"Scientists" with a big road.

A vague time that our country is worried about the numerous army of astrologers, psychics, representatives of alternative medicine, "healing" from diseases, non-perceptible traditional medicine. Any kind of passing, outstanding themselves for scientists, together with their high-ranking patrons often arrange their well-being at the expense of the state. Mimicaring under science, the whole crowd of false disgustingly and, of course, heavenly fools the people.

In this book, E. P. Krugovkov, - Academician Russian Academy Sciences, physicist by profession, - in a simple and intelligible form exposes the coilers and passing from science. The book should be read by every sensible person who is expensive to the future of our Motherland.

In the last decade, any enterprising fraudster or vocator could advertise himself as an astrologer, a wonderful doctor, ingenious scientists and even receive funds from the state to implement his delusional ideas. The Russian Academy of Sciences decided to finally stop this practice. What is it - a struggle for the purity of science or a new witch hunt? The reader will find the reader in this book. For a wide range of readers.


"I would very much like the RAS Publishing House addressed the author with a request for a proposal to supplement the text with fresh facts and would publish a book much more circulation. It would be nice that the Russian government obliges all major officials to read it " V. Braginsky, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"... At one time, the suggestion of Chumak and Kashpirovsky did not affect me, but the installation of the academician Krugovukov, I feel that I felt. His book has such a charge of rational energy, which feeds faith in a reasonable principle, in the need for its protection and strengthening in the public consciousness " V. Surdin, astrophysicist.

"It is very good that the book of Academician E.P. was published. Rugovikov. But she came out with a big delay. There are huge punch abilities from nonsense and fun. They have long arranged their redoubts in the means mass media, in scientific institutions And in high departments, which, by the way, in many examples shows the author himself "What is happening to us?" " R. Notman, journalist.

At the end of 1998, a small circulation (1,200 copies) was my book. What she, reader already guessed, reading excerpts from the reviews. Well, the details about how and why the book "What is happening to us?" The reader will find in the "From the author" section. Part of the articles entered and in new bookwhich reader holds in his hands.

Astrology, mystic, occultism, shamanism and other anti-science nonsense flooded pages of newspapers and magazines shortly before the collapse of the USSR. The people literally silenced from televisions when Chumakov and Kashpirovsky appeared on the screen. Spouses were taken by niche (now formerly) T. and P. Globa. The latter and today continues to broadcast its astroprognosis every day. He has a complex role: suck out astrological forecasts from the finger and not to repeat. Whether the case is Alan Chumak! By the way, he and today occasionally flashes on the television screen, the truth is only the Moscow TV channel. His work is simple: you need to stare in the camera, depict the passages with your hands. A few minutes later, water in front of the TV screens from each viewer, who set it up before the start of the show "Charge". It is saying that one day Mr. Chumak, the circulation of "Evening Moscow" "charged". The newspaper was separated by a bang. Then there was a firm that produced creams, and the chumac was "charged." In short, he has enough peaceful life.

Previously, they said that our country is the most reading in the world. Therefore, "the most reading" does not read a lot to a lot. Otherwise, readers would remember about the book of V. Sibruck "Robert Wood", dedicated to the wonderful American physics of the beginning of the century. So, a trick with "charging" of water was used by shules at the time. "Authors" or their heirs could be Mr. Chumak for plagiarism and to attract to the court. Well, isn't it outrageous: the thief of the thief dubbed stolen!

I mentioned only a small tolik of people who stuff their pockets due to a shameless deception. The spectrum of the "professions" of Shuler is extremely wide. There are passing people who "effort of thought" deviate beams

particles change the speed of radioactive decay. Some specialize in contact with aliens (even intimate).

A special mention deserve large-scale shuilers, which by deceiving state-owned (a, maybe in collusion with them) are obtained by large funds under their "research".

Alas! Nothing changes. At the very beginning of our century, Robert Wood, who made a lot to expose various mediums, clairvoyant and even rogues with scientists, somehow noticed that usually fraudsters "invent" a small, but a cunning apparatus that acts with a trick, In the hope of fooling the capitalist or the state that gives them money to the advance on "conducting experiences in a full scale." Wood believed that both categories (he meant that, in addition to the frank fraudsters, there are still sincerely mistaken) olders, like the world, and will exist forever. Professor Voodoo was not given to observe the modern dynamics of this process. Therefore, I will add that sincerely mistaken becomes less and less, but more and more.

The Vakhatanalia of Paranuchant Brad, literally raging in the media, alas, begins to affect the highest echelons of power. Astrologers, psychics, newly new "scientists" of other "professions", all energetic make their way to the State Duma, in the power ministries, even the environment of the president. Naturally, the rapid growth, I would even say, the attachment of ignorance and quantities cause indignation of people of science, and not only science.

Wonder why all this happens? Why are poorly educated (at least on average) shilers affect the minds of people? Of course, a lot of reasons. The state of destruction, the collapse of old ideals and the absence of new led to the fact that exhausted, desperate people began to hope only for a miracle. Parachnayuk's priests were in demand by society, in which the Rasputinsky reached a threatening scale.

The difficult position of universities, which under the "wise" leadership of the post-Soviet Ministry of Education, conducting the reform, the meaning of which no one understands, got the right to die or survive themselves, as well as the humiliating position of science, which, according to our new rulers, too much in the country, Few society contribute to a large extent.

As practice shows, the scientist reaches the peak of creative activity in 35-40 years. He spends the years and years to master the experience of previous generations and the acquisition of experimental skills. It should be added to this that the time of singles in science passed. What lay on the surface is open. New knowledge is extracted by almost V. Mayakovsky: "In grams - mining, per year - works." They are obtained with the help of complex super-sensitive devices by the efforts of scientists teams. Therefore, for people of science, all these nonsense, ranting with an important form On things that are not available to understanding, but still "decisive" absolutely any problems (cancer treatment, the creation of energy abundance by extracting energy from a physical vacuum, water purification using the "cosmic" energy of the pyramids, travel to the past and the future, anti-gravity and t . d., etc.), it looks ridiculous.

