Biography. The meaning of Kozlov Ivan Ivanovich in a brief biographical encyclopedia in which age there was goats

RO. In Lu-chil before-mash, it is about-zo-va. In 1784, in 1784, Pi-San in the Life Guard, Ishmai-Sky Regiment, in 1798, Wvo-Len with a military service. Since 1807, the number from the Kan-Tse-la-Rii of the Moscow heads-but-ko-man-thy. In the Patriotic War, 1812, he lived in the 2nd Committee for the Obra-Zo-Viya of Moskoy Siberian Sea. In 1813-1823, SO-Stro-Yal in the service in the Department of State IMOs. Kol-Leza Counselor (1813).

In the late 1810s, due to Pa-Ra-Li-Cha Lees-Shil-Xa Wen - No-si, PE-DI-MOV-SIA, by 1821, half-stya Os-Lep . Then-Gda Kozlov, pre-ft-de waged Ras-Cean Light Light, at the silent to the literary Creative Creative Creator (Per-Waub Kenia - the poem "to the light-la-not", 1821). In Avt-Bio-Gra-Fectic Salary "K friend V.A. J.<уков-ско-му> According to the WHO, it is from Pu-ten-Ste-St-Viya "(1822) Kozlov OPI-Sal in stig-neck of his non-happy-fit as a do-xov-nye , SPA-CO-TELL PRO-BU-JE DU-SHERS TO IS-TE-TE-TE-TERS AND TEA-SEES IN ESIA. You-Ra-Women in the Li Ri-ke Kozlov is NE-MA-Creative Creative Creative, as a re-ligiosis in Odu-Shev-lesya ["Stan-Sy" (" - I, MRA-KOM OK-Rou-Women ... "), 1834," Anthem Or-Fairy ", 1839, and others], pre-feast of me-lo-gar -Mo-funda-Hakh, to Jean-Rum Ro-Man-Sa and Dog-Nit ("Ve-non-Qi-An-Sky Night", 1825, music M.I. Glin-ki, and others .) Rod or is him with V.A. Zhu-skk. On the sequence of Kozlov Pi-Sa-Li Mou-Zyu-ku A.A. Alyab-Ev, A.S. Dar-go-gay-sky, etc.; The poem "ve-worm ring" (1827, translating from T. Mo-RA) with Muzy-Koi of the non-famous Av-Ra-Ra-Lo People's People. Non-ry-rye-good-re-re-re-ad-chambers of Neri-An-Di-Dak-Ti ("Ra-Zo-re -Ni-Ma and Ras-Pro-Eastern Nar-An-St-Va ", 1826;" Ele-Gia. Volos-Ra-Zhai Gri-Ria On-Za-An-Zhu, ", 1830;" My Mo-Lit-Va ", 1834;" Mo-Lit-Va ", 1834).

Wel-Le-Ka-Yasy "My-Tem-Noi" in Ezi-her, J. Bai-Ro-on [PE-RE-VYL HIS PO EMU "Abi-Da-Skye Non-Weight" (full Edition of 1826), STI-Ho-Two and Ot-Rive-Ki from others by Em], Kozlov, like Ga Vi-Lo, PE-RE-OS-Cape Lied her in Saint-Ti -No-tal-no-elec-geological key. To him, at the above-les, one of the first Russian Rho-Man-Mansic "Bai-Ro-Ni-Che-Skyki" - "CH-NEZ" (1823-1824, a separate edition of 1825 of the year). On the me-hundred de-mo-niche and non-Mi-Ri-Mo Bay-Ro-Nov-Ski-Mo-Roga Kozlov Pasta-Vil Che-Lo-Ka, PE-RE -I-vayu-th, with the entire Rho-Man-Ticker Ek-Zal-Ta-Qi-Thai-Da-Dae "Earth's Life". Du-Shevny Bo-re-re-non-Nau-Nau-na-st-ni-ni-ro-you, who had a member-go-right Muzh, Obu-Mev-She - Musty-la and, on-co-Netz, Kayu-Schish-Ni-Ka - Once-re-Shah-Sia in Na-de-Ji on Spa and Over the Gro-Bom.

