticeable critic, as if tangling on the spot, and at the same time with each saten, repeat the breath - short, light. Having mastered the movement, add simultaneous counter movements.

Right hand build - left break.

Who lied yesterday, then tomorrow they will not believe.

On the bench at the house all day sobbed Tom.

Do not spit into the well - it will be useful to get drunk.

On the courtyard of grass, on the grass of firewood: time of firewood, two firewood - not the rudy firewood on the grass of the courtyard.

As a slide on the hill, thirty-three York have lived: Jergic times, two Egorka, three York.

Read the Russian folk fairy tale "Pink" with the correct reproduction of the inhalation on the pauses.


    Put grandfather repka. Rain big rectuant.

    I went grandfather to tear. Pulls, pulls, can't stretch.

    Called grandfather grandmother. Grandma for the grandfather, Dage for Rack, pull-pull, can't pull out!

    I called grandmother granddaughter. Granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for repka, pull-pull, can't pull out!

    I called the granddaughter of the bug. Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dage for the repka, pull-pull, can't pull it out!

    Cook a bug cat. Cat for a bug, bug behind his granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for repka, pull-pull, can't pull out!

    Call a cat mouse. The mouse for the cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka, pull-pull - stretched out the repank!

Exhaust skills can and need to be fixed and comprehensively applied in practice.

Take a glass bubble with a height of about 7 cm, a neck diameter of 1-1.5 cm or any other suitable object. Apply it to your lips and poute. "Listen, how bit the bubble. As a real steamer. Do you have a steamer? Interestingly, whose steamer will lose weight louder, yours or mine? And whose longer? " It should be remembered: so that the bubble thugs, the lower lip must slightly touch the edge of its neck. The air jet should be strong and come in in the middle. Just do not blow too long (more than 2-3 seconds), and then the head will be screwed.

Lower paper ships in the pelvis with water and offer the child to ride a boat from one city to another. To move the boat, you need to blow it away at him, folding the lips with a tube. But it flies a gusty wind - the lips are folded, as for the sound of p.

A full course of correction and treatment of dysarthria is several months. As a rule, children with dysarthria are in day hospital 2-4 weeks, then continue the course of treatment outpatient. In the conditions of the day hospital, tall physiotics, massage, leafc, respiratory gymnastics pass. This reduces the time to achieve the maximum effect and makes it more stable.

Even in the XVI-XVII centuries, hirudotherapy (hereinafter GT) was used for diseases of the liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, with tuberculosis, migraines, epilepsy, hysteria, gonor, with skin and eye diseases, with impairment of menstrual cycle, brain circulation disorders, during fever, hemorrhoid , as well as to stop bleeding and other diseases.

1. Thrombolytic effect,

2. Hypotensive action,

3. Reparative impact on the damaged wall of the blood vessel,

4. The anti-studio effect of the BAV actively affects lipid exchange processes, leading it to normal conditions; reduce cholesterol levels

5. Antihypoxic effect is an increase in the percentage of survival of laboratory animals in conditions of reduced oxygen content,

6. Immunomulizing effect - activation of the body's protective functions at the level of the macrophageal, compliments and other levels of the immune system of humans and animals,

7. Neurotrophic effect.

With correctional work with disartricians, the formation of spatial thinking is important.

Knowledge of space, spatial orientation develop in a variety of activities of children: in games, observations, labor processes, in drawing and design.

Where the right, where left - he could not understand.

But suddenly a student scratched in my head

That Herocho, which I wrote

And the ball threw, and pages leafal,

And kept the spoon, and the floor sweeping,

"Victory!" - a smoking cry came:

Where the right, where Levo learned the student.

We will know science.

We know the left, we know the right.

And, of course, around.

This is the right hand.

Oh, science is not easy!

As if you are a solid soldier.

Left left - to the chest,

Yes, look do not fall.

Now, wait on the left,

If you are brave soldier.

* standing in a rank, call the right right, on the left;

* According to the instructions, lay items on the left and right of this;

* Determine the neighbor's place in relation to yourself;

* Determine your place towards a neighbor, focusing on the appropriate hand of the neighbor ("I stand to the right of the Zhenya, and Zhenya - to the left of me.");

* standing in pairwise face to each other, determine first at home, then in a comrade, left hand, right hand, etc.

One of the players is touched by any part of the body of its neighbor, for example, to the left hand. He says: "This is my left hand" that began the game agrees or refutes the return of the neighbor. The game continues in a circle.

On the sheet in different directions, hand and legs are drawn. It is necessary to determine from which hand, legs (left or right) this imprint.

What is upstairs that below? (analysis of towers built of geometric bodies).

Draw in the upper part of the sheet a circle, in the bottom square.

Put an orange triangle, put the yellow rectangle on top, and from the bottom from orange - red.

Introduction: Once resourceful, smart, deft, cucky cat in boots was a small playful kitten who loved to play hide and seek.

The adult shows the cards where the kitten is drawn, and helps children with questions like:

Where did the kitten hide?

Where did he jump out? etc.

I will help my mother,

I will clean it everywhere:

I do not like dust! Fu!

