Operation "Danube" was a counterattack. Operation "Danube" was a counterattack who seeks the participants of the operation of the Danube 68

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"Prague Spring", or Military Strategic Operation "Danube"?
V.V. Bulgakov, V.V. Shevchenko, A.V. Bales

"Prague Spring", or Military Strategic Operation "Danube"? To a new historical assessment of Czechoslovak events of 1968 and their participants

On the night of August 20, 1968, the troops of the five states of the organization of the Warsaw Agreement were entered into Czechoslovakia. The Military Strategic Operation "Danube" began - the largest military operation in Europe after the Second World War. As a result of it, it was possible to prevent the post-war device of the world and to preserve the membership of Czechoslovakia in the Eastern European Socialist Block. A contract was concluded about the conditions of temporary stay of the Soviet troops in the Czech Republic, and the Soviet group remained in Czechoslovakia until 1991.

From the moment of Czechoslovak events more than 45 years have passed, but today their story is more important than ever. It is quite consonant with an alarming modernity and a turning point of that time, and the scale of events that occurred. 1968 clearly demonstrates the relativity of historical time, the possibility of a concentration of extremely significant events in a short chronological interval. This is one of the maxima of geopolitical confrontation, the significance of which is particularly acutely realized in the conditions of the "second edition" experienced today. cold War. The ill-wishers of our country have already used their own interpretation of Czechoslovak events to substantiate the thesis on its initial hostility of Western civilization and the legitimacy of the last sanctions as "punishment for Ukraine." The analysis of Czechoslovak events is important and the fact that the legal status of their participants is often becoming the subject of professional activities of lawyers, which, despite all the validity of the requirements imposed on the state due to the imperfection of legislation based on ideological postulates of the late 80s - early 90s, Cannot provide applied due legal assistance. And the fact that the current legislation is the hostage of the fallen ideology of the restructuring period, the thinking person does not cause any doubts. So it is necessary for the legislant to change its approach as an analysis of events in the Czechoslovakia of 1968 and to identify the legal status of their participants?

It is well known that from a military point of view, the operation "Danube" was carried out brilliantly. An undoubted strategic success was achieved. However, historical assessments of Czechoslovak events still cannot be recognized as satisfactory. First of all, the key question is not resolved: that it was determining in the events of 1968 - the so-called "Prague Spring" with the notorious "socialism with the human face" or the Military-Strategic Operation "Danube" as a historically justified answer to the frank challenge of the post-war device of the world ? The answer to the question is largely determined by the personal civilian choice of researchers.

It has not been noticed for a long time and we have not seen that in periods of Russia's lifting the public as if the greatness of his own country begins to be ashamed. And only passing through the band of catastrophic (crisis) development caused by the oscillation of state basics, public opinion begins to be inclined to overcome internal anti-statement.

In the late 80s of the twentieth century, prose-oriented liberals managed to introduce a sense of historical guilt in a public consciousness in 1968, submitting events exclusively as a peaceful "Prague Spring". Democratic transformations, in their opinion, were interrupted as a result of the Soviet aggression, although there were no organized military removal, but collided with the resistance of the people the communist totalitarianism. The authors who sought to explore the Czechoslovak events in the general context of the Cold War, seeking to emphasize the possible negative consequences for the entire world community in the event of the defeat of the USSR and its allies, were then few and unpopular. The story was supplanted with lightweight journalism with a characteristic fragmentation, which makes it easy to impose pseudo-body myths.

It should be recognized that the widespread dissemination of such estimates was possible in many respects as a result of a low level of Soviet historical works. Official Soviet historiography Following L. Brezhnev who in November 1968 the thesis on the "International Duty" of Socialist countries (the so-called "doctrine of Brezhneva"), interpreted the input of troops exclusively as a preventive measure, aimed at preventing the country's separation from a socialist camp to power "Revisionists", artificially adding the ideological component of Czechoslovak events.

The objective need for a military contingent in the central position in Europe Czechoslovakia (against which its managers were opposed) in conditions of blocking confrontation in every possible way. As a result, for further liberal revaluation, it was enough only to the mechanical replacement of "pluses" to "minuses", which happened immediately after the denial of the "Danube" by the political leadership of the era of Mikhail Gorbachev. The numerous compilations appeared, only repeating offenses, mainly Czech and Slovak authors, seeking to take an ideological revenge for the military-political defeat of 1968.

Modern ideas about the Czechoslovak events of 1968 continue to include many diverse points of view, historical assessments, political myths. At the same time, the liberal approach is increasingly detecting its own scientific inconsistency. His shittomaty poetic expression ("Tanks go through Prague / in the outbound blood of dawn. / Tanks go in truth, / which is not a newspaper) is already perceived only as a reason for reflections on the tendency of creative intelligentsia to national treason. Social interest in the "Prague Spring" gradually fades.

The main liberal dogmas have already been argued criticism. The possibility of forming genuinely scientific historical assessments. Probably 40-50 years and there is a necessary period that avoids distortions caused by the immediate proximity of the event, to move away from direct projection to the scientific knowledge of ideological installations. In this regard, the geopolitical approach with its characteristic focus on the operation of "Danube" and the perception of "Prague Spring" as an alternative is increasingly attracted. Formation and development this approach In many ways, directly associated with the agile efforts of a number of direct participants in the events of 1968, unmet conclusions and assessments, originally Soviet, and later liberal historiography.

It is noteworthy that almost everything, including ordinary, "Danube" participants retained the conviction in the historical justification of this military-strategic operation. Moreover, as they are social growth, the evaluation of the operation was becoming higher. General historical memory led to a rapid formation of a community of like-minded people who started their activities to restore historical truth. The first solution to this task, the legendary participant of the operation and the Researcher "Danube" Guard colonel V.P. Sunsents, who published the recognition of the work "Operation" Danube ": how it was" and in many respects contributed to the release of the collection "Woney thicked off the world from Evropi." Of course, before V.P. Santseva was published memories of participants in Czechoslovak events, but it was he who managed to give work to collect and publish historical materials organized and regular.

The main conclusion V.P. Santseva, according to which the successful holding of the Danube prevented the co-preparing invasion of the army of the North Atlantic Treaty and made it possible to avoid large-scale, possibly nuclear, war in Europe, became the most important contribution to the study of the Military-Strategic Operation "Danube".

Activity V.P. Sunseva inspired veterans living in the entire post-Soviet space. Their desire to create their own organizations intensified.

In Rostov-on-Don, the Danube-68 social movement arose, which united the participants of the operation and today is known far beyond the limits of the region. Along with intra-organizational work and participation in patriotic education Youth Movement has delivered its task to preserve historical memory of Duna, approval of a fair historical assessment of the operation and its participants. Personal efforts managed not only to preserve and publish a large number of materials capable of compensating for so far inaccessible archival sources, but also substantiate conclusions that significantly change the ideas about the Czechoslovak events of 1968.

It became finally obvious that the "Prague Spring" was no more than an ideological cover for the next, which began in 1956 in Hungary attempted to revise the post-war device of the world by aggression by the Czechoslovakia only the unenviable role of the bridgehead. To properly assess the nature of the military-strategic operation, it is fundamentally important to considering the fact that everyone without exception participants "Danube" had to act in new, especially difficult, conditions. For the first time, the main elements of the so-called "new generation war" were actively used.

Characteristic features of such war are currently not a secret. They are associated with the impact on the enemy by the methods of predominantly psychological nature, using social manipulation. The most powerful weapon in the "New Generation War" is not so much a military contingent as the media. The main mechanism is uncomplicated. It is, firstly, in the artificial creation of the so-called "point of overheating", secondly - in consideration of this situation through the "magnifying glass" (multiple replication of its own interpretation of the event with the help of the media), thirdly - in the distribution of this distorted representation For the whole country. The role of medicine is so great martialctions There is no longer so much for the victory as for the so-called PR. The ideological stamps are imposed not only by the local population, but also the entire world community. The main signs of such a war are connected with this mechanism: the use of civilians against the troops as a living shield; desire to maximize their own losses; Attribution of the enemy forces of those actions that the real provocateur practices himself. (When you are peering in the photograph of Prague 1968, they involuntarily celebrate the unnatural stage of protests, and the Libya, Serbia, Syria, etc. "liberated" or "liberated" countries are removed on a similar basis.) Changing the historical assessment of the military-strategic operation " Danube "opens the opportunity for a new formulation of the status of participants in this operation.

It should be recognized that Russia in debt to veterans: the question of the recognition of this category of military operations has not been resolved. Czechoslovakia is absent in the corresponding list of states. The reasons for this are not entirely clear. Despite numerous appeals to all sorts of instances, it is limited only to state unsubsions, the content of which makes it only once again to smile sadly. Of course, the question of the veteran status is far from simple, and no one suggests him to decide without taking into account possible international legal consequences. However, it is impossible to accept the fact that the unprotence of defenders of the Fatherland is the sad tradition of our state that declares high patriotism and forgetting (and sometimes repressing) own heroes.

However, despite this annoying circumstance, we still pay tribute to veterans - participants of the events of the distant 1968 year. Perhaps, in the near future, the legislator will drastically change its position on this issue. However, this should be preceded by a fundamental change in the state ideology, based on the understanding of the real value of historical events of both relatively distant and recent past.

Information about authors:
Bulgakov Vladimir Vasilyevich - Hero Russian Federation, Colonel-General, Candidate of Military Sciences.
Shevchenko Vitaly Viktorovich - participant of the operation "Danube" during the passage urgent service, Honorary Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Major General Militia, Chairman of the Rostov Public Organization of International Promotions "Danube-68".
Baylov Alexey Vladimirovich - Candidate historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, History, Political Science Institute of Management in Environmental, Economic and Social Systems SUFF.

