What to read in print media. Chernobyl disaster

April 26 marks 30 years of accident at the Chernobyl NPP, which occurred 26.04.1986. The accident is regarded as the largest in its own way in the entire history of nuclear energy, both on the intended number of people who died and affected by its consequences and economic damage.

During the first three months after the accident, 31 people died; The remote effects of irradiation identified over the next 15 years have caused death from 60 to 80 people. 134 people moved radiation disease to one or another severity. More than 115 thousand people from a 30-kilometer zone were evacuated. To eliminate the consequences, significant resources were mobilized, more than 600 thousand people participated in the elimination of the consequences of the accident.
As a result of an accident from agricultural turnover, about 5 million hectares of land was derived, a 30-kilometer zone of alienation was created around the NPP, and buried (buried hard technicians) hundreds of small settlements.
After assessing the scale of radioactive pollution, it became clear that the evacuation of the city of Pripyat would be required, which was carried out on April 27. In the first days after the accident, the population of a 10-kilometer zone was evacuated. In the following days, the population of other settlements of the 30-kilometer zone was evacuated. It was forbidden to take things with you, children favorite toys, and the like, many were evacuated in homemade clothes. In order not to inflate panic, it was reported that evacuated will return home in three days. Pets were not allowed with me.
Today the city of Pripyat became a ghost city.
Ferris wheel in the abandoned city of Pripyat, Ukraine. This city is just a few kilometers from the Chernobyl NPP.

Construction of a new sarcophagus over the exploded fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The city is prong.

Thus was the Palace of Culture "Energy", in the city of Pripyat, in 1986, and so it became 30 years old.

View of the fourth block of Chernobyl nuclear power plant from the city of Pripyat.

Built new sarcophagus over the fourth block.

Employee of the plant for the processing of liquid radioactive waste at the Chernobyl NPP. Ukraine.

Containers at a factory for the processing of liquid radioactive waste at the Chernobyl NPP.

The worker stands near the temporary storage of the spent fuel, which is under construction. Ukraine.

People light candles in a memorial dedicated to firefighters and workers who have died eliminating the consequences of the catastrophe, at the Chernobyl NPP. Ukraine.

An abandoned arc radar system, which is located inside the Chernobyl alienation zone. Ukraine.

Wolf in the forest near the Chernobyl NPP, in April 2012.

House in abandoned village lump, near the Chernobyl NPP. Ukraine.

An employee from the State Environmental Reserve of radiation tests The level of radiation on the farm, in Vorotets, Belarus, April 21, 2011, not far from the Alienation Zone of the Chernobyl NPP.

Ivan Semenyuk, 80 years old, and his wife Marya Kondanovna, near his house, located in the Chernobyl zone of alienation, in the village of Parshev, Ukraine.

Destroyed house, in the abandoned village of Vezhishche, in the exclusion zone, 30 km around the Chernobyl NPP.

View of the abandoned city of Pripyat, near the Chernobyl NPP, Ukraine, March 28, 2016.

Abandoned Hall in Pripyati, Ukraine, February 24, 2011.

View of the roof of a residential building, September 30, 2015, in Pripyat, Ukraine.


Carousel in Pripyat.

The inside of the Palace of Culture "Energetik".

Textbooks scattered on the floor music school, Zalisya villages located inside the Alienation Zone of the Chernobyl NPP, September 29, 2015.


Skeleton dogs inside a 16-storey house, in the city of Pripyat.

Moose in the State Reserve, within the Alienation Zone of the Chernobyl NPP, near the village of Babchin, about 370 km (231 miles) southeast of Minsk, Belarus, March 22, 2011.

Game attractions in Pripyat.

Abandoned cafe. Pripyat.

The remains of the swimming pool. Pripyat.

Dashboards in the reactor dispatch number are two Chernobyl nuclear power plants. They are almost identical to the fact that they were in the dispatching fourth reactor, at the time of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP. September 29, 2015.

The dosimeter shows about one microentergen / hour, which are considered the norm by the fence of the remains of the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl NPP.

Lynx near Chernobyl, Ukraine, in December 2012.

In the picture: the old sarcophag of the fourth block (left) and the new sarcophagus, which should come to shift the old (right). Pripyat, March 23, 2016.

