October 12th in history. October in the folk calendar

Many significant events took place on this day.

On October 12, many significant events took place that went down in history. The most interesting of them - in the material "360 Moscow Region".

October 12, 1492 at two o'clock in the morning the sailor Rodrigo de Triana, being in the "crow's nest" on the mast of the "Pinta" caravel from the Columbus expedition, shouted "Earth!" heralded the discovery of America.

Exhausted by the long voyage, suffering from thirst and hunger, the Spanish sailors moored the same day to the picturesque island, which the local Indians called Guanahani. The devout Columbus, in gratitude for the miraculous end of the difficult crossing of the Atlantic, gave the newly discovered island the name of Saint Salvador. The great navigator did not even suspect that his expedition had discovered a new continent. Columbus was looking for the shores East Asia and assumed that he had reached them.

The Castilian banner was hoisted on the island and declared the possession of the Spanish crown. The inhabitants of the island - naked and good-natured, warmly greeted the aliens clad in armor, not yet knowing what troubles these huge ships from overseas brought to the indigenous population of America. As a gift from the Indians, Columbus received strange dried leaves, which we now know as tobacco. History does not know for certain which of the islands of the current Lucaya archipelago in the Bahamas was actually Guanahani. Many people identify it with the modern island of San Salvador, but historians still have not come to a consensus, since the original of Columbus's logbook has long been lost.

One way or another, this day will forever remain in history as America's Discovery Day. Every schoolboy knows the name of Columbus, and the monument to the sailor Rodrigo de Triana, who never received the promised reward from the admiral for reporting the land, stands in Seville.

On October 12, 1810, the first Oktoberfest took place in Munich in honor of the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig, the future king, and Princess Teresa of Saxony-Hildburghaus. The meadow, which has since held this famous beer festival, has since been named Theresienwiese ("Teresa's Meadow") - in honor of the wife of the crown prince. And the festivities themselves among Munich residents are called "Wiesn" - meadow. Since 1819, the celebration has been held exclusively by the Munich City Council. Only Munich brewers are allowed to participate in the beer festival, and special beer is brewed for the Oktoberfest - with an alcohol content of 5.8 - 6.3%. The dates of the holiday were constantly shifted, but in the end they came to an agreement that it would be most comfortable to spend it at the end of September, but that the last Sunday of the holiday would be in October. All these years, the celebration of the holiday could only be canceled by wars, crises or epidemics. In 1892, glass mugs appeared at the festival for the first time, but electricity appeared earlier - in 1886, and according to legend, Albert Einstein took part in electrification, who himself twisted light bulbs in one of the beer tents. The largest tent in the history of the festival - with 12 thousand seats, was erected in 1913. Since the beginning of the 1960s, the holiday has become popular among foreign tourists, who every year more attractions and other entertainments appear on the meadow. Oktoberfest is considered the largest festival of its kind in the world, with about 6 million people annually visiting it, drinking about 6 million liters of beer and eating half a million fried chickens.

On October 12, 1931, a statue of Christ the Redeemer was erected in Rio de Janeiro. It is still considered one of the main attractions of the "magic city", as they call Rio, and all of Brazil. The monument stands at the top of the Corcovado hill, its height above sea level is over 700 meters. The idea of ​​this building originated in 1922, when the country celebrated the centenary of independence. As a result, Hector da Silva Costa won the project competition. The sculpture proposed by the architect weighs over a thousand tons, its height is 30 meters, excluding the pedestal. Christ spread his arms and embraces the whole city. This gesture expresses compassion and joy at the same time. At the same time, in Brazil itself, there are several comic versions explaining the pose of Christ. According to one of them, the robbers ordered Jesus to spread his hands when he first appeared in this country - they wanted to ransack his pockets. According to another, Jesus is preparing to clap his hands when the carioca (residents of Rio de Janeiro) finally start working. Be that as it may, the image of the statue of Christ the Redeemer is forever rooted in Brazilian culture. The famous Tom Jobim and Gilberto Zhil composed songs about her.

On October 12, 1960, during a meeting of the 15th UN General Assembly, the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev performed what must be the most famous act in the world. On that day, the meeting was discussing the Hungarian rebellion of 1956, which was suppressed Soviet troops, and Khrushchev, trying to rip it off, took off his shoe and began to examine it attentively, holding it at head level. Showing that the question raised by the speaker did not interest him at all, Khrushchev knocked him on the table several times, as if trying to knock out a pebble that supposedly got there. A photograph of Khrushchev with a shoe at a meeting of the UN General Assembly, published the next day in The New York Times, went around the world and remained in history. Popular rumor, however, distorted this incident by presenting the events in such a way as if Khrushchev banged his boot on the podium during his speech. Even the Permanent Representative of the United States, John Bolton, succumbed to the delusion, once stating this during a meeting of the UN Security Council.