In 1968, the Soviet army carried out the most ambitious way in its scale post-war years Military campaign. More than 20 divisions ground Forces In one day and almost without losses occupied the whole country in the center of Europe. Even in afghan war A much smaller number of troops participated (see the corresponding section of the book).

That year again had to deal with the "counter-revolution" in Eastern Europe - this time in Czechoslovakia. The development of events in the Czech Republic, Prague Spring has long worried the Soviet leadership. L. I. Brezhnev and his associates could not allow the fall of the communist regime in this country and were ready to apply force at any time. "Doctrine Brezhneva", formulated by this time and thoroughly hidden from all, assumed the use of military power to preserve the Soviet influence in European socialist countries without regard to their sovereignty and international norms.

In January 1968, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CCC) A. Novotnyh gave way to A. Dubkecu, who immediately assured Moscow, which will make every effort to stabilize the situation in the party and society. Being a convinced Marxist, he still considered it necessary to conduct some reforms in economics and politics. Public opinion as a whole supported the reform aspirations of Dubchek - the existing model of building a socialist society did not make it possible to catch up with industrialized countries of Western Europe in terms of living.

N. S. Khrushchev and L. I. Brezhnev on the Tribune of Mausoleum

Dubchek made an initiative of the approval of the "new model of socialism". At the next (April) Plenary of the Central Committee of the CCF, the so-called Program of Action of Czechoslovak Communists was adopted. If we consider this document from modern positions, then in general it was set aside in the communist spirit, with the exception of two points - the party leadership refused the command-administrative management system and the freedom of speech and press was declared.

In the country, including the official press, stormy discussions on various socio-political problems unfolded. The most often sounded theses of removal from the authorities compromising themselves government officials and intensifying economic relations with the West. Most of the official circles of the countries of the Socialist Commonwealth perceived the events occurring in Czechoslovakia are not otherwise as "counter-revolution".

Soviet political leaders exhibited particularly concern, the changes in the foreign policy courses of the Czech Republic, which could lead to reorientation to the West, an alliance with Yugoslavia, and then to the exit from the Warsaw Agreement, as at one time it almost happened to the Hungarian People's Republic.

During this period, the so-called "doctrine of Brezhnev" was finally formed and formed, which in foreign policy became the cornerstone and the binding link of the entire socialist camp. The doctrine proceeded from the fact that the yield of any of the socialist countries from ATS or CEV, the departure of the agreed line in foreign policy violates the forces existing in Europe and will inevitably lead to the exacerbation of international tensions.

One of the main sources of information about the internal situation in Czechoslovakia for the leadership of the USSR was the reports of informants and Soviet diplomats. Thus, the member of the Central Committee of the CRCF F. Gavlichk directly warned about the "inevitable convergence of Czechoslovakia with Yugoslavia and Romania," which would lead to the weakening of the position of the socialist block.

The course of the thoughts of Soviet leaders clearly illustrates the story of the Soviet "curator" in Czechoslovakia, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU K. T. Mazurov: "Despite the nuances, the overall position was united: it is necessary to interfere. It was difficult to imagine that our borders will have a bourgeois parliamentary republic (!), Flooded by Germans, and after Americans. It did not meet the interests of the Warsaw Treaty. The last week before entering the troops, members of the Politburo almost slept, did not leave home: according to reports, a counter-revolutionary coup was expected in Czechoslovakia. The Baltic and Belarusian military districts were given in the readiness state of the number one. On the night of August 20, August 21, they gathered again at the meeting. Brezhnev said: "We will enter the troops ...".

Judging by the memories of eyewitnesses, in December 1968, the Minister of Defense Marshal Grechko, discussing the question, indicated that Brezhnev did not want to introduce troops for a long time, but Ulbricht, and Gomulka, and the Alvekov were given. And our "hawks" in the Politburo (P. G. Shelest, N. V. Podgorny, K. T. Mazurov, A. N. Shelepin et al.) Required solutions to the problem by force.

The leaders of the countries of the Socialist Commonwealth also considered Czechoslovak events as a "dangerous virus", capable of spreading to other countries. First of all, it concerned East Germany, Poland and Bulgaria, in the smaller - Hungary.

From the point of view of the military (according to the memoirs of the former head of the united armed forces of the State party of the Warsaw Agreement of the Army General A. Gribkov), the main danger of the independence of Czechoslovakia in matters foreign Policy It was that it would inevitably lead to the vulnerability of borders with NATO countries, the loss of control over the Czech armed forces. The refusal of Czechoslovak leadership from voluntary placement of the Group of Soviet troops in their territory seemed at least illogical and requiring adequate immediate measures.

Preparation for the operation of the Danube - the commissioning of the Czechoslovakia countries of the Warsaw Treaty on the territory of Czechoslovakia - began in the spring of 1968 and was first conducted under the guise of Shumava maneuvers. On April 8, the Armor Commander of Margelov during the preparation for the teachings received the Directive Minister of Defense Marshal Grechko, who said: " Soviet Union And other socialist countries, loyal to international debt and the Warsaw Agreement, should have introduced their troops to assist the Czechoslovatsky People's Army in protecting the Motherland from hazardous over her. "

According to the signal about the beginning of the exercise "Shumava", two landing divisions should be prepared for disembarking in Czechoslovakia with parachute and landing methods. At the same time, our paratroopers recently put on the parade in November 1967, like most of the parts and units of the special purpose of the whole world, "crap" (red) berets, in the summer of 1968 they put on the headwear of blue.

This "course" of the commander of the Airborne General of Colonel Marghelova, judging by the stories of eyewitnesses, in the future, already during the Danube operation itself, saved not one dozen lives of our paratroopers - local residents who tried to resist the Soviet troops, first accepted them for Representatives of the UN peacekeeping forces, the so-called "blue casok".

Commanders of regiments and divisions, which were supposed to use in the invasion operation, were acquainted with the roads and cities of Czechoslovakia, studying the possible ways of nominating troops. Joint Soviet-Czechoslovak teachings were held, after which the Soviet parts were detained for a long time on Czechoslovak land and left it only after numerous reminders of Czech leadership.

"Early in the morning of June 18, 1968, the state border of the Czech Republic became the operational group of the field management of the army," described the events of those days the head of the 20th Army of the Carpathian Military District S. M. Zholev. - Three days, the Soviet-Czechoslovak border passed the main forces of the army allocated to participate in the teaching.

Already from the first meetings on Czechoslovak Earth, it became clear that in the consciousness and behavior a significant part of the Slovaks and Czechs had change. We did not feel that fraternal warmth, friendliness, which Czechoslovak's friends differed before, there was alertness. July 22, a group of senior officers of the Czechoslovak People's Army arrived at the headquarters of our army ... On behalf of the Minister of National Defense of the Czech Republic, they set questions about us: why, contrary to this marshal I. I. Yakubovsky promise to withdraw Soviet troops until July 21, they are still in the area teachings; For what reasons we delay and what our future plans are ... We found themselves in a difficult situation. "

Only in early August, after the repeated demands of the Czech government, part of the 38th army returned to their garrisons. We will give again the word S. M. Zolotov: "Soon I received a command to return to the command office of the army. Here, a lot of work was to get acquainted with the new parts and connections ... In addition to the full-time joints of the army, the divisions from other regions were already located here. Together with the commander I visited these connections, talked to people. Although it was not conducted about a possible throw through the Czechoslovak border, the officers understood what such a powerful grouping of troops in Transcarpathia was created. "On August 12, the USSR Minister of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union A. A. Grechko arrived in the troops.

But even earlier, in mid-July, the leaders of the USSR, Poland, GDR, Bulgaria and Hungary gathered in Warsaw to discuss the situation in Czechoslovakia. The meeting was developed by the Message to the Central Committee of the CRC, requiring the adoption of energetic measures to guide the "order". It also said that the protection of socialism in Czechoslovakia is not a particular case of this country, but the direct debt of all countries of the socialist community.

Consultations and exchange of views between the Soviet leaders and the Central Committee of the CCF began in Berno-Nastoua. As a result, by August 3, when a joint communique was signed at the Bratislava Meeting of Communist Parties, it was already possible to make a split Czechs in the ranks of the Communist Party. In Bratislava, it was decided that "the protection of the conquests of socialism. is an. International duty of all fraternal parties. "

The Czechs themselves also did not exclude the possibility of using their own armed forces within the country. Thus, the Minister of Defense Dzur considered the possibility of overclocking demonstrations before the building of the CHC Central Committee with the help of army armored personnel carriers, and Dubchek at the meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee on August 12, revealed: "If I come to the conclusion that we are on the verge of counterrevolution, then I myself am calling Soviet troops."

The analysis of the statements of Western politicians allowed us to suggest that the United States and NATO will not interfere in the conflict. The main reason for such optimism was the application of the US Secretary of State D. Rask that the events in Czechoslovakia are a personal matter primarily of Chekhov themselves, as well as other countries of the Warsaw Agreement (a similar statement sounded and during the Hungarian crisis, then the Americans did not intervene officially) . Thus, the intervention in the conflict of the Armed Forces of the NATO and the United States did not foresee, at least at the first stage, until there is no serious resistance.

At an expanded meeting, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSUs on August 16 was decided to enter troops. This decision was approved at a meeting of the leaders of the Warsaw Treaty in Moscow on August 18. The appeal letter was the appeal of the group of Czech party and public figures To the Governments of the USSR and other countries of the Warsaw Agreement on the provision of "international assistance". As a result, it was decided to change the country's political leadership during short-term military intervention. After performing this mission, the main group of troops was supposed to immediately withdraw, leaving only a few parts to stabilize the situation.

