The timeline of human history. Geochronological scale

Stratigraphic scale (geochronological) is a standard, with which the history of the Earth is measured according to the temporary and geological value. It is a peculiar calendar that counts time intervals in hundreds of thousands and even millions of years.

About Planet.

Modern generally accepted representations regarding the Earth are based on various data, according to which the age of our planet is approximately four and a half billion years. Neither rock, nor minerals that could indicate the formation of our planet so far they have not yet found in the depths or on the surface. The refractory compounds rich in calcium, aluminum and carbonate chondrites, which were formed in the solar system of the previously all, limit the maximum age of the Earth with these numbers. Stratigraphic scale (geochronological) shows the boundaries of times from the formation of the planet.

A variety of meteorites were investigated using modern methods, including uranium-lead, and as a result, presented age estimates Solar system. As a result, the time passed since the creation of the planet was divided into temporary intervals for the most important events for the Earth. The geochronological scale is very convenient for tracking geological times. The era of Puerozoos, for example, are delimited by the largest evolutionary events, when there was a global extinction of living organisms: Paleozoa on the border with the mesozoa was marked by the most largest in the history of the planet disappearance of species (Permo-Triassoy), and the end of the Mesozoic was separated from the Cenozoa extinction of Mel-Paleogenov.

History of creation

For the hierarchy and the nomenclature of all modern geochronology units, the nineteenth century was the most important thing: in the second half of the MGK session - the International Geological Congress. After that, from 1881 to 1900, a modern stratigraphic scale was made.

The geochronological "filling" in the future was repeatedly clarified and modified as new data arrives. Completely different signs served as themes for specific names, but the most common factor is geographical.


Geochronological scale Sometimes binds the names and with the geological composition of rocks: the coal appeared in connection with a huge number of coal formations during excavations, and chalk - simply because the wrist chalk spread in the world.

Principle of construction

To determine the relative geological age of the breed, a special geochronological scale was needed. Era, periods, that is, the age that is measured in the years does not have much For geologists. All the lifetime of our planet was divided into two main segments - plywood and cryptose (Precambria), which are delimited by the emergence of fossil residues in sedimentary rocks.

Cryptose is the most interesting hidden from us, since there were still soft organisms that existed then did not leave a single track in sedimentary rocks. Periods of geochronological scale, such as Edicary and Cambrich, appeared in Plyerozoe through the research of paleontologists: they found in the breed a large number of A variety of mollusks and many species of other organisms. Finding fossil fauna and flora allowed them to define the thickness and give them the appropriate names.

Temporary intervals

The second largest division is an attempt to designate the historical intervals of the Earth's life, when the four main periods divided the geochronological scale. The table shows them as primary (Precambria), secondary (Paleozoa and Mesozoic), tertiary (almost all of the Cenosis) and a quaternary-period, which is in a special position, since although it is the shortest, but replete with events left bright and well-readable traces.

Now for convenience, the geochronological scale of the Earth is divided into 4 eras and 11 periods. But the last two of them are divided into 7 systems (epochs). No wonder. It is especially interesting exactly the last segments, since this corresponds to the time of the emergence and development of mankind.

The main milestones

For four and a half billion years, the following events occurred in the history of the Earth:

  • Dindergings appeared (first prokaryotes) - four billion years ago.
  • The ability of organisms to photosynthesis was discovered - three billion years ago.
  • Cells with the kernel (eukaryota) appeared - two billion years ago.
  • Multicolve organisms developed - one billion years ago.
  • There are ancestors of insects: the first arthropods, spider, crustaceans and other groups - 570 million years ago.
  • Fish and protoamphibia are five hundred million years old.
  • There are terrestrial plants and make us already 475 million years.
  • Insects live on Earth four hundred million years, and plants received seeds in the same time interval.
  • Amphibians live on the planet already 360 million years.
  • Reptiles (reptiles) appeared three hundred million years ago.
  • Two hundred millions of years ago, the first mammals began to develop.
  • One hundred fifty million years ago - the first birds tried to master the sky.
  • One hundred and thirty million years ago, flowers were bloomed (flowering plants).
  • Sixty-five million years ago, the Earth forever lost dinosaurs.
  • Two and a half million years ago a person appeared (Rod Homo).
  • One hundred thousand years has been from the beginning of anthropogenesis, thanks to which people have gained their appearance.
  • Twenty-five thousand years does not exist on Earth Neanderthals.

