College of Vlasik Miron. Judicial matter I.

During the years of restructuring, when almost all people from stalin's environment In the advanced Soviet press, the shaft of all sorts of accusations was raised, the most unenviable share of the general of Vlasika fell out. The long-term head of Stalin's guard appeared in these materials a real lacker, who adored the owner, chain ps, ready for his team to rush on any, greedy, vengeful and korestyviliv.

Among those who did not regret the violent of negative epithets, was the daughter of Stalin Svetlana Allyluweva. But the bodyguard of the leader in his time had to become a practically the main educator and for Svetlana, and for Vasily.

Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik held a quarter of a century next to Stalin, protecting the life of the Soviet leader. Without his bodyguard, the leader lived less than a year.

From church-parish school to pc

Nikolay Vlasik was born on May 22, 1896 in Western Belarus, in the village of Bobynychi, in the poor peasant family. The boy has lost her parents early and on a good education Could not count. After three classes of church-parish school, Nikolai went to work. From the age of 13, he worked in a black-worker at a construction site, then a mason, then a loader on a paper factory.

In March 1915, Vlasik was called up to the army and sent to the front. During the First World War, he served in 167 Ostrognery regiment, for courage in battles was marked by St. George Cross. After the injury of Vlasik, they produced in non-commissioned officers and appointed a platoon commander of a 251 infantry shelf, which was located in Moscow.

During October revolution Nikolai Vlasik, a leaving from the lowest, with his political choice decided quickly: along with entrusted platoon, he moved to the side of the Bolsheviks.

At first he served in Moscow militia, then participated in Civil Warwas injured near Tsaritsyn. In September 1919, Vlasik was sent to the PVC bodies, where he served in the central office under the start of Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Master of security and life

Since May 1926, Nikolai Vlasik served as a senior authorized operational separation of OGPU.

As Vlasik himself recalled, his work as Stalin's bodyguard began in 1927 after the emergency in the capital: a bomb was thrown into the building of the commandation on Lubyanka. The operative in vacation was recalled and announced: from that moment on, it is assigned to the protection of the special department of the HCC, the Kremlin, the members of the government at the cottages, walks. Special attention was prescribed to pay for the guarantee of Joseph Stalin.

Despite the sad story of the assassination attempt on Lenin, by 1927 the protection of the first persons of the state in the USSR did not differ in particular care.

Stalin was accompanied by only one guard: Lithuanian Yusis. An even more Vlasik was surprised when they arrived at the cottage, where Stalin usually spent the weekend. One commandant lived at the cottage, there was no lingerie, nor the dishes, but eats the leader with sandwiches brought from Moscow.

Like all the Belarusian peasants, Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik was a man solid and home. He took up not only for the protection, but also for the arrangement of the life of Stalin.

The leader, accustomed to asceticism, at first to innovations of the new bodyguard took a skeptical. But Vlasik was persistent: the cook appeared at the cottage, the supplies of products were established from the nearest state farm. At that moment, there was even a telephone connection at the cottage with Moscow, and she appeared by the efforts of Vlasik.

Over time, Vlasik created a whole system of cottages in the suburbs and in the south, where the woven personnel was ready at any time to receive the Soviet leader. That these objects were guarded in the most thorough way, and not worth talking.

The system of protection of important government facilities existed to Vlasik, but he became a developer of security measures for the first person of the state during his travels around the country, official events, international meetings.

Stalin's bodyguard came up with the system according to which the first person and their accompanying people move in the cavalcade of the same vehicles, and only personal security officers know what the leader is going. Subsequently, such a scheme saved the life of Leonid Brezhnev, at which an attempt was made in 1969.

Indispensable and especially trusted man

After a few years, Vlasik turned to Stalin into an indispensable and particularly trusted person. After the death of Hope, Allyluieva Stalin laid on his bodyguard of care for children: Svetlana, Vasily and the reception of the son of Artem Sergeyev.

Nikolai Sidorovich was not a teacher, but tried, as he could. If Svetlana and Artem did not give him special hassle, then Vasily from childhood was uncontrollable. Vlasik, knowing that Stalin did not give to children to children, she tried to soften the sins of Vasily in the father's reports.

But over the years, "pranks" became more serious, and the role of "grinding" Vlasik was becoming more difficult to play.

Svetlana and Artyom, becoming adults, wrote about their "goverr" in different ways. Stalin's daughter in the "twenty letters to a friend" so characterized by Vlasika: "He headed all the protection of his father, he considered himself almost the closest person to him, being an incredibly small, coarse, stupid, but no one ..."

"He had all his life, and he lived near Stalin"

Artem Sergeev in the "conversations about Stalin" was expressed differently: "The main responsibility of it was to ensure the security of Stalin. This work was inhuman. Always responsibility head, always life on the edge. He knew friends perfectly, and Stalin's enemies ... What was the Vlaska at all for the work? It was a work day and night, there was no 6-8-hour working day. He had all his life, and he lived near Stalin. Near the Stalin's room there was a marina room ... "

Over the ten and fifteen years, Nikolai Vlasik from the usual bodyguard turned into a general who heads a huge structure that answers not only for security, but also for the life of the first persons of the state.

During the war on the shoulders of Vse. The evacuation of the government, diploma and drug addicts and drug addicts. It was necessary not only to deliver them to Kuibyshev, but also to place, equip in a new place, consider security issues. The evacuation of Lenin's body from Moscow is also the task that Vlasik was performed. He was also responsible for security at the parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941.

Attempt in Gagrah

For all the years, that Vlasik was responsible for the life of Stalin, no hair fell from his head. At the same time, the head of the leader's guard itself, judging by his memories, the threat of the attempt was very serious. Even on the slope of the years he was confident that the Trotsky groups prepared the murder of Stalin.

In 1935, Vlasik really had to cover the leader from bullets. During a walk on a boat in the Gagra area from the shore, fire was opened. The bodyguard closed Stalin his body, but was lucky both: the bullets did not hurt them. The boat came out of the shelling zone.

Vlasik considered it a real attempt, and his opponents later believed that all this was a production. Judging by the circumstances, a misunderstanding occurs. The border guards were not informed about Stalin's walk on the boat, and they accepted him for the violator.

Cow abuse?

During the Great Patriotic War Vlasik was responsible for ensuring security at the conferences of the heads of the participating countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition and with their task coped brilliantly. For the successful holding of the conference in Tehran, Vlasik was awarded the Order of Lenin, for the Crimean Conference - the Order of Kutuzov I degree, for Potsdam - another Order of Lenin.

But the Potsdam conference was a reason for accusing property assignment: it was argued that after its completion, Vlasik took various values \u200b\u200bfrom Germany, including a horse, two cows and one bull. Subsequently, this fact was led as an example of the unprecedented greed of the Stalin bodyguard.

Vlasik himself remembered that this story had a completely different depot. In 1941, his native village of Bobynychi captured the Germans. The house in which the sister lived, burned, Polerevni shot, the sister's older daughter hijacked to work in Germany, a cow and a horse took. Sister with her husband went to the partisans, and after the liberation of Belarus returned to their native village, from which little left. Stalin's bodyguard brings cattle from Germany for loved ones.

Was it abuse? If you approach with a strict measure, then, perhaps, yes. However, Stalin, when he first reported to this case, sharply ordered further investigation to stop.


In 1946, Lieutenant-General Nikolay Vlasik became the head of the Main Protection Office: agencies with an annual budget of 170 million rubles and a multi-year state.

He did not have struggle for power, but at the same time a huge number of enemies had gone. Being too close to Stalin, Vlasik had the opportunity to influence the attitude of the leader to one person or another, solved who would get wider access to the first person, and to whom will be denied.

Very many high-ranking faces from the country's leadership passionately wanted to get rid of Vlasik. The compromise on the Stalinist bodyguard was collected scrupulously, dropping the trust of the leader to him.

In 1948, the commandant of the so-called "near dacha" Fedoseyev, who gave testimony that Vlasik intended to poison Stalin. But the leader again did not perceive this accusation seriously: if the bodyguard had such intentions, it could realize their plans a long time ago.

In 1952, a commission was created for the decision of the Politburo to verify the activities of the GOO MGB of the USSR. This time the extremely unpleasant facts appeaseed, looking quite believable. Security guards and staff, which weeks empty, organized real orgies there, cleared the products and expensive drinks. Later there were witnesses who assured that the Vlasik himself was not averse to relax in this way.

On April 29, 1952, on the basis of these materials, Nikolai Vlasik was withdrawn from office and sent to the Urals, to the city of Asbest, the Deputy Head of the Bazhenov Correlation and Labor Camp of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Cohabit with women and cut the alcohol in the free time"

Why did Stalin suddenly retreated from a person honestly served by him 25 years? Perhaps all the fault was the aggravated leader in last years suspicion. It is possible that Stalin found an embezzlement of states on a drunk rampant, too serious a gentlemen. There is a third assumption. It is known that the Soviet leader during this period began to promote young leaders, and former comrades opened openly: "It's time to change you." Perhaps Stalin found that it was time to replace both Vlasika.

Be that as it may, but for the former head of Stalin's security, very difficult times came.

In December 1952 he was arrested in connection with the "doctors". In blame, he was given that Lidia Timashuk's statements, accusing professors who treated the first persons of the state, in hydration, he left without attention.

Vlasik himself wrote in the memoirs that there was no reason to believe Timashuk: "There were no data that disgusts professors, which I have reported to Stalin."

In prison, Vlasik was interrogated with addiction over several months. For a person who has been far over 50, the whole bodyguard held steadfastly. I was ready to recognize "moral decomposition" and even waste of funds, but not conspiracy and espionage. "I really coited with many women, cutting alcohol with them and the artist Stenberg, but all this happened at the expense of my personal health and in his free time," the testimony was heard.

Could Vlasik extend the life of the leader?