On the same day, on August 18, in the office of the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal Grechko gathered the entire governing staff of the Armed Forces, the commanders of the armies, who were destined to go to Czechoslovakia. Further conversation is known from the words of the Commander of the 38th Army of General A. M. Majorova:

"The gathered marshals and generals have long been waiting for a departing minister, already suggesting that it will be discussed. Czechoslovakia has long been the topic one around the world. The emerging minister without prefaces announced the gathered:

I just returned from the Politburo meeting. It was decided to enter the troops of the countries of the Warsaw Treaty in Czechoslovakia. This decision will be implemented, even if it leads to the Third World War.

These words, like a hammer, hit the crowd. No one assumed that the rates are so high. Grechko continued:

With the exception of Romania - she does not count - everyone agreed to this action. True, Janos Cadar the final decision will set out tomorrow morning, on Monday. He has some complications with Politburo members. Walter Ulbricht and the Minister of Defense GDR prepared five divisions for entering Czechos. Politically, it is now inexpedient. Now not the 39th year. If necessary, we connect them.

After a small pause, while those present were thinking heard, the minister demanded a report on the readiness of the troops to the operation and gave the latter instructions:

Commanderm first tank!

Lieutenant-General Tank Forces Leanov!


Army, Comrade Minister, the task is ready to fulfill.

Okay. Main attention, Comrade Leonov, - the rapid nomination of the army from north to south. Four divisions are sophisticated to the West ... two divisions to have in reserve. KP - Plzen. Of course, in the forests. The zone of the army is the three northwestern and Western areas of Czechoslovakia.

Comandard twentieth!

Lieutenant-General Tank Troops Velichko.


The army has been prepared for the fulfillment of the task you have.

Okay. Commander, 10-12 hours after "h" one, and better two divisions, you should connect with the airborne division in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ruzin South-west of Prague.

The most temperamentally expressed by the upcoming operation of the commander of the airborne array of Colonel Margelov:

Comrade Minister, Airborne Division on time ... Everyone will smitherente to the damn mother. "

The direct preparation of the grouping of Soviet troops by the invasion, already under the leadership of personally, the Minister of Defense Grecchko began on August 17-18. Projects of appeals to the people and the army of the Czech Republic were prepared, the government statement of five participating countries and a special letter to the heads of the Communist Parties of the West countries. In all prepared documents, it was emphasized that the input of troops is only a forced measure undertaken in connection with the "real danger of a counter-revolutionary coup in Czechoslovakia".

IL-14-30D (according to NATO classification - CRATE) was intended for transportation of 30 paratroopers or 3 tons of cargo

In the immediate preparation of troops on armored vehicles, a white strip was applied - a distinctive sign of Soviet and other "friendly" troops. All other armored vehicles during the operation were subject to "neutralization", and preferably without fierce defeat. In the case of resistance "mutibly" tanks and other combat vehicles They were subject to, according to the instructions brought to troops, damage immediately at the opening of fire through our troops. When meeting, if suddenly this happens, with NATO's troops, it was ordered to immediately stop and "without shooting". On the destruction of Czech technology, which opened fire, no "sanction from above," naturally was not required.

The last time was clarified and finally approved the date and time of the start of the operation - August 20, approximately late in the evening. In general, within the first three days in Czechoslovakia, 20 divisions of the OVD member countries are included in the following days, another 10 divisions are introduced. In case of complication of the situation into increased combat readiness, 6 out of 22 military districts of the USSR (and this is 85-100 combat-based divisions). Should have been given in the state of complete combat readiness all the forces in service nuclear weapon. In Poland, GDR, Hungary and Bulgaria, in addition to input, if necessary, deployed to the states of wartime another 70-80 divisions.

By August 20, all preparatory activities ended. Connections of the 1st Guards Tank, the 20th Guards General and New Army Army of the Soviet Forces Group in Germany, the 11th Guards Communarily Army of the Baltic Military District, the 5th Guards Tank and the 28th Commercial Army of the Belarusian Military District, 13 , The 38th Combines Army and the 28th Army Corps of the Carpathian Military District, the 14th Air Army of the Odessa Military District - only up to 500 thousand people. (Of these, 250 thousand - in the first echelon) and 5,000 tanks and armored personnel carriers were ready for action. The commander-in-chief of the group of Soviet troops was appointed General Army I. G. Pavlovsky.

However, on the eve of the input of the troops, Marshal Grechko informed the Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic about the preparing promotion and warned against the provision of resistance from the Czechoslovak Armed Forces.

It was "temporarily neutralized" the political and state leadership of the country, which in the plan approved in advance was not. But it was necessary to stop possible incidents similar to the performance of the Central Committee of the CCP on Prague Radio. An intelligence company headed by Lieutenant Colonel M. Seregin at seven o'clock in the morning captured the building of the CHC Central Committee, disarming protection and cut all the telephone wires. A few minutes later, paratroopers had already broke into the room where Czechoslovak leaders were meeting. To the question of one of those present: "Lord, what kind of army came?" - followed an exhaustive answer:

This was the Soviet army to protect socialism in Czechoslovakia. Please keep calm and stay on the ground before the arrival of our representatives, the protection of the building will be provided.

Fights on the streets of Prague - the outcome is clearly predetermined ...

Soviet BTR-152 on the streets of the city

At seven o'clock in the day, August 21, all Czechoslovak guide, on two armored personnel carriers, was delivered to the airport and the plane was taken to Legnica (Poland), to the headquarters of the northern group of troops. From there they were sent to Transcarpathia, and then to Moscow to negotiate with the Soviet leaders.

Column T-54A with identification stripes "Own - Alien"

Some paratroopers took positions along the highway from the airfield to Prague in order to stop the possible attempts of the Czechoslovak army to prevent the invasion. But an hour at four in the morning, instead of Czech cars, blinding the soldiers with light headlights, frozen the first column of Soviet tanks from the 20th Guards Army.

After a few hours, the first Soviet tanks with white stripes on armor appeared on the streets of Czechoslovak cities on the armor, so that you could distinguish your cars from the same type of Czech tanks. The roar of tank diesel engines, the crashing of the caterpillars woke up in this morning they had peacefully sleeping citizens. On the streets of Morning Prague, even air was irrepected of tank Gary. In some people, like soldiers and peaceful citizens, there was an alarming feeling of war, but in general it can be noted that in the mass of our Czechs turned out to be passive - the input of the troops caused curiosity rather than fear.

The main role in the operation to establish control over the situation in the country was assigned to tank compounds and parts - the 9th and 11th Guards Tank Division of the 1st Guards Tank Army of Lieutenant General Tank Troops K. G. Kozhanova from HSVG, 13th Guards tank division from the southern group of troops, the 15th Guards Tank Division of Major General A. A. Zaitseva from the Belarusian Military District, the 31st Tank Division of Major General A. P. Yurkova from the 38th combustive army of the Carpathian Military District and Tank shelves of motorized rifle divisions.

Considering the difference in the speed of movement, the Soviet command gave an order to the ground grouping to move the border when the paratroopers were still preparing for landing. At one o'clock in the morning, August 21, 1968, parts and compounds of the 38th army of Lieutenant General A. M. Majorova passed the state border of CCHR. With the Czechoslovak side there was no resistance. The advanced Major Major Major Division of P. Yashkin passed 120 km in 4 hours.

At 4 am, a loss was opened. 200 km from the border, near the small town of Poprad, the Volga stopped in front of the T-55 intelligence ward, in which the Commander of the 38th Army, General Majorov, was sitting. Lieutenant colonel of Shevtsov and the head of the special department of the Army Spirin, who were accompanied by the KGB special forces were accompanied (they were attached to the general on the eve of the invasion, and they controlled each step). Major ordered Shevtsov:

Lieutenant Colonel, find out the reason for stopping tanks.

The general did not have time to finish how one tank rushed to Volga. Spirin, grabbing Majoroba by the shoulder, pulled it out of the car. The next instant "Volga" roamed under the caterpillars of the tank. The driver-sitting on the front seats and the radio ledist managed to jump out, and the sergeant, who was sitting next to the general, was crushed.

Well, you, bastards, do?! - shouted the commander on the commander of the tank and the driver mechanic who jumped to the ground.

We need to tripkine ... Major ordered, - tankers were justified.

So I am mayor!

We did not recognize you, Comrade General ...

The cause of the accident was the fatigue of the driver's mechanic.

He, stopping the car to convey the control of the shifter, left the tank on the brake, without turning off the first speed, and forgot to say about it. Mechanic-driver, heading the car, took it off the brake. Tank jumped on the Volga standing in front of him. Only a happy chance of an accident from the death of General Majorov, and not the whole army could be without commander in the first hours of staying in someone else's land.

On August 21, the troops of the 38th Army were published on the territory of Slovakia and Northern Moravia. Combat against the uninvited guests began ordinary citizens. In Prague, young people were trying to build fragile barricades, sometimes throwing cobblestones and sticks in military personnel, filmed signs with street names. Most of all suffered left at least for a second unattended technique. In the first three days of stay in the Czech Republic, only 7 combat vehicles were labeled on the 38th army. Although the fighting and did not work, but there were still losses. The most impressive and tragic was the feat, perfect on the mountain road with a tank crew from the 1st Guards Tank Army, deliberately sent his tank into the abyss to avoid hitting the children issued there by picketers.

