C 2 in social studies. Recommendations for the assignments of the second part of the oge in social studies

Russian language and mathematics. According to the data of previous years, almost half of the graduates (49%) take social studies. And this is not surprising, since the USE in social studies is necessary for admission to all humanitarian specialties.

In fact, the subject of "social studies" includes information on various aspects of society, studied within a whole class humanities: economics, jurisprudence, philosophy, sociology, political science and, to some extent, history.

The version of the KIM USE in social studies has undergone minor changes. The developers revised the difficulty of tasks 28 and 29, which is why the maximum primary score for the entire test increased from 62 to 64.

Assessment of the exam

Last year, in order to pass the USE in social studies at least for the top three, it was enough to get 19 primary points... They were given, for example, when the first 13 items of the test were completed correctly.

It is not yet known exactly how it will be in 2019: we need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of the primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score has increased from 62 to 64, it is very likely that the minimum score may also change slightly.

In the meantime, you can focus on these tables:

The structure of the exam

In 2019, the USE test in social studies consists of two parts, which include 29 tasks.

  • Part 1: 20 tasks (No. 1–20) with a short answer (choose the correct answer from the proposed ones, establish a correspondence between the elements of the two sets, insert the missing word in the text);
  • Part 2: 9 tasks (No. 21-29) with a detailed answer (answers to questions, mini-essays).

Preparation for the exam

  • Go through exam tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to real exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and take it easier. All proposed tests are designed and approved to prepare for Unified State Exam by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all the official versions of the Unified State Exam are being developed.

The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be encountered in the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones on the same topic.

General USE figures

Year Minimum USE score Average score Number of people who passed Not passed,% Qty.
exam time, min.
2009 39
2010 39 56,38 444 219 3,9 34 210
2011 39 57,11 280 254 3,9 23 210
2012 39 55,2 478 561 5,3 86 210
2013 39 56,23 471 011 5,3 94 210
2014 39 55,4 235
2015 42 53,3 235
2016 42 235
2017 42 235

Did you know that Part C will give you almost half of your Unified State Exam in Social Studies? On the exam, you will count every point, therefore, no matter how difficult the written assignments are, they must be solved. Let's try to outline the main recommendations of the exam experts for part C?

But the most difficult thing on the exam in 2016 will not be, but your struggle with emotions, insufficient time, and your own gaps in knowledge. Preparation for the exam is entering a decisive phase, do not forget to use ALL opportunities for the most effective and accelerated preparation and repetition of the material.

Part C of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies - structure

“The best is that which is more difficult,” said the great Aristotle. With regard to part C of the USE in social studies, this is absolutely true. If each assignment of Part A, and some of the assignments of Part B, will only bring you to the Unified State Exam, then in Part C you can count on a grade from 2 to 5 at once!

So, half of your result on the exam depends on the completion of part C! Meanwhile, even the simplest tasks of part C - C1, C2, cause difficulties for graduates. But their meaning is a simple contextual search in a social science text. That is, you just need to choose the right author's idea from the text.

Part C consists of 9 tasks, which are divided into 4 large blocks.

  • C1-C4 - work with social science text, search for information presented in explicit and implicit form, your commentary on author's judgments based on knowledge of courses and social practice.
  • С5, С8 - tasks of a theoretical nature, where it is practically not required to apply examples from the surrounding reality, and the emphasis is on the ability to structured present knowledge of the course of social studies.
  • С6-С7 - tasks for applying theoretical knowledge in practice, solving problems and giving examples.

We have already devoted our posts to separate assignments, and a separate heading - writing an essay on social studies, which the subscribers of our group are happy to use.

The published FIPI "METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVALUATING THE PERFORMANCE OF USE TASKS WITH AN EXTENDED ANSWER" for the Analysis of essay C9 with the help of FIPI recommendations, we will devote another post, and today we will discuss the remaining 8 tasks.

Analysis of part C of the exam in social studies 2013

A few words about the method of working with social science text:

1. We read the entire text, select it main problem(what is he talking about?). In this case, it is ensuring the constitutional right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to judicial protection.

2. We work with the text in KIM (assignment form). As a rule, C1 and C2 can be completely written out of the text, sometimes with a little revision. Like this, for example:

3. That is, without wasting time on rewriting the answer into a draft (remember that working with part C requires a lot of time), we prepare ready-made answers for rewriting into a draft.

So, here are the answers of a graduate who is seriously preparing for the exam in social studies:

C1.1) Speech the text deals with the constitutional right to judicial protection.
2) The main condition for the realization of this right is the opportunity for every citizen to find out how, where and on what issue to apply. Ensuring information accessibility of the court.

Maximum per task - 2 points.

C2.1) According to the author, the problem of the procedure for receiving complaints is a number of rules that objectively restrict access to justice.
2) The restriction is to accept complaints only on randomly set “complaint acceptance” days.
3) Complaints can be submitted only after personal consultation with a judge or only after checking documents not provided for by law.
4) Only federal laws can impose this kind of restriction.

And again the maximum for the task - 2 points. But, there are some design notes. A problem is identified, its two manifestations. But the last part of the question is not clearly highlighted. Better:

- The role of federal laws in solving the problem of the complaints procedure is that only they can impose a restriction of this kind.

One more remark. Each exam expert checks more than a dozen works. Naturally, the eye becomes blurred, so I recommend clearly writing out the answer to the task, repeating its condition, especially if several questions are asked for one task.

C3. To conditions for unimpeded visits to courts by persons with disabilities can be attributed:
1) Providing assistance in moving from home to ships (special social services providing a vehicle (social service car with a driver or taxi))
2) Installation of convenient ramps at the entrance to court buildings
3) Convenient elevators and doorways inside court buildings
4) Sound equipment for the blind in court buildings, vehicles, pedestrian crossings.
5) Equipping the metro with convenient ramps and elevators
6) Equipping ground vehicles with convenient wheelchair access, sound equipment for the blind.

C4. The information accessibility of the court and the openness of court sessions guarantees the observance of the rights of citizens, since: 1) Public announcement of the verdict and decision of the court is carried out. This provides an opportunity for public discussion, media coverage, filing complaints if necessary from citizens, or other expressions of dissatisfaction (meetings, rallies).
2) The openness of the meeting guarantees the equality of all before the law and the court
3) Elimination of the possibility of falsification and distortion of the case during the trial.
4) Elimination of prejudice on the part of the judge, prosecutor or lawyer to the defendant, plaintiff or witnesses.

Let us point out the exhaustive brilliant answers. Shown understanding of the text, knowledge of the theory of law, understanding of social reality. This, in contrast to tasks C1-C2 (basic level), tasks increased level, each correctly completed task is estimated at 3 points.

For loyal C3 and C4 maximum 6 points. Total for the text C1-C4 maximum 10 points.

C5.Social progress is the process of development of society from simpler to more complex, from lower to higher.

1) Society is a dynamic self-developing system, which inevitably leads to social progress
2) The idea of ​​social progress arose by analogy with the development of nature
3) Social progress is controversial, since improvement in one area can lead to deterioration or complete withering away of another area. progress for this segment of the population may be negative for another.
4) The criteria of social progress are the development of science, technology, the complication of culture, law, education, medicine, etc.

We note right away that in this format this year, it has been concretized in part of two complementary proposals. But there are very big doubts about this answer C5, with the current (extremely specific) form of asking questions on complementary proposals, a maximum of 1 point would be received for the correct definition. Suggestions would be here did not count, since it would be unclear what is being concretized at all.

And yet, they ask to make two sentences, and in the answer 4. This requires exactly 2!

And in part C on the exam, there are no abbreviations, especially etc. NOT ACCEPTED!

Let's say 1 point for the task.

