FGBOU VPO Tagogrog State Pedagogical Institute. Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute

The teacher's profession is currently not a prestigious among the younger generation, but without it a modern civilized society cannot develop, so it remains one of the current specialties in the world. To attract applicants, modern pedagogical universities become not an ordinary higher educational institution, but research laboratories, where students are trying to find answers to the questions. In connection with the changes in the training standards, changes the course and educational process In the pedagogical university. Taganrog pedagogical Institute them. Chekhov tries to answer new educational standards.

Historical block

The Tagogogo Institute was founded in 1870. It was at this time that the first class was opened in the city, in which he was trained in teaching. At the beginning of the 20th century, pedagogical technician is formed, and then the Taganrog Teacher Institute is the progenitor of the modern university.

In the late 50s, it was decided to combine two higher Schools Rostov regionspecializing in learning teachers - Novocherkassk and Taganrog teacher's institutions. So formed the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute.

From 1955 to 2012 The university produced high-class specialists in all school specialties. For more than 50 years, the Chekhov Tagogogan Pedagogical Institute functioned as an independent educational institution.

The reform in the field of education, which occurred in early 2011, put the university to the list of higher ineffective schools. In this regard, he was combined with an effective university of southern federal District - Rinh. So TGPI them. Chekhov became part of the Economic Institute of the Rostov Region.


The Pedagogical Tagoganog institute includes 6 faculties that produce narrow specialists in the field of education. These are masters and bachelors, students in part and in absentia.

  1. Faculty of Philology, Historical Faculty.
  2. Physics and Mathematics Faculty, Faculty applied informatics.
  3. Faculty foreign languages.
  4. Faculty of Social Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology.
  5. Faculty of pedagogy and methods of preschool, primary and additional education.
  6. Faculty of law and economy.

A separate link of the Institute's structure is the Qualification Center.

Historical and Philology Faculty

The faculty offers pedagogical education in several directions of historical and philological profile: a teacher of history, a teacher of history and social studies, a teacher of Russian language and literature, a specialist of archival.

Filologists receive knowledge of linguistics, Staroslavlyansky, ancient and modern Russian literature, foreign literature. They receive information about the layers of world history. Pedagogues-historians, philologists, lingowns help students master the teaching methodology of the subject at school and teach to give knowledge to the younger generation.

Faculty of accurate sciences. Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science

Teacher Education The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics involves obtaining the following specialties: Teacher Informatics, Teacher Technology, Teacher physical culture, Mathematics teacher, physics teacher, teacher of mathematics and physics, teacher of mathematics and technology, teacher of mathematics and informatics, teacher of mathematics and obzh, teacher of physics and technology, physical education teacher and obzh, teacher of technology and from.

Teaching exact Sciences It goes in high-tech cabinets, which uses and systematized knowledge acquired at lectures. Particularly fascinated practical lessons in physics and technology. Faculty's office cabinets are equipped with both modern computing equipment and outdated devices that demonstrate the development of technical progress. Rooms for physical experiments are always filled with students who practice the knowledge gained.

Faculty of Foreign Languages

The Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bincludes training both one and several foreign languages. This university department produces highly qualified specialists of the following orientation: english, English I. german, English I. french.

Faculty of Psychology and Social Pedagogy

Training at the Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology goes in the following areas: Psychology, Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Pedagogy Accompanying Children with limited features Health, Inclusive Psychology and Pedagogy, Psychology of Education, Pedagogy social activities.

Faculty of Methods and Pedagogics of Preschool, Primary and Additional Education

The Faculty of Methodology offers training in the following specialties: Music Teacher, teacher from, teacher Obzh, speech therapist, teacher primary classes, Children's teacher preschool institution (DDU), Additional education, defectologist, teacher of special ultrasound, teacher DDU and primary school teacher, Educator DDU and teacher from.

Legal and Economic Faculties

Department of the Taganrog Pedagogical Institute. Chekhov offers training at the Economic and Faculty of Law;

  1. Jurisprudence, including legal psychology.
  2. Management responsible for managing small business.
  3. Professional education in the field of law, economy and municipal management.

Training time depends on the specialty and form (full-time and correspondence) and varies from two to five years.

Learning can be both paid and free, depending on the quantity budget seats and competition.

After graduating from the university, the graduate receives a diploma of a state sample indicating the specialty: Teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of history and social studies, teacher of mathematics, physics, venture, from, technology, informatics, physics, foreign languages, speech therapist, educator DD, Correctional teacher, social teacher, logistics, administrator, manager, psychologist, etc.

EGE and introductory tests

Upon admission to the Tagogan Pedagogical Institute Chekhov, it is necessary to undergo the tests of a single state exam for three subjects depending on the selected direction. Based on the number of applicants, the minimum passing point of the EGE required for enrollment is calculated.

The main objects for admission to the TGPI them. Chekhov is Russian, mathematics and social studies.