Dmitry Donskoy was born on October 12, 1350. During his reign, the Moscow principality became one of the centers of the unification of the Russian lands. He was on the throne at the age of nine, immediately after the death of his father. It was Dmitry Donskoy who built a new stone Kremlin in Moscow, under the walls of which the Lithuanian prince Olgerd was defeated. But the main event in the prince's biography is the battle on the Kulikovo field in 1380. The battle took place on the banks of the Don, therefore Dmitry was nicknamed Donskoy.

On October 12, 1929, the actor and director Rolan Bykov was born in Kiev. He came to the theater studio when he was 10 years old. He graduated from the Shchukin School, then worked at the Moscow Theater of the Young Spectator - as an actor and director. Rolan Bykov's debut in cinema took place in 1954 in the film "School of Courage". Then there were "Pedagogical Poem", "Ways and Fates", "Aibolit-66" and dozens of memorable roles. In addition, Bykov led a director's workshop, worked on radio and television, and also wrote poetry and songs.

Musician Alexei Kortnev was born on October 12, 1966. He wrote his first songs in the seventh grade. Then he entered Moscow State University, where he played in KVN, where he assembled his own musical group "Accident". Today Alexey Kortnev continues to work in the group, is engaged in the translation of popular musicals and conducts programs on television. In addition, Kortnev starred in almost 30 films, and as part of "Accident" recorded 10 albums.

World sight day

Celebrated annually on the second Thursday of October as part of the Vision 2020: Right to Sight Global Blindness Program of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness and the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the WHO, over 280 million people in the world suffer from visual impairments, of which about 40 million are blind, and over 240 million have low vision.

World arthritis day

It has been held annually since 1996 at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Currently, joint diseases are a global problem... According to the WHO, every tenth inhabitant of the planet suffers from arthritis. This disease mainly affects the working-age population between the ages of 30 and 50.

Day of the Spanish language.

Celebrated at the initiative of the UN Department of Public Information. On Spanish, according to various estimates, say from 450 to 500 million inhabitants of the Earth. It is the third most widely spoken language (after Chinese and Hindi) in the world.

Spanish is one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations along with Russian, English, Arabic, Chinese and French.

50 years ago (1967), the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the law "On universal military service."

V Soviet time organized attraction of citizens to military service began in 1918, when a resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee "On compulsory recruitment into the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army" was adopted. In 1922, a decree was adopted by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Soviet people's commissars"On compulsory military service for male citizens of the RSFSR", which established compulsory military service and conscription for all men aged 20 years. The following terms of service were established: 1.5 years in the infantry and artillery, 3.5 years in the Air Force and 4.5 years in the Navy.

In 1925, the first law of the USSR was adopted, regulating the fulfillment of military duties by citizens of the country, “On compulsory military service”. 14 years later, in 1939, the following law "On universal military service" was adopted. He established that all men - citizens of the USSR, without distinction of race, nationality, religion, educational qualification, social origin and status, are obliged to undergo military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR. The terms of military service were: for the rank and file ground forces- 2 years; for the land units of the border troops - 3 years; for privates and junior command personnel of the Air Force - 4 years; for privates and junior command personnel of the Navy ships - 5 years. The conscription was carried out from September 15 to October 15. This law was in effect for 28 years.

The last legislative act of the USSR on military duty was the law "On universal military duty", which was adopted on October 12, 1967. The call began to be held twice a year - in spring and autumn. Men were called up for military service, who by the day of conscription were 18 years old, but not older than 27 years. New terms of service were established: for soldiers and sergeants Soviet army, coastal units and aviation of the Navy, border and internal troops- 2 years; for sailors and foremen of ships, vessels and coastal combat support units of the Navy and naval units of the border troops - 3 years; for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of the Soviet Army, Navy, border and internal troops with higher education, - 1 year. They provided deferrals from conscription: for marital status, for continuing education and for health reasons.

86 years ago (1931), the inauguration of the statue of Christ the Savior took place in Rio de Janeiro.