Here's the graduate's answer:

C6. Ways to combat unemployment:
1) Organization of public works (landscaping and improvement of parks, squares, playgrounds)
2) Lending and subsidizing small businesses so that people show their entrepreneurial abilities, create jobs for themselves and additional jobs. (loans issued by banks to open their own business at a lower interest rate)
3) Creation of schools and courses for retraining workers. (Creation of accounting courses, courses in scripting languages, etc.)

1. At the request of the local employment service, the department of housing and communal services of the town of M. allocated an additional 2 places for the employment of unemployed citizens to work as a street greener.

Here's how they look about it guidelines FIPI:

Therefore, for this answer, the expert will set 0 points.

Graduate response:

C7. This social phenomenon - Socialization of the individual.
1) Parents (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather) have the greatest influence on the child's primary socialization. Secondary - school, university, teachers, professors.
2) The same influence on the socialization of a person is exerted by people who are in authority with a particular person.
3) Example: The child remembers how family members communicate with each other and does by analogy with them.
The student accepts the opinion of a professor he respects on a particular topic.

In general, the task itself contains the fact that you must know at a high level what an agent of socialization is, and what an institution of socialization is. These are subjects. In this answer, all the arguments are stacked "in a heap" ... Honestly, further in this situation the experts would argue, but you would have received at least 1 point for an example. Ask two subjects, write:
1. Parents.
6. Functions of the state

b) Protection of the territory of the state
c) Representation of the state in the international arena (political, economic)

The variant really got a voluminous question for the plan. The logic of constructing the answer by the graduate is correctly understood, but at the end there are some inaccuracies.

Very confusing again etc. at the end of the plan. Moreover, at the beginning of this paragraph a) Economic and social problems … what is this? it is not a function. These are problems. As if the point was removed, since this item is in the task of the plan.

2 points for answer.

How to solve part C of the exam in social studies?

Small results from the disassembled version. We checked it without an essay, we will immediately take this into account when calculating points (- 5 points, this is the maximum for C9).

Of the maximum possible, thus 22 points, 15 points are scored. That's a lot. Combining this with 17 points for part A and 11 for part B, it turns out (that's almost 67 points). That is, the graduate applies for high level points of the exam. I recommend that you continue this work in our group.

Secondary general education

The line of the UMK G. A. Bordovsky. Social Studies (10-11)

Social Studies

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: we analyze assignments with a teacher

My students, graduates of 2017, who successfully passed the USE in social studies, claim that the recommendation to read the entire text of the work before starting the assignments gives a good effect when doing the work. When reading the work, emotional stress is removed, brain activity is directed to the analysis of materials and the graduate is involved in productive cognitive activity leading to high scores for completing the work.

As materials for work we use version of the exam Social Science 2017 (early period), published by FIPI in the spring of 2017.

Part 1

Task number 1

Write down the word that is missing in the table.

Factors of production and factor income

When performing task number 1, you must carefully look at the name of the table. In our case, the table is called "Factors of production and factor income". One of the factors of production is indicated: entrepreneurship (entrepreneurial ability) and its factor income is indicated: profit. Knowledge of the main factors of production: land, labor, capital (physical and monetary), entrepreneurial capabilities of information is inextricably linked with the knowledge of factor income as income that the owner receives from the use or application of factors of production. Labor - wages, land - rent, capital - interest, entrepreneurial ability, information - profit. The table shows the factor income - rent, which means that in the first column we can safely enter such a production factor as Earth... The correct answer is earth. When preparing a student, it is important to know the complete characteristics of all factors of production.

Task number 2

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing to all the other concepts presented. Write it down word (phrase).

State form, form of government, unitary state, federation, republic.

Answer: ___________________________.

In task number 2, it is always necessary to clearly define the generic concept (in the question it sounds like a generalizing concept). Our version presents: the form of the state, as device the political organization of society (it is important to remember that this is also a certain set of characteristics by which we determine the method of organization and structure of the state); form of government determined by composition higher bodies state power and the order of their formation, as well as their interaction with the population of the state; a unitary state, which belongs to one of the forms of state-territorial structure, like a federation; republic is one of the forms of government. To my students, I always strongly recommend, in a draft, as soon as they begin to complete assignments related to the topic "Politics", draw a diagram:

This is important because, typical mistake, which graduates admit when conducting a trial exam, is associated with confusion of concepts. And when the scheme is in front of your eyes, it will be more difficult to make a mistake.

Accordingly, based on the scheme, it becomes clear that the generic (generalizing concept for everyone else here will be - the form of the state, i.e. its versatile characteristics presented in the options for answers. The rest of the concepts reflect those or other elements. For example, the form of government is given as part of forms of state and republic, as one of the forms of government.

The correct answer is the form of the state.

Task number 3

Below is a list of characteristics. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the elite culture.

  1. the complexity of the forms used;
  2. the desire of the authors to embody their own ideas;
  3. entertaining character;
  4. strong commercial focus;
  5. spiritual aristocracy;
  6. special training requirement for understanding.

Find two characteristics that "fall out" from the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

When performing task number 3, we draw attention to the concept in question. In this case, it is "elite culture" and we are asked about the characteristics of this concept... Elite culture is considered in the topic "The spiritual sphere of the life of society." The generic term is "Culture". In our case, the question is in the plane of the varieties of culture (material, spiritual; folk, mass, elite). The task presents the features of elite culture: the complexity of the forms used, the desire of the authors to embody their own ideas, spiritual aristocracy, the requirement for special training for understanding. Well, really, are we all ready for the perception of Schnittke's musical works, the analysis of highly intelligent literary works Kafka? What can you say about Rodin's sculptures? It is clear that this culture is designed for a narrow circle of consumers, prepared for the perception of complex works. Elite culture is not looking for commercial benefits; it is important for authors to express themselves and search for new forms in art.

The two characteristics that have gone beyond our attention: the entertainment character and the pronounced commercial orientation are the most important characteristics of mass culture. Therefore, in this case, we will mark them as correct. Because in the task we are asked to remove unnecessary characteristics.

Task number 4

Please select correct judgments about society and social institutions and write numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Society is a constantly evolving dynamic system.
  2. Social progress is characterized by degradation, a return to already obsolete structures and relations.
  3. In a broad sense, society is understood as a part of the world that is isolated from nature, but connected with it, which includes ways of interaction and forms of uniting people.
  4. Social institutions perform the function of human socialization.
  5. Society is a closed system that does not interact with the external environment.

Answer: ___________________________.

In task number 4, we must find judgments about society and social institutions. Here one cannot do without knowledge of the concepts: "society" in the broad and narrow senses; society as a system; "Social institution", as a historically established stable form of organizing joint activities of people, and knowledge of the types of social institutions in the main spheres of society.

The first judgment characterizes society as a dynamic developing system - this judgment is correct, since it is an axiom in the course of social studies.

The second judgment is incorrect, since progress, which is one of the directions of social development, is characterized by the development of society from the lowest to the highest. And the judgment indicates: degradation, a return to already obsolete structures and relations, which are qualitative characteristics of another direction of social development - regression.

The third judgment almost completely reproduces the concept of "society" in a broad sense, and therefore is correct. There is not enough "consisting of individuals with consciousness and will."

The fourth proposition is correct. In the course of socialization, a person assimilates the experience of previous generations. We know that social institutions establish certain patterns of behavior for people. This is best confirmed by such a social institution as the family, which belongs to the social subsystem of society.

The fifth judgment is not true. Society is a dynamic, open, self-developing system. It is practically impossible to apply the concept of a “closed system” to society, which does not interact with the external environment. No special proof is needed here. Suffice it to recall the concept of society in the broad sense of "a part of the material world that is isolated from nature, but closely connected with it."

