Topics of creativity and lyrics color presentation. The image of the motherland in lyrics A

Any house I am alien to me, everyone is empty for me,

And everything is equal, and everything is one.

But if on the road - bush

Rises, especially - Rowan ...

M. Tsvetaeva.

The poet has no homeland, the poet belongs primarily to the world. But every Russian poet belongs primarily in Russia. Always. The sense of patriotism is brought in Russian poets to some critical point. This is a bowl that can not be filled so that the water shifts over the edge. There are few poets. M. Tsvevaeva - Russian poet, in addition, she is an eyewitness of all turning events of his time. Her lyrics are the chronicle. Chronicle of love experiences and chronicle of Russia, the Motherland, the twentieth century.

Sometimes Tsvetaeva does not know how to react to a particular event, praise or curse it. The flour of creativity give birth to masterpieces. She transfers the events, the contemporary of which she was, in the depths of centuries and there analyzes them. Therefore, the "string of Razin".

Tsvetaeva loves Russia, she will not exchange it for a foggy Albion, nor on the "big and joyful" Paris, who climbed 14 years of her life:

I'm alone here. To the trunk of chestnut

Get down so sweet head:

And in the heart cries the verse of Rostan,

How there, in an abandoned Moscow.

Women's start everywhere in the work of Tsvetaeva. Her Russia is a woman. Strong, proud, and ... always the victim. The theme of death permeates all feelings, and when about Russia, it is especially audible:

You! His hands are listed, -

Although two! Lips subscribe

On the plate: the duration of my land

Pride, my homeland!

"Homeland", 1932

But this is the "Late" feelings. There is still childhood on the Oka, in Tarusa, sweet memories and desire will return there again and again to remember, to carry the age of the century past:

Childhood Vernel to us, Vernel

All multicolored beads -

Little, Peaceful Taruza

Summer days.

In the autobiography, Tsvetaeva writes that it returns to Moscow, in 1939, from the emming to give his son, George, the Motherland. But, maybe, and so that the most of them is to return this homeland? .. But there is already no old Moscow, about which she selflessly writes in 1911, "Tomny PrabaBabooks of Glory // Domok of Old Moscow" died. On the courtyard, the terrible era of Stalin with cocked doors and a quiet gossip is gossip. Tsvetaeva suffocates, again inspiringly pulls into childhood, I want to run away and hide from the whole pouring from above "Mud". But it is amazed and the strength of their people who have solved in heavy tests of infrequent coups and continuing to carry the unosstal burden of dictatorship. She is conquered by him, she is proud, she knows that also part of this nation:

People - such as the poet -

Herald all latitudes -

That and the poet, delete the mouth,

It costs such a people!

"People", 1939

The tragedy of the White Guard is also her tragedy. Whether she knew when in 1902, in Genoa, wrote revolutionary verses, which even printed in Geneva, with which we compare the horror of the revolution and civil war? Most likely there is no ... because such a sorrow then, sorrow and repentance:

Yes! Broke the Don Balb!

White Guard - Yes! - Died.

"Don", 1918

Everything dies in the verses of Tsvetaeva, dying and she herself.

The topic of the Motherland is, first of all, the theme of the entire Russian people, Russian history, this is the topic of Derzhavin, I. Grozny, Blok. This is all in Tsvetaeva - one. She herself is part of this homeland, her singer and her creator. She can't live in Russia and can not be away from her. All her fate and creativity is a paradox. But the paradox is far from meaningless! Tsvetaeva, like a mirror, - it reflects everything, without distortion, she takes everything, she just can not live with it, with this inecilious feeling of the motherland. And all it is, this is a feeling, in her verses:

Reconfigure me! I'm everywhere:

Zori and Ore I, Bread and Sigh,

Estate me and I am, and ude

Lips - God will achieve a soul.

"Wires", 1923

Sometimes it seems that she throws a call ...

Grade 11

Program G.S. Merkin

Lesson number 36.

Subject. M.I.TSvetaeva. The theme of the Motherland, "Collecting" Russia. Poet and world.


    investigate the topic of the house - Russia in the poetry M.TSvetaeva and answer the problem of the lesson: "The image of Russia in poetry M. Tsvetaeva - an image of a house or homelessness?"; make a stylistic analysis of the poem "longing in the homeland";

    develop the speech of students, the skills of analyzing the lyrical work;

    bring up attentive, thoughtful reader; To form interest in creativity M.I.TSvetaeva.

Equipment:video, distribution material.


І. Organizing time.

II. Studying a new material.

1. Topics, goals, lesson plan.

2. Motherland in the work of M.I.TSvetaeva.

Plan lectures

1) Russia in poetic world Tsvetaeva.

2) comprehending Russia through Moscow ("poems about Moscow"), through the element of the language and folk poetry (folk poems "Tsar-Maiden", "Well done", etc.), through the revolution: "Russia taught me a revolution."

3) Development with Russia: Swan Cycle as an expression of a particular content of the historical moment and the deep essence of the tragic world-thundering.

4) poems of the "Motherland" and "Motherland" emigration period! For a long time ... ": Motive of romantic gave, homelessness and alternative, on the principle, on the contrary, the inner meaning.

Moscow streets, Moscow landscape - Permanent background of experiencing a poet, starting with the most early poems.

Moscow in poetry M. Tsvetaeva appears as a focus of spiritual culture and history. The connection between the poet and the native land is inseparable:

I have in Moscow - the dome is burning,

I have in Moscow - the bells call,

And tombs, in a row, I stand, -

In them, the queens are sleeping and kings.

The central work of M. Tsvetaeva, dedicated to this topic, the cycle "Poems about Moscow". I want to stop on it in more detail.

First of all, a deep emotion of the poet contemplating a favorite city is transmitted in the cycle. Love, reaching delight, is such a feeling that awaken in the soul. Poems sound solemn and joyful.

The center of this city is spirituality. In this city, the folk vera is alive, again and again appear in the cycle "Forty-forty churches".

The feeling of the permanent presence of God tunes the soul on a high way. There is a desire to get away from everyday life, from everyday life. The poet becomes one of the "humble wanderers, in the darkness of singing God." Moscow fully converts the identity of the poet, clarifies its spiritual nature in it.

Moscow is because it is called the poet "non-homework hail" that the nature of it is spiritual.

Moscow for the Tsvetaeva - home and gift that do not get, but give. Moscow, as the most valuable heritage, she hands and daughters, and beloved as a guarantee of the authenticity of feelings:

From my hands - non-good hail

Accept, my strange, my beautiful brother ...

And you will stand, filled with wonderful forces ...

You do not repent that you loved me.

Will be your turn:

Too - daughter

Transfer Moscow

With delicate bitterness.

Moscow in verses Tsvetaeva appears to spiritual inheritance, the unity of faith and history, which is given to a person for life - from birth to death. The feeling of blood connection with his native land, and actually creates a person. That is why the final poem of the cycle - about the birth of the poet: Rubbina's red brush was lit. Fallen leaves. I was born.

Russian, the national beginning permeates all the work of M. Tsvetaeva: "The homeland is not the conditionality of the territory, but the immutability of memory and blood, she wrote. - Not to be in Russia, forget Russia - can only be afraid of the one who thinks of Russia. In whom she inside - he will lose it only with life "(write).

Perception of the color revolution It was complicated, contradictory, but these contradictions reflected throwing and searches for a significant part of the Russian intelligentsia, first welcomed the fall royal regimebut then accurate from the revolution at the sight of blood spilled in civil War.

White was - red became:

Blood Obagil.

The red was - White became:

Death won.

It was crying, but not malice. Crying on the killed, which "plunged" into the world of war, bringing death.

Away from homeland, in emigration, she writes poems, poems based on folklore materialUsing a fairy tale, epic, parable:

I spell you from Zlata,

From the midnight widow of the winged,

From marsh evil smoke

From the old woman, wandering past ...

On a stranger Tragism of Tsvetheevskaya longing across Russia increases:

That Russian - no,

Like that me.

3. Filistic features of poetry M.I.TSvetaeva.

3.1. Work in pairs. The answer to the main question of the lesson: "What stylistic features peculiar poetry M.I. Tsvetaeva? "

Analysis of the poem "Tosca in Motherland"

1. What words in one or another variation are repeated in the poem?

2. Find a single word word "native". Why is a whole generic nest in the poem?

3. What punctuation signs are most often used? What is their purpose?

4. Trace the rhythm and poetic rhythm. What are their originality?

5. What image-to-expressive means a key role in the work is assigned?

6. What does the lyrical hero talk about his social status? How varies this judgment? What are the options for the same thought?

7. With no lines, the poem would have acquired a completely different meaning? What allows you to say: for M.I. Tsvetaeva "Motherland" and "Rowan" - semantically close concepts?

8. What is this poem? M.I. Tsvetaeva there is such a line: "I love Love in pain ..." How could you formulate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem, if you rely on these words?

3.2. Predated expressive reading of the poem (repeated). Reads student.

Homesickness! (1934)

Homesickness! Long

Exposed Fero!

I am absolutely anyway -

Where completely lonely

Be on what stones home

Bare with a bazaar wallet

To the house, and not knowing what - my

As a hospital or barracks.

I don't care what among

Persons are sophisticated captive

Lvom, from which human environment

Be disheld - certainly -

In yourself, in the sole sense.

Kamchatsky Bear without ice floes

Where do not get along (and not survived!),

Where to humiliate - I am one.

Do not deplete and tongue

Native, his call Milky.

I am indifferent to what

Notponed to be counter!

(Reader, newspaper tons

Twentieth century - he,

And I - until a century!

Sololbenvshi, like a log,

The remaining alley,

I have been equal to me, I'm all -

And maybe only equally -

Rodnaya former - total.

All signs with me, all the meta,

All dates - as hand removed:

Soul, born - somewhere.

So the edge did not save me

My as the most teer

Along the whole soul, the whole is across!

The big spot will not please!

Any house I am alien to me, everyone is empty for me,

And everything is equal, and everything is one.

But if on the road - bush

Rises, especially - Rowan ...

3.3. Conversation on issues.

3.4. Teacher's comments to students' answers.

In the poem of M.I. Tsvetaeva constantly repeat the words: "Anyway", "all one." "All the same", "where to break", "be displaced", "where not to get along", "where to humiliate". All are equal, no one has blood communication, peaceful relationship, there is no attachment, there is no faith: "Any house I am alien to me, I can be empty any temple." No Motherland: "Tosca in Motherland! For a long time exposed morok! "

In the poem of M.I. Tsvetaeva there are peculiar repeats. We see in the text a whole generic nest of the words of the word "homeland": native (relative - the form of this adjective), born (soul), the godded (spots). In the work of them, contextual antonyms are opposed: Motherland - "Hospital or barracks", native language - "Indiciently - on what is not understandable to be counted!", "Rodnaya former - just" - "just equal." (A grammatical inaccuracy is deliberately allowed here: adverbing, not having degrees of comparison, used in comparative degree - This is a sign of a kind of self-irony.) And in the words "soul, born somewhere" sounds global detachment from a specific time and space. From the connection with the native land, there was no trace left:

So the edge does not remove me

My as the most teer

Along the whole soul, all - across!

The big spot will not please!

In frequent use of single-handed words there is a certain meaning. It is difficult to disagree with the proverb: "Where it hurts, there is a hand; Where cute, there is an eye. " The heart hurts due to extension from the native, which is why dislikes so hotly.

Motherland lives in the heart of the heroine of the poem, which is why her monologue is so passionately, so many emotions in it are invested. Seven exclamation marks - speech expressiveness evidence. In the poem of ten Quarters - seventeen dash. Their registration is related to the semantic release of words and phrases, these signs are associated with the expressiveness of the poetic monologue. Dash - Favorite Sign M.I. Tsvetaeva, he in a sense is the most expressive in Russian. You can not believe in the indifference of the heroine, if you read what is called, "on notes" (remember: "notes"). In a sense, significantly and ellitudes. It is especially noticeable by his role at the end of the sentence.

But if on the road - bush

Rises, especially - Rowan ...

This is echoing eloquently and definitely: the heroine forever is connected with his native land if Kuste Ryabina causes the thrill of the hearts, sully in forced homelessness.

Interestingly poem and in intonationality: from the singing and taller intonation of the poetess passes to the oratory, driving on a cry.

I am indifferent to what

Notponed to be counter!

(Reader, newspaper tons

Swallower, millet gossip ...)

Twentieth century - he,

And I - until a century!

S. Scrasadin notes that the poem "longing in his homeland! .." may not be the most famous work M.I. Tsvetaeva, but it is enough for the soul, as a few. Special importance researcher gives two last rows. For 38 lines, the usual remedy was approved, and the last 2 lines turned over the poem, and the longing of the homeland, declared by the fiction, "exposed sea", becomes a lively inecilible pain. S. Scrasadin writes: "Thought comes to mind - Strange, if not expressing sharp: And if, not bring God, the heart stopped on the 38th line ... What would we say about these verses?"

In many works M.I. The color concept of "homeland" and "rowan" is merged together. Allegorical Communication is marked in the poem "Ryabin choking ...", there are poetic lines in it, also bonding this unity.

Russia, the judine, Motherina, Marina - this semantic row is closed by the concept of "rowan". The ratio of "Motherland-Rowan" is placed in the formula of Synepsho. We understand that there is no topic more than the topic of Russia, there is no unity stronger than unity with spirituality, the culture of their people. M.I. Tsvetaeva in a letter to Tekskaya (1930) exclaims: "How deeply you are right - to love Russia so much! Old, new, red, white - all! I gave up Russia - everything ... our duty, or rather, the obligation of our love is it all accommodation. "

Tsvetaeva could not not return to Russia not only because she lived in emigration in terrible poverty, but also because he could not live outside of his people, native language. She did not hope to find a "home comfort", but she was looking for a house for her son and, the main thing, "house" for his children-poetry. And she knew that this house was Russia.

4. In the world (according to the lyrics M.TSvetaeva).

4.1. The word of the teacher.

In the image of the lyrical hero, the personality of the poet is revealed. The lyrical hero is close to the lyrical "I". He brings to us reflections and experiences of the poet artist, opens spiritual world Tsvetaeva.

4.2. Collective analysis of the poem "Who is created from a stone who is created from clay":

Who is created from a stone who is created from clay -

And I am silly and sparkle!

I'm the case - treason, I am name - Marina,

I am a marine marine foam.

Who is created from clay, who is created from the flesh -

Those coffin and tombstones ...

In the font of sea baptism - and in flight

His own - certainly broken!

Through each heart, through every network

It breaks my self-width.

Do you see Kudri bless these? -

The earth does not work salt.

Walking about the granite your knees,

I am with every wave - resurrected!

Long live foam - Merry foam -

High marine foam!

The name is given to a person at birth and often determines the whole life. What does Marina name mean? (Sea)

1. Reading poem by heart (individual task) or view video . Everyone is followed by text.

2. Who are the heroes of this poem? (This is Marina and those, "who is created from clay", i.e. ordinary mortal people. Already this opposition makes you think about the peculiarities of Marina.)

What is the word in the first stanza? (Treason)

What antony words are in the second stanza? (Coffin - baptized)

Why does the heroine do not want to become a "terrestrial salt" ("People's Glory") with his demandless curls? (She does not want to lose freedom, become a hero; does not want to clog the shore, as salty water does.)

What does the word "resurrect" mean? What word is it close? (Baptized, and confronts "Granit".)

Output: Marina is all, so she is "a betrayal", because it breaks away - resurrect. In this her soul.

III. Summing up the lesson.

IV. Homework.

1. Highly by heart the poem M.TSvetaeva (optional).

2. Add to K. written work According to the work of A.Akhmatova and M.TSvetaeva. Topics in the textbook on C.252-253, 271.

Theme of the Motherland in Lyrics M.I.TSvetaeva Teacher of Russian Language and Literature MBOU Lyceum No. 88 of Ekaterinburg Tolmacheva M.I.

Marina Ivanovna

Tsvetaeva -

russian poet

twentieth century,


"Poems about Moscow" (March - August 1916)

"I am a whole in my chest,

Moscow Earth! "

The poetic cycle "Poems about Moscow" was

created after a trip to St. Petersburg in the winter of 1915-16.

The cycle consists of nine poems, combined

one topic - love for the native city.

Poetic pictures of the life of the old Moscow,

immersing the reader

to the world of "Wonderland", "driving sevenholmia",

"Peter rejected by Peter.

The lyric heroine of Tsvetaeva is in love with the soul

Great city. For her, Moscow is primarily the world

the Great Ancient Spirit, the world of Russian Orthodoxy,

The world of faith and love ...

Moscow - "Warranty Hrad"

"Clouds - around, dome - around,

It is necessary for the whole of Moscow - how many hands are enough! - "

"Nerukopantic Hrad" - Moscow From my hands - non-good hail Accept, my strange, My beautiful brother. In the church - all forty fortificestations And solving doves over them; And Spasski - with flowers - gate; Where is the hat of the Orthodox shot ... "Five-handed incomparable circle ..." ... Chervonnyi dome, Sleepless will blow up bells, And on you with crimson clouds Falls the Virgin Cover ... March 31, 1916

"Moscow! What is huge


On suture stamps,

For all soh -

Baby Panteleonon.

We have a healer, there.

And ving for a door,

Where the people are valit, -

There is the Iver my heart

Chervonny, burns.

"Red Brush Rowan lit up ..." Red brush argued hundreds Ryabina lit up. Bells. Fallen leaves, the day was Sabbath: I was born. John theologian. Me and Donyn I want to gnaw Hot rowan. Gorky brush. August 16, 1916
  • Church vocabulary;
  • Outdated vocabulary;
  • Outdated wordforms;
  • Numerical symbolism;
  • Symbolism color;
  • Rhetorical figures;
  • Author's punctuation
Poetic vocabulary Church lexica
  • Chapel, dome, bell, cover;
  • Orthodox, five-hand, oar, stubborn;
  • Virgin, Panteleimon, John theologian;
  • To bore;
  • Hallelujah
Outdated words and wordforms
  • Burden, hail, face, pilgrimage, sorry, boards;
  • Humble, whip;
  • Broken, proceed;
  • Nonche, seven;
  • Inadvertent, in a worlier day
Symbols of numbers and colors
  • Sevenicholm;
  • Seven hills - like seven bells;
  • Forty forty - bell sevenholmie;
  • Forty forty churches
  • Chervonny dome;
  • Crimson clouds;
  • Sinya grove;
  • Chervoy day;
  • Church of the Glatorida;
  • Chervonne heart;
  • Red brush

Poetic syntax Rhetorical figures: Appeals: ... the village of my weightless! ... ... about my firstborn! ... ... Rude, a loud heart! ... ... and you, about the king, praise! ... Moscow Earth! Author's punctuation: .. read - I, And you will answer - you ... ... but above you, kings: bells ... ... Kaluga - the song - the usual ... I.Ereburg about lyrics M.I.TSvetaeva "... like a buoyo, how the woolly she sings about the Moscow Earth and the Kaluga road, about the joy of the walls of Razin, about his love cranded, greedy, unsticiable. Russian genets, how much joy in it ... " "News of the Day", April 13, 1918 Lyrics of the 30s In 1922, M.I.TSvetaeva leaves his homeland and spends long seventeen years in emigration. In the Czech Republic, she writes the most piercing poems about Russia "Country"

Close up with a lantern

All dutiful light.

That country on the map -

No, in space - no.

... the one where on the coins -

My youth,

That Russia - no.

Like that me.


"Poems to Son" (Favier, 1932 - Summer 1935) Son M.I.TSvetaeva Georgy Sergeevich Efron was born on February 1, 1925 in Czechoslovakia. Together with his mother in 1939 he returned to his homeland. After the death of Tsvetaeva brought the part of her archive to Moscow, which she took in Elabugu. He graduated from school in Tashkent, then visited lectures at the Moscow Literary Institute. I read a lot: for your age, it was very developed and formed. Different literary giftedness and artistic abilities, what the remaining diaries, letters and drawings are talking about. M.I.TSvetaeva and George Efron (Moore) 30s George Efron (1941) The son of Marina Tsvetaeau George Efron after the death of the mother went to Central Asia. In early 1944, he was called to the front. He died in July 1944 in battle near the village of Druch of the Braslavsky district of the Vitebsk region. "Poems to the Son"

Not to the city and nor to the village -

Drive, my son, in my country, -

To the edge - all the edges on the contrary! -

Where back to go - ahead ...

Our homeland will not call!

Drive, my son, home - forward -

In your land, in your age, in your hour - from us -

To Russia - you, in Russia - masses,

In our hour - the country! In this hour - the country!

In the Mars-Country! In without us - the country!

January 1932

"Motherland" About non-drawing tongue! What would simply be a man Understand, singer to me: - Russia, my homeland! But from the Kaluga Hill She opened it - Dahl is a threatened land! Alien, my homeland! Dahl, inborn like pain So much homeland and so Rock, which is everywhere through all Dahl - I carry her whole with me! ... May 12, 1932 Features poetic speech Lexical repetitions

  • Proponation "TA":
  • "The country", "that Russia", "that me";
  • Proponation "His":
  • "Your Region", "Your Century", "Your Hour"
  • Back forward;
  • Our hour - without us;
  • Motherland - Alien;
  • Dal - blizzards;
  • Motherland - Rock












Spere of my


"Tosca at home" (1934) Homesickness! Long Exposed Fero! I am absolutely anyway - Where completely lonely Be on what stones home Bare with a bazaar wallet To the house, and not knowing that - As a hospital or barracks. I don't care what among Persons - Understand the captive Lvom, from which human environment To be outed - In yourself, in the sole sense. Kamchatsky Bear without ice floes Where do not get along (and not survived!), Where to humiliate - I am one. "Homesickness" ... sualbenchers, like a log, The remaining alley, I all - equal, I do not care And maybe only equally - Rodnaya former - total. All signs with me, all the meta, All dates - as hand removed: Soul, born - somewhere. So the edge did not save me My as the most teer Along the whole soul, the whole is across! The big spot will not please! "Homesickness" Any house I am alien to me, everyone is empty for me, And everything is equal, and everything is one, But if on the road - bush Rises, especially - Rowan ...

Features of poetic speech Lexical repetitions, epithets

  • Anyway, all are equal, everything is one
  • All signs, all meta, all dates
  • Top
  • Alien, empty
  • Plated Lev.
  • Milky Call
  • Birthmark
Metaphors, comparisons
  • House, like a hospital or barracks
  • Obsive ... Lion
  • Kamchatsky Bear
  • Sualbenchers like a log
  • Reader - newspaper tons Swalloper, millet fever
Poetic syntax Cessuras (pauses)
  • Does not matter -…
  • ... what - my ... - certainly - (twenty dash)
  • ... (and not gone!) ...
  • (Reader ... Madelets gossip ...) (plug-in designs)
Receive default
  • But if on the road - bush
  • Rises especially - Rowan… (final default is an antithesis lexical refanter "does not matter")










L u b about in b

Elabuga, 1941 Prague, 1939

"I don't need here,

there I am impossible ... "

(from the letter Tekkova 1934)

« In the thirties, Tsvetaeva

so will live: constantly

returning to the past -

all and everything that died, died ...

The poet here is taking a conversation not with eternity,

not with the world, but with your time,

his age - patients, cruel -

and transient ...

Tsvetaeva, leading his time,

almost nobody understood, looked around

back, on the ever-eating homeland ... "

A.Saakianz about Lyric M.I.TSvetaeva


Used resources
  • M.TSvetaeva. Collected works in seven volumes. Tom first. - M.: Ellis Varnish, 1994;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Poems, poems. - M.: True, 1991;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Portrait: 0024-028;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Portrait of 1924: 0020-024;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Portrait of 1941: thca1nfhvo;
  • M.TSvetaeva. Portrait of 1935: thca2z3hur;
  • Efron. Portrait of 1934: Efron Georgy 01;
  • M. Tsvetaeva and Son: 1930 Tsvetaeva;
  • Efron. Portrait of 1941: Mur 2;
  • Rowan. Images: THCA2V42GI;
  • Temple of Cooking blessed Virgin Mary: 302
  • Iberian mother's icon: thcagokatg.
Used resources 13) Iconostasis of the Church of the Pokrov Saint Virgin: tcabbixpp; 14) Rowan brush: thcapro63f; 15) Birch forest: Tree112; 16) Forest: Tree116; 17) Berries: Tree 98.

1 Slide

The image of the Motherland in Lyrics A. Akhmatova and M. Tsvetaeva O, uncontrollable language! What would simply be a man, understand, sang and before me: "Russia, my homeland!" I would have a voice. He called comforted, he said: "Come here, leave your edge, deaf and sinful, leave Russia forever ..." But I closed the rumor indifferently and calmly, so that this speech was not depleted by the sorrowful spirit

2 Slide

The theme of the Motherland undergoes in the work of the Ahmatova complex evolution of the Tsarskoye Village Petersburg The whole country

3 Slide

The royal village along the Alley spend horses, wavelengths of combed grits. About the captivating city of riddles, I am sad, love you. Where was the children's and youthful years of Akhmatova ...

4 Slide

It takes youth, love, meetings with friends, poetic evenings, first fame - all this is connected with St. Petersburg, there was a blessed my cradle of a dark city in a formidable river and a solemn marriage bed, on which the wreaths have kept your seraphim, is a city, bitter love is a loved one.

5 Slide

During the folk disasters, Akhmatov merges with the Russian people, considering their homeland the whole country. Anna Andreevna perceived the fate of Russia as his own destiny.

6 Slide

Akhmatova completely merges with the Russian people in the "Requiem" poem, devoted to the suffering of the entire repressed people. A few sense plans can be distinguished in the poem. The foreground represents the personal grief of the heroine - the arrest of the son. But the author's voice merges with the voice of thousands of Russian women - sisters, wids repressed - this is the second plan of consideration of the personal situation. Akhmatova speaks of his "involuntary girlfriends." Over the guys moaning the soldens, the widow of the village stands on the village.

7 Slide

The image of a native land, created by her, attracts with its unusualness: the poet wrote about the Earth in the literal sense of the word, attached, however, he is a philosophical meaning. The epigraph in the "native land" served as a row of the famous Ahmatov poem "Not with those I who threw the Earth", in which it is compressed, but is not described specific traits Russian national Character: And in the world there are no people unconscious, turning and easier for us. Hence the attitude of the Russian person to his native land: In the cherished ladies we do not wear a chest, I do not compose poems about it, she does not be bored, it does not seem to be promised by paradise.

8 Slide

9 Slide

During the years of popular grief, not quite understanding the causes and scope of his, the poetess all his heart responded to this crying folk. Insomnia pushed me down. Oh, how beautiful you are, my dull Kremlin! - Tonight I intend to the chest, the whole round warring land! ... disasters of the people - that's what pierced her soul. What did these gray hut rejected you, - Lord! - And for which it is so painted with breasts! The train passed, and overwhelmed, overwhelmed soldiers, and drank, dotted retreating on the road ...

10 Slide

The Moscow topic appears in the early poems of Tsvetaeva. Moscow in its first collections is the embodiment of harmony. Transparent watercolor paints draws Tsvetaeva lyrical image of the city. The author is experiencing for the fate of his hometown as the destiny of his native person. In the cycle "Moscow" (1917), with despair and tenderness, it will turn to the beloved city: - Doves where are yours? - No feed. - Who took it? - Yes, the thieves are black. - Where are your holy crosses? . - hit. - Where are your son, Moscow? - killed.

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The Moscow Theme is always connected with the topic, travel, opening. "From the Kremlin Hill" the heroine is visible all the land. Moscow gives a feeling of space, swallowing it in front of her: Moscow! - What a huge stagnicious house! Everything in Russia is homeless. We will all come to you.

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Marina Tsvetaeva lived a difficult life. But even living outside of Russia, she remained truly a Russian man. Homesickness! Long exposed for free! I'm completely different - where is completely lonely to be, for what stones home to break with a wallet of the bazaar to the house, and does not know what my hospital or barracks.

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Conclusion In 1939, Tsvetaeva returns to his homeland. She was seriously given these 17 years in a foreign land. She dreamed of returning to Russia "desired and wait for the guest." But it did not work. Husband and daughter were subjected to unreasonable repression. Tsvetaeva settled in Moscow, prepared a collection of poems. But here I sailed. The transformation of evacuation was abandoned by Tsveyev, first in chistol, and then in Elabugu. It was then she overtook her loneliness, about which she told in his verses with such a deep feeling.

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The conclusion of Akhmatova did not belong to poets who swear in their love for the Motherland "Navier", but the image of Russia is one of the leaders in her work. If you bring together everything I have written about my homeland, about the native land, the anthology can be consistent according to their civic meaning. At the heart of the Akhmatov concept of the Motherland - the image of the Earth. But we go to her and become it, because I call so freely yours.

The topic of the motherland in the work of Tsvetaeva. "Collecting" Russia. Poet and world.


  1. Continue the acquaintance of students with the main milestones of life, poetess.
  2. Show how the topic of the Motherland is revealed in Poetry M.TSvetaeva. Help to understand the features of the poetic text.
  3. Create a "dive" atmosphere in the work of the master.

Methodical techniques: Teacher's story, heuristic conversation, collective analysis of poetic work, comments, pre-home preparation.

During the classes.

I. Expressive reading poems by heart on choosing students.

II. The word of the teacher. 1917 year. February, then the October Revolution rearranged the family life of Russians. Sergey Efron in the ranks of the White Army, he leaves for the Don to fight against the revolutionary government. Marina Tsvetaeva with two children stayed in Moscow. In the collection "Swan Stan" glorifies a white movement not by political reasons, but because there was her beloved. Heavier years begin, Tsvetaeva survives in this world ...

"Do you want to see my day? Please: get up - cold - puddles - dust from a saw - buckets - jugs, rags - everywhere children's dresses, shirts. I drink, drown, my in ice water potatoes, which cook in samovar.

Then cleaning, washing. Route: B. kindergarten, in reinforced nutrition, from there in the dining room (for a card from shoemakers), to former general "Do not give bread - from there again into kindergarten at dinner, from there - on the black staircase, frightened by jugs and tin, on the black stairs - home. Immediately to the stove. Inflatable. Heat. All dinners - in one saucepan - soup like porridge. Boiling coffee. Drink. I smoke. At 10 o'clock the day is over. In 11 or in 12 I'm already in bed. Happy light bulb at the very pillow, silence, notebook, cigarette, sometimes - bread ... