What is OGE - the rules for passing the exam and the transfer of points. What is GIA, EGE, OGE: We understand in school exams all about GIA and OGE

The main state exam (OGE) -this is the main form of the exam for graduates 9 classes in high School Russia. Leveling OGE is needed to go to grade 10. Reuses of OGE affect the assessments in the certificate. Graduates 9 classes of general educational institutions 2 mandatory exams (Russian and mathematics) and 2 Exams on Options. According to the new procedure for holding the state final certification on educational programs of basic general education, exams for other educational subjects are led by a voluntary basis for their choice.

New form of OGE (GIA-9)

Since 2004, in Russia, an approbation of GIA in a new form was conducted. In the people, he is called the exam for nine-graders, since graduates decide the tasks of standardized form. According to the new law "On Education in Russian Federation»State final certification for 9 classes is mandatory. Since 2014, GIA has become basic State Exam (OGE). This means to take graduation exams in traditional form (on tickets) graduates of the ninth classes will now not be able to.

Since 2015, in the Kima Ogte, there is no longer division into parts A, B and C: the examination work is divided into 2 parts, and tasks have a solid numbering. However, this does not mean that the tests finally disappeared from the exams. Tasks for choosing one correct option from several proposed remains. Just now write the correct answer in the answer blank you will need to be the corresponding number, not a cross.

GIA can be handed over to 14 secondary subjects.

Required items:

  • russian language
  • mathematics

Objects for choosing:

  • social science
  • history
  • physics
  • biology
  • chemistry
  • literature
  • informatics and ICT
  • geography
  • english
  • french
  • german
  • spanish language

Studying languages \u200b\u200band literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation ( native language and literature) in the right to choose to pass in form of fire (GIA) and these items.

Features of the OGE for some subjects

  • OGE in physics includes an experimental part
  • OGE in chemistry can be passed in one of 2 options: with real excapperiment or without it
  • OGE in foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas the oral part
  • Personal computers apply on computer science exam

Who participates in OGE?

To the hand of OGE allow:

  • graduates of 9 classes of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation with annual marks in all subjects not lower than "3";
  • graduates with one "2", with the condition that will take the exam on this subject;
  • foreign citizens, stateless persons, refugees and forced migrants, students in general Education;
  • graduates of past years who did not receive a certificate.

OGE results

Final marks for mandatory OGE objects are set to the certificate as follows:

  • if the annual mark and mark obtained by OGE differ in 1 point, a higher mark is set to the certificate;
  • if the difference between the annual mark and the mark obtained on the OGE, more than one point, then the middle arithmetic of these marks is set to the certificate.

Since 2017, the results of OGE (including unsatisfactory) in two electoral subjects affect the marks in the certificate of primary education.

The region may introduce a document confirming the results of OGE in addition to the certificate.

OGE results can be taken into account by school in the formation of profile 10 classes.

If the "Two" was obtained on OGE

If the graduate received an unsatisfactory assessment on the OGE, it is allowed to recall these exams in an additional time.

If, in an additional time, the graduate did not cope with the test, instead of the certificate, he would be given a certificate of learning. The certificate indicates the objects for which the "twos" are obtained. It will be possible to revive these items next year. At the discretion of the parents (legal representatives, guardians), a graduate can be left for re-learning.

GIA is a general name for state final certification for the 9th and 11th grade. Schoolchildren and their parents are easy to get confused in alphabry abbreviations, because there is another OGE, HBE and EGE.

What represents GIA and how to figure it out in these concepts?

GIA - state final certification, denotes the required exams in the ninth and eleventh grade. For each type of exams there is its name:

  • Grade 9 - OGE (main state exam). He is named the main not just like that - it is passed by all the country's schoolchildren.
  • Grade 11 - EGE (Single State Exam). This exam is passed only those who finish grade 11 and enters the universities.

1 OGE exam

Consider the examination in the 9th grade in more detail: all schoolchildren of Russia are held this form of total certification, unlike the exam. By oGE results The schoolboy will be able to continue their studies and pass in two years of his exam or go to college and technical school.