Thus, the judgments will be correct: 1, 3, 4.

Social Science Thematic Planning

Task number 5

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types (forms) of activity: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Task number 5 relates to the topic "Activity". The types (forms of activity) are considered: play, study, work, communication. To complete this task, it is enough to know the characteristics of each type (form of activity). Imaginary setting is a characteristic of the game (A 4), focus on achieving a practically useful result - towards work (a person creates certain objects that satisfy needs) (B 2). Aiming at acquiring new knowledge and skills - towards learning (AT 3)... And none of the types (forms) of activity is complete without communication. Therefore, the remaining two characteristics: the process of establishing and developing contacts between people and the focus on the exchange of information reflect the essence of communication. (D 1, D 1). Just remember that in the process of communication, people exchange not only information, but also emotions, influencing each other.

With the seeming ease of tasks, it is important not to rush, to conduct an internal dialogue with yourself. Answer the question: why the chosen answer is correct, based on knowledge of the concepts.

Task number 6

The students conducted a study of the motives of the educational activity of primary schoolchildren. Find in the list below the methods they applied that correspond to the empirical level of scientific knowledge. Write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. description of observed phenomena
  2. putting forward and substantiating hypotheses
  3. explanation of existing relationships
  4. direct observation of individual facts and phenomena
  5. fixation of generalizations in the form of laws
  6. obtaining quantitative data about the object under study

Answer: ___________________________.

In task number 6, they ask about the empirical level of scientific knowledge and its methods. Immediately, mentally, we turn to the generic concept - "science", recall the structure of scientific knowledge, including levels: empirical and theoretical, and distribute the methods related to each level. Remember that empirical methods include: observation, description, measurement, classification, systematization, i.e. with their help, it is possible to identify specific properties of the objects under study, in contrast to the theoretical level aimed at identifying general trends, laws, etc.

This is how we found the correct answers: 1, 4, 6

Task number 7

Choose the correct judgments about economies and write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Private property is the basis of the command (planned) economy.
  2. In a traditional economy, the main issues of the economy are decided by central government bodies.
  3. The main subjects of market relations are economically independent participants in economic life.
  4. The incentive for the activities of enterprises in a market system is profit.
  5. The hallmarks of a market economy include free pricing.

Answer: ___________________________.

Task number 7 aims us at knowing the characteristics of economic systems as a way of organizing the economic life of society. Knowledge of the distinctive features of traditional, command (planned) or command-administrative, market and mixed economies is the basic knowledge of a graduate seeking to obtain a high score on the exam.

So let's try. Private property is a prerequisite for the existence of a market model of an economic system. We are also told in the judgment that the command economy. This is not true, also because state ownership dominates in the command economy, as well as the main issues of the economy are decided by the central authorities. This means that the second judgment is also not true. The third judgment is correct, since in a market economy, each owner has the right to freely and independently dispose of his factors of production.

The fourth and fifth judgments are also true, since in a market economy the freedom of economic activity of individual entities is aimed at making a profit in a competitive environment and market mechanisms determine the price.

Right answers: 3, 4, 5.

Task number 8

Establish a correspondence between examples and types of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation (in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation): for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Task number 8 is associated with the financial literacy of the graduate, namely the knowledge of the types of taxes and fees in the Russian Federation. The assignment defines the levels of taxes collected: federal, regional and local. When performing this assignment, it is important to clearly distinguish between the types of taxes by level:

Thus, in our assignment, we again apply empirical method ranking: A 3, B 3, B 1, G 3, D 2.

Authors: Vorontsov A.V., Koroleva G.E., Naumov S.A.
The textbook covers the most important topics of social science course: economics, politics and law. In accordance with modern scientific concepts, the authors reveal the features of the operation of the market mechanism and the role of the state in the economy, the foundations of political science, the functioning of the state and the development of democracy, the principles of law, the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

Task number 9

Firm Y is a tailor shop for wedding dresses. Find examples of short-run variable costs for firm Y in the list and write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. costs of repayment of interest on a previously taken loan
  2. the cost of purchasing fabrics, threads, accessories
  3. cost of payment of piecework wages to employees
  4. rent for atelier premises
  5. payment for consumed electricity
  6. insurance premiums

Answer: ___________________________.

Completion of task number 9 requires knowledge of the topic "Firm" and its key concepts: revenue, costs and profits. The task must clearly indicate the variable costs of the firm in the short term, as opposed to fixed costs.

To complete the task without error, it is also necessary to remember that variable costs change when the volume of production changes.

A firm's credit history will always be a fixed cost, so the first option is not correct. But the acquisition of fabrics, threads, accessories refers to consumables, which means to variable costs, as well as payments of piecework wages to workers, in contrast to salaries, which are fixed costs of the company. Rent, insurance premiums are fixed costs of any company. And here is the payment consumed electricity (depends on the volume of work of the company) - will be a variable cost.

Right answers: 2, 3, 5 .

Social Studies. Grade 11. A basic level of. Textbook.
Authors: Nikitin A.F., Gribanova G.I., Martyanov D.S.
The textbook is included in the educational-methodical complex on social studies for grade 11 (basic level). Complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of the average (complete) general education, included in the Federal List. The textbook deals with the most important issues of economics and law. The methodological apparatus of the textbook includes the headings "Thinking, comparing, drawing conclusions", "Testing our knowledge", "Exploring, designing, discussing, arguing".

The figure shows the change in the supply of chairs in the respective market: supply line S moved to a new position - S 1 . (P - price; Q - number.)

Which of the following factors can cause such a change? Write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. increase in the cost of materials for upholstery chairs
  2. increase in wages of workers in factories that produce chairs
  3. reducing the cost of materials for the chair frame
  4. reduction of taxes levied on furniture manufacturers
  5. increase in electricity tariffs for furniture manufacturers

Answer: ___________________________.

Task number 10 requires a very careful reading of the question. It is necessary to understand what is being asked: about a change in the amount of demand or the amount of supply? In this case, the supply of chairs in the respective market has changed. By observing the change in the supply curve, we can say that the supply has decreased. When completing the task, you need to remember that the change in supply is influenced by the cost of factors of production, technology, state tax policy, government support, price expectations, competition, etc.

Therefore, the first answer is that an increase in the cost of materials for upholstery of chairs will just help reduce the supply of this product on the market. The answer is correct. An increase in the wages of workers increases the value of such a factor of production as labor, but also simultaneously reduce the supply of this product on the market. The answer is correct. The third option should lead to an increase in supply, since a decrease in the cost of raw materials leads to an increase in the supply of goods on the market (in our case, a decrease in the cost of material for the frame). The answer is not correct. Tax cuts will also boost supply. The answer is not correct. Rising electricity tariffs for furniture manufacturers, on the other hand, will raise variable costs and lower supply. So, the rise in the cost of consumables, electricity tariffs, wages of workers will force the company to either reduce production or increase the cost of goods, which will lead to a decrease in supply on the market.

Right answers: 1, 2, 5 .

Task number 11

Choose the correct judgments about social stratification and social mobility and write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Horizontal mobility presupposes a transition to a social group located at another level of the social hierarchy.
  2. One of the criteria for differentiating social groups is income.
  3. Personal qualities of a person are the criterion of social stratification of modern society.
  4. Sociologists distinguish between individual and collective mobility.
  5. One of the criteria for the social stratification of society is the amount of power.

Answer: ___________________________.

Performing task number 11, we proceed from the knowledge of the concepts of "social stratification" and "social mobility", the criteria of social stratification, types of social mobility.

Horizontal mobility presupposes a transition from one social group to another at the same level of the social ladder. Therefore, the first judgment is not true. Differentiation (separation) of social groups in society occurs according to many criteria, one of which is income. And also the amount of power, education, prestige of the profession. The second and fifth judgments are correct, in contrast to the third. A person's personal qualities are not a criterion for social stratification. The fourth proposition is correct because sociologists do distinguish between individual and collective mobility. For example, under the influence of the events of the 1917 revolution, the position of social groups shifted.

Right answers: 2, 4, 5.

In the course of sociological surveys of adult residents of countries Z and Y, they were asked the question: "Which of the directions of the state's youth policy do you consider the most important?"

The results of the polls (in% of the number of respondents) are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. The share of those who note the importance of ensuring access to decision-making in the economy, public life, and politics is less in country Z than in country Y.
  2. Equal shares of respondents in each country consider it necessary to conduct educational work.
  3. In country Z, the opinion about the importance of ensuring access to decision-making in the economy, public life, and politics is less popular than the opinion about the importance of educational work.
  4. In country Y, equal shares of the respondents noted as the most important areas the creation of conditions for self-expression, self-realization of young people and carrying out educational work with them.
  5. The share of those who consider social support to be the most important is higher in country Z than in country Y.

Answer: ___________________________.

Performing task number 12, you need to carefully read the conditions of the sociological survey. In this case, the most important directions were found out. youth policy two countries. The chart shows the data for these countries. Before reading the presented judgments, you should carefully study the diagram yourself. In each of the countries, the leading position was taken by the answer “provision of social support”. Further, in country Z, the second place was taken by the position “conducting educational work”, and the minimum position was taken by the judgment “providing access to decision-making ...”. In country Y, equally minimal positions were taken by the judgments “providing access to decision-making ...” and “creating conditions for self-expression”. After we have independently tried to analyze statistical materials, we try to analyze judgments.

The first judgment is correct, since these diagrams demonstrate this position. The second proposition is not true, since there are more people in country Z who consider "educational work" important than in country Y.

The third proposition is correct, and we saw it during our own analysis of the diagram.

The fourth judgment is also true, we also identified this during the analysis of the diagram and marked these positions as minimally identical.

The fifth judgment is not true, it can be clearly seen in the diagram. The indicators indicate the opposite result.

Right answers: 1, 3, 4.

Task number 13

Choose the correct judgments about the state and its functions and write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Environmental requirements established by the state form the basis of the country's environmental safety.
  2. The fundamental feature of a state of any type is the implementation of the principle of separation of powers in it.
  3. The state has a monopoly on the lawful use of coercion by the forces of law enforcement and security agencies.
  4. The external functions of the state include the determination of the general direction of the state's economic policy in accordance with the achieved level of economic development.
  5. The state creates a regulatory and organizational basis for effective and high-quality activities of state bodies.

Answer: ___________________________.

Performing task number 13, it is important to remember the concept of "state", its main features, external and internal functions. The first judgment directs us to such a feature of the state as the exclusive right on lawmaking... Therefore, the judgment “environmental requirements established by the state ( lawmaking), constitute the basis of the environmental safety of countries ”is correct. The second judgment is not true, because the principle of separation of powers is implemented in a democratic state, and, therefore, this feature is not fundamental for any type of state.

The third judgment “the state has a monopoly right to lawfully use coercion by the forces of law enforcement and security agencies” in fact, sends us to the most important feature of the state - the monopoly legal right to coercion. The fourth judgment is erroneous, since it reflects the most important internal function of the state "determining the general direction of the state's economic policy." The fifth judgment combines two features of the state: lawmaking and the system of bodies and mechanisms for exercising public power (we are talking about state power bodies). We read: “the state creates normative and organizational basis for efficient and high-quality activities government agencies.

Right answers: 1, 3, 5 .

Task number 14

Establish a correspondence between the questions and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation, to whose jurisdiction these questions relate: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

For the correct fulfillment of task number 14, it is necessary to know well the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the functionality of all branches of government in the Russian Federation. First, you need to carefully look at which subjects of state power of the Russian Federation are indicated in the assignment. In our case, they are not named directly, but the levels are indicated: only the federal center and jointly the federal center and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Knowledge of the principles of the federal structure of the Russian Federation will come to the rescue. Remember that in the conditions of a federation, the principle of the integrity of the state, the unity of state power, and the delineation of powers are implemented, which is what we are asked about. Earlier, we saw the delineation of powers when completing a tax assignment. It is necessary to remember what is in the exclusive competence of federal bodies: all issues of international relations, defense and security, judicial system, federal property, etc.

The first competence - issues of ownership, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water and other natural resources is under joint jurisdiction A 2... Those. it is a question on which the center and the subjects share the responsibility for solving problems. So, it would be correct to attribute to the same position "the implementation of measures to combat disasters" IN 2... Federal funds for regional development implement the foundations of federal policy and federal programs, therefore B 1... Positions D and E belong to the exclusive competence of the federal authorities, therefore D 1, D 1.

Task number 15

In Democratic State Z, during the reform of the electoral system for parliamentary elections, a transition was made from a proportional electoral system to a majoritarian one.

Which of the following remained unchanged during this electoral reform? Write down the relevant numbers.

  1. free and voluntary participation of citizens in elections
  2. granting the right to vote to citizens from the age of 18, regardless of nationality, gender, professional affiliation, education level, income
  3. secret ballot procedure
  4. single-member constituency voting
  5. dependence of the number of deputy mandates received by the party on the number of votes
  6. possibility of nominating independent non-partisan candidates

Answer: ___________________________.

Question 15 is related to the electoral process. Despite the fact that at the beginning of the question they explain to us the reform, during which there was a transition from a proportional electoral system to a majoritarian one. The essence of the issue is not so much about the types of electoral systems, their reform, but about elections in general(topic "Political participation"). It is necessary to recall the basic principles of elections in a democratic state: direct participation of citizens, universal, equal, direct suffrage, secret ballot, voluntary participation.

Accordingly, the first judgment is correct. The second proposition refers us to the principle of equality in electoral law, therefore, it is also true. The third judgment is correct, one of the principles is also presented - secret ballot.

The fourth judgment goes beyond the question: which of the following remained unchanged during this electoral reform? Voting in single-mandate constituencies sends us to the organization of the electoral process under the majoritarian system, as opposed to the proportional system, where the state acts as a single constituency. This means that this judgment reflects the change in the electoral process. The answer is not correct in our case. The dependence of the number of deputy mandates received by a party on the number of votes cast also applies to the proportional electoral system, which is not true for our question. The sixth option also reflects the majority electoral model.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3 .

Task number 16

Which of the following applies to the political rights (freedoms) of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. holding meetings and rallies
  2. appeal to government bodies
  3. payment of legally established taxes and fees
  4. defense of the Fatherland
  5. participation in the management of state affairs through their representatives

Answer: ___________________________.

Question number 16 again brings us back to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. Human and civil rights and freedoms. It is important to know four groups of rights and freedoms: personal (civil), political, socio-economic, cultural. Our assignment asks about political rights that ensure citizens' participation in the exercise of political power. Therefore, the holding of meetings and rallies is correct, the appeal to state bodies is correct, participation in the management of state affairs through their representatives is correct. Payment of taxes and fees, protection of the Fatherland are the constitutional obligations of a citizen, as well as compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, concern for the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage, taking care of children and disabled parents.

Right answers: 1, 2, 5 .

Task number 17

Choose the correct judgments about family law in the Russian Federation and write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Family law regulates property and personal non-property relations between family members.
  2. The marriage is suspended due to the announcement by the registry office of one of the spouses as deceased.
  3. The marriage is contracted by the civil registry office (Civil Registry Office).
  4. The legal regime of the spouses' property is established only by the marriage contract.
  5. Parents are obliged to provide maintenance to their minor children.