Installing a new sarcophagus.

A woman visits her abandoned house, during the holiday "Radunitsa", during which it is customary to visit the graves of dead relatives, in the abandoned village of Orevichi, not far from the exclusion zone around the Chernobyl NPP, south-east of Minsk on April 21, 2015. Every year the inhabitants who left their villages after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant return to visit the graves of their relatives, as well as meet with former friends and neighbors.

April 26 marks 30 years since the most terrible in history nuclear catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP. The photographer Jadvig Bronte went to Belarus to meet invisible people, still feeling the consequences of the catastrophe.

The catastrophe occurred about 30 years ago, but its consequences are still feeling. When the reactor in Pripyat in the north of Ukraine began to collapse, it became the most terrible nuclear accident in history - and by the number of victims, and by the number of financial expenses. But it was not the end.

Photographer Jadvig Bronte was born in Poland, just a week to a terrible tragedy. The proximity of the place and time of her birth to Chernobyl still determines the importance of this event for it.

The last of its project "Invisible People of Belarus" documenslife of the crippled victims of Chernobyl living in Belarusian government institutions - "boarding schools" - which act as "shelters, shelters and is wondered in one person." Although the disaster occurred in Ukraine, it was Belarus that accepted the gravity of the blow.

Living faces of residents of boarding schools give us a rare opportunity to see how the survivors after Chernobyl live. After decades, they were too easy to be forgotten.

- Why did you decide to shoot these people?

- I was one of more than 18 million Poles, which were given"Lugol" - iodine solution to protect against radioactive precipitation after the Chernobyl accident. Unfortunately, not in all affected countries came in the same way. Belarus is closest to all to Chernobyl and people have suffered here more than others. The consequences of the accident affect the health of the population to this day.

However, my project is not only affected by the Chernobyl accident. He is about all the disabled people who do not notice society. Unfortunately, the theme of disability is still tabulated in Belarus. Perhaps this is due to the post-Soviet mentality, religion, or simply disadvantage of information and general knowledge of disability.

- 30 years have passed since the catastrophe - what does the life of those people with whom did you meet?

- When I say "Victims of the Chernobyl catastrophe", I do not mean people who were direct victims, such as power station workers or accident eliminators. I mean people who were born after April 1986 physically or mentally defective. Some Children of Chernobyl are now on the 30s, others were born recently, and many still bearing in the future. Mutated gene is a direct consequence of radiation - can be transmitted to generations.

Most victims of Chernobyl and disabled people live inbelarusian boarding schools. These are government agencies - something average between children's homes, shelters and hospices. Honestly, people living in them simply wish their existence - they do not have any education, and their activity is minimal. They simply support their existence: prepare food, clean and work in the fields.Very often they have a strong friendship among themselves and live for each other.

- What difficulties did you encounter when shooting?

- These were the difficulties of a personal character rather than technical. Working in such places is impossible not to experience powerful emotions - Not only during shooting, but spending time with the inhabitants of boarding school, listening to their stories and trying to understand how the system works in which they live.What you will see has depressingly.

- What do you hope to show or achieve your photos?

- I want these invisible people to become visible. I want people to find out more about their lives and heard their stories that are unknown to anyone. I want the Belarusian people to care better about them, because the future of these people is indeed in the hands of the Belarusian people.

Places like this are in many other countries throughout Europe and abroad. People must understand that it is incorrect to separate those who have mental or physical disadvantages,from the rest of society.

I hope that parents will become stronger, taking a decision to take care of disabled children, and see what they are beautiful in fact. State institutions - Not the best place for them. I saw it with my own eyes.

Thinking out loud

From her first person

P Related by your readers a selection of materials devoted to the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy. Since in a nutshell, you will not tell about it, broke your publication conditionally into three parts:

Part 1 Dedicated brief information About the accident and people who were liquidated by the price of their lives.

Part 2presents an interview that Konstantin Chicherin-Russian Nuclear Physicist, a specialist in the field of nuclear fuel and radiation materials, a senior researcher in the Laboratory of Radiation Materials Sciences of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", participant in the elimination of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, which gave more 20 years the issue of studying the accident and its causes.