"Guys, this house is not simple, he is fabulous. It will learn forest animals. Each of you have the same house. I will tell you a fairy tale. Listen carefully and put the house in the place that is stated in a fairy tale.

In dense forest live animals. They have their kids. And they decided to build a forest school for them. They gathered on the edge of the forest and began to think, in which place to put it. The lion proposed to be built in the lower left corner. The wolf wanted the school to be in the upper right corner. Lisa insisted on building a school in the upper left corner, next to his hole. The conversation intervened the squirrel. She said: "School needs to be built in the glade." Beasts for the advice of squirrels listened and decided to build a school in the forest glade in the middle of the forest. "

Rotated winter in the middle of the forest. There was a big glade here.

Wammed winter with his hands and fell asleep all the pool with snow.

Rotated winter in the left lower corner and saw an anthill.

Wammed the winter left sleeve, and covered the anthill with snow.

Winter went up: turned to the right and left home to rest. "

a) mentally grouped the points into the square, to highlight the left upper point, then the left lower point, then connect them to the arrow in the direction from top to bottom. Similarly, select the right upper point and connect it with an arrow with the right upper point in the bottom direction.

b) Square to highlight the left upper point, then the right upper point and connect them to the arrow in the direction of left to the right. Similarly, the lower points to combine in the direction of the right left.

c) Square to highlight the left top point and the right lower right, connect them to the arrow directed simultaneously to the left-right-top-down.

d) Square to highlight the left lower point and the right upper, connect them to the arrow directed simultaneously from left to right and bottom up.

Put a pencil on the book. Where is the pencil?

Take a pencil. Where did you get a pencil?

Put the pencil in the book. Where is he now?

Take it. Where did you get a pencil?

Hide pencil under the book. Where is he?

Remove the pencil. Where did it come from?

The river came out shores. Children run class. The path went the field. Greeting onion a garden. We reached the city. The staircase leaned the wall.

Grandfather in the oven, firewood on the furnace.

On the table boots, under the table of pellets.

Lamb in the river, karasi at the river.

Under the table portrait, over the table stool.

Adult says: "Above the window", child: "under the window".

Pick up the pairs of pictures that oppose opposite pretexts.

a) To pick up the card-scheme of the corresponding pretext.

b) Adult reads offers, texts. Children show cards schemes with the necessary pretexts.

c) Adult reads offers, texts, missing pretexts. Children show card schemes missed predictions.

b) The child is proposed to compare the groups of geometric shapes of the same color and form, but of different sizes. Compare groups of geometric shapes of the same color and size, but of different shapes.

c) "What an excess figure". Comparison is carried out by external features: size, color, form, changes in detail.

d) "Find two identical figures." The child is offered 4-6 items that differ in one-two features. It must find two identical objects. The child can find the same numbers, letters written by one font, the same geometric shapes and so on.

e) "Choose a suitable box for toys." The child should relate the magnitude of the toy and boxes.

e) "For which the platform will land on the site. The child relates the form of the base of the rocket and landing site.

A) distinguish the sides of the sheet;

B) spend straight lines from the middle of the sheet in different directions;

C) to circulate the contour of the picture;

D) Play drawing of greater complexity than the one that is proposed mainly to the task.

When using the core-yirase technique (includes two tasks - handling written letters and handling a group of points, i.e. work on the sample) The child is given sheets of paper with the presented samples of tasks. The tasks are aimed at the development of spatial relations and representations, the development of the fine motility and coordination of the vision and movements of the hand. Also, the test allows you to identify (in general terms) the intellect of the child's development. Tasks to handle written letters and drawing a group of points reveals the ability to reproduce the sample. It also allows you to determine whether the child can work for some time focuses without distracting.

The technique is a task to draw a picture depicting the house, the individual details of which are made up of capital letters. The task allows you to identify the ability of the child to navigate in your work on the sample, the ability to accurately copy it, reveals the features of the development of arbitrary attention, spatial perception, sensorotor coordination and fine motility hand.

Instructions to the subject: "Before you is a sheet of paper and pencil. On this sheet, I ask you to draw exactly the picture that you see in this picture (before the subject put a sheet with a "house") do not hurry, be attentive, try to make your drawing exactly the same as this on the sample. If you don't do something like that, then you can not wash with a rubber band or finger, but it is necessary on top of the wrong or next to draw correctly. Do you understand the task? Then proceed to work. "

a) some details of the drawing were absent;

b) In some figures, proportionality was not observed: an increase in the individual parts of the drawing with relatively random preservation of the size of the entire drawing;

c) incorrect image of drawing elements;

e) deviation of lines from the specified direction;

e) gaps between lines in connecting places;

g) sealing lines one to another.

And mouse tails, and handles are also elements of letters.

By performing the first task, the child on a sheet into the cell from the pre-points set is drawn ornament, following the instructions of the master. Leading dictates a group of children, in which direction and how many cells need to carry out lines, and then suggests drawing the "pattern" dictation to the end of the page. The graphic dictation allows you to determine how precisely the child can perform the requirements of the adult, the data is orally, as well as the ability to independently perform the tasks of the visual perceived pattern.