Commission to combat Lzhenauka begins to act

The first steps of the Academic Commission 31

Order of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 10103 - 500 dated November 11, 1998 was established a commission to combat Lzhenauka. The first meeting of the Commission held in Moscow chaired by Academician E.P. Rugovikov. On November 25, 1998, the Commission discussed the situation with the spread and propaganda of Lzhenauki in the country and outlined a number of measures, in particular members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, members of the Commission prepared an appeal to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation E.M. Primakov. December 10 President RAS Academician Yu.S. Osipov presented this appeal to E.M. Primakov. Below is the text of the appeal, provided by our newspaper Academician E. Krugovkov.

Chairman of the government Russian Federation EAT. Primakov

Deep-duty Evgeny Maksimovich!

We, as well as many other members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is extremely concerned about the situation that has developed in the country with the spread and propaganda of Lzhenayuki. The media (alas, even government) is actively promoted. A clear boundary, separating science and phelanaucco, is blurred by continuous attacks from all sorts of coilers and passing.

Numerous public academies have already begun to produce frames of the coated false scientists. Thus, the International Academy of Informatization organized advice on the protection of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the fields "Ufology and Bioenergo Informatics". There were already several attempts to introduce these specializations in VAC. On behalf of public academies, diplomas of candidates and doctors of medical sciences have already appear. A similar act, in our opinion, should be just a criminal offense.

On behalf of the physical science, members of one of these academies announced the existence of God (light. 1998. No. 46). Dubious personalities are trying to drag the ignorable law "On the Energy Information Welfare of the Population" through the State Duma. Earlier in the Committee on Ecology, hearings on the Ufological Safety of Russia were held: aliens pose a threat to our country!

In the depths of military departments, along with the actual development of new types of weapons, depressing in their ignorance, the secret developments of the newest types of "miracle weapons", based on the application of "new" fundamental laws of nature, with which can be familiar with only a very limited circle of persons through the first (secret) Departments.

Astrologers, psychics and other adepts of Lzhenak are increasingly confidently introduced into the corridors of power. Rasputina is gaining strength. To stop slipping into the marsh anti-Naukui, to bring up the leading developments in military departments (and at the same time and save huge funds spent on dubious projects), it urges the practice of examination of projects based on fundamental laws of nature in the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Without publicity, without the possibility of pulling out the Light of God and expose the appearance of all sorts of cooling, the situation with Lzhenauka will only be exacerbated. Lzhenauka is increasingly increasing. She is already beginning to prevent official medicine. Put a lazhenauku in place, it is possible to debunk it only with the media. Meanwhile, today even government "Russian newspaper" ("WG") is not able to solve these tasks. Materials published by the science department of this newspaper have a significant roll towards mysticism and damns, characteristic of boulevard newsages. The newspaper has repeatedly ascended to the shield of shovers, which under the curtain of deep secrecy for many years fastened the heads of the Military over the "torsion fields non-existent in the physical science."

According to our information, this scam continues. Attempts to object to the Zasil Lzhenauki on the pages of the newspaper successfully stop the head. Department of Science A. Valentinov, with an obvious connivance of the editor-in-chief of A. Yurkov. Without the intervention of government bodies, it will not be published in "RG" and the article, the manuscript of which we attach to this letter for your information.

Evgeny Maksimovich! You do not need to explain that without fundamental science, Russia does not raise. In this regard, it would like to note that the wild rampant Pzenayuki is harmful and extremely dangerous for the country.

The Russian Academy of Sciences considers himself obliged to start an irreconcilable struggle with Lzhenauka. For the success of this case, we consider it necessary:

1. Release the Government's Resolution on the obligation of the examination of any projects based on the use of fundamental laws of nature in the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is possible that you need to go further and conduct an audit of the already funded projects.

2. Provide the Russian Academy of Sciences guaranteed the right to publish their communications, examinations, conclusions in the Russian Gazette and other government editions without the right to edit or reduce text edited. Of course, the Russian Academy of Sciences will not abuse this right.

Alexandrov E.B. - Academician, Braginsky V.B, - Corresponding Member. RAS, Ginzburg Vl. - Academician, Krugovkov E.P. - Academician, Petrov R.V. - Academician, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rubakov in A. - Academician, Simonov P.V. - Academician, Sokolov B.S. - Academician, Faddeev LD. - Academician, Fortov V.E. - Academician, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Commission to combat Lzhenauka begins to operate 32

As already reported, in November 1998, the Commission for Combating Lzhenauka and Falsification was organized during the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. scientific research. Discusing the situation in the country with the distribution and propaganda of Lzhenauki, members of the Commission appealed to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation E.M. Primakov with a letter (see: Science in Siberia. 1999. No. 1). Following this appeal, the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Education and RAS, was given a government instructions of January 21, 1999 No. BV-P8-01945 regarding the prevention of the spread of false-scientific publications. The Ministry of Science held a meeting on which the proposals submitted by the Commission were considered. From the Russian Academy of Sciences in the meeting was attended by Vice-President of RAS Academician V.E. Forts and Chairman of the Commission of the RAS Academician E.P. Rounds. During the meeting, a lot of attention was paid to the situation with anti-scientific publications in the Government "Russian Gazette" ("RG"), on this occasion, First Deputy Minister of Minister Kozlov sent a letter to the government, and Academician E.P. Kruglyakov - a comment on the work of the Department of Science "RG". These materials are published in our newspaper.

Government of the Russian Federation

On preventing the distribution of false-scientific publications

In accordance with the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science of Russia together with the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Russian Academy of Sciences considered with the participation of the chief editor " Russian newspaper"A.P. Yurkova The issue of publication by the media (media) of materials wearing anti-scientific character and reports.

The process of spreading anti-scientific media in their contents of articles and communications (mystic, charlatanism, sign, conducting "closed" military developments on the basis of "new" fundamental laws of nature, etc.) became large-scale and active. For opposition to him, the Russian Academy of Sciences created in November 1998 by the Commission to combat Lzhenauka and the falsification of scientific research.

Unfortunately, the "Russian Gazeta", which is a government authority, to the number of publications that distribute anti-scientific information. Analysis of the articles of the Russian Gazette Science Division of the Russian Gazette Science Department for 1997 and 1998 showed that over thirty publications contain anti-scientific information. The need to publish this kind of "sensational" materials A.P. Jurks associate with the difficult financial position of the newspaper due to the lack of budget support. Comments Comments on this issue are attached.

These facts indicate the unsatisfactory level of work of the newspaper science department.