The idea for the construction of the monument originated in 1922, during the celebration of the centenary of Brazil's independence. The author of the sculptural image of Christ was Hector da Silva Costa. The construction lasted 9 years.

The height of the monument, installed on the top of the Corcovado hill at an altitude of 704 meters above sea level, is 37 meters (including the pedestal), the span of Christ's arms is 28 meters. The weight of the sculpture is 635 tons.

The statue of Christ the Savior is a national treasure and a national Brazilian shrine. In 2007, she was named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

525 years ago (1492), during the first expedition of Christopher Columbus, a new part of the world was discovered, later called "America".

On this day, the ships of the Italian navigator's flotilla reached Guanahani Island (now Watling) in the Bahamas - the first land they met in the Western Hemisphere.

On October 12, 1204, Pope Innocent III officially established the spiritual knightly order of the Swordsmen with his bull of the Knights Templar (Templar) type, created by the Bishop of Riga Albert von Buxgewden and originally called the Brothers of the Host of Christ. Together with the charter, the order was given a distinctive sign - a white cloak with a red cross and a sword, hence the traditional name.

After the complete defeat of the order in 1236 by the combined forces of the Lithuanians and Semigallians, its remnants merged with the Teutonic Order, the Baltic branch of which was named the Livonian Order.

Dmitry Donskoy, Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir, was born on October 12, 1350. As noted by the historian Vasily Klyuchevsky, among the descendants of Alexander Nevsky, who were distinguished by remarkably stable mediocrity, Dmitry Donskoy was the only talented politician and military leader. He began to reign at the age of 9 and in his short life (and he died at 39), he managed to do a lot.

Twice he repelled the attack on Moscow by the Lithuanian prince Olgerd, forced Tver to recognize Moscow's seniority among the Russian principalities. Leading the struggle of Russia against the Golden Horde, the prince defeated the Tatars on the Vazha River, and then defeated the Horde Khan Mamai in the battle on the Kulikovo field in the upper reaches of the Don, for which he was nicknamed the descendants of the Don. In the 20th century, Dmitry Donskoy was canonized.

On October 12, 1808, a secret union convention was concluded between Russia and France in Erfurt. Napoleon, fearing the threat from Austria and tired of the war in Spain, which, moreover, took an unfavorable turn for him, sought rapprochement with Russia.

The Erfurt agreements, in particular, confirmed the rights of Russia to Finland, Moldavia and Wallachia. Alas, the talks in Erfurt did not make relations between Russia and France warmer. The agreement was concluded for 10 years, but the war against Russia started by Napoleon in less than five years actually annulled all allied agreements and obligations.

On October 12, 1823, the English chemist Charles Mackintosh unexpectedly made a discovery that immortalized his name. While experimenting with rubber, he accidentally spilled a viscous compound on the fabric. And after a while I noticed that the soaked fabric does not get wet. So Macintosh invented a waterproof fabric, consisting of two layers of fabric, glued together with a solution of rubber. And the rubberized raincoat was born, which became known as the mac.

At first, such clothes, which made their inventor a millionaire, enjoyed incredible success, but after a few years it became obvious that they had more disadvantages than advantages, and the production of rubberized raincoats ceased. But the name - mac - remains.

On October 12, 1876, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, the grandson of Emperor Alexander II, was born, who after the revolution announced his claims to the Russian throne. The cousin of Nicholas II was rightly considered one of the most scandalous personalities in the Romanovs' house. Educated at the Marine cadet corps, he served in the navy and in 1904 only miraculously survived the explosion of the battleship "Petropavlovsk". In 1900, he began an affair with his cousin Victoria, whose husband was the brother of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Victoria soon divorced, and in 1905 the lovers got married in secret. Cyril was expelled from the naval service and expelled from Russia. Two years later, Nicholas II forgave his prodigal cousin and admitted a dubious marriage.

The naval service weighed down on Kirill - after his experience at Petropavlovsk, he felt a "terrible obsessive fear" of the sea all his life. On the eve of the upheavals of 1917, a land sailor with the rank of Rear Admiral commanded a Guards naval crew. In days February revolution Cyril sported a red bow in front of the public, but in May 1917, the Grand Duke and his family moved to Finland, and then lived in Switzerland, France and Germany. Perfectly aware that his rights to the throne are extremely doubtful, in 1924 he decided to declare himself the emperor of all Russia in exile. Most of the surviving Romanovs reacted sharply negatively to Kirill's step. After the death of the Grand Duke in 1938, the claims to the throne passed by inheritance to his son Vladimir Kirillovich, and after the death of the latter in 1992 - to his great-grandson George.