The re-ligiosis di-duck-tici-you is the same in Emu Kozlov "Knya-Mi-Nia on-Ta-Lia Bo-Ri-owl GO-RU-KAYA "(1824-1827, a separate edition of 1828), in contact with the judge-bey, I.A. Dol-go-Rou-Ko-Ba (see Dol-go-Rou-Ko-you), in after-up-to-Wav-neck for Mu, in Si-Bur, and Sagli, in the case of his Kaz Neither (in Dei-St-Vi-Tel-no-si Spus-stage 19 years old) is a per-riv-neck from Mi-Ra in Mo-on-Sta-re. In the next-nya, Ema Kozlov ("Be-Zuim-Naya", 1830) and late his ball-la-dy ("Bren-yes", 1834, "Night of RO-Di Tel-Skoy sub-bo-you ", 1835," Tai-on ", 1836, etc.) from-Li-vyut, the dark-line co-ros and Obi-Li Man-tichetic "horses" and "secrets", from-ray-based ten-denominations of ESI in the 1830s. Sre-di Pier-Dov Kozlova - "Crimea Society of Non-You" A. Mets-Ke-Vi-Cha (1829). With Zoznov, there were three collections of its seri-ho-reveni (1828, 1833, 1834). Dear from yes (1840) under-go-tov-les-tv-tv, from-re-Duck-Ti-Ro-Wav-Shim, non-ry-ry poems.


STI-HO-DEP. SPb., 1892;

Full Cathedral STI-HO-DIA / entry. Stasy I. D. Glick-ma-on. L., 1960.


In the fate of the poet-Romance Kozlov, a dramatic paradox was concluded, launched yet Zhukovsky.

"The goats before his illness lived in the world and was carried away by scattered ... devoid of both legs, he began to learn English and a few months could already understand Bairon and Shakespeare. Having lost sight, he became a poet ... For him, an internal rich world opened at a time when the external disappeared. "

And the "external" world of Ivan Ivanovich Kozlov was quite ordinary for the descendant of an old nobleman. Moscow childhood in the rich house of the Father, Ekaterininsky Velmazby; Bulchish entertainment with brothers, aliens governors, Military "Career", characteristic of his inexistant in its circle: at five years old Sergeant Life Guard Izmailovsky Regiment, in sixteen - ensign, in eighteen - a pioneer. All this in absentia, without passing service. Then the resignation - at nineteen years. Kozlov becomes an official at the Moscow Prosecutor General. Formally, the duties of the State Service did not interfere with the free, festive flow of the pore of the Youth "Abnavidity". Kozlov - Freight Ballets and Salons, a brilliant dancer, enviable fiance. But not these advantages were distinguished from others. Thin artistic taste, the reading of a young aristocrat was noticed Zhukovsky and Batyushkov.

The whirlpool of secular life, which was accommodated and "rebellion of passions", and "bold hope", and a happy marital marriage, interrupted 1812. Feeling the real case, Kozlov enters the Committee to educate Moscow military force, participates in the preparation of Moscow defense. In the days of the Moscow fire, he deprives at home, property and in 1813, together with his family, he moved to St. Petersburg, begins service in the Department of State Property of the Ministry of Finance.

At the same time, the vital incentives of Kozlov finds not in the stationery zeal. It gets closer to S. Wallem, Vyazemsky, with young poets Pushkin, Delvig, Kyhelbecker. The future founder of the "Union of Benencies" and Northern Society Nikolay Turgenev, introduces him to his anti-quiliation "experience of the theory of taxes", other writings of the leaders of the coming decorism.

Such is the soil on which this talent has grown, "awakened by the suffering" ( Zhukovsky). From the forty-year-old age is paralyzed, blinded, goats, however, it works a lot and fruitfully.

And my lot, with hopes, with dreams, with fun and sorrowful days, to my heart; He did not hide my sincere secrets, and I was not afraid ...

The first poetic experiments of Kozlov are inspired by Byron's genius. Unexpectedly fought by the disease, Kozlov seeks to comprehend the skill of the Great Romance: reads his poems in the original, makes the unusual translation of the "Abidos Bride" - from English to French (and in a few years - and to Russian). Then follow the arrangement of fragments from Child Harold, "Don Juan", "Corinth", "Gyura" ... Today it is obvious that it is precisely with the translation activities of Kozlov that the beginning of the glory of Bairon in Russia, his peculiar life in Russian lyrics is connected.

In the original poem, written in the death of Bairon, Kozlov handed over the most important for their contemporaries-compatriots of the mood:

He is first on the sounds of free swords with a casseau, and Reli, and the harp of his flies to complete the deliverance; He is there, he will support in the struggle the fatal great cause of the Great soul - the Holy Eldlas Salvation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And in the rapid gusts of all the senses of young, always winsnoubier breathe.

Another cherished topic of Kozlov lyrics is determined by its concepts about human will, honor, nobility. Private episode of the era napoleonic WarsImprinted in the poem, sounded not only as a requiem decent warrior, but also as the protection of genuine spirituality and heartiness, irreconcilable with the Misheo and vulgarity of vigorous reality.