Answer: ___________________________.

Analyzing the materials of assignment number 17, we highlight the basic concepts and norms related to family law. The first judgment will be correct, as it refers us to article 2 of the Family Code. A key institution family law is a marriage entered into in the registry office (judgment 3), giving rise to the mutual rights and obligations of spouses. The second judgment confuses us a little, it is known that in connection with the death of one of the spouses, the second spouse must come to the registry office to obtain a certificate about his death, and as a consequence of this, termination of a contracted marriage... Our task is formulated: the marriage is suspended due to the announcement by the registry office of one of the spouses as deceased. The answer is not correct. The fourth and fifth options take us to property rights and responsibilities of spouses. The fifth option is correct, since the wording is at the junction of constitutional obligations and norms of family law: parents are obliged to provide maintenance to their minor children. But the fourth option is erroneous because of its wording: the legal regime of the spouses' property is established only prenuptial agreement. This is not true since Not only a marriage contract, but also the norms of family law, i.e. the legal regime of the spouses' property is governed by family law and is established by the marriage contract.

Right answers: 1, 3, 5 .

Task number 18

Establish a correspondence between examples and measures of legal responsibility in the Russian Federation: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Assignment # 18 deals with legal liability. When completing the assignment, it is important to remember the types of legal liability: criminal, administrative, civil and disciplinary. A reprimand is a disciplinary action - A 2... The warning refers to the type of administrative punishment - B 3... Dismissal on appropriate grounds (for example, absenteeism, one-time gross violation of labor duties, repeated failure of an employee to perform labor duties, etc.) - IN 2... Notice - disciplinary action, G 2... Deprivation of liberty - criminal liability for committing a crime - D 1.

Task number 19

Joint Stock Company "Sweet Charm" produces confectionery products. Find in the above list the features of the difference between a joint-stock company and other organizational and legal forms of enterprises. Write down numbers under which they are indicated.

  • division of the authorized capital of the company into equal parts, each of which is framed with a security
  • mandatory conclusion of an employment contract with employees
  • the duty of employees to comply with labor discipline
  • distribution of profits among employees in accordance with their labor participation
  • bearing the risk of losses within the value of the participant's securities
  • payment of dividends to owners for the year

Answer: ___________________________.

To complete the task number 19, it is necessary to distinguish between the organizational and legal forms of enterprises. In our case, highlight the distinctive features of a joint stock company. We recall that joint stock companies, like limited liability companies, belong to economic companies. These are commercial organizations, i.e. the purpose of their activities is to make a profit. The authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares. Participants can be citizens legal entities and public law formations. Therefore, answer option 1 - "division of the authorized capital of the company into equal parts, each of which is framed by a security" will be correct. It is known that shareholders are not liable for the obligations of a joint-stock company, but they bear the risk of losses on the company's activities within the limits of the value of their shares. Therefore, option 5 - “bearing the risk of losses within the value of the securities owned by the participant” (share - security) will be correct, as well as answer 6 - “payment of dividends to the owners at the end of the year”. 2 and 3 judgments - "the obligatory conclusion of an employment contract with employees", "the obligation of employees to observe labor discipline" refer to the general provisions of Labor Law. But "the distribution of profits among employees in accordance with their labor participation" is a characteristic of such an organizational and legal form of an enterprise as a "production cooperative" (artel).

Right answers: 1, 5, 6 .

Task number 20

Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

“A person who actively assimilates and purposefully transforms nature, society and himself is _________ (A). This is a person with his own socially formed and individually expressed qualities: _________ (B), emotional-volitional, moral, etc. Their formation is due to the fact that the individual, together with other people _________ (C), cognizes and changes the world and himself. The process of this cognition in the course of assimilation and reproduction of social experience is simultaneously a process of _________ (D).

Personality is defined as special form the existence and development of social ties, the relationship of a person to the world and with the world, to himself and to himself. It is characterized by _________ (D) to develop, expand the scope of its activities and is open to all influences of social life, to all experience. This is a person who has his own position in life, who shows independence of thought, carries _________ (E) for his choice. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word can only be used one once.

Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

  1. activity
  2. intellectual
  3. duty
  4. everyday
  5. a responsibility
  6. socialization
  7. personality
  8. pursuit
  9. communication

The following table lists letters for missing words. Write down in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

When completing task number 20, I recommend that you first try to read the text and substitute words yourself that, in your opinion, are appropriate in meaning. This is how a semantic understanding of the content of the text is achieved. And when you read it again, you have to pick up words from those in the list. You will have a success situation when your chosen words coincide with the suggested ones from the list. So, we try to read by inserting words that are close in meaning, then we choose from those available in the task.

“A person who actively assimilates and purposefully transforms nature, society and himself is personality (A)(Personality is a set of socially significant properties and qualities of a person. Where a person is formed - in society. What a person does - transforms the world and himself). This is a person with his own socially formed and individually expressed qualities: intellectual (B), emotional-strong-willed, moral, etc. (in this case, there is a list of socially significant qualities). Their formation is due to the fact that the individual in a joint with other people activity (B) learns and changes the world and himself (one of the definitions of activity is the conscious activity of a person, the input of which a person changes the world around him and changes himself; the process of human interaction with the world around him). The process of this cognition in the course of assimilation and reproduction of social experience is simultaneously a process socialization (G).

Personality is defined as a special form of existence and development of social ties, a person's relationship to the world and with the world, to himself and to himself. It is characterized by aspiration (D) develop, expand the scope of its activities and is open to all influences of social life, to any experience (again explained through the process of socialization, which lasts throughout a person's life). This is a person who has his own position in life, who shows independence of thought, carries responsibility (E) for your choice (freedom and responsibility in human life) ”.

Part 2

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

In a broad sense, underemployment is a situation in which the work performed does not require the full use of the qualifications and professional training of the individual, does not meet his expectations and does not allow him to receive the same salary that he could have by doing that job (and to the extent) that could claim ...

Cyclical unemployment is associated with fluctuations in the demand for labor. A downturn is a cyclical decline in business activity that results in people losing jobs until demand picks up again and business picks up. Seasonal unemployment occurs due to seasonal fluctuations in labor demand. It affects those involved in fishing, construction and agriculture. Those who change jobs and those who are not currently employed due to the transition from one place to another are called functional (frictional) unemployed. Functional (frictional) unemployment is considered, although inevitable, but still an acceptable consequence of a healthy economy. It can be assumed that even with full employment, wage earners will move from place to place.

Structural unemployed people experience difficulties in getting a job due to insufficient or insufficient qualifications, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age or disability. Even during periods of high employment, unemployment remains disproportionately high among the structurally unemployed.

Unemployment is not just a lack of work ... Although unemployment can be a creative, will-mobilizing test, most people who have experienced it say they have experienced despair, powerlessness and confusion, especially if they have been out of work for more than a few weeks. For most people, employment is the main and often the only means of meeting material needs for food, clothing, and a roof over their heads. Studies show that those who do not like their job still prefer to keep it, even when the opportunity to live on other incomes is provided. While working conditions can be detrimental, lack of work leads to just as many problems: increased stress, family conflicts, and addiction to alcohol and drugs.


When starting to perform tasks on the text 21-24, initially you should read the text very carefully and highlight the main semantic fragments of the text. Work through the text with a pen for maximum assimilation of the content. I do not recommend my students to read the question right away and chaotically, with a cursory reading, look for answers. As a rule, this practice leads to erroneous answers and lower scores on the exam.

Task number 21

How does the text describe the impact of the recession on cyclical unemployment? What sectors of the economy, according to the author, is affected by seasonal unemployment? (List all industries mentioned in the text.) How does the author explain the inevitability of functional (frictional) unemployment?

