Trade with Gansa. Education and the flourishing of the Hanseatic Union

Test at the rate

"History of the economy"

"Hansey Shopping Union"




Chapter 2. Hanseatic Union and Rus

2.1 Hanseatic Union and Pskov

2.2 Hanseatic Union and Novgorod

Chapter 3. Decline of the Hanseatic Union




In world history there are not so many examples of voluntary and mutually beneficial unions concluded between states or any corporations. In addition, in the overwhelming majority the basis for them was a carriastic and greed. And, as a result, they turned out to be very short-lived. Any violation of interests in such an alliance invariably led to his collapse. That is the most rare lessons in our day, such rare samples of long-term and solid coalitions are becoming increasing, where all actions have been subordinated to the ideas of cooperation and development as the Hanseatic Shopping Union.

This community of cities has become one of the most important forces in Northern Europe and an equal partner of sovereign states. However, since the interests of the cities entering Ganza were too different, economic cooperation was not always switched to political and military. However, the indisputable merit of this union was that he laid the foundations of international trade.

The political relevance of the topic studied is that the history of the existence of the Hanseatic Union, his experience, mistakes and achievements are very instructed not only for historians, but also for modern politicians. Much of what raised him, and then overthow in oblivion, repeated in newest Story Europe. Sometimes the continent's country in their desire to create a solid alliance and achieve, therefore, the benefits on the world arena, they make the same miscalculation as the Hanseatic merchants many centuries ago.

The aim of the work is to describe the history of the most powerful medieval trade union of Europe. Tasks - consider the causes of the Hanseatic Shopping Union, its activities during the heyday (XIII-XVI century), as well as the causes of decay.

Chapter 1. The emergence and flourishing of the Hanseatic Union

The formation of Hanza, which refers to 1267 was the answer to European merchants on the challenges of the Middle Ages. The fragmented Europe was a very risky field for business. The trading routes hosted pirates and robbers, and the fact that it was possible to protect from them and take to the counters, he was taxed by the princes of the Church and the specific rulers. Everyone wanted to get started at the expense of entrepreneurs, and the regulated robbery flourished. Ruled up to the absurd rule allowed to take fines for the "not that" depth of a clay pot or a width of a piece of fabric.

Despite all this, German maritime trade has already achieved significant development in those days; Already in the 9th century, this trafficking was carried out with England, the Nordic states and with Russia, and it was always produced on armed commercial vessels. About 1000 years old, the Saxon King Element gave the German merchants to significant advantages in London; His example was subsequently followed by Wilhelm the conqueror.

In 1143, the city of Lubeck was founded by Count Shaumbombian. Subsequently, Count Shaumbombian lost the city of Henry Leru, and when the latter was declared, Lubeck became an imperial city. Lübeck's power was recognized by all cities of northern Germany and in a century before the official design of Ganza, the merchants of this city has already received trade privileges in many countries.

In 1158, the city of Lubeck, who quickly reached a brilliant heyday due to the reinforced development of trade in the Baltic Sea, founded the German trading company in Visby, on Gotland Island; This city was approximately half the way between the grass and the Neva, Zundom and the Riga Bay, the Bolt and Lake Mellar, and thanks to this Regulation, as well as the fact that in those days, due to the imperfection of the navigation, the ships avoided long transitions, they began to enter it all ships, and thus he acquired great importance.

In 1241, merchant unions of Lübeck and Hamburg cities entered into an agreement for joint protection of the trading route, which connecting the Baltic Sea with the North. In 1256, the first association of a group of seaside cities - Lubek, Hamburg, Luneburg, Wismar, Rostock was formed. Finally, the Unified Union of Hanseatic Cities - Hamburg, Bremen, Cologne, Gdansk (Danziga), Riga and others (at first the number of cities reached 70) - I took it in 1267. The representative office was entrusted to the main city of Union - Luccurically voluntarily, since his burgomistra and Senators were considered the most capable of doing business, and at the same time this city took over the costs of the maintenance of warships.