Soviet BTR-40, despite the moral obsolescence, on the roads with a solid coating again showed itself very well

At five o'clock in the morning, the first Soviet Tank T-55 appeared on the right bank of Vltava. He stopped at the main entrance and turned the gun towards the Central Committee of the CCC. Dozens of other combat vehicles followed him. The commandant of the city was appointed commander of the 20th Guards Motor Store Division. Several thousand tanks appeared on the streets of Czechoslovak cities, marking the end of Prague Spring.

T-55 and next to him German anti-tank gun of the Second World War PAK-37

The whole of the fullness of power in the country was in the hands of the mysterious "General Trofimov", which in humans appeared for some reason in the Mundire of Colonel. Only a few knew who this man, passionately desired to remain unknown. The role of a simple army general was played by a member of the Political Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR K. T. Mazurov. By sending your comrades to the "Combat Task", Brezhnev robbed him:

We must send one of us to Prague. The military can do it there ... Let Mazur will fly.

General I. G. Pavlovsky, who led the Danube operation, described the events of those days: "Appointment I received on August 16 or 17, three to four days before the operation. Initially, at the head of the Allied Forces assumed to put Marshal Yakubovsky. He organized all practical training. Suddenly, the Minister of Defense Grecchko: "You are appointed by the commander of the compounds that will be included in Czechoslovakia."

I flew to Legnica (in Poland), at the headquarters of the northern group of troops. There found Yakubovsky. He showed on the map, which divisions and from what direction go. The beginning of the operation was scheduled on August 21 at zero one hour. Guckle warned: "The team will be from Moscow, your business is to follow to be performed." At the appointed hour, the troops went.

And then again the call of Grechko: "I have now spoke with Jur (Minister of National Defense Czech Republic) and warned that if the Czechs, God forbid, will open fire on our troops, it may end badly. He asked to give the team with Czechoslovatsky parts so that they did not move anywhere, no opening of fire, so that we had no resistance. " After the troops went, about an hour, the buckwheat sounds again: "How are you?" I repeat: such a division there. In some places, people go on the road, they arrange the ruins. Our troops bypass obstacles ... He warned me not to leave the command office without his permission. And suddenly a new call: "Why are you still there? Fly in Prague immediately! "

Fallen to Prague, they made two or three circles above the airfield - not a single person. Not a single voice is heard, no aircraft can be seen. Seli. With the Lieutenant-General that met me, Lieutenant-General from the airfield went to the General Headquarters to Dzour. It immediately agreed with him: so that no fighting between our soldiers and that no one thought that we had arrived with some tasks to occupy Czechoslovakia. We introduced troops, that's all. And then the political leadership let him understand.

In the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bit was recommended to meet with the President of Czssr L. Freedom. I took with myself a Hungarian general, our German. I said: "Comrade President, you know, the Czechoslovaki entered the troops of the States Parties to the Warsaw Treaty. I came to report on this issue. And since you are the army general and I am the army general, we are both military. You understand, we forced us to this atmosphere. " He replied: "I understand ...".

Two dozen years, in 1988, I. G. Pavlovsky recognized the fact that "the attitude of the population was not friendly. What did we come there? We scattered from the flyer's plane, explained that they were entered with peaceful intentions. But you yourself understand if I, an impaired guest, come home to you and start to manage, it does not really like it. "

The Czechoslovak army of resistance did not provide, showing its discipline and loyalty to the orders of the higher leadership. For this reason, large victims managed to avoid.

T-55 ranked position on Prague Street

However, there were still losses: during the commissioning of the troops from August 21 to October 20, 1968. As a result of hostile actions, individual CZP citizens killed 11 servicemen, including 1 officer. Involved and injured in the same period of 87 people, including 19 officers. With the Czechoslovak side from August 21 to December 17, 1968, 94 were killed and heavier injured 345 civilians.

From a military point of view, it was a brilliantly prepared and conducted operation, which was a complete surprise for NATO countries.

In total, in the first three days, according to plan, 20 foreign divisions (Soviet, Polish, Hungarian and Bulgarian) entered the territory of Czechoslovakia, in the following two days - another 10 divisions.

However, despite military success, it was not possible to achieve immediately political goals. Already on August 21, the XIV emergency emergency congress appears, which condemns the input of troops. On the same day, representatives of a number of countries acted in the Security Council, demanding the "Czechoslovak Question" to meet the UN General Assembly, but the consideration of this issue was blocked by the "right veto" of Hungary and the USSR. Later, the representative of the Czech Republic demanded that this question from the General Assembly Agenda.

With the condemnation of the "military intervention of five states", Romania, Yugoslavia, Albania and China were performed. However, the majority of these "protests" were purely declarative and noticeable influence on the situation could not have.

"Striped" T-54

The heads of the main states of Western Europe, and the United States considered the Prague Spring and the disagreements associated with it within the eastern block of "home-welded communists" and avoided such interference in the affairs of Eastern Europe, which could be regarded as a violation of the results of Yalta and Potsdam. Another aspect was the beginning of the negotiations on the restriction of weapons, which began to acquire real features (in 1972 the contract on Pro Agreement would be concluded, and the intervention in the internal affairs of the countries - participants of the ATS could negotiate the entire course of these negotiations.

But, despite the "non-interference" of the West, the rapid normalization of the situation did not occur. The calculation of extensive support from opposition groups was also not justified. A successful military action, as noted in one of the documents, "was not accompanied by the mobilization of healthy forces in the CCP." Moreover, according to the expression of one of the Czechoslovak reformers M. Miller, "healthy forces" turned out to be depressed and frightened, faced with the unanimous condemnation of "Interventories" and their assistants from the Czechoslovak society.

Once upon this issue in a political impasse, the Soviet side was forced to return to the previous policy. Since it was not possible to form the "Revolutionary Workers' and Peasant Government", it was necessary to return to attempts to put pressure on A. Dubchek and his colleagues in order to send his internal policies to the right direction. But now the positions of the Soviet side were already much stronger - the corresponding agreement was signed to Moscow, and the presence of allied troops on the territory of Czechoslovakia gave a certain card-blanche.

The new line to "normalization" began to be carried out immediately, during the visit of the Prime Minister of Czech Republic O. Berekika to Moscow on September 10. Czech comrades were promised not only significant economic assistance, but they also provided a certain political pressure. Regarding the blueberries of the immediate fulfillment of the Moscow Agreement, the Politburo insisted that the preliminary condition for the conclusion or reduction of the contingent of the Allied Forces is "complete cessation of subversive activities of the anti-socialist forces and providing the leaders of conservatives to a more active role in political life."

After three weeks, the situation in Prague and other major cues of Czechoslovakia almost completely stabilized: a new government was appointed President of Czech Republic, which immediately declared the importance of friendship and close cooperation with socialism countries.

Sometimes "striped" burned

On September 10-12, the main compounds and parts of the Soviet troops and the troops of the countries participating in the Department of Internal Affairs were derived and headed towards the places of permanent deployment. By November 4, 1968, 25 divisions were derived from the country.

"We are here for a while ..."

And in the Czech Republic until 1991, the central group of troops of the Soviet Army was detained, which included the 15th Guards and 31st Tank Divisions, the 18th, 30th Guards, 48th motorized rifle divisions. When signing the Treaty on a temporary stay in Czechoslovakia of the Group of Soviet troops (this happened on October 16) it was determined that its number could not exceed 130 thousand people. This force was quite enough to stabilize the situation, taking into account the fact that the army of Czechoslovakia numbered 200 thousand people at this time. When approving the Commander-General General Colonel A. Majorova, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU L. I. Brezhnev told him as a farewell: "The Group's troops under the contract will be posts temporarily. But no wonder they say: there is nothing more permanent than temporary. We are talking, Alexander Mikhailovich, not about months about the years. "

The CGV proved its effectiveness at the end of 1968, when our troops managed to disrupt a large anti-government political strike. The forces of Democrats were appointed on December 31, massive political manifestations. However, on the eve, in accordance with the pre-developed plan of the commander called "Gray Hawk", in all major cities "to control the order" during the manifestation, 20 Soviet motorized rifle and tank battalions were introduced - anti-government demonstrations did not take place. There was enough ordinary demonstration of technology, weapons did not have to apply.

The situation in the country began to gradually normalize only from mid-19969, when the reorganization of the CHC Central Committee and the Government of the Czech Republic was completed (that is, when the main "confused" were politically insulated).

Well, the events in Czechoslovakia were then long considered at the Military Academy as an example of a clear organization and carrying out a large-scale operation on the European TVD to provide "fraternal help to friends and allies."

However, in 1989, the last Soviet leader of M. S. Gorbachev officially acknowledged that the internal affairs of the sovereign country was an unlawful act of interference in the internal affairs of the sovereign country, which interrupted the democratic update of Czechoslovakia and had long-term negative consequences. In 1991, in the shortest term, CGS was eliminated, and the troops were brought to their homeland.

After another period of a few years, the "democratic" traditions, so praised by the first and latest president of the USSR, M. S. Gorbachev, finally took over the top, and the country launched into two sovereign states (the Czech Republic and Slovakia) entered the program of the Americans "NATO Expansion to the East".


15 developing countries are in service with ballistic missiles, 10 more are developing. In 20 states continue research in the field of chemical and bacteriological weapons.

Majorov A. M. Invasion. Czechoslovakia. 1968. - M., 1998. P. 234-235.

Cyt. By: Dreave I. G. Tank Sword of the Soviets. - M., 2002. P. 216.

United States, England, France, Canada, Denmark and Paraguay.

Cyt. By: Russia (USSR) in local wars and military conflicts of the second half of the 20th century. - M., 2000. P. 154.