A more complex method "Sample and Rule" involves simultaneous following the sample in its work (the task is given to draw the points exactly the same pattern as this geometric shape) and the rule (stipulate condition: it is impossible to carry out a line between the same points, i.e. connect the circle With a circle, a cross with a cross and a triangle with a triangle). The child, trying to perform the task, can draw a figure similar to a given, neglecting the rule, and, on the contrary, focus only on a rule, connecting different points and without referring to the sample. Thus, the technique reveals the level of child orientation to a complex system of requirements.

On a sheet of paper, a road is drawn, which can be straight, winding, zigzag, with turns. One end of the road is drawn the car, the other is home. The car should drive along the path to the house. A child without taking a pencil from paper and trying not to go beyond the track, connects the line the car with the house.

On the sheet, the rows of circles with a diameter of about 3 mm are depicted. Mugs are located five rows of five circles in a row. The distance between the circles from all directions is 1 cm. The child must, without taking off the forearm from the table, as quickly as possible and more accurately put points in all the circles.

The movement is strictly defined.

I-option: In the first line, the direction of movement from left to right, in the second line - right to left.

II - Option: In the first column, the direction of movement from top to bottom, in the second column - from the bottom up, etc.

1. Fold out figures of chopsticks according to the sample given in the figure.

2. Fold from four parts geometric shapes - a circle and square. With difficulty, this task is to perform stages:

A) make a figure of two then three and four parts;

B) fold the circle and square on the pattern of the pattern with dashedly designated parts on it;

C) fold the figures by overlaying the dotted pattern with the subsequent design without sample.

The child picks up tabs to slots in shape and size and fold the shapes cut on the board.

Before the kid, contour images of objects composed of geometric shapes. The child has an envelope with geometric shapes. It is necessary to fold this item from geometric shapes.

The child must fold the pictures cut into parts.

An image of objects with intersecting circuits is given on the card. It is necessary to find and call all drawn items.

The child should learn for any part of the whole letter.

Equipment: 24 multi-colored squares of paper measuring 80x80 mm, cut into parts, 24 samples.

The game can be started with simple tasks: "Machion from these parts a square. Carefully look at the sample. Think how to arrange parts of the square. Try to apply to the sample. " Then the children independently pick out parts of the color and collect squares.

The game is a set of square frames, plates with cut-out holes that are closed with a lid-insert of the same shape and size, but of another color. Lid lids and slits have a circle form, square, equilateral triangle, ellipse, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoids, quadrangle, parallelogram, an equal triangle, a regular hexagon, a five-pointed star, a rectangular anose-free triangle, the right pentagon, hexagon of irregular shape, versatile triangle.

The child picks up the liners to the frames, circles inserts or slits, inserts the liners into the frame to the touch.

Mailbox - box with slots of different shapes. The child lowers volumetric geometric bodies in the box, focusing on the form of their base.

I Option: Children Skin Pictures. The presenter pulls out of the pouch of a certain color (forms). Children cover the corresponding pictures with chips. One who wins all closed his pictures faster. The game is carried out by the type "Lotto".

II Option: Children have colored checkboxes (checkboxes with the image of geometric shapes). The presenter shows the subject, and the children are the corresponding check boxes.

The child has a certain form card. He picks up suitable items depicted in the pictures.

Geometric shapes of different shapes exhibit in a row. The child must remember all the figures or their sequence. Then he closes his eyes. One or two pieces are cleaned (change in places). The child must call what figures did not, or say what has changed.

Spice the mugs from the smallest to the largest.

Build Mattakes for growth: from the highest to the lowest.

Put the most narrow strip on the left, next to the right, put the strip slightly wider, etc.

Coloring high tree with yellow pencil, and low - red.

In the circle of a thick mouse, and in the square - thin.

There are volumetric and flat figures, small toys, objects, vegetables, fruits, etc. The child should do to the touch to determine what it is. The bag can be plastic, cardboard letters and numbers.

Pourish with a child from each other on the back letters, numbers, geometric shapes, simple items. It is necessary to guess what the partner drew.

Where to seek help?

1. To the Center for Pathology of Speech and NeuroreArabation under the leadership of Academician V. M. Shklovsky. There is a branch of "logoneurosis", where the integrated approach is carried out in the treatment of stuttering.

The Center for Pathology of Speech and Neurorelabating is a state medical institution; Treatment of persons having an insurance policy of mandatory medical insurance of the Moscow City Fund is free.

Center address: Moscow, Yauzskaya Street, House 11, Corps 7A.

Diagnostic branch -

Children's office -

Treatment of children with cerebral palsy.

Clinic Address: MEDIZINISCHE BRUCKE GmbH Heinrich-Wieland-Str.munchen Deutschland

Phone duty: +49 (89) 3

Communication is possible in Russian.

In the evening, weekends and holidays

fax: +49 (89) 7

The office of Rainek is located at:

Russia, Moscow, Vsevolozhsky per., 2

You can call by phone:

1. Vinarskaya E. N. and Pulatov A. M. Dizardry and its topic-diagnostic importance in the clinic of focal brain lesions, Tashkent, 1973.