On October 12, 1901, Theodore Roosevelt officially assigned the name of the White House to the residence of the President of the United States, which was immediately legalized by Congress.

This two-story mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has 54 rooms; the second and third floors are the living quarters of the President and his family, and the main work areas are in the West Wing, which houses the Oval Office and the offices of the President's Executive Office. The area around the residence is almost seven and a half hectares, including several gardens and a lawn in front of the White House, where many official ceremonies are held.

“Oh my dear, my gentle, beautiful garden! My life, my youth, my happiness, goodbye! .. "

The comedy in four acts "The Cherry Orchard" is Chekhov's last play. He finished it on the date of our review - October 12, 1903.

The play was staged on January 17, 1904, on Chekhov's birthday. On that day, the Moscow Art Theater celebrated the 25th anniversary of the writer's creative activity. Less than six months after the premiere, Anton Pavlovich died.

Life is both sad and cheerful. She is tragic and unpredictable. This is what Chekhov says in his play.

On October 12, 1931, on the Corcovado rock that towers over Rio de Janeiro, the 30-meter statue of the Savior was solemnly unveiled - the sister of the Statue of Liberty. What gives us the right to say so? The commonality of the homeland and the similarity in the biographies of the sculptures. Both were created in Paris and transported in parts overseas; both are symbols of the city and the country where they are installed, both amaze with their grandeur and attract tourists.

October 12 celebrates his birthday Richard Meyer. An outstanding architect of our time. Legitimate heir to Le Corbusier. Leading spokesman for the New York avant-garde. Continuing the tradition of romantic modernism. Winner of the Pritzker Prize, Analog Nobel Prize in architecture.

October 12th in history

322 BC
Athenian orator and politician Demosthenes, pursued by enemies, committed suicide by taking poison
180 Jews executed in Munich for refusing to be baptized
Discovery of the island of San Salvador by Christopher Columbus, considered the official date of the "discovery of America"
For the first time in the world, a secular song “Three Blind Mice” was published in London
Day of the creation of the US Navy
Kinburn battle
First Oktoberfest: Munich residents invited to celebrate the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria and Princess Teresa of Saxe-Hildburghausen
In Paraguay, the Supreme Junta was abolished, instead of it the state was headed by two consuls, who were supposed to change every four months. They are Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia and Fulgencio Yegros
Pedro I proclaimed emperor of the Brazilian Empire, Brazil gained independence from Portugal
US President Ulysses Grant banned the Ku Klux Klan and ordered the arrest of the leaders of this organization
The Kharkov Agricultural Society organizes an all-Russian agricultural exhibition (October 5-15) “with a competitive test of arable implements and threshers. At the same time, the beginning of the annual exhibitions of agricultural seeds was laid ... "
The Spaniards founded the most Southern City Lands - Ushuaia
Boer Republic South Africa declares war on England
Theodore Roosevelt officially named the residence of the President of the United States the White House
The first General Conference of the International Federation of Aeronautics opens in Paris
A monument to the pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov was unveiled in Moscow (sculptor S.M. Volnukhin). The next day, a wreath appeared at the monument with the inscription "To the First Martyr of the Russian Seal"
A convention on the suppression of circulation and trade in pornographic publications was signed in Geneva. But there was no definition of what constitutes pornography.
The Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed as part of Ukraine
The first All-Union test of balloonists (8 balloons)
The first performance created at the Central House of the Red Army. M. V. Frunze of the Red Army Song Ensemble
Convention for the Unification of Rules for International Carriage by Air, Warsaw
Opening and consecration of the statue of the Savior at the top of the Corcovado hill, considered the symbol of Rio de Janeiro
The P.I.Tchaikovsky Concert Hall was opened in Moscow
Fidel Castro ended his speech at the trial of the seizure of the Moncada barracks with the words "History will acquit me!"
The first passenger flight on the Tu-104 airplane on the Moscow-Prague international air line took place
The slogan "The plans of the party - the plans of the people!" Appeared for the first time in the newspaper "Soviet Patriot"
At the 15th UN Assembly, there was a curious incident with N. S. Khrushchev and his shoe
The Voskhod-1 launch vehicle was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome. For the first time, a multi-seat ship was flown, and for the first time the flight was carried out without spacesuits.
The XIX Olympic Games have opened in Mexico City. Unusual conditions for the games (highlands) caused outstanding records and mini-tragedies when athletes fainted during competitions requiring endurance
Equatorial Guinea gained independence from Spain
Gleb Panfilov's film "The Beginning" was released on the screens, in which Inna Churikova, Valentina Telichkina, Mikhail Kononov, Leonid Kuravlev played
"Jesus Christ Superstar" premiere on Broadway
Sid Vicious, a member of the English punk band Sex Pistols, arrested in New York on charges of the death of his girlfriend Nancy Spangen
London Victory Parade took place
U.S. Congress passes flag desecration law
The 6 billionth inhabitant of the Earth was born in Sarajevo
Lynching in Ramallah
Qinshen High-Speed ​​Line, China's first high-speed railway, opened
Michael Schumacher became the first 6-time world champion in the history of Formula 1 racing, breaking the record for the number of champion titles (5) H.-M. Fangio, held since 1957. (The record was not only unsurpassed, but also unrepeatable - Schumacher himself became the second 5-time champion in the previous year, 2002.)
The largest road accident in the history of independent Ukraine happened near the city of Marganets, Dnipropetrovsk region