At the meeting held at the Ministry of Science of Russia, concerted proposals on the creation of the Scientific and Advisory Board, as the editorial office of the Russian Newspaper, were developed to ensure the proper level of scientific articles published in it and the opening of the new heading in the newspaper to promote the achievements of science.

First Deputy Minister G.V. Kozlov.

Commentary on the work of the Department of Science "Russian Newspaper"

View articles of the Department of Science "WG" for 1997-1998. It has shown that about half (over thirty) publications is of an obvious anti-scientific character.

The most "harmless" of them are narrated by artificial cities on the Moon (May 16, 1997), about the damnation with the "walking" huge stones spontaneously moving along the valley of death (California, USA). Move occurs only in the absence of observers (Aug 20, 1997).

Many publications of mystical content. We give individual excerpts. "The soul flies after death" (03/19/98). "The signal coming from the highest mind - wave" (09.10.98), "600 women in England possess bioelectric characteristics", a note of people who can destroy electrical appliances without touching them (24.01.98).

A number of publications contain approval about the existence of ghosts, witches, vampires, the resurrection of the dead and so on. Mystic is preached with reference to science. " Modern research The biologists indirectly confirmed the reality of the legends of vampires and nobles "(10 Apr. 1998).

About the miracle of the resurrection of a woman in the morgue on the ninth day after death is written in the newspaper of April 17, 1998. It is also stated: "Physics confirmed many religious performances." "Following mystics, physics proved: the human body is holding not only on the bone skeleton. It is imprisoned in the energy frame. For the first time it was discovered in the cemetery "(August 16, 1998).

The crazy theme of the multi-layer energy frame comes out more than once. In the article on February 28, 1997 this is a "cocoon of electromagnetic and acoustic fields." There also refers to the glow of the dead.

Apotheosis of mysticism, consecrated by the authority of academic science, is contained in the article on March 27, 1997. "An even more impressive confirmation of mystical abilities gave numerous experiments in the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences." And further: "Some people of the power of will can increase the reproduction of microorganisms in milk." It is nothing more than Paskvil on science. In the Russian Academy of Sciences, nothing like has never been. Disrespecting for science through the newspaper in many publications: "The most official science mocked over the witch flights" (21.03.97). The high mastery of the journalist is felt: traveling in one phrase slightly mild science ("official" - therefore, there is still an unofficial, real), and at the same time give to understand that today even official science recognizes the existence of witches.

The ratio of the newspaper and the editor of the science department of Mr. A. Valentinov to this very science is demonstrated by a series of monologues (namely monologists, because academicians E. Alexandrov, V. Ginzburg, ChL - Corr. Ran A. Cherepaschuk could not publish their articles In "RG"), directed against academician E. Krugovkov, who managed (with the desperate resistance of A. Yurkova and A. Valentinov "break down" on the page of the newspaper (May 19, 1998). Reply of E. Kruglyakov and other members of the Academy trying to perform Against the most absurd appearance of the "RG" in terms of "torsion fields", in the same room. In the future, these members of the Academy were subjected to mockery (08.09.98; 03.11.98). All this unsightly story with a demonstration of falsifications Mr. Valentinova reflected in the book E. Krugovukov "What happens to us?" But the circulation of the book of 1200 copies., And the newspapers are almost 0.5 million. The question that rose by members of the Academy is not idle. This is what the newspaper supports a large af Ehru, which in 1991 was already publicly exposed by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Alas, Scam continues today, and the government newspaper takes the courage to maintain rogues, from which even their former patrons were celebrated in the Russian Academy natural Sciences. Nevertheless, the "RG" strongly supports the idea of \u200b\u200btorsion fields. It is probably devoted to the greatest number of publications (27.06.97; 12.07.97; 10.04.98; 19.05.98; 08.09.98; 23.10.98; 03.11.98).

In second place in the number of publications there is biological science, but it is not necessary to be a biologist at all to understand that the government newspaper does not preach here not to achieve science. Here there are emputes about the discovery of genes of immortality and genius (19.06.98), hot nonsense on the topic that the curse acts on the plants as X-ray radiation with a dose of 40 thousand x-rays. From this chromosome, but if the seed of the plant, damned by 10 thousand x-ray, bless, it will go (04/03/98). Does the government newspaper have the right to publish such nonsense? What is it, how is it not mockery?

With enviable regularity in the newspaper there is a "biologist" P. Garyaev, whose works do not find understanding among biologists. However, it is clear why. We are talking about completely obvious quantity: "P. Garyaev found that the Laser is the human DNA "(04/30/98). Sufficient to own physics in volume high SchoolTo understand that with the transverse size of DNA, the radiation will differ in the 2K steradian, so that anything can not be any speech! Well, then the Garyaev needed a laser? To shift hereditary signs from genes into a hologram. How to create it and how to read it is no longer discussed. This contribution is made here by A. Valentinov: "The information about everything comes from a vacuum ... possessing huge energy Vacuum does not obey the theory of relativity, nor the laws of thermodynamics.

We learn a lot of instructive from Articles A. Valentinov: In one (interesting what?) The physical laboratory launched a mechanism for the rejuvenation of a woman. She is 50, but she already looks younger than her daughter. Rejuvenation continues (08.05.97).

Alternative medicine, created by "World Physics" (09.01.97), supported. Yes, physics does a lot for medicine, only for an alternative? But here it is clear about the friend, here we are talking about the shells of the "information and energy field", about "holographic! The structure that creates the external and internal appearance of a person. " The same topic and again with an appeal to physicists, it sounds in the article on January 5, 1997: "The fact that physicists call information and energy fields, in Eastern philosophy appears as an astral body."

In the overwhelming majority of cases, references to physics and physicists are absolutely unreasonable, but it is impossible to argue - "WG" is firmly held by defense. This list of absurds can be continued for a long time. We will add, perhaps only the opening of the "law of the world repulsion" (03.11.98) instead of the world of world. So Newton is rudely mistaken. Nothing wrong. He was corrected by one of the protege Mr. Valentinov.

Perhaps enough. Even this brief comment is enough to understand that such journalists as A. Valentinov, not a place in government media. But the editor-in-chief of Mr. A. Yurkov believes that Valentines is in place, and everything makes the newspaper. Or maybe a decisive and change the head of the newspaper? She will benefit. Yes, and readers too.

