Analysis of a complex lesson in dow. Learn to be an educator

sveta volchenko
Analysis open lesson on cognitive development v middle group"Our helpers are the sense organs"

I, ---, educator MBDOU D / s No. was present at lesson at Volchenko Svetlana Viktorovna, educator MBDOU D / s No. 31, 03/18/2014.

View classes: cognitive development(FTsKM)

Age group: middle group

On the lesson used visual, verbal, gaming and practical methods and techniques of working with children: gymnastics for the eyes, game "Recognize by voice", "Inflate the balloon", gymnastics for the tongue "Watch", a riddle aimed at the use of speech, cognitive, motor, practical skills and abilities and their improvement. Visual and verbal methods were used throughout classes. The methods used corresponded to the studied material and methods organizations activities of children in accordance with the level groups.

V class the teacher brought in a game motivation: magic screen.

The session began with a conversation. This helped outline the theme of the upcoming classes.

For the most effective assimilation of new information in the process classes, computer technology was used - a presentation with slides on topic: « Our helpers are the sense organs» .

On the lesson Svetlana Viktorovna built training as an exciting game activity. The children did various tasks. Such activities created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased the children's speech activity and retained interest throughout classes. Throughout classes the children were friendly, responsive, helped each other

All stages classes were interconnected and interdependent, subordinated to a given topic and goals classes. Changing the type of activity at each stage classes helped prevent fatigue. Children dynamically switched from one game to another. At all stages classes activated speech, cognitive, motor activity of children.

Throughout educational activities children had a high cognitive interest.

Educator MBDOU No. ___

Head of MBDOU No. ___

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Tatyana Nikolaevna Lyutaya
Conducting an analysis of an open session

There are two kinds open class. The first one is self-analysis of the lesson by the educator. The second kind is attendee analysis.

If this open class where there were educators from other groups, teachers, then one should proceed from the purpose of this classes.

Each goal has its own viewing algorithm. Sharing thoughts during analysis of the viewed lesson a great opportunity to improve professional skills, not only for those who spent, but also those present. Very important analyze the lesson. To do this, we propose an oriented algorithm analysis of the lesson during open viewing.

Step 1. Assess the readiness of children for occupation

First, you should pay attention to how the teacher explained to the children the presence of strangers on lesson, then - on the motivation of subsequent work.

Step 2 We analyze goal-setting

Necessary analyze compliance with the actual content classes(the amount of material offered to children, its nature, the use of games and exercises) of the goal.

Step 3. Determine the effectiveness of organizing children for lesson

In accordance with the purpose classes should determine the effectiveness of the organization of children on German:

The choice of teaching methods and techniques in terms of applicability for the realization of the goal classes;

The effectiveness of ways to stimulate the cognitive activity of children;

Optimality of the tempo of the teacher's speech and the tempo of the children's work;

Ways to attract the attention of children;

The use of techniques that prevent fatigue;

The level of formation of organizational skills and abilities.

Step 4 We analyze the course of the lesson

Very important analyze the proposed move(sequence) work on lesson, exactly relevance:

Distribution of time for different activities;

shifts different types activity, both in content and form of perception.

Step 5. Evaluate the structure classes

Necessary analyze compliance with the selected structure purpose-oriented lessons, as well as the motivation and sequence of each stage classes, the logical connection between them. A motivated microclimate should be assessed classes.

Step 6. We determine the communication style of the educator leading class

One of the signs of success classes is the style of communication between the teacher and children. Therefore it is very important define:

The style of communication of the educator with children, leading class;

General emotional atmosphere of communication;

The correctness and normativeness of the speech of the educator;

Ways to encourage children to interact.

Step 7 We analyze used methods of formation of evaluation and control actions

Systematic education of children up to school age evaluation and control actions allows the teacher to develop in them correct speech, form the prerequisites learning activities for school. Therefore, it is important analyze:

Does the teacher encourage children to control and evaluate speech activity;

Does it create situations of mutual control.

Step 8. Carrying out the overall assessment classes

Finally, it is necessary to summarize the previous findings and evaluate classes.

The path to high mastery of teachers is long and even thorny. Success depends on many factors. First, from their comprehensive psychological and pedagogical training. Equally important is the acquisition of practical professional experience, the enrichment of which is indicative open classes including.

And the help of the senior educator in mastering the technique and technology analyzing and attending the classes of their colleagues, is the key for teachers to improve their own skills to introspection.

