Schedule oge 9 per year. Major changes in the OGE

The official schedule of the OGE 2020 is determined by joint orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia and Rosobrnadzor, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Schedule OGE 2020 - main period

May 29 (Friday)- social studies, informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), geography, chemistry;

June 5 (Friday)- literature, physics, informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), geography, foreign languages(English, French, German, Spanish);

Graduates of 9th grade must pass exams in four subjects: two compulsory (Russian language and mathematics) and two elective subjects. If the result is unsatisfactory, retake is also possible on reserve days and in September.

Reserve days (main period)

In the event that graduates for any valid reasons could not attend the exams on the dates of the main wave, then reserve days are provided for them. For example, if a 9-grader, due to illness, did not write the OGE in mathematics on June 9, he will take it later - on June 24, on a reserve day.

June 20 (Saturday)

June 23 (Tuesday)- for all academic subjects(except for the Russian language and mathematics);

The OGE for graduates of grade 9 will be held in three stages: early (from April 21 to May 16), main (from May 22 to June 30) and additional (from September 4 to 18).

Schedule OGE 2020 - early period

In the early period, 9th grade graduates can take exams only if there are good documented reasons for doing so. In particular, these reasons may be illness, the need to undergo a rehabilitation course in the main and additional periods of the OGE, family relocation to a permanent place of residence in another country and other exceptional cases. Also, those who received unsatisfactory OGE results in the last year can be admitted to exams in the early period.

April 27 (Monday) - informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), social studies, chemistry, literature;

May 6 (Wednesday) - history, biology, physics, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish);

Reserve days

May 13 (Wednesday) - informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), social studies, chemistry, literature;

May 14 (Thursday) - history, biology, physics, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish);

Schedule OGE 2020 - (September dates)

In the additional period, the OGE is taken by graduates who have received unsatisfactory results in more than 2 academic subjects, or have not passed one or two subjects again in the reserve terms of the main period.

September 11 (Friday) - social studies, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), literature, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish).

Reserve days

September 16 (Wednesday) - in all academic subjects (except for the Russian language and mathematics);

September 17 (Thursday) - in all academic subjects (except for the Russian language and mathematics);

For the majority of ninth-graders, an important stage has ended - the passing of the main state exam (OGE). Until July 1, there is a reserve period for the final certification, on these days children who, for whatever reason, could not appear at the OGE point, take exams. This may be a failure to appear due to illness, departure to sporting events, chess tournaments and other competitions.

Also, on reserve days, the guys who have registered for the exams that are taking place at the same time pass the final certification. The organizers try to determine the dates for the OGE for various subjects, taking into account the interests of both children with technical abilities and the humanitarian warehouse. But there are always students who want to take subjects in different directions. For example, physics and literature. Or history and biology, geography and computer science, and these exams are held simultaneously in all regions of Russia. Therefore, they can be handed over in reserve terms.

Students who could not pass the main state exam for a positive mark have the opportunity to pass a retake in two disciplines during the reserve period. These can be both compulsory subjects and self-selected ones. If "unsatisfactory" is received in three or more subjects, it will be possible to retake them only after September 1.

The attitude towards the organization of the OGE in Russian, mathematics, physics and other disciplines has become more strict. Evaluate examination papers ninth-graders are now not regional bodies, but state independent commissions. This allows you to make the calculations of results more objective, the assessment system is as transparent and independent as possible. The experts do not have the opportunity to find out whose work they are currently checking, this guarantees objectivity, excludes the possibility of influencing the members of the commission.

The examination procedure has undergone many changes. Until 2014, students had to take four compulsory subjects, then the organizers reduced the number of exams to two. Such an innovation is not the best way affected the general level of knowledge of ninth grade graduates because most of the children did not want to take the OGE in additional disciplines. There were no more than ten percent of applicants, so the Ministry of Education again decided to increase the number of state exams for ninth-graders. Due to the too small number of subjects subject to attestation, there was a significant deficit of students' knowledge in many areas.

In 2015, all ninth-graders had to pass only two compulsory subjects and in two academic disciplines chosen to their taste.

Confirmations published on the official website of the OGE changes made... Moreover, experts from the Ministry of Education and Science intend to further increase the number of state examinations for ninth grade students. For example, graduates of 2020 will have to undergo state certification in six subjects. The Ministry of Education is going to add one to the list of exams academic discipline every two years. According to experts, this system will significantly improve the level of knowledge of students and contribute to the rise of Russian school education to a qualitatively new level.

Previously, the average scores of the certificate were influenced only by the marks for state exams in Russian and mathematics. The results obtained at the OGE by choice did not in any way affect the final grade, even if these were unsatisfactory grades. However, now, when calculating the average score, the marks for two additional exams are also taken into account, but the third OGE by choice still does not affect the certificate. Only with positive marks for compulsory disciplines, a student will be able to receive a certificate of completion of the ninth grade.

On June 6, 2017, Russian ninth-graders will write an important compulsory exam - the OGE in mathematics. Strictly speaking, testing of schoolchildren is called GIA, but it is carried out in two formats: basic State exam(OGE) and state final exam (for children with disabilities health, abbreviated GVE).

Articles about answers in other subjects:

  • Answers to the OGE in English (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in Spanish (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in French (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in German (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in Russian (May 30, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in history (June 1, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in biology (June 1, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in literature (June 1, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in physics (June 1 and 3, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in informatics (June 3 and 8, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in social studies (June 8, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in chemistry (June 8, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in geography (June 8, 2017)

Changes in the OGE 2017 in mathematics

No significant changes were made to the OGE 2017 in mathematics. But this does not mean at all that one should rely on the advice of those who have already passed the OGE and try to find KIMs of 2016 on the Network. Every year, the exam does not repeat the same type of questions, because a whole group of highly qualified experts is working on the tasks for the GIA.

The OGE exam in mathematics consists of two parts. The first is aimed at checking the achievement of the level of basic training, the second is at identifying mastery of the material for more high levels required for admission to technical universities. The first part of the OGE consists of three modules - "Algebra", "Geometry" and "Real Mathematics". The second level of the exam is testing in the sections "Algebra" and "Geometry".

In the first part of the OGE in mathematics, the simplest questions are provided: the choice of one or more answer options from the proposed ones, tasks with a short answer and tasks for compliance.

The module "Algebra" of the OGE in mathematics contains tasks on arithmetic, algebraic expressions and their transformations, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, number sequences.

In the module "Geometry" OGE in mathematics - geometric shapes and their properties, measurement geometric shapes, coordinates, vectors.

The second part of the OGE in mathematics is needed to divide schoolchildren with a good level of knowledge by levels of training. In these tasks, you need to show on the OGE form all the steps for solving problems, arranged in ascending order of complexity.

Answers to the OGE 2017 in mathematics

If you score in the search engine "Answers to the OGE on June 6, 2016", then many sites or pages in social networks will appear, allegedly with the original KIMs of 2017. All you need to do is transfer a certain amount to the scammers, and then, perhaps, you will become the owner of the answers to the exam OGE assignments(Unified State Exam) in mathematics and go to the university of your dreams ...

Have you already imagined the happy moment of admission? It's too early to rejoice. Hundreds of swindlers profit from dishonest graduates, simply making money in this way. It is unlikely that you will get anything at all after you pay for "real answers to the OGE GIA on June 6, 2017". Maximum - the official demo version of KIMov 2017 or a typical exam version of the OGE.

Download the key to solving all tests right now!

One of the forms of attestation of ninth-graders is the OGE, which, despite many comments, will still be held in 2017. But this year, some changes were made to the procedure for holding the OGE, which should be known to everyone who has to go through this not entirely easy test.

Features of the OGE in 2017

Recall that ninth grade graduates have been taking the OGE since 2002. And, despite the fact that fourteen years have passed since the introduction of this form of certification, many still note its imperfection. Therefore, every year the Ministry of Education and Science tries to improve this procedure and makes some changes. So, if before 2014 there were four compulsory subjects, then after that this number decreased to two. It would seem that such an innovation should have a positive effect on the success of the students. But as it turned out, the general level of training in connection with such changes has decreased significantly. After all, the students did not choose additional subjects for delivery. Only ten percent of all ninth graders did it. Therefore, it was decided to increase the number of items required for delivery again. So, already in 2015, it was necessary to take two compulsory subjects, as well as two additional ones, which students can choose on their own. In 2017, ninth-graders will have to take not four, but five subjects. As always, two of them will be required, and three - students will choose at their discretion. At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Science plans to add one subject for delivery every two years. Thus, in 2020, schoolchildren will have to take six exams. Such innovations should increase general level knowledge of children and help them be ready for admission.

Compulsory and additional subjects for the OGE

Many are interested in how many subjects need to be taken at the OGE in 2017. So, a total of five disciplines are planned. At the same time, two of them will be required, that is, such, from the surrender, which schoolchildren cannot refuse. But the other three children will be able to choose on their own, while they are not exempt from surrender.

As always, the main subjects are mathematics and Russian. Therefore, ninth-graders need to study these disciplines with special care. As for the additional ones, students can choose among nine subjects. These include geography, biology, chemistry, physics, as well as literature, history, computer science, social studies and foreign languages. As for the latter, among the list of languages ​​that are allowed before delivery, there are:

  • English;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Spanish.

Please note that you will not be able to select items other than those listed above. Therefore, it is necessary to decide in advance on additional disciplines and already start preparing them before delivery.

We would also like to note the peculiarities of calculating the average score of the certificate, taking into account OGE results... Recall that in 2016, the results of passing only compulsory subjects were taken into account to calculate the average score. Thus, the main thing was to become compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics, and additional for this will not matter. If in 2016 the students took the OGE for unsatisfactory grades, then they were not taken into account in the end. In 2017, some changes will be taken into account, namely, in the average score of the certificate, the results for the OGE for two mandatory and two additional ones. Now the indicator will no longer depend on two, but on four items. Of course, the good news for the students will be the lack of entering the results of the third additional subject when calculating the average grade of the certificate. Another important change, which cannot be ignored, is the situation when subjects are passed for unsatisfactory grades. So, in order to receive the long-awaited certificate of completion of the ninth grade, it is necessary to get positive marks in compulsory subjects. Otherwise, your child will be kept in the second year.