Chairman of the Commission on Combating Lzhenauka and the Falsification of Scientific Research at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences

academician E.P. Kruglyakov

Reviews, letters

On Russian conferences on cold synthesis and nuclei transmutation 36

The impetus for the beginning of research on the "cold synthesis" (Hym) was a sensational interview with M. Fleishman and Ponce (USA) Newspaper "Financial Times" (March 23, 1989). Since then, over ten years have passed, and at present we can say that the unrestrained optimism of the authors about the creation of industrial scale sources based on the merger of heavy hydrogen cores at "room temperatures" was not justified. Highly qualified scientists from the leading physical centers of a number of countries in the world (only in Russia, the Kurchatov Institute, the Joint Nuclear Research Institute, Arzamas VNIIEF, Novosibirsk Iiaof SB RAS, and others took part in the test of the concept of Hym An unambiguous conclusion about the groundlessness of hopes for the possibility of creating a similar energy source.

Nevertheless, the works on Hym continue today. Participation in these studies of a significant number of unqualified, and sometimes unscrupulous people led to the self-insulation of this community, to the emergence of a significant number of publications of the most incredible and first bizarre content. These publications are concentrated in the materials of Russian conferences on cold synthesis and nuclei transmutation (RCHESTI). four

Among the organizers of these conferences, physics are presented more than modestly. There is not a single nuclear physicist in the organizing committee. Functions of the Deputy Chairman

the organizing committee of the conference, and at the same time the head of the secretariat of this event performs a candidate of physico-mathematical sciences Yu.N. Bazhutov - Director of the Research Center for Physical and Technical Problems (NIC FTP) "Erzion". The title of the Center contains one of the hypothetical (and rather mythical particles) introduced by Mr. Bumputs to explain everything and everything. Mythical particles ("Eniones" and "Erziones") first appeared in the early 90s in the preprints of Bazhutov, published in TsNIIMASH shortly after the "discovery" A.F. Okatrina Microlepton. None of the physicists professionally studying elementary particles, never considered seriously the possibility of the birth of all particles listed above.

The organizing committee has another deputy chairman, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences R.N. Kuzmin. Participation in the Organizing Committee of the representative of the Physical Faculty of Moscow State University, it would seem to have to influence the level of reports published in the collections of conference materials. Alas, when viewing four published collections of the beneficial effects of Mr. Kuzmina, did not find it.

Experimental works published in collections cover many Parties to the phenomenon of "cold nuclear synthesis": attempts to register neutrons from various environments involved in mechanical movement and / or in chemical reactions, Mass spectroscopy of nuclei and registration of beta-disintegration processes in order to proof the synthesis of new isotopes. Finally, there are works in which it is reported to allocate so large number Heat during the flow of chemical and mechanical processes, which, to explain the observed effect, it is impossible to do without attracting the reaction of nuclear synthesis in the medium.

For each of the persons mentioned as the phenomenon of Hym in the works published in the collections, it is possible to find an approval of the observation of effects is stunningly big magnitudethat fundamentally distinguishes the content of collections from publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Causes should be signed on the one hand, in low technical equipment experimental workAnd on the other, in the absence of the researchers of the researchers in most cases.

Especially wanted to allocate several reports. The results of the experiments with the Yusmar hydraulic unit are presented on behalf of a variety of institutions. He heads the team Yu.N. Bumpups. The described installation synthesizes tritium and even radioactive carbon isotope. All this is accompanied by the yield of neutrons and the release of additional thermal energy. Unlike the leading nuclear centers of the world, where the experiments were raised using heavy water in which ordinary hydrogen is replaced by deuterium, this team receives unique results with conventional tap water and even with Tosol!

According to the model of the Bazhutov, the eternal dream of alchemists about the transformation of the ordinary atoms of the Mendeleev table into the atoms of precious metals is quite feasible in the kitchen by any man in the kitchen.

Inspired by the works of Yu.N. Bazhutov, Ms. Savvatimova, carried out that while not for the forces of the entire physical community. She was able to have the so-called transmutation (the transformation of the nuclei of some elements to others) is almost over the entire table of Mendeleev. Qualified physics build charged particle accelerators to observe at least single events to transform one isotopes to others. And at the same time, ordinary employees of the State NGO "Light" without any problems transformations in the bombardment of the metal surface by ions in the usual gas discharge. And this kind of wonders in the writings of the conference are rapidly and nearby.

One of the most "outstanding" results was obtained in the work of A.I. Koldamasov, in which nuclear synthesis was carried out in the field of an electric discharge. We give an excerpt from work: "For the lack of particular clean water in the experiment, a pure kerosene of the TS-1 brand was used. Other parameters, in addition to electrical, were not measured due to the lack of means for carrying out the experiment. "

This is how the "achievements" of this author sounds in resolution of the 4th Conference, signed by the chairman of the organizing committee Yu.N. Bumput and deputy. Chairman V.P. Koretsky: "A.I. The Koldamasov presented additional information to its report, which sounded at RKHyatiy-3, to measure electrical and radiation fields arising from the passage of ultrapure distilled water through a diaphragm with a small hole ... ". Looks like the Lord from the organizing committee did not even get acquainted with the reports when summing up.

Under the level of experiments and theoretical work. Of course, Universal Yu.N. Bumpups are not the only one among the lawmakers. The introduction of mythical hadrons for the implementation of low-temperature transformation of the nuclei is not the only "under the present revolutionary approach." Here you can find specific effects of "auto-oscillating quantum mechanics"In the works of Shadrin, particles with an oscillating charge in the" Unitary quantum theory "of Sapogina, overcoming the Coulomb barrier at the expense of torsion effects in AI. Shipov, etc.

Unprincipledness never brought to good. Ten years have developed a strange separate community, "produced" contradictory, erroneous and simply illiterate works. Traditional science disguisedly looked at the activity of this "sect" and did not express his relationship. The Russian Academy of Sciences was silent, the Ministry of Nuclear Energy and Industry (Minatom) was silent. And now the daughtered Mr. Bazhutov already drawn with a letter to the first deputy chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, where the stone on the stone does not leave the nuclear energy. Still, because the degree of risk at nuclear power plants - 10%! (I wonder where this figure comes from?).