Born on October 12

Dmitry Donskoy (d. 1389), Grand Duke Moscow and Vladimir
Edward VI (d. 1553), King of England and Ireland from 1547, only surviving son of Henry VIII
Adrian (d. 1700), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia since 1690
Emmanuelle Héré (d. 1763), French architect
Mikhail Andreevich Miloradovich (d. 1825), Russian general, participant in the wars with Napoleon, mayor of St. Petersburg
Mikhail Nikolaevich Muravyov (d. 1866), Russian statesman
Pedro I (d. 1834), Emperor of the Brazilian Empire
Dmitry Averkiev (d. 1905), writer
Elmer Sperry (d. 1930), American inventor of streetcars
Arthur Garden (d. 1940), English biochemist who discovered coenzymes, 1929 Nobel laureate
August Horch (d. 1951), German car designer, one of the pioneers of the automotive industry
Aleister Crowley (d. 1947), one of the most famous mystics and magicians of the XIX-XX centuries
Alexander Arbuzov (died 1968), chemist, founder of the Russian school of organophosphorus compounds
Eugenio Montale (d.1981), Italian poet, 1975 Nobel laureate
Joseph Kosma (d. 1969), French composer of Hungarian descent
Grigory Panteleevich Kravchenko (d. 1943), Lieutenant General of Aviation, twice Hero Soviet Union
Sergei Aleksandrovich Polezhaev (d. 2006), Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia
Narinder Singh Kapany, Indian American physicist, one of the founders of fiber optics
Nikita Pavlovich Simonyan, Soviet footballer and football coach (Krylya Sovetov (Moscow), Spartak (Moscow))
Anatoly Semyonovich Alekseev (d. 2007), Academician (1984), Director of the Computing Center of the SB RAS
Rangel Valchanov, Bulgarian film director (Inspector and Night, She-Wolf)
Evgeny Karelov (d. 1977), film director ("Two Comrades Served", "Two Captains")
Yuriy Shcherbak, Ukrainian writer, Ambassador of Ukraine to Israel (1992-1994), USA (1994-1998) and Canada (2000-2003)
Luciano Pavarotti (d. 2007), Italian opera singer (tenor)
Richard Parfitt (real name Rick Harrison), guitarist and vocalist of the English rock band "Status quo"
Alexey Kudrin, Minister of Finance Russian Federation from May 2000 to September 2011
Christopher Stephen Botti is an American jazz trumpeter and composer, radio presenter of Italian origin. He is best known for his work with rock musician Sting. Has collaborated with many other well-known jazz, rock and pop musicians, including Paul Simon, Aretha Franklin, Josh Groban, Burt Bacarack and Michael Bublé.
Sergey Terentyev, musician, guitarist of the group "Artery", former member groups "Aria", "Kipelov"
Henry Akinwande, British professional boxer of Nigerian descent
Alexey Kortnev, musician, songwriter, creator and soloist of the "Accident" group
Hugh Jackman, Australian film and television actor, producer
Riad Khanmagomedov, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "777", multiple champion of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus in puzzle sports, solving and composing crosswords, solving Sudoku
Jorane (stage name Joanne Pelletier), French-Canadian singer and cellist
Sara Semendueva (stage name Jasmine), Russian pop singer