Part 3 -this, if you can put it, a photo session dedicated to people, participants of the events of those, now distant and terrible, days and photovation of Victoria Ivlev, who visited in 1990 inside 4 Chernoby reactor, most photos from which little or almost not familiar to us.

26 April 1986. Time: 1 hour 24 minutes. 30 years ago. On this day, the largest technogenic in the history of mankind occurred catastrophe - catastrophe At the Chernobyl NPP, affected by the fate of millions of people.

The total emission of radioactive substances was 77 kg (when bombing in Hiroshima - 740 gr.). He struck the "Chernobyl bell", heard residents of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, people of the whole planet.

Specialists are estimated that the total damage caused by the disaster at the Chernobyl NPP of the World Community per thirty years is estimated at the amount of about one trillion US dollars, 550 billion of them falls on Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

The most terrible blow accepted the firefighters. They extinguished the fire in the zone of the strongest radiation - above the reactor. And two weeks later, on the day of victory, many of them no longer became: they died in the Moscow clinic from acute radiation sickness. He felt death, calmly, without tears they said goodbye to each other and quietly died. In subsequent years, the Chernobyl tragedy claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people.

The radioactive cloud passed over the European part of the USSR, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Great Britain and eastern part USA. Approximately 60% of radioactive precipitation fell on the territory of Belarus. About 200,000 people were evacuated from zones exposed pollution.
Radiation by the wind opened away from Chernobyl.

According to observations, on April 29, 1986, high radiation background was registered in Poland, Germany, Austria, Romania, April 30 - in Switzerland and Northern Italy, May 1-2 - in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Great Britain, Northern Greece, May 3 - In Israel, Kuwait, Turkey. Now hundreds of kilometers within the radius from the Chernobyl NPP a dead zone.

The consequences of Chernobyl would be much big, if it were not for the courage and dedication of people who, among the call, the Motherland stepped into radioactive bakes, not looking at the deadly danger, risking their health and life itself. Hundreds of thousands of specialists from all republics of the USSR took part in eliminating the consequences of the disaster. Their heroic efforts managed to curb the element in the short time. There was among the liquidators and my friend, the worker of the Leningrad nuclear power plant. They were then sent them to Chernobyl on business trips to eliminate the consequences of the accident. And how to know, maybe this campaign was the cause of the ailments that he suffers so far.

The most dangerous and time-consuming part of the work on the elimination of the consequences, on the decontamination of the station and the adjacent territory, on the construction of the sarcophagus was entrusted to the armed forces - military personnel and military service, whose heroic and selfless work in the period from 1986 to 1990 allowed us to largely weaken the global development of the catastrophe . As the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal rightly noted in one of his speeches Soviet Union D.T. Yazov: "Chernobyl closed his breasts army."

The hardest and dangerous work fell on, the share of those in the first days, weeks, the months fought with the swollen reactor and led emergency restoration work in a 30-kilometer zone.

1. C. The Ernobyl catastrophe was assigned 7 points from 7 possible international School nuclear events (INES), which makes it the largest man-made disaster of that time. It is worth noting that 7 points were also awarded an accident at Fukushima-1 nuclear power plants in Japan in 2011, where a catastrophe occurred as a result of the earthquake.

2. As a result of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, it was 100 times more radiation than was the effect of atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

3. Nuclear rain was so far away that even reached Ireland.

4. 800 thousand men risked their health to prevent the consequences of the accident and stabilize the situation. They worked in the zone of increased risk, exposing themselves to radiation. 25 thousand of them died, and more than 70 thousand became disabled. 20% of these deaths were suicide.

5. Greenpeace argues that the accident in Chernobyl became the cause of death from cancer about 90 thousand people worldwide.

6. Some people returned with their families to the affected area to take advantage of compensation from the state.

7. There are plans to use the territories of the surrounding reactor, for example, such as processing and disposal of radioactive waste, as well as the creation of natural reserves.

8. More than 5 million people live in areas that are considered "polluted" radioactive substances after the accident.

9. The area that fell into the lists of "polluted" became one of the most unique world reserves with a prosperous population of wolves, deer, beavers, eagles and other animals.

10. At every renovated house in Chernobyl, today there is an inscription, where the name of the owner of this real estate is indicated.