Ganza leaders very skillfully used favorable circumstances to pick up trading on the Baltic and North seas in their hands, make their monopoly from her, and thus get the opportunity to install prices for goods at their own discretion; In addition, they tried to acquire in states where it was of interest to them, possibly large privileges, such as the right to freely arrange colonies and produce trade, exemption from taxes on goods, from post-place taxes, the right to acquire houses and yard places, with representing them extraterritoriality and their own jurisdiction. The efforts of these most part were successful even before the foundation of the Union. Curious, experienced and possessed not only trade, but also political talents Commercial heads of the Union, perfectly used to use last sides or the difficult position of neighboring states; In this case, they did not miss the case indirectly (by supporting the enemies of this state) or even directly (by way or an open war) to put these states into a difficult situation in order to force well-known concessions. Thus, Liege and Amsterdam, Hannover and Cologne, Göttingen and Kiel, Bremen and Hamburg, Wismar and Berlin, Frankfurt and Hattin (now Szczecin), Danzig (Gdansk), and Königsberg (Kaliningrad), Memel (Kaliningrad), Memel (Kaliningrad), were gradually joined ) And Riga, Perry (Pärnu) and Yuriev (Derpt, or Tartu), Stockholm and Narva. In the Slavic cities of Volin, that in the mouth of Oder (Odra) and at the current Polish Pomorie, in Kolberg (Kolobrzeg), in Latvian Vengspils (Window) there were large Hanseatic factors that lively bought local goods and, to the overall benefit, sold bridal. Hanseatic office appeared in Brugge, London, Novgorod and Roer (Tallinn).

All the Hanseatic Cities of the Union shared in three districts:

1) Eastern, Venndskaya area to which Lubeck, Hamburg, Rostock, Wismar and Pomeranian cities - Stralsund, Greifswald, Ankles, Stetin, Kolberg, and others.

2) Western Frisian-Dutch District, which included Cologne and Westphalian cities - the Sest, Dortmund, Groningen, and others.

3) And finally, the Third District, consisted of Visby and cities lying in the Baltic provinces, such as Riga, etc.

The offices that Hanza held in different countries, were fortified points, and their security guaranteed higher power: Vese, princes, kings. And yet, the city who came to the Union was removed from each other and often separated from those who did not belong to the Union, but often even hostile possessions. True, these city mostly were free imperial cities, but, nevertheless, in their decisions, they often were depending on the rulers of the surrounding country, and these rulers were not always located in favor of Hanza, and even on the contrary, often related to It is unfriendly and even hostile, of course, in addition to those cases when they needed her help. Independence, wealth and power of cities that were concentrated by the religious, scientific and artistic life of the country, and to which her population was stood in Belm in the eye of these princes.

Hold in the city union, seaside and internal, scattered on the space from the Finnish bay to the shelda, and from sea Shore to Middle Germany, it was very difficult, since the interests of these cities were very different, and meanwhile only common interests could serve between them; There was only one forced remedy at the disposal of the Union - an exception from it (Verhasung), which entailed the reversion to all members of the Union to have any cases with an excluded city and should have been held to stop all sorts of interchange with him; However, the police authority, which would have observed this, did not exist. Complaints and complaints could be applied only in the congresses of the Union Cities, which was collected from the case of the case that were representatives from all cities whose interests were required. In any case, against the port cities, an exception from the Union was very effective; So it was for example in 1355 with Bremen, which from the very beginning showed the desire for extraction, and who was forced to be, as a result of enormous losses, after three years, ask again to adopt it into the Union.

Ganza sets its goal to the organization of mediation trade between the East, West and the North of Europe in the Baltic and North Seas. Trade conditions there were unusually complex. The prices of goods as a whole remained quite low, therefore the incomes of merchants at the beginning of the existence of the Union were modest. To reduce the cost of minimum, the merchants themselves performed the functions of the sailors. Actually merchants with their servants and made up the crew of the vessel, whose captain was elected from more experienced travelers. If the ship does not tolerate collapse and safely came to the destination, it was possible to start bargaining.

The first overall congress of the cities of the Hanseatic Union took place in Lübeck in 1367. The elected Ganzetag (the peculiar parliament of the Union) spread laws in the form of a letter absorbing the spirit of the time reflecting the customs and precedents. The supreme authority in Ganze was the general-sized congress, who considered trade and relationships with foreign states. In the intervals between the Congresses of the current affairs, RAT (city council) of Lübeck was led.