The geochronological scale and the history of the development of living organisms, merged together, let it be somewhat sketchy and generalized, with rather approximate datches, but the concept of life development on the planet is clearly provided.

Putting rocks

The earth's crust for the most part is stratified (where there was no disorders of the formation due to earthquakes). The total geochronological scale was composed according to the location of rocking rocks, which clearly show how their age decreases from the lower to the top.

Fossil organisms are also modified as you move upwards: they are becoming more complicated in their structure, some undergo significant changes from the layer to the layer. It can be puzzled without visiting Paleontological museums, but simply descending into the subway - on a facing granite and marble left their prints very distant era.


Last period cenozoic era - The modern stage of the earth history, including Pleistocene and Golotocene. What only did not happen to these stormy millions of years (experts still consider differently: from six hundred thousand to three and a half million). There were repeated shifts of cooling and warming, huge continental glaciations, when the climate was south of the climates who had gone moisturized, water pools appeared both fresh and salty. The glaciers absorbed part of the World Ocean, the level in which he dropped to a hundred and more meters, due to the compounds of the continents.

Thus, fauna was met, for example, between Asia and North America, when the bridge was formed instead of Bering Strait. Cold-tech animals and poultry seized closer to glaciers: Mammoths, hairy rhinos, reindeer, sheep, sands, polar partridges. They spread to the south very far away - to the Caucasus and Crimea, to Southern Europe. In the course of the glaciers, relict forests are still preserved: pine, spruce, fir. And only in the removal of them grew deciduous, consisting of trees such as Oak, Grab, Kleon, beech.

Pleistocene and Golotocene

This is the era after the ice age - not yet finished and not until the end of the living segment of the history of our planet, which indicates an international geochronological scale. The anthropogenic period is Golocene, is calculated from the last mainland glaciation (north of Europe). It was then that land and the world ocean received modern outlines, and also all geographic zones modern land. The predecessor of Golocene - Pleistocene is the first era of the anthropogenic period. The starting slurry on the planet continues - the main part of the specified period (Pleistocene) was marked by a much colder climate than modern.

The northern hemisphere is experiencing the last glaciation - thirteen times the surface of the glaciers exceeded modern education Even in the interglacial gaps. Pleistocene plants are closest to modern, but they were somewhat different in the periods of glaciation. Gifts and types of fauna changed, survived adapter to the arctic form of life. Southern hemisphere did not recognize such huge shocks, so plants and animal world Pleistocene is still present in many species. It was in Pleistocene that the evolution of the genus Homo was evolution - from (archantropes) to Homo Sapiens (Neoantrops).

When did the mountains and the sea appear?

The second period of the Cenozoic era is Neogen and its predecessor - Paleogen, including Pliocene and Miocene about two million years ago, lasted about sixty-five million years. In Neogen, the formation of almost all mountain systems was completed: Carpathians, Alps, Balkans, Caucasus, Atlas, Cordillera, Himalayas, and so on. At the same time, the outlines and dimensions of all marine pools changed, since it was subjected to strong drainage. It was then that Olondenhel Antarctica and many mountain regions.

Sea residents (invertebrates) have already become close to modern species, and mammals were dominated on land - bears, cats, rhinos, hyenas, giraffes, deer. Manoid monkeys develop so much that a little later (in Pliocene) was able to appear Australopitets. At the continents, mammals were inhabited apart, because there was no connection between them, but in Late Miocene, Eurasia and North America Fauna exchanged, and at the end of Neogen from North America Fauna migrated to the South. It was then that formed in the northern latitudes of Tundra and Taiga.