Majorov A. M. Invasion. Czechoslovakia. 1968. - M., 1998. P. 314.

The proposal to recognize the Soviet participants of the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968 the status of three communist deputies to the State Duma. The purpose of the "Military Strategic Operation" Danube ", in their opinion, was to suppress the coup in Czech Republic, which with the help of western countries Preparing Czechoslovatskaya opposition.

The proposal was criticized by representatives of the Czech opposition party Top 09 due to the "distortion of history". The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet commented on this proposal.

Participants of the Danube-68 operation seek their status to be the same as the Soviet soldiers who fought in the Great Patriotic War, in Afghanistan, Syria and other bloody conflicts. The bill that would ensure that they would not only respect the public as defended their homeland, albeit far beyond its borders, but also a number of financial advantages, including increased pensions and significant housing benefits and utilities, has already entered the Russian parliament.

This week was made by the Communist deputies of Nikolay Kolomomesey, Sergey Solulsky and Yuriy Sinelchikov. At the same time, not only deputies and politicians, but also the media call the capture of Czechoslovakia with the most different terms, but not only by occupation. So, for example, the State Agency RIA Novosti writes about the Military Strategic Operation "Danube", the purpose of which was to prevent coup in Czechoslovakia.

"They showed courage and hardness"

The deputies of the bill themselves in the substantiation of the law claim: "We must recognize that in the conditions of the military situation in the Czech Republic in the period from August 21 to November 1968, in the performance of his military debt, they showed courage and hardness, so we consider it necessary to in relation to These people have established historical and social justice. " These justice are presented in the form of a change in the Federal Law "On Veterans", which should be expanded by the participants of the occupation of Czechoslovakia.

It is unclear whether the bill will be held in the State Duma. In the sidelines, members of other factions expressed concerns due to the fact that this "election campaign" of the Communist Party of Russia can cause the negative reaction of Prague and eventually lead to problems for the modern army of Russians living in the Czech Republic. According to the independent deputy Dmitry Gudkov, this initiative of the legislators will not be ignored by the Czech embassy in Moscow and will cause a certain reaction in Prague.

Arguments - this is a shameful falsification, as Schwarzenberg says

The leadership of the opposition party Top 09 was already reacted to the Amendment in the Russian parliament. "We reject any historical displacements of events related to 1968. The arguments that Russian deputies lead to the bill are a shameful falsification of events. Just as the justification of the invasion of the Warsaw Troops in Czechoslovakia in 1968 in general. They say, this operation was supposed to protect Czechoslovakia from the NATO attack, "writes the Honorary Chairman of the Party of Karel Schwarzenberg, the EuroPutat of Yaromir Shtetina and the First Deputy Chairman of the Groom Marek.

"As politicians of Top 09, entered into the Putin list of unwanted persons who are denied entry into the territory of the Russian Federation, we call on the Minister of Foreign Affairs to invite the Russian ambassador to the Czech Republic for explanations. At the same time, we demand that the Czech Ambassador in Moscow also take steps on this issue. "

"Counter-revolution, specialized from Washington"

The status of military veterans soldiers of the occupation forces are achieved for several years. They united into regional organizations and support contact, including through social networks and web pages of veteran organizations.

In 2013, many of them tried to achieve the same thing that the Communists are offered today - to change the law "On Veterans". The Russian community supported the right of the participants of the Danube-68 operation to the status of a veteran, and in the media and social networks The discussion from which it follows that the Russians do not allow any historical errors.


Czech Republic remembers the anniversary of the occupation

Radio Praha 08/22/2015

Police was faster than in 1968

idnes.cz 26.08.2013

1968. 2013. Red Square.

Radio Liberty 08/25/2013
The conviction is still dominant that Moscow prevented the occupation of Czechoslovakia by NATO countries, and that "the counter-revolution called Prague Spring was resigned from Washington."

Moscow concerns in 1968, by the way, are comparable to those who expresses Russian President Vladimir Putin today: it is impossible to allow the borders of Russia, as then the USSR, the troops of the hostile military unit focused. Therefore, participants in the invasion of Czechoslovakia perceived and perceive all this operation as a military.

Russian soldiers thought they were going to war

"We were all confident that we go to war. None of us, and then I was the twenty-year-old lieutenant, did not know whether to return home, "Valery Panov written three years ago on the portal" Military Revival ". He and his colleagues convincingly tell that the world threatened the atomic war, and they, occupying Czechoslovakia, prevented it. According to Panova, in all Czechoslovakia there were hundreds of warehouses with weapons and about three thousand CIA agents.

He today is justified by the imaginary resistance of Czech counter-revolutionaries, so that we can talk about these battles and provide them with the status of war veterans. General Vladimir Bulgakov, for example, claims that the battles were, but for them, for political reasons, it was impossible to say then. "It's time to admit that we had resistance, although most of the weapons and military equipment remained in warehouses that were instantly captured by the allied troops. Just because of this Czech army failed to begin a large-scale military operation. In 1968, the Czechoslovak army consisted of 200 thousand people. "

In connection with the desire to hold the Law in Russia, the losses that the tips suffered are emphasized. According to the commander of the 38th army of General Majorov, the Czechs set fire to seven BMP bottles with an incendiary mixture. Some cars allegedly burned with the crew. More than 300 cars were also destroyed. From August 21 to October 20, in the performance of military debt, 11 soldiers were killed, according to Mayorow.

More lives took accidents and improper handicaps

However, other official data is also interesting: for the same period in different accidents, due to non-accurant weapons treatment, 85 Soviet soldiers were killed and for other non-violent reasons. So the awkwardness turned out to be more fatal for Soviet soldiers.

It is not entirely clear to what category losses to take the victims of the accident, which happened on August 21 on the highway between Slovak Presov and Poprad. According to the Russian media, then women fouled to "extremists" came out on the highway, along with children to stop Russian tanks. The driver of the first car in the column did not want to run into the group of people and sent a tank into a ditch. Yuri Andreev, Peter Kazarin and Evgeny Makhotin burned in place. "There is even a small monument on the spot," the Russian portal Topwar complains.

In Prague there was a number of similar incidents, and in addition, Czechoslovaki often "treacherously fired from shelters" in soldiers. If General Major in the official message leads 11 victims of battles in two months, then the participants of the operation on their veteran sites assure that the fallen has been much more. So, according to Lieutenant Panova, only from 21 to 27 August 21 people died. In February 1995, the newspaper Izvestia wrote that common losses Among 99 people, without specifying, however, did most soldiers died in accidents or shot themselves.

Europe in US Tisch

One thing is the emotions of the former soldiers, and the other is the position of Russian legislators. According to communist deputies, the law should be discussed as soon as possible, because in August of this year will be 48 years since the events in Czechoslovakia, and their participants are aging. In the commentary on the law, the authors emphasize that in Czechoslovakia, beyond any doubt, there was a threat of an anti-state coup, which "prepared a Czechoslovak opposition based on the support of Western countries."

All this happened because it was "weakened censorship." According to deputies, not only Americans, but also "Nazis and representatives of the reactionary spirit" were prepared for the attack on the socialist unit. The Communists also list the army that were ready to invade Czech Republic, if Moscow could not intervene: USA, Britain, France, the Netherlands and Belgium. And these countries are called "Hitler's heirs."

In addition, the authors of the bill regrets that the operation was not communicated to the end, which would prevent an increase in the impact of the EU and the United States in Central Europe after 1990. "The countries of Eastern Europe have lost their sovereignty, and their economic potential has sharply decreased, and the standard of living of citizens decreased," the Russian communists approve.

We are talking about money

If the State Duma takes a law with a similar justification, this will mean that Moscow officially considers the invasion of the Soviet Army to the Czech Republic on August 21, 1968 by the friendly help of the fraternal people, and the legitimate protection of their territorial interests. However, while the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia responded to the participants of the Danube-68 operation to a request for changes as follows: "The participation of the soldiers of the USSR Armed Forces in the battles in Czechoslovakia in 1968 is not confirmed." Allegedly marked only separate violent clashes. And this is not enough to provide veteran status.

But if the participants of the Danube-68 surgery ceased to argue about the ideological attack of the operation and focused on money, which, when changing the law, it is primarily possible, they would have been the same pensions and benefits that they have Colleagues of the soldiers-Afghans. Argument new law In the fact that "ours prevented the invasion of NATO's troops in Czechoslovakia", according to the deputy Oksana Dmitrieva, Netactically. The benefits rely on all participants in foreign operations, regardless of the ideological approach of the action.

Next to the queue - Hungary

However, only those who served in Czechoslovakia from August 21 until the end of November 1968, who are older than 67 years old, and who needs "moral, and partly and the additional material and social support of the state, would be counted. All who arrived in Czechoslovakia after November 30, 1968, no circumstances will be considered veterans of hostilities.

Today, about 20 thousand military personnel of occupation troops live in Russia. Many of them are already getting different kinds of benefits or as a disabled, or as labor veterans or veterans. military service. Categories that have the right to benefits and state assistance, a huge amount in Russia, and almost anyone has a chance to enter one or another.

But in general, without any benefits, there were alleged four thousand soldiers, who in August 1968 occupied Czechoslovakia. For them, in the budget for 2017, the necessary funds can already be found - it is enough just to vote for the new law. Another initiative of the Communists, according to their own words, should be to grant the status of host veterans to the participants of the operation in Hungary in 1956.