From merchant guilds to the powerful union

Historians argue about the exact date of the founding of Hanza. Some call 1242, when Lubeck has concluded a contract with Hamburg, thanks to which the city received control over a significant part of the trading salty fish. Others believe that the Union was founded in 1299, when the port cities of Rostock, Hamburg, Wismar, Luneburg and Stralsund agreed that they would close access to harbors for merchant ships not included in the Union.

But the majority converges on the fact that the real date of the creation of Ganza should be considered 1356 - it was then that a congress took place in Lübeck, on which the management structure of the Hanseatic Union was formed.

Hanseatic cities and the largest trading paths in the XII-XV centuries. (Pinterest)

The word "Hanza" itself to the foundation of the Union marked the guild of merchants. It is like a union of merchants and was founded by Ganza. Until now, some cities in Germany have retained the mention of Ganze in their name. For example, Hamburg is called "Free and Hanseatic City Hamburg", Rostock - "Hanseatic city of Rostock". Accordingly, the car numbers from these cities begin with an additional Latin H - HB for Bremen, HL for Lubeck.

Strong and independent

The merger of merchants to the Union is quite explained - to send common caravans is safer, contain their own innovative courtyards - cheaper, and to achieve privileges - easier.

On the territory, German merchants used the defense of the emperor, but during the years of struggle for power, the cities had to take care of the safety of trade. Then the first regional unions began to appear. Their goal was to protect against competitors from the Netherlands and the South of Germany.

Lubeck - the capital of Hanza

During the existence of Hanza, it included about 200 cities, but only some of them were in the Union more or less constantly. The majority were located in the north, on the coasts of the Baltic and North Seas. "The capital of Hansees" consider Lubeck. In 1227, he received the status of the imperial free city. In Lübeck, a Hanseatic appellate court was located, who solved the disputes, often arising between the Allied merchants. Lubeck highlighted a significant part of the money that went to maintain the fleet, and solved diplomatic missions. Near the Hanseatic Union, Lubek city law was common. Gdansk, Riga, Dorpte, Veliky Novgorod - It acted not only in German cities.

During the time of Hanza, Lubeck had a huge influence. (Pinterest)

From Hamburg to Cologne

Hamburg and Cologne used great influence on the territory of Hanza. Back in the XIII century, two of these cities along with Lommecom received from Heinrich III the right to trade in England, founding a powerful colony in London. Hamburg still diligently supports the image of the Hanseatic city. But Cologne, founded by the Romans, recalls his gansean past not so often.

For some time, Berlin came to Ganza, but he had to get out of the Union in 1452 under the pressure of the Brandenburg Marcgraf. Failed to get rid of the influence of Marcgraf Pilddal and Frankfurt-on-Oder. It is interesting that the German faeodals are usually attributed to the entry of cities in Ganza positively - successful trade brought good profits. In addition, the status of "free" cities had to pay. Often the city performed as creditors and issued loans to the specific princes. One day, the merchants from Cologne issued a loan to the king of England, for which they were deposited by his crown.

City Gate Lubeck. (Pinterest)

Trade and War

The Participants of Hanza included the Teutonic Order. Regular military conflicts of the Order with Russian principalities have a negative impact on trade. In 1468, the Novgorod office moved to Narva for some time. There were cases when German merchants fell in hostage. In 1472, Sophia Paleologist, the nepheal of the last emperor of Byzantium, the future wife of Ivan III arrived in Moscow, arrived at the Hanseatic Way to Moscow. Subsequently, he dispersed the Hanseatic office in Novgorod, confiscated goods, and merchants themselves sharpened in the dungeon.

Trade went from Italy to Russia, from Portugal to Scandinavia. Sukno and salt, fur and wax - all this was in demand on the trade routes of Hanza. Wine, from Gdansk - grain, from Lüneburg to salt around the world, from Gdansk - Salt. In London, German merchants purchased English wool, which was later sold in Flanders. From and supplied the fur and wax. Sign was especially valued - at the beginning of the XV century, 82 Dukat could get a hundred-sable skins in Venice. Consumer fur could even serve as an independent monetary unit.

Last days Hanza

TO XVI century Ganza gradually lost its power, but the union before the latter fought for his trading privileges. European princes and kings no longer needed support for foreign merchants. The German princes no longer wanted to put up with the Hanseatic Volnitz and forced many cities to leave the Union. An important role in the decay of Hanza was also played by the absence of own banks. In addition, the union insisted on the monopoly, which stimulated the development of trade and ports in other lands. All this led to the disappearance of Hanza.