Paleozoic and Mesozoic Era

Mesoza is preceded by the Cenozoic Ere and lasted 165 million years, including the chalk, Jurassic and Triassic periods. At this time, mountains were intensively formed on the periphery of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Reptiles began their dominance and on land, and in water, and in the air. At the same time, the first, even very primitive mammals appeared.

Paleozoic is located on the scale in front of the mesozoa. He lasted about three hundred and fifty million years. This is the time of active mining and the most intense evolution of all higher Plants. Almost all known invertebrates and vertebrate different types and classes were formed precisely then, but there were no mammals and birds.

Proteroza and Archey

The era of Proterezhoy lasted about two billion years. At this time, sedimentation processes were active. Sine-green algae developed well. Read more about these distant times the opportunity has not been introduced.

Archey is the most ancient era in the documented history of our planet. She lasted about a billion years. As a result of active volcanic activities, the very first live microorganisms appeared.

Scale Geol. time showing the sequence and coinnance of development stages earth crust and organic. World of Earth (Eon, Er, periods, epochs, centuries). The sequence of deposits is reflected in T. N. Stratografic. Scale, units to the roo ... ... Biological encyclopedic Dictionary

- (a. Geological Dating, Geochronological Scale; N. Geologische Zeitrechnung; F. Echelle Geochronologique; and. Escala geocronological) sequences. A number of geochronologic. Equivalents of common stratigraphy. Divisions and their taxonomy. ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

geochronological scale - - Themes Oil and Gas Industry EN Geologic Time Scale ...

See in Art. Geochronology ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Geochronological scale of Puerozoa - (Duration of 570 million years) Era and their duration of periods Beginning of periods, Millight years ago Duration of periods, Millimes Development of the life of Cenozoic (67 million years) Anthropogenic development of mankind. Neogenous appearance of a person ... ... The start of modern natural science

geochronological scale - geological time scale, showing the sequence and coodes of the main stages of the geological history of the Earth and the development of life on it. [Dictionary of geological terms and concepts. Tomsky State University] Topics Geology ... Technical translator directory

Scale of relative geol. time showing the sequence and coodes of the main steps of Geol. Stories of the Earth and the development of life on it. It is the result of the analysis and synthesis of all data of the stratigraphic scale and, accordingly ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

Cow, Daell, Dalrymple, 1968, based on inversses magnetic field Earth, many times in Geol. past. Developed for the last 4.5 million years of Cenozoic. The main units of S. G. p. Are eras (duration of about 1 1.5 million le ... Geological Encyclopedia

geochronologist scale - Geochronological scale GEOLOGICAL DATING, GEOCHRONOLOGICAL SCALE GEOLOGISCHE ZEITRECHNUNG AROUDONNING A number of geochronologist Ekwіvalent_v Zagalny Stratigrafіchnyh Pіdrozdіlіv Tajki Taksonomio ї іdlegosti. Prick geochronologian scale for ... ... G_rnichi Encyclopedic Slovenia

Age of some areas on the moon: 1 Age of crater (A nektar, B Imbriyskiy, C Eratosphenne, D Copernikovsky) 2 Age of the seas (A Donektar, B Naktari, C Early ... Wikipedia


  • Earth --- Restless planet: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere: a book for schoolchildren ... and not only, Tarasov L.V. .. A real educational and popular book opens up an inquisitive reader the world of natural spheres - atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere. In the book in an interesting and intelligible form described ...
  • Visual encyclopedia. All about planet Earth and its inhabitants ,. Detailed description Stories of land from the big explosion to the present day. Hundreds of color illustrations. The newest data, explanatory schemes and drawings. Geochronological time scale. Wide review ...

Scale Geol. Time showing the sequence and coinnance of the stages of the development of the earth's crust and organic. World of Earth (Eon, Er, periods, epochs, centuries). The sequence of deposits is reflected in T. N. Stratografic. Scale, units to the roo ... ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

Geochronological scale - (a. Geological Dating, Geochronological Scale; N. Geologische Zeitrechnung; F. Echelle Geochronologique; and. Escala geocronological) sequences. A number of geochronologic. Equivalents of common stratigraphy. Divisions and their taxonomy. ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

geochronological scale - - Themes Oil and Gas Industry EN Geologic Time Scale ...