Analysis of the lesson during the open viewing

Step 1 Assess the children's readiness for occupation

Step 2 We analyze compliance with the actual content goal-setting

Step 3 We determine the effectiveness of organizing children for lesson

Step 4 We analyze the necessity of the proposed move classes

Step 5 Evaluate the Structure classes and give a qualitative description of its individual elements

Step 6 We determine the communication style of the educator on lesson

Step 7 We analyze used techniques for the formation of evaluation and control actions

Step 8 Carrying out the overall assessment classes

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1. Types of children's activities ____________________________

(motor, communicative, game, labor, cognitive-research, musical-artistic, productive, reading fiction).

2 . Workspace with different forms of organization of ML.


Markused in class:

(affiliate form:

 Adult - partner, next to the children (together), in a circle

 Children allowed

 Children are allowed to move freely during activities

 Allowed free communication of children (working hum)

School uniform:

Adult - teacher, distant from children (above/against

 Jobs are strictly assigned to children

Children are not allowed

Children's free communication is prohibited; disciplinary requirement of silence is introduced)

3. Form of organization of training.


(individual, subgroup, frontal).

4. GOALSdirectly educational activities.


Underline the ones used in the lesson:

(TRADITIONAL OOD: the accumulation of the necessary personal experience by children;

DEVELOPING OOD: independent acquisition of knowledge, use by children of the acquired experience.)

5. TASKSorganized educational activities.


Underline the ones used in the lesson:

(Tutorial: enhance the development of the child.

Educational: form moral qualities personalities, attitudes and beliefs.

Developing: develop students' interest in learning, Creative skills, will, emotions, cognitive abilities- speech, memory, attention, imagination, perception.)


Underline the ones used in the lesson:

(METHODSpractical: experience, exercise, experimentation,

modeling; Visual methods: observation, demonstration of visual aids; verbal methods: teacher's story, conversation, reading fiction; Playing methods: didactic game, imaginary situation in expanded form.


Underline the one used in the lesson:

(the presence of game characters, plots, plot composition, travel, ICT, problem situation, game, etc.).

8. Compliance with hygienic conditions for organizing the space of the group, placing equipment and material

9. Contents of OOD________________________________________________

Underline what is used in the lesson:

Combined OOD

(a combination of different types of activities or several didactic tasks that do not have logical connections with each other (after drawing there is an outdoor game).

Integrated OOD

(implementation of tasks by means of different types of activities with associative links between them. At the same time, one type of activity dominates, and the second complements it, creates an emotional mood (a conversation about fire safety rules turns into drawing a poster on the topic).

Integrated OOD

(combine knowledge from different educational areas on an equal basis, complementing each other (consideration of such a concept as “mood” through works of music, literature, painting).

*Where possible, add your comments, your opinion.

Kindergarten teacher _________________________________ Full name


Sample self-analysis of a lesson in a preschool educational institution

Target: To form in children an interest in knowledge about vegetables through the integration of educational areas: knowledge, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, health.
- To form children's ideas about vegetables, about the place of germination and harvesting them for the winter;
- To consolidate the ability of children to describe vegetables according to characteristics,
according to the scheme;
- Improve the ability to grammatically correct, consistently build their statements;
- Expand the active vocabulary, activate the names of vegetables in the speech of children.
- Continue to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name colors, exercise in comparing objects by color;
Encourage children to answer questions by speaking the words clearly.