As well as civilian passion and moral definition, a goat and a lyrics of the finest experiences of a person were available. Doubts, anxiety, "idleness of gloomy", "soul sorrow", "Secrets of the High Duma", "Bright Dreams", Living Joy, Beauty Women, "Sweet Tusca", Happiness, Love is all this breathing of his lyrics.

Hello hope, fate threat, excitement of feelings, fun, tears, cardiac abyss depth, all that is gloomy, clear and not to say what words ...

The confessional sincerity of the romantic lyrics of Kozlov brought him wide fame from readers, found a response in the best hearts of the era. In Kozlov's house, were not just compassionate guests, and inspired interlocutors - Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Griboedov, Ryleev, Gleal, Baratyan, composers of Glinka and Dargomyzhsky, as well as I. M. Muravyov-Apostle, Zinaida Volkonskaya ... Poems Kozlov, conversations with him helped creative becoming Lermontov. Often who visited the poet Adam Mitzkevich dedicated him to the poem "Pharis", in the same tonality of the opposition of a person with natural elements.

To all we are building their lyrics, with all their fate - and personal and poetic - Ivan Ivanovich Kozlov argued the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fortress of the human spirit, about the beauty and eternal secrets of earthly existence.

S. Dmitreko

Russian poets. Anthology of Russian poetry in 6 t. Moscow: Children's literature, 1996

Kozlov, Ivan Ivanovich - Russian poet, translator. It came from a noble noble family. He served in the guard, from 1798 - in the civil service. In 1821, after a long illness (paralysis and blindness), Kozlov took up literary creativity. The first poem of Kozlov "To Svetlana" was published in 1821. The fascination of literature led Kozlov to a close acquaintance with A. S. Pushkin, V. A. Zhukovsky, P. A. Vyazemsky And Decembrist brothers Turgenev. In 1824 he was elected a member of the Volny Society of Fans of Russian Literature. Already in the early poems (Message "Friend V. A. Zhukovsky") Trends characteristic of Kozlov: the desire for earthly happiness and "hope on best life Behind the coffin "(Belinsky). Courageously resisting tragic fateThe poet found consolation in the memoirs of the past, in friendship, love and inspirational work ("Anthem Orpheus"). Success brought a goat poem "Chernets" (Full edition of 1825), written in the form of lyrical confession of a young monk. The originality of this romantic poem was determined by V. G. Belinsky: "A somewhat sentimental character of the poem, the sorrowful fate of her hero, and together and the sorting fate of the singer himself ...". The poem is highly appreciated A. S. Pushkin (Poems "Kozlov"), she influenced "MTSYRY" M. Yu. Lermontov and "TRIZNU" T. G. Shevchenko. Kozlov welcomed the national liberation struggle in Greece ( "Plated Greek in Dokton") and in Ireland ("young singer"), glorified courage and courage ("Byron", "Kiev", "Plach Yaroslavna"). In historical poem "Princess Natalia Borisovna Dolgoruky" (1824, full edition of 1828) Kozlov sympathizes victims of autocratic despotism, although the focus is on with civil ideas on religious and heart experiences of a long-term. Heavy personal life and the offensive of a political response after 1825 increased the motives of grief in Kozlov's poetry: "To P. F. Balk-Polevo", "Promised Earth", "Swimmer" and others; In the last two poems, the heat mentioned about the fighters fallen. The "cemetery" poems and ballads Kozlov are marked by a gloomy romantic and mystical flavor: "Mystery", "Brand", "Slute Vityaz" other. Conveniently appealing the poet to the nationality in some works of the 30s: the poem "Mad", poems "Deceived Heart", "Anxious meditation", "Song". Kozlov also performed as a talented translator, promoting Western European poetry: J. Bairon ("Abido Bride"), V. Scott, Dante, T. Tasso, L. Ariosto, A. Shheno, R. Burns, A. Mitskevich and others. Translation of the poem T. Mura has become a popular Russian song. Kozlov's translations - mostly free translating. Kozlov - Slim Elegic and Lirik, striking contemporaries "Songs Wiral" ( Pushkin), "Music and heart sounds" (Gogol), easy verses. Some of his poems became famous songs and romances (Swimmer ,, "Alarm meditation", "Venetian Night"). Pooms Kozlov is characterized by the sharpness of dramatic situations; For his lyrics are characterized by the accuracy of the experiences of the lyrical hero, the brightness of visual images.

So.: Full. Cathedral poems. [Intr. Art. I. D. Glikman], L., 1960; Diary. Hitch Note K. Ya. Grota, "Starina and Novelty", 1906, No. 11.

