Wanga's predictions for 18 years. Vanga's predictions over the years - what will happen to us in the future? What will happen around the world in the year of the Fire Rooster

RIG site Next year will be turbulent and a lot of bad things will happen.

One of the most famous seers in the world, Wanga foresaw many events of the 21st century. She also made a forecast for 2017. According to her vision for the future, next year will be the year of economic crises associated with military action, hunger, a general decline in the economy and the standard of living on Earth. The site writes about this.

Russian Vanga for 2017 prophesies a new war, which will be able to destroy many. Initially, a power struggle will erupt, but over time, all this will escalate into a struggle for food - as in many countries a hunger strike will begin in 2017. People will forget about what justice and law are, and those who are stronger will win in an unequal struggle. But the qualities acquired at this time will help Russia get off its knees, as many people will develop strong personal qualities that will be useful to them in the future.

Vanga also said that in 2017 there will be religious conflicts that will not subside for several years in a row.

Vanga prophesied that by the beginning of 2017, Europe would be dying, as people would die at the borders due to numerous wars. different countries... Initially, Wanga said that Libya would be the first country to become empty. But, due to today's changes, Syria will become an empty country by 2017 - and the great clairvoyant spoke about this.

The beginning of the Third World War will begin in the countries of Europe, since many countries will suffer due to the conflict in the Middle East. Europeans will fight Muslims, will be used in the fight nuclear weapon that will destroy the whole world.

As for the fate of Ukraine, Vanga predicted that it would be destroyed by stupid people (although she did not name the country). As long as they can keep the crowd interested in their empty words, they can manipulate it as they please. but time will pass and the people, who received nothing from the revolution except pain and negative changes, will call the authorities to account. The future Ukrainian leader will come from the people, a unique person, who will give all his energy and time to restore the country's economy and completely revise the principle of management.

Starting in 2017, Ukraine will begin the restoration, resurrection and construction of a new state, in which there will be no place for murders and blood feuds.

Vanga's global forecast for 2017 for Ukraine notes that the country's example will become a textbook and will save other states from such a scenario.


2008 - Assassination attempt on four heads of government. Conflict in Hindustan. This will be one of the reasons for the third world war.
2010 - The beginning of the third world war. The war will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It will start as usual, then nuclear weapons will be used first, and then chemical weapons.
2011 - As a result of radioactive fallout, neither animals nor vegetation will remain in the Northern Hemisphere. Then the Muslims will start a chemical war against the surviving Europeans.
2014 - Most people will suffer from abscesses, skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
2016 - Europe is almost deserted.
2018 - China becomes the new world power. Developing countries are being transformed from exploited into exploiters.
2023 - Earth's orbit changes slightly.
2025 - Europe is still sparsely populated.
2028 - Creation of a new source of energy (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. A manned spacecraft is launched to Venus.
2033 - Polar ice melt. The level of the World Ocean is rising.
2043 - The global economy is booming. Muslims rule in Europe.
2046 - Any organs are grown. Organ replacement is becoming one of the best treatments.
2066 - During the attack on Muslim Rome, the United States uses the new kind weapons - climatic. A sharp cold snap.
2076 - Classless society (communism).
2088 - A new disease - aging in a few seconds.
2097 - Aging is defeated.
2100 - Artificial Sun illuminates dark side Earth.
2111 - People become cyborgs (living robots).
2125 - Signals from space will be received in Hungary.
2130 - Colonies under water (with advice from aliens).
2164 - Animals are turned into demihumans.
2167 - New religion.
2183 - The colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power and demands independence from the Earth (as the United States once did from England).
2187 - It will be possible to stop the eruption of two large volcanoes.
2196 - Complete mixing of Asians and Europeans.
2201 - Thermonuclear processes slow down on the Sun. It's getting colder.
2221 - In search of extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with something terrible.
2256 - Spaceship brought a new terrible disease to Earth.
2262 - The orbits of the planets are gradually changing. Mars is threatened by a comet.
2273 - Mixing of yellow, white and black races. New races.
2279 - Energy from nothing (probably from a vacuum or from black holes).
2288 - Time Travel. New contacts with aliens.
2291 - The sun is cooling down. Attempts are being made to light it up again.
2296 - Powerful solar flares. The force of attraction changes. The old ones start to fall space stations and satellites.
2299 - In France - partisan movement against Islam.
2302 - New important laws and secrets of the Universe are discovered.
2341 - Something terrible is approaching the Earth from space.
2354 - An accident on one of the artificial Suns leads to drought.
2371 - Great famine.
2378 - New rapidly growing race.
2480 - Two will collide artificial sun... Earth at dusk.
3005 - War on Mars. The trajectories of the planets will be violated.
3010 - The comet will ram the moon. Around the Earth is a belt of stones and dust.
3797 - By this time, all living things will perish on Earth, but humanity will be able to lay the foundations for new life in another star system.