Acquisition of ownership of land outside the city, etc.
  • Associated with the penetration of the Mecklenburg coin in economic activities Union and discussion of this issue on Hanzetagas.
  • One of the main conditions of the agreement is not to serve ships, whose owners behaved outside the Union
  • At the same time, the document guaranteed the English merchants to trade with Prussia and other Baltic land, published during Richard II 12/20/1390 and confirmed on January 17, 193.
  • Naming the British royal agents in Gdansk in 1538.
  • Here: Livon city cities of a trading agreement, attached to Ganze
  • It is considered, along with Derptom, an active participant in multilateral international and Russian-Gazean negotiations
  • The tradition of concluding trade agreements in Novgorod existed even at the beginning of the XIV century. So, the world of 1338, imprisoned in the ambassadors of both parties, entered into force only after his approval in Novgorod.
  • According to a diploma, trading duties were reduced for Hansey merchants, and two yards were posing: one in Novgorod and one in Pskov. Livonian merchants did not have such privileges. Around 1600, they began to give the Lobeksians personal patched letters of the Moscow king, conducive to trade in Pskov.
  • Maintain bargaining in agreed places.
  • Managed by the Hanseatic merchants themselves
  • The Russian Seating Courtyard was located on the outskirts of Derpta (Reussischer Gasthof), which was transferred to the city of King Stephen Batory in the privileges of King Stephen Batory on December 7, 1582.
  • Only a small part of the copper (Capper) and tin (it. Tiine) was delivered from Kama, while the main supply was carried out by Hanseans.
  • With the subsequent arrest of merchants and goods on both sides.
  • The decision of the Landtag on March 30, 1495.
  • Soldering barrels and ship transportation was allowed to make only German bonds. They were brought in the scone with salt themselves Hansees themselves.
  • Still in the IX-X centuries through the great Novgorod in Western Europe Arab silver, oriental and Byzantine fabrics, dining room utensils.
  • In 1468, the reception was 150% higher than in Gdansk.
  • In 1468, the price of flax was 100% higher in London than in Gdansk.
  • In 1468, Baschasa price was 471% higher than in Gdansk.
  • Taking into account freight expenses, according to the study of H. Samsonovich (Polish. Samsonowicz H.), the profit of merchants in the trade of Gdansk with England in December 1460-1470 was within 84-127% on the example of the export of bread. Interestingly, in 1609, the British paid in Gdansk for 1 LAST grain of 35-50 florines, and sold it in the Netherlands to 106-110 Florins.
  • In 1468, the price of clospets was 700% higher than in Gdansk.
  • Imperial city
  • Karl Great
  • Year of obtaining the status of "Free Imperial City"
  • Adolf IV Golsteinsky
  • First mention
  • Year of receipt of the status "Free
  • Hanseatic Soyuz, Hanza, Lubek Ganza or German Ganza - Sinonyms, names of the same association. The word "Hanza" comes from the German "HANSE", which means the union, association.

    Hanseatic Soyuz In the XIII-XVII centuries, there was a union of free cities Hermann Empire and cities inhabited by German citizens. Hanseatic Soyuz It was created to protect the merchants from the power of the feudal and from the pirated arbitrariness.

    Ganza was formed in the XII century as an alliance of merchants, then as an alliance of merchant guilds, and already in the XIII century - as the Union of Cities. The first mention of Ganze refers to 1358.

    Within the next century german cities reached the dominant position in trade in the Baltic Sea, and the city Lubeck He became the center of maritime trade, which was bound by the country around the Baltic and Northern Seas.

    At different time periods, members of the Hanseatic Union were more than two hundred and small cities, which were mostly located in the Baltic and Northern Seas basin. To cities, former members Hanseatic Union, Tresented: Berlin, Branderburg, Bremen, Wismar, Hamburg, Cologne, Kiel, Wroclaw, Dortmund, Königsberg (Kaliningrad), Memel (Klaipeda), Lubeck, Krakow, Riga, Magdeburg, Münster, Sprout, Revel (Tallinn) and others.

    For generating general rules and laws representatives of cities Hanseatic Union regularly gathered at the congress in Lübeck.