Thirty years have passed since the destruction of the fourth power unit at the Chernobyl NPP. Chernobia is considered the most severe technogenic catastrophe in human history. It spawned a whole layer of myths and speculation associated with the radiation effect on humans and nature, which in turn laid the foundation of radio fleaphobium, unreasonable fear of radiation. RIA Novosti, Professor, First Deputy Director of the Institute of Problems of Safe Development of Nuclear Energy, Rafael Varnasovich Arutyunyan, told about the Chernobylleg.

Where did we have such confidence that the accident at the Chernobyl NPP had a catastrophic impact on the health of millions of people?

- The idea of \u200b\u200bthe catastrophic nature of the accident is not just the fiction of individual journalists or ecologists. Unfortunately, this presentation arose in the public consciousness after the so-called " Chernobyl law "dated May 12, 1991, in the preamble of which it is written that the country has suffered ecological catastrophy, nationwide disaster. The law determined the zone of radiation damage, indicated the number of 8 million victims and hundreds of thousands of accident eliminators. And all people covered by this law are simultaneously in the death risk zone, in anticipation of oncological diseases, hereditary genetic defects.

And after 30 years, what picture do we observe? In total, more than 638 thousand people were registered in the Russian National Radiation and Epidemiological Register. In fact, this register is the largest in the world, its data is absolutely clear, it is impossible to refute them. From the registered people of 187 thousand are in the status of liquidators, and 389 thousand are residents of the territories undergoing the greatest pollution of radionuclides (Bryansk, Kaluga, Tula and Oryol region). Over the past decades, radiation disease was revealed by 134 people who were on the Chernobyl accident in the first day. Of these, 28 were killed within a few months after the accident (27 in Russia), 20 died for various reasons for 20 years.

Among the liquidators of the accident, 122 cases of leukemia disease were revealed, from those mentioned 187 thousand people, and possibly 37 of them could be induced by Chernobyl radiation.

According to the register by the beginning of 2016, out of 993 cases of cancer of the thyroid gland in children and adolescents (at the time of the accident) 99 could be associated with radiation exposure. Increasing the number of diseases by other types of oncology among liquidators compared to other groups, no.

That is, these registers are told to us that 30 years after the accident, numerous assumptions and forecasts regarding the supermissibility of the consequences of the radiation impact of the accident were not confirmed. It is worth noting that the only radiological consequence of the Chernobyl accident - the thyroid cancer in children could be prevented during the timely introduction of a ban on the use of milk and fresh vegetables from personal subsidiary farms.

I will give a quote from the World Health Organization: "A significant increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer occurred in people who were children and adolescents during an accident, and lived in the most polluted areas of Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine. This was caused high levels Radioactive iodine, which escaped from the reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the first days after the accident. Radioactive iodine donkey on pastures, where the cows grazed, and then concentrated in their milk, subsequently by the consumed children. In addition, the situation was aggravated by the general deficit of iodine in the local diet, which led to even greater accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland. Since the life of a radioactive iodine is short, if people stopped giving local contaminated milk to children for several months after the accident, probably in most cases there would be an increase in the thyroid cancer induced by radiation.

I repeat once again that other negative impacts on people were not recorded, which completely refutes all the existing myths and stereotypes about the consequences of the accident health accident.

If today to analyze the radiation doses of the inhabitants of the Chernobyl zones over the past 20 years, then from 2.8 million Russians who have found themselves in the area of \u200b\u200bexposure to the accident - 2.5 million received an additional dose of less than 10 millisyver, which is five times less than the average irradiation background. . Less than 2 thousand people received a dose of more than 100 millisyver, which is 1.5 times less dose, naturally accumulated annually by residents of Finland or the Russian republic. It is for this reason that among the population there is no radiological consequences, except for the above-mentioned thyroid cancers. It should be understood that among 2.8 million people, regardless of their place of residence, every year mortality from cancer, not related to the radiation factor, ranges from 4 thousand to 6 thousand people.

Another quote from the WHO report: "For comparison, a high dose of radiation, which is usually obtained by a patient as a result of computer tomography of the whole body, is approximately equivalent to a total dose accumulated over 20 years by residents of weakly-graded areas after the Chernobyl accident."

- But what about the genetic consequences for humanity from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant? The horrors tell us on this topic of the media.