The world-famous soothsayer Wanga predicted many events that can now be conveniently classified by year. the year was not too rosy. Anyway, all the prophecies have a negative connotation, there is little good.

Well, perhaps, the good ones are that in 2018 people will learn to talk to animals. In childhood, everyone dreamed about it, so such an event will only delight people.

According to Wanga's prediction for 2017, it was supposed to be the year of economic crises that would sweep around the world as a result of hostilities. The seer also said that in some places there would be famine, and there would be a general decline in the standard of living and the economy.

For Russia, Wang made the following picture:

the year will be difficult, a war for power will break out, in which all the most sophisticated means of struggle will be used. This war can destroy many people.

If the beginning of the war will be laid by disagreements over who should be in power, then the battle will continue, but for simple human benefits - food and peace.

Hunger will begin, because of which people will forget about their human qualities, and those who have great strength will win.

However, this period will also be marked by a positive property - Russia will acquire irreplaceable qualities that will help it get on its feet and establish its entire infrastructure. People will acquire strong personal qualities that will prove to be very useful in the future.

Wanga's predictions for 2017 say that there will be religious conflicts in the world. They will continue for several years and will not subside soon.

The clairvoyant said that during this period countries in Europe would begin to empty. This is due to military conflicts, because of which people will begin to die en masse. The woman believed that the first empty country would be Libya, and then the turn would come to Syria.

How about your life and destiny, and about the fate of an entire country or even all of humanity. The New Year is not far off, so let's look into tomorrow and consider the prophecies of the great clairvoyant Vanga for 2017.

Vangelia Pandeeva was born in the small town of Petrich (Bulgaria) back in 1911 exactly on January 31. Young Vanga did not differ in anything remarkable from her peers until one terrible, but fateful day. Once Vangelia was caught by a terrible tornado, which lifted the girl above the ground.

Overnight, as a result of a meeting with the raging elements, the young Vanga lost her sight, but acquired, as it later turned out, the gift of foresight. The seer lost the ability to physically touch, having received in return truly value - clairvoyance. As a film reel "scrolled" Vanga phenomena, images and events that bright flashes came into the consciousness of a woman. She could both look into the future and see the distant past.

The greatest clairvoyant Vanga left our mortal world at the age of 85 on August 10, 1996, leaving behind many predictions and prophecies.

Wanga's predictions for the whole world for 2017

During her lifetime, the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant predicted great trials for the world, in which, oddly enough, people themselves would be guilty. Large-scale bloody wars with the use of terrible weapons of mass destruction, outbreaks of diseases, monstrous disasters and, as a consequence of all this, the deterioration of the environment on the planet. Vanga argued that all the troubles that happened will be our fault and we ourselves will suffer from them.

More specifically, the predictions for 2017 indicate that a terrible war will begin this year that will engulf the entire world. In addition, in all countries the deepest economic crisis will reign, which will develop into outright hunger.

Social clashes and armed clashes will flare up everywhere. Moreover, in some countries the bloodshed will be very short-lived, in others it will be long and exhausting. People will be like animals with their intoxicating love for the sight of blood, cruelty will no longer terrify them, but only push them to new atrocities, murders and violence.

Quite disappointing prophecies for 2017 from a blind seer. We all need to prepare for dire events. According to her, at first people will think that they are fighting for a just cause, for justice, but very soon they will start fighting, no matter how banal, for food. To this will also be added the most terrible and terrible fanatical idea, because of which blood has been pouring like a river for thousands of years - the religious discord of the people.

2017 will be fatal, there will be neither peace nor stability in the world. Only legends will circulate about justice, since it itself will disappear into oblivion. And not the one who is honest and clever will be right, but the one who is stronger and more insidious, the one who will be able to take away everything and even more from his neighbor.

“The usual power will disappear. The struggle for power will begin. The greed of people will go to cities and fields. As if animals will begin to tear and throw, and this will be reflected in the future. "

We should all listen to Vanga's words and think - where are we going? Into what abyss is humanity marching and perhaps it is high time to draw conclusions?