Frequently compared with the exam - indeed, the form of a similar state examination. Nine-grader It is necessary to pass two exams on the main mandatory subjects to which the Russian language and mathematics belong. Also, the schoolboy must choose two disciplines as desired - any of the school program.

Mathematics hand over in two modules - algebra and geometry. The Russian language is also checked in several options - an essay, presentation, test with response options and tasks with a full answer. These two exams are mandatory for all country schoolchildren.

By 2020, they plan to introduce another mandatory exam in school Program - in a foreign language. At the moment, the student can pass exams for another two subjects that will choose themselves. If the nine-grader plans to go further to the profile class or enter educational institutionThe choice of objects are advised to approach consciously. Often in colleges and technical schools require the results for the profile subject.

According to the results of the exam, the schoolboy is issued a certificate of main common education. Examination results are determined on the score of the calculation of points from 20 to 70.

Scheme oGE The same as the exam - exams pass in another school, under thorough observation and with strict rules. At the moment, all students are allowed to GIA in the 9th grade, but it is planned to introduce a final interview, the successful passage of which will admit to the exam.

2 EME exam

Unlike OGE, the exam for Russians is no longer new - it is actively conducted in many regions of the country since 2003. Since 2009, this form of state certification is the only one in the 11th grade. The USE simultaneously serves as an exhaust exam from schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, as well as entrance examination in university.

The exam system in the 11th grade is similar to OGE. There are also two mandatory objects - mathematics and Russian. It is also possible to choose two subjects at will, any of the school program.

Innovation 2015 - Mathematics is divided into two directions, basic and profile. A schoolboy can choose a profile version of the exam only if it is required when entering the university.

Graduates should be prepared in advance and choose those items that are required when entering the Higher Educational Institution. Also held in foreign languages, including Spanish, French and German. In 2016, a trial exam was held for the first time in the Amur Region.

According to the exam results, the graduate receives points for each subject. It is important to get the minimum number of points that Rosobrnadzor admits. The higher the amount of points, the greater the liker a chance of a chance to enroll in the university to the desired specialty. Each higher education institution has its own passing score for admission.

It is held in the building of another school, with other teachers in order to avoid incorrect results. Every year the exam procedure is increasingly tightened, video surveillance is installed in the offices, and schoolchildren escalate even to the toilet.

The introduction of the USE still causes serious disputes both in children and parents and representatives of the educational system. Preparations for a single state exam advise to begin as early as possible.

3 Exam HBE

There is another form of state final certification - HBE (the abbreviation is decrypted as a state graduation). He is rather an exception to general rules and applies to individual graduates categories. These include children with limited features Health, disabled children, educational educational institutions of a closed type and so on.

The main summary certification expects all schoolchildren in Russia. OGE - a great way to test your knowledge in grade 9 and prepare for the exam. And a single state examiner gives a graduate a good opportunity to dial high scores For admission to the university and pass the competition.

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The main state exam(OGE) - Mandatory final test for graduates of the 9th grade of Russian schools. OGE is an examination form using a standardized form tasks, the execution of which allows you to set the level of development of the federal state Standard Basic general education.

For GIA 9 in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad provides a single exam schedule. For each academic subject, the duration of examinations is established.

Examination materials

Controls measuring materials (KIM) for OGE KIM are formed using open Bank Tasks and specialized software posted on the site of FIPI www.fipi.ru.

Before the exam, the organizers conduct instructing, after which the participants give out sheets (forms) to record responses.

In the event of a marriage or noncompleteness of examination materials, the organizers issue a new set of examinations of the OGE.

At the direction of the organizers, the participants of OGE fill the registration fields of the examination work.

The organizers check the correctness of the fill in the learning registration fields of examination work.

In the event of a lack of space in sheets (blanks) for answers to tasks with a detailed answer, at the request of the student organizers, give it an additional form.

