Department staff. Mari El government formed

Zharova Elena Yurievna- To . MD, Associate Professor, Head of the Basic Department of Family Medicine, Director of the Representative Office of the Kazan State Medical University in Yoshkar-Ola, Deputy Chief Physician for Academic and scientific work GBU RME "Republican Clinical Hospital". Honored Doctor of the Republic of Mari El.

In 1988 she graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Kazan State Medical Institute named after V.I. S.V. Kurashova, in 1989 - an internship in the specialty "Neurology". She rose from a neuropathologist at the city children's polyclinic to the head of the neurological department of the Republican Children's Hospital in Yoshkar-Ola, the deputy chief physician for medical work, the head of the department of maternal and child health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mari El. From 2001 to 2005, chief freelance pediatric neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mari El. From December 2005 to August 2011 - teaching assistant of the department of general medical practice No. 2 FPK and teaching staff of the Kazan State medical university, since September 2011 - head of the department.

Has diplomas and certificates of a specialist in neurology, general medical practice, healthcare organization. Doctor of the highest category with a degree in Neurology.

In 1997, under the guidance of Professor A.Yu. Ratner defended her thesis for competition academic degree candidate medical sciences on the basis of the Moscow medical academy them. THEM. Sechenov on the topic "Neurogenic aspects of congenital dysplasia of the hip joints."

The head of Mari El, Alexander Evstifeev, formed a new government on 20 November. It included, in addition to local personnel, officials from Saratov and former employees of the Moscow Arbitration Court. More information about appointments, who and where came to the government - in the review "".

Deputy Governors

Sergey Smetanin, first deputy chairman of the government of Mari El, head of the administration of the head of Mari El.

Was born in 1969 in the Gorky region. Graduated from Kazan in 1992 State University them. V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin with a degree in Jurisprudence, as well as the Academy National economy under the Russian government.

In December 2013, he became Deputy Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region. In April 2017, he resigned, in May he was the first deputy chairman of the government and head of the administration of the head of Mari El.

Andrey Rossoshansky

55 years. Was born in Saratov. Graduated from the Saratov State University. NG Chernyshevsky with a degree in Radiophysics and Electronics. He worked as a process engineer and operative of the USSR KGB for the Saratov region. From 2000 to 2012, he headed the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State TV and Radio Company Saratov (a branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company).

In December 1999, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Duma of the II convocation and was appointed representative of the Saratov region in the Chechen Republic.

In 2012, he became vice-rector of the Saratov State University, in November 2013, he headed the Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronics at SSU.

It has state awards, including the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Mikhail Vasyutin, First Deputy Prime Minister of Mari El.

Since 1997, he headed the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Mari El. Since 2002 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic, since 2005 - First Deputy.

Andrey Kostenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic, Permanent Representative of Mari El under the President of Russia.

Graduate of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, State Counselor of the 2nd Class of the Tax Service of Russia.

In 2015, he was appointed Permanent Representative of Mari El under the President of Russia.

Ilga Dravniece

In May 2017, she was appointed First Deputy Minister social development Mari El. In 2008, she was a member of the quotation commission of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal, which selected suppliers for public procurement for the needs of the court.

Yuri Sidiganov, Deputy Prime Minister of Mari El.

58 years old. Born in the village of Bolshoy Tsaranur, Kuzhenersky district. Graduated from the Mari Polytechnical Institute them. M. Gorky in 1984.

In the 1990s, he worked at MarSTU (today's Volgatekh), was the Deputy Minister of Economics of Mari El.

In 2000 he became dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Engineering of the Volga State Technological University.

V last years worked in the Oryol region as an adviser to the governor for the agro-industrial complex and head of the department of agriculture.

In May 2017, he was appointed Acting Minister of Agriculture.

Stepan Vorontsov, Deputy Prime Minister of Mari El.

54 years old. Born in the village of Nemets-Rodo, Mari ASSR.

Graduated from Higher military school rear, Military academy logistics and transport, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.