    The branches and representative offices of Hanza also existed in the Neanzean cities, the main ones can be considered London, Brugge, Bergen and Novgorod. Also known offices were in Copenhagen, Stockholm and Kovnas (Kaunas).

    I wonder what now Lubeck, Hamburg, Bremen, Rostock, Wimar, Stralsund, Anklam, Graphswald and Demmin in their official names Keep the title "Hanseatic City". For example, Freie Und Hansestadt Bremen free hanseatic city Bremen.. Therefore, government license plates in these cities start with Latin letters H.. For example, HB. - "Hansestadt Bremen".

    I visited some hanseatic cities. They are unusually beautiful and "kindly". They are hung in the spirit of merchant adventureness and enterprise. Perhaps it is in a distant past that the prerequisites for the formation of the famous "German character" and as a result of the economic prosperity and stability of modern Germany.

    In general, delving in history Hanseatic Union Involuntarily think about what it is probably he was the peculiar prototype of the modern European Union. And for this thought, the question arises: "Does the modern European Union, will the same test of centuries, as in due time, Hanseysky? Or weak?! "

    The purpose of this work is to tell about the peculiarities of the epoch, in which merchant communities developed, highlight the history of the Hanseatic Trade Union, as a special phenomenon in the life of medieval Europe. After aroused in the XII century as a merchant union, at the end of the XIII century Ganza is already a union of cities. This union has been dominant for a long time in trading on the Baltic and North seas.




    Features of European trade in XI XIII centuries

    The emergence and development of the Hanseatic Trade Union

    Cities, former members Hanseatic Shopping Union or Hanza's representative offices

    Relationship of the Hanseatic Shopping Union and Novgorod

    New gansa


    List of used sources and literature


    The purpose of this work is to tell about the peculiarities of the epoch, in which merchant communities developed, highlight the history of the Hanseatic Trade Union, as a special phenomenon in the life of medieval Europe. After aroused in the XII century as a merchant union, at the end of the XIII century Ganza is already a union of cities.This union has been dominant for a long time in trading on the Baltic and North seas.

    Before us is the following tasks:

    • Give a characteristic of European trafficking features in the XI-XIII centuries
    • Talk about the emergence and development of the Hanseatic Trade Union
    • Indicate cities that were members of the Hanseatic Shopping Union or Hanza's representative offices
    • Describe the relations of the Hanseatic Trade Union and Novgorod
    • Talk about the so-called "New Ganze", the prospects for its development.

    The relevance of the study of this issue is no doubt. Some European economists and political scientists suggest that the XXI century will become the epoch of the trade and industrial consolidation of Europe, in the light of this information it seems necessary to tell about such an impressive experience of Hanseatic traders in the field of international trade. Interesting is also the fact that many German cities still retain the title "Hanseysky" in their title

    For writing work, various sources were involved, among which educational literature and historical publications on the topic, articles, as well as Internet resources.

    The practical significance of the work is that it contains comprehensive information on the topic, gives us an idea of \u200b\u200btrading features at the average time and introduces the history of the Hanseatic Shopping Union.

    Features of European trade

    In the XI-XIII centuries

    Before, it should be noted that already starting from the XI century the city of medieval Europe attempts to free themselves from the senorial power.

    Some have allowed the weapon and organized the uprising, others tried to pay off Senior.

    Anyway, during this independence, there were peculiar cities-states, the city communes, the power in which passed into the hands of the city council.

    The political importance of such cities is increasing. In addition, a new estate is begins to form in the XII-XIII centuries, which has personal freedom, ownership and participation in solving urban issues.

    However, in spite of the privileges, the residents of the city strictly obeyed the city council, life inside the city was built at the corporate basis and it concerned everyone: artisans, merchants, etc.

    It will rightly notice that since the XII century, a successful merchant is already a merchant wandering, he spends less time in his hometown. His presence requires affairs in other cities, buying new products, fairs. And, although the merchant of that era owns a sword well, he never goes on the road one, without his people. It was expected by many difficulties: roads or there are no terrible states, bridges are destroyed. River and sea travel, too, could not be called safe: to get a stranded, break about the coastal stones or rocks - the possibilities of losing the cargo or even dying was the set. In addition, both earthly and waterways were full of wishing to rebuild merchant goods and money.