Josh Hutcherson, American actor

Died October 12

Elizabeth Gurney Fry (born 1780), one of the first English feminists, reformer of the prison system in Great Britain
Alexander Bazhenov (b. 1835), writer, publisher ("Poor grandmother", "Love drink")
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (born 1827), French sculptor, painter and draftsman
Anatole France (b. 1844), French writer, 1921 Nobel Prize winner in Literature
Max Wertheimer (Czech. Max Wertheimer) (b. 1880), Czech psychologist, one of the founders of Gestalt psychology
Arthur Lurie (real name Naum Izrailevich Lurie) (b. 1891), composer and music critic
Sonya Henie (b. 1912), Norwegian figure skater, three-time Olympic champion (1928, 1932, 1936), ten-time world champion (ten years in a row from 1927 to 1936), actress
Dean Acheson (b. 1893), American statesman, United States Secretary of State (1949-1953)
Arkady Strugatsky (b. 1925), Russian writer
Tofik Bahramov (b. 1926), Azerbaijani football referee
Armas Yokio (b. 1918), Finnish film actor and opera singer
Wilt Chamberlain (b. 1936), legendary American basketball player
Mikhail Georgievia Kalatozishvili (b. 1959), film director, actor, screenwriter

The history of the world, and in particular Russia, is reflected on this page in the form of the most significant events, turning decisions, discoveries and inventions, wars and the emergence of new countries, turning points and cardinal decisions that have taken place over many centuries. Here you will get acquainted with the outstanding people of the world, politicians and rulers, commanders, scientists and artists, athletes, artists, singers and many others, who and in what years of them were born and died, what trace they left in history, how they were remembered and what reached.

In addition to the history of Russia and the world on October 12, significant milestones and significant events that took place on this October autumn day, you will learn about historical dates, about those influential and popular people who were born and passed this date, and you can also get acquainted with memorable dates and folk holidays in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, signs and sayings, natural disasters, the emergence of cities and states, as well as their tragic disappearance, get acquainted with revolutions and revolutionaries, those turning milestones that in one way or another influenced the course of development of our planet and many other things - interesting, informative, important, necessary and useful.

Folk calendar, signs and folklore October 12

October 12 is the 285th day of the year (286th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 80 days left until the end of the year.

Kyriak Otkhodnik.

On this day, gray fogs hang: the peasants said: "Maremyan's sadness is woven from the fog" (damp fogs - hassles - hang).

Theophan threw a caftan into the sun. In ancient times, kind light was expected from the stars that night. To prevent the hut from getting cold, they looked at the stars from noon, from midnight. In the old days they said: "We have a basket full of turnips under our window."

UN Flag Spanish Language Day

In the countries of America and in Spain, one event - the Discovery of America - is celebrated under different names:

Argentina - Day of Respect for Cultural Differences.

Bahamas - Day national heroes, or the Discovery of America.

Belize - Pan American Day and Columbus Day.

Bolivia, Mexico, Chile - Discovery of America.

Venezuela - Indian Resistance Day.

Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia - Race Day (Día de la Raza), or Hispanidad Day.

Spain - National holiday of Spain.

Costa Rica - Day of the Meeting of Cultures.

Peru, Uruguay - Americas Day.

USA - Columbus Day.

Brazil - Children's Day.

Spain - Armed Forces Day.

Equatorial Guinea - Independence Day.

History of Orthodoxy on October 12

Memory of the Monk Kyriakos the hermit (year 556);

Commemoration of the Hieromartyr John, Archbishop of Riga (1934);

Memory of the Martyrs Dada, Habeddai and Kazdoi (IV century);

Memory of the Monk Theophan the Merciful.

What happened in Russia and the world on October 12?

Below you will learn about the history of the world and Russia on October 12, the events that took place in different historical time periods and periods, starting from prehistoric times BC and the emergence of Christianity, continuing with the era of formations, transformations, times of discoveries, scientific and technical revolutions, as well as interesting the middle ages, right up to the present. Below are reflected all the significant events of this day in the history of mankind, you will learn or remember those who were born and left us in another world, what events took place, what made it so special to us.

in the 8th century BC

782 BC NS. - the city of Yerevan was founded by the Urartian king Argishti I.

History of Russia and the world October 12 in the 6th century BC

539 BC NS. - Persian troops occupied Babylon.

History of Russia and the world October 12 in the 4th century BC

322 BC NS. - Athenian orator and politician Demosthenes, pursued by enemies, committed suicide by taking poison.

History of Russia and the world October 12 in the XIII century

1285 - 180 Jews were executed in Munich for refusing to be baptized.