2. Luria A. R. The main problems of neurolinguistics, p. 104, M., 1975.

3. Mastiukova E. M. and Ippolitova M.V. Violation of speech in children with cerebral paralysis, p. 135, M., 1985.

especially for the children's portal "Sunny".

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A group of specific disorders of speech and language development (discharge) is represented by violations in which the leading symptom is a violation of sound suspension during normal hearing and normal innervation of the speech apparatus.


The frequency of articulation disorders is installed in 10% of children under 8 years and 5% of children over 8 years old. Boys meet 2-3 times more often than girls.


Functional dilacium - defects of playing sound sounds in the absence of organic violation1 in the structure of the articulation apparatus.

Mechanical discharge - impaired sound-proof, due to the anatomical defects of the peripheral speech apparatus (incorrect bite, thick language, short bridle, etc.).

Causes and pathogenesis of disliers

The cause of articulation disorders is not fully known. Presumably the basis of disorders is the delay in the ripening of neuronal bonds due to organic lesion of the richetic areas of the crust. There are data on the significant role of genetic factors. An unfavorable social environment is a certain meaning, imitation of incorrect speech samples.

Symptoms of disliers

Violations of articulation are expressed in a sustainable inability to apply in accordance with the expected level of speech sound levels, including incorrect reproduction. Skipping, replacements for incorrect or insertion of unnecessary background.

The articulation defect is based on the inability to arbitrarily accept and hold certain positions of the language, the nose, the lips needed to pronounce sounds. Intellectual and mental development of children corresponds to age. You can observe the accompanying disorders in the form of violations of attention, behavior and other phenomena.

Differential diagnosis

The establishment of anatomical defects that could cause a violation of pronunciation in connection with which the counseling of orthodontist is needed.

Differentiation from secondary disorders caused by the deafness, based on the data of an audiometric study and the availability of high-quality pathological signs of speech pathology.

Differentiation of articulation disorders due to neurological pathology (dysarthria) are based on the following signs:

  • for dysarthritis, a small speech speed is characterized, the presence of violations of chewing and sucking functions;
  • disorder concerns all the background, including vowels.

In doubtful cases differential diagnosis And the establishment of an anatomical focus of the lesion is carried out tool studies: EEG, echohetephalography (echo), MRI brain, brain CT.

Undeveloped mouth muscles or weak muscular facial tone are one of the reasons for the deviations of speech development.

Based on the position of N.A. Bernstein on the level organization of arbitrary movements and actions, a number of specialist researchers in this area (in particular Sheremetyevoy E. V.), it was assumed that articulation, as the highest symbolic level of arbitrary movement, can be formed while preserving all underlying levels of arbitrary movement. The peripheral part of the articulation is exhausted above the subject level of oral movements carrying out the life-supporting nutritional needs: sucking, biting, chewing, swallowing. Therefore, the potential possibility of articulation, they considered it possible to evaluate, observing the subject level of movements of articulators - lips, language, lower jaws - in the process of food intake and the state of the facial expressions in free activities.

After analyzing the results of the research E.V. Sheremetyeva, in the oral articulation base, precursors were determined by speech underdevelopment (indicators of deviations from the normal course of speech development) at an early age:

failure to hard food: a child prefers homogeneous well-chopped masses. Often, such children so that they do not remain hungry, parents bring yogurts, cottage cheese masses in kindergarten, etc. Such food behavior may have a different causality: later the introduction of solid dust; Parents for a long time (up to the year, and then two) crushed the food of the child to homogeneous mass; maintaining a sucking reflex (breastfeeding) to two, two and a half years; impairment of innervation of the mandibulastic muscles;

difficulties in the process of chewing and, as a result, spinning, which is associated with the innervation of the corresponding muscle groups. With such a decrease in the physical load of the muscles, lifting and holding down the lower jaw, and the linguistic muscles weaken;

general ammia in the process of food intake: the child sits over a plate for a very long time or with a piece in his hand, then slowly brings the spoon to the mouth or blesses, begins to lazily chew (no pleasure, "written" on the face from the power process);

liquid food or liquid due to insufficient formation of a lipstick: the child does not grasp the lower lip edge of the spoon, the cups (liquid sheds) or captures pieces of food from a spoon directly to teeth. They say about such: "Eats not careful." In fact, the innervation of luminous muscles is disturbed and, as a result, their strength, dexterity and coordination.

increasing the threshold of the recipe sensitivity of the skin of the ocular space, which also indicates a violation of the innervation of the relevant muscle groups: the child drinks kefir or kissel, the remains of which, due to insufficient automation of the substitution, remain around the lips. It does not try to reduce irritation from the residues of the liquid. About such children they say: "very untidy".

If the perceiving sensitivity of the ocular space is preserved, and the innervation of the paternal muscles is broken, then in similar conditions, the following is observed:

lack of circular licking movements of the language when a thick drink or liquid porridge on lips or a ocular space: a child in such cases wipes up the upper lip with remedies;

tightening the back of the tongue up with an unfinished tip of the tongue in similar conditions;

reduction of irritation of the skin surface of the lips with the help of a lower lip or other means;

lifting the tip of the tongue to the level of the corner of the lips while trying to lick the top lip.

