Lexico-grammatical groups of words in the names of stores. Field "Semantic signs"

In French, the emphasis in an isolated word always falls on the last syllable. However, after the flow of speech, the word loses his emphasis, as it forms with in other words, as if one enlarged "phonetic word", called rhythmic group, with an emphasis on the last syllable of this group.

madame La Dire'Chatrice.

The rhythmic group may consist of one, two or more words, closely connected in meaning, with a single emphasis on the last syllable of the last word of this group.

par'lez! Parlez'Vite! Vous Parlez'mal!

This emphasis is called rhythmic, as it determines the rhythm of the phrase.

The rhythmic group is a significant word (verb, noun, adjective, adverb) with service words related to it (index, assupping adjective, pronoun, articles, pretext, auxiliary verb). (See Attachment)

Pa'paha'Biteàpa'Ris. (3 Rhythmic groups) - Dad lives in Paris.

Il Ha'Bite à Pa'ris. (2 Rhythmic groups) - He lives in Paris.

PA'PA EST'TRISTE. (2 Rhythmic groups) - dad sad.

ILEST'TRISTE. (1 rhythmic group). - He is sad.

Lexico-grammatical comment


Inversion (reverse order of words) is used to express the issue. Inversion, mandatory binding between the verb and pronoun, the final t.the verbs becomes pronounced:

Illit. Lit-Il? . Ilsdiscutent. Discutent-ILS? .

At the verbs of the II group and verbsiii group allerand avoir.havein the 3rd face of the only number when inversion is added pronounced t.:

Ilarrive. Arrive-T-Il?


IL A MAL à la Tête. A-T-IL MAL À LA TêTE?

    Impersonal type offeril pleut.

In impersonal suggestion ilpleut.it is necessarily present grammatical to the subject. This subject to serve pronoun ilnot denoting a real face or subject:

Il Pleut. - It's raining.

Il Neige. - Snowing.

Il Fait Nuit. - Dark.

    Immunityi. lY. a.

Immunity ilya.includes grammatical subject il, adverb y.and a.(3rd face of the only number of verb avoir.have). Turnover usually introduces a noun with an uncertain article, it translates with words: there is, there is, is, it stands, liesor falls translated. Question of turnover ily.a.: y.a.- t.- il? [ jA.- tIL.].

If it is worth it at the beginning of the sentence, turnover ily.a.it is impossible to use, in this case the verb is used ê tre.:

La Table eST. ICI. Tableworth ithere.

    Forms female adjectives on -eUX

Adjectives ending in male genus eUXhave the end in women's birth eUSE.:

studieux-Studieuse; Curieux-Curieuse.

Adjective vieux.represents an exception, it has a female form vieille.

    Verbspouvoir, vouloir.

Remember the following forms of verbs be able to wantfrench:

Share with friends or save for yourself:


tUPEUX- You can

ilpeut - can

tu Veux - You want

Direct word order.

In French there is no declination, and the words of the word are determined by its

place in the sentence. Therefore, the french language of words is characterized for French. In the narrative proposal, members of the sentence are usually placed in the following order:

subjective + leaky + direct addition.

This order of words is called p R I M S M: Yves Lit Mérimée.

2. Questionally pronoun qUI.

With questioning pronoun qUIwhothe verb is possible only in the form of the 3rd face of the singular:

Verbs I, II and III groups.

French verbs They are divided into three groups.

IN I-uu groupThe most numerous, includes verbs with infinitive on -Er.: critiquer (criticize), Imiter, CRIER (shout), Répéter, Préférer (prefer) and others.

Ko II group attribute verbs with infinitive on -Ir.taking suffix -Iss- In the multiple number of the present time of expressing inclination: FINIR, etc.

Verbs in which changes the baseCombined B. III-Yu Group: Lire, DIRE, ÉCRIRE, RIRE (laugh), etc.

1) In the 3rd face of the only number of the present time, the verbs of the i-th group have -E.;

2) in the 3rd face multiple number There are currently verbs III, as well as most verbs III group ends on -Entthat not read;

3) In the imperative inclination of the end of the verbs of the I-th group in 2 face. and MN 1 list: - e., -Ez.: II group -is, -Ez.: III group most often -s., -Ez.

Article and other identifies of the noun

In French, the noun is accompanied by an article expressing his grammatical categories: genus, number, certainty, uncertainty:

dES. - an indefinite article of the plural number of male and female.

les. - A certain artist of the plural number of male and female.

N E O P R E D E L E N N S Y Article indicates that it is about some unknown subject. O PRE D E LE N N S Y Article indicates the subject already known, familiar.

Des dictées-some dictations;

Les Dictées are the most dictates that were discussed.

Before the names of their own articles, there is no: Sylvie, Philippe.

Article is not used if there is a noun:

· Indexing adjective: CES Dictées - these dictates

· pretty adjective: Mes Dictées - my dictations;tes Dictées- your dictates; SES DICTées- his / her / her dictations

· Quantitative: Six Dictées - six dictation

Multiple number of nouns and adjectives.

The multiple number of nouns and adjectives is usually formed by the end of -S.That is not pronounced:

les Dictées difficiles.

Place a direct addition in the phrase.

Direct supplement expressed by nouns should be directly behind the verb in expressive challenge, and direct addition, pronounced, is put before Him.

Philippe Lit Les Dictées. Philippe Les Lit.