Lit.: Gogol N. V., about Poetry Kozlov, full. Cathedral cit., vol. 8, M. - L., 1952; Belinsky V. G., Cons. Poke. I. Kozlova, full. Cathedral cit., vol. 5, M., 1954; Neuman B.V., reflection of Kozlov's poetry in the work of Lermontov, "Izv. OSS, 1914, vol. 19, No. 1; Goodziy N. K., I. I. Kozlov - Translator Mitskevich, "Izv. Tavrich. Uch. Archival Commission, 1920, No. 57; History Rus. Lithing XIX century. Bibliography. Pointer, ed. K. D. Muratova, M. - L., 1962.

I. A. Schurov

Brief literary encyclopedia: in 9 t. - T. 3. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1966

Kozlov Ivan Ivanovich - Poet. It took place from the rows of a noble, but oblivion of the nobility (the son of the State Secretary). He served on the military, then in the civil service. At about forty years, it was broken by paralysis, deprived of his legs, three years old completely blind. The year of vision loss was the year of the beginning of Kozlov's literary activities: in 1821 the first poem "to Svetlana" appears in the press.

After some time, the romantic poem propagating in the lists is widely "Chernets", the publication of which in 1824 caused a welcoming poem Pushkin And accompanied by noisy success. In addition to two more poems and large number Lyrical poems Peru Kozlov belongs to numerous translations from English, French, Italian and Polish, some of them have become classic (, etc.).

In the socio-economic being of Kozlov, new bourgeois-capitalist effects (professional literature) are connected to the old class-noble system (pension, "patronage" of the yard and nobility). This determines the duality of his ideology, in which the sympathy of the defeated, "half-dead" Decembrists gets along with sharp political conservatism, and the special character of his style manner. In Kozlov poetry, new "romantic" trends coming from the young Pushkinare combined not only with the influence of the "peaceful" muse Zhukovsky- the poet him is especially close, - but also with "sentimental" traditions Karamzin. Favorite genres of Kozlov - Ballad and a romantic poem. Kozlov is one of the first energetic conductors of the influence of the Russian literature of the Creativity of Bairon (transfers from Bairon, "Bayronic" poems). However, borrowing a magnificent and mourning pack of "suffering" and "passions", goats in his work, the gentle words of hope and reconciliation. Together with the generation of Decembrists, he sings in his verses "liberty", "wondrous freedom" ( "Plated Greek in Dokton" et al.), But in the context of his work, these concepts are deprived of any political pointing. The translation of the "bride of the Abidos" Byrone is a heroic apoheosis of the uprising against the legitimate authorities of the "Robber" Selima - he dedicates the wife of Nikolai I, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, in the dedication of the preface welcoming the defeat of the Tsar of the Decembrists, as "Saving Altars, Russia and Power". Personal tragic fate determined the monotonous topics of Kozlov's poetry with the motives of the crawlless love idyll prevailing in it, persistently repetitive images of the brides that are crazy, grooms, dying on the wedding day, and so on. However, and then Kozlov finds reconciliation in the Spirit Karamzin and Zhukovsky. "Bayronic" poems Kozlov had a significant impact on the young Lermontov.

Bibliography: I. full. Cathedral Sochik., ed. Corrected and significantly updated ARS. Yves. Introduced, St. Petersburg, 1892 (the most complete ed.); Dr. Ed.: COLD. Sochik., 2 Chech., SPb., 1833; Ed. V. A. Zhukovsky, 2 HC., SPb., 1840 (based on ed. 1892); ed. Smpdina, 2 HC., SPB., 1855; 4 HC., SPb., 1890-1891; Grotto K. Ya., Diary I. I. Kozlova, Sat. "Starina and Novelty", St. Petersburg, 1906, xi.

II. Belinsky V., Cons. Kozlov poems (see Coll. Sochik.); Truster K., Essay on the literary activities Kozlov, M., 1899; Selivanov I., My acquaintance with Kozlov, "Russian Archive", 1903, XII; Grotto K. Ya., To biography, creations and correspondence, I. I. Kozlov, "Izvestia Depth. Russian Yaz. And the literature of Acad. sciences ", t. IX, SPb., 1904, II, etc., St. Petersburg, 1906, I; Ayhenwald Yu., I. I. Kozlov, in ed. "The story of Russian xIX literature in. ", ed. T-Va "World", t. I, kN. one; Rozanov I. N., Russian Lyrics, M., 1914 (reprinted in his book "Poets of the twentieth anniversary of the XIX century.", M., 1925); Neuman B.V., reflection of Kozlov's poetry in creativity Lermontov, "Izvestia Depth. Russian Yaz. And the literature of Acad. sciences ", t. XIX, SPB., 1914, I; Danilov N. M., I. I. Kozlov, ibid., T. XIX, SPB., 1914, II. His materials for the full samp. Sochi I. I. Kozlova, ibid, t. XX, SPB., 1915, II,, etc., St. Petersburg, 1917, II; Spiridonov V., I. I. Kozlov, I. Kozlov and Critica of the 50s., 1922 (with the application for the first time published by Art. Ap. Grigorieva About Kozlov about the release of the recent poems in ed. 1855); Sat SERTUM BIBLIOLOGICUM, II., P., 1922.