In general, in chewing muscles there is a limitation of the mobility of the lower jaw; A minor or fairly pronounced shift of the lower jaw in the direction of rest, with chewing and in articulation; In the pathology of the tone of chewing muscles, there is a decrease in the intensity and volume of chewing movements, the discoordination of the movements of the lower jaw during articulation; Violation of the process of biting from a piece (which can also be complicated by the anomalies of the dental system); Sinknesia is detected in the motility of the lower jaw with the movements of the language (especially when picked up the tongue to the upper lip or when drawing it to the chin).

E.G. Chigintseva is also noted on features in the pagan muscles: there are pathological conditions of muscle tone, which in some cases are accompanied by the characteristics of the structure of the language (in spasticity, the language is more likely to be massive, drawn by a ridge of the mouth or elongated "sting", it can be combined with shortening of the bridle represented in the form of a dense heavy; under hypotension, the language in most cases is thin, sluggish, melt at the bottom of the oral cavity, which can be complicated by the shortening of the sub-speaking fold, on the type of fine and translucent); There are violations of the position of the language (alone and when driving) in the form of deviation to the side, the proven language of the mouth, labeling the language between the teeth; A minor or fairly pronounced limitation of the mobility of the pagan muscles is revealed; hypercines, tremor, fibrillar twitching of the language; Raising or decrease in pharyngeal reflex. In the musculature of soft nose, there is a sagging curtain (under hypotension); Deviation of ulules (tongue of soft nose) from the midline. In vegetative nervous system There are mainly mosaic violations in the form of easily emerging spasms of the face (redness or pale), language cyanities, hypersiviation (intensive salivation, which can be permanent or intensified under certain conditions).

To affecting the formation of speech function factors G.V. Chirkina also relates to the later defeats of the CNS of traumatic or infectious genesis, intoxication, severe somatic infections complicated by psychotrambulating situations (separation with mother, pain shock), even if they had temporary, not permanent character).

In a child with Rinolalia, even with a one-sided, complete or partial cleft, inhale is carried out more actively through crevice, i.e. through the mouth, and not through the nose. Congenital cleft contributes to the "vicious adaptation", namely the wrong position of the language, its root, and only the tip of the language remains free, which is pulled into the middle part of the oral cavity (the root of the language is overly raised up, covers the crevice, and at the same time the sipset). The tip of the language is at the bottom of the mouth in the middle part, approximately at the level of the fifth tooth of the lower row.

Food through crevice in the nose, apparently, also contributes to the excessive development of the root of the tongue, which covers the crevice. So, in a child with congenital cleft, the most important, the most vital functions stabilize the position of the excessively raised root of the tongue. As a result, the air jet at the exit from the drowsy space is sent almost perpendicular to the nebu. This makes it difficult for the mouth exhale in the speech act and creates a nasal shade of voice. In addition, the constant position of the raised root of the tongue will slow down the movement of the entire language. As a result, the implementation of the necessary movements of the language to articulate speech sounds in rinolalics fails; In addition, a weak exhaust jet, not falling into the front of the oral cavity, does not stimulate the formation of various articulation bows in the upper part of the speech apparatus. Both specified conditions lead to severe pronunciation. To improve the pronouncement of one or another sound, the rinolalicles direct all the tension on the articulation apparatus, reinforcing the stress of the linguistic, lingual muscles, involving the muscles of the wings of the nose, and sometimes all the facial muscles.

In the process of speech disonatogenesis, adapted (compensatory) changes in the text of the articulation bodies are formed:

· High rise of the root of the tongue and shift it into the rear zone of the oral cavity; relaxed, lowactive tip;

· Insufficient participation of lips when pronouncing labialized vowels, lip-lifting and lifting-dental consonants;

· Excessive stress of mimic muscles;

· The emergence of additional articulation (larrganization) due to the participation of the pharynx walls.

L.P. Borsch notes that a short bridle - a malfunction, expressed by the formation of the folds of the mucous membrane, fixing the tongue sharply the konons, sometimes almost to the teeth. It is often detected from parents or close relatives of children, which can be considered a family feature; Anomalies and bite are similar. When studying medical maps of developing children with the pathology of the bridle of the tongue, the author revealed that in 94.7% there is a syndrome of motor disorders; in 52.7% - displays of hip joints; 69.4% - the retreat of psychomotor development; In 38.4% - injury of the cervical spine; 8.8% - children's cerebral paralysis.

In newborns with a short bridle of the language, anxiety is observed during feeding. It is explained by difficulties in sucking, swallowing. Kids do not suck the norm. Sleep in such children's superficial, intermittent, restless, they cry much.

If the correction has not been carried out on time, it is aggravated with age in the fact that it is formed with deviations; child do not understand peers; Adults, seeking to pronounce the sounds, cause negative emotions in response. He closes in himself, prefers to speak less, play alone, begins to form a "incompleteness complex". This often contributes to the development of bad habits. They are characterized by a decrease in the emotional-volitional sphere, the mood lability. Such children are unbalanced, hyperbands, with difficulty calm down. They are very touchy, fusive, and sometimes aggressive. These children with difficulty come into contact, refuse to accept certain movements in the tongue.