But the situation is not hopeless. Thank God, in Russia by the efforts of the conference participants study the process of cold transmutation of nuclei chemical elements. As you, of course, guessed, Russia has a priority here. It's small. Let the government decides the issue "On providing the possibility of creating an experimental installation to complete research, obtain stable results, working out technology for further implementation and conduct of experimental work in order to secure the priority of Russia in this direction of science."

Mr. Bazhutov said: there are no stable reproducible results, and give money! But where is the logic?

Well, then the most interesting begins. The director of the State NGO "Luch", the most NGO, whose employees managed to carry out nuclear synthesis "in the field of electric discharge", having learned about the initiative of Bazhutov, appealed to the minatom with suggestions: "Studies in the field of fat and nuclear transmutation ... support and focus them in Minatom RF. " Well, and the State NGO "Luch" is to determine as a head organization of Minatom for developing and researching in the field of shank and nuclei transmutation. In case of financing these works, the Institute could develop and create demonstration plants confirming excess heat generation and reducing the radioactivity of nuclear waste. As you can see, dubious "research" go to the state level.

It's time, finally, the Russian Academy of Sciences and Minato speak. Silence only encourages unacceptable and adventurers to new "feats".


1 Bazhutov Yu.N. and others. Registration of tritium, neutrons, radiocarbon during the work of the Yusmar hydraulic unit // 3rd Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Synthesis and Transmutation of the RKHyati-3 nuclei. M.: NIC FTP Erzion, 1996. P. 72.

2 Savvatimova I.B., Corbut AB Changes in the elemental and isotopic composition of the root-cathode after irradiation in the glowing discharge // ibid. P. 20.

3 Savvatimova I.B. Transmutation effect on the cathode in the glowing discharge. Nuclear processes or ion irradiation results? // 4th Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Synthesis and Nuclear Transmutations, RKHyati-4. M.: NIC FTP Erzion, 1997. P. 94.

4 Koldamasov A.I. Nuclear synthesis in the field of electric charge // Ibid. P. 22.

About the book A.N. Dmitrieva "Natural Summilated Education"

(Novosibirsk, 1998)

Currently, a sufficiently large material has been gained concerning the observations of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and the PSO (natural self-losing formations). Among these observations, trustworthy are obviously. The only question is how to interpret them.

Book A.N. Dmitrieva is devoted to the description of the PSO and attempts to explain their origin. The author of the book is immediately trying to seek the explanation of the Nature of the PSO outside the framework modern physics. No wonder the book came under the heading "Problems of an inhomogeneous physical vacuum." On page 215, the author directly declares that it is about creating PSO models "on new physical principles."

There are two approaches to the creation of new theories. One of them is scholastic when you can completely abstract from reality and ignore the entire existing experience achieved by science. Such an approach was preferred by medieval scholars. The second approach implies the creation of a new theory due to the fact that a sufficient amount of experimental data has accumulated, which contradict the existing theory. IN last case The creators of the new theory should be good to know everything that is made by predecessors and maximize their experience.

A.N. Dmitriev is trying to explain the PSO with the involvement of unknown science properties of a physical vacuum. "In science, there are already attempts to take into account the influence of the properties of the physical vacuum (torsion fields, in particular) on short and large-transition variations of geophysical fields" (p. 37). Note that in physical science there were no such attempts. And one more important remark. The problems of physical vacuum are engaged in physics of high energies. This fact is not a word about this fact. But the book is saturated quite strange for physics, and sometimes just dubious terminology. We give examples: "Intermediate physical reality in the interaction of worlds from the substance and ether" (p. 52); "Geo ester activity zone" (p. 170); "The fundamental role of essential materiality" (p. 188); "Man - Efroprier, and may Ethyr production" (p. 189).

The writer by the reader does not indulge. It simply "broadcasts": "In the vortex systems, electric furnaces are closely adjacent to the torsion and gravitational phenomena and effects, i.e., the PIO is embedded in the general system of generating anomalies of physical fields" (p. 205). On page 229 following the unknown physical science V.H. Wantian author claims that the Earth has another shell - Etrosfer. "Etherferafe of the planet ... Supercast and if it could be seen from the side, we would notice that it is an extended part of the vortex tube (like a magnetic power line, but much more diameter)." It seems that Mr. Dmitriev does not recognize the absence of diameter in the magnetic power line.

Some statements of Mr. Dmitrieva can not call anything but perplexity. On page 186, we read: "You can assume a script in which the leader of a linear zipper has a certain ether breakfast of the atmosphere, which is preparing an" atmospheric spill "to the subsequent electrolysis." And now I will open the book by J. Mika and J. Kres "Electric breakdown in gases" (M.: Forers. Lit., 1960) and we quote the phrase from the book: "Lightning is a special case of electric sparks. Over the past years, it has been intensively investigated and a completely clear picture of the development of lightning discharges has been established.

It should be noted that lightning belongs to hardly blurred phenomena. Nevertheless, already in the 50s-60s, there were excellent sweeps of the lightning leader, obtained by the methods of high-speed photography, were obtained oscillograms of electromagnetic fields arising from discharges of lightning, the gradients of the potential in the thunderstorm cloud were measured, between the cloud and the earth, near the Earth , Currents are fixed during lightning discharges. There is no nothing like hunters for PSO.

Instead, we are offered quite vague reasoning, deprived of any serious point. "Local electric engineering atmosphere of man-made origin, high amplitude and frequency variations, high voltage gradients and pulse sequences can create conditions for exciting the background state of the ether and thus produce essential domains, especially during the thunderstorm activity" (p. 182).

Not at all in the author, I note that only two equations are used in the book. The magnitude of E, standing in the right part of the first equation, has the meaning of the electric field strength. However, the author calls this quantity. In the second equation there are two members with different dimensions of V / m2 and V / m.

Another remark. The above evidence of eyewitnesses do not look convincing. In any case, to build on their basis a new, revolutionary model of a physical vacuum, seems to be at least premature.

The author of the book is searching for UFOs (now PSO) for almost thirty years. According to him, in Altai there are places where these objects are found quite often. But in this case, it seems very strange that for all these years the author never recorded the PSO emission spectra, with which it could be obtained first, indeed, objective information about the mass composition, concentration, degree of ionization and temperature of the object. Alas, nothing is it. And to build a fundamental physical theory based on the existing highly controversial information seems to be clearly non-serious. You can add to this that the photographic material selected for the book is not perfect. So, the image of the self-losing object, shown on page 53 and on the cover of the book, looks awkwardly performed photo installation.