Arguments of Russian deputies and their substantiation of the occupation of Czechoslovakia, however, Czech deputies from the Top 09 consider the "shameful falsification" of events. "We reject any historical displacements of events related to 1968," the Honorary Chairman of the Party of Karel Schwarzenberg, Mairrh Stutin and the First Deputy Chairman of the Top 09 Marek Grooms, the first deputy chairman of Top 09 Marek Grooms, wrote in a press release.

They also called on the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lubomira Zaoutorek (ČSSD) to invite the Russian ambassador to the Czech Republic for explanations. "At the same time, we demand that the Czech ambassador in Moscow also take steps in this matter," they said. So far, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic has not commented on the Russian bill, but Irena Valentical from the press service of the department stated ČTK agency that the statement is preparing.

Operation "Danube" was a counterattack

The veterans of the input of troops in Czechoslovakia in August 1968 are evidenced.

Exactly 50 years ago, on the night of August 20, 1968, to the territory Czechoslovak Socialist Republic The troops of the five Member States of the Warsaw Treaty were introduced: USSR, NRB, GDR, VDR and Poland. Began operation "Danube", the largest after World War II and the remaining in history as a brilliantly planned and implemented military-strategic event with the most small victims. And although half a century has passed since its holding, the history of the 1968 events in Czechoslovakia is more relevant. Completely consonant with modernity and the turning nature of the era, and the scale of the events that occurred, and the possibility of a concentration of extremely significant events in a short period of time.

It is characteristic that in the former Czechoslovakia that occurred so far is perceived as an acutely felt modernity. Similar sentiments are observed in the post-Soviet space. Despite the sufficient period, which seemed to avoid distortions caused by the immediate proximity of the events, to move away from direct projection of ideological installations yet ...

Almost all researchers, regardless of political benchmarks and ideological preferences, are united that the Czechoslovak crisis is one of the central episodes of the post-war confrontation.

However, unity in the valuation of events is usually limited.

The preserving mythology of the Cold War is pushing liberally oriented authors to the surface, extremely unilateral interpretation of events in Czechoslovakia, which are still presented as a peaceful "Prague Spring", aimed at "aligning" socialism, but interrupted as a result of Soviet aggression, although not encountered organized Military removal, but faced with the resistance of the people "Communist Totalitarianism".

This circumstance is most noticeable influenced by Czech historiography, making an emphasis on the "historical fault" of the USSR. However, from the late 80s. Past century and to the present, numerous compilation applicants are also widely spread in the Russian historical literature, substantially repeating the insults of Czech and Slovak authors seeking to take an ideological revenge for the military-political defeat of 1968. The story of the lightweight (in the style of the notorious "liberator " Tubana-Suvorov) Publicistics with the characteristic fragmentation of a holistic picture, which makes it easy to plan pseudo-body myths.

Modern desire to recognize events in Czechoslovakia one of the first attempts to organize the "Color Revolution", It comes to the fierce resistance of Russophobes. Emotions of Chekhov and Slovaks can still be understood. But we have preserved those for whom the "Danube" participants are still no more than "liquidators of" Prague Spring "," and the operation itself is a solid chain of political mistakes bordering crimes. Nervous giggling and frank feeding is easily guessed not so much to continue the confrontation of the Soviet era, how much the nationwide discussion by the Liberal Publicism today, in the center of which is the question: should the geopolitical activity of modern Russia should be collapsed (to return the Crimea, to "merge" Donbass and give the final "Partners" Unhappy Syria) in exchange for the withdrawal of Western sanctions and the preservation of a liberal political course.

It is possible to resist aggressive ideological expansion by applying to the collective memory of veterans. IN modern conditions It should be treated especially carefully. The living word of the participant and the witness is able to effectively influence the endless lists of historical facts, statistics and the mountains of grand memorials ...

Actually, the first memories of " Danube»Appeared shortly after 1968. Initially, they were episodic, but gradually their stream increased. Memoirs of the former commander of the 38th army of General A.M. received wide fame. Majorova, have become available (in varying degrees) Other materials. A genuine breakthrough associated with the definition of the historical meaning of "Danube" and the integration of memories of veterans into collective memory, V.P. Santsev (Ukraine), who managed to organize and systematize the collection and publication of these materials.

The conclusion made by the researcher, according to which the successful holding of the Danube prevented the co-preparing invasion of the North Atlantic Alliance's troops and made it possible to avoid large-scale (possibly nuclear) war in Europe, became the most important contribution to the study of this military-strategic operation.

Motogram Activity V.P. Sunseva Not only received social recognition, but also became an example for other direct participants in the events. The success of the work done prompted to further collect materials and revise outdated provisions on the nature of the events of 1968 in Rostov-on-Don, the regional public organization of the initnationalist warriors " Danube-68."Deploying the search for veterans of operations and their relatives, collecting and publishing memories, identifying documents from personal archives. The most important event in its activities was the exit in 2011 in the Rostov Publishing House "Altair" of the Volume Book " Toward dawn"(In 2013, reprinted in an expanded and advanced version) containing memories of veterans of the operation. These efforts were supported by representatives of the scientific community and the general public, they met a benevolent response, both in the Rostov region and all post-Soviet space, intensified the veteran movement in general. Similar organizations began to occur in other regions of our country. Today we have the right to talk about the wide public movement of the participants of the Danube operation.

The absolute majority of the "Danube" veterans acts as a cohesive international community, one in the estimates of the events of 1968 in Czechoslovakia and preserved the perception of themselves as direct heirs of the winning agents of the 45th, which fell out responsibility for the preservation of the post-war device of the world. They are proud of personal participation in a large historical test, which withstanding with honor, without writing their banners with shame of violence and ladders. The infamous statement of the Soviet government of December 5, 1989, in which, with the filing of Gorbachev, despite the obligations had previously had in the framework of the Warsaw the presence of official appeal With a request for help, the decision to enter the allied troops in Czechoslovakia is estimated as erroneous and unreasonable interference with the internal affairs of the sovereign state, is perceived by veterans as the limit of state recklessness, discrediting the importance for the USSR operation "Danube" and provoking multiple reproaches to our country.

In memory of veterans, the Military Strategic Operation Danube was forever remained not only one of the most vivid events related to the fair struggle for the preservation of the Second World War, but also a logical link in the centuries-old confrontation of our country of the West's aggressiveness. In the same way, both the territorial expansion of Russia historically was only an answer to the external threat and during the Cold War, including in 1968, Soviet actions (with all external radicalism) in essence, were defensive. The 1956 Hungarian lesson was well aware of the developers (headed by a highly diffused General S.M. Shtemenko) and command of the military-strategic operation, who understood the need for combat activity for the sake of minimizing the number of possible victims. "Danube", essentially, was only a counterattack caused by the desire to fix the border, which our opponents in the Cold War could not be.

So far, nowhere appears such, let's say, the fact that the input of troops is even somewhat late - on the territory of Czechoslovakia on the part of West Germany on August 21, 1968 invited the advanced battalions of the 1st and 3rd mechanized US Army Divizions, which were immediately expelled back the forces of two Soviet tank regiments.

If the conviction is in forced, mainly defensive The nature of the actions of the Soviet party determines the memory of veterans on the cold war as a whole, the main marker for participants in the events of 1968 is the recognition of combat operations during the operation. This issue was repeatedly rising, many participants of events were expressed on this reason. The conclusion made by them is unequivocal - the fighting was an integral component of the Danube. Information on the conduct of hostilities permeates the entire content of memories of veterans. In close connection with them, such aspects as the restoration of the fighting scheme, the composition and combat group of troops, the list of military units participating in the operation and clarification of combat losses were reconstructed. Thanks to memories of veterans, as a result of painstaking teamwork (most of the combat documents still classified), From individual elements of the mosaic, ultimately, the holistic picture of the grandiose, thoroughly developed and in the details of a well-thought-out military operation.

Who today will decide to deny such signs of hostilities as the establishment of the main command of the Danube operation (Glavkom - General I.G. Pavlovsky), the formation of the central, southern and carpathic fronts? Who will decide to deny the combat orders, combat reports, weapons and front-line contentment for the entire personnel, conducting combat journals? And, of course, who will decide to deny the award of the participants of the operation by combat orders and medals and, moreover, irretrievable and sanitary losses of military personnel during its implementation?

However, state bodies In response to numerous appeals of veterans, they refuse to recognize reality, again and again limited to the bureaucratic postponus on "individual clashes", provoking "Danube" on a banal question: would recognize their participants in hostilities if the input of the troops dragged and had to beat NATO troops If it were not possible to successfully block the Czechoslovak army and it provided armed resistance if the actions of the troops were less professional, and the soldiers succumbed to numerous provocations with the unpredictable development of events?

Veterans, whose ranks are rare, are patiently waiting for any of the numbers of high-ranking state officials comments the situation that has arisen. Meanwhile, at the Military Academy (and not only Russian) continue to study the operation of "Danube" as a sample of martial art.

To properly assess the nature of the Military-Strategic Operation, Danube, it is necessary to understand the fact that everyone without exception participants had to act in new, especially difficult conditions. For the first time, elements of the so-called "new generation war" were actively used, associated with the impact on the enemy by the methods of social manipulation. The most powerful weapon in a similar war is not so much a military contingent, how much the mass media imposing ideological stamps in the entire world community. The main signs of such a war: the use of civilians against the troops as a living shield; the desire to maximize their own losses for the sake of creating a "informational dispat"; Attribution of the enemy forces of those actions that the real provocator practices himself.

In memoirs of veterans, many plots illustrating the elements of such a war.

The images contained in the memoirs of numerous protest shares do not leave doubts about their thoughtful provocative organization, pre-prepared provision, leadership from a single center, frankly staged. The troops fully collided with an attempt to turn them into the aggressor, and extremists issued for the entire population of Czechoslovakia, in folk avengers.