Geochronological scale - See in Art. Geochronology ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Geochronological scale of Puerozoa - (Duration of 570 million years) Era and their duration of periods Beginning of periods, Millight years ago Duration of periods, Millimes Development of the life of Cenozoic (67 million years) Anthropogenic development of mankind. Neogenous appearance of a person ... ... The start of modern natural science

geochronological scale - geological time scale, showing the sequence and coodes of the main stages of the geological history of the Earth and the development of life on it. [Dictionary of geological terms and concepts. Tomsk State University] Themes Geology ... Technical translator directory

Geochronological scale (geoistoric) - The scale of relative geol. time showing the sequence and coodes of the main steps of Geol. Stories of the Earth and the development of life on it. It is the result of the analysis and synthesis of all data of the stratigraphic scale and, accordingly ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

Geochronological paleomagnetic scale - Sav, Daell, Dalrymple, 1968, based on the inversses of the magnetic field of the Earth, repeatedly occurring in Geol. past. Developed for the last 4.5 million years of Cenozoic. The main units of S. G. p. Are eras (duration of about 1 1.5 million le ... Geological Encyclopedia

geochronologist scale - Geochronological scale GEOLOGICAL DATING, GEOCHRONOLOGICAL SCALE GEOLOGISCHE ZEITRECHNUNG AROUDONNING A number of geochronologist Ekwіvalent_v Zagalny Stratigrafіchnyh Pіdrozdіlіv Tajki Taksonomio ї іdlegosti. Prick geochronologian scale for ... ... G_rnichi Encyclopedic Slovenia

Seleochronological scale - Age of some areas on the moon: 1 Age of Craters (A Netary, B Imbriyskiy, C Eratosphenne, D Copernikovskiy) 2 Age of the Seas (A Donektar, B Naktar, C Early ... Wikipedia


  • Earth --- Restless planet: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere: a book for schoolchildren ... and not only, Tarasov L.V. .. A real educational and popular book opens up an inquisitive reader the world of natural spheres - atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere. In the book in an interesting and intelligible form, it is described ... Buy for 735 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Visual encyclopedia. All about planet Earth and its inhabitants ,. A detailed description of the history of the Earth from the Big Bang to the present day. Hundreds of color illustrations. The newest data, explanatory schemes and drawings. Geochronological time scale. Wide review ...
For you already four and a half billion years, the Earth revolves around the Sun. Of course, our planet was not always like now. The face of the Earth, as the face of a living being, ages with age. The composition of the oceans and the atmosphere is changing, mountains grow and destroy, they born and dry the sea, the rivers are making themselves new way And cut down in the ancient mountains deep canyons. And under the influence of these global changes, life on Earth is also changing. Whatever events occur on Earth, plants, animals and microorganisms managed to adapt to new conditions. How do we know about it? History - science about humanity. And geology and paleontology (science of minerals) are told on the emergence of land and the development of life. People are involved in paleontology to answer one of the fundamental questions: how did what we see around ourselves? What path was our planet and how did life develop on it? How everything came to modern state? Everywhere around we see traces of land history. Here is the mountain range, which was once the bottom of the ocean, - rising as a result of tectonic processes, isolated with water and wind, sworn by glaciers and destroyed by earthquakes. Traces of evolution can be found in the human body. Many internal organs (First of all, the kidneys and the hormonal system) create a liquid salt-satisfaction medium inside our body, reminding that once our ancestors lived in the seas. In the forearms and the heads there are two bones - a long time ago, in those times, when our ancestors learned to move on land, such a structure helped to rotate the limbs. In the nucleus of a person on intrauterine stages of development appear, and then the gills disappear. These evidence of human origin is striking and paleontologists, and us with you. In the "Atlas of Dinosaur", all changes that occurred for long history Earth. The book begins with a series of magnificent cards compiled on the basis of painstaking geological studies. They show how the continents have moved over the last 620 million years. Then each card is complemented by the story about the fossil, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich plants and animals lived in this era in the sea and on land. In the latter, the information part is understandable to the complex ideas and the principles on which modern geology and paleontology are built. It is worth noting that scientific study Earth in the current sense of this word began only about two hundred years ago. In those years, there were many "theories", which tried to explain why stones are so different in shape and composition. Only with time, scientists recognized that fossil fossils - the remnants of organic life, and not the creation of human hands or a joke of nature. And after the English scientist William Smith created a science to stratigraphy, it became clear that petrified sea shells, which are sometimes found in the mountains, were not listed on the waves of the World Flood, as previously thought. These findings are explained by the system of geological formations - reservoirs, of which mountain breeds are worldwide. Then before scientists got another problem: how to determine the age of rock? Obviously, breeds located at a depth, ancient top, but in almost all regions of the world are represented only by separate fragments of complete sequence. And only after the opening of radioactivity, a method was created based on measuring the period of decay of isotopes. This method made it possible to determine the age of rocks with an accuracy of millions of years, although Darwin and many geologies made fairly accurate calculations by decades earlier.