It is regrettable that such a dubious book came out in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.

Letters to readers

Dear Vasily Ivanovich!

Got your letter and article. I would surely believe that the versions of the thermal engines described by you work. Moreover, in 1962, and maybe in 1963 we visited the Institute of Nuclear Physics (in Novosibirsk) inventor, who demonstrated something similar (the annular chute, on which a hot ball was lowered. The latter himself began to move, gradually accelerated and Long spinning in the gutter). For a raidness of this paradox you can forget about the chute. It is enough to consider a flat horizontal surface and a hot bead that is laying on the plane. What will happen next? Heat starts to flow from the ball to the plane. Moreover, the heat flux will be directed along the line connecting the ball center and the touch point with the plane, i.e., according to normal surfaces. It is clear that the maximum linear expansion of the substrate material will also be directed along the normal surface. This means that a tubercle is formed exactly under the ball. But such an equilibrium position is unstable. The ball will start sliding from the top.

We now consider the situation for one of the time when the ball is on the slope of the tubercle. First, in this position, the ball approached the unperturbed surface. It was its potential energy became less, and he acquired kinetic energy. Secondly, the thermal stream from the ball will still be directed along the line: the center of the ball is the touch point with a tubercock, i.e. in this case, at an angle to normal to the surface at the point of touch. Accordingly, the maximum linear expansion will also be directed at an angle to normal. It is not difficult to see that the point of touching the ball will move in the same direction as the ball. That is, he will receive an additional impulse from the tubercle.

Similar qualitative arguments can be applied to your thermal engines. As we can see, the observed effects can be explained within the framework of the well-known laws of nature, not attracting the dependence of the gravity forces on temperature, and therefore your article cannot be recommended in "RAS reports".

Another remark. Suppose you are right, and there is a new pattern that you write about. The scientific community does not believe you. Where is the exit? You must prove your rightness, not a scientific public. In this sense, your article criticism does not withstand. Believe me, all sorts of paradoxes science seen abound. If you are convinced of your discovery, we must prevent convincing experimental dependencies and, at least qualitatively, considerations confirming your position. Alas, nothing is it.

Sincerely, Academician E.P. Kruglyakov

Dear Lev Dmitrievich!

To confess, I was surprised by your letter in defense of the Neutralizers "Gamma-7N". But it was especially struck by what you turned to my article published in the "Medical Newspaper" in six months after its appearance.

When, under one or another pretext, almost simultaneously several people appeal to cases for a long time. coupled days And in several publications publish articles outstanding white for black, is it not true, it looks like an organized and planned action? We can do anything, the individuals who inspired this campaign, and other people's hands, decided to lose considerable sources of income on this out of fear. By the way, the Neutralizer "Gamma-7N" is a very money divider. So you seem to be used in this campaign. But I will be glad if I am mistaken.

And now essentially. Modern science denies the existence of almost magical effects, on the basis of which the neutralizer "works" (however, the same can be said about the activator)

You may argue that science is not everyone good, and this is certainly correct. But science has a completely clear methodology, its own rules and principles. It is extremely picky about discoveries that do not flow out of its development logic.

When it comes to the discovery of a new, unknown science of the phenomenon, the highest professionalism is required, great care in conducting the experiment. Finally, the result must be published in the reviewed scientific journal. Only in this case will turn you. But this is just the beginning. The phenomenon must be reproduced in independent experiments of several groups of researchers who have authority in the scientific world. If these independent groups confirmed the existence of the effect, you can talk about opening. There are many examples from the most unhabled past when the sensational "discoveries" was closed.

It happens more simple when the entire scientific community is clear that there can be no discovery about the discovery of speech, which at best we are talking about delusion. If the opening author is convinced of his right thing, then in the situation that was created, he must prove his right. This thought was well expressed by Academician RAS P.V. Simonov. "Similarly, the right and legality are valid until the principle of the presumption of innocence is fulfilled, science relies on the principle of presumption of proven. It only has a case with phenomena, the reality of which is proved by their natural repeatability, the ability to reproduce the results of the experiment. Everything else belongs to the kingdom of faith, and you can believe anything ... "

In the article "Caution: Scam" shows that despite the abundance of positive conclusions on the effectiveness of Gamma-7A and Gamma-7N devices, serious, qualified instrument tests in the laboratories recognized in the scientific world. The spectacular conclusion of the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, signed by O. Khoperskaya, turned out to be fake. One of the authors of the device, the candidate of technical sciences (now academician is very odious International Academy Energy Information Sciences) A.F. Okatrin, "became famous" by the discovery of microlptons non-existent in nature. Co-author Okatrina, S.G. Denisov - Director of the Center for Informatics "Gamma-7", as noted in my publication, has low general scientific training. It is poorly focused on the Mendeleev table, credits Telllur and Indium into the category of "rare earth and lantanoids". Well, not to know that rare-earth elements and lanthanoids are just ashamed, even more so a person who these elements seem to use in devices.

It is difficult to believe that with this level of qualifications, the authors were able to create this miracle XX century. In addition, the story with Microlheptons is very confused and with the falsification of the conclusion of the institution of general genetics. It is all like a scam. But you try to convince me that I do not know something from key elements This "science." So, you inform me that "the so-called fine physical fields include, for example, electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency in the range of up to 300 GHz." I must notice that this is an explicit misunderstanding. In physical science there was no such concept, and the said range is referred to as millimeter.

By the way, the spectral characteristics of the radiation of the device "Gamma-7N" were analyzed at the Institute of Wave Technologies in Moscow. The appropriate review and conclusion was signed by the director of the Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences V. Hockanen. From the documents, we learn that the spectral range of emissions is limited to the interval of 30-5-300 GHz. The power emitted by the neutralizer was so small that the Institute had to develop a highly sensitive radiation receiver (10 ~ 18 W / cm2) together with two Nizhny Novgorod Institutions: Research Radial Radial Institute (Nirfi) and State Research Instrument Engineering Institute. It did not make much difficulty finding out that Nirphi had no participation in this development. The second of the mentioned institutions simply does not exist! Comment on the test results of the neutralizer at the Institute of V. Hokkanen I asked colleagues from Nizhny Novgorod.