Predictions of the great Vanga for Russia - what awaits Russians

Undoubtedly, the blind soothsayer loved Russia, because in her prophecies she always spoke positively about our state, foreshadowing a bright and great future for Russia. Vanga's predictions for 2017 assign our country a major role in saving the whole world.

The famous soothsayer Vanga prophesies to Russia in the 21st century extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our whole world and bring spiritual revival all over the planet. According to the Bulgarian clairvoyant, in 2017 the greatest unification of the Slavs is coming under the mighty wing of a renewed Russia.

"Russia will again become a great empire, above all an empire of the spirit"

Among other things, Wanga predicted an extremely beneficial alliance of Russia with China and India. And, as noted by leading political analysts, the trends towards this event are already outlined.

Vangelia has always emphasized in her predictions that Russia will, as it were, wake up from sleep, reject everything that is defamatory and negative, and glory will go about her as a superpower. In general, if you believe the prophecies of the famous clairvoyant, then the fate of a great and powerful state is in store for Russia, the purpose of which will be to subjugate the whole world.

Moreover, it will not look like a cruel conquest or rude submission and imposition of their interests, by no means, no. It will be a voluntary and respectful recognition of Russia's superiority and a willing observance of subordination by other countries.

"Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... She will sweep everything out of her way and not only remain, but also become the ruler of the world."

Massive, fateful changes are already approaching. They will find their response literally in everything and promise a great change in the geopolitical map of the world.

Prophecies of the outstanding clairvoyant Vanga that did not come true

Despite the fact that the famous Bulgarian fortuneteller clearly saw both the past and the future and gave very accurate predictions, sometimes her words did not come true or, perhaps, were misinterpreted. For example, in 2010, the Third War, fortunately, did not start. True, this does not mean at all that it will not begin in the near future.

As for Russia and Vanga's predictions for 2017 regarding our country, let's hope that all the good things that the great clairvoyant spoke about will come true, and all the bad things will bypass us and our state.

People were always worried, frightened and extremely interested in their future. This is understandable. Who is not curious to open the invisible veil of secrecy and peep, even with one eye, into the future? A person is so constructed that he needs to know everything in advance.

2017 will be a variable year for Russia and Europe. Psychics see differently the future of countries, and what to expect this year, one can only guess. Vanga's predictions for 2017 are slightly different from the words of other soothsayers, which is why they arouse much more interest.

Vanga's personality. Why do people believe her?

Everyone, without exception, knows who Wanga is. The real name of the psychic is Vangelia Pandev Gushterov. The main difference between her and other people can be called the fact that she was blind, but possessed a strong gift that allowed her to heal people from various diseases and foresee them. further destiny... Vanga lost her sight at the age of 12, when she returned home with her sisters and fell under a strong hurricane, which carried her hundreds of meters away from her native village. The girl's eyesight could have been saved, but the family did not have the means for this, so Wanga spent her whole life in blindness.

They learned about the psychic during the Second World War, when rumors began to spread that she saw the location of the missing soldiers. And since that time, many people began to come to her for help.

She took Wang for free, and since 1967 she was registered as a civil servant, and she began to receive a salary. But, despite a good salary, Vanga did not have enough money for the operation, and she died of breast cancer. She spent all the money she earned on charity and state maintenance.

Wanga's predictions

This unique woman predicted more than one event that came true. That is why her personality and predictions inspire confidence among Russians.

In general, Wanga predicted a lot, but the following can be attributed to the most memorable moments:

  • By 2000, one of the Arabian states will disappear and flood Big City... Kursk is a direct confirmation of this.
  • In 2014, people will start dying from cancer or skin problems.
  • In 2018, China will become a world power.
  • Opened in 2028 new source energy.
  • In 2046, a big step will take place in medicine, it will be possible to transplant any human organ.

Whether it will come true or not is known only to God alone. But history also knows such predictions that were not destined to come true. Although, maybe they were simply translated incorrectly.

Wanga's unfulfilled predictions

  • Start nuclear war in 2010 year.
  • Extinction of animals and plants in 2011 and the beginning of a chemical war between Muslims and people on the planet.

Predictions in 2015

The year 2015 is coming to an end, for which Vanga had many predictions. Below will be listed what she predicted came true.

  • Russia in 2015 will help people from foreign countries who will become refugees. A direct confirmation of this can be called the way Russia supports refugees from Ukraine and other countries that have suffered from the war.
  • In 2015, famine will not be terrible for Russia. Indeed, in fact, it is, many countries are starving, but this cannot be said about Russia, since there are many resources here.
  • At the beginning of the year, the country will be engulfed in an economic crisis. Here the Bulgarian got to the point, because indeed Russia is in a difficult economic situation.
  • In the second half of the year, a catastrophe awaits Russia, which will not leave indifferent any person, perhaps she meant the catastrophe that happened on October 31, which managed to take the lives of many people.