By the beginning of school, the speech remains fuzzy, the pronunciation of several groups of sounds is broken. This is inexpressive, the intonation color of the voice is poor. This makes such children more vulnerable, closed, although their intellectual abilities are sufficiently developed. More children are self-critical.

The identified features of the oral motor framework of articulation made it possible to assume that in the absence of timely correctional assistance at best there would be impaired sound testing and overall lubrication in the speech stream.

Early diagnosis is carried out on the basis of the evaluation of non-violations, which include the following:

violation of the tone of the articulation muscles (persons, lips, language) by type of spasticity (increase in muscle tone), hypotension (reduction of tone) or dystonia (changing nature of muscle tone);

restriction of the mobility of the articulation muscles (from the almost complete impossibility of the implementation of articulation movements to minor restrictions of their volume and amplitude);

violation of an act of meals: a violation of an act of sucking (weakness, lethargy, inactivity, neuroticness of sucking movements; leakage of milk from the nose), swallowing (embarrassing, choking), chewing (lack or difficulty chewing of hard food), biting a piece and drinking from a cup;

hypersion (increased salivation): reinforced salivation is associated with the limitation of muscle movements of the muscles, violation of arbitrary swallowing, lip muscles; It is often dried by the weakness of the kinesthetic sensations in the articulation unit (the child does not feel the flowing saliva); hypersion can be constant or intensified under certain conditions;

oral syncinosis (the child opens his mouth widely with passive and active movements and even when trying to perform them);

breathing Disruption: Infantyl Schemes of Breath (the predominance of abdominal breathing after 6 months), rapid, shallow breathing; Discordination of inhale and exhalation (superficial breath, shortened weak exhalation); Stridor.

In the course of the development of the speech, systemically managed supervisory formations are formed, which are real, material signs of the language. To actualize them, the existence of an articulator base and the ability to form syllables are needed. The articulator base is the ability to bring articulation organs in the position necessary for education, the formation of sounds, regulatory for this language.

In the process of assimilation of pronunciation skills and skills under the control of their hearing and kinesthetic sensations, gradually finds and maintains in memory those articulation injections that provide the necessary, corresponding acoustic effect. If necessary, these articulatory positions are reproduced and secured. When finding the right instructions, the child must learn to distinguish the articulation stacked, similar to the pronunciation of sounds, and develop a complex of the spellings necessary for the formation of sounds.

E.F. Arkhipova, characterizing children with erased dysarthria, reveals the following pathological features in the articulation machine. It is indicated on the parethrough of the muscles of the articulation bodies, which are manifested in the following: the face of hymomamically, the muscles of the face with palpation are sluggish; Pose of closed mouth Many children do not hold, because The lower jaw is not fixed in the highlight of the state due to the lethargy of chewing muscles; The lips are sluggish, their corners are omitted; During speech, the lips remain sluggish and necessary labialization of sounds are not produced, which worsens the selection side of speech. The tongue with parethomic symptomatology is thin, is located at the bottom of the oral cavity, sluggish, the tip of the language is lowactive. With functional loads (articulation exercises), muscle weakness increases.

L.V. The shovel is observed by the spasticity of the muscles of the articulation organs, manifested in the following: the face amomically, the muscles of the face with palpation are solid, stressful. The lips of such a child are constantly in the semi-jacking: the upper lip presses to the gums. During speech, lips do not take part in the articulation of sounds. Many children who have similar symptoms do not know how to perform an articulating exercise "tube", i.e. Pull the lips forward, etc. Language in a spastic symptom is more often changed in shape: thick, without a pronounced tip, sedentary

L.V. Lopatin points to hypercines with erased dysarthritia, which are manifested in the form of trembling, tremor of the tongue and voice ligaments. Tremor language manifests itself with functional samples and loads. For example, when specifying a wide tongue on the bottom lip on the account, 5-10, the language cannot save the condition of rest, trembling and light cyanosis appears (i.e., the scintion of the tip of the tongue), and in some cases the language is extremely restless (waves rolled in the language longitudinal or in the transverse direction). In this case, the child cannot hold the tongue outside the oral cavity. Language hypercines are more often combined with an increased tone of the muscles of the articulation apparatus. During the examination of the motor function of the articulation apparatus in children with erased dysarthria, the possibility of performing all articulation samples, i.e. Children on the instructions perform all articulation movements - for example, inflate the cheeks, click on the tongue, smile, pull the lips, etc. When analyzing the quality of these movements, it is possible to note: lubricacy, fuzziness of articulation, weakness of muscle voltage, arrhythmia, reduction of the amplitude of movements, the short-term retention of a certain posture, decreased movement volume, fast muscle fatigue, etc. Thus, with functional loads, the quality of the articulation movements sharply Falls. This leads to a speech to distort the sounds, mixing them and deterioration in general as a general side of speech.

E.F. Arkhipova, L.V. Lopatina allocate the following violations of articulation, which manifest themselves:

in the difficulty of switching from one articulation to another;

in reducing and worsening the quality of the articulation movement;

in reducing the time of fixing the articulation form;

in reducing the number of proper movements.