Here are some excerpts from the conclusion signed by the Deputy Director of the Institute of Applied Physics by Professor A.G. Litvakom and head. The laboratory of the candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L. Fedoseev. "The authors ... used experimental highly sensitive receiver, which could not be physically". "It is confidently considered that everything set forth in the conclusion and in the recall is falsification or sincere delusion of incompetent performers." And the last "Claims ... to open a new effect -" destructuring and compensation "of radiation - are groundless."

As you can see, Lev Dmitrievich, too much dubious in this matter to believe in the miraculous features of the device. However, you are talking about 30 tests and about your own experience. Well, I will try to convince you. I think you heard about Mr. V. Khasnulin and about his monthly forecasts of adverse days. They are quite often published, for example, in "arguments and facts". These predictions are typical scam. Nevertheless, in adverse days, the "appointed" Mr. Hasnulin, the incidence of doctors to the house really increases. The nature of this effect clarified the following experiment. Two groups of young healthy people Daily led the record of his well-being. In one of the groups, the participants knew the dates of unfavorable days, did not know. So, all the time of the experiment, the "Uninitiated" felt perfectly, and "dedicated" had a slight ailment on days predicted by Mr. Hasnulin. In this case, it is obvious that the impact is psychological. Something similar can occur in the case of experiments with a neutralizer. Belief in miraculous power of the neutralizer can lead to erroneous results. And if you want to learn the truth about the efficiency of the neutralizer, achieve an objective qualified examination. As experts, I can recommend that the very institution of general genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, on whose behalf, Ms. Hawa, Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a number of others have a lot of powerful sources have a lot of powerful sources at the Institute of Nuclear Physics x-ray radiation. Ready to ensure a qualified test of the thesis of the authors on the protective effect of the neutralizer from ionizing radiation. Is it just worth? Too much deception in this story.

I think Lei's leadership. MM Gromova just right to cancel the decision to apply the neutralizers of the summer process during operation and maintenance of aircraft.

Academician E.P. Rounds Chairman of the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences to Combat Lzhenauka

Kruglyovka Edward Pavlovich (22.x.1934 - 6.xi.2012)- Russian Experimentar Physicist, Academician RAS (1997, ChL-Corr. since 1987). R. in Krasnodar. He graduated from MFT (1958). By invitation G.I. Budchera I went to work at the Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS in Novosibirsk (Iyaf. G.I. Budker), in which he worked until the end of his life (1975-2005 - head. Laboratory, in 1988-2005 - Deputy Director). Since 2005 - Advisor RAS. Dr. Fiz.mat. Sciences (1975 - "Plasma Holding in a Multi-Communications Magnetic Field." Head. Department of Plasma Physics NSU.

In the 1960s, it was performed on the creation of non-viable (non-contact) plasma diagnostic methods, including the development and implementation of high-temperature plasma diagnostics in the experiment. Introduced in these studies the methods of optical interferometry. Performed experiments on the measurement of electron temperature and density in the flow of a fast moving plasma. For the first time, he was measured by the plasma heating at the front of the collisionless shock wave (USSR state variation, 1986).

In the 70s E.P. Kruglyovkov were first performed unique experiments on breaking water in shielding electrodes with conductive diffusion layers, which allowed to determine the limiting electrical strength of water. The practical result of these works was an increase in water strength of 4-5 times, which is equivalent to an increase in the energy content of the water volume of about 20 times. In this cycle of experiments, precision measurements of the constant kerra of water were carried out. It should be noted that the international physical reference books also entered the received E.P. The circuits are the most accurate values \u200b\u200bof the transition of the CO 2 molecule, denoted as P20, and shock broadening in collisions with CO 2, N 2 molecules and not. The practical result of these works was an increase in water strength of 4-5 times (equivalent to an increase in the energy content of the water volume of about 20 times). In 1972-1975, the experimental group under the leadership of E. P. Kruglovkov, conducted an experiment on retention of plasma in a multi-bodied magnetic trap, confirming the main ideas of the principle of the principle of the plasma proposal proposed by G.I. Budkem, V. V. Mirnov and D. D. Rutov .
Further work by E. P. Krugovukov, related to the study of collective effects in plasma, was carried out on the GOL-1 settings created under his leadership (the first installation in the USSR, which began to work out the process of automating the thermonuclear experiment) and the goal. These installations created the first control systems, control parameters, highly sensitive noise-resistant measuring systems with high temporal resolution, the first analog-to-digital converters.
The study of the strong Langmürovsk turbulence in plasma, which gave a number of results, important to understand the plasma physics heated by a strong relativistic electron beam, were widely widespread. (Prize wounds named after L. A. Arzimovich Ods. with L.N. Vyacheslavov).
In recent years, he led to the Institute of Nuclear Physics Research on Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Synthesis. Particularly much attention, it focuses on solving the problem of creating a powerful multi-purpose source of thermonuclear neutrons based on the concept of a gas-dynamic trap operating in Iyaf SB RAS.

Since 1998 he headed the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences to combat Lzhenauka and the falsification of scientific research, based on the initiative of Academician RAS, Nobel laureate

Memorial Academic Krugovikov

Chudinov V.A.

On November 6, 2012, in Novosibirsk, the head of the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Combating Lzhenauka and Falsification of Scientific Research, Advisor RAS, employee novosibirsk Institute Nuclear Physics, Academician Eduard Pavlovich Kruglyakov. Russian science suffered a heavy loss.

Scientific work academician. According to Wikipedia, for work related to the implementation of optical interferometry methods into the diagnosis of plasma, for experiments on measuring electron temperature and density in a stream of fast-moving plasma, for the first time measuring the plasma heating at the front of a collisionless shock wave, in 1986 E. P. Kruglovka was The State Prize of the USSR is awarded.

1970s: participation in the experimental determination of the limiting electrical strength of water. The practical result of these works was to increase the electric strength of water 4-5 times (equivalent to the growth of the energy-building unit of the water volume of about 20 times). In 1972-1975, the experimental group, headed by E. P. Kruglyov, conducted an elegant experiment on the retention of plasma in a multi-bodied magnetic trap. As a result, the main ideas of the principle of the principle of the polytopic retention of the plasma proposed by G. I. Budcker, V. V. Mirnov and D. D. Rutovyov were confirmed.

