Photographs made with artificial earth satellites solution. Five artificial satellites that follow the universe

The original is taken by W. logik_Logik. in

The original is taken by W. universal_inf. In the photo from the artificial satellite of land Landsat 7

What you see is not at all photos of distant planets. This is our, familiar to everyone, the earth. Photos were made at different times by Satellite Landsat 7 - the last satellite of the program launched in 1999. In fact, the color gamut of original pictures is not so bright, but sometimes not even such. Employees of the US geological service, which monitor the spread of the pictures, changed colors for greater severity of photos and some dramaticness.

3D shot of Black Hills Mountains, South Dakota, USA.

Mountains Boga in China. At the foot of these mountains there is a strange area that alternates sand dunes and salted lakes. Another feature is the whole territory below sea level.

Argentine coast Atlantic Ocean In a pair of hundred kilometers from Buenos Aires.

Part of the Mexican Peninsula Yucatan. Big Lagoon Thermos is protected from Caribbean Long Isla del Carmen Island.

The snow-covered volcano colima is the most active in Mexico and, in fact, is a fusion of two crater - older and younger.

The southern coast of the Netherlands is a complex system of channels and islands, most of which are sand dunes in the past. Such a system is created that the North Sea does not cover a substantial part of the European state, which is below sea level.

The swampy area in the direction of the Brazilian River Demini, later flowing into the Amazon.

The Green River River flows through the Tavaputs Plateau and falls into the dull canyon, Utah, USA.

The Delta of the Gang River, which flows into the Bengal Bay, is the habitat of the Royal Bengal Tiger.

Negro River in Brazilian Amazonia. She is the biggest influx of Amazon. In the rainy season, most islands disappear under her waters.

Restless abundant volcanic east End The Kamchatka Peninsula is covered with snow.
In the photo on the right of the Bering Sea in the ice.

Annual salty lake Disciprotiment in the west of Australia. Translated - disappointment. When Frank Hann researcher saw a lot of streams - he hoped to find a lake with drinking water. But disappointed when I learned that the lake salty.

The largest at Alaska glacier Malaspina and his tongue.

Desert Namib, Namibia, Africa. Here, thanks to coastal winds, there are the highest dunes in the world (up to 300 meters).

River Delta Niger, Central Africa.

Syrian desert - a bright place on physical Mail Middle East. Despite the small size, it is part of the four states at once.

For the scenery of the Sahara desert, not far from the oasis of Cherezia in Chad, the rocky protrusions on the surface are characterized.

Icelandic national Park "Spathaffel" in the southern part of the Vatnayokutl glacier.

Volcanoes with vertices in the form of cones along the border of Chile and Argentina. The total number of volcanoes is about 1800, of which about three dozen are valid.

Delta Volga, flowing into the Caspian Sea, is the largest destination destination in Eurasia, thanks to more than five hundred channels.

The northwestern part of Iceland island consists of a whole series of peninsulas that are called
Western fjords. They make up about 1 / 8th part of all the sushi of the island, but half

October 4, 1957 on near-earth orbit The world's first artificial satellite of the Earth was derived. So the space era began in the history of mankind. Since then, artificial satellites helps to learn the cosmic bodies of our galaxy

Artificial Earth Satellites (USS)

In 1957, the USSR was the first to launch a satellite on near-earth orbit. The second did this US, a year later. Then many countries launched their satellites into the Earth's orbit - however, satellites purchased in the same USSR, USA or China were often used for this. Now satellites are launched by even radio amateurs. However, many ISS have important tasks: Astronomical satellites are examined by the Galaxy and space objects, biosputters help hold scientific experiments Over living organisms in space, meteorological exercises allow us to predict the weather and observe the climate of the Earth, and the tasks of navigation and communication satellites are clear from their name. Satellites can be in orbit from several hours to several years: so, manned spacecraft can become a short-term artificial satellite, and space station - Long term space ship In the orbit of the Earth. Since 1957, more than 5800 satellites have been launched, 3100 of them are still in space, but they work from these three thousand only about one thousand.

Artificial satellites of the Moon (ISL)

Isl at one time helped a lot in the study of the Moon: leaving her orbit, satellites photographed the lunar surface in high resolution and sent pictures to the ground. In addition, by changing the trajectory of satellites, it was possible to draw conclusions about the field of the moon, the features of her form and inner structure. Here Soviet Union Again ahead of all: in 1966, the Soviet automatic station "Luna-10" was published first on the lunar orbit. And over the next three years, another 5 Soviet satellites of the "Moon" series and 5 American - Series "Lunar Orbiter" were launched.

Artificial satellites of the Sun.