Research L.V. Lopatina and others revealed in children innervation innervation of the Mimic Musculatory: the presence of the smoothness of the nasolabial folds, the asymmetry of the lips, the difficulties of lifting eyebrows, grinding the eyes. Along with this characteristic symptoms for children with erase dysarthria, the difficulties of switching from one to another movement, reduced volume of lip and language movements; The movements of the lips are not fully implemented, they are approximate in nature, there are difficulties in tensile lips. When performing exercises for the language, there is a selective weakness of some muscles of the language, the inaccuracy of movements, the difficulties of language molding, lifting and holding the tongue at the top, the Tremelor tip of the tongue; Part of the children is slowing down the movement rate when the task is re-executed.

Many children have: rapid fatigue, the increase in sowing, the presence of hyperkinesis of the muscles of the face and the paternal muscles. In some cases, the deviation of the language (deviation) is detected.

Features of the mimic muscles and articulation motility in children with dysarthria testify of neurological microsypes and are associated with rails of subwage and facial nerves. These violations are most often not detected in primary neurologist and can only be established in the process of a thorough speech therapy survey and dynamic observation during correctional speech therapy. With a more in-depth neurological study, the mosaic of the symptoms of the facial, languagehilic and sub-speaking nerves, which determines the features and diversity of phonetic disorders in children are revealed. Thus, in cases of the prevailing lesion of the facial and sub-speaking nerves, there are disorders of the articulation of sounds, due to the infallible activity of luminous muscles and muscles of the language. Thus, the nature of speech disorders depends on the state of the neuromuscular apparatus of the articulation organs.

In order for the human speech to be ai-part and understandable, the movement of the speech bodies should be natural, accurate and automated. In other words, a necessary condition for the implementation of phonetic design of speech is a well-developed motility of the articulation apparatus.

When using various sounds, speech organs occupy a strictly defined position. But since in speech, the sounds are pronounced not isolated, but ply, smoothly following one by one, then the organs of the articulation apparatus are quickly moving from one position to another. A clear pronunciation of sounds, words, phrases is possible only under the condition of sufficient mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus, their ability to quickly rebuild and work clearly, strictly coordinated, differentiated. What implies accuracy, smoothness, ease of movement of the articulation apparatus, pace and resistance of motion.

Thus, impaired motor capabilities of the articulation apparatus is one of the reasons for deviations of the speech development of young children. Analysis of studies on the state of articulation in young children with the deviations of speech development allowed us to allocate the following features:

· There is an insufficient mobility of muscle muscles, lips, lower jaws;

· Articulation features are manifested in the difficulties of switching from one articulation posture to another, in the difficulties of holding articulation poses;

· To study the state of articulation of young children is possible when observing the food behavior of the child.

Conclusions by I Chapter

The development of articulation is an important component of normal speech development. Articulation is the work of the speech organs (articulation apparatus) when pronouncing syllables, words, phrases; This coordination of speech bodies when pronouncing speech sounds, which is carried out by speech zones of the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain. When pronouncing a certain sound, auditory and kineette, or speech control is realized.

In order for the speech to be ai-part and understandable, the movement of the speech bodies should be natural, accurate and automated. In other words, a necessary condition for the implementation of phonetic design of speech is a well-developed motility of the articulation apparatus. The articulation apparatus is an anatomy-physiological system of organs, including larynx, voice folds, language, soft and solid packed, teeth of the upper and lower jaw, lips, nasopharynk and resonator cavities involved in the generation of speech and voice sounds. Any violations in the structure of the articulation apparatus of a congenital or early acquired character (under the age of 7 years) invariably entail the difficulties in the formation and development of speech.

All movements of the articulation organs are determined by the operation of the motor analyzer. Its function is perception, analysis and synthesis of irritations going to the Cora from the movement of speech bodies. In the retging zone there is a complex and thin differentiation of speech movements, the organization of their sequence.

In ontogenesis, the process of developing the articulation is formed sequentially: a cry, ground, early baking; Late syllated bowl; first words, phrases; Further subtle differentiation of articulatory styles.

Food behavior is one of the indicators of the development of articulation. If the child prefers soft food solid, the articulation organs are not enough during meals, this indicates the insufficiency of the muscle development of the mouth and lips.

Deviations of speech development at an early age are the underdevelopment of the cognitive and linguistic components of the speech formation due to a violation of psychophysiological prerequisites and / or non-compliance with the microsococilities of the child's capabilities. It is manifested in the difficulties of forming an initial children's lexicon and phrase speech. It may be an independent speech pathology or part in the structure of any form of deviating development.

Studying the state of articulation in early age children with deviations of speech development possible in organizing observation of the child's food behavior.

Thanks to the ability to reproduce and understand, we can normally communicate with each other, share experiences and information, and build our lives. Therefore, any violations of speech negatively affect the quality of life. People who cannot fully express their thoughts, hard to build a career or establish a personal life. The diagnosis and treatment of violations of speech is best practiced in childhood, without waiting until such pathologies become launched and move into adulthood. So, the theme of our today's conversation on www ..