Finally, scientists had to solve another task: how did modern main students occupy their current places? The theory of continents drift theory answered. Initially, she was expressed as a bold assumption, then took shape in the hypothesis, and today, on its basis, the theory of tectonics of lithospheric plates was developed - the fundamental concept of modern geology. Thanks to her, we know about the movement of continents, the mainland slabs move and face each other, the oceans disappear and again, as well as we understand that the earthquakes, the eruption of volcanoes, the "hot zones" of the earth's crust and the mountain formation are manifestations of one and The same process is tectonics. This theory helped to check many previously existing ideas about the emergence and subsequent change in the atmosphere, the oceans, the earth and life on it.

The accumulated materials on the geological structure of the earth's crust and the development of life allowed it to break it geological history On six er and make a geological time scale - a geochronological scale.

Each era is divided by periods, the period on the epochs, epochs on the century.

Archean Era - Era of the start of life

Proterozoic era - the era of primary life

Rifey - Era of Early Life

Palaeozoic Ancient Life

Mesozoic - Era of Middle Life

Cenozoic - Era of the newest life.

The eras are combined into two Eon cryptose and plywood.

Kroptotoz unites the Archean, Proterozoic and Rifey Era. This Eon accounts for almost 4 billion years, or 5/6 of the entire geological summer.

This is the time of the birth of life, the appearance of primitive single-cell organisms. Skeletal fauna is completely absent.

Characterized by active tectonic activities, as a result of which the geological structure of the earth's crust was formed, the appearance of water and the first simplest forms of life, the accumulation of the first powerful strata of sedimentary rocks. First, the Northern Hemispheres and Australian Platforms were formed, later Industan, South American, African and Antarctic. At the same time, the first geosyncline (folded mountains) took shape.

The geological formations of these ER are represented by magmatic, ancient sedimentary and metamorphic rocks: crystal shale, limestones, marbles, etc. In an unreleased state, these breeds are a good basis and good construction materials. They are described by the crystal foundation of the Russian, West Siberian and other plains, go to the surface in our country of South Voronezh, in Karelia, the Murmansk region, in Eastern Siberia, in the Urals, in Central Asia and in Altai.

Other era - Pleosoy, Mesozoic and Cenozoic - combined in plywood (approximately 570 million years). Famenterozo - the main stage of the geological history of the Earth, for which the occurrence and widespread develop skeletal organisms, the flowering of the organic world and the appearance of a person.

Palaeozoic-Ped approximately 525-570 million years ago and lasted about 340 million years. Paleozoic era is divided into six periods: Cambrian, Ordovik, Silurian, Devonian, coal and Permian. In case of the need for a standard stratigraphic scale, changes reflecting regional specifics were introduced. For example, in Europe, the coal period is distinguished, and two - Missisypan and Pennsylvanian correspond to it in the United States.