    And in this case, the merchants had to be very inventive to avoid danger. As already mentioned, the merchants took with them the detachments of armed servants, but this measure sometimes played a sorry joke: a huge caravan inspired the idea that he was lucky for a very expensive product and attracted an improving interest as simply robbers with big expensiveAnd Senior, the lands of which this caravan was supposed to cross. Senor provided a merchant for a certain fee of his convoy, which ensured safety on the entire path of the following path, if the merchant from these services refused, then his senor is simply robbed.

    No less complicated the case and features of the European law of the era under consideration. According to the laws of that time, any goods that touched Sengor's possessions automatically passed into his property, so, the objects made ashore after shipwrecks belonged to the owner of this shore, like, actually, and the arrangement of the ship, dropped out of the cart from the endless shaking on the roads Also switched to the property of the local seen.

    No less troubles were delivered endless customs.

    Thus, we see that merchants acutely needed help, in some privileges, which they could only be obtained in the still independent cities that began to conduct their own trading policies.

    The strangers were suspicious, assuming that the merchant from another city certainly wants to deceive local, while taking into account the features of the era, the difference between a merchant from another country or simply from the neighboring city was not equally considered strangers. The city has created a system of fencing measures, the main goal of which was not to give a stranger to a stranger merchant where he could get started, local. Everything went into the move: a ban on trade in certain places and on some days, high duties and much more.

    A little later, many cities began to conclude mutually beneficial contracts with each other to facilitate trade in certain categories of merchants. At the same time, within the framework of the native city, the merchant was obliged to reckon with some rules, for example, the city dictated the cost of the goods, which was reflected in the Rule of Fair Pricing. The city did not allow the emergence of major trading companies.

    In the XI-XIII centuries, merchants united in the guild. This, on the one hand, helped them with full dangers of travel, on the other hand, gave some privileges in trade within the city itself. The guild controlled trade in the city, not allowing strangers. At the same time, the guild was not just an economic community, she was a peculiar fraternity, whose members helped each other In everyday adversities, however, and punished the members of the Guild for violation of professional ethics very strictly on behalf of the elected authorities.

    Such merchant unions arose in the Middle Ages everywhere.

    Appearance and development

    Hanseatic shopping union

    Ganza (Hanse. Hanse , ancient. -p.-it. Hansa, literally "group", "Union") - this is a kind of synonym for the concept of a guild or shop, that is, the merchant community.

    The Hanseatic Shopping Union was formed in the XII century as an alliance of merchants, subsequently formed as a union of cities.

    Ganza - Association of merchants from different cities and it is unusual, for before the merchant unions united only by the merchants of one city, cutting off strangers. Special was the path of accession to Ganza. So, in London Ganze, in addition to the compulsory entry contribution to the candidate there were two more requirements. First, he should have belonged to the merchant community of his hometown, and secondly, he should not be considered an artisan year and one day (artisans were not allowed, since they were afraid of their competition. Of the so-called free masters, merchants wanted to do only servants).

    The process of formation of the Hanseatic Trade Union was long enough. For the first time in documents, the Hanseatic Union is mentioned in 1358. A London ganza was formed, which existed until the 15th century, and on the continent there were merchant associations around Cologne and Lübeck, at the end of the XIII century there was an union of both German ganz. The center of this association initially became the territory on the banks of the Thames, the name of the steel courtyard, which included warehouses, barns, stable courtyards, etc. It is interesting that the elective council fired on the territory of the steel court, which decided on the customs of the guild, not Considering with English laws.

    Ganza was extensive. So, first, the Saxon and northern lands recognized the dominant position of Lubeck, Westphalian and Prussian - Cologne, and the residents of Gotland and Livonia are the cities of Visby, the capital of Gotland Island.

    Gotland Island played a significant role in the formation and development of the Hanseatic Union, being in an exceptionally pasture position in the Baltic Sea, he lay on the path of all ships, which helped the development of trade in the region. So, it is the Gotland merchants that will create a contector in Veliky Novgorod.

    However, it was the city of Lübeck that "Queen Hanza" was considered, the goods from the North and Baltic seas were overloaded exclusively. According to some information, at least 20 vessels went out of Lubeck in Bergen per year. Significant digit!

    The final flourishing of the so-called "German ganza" occurred in the XIV century, when she subjugated all the North European Trade Direction.

    The Hanseatic Shopping Union created trading colonies, thus, Hanseatic merchants often enjoyed great rights on large rights than local merchants and certain more other foreign merchants.

    Why was Hanza so strong? The answer lies in the state of the feudal fragmentation of Germany. The authorities were not able to ensure trade safety. Cities concluded alliances, seeing benefits in this cooperation. And it is in the Union of Cities, Trade Centers and consisted of the power of the Hanseatic Union. Military and trade unions were formed between cities - Members Hanza. The size of duties, legal protection of merchants, who reached its apogee in the formation of the so-called Lubek law, debt collection, mutual support for private wars, etc. The Hanseatic Shopping Union has sought to receive all sorts of privileges for his merchants. Thus, Cologne merchants were liberated by Heinrich II from all London duties and unorded traded in English fairs.

    Formally, Ganza was largely stronger than some European monarchs. However, they resorted to war extremely reluctant, because it puts them at risk of their main interest - trade!

    However, as often happens, the power of Ganza gave birth to weakness. So, for example, it was indicated that the inheritance of the merchant should be divided between all his heirs, which prevented the accumulation of capital and further investigate it. Limiting the intervention of artisans to trade, merchants caused more and more discontent. The national feeling grew in many countries where the local merchant was displeased with the strengthening of the Hanseatic monopoly. Yes, and the fragmentation of Germany, at first playing his hand, now agreed to the state of affairs: the lack of a strong political center and his support was very affected by the position of the Hanseatic Trade Union.

    Failures one for one and chased Hanseatic merchants. In 1478, the office in Novgorod was destroyed by Ivan III, who captured the city. Successful Herring Ulow in the Baltic Sea. In 1530, a quarter of the German population died from the epidemic of the plague. In 1598 by order of Elizabeth I, the steel courtyard was destroyed. Bruges city turned out to be cut off from the sea, as the harbor clouded her baby. Thirty-year war changed the map of Europe. The Netherlands and England developed an active pace, looking for ways to implement it without intermediary services. In connection with the opening and development of America, trading routes began to shift to the West.

    The last general satellite congress took place in 1669.

    Cities, former members of the Hanseatic Shopping Union or Hanza's representative offices

    The number of cities entering the Hanseatic Union was not permanent. At different times, the composition of this union included about 200 cities. The congresses of the Hanseatic cities periodically occurred in Lübeck. The decisions of these congresses were not mandatory for individual cities, and many were not at all for them.

    Among the members of the Ganza, such famous cities as Amsterdam, Hannover, Cologne, Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Danzig (Gdansk), Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad), Memel (Klaipeda), Riga, Perron (Parnu), Yuriev (Tartu) , Stockholm, Narva and many other cities.

    In addition, many cities had large Hanseatic representative offices on their territory, the richest offices were located in London, Brugge, Bergen, Novgorod.

    Relationship of the Hanseatic Trade Union

    And Novgorod

    Novgorod was one of the main trading partners of Hanza. Both sides - and Novgorod and the Hanseatic Union were interested in cooperation.

    The most accurately formulated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe cooperation of Novgorod and Ganza Writer B. Kiselev, noting that Peter I chopped the window to Europe where the doors were lazy during Novgorod.

    In the late XIII - early XIV centuries, Novgorod and Lubeck concluded a number of mutually beneficial trading contracts. It is interesting that even at the beginning of the XIV century, the struggle for the exceptional law of trade with Novgorod on a par with Lomplek Visby, who once claimed the role of the center-forming force in the planning alliance of German cities.

    However, by concluding an agreement with Novgorod in 1361, the Hanseatic Shopping Union stressed that the decisions taken in Novgorod will be valid only if they are supported by other cities, namely, Lubeck, Visby, Riga, Revel, Derpt.

    The main issues relating to the Novgorod yard were accepted by the merchants of Lubeck and merchants of Visby. There was a very strict charter of the Hanseatic courtyard of St. Peter in Novgorod.

    The behavior of merchants, the peculiarities of trade, fines, the procedure for the placement of merchants inside the courtyard were negotiated, the duties of the heads of the courtyard were stipulated. So, the headman was supposed to maintain all the privileges and messages of the cities that the Novgorod courtyard received. For the loss of grazing, the headman punished and deprived of the right members of the community.