Complement their exams in a foreign language, for the Faculty of Faculty of Foreign Languages, the exam on history - for the historical faculty, state exam By computer science - for the specialty "Applied Informatics".

If the choice fell on and defectology, you will have to additionally pass the ege on biology.

For creative professions, the project is required artistic Plana - Play a musical work, sing, dance, draw, etc. Creative tests are held all the applicants of the faculty of techniques and pedagogy of preschool, primary and additional education with highly specialized orientation (from, music).

Applicants who have chosen the specialty "Teacher of Physical Culture" will definitely surrender sports regulations.

Congratulations to the winners of the International Scientific and Methodological Competition "Pedagogical Calling"! Student of the NDO-451 group of the faculty of Pimdnido Kolesnikova Elena Dmitrievna and her scientific director Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian, Culture and Correction of Speech Veronika Georgievna Semenova became winners (1st place) of the International Scientific Methodological Competition "Pedagogical Calling"!

The work of the Volunteer Center for the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool, Primary and Additional Education, seeking weekdays of the guests of the Taganrog home boarding school for the elderly and disabled, the Volunteers of the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Methods of Preschool, Primary and Additional Education inflicted another visit to the institution.

The next meeting of the student linguistic mug "My Language is my friend" at the faculty of pedagogy and methods of preschool, primary and additional education on March 12 At the faculty of Pimdnido, a regular meeting of the student linguistic mug "My Language - Friend" was held (Head of SNK - Dr. Firos. Sciences V.G. Semenova). The topic of the mug was dedicated to a speed. In the preparation of the event active participation Accepted students of the 3rd course (NDO-431, NDO-432, DOW-431, Dom-431) Faculty of Pimdnido.

The participation of teachers and students of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Pedagogy in the Environmental Saturday in March 2020 in the territory adjacent to the temple of the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of the Taganrog, organized by teachers and students of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Pedagogy, Ango Activities "Light of Hope "(Director - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology S. E. Bartenheva) and the parishioners of the temple.

The opening of the Center "Anthropology of Childhood" in Ti named A. P. Chekhov In early March 2020, the Inter-Fedral Methodological Seminar "Anthropological Paradigm of Modern Psychological and Pedagogical Education" was held, dedicated to the opening of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research "Anthropology of Childhood", created at the Department of Psychology of the FPEI.

Student of the Faculty of Psychology and Social Pedagogy M. Svetzov - The winner of the Urban Competition "Thread Creativity-2020" in March 2020 GDK took place the VI-oh city festival of fashion, in which the best professional fashion designers, hairdressers and makeazaws of Taganrog took part .

The vocational guidance work of students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bMarch 10 in Mobu Sosh No. 6 of Taganrog took place a vocational guidance event, in which students of 10 and 11 classes took part.

Appeal of the Rector of RGEU (Rinh) Makarenko E.N. To students, teachers and employees, expensive students, teachers and employees of the RSEU! Today, the situation in the world due to the spread of coronavirus infection is changing every minute. I would like to celebrate a few important moments And make clarity.

We collected reference information about the universities of Taganrog, about their basic faculties and training forms. The considered universities of Taganrog are both state and non-state, branches of famous universities in Taganrog are also described.

If you decide to study in Taganrog at the university, you should get acquainted with all available universities, learn what university to do the prospects in which universities there are budget places. Here is a list of all available universities and their branches:

1. Fedry University in Taganrog (Taganrog Campus South Africa)

2. Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (TGPI named A.P. Chekhov)

Form training Full-time and correspondence, there are budget places in the TGPI, determined by the ege rating in this year.

3. Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics (TIEE)

Most of the teaching staff of the Institute - Doctor of Science, Professors and Candidates of Sciences. At the university, you can get seconded special, higher education, finish undergraduate, magistracy and graduate school. Course for internships abroad are organized under the International Exchange Program. At the Institute, a specialized library is organized, which is considered one of the best in the city.

The cost of training at the Institute of Department and Economics of Taganrog is about 60 thousand rubles per year ( full-time compartment) and 35 thousand rubles ( extramural). Full-time learning time - 4 years, at absentee - 6 years.

Exams for admission in TiiE: Mathematics, Russian, Biology.

4. Moskovsky social humanitarian Institute Taganrog (Branch of MIC)

MIC was created in 1996. The branch of the Moscow Social Institute in Taganrog was founded in 2004. The university is not state, diplomas are issued by the state. sample.

Enrollment in msgi is carried out by the results of the USE. The full period of study is 4.5 years (after the 11th grade), the term of education is reduced - 3.5 years (for persons with the diploma of the average vocational education profile direction) and 2.5 years (for those who have already received a diploma higher education).