We were not ready for such a turn, and I had to correct the miscarriages of political leadership directly during the operation, mainly by simple conscripts soldiers. I have to admit that this lesson was not fully absorbed, and today we risk the "war of memory" again - the memory of 1968 in our country is mainly mainly due to the personal efforts of veterans and enthusiasts, while in the Czech Republic , Slovakia, other countries of Eastern Europe have given a special status.

Almost all participants in the events of 1968 emphasize that the population of Czechoslovakia was not one in its attitude towards the included troops: "The differentiation of views was very noticeable. The position of a citizen is very often determined not to its social, but age-related affiliation. The older generation belonged to the stay of foreign troops as an inevitable act, and many made a positive assessment to this event. " However, the same authors recognize that this population would seem to be traditionally peaceful, often the drussic sentiments allowed extremist tuned young people (At least for a while) to impose his will in the whole society. And the question of the reasons of what happened remains open.

Pay attention to one principal circumstance. In the Czechoslovakia itself, in the second half of the 1960s, preserved from the pre-war period and inspired by the "Prague Spring" of illusions, according to which the role of the country was reduced to the "Second Switzerland", serving a kind of mediator between the liberal West and the Socialist East. The external idea has long been acquired by a new sound and Teshila National Pride. The need for an ideological justification of the desire for an eclectic combination of antagonistic features of opposite political systems and caused such an ideological design as notorious "socialism with a human face".

However, all external forces have seen the future of Czechoslovakia fundamentally otherwise and assigned to her in their geopolitical plans a role is not more than strategic bridgehead.

Against the background of national neurosis caused by the natural strengthening of this contradiction, the wave of aggressiveness was increased (with the help of overseas patrons) to settle frank extremistam, such as "Club-231", which was a lot of frank Nazis. In the conditions of block confrontation, the desire of the Soviet Union was fully justified to strengthen positions in Central Europe, placing a military contingent in Czech Republic. In the context of the events of 1968, the Military-Strategic Operation "Danube" turns into mainly of them, but is not derived from the "Prague Spring" event.

Of course, a decisive breakthrough in the study of the events of 1968 in Czechoslovakia and the Military-Strategic Operation "Danube" will be associated with the introduction of the entire complex of sources to the scientific circulation. However, it is already possible to develop their history at the level, allowing to overcome the myth-making day of the Cold War. Pessimist may argue that, they say, the authors brought a lot, which is called, from themselves, that they could not know or subjectively interpret circumstances. Of course, they could, but it was this subject matter that makes the memory of an effective tool for influencing public consciousness, turning them, ultimately, in memory of generations. And the memory of the people is incommensurable above any seems to be objectively presented (if it is generally possible) history.

Today it is quite obvious that the modern Russian society will only take such historical ideas that will be coordinated with its historical memory.

The creation of a modern concept of events in 1968 incoming the modern concept of events of 1968 and the change in the historical assessment of the Danube operation is opening the opportunity for a new formulation of the status of participants in the operation and restoring historical justice.

An annoying to realize that the insecurity of the Defenders of the Fatherland is the sad tradition of our state that declares high patriotism and often forgetting their own heroes that do not separate their fate from the fate of the Motherland.

Alexey Baylov - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Southern Federal University, coordinator of the Rostov Regional Public Organization of the Armenian Organists "Danube-68".

Vladimir Bulgakov - Hero of Russia, Colonel-General.

Vitaly Shevchenko - Major Major Major, Military Historian, Chairman of the Rostov Regional Public Organization of International Guillers "Danube-68".

Czechoslovakia 1968.

Czechoslovakia 1968, "Year of Heavy Tests" Plans NATO failed, the counter-revolution did not go

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With the collapse of the Soviet Union began to indulge in publicity secret operationsheld by our state in many countries and continents of the Earth during the Cold War. One of the terrible pages in the newest history was the war in Afghanistan, the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from this country is just noted this year. However, and besides Afghanistan, there were many wars and local conflicts, in which our guys defended the interests of their government. One of these conflicts is the 1968 operation in Czechoslovakia, the participants of which are still not recognized by Russia as veterans of hostilities.
One of the participants in the Danube operation, conducted by the countries of the Warsaw Treaty in 1968 - Vladimir Vasilyevich Marakhovsky, former commander T-55, Guard Sergeant, now living in the village of Novonikolaevka Matveevo Kurgan district. We present his story about those years.

- "Nobody is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten," the slogan says so. But we forgot about us.
Today, we can condemn the socialist system of our state in the 60s and the decision taken at the time of his senior officials.
But it is impossible to condemn the dedication to the military duty of soldiers, officers and generals of the Soviet army, their durability, courage, courage and heroism during the fulfillment of combat missions that the country put in front of them outside the Motherland.
Unfortunately, there are still few known about the mission of soldiers, officers and the generals of the Soviet Army in the events outside the USSR, where the result was the prevention of the Third World War.
On the participation of our servicemen in hostilities aimed at preserving a socialist camp, I want to tell today.
The location of such an operation in 1968 was the country in the very center of Europe - Czechoslovakia. August 21, 1968 on the territory of Czechoslovak Socialist Republic The troops of the five Member States of the Warsaw Treaty were introduced: USSR, Bulgaria, Hungary, German Democratic Republic and Poland. The famous operation "Danube" began - the largest military operation in Europe after World War II. It participated in 26 divisions with a number of 240 thousand soldiers of the army of the socialist camp.
In a combat operation on August 21, 1968, in Czechoslovakia by the USSR, it was also involved: 18 motorized rifle, tank and airborne divisions, 22 aviation and helicopter regiment - a total of 170 thousand people. The main shock power Soviet troops In the operation "Danube" was the 1st tank army. In total, 5 thousand medium tanks participated in the operation "Danube".
In 1968, I, Guard, Junior Sergeant, served in the city of Dresden in the 1st Guards Tank Army, 11 Guards Tank Division, in 249 Guards Motion Tank Shelf, in the Tank Battalion.
This is how I described the events of that time in the book Vitaly Shevchenko "Toward the dawn":
The task is touched by me, like my colleagues along the battalion and the shelf during the preparation and direct participation in the military-strategic operation to assist the Czechoslovak people. However, it all began with intensive training since "textbook", where we were prepared for tank commanders. The officers who conducted classes said that the training program had changed dramatically compared to our predecessors. Also, special attention was paid to political training where we were configured to other countries in which fighting was conducted.