To form the ability of children to coordinate movements with the text, to understand and follow verbal instructions;
- Develop visual perception and memory, motor imagination and coordination of movements;
- Develop fine general and fine motor skills of the hands;
- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers;
- Create a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for active play activities of children.
Organizational activities, preparation for the lesson
The lesson was carried out in accordance with the abstract. The summary was compiled independently, in accordance with the tasks of the main general education program appropriate for the age of the children. For the implementation of each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.
At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated children for mental activity. Benefits of sufficient size, aesthetically decorated. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the classroom.
Music was used during the lesson to enhance emotional perception.
The organizational reception "Greeting" in poetic form "was aimed at developing communicative qualities, establishing friendly relations both within the children's team and between guests and children.
The occupation is dynamic, it includes techniques that provide for a quick change of activity. Conversation - sitting on chairs, moving around the group while looking for a way out of a problematic situation with a hare - going to the garden, working with a development test fine motor skills hands - sitting on chairs, search activity - standing, work with cereals "Find a vegetable", logarithmic exercise - "walking in the garden." The quick change of techniques and change of postures during the lesson made it possible to avoid the fatigue of children.
Didactic activity of the educator:
All moments of the lesson are logical and consistent, subject to one topic. Moments from the educational areas were integrated into the lesson Cognition: Consolidated the ability to describe a vegetable by characteristic features, according to the scheme; formed the ability to distinguish and name color; Communication: children participated in a general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated children's vocabulary through words - name vegetables, exercised in coordinating nouns, adjectives; "Socialization" to independently express benevolence, empathize. Artistic creativity: Improved the ability of children to roll plasticine between their palms with direct movements, consolidated indentation techniques, developing fine motor skills of the hands., Physical education; developed motor imagination and coordination of movements; Health: formed children's ideas about vitamins and their importance. Receptions in the lesson were of a game nature, were based on game learning situations,
Using the Garden model helped in an interesting game form implement basic training task - formation children's ideas about vegetables and where they grow. My role was to learn to give detailed answers. This helped to achieve optimal results.

At every moment of the lesson, I tried to guide the kids to find solutions to the problem, helped them gain new experience, activate independence and maintain a positive emotional mood.
The creation of search, problem situations activated the mental and speech activity children,
The specifics of working with children in the classroom was reflected in a student-centered approach. She encouraged and praised timid children in order to consolidate their situation of success.
During the lesson, I tried to communicate with the children on the same level, tried to keep the children interested in the lesson throughout the whole time.
The result of the lesson was organized in the form of a game problem situation "Guess the treat?" so that in the course of it to check the quality of assimilation of the material.
Due to the fact that the children are small and there were many choral responses, I plan to pay special attention to individual responses. It is also necessary to achieve a clear pronunciation of words. Work on sound pronunciation, replenish the active and passive vocabulary. But, despite these difficulties, I believe that all the program tasks I set during the lesson were solved.

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Learn to make a pattern on a circle, filling in the edges and the middle, using sticking techniques, drawing with the end of a brush. Cultivate accuracy in working with paints.

The teacher was ready for the lesson. The structure, logical sequence and interrelation of stages is well thought out. Class time is appropriately distributed. The form of education is rationally chosen. Class equipment: visual and demonstration material that was effectively used. The content of the lesson complies with the requirements of the program, is complete, reliable and was transferred to the children in an accessible form. Methods, techniques and teaching aids were correctly chosen that corresponded to the content educational material set goals, educational opportunities of this age of children. The material is presented emotionally. Via surprise moment and visual material maintains interest in the lesson in children and discipline.

Negative points: the teacher forgot to spend dynamic pause(physical education minute).

Viewing an Explore Activity

Tasks set by the teacher:

To give children knowledge about kindergarten, its purpose. Learn to make a sentence to demonstrate actions, agree nouns with pronouns. Expansion of the dictionary on the topic.

The teacher acted competently and professionally: all methods were identified and used to solve the tasks; without exception, all techniques corresponded to the age of the children and the requirements of the methodology of this program. All the techniques used by the teacher in the classroom were correct and accurate. All the tasks of the program content were fully mastered by the children, in the lesson the children were active, were attentive when the teacher explained the new material, and performed new tasks with interest. The children demonstrated high learning skills.

The teacher's approach to the presentation of new material is interesting. The scope of the program content is respected and sustained. In the classroom, the children showed activity, mastered the tasks of the program content, but not all of them. Negative moment: in the lesson, individual work with children was not very successful.

Conducting design classes. Theme: "Tulip"

Program content:

To teach children how to make paper crafts by folding, without using glue.

Continue to learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, determining the middle, corners.

Accustom to accuracy, consolidate the ability to bring the work to the end.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards others.

The activities of the educator

Children activities


1. Game motivation.

I suggest that children give gifts to employees of the kindergarten. At the same time, I clarify that all women love flowers.

What flowers do you know?

I show a sample of a tulip, I propose to make such flowers with my own hands.

2. Showing how to get the job done. Together with the children, we consider the sample, specify what parts it consists of (flower and stem). Then I offer the children a demonstration and explanation of the stages of work.

physical education minute:

3. Independent work children. I do the craft at the same time with the children.

4. After the end of the lesson, the children give their tulips to the teachers, the nanny.

List the names of the flowers.

Monitor the progress of the work.

Do the craft on their own.


individual help. Many don't make it.

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