    Interestingly, the highest penalty relied on Hanseatic merchants if their actions threatened the established monopoly of Hanza in trade with Novgorod, thus applying to all merchants.

    In the second half of the XIV century, a deterioration in relationship begins between Hansees Muses and Novgorod. Thus, the Master of the Livonian Order is no longer for the first time requires a logbook to stop all contacts with Novgorod, due to his hostile attitude to Catholicism. And Lubeck agrees, although the merchant trade is stopped, but simply transfer it to the Neva, Vyborg and other lands.

    In addition, the reason for a quarrel with the Hanseatic Union was also an attack on the Novgorod merchants, which sent stolen goods in Lubeck.

    Such disputes between Novgorod and Gansa have repeatedly led to the confiscation of goods and mutual arrest of merchants.

    In addition, it is known that in 1385, in Novgorod, during a fire, the yards of the Hanseatic merchants were looted by Novgorod, which inevitably led to the strengthening of confrontation.

    In 1391, Niburov was concluded by the world, which settled the relationship between Novgorod and Ganza.

    However, conflicts continued in the XV century. Novgorod residents tightened trade rules, criticized the quality of goods.

    In 1417, Hansees declared Novgorod a trade blockade, and he, in turn, forbade Novgorod to visit Pskov and Polotsk, where it was possible to meet German merchants. Soon, however, the next truce was concluded.

    In 1425, the German courtyard in Novgorod escaped once again. Restoration was worth the ganse of big money. Fires, I must say, crossed the German merchants in Novgorod throughout the 15th century.

    He affected the position of Hanseatic traders and the campaign of Ivana 3 at Novgorod in 1478.

    In 1494, the Hanseatic office in Novgorod was closed.

    New gansa

    Despite the fact that over time, the Hanseatic trade union weakened, and after and even stopped his existence at all, he could still be revived by the Spirit.

    Many cities are still honored with the memory that once entered Ganza and in every way it is emphasized. So, the Eastern Hermann G. Rostock recently returned the old name - Hanseatic sprout. Some German cities still retain the title "Hanseysky" in their official names, Hamburg is fully called: "Free and Hanseatic City Hamburg."

    How to know, perhaps the Baltic, on the shores of which no less fifty million people live, will turn into a special economic region, developing mutually beneficial trade for the Baltic states?


    As a result of work on the abstract, we have made some conclusions.

    Based on the features of European trade in the XI-XIII centuries, the merchants were forced to unite into alliances, which, on the one hand, defended merchants and their interests, and on the other hand, they impose their rules and conditions for trade.

    The Hanseatic Shopping Union is one of the most famous merchant unions, formed as a union of merchants, but later became very powerful as a union of cities. For a long time, this Union controlled trade in the Baltic and North seas.

    Members of the Hanseatic Trade Union at different times were about 200 states. Among them, mostly the city of modern Germany and the Baltic States. The central place occupied and played a very important role in the development of the entire Union of Lubeck.

    In Novgorod was one of the largest offices of the Hanseatic Union. The relationship of Hanza and Novgorod was not even. And, although both sides were interested in cooperation, nevertheless in 1494 the office was closed.

    Despite the fact that the officially Hanseatic Shopping Union has ceased to exist, many cities resurrected themselves about him in their names.

    We believe that the goals set by us at the beginning of the abstracts were achieved, the tasks are implemented.

    However, it would be interesting to devote to the study of this issue a little longer, for example, to consecrate the role, place and contribution of individual Hanseatic cities to the development of the Union. Or pay more attention to the prospects for the development of New Hanza.

    Speaking about the fact that trade is the engine of progress, it's time to ask a question - what progress is waiting for us?

    List of used sources and literature


    1. Danilov A.A. Kososulina L.G. Brandt M.Yu "Russia and the world. Antiquity. Middle Ages. New time ": tutorial for general Education Organizations - M.: Enlightenment, 2007.
    2. Dzhivelegov A.K. "Trade in the West in the Middle Ages" / A.K. Jivelegov; ed. Ed. N.I. Kareva and I.V. Lucitsky.- SPb.: Type. Joint Stock Company "Brockhauses-Efron", 1904
    3. Rybina E. A. Novgorod and Ganza - M.: Handwritten monuments Ancient Russia, 2009 .

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