III. Mesiere A. V., Russian Literature from the XI to the XIX table. inclusive, h. II, SPb., 1902; Vladislavlev I. V., Russian writers, ed. 4th, Giz, L., 1924.

D. Good

Literary encyclopedia: at 11 tons - [M.], 1929-1939


Kozlov Ivan Ivanovich (1779/1840) - Russian poet and translator. Creativity Kozlov includes lyrical poems and romantic poems: (the most famous poems "Chernets", 1825, and "Princess Natalia Borisovna Dolgorukhai", 1824/1827). Translated poem T. Mura "Evening ring" (1828) became a folk song. In addition, the music was put on the "Romance" (1823), "Venetian Night" (1825), "Portuguese Song" (1828).

Gurieva T.N. New literary dictionary / so-called Gurieva. - Rostov N / D, Phoenix, 2009, p. 130-131.

Russian poet

Kozlov Ivan Ivanovich (11.04.1779-30.01.1840), Russian poet, translator. Born in Moscow, in the noble family. Having received a home education, she served for three years in the Life Guard Izmailovsky Regiment, and then resigned and entered the civil service. All this time, he led a scattered secular life, not thinking about literature. Life changed dramatically, when in 1819 goats began to lose sight, and by 1821 finally blinded.

"I misfortune made it a poet," Kozlov's literary mentor wrote V. A. Zhukovsky.To do poetry and translations forced not only the need for creativity, but also a severe need; The inheritance was alrhage, literary earnings became the only means of existence. To Italian and French, who knew from childhood, Kozlov adds German and English and begins to successfully engage in translations. The poem of T. Mura "Evening ringing" (1827) in his translation becomes a classic of Russian folk song.

Considerable success accompanied the original poetry Kozlov. His romantic poem "Chernets" (1825) enthusiastically accepts the reader, highly appreciates BUT. S. Pushkin.Poems Kozlov printed almost all magazines and almanacies. Orthodox humility, incessia and naive simplicity, music and culture of verse attract the reader in the romantic poet.

Poet and translator

Kozlov, Ivan Ivanovich - Russian poet, translator. It came from a noble noble family. He served in Guard, from 1798 - in the civil service. In 1821, after a long disease (paralysis and blindness), K. took up literary creativity. The first poem K. "To Svetlana" was published in 1821. The fascination of the literature led to K. to a close acquaintance with A.S. Pushkin, V.A. Zhukovsky, P.A. Nezdensky and Decembrist brothers Turgenev. In 1824 he was elected a member of the Volny Society of Russian Literature Fans. Already in the early poems (the message "Friend V.A. Zhukovsky") showed characteristic to K. Trends: the desire for earthly happiness and "hope for the best life behind the coffin" (Belinsky). By courageously resisting the tragic fate, the poet found a consolation in the memoirs of the past, in friendship, love and inspirational work ("Anthem Orpheus"). Success brought K. Poem "Chernets" (full Publishing House. 1825), written in the form of lyrical confession of a young monk. The originality of this romantic poem was determined by V.G. Belinsky: "A somewhat sentimental character of the poem, the sorrowful fate of her hero, and at the same time the sorting fate of the singer himself ..." (full. Said., Vol. 3, 1953, p. 311 ). The poem was highly appreciated by A.S. Pushkin (the poem "Kozlov"), she had an impact on the "MTSI" M.Yu.Lermontov and TRIZNU TRIZNU. K. welcomed the national-liberation struggle in Greece ("The Fled Greek in Doktnica") and in Ireland ("Young singer"), glorified the courage and removal (Bayron, "Kiev", "Plach Yaroslavna"). In the historical poem "Princess Natalia Borisovna Dolgorukaya" (1824, full ed. 1828) K. sympathizes the victims of autocratic despotism, although the focus suffers from civil ideas to religious and heart experiences. Heavy personal life and the offensive of a political response after 1825 increased mobility of grief in poetry to.: "To PF Balk-Polev", "Promised Earth", "Swimmer", etc.; In the last two poems, the heat mentioned about the fighters fallen. The grated romantic-mystical flavor marked "cemetery" poems and ballads K.: "Mystery", "Brand", "Break of Vityaz" and others. Regarding the poet to the nationality in some works of the 1930s: the poem "Mad", poems " Deceived heart "," alarming meditation "," Song ". K. He acted as a talented translator, promoting Western European poetry: J. Baron, ("Abido Bride"), V.Skotta, Dante, Ttasso, L.Aryosto, A. Schin, R.Brns, A.Mitzkevich, and others . Translation of the poem of T.Mura "Evening Ring" became a popular Russian song. Translations K. - mostly free translating. K. - Slim Elegic and Lirik, striking contemporaries "Songs Wonderful" (Pushkin), "Music and Cardiac Sounds" (Gogol), ease of verse. Some poems of him became famous songs and romances ("Swimmer", "did not beat the drum in front of a vague regiment", "disturbing meditation", "Venetian night"). Pooms K. It is characterized by the sharpness of dramatic situations; For his lyrics are characterized by the accuracy of the experiences of the lyrical hero, the brightness of visual images.