It is curious that until the 1970s, artificial satellites appeared at the Sun ... by mistake. The first such companion was "Luna-1", which missed the moon and came to the orbit of the Sun. And this is despite the fact that go to heliocentric orbit is not so simple: the device must dial the second space speed, not exceeding the third. And approaching the planets, the device can slow down and become a satellite of the planet, or accelerate and leave at all sunny system. But NASA satellites, rotating around the Sun near the earth's orbit, began to perform detailed measurements of the solar wind parameters. For about ten years, the Japanese satellite observed the Sun in the X-ray range - until 2001. Russia launched a sunny satellite in 2009: "Coronas Photon" will explore the most dynamic solar processes and watch the solar activity around the clock to predict geomagnetic perturbations.

Artificial satellites of Mars (ISM)

The first artificial satellites of Mars became ... Immediately three ISM. Two space probe issued the USSR (Mars-2 and Mars-3) and another - the United States ("Mariner-9"). But the point is not that the launch was "chairs" and there was such an order: each of these satellites had its own task. All three ISS were removed on substantially different elliptical orbits and performed different scientific research, complementing each other. Mariner-9 produced a scheme of the surface of Mars for mapping, and the Soviet satellites studied the characteristics of the planet: the flow of Mars with the solar wind, the ionosphere and the atmosphere, the relief, the temperature distribution, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere and other data. In addition, Mars-3 first in the world made a soft landing on the surface of Mars.

Artificial satellites Venus (WES)

Soviet spacecraft were once again the first. Venus-9 and Venera-10 entered orbit in 1975. Having reached the planet. They were divided into satellites and descended on the planet devices. Thanks to the radar Wash, scientists were able to get radio elements with high degree Details, and the devices gently dropped to the surface of Venus made the world's first surface photos of another planet ... The third satellite was the American "Pioneer-Venus-1" - he was launched three years later.

What you see is not at all photos of distant planets. This is our, familiar to everyone, the earth. Photos were made at different times by Satellite Landsat 7 - the last satellite of the program launched in 1999. In fact, the color gamut of original pictures is not so bright, but sometimes not even such. Employees of the US geological service, which monitor the spread of the pictures, changed colors for greater severity of photos and some dramaticness.

3D shot of Black Hills Mountains, South Dakota, USA.

Mountains Boga in China. At the foot of these mountains there is a strange area that alternates sand dunes and salted lakes. Another feature is the whole territory below sea level.

The Argentine Coast of the Atlantic Ocean is in a pair of hundreds of kilometers from Buenos Aires.

Part of the Mexican Peninsula Yucatan. Large Lagoon Thermos is protected from the Caribbean Long Isla del Carmen Island.

The snow-covered volcano colima is the most active in Mexico and, in fact, is a fusion of two crater - older and younger.

The southern coast of the Netherlands is a complex system of channels and islands, most of which are sand dunes in the past. Such a system is created that the North Sea does not cover a substantial part of the European state, which is below sea level.

The swampy area in the direction of the Brazilian River Demini, later flowing into the Amazon.

The Green River River flows through the Tavaputs Plateau and falls into the dull canyon, Utah, USA.

The Delta of the Gang River, which flows into the Bengal Bay, is the habitat of the Royal Bengal Tiger.

Negro River in Brazilian Amazonia. She is the biggest influx of Amazon. In the rainy season, most islands disappear under her waters.

The troubled abundant volcanic Eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula is covered with snow.
In the photo on the right of the Bering Sea in the ice.

Annual salty lake Disciprotiment in the west of Australia. Translated - disappointment. When Frank Hann researcher saw a lot of streams - he hoped to find a lake with drinking water. But disappointed when I learned that the lake salty.

The largest at Alaska glacier Malaspina and his tongue.

Desert Namib, Namibia, Africa. Here, thanks to coastal winds, there are the highest dunes in the world (up to 300 meters).

River Delta Niger, Central Africa.

Syrian desert - a bright place on a physical map of the Middle East. Despite the small size, it is part of the four states at once.

For the scenery of the Sahara desert, not far from the oasis of Cherezia in Chad, the rocky protrusions on the surface are characterized.

Icelandic National Park "Spatuffel" in the southern part of the Watnayokutl glacier.

Volcanoes with vertices in the form of cones along the border of Chile and Argentina. The total number of volcanoes is about 1800, of which about three dozen are valid.

Delta Volga, flowing into the Caspian Sea, is the largest destination destination in Eurasia, thanks to more than five hundred channels.

The northwestern part of Iceland island consists of a whole series of peninsulas that are called
Western fjords. They make up about 1 / 8th part of all the sushi of the island, but half

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