Ten myths around the accident at the Chernobyl NPPAll world science for 60 years detailed scientific research Never observed on the man of any genetic consequences due to radiation irradiation. Moreover, the International Commission of Radiological Protection After 20 years, realizing that there is no reason to talk about genetic risks, lowered their risks almost 10 times.

- I will answer briefly, but Emko. All world science for 60 years of detailed research has never observed any genetic consequences of radiation irradiation on the person. Moreover, the International Commission of Radiological Protection Two decades later, Chernobyl, realizing that there is no reason to talk about genetic risks, lowered them almost 10 times. Therefore, conversations about the genetic consequences of the Chernobyl disaster can be called fantastic with full confidence, or a lie, which will be more accurate.

I remember well, as in the late 1980s. Information began to appear that a huge number of people after the accident was resettled, including tens of thousands evacuated from pripyat and surrounding territories. It was a shock for the USSR. Today it is often possible to hear that the evacuation was very poorly organized.

- In the conditions of uncertainty, arising immediately after the explosion, and its reason was rooted in the almost complete unpretentiousness of the authorities and specialists to such an accident and in the inability at that time to predict it further developmentThe decision on evacuation was made quickly and right. Dose radiation criteria then acting in the USSR assumed the mandatory export of the population. As a result, evacuation of almost 120 thousand people spent, of course, not without mistakes, but quickly and professionally. Information that people received serious doses of radiation irradiation during evacuation are a lie.
By the way, at that time another myth that decisions were taken without taking into account the interests of people, pulled up to the last, and many of this were obtained by high doses of irradiation. So, it is also not true. The decision on evacuation was taken before the moment when the situation approached radiation doses to the lower threshold. That is, people were taken out earlier than at least something dangerous could arise. And therefore no change, even according to modern standards, was not allowed.

- Since the beginning of the 1990s, information has been common that the authorities have hidden the situation from the population and the public from the first minutes of the Chernobyl accident, although they all knew everything perfectly.

- Everything is much more complicated than you want to submit some "experts." Of course, the authorities hid in full information, but I repeat, first of all, due to the fact that the system itself was not capable of quickly and adequately appreciate the situation. At that time, the USSR did not exist a reliable and independent system for controlling the radiation situation. Get in real time information about the level of radiation background near and away from the Chernobylum, then it was almost impossible.

Now it is common, thanks to the emergence of ASCRO - an automatic control system for the radiation situation, stretching around the NPP and allowing local authorities and anyone who wants to enter the Internet and to find out the real radiation situation on a special site. Then there was simply no such system, and to make decisions it was necessary to analyze the situation, and this took precious time. If a similar system was at that time, it would be possible to avoid consumption by people of food from the defeat zones in the first days of the catastrophe.

The accident information was really limited until 1988, due to the secrecy regime. By the way, during the accident in Fukushima-1, objective and operational information in the first days was absent, since neither the operator of the NPP, nor special services of Japan, nor the authorities of the country were not ready for the dramatic exploration of events.

On the Internet and the media walks many terrible pictures And even photographs depicting the alleged disfigured accident accident in the Chernobyl zone. Does the environment suffered from the accident at the nuclear power plant even more than a person?

- According to the radioecology paradigm, a person is protected from the effects of radiation, the environment, nature, protected with a huge reserve. That is, if the influence on the human health of the radiation accident is minimal, then its influence will be even smaller. Speaking of Chernobyl, the impact on nature was observed only next to the destroyed power unit, where the irradiation of trees reached 2 thousand x-rays. Then these trees turned into the so-called "redhead forest". But at the moment all natural environment Even in this place completely recovered, which would not be, for example, with a chemical accident. Now nature in the Chernobyl zone, on the so-called contaminated area, feels great. In the literal sense blooms and fragrant. And for animals there is almost a reserve.

- Is it true that huge money was spent on the elimination of the consequences of the accident of Russia?

- Let's look at the real numbers. Since 1992, Russia has spent more than 4 billion dollars to eliminate the consequences of the accident. As is known, the main part of the funds were sent for social benefits. Money is actually meager - about 1 thousand dollars per person. That is, no colossal amounts in this case do not go.