In the summer period of 1968, we were engaged in combat training on landfills with driving tanks in various locals. Tankodrome never empty. I somehow was lucky on shooting, and in particular, with combat shooting. So it became that the commanders counted on me and tried to make a tank fire sniper from me. In the end, it happened, I received the qualifications of the "Master" on military specialty. But it was not enough to be proud of the achieved, it was necessary to prove the level of gravity. And this meant the obligatory defeat of all goals from the tank gun in various conditions, including on the go and with any weather.
In early August, a battle alarm was announced in one of the evening via day. After a while, a team came to departure to the collection area. Everything was done quickly, the actions were worked out, repeated rates on the alarms with the conclusion of military equipment. From the hangars came out without delay. The commander of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Klevtsov, arrived in the collection area, which was from Krasnodar. The order was announced before the commission of combat missions and international assistance to the fraternal Czechoslovatsky people from counter-revolution and the state coup. Also delivered the deputy and said that the work factories and the Government of Czechoslovakia appealed for help from the USSR and other countries of the Warsaw Treaty.
For a few hours before the construction, the team was applied to the white paint strip on combat machines, which was done in a short time.
Commanders were issued maps with the designation of routes. The ammunition was also downloaded and an additional instruction was carried out "GOPPERY".
We are ready to perform combat missions. I would not hide, there was a big excitement and feelings overwhelmed from the responsibility that went to our shoulders. An alarming and intense waiting time of the red rocket signal began.
By midnight, a red rocket flashed in the sky, the clock arrows showed 23 hours 15 minutes. Everything came to move, we knew that state border Not far, and after a while we have achieved it, with the prighted lights and without the work of radio stations. Our tank column on the former border checkpoint Czech Republic was met by the Military Army of the GDR. And we continued movement through the territory of Czechoslovakia. After some time, our column was overtaken by the dysfect machines, which with short stops were out of order telephone lines.
We were tasked - with the coming Motley-racing hoth to capture the Government House in Prague and block the approaches. The remaining objects blocked others. When we passed the column from the border a few kilometers, an officer of Czech was standing on the side of the road, he spoke well in Russian, he said that she would show us the route of movement, because in someone else's city it's not easy to go. When dawned, the officer came down. "I," says, it is impossible, otherwise they will see and kill. "
Our movement began to impede passenger cars, barricades, at the entrance to the Government House, came the shots. There is some kind of mountain nearby, because of her and shown shooting. At the same time, the commander was injured on the other company, two bullets on the departure, but the bones were not affected.
Turned the tank on the T-shaped intersection to overlap the approach to the home home from the back side. The infantry entered the house of the government, arrested all the protection, began to inspect all the rooms. A man, dark-haired, strong physique slept in one of them. Lit quietly, a pistol was withdrawn from under the pillow. Woke, asked: "Who are you?". He replied: "I am a blueberry." Our officer said: "I am an officer of the Soviet Army, Captain Molchanov." Blueberries were transferred to one of the rooms, planted for a large polished T-shaped table. We went out, and only our officers were left with him.
The government's house we took in the shelter, the guard thought it was the exercise, and the technique is the same as in the city. Then the shootout began. Our Major - Zepotech, former Frontovik, walked in a helmet, burst with grenades, with a gun of the vergement, checked the state of technology. In the courtyard of the Government Houses did not shoot, and we went to inspect the territory of the yard. The building was acquired by a high hedge. My friend told me that under the house of the government was a food warehouse, where even alcohol was, but I remembered the words of my father, who said that the one who was drunk died on the front. My father was also in Czechoslovakia during the Great Patriotic War, fought as part of the 5th Don Cavalry Corps ...
Above the city from the helicopter, leaflets were written, where it was written: "Ivan, you came to trample our land", etc. But if natovtsov came, would they really think differently? We just ahead of them.
Each evening in the city there were shootings, at night the shooting was intensified. In Prague, we were until the end of August, and then brought us off into the forest, but even there the Czechs were the fire on our soldiers.
In November, we were already at home - on "winter apartments".
A few days after the return, I was appointed tank commander, and I was awarded the title of sergeant. And after a while, I, like several soldiers of the urgent service from other units, were called up to the division headquarters, where Comda gave us a part of everything and announced the direction for short-term officers in Vyunsdorf.
Within three months we passed training and preparation, after the end received relevant documents. Subsequently, we were assigned the officer's title "Junior Lieutenant."
Remember much more, but there is no desire, since we were deceived. They promised a lot, but as always, did not give anything. In Germany we were met with music, like winners, threw flowers, and we ....
We had when we were kept in Czechoslovakia, we were told: "You will be equated for participants in the operation of the Danube". So what? So where?
Despite the fact that in the late 80s, the input of troops in Czechoslovakia, our country recognized the erroneous, the personnel of the compounds and parts professionally fulfilled his military debt, without staining his banners with shame of looting and violence. We were faithful oath, homeland and soldier's debt.
It remains only to perplex why our fellow citizens, former soldiers who, with arms, defended the interests of our state, do not receive recognition as participants in the fighting.
Yes, you can refer to the state whom there is no longer when you can declare with a clean conscience: "We did not send you there."
Yes, there is no union anymore, but in a hundred kilometers from Rostov-on-Don, on the territory of Ukraine, the decree of its president, the participants of the Danube operation are recognized by participants in combat operations. But we served with these people in some plasters, rates and battalions. We together performed international debt.
Nowadays, with the phrase "warrior-internationalist", usually, the Afghan warrior is immediately represented. However, in addition to Afghanistan, we had another 18 wars in 14 countries of the world.
This is China - 1950, Korea - 1950-1953, Hungary - 1956, Algeria - 1962-1964, Egypt - from 1962 with interruptions of 1975, Vietnam, etc. The participation of Soviet soldiers in these political reasons was kept in the strictest mystery.
The status of participants in hostilities, except for the Afghans, received participants in other military conflicts, with the exception of Czechoslovakia.
It is not clear why at the state level was solved this way, because in this conflict, exactly the same people as in others participated. As a result of entering the troops in Czechoslovakia, more than 100 people of our soldiers were killed and several hundred was injured. These official numbers of statistics, which are most likely underestimated and therefore cause big doubts.
Passed 45 years. We, then the boys, were nineteen-twenty. Now we have matured, have seen. The youngest of us are sixty-four. To this day, no one considers us veterans of hostilities ...
Soldiers participating in the operation of "Danube" dedicated

Hear, Russia, their sons!
Perplexity in the hearts of soldiers:
Then, in the distant sixty eighth
In the name of the world, the feat of them was holy
For oblivion, he was devoted later.
On whose fault the heroes of those times
Do you live without any attention?
Those, before whom the root of our bow,
So many years, but still waiting with hope
Recognition by the Government of the country,
Honored honors and benefits.
They, like participants of the war,
From death were only per step!
In their eyes, a timeless death
Mowed the lives of young people ...
From the memory of events do not erase
And do not forget the alarm of these days.
Trembled from the ether's voltage:
"Wars can not, you can not allow them!"
How can I make time forget?
How can you not appreciate and not understand
The values \u200b\u200bof the events of the fatal?
Russia is honey, like mother,
Become to protect your rights!

How and why did the historical injustice arose that the people who perform military duty in Czechoslovakia were simply forgotten by crossing them out of the lists of participants in hostilities? Vladimir Vasilyevich himself explains all the words by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev: "The input of troops in Czechoslovakia was our big mistake." But, after all, more than forty years have passed since then ...
During this time, the former military, many of which continued to serve in the internal affairs bodies, managed to unite in public OrganizationTogether to defend your interests. At the Don Land of Warriors, the participants of the military operation in Czechoslovakia heads the former head of the GUVD of the Rostov region Vitaly Shevchenko, a Major General of Justice, which lives in Rostov-on-Don and who meets his website: http://rasset21-go.ru.
Internationalists appealed to the Ministry of Defense several times: at first, to no avail wrote to the former Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. Now their new appeal is again at consideration - Sergey Shoigu. Wrote warriors and in the State Duma. Currently, its deputies advise internationalists to continue to unite and not leave attempts to restore historical justice. Continue to write in all instances. Say, "under a lying stone and water does not flow" ...
However, for many warriors is a big problem already also proof of the very fact of its location in August 1968 in Czechoslovakia. Almost all of them, immediately upon arrival in the Soviet Union, were selected military tickets with a mark on participation in the Danube operation, with the exchange for new ones, which no longer contained any "secret" information.
Veterans themselves, according to Vladimir Vasilyevich, no apartments, no cars, nor special awards do not want from the state. They just want to restore justice: "I, the Patzan, served in Czechoslovakia along with the front-line people who passed the Great Patriotic. And so far, it's a shame not only for himself, but for them, those who did not die from the fascist bullets, but was killed on the streets of fraternal and peaceful Czechoslovakia in peaceful and light time».
And the most joyful for these people is, finally, to meet "his": "The niece accidentally heard the conversation in the hospital about the former soldiers who were shared with each other memoirs about their service of Czechoslovakia. He told them about me, exchanged phones. So I met with the guys, and with Vitaly Shevchenko. Through it, I finally, after forty years, I found my own fellow soldiers. IN Volgograd region My commander lives, then Major, and now Colonel Kupriyanov. I will probably remember your call for all my life. He is now 87 years old, and he remembers me perfectly. You can not imagine what it is happiness: finally meet that with whom you were "there" ...

Elena Moth. Matveev Kurgan-Novonikolaevka

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User Comments

It is familiar with Vladimir Vasilyevich at work, knew him at the time when he headed the Novonikolaevsky village council.
But I had no idea that he was a participant in hostilities.
So you live and do not know anything about people who live next to you.
Low bow and thank you very much for the article.

August 21, 1968 I have been in suspend of 244 GW. TP 15 GW.TD was a gunpod to the gun on T 62 entered the Czech Republic of Libekec demobilized from the city of Milovitsy on August 4, 1969. Little GW. KN YUNENKOV KOM BAT GV.P-PK Onishchenko Ya. E.Starshina company ET-on Puliavsky com. Tank Podlus V. Fur. Nemlenko N. Chargeing Kapilovich V.Kom.Polka P-Nom Ivanov Com.Divisia General -Myor Zaitsev

Modern scientific assessments of the "Prague Spring" and the operation of "Danube":
"Prague Spring" or Military Strategic Operation "Danube"?
Once again about the "Prague Spring", operations "Danube" and the threat of a big war in Europe in 1968.

27GV MSD 244GV SMEs 1 Tank Army Commander Tools. Employed International Duty on the CCHR Training Territory peoples.

I am a fellow countryman of Alexander Nevsky and I will say a simple Russian language "Who will come to us with the sword that from the sword will die" NATO heads cursed in the root, I am always ready to defend my homeland, in 1968 participated in the operation "Danube 68" and also Other hot spots.

Understand one moment. Won a woman is easy. This is not such a big problem. Most are capable of it. Almost every man at least once in his life won at least one woman. Relationships begin with love: with awareness that another person occupies and excites your thoughts, with thrust to him, from the first dates, timid kisses and touching confessions, with a wave of passion that covers both. Then they develop. Boredom and monotony of everyday life gradually burn out passion. Everything disappears. Instead of feelings, emptiness appears, which is soon filled with indifference. Relationships are either stopped or becoming unreal. Static. The man and the woman begin to look for what they are missing now, aside from each other. Save relationships and keep a woman - that's what is difficult. For it always answers a man. Relationship saves the same thing that it creates. Not sex and gifts. Give flowers and holiday gifts - not a surprise and not an indicator of attention. It's not hard. To preserve the relationship, a man should be able to delight for no reason. For feelings do not need reasons. Women love surprises, gifts and flowers, as this is a manifestation of attention to them. They understand what they think about them and appreciate them. The constant manifestation of attention to the desired degree to a woman is what the relationship is held. The process is mutual, but a man must start it. To get, you need to be able to give. In women, men often do not see the main thing. They see them beautiful and sexy. Attractive and dangerous. All this is so, but if they look deeper, they will see young girls. Outdoor beauty is an intake. Inside soft and gentle. There is a child. Over the years, they do not change inside. During life in behavior, it becomes tougher, but all this is only protection. I realized this, you will understand how to make her own. We must conquer her like a child. The secret is simple. Attention and care for her. Permanent attention. Little things. Such as - wish good in the morning, learn how she feels, eaten or hungry, was dressed whether heavily dressed in cold weather, listen and just hug. The ability to solve her problems. Become for whom she wants to hide. Give a feeling of care and reliability. Such little things in relationships solve everything. Of these, confidence arises. Women appreciate it always. That's the whole secret, it is simple. Simple secret

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