Brief literary encyclopedia in 9 volumes. State Scientific Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", T.3, M., 1966.

Kozlov and Pushkin.

Kozlov Ivan Ivanovich (1779-1840). In 1821, the first poem of Kozlov "to Svetlana" was published on the pages of the "son of the Fatherland", dedicated to the niece V. A. Zhukovsky. The beginning of the poet's literary activity coincided with the folding tragedy: it was broken by paralysis and land.

In the settlement years, Pushkin, apparently, met with Kozlov in the literary circles of St. Petersburg -U V. A. Zhukovsky, P. A. Vyazemsky, Brothers Turgenev. Direct evidence of these meetings in 1817 - 1820 was not preserved, but the most tone of their subsequent correspondence speaks of a personal acquaintance. "Sorry, if you allow yourself to talk with you as an old friend," Pushkin wrote in May 1825. At the same time, in May 1825, Kozlov sent Pushkin his poem "Chernets" with the inscription: "Mile Alexander Sergeevich from the author." Pushkin was delighted with this gift and wrote his brother: "The signature of the blind poet touched me indefunctioned. Tale of his charm. "

Kozlov Pushkin replied to the penetrated verses:

Singer when in front of you
In the MGL, the world of earth
I instantly woke up a genius,
Over the past review
And in the choir of bright ghosts
He sofa songs.
Oh cute brother, what sounds!
In tears delight, I will introduce them:
Heavenly singing mine
He whipped earth flour.

The poet-blinding thanked Pushkin for "adorable poems" and wished happiness to her friend on Peru. In turn, he devoted Pushkin poem "Byron" and "to the sea."

The tragic fate of Kozlov attracted the sympathy of the most remarkable people of that time. His house in the 1830s visited Pushkin, P. A. Vyazemsky, I. A. Krylov, E. A. Baratsky, M. I. Glinka, A. Mitskevich and later M. Yu. Lermontov. At the end of 1836, at the evening, Kozlova Pushkin expressed his thoughts about the "future Russian opera".

Many poems I. I. Kozlov were laid on music, became songs, romances. One of these poems of the blind poet is "Evening ringing", written in 1827.

L.A. Celesky. Contemporaries Pushkin. Documentary essays. M., 1999, p. 266-267.

Kozlov Ivan Ivanovich (11.04.1779-30.01. 1840), poet, translator. Born in Moscow. It came from a noble noble family. He served in the guard, from 1798 - in the civil service. In 1821, after a long illness (paralysis and blindness), Kozlov took up literary creativity. The first poem of Kozlov "To Svetlana" was published in 1821. The fascination of the literature led Kozlov to a close acquaintance with A. S. Pushkin, V. A. Zhukovsky, P. A. Vyazemsky. In 1824 he was elected a member of the Volny Society of Fans of Russian Literature. Already in the early poems (the message "Friend V. A. Zhukovsky") showed characteristic of Kozlov trends: the desire for earthly happiness and "hope for the best life behind the coffin." By courageously resisting the tragic fate, the poet found a consolation in the memoirs of the past, in friendship, love and inspirational work ("Anthem Orpheus"). Success brought Kozlov Poem "Chernets" (full. Ed. 1825), written in the form of lyrical confession of a young monk. The originality of this romantic poem was determined by V. G. Belinsky: "Several sentimental character of the poem, the sorrowful fate of her hero, and together and the proud fate of the singer himself ...". The poem highly appreciated A. S. Pushkin (poem "Kozlov"), she had an impact on the "MTSI" M. Yu. Lermontov and TRIZNU T. G. Shevchenko. Kozlov welcomed the national liberation struggle in Greece ("The Fled Greek in Doktnica") and in Ireland ("Young singer"), glorified courage and courage ("Byron", "Kiev", "Plach Yaroslavna"). In the historical poem "Princess Natalia Borisovna Dolgorukkaya" (1824, full. Ed. 1828) goats focuses on the disclosure of spiritual and heart experiences. Heavy personal life has strengthened the mobs of grief in Kozlov's poetry: "To P. F. Balk-field", "Promised Earth", "Swimmer", etc.; In the last two poems, the heat mentioned about the fighters fallen. The grated romantic-mystical flavor was marked by "cemetery" poems and Ballads Kozlov: "Mystery", "Brand", "Silge of Vityaz" and others. Regulatory appeal to the poet to the nationality in some works of 30s: the poem "Maddy", poems "Deceived Heart "," Anxious meditation "," Song ". Kozlov also performed as a talented translator, promoting Western European poetry: J. Bairon ("Abido Bride"), V. Scott, Dante, T Tasso, L. Ariosto, A. Shheno, R. Burns, A. Mitskevich, and others. Translation The poem of T. Mura "Evening Ring" became a popular Russian song.