After Chernobyl, Russia tightened radiation irradiation standards. It is said that now we have the most stringent standards among all countries developing nuclear power.

- Unfortunately it's true. The fact is that the accident of the Chernobia for Chernobia made a number of political decisions that were not based on real criteria, there were no relation to the real level of risks for the population.

Today, our irradiation standards are among the toughest in the world. I will give an example. The radioactivity measure is the activity that is measured in Beckels (BC). For example, in Russia there is a norm according to which the content of cesium-137 isotope in milk should not exceed 100 BC per liter. In Norway for baby food, the norm is 370 BC per kg. That is, if our milk from 110 BC is already considered to be radioactive waste, then in Norway it is more than 3 times lower than the norm.

- Chernobyl lessons countries developing the nuclear industry, including we, learned well?

- First large accident NPP was an accident at the "Three Mail Island" nuclear station (Pennsylvania, USA) in 1979. As a result of technical failures and personnel errors at the station, the active zone of the reactor occurred. Well, what happened without catastrophic consequences. I must say that the key mistake of the USSR was ignored by the events of the "Three Mail Island" as the first harbinger of a heavy accident at the NPP. We did not learn this lesson, so Chernobyl happened.

Unfortunately, Chernobyl lessons did not learn in Japan. And now our Japanese partners are stumbled on the same rakes that we have come during the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. In Japan, there was a massive evacuation of people, the same tough, unreasonable radiation safety standards are introduced. These are all repetitions of our mistakes. The refusal of the Japanese government from the use of atomic energy is also absolutely not justified. After Chernobyl, the scientific community and projectors in our country were seriously engaged in studying heavy accidents, in parallel, research programs were launched in difficult accidents at nuclear power plants, and when Rosatom, in the framework of the nuclear renaissance, "was determined with the appearance of future nuclear power plants, the provision was provided at the head of the corner. The safe operation of the NPP. I am confident that Japan will still return to the nuclear energy, because the refusal of it will cost too expensive.

- How can we control the "peaceful atom"?

- Let's consider the main causes of the accident in Chernobyl. First, the decision on the transfer of nuclear power plants in the USSR Ministry of Energy was erroneous. Almost all commandments of the culture of security in the nuclear energy were violated, when it was transferred from the special industry, which she was in the USSR Ministry of Associate, to the region of common energy and, by virtue of this, overestimated the level of security of the NPP. The staff of the Ministry of Energy consisted of people unprepared for the operation of nuclear power plants. The personnel of the nuclear power plant itself violated all instructions and rules when conducting a test program. This situation is now categorically impossible. Except in the fact that the staff currently is rigidly regulated in accordance with international recognized approaches and documents.

From each block of all NPPs of Russia to the Rosenergoatom Crisis Center, hundreds of security parameters is transmitted in real time. It provides a full control-independent control.

Secondly, the design of the NPP reactor admitted during the erroneous behavior of the personnel, unfolding or stopping the accident. After 1986, the safety system of nuclear power plants in our country and abroad were as improved as possible in order to almost absolutely eliminate the human factor.

After Chernobyl, the development of atomic energy all over the world stopped. Nuclear Renaissance in the mid-2000s slowed down due to the accident at Fukushima NPP. Is the world refuse to nuclear power?

- The world did not just returned to the widespread use of nuclear power. As we now observe, many new countries have declared their plans to develop their own nuclear industry. Rosatom portfolio at Rosatom for 10 years record - more than 110 billion dollars. We build nuclear power plants in both traditional countries for us - Finland, Hungary, India, China, Iran and in completely new countries, for example, in Turkey and Egypt. This suggests that all the lessons of accidents at NPPs we learned quite well in order to win long-term confidence of partners.

The only thing I consider it is important to note - we need to deal in detail with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Why did we manage to scare yourself with Chernobyl, without having any good reasons?

Andrei Reznichenko

30 years ago, on April 26, 1986, on the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Chernobyl), the largest accident in the history of world nuclear energy occurred.

On the night of April 26, 1986, at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Chernobyl), located on the territory of Ukraine (at the time of the Ukrainian SSR), on the right bank of the River, the Kynobyan region is 12 kilometers from the city of Chernobyl, the largest in the history of world nuclear energy accident occurred .

The fourth Energy Communist Party Chaps was launched into industrial operation in December 1983.

On April 25, 1986, the Chernobia was scheduled for project tests by one of the security systems on the fourth power unit, after which the reactor was planned to stop for scheduled repair work. During the tests, it was supposed to de-energize the equipment of the NPP and use the mechanical energy of the rotation of the remaining turbogenerators (the so-called elegation) to ensure the performance of the power unit security systems. Due to dispatching restrictions, the reactor stops several times postponed, which caused certain difficulties with the power control of the reactor.

On April 26, at 01 Hour 24 minutes, an uncontrolled power increase occurred, which led to the explosions and destruction of a significant part of the reactor installation. Because of the explosion of the reactor and the fiction that followed the power unit in environment A significant amount of radioactive substances was thrown.

The measures taken in the following days in the backfill of the reactor inert materials led to reducing the power of radioactive emission, but then the temperature rise inside the destroyed mine reactor led to an increase in radioactive substances emitted into the atmosphere. Emissions of radionuclides decreased significantly only by the end of the first decade of May 1986.

At the meeting on May 16, the Government Commission decided to long-term conservation of the destroyed power unit. On May 20, the order of the Ministry of Middle Mechanical Engineering "On the Organization of Construction Management at the Chernobyl NPP" was published, in accordance with which work began on the creation of the structure "Shelter". The construction of this object with the involvement of about 90 thousand builders lasted 206 days from June to November 1986. November 30, 1986 by decision state Commission The fourth power units of the Chernobyl NPP was made on maintenance.

Elevated from the destroyed reactor to the atmosphere products of nuclear fuel division were separated by air flows into significant areas, determining their radioactive pollution not only near NPP within the boundaries of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, but also for hundreds and even thousands of kilometers from the accident site. Radioactive contamination has undergone territories of many countries.

The most extensive territories were contaminated in Ukraine (41.75 thousand square kilometers), Belarus (46.6 thousand square kilometers), the European part of Russia (57.1 thousand square kilometers).

After the accident was allocatedtwo forms of Chernobyl Drops : Fuel particles and gas condensate drops, including small aerosols. Radioactive aerosols fell mainly with rains on a large area within the borders of Ukraine, Belarus and the central regions of the European part of Russia. Fuel particles loss occurred mainly in the near 30-kilometer Chernovaya zone, as a result of which plutonium radionuclides, having a long half-life, turned out to be focused mainly in the near zone and did not play an important radiological role for the population beyond. The main part of the deposition with a significant contribution of the strontium isotopes was also focused near the Chernobyl.

In the long term, the main dose-forming radionuclide for the most part of the Chernobyl trail, including in Russia, was Cesium-137 (half-life of 30 years). Shared Cesium-137 emission is estimated at 85 PBC (Petabecker), including about 19 PBC (22%) fell in Russia.

Becquer - a unit of measuring the activity of a radioactive source in International System units (s). One Becquer is defined as the activity of the source in which one radioactive decay occurs in one second. Petabecker equal to 1015 Becquer. To measure activity, the Curie (CI) activity unit is also used, equal to 37 billion isotope decays per second. One BC is equal to one decay per second. For the characteristic of the contamination of the soil surface, a unit of ki / km2 or BK / m 2 . Accordingly, one ki / km2 is 37000 BC / m 2 or 37 KBK / m 2.

As a result of the accident with radioactive contamination of cesium-137 with levels above 1 ki / km2 (37 KBK / m 2) underwent territory 17 countries of Europe A total area of \u200b\u200b207.5 thousand square kilometers. Significantly contaminated Cesia-137 were territory of Ukraine (37.63 thousand square kilometers), Belarus (43.5 thousand square kilometers), the European part of Russia (59.3 thousand square kilometers).

In Russia, 19 subjects were subjected to radiation pollution of Cesium-137. The most contaminated areas are Bryanskaya (11.8 thousand square kilometers of contaminated territories), Kaluga (4.9 thousand square kilometers), Tula (11.6 thousand square kilometers) and Orlovskaya (8.9 thousand square kilometers).

About 60 thousand square kilometers of territories contaminated with cesium-137 with levels above 1 ki / km2, are outside former USSR. The territories of Austria, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, Norway and a number of other countries of Western Europe were contaminated.