If the verb stands in a imperative inclusion in an affirmative form, a direct addition follows it, regardless of whether it is expressed by nouns or pronoun, while the pronoun is written through a hyphen:

Lisez Ces Dictées! Lidez-Les!

Place of adjective

French adjective is more often put p o s l e Noun:

ces Dictées. diffiCiles..


1. Read the following geographic names (1.2):

Nîmes, Les Pyrénées, Tbilissi, Chili, Chypre

2. Read the phrases by observing binding and clutch:

Philippe et rémi écrivent. Ils‿écrivent vite. Ils‿écrivent ICI. Cécile Dit: "Finissez Ces Dictées! »ILS FINISENT CES DICTÉES. ILS Les Finissent. Yves Dit: "Répétez Ces Dictées DiffiCiles. Répétez-Les. »ILS LISENT LES DICTÉES DIFFICILES. ILS LES LISENT. Sylvie Imite Philippe et Rémi. Sylvie Les‿ Imite.

3. Ask questions to subject to:Cécile Lit. QUI LIT?

Yves dîene. ________________________________________________________________

Philippe Imite Sylvie. _______________________________________________________

Virginie Lit Vite. ____________________________________________________________

Yves Critique Virginie. ______________________________________________________

Lily et Cécile Critiquent Sylvie. _______________________________________________

Philippe Écrit Vite. ______________________________________________________

Lily et Rémi Écrivent Ces Dictées. ______________________________________________

Yves et Philippe Lient Ces Livres .___________________________________________________

4. Read the following vapors of verb forms:

il Dîne - ILS Dîent, Il Criteque - ILS Critiquent, Il Cite - Ils Citent, Il Imite - Ils Imitent, Il Dicte - Ils Dictent, Il Félicite - Ils Félicitent, Il Plie - Ils Plient, Il Lie - Ils Lient; IL FINIT - ILS Finissent, Il Réfléchit - ILS Réfléchissent; IL DIT - ILS DISENT; Il Lit - ILS LISENT, IL ÉCRIT - ILS ÉCRIVENT, IL RIT - ILS Rient.

5. Replace the supplement-noun add-on-pronoun. Pay attention to the place of pronoun direct add-on:


Philippe Finit Les Dictées. __________________________________________________

Philippe et Cécile Finissent Les Dictées. _______________________________________

Rémi et Yves Lient Ces IDées. ______________________________________________

Rémi Écrit Ses iDées. _____________________________________________________

6. Replace the supplement-noun supplement-pronoun:

Example: Lisez Ces Dictées! - Lisez-Les!

Finissez Ces Dictées! _____________________________________________________

Répétez Ces Dictées DiffiCiles! _____________________________________________

Imitez Philippe et Cécile! _________________________________________________

Lesson 2.

[ε] - Clean vowel sound of the front row, open, unknown. This sound is more open and wider than [E], the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth; The edges of the tongue relate to the upper rear native teeth. The mouth is wide open.

This sound is wider than [ε] in the Russian words "these", "chain", "purpose", but already than in the words "this", "Kel", "Balla".

Reading rules

1. Letter f. At the end of the words read: Chef [ʃεf].

2. In most cases, the letter l. At the end of the words read: michel.

3. Letter from At the end of the words, after the consonants and clean, the vowels are read as [K]: SEC.

Phonetic comment

If the word ends on the pronounced consonant or group of consonants, and the word the following begins with a vowel, the final pronouncement of the previous word forms a syllable with the initial vowels of the following word (clutch):

ELLE ͡ Est Belle. Elle ͡ aime.

Exercise in reading:

[ε] [ε] [ε:]
Mais Lait Chèque ère Cèpe Béret Près Très BELLE SEC Chef Ferme Cette Bête Baie Sel Mère Serre Chère Faire Chaise TERRE BEIGE SEIZE

Exercise in reading:

[i] - [E] [E] - [ε]
Dit Mie Lit Si épi Qui Des Mes Les Ses Épée Quai Nez Mes Les Ses Thé été Naît Mais Lait Sait Taie Était

Words to text

Listen to words and expressions to the text, repeat them pause for the speaker (2.1):

Elise-- Eliza Grec, Grecque- Greek,
Elle Vit is she ( personal pronouns of the 3rd face of the only number of women.) Lives Celte- Celtic,
Elle Aime - She loves, she likes Rêver - dream, dream
CETTE-- This ( decree. A valid units of women) Elle Déteste- It can't stand, does not carry out
Ville. f.-- city Film. m.-- film
Élève. m, F.- Pupil, student, student Triste- sad, sad, sad ,y
Belle- Beautiful, beautiful Emilie - Emilia
Gai, E- cheerful, Pessimiste. m, F.- Pessimist, -
CET - this ( decree. A valid units. Husband. Dessiner-- Draw
été. m.-- summer Iris. m.- Iris.
MyThe m.- Myth épi. m.--ear
Elle Préfère- she prefers

Listen to the text, pay attention to the sound[ɛ] (2.1). Read the text yourself and translate it.

Elise Et Emilie.

C'est Elise. Elle Vit ICI. Elle Aime Cette Ville. ELISE EST ÉLèVE. Elle Est Belle. Elle Est Gaie. Elle Aime Lire. Elle Lit Vite. CET Été Elle Lit des Mythes. Elle Préfère Les Mythes Grecs Et Celtes. Elle Les aime.elle Aime Rêver. Elle Déteste Les Films Tristes.

C'est Emilie. ELLE EST TRISTE. ELLE EST PESSIMISTE. Elle Aime Dessiner. Elle Dessine des iris et des épis.

Page_Break - first, the word as a functioning unit of the language is studied with a phonetic, word-formative, lexical and grammatical point of view.
Secondly, according to certain lexical and grammatical signs, all the words of the modern Russian language are divided into lexico-grammatical groups, i.e. Parts of speech.
Thirdly, in modern Russian, there are 13 parts of speech, which are divided into significant and service.
Significant words include parts of speech, which call objects, quality or properties, quantity, action or condition, or indicate them. They have independent lexical and grammatical meanings, in the sentence act as the main or secondary sentences.
The official words include particles, prepositions, unions and ligaments. Service words are used in speech only in conjunction with significant words.
There are still certain groups of words - modal words. These words, like the service parts of speech, do not have a nominative function. They express an assessment of the speaking of their statement in terms of relations reported to objective reality ( unfortunatelyand etc.).
The allocation of different types of lexical values, lexico-grammatical discharges (parts of speech), morphological signs helps to understand the semantic structure of the word, makes it possible to understand the nature of systemic and intrasloval bonds.

Chapter 2. Lexico-grammatical groups of words in the names of stores
2.1 Renal parts of speech in store names
In modern Russian, parts of speech independent and service are distinguished. Independent (or significant) parts of speech or call items, quality or properties, quantity, action or condition, or indicate them. They have independent lexical and grammatical meanings, in the sentence act as the main or secondary sentences.
According to its internal properties, the Word is such a unit that tends to connect to other similar units, i.e. to syntactic bonds. In different words, various possibilities of implementing such connections are concluded. To a greater extent, such potential is concluded in significant words, to a lesser extent - in service.
The significant word predetermines its connection with another word to the whole complex of its meanings: lexical, grammatical, word-forming. On this basis, a branched system of so-called submissions is built in the language, its own words of each part of speech - noun, adjective, verb, adverb, and within these classes also in the words of individual lexico-grammatical groups or simply in individual words.
The names of the stores, of course, should attract the buyer with their own name, but not everyone can afford such a luxury - it is necessary to comply with the goods sold. Consider the names of stores and firms located in Togliatti.
The main task of the name of the company or the store is to attract the attention of the buyer, to interest and even hit him. That is, the name is entrusted with an informational and explanatory function, and it should convince the buyer, inspire him the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe purchase. The word can be attached to the subject as its designation or as information about its existence. It is as follows that the function of words in the names of the works of thought, art, in informing inscriptions, in the names of a wide variety of realities, on signs, labels, in the names of goods, etc. These are words-pointers that sign that "it is that there is something "," This is called that "," there is something here. " Such an index function of the word, phrase in essence, close to the message, since it carries certain information. For the names of the stores, nouns and adjectives are more often used, for example:
"Wine"(See Appendix 3 Card 1). As a name, the subtative name is used as an adjective.
"Footwear"(See Appendix 3 Card 2). The name is used as a name.
"Plumbing"(See Appendix 3 Card 3). The name is used as a name.
"Shade"(See Appendix 3 Card 4). The name is used as a name.
"Cheboksarsky Knitwear" (See Appendix 4 Card 5). As a name, the name is the adjective and noun.
"Sewing machines"(See Appendix 4 Card 6). As a name, the name is the adjective and noun.
There are single-main and two-part store names. The names consisting of one word are alone, as "Entering"(See Appendix 3 Card 7) The name is used as the name - indicates the range of goods for needlework, "Smoke"(See Appendix 3 Card 8) The name is used as a name - the sale of tobacco products is used.
As a result of the implementation of the submissions, two-part names consisting of two or more words (parts of speech) are formed, they have their own structure and their own language values and successfully apply to the names of stores: "Tobacconist's" (See Appendix 4 Card 9) It is used as a name. Adjective and noun , « The Snow Queen» As the name, the name is the adjective and name noun, "Trading house" Nikolaev "(shopping adjective, noun home, "Nikolaev" substantive adjective), "Chairs chairs"(See Appendix 4 Card 10) Two nouns names are used as a name.
The phrase is thus the implementation of the syntactic potential of a significant word. In the development and approval of such values, the role of the context is very significant, which necessitates the implementation of the potential semantic capabilities of the word. (Note that the choice of lexical environment, the correct assessment of the potential lexico-semantic shades of the word is one of the most important working conditions of translators, managers, journalists, editors.)
Nowadays, a number of combinations of the words of the appropriate assortment of goods sold can be used. In most cases, real names of nouns are applied (denoting chemical elements and compounds, agricultural crops, food products, building materials, etc.) for example:
"Bread"(See Appendix 3 Card 11). The name is used as a name.
"Household chemicals"(See Appendix 4 Card 12). The name is used as the name, the name of the noun is used.
"Stationery"(See Appendix 3 Card 13). The name of the name is used by the name.
"Window"(See Appendix 3 Card 14). The name is used as a name.
"Print"(See Appendix 3 Card 15). The name is used as a name.
In any city, you can meet more than a dozen stores with similar names - no originality only clear definition of store supplies to a certain piece of goods. And for frequent, with such grammatical compliance, the buyer will not be surprised or shocked, because he clearly imagined that he could lie in this case on store shelves.
Grammatical meaning is general value words of both parts of speech (for example, the value of the substation among the nouns), the meaning of one time or other time, the person, the number, genus, etc. Lexical and grammatical significance are closely related to each other. Changing the lexical value of the word leads to a change in grammatical value. For example: « Women's clothing» (attached. relative) and "Women's Look" (high-quality applied., has a comparison degree, brief form); "Seating Yard" - Store for the sale of food products, (living - adjective) - "Literary living room" - Store for the sale of books (living room - noun).
Very often for the names of the stores, a geographical principle is applied, or just a binding to the area: "South Service", "Eighth Quarter", "Upper Ponds", "South"These are usually grocery stores with essential goods and a small choice, although it may be under a modest sign and a huge shopping center.
Boutiques selling brands of famous couturiers, emphasize their belonging to the original registered family trademarks. "Svetlana Frenchman", "Giorgio Armani", "Hugo Boss"If this is not a counterfeit Chinese shop on the Cherkizovsky market then it is a salon at the best location of the city or shopping center. It is impossible not to note the growing trend of the use of foreign borrowed words in combination "Park House", "Kitchen Gold", "Disney Land", "Second Hand", "Golden Group".
Words fill the syntax pattern in contentable, i.e. Provide information. No matter how rich and developed syntactic language, without vocabulary syntax constructions Dead: Only in collaboration with words, folosing them, such samples ensure the implementation of the message, and carry useful and necessary information. Phrase "Shop 1000 little things"(See Appendix 4 Card 16) offers to purchase everything from needles to the lawn mower, the use of the number 1000 gives a major role role.
The desire to draw attention to the store leads to the fact that the names can consist of phrases when lexical meaning Words lead to a change in its grammatical meaning. For example, store names - "Kareny yard"(See Appendix 4 Card 17) , "Seating Yard".
The names are usually used as compressed as possible, extremely laconic phrases, in which all semantically secondary elements are lowered. But to ensure maximum cyvelness, only common vocabulary and the simplest grammatical agents are used to build titles.
In the names of the stores developed a special style of name, characteristic feature which is the emergency expressivity of lexical and grammatical means for example:
"Sport Master"(See Appendix 4 Card 18). Two nouns are used as the name.
"Teplodar"(See Appendix 3 Card 19). The name is used as a name.
"Energy"(See Appendix 3 Card 20). The name is used as a name.
To attract the attention of the buyer to the store, in the names, as a rule, pronouns are descended, prepositions. Abbreviations and comprehensive words are widely used, abbreviations are widely used, most often alphabetic, for example: " Peter Lada, "Rospech"(See Appendix 3 Card 21) , "Lada Ltd", "Autolate", "Window Juice"(See Appendix 4 Card 22).
The presence of image elements is noted, for example: "City of flowers"(See Appendix 4 Card 23) , "Home Cellar"(See Appendix 4 Card 24) .
2.2 Speech Parts in the names of stores
Service words, as opposed to significant, do not possess nominative function, i.e. There are not names of objects, signs, processes, and serve to express the relationship between the reality phenomena, which are named words of significant.
By virtue of this service words Used in titles only in conjunction with significant words. Without having a nominative function, official words are not members of the proposal, but are used as formal-grammatical means of the language: prepositions act in subordinate phrases, unions - with homogeneous members and in complex proposals, particles - separate words and in question and exclamation proposals (it is indicative, however, that even such words, as unions, prepositions, particles, interjections, seek to figure out, to education on their basis combinations varying degrees Sustainability) for example:
"Office furniture" -in this title a preposition for Indicates the purpose of furniture - office furniture.
"Kitchens from Linda" -pretext from Indicates a specific manufacturer of kitchens.
"Furniture and interior"(See Appendix 4 Card 26). and It states that in addition to the furniture, there are also products for the interior .
"Grocery on Zhukov" - pretext on the Indicates the location of the store.
"Utput windows" -(See Appendix 4 Card 25). Representogue w. Indicates the windows manufacturer.
"From Valentina Yudashkin" -(See Appendix 4 Card 27). Representative from Indicates Trademark .
It can be noted that the service parts of the speech help to create a grammatically organized connection of words, which has a known semantic and intonational completeness.
As a result of the work done, it was possible to analyze, determine the specifics and features of the use of lexico-grammatical groups, phrases and words on the examples of store names.
As we see, the names of stores consisting of phrases, detect a number of features and are not always clear and predictable. Very often resort to incorrect word formation, reduction of words and choosing phrases, single-main and two-part store names are often accompanied by contextual additions and explanations. Most often, the name of the noun is used as a name. Less frequently, the adjective and service part of speech.

As a result of the study of theoretical material, we see that words in modern Russian exist are not separate, but are associated with each other. Based on vocabulary-grammatical signs, words are combined into lexico-grammatical discharges. All wealth of the lexic-grammatical level of the language reflected in the words described and literature is used to: avoid inaccuracies in the choice of words (names of their company or shop); The richest synonymic drugs of the language are more active; More precisely, antonymic words and turnover are selected; The words that have similar sound (paronimny) are properly used.
The assimilation of the genetic bases of the lexico-phraseological system will increase the ineploy vocabulary and at the same time comprehend the processes of relevant entry into the language of many borrowing. This will contribute to a deep understanding of the sphere of distribution of prepared texts (or oral messages), as well as their style affiliation.
Such a conscious versatile-diverse attitude towards vocabulary-phraseological reserves will allow, if necessary, produce various lexical and semantic, semantic-phraseological, functional and stylistic and stylistic transformations. The first are associated with the processes of compression and expanding texts; the choice of words, their values \u200b\u200bor their replacement; search for equivalent synonymous agents or variant units; the possibilities of differentiation or specify the plan of content with means of expression, etc.
The second is due to the need to transfer the text from one style in another by selecting pronounced styrene-forming linguistic units; widespread use of adequate swatch samples; Metaephorization of unnecessary means or demetaforization of the actual metaphorical, i.e. strengthening or decreasing emotional-expressive text color; The possibility of inclusting other types of paths and stylistic figures or, on the contrary, their elimination with the ideological and thematic, as well as the logical foundations of transformable texts.
As a result of practical work, it can be concluded that at present in the names of stores, the share of single-maintained (12 titles) and two-part (15 titles) is almost equal, in all examples there are significant words. Nouns are present in all names, adjectives are used only as an addition denoting a constant sign of the subject and quality.
The use of prepositions, unions (service words) is rare, as they serve to express the relationship between the phenomena of reality, which are named words of significant.

1. Adamchik N.V. The most complete course of the Russian language. - Minsk: "Harvest", 2007. - 848 p.
2. Vintagina N.S., Rosental D.E., Fomina M.I. Modern Russian. - M.: "Logos", 2002. - 528 p.
3. Golovin B. N. How to talk correctly: Notes on the culture of Russian speech. - M.: Omega, 2005. - 412 p.
4. Zhukov V.P. Russian phraseology. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1986. - 654 p.
5. Zemskaya E. A. Russian Spoken speech: Linguistic analysis and learning problems. - m.; "Higher School", 1979. - 360 p.
6. Kuznetsova E. V. Lexicology of the Russian language. - M.: "Onyks", 1989. - 534 p.
7. Lekant P.A., Dibrova E.I., Kasatkin, L.L. Modern Russian. - 2nd ed. - M.: Drop, 2001. - 462 p.

1. Se Rappelerqch. remember something about something , remembered Je Me Rappelle Très Bien Mon Premier Voyage En France.
Je Me Le ( la, les.) Rappelle JE NE ME LE ( la, les.) Rappelle Pas. I him (her, their) I remember it (her, their) I do not remember
2. Essayer Defaire QCch give Essaie de Te Rappeler Son Nom.
3. L "Année Dernière Samedi Dernier Last year last Saturday JE L "AI VUE SAMEDI DERNIER.
L "Année Procheine Samedi Prochain next year next Saturday J "Espère Vous Voir Samedi Prochain.
pay attention to no pretext Before the circumstance in the French sentence: La Semaine Procheine Nous Aurons Un Test de Grammaire. - Next week We will have a grammar control.
4. être Étonné. be surprised what-L..
être Ravi jeopardize
être sûr. DE QCH be confident
être Heureux De Faire QCH be happy with
être Malheureux be one's mind
êTre Content be satisfied with
êTre Fatigué. be tired
être souffrant root
être pris to be busy
5. Espérer Faire QCH hope to do J "Espère Lui Parler Avant La Leçon.
6. OSER FAIRE QCH dare Il N "OSE PAS Vous Dire Cela. He does not solve you to say it.
7. J "AI FROID I'm cold Ferme La Fenêtre, S "IL TE PLAîT, J" AI FROID.
J "Ai Chaud I feel hot Je Vais Ouvrir La Fenêtre, Je Vois Que Vous Avez Chaud.
8. Tous Les Jours. (SOIRS, MOIS) everyday (evening, month) Toux Les Soirs Il Regarde La Télé.

Lexico-grammatical exercises

Se Rappeler.

I. Corrosive in Présent, Passé Composé and Futur Immédiat:


II. Convert according to the model:

Modèle: TU DOIS TE RAPPERER SON NOM.Ù Rappelle-toi Son Nom!
Vous Devez Vous Rappeler Son Nom.
Ù Rappelez-vous. Son Nom!
Nous Devons Nous Rappeler Son Nom.
Ù Rappelons-nous. Son Nom!




4. Vous Devez Vous Rappeler Le Texte du Télégramme.

Vous Devez Vous Rappeler Leur Adresse.

6. Vous Devez Vous Rappeler Le Numéro de Son Téléphone.

7. Nous Devons Nous Rappeler Le Début Du Texte.

Nous Devons No Rappeler L "Heure du Rendez-Vous.

Nous Devons Nous Rappeler Le Jour De Son Anniversaire.

III. Convert according to the model:

Modèle: - Te Rappelles-Tu Cette Date?Ù
- OUI, je Me La Rappelle.

1. TE Rappelles-Tu son Nom.?


3. Vous Rappelez-Vous cE Texte.?


5. TE Rappelles-Tu ces Personnages.?

6. SE RAPPELLE-T-ELLE cette Rencontre.?

7. Vous Rappelez-Vous cETTE Fête.?

8. Te Rappelles-Tu cES TableAux?

IV. Convert according to the model:

Modèle: - Je Ne Peux Pas me. rappeler. son Nom.. Ù
- Essaie. de Te Le. Rappeler.
- Nous Ne Pouvons Pas nous. rappeler. son Nom..
- Essayez. dE Vous Le. Rappeler.

1. JE NE PEUX PAS me. rappeler. son Adresse..

2. JE NE PEUX PAS me. rappeler. cette Actrice..

3. JE NE PEUX PAS me. rappeler. ses Pièces..

4. JE NE PEUX PAS me. rappeler. cE Western.

5. Nous Ne Pouvons Pas nous. rappeler. cET Automne..

6. Nous Ne Pouvons Pas nous. rappeler. ses Explications..

7. Nous Ne Pouvons Pas nous. rappeler. cette Poésie..

8. Nous Ne Pouvons Pas nous. rappeler. cE Quartier.

V. Open brackets, put the verbs in the Passé Composé. Answer these questions:

1. Te Rappelles-Tu La Dictée Que Vous (Écriere) CETTE SEMAINE?

2. Te Rappelles-Tu Les Fautes Que Tu (Faire) Dans Ta Dernière Dictée?

Te Rappelles-Tu La Question Que Le ProfessEur Te (Poser)?

Te Rappelles-Tu Les Jeunes Filles Que Tu (Rencontrer) CE Matin?

5. Te Rappelles-Tu Les Chiffres QU "On Vous (Citor - Quote) à la Conférence?



Vi. Translate on french:

1. Do you remember the phone Mary? - I'm trying to remember him, but I can not. - Remember, please! Try to remember. You must remember him.

Last year, we tried to do windsurfing. It was very funny. We often remember this.

We tried to remember where we saw this person, but did not remember.

4. - Have you tried to learn this rule? Then try to remember it.
- I do not remember him. I tried to remember, but could not.

Next year I will try to engage English. I taught him as a child, and I need to remember him.

I was looking for Lena's address for a long time and I realized that I left him at home. I was at Lena several times and remembered the street, but I could not remember the room at home and apartment.

7. She did not tell us anything new. She repeated that all the time tried to remember the details (des détails), but never remembered anything.

VII. Fill asleep by adjective female:

L "été dernier - L" Année .....; L "Arrêt Prochain - La Station .....; Un Garçon Souffrant - UNE Fillette .....; Le Jeune Homme Étonné - La Jeune Fille .....; Un Homme Sûr de Lui - Une Femme ... .. D "ELLE; Le Début Heureux - L "ENFANCE .....; Le Mois Dernier - La Semaine .....; un vendeur fatigué - une vendeuse .....; Le Mois Prochain - La Semaine .....; Le ProfessEur Content De Ses Élèves - La Mère ..... de Ses Enfants; Un Homme Malheureux - Une Femme .....

VIII. Convert according to the model:

Modèle: JE SUIS PRIS CE SOIR. - Elle .....Ù
JE SUIS PRIS CE SOIR. - Elle Est. prise. CE SOIR.

1. Je Suis Ravi De Vous Voir. - Nous .....

2. IL EST SûR DE CET HOMME. - Elle .....



5. Je Suis Heureux De Vous Voir. - Elle .....

6. Il Est Fatigué CE SOIR. - ILS .....

7. TU ES Toujours Pris. - Elles ....

8. II EST CONTENT DE TUT. - Elle .....

IX. Answer the questions:

1. ETES-Vous Fatigué Après Les Cours D "Habitude?

2. Vos Parents Sont-Ils Fatigués Après Le Travail?




Les Professeurs Sont-Ils Contents De Votre Travail?


8. Où êtes-vous Allé L "Été Dernier?


10. Avez-Vous Eu Beaucoup De Travail La Semaine Dernière?

En Aurez-Vous Beaucoup La Semain Prochaine?

X. Translate into French:

They are unhappy with this match. Everyone was confident in their team.

We are delighted with this actor. We are happy to see him again on stage.

3. I am surprised by their results, I was confident in their success (Succès m..).

4. 0n they smiled and said: "I'm glad to meet you."

Last week, he tried to call them, but did not find them: everyone went beyond the city.

Next week I will be very busy, but I will be happy with you. Call me somehow in the evening.

Do you feel bad? I think you are sick. - No, I'm very tired.

Avoir Faim / Avoir Soif / Avoir Sommeil / Avoir FROID / Avoir Chaud / Avoir PEUR

Xi. Answer questions according to the model:

Modèle: - Pourquoi Ne Parles-Tu Pas à Hélène?Ù
- Lui Parleras-Tu Demain?
J "Espère Le Faire.

Pourquoi Ne T "AdresSes-Tu Pas Au Professeur?

2. T "adresseras-tu à lui demain?

3. Pourquoi Ne Dis-Tu Pas Cela à Tes Parents?


5. Pourquoi Ne Demandes-Tu Pas Cela à Michel?

Lui Demanderas-Tu Cela Un Jour?

7. Pourquoi Ne Lis-Tu Pas Tes Poésies À TOUS?

Les Liras-Tu Demain SOIR?

9. Pourquoi Ne Téléphones-Tu Pas à Ta Copine?


XII. Finance offers in one of the expressions with the verb 'Avoir':

Modèle: - Pourquoi Fermes-Tu La Fenêtre?Ù

Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine

Sumy State University

3477 lexico-grammatical comment

to the introductory grammatical course

russian language

for foreigners,

speaking in Turkish


Sumy State University


Lexico-grammatical commentary on the introductory grammatical course of the Russian language for foreigners, speaking in Turkish / compilers: T. O. Degtyareva, Orgun Yunus Emre. - Sumy: Sumy state University, 2013. - 36 p.
Department of Language Training of Foreign Citizens

Lexico-grammatical comment

to the introductory grammatical course of the Russian language

^ Index design with word it Cümledeki Bu Zamiri.

In Turkish, as in Russian, the pronoun does not change when specifying both one item and for several items or persons, regardless of their kind.

Türkçede, Rusçada Olduğu Gibi Işaret Zamiri Olan This (BU) DEğişmemektedir.tek Bir Nesnede Olduğu Gibi Birden Fazla Nesne Ve Cisimde De Kategoriye (Rod) Bağımsızdır.



This is Anton.

This is Anna.

This is Anna and Anton.

Bu Anton.


This is Anton.

This is Anna.

This is Anna and Anton.

^ The structure of the general question and the affirmative answer to it Genel Soru Yapısı Ve Olumlu Cevap

In Russian, unlike Turkish, in the general question, the order of words does not change. It differs from the narrative offer only by intonation.

The affirmative response uses the affirmative particle. The design of the offer is the same as in Turkish.

Rusça Nın Türkçeden Farkı Genel Soru Ve Sorulada Kelime Sözcük Düzeni Değişmemektedir. İki Olayı Ve Durumu Birbirinden Ayıran Tonlamadır.olumlu Cevap Verirken Sadece Olumlu Kısmı Belirtyoruz Evet! Yapısı Türkçe'de Olduğu Gibidir.



Is this mom?

Is it Anton?

Yes, this is mom.

Yes, it is Anton.

BU ANNE? Is this mom?

BU ANTON? Is it Anton?

EVET, BU ANNE. Yes, this is mom.

Evet, Bu Anton. Yes, it is Anton.

^ Noun. The genus of nouns Varlık Ismi.Varlık Isimlerinin Cinsi

In Russian, as in Turkish, there is an idea of \u200b\u200banimation and inantence. An animated nouns are answering the question of who?, And inanimate - to the question of what?

Rusçada Türkçede Olduğu Gibi Her Isim Kendi Sorusuna Cevap Verir. KİM? (Who) ne? (WHAT)

For example:


Dad - who?

House - What?

Baba - Kim? Dad - who?

EV - NE? House - What?

Unlike the Turkish, in which there is no category of kind, in Russian, all nouns are distributed in three kinds:

Türkçede Isimleri Kategorilerine Ayrılmazken Rusçada Isim Ve Varlıklar 3 Kategoriye Ayrılır

1) Nouns male (animated and inanimate), as a rule, ends on the consonants:

1) Eril (Dişil Karşıtı) Tür: Ünsüz Harfle Biten Kelimeler:



Erkek Kedi Kot.

Muz banana

2) Nouns female (animated and inanimate), as a rule, ends on vowels -but, -I:

2) Dişil Tür: Dişil Türde Kelimeler but ve. i Ünlüleri Ile Sona Erer:

Mom but

Rooms but

Ground i

Anne mom but

Oda rooms but


3) Nouns neuter (mostly inanimate), as a rule, ends on vowels -about, -E.:

3) Nötr Tür: Nötr Türde ISE Kelimeler o. ve. e.Ünlüleri Ile Biter.

photo about

Mor. e.

Fotoğraf Fot about

Deniz Ma. e.

Nouns ending on -In Russian, there may be female and male childbirth. For example, notebook - female kind, and vocabulary - Male.

Yumuşama Işareti Ile Biten b Kelimeler ISE Eril Yada Dişil Türde Olabilir.

Örnek. notebook- Defter Dişil Tür, vocabulary - Sözlük Eril Tür.

^ Structure of the question offer with the question word who

Öneri Soru Yapısı Ve Soru Sözcüğü Kim

Pay attention to the structure of the question:

Sorunun Yapısına Dikkat Edin.

Who is it?

Kim Bu? Who is it?

In Russian, as in Turkish, there is no verb ligament in the present time in the answer. The form of an questionnaire word in Russian, as in Turkish, does not change depending on the number of persons who are interested in the speaker.

Rusçada Soru Ve Cevpta Gerçek Zamanda Fil Ve Bağlam Bulunmaz. Soru Kelimesinin Formu Olan (Who) Kim Rusça Ve Türkçede Miktara Bağlı Olarak Değişmez.



Who is it?

This is Anton.

This is Anna.

This is Anna and Anton.

Kim Bu? Who is it?

Bu Anton. This is Anton.

Bu Anna. This is Anna.

BU ANNA VE ANTON. This is Anna and Anton.

^ Designs with question words who Soru Yapısı KİM.

In Russian design with a question word who are used when requesting information about a person:

Rusçada Kim Sorusu Sorulurken, o Kişi Hakkında Bilgi Edinme Tanıma Anlamındarır

Who is it?

This is my friend.

Kim Bu? Who is it?

Bu Benim Arkadaşım. This is my friend.

Who is he?

He is a student.

Kim O? Who is he?

O Öğrenci. He is a student.

Pay attention to the semantic difference of these issues.

Who is this question? It has wider and consumption. Usually it is used as a source replica.

Question Who is he? It has a narrower value and is concretizing. This question is asked when interested in human classes.

Sorudaki Anlam Farkına Dikkat.

(Who is it?) Kim Bu Sorusu Geniş Alam Ve Kullanıma Sahiptir.Genel Olarak Konuşmaların Başında Kullanılır.