March 5, 1953 did not become Joseph Stalin. Even to discard the dubious version of the murder of the leader, Vlasik, he remained in his post, could well extend his life. When the leader has become bad in the near country, he lay for several hours on the floor of his room without help: the security was not solved to enter Stalin's chambers. There is no doubt that the vasik would not allow this.

After the death of the leader "Doctors" closed. All of his employees were released, except Nikolai Vlasik. I did not bring him freedom and collapse of Lavrentia Beria in June 1953.

In January 1955, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR recognized Nikolai Vlasik guilty of abuse of official position with particularly aggravating circumstances, sentenced under Art. 193-17 p. "B" of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR by 10 years of reference, deprivation of general title and state awards. In March 1955, the time was reduced to 5 years. Sent a sentence sent to Krasnoyarsk.

By the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 15, 1956, Vlasik was pardoned with the removal of criminal record, but was not restored in military rank and rewards.

"None of the minute I did not have evil in Stalin in my soul"

He returned to Moscow, where he had almost nothing left: the property was confiscated, a separate apartment was turned into a communal. Vlasik outdated the thresholds of the cabinets, wrote the leaders of the party and government, asked for rehabilitation and restoration in the party, but everywhere received a refusal.

He began to press the memoirs in secret, in which he told about how he saw his life, why did one or another actions treated for Stalin.

"After the death of Stalin, such an expression appeared as" the cult of personality "... if a person - the head of his affairs deserves love and respect others, that in this bad ... the people loved and respected Stalin. He personally had a country that was lying to prosperity and victories, "wrote Nikolai Vlasik. - Under his leadership, there was a lot of good, and the people saw it. He enjoyed a huge authority. I knew him very close ... And I argue that he lived only in the interests of the country, the interests of his people. "

"It's easy to blame a person in all mortal sins when he is dead and cannot be justified or defended. Why, during his life, no one decided to tell him on his mistakes? What prevented? Fear? Or did not these errors, for which it was necessary to indicate?

What was Grezden King Ivan IV, and there were people who were the road to be their homeland, who, without fear of death, pointed him on his mistakes. Or translated in Russia bold people? " - So the Stalinist bodyguard thought.

The reason for the memoirs and the whole of his life as a whole, Vlasik wrote: "Without having a single recovery, but only some encouragement and rewards, I was excluded from the party and was abandoned.

But never, not one minute, in any condition I, any, no matter how mockery, being in prison, I did not have an evil in my soul in Stalin. I perfectly understood what a situation was created around him in the last years of his life. How hard he was. He was an old, sick, lonely man ... He was and remains for me the most expensive person, and no slander can shake the feeling of love and deepest respect, which I always fell to this wonderful person. He personified all the bright and expensive in my life for me - a party, homeland and my people. "

Posthumously rehabilitated

Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik died on June 18, 1967. Archive was seized and classified. Only in 2011, the Federal Protection Service declassified a person's notes, which, in fact, stood at the origins of its creation.

Close marlaes have repeatedly made attempts to achieve his rehabilitation. After several failures on June 28, 2000, by Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia, the sentence of 1955 was canceled, and the criminal case was terminated "for the absence of a crime composition." (


Rank Lieutenant-general

: Invalid or absent image

Commanded Battle / War Awards and Prize
Russian Empire

Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik (May 22, 1896, Bobyanychi (Belor.)russian Slonim County of the Grodno Province (now Slonimsky district of the Grodno region) - June 18, 1967, Moscow) is an employee of state security authorities of the USSR. Head of Stalin's Security (-). Lieutenant-General ().

Start of service

In 1927 he headed the Special Cremlin and became the actual head of Stalin's protection. At the same time, the official name of his position has repeatedly changed due to permanent reorganizations and reservoirs in security bodies. From the mid-1930s, the head of the 1st department (protection of senior officials) of the General Directorate of the State Security of the NKVD of the USSR, from November 1938 - the head of the 1st department there. In February-July 1941, this department was located as part of the People's Commissariat of the USSR State Security, then was returned to the NKVD of the USSR. Since November 1942 - First Deputy Head of the 1st Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

From May 1943 - Head of the 6th Department of the People's Commissariat of State Security of the USSR, from August 1943 - First Deputy Head of this Management. From April 1946, the head of the Main Directorate of the Security Ministry of the State Security Service of the USSR (from December 1946 - the main security department).

Vlasik for many years was Stalin's personal bodyguard and longer lasted in this post. Having come to his personal guard in 1931, he not only became her boss, but also adopted many household problems of the Stalin family, in which essentially Vlasik was a family member. After the death of the wife Stalin N. S. Alliluyeva, he was also an educator of children, practically performed the functions of Majordom.

Vlasik is extremely negatively assessed by Svetlana Allyluve in the book "Twenty letters to a friend" and positively - the reception Son I. V. Stalin Artem Sergeyev, who believes that the role and contribution of N. S. Vlasik is not yet valued until the end.

The main responsibility of it was to ensure the security of Stalin. This work was inhuman. Always responsibility head, always life on the edge. He knew friends perfectly, and Stalin's enemies. And he knew that his life and the life of Stalin was very closely related to each other, and it is no coincidence that for months for a month and a half - two to the death of Stalin suddenly arrested him, he said: "I was arrested, it means that there will never be Stalin soon." And, indeed, after this arrest Stalin lived a little.

What was the Vlaska at all for work? It was a work day and night, there was no 6-8-hour working day. He had all his life, and he lived near Stalin. Near the Stalin's room there was a marriage room ...

He understood that he lived for Stalin to ensure the work of Stalin, and hence the Soviet state. Vlasik and Prakybyshev were like two backups for the tremendous activity, which was not estimated even to the end, which Stalin led, and they remained in the shadows. And with the species, they came badly, even worse - with Vlasik.
Artyom Sergeev. "Conversations about Stalin."

N. S. Vlasik with I. V. Stalin and his son Vasily. Middle Cottage in Volyn, 1935 N. S. Vlasik with wife Maria Semenovna,
N. S. Vlasik (extreme right) accompanies
I. V. Stalin at the Potsdam Conference,
August 1, 1945
N. S. Vlasik in the office.
Beginning of the 1940s

Since 1947, he was a deputy of the Moscow City Council of Workers 2 convocation.

In May 1952, he was removed from the post of head of Stalin's guard and sent to the Ural city asbestos Deputy Chief of the Bazhenov Correlation and Labor Camp of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Arrest, court, link

By the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 15, 1956, Vlasik was pardoned with the removal of criminal record, but was not restored in military rank and rewards.

In his memoirs, Vlasik wrote:

I was brutally offended by Stalin. For 25 years of impeccable work, having no recovery, but only some encouragement and awards, I was excluded from the party and was abandoned. For my infinite devotion, he gave me into the hands of enemies. But never, not one minute, in any condition I, any, no matter how mockery, being in prison, I did not have an evil in my soul in Stalin.

Last years

He lived in Moscow. He died on June 18, 1967 in Moscow from the lung cancer. Buried on the new Don Cemetery.



  • St. George Cross 4th degree
  • Three Order of Lenin (04/26/1940, 21.02.1945, 09/16/1945)
  • Three Orders of the Red Banner (28.08.1937, 09/20/1943, 3.11.1944)
  • Order of the Red Star (05/14/1936)
  • Order of Cutuzov I degree (02.24.1945)
  • Medal of the XX Years of the Red Army (02.22.1938)
  • Two Signs Honored Worker HBC GPU (12/20/1932, 12/16/1935)


  • Major State Security (11.12.1935)
  • Senior Major State Security (04/26/1938)
  • State Security Commissioner 3 rank (12/28/1938)
  • Lieutenant General (12.07.1945)

Personal life and hobbies

Nikolai Vlasik was fond of photography. He belongs to the authorship of many unique photos of Joseph Stalin, members of his family and the nearest environment.

Wife - Maria Semenovna Vlasik (1908-1996). Daughter - Nadezhda Nikolaevna Vlasik-Mikhailova (born 1935), worked as an artistic editor and artist-schedule in the publishing house "Science".

see also


  • - "Middle Circle", as N. S. Vlasika - People's Artist of the USSR Oleg Tabakov.
  • - "Stalin. Live, "as N. S. Vlasika - Yuri Gamayunov.
  • - Yalta-45, as N. S. Vlasika - Boris Kamarzin.
  • - "Son of the Father of Peoples", as N. S. Vlasika - Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Lakhin.
  • - "Kill Stalin", as N. S. Vlasika - People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Yumatov.
  • - Documentary series "Vlasik", as N. S. Vlasika - Konstantin Milovanov.

Write a review about article "Vlasik, Nikolay Sidorovich"


  • Vlasik N. S. "Memories of I. V. Stalin"
  • // Petrov N. V., Skorkin K. V. / Ed. N. G. Okhotina and A. B. Roginsky. - m.: Links, 1999. - 502 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-7870-0032-3.
  • V. Loginov. . - M.: Contemporanik, 2000. - 152 p. - ISBN 5-270-01297-9.
  • Artem Sergeev, Ekaterina Glushik. Conversations about Stalin. - m.: Crimean MOST-9D, 2006. - 192 p. - (Stalin: primary sources). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-89747-067-7.
  • Artem Sergeev, Ekaterina Glushik. As I lived, I worked and raised the children I. V. Stalin. Evidence evidence. - m.: Crimean bridge-9d, NTC "Forum", 2011. - 288 p. - (Stalin: primary sources). - 2000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-89747-062-4.