A significant part of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus turned out to be contaminated at a level exceeding 5 ki / km2 (185 KBK / m2). Agricultural land with an area of \u200b\u200bnearly 52 thousand square kilometers suffered from cesium-137 and strontium-90 with a half-life of 30 and 28 years, respectively.

Immediately after the disaster, 31 people died, and 600 thousand liquidators who took part in steaming and clearing were obtained high doses of radiation. Almost 8.4 million people in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia were radioactive irradiation, almost 404 thousand people were resettled.

Due to a very high radioactive background after an accident, the operation of the nuclear power plant was stopped. After the work on the decontamination of the infected area and the construction of the facility "Shelter" was launched on October 1, 1986, the first power unit CHAEC was launched, on November 5 - the third and on December 4, 1987, the third power unit station was included in the work.

In accordance with the Memorandum signed in 1995 between Ukraine, the states of Great Seven and the Commission of the European Union, on November 30, 1996, it was decided to a final stop of the first power unit, and on March 15, 1999 - the second power unit.

On December 11, 1998, the Law of Ukraine was adopted "On the general principles of follow-up and removal of the Chernobyl NPP and the transformation of the destroyed fourth power unit of this NPP into an environmentally safe system".

Chaps stopped producing electricity on December 15, 2000, when the third power unit was forever.

On April 25, 2001, the station was reorganized into the State Special Enterprise " Chernobyl NPP".

From this day, the company works on the removal of power units with exploitation, disposal of radioactive waste and construction over the fourth power unit of a new safe confinement (protective structure), designed to replace the "Shelter" object.

A new safe confinement (NBK) is a multifunctional complex to convert the "Shelter" object into an environmentally friendly system. According to the project, the main structure, which is part of the NBK, will have the form of an arche with a height of 108 meters with a length of 150 meters and a width of 257 meters.

After the construction, it will be "touched" on the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl.

After that, inside the design will begin work on the extraction and disposal of radiation materials.

Chernobyl NPP will be completely removed from exploitation by 2065.

In December 2003, the UN General Assembly supported the decision of the Council of Heads of the CIS states on the proclamation of the International Day of Memory of Radiation accidents and disasters, and also called on all UN Member States to celebrate this International Day and conduct relevant events within it.

April 4, 2012 President of the Russian Federation signed the law established in Russia memorial date: April 26 - Day of participants in the elimination of the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters and the memory of victims of these accidents and disasters.

Travel agencies conduct excursions to Pripyat, Chernobyl and other objects in the exclusion zone. According to the organizers, during the day of staying at the infected area, visitors receive the same dose of radiation, as at the air flight by plane, which is 160 times less than when passing fluorography.

In the summer of 2016, the first temple will appear in the territory of Russia in memory of the liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. The temple of the Savior of the Unclean will be erected in the village of Balay Belgorod region. Inside the structure there will be a memorial complex and a book of memory of liquidators. The choice of place for the construction of the temple is not accidental: more than 30 people from the village of Balanoe, almost half of the men who lived there were participated in the work on the affected radiation of the territory in 1986.

Material prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Chernobyl. Myths and Facts: Spec.Prect TASS

World of Chernobyl - Forum about Chernobyl catastrophe. Collection and systematization of information about the Chernobyl NPP, the zone of alienation and accidents that occurred at the station .

Chernobyl-tour - registration of permits for entry into the Chernobyl zone of alienation. Excursions in Chernobyl and Pripyat

Chernobyl - Everyone of all - materials about the accident at the Chernobyl NPP and the city of Pripyat. Photographs of station and city before the accident. Video, archival documents, eyewitness memories

Kovzik G.O. Information reports of Soviet newspapers on the first days of the Chernobyl accident / Kovzik G.O., Magsymov T.A. // Apriori. Series: Humanitarian sciences.-2014.-№ 3.

Heritage Chernobyl: medical, environmental and socio-economic consequences and recommendations to the governments of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine: Chernobyl Forum: 2003-2005 Second, corrected edition. - Iaea Division of Public Information, 2006.

Timonov MA Chernobyl nuclear power plant: consequences and prospects // Service in Russia and abroad.-2011.-№ 7.

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