5. DONE STATE technical University - branch

The branch of this institution in Taganrog is called "Taganrog polytechnical Institute" This state university founded in 1999. Enrollment to the university is carried out for graduates of 11 classes on EE testing and in interview for graduates of technicians and colleges (profile lyceums).

For receipt to each of the directions, various entrance exams are considered:

Mechanical engineering, operation of transport and technological machines and complexes, constructive and technological support of machine-building industries - Exams on subjects "Mathematics", "Russian", "Physics" are required.

Management is required by exams in subjects "Mathematics", "Russian Language", "Social Studies".

All male faces received after the 11th grade high School, the army is delayed.

With TPI, you can get a secondary vocational education (with a base of 9-11 classes) both in full-time and by correspondence form learning. After receiving a diploma of a state sample about higher education, a graduate can continue his studies in Magistracy DGTU in Rostov-on-Don.

6.Taganrog branch of the Russian New University

The composition of teachers in the branch of the Russian new university consists of qualified workers: for 2014 it is 7 doctors of science, as many professors, 20 candidates of science, 10 associate professors. The best cadres of the city are involved to maintain a special educational program.

The main directions of the university: jurisprudence, tourism, economics, service, hotel business, information systems and technologies.

Forms of learning full-time and correspondence.

There is an opportunity to obtain additional education: advanced training, professional retraining.

All university graduates are employed in their profile.

Taganrog - student city. Here focused a large number of Universities providing applicants as budget and commercial training places.

We collected reference information about the universities of Taganrog, about their basic faculties and training forms. All applicants, future students and their parents are invited to use the services. « Greek 6. » , located in close proximity to the buildings of TTI Yufu. The considered universities of Taganrog are both state and non-state, branches of well-known universities in Taganrog are also described and considered to be received after the 9th grade.

If you decide to study in Taganrog at the university, you should get acquainted with all universities available, find out what university to do the prospects in which universities there are budget places and the cost of training on a commercial basis.

List of most promising universities and their branches in Taganrog:

1. Fedry University in Taganrog (Taganrog Campus South Africa)

The technological institute in Taganrog is considered one of the strongest universities in the south of Russia. Yufu was founded in 1915 and changed several different names, but in its history provided only qualitative training. Strong mathematical and physical scientific schools, friendly teams of teachers higher Level They were famous for this university at all times.

Taganrog campus sofa Corps a

Over time, all new faculties at the South Africa appeared. So, in 2006, the Taganrog State Radio Engineering University (TRTR), Rostov state University, Rostov State Pedagogical University and Rostov state Academy Architecture and arts.

Today, the university is among the first federal universities in Russia. It includes 30 faculties, 6 design bureaus, 11 research centers, 22 teams of collective use, centers of various directions (more than 150), 8 branches.

A previously referred to as the Radio Engineering University of Taganrog, the university has released a talented programmer and specialists of other technical areas working in various sectors throughout Russia during its educational program.

The Southern Federal University of Taganrog has both budget and a commercial-based training form. To learn about the cost of training and how the passing point is calculated in the UFU can be in.

You can learn about the availability of budget seats in the UFU at the selected faculty on the official website, in the rules of reception to the university in 2014 (the list is edited every year).

See what faculties of the South Affa are available in Taganrog.

2. Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (TGPI)

The Pedagogical Institute in Tagogrog was created in 1955, when combining the Taganrog Teacher and Novocherkassk Pedagogical Institute. Educational institution has a big status among pedagogical universities. His graduates are arranged to work as in the Rostov region and abroad in a wide variety of social spheres.

In the infrastructure of the institute there are 5 educational buildings, modern laboratories and office equipment, a large library foundation. For students and personnel, vouchers are organized in the "Ivushka" camp.

To get to the Pedagogical Institute in Taganrog, you must pass the exam (USE). The main objects for admission are Russian, mathematics, social science, but depending on the specific specialty set entrance exams may change.

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Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after AP Chekhov"
(FGBOU VPO "TGPI named A.P. Chekhov ")
International name Anton Chekhov Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
Year of foundation
A type state
Rector I. V. Pleuma
Students 5340
Graduate school 100
The doctors 57
Professor 35
Location Russia
Legal address 347936, Taganrog , Initiative, 48.
Information Site http://tgpi.ru.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A. P. Chekhov" (" TGPI) - the highest educational institution of federal subordination, implementing professional educational Programs of higher, postgraduate and additional education, located in Taganrog.



From 2005 to 2010, TGPI headed Vitaly Vladimirovich Popov - A major scientific philosopher, founder of a new direction in Russian logical science - the logic of processes.

List of ineffective universities

According to the Minister of Education of the Rostov Region Igor Guskov, in November 2012, the possibility of uniting Don State agrarian University and the Azov-Black Sea State Agroenterminarian Academy. Rostov State Conservatory to what cannot be attached, since it has socio-cultural significance for the region. As for the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute, it can enter Southern Federal University.

Rectors of the TGPI

Famous teachers

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