  • Memories of the Chief of Personal Protection I. V. Stalin: ,,,,

Excerpt characterizing Vlasik, Nikolay Sidorovich

Camnediner, returning, reported to the count, which is burning Moscow. The count was put on a bathrobe and went out. With him, he came out and not undressed yet Sonya, and Madame Schoss. Natasha and Countess Some remained in the room. (Petit was not more with the family; he went ahead with his regiment, went to the Trinity.)
Countess cried, having heard the news of the Moscow fire. Natasha, pale, with his eyes stopped, sitting under the images on the shop (at the very place that she sat down), did not pay any attention to the words of the Father. She listened to the incomplete moan of the adjutant, heard through three houses.
- Oh, what horror! - She said, returned from the courtyard, Izdsya and frightened Sonya. - I think all Moscow burns, terrible glow! Natasha, look now, from here from the window you can see, "she said sister, apparently, wanting to entertain her. But Natasha looked at her, as if not understanding that she was asked, and again stared through the eyes into the angle of the oven. Natasha was in this state of a tetanus from this morning, from the very time, as Sonya, to the surprise and annoyance of the Countess, it is not clear for what, I found it necessary to declare Natasha about the wound of Prince Andrei and his presence with them in the train. Countess was angry at Sonya, as she was rarely angry. Sonya cried and asked for forgivers and now, as if trying to rod his guilt, not ceasing by sister.
"Look, Natasha, how terribly burns," Sonya said.
- What is burning? - asked Natasha. - Ah, yes, Moscow.
And as it were, in order not to offend Sony with refusal and get rid of it, she moved her head to the window, looked so much that, obviously, could not see anything, and again sat in his former position.
- Yes, you did not see?
"No, right, I saw," she said to be pleasing about calmness.
And the Countess and Sona it was clear that Moscow, the fire of Moscow, so that, of course, could not matter to Natasha.
Count again went for the partition and lay down. The Countess approached Natasha, touched his hand to her head, as she did, when her daughter had sick, then he touched her luba to her forehead, as it were, to find out if there was a heat, and kissed her.
- You are climbing. You are all trembling. You would go to bed, "she said.
- go to bed? Yes, well, I'm a lyg. I'm lying now, "Natasha said.
Since Natasha, this morning was told that Prince Andrei was seriously injured and rides with them, she only asked a lot about where he was much about? as? Is it dangerous? And can I see it? But after she was told that she could not see him that he was wounded hard, but that his life was not in danger, she obviously not believing what she was told, but making sure that no matter how much she would tell her Answer the same thing, stopped asking and talk. All the way with big eyes who knew so and whom the expressions were so afraid of the Countess, Natasha sat fixedly in the corner of the carriage and was now sitting on a shop, which was sat down. Something she wondered, something she decided or already decided in her mind now, - it knew the Countess, but what it was, she did not know, and it was horrid and tormented her.
- Natasha, undress, ballot, lie on my bed. (Only a decanter one was laying a bed on the bed; M ME Schoss and both young lady had to sleep on the floor on Seine.)
"No, Mom, I'm lying here, on the floor," Natasha said angrily, went to the window and took it. Steam adjutant from an open window heard clearly. She slipped her head in the raw air of the night, and the Countess saw how her thin shoulders were shaking from sobbing and beat about the frame. Natasha knew that the moan was not prince Andrei. She knew that Prince Andrei lay in the same connection, where they were, in another hollow through Songi; But this terrible unclean moan forced her to burn her. Countess exhausted with Sonya.
- Long, go bang, lie down, my friend, - said the Countess, slightly touching his hand to the shoulder of Natasha. - Well, lie down.
"Oh, yes ... I'm right now," said Natasha, hastily undressing and breaking skirt strings. Having thrown off the dress and putting the sweatshirt, she, having turned his legs, sat on the bed cooked on the floor and, throwing his short-lived thin braid over his shoulder, began to twist her. Thin long habitual fingers quickly, deftly disassembled, spill, tied braid. Natasha's head with a familiar gesture turned into one, then in the other side, but the eyes, feverishly open, motionlessly looked straight. When a night suit was over, Natasha quietly sank to her sheet, post-hay from the edge of the door.
"Natasha, you're in the middle of Lag," Sonya said.
"No, I'm here," Natasha said. "Yes, go around," she added with annoyance. And she fell into a face in a pillow.
Countess, M ME Schoss and Sonya hastily shaped and easily. One lamp remained in the room. But on the courtyard, he was brightly from the fire of small sootching for two versts, and drunk shouts of the people in the Kabaska, who broke the Mamon Cossacks, at the skeleton, on the street, and everything was heard in an unclean moan adjutant.
Long listened to Natasha to the inner and external sounds that came to her, and did not move. She heard at first the prayer and sighs of the mother, the rustling of her beds, familiar with the whistle of snoring M ME Schoss, quiet breath Sony. Then the Countess called Natasha. Natasha did not answer her.
"It seems to sleep, Mom," Sonya answered quietly. Countess, having packed a little, called again, but no one responded to her.
Soon after that Natasha heard smooth breathing of the mother. Natasha did not move, despite the fact that her little barefoot leg, groaning from under the blanket, chilly on the naked floor.
As if celebrating victory over everyone, the cricket shouted in the gap. Dug off the rooster is far away, relatives responded. The screams dropped in the cabin, only the same adjutant was heard. Natasha raised.
- Sonya? do you sleep? Mum? She whispered. Nobody answered. Natasha slowly and carefully stood up, crossed and stepped up with a gentle and flexible barefoot feet on a dirty cold floor. Skipped the floorboard. She, quickly dealt with her legs, ran like a kitten, a few steps and took the door to the cold bracket.
It seemed to her that he was heavy, evenly hitting, knocking in all the walls of the hut: It was fighting her who had been misfortune from fear, from horror and love the tearing heart.
She opened the door, crossed the threshold and stepped on the crude, cold land Seine. Clasp the cold refresh her. She fell as bass foot of the sleeping man, stepped over him and opened the door to the hut, where Prince Andrew was lying. This was dark. In the back corner of the bed, on which there was something, on the bench stood by a silent candle with a big mushroom.
Natasha in the morning, when she was told about the wound and the presence of Prince Andrei, decided that she had to see him. She did not know why it should have had, but she knew that the date would be painfully, and even more so she was convinced that it was necessary.
The whole day she lived only the hope that at night she would take him. But now, when this minute came, there was a horror of what she would see. How was he dismissed? What remained from him? Whether he was, what was this incomplete moan adjutant? Yes, he was like that. He was in her imagination personification of this terrible moan. When she saw the obscure mass in the corner and took his knees raised under the blanket behind his shoulders, she presented to himself some terrible body and stopped in horror. But the insurmountable force attracted her forward. She cautiously stepped down one step, the other and found himself in the middle of a small cluttered hut. In the hives under the images, another person lay on the shops (it was Timokhin), and two more people were lying on the floor (these were the doctor and valer).
Camnediner raised and whispered something. Timokhin, suffering from pain in the wounded leg, did not sleep and looked at all her eyes on a strange phenomenon of a girl in a thigh shirt, a jacket and eternal sepper. Sleepy and frightened words of the Camperiner; "What do you need, why?" - Only forced Natasha rather to approach and what was in the corner. No matter how scared, nor unlike the human body was, she had to see him. She passed by Camnediner: the Naggorn Mushroom Candle fell, and she clearly saw the lying on his hands on the blanket of Prince Andrew, that she always saw him.
He was the same as always; But the inflamed color of his face, brilliant eyes, aspiring enthusiastically at her, and in particular the tender children's neck, who protruded from the postponed collar of the shirt, gave him a special, innocent, childish appearance, which, however, she never seen in Prince Andrei. She approached him and quick, flexible, young movement was kneeling.
He smiled and handed her hand.

For Prince Andrew passed seven days from the time he woke up on the dressing point of the Borodino field. All this time, he was almost in unreasonable. The hot condition and inflammation of the intestines, which were damaged, according to the doctor who had rushed with the wounded, had to carry it. But on the seventh day he gladly ate a bit of bread with tea, and the doctor noticed that the total heat decreased. Prince Andrei in the morning came into consciousness. The first night after the departure from Moscow was quite warm, and Prince Andrei was left for an overnight chairs; But in Mytishchi, the wounded himself demanded that he would be taken out and to give him tea. The pain caused to him carrying to the hut made Prince Andrei wander to moan and lose again consciousness. When he was laid on a hiking bed, he lay for a long time with her eyes closed without movement. Then he opened them and whispered softly: "What about tea?" The doctor struck the doctor for the small detail of life. He felt the pulse and, to his surprise and displeasure, noticed that the pulse was better. Doctor noticed to displeasure to his doctor because he was convinced of his experience that the prince of Andrei could not live and that he would not die now, he would only die several times after. With the prince of Andrey, his regiment of Timokhina with a red spout, wounded in the same Borodino battle, was brought with Prince Andrew. The doctor was driving, Camper Prince, his kucher and two twins.
Prince Andrey Dali tea. He eagerly drank, feverish eyes looking forward to the door, as if trying to understand something and remember.
- I do not want more. Timokhin here? - he asked. Timokhin crawled to him along the bench.
- I'm here, your shyness.
- How is the wound?
- My then with? Nothing. What are you? - Prince Andrey again thought, as if recired something.
- Is it possible to get a book? - he said.
- Which book?
- Gospel! I do not have.
The doctor promised to get and began to ask the prince about what he feels. Prince Andrei is reluctant, but reasonably answered all the questions of the doctor and then he said that he would need to put a roller, and it was awkward and very hurt. Dr. and Camnediner raised the chinel that he was covered, and, firing from a serious smell of rotten meat spreading from the wound, began to consider it terrible place. The doctor was very unhappy with the doctor, something else redoned, turned the wounded so that he again groaned and from pain during turning again lost consciousness and began to wander. He all talked about him to get this book as soon as possible and lay it there.
- And what is it worth it! - he said. "I don't have it," please put it up for a minute, "he said a pathetic voice.
Doctor came out in Songi to wash his hands.
"Oh, unscrupful, right," said Dr. Camperner, who devoured water to his hands. - Only for a minute I did not watch. After all, you put it straight on the wound. After all, it is such a pain that I am surprised how he tolerates.
"We seem to have fallen, Lord Jesus Christ," said Camdiner.
For the first time, Prince Andrei realized where he was and what was with him, and remembered that he was wounded and as at that moment when the stroller stopped in Mytishchi, he asked for a hut. Having confused again from pain, he came his senses another time in the hut, when he drank tea, and here again, repeating in his memories, everything that was with him, he was more likely to imagine that minute at the dressing point, when, at the sight of the suffering of the person's unloved He came these new, who fusing him the happiness of thought. And these thoughts, although it is unclear and vaguely, now again captured his soul. He remembered that he had new happiness and that this happiness had something such common with the Gospel. Because he asked the Gospel. But the bad position, which was given by his wound, the new turning was again mixed up his thoughts, and he woke up for the third time already in the perfect silence of the night. All slept around it. Cricket shouted through the sense, on the street someone shouted and sang, the cockroaches were rustled on the table and images, in the autumn thick fly, he was on the headboard and about a silent candle, who had a big mushroom and standing near him.
His soul was not in good condition. Healthy person It usually thinks, feels and remembers at the same time about the countless number of objects, but has power and power, choosing one series of thoughts or phenomena, in this number of phenomena to stop all its attention. A healthy person per minute of the deepest reflection is broken away to say the courtesy of the word who entered the person, and again returns to his thoughts. The soul of Prince Andrew was not in good condition in this regard. All his souls were more actors, clearer than ever, but they acted outside his will. A wide variety of thoughts and ideas at the same time owned them. Sometimes the thought suddenly began to work, and with such force, clarity and depth, with what never she was not able to act in a healthy state; But suddenly, in the middle of his work, she broke off, was replaced by some unexpected representation, and there was no strength to return to it.
"Yes, I opened a new happiness, an integral person," he thought, lying in a half-walled quiet hollow and looking forward by feverishly disclosed, stopped her eyes. Happiness is out of the material forces, outside the material external influences on a person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love! It can understand him anyone, but to aware and prescribe his ILO only one God. But how did God prescribe this law? Why did the son? .. And suddenly the course of these thoughts broke away, and Prince Andrei heard (not knowing, in a delight or in reality he hears it), he heard some kind of quiet, whispering voice, inexpressible in Takt said: "And the Piti Pitius" later "And Tii" Again "and the Piti Piti Potiation" Again "and Ti." Together with this, the sound of this whispering music, Prince Andrei felt that he was over his face, some strange air building from thin needles or radiations were erected over the middle of the middle. He felt (although it was hard for him) that he had to be more diligent to keep the equilibrium, in order for the building erected, it did not fall; But it all walked and again slowly erected with sounds evenly whispering music. "Fucks! Fuck! It stretches and still stretches, "Prince Andrei said himself. Together with listen to whisper and with the feeling of this pulling and erecting buildings from the needles, Prince Andrei saw the cramps and the red, surrounded by the circle of the candle and heard the shurchman cockroaches and the Shurchhana flies, who knew on the pillow and his face. And whenever fly touched the person to the Ele, she produced a burning sensation; But at the same time, he was surprised that, hitting the area of \u200b\u200bhis building erected on the face of his building, the fly did not destroy him. But, in addition, it was another important. It was a white door, it was a Sphinx Statue, which also pressed it.

During the years of restructuring, when almost all people from the Stalinist environment in the advanced Soviet press, the shaft of all sorts of accusations was raised, the most unenviable share fell out by General Vlasik. The long-term head of Stalin's guard appeared in these materials a real lacquer who adored the owner, a chain dog, ready to rush on any, greedy, vengeful and borehole ...

Among those who did not regret the violent of negative epithets, was the daughter of Stalin Svetlana Allyluweva. But the bodyguard of the leader in his time had to become a practically the main educator and for Svetlana, and for Vasily. Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik held a quarter of a century next to Stalin, protecting the life of the Soviet leader. Without his bodyguard, the leader lived less than a year.

From church-parish school to pc

Nikolay Vlasik was born on May 22, 1896 in Western Belarus, in the village of Bobynychi, in the poor peasant family. The boy has lost her parents early and could not count on a good education. After three classes of church-parish school, Nikolai went to work. From the age of 13, he worked in a black-worker at a construction site, then a mason, then a loader on a paper factory. In March 1915, Vlasik was called up to the army and sent to the front. During the First World War, he served in 167 Ostrognery regiment, for courage in battles was marked by St. George Cross. After the injury of Vlasik, they produced in non-commissioned officers and appointed a platoon commander of a 251 infantry shelf, which was located in Moscow.

During the October Revolution, Nikolai Vlasik, a leaving from the lowest, with his political choice decided quickly: along with the entrusted platoon, he moved to the side of the Bolsheviks. At first he served in the Moscow police, then he participated in the Civil War, was injured near Tsaritsyn. In September 1919, Vlasik was sent to the PVC bodies, where he served in the central office under the start of Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Master of security and life

Since May 1926, Nikolai Vlasik served as a senior authorized operational separation of OGPU. As Vlasik himself recalled, his work as Stalin's bodyguard began in 1927 after the emergency in the capital: a bomb was thrown into the building of the commandation on Lubyanka. The operative in vacation was recalled and announced: from that moment on, it is assigned to the protection of the special department of the HCC, the Kremlin, the members of the government at the cottages, walks. Special attention was prescribed to pay for the guarantee of Joseph Stalin. Despite the sad story of the assassination attempt on Lenin, by 1927 the protection of the first persons of the state in the USSR did not differ in particular care. Stalin was accompanied by only one guard: Lithuanian Yusis. An even more Vlasik was surprised when they arrived at the cottage, where Stalin usually spent the weekend. One commandant lived at the cottage, there was no lingerie, nor the dishes, but eats the leader with sandwiches brought from Moscow.

Like all the Belarusian peasants, Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik was a man solid and home. He took up not only for the protection, but also for the arrangement of the life of Stalin. The leader, accustomed to asceticism, at first to innovations of the new bodyguard took a skeptical. But Vlasik was persistent: the cook appeared at the cottage, the supplies of products were established from the nearest state farm. At that moment, there was even a telephone connection at the cottage with Moscow, and she appeared by the efforts of Vlasik. Over time, Vlasik created a whole system of cottages in the suburbs and in the south, where the woven personnel was ready at any time to receive the Soviet leader. That these objects were guarded in the most thorough way, and not worth talking. The system of protection of important government facilities existed to Vlasik, but he became a developer of security measures for the first person of the state during his travels around the country, official events, international meetings.

Stalin's bodyguard came up with the system according to which the first person and their accompanying people move in the cavalcade of the same vehicles, and only personal security officers know what the leader is going. Subsequently, such a scheme saved the life of Leonid Brezhnev, at which an attempt was made in 1969.

"Milnographed, stupid, but noble"

After a few years, Vlasik turned to Stalin into an indispensable and particularly trusted person. After the death of Hope, Allyluieva Stalin laid on his bodyguard of care for children: Svetlana, Vasily and the reception of the son of Artem Sergeyev. Nikolai Sidorovich was not a teacher, but tried, as he could. If Svetlana and Artem did not give him special hassle, then Vasily from childhood was uncontrollable. Vlasik, knowing that Stalin did not give to children to children, she tried to soften the sins of Vasily in the father's reports.

Nikolai Vlasik with children of Stalin: Svetlana, Vasily and Yakov.

But over the years, "pranks" became more serious, and the role of "grinding" Vlasik was becoming more difficult to play. Svetlana and Artyom, becoming adults, wrote about their "goverr" in different ways. Stalin's daughter in the "twenty letters to a friend" so characterized by Vlasika:

"He headed all the security of his father, he considered himself almost the closest man to him and, being an incredibly small, coarse, stupid, but canno, reached the fact that he dictated some artists" Tastes of Comrade Stalin ", since I believed that he knows them well and understands ...He did not have the limit of arrogance, and he favored the artists, "Li" himself, ", whether the film, or Opera, or even the silhouettes of high-rise buildings ...""He had all his life, and he lived near Stalin"

Artem Sergeev in the "conversations about Stalin" was expressed differently:

"The main responsibility of it was to ensure the security of Stalin. This work was inhuman. Always responsibility head, always life on the edge. He knew friends perfectly, and Stalin's enemies ...What was the Vlaska at all for work? It was a work day and night, there was no 6-8-hour working day. He had all his life, and he lived near Stalin. Near the Stalin's room there was a marina room ... "

Over the ten and fifteen years, Nikolai Vlasik from the usual bodyguard turned into a general who heads a huge structure that answers not only for security, but also for the life of the first persons of the state.

N. S. Vlasik with I. V. Stalin and his son Vasily. Middle cottage in Volynsky, 1935.

During the war on the shoulders of Vse. The evacuation of the government, diploma and drug addicts and drug addicts. It was necessary not only to deliver them to Kuibyshev, but also to place, equip in a new place, consider security issues. The evacuation of Lenin's body from Moscow is also the task that Vlasik was performed. He was also responsible for security at the parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941.

Attempt in Gagrah

For all the years, that Vlasik was responsible for the life of Stalin, no hair fell from his head. At the same time, the head of the leader's guard itself, judging by his memories, the threat of the attempt was very serious. Even on the slope of the years he was confident that the Trotsky groups prepared the murder of Stalin. In 1935, Vlasik really had to cover the leader from bullets. During a walk on a boat in the Gagra area from the shore, fire was opened. The bodyguard closed Stalin his body, but was lucky both: the bullets did not hurt them. The boat came out of the shelling zone. Vlasik considered it a real attempt, and his opponents later believed that all this was a production. Judging by the circumstances, a misunderstanding occurs. The border guards were not informed about Stalin's walk on the boat, and they accepted him for the violator.

Abuse cows

During the Great Patriotic War, Vlasik was responsible for ensuring security at the conferences of the heads of the participating countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition and with its task coped brilliantly. For the successful holding of the conference in Tehran, Vlasik was awarded the Order of Lenin, for the Crimean Conference - the Order of Kutuzov I degree, for Potsdam - another Order of Lenin.

But the Potsdam conference was a reason for accusing property assignment: it was argued that after its completion, Vlasik took various values \u200b\u200bfrom Germany, including a horse, two cows and one bull. Subsequently, this fact was led as an example of the unprecedented greed of the Stalin bodyguard. Vlasik himself remembered that this story had a completely different depot. In 1941, his native village of Bobynychi captured the Germans. The house in which the sister lived, burned, Polerevni shot, the sister's older daughter hijacked to work in Germany, a cow and a horse took. Sister with her husband went to the partisans, and after the liberation of Belarus returned to their native village, from which little left. Stalin's bodyguard brings cattle from Germany for loved ones.

Was it abuse? If you approach with a strict measure, then, perhaps, yes. However, Stalin, when he first reported to this case, sharply ordered further investigation to stop.


In 1946, Lieutenant-General Nikolay Vlasik became the head of the Main Protection Office: agencies with an annual budget of 170 million rubles and a multi-year state. He did not have struggle for power, but at the same time a huge number of enemies had gone. Being too close to Stalin, Vlasik had the opportunity to influence the attitude of the leader to one person or another, solved who would get wider access to the first person, and to whom will be denied. In 1948, the commandant of the so-called "near dacha" Fedoseyev, who gave testimony that Vlasik intended to poison Stalin. But the leader again did not perceive this accusation seriously: if the bodyguard had such intentions, it could realize their plans a long time ago.

Vlasik in the office.

In 1952, a commission was created for the decision of the Politburo to verify the activities of the GOO MGB of the USSR. This time the extremely unpleasant facts appeaseed, looking quite believable. Security guards and staff, which weeks empty, organized real orgies there, cleared the products and expensive drinks. Later there were witnesses who assured that the Vlasik himself was not averse to relax in this way. On April 29, 1952, on the basis of these materials, Nikolai Vlasik was withdrawn from office and sent to the Urals, to the city of Asbest, the Deputy Head of the Bazhenov Correlation and Labor Camp of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Why did Stalin suddenly retreated from a person honestly served by him 25 years? Perhaps all the guilt was suspicious of the leader in recent years. It is possible that Stalin found an embezzlement of states on a drunk rampant, too serious a gentlemen. Be that as it may, but for the former head of Stalin's security, very difficult times came ... In December 1952, he was arrested in connection with the "doctors". In blame, he was given that Lidia Timashuk's statements, accusing professors who treated the first persons of the state, in hydration, he left without attention.

Vlasik himself wrote in the memoirs that there was no reason to believe Timashuk: "There were no data that disrupted professors, about what I reported to Stalin."

Could Vlasik extend the life of the leader?

March 5, 1953 did not become Joseph Stalin. Even to discard the dubious version of the murder of the leader, Vlasik, he remained in his post, could well extend his life. When the leader has become bad in the near country, he lay for several hours on the floor of his room without help: the security was not solved to enter Stalin's chambers. There is no doubt that the vasik would not allow this.

After the death of the leader "Doctors" closed. All of his employees were released, except Nikolai Vlasik. In January 1955, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR recognized Nikolai Vlasik guilty of abuse of official position with particularly aggravating circumstances, sentenced under Art. 193-17 p. "B" of the Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR by the 10th year of reference, the deprivation of the general title and state awards. In March 1955, the time was reduced to 5 years. Sent a sentence sent to Krasnoyarsk. By the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 15, 1956, Vlasik was pardoned with the removal of criminal record, but was not restored in military rank and rewards.

"None of the minute I did not have evil in Stalin in my soul"

He returned to Moscow, where he had almost nothing left: the property was confiscated, a separate apartment was turned into a communal. Vlasik outdated the thresholds of the cabinets, wrote the leaders of the party and government, asked for rehabilitation and restoration in the party, but everywhere received a refusal.

He began to press the memoirs in secret, in which he told about how he saw his life, why did one or another actions treated for Stalin.

"P the dust of the death of Stalin appeared such an expression as "the cult of personality" ... if a person - the head of his affairs deserves love and respect others, that in this bad ... The people loved and respected Stalin. He personally had a country that was lying to prosperity and victories, "wrote Nikolai Vlasik. - Under his leadership, there was a lot of good, and the people saw it. He enjoyed a huge authority. I knew him very close ... and I will applybut yu that he lived only by the interests of the country, the interests of his people. "

"It's easy to blame a person in all mortal sins when he is dead and cannot be justified or defended. Why, during his life, no one decided to tell him on his mistakes? What prevented? Fear? Or did not these errors, for which it was necessary to indicate?

What was Grezden King Ivan IV, and there were people who were the road to be their homeland, who, without fear of death, pointed him on his mistakes. Or translated in Russia bold people? " - So the Stalinist bodyguard thought.

The reason for the memoirs and the whole of his life as a whole, Vlasik wrote: "Without having a single recovery, but only some encouragement and rewards, I was excluded from the party and was abandoned.

But never, not one minute, in any condition I, any, no matter how mockery, being in prison, I did not have an evil in my soul in Stalin. I perfectly understood what a situation was created around him in the last years of his life. How hard he was. He was an old, sick, lonely man ... He was and remains for me the most expensive person, and no slander can shake the feeling of love and deepest respect, which I always fell to this wonderful person. He personified all the bright and expensive in my life for me - a party, homeland and my people. "

Posthumously rehabilitated

Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik died on June 18, 1967. Archive was seized and classified. Only in 2011, the Federal Protection Service declassified a person's notes, which, in fact, stood at the origins of its creation.

Close marlaes have repeatedly made attempts to achieve his rehabilitation. After several failures on June 28, 2000, the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia, the sentence of 1955 was canceled, and the criminal case was terminated "for the absence of the composition of the crime."

For three months to death, I. Stalin was arrested by the head of his security General Vlasik, who served him by faith and the true quarter of a century ...
How did it happen? Many tangled in the Vlasiki case. Until recently, there are no materials that are fully shedding, on the circumstances of the arrest of the faithful guard of the leader, who was not only a bodyguard, but also a nanny and an educator of his children, as well as the performer of various orders. Here will be found.
Let's start, as usual, with biography.

Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik was born on May 22, 1896, in the village of Bobynichi of the Slonim County of the Grodno Province (now Slonim district of the Grodno region), in a poor peasant family. By nationality - Belarusian. He graduated from three classes of rural church parish school. Labor activity began with thirteen years: black-workers at the landowner, excavator on railway, black and workers on a paper factory in Ekaterinoslava. In March 1915, he was called upon military service. He served in the 167th Ostrivsk Infantry Shelf, in the 251th spare infantry shelf. For courage in the fights of the First World War received the St. George Cross. In the days of the October Revolution, being in the rank of Unter-Officer, together with a platoon, transferred to the side of Soviet power.
In November 1917, he entered the service in the Moscow police. From February 1918 - in the Red Army, a participant in the southern front near Tsaritsyn, was an assistant commander of the company in the 33rd working rogo-simon infantry shelf.
In September 1919, he was transferred to the Communist Party of the HCC, under the direct leadership of F. E. Dzerzhinsky in the central office, was an employee of a special department, a senior authorized active separation of the operational part. From May 1926, he became the senior authorized operational branch of the OGPU, from January 1930 - an assistant chief of separation in the same place.

In 1927 he headed the Special Cremlin and became the actual head of Stalin's protection. At the same time, the official name of his position has repeatedly changed due to permanent reorganizations and reservoirs in security bodies. From the mid-1930s, the head of the 1st department (protection of senior officials) of the General Directorate of the State Security of the NKVD of the USSR, from November 1938 - the head of the 1st department there. In February - July 1941, this department was located as part of the People's Commissariat of the USSR State Security, then was returned to the NKVD of the USSR. Since November 1942 - First Deputy Head of the 1st Department of the NKVD of the USSR.
But he had to answer for medical care of the country's leadership, the material support of their apartment and country farm, the supply of products and special packs, the construction and repair of the office of the Central Committee of the Central Committee and the Kremlin, the organization of the rest of Stalin, his relatives and children on country cottages and in the south. And even control the studies and behavior of the children of Stalin, which in 1932 remained without a mother. In the Personal Fund Stalin still stored documents, of which it is seen that the Vlasik through the employees appointed by him followed the children of Stalin, manifesting, directly say, maternal care.

Stalin's grandchildren.

But it was not all. Organization of demonstrations and parades, preparation of Red Square, halls, theaters, stadiums, airfields for various propaganda shares, the movement of members of the government and Stalin in the country in various transport, meetings, lives of foreign guests, their protection and provision.

And most importantly - the safety of the leader. It was Vlasik who came up with such a way of protection as a cavalcade of ten-fifteen absolutely identical zisov machines. Affairs from the head of the guard was enough with interest, and for all the years, the leader did not have any trouble, although there were emergencies around him, and often: sabotage, permit, death of the Menzhinsky, Kuibyshev, Gorky and his son Maxim, Kirov's murder, Ordzhonikidze, Chkalov's death.
By the summer of 1941, Vlasik had already had the General Chin. During the war, worries were gained, respectively, the state was growing up to several tens of thousands of people. Vlaska was instructed by the evacuation of the government, members of the diploma and drug addicts. The main management of the security was picked up in Kuibyshev, work premises and apartments for the government, provided with transport, communicating, established supply. For the evacuation of Lenin's body to Tyumen and his guard, also answered Vlasik. And in Moscow, he with his device provided security at the parade on November 7, 1941, at a solemn meeting, which was held at the Mayakovskaya metro station on the eve. In short, the service of his "honey" will not name. And here also "small" questions.

« Secret
Deputy head of the 1st department
State Security Commissioner
3rd rank
t. Vlaska N.S.
Conclusion about the state of the health of Colonel Stalin Vasily Iosifovich
t. Stalin V.I. Delivered to the Kremlin Hospital 4 / IV-43 g. at 11 o'clock over the wounds of the projectile fragment.
The wound of the left cheek with the presence of a small metal fragment and the wort of the left foot with damage to its bones and the presence of a large metal fragment.
At 14 hours 4 / iv-43, under general anesthesia prof. AD made an operation of excision of damaged tissues and removal of fragments.
The wound of the foot refers to the discharge of serious.
In connection with the pollution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, antigenous and antichangrenous serum were introduced.
The overall condition of the wounded is quite satisfactory.
Head of the Kremlin HrugaPra (Busalov

Before reporting the Father about the Son, N.S.Vlassik forced the Command of the Air Force to submit a report on the circumstances of Wasil Stalin's injury.
Long wait for this did not have to.
« Secret. Ex. №1
An emergency report in the 32nd Guards JaP (a fighter-aviation regiment. - Ed.)
The incident happened under the following circumstances:
On April 4, 1943 in the morning, a group of flights, consisting of the commander of the regiment of the Colonel Stalin V.I., Heroes Soviet Union Lieutenkaya Vlasova N.I., Captain Baklan A.Ya., Captain Kotova A.G., Captain Garanina V.I., Captain Popkov V.I., Captain Dolgushin S.F., Commander of the senior lieutenant Shishkin A.P. . And others, as well as an engineer for arming the regiment captain Razin E.I. Left on the river Selojarovka, located 1.5 km from the airfield, fishing.
Throwing into the water grenades and jet shells, jammed fish, collecting her with a sacc. Before throwing the reactive projectile, the regiment regiment captain Razin first put the ring of detonator to the maximum slowdown (22 seconds), turned off the windmill, and then threw a shell into the water. So they were personally thrown 3 reactive projectiles. Getting ready for the cast of the last reactive projectile, the captain's engineer reversed the windmill as much as possible, and an explosion instantly occurred in his hands, as a result of which one person - Captain Razin - killed, Colonel Stalin V.I. And Captain Kotov AG Heavyly wounded

With this report, the faithful Nikolai Sidorovich went to the leader, and he broke out by order:
« Commander of the Air Force of the Red Army Marshal Aviation Tov. Novikov order:
1) immediately remove from the post of commander of the aviation regiment of Colonel Stalin V.I. And do not give him any command posts to myself until my disposal.
2) The shelf and the former commander of the regiment by Colonel Stalin to declare that Colonel Stalin was removed from the post of commander of the regiment for drunkenness and rampant and for the fact that he spoils and corrupt the regiment.
3) Performance to convey.
People's Commissar Defense
I. Stalin
May 26, 1943
But there were affairs and more serious. First of all, three conferences of the heads of the anti-Hitler coalition participants: Tehran (28.xi - 1.xii. 1943), Yalta (4-11.II.1945) and Potsdam (17.VII - 2.VIII.1945).
For the successful holding of the conference in Tehran, Vlasik was awarded the Order of Lenin, for the Crimean Conference - the Order of Kutuzov I degree, for Potsdam - the Order of Lenin.
The war ended. The service continued. The decision of the Central Committee in 1947 was allocated funds for the construction and reconstruction of state cottages in Crimea, Sochi, Gagra, Sukhumi, Tskhaltubo, Borjomi, on the Ricz Lake and in the Moscow region. And again, all this was commissioned by N.S.Vlavik.
So the service was held in troubles. But the trouble came ...
In 1948, the commendant of the "near dacha" Fedoseyev was arrested. Fedoseyev gave testimony that Vlasik wanted to poison Stalin. Then he carried: Stalin did not believe the fiction. However, four years later, the Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) chaired by G. Malenkov again engaged in Vlasik.
This time charged charges were in financial fraud. In May 1952, an unexpectedly began a deep testing of financial and economic activities for security management. In May 1952, Vlasik was removed from the post of head of Stalin's guard and sent to the Ural city asbestos Deputy Chief of the Bazhenov Correlation and Labor Camp of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

And on December 16, he was called to Moscow and arrested according to the "case of doctors", accusing that the "enemy action" of Professors Egorov, Monsol and Vinogradov.
As you know, "the work of doctors" was discontinued after the death of Stalin and all the arrested issued to freedom - everything except Vlasik. More than a hundred times he was interrogated during the investigation. After the death of Stalin, he was charged in guilt and espionage, and the preparation of terrorist attacks, and anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda. Moreover, for each of the charges, he threatened a considerable time. The investigation continued. Now, in addition to the past accusations in financial violations, the pollutical "self-sufficiency" was imposed in the blame (and essentially the looting) in the occupied soviet troops Germany. The evidence was obvious: during the search, the ex-general found entire warehouses of "trophies", including unique sets, dozens of crystal VAZ, about 30 cameras and photographic lenses that were acquired by illegally. " In addition, Vlasik admitted that in 1945 after the end of the Pastdam Conference "brought three cows, bull and two horses from Germany, of which his brother gave a cow, bull and horse, sister - a cow and a horse, a niece - cow; cattle was delivered In the Slonim District of the Baranovich region on the management of the MGB of the USSR.
This story with animals was known to Stalin. And then he missed her what was called "past ears."

Stalin was known that in 1941, the native village of Vlasika-Barobychi of the Baranovich region seized the Germans. The house in which the sister lived, was burned, Polerevni shot, the eldest daughter sisters hijacked to work in Germany (from there she did not return), a cow and a horse took. Olga and her husband, Peter and two children, went to the partisans, and after, when he drove the Germans, returned to a plundered village. Here is Vlasik and delivered sister from Germany, as if part of her good.
This was reported to Stalin, and he, looking at the reporting Ignatiev, said: "You're what, oh ..., what?!"
This was recalled at the end of the life of Vlasik himself. I don't know if it was really, but if so, then you need to pay tribute to the leader: he was right.
On January 17, 1953, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR recognized him guilty of abuse of official position with particularly aggravating circumstances, sentenced under Art. 193-17 p. "B" of the Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR by the 10th year of reference, the deprivation of the general title and state awards. Directed to serve the link to Krasnoyarsk. Amnesty On March 27, 1953, Vseka was reduced to five years, without defeating in rights. By the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 15, 1956, Vlasik was pardoned with the removal of criminal record. In military rank and awards were not restored.
From the sentence:
"... Vlasik, being the head of the MGB of MGB of the USSR, using the special confidence of the Soviet government and the CPSU Central Committee, abused him confidence and his high official position ..." And then follow the charges:
"one. Morally decomposed, systematically drunk, not possessing a sense of political vigilance, showed insecurity in domestic connections.
2. Drinking with some Stenberg, got close to him and disclosed him and other persons secret information. From the apartment of St. Petersburg led negotiations on the phone with the head of the Soviet government, as well as service conversations with their subordinates.
3. Deciphered three secret employees in front of the Stenberg. Showed him his agent.
4. Communicating with persons, "not inspired by political confidence," supported links with foreigners, Vlasik gave them to pass to the stands of Red Square.
5. Keed in his apartment service documents, in particular, the Potsdam plan and the protection system of the entire district of the Potsdam Conference (1945), as well as a report on the work of the Sochi Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a special period of 1946, the schedule of government trains and others documentation
This accusation ended. And the investigation went two more than a year!
Qualification - p. "B" Art. 193-17 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (as amended 1926).
« Art. 193-17. a) the abuse of power, the excess of the authorities, the inaction of the authorities, also a negligence attitude to the service of the head of the leading composition of the working and peasant Red Army, if these acts were carried out systematically, or from mercenary considerations or other personal interest, but if they had their consequences to disorganization entrusted to him forces, or the case entrusted to him, or the disclosure of military secrets, or other serious consequences, or at least did not have the meaningful consequences, but they could know them, or were committed in war timeor in a combat atmosphere, entail: imprisonment with strict insulation or without one for a period not lower than six months;
b) the same acts, with particular aggravating circumstances, entail:
Higher social protection measure;
c) the same acts, in the absence of signs stipulated by paragraphs "A" and "B" of this article, entail: the application of the Rules of the Disciplinary Charter of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army
But the data from the criminal case of Vlasik, more precisely, from the trial of the court session of January 17, 1955:
« Court question. What brought you and Stenber?
Vlasik. Of course, the rapprochement was on the basis of joint drinks and dating women.
Court question. For this, he had a comfortable apartment?
Vlasik. I have been very rare.
Court question. Did you give a pass to the Red Square of some Nikolaeva, which was associated with foreign journalists?
Vlasik. I just realized that I had committed a crime.
Court question. You gave your cohabitant grirdois and her husband to the schragerua tickets for the Tribunes of Dynamo Stadium?
Vlasik. Gave.
Court question. Have you kept secret documents on your apartment?
Vlasik. I was going to make an album in which the lives and activities of TOV would be reflected in the photos and documents. I.V. Stalina.
Court question. How are the radiol and receiver purchased?
Vlasik. They sent them as a gift to Vasily Stalin. But I then gave them to the cottage "neighbor."
Court question. What can you say about you have fourteen cameras and lenses to them?
Vlasik. Most of them I received on your work. I bought one Czeacemaker through external, one more apparatus gave me a friend of serov ... "
Interesting evidentiary part of the sentence. She is just unique.
"Vlasik's guilt in these crimes was proved by the testimony of witnesses interrogated in court, materials of preliminary investigation, real evidence, as well as partial recognition of their guilt by Vlasik
" And that's it.
In the order of pardon (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, on May 151956, signed by Klim Voroshilov) was released from custody and from further serving of punishment.
Returning to Moscow, Vlasik asks for the reception to the Prosecutor General Rudenko - he did not accept him. Sends a petition about rehabilitation to the Commission of Party Control (PDA) N. Svernik, then A. Pelche - again refusal. The support of Marshals Gzhukova and A. Vasilevsky did not help.
His apartment on Gorky Street (in the house where the Chaikovsky concert hall is located in a communal service. All property was taken out during the investigation.
On June 18, 1967, N.S.Vlasik died of lung cancer, so nothing and having achieved.
On the reapployment of his daughter about the posthumous rehabilitation of the Father in 1985, the main military prosecutor A. Grorus responded with refusal.
Vlasika-Nadezhda Nadezhda Nikolaevna has long achieved the rehabilitation of the Father. But from the Commission on Rehabilitation and from the FSB, it was reported that her father was not convicted of Art. 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (state crime), and under Art. 193-17 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (simple military crime), as a result of this, the victim of political repression N.S.Vlasik is not alleged, as well as his daughter is not affected.
Nowadays, justice seems to be restored. On June 28, 2000, by Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia, the sentence of 1955 in relation to Vlasik canceled and the criminal case was terminated "for the absence of the composition of the crime."
"He N. S. Vlasik] Just disturbed Beria to get to Stalin, because his father would not give him to die. He would not wait for a day behind the doors, like those guards on March 1, 1953, when Stalin "wakes up »… "- Daughter N. S. Vlasika Nadezhda Vlasik in the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper dated 07.05.2003.
Unfortunately, this interview turned to Nikolaevna's hope sad consequences. This is how the Employee of the Slonim Local Lore Museum says this story:
"Nikolai Sidorovich's personal belongings handed over to the museum his receptional daughter - the native niece Nadezhda Nikolaevna (there was no her children). This lonely woman sought the rehabilitation of the general all his life. In 2000, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation removed all accusations with Nikolai Vlasik. He was rehabilitated posthumously, restored in rank, and the awards were returned to the family. These are the three orders of Lenin, four orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star and Kutuzov, four medals, two honorary chasing signs.
- While,
- Irina Shpirkova says, - we contacted the hope of Nikolaevna. Agreed to transfer awards and personal belongings to our museum. She agreed, and in the summer of 2003, our employee went to Moscow. But everything turned around as in a detective. In the Moscow Komsomol residents, an article about Vlasik was published. Many called the hope of Nikolaevna. One of the calling was called by Alexander Borisovich - a lawyer, a representative of the deputy of the State Duma Demin. He promised to help a woman to return the invalid personal photo archive of Vlasik. The next day, came to the hope of Nikolaevna allegedly draw up documents. I asked tea. The hostess came out, and when he returned to the room, the guest suddenly gathered to leave. She no longer saw him, like 16 medals and orders, the Golden Hours of the General ...
Nadezhda Nikolaevna remained only the Order of the Red Banner, which she handed over to
Slonimsky Local Lore Museum. As well as two leaflets from the Notebook of the Father. "
Here is a list of all the awards that disappeared from the hope of Nikolavna (except for one Order of the Red Banner):
St. George Cross 4 degrees, 3 Order of Lenin (04/26/1940, 21.02.1945, 09/16/1945), 3 Order of the Red Banner (08/28/1937, 09/28/1943, 3.11.1944), Red Star Order (14.05.1936) Kutuzov I degree (24.02.1945), Medal of the twentieth years of the Red Army (22.02.1938), 2 Signs of Honorary Worker HBC GPU (12/20/1932, 16.12.1935).
In his memoirs, Vlasik wrote:
« I was brutally offended by Stalin. For 25 years of impeccable work, having no recovery, but only some encouragement and awards, I was excluded from the party and was abandoned. For my infinite devotion, he gave me into the hands of enemies. But never, not one minute, in any condition I, any, no matter how mockery, being in prison, I did not have evil in my soul in Stalin . »
Vlasik was an avid photographer. This is what he himself writes in his memoirs: (Bellaska photos will be shown below)

« A few days before the November holidays in 1941, T. Stalin called me and said that it was necessary to prepare the station Metro Station "Mayakovskaya" for a solemn meeting.
There was very little time, I called the Deputy Chairman of the Mossovet now and agreed to go with him to the Mayakovsky Square. Arriving and examining the metro station, we made a plan. It was necessary to build a scene, get a chair, arrange a rest room for the Presidium and organize a concert. All this we quickly organized, and at the appointed time the hall was ready. Going along the escalator for a solemn meeting, because Stalin looked at me (I was dressed in a bekem and dad) and said: "You have a star on your dad, and I have no. Still, you know, inconvenient - the commander-in-chief, but dressed not in shape, and on the cap, even there is no star, you will get me, please star
« When t. Stalin leaving home after the meeting, on his cap glistened a star. In this cap and in a simple overweight, without any signs, he performed at the historic parade on November 7, 1941. I managed to work successfully, and this photo was distributed in large quantities. The fighters attached it on the tanks and with the words: "For the Motherland! For Stalin!" - went to fierce attacks. »

The most famous photo of N.Vlasik, made on November 7, 1941 during a parade on Red Square.
«… At the conference in Tehran, which took place at the end of November 1943, from November 28 to December 1, except T. Stalin was attended by Molotov, Voroshilov and Head of the Operational Department of the General Staff Shemönko.

During his stay in Tehran, T. Stalin backed by Shahu Iran Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in \u200b\u200bhis truly fabulous crystal palace. I personally managed to capture this meeting. » -Installing Nikolai Vlasik.

December 1, 1943, Tehran. The Delegation of the USSR headed by Stalin and Shahinshi Mohammed Reza Pekhlevie, on the eve of the conversation at the Shahinshha Palace.

Continued in the second part .

based on:

The Head of Security, Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik was an avid photographer and many of his pictures even got into the newspapers. "Proximity to the body" of the leader made it possible to make a huge number of unique photos. And more often unofficial.
Until recently, private shifts of the leader of all nations were not available to the general public. Ten years ago, the surviving archives of Vlasik were "open" by his relatives and even published his diaries. But the remaining materials confiscated by Lubyanka about the life of Stalin, and in huge quantities, including photos, and video, and audio are not yet available.

Let's start in order, with a biography.
Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik (May 22, 1896, the village of Bobynichi of the Slonim County of the Grodno Province (now Slonimsky district of the Grodno region) - June 18, 1967, Moscow) - The Security Worker of the USSR, Head of Security I. Stalin, Lieutenant-General.
Member of the RCP (b) since 1918. Excluded from the party after arrest in the case of doctors on December 16, 1952.
Born in the poor peasant family. By nationality - Belarusian. He graduated from three classes of rural church parish school. He began his career from thirteen years: black-workers at the landowner, excavator on the railway, black-workers on a paper factory in Ekaterinoslava.
In March 1915, he was called up for military service. He served in the 167th Ostrivsk Infantry Shelf, in the 251th spare infantry shelf. For courage in the fights of the First World War received the St. George Cross. In the days of the October Revolution, being in the rank of Unter-Officer, together with a platoon, transferred to the side of Soviet power.
In November 1917, he entered the service in the Moscow police. From February 1918 - in the Red Army, a participant in the southern front near Tsaritsyn, was an assistant commander of the company in the 33rd working rogo-simon infantry shelf.
In September 1919, he was transferred to the Communist Party of the HCC, under the direct leadership of F. E. Dzerzhinsky in the central office, was an employee of a special department, a senior authorized active separation of the operational part. From May 1926, he became the senior authorized operational branch of the OGPU, from January 1930 - an assistant chief of separation in the same place.
In 1927 he headed the Special Cremlin and became the actual head of Stalin's protection. At the same time, the official name of his position has repeatedly changed due to permanent reorganizations and reservoirs in security bodies. From the mid-1930s, the head of the 1st department (protection of senior officials) of the General Directorate of the State Security of the NKVD of the USSR, from November 1938 - the head of the 1st department there. In February - July 1941, this department was located as part of the People's Commissariat of the USSR State Security, then was returned to the NKVD of the USSR. Since November 1942 - First Deputy Head of the 1st Department of the NKVD of the USSR.

From May 1943 - Head of the 6th Department of the People's Commissariat of State Security of the USSR, from August 1943 - First Deputy Head of this Management. From April 1946, the head of the Main Directorate of the Security Ministry of the State Security Service of the USSR (from December 1946 - the main security department).
In May 1952, he was removed from the post of head of Stalin's guard and sent to the Ural city asbestos Deputy Chief of the Bazhenov Correlation and Labor Camp of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
December 16, 1952 Vlasik was arrested. He was accused of assigning major amounts of stateless money and values, "Potakatinia-pest doctors", abuse of official position, etc. ... The initiators of Vlasik's arrest are considered L. Beria and G. Malenkov. "Until March 12, 1953, Vlasik was interrogated almost daily (mainly in the case of doctors). The check establishes that the prosecution nominated against the group are false. All professors and doctors from custody are released. Recently, the investigation in the case of Vlasik is conducted in two directions: disclosure of secret information and plundering material values \u200b\u200b... After the arrest of Vlasik, he had several dozen documents with a vulture "secret" ... Being in Potsdam, where he accompanied the government delegation of the USSR, Vlasik Engaged in the banner ... "(certificate from the criminal case).
On January 17, 1953, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR recognized him guilty of abuse of official position with particularly aggravating circumstances, sentenced under Art. 193-17 p. "B" of the Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR by the 10th year of reference, the deprivation of the general title and state awards. Directed to serve the link to Krasnoyarsk. Amnesty On March 27, 1953, Vseka was reduced to five years, without defeating in rights. By the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 15, 1956, Vlasik was pardoned with the removal of criminal record. In military rank and awards were not restored.
On June 28, 2000, by Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia, the sentence of 1955 in relation to Vlasik canceled and the criminal case was terminated "for the absence of the composition of the crime."
Vlasik lasted the longest in Stalin's guard. At the same time, almost all household problems of the head of state were lying on his shoulders. Essentially, Vlasik was a member of the Stalin family. After the death of N.S. He was also an educator of children, the organizer of their leisure, the economic and financial managing.