As necessary, the student is issued drafts. Students can make marks in Kim for OGE.


Records on KIM and drafts are not processed and not checked!

In 30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the organizers must inform the participants about the imminent completion of the exam and remind you of the need to transfer the answers from drafts to sheets (forms).

The participants of OGE are obliged to pass 4 exams:

in Russian and mathematics (mandatory objects);

two exams on the selection of a graduate from the list of objects (see below).

Innovations - 2019.

Since 2019, all graduates of the 9th grades are mandatory undergo a procedure for interviewing Russian language as admission to the main state exam.The interview will check the skills of students in spontaneous expression of thoughts, so this form of control provides for only 15 minutes per nine-grader. In the process of the interview you will need to cope with five tasks:

retell read fragment literary work or journalists close to the text, accompanying retelling with additional information;

demonstrate the spelling skill in the form of a monologue to one of the topics offered in the Top bill;

show skills in a dialogic speech by talking with a member of the examination committee.

During the interview, the learner is gaining certain test points.

The task


Expressive reading

Retelling text



Compliance with the norms of the Russian language


The main number of points a student is obtained for compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language.

Important moment:the phrase "Check spontaneous speech»It sounded in the wording of the goal of interviewing for no accident. The pupil should prepare for the tasks in just 1 minute! As a result, he gets "test" (allowed to OGE) or "non-post" (in this case, the study has the right to re-interview).

To OGE graduates of the 9th grade allowed

According to the Procedure for the State Summary Certification educational programs basic general education to OGE allowed students who do not have academic debt And in full, fulfilling the curriculum or individual curriculum (having annual marks for all training subjects of the curriculum for the IX class not lower than satisfactory) and successfully passed the oral interview in the Russian language.

Students that are in the current academic year Winners or prize-winners final stage all-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren, members of the national teams of the Russian Federation, participating in international competitions and formed in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, are exempt from the passage of the state final certification for the training subject corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren, the International Olympiad.

OGE objects

State final certification on educational programs of basic general education includes:

Mandatory exams: in Russian and mathematics

As well as exams on the choice of studying on two training subjects from among the classrooms:

  • Literature
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Social science
  • Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  • Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, German, French and spanish Languages)
  • Literature

Selected learning learning items are indicated in the application that it submits educational organization until March 1 of this year.

The students have the right to change (add) the list of the exams specified in the statement only if they have valuable causes (diseases or other circumstances confirmed by documented).

Additional material:


reference materials issued with work, ruler

Russian language

orthographic dictionary


unprogrammed calculator. Required laboratory equipment Participant OGE will get along with exam materials

Social science,


not used additional materials



periodic system chemical elements DI. Mendeleev, Sollar Solubility Table, Electrochemical Metal Voltage Series, Unprogramable Calculator


geographical satin for 7, 8 and 9 classes,

unprogramable Calculator, Rule

Foreign language

sound reproducing and sound recording equipment


texts artistic works and collections lyrics


For each subject, the scale of evaluating the results of the execution of examination works is established (from 20 to 45 points) and the scale (based on the recommendations of the FII) recalculation primary ballots For the execution of the examination work in a five-point scale.

Estimates for the exam Graduates can learn in the OU, where they are trained, after the work will be checked and the results are approved.

Graduates of 9 classes that received no more than 2 unsatisfactory settings on the state final certification are allowed for re-gia on these subjects.

In case of non-receipt of a satisfactory assessment and at the relief, the graduate will not be issued a certificate. Instead, a certificate of learning passes will be provided. The certificate indicates the objects for which an unsatisfactory assessment was received, and next year only these items will be possible.

Inspection materials of the main state exam in 2020 have undergone major changes.

All projects of exam models of OGE 2020 in training subjects are prepared on the basis of GEF LLC. At the same time, the continuity of the inspected content with the federal component of the state educational Standard. In comparison, C. exam models 2019 In the projects of Kim OGE 2020, the activity component, the practical nature of the tasks, is strengthened. Some people adopted in international comparative studies are implemented to design tasks in mathematics and objects of the natural science cycle.