Kozlov's translations - mostly free translating. Kozlov - Slim Elegic and Lirik, striking contemporaries "Songs Wiral" (Pushkin), "Music and Heart Sounds" (Gogol), ease of verse. Some of his poems became famous songs and romances ("Swimmer", "did not beat the drum in front of a vague regiment", "disturbing meditation", "Venetian night"). Pooms Kozlov is characterized by the sharpness of dramatic situations; For his lyrics are characterized by the accuracy of the experiences of the lyrical hero, the brightness of visual images.

Website materials are used Big Encyclopedia of the Russian People -

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Victor Bochenkov. Still I believe in love . (Author " Evening stall"I wrote, being blind and beddowed to bed).


Full collection poems, L., 1960;

Diary. Opening note K.Y.GROT, "Older and novelty", 1906, No. 11.


Gogol N.V., about the poetry Kozlov, full. Sor., Vol. 8, M.-L., 1952;

Belinsky V.G., Assembly of poems I.Kozlov, full. Saul., Vol. 5, M., 1954;

Goodziy N.K., I.I.Kozlov - Translator Mitskevich, "News of the Tauride Scientific Archival Commission", 1920, No. 57;

The history of Russian literature of the XIX century. Bibliographic pointer, under. ed. K.D.Muratova, M.-L., 1962.

Ivan Ivanovich Kozlov (September 1, 1936, Irkutsk, RSFSR, USSR) - historian, poet, prose.

Encyclopedic certificate

He graduated from the art school, then in absentia the historical faculty. The author of numerous works on history artistic culture the edges.

Biographical reference

Ivan Ivanovich Kozlov was born on September 1, 1936 in Irkutsk. In cultural circles, he is famous man. Author of a dozen books about the history of Siberia and Irkutsk, he devoted this topic a lot of articles and research and research and research work. Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, the poet, inventor, encyclopedically educated, versatile, solid person, a stunningly interesting interlocutor. Irkutsk in the third generation, he is in last years Lives and works in. He is a frequent guest on various historical and local history and literary events Shelekhovskaya central Library, Permanent author and interlocutor on the pages of the Shelekhovsky Bulletin newspaper. Working in the archives to study the history of their family, found out a lot interesting facts: Siberian in the ninth generation along his mother. And the pedigree is coming from a person known in the time of the Mongols in Transbaikalia - Plyskina Vasily Fedorovich. The ancestor was very independent, indomitable, shavyman. From him, the Mongols suffered permanent troubles and therefore were forced to steal him. Fortunately, Ivan Ivanovich says, he did not come out the character of a ancestor. Ivan Ivanovich, a person who has been very early to the awareness of the fact that human life is a short moment on the scale of the universe. For many years, he was looking for an answer to the question about the meaning of the human existence on Earth. He studied Chinese philosophy, ancient Greek, read countless fiction. All this is a cognitive diversity and served in versatile activities in the present, including in literary creativity. Poems writes from youth. He was published in the Soviet youth, where the famous Irkutsk poet Elena Vilkina was a literary consultant. Participated in the creation of 16 museums of the Irkutsk region, among them the museum of Irkutsk. In the last twenty years, he has been heading the private scientific research center "Ecosfe Baikal". Funds on his research center earns himself. The main secret of successful creative activity on the expression of this multifaceted person: "If I start to be interested in any topic, then I study it thoroughly." Soon, Ivan Ivanovich will introduce his readers with a new book: "My museums", which will not leave indifferent to the problem of creating museums and about many other things.