Paleozoic era differs mainly very warm and wet subtropical climatWhat led to the formation of many breeds of organogenic origin. During this period, two main phases of the property occurred, accompanied by intense minting rocks. The first, Caledonian phase occurred on the territory of Scotland, Western Scandinavia, Greenland, in Russia is the district of Transbaikalia. During the second, the Gerced phase, the Ural Mountains were formed, Tien Shan, Altai, and others. In the era of the age of the day, the tropical climate was replaced by a sharp cooling, and in the era of the Gerchinsky phase, an oleloculation took place.

Limestone, Mergeli, Dolomites, on continents - clays, sands and sandstones were formed in Paleozoic Era in the seas. In recent periods of Paleozoic - coal and Permian - formed powerful deposits of stone coal, limestones, sandstones, slates, as well as chemical sedimentary breeds - gypsum, anhydrite, stone salt. Breeds formed throughout this era contain many fauna residues and flora. Forms were distinguished by primitiveness and were very far from modern, these are disputes of plants and invertebrate animals, and subsequently extinct vertebrae.

Most of the Paleozoic era rocks can serve as a reliable basis and used as building materials.

Mesozoic eraMZ (Middle Life Era) began 190 million years ago and had a duration of about 125 million years., It is divided into three triacs, Jurassic and chalk. The era is distinguished by a relatively warm monotonous climate and tectonic peace. Only in the Jurassic period there was a Kimmerian phase of the skill, as a result of which the formation of the Caucasian and Crimean Mountains began. At the same time, there is a continental climatic environment at which coals and clays were formed.

During the Mesozoic period, marine and continental deposits received the same distribution. Within Russian plains, powerful deposits of chalk, limestone, clay. The possibilities of using breeds of the Mesozoic era for construction purposes are the same as during the Paleozoic period.

Throughout this era, reptiles had very large sizes. Fauna and Flora wore a transitional character - from the ancient forms of the organic world to modern.

Cenozoic EraKZ.(The era of the new life) began 65 million years ago. The vegetable and animal world approaches modern forms, a person appears. The era is divided into three periods of Paleogen, Neogen and quaternary. The first two periods are usually combined into one - tertiary. The quaternary period takes only 1 million years and studied in the most detailed. It was at the beginning of the Quaternary period that a person appeared.

The Cenozoic Era is distinguished by different, sharply different from each other by climatic conditions. During the Paleogen period, the climate was warm, almost tropical, during the non-beam period there was a cooling, which in the quarterly period passed into a glacial era with periodic glaciation. The glaciation seized the huge territory of the Northern part of Europe and Asia.

In the Cenozoic Era, the so-called alpine folding was very intensively manifested itself, whose education began in the Jurassic period. In the tertiary period, the formation of the Caucasian and Crimean Mountains. At the same time, the ridges appeared North Africa, Alps, Carpathians, Mountains of Pamirs, Tien Shan, Himalev, on the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Kamchatka. The Alpine Phase Phase has not yet ended.

In the tertiary period, breeds of marine and continental origin were formed. Seaful tertiary sediments - clay, limestone-shells, etc. are located on the Black Sea coast and in other places. Continental tertiary sediments are common everywhere.

The breed of a quaternary period in the overwhelming majority are continental deposits - loose mountain breeds and breeds of organogenic origin. They are commonly referred to as quaternary rocks or appliances in contrast to earlier rocks that call indigenous. Sea Quaternary sediments on the territory of Russia are rare - on the coasts of the seas, north and east of the Caspian Sea and on the northern coast of the Black Sea. According to the composition and properties, these sediments are similar to tertiary. A special group among them is marine ibi.

The power of quaternary sediments ranges from several centimeters to tens and hundreds of meters. These breeds are less reliable as grounds than rootes. Their properties change in large limits and largely depend on genetic features.

Indigenous rocks are usually represented by scaling and compacted sandy and clay rocks, and among quaternary deposits, loose formations are prevailing, weakly-cemented and connected.

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