The tasks of the main state examyader of nine-graders for 2020 became more practiced and check such skills as the search and analysis of information, the argument of their point of view, the argument skills.

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE - The number of tasks decreased to nine. Task 1, which is a presentation, can now be written in any of the proposed genres: notes, essay, travel notes, reviews, diary. The second part of the work presents tasks for testing spelling, punctuation, grammar, as well as analysis of the depth and accuracy of understanding the content of text.

MATHEMATICS - Included a new block of practical oriented tasks (tasks 1-5).

SOCIAL SCIENCE - changing the structure of the work. In most tasks of OGE, social studies need to analyze practical situations, express their point of view based on personal experience and facts.

HISTORY - new tasks appeared, providing work with historical card, as well as verifying knowledge of the history of culture.


BIOLOGY - The number of tasks decreased.

In OGE P. Chemistry and physics 2020 includes real experiments.

The condition for obtaining a certificate of primary general education is the successful passage of state final certification (GIA) in four educational subjects - two mandatory (Russian and mathematics) and two to choose from.

Secrets of successful preparation for OGE

The key to successful exam is the qualitative development of the school program, the repetition and systematization of those studied in 5-9 classes of topics by subjects, the development of various skills (read and analyze the content of the text, solve problems, etc.).

The task enabled in the examination does not go beyond the content of school textbooks and programs.

It's not difficult to pass the exams, if you correctly organize the preparation for the exam. We recommend:

  • Diligently study throughout the years, not allowing gaps in knowledge.
  • Do not "shut" - and carefully deal with each topic. Human memory is the most imperfect medium of information. But, knowing and understanding the theory, you can easily output any forgotten formula for one minute.
  • Refresh in memory theoretical Materiallearned over the years of study in the school.
  • Familiarize yourself with the main documents of OGE, in which the criteria for evaluating work are clearly spelled out.
  • Disassemble past tickets of past years on their own, together with the teacher, or using the video lessons available on the network.
  • Check your level of knowledge, solving the demolism of OGE - 2019.
  • Do not be afraid of mistakes, they are inevitable. The more mistakes discern at the preparation stage, the less they will be on the OGE.

It's time for exhaust exams has already begun. Every summer after silent last call And before graduation, students of the 9th and 11th grades will celebrate examinations.

OGE - what it is, and how students are preparing for such a responsible period of life - our article is about it.

What is OGE - decryption

What is OGE? This abbreviation is decrypted as the main state exam. He is obliged to pass absolutely all graduates of the ninth classes, regardless of whether a graduate will continue to study or not.

How to hand over OGE

Graduates are required to hand over four subjects. Russian language and mathematics are mandatory, and two more subjects a student chooses himself.

March 1, the deadline for the choice of objects for delivery. Schoolchildren with disabilities have the right not to pass additional items.

To pass the OGE, the graduate provide the ability to choose additional. Items. Choosing a student The school administration enters into a common registry, which forms the results. On their basis, a certain number of packages with tasks will be sent.

Schoolchildren write exams in their schools, with their teachers in the role of examiners. Having written the exam, students remain only to wait for the results, which are announced during the week.

What will hand over in grade 9

Mandatory objects for passing in grade 9 are mathematics and Russian. If the student does not plan to enter the 10th grade, then these two items will be enough for him.

If all the same graduate wants to continue his studies in 10 and 11 classes, he needs to pass not only mathematics and Russian, but also two additional subjects by his choice.

The easiest objects for the surrender of OGE

The easiest thing for leasing from the humanitarian direction is social studies. His more than half of graduates surrender.

This subject is the easiest to understand and memorize. Science Social Studies aimed at learning life, because part of the information student can take from life experience.

In the technical direction, the easiest, according to graduates, is computer science and ICT. She, like social studies, take a majority of students.

Informatics is simple to monotize their tasks. But no one cancels what the school base needs to know. On the contrary, it needs to be understood and learn, and already in the aggregate to be able to solve many options.