History of Russia and the world on October 12 in the 15th century

1492 - the discovery of the island of San Salvador by Christopher Columbus, which is considered the official date of the "discovery of America".

History of Russia and the world on October 12 in the 17th century

1609 - the world's first secular song “Three Blind Mice” is published in London.

History of Russia and the world on October 12 in the 18th century

1775 - the day of the creation of the US Navy.

1787 - Battle of Kinburn.

History of Russia and the world on October 12 in the 19th century

1810 - First Oktoberfest: Munich residents are invited to celebrate the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria and Princess Teresa of Saxe-Hildburghausen.

1813 - the Supreme Junta is abolished in Paraguay, instead of it the state was headed by two consuls, who were supposed to change every four months. They were Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia and Fulgencio Yegros.

1822 - Pedro I is proclaimed emperor of the Brazilian Empire, Brazil gains independence from Portugal.

1871 - US President Ulysses Grant banned the Ku Klux Klan and ordered the arrest of the leaders of this organization.

1880 - the Kharkov Agricultural Society organizes an all-Russian agricultural exhibition (October 5-15) “with a competitive test of arable implements and threshers. At the same time, the beginning of the annual exhibitions of agricultural seeds was laid ... "

1884 - The southernmost city of the Earth, Ushuaia, was founded by the Spaniards.

1899 - The Boer Republics of South Africa declare war on England.

History in Russia and the world October 12 in the XX century

1901 - Theodore Roosevelt officially named the residence of the President of the United States the White House.

1905 - The first General Conference of the International Federation of Aeronautics opens in Paris.

1909 - a monument to the first printer Ivan Fedorov was unveiled in Moscow (sculptor S.M. Volnukhin). The next day, a wreath appeared at the monument with the inscription "To the First Martyr of the Russian Seal."

1923 - Convention on the suppression of circulation and trade in pornographic publications is signed in Geneva. But there was no definition of what constitutes pornography.

The Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed as part of Ukraine.

The first All-Union test of balloonists (8 balloons).

1928 - the first performance created at the Central House of the Red Army. MV Frunze of the Red Army Song Ensemble.

1929 - Convention for the Unification of Rules for International Carriage by Air, Warsaw.

1931 - the opening and consecration of the statue of the Savior on the top of the Corcovado hill, considered the symbol of Rio de Janeiro.

1940 - the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall was opened in Moscow.

1953 - Fidel Castro ended his speech at the trial of the seizure of the Moncada barracks with the words "History will acquit me!"

1956 - the first passenger flight on the Tu-104 airplane on the Moscow-Prague international air line took place.

1958 - The slogan "The plans of the party - the plans of the people!" Appeared for the first time in the newspaper "Soviet Patriot".

1960 - at the 15th UN Assembly there was a curious incident with Nikita Khrushchev and his boot.

1964 - a triple seat was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome spaceship"Voskhod-1". For the first time, a multi-seat spacecraft was flown, and for the first time the flight was carried out without spacesuits.

The XIX Olympic Games have opened in Mexico City. The unusual conditions of the games (highlands) have caused outstanding records and mini-tragedies when athletes fainted during competitions requiring endurance.

Equatorial Guinea gained independence from Spain.

1970 - Gleb Panfilov's film "The Beginning" was released, in which Inna Churikova, Valentina Telichkina, Mikhail Kononov, Leonid Kuravlev played.

1971 - The premiere of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar took place on Broadway.

1976 - Caravel disaster near Bombay, killing 95 people.

1978 - Sid Vicious, a member of the English punk band Sex Pistols, is arrested in New York on charges of the death of his girlfriend Nancy Spangen.

1982 - London Victory Parade took place.

1989 - The US Congress passed the Flag Desecration Act.

1999 - The 6 billionth inhabitant of the Earth was born in Sarajevo.

2000 - Lynching in Ramallah.

History of Russia and the world October 12 - in the XXI century

2002 - bombings in Bali: 202 people were killed in attacks on nightclubs and the American consulate.

The Qinshen HSR, China's first high-speed railway, was opened.

Michael Schumacher became the first 6-time world champion in the history of Formula 1 racing, breaking the record for the number of champion titles (5) H.-M. Fangio, held since 1957. (The record was not only unsurpassed, but also unrepeatable - Schumacher himself became the second 5-time champion in the previous year, 2002.)