Wanga's predictions for 2017

Vanga's prediction for 2017 is more negative for Russia and the clairvoyant predicts a new war for the country, which will be able to destroy many. Initially, a power struggle will erupt, but over time, all this will escalate into a struggle for food - as in many countries a hunger strike will begin in 2017. People will forget about what justice and law are, and those who are stronger will win in an unequal struggle. But the qualities acquired at this time will help Russia get off its knees, since many people will develop strong personal qualities that will be useful to them in the future.

Vanga's predictions for 2017 do not provide comforting predictions. For Russia, this year will be bloody, in some places the wars will be short-lived, and in some regions of Russia it will drag on for a long time. Many are wondering: what will Russia do in 2017 from Vanga's predictions. But as the great clairvoyant said, it is Russia that will lead the countries out of hostile relations and achieve peace on earth. And this means a lot - after all, many states strive for peace, and not everyone succeeds in achieving this.

Vanga said that in 2017 there will be religious conflicts that cannot subside for several years in a row.

Vanga never hid that she loves Russia, and fortunately for her in 2017, this country will be able to become the main state of the whole world. But the country will not conquer power, the world will come to this on its own, since Russia will radically change by 2017. Also, on the territory of this country, unions of Slavs from all over the world should take place. The psychic also said that in 2017 Russia will help many countries, including America. Also, by this time, the country should unite with India and China. There is debate about this today, and experts say that there are all the prerequisites for this.

Vanga believed that in 2017 Russia will not be spared the global crisis, which will affect many states. But the long-suffering country is accustomed to crises, and this will not be such a blow for it as other Vanga's prophecies for 2017 for Russia. As for the government, as Vanga said, Vladimir will again be in power. Some sources say that the government will undergo changes, and now the country will be ruled not by the president, but by the tsar.

Wanga's predictions for 2017 for other countries

Vanga prophesied that by the beginning of 2017, Europe will be dying, as due to numerous wars, people will die at the borders of different countries. Initially, Wanga said that Libya would be the first country to become empty. But, due to today's changes, Syria will become an empty country by 2017 - and the great clairvoyant spoke about this.

The beginning of the Third World War will begin in the countries of Europe, since many countries will suffer due to the conflict in the Middle East. Europeans will fight Muslims, nuclear weapons will be used in the fight, which will destroy the whole world.

Vanga's literal predictions for 2017 are unlikely to be found, since they have all been translated into modern language... Perhaps that is why sometimes the information does not fit, the fault is in the poor-quality translation.

Believe it or not in Vanga's predictions is the business of every person. But one thing can be said for sure: you should not rely on one hundred percent on a seer. In her practice, there were both fulfilled predictions and refuted ones. For example, Wanga said that in 2010 a war would start that would last four years. As you can see, this did not happen. Therefore, not everything that clairvoyants say can be considered true.

You should not get hung up and worry that 2017 will be difficult for Russia and a war will come, because many of Vanga's predictions for 2017 are positive and discredit a happy future. Therefore, it is best to hope for positive changes and not worry about something that has not happened yet.

2017 will be a variable year for Russia and Europe. Psychics see differently the future of countries, and what to expect this year, one can only guess. Vanga's predictions for 2017 are slightly different from the words of other soothsayers, which is why they arouse much more interest.

Vanga's personality. Why do people believe her?

Everyone, without exception, knows who Wanga is. The real name of the psychic is Vangelia Pandev Gushterov. The main difference between her and other people can be called the fact that she was blind, but possessed a strong gift that allowed her to heal people from various diseases and foresee their future fate. Vanga lost her sight at the age of 12, when she returned home with her sisters and fell under a strong hurricane, which carried her hundreds of meters away from her native village. The girl's eyesight could have been saved, but the family did not have the means for this, so Wanga spent her whole life in blindness.

They learned about the psychic during the Second World War, when rumors began to spread that she saw the location of the missing soldiers. And since that time, many people began to come to her for help.

She took Wang for free, and since 1967 she was registered as a civil servant, and she began to receive a salary. But, despite a good salary, Vanga did not have enough money for the operation, and she died of breast cancer. She spent all the money she earned on charity and state maintenance.

Wanga's predictions

This unique woman predicted more than one event that came true. That is why her personality and predictions inspire confidence among Russians.