Answer: "A downturn is a cyclical decline in business activity, as a result of which people lose jobs for a period until demand rises again and there is a recovery in business activity." Those. labor demand fluctuates.

Task number 22

Task number 22 is also best done in parts.

Answer: “underemployment is a situation in which the work performed does not require the full use of the qualifications and professional training of the individual, does not meet his expectations and does not allow him to receive the same salary that he could have by doing that job (and to the extent) , which could apply ... "

Explain why some workers agree to part-time employment (make two assumptions). When completing this task, I recommend that students write down each suggestion on a new line.

In our case, we can simulate the answer using text. We do not provide examples because this is not indicated in the assignment.

Answer: employees agree to part-time work, because it is important for a person to feel significant, needed. Even part-time employment gives a person a sense of stability, relieves social tension, and makes it possible to participate in public life.

Workers agree to part-time employment, because in times of crisis, even such work can be the only source of income for their families, protection from social shocks, and allows them to preserve their way of life.

Task number 23

The author notes that "even during periods of high employment rates, disproportionately high unemployment remains among the structurally unemployed." Using social science knowledge, explain the reason for this level of unemployment among these categories of citizens. Name any two measures to prevent discrimination of the categories of citizens indicated by the author, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The author gives us the reasons for high unemployment among the structurally unemployed: insufficient or insufficient qualifications, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age or disability. But the task requires the use of social science knowledge. We recall that we know from the course of social studies that structural unemployment is associated with the impossibility of finding employment for people of certain professions and the mismatch between supply and demand in the labor market.

Answer: The high level of structural unemployment even during periods of high employment in the country is associated, as a rule, with changes in production technologies, scientific and technological progress. Those. people of certain professions are no longer in demand on the labor market (examples are not required in the assignment, only an explanation of the problem).

Name any two measures to prevent discrimination of the categories of citizens indicated by the author, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, we are asked to refer to the norms of the Labor Law of the Russian Federation, since it regulates relations in the field of hired labor.

Answer: the labor code of the Russian Federation contains prohibitions on discrimination:

  1. citizens of the Russian Federation have equal opportunities for workers to advance in their work, taking into account labor productivity, qualifications and work experience in their specialty, as well as for training and additional professional education;
  2. restrictions on labor rights or receiving benefits depending on gender, race, skin color, nationality, language, origin, property, family, social and official status, age, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, affiliation or non-affiliation with public associations are prohibited or any social groups, as well as from other circumstances not related to the business qualities of the employee.

The guarantee of non-discrimination of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of a person who considers himself discriminated against in the world of work to apply to the court with an application for the restoration of violated rights, compensation for material damage and compensation for moral damage.

Task number 24

Why, according to the author, does unemployment cause a state of despair and confusion in a person? Using social science knowledge and facts of social life, make two assumptions about what the mobilizing effect of the unemployed state on a person is manifested in.

Using social science knowledge and facts of public life, make two assumptions about what the mobilizing effect of the unemployed state on a person is manifested in (in this case, we must give examples, because the question is “facts of public life”).

  1. The unemployed state provides an incentive for retraining if the profession is in little demand on the labor market. A break in employment for retraining and raising the level of education. Citizen N, after being registered with the Employment Center, was sent to vocational training electric and gas welder by profession.
  2. The unemployed state provides an opportunity for organizing self-employment. For example, after being fired from his main job at the closure of an enterprise in the city of Moscow, citizen N moved to the Moscow region, submitted documents to the Employment Center of the City of Moscow, where he received advice on starting a farm, assistance in drawing up a business plan and one-time financial assistance.

Task number 25

What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "art"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the types of art, and one sentence revealing the essence of the educational function of art.

Task number 25 can be successfully completed only with knowledge of the basic concepts of the course. Art is a form of culture that reflects the surrounding reality in artistic images. The artistic image can be expressed in different types arts: music, painting, architecture, sculpture, literature. Works of art have a great influence on the formation of a person's personality.

Task number 26

Name and illustrate with examples any three main responsibilities of an employer, as enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Assignment 26 should identify and illustrate examples of any of the three main responsibilities of an employer as set out in the Labor Code:

  1. Ensure safety and working conditions in accordance with labor protection standards. At enterprise N, in order to improve the working conditions of workers, training sessions were held on the prevention of injuries,
  2. Pay full salary on time. For the delay in the payment of wages, the management of enterprise Y was prosecuted in the form of coercion to pay employees in addition to the wages of interest.
  3. Carry out compulsory social insurance of employees. V labor contract, signed by citizen N with the company, a clause on compulsory social insurance of citizen N was included in the section of employer's duties.

Task number 27

A new political party was registered in State Z. It has central government bodies and regional offices. The party proclaims as its basic principles traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, nation, society over the interests of the individual. The political party won the required number of votes during the elections and won seats in parliament. Determine the type of political party depending on its ideological affiliation. Give the fact that allowed you to make such a conclusion. Name any two other types of parties distinguished by this criterion, and briefly describe any one of them.

  • the party is registered;
  • central government bodies and regional offices (sign indicates a mass party);
  • basic principles: traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, nation, society over the interests of the individual (a sign indicating an ideological affiliation is conservative);
  • entered parliament after the elections (participates in power - a sign indicating the ruling party);

Now questions: Define the type of political party depending on its ideological affiliation.

Answer: Conservative Party.

Give the fact that allowed you to make such a conclusion.

Answer: Since it defends the principles of tradition and stability of development (traditionalism, stability, order, as well as the priority of the interests of the state, nation, society over the interests of the individual).

Name any two other types of parties distinguished by this criterion, and briefly describe any one of them.

Answer: Liberal and socialist parties can be distinguished according to their ideological orientation. Signs of a liberal party: inalienability of natural human rights, their priority over the interests of society and the state, political pluralism, free market economy.

Task number 28

You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Types of families". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

To write a plan for any of the social science topics, it is necessary to clearly understand the structure of the study of the topic. Essentially, this assignment tests students' understanding of the structure of the topic. Therefore, the writing of the plan depends on the quality of assimilation of the material of the topic, understanding of its structure. In this case, the theme of the plan is “Types of families”.

  1. The concept of a family as a small group based on marriage or consanguinity.
  2. Family functions (in this version of the plan it is possible not to indicate)
  3. Types of families by the nature of the relationship between members:
    1. Traditional (patriarchal family), its features:
      A) cohabitation of several generations;
      B) the supremacy of a man;
      C) the economic dependence of family members on men;
      D) strict distribution of responsibilities
    2. Partner (democratic) family:
      A) nuclearity;
      B) decision-making by all family members;
      C) the economic independence of women;
      D) fair distribution of household responsibilities
  4. Types of families in relation to raising children:
    1. Authoritarian;
    2. Democratic;
    3. Liberal (conniving)
    4. Modern trends in family development

Task 29

Please select one thing from the statements below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts on the problem raised (the designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use knowledge obtained in the course of social studies, corresponding concepts, and facts public life and own life an experience.

(Give at least two examples from various sources for factual reasoning.)

29.1. Philosophy. “The privilege of fish, rats and wolves is to live according to the law of supply and demand; the law of human life is justice. " (D. Ruskin)

29.2. Economy. "The types of business are different, but the business as a system remains the same regardless of its scale and structure, products, technologies and markets." (P. Drucker)

29.3. Sociology, social Psychology... "We need schools that do not just teach, which is extremely important, this is the most important thing, but also schools that educate a personality." (V.V. Putin)

29.4. Political science. "The supreme power is worthy of veneration only insofar as it is a means of ensuring human rights." (A. Kyustin)

29.5. Jurisprudence. “Protection of rights is a duty to society. Whoever defends his right defends the right in general ”. (R. Iering)

Exercise 29. 3. "We need schools that do not just teach, which is extremely important, this is the most important thing, but also schools that educate a personality." (V.V. Putin)

When writing an essay, first of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the sphere of society to which the chosen topic belongs. You should carefully read the proposed topics, analyze your “knowledge base”, understand on which of the topics you have clearer theoretical ideas, on which of the topics you can give the most high-quality examples that reveal the content of the topic.

In this case, we have chosen a topic from the section sociology, social psychology. We understand that the problem is immediately raised modern school, education system. The eternal question: the tasks of education, training and upbringing, which is more important? The issue of socialization is also touched upon - "schools that educate the individual." I will note that we cannot here go into the concepts of the topic of the spiritual sphere of society, because we are writing an essay from another section. So, let's try to write.

What social order should the school fulfill - to give students only a high level of education? Or to carry out an equally important mission - upbringing of the personality?

As is known from the course of social studies, education is a way of becoming a person by acquiring knowledge, acquiring skills and abilities, developing creative abilities through a system of social institutions, the most important of which is school.

When we talk about school as an institution that provides education, we understand that we are talking about a social institution that has a number of elements: these are educational standards and programs, principles of functioning, including a network educational institutions and governing bodies.

To improve the quality of education, the state is taking a number of measures: the study period is lengthened, the requirements for the qualification level of teachers are increased, the variability of educational programs is used, individual educational trajectories of students are built, schools are equipped with modern equipment, and new forms of final certification are introduced.

As a result, we see how school graduates demonstrate high scores on the exam, giving the opportunity to borrow budget places in the leading universities of the capital. According to the results of international research presented by the HSE, in which 49 countries took part, Russian schoolchildren primary grades hold leading positions in the world in reading, mathematics and science. And also 8 classes in mathematics. According to the researchers, this result was achieved thanks to the introduction of new educational standards, the system of unified state certification.

But just enough educational outcomes for society and individuals? The author of the quote clearly indicates to us the most important component educational process: education of a person's personality.

Based on the functions of education: economic, social and cultural, it becomes clear that this problem manifests itself in the cultural function - the use of previously accumulated culture in order to educate a person, develop his creative abilities.

In addition to lessons, marks, exams, there is also the richest in events school life: cool watch, school festivals, hikes, joint trips with classmates in Russia and other countries.

In all this, the student learns to interact with other people, shows his abilities and talents. It is in this atmosphere that the social function of education is realized. Through the socialization of the individual, the assimilation of social norms, statuses and roles.

As an example, we can cite from childhood the favorite film "The Freak of 5 B", which vividly demonstrates how the school collective, the class, forms the personality of Boris. How he learns responsibility when he is appointed as a counselor in grade 1.

Thus, V.V. In his statement, Putin once again emphasized the importance of understanding by society and the school of the inseparability of the two most important processes associated with the socialization of the individual - education and upbringing. "

Part C assignments:

Article 80.

Article 81.

Article 86.

Article 87.

C9.1 Philosophy

C9.2 Social Psychology

C9.3 Economics

C9.4 Sociology

C9.5 Political Science

C9.6 Jurisprudence

Part C

Extract from the Family Code of the Russian Federation

Article 80.
1. Parents are obliged to support their minor children. The procedure and form of providing maintenance to minor children are determined by the parents independently.
Article 81.

2. The size of these shares may be reduced or increased by the court, taking into account the material or family situation of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances.
Article 86.
1. In the absence of an agreement and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury of minor children or disabled adult children in need, the need to pay for outside care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents may be brought by the court to participate in incurring additional costs caused by these circumstances ...
The procedure for the participation of parents in incurring additional costs and the amount of these costs are determined by the court based on the material and family situation of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money payable monthly.
2. The court has the right to oblige the parents to participate both in the actually incurred additional costs and in the additional costs that must be incurred in the future.
Article 87.
1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and take care of their disabled parents who need help.
2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of assistance shall be recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.
3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court on the basis of the material and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money to be paid monthly.


1) the number of children;

OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


1) serious illness of the child;
2) injury of children;

Three circumstances are correctly named.

Two circumstances are correctly named.

Only one circumstance is correctly named.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


Three explanations are given.

There are two explanations.

One explanation is provided.

Wrong answer.

Maximum score


OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The correct answer should contain the following elements:

OR Only an explanation is given.

Only one conclusion has been drawn.

Maximum score


1) What is socialization?

The wording of the points of the plan is correct and reflects the content of the topic.

The structure of the response follows the complex type plan.

Maximum score

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9



Part C assignments:

Extract from the Family Code of the Russian Federation

Article 80.

Article 81.
1. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for minor children is collected by the court from their parents on a monthly basis in the amount of: for one child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents ...

Article 86.
1. In the absence of an agreement and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury of minor children or disabled adult children in need, the need to pay for outside care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents may be brought by the court to participate in incurring additional costs caused by these circumstances ...
The procedure for the participation of parents in incurring additional costs and the amount of these costs are determined by the court based on the material and family situation of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money payable monthly.

Article 87.
1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and take care of their disabled parents who need help.
2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of assistance shall be recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.
3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court on the basis of the material and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money to be paid monthly.

C1 Name any three statutory circumstances that affect the amount of child support that is required by the court in the absence of an agreement to pay child support.

C2 In the presence of which of the exceptional circumstances (in the absence of an agreement), according to the law, each of the parents can be brought by the court to participate in the additional costs of supporting the children?
List three exceptional circumstances.

C3 What aspects of the relationship between children and parents are regulated by each of the above articles of the Family Code? Based on knowledge of the social science course, name any other aspect of the relationship that is regulated by Family Code.

C4 In some regions of Russia, local authorities apply moral measures, along with legal mechanisms, to citizens who evade paying alimony for the maintenance of minor children and disabled parents. Using your knowledge of social studies, give three reasons why moral interventions can be effective in this case.

C5 What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "political party"?
Drawing on knowledge of social studies, make two sentences containing information about the political party.

C6 Give two manifestations of the contradictory nature of social progress.
Illustrate each of them with an example.

C7 The graph below presents data on the ratio of the average and minimum wages in country Z to the minimum subsistence level in 2002-2008. Draw conclusions about the ratio of a) the minimum wage to the living wage; b) the average salary with a living wage in 2002-2008. Explain why the socio-economic situation in country Z is dangerous.

C8 You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Socialization of the individual". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

By completing task C9, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only one of the statements below.

Choose one of the statements below and state your thoughts (your point of view, attitude) about the problem raised.
Provide the necessary arguments to substantiate your position.
When completing the assignment, use the knowledge gained during the course of social studies, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience.

C9.1 Philosophy

"Morality is not a list of actions and not a collection of rules that can be used like pharmaceutical or culinary recipes" (D. Dewey).

C9.2 Social Psychology
“Man is a doer and participant in the general world process” (VM Bekhterev).

C9.3 Economics

“In business and in sports, too many are afraid of competition. As a result, people avoid striving for success if it requires hard work, training and self-sacrifice ”(K. Rokne).

C9.4 Sociology

“The best laws are born from customs” (J. Joubert).

C9.5 Political Science

“- I am not involved in politics. “You know, it's like saying:“ I'm not busy with life ”” (J. Renard).

C9.6 Jurisprudence

"The universal law is freedom that ends where the freedom of another begins" (V. Hugo).

The system of assessing the examination work in social studies

Part C

Extract from the Family Code of the Russian Federation

Article 80.
1. Parents are obliged to support their minor children. The procedure and form of providing maintenance to minor children are determined by the parents independently.
Article 81.
1. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for minor children is collected by the court from their parents on a monthly basis in the amount of: for one child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents ...