How many points need to dial to pass ie

Each item has its own passing points. In the Russian language, the passing minimum is 15 points, and for mathematics it is enough to dial 8.

Is it difficult to gain so number? It is better to ask for graduates themselves.

OGE estimation system - ramblovka on subjects

Per russian language When receiving from 0 to 14 points, the rating is "2". From 15 to 24 - rating "3". From 25 to 33 - rating "4". From 34 to 39 is the mark "5".

Per mathematics When receiving from 0 to 7 points, the "2" mark is set. From 8 to 14 points - the rating "3". From 15 to 21 - the mark "4". From 22 to 32 - the graduate receives the rating "5".

By physics The following scale was adopted: if you have 0 to 9 points, the rating is "2". From 10 to 19 points - the rating "3". From 20 to 30 - the rating "4". If there are more than 30 points, the graduate receives the mark "5".

Bringing to biology Less than 13 points, the graduate receives "2". From 13 to 25 - the rating is "3". If there are 26 - 36 points, the graduate will receive the mark "4". If the graduate scored over 36, it will receive "5".

By geographyTo go through the threshold, you should score more than 11 points. To get "4" you need to get from 20 to 26. To get the highest mark, you need to score more than 26 points.

Passing minimum by informatics and ICT - 5 points. To get "4" you need to dial from 12 to 17. On "5" you need above 17 points.

To be enrolled in the 10th grade, it is necessary to gain 31 points in the Russian language, in mathematics 19, in geography 24, on computer science and ICT 15 points, in physics 30, on biology 33 points.

What is the difference between OGE from the exam

Two of these methods of testing knowledge are very similar. A significant difference is enclosed in two aspects:

  1. The first is how knowledge checks. OGE students pass in their schools. And the examination committee are teachers of this school. For writing exam, students are invited to other schools of the city, where other teachers will be warders. Checks the works of graduates An independent commission, which is organized by the District Committee for Education.
  2. The second difference is tolerance before the exam. In the 9th grade to the exam, everyone who has no bobs on the subjects surrendered. In the 11th grade, admission to the exam is not only positive assessments, but also recently, the final essay. His disciples write in early December. It is estimated at five criteria, each of which can be maximally scored five points. The evaluation criterion is the compliance of the written essay of this topic. Also, the criteria include the presence of argument, and one of the arguments should be taken from literary sources.

The third evaluation criterion is the composition composition and the availability of logic in the text.

Fourth is the quality written speech. The student must clearly and clearly express his thoughts using different grammatical structures.

Fifth criterion - literacy. If five and more mistakes are made, 0 points are installed on this item. If there are 0 points on points 1 and 2, then the essay is not further checked and the graduate receives "non-report."

What will happen if you do not pass OGE

If the student did not cope with the exam and received an unsatisfactory assessment on the main subjects, he was given the opportunity to re-pass these exams in reserve days.

But if the graduate did not score the right points for the second time, instead of the certificate he will receive a certificate of learning. The relief of these items is possible only next year.

How good to pass OGE in grade 9

For successful training To OGE, you can seek help for tutoring. For a very cheap fee, the student will be purposefully prepared for the surrender of a certain subject.

If all the same, the student decided to prepare for the upcoming exams on his own, he should comply with some tips:

  1. It is necessary to determine which form of memorization has a graduate. Perhaps visual, then more to the material should be output, allocate information to all sorts of markers, divide it into blocks. If the student has a more developed acceleration form of memorization, then read more information read more and vouch.
  2. It is better to pay preparation every day once or two hours than sitting on textbooks all day.
  3. To prepare, it is necessary to organize self-discipline. It is very important to start prepare at least for six months. If the student cannot independently organize his work, parents need to help and try to control the preparation.


Once again about what OGE is. This abbreviation is translated as the main state exam and means the form of testing of students' 9 class students.

In turn, the exam, called a single state. The exam, checks the knowledge of graduates of 11th grades and opens the way to them for higher education.