Passing the OGE in 2017

Note that every year, government officials draw up a detailed schedule for passing all exams and make it available to everyone. This happens most often at the end of May and ends in June. So the beginning of the summer will have to be spent reading textbooks. It is interesting that since 2016 there is one more feature when passing the OGE, which will be taken into account in 2017. Now it will be possible to reschedule exam dates. But as for the reasons for such actions, they include the occurrence emergencies(natural or man-made disasters). This rule also applies to the venue, which can be changed for similar reasons.

So be careful and follow the schedule of the OGE exams for 2017.

It is also worth paying attention to the features of retakes. Of course, such a possibility is provided, but it will be implemented as follows. Now you can retake only two subjects out of all that students take. So, this rule applies to both compulsory and optional subjects. Therefore, if your child receives an unsatisfactory grade in three or more subjects, he will not lose the right to retake. Of course, there will be this opportunity, but you can only use it from September 1, 2017. Thus, this will lead to the fact that the student will be left for the second year. Therefore, you need to take preparation seriously, otherwise it can lead to undesirable consequences.

It is also interesting that now with more responsibility to holding the OGE will also apply to the organizers. So, the results will be calculated not by regional bodies, but by special state independent commissions. Note that their members will not know whose work they are reviewing. Thus, it only further makes the calculation of the results independent and fair.

As you can see, recent changes that relate to the process passing the exam in 2017, should improve this form of attestation for ninth graders. But whether it really will be so, time will tell. In the meantime, we invite you to learn about other changes in educational process in 2017, for example, the specifics of school enrollment at. To do this, you only need to visit the site and you will be the first to track the latest developments in the educational sphere in Russia and the world.

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The OGE exams, like the USE, can in some cases be retaken, this procedure is directly provided for by the rules for conducting final certification.

Of course, retaking is possible only in certain cases listed in the rules, and only on certain dates. Retaking the OGE in 2018 for pupils of grade 9 - in what cases it is possible to retake the OGE, when it is possible to retake the final exams.

The main thing that some ninth graders fear is that they will not be able to pass everything. OGE exams for a positive score, it became known to Ros-Register. Someone is simply too worried, someone is almost sure of failure to pass an already completed exam, waiting for its results. One way or another, but it is with this popular option that it is worth starting.

In Russia, ninth grade graduates are required to pass four exams in order to receive a school leaving certificate. Two of them are Russian and mathematics, which are compulsory for every graduate. Two more exams can be passed in any other subjects, at the choice of the student himself.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that two exams are formally obligatory, in fact all four are obligatory.

A ninth grade graduate will not be able to obtain a certificate of education if he does not pass four final exam at least three. This is how ninth-graders differ from graduates of eleventh grades, for whom, in order to obtain a school certificate, it is enough to pass only mathematics and Russian. They pass all the rest of the exam exclusively for admission to universities.

Retaking the OGE in 2018 will be possible only for those graduates who fail one or two of the four required exams. If a student did not cope with three or even four exams at once, there is nothing to be done - he will have to go to school for another year and prepare for the OGE already in 2019.

So, those graduates of the 9th grade who, in 2018, will not be able to get a satisfactory score for one or two OGE, can be admitted to retake.

In addition to this category of schoolchildren, there are several more categories of ninth-graders who have the right to retake the OGE on reserve dates. The general meaning in this case boils down to the fact that these are those students who, for valid reasons, could not pass the exams on the main dates. For example:

  • if the student did not attend the exam for a valid reason, which he can confirm with a document (illness or surgery of the student himself, death of a close relative, etc.),
  • if a student came to the exam, but did not complete it for valid reasons (for example, it became ill with health),
  • if the exam did not take place due to some kind of force majeure (flood, hurricane, etc.),
  • if the student filed an appeal against the violation of the examination procedure, and the commission satisfied it.

The main period for passing the OGE in 2018 ends on June 9 with an exam in social studies. It takes a maximum of 10 days to check any of the exams, so by June 19, grade 9 graduates will know the results of all exams passed.

For those who “failed” some of the OGE or did not pass the exams during the main period for good reasons, a retake wave will be organized, which will begin on June 20.

Schedule for retaking the OGE in June-July 2018:

  • June 20 - Russian;
  • June 21 - mathematics;
  • June 22 - social studies, biology, informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), literature;
  • June 23 - foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish);
  • June 25 - history, chemistry, physics, geography;
  • June 28 - all academic subjects;
  • June 29 - all academic subjects.

In September there will be another additional opportunity on the following days:

  • September 4 - Russian;
  • September 7 - mathematics;
  • September 10 - history, biology, physics, geography;
  • September 12 - social studies, chemistry, informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), literature;
  • September 14 - foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish).

In case a graduate needs to retake two exams in September, and they fall on one day, reserve dates for the September retake are also planned.

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