2. The size of these shares may be reduced or increased by the court, taking into account the material or family situation of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances.
Article 86.
1. In the absence of an agreement and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury of minor children or disabled adult children in need, the need to pay for outside care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents may be brought by the court to participate in incurring additional costs caused by these circumstances ...
The procedure for the participation of parents in incurring additional costs and the amount of these costs are determined by the court based on the material and family situation of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money payable monthly.
2. The court has the right to oblige the parents to participate both in the actually incurred additional costs and in the additional costs that must be incurred in the future.
Article 87.
1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and take care of their disabled parents who need help.
2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of assistance shall be recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.
3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court on the basis of the material and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed amount of money to be paid monthly.

C1 Name any three statutory circumstances on which the amount of alimony for minor children, recovered by the court in the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, depends.


In the correct answer, three circumstances established by law must be named:
1) the number of children;
2) the financial situation of the parties;
3) the marital status of the parties.

Three circumstances are correctly named.

Two circumstances are correctly named.

Only one circumstance is correctly named.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The following circumstances may be indicated in the correct answer:
1) serious illness of the child;
2) injury of children;
3) the need to pay for outside care.

Three circumstances are correctly named.

Two circumstances are correctly named.

Only one circumstance is correctly named.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) specifies aspects of the relationship between children and parents, which are regulated by each of the above articles, for example:
- obligations of parents to support minor children (Art. 80);
- the amount of alimony collected for minor children in court (Art. 81);
- participation of parents in additional expenses for children (Article 86);
- obligations of adult children to support their parents (Article 87).
2) any other aspect regulated by the Family Code, for example:
- conclusion and termination of marriage;
- forms of upbringing of children left without parental care, etc.
Any other aspect of the parent-child relationship regulated by the Family Code can be named.

Aspects of each of the four cited articles and any other aspect are correctly named.

Only three or four aspects are correctly named.

Two aspects are correctly named.

Only one aspect is correctly named.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The following explanations can be given in the correct answer:
1) The attitude of society towards such actions is demonstrated;
it helps to establish a moral norm that requires support from both parents of young children.
2) Such measures may affect the conscience of a citizen, perhaps he will become ashamed and he will reconsider his attitude towards fulfilling the duties of supporting minor children and disabled parents.
3) Such measures can serve as a kind of warning for other defaulters and they, in order to avoid negative public opinion, will begin to fulfill their duties.
Other explanations may be given.

Three explanations are given.

There are two explanations.

One explanation is provided.

Wrong answer.

Maximum score


The correct answer should contain the following elements:
1) the meaning of the concept, for example: "A political party is a voluntary and stable organization of like-minded people, which expresses the political interests of a certain social stratum, linking their achievement with state power";
Another, close in meaning, definition can be given.
2) two sentences containing information about a political party, for example:
- "A political party has a program that defines its goal, strategy and tactics";
- "On ideological grounds, liberal, conservative, socialist, communist, nationalist political parties are distinguished."
Any other proposal that contains correct information about the political party can be drawn up.

The meaning of the concept is revealed and two sentences are drawn up containing information about the corresponding social object.

The meaning of the concept is revealed and one sentence is drawn up containing information about the corresponding social object. OR The meaning of the concept is not explicitly disclosed, but is presented in two composed sentences, indicating that the graduate knows the social science content of this concept.

When revealing the meaning of the concept, sentences are not composed, i.e. no testable skill has been demonstrated to use the concept in the correct context.
OR The proposals were made without the involvement of social science knowledge.
OR Social science knowledge in the proposals is not involved in the context of the concept under consideration.
OR The meaning of the concept is not explicitly disclosed, one sentence has been drawn up containing information about the corresponding social object.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The response should indicate the manifestations of the contradictory nature of social progress and provide relevant examples, for example:
1) progress in some areas dooms other areas to stagnation (during the period of industrialization in the 30s of the twentieth century, the USSR made a huge leap in the development of industry, but this was achieved due to a decrease in the standard of living, primarily of the rural population);
2) the fruits of scientific progress can be used both for the benefit of society and generate new threats to it (discoveries in the field of nuclear physics have led to new advances in the field of energy and to the creation of nuclear weapons);
3) an obvious achievement today may turn into negative consequences in the future (plowing virgin lands in the USSR led at first to an increase in grain harvest, and after a while soil erosion began)
Other manifestations may be indicated, other examples are given.

Two manifestations of the inconsistency of progress are indicated, the corresponding examples are given.

One manifestation of inconsistent progress is indicated, one or two examples are given.
OR Two occurrences are indicated, one example is given.

Only one or two manifestations of the inconsistency of progress are indicated.

Examples are given only and are not illustrative of the position.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The correct answer should contain the following elements:
1) conclusions from the given data, for example:
- The minimum wage in 2002-2008. was below the subsistence level, i.e. did not provide the satisfaction of basic human needs.
- Average salary in 2002-2008. slightly exceeded the subsistence level, i.e. allowed to satisfy an extremely limited set of human needs.
Other conclusions can be drawn.
2) explanation, for example: similar situation(poverty) hinders economic development and creates preconditions for social conflicts.
Another explanation can be given.

Two well-founded conclusions are made and an explanation is given.

One well-founded conclusion is made, an explanation is given.

Only two conclusions have been made.
OR Only an explanation is given.

Only one conclusion has been drawn.
OR General reasoning is given, not in context

Maximum score


When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account:
- the correctness of the wording of the points of the plan in terms of their relevance to the given topic;
- correspondence of the structure of the proposed answer to the plan of a complex type.
One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:
1) What is socialization?
2) Activities that influence the socialization of the individual.
3) Socialization throughout life
a) from infancy to youth
b) mastering new social roles in adulthood
c) does socialization continue in old age?
4) Institutions (agents) of socialization:
a) the importance of the family in primary socialization;
b) the role of education in the socialization of the individual;
c) what experiences are passed on by peers;
d) the media as agents of socialization.
5) The value of socialization for the individual
Perhaps a different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan. They can be presented in denominational, question or mixed forms.

Individual points of the plan do not reflect the content of the topic.
The structure of the response follows the complex type plan.
The wording of the points of the plan reflects the content of the topic.
The structure of the answer does not fully correspond to the plan of a complex type (there is no specification of individual points)

The content and structure plan does not cover the proposed topic.

Maximum score

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9


K1 - Disclosure of the meaning of the statement

The meaning of the statement is revealed OR the content of the answer gives an idea of ​​its understanding

The meaning of the statement is not disclosed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​its understanding.

K2 - Presentation and explanation of the graduate's own position

The own position of the graduate is presented and explained.

The own position of the graduate is presented without explanation (simple agreement or disagreement with the judgment of the author of the statement).
OR The graduate's own position is not presented.

K3 - The nature and level of the given judgments and arguments

Judgments and arguments are disclosed based on theoretical provisions, conclusions and factual material. In the course of reasoning, various aspects of the problem are revealed.

When disclosing several aspects of the problem (topic), judgments and arguments are given based on theoretical positions and conclusions, but without using factual material.
OR One aspect of the problem (topic) is disclosed and the argumentation is based on theoretical positions and factual material.
OR When disclosing several aspects of the problem (topic), judgments and arguments are given based on factual material, but without the theoretical provisions of the conclusions.
OR Several aspects of the problem are revealed with a lack of theoretical or factual argumentation.

Several aspects of the problem (topic) are listed without argumentation.
OR Only one aspect of the problem (topic) is touched upon, only factual or only theoretical argumentation is given.

Only one aspect of the problem (topic) is touched upon without argumentation.
OR Arguments and judgments do not correspond to the substantiated thesis

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