(Who is he?) Kim o Sorusu Böyle Sorulduğu Zaman Dar Ve Somut Anlamındadır. BU Soru Sorulurken Sorduğumuz Kişinin Ne Ile Meşgul Olduğu (Iş, Öğrenci VS) IMA EDILIR.

^ Personal pronouns Şahıs zamiri.

Compare personal pronouns in Russian and Turkish:

Rusça'daki şahıs Zamirlerini Türkçe Ile Karşılaştırınız:







You / you


he she it


They are


Unlike Turkish, in Russian, the pronouns of the second person have two forms: you (to indicate the singular number) and you (To indicate a plural). Pronoun You It is used not only when referring to the second person of the plural, but also to the second person of the only number as a form of polite treatment. Pronoun You In the meaning of the singular number is used in relation to the older in age and unfamiliar persons.

Rusçada şahıs Zamiri 2 Yapıya Saiptir. Sen Tek Bir Kişi Için Kullanılır.

'Siz' Birden Fazla Kişi Için Kullanıldığı Gibi Aynı Zamanda Türkçe'de Olduğu Gibi Bizden Yaşça Büyük Ve Tanımadımımız Insanlar Için Ve Saygı Anlamında Kullanılır.

^ Soyuz but In the role of the connecting element Öğleri Birleştirme Rolü a

Soyuz and connects two or several similar suggestions.

2 Veya Daha Fazla Öğeyi BirleştirIrken.

For example:


mother and father

Anna and Anton

Anne Ve Baba Mom and Dad

Anna ve Anton Anna and Anton

Soyuz and Also connect two sentences if they contain the same information.

Birleştirilen 2 Öğe de aynı Anlamı Taşıyorsa şu şekilde Gösterilir.

For example:


This is a bag. And this is a bag.

BU çANTA. VE BU çANTA. This is a bag. And this is a bag.

Soyuz but Connects proposals in which there is opposition to any sign.

Cümleden Sonraki. but Harfi Farklı Kişi Ve Öğleri Vurgulamak Için Kullanılır. Aynı Öğlerde ISE and kullanılır.



These are Sumy. And these are Sumy.

BU SUMY.VE BU SUMY. These are Sumy. And these are Sumy

^ This is Anna. And this is Anton.

Bu Anna. BU DA Anton. This is Anna. And this is Anton.

Pretty pronouns my, my, mine İyelik Zamirleri (Sahiplik)My, my, mine

If you want to say that some item belongs to you, you must use my pronouns, mine, mine.

Eğer Bir Nesnenin Size Ait Olduğunu Söylemek Istiyorsanız O Zaman Zamir Kullanmak Zorundasınız My, my, mine

For example:


my house

My room

My photo

Benim Evim My Home

Benim Odam My Room

Benim fotoğrafım my photo

Unlike Turkish, in Russian, the form of these pronoun varies depending on the type of words to which it applies.

Rusça'da Iyelik Zamirlerinin Farklı şekilde Söylenmesinin SEBEBI Kategorilerin Olmasından Dolaimıdır Türkçe'de Benim Zamiri Bütün Nesne Ve Öğede Kullanılırken Rusça'da Farklı şekilde Kullanılır.

^ Mattering pronouns İyelik Zamirleri

If you want to say that this item belongs to you, you use my pronouns, mine, mine:

Eğer Bir Nesnenin Size AIT Olduğunu Söylemek Istiyorsanız

İyelik Zamirlerini Kullanınız My, My, My (Benim)

This is my pencil.

Bu Benim Kalemim. This is my pencil.

Get acquainted with other attracted persons:

Yeni Zamirlerle Tanışın:


yours, yours, yours

Sen you

Senin (Your, Your, Your)



Biz We.

Bizim (ours, ours, ours)


your, your, your

SIZ you

SIZIN (yours, yours, your)

These pronouns, like my pronouction, have different endings, as they are consistent in childbirth with the defined nouns. In Turkish, these pronouns have one form.

Bu Sahiplik Zamirleri Farklı şekilde Bitebilir. Türkçe'De ISE Tek Bir Form Bulunur. Bunun Sebebi Kategorilendirme Olmamasıdır.



It's you.

This is your dad.

Is it your room.

This is your window.

Bu Sen. It's you.

Bu Senin Baban. This is your dad.

BU SENIN ODAN. Is it your room.

BU SENIN PENCEREN. This is your window.

Pronouns of a third party ( he is him, she is her, they are their) do not change according to childbirth and numbers, which coincides with the peculiarities of use pretty pronouns In Turkish.

SaHiplik Zamirinde 3. ( he is him, she is her, they are their) şahıs Söz Konusu Ise Ona Ait Olduğunu Belitirken Değişim Olmaz Zamir Aynı Kalır.



It is he.

This is his friend.

This is his girlfriend.

This is his photo.

Bu O (Eril). It is he.

Bu Onun Arkadaşı. This is his friend.

Bu Onun Kız Arkadaşı. This is his girlfriend.

BU Onun Fotoğrafı. This is his photo.

That's her.

This is her brother.

^ This is her brand.

This is her task.

BU O (Dişil). That's her.

BU Onun Kardeşi. This is her brother.

BU Onun Pulu. This is her brand.

BU Onun Görevi. This is her task.

It's them.

This is their home.

This is their mom.

This is their letter.

Bu Onlar. It's them.

BU OnLarın Evi. This is their home.

Bu Onların Annesi. This is their mom.

Bu Onların Mektubu. This is their letter.