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OGE is the main state exam that students will pass at the end of the 9th grade.

For passing fire According to a specific subject, it is necessary to solve the tasks from the examination form, which is issued before the exam. These forms are called control and measuring materials - Kim.

Kima consist of a variety of tasks: with tests, tasks with a brief response and part where you need to give a detailed answer. Tasks are located from simple to complex. For simple tasks, fewer points are accrued, for complex with the expanded response - more.

What subjects to pass

Here are what items can be handed over:

  1. Literature.
  2. Physics.
  3. Chemistry.
  4. Biology.
  5. Geography.
  6. History.
  7. Social science.
  8. Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT).
  9. Foreign languages \u200b\u200b- English, German, French or Spanish.
  10. Native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the people of the Russian Federation.
  11. Native literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Objects for choosing Schoolchildren indicate a statement that can be obtained through an educational organization where a child is studying: Lyceum, School or Gymnasium. The statement must be filled out and to give to its educational institution until March 1 of the current year.

The student can change the options for choosing after applying. But for this you need a valid reason, confirmed: for example, a schoolboy seriously fell ill and there is doubt that he will recover to the selected exam. In this case, he may apply with a certificate that confirms its diagnosis, and choose another subject to pass.

The statement with the changed list of objects and the reasons for this change should be submitted to the State Examination Commission - GEK. The statement must be submitted no later than two weeks before the start of the relevant exams.

Who participates in OGE

Not all schoolchildren can get to the exam. There are certain conditions to which they must comply. First of all, the restriction concerns no longer.

Schoolchildren will not allow the exam, who in annual estimates have a two at least one subject. If it turns out to quickly fix the annual mark, in the fall of the same year you can go to the OGE in an additional period.

Who will be allowed:

  1. Nine-graders who have no annual bobs.
  2. Graduates of the past years, which were filled or not allowed to OGE in previous years.
  3. Foreign citizens, refugees or immigrants who have mastered education programs in any form.
  4. Pupils who studied the school curriculum independently in the organization without state accreditation or in the form of family education.

The winners of the All-Russian and participants of the International Olympiads may not take the subject by which we went to the Olympics in the current year.


In the starting period of OGE, we hand over those schoolchildren who valid reason Could not pass in the main one. The period begins not earlier than April 20 of the current year.

In the minimum period, the main flow of schoolchildren: who has no problems with study and good reasons to pass the OGE ahead of schedule. This period should not begin earlier on May 25 of this year.

Realcuting in the additional period takes place in such cases:

  1. The student received a twice one subject. If on two - on the relocation will not be allowed in an additional time. In 2017, with such a situation, they were allowed to pass OGE not earlier than on September 1 of the current year.
  2. The student did not come to the exam for a good reason, which was documented.
  3. The student was unable to pass the exam for a good reason. For example, fainted.
  4. The student filed an appeal and approved it.

Appeal can be submitted if the rules of holding were violated or if the student does not agree with the result. If the appeal is approved, the exam results are canceled and prescribed.

Appeal needs to be quickly. If the student does not agree with the assessment - within two days from the date of its appearance on the official website. And if the order of the OGE was broken, it is necessary to apply on the exam day.

Appeal can be submitted if:

  1. The student does not agree with his assessment.
  2. The procedure was broken. The statements are considered about the violation of the exam rules by the organizer. For example, if he forbade the use of a simple calculator in physics, did not release schoolchildren to the toilet or took the work of students ahead of time.

Appeal can not be filed if:

  1. The student missed work incorrectly.
  2. The claim is associated with the structure or content of examination materials.
  3. The claim is associated with violation of the rules by the schoolboy. For example, if the student took and did not come to the exam.
  4. Claim about the execution of tasks with a brief answer.

Where to find out the results

To do this, on the official website of GIA in the upper left corner you need to choose your own region. For example, if you choose an Oryol region, the system will send to a regional site, where you can learn the results. It is enough to enter the name of the schoolboy, the series and number of his passport.

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