Material provided by RMKUK "Shelekhovskaya Inter-Sectular Central Library"


  1. The bells do not silent. - Irkutsk, 1979.
  2. Guide to Irkutsk. - Irkutsk, 1982.
  3. The longest winter. - Irkutsk, 1985.

And the "external" world of Ivan Ivanovich Kozlov was quite ordinary for the descendant of an old nobility. Moscow childhood in the rich house of the Father, Ekaterininsky Velmazby; Bulchish entertainment with brothers, foreigners governors, Military "Career", characteristic of his inexpensive circle: at five years old Sergeant Life Guard Izmailovsky Regiment, in sixteen - ensign, in eighteen - a podoruk. All this in absentia, without passing service. Then the resignation - at nineteen years. Kozlov becomes an official at the Moscow Prosecutor General. Formally, the responsibilities of the State Service did not interfere with the free, festive flow of the pore of the youth "scattering". Kozlov - Freight Ballets and Salons, a brilliant dancer, enviable fiance. But not these advantages were distinguished from others. Thin artistic taste, the readiness of the young aristocrat was noticed by Zhukovsky and Batyushkov.

The whirlpool of secular life, where they were also "rebellion of passions", and "bold hope", and a happy marital marriage, interrupted 1812. Feeling the real case, Kozlov enters the Committee to educate the Moscow military force, participates in the preparation of Moscow defense. In the days of the Moscow Fire, he is deprived of the house, property and in 1813, together with his family, he moved to Petersburg, begins service in the Department of State Property of the Ministry of Finance.

At the same time, the vital incentives of Kozlov finds not in the stationery zeal. It gets closer to the wing, Vyazemsky, with young poets Pushkin, Delvig, Kuhehelbecker. The future founder of the "Union of Benencies" and Northern Society Nikolai Turgenev, introduces him with his anti-refrete "experience of the theory of taxes", other works of leaders of the coming decorism.

Such is the soil on which this talent has grown, "awakened by the suffering" (Zhukovsky). From the forty-year-old age is paralyzed, blinded, goats, however, it works a lot and fruitfully.

And my lot, with hopes, with dreams,

With fun and sore day,

To my heart; He did not let me

Mental secrets, and I have no wonder ...

Best days

The first poetic experiments of Kozlov are inspired by Byron's genius. Suddenly, the sickness, Kozlov seeks to comprehend the skill of the Great Romance: reads his poems in the original, makes the unusual translation of the "Abidos Bride" - from English to French (and in a few years - and to Russian). Then follow the transfer of fragments from Childe Harold, "Don-Zhuan", "Corinth", "gyura" ... Today it is obvious that it is with the translation activities of Kozlov that the beginning of the glory of Bayron in Russia is connected, his peculiar life in Russian lyrics .

In the original poem, written in the death of Bairon, Kozlov handed over the most important for their contemporaries-compatriots of the mood:

He is the first on the sounds of free swords

With casseau, and raw, and harp

Flies to complete the deliverance;

He is there he will support in the fight fatal

Great business of the great soul -

Holy Eldlast Salvation.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And in the rapid gusts of all feelings of young

Always wolnolyubier breathe.

Another cherished topic of Kozlov lyrics is determined by its concepts about human will, honor, nobility. The private episode of the Napoleonic Wars, imprinted in the poem "for the burial of the English general of Sira John Mura," sounded not only as a requiem worthy warrior, but also as the protection of genuine spirituality and heartiness, irreconcilable with the Mishur and vulneracy of vulnerable reality.

As well as civilian passion and moral definition, a goat and a lyrics of the finest experiences of a person were available. Doubts, anxiety, "idleness of gloomy", "sorrow", "Secrets of High Duma", "Bright Dreams", Live Joy, Beauty Women, "Sweet Tusca", Happiness, Love is all this breathing of his lyrics.

Hello hope, fate threats,

Sleeve waves, fun, tears,

Cardiac abyss depth

All that is gloomy, clear

And I do not say what words ...

The confessional sincerity of the romantic lyrics of Kozlov brought him wide fame from readers, found a response in the best hearts of the era. In the Kozlov House, they were not just compassionate guests, and inspired interlocutors - Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Griboedov, Ryleev, Gleyich, Baratinsky, Composers Glinka and Dargomyzhsky, as well as I. M. Muravyev-Apostle, Zinaida Volkonskaya ... Poem Kozlov, conversations With him helped the creative formation of Lermontov. Often who visited the poet Adam Mitzkevich dedicated him to the poem "Pharis", in the same tonality of the human confrontation with natural elements.

To all we are building their lyrics, with all their fate - and personal and poetic - Ivan Ivanovich Kozlov argued the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fortress of the human spirit, about the beauty and eternal secrets of earthly existence.

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