Further work by E. P. Krugovukov, related to the study of collective effects in the plasma, was carried out on the GOL-1 settings created under his leadership (the first installation of the installation on which the process of automation of the thermonuclear experiment began to be implemented) and the goal. These installations created the first control systems, control parameters, highly sensitive noise-resistant measuring systems with high temporal resolution, the first analog-to-digital converters.

The study of the strong Langmürovsk turbulence in plasma, which gave a number of results, important to understand the plasma physics heated by a strong relativistic electron beam, were widely widespread. For the cycle of these studies, Academician E. P. Krugovaku and the doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L. N. Vyacheslavov was awarded the wound premium named after L. A. Arzimovich.

In recent years, E. P. Krugovkov headed a scientific direction at the Institute of Nuclear Physics - research on plasma physics and the problem of controlled thermonuclear synthesis.

However, he will remember the scientific community as a tireless fighter with Lzhenauka.

What is Lzhenauca. Accurate definition E.P. Rounds in the first book does not give, but the section "from the author" begins with such words: " Astrology, mysticism, Occultism, Shamanism and other anti-science nonsense flooded pages of newspapers and magazines shortly before the collapse of the USSR" Well, it is understandable. For years soviet power Such literature was not published, and the Soviet man did not develop immunity on similar topics. And since they were in a novelty, people gladly perceived them.

Conducting analogy, we can say that soviet people It was also forbidden to watch the works of Western artists and listen to Western music. And when the ban was removed, the relevant exhibitions "Ander Grand" and concerts of Western music appeared. Not everything in them answered the strict criteria of classical painting and academic music, something caused outrage. However, over time there was a natural leaching of low-line writings, and urgent artists and musicians remained without work.

Something similar, so to speak, the natural leaching of scammers from science occurred in scientific sphere. Here are the lines from the 1998 curls article: " Whether the case is Alan Chumak! By the way, he and today occasionally flashes on television screens, however, only the Moscow TV channel. His work is simple: you just need to stare in the camera, and depict the passages with your hands. A few minutes later, water in front of the TV screens from each viewer, who set it up before the start of the show "Charge". It is saying that one day Mr. Chumak, the circulation of "Evening Moscow" "charged". The newspaper was separated by a bang. Then there was a firm that produced creams, and the chumac was "charged." In short, he has enough peaceful life».

Note that the popularity of Chumak did not survive and ten years. Wikipedia writes about him: " Allan Vladimirovich Chumak (Rod. May 26, 1935, Moscow, RSFSR) - a television figure, calling himself a healer and psychic. Regional president public Fund promoting research social and anomalous phenomena. He received a journalistic education (Faculty of MSU journalism, hcolifk), since 1965 he worked on television - first at the sports commentator. He also worked as an editor in the general editorial board of the teleinformation of the APN.

In the late 1970s, during the preparation of the exposure articles of software, as he believed, the charlatans-healers felt some abilities in themselves, saturation of some energy.

During the radio transmission in the winter of 2008-2009, he admitted that he was taught by the voices, who worked in the heads, "who worked by the speakers", he also lectured the lectures that he dictated. On them, he later studied. In his first book, he dedicated several chapters to this fact, of which you can find out that the voices of the teachers who helped him only taught him to enjoy his abilities to treat people and not to apply harm at the same time. And also talked about the world order.

Academician E. P. Krugovkov, Chairman of the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences to combat Lzhenauka and the falsification of scientific research, called the false scientific "Effect of Chumak" - possessing absolutely unknown science and healers themselves, almost magical medical force. He noted that serious psychotherapists were not found at least one case of real healing seriously sick people, and also stressed that patients harm themselves, launching, relying on the miraculous capabilities of healers».

So, we see that in 1998 he has already switched from the central television channels to the regional Moscow channel, and in 2008-2009 reminded himself only in radio broadcasts who listen to motorists and housewives. In other words, even without the activities of the commission on Lzhenauki, this "healer" gradually leaving in the fly. But probably, the activities of the Commission accelerated this process. Now few of the younger generation heard anything about the Chumak.

Register Lzhenuk. This is the name of the section where E.P. Rounds lists Pzenayuki:

« Astrology - The prediction of the future on the position of the planets and projection in the past.

Palmistry- The same in the "lines of life" in the hands.

Parapsychology - Went-detective "science". Includes telepathy, telecision, levitation, clairvoyance, prediction of the future, the proximity to the past. Recently, parapsychologists began to actively influence electrical resistance physical tel and constant time of radioactive decay of chemical elements.

Psychotronic - principal new Type Energy, capable of solving all the problems of humanity. It is based on the extraction of energy from zero vacuum oscillations. The same term is sometimes used to designate psychotronized weapons.

Effect of Chumak, Longo, Kashpirovsky - Absolutely unknown science and healers themselves, almost magic medical force.

Devilry - It is dealing with ghosts, houses, drums, poltergeist, etc.

Witchcraft - As a rule, small focuses, but sometimes the game is large.

Leave grandmothers to entertain spiritism, fortune telling on maps, coffee grounds, etc.But here's another "science" it is worth mentioning. She does not have a well-established name. But she is engaged in the problem of time ...

The list can continue and continue. But let's stop at this, mentioning only ufology - "Science", collecting facts and witnesses meetings with cosmic aliens».

E.P. Rounds are absolutely right - these directions of human activity are not included in science. Equally, both the myths, revelations of patients suffering from mental disorders, the stories of medieval travelers about marine monsters devouring ships are not included in science. However, there are sciences that are studying myths (scientific mythology), mental disorders (pathopsychology), medieval folklore (oral science folk creativity). And this is full-fledged science.

Probably there must be a science that studies different kinds quarrelmen, demonic and occult from the point of view of full sciences in order to expose fraudsters and note real facts. For example, from the point of view of physics. If there are any kind of influence of one person to another, in addition to mental, then physical instruments should be traced.

I happened in my life to come in touch with the research team George Konstantinovich Gurtovoy. So, on the site http://www.vopsy.ru/authors/gurtovgk.htm you can see that G.K. Gurtova (1915-2004) - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, President of the International Academy of Human, Moscow.

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