Stalin's country residences along with the state of guard, maids, housekeeping and cooks also subordinate to Vlasik. And there were a lot of them: the cottage in Kuntseva-Volynsky, or the "neighbor cottage" (in 1934-1953 - the main residence of Stalin, there he died), cottage in the town of Tenths (35 km from Moscow on the Assumption Road), The ancient manor in the Dmitrovskoye highway - Lipki, the cottage in Semenovsky (the house was built before the war), cottage in Dulkovo-4 ("Far Dacha", "Dogs"), 2 cottages on the lake rice, or "cottage on a cold river" (at the mouth R. Lashupz, flowing into the laz. Ritsa), three cottages in Sochi (one - not far from Matsesta, the other - for Adler, the third is not to reach Gagra), cottage in Borjomi (Liakan Palace), cottage in New Athos, cottage in Tskhaltubo , Cottage in the merchants (near Pitsunda), cottage in Kislovodsk, cottage in the Crimea (in Mukholatka), cottage on Valdai.
"He N. S. Vlasik] Just disturbed Beria to get to Stalin, because his father would not give him to die. He would not wait for a day behind the doors, like those guards on March 1, 1953, when Stalin "wakes up" ... "- Daughter N. S. Vlasik Nadezhda Vlasik in the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper from 07.05.2003
Unfortunately, this interview turned to Nikolaevna's hope sad consequences. This is how the Employee of the Slonim Local Lore Museum says this story:
"The personal belongings of Nikolai Sidorovich handed over to the museum his adoptive daughter - the native niece Nadezhda Nikolaevna (there was no children). This lonely woman sought the rehabilitation of the general all his life.
In 2000, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation removed all accusations with Nikolai Vlasik. He was rehabilitated posthumously, restored in rank, and the awards were returned to the family. These are the three orders of Lenin, four orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star and Kutuzov, four medals, two honorary chasing signs.
"At that time," says Irina Shpirkov, "we contacted Nikolaevna's hope." Agreed to transfer awards and personal belongings to our museum. She agreed, and in the summer of 2003, our employee went to Moscow.
But everything turned around as in a detective. In the Moscow Komsomol residents, an article about Vlasik was published. Many called the hope of Nikolaevna. One of the calling was called by Alexander Borisovich - a lawyer, a representative of the deputy of the State Duma Demin. He promised to help a woman to return the invalid personal photo archive of Vlasik.
The next day, came to the hope of Nikolaevna allegedly draw up documents. I asked tea. The hostess came out, and when he returned to the room, the guest suddenly gathered to leave. She no longer saw him, like 16 medals and orders, the Golden Hours of the General ...
Nadezhda Nikolaevna had only the Order of the Red Banner, which she handed over to the SlonimskyCreed Museum. As well as two leaflets from the Notebook of the Father. "
Here is a list of all the awards that disappeared from the hope of Nikolavna (except for one Order of the Red Banner):
St. George Cross 4 degrees
3 Order of Lenin (04/26/1940, 21.02.1945, 09/16/1945)
3 Red Banner Order (28.08.1937, 09/20/1943, 3.11.1944)
Order of the Red Star (05/14/1936)
Order of Cutuzov I degree (02.24.1945)
Medal of the XX Years of the Red Army (02.22.1938)
2 Signs Honored Worker HBC GPU (12/20/1932, 12/16/1935)
In his memoirs, Vlasik wrote:
"I was brutally offended by Stalin. For 25 years of impeccable work, having no recovery, but only some encouragement and awards, I was excluded from the party and was abandoned. For my infinite devotion, he gave me into the hands of enemies. But never, not one minute, in any condition I, any, no matter how mockery I was in prison, I did not have an evil in my soul in Stalin. "

According to his wife, Vlasik, until his death, was convinced that Stalin "helped" L. P. Beria die.
Well, now let's turn to the activities of Vlasik as a photographer. That's what he himself writes in his memories:
"A few days before the November holidays in 1941, T. Stalin called me and said that it was necessary to prepare the station Metro Station" Mayakovskaya "for a solemn meeting.
There was very little time, I called the Deputy Chairman of the Mossovet now and agreed to go with him to the Mayakovsky Square. Arriving and examining the metro station, we made a plan. It was necessary to build a scene, get a chair, arrange a rest room for the Presidium and organize a concert. All this we quickly organized, and at the appointed time the hall was ready. Going along the escalator for a solemn meeting, because Stalin looked at me (I was dressed in a bekem and dad) and said: "You have a star on your dad, and I have no. Still, you know, it is inconvenient - the commander-in-chief, but dressed not in shape, and there is even a star on a cap, you will also get me, please, star. "
When t. Stalin leaving home after the meeting, on his cap glistened a star. In this cap and in a simple overweight, without any signs, he performed at the historic parade on November 7, 1941. I managed to work successfully, and this photo was widespread in large quantities. The fighters attached it on the tanks and with the words: "For the Motherland! For Stalin!" - went to fierce attacks. "

The most famous photo of N.Vlasik, made on November 7, 1941 during a parade on Red Square.
"At the conference in Tehran, which took place at the end of November 1943, from November 28 to December 1, except T. Stalin was attended by Molotov, Voroshilov and the head of the operational department of the General Staff Shematko.
During his stay in Tehran, T. Stalin backed by Shahu Iran Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in \u200b\u200bhis truly fabulous crystal palace. I personally managed to capture this meeting.

December 1, 1943, Tehran. The Delegation of the USSR headed by Stalin and Shahinshi Mohammed Reza Pekhlevie, on the eve of conversations in the Russian team of Shahinshha. It is possible that this photo was made by N.Vlasik.
At the Tehran Conference, I again had to act as a photo compound. Together with other photographers, I pulled a big three, which specifically posted for printing. Photos were very successful and were printed in Soviet newspapers. "

November 29, 1943, Tehran. Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. It is possible that one of these photos belongs to N.Vlasika.
"On August 19, 1947, the Molotov cruiser under the command of Admiral I. S. Yumashev, accompanied by two destroyers, came out of the Yalta port.
On board the cruiser, except T. Stalin, were: invited I.V. A. N. Kosygin, having resting at this time in Yalta Commander Black Sea Fleet Admiral F. S. Oktyabrsky and others. An unforgettable impression was made on me this trip. The weather was gorgeous, everyone had a raised mood. Tov. Stalin under a non-mercy greeting "Hurray!" The entire crew went around the cruiser. The faces of the sailors were joyful and enthusiastic. Agreeing at the request of Admiral Yumashev to take pictures with the personnel of the cruiser, since Stalin called me. I got, you can say in the photoconducts. I already removed a lot, and so on. Stalin saw my pictures. But despite this, I was very worried, because I was not confident in the film.
Tov. Stalin saw my condition and, as always, showed sensitivity. When I finished shooting, making a few photos to warranty, he called the employee from the security and said: "Vlasik tried so much, and no one removed him. Here you take a picture of it with us. " I handed the camera to the employee, explaining everything that was necessary, and he also made a few pictures. Photos turned out very successful and were reprinted in many newspapers. "
A series of photos taken on August 19, 1947 different authors. Some photos could be made by N.Vlasik:

In the corner of the photo there is an inscription - N. Scheglov. Most likely he is the author of the photo.

On this photo on Stalin's pants, a shadow of a photographer in a cap is visible. Therefore, with a high probability, you can say that the photo is made by N.Vlasik.

Another photo, as if the continuation of the previous picture. It can be assumed that the photo is also N.Vlasika.
"For a snack", but by the topic - as usual, by the reasons of majestic visits to Stalin, the court artists-social owners wrote agitoxes. This time the artist V. Publikov competently.
Fragments of the court session January 17, 1955, in most part of the wiping of Vlasik by fixing the life of Stalin:

Chairman, discovering him, announced that a criminal case was considered on the charges of Nikolai Sidorovich Vlasik in the commission of crimes provided for in Article 193-17 P "B" of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.

Presidency. The defendant Vlasik, did you keep secret documents on your apartment?
Vlasik. I was going to make an album in which the lives and activities of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin would be reflected in the photos and documents, and therefore I had some data on this.

I believed that these documents do not represent special secrecy, but, as I now see, some of them should have been deposited in MGB. I was kept locked in the table boxes, and so that no one climb into the boxes to follow the wife.

Covalenko court member. The defendant Vlasik, show the court about your acquaintance with Kudoyarov.
Vlasik. Kudoyarov worked as a photoconductor even during the period when I was attached to the protection of the head of government. I saw him on set in the Kremlin, on the Red Square, I heard about him about the reviews as a beautiful photographer. When I bought myself a camera, I asked to give advice on the photo. He went to my apartment. Showed how to handle the camera, how to shoot. Then I was several times in the photo laboratory on Norivsky Street

Covalenko court member. What can you say about the fourteen cameras and lenses to them?
Vlasik. Most of them I received on your work. I bought one Czeacemaker through the external, one more apparatus gave me sulfur.
Covalenko court member. And where did you get the device with a telephoto lens?
Vlasik. This camera was made in the Palkin Department specifically for me. He was necessary for me for filming I. V. Stalin from long distances, since the latter always reluctantly allowed to produce photographs.
Covalenko court member. And where did you get a movie camera?
Vlasik. The film preparation was sent to me from the Ministry of Cinematography especially for filming I. V. Stalin.
Covalenko court member. And what are you for quartz devices?
Vlasik. Quartz devices were intended for highlighting during photo filming.

Based on Art. 331 Code of the RSFSR found during the search in the apartment Vlasik property, like: ... Cinema phase No. 265, ..., Cameras Nos. 102811 with Lens No. 1396, Nos. 16690, No. 331977, No. 2076368, No. 318708, No. 151429, No. 212271, No. 3112350, № 1006978, No. 240429, No. 216977, Talbot camera, different photo lens - 14 pieces, two quartz apparatus, ... specified in the search protocol of December 17, 1952 for №№ 41, 42, 43, 46 and 47, ... - as acquired by criminal means - to withdraw and turn into the income of the state.

To be continued…

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