2010 - the largest road accident in the history of independent Ukraine occurred near the city of Marganets, Dnepropetrovsk region.

History October 12 - which of the greats was born

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on October 12, XIV century

1350 - Dmitry Donskoy (d. 1389), Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on October 12, XVI century

1537 - Edward VI (d. 1553), King of England and Ireland since 1547, the only surviving son of Henry VIII.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on October 12 in the 17th century

1627 - Adrian (d. 1700), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia since 1690.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on October 12 in the 18th century

1705 - Emmanuel Héré (d. 1763), French architect.
1767 - Sergei Alekseevich Tuchkov, Russian military leader and statesman, senator, lieutenant general (d. 1839).
1771 - Mikhail Andreevich Miloradovich (d. 1825), Russian general, participant in the wars with Napoleon, mayor of St. Petersburg.
1796 - Mikhail Nikolaevich Muravyov (d. 1866), Russian statesman.
1798 - Pedro I (d. 1834), Emperor of the Brazilian Empire.

Born I am a celebrity of the world and Russia on October 12 in the 19th century

1836 - Dmitry Averkiev (d. 1905), writer.

1857 - Roman Isidorovich Kondratenko, Russian Lieutenant General (posthumously), military engineer, hero of the defense of Port Arthur.

1860 - Elmer Sperry (d. 1930), American inventor of streetcars.

1865 - Arthur Garden (d. 1940), English biochemist who discovered coenzymes, 1929 Nobel Prize winner.

1868 - August Horch (d. 1951), German auto designer, one of the pioneers of the automotive industry.

1875 - Aleister Crowley (d. 1947), one of the most famous mystics and magicians of the XIX-XX centuries.

1896 - Eugenio Montale (died 1981), Italian poet, 1975 Nobel laureate.

Born celebrities of the world and Russia on October 12 in the 20th century

1912 - Grigory Panteleevich Kravchenko (d. 1943), lieutenant general of aviation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

1917 - Roque Maspoli (Spanish Roque Gastón Máspoli; d. 2004), Uruguayan footballer, goalkeeper (world champion 1950), coach.

1924 - Sergei Aleksandrovich Polezhaev (d. 2006), Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia.

Narinder Kapani, American physicist of Indian origin, one of the founders of fiber optics.

Nikita Pavlovich Simonyan, Soviet footballer and football coach (USSR national football team, "Spartak"). Olympic champion.

Anatoly Semyonovich Alekseev (d. 2007), academician (1984), director of the Computing Center of the SB RAS.

Rangel Valchanov, Bulgarian film director (Inspector and Night, She-Wolf).

1929 - Rolan Bykov (died 1998), theater and film actor, director, People's Artist of the USSR.

1931 - Evgeny Karelov (d. 1977), Soviet film director ("Two Comrades Served", "Two Captains").

1934 - Yuri Shcherbak, Ukrainian writer and diplomat.

1934 - Elena Burlakova (d. 2016), Russian biologist, first deputy director of the Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor.

1935 - Luciano Pavarotti (d. 2007), Italian opera singer (tenor).

1939 - Yuri Nikolaevich Vasiliev (died 1999), theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia.

1958 - Mikhail Leontyev, Russian journalist, host of the TV show "However".

1960 - Alexey Kudrin, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation from May 2000 to September 2011.

Christopher Stephen Botti, American jazz trumpeter and composer, radio presenter of Italian origin. He gained fame thanks to his work with the rock musician Sting. He has collaborated with many other well-known jazz, rock and pop musicians, including Paul Simon, Aretha Franklin, Josh Groban, Burt Bacarack and Michael Bublé.

1999 - Wilt Chamberlain (b. 1936), American basketball player

Who of the famous people of the world and Russia died on October 12 - in the XXI century

2009 - Mikhail Georgievich Kalatozishvili (b. 1959), film director, actor, screenwriter.

The story of October 12 - what happened in Russia and in the world ...

The day of October 12, like any other in the year, is individual and remarkable in its own way, it has its own history in Russia and in each individual country of the world, which you learned about in this material. We hope you liked it and you learned more, broadened your horizons - after all, knowing a lot is useful and important!

Any day of the year is remembered and distinctive in its own way, including this one - we hope it was interesting for you to know its history, because you learned more about it, events and people who were lucky enough to be born on October 12th, to find out what he left us with with you as an inheritance after yourself.

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