What is articulation?

Under the term articulation, experts speech therapists imply the operation of the speech apparatus, which ensures proper creation of sound. Articulation leads to a clear dismemberment of sounds that human ear can hear.

Proper articulation Provides proper sound pronunciation. And the important role is played by vocal relationships, but pronunciation organs are active or passive. The first is the language and lips, and the second teeth, soft and solid sky, as well as gums.

Causes of articulation disorders

Disorders speech articulation In adults and children can be provoked by mechanical reasons, which are presented by bite anomalies, too short bridle of the tongue and other pathological conditions. If the patient did not find any problems in the structure of the speech apparatus, the doctors talk about the functional impairment - on the dyskordinity of these bodies.

In children, articulation disorders are usually explained by genetic predisposition, perinatal pathologies and minimal organic lesions of the speech zone of the bark. Also, such problems may be provoked by an unfavorable social environment, the improper pronunciation of sounds near the nearest relatives, and also bilinguals in the family. In some cases, impairment of articulation appear in physical attenuation against the background of frequent infectious and chronic ailments, and even when the phonamatic hearing is underdeveloped.

Among other things, the speech therapists argue that children cannot correctly pronounce all the sounds until the five-year-old age. This is a physiological impairment of articulation, which is a variant of the norm.

Correction of articulation disorders in children and in adults

Violations of articulation require timely treatment. It is best to diagnose and eliminate them even in early childhood. If not to cope with such problems, they will remain for life.

In some cases, to successfully eliminate the violations of the articulation, you need to seek help to the dentist, for example, to correct the wrong bite or short bridle. With the problem of a short bridle, you can also cope with a systematic series of exercises.

If the violation of the articulation is caused by the dyskordinity of the speech bodies, it is possible to eliminate such a problem only with the help of regular classes with speaking copyright or independent training.

Articulation Exercises for Children

Children must perform articulation exercises in front of the mirror. You can do this, starting with a three-year-old age.


- "Window" - the child should open the mouth (heat) widely, after closing it (cold);
- "Clean your teeth" smiles, opening the mouth, the tongue tights the lower and the upper teeth alternately;
- "MEISE DOOP" The child smiles, after shelves the tongue between the teeth - "P'-P'-Py", then heats the tip of the tongue to teeth;
- "Cup" - the crumb smiles, widely reveals the mouth, suits a wide tongue and forms a "cup" from it (lifts the tip);
- "Dudochka" - the child must pull the busy lips forward, closer to the teeth;
- "The fence" - the baby needs to smile, then expose with tension closed teeth;
- "Malay" - a child smiles, open his mouth and the tongue tongue strokes (colors) sky;
- "Mushrooms" - the baby needs to smile, after flying the tongue (as if rides on the horse) and seek a wide language to the sky;
- "Nature" - Kroch smiles in wider, opening his mouth. The tip of his tongue should persuade into the lower teeth, the language at the same time should be hidden so that it overtook the tip in the lower teeth;
- "Swing" - the child smiles, opens his mouth, the tip of his tongue comes for the upper teeth, then behind the lower teeth.

These are just a few articulating exercises that can be performed with a child at home.

Exercises for adults


To develop a soft sky, make zvki with a closed mouth;
- "Color" the upper arch in the mouth - from a soft sky and up to the base of the upper teeth;
- pronounce vowel sounds, scoring;
- imitate the rinse of the throat;
- Develop the lower jaw, moving it back and forward, as well as from side to side;
- Lower the jaw a book with resistance;
- Develop your cheeks, pulling it alternately or inflave them;
- roll up the "air ball" from the cheek to the cheek;
- Tighten both cheeks so that the "Fish Rot" has been formed and move lips;
- Pierce as a horse;
- Gently shake the lips;
- Pull the tongue with a sharp tip more, after put it relaxed on the bottom lip.

Violation of speech articulation in adults is also fixable as in children. Namely, the systematic performance of articulation exercises will help get rid of articulation disorders at different ages.

Mental disorders are mainly accompanied by obsessiveness, asthenic syndrome, depression, manic states, senthenetics, hypochondriac syndrome, hallucinations, delusional disorders, catatonic syndromes, dementia and resolution syndromes of consciousness. The clinical picture and symptomatics usually depends on factors provoked a mental violation, as well as from forms, stages and types of mental disorders. Children with similar pathologies are usually distinguished by emotional instability. They are characterized by increased fatigue, mood fluctuations, feeling of fear, mannerial, uncertainty, fussiness, familiarity, non-diffened consumption of words, small vocabulary, difficulty in arbitrary operating words, increased vegetative and general excitability, sleep disorder, gastrointestinal disorders. Disorders of mental development in children, mainly manifest as distortion (autism), psychopathy, lack of self-determination, damage personal Development, problems with knowledge and impossibility mental Development. These violations are most often associated with brain dysfunction, and, as a rule, begin to manifest themselves in early childhood. Also, the NPR in children can be accompanied by impatience, impairment, insufficiency of focus, hyperactive behavior (many movements with hands and legs, rotation in place), quiet speech, reduced memory, low memory speed, low productivity, and so on.

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