In general, Wanga predicted a lot, but the following can be attributed to the most memorable moments:

  • By the year 2000, one of the Arabian states will disappear and flood a large city. Kursk is a direct confirmation of this.
  • In 2014, people will start dying from cancer or skin problems.
  • In 2018, China will become a world power.
  • In 2028, a new energy source will be opened.
  • In 2046, a big step will take place in medicine, it will be possible to transplant any human organ.

Whether it will come true or not is known only to God alone. But history also knows such predictions that were not destined to come true. Although, maybe they were simply translated incorrectly.

Wanga's unfulfilled predictions

  • Nuclear war started in 2010.
  • Extinction of animals and plants in 2011 and the beginning of a chemical war between Muslims and people on the planet.

Predictions in 2015

The year 2015 is coming to an end, for which Vanga had many predictions. Below will be listed what she predicted came true.

  • Russia in 2015 will help people from foreign countries who will become refugees. A direct confirmation of this can be called the way Russia supports refugees from Ukraine and other countries that have suffered from the war.
  • In 2015, famine will not be terrible for Russia. Indeed, in fact, it is, many countries are starving, but this cannot be said about Russia, since there are many resources here.
  • At the beginning of the year, the country will be engulfed in an economic crisis. Here the Bulgarian got to the point, because indeed Russia is in a difficult economic situation.
  • In the second half of the year, a catastrophe awaits Russia, which will not leave indifferent any person, perhaps she meant the catastrophe that happened on October 31, which managed to take the lives of many people.

Wanga's predictions for 2017

Vanga's prediction for 2017 is more negative for Russia and the clairvoyant predicts a new war for the country, which will be able to destroy many. Initially, a power struggle will erupt, but over time, all this will escalate into a struggle for food - as in many countries a hunger strike will begin in 2017. People will forget about what justice and law are, and those who are stronger will win in an unequal struggle. But the qualities acquired at this time will help Russia get off its knees, since many people will develop strong personal qualities that will be useful to them in the future.

Vanga's predictions for 2017 do not provide comforting predictions. For Russia, this year will be bloody, in some places the wars will be short-lived, and in some regions of Russia it will drag on for a long time. Many are wondering: what will Russia do in 2017 from Vanga's predictions. But as the great clairvoyant said, it is Russia that will lead the countries out of hostile relations and achieve peace on earth. And this means a lot - after all, many states strive for peace, and not everyone succeeds in achieving this.

Vanga said that in 2017 there will be religious conflicts that cannot subside for several years in a row.

Vanga never hid that she loves Russia, and fortunately for her in 2017, this country will be able to become the main state of the whole world. But the country will not conquer power, the world will come to this on its own, since Russia will radically change by 2017. Also, on the territory of this country, unions of Slavs from all over the world should take place. The psychic also said that in 2017 Russia will help many countries, including America. Also, by this time, the country should unite with India and China. There is debate about this today, and experts say that there are all the prerequisites for this.

Vanga believed that in 2017 Russia will not be spared the global crisis, which will affect many states. But the long-suffering country is accustomed to crises, and this will not be such a blow for it as other Vanga's prophecies for 2017 for Russia. As for the government, as Vanga said, Vladimir will again be in power. Some sources say that the government will undergo changes, and now the country will be ruled not by the president, but by the tsar.

Wanga's predictions for 2017 for other countries

Vanga prophesied that by the beginning of 2017, Europe will be dying, as due to numerous wars, people will die at the borders of different countries. Initially, Wanga said that Libya would be the first country to become empty. But, due to today's changes, Syria will become an empty country by 2017 - and the great clairvoyant spoke about this.

The beginning of the Third World War will begin in the countries of Europe, since many countries will suffer due to the conflict in the Middle East. Europeans will fight Muslims, nuclear weapons will be used in the fight, which will destroy the whole world.

Vanga's literal predictions for 2017 are unlikely to be found, since they have all been translated into modern language long ago. Perhaps that is why sometimes the information does not fit, the fault is in the poor-quality translation.

Believe it or not in Vanga's predictions is the business of every person. But one thing can be said for sure: you should not rely on one hundred percent on a seer. In her practice, there were both fulfilled predictions and refuted ones. For example, Wanga said that in 2010 a war would start that would last four years. As you can see, this did not happen. Therefore, not everything that clairvoyants say can be considered true.

You should not get hung up and worry that 2017 will be difficult for Russia and a war will come, because many of Vanga's predictions for 2017 are positive and discredit a happy future. Therefore, it is best to hope for positive changes and not worry about something that has not happened yet.

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