In 2006-2013, he served in various positions: from the deputy chief of the rear of the missile army to the head of the resource support department of the Western Military District.

In May 2013, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the Baltic Fleet for Logistics.

Sergey Trukhin, Minister of the Republic of Mari El - plenipotentiary representative of the head of the republic.

67 years old. Was a judge of Sverdlovsky regional court, headed the judicial board for civil cases, worked as deputy chairman of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal in Moscow.

In April 2017, by decree of Alexander Evstifeev, he was temporarily appointed minister - plenipotentiary of the head of Mari El.


Natalia Sevostyanova, Minister of State Property.

54 years old. Since 2000 she worked as a judge of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region. In May 2017, Acting Minister of State Property of Mari El.

Marina Pankova, Minister of Health.

Until March 31, 2017, she was the Deputy Minister of Health of Mari El, from April 1, Acting Minister.

Konstantin Ivanov, Minister of Culture, Press and National Affairs.

44 years old. Artistic Director of the Mari State Opera and Ballet Theater. E. Sapaeva. Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the Republic of Mari El.

Lydia Batyukova, minister youth policy, sports and tourism.

42 years. She worked as the director of the Kozmodemyansk cultural and historical complex. Deputy of the City Assembly of Kozmodemyansk of the fifth and sixth convocations from the United Russia party.

Prior to her appointment as minister, she served as chairman of the Tourism Committee of the Republic of Mari El.

Natalia Adamova, Minister of Education and Science.

Since 2015, she worked as the Deputy Head of the Yoshkar-Ola Department of Education. Prior to that, she headed the city schools # 6 and # 29. In May 2017, the Acting Minister of Education of Mari El after the retirement of the former Minister Galina Shvetsova.

Alexander Grechikho, Minister of Agriculture and Food.

36 years. Since 2007 - Head of Department economic development, Agriculture and Food Administration of the Saratov municipal district Saratov region.

Since 2010 - Head of the Economic Policy Department, and since 2011 - Head of the Consumer Market Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Saratov Region.

In December 2015, he headed the administration of the Fedorovsky district of the Saratov region.

Olga Fedorova, Minister of Social Development.

She worked as Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Ministry of Social Development of the Saratov Region.

Mikhail Leontiev, Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services.

58 years old. Born in Serpukhov, Moscow Region.

Since 2011 - Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma from the Communist Party, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economics, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy.

Since 2016 - General Director of the Vysota 43 machine-building plant in the Kirov region.

Maternity wards in regional centers are being closed for the sole purpose of giving rural women a chance to give birth in decent conditions and receive qualified medical care.

“I gave birth to my first dream and my daughter in Zvenigovo. The girl had a heart defect, she died when she was one and a half years old. You understand how worried I was in anticipation of the third birth. It was possible to give birth in Volzhsk and Yoshkar-Ola, I immediately chose the capital. I was offered to go to the Perinatal Center two weeks before the birth, but I decided that my husband would have enough time to take me from Shelanger to Yoshkar-Ola. And so it happened. Thanks to Doctor Ekaterina Mikhailovna Ionenko and midwife Nadezhda Lebedeva: they were so balanced, calm, attentive, there was such professionalism in their actions that it was not at all scary. How important it is, after all, to have qualified doctors nearby at such a crucial moment.

Galina Pakseeva,
meat processing plant worker
state farm "Zvenigovsky".

The idea of ​​closing maternity wards in some central district hospitals has both its supporters and vehement opponents.

Our correspondent is talking on this topic with the chief obstetrician-gynecologist of the republic Marina Pankova.
- Marina Viktorovna, what arguments can you bring for the centralization of childbirth?
- First of all, I must say that not only Mari El is following this path, but also other regions faced with a demographic problem, including our closest neighbors: Tataria has been using this model for seven years, Chuvashia has been using this model for five years. For more than twenty years, women from Medvedev have preferred to give birth in Yoshkar-Ola, seven years ago maternity wards in Orshanka and Kilemars were closed, and Sernur women have been giving birth in the capital for a year and a half.
This is reasonable, because in conditions of a small number of births, the staff of maternity wards in areas where no more than two or three babies are sometimes born per week, do not have such qualifications, such experience as doctors in the Perinatal Center, where there are 20-25 births per week. day. Today, the center is staffed with highly qualified medical personnel and, thanks to the efforts of our government, the president, the Ministry of Health of the republic, is equipped with modern equipment that allows to provide assistance to mothers and children on the very high level... The department of children's intensive care, for example, works at the level of world standards.
- “Problematic” women are probably really better off giving birth in Yoshkar-Ola. And the healthy, of course, want to be closer to home.
- Are there many healthy people? More than 80 percent of women are diagnosed with diseases not related to pregnancy. In 2004, through the efforts of doctors, this percentage was reduced to 62 before delivery, that is, 20 percent of pregnant women were treated. Last year, thanks to a program for fortifying pregnant women and providing them with iron-containing preparations, the number of patients decreased by another six percent. But all the same, more than half of women in labor are "problematic"! They need highly qualified health care because childbirth is an unpredictable thing.
- How can you confirm that the closure of maternity wards in the districts has changed the situation for the better?
- There is an indicator of early neonatal mortality (death of a child in the first six days of life). It is calculated for 1000 children born alive. It is thanks to the centralization of childbirth that it has significantly decreased and is 3.04 ppm in Mari El (on average in Russia - 5 ppm).
Practice has shown that there is no increase in the number of home and road births. Firstly, women are mostly consciously approaching motherhood, take care of their health and the health of the unborn baby, therefore they travel to the Perinatal Center for hospitalization in advance. Secondly, the attention of doctors to pregnant women has also increased.
- But what about in case of an unforeseen situation, when there is no time left to take the woman in labor to Yoshkar-Ola?
- Of course, emergency childbirth is not ruled out, because in the district hospitals there are maternity wards and "Mother and Child" wards.
- And if you did not manage to go to the capital's Perinatal Center in advance for some reason, who will quickly deliver a pregnant woman to Yoshkar-Ola at the onset of childbirth?
- "Ambulance" of the central regional hospital. It is no coincidence that within the framework of the implementation of the national priority project "Health", such serious attention is paid to the provision of ambulance services by vehicles. For these needs the republic has been allocated 22 million rubles from the federal budget.
- What do you think, Marina Viktorovna, why the closure of maternity wards in Kilemara and Sernur did not cause such a stir as in the case of Zvenigov? Maybe this is due not so much to caring for pregnant women and newborns as to the introduction of birth certificates: there is no maternity ward - the hospital (and doctors, respectively) do not receive additional funds?
- In Zvenigov last year 330 births took place, that is, almost one birth per day. At the same time, more than 140 women from the Zvenigovsky region gave birth in the Perinatal Center of Yoshkar-Ola. In addition, in the republic the indicator of provision with obstetricians and gynecologists is 3.9 per ten thousand of the female population, and in Zvenigov - 1.7. With such a composition, obstetricians-gynecologists of the district, with all their desire, cannot cover the entire volume of work, in particular, they do not have enough time to travel to the outback. Obstetricians-gynecologists in Zvenigovo will not be left without work after the closure of the maternity ward - beds for women with pregnancy pathologies and gynecological beds are preserved here. There will be no only childbirth. As for the birth certificates, if all pregnant women in the district are monitored, as it should be, by the doctors of the Central Regional Hospital, the hospital will receive a part of the funds provided for by the birth certificate.
- What if there will be a surge in the birth rate, and the Perinatal Center will not be able to cope with the increased volume? Then again will you have to open branches in the districts?
- Unfortunately, a surge in the birth rate is not expected in the coming years. The capacity of the Perinatal Center is up to seven thousand deliveries per year. Now 4.5 thousand births are taking place here - 64 percent of all births in the republic. But no one says that maternity wards in the districts are closed forever. The situation will change - let's return to the problem.

Olga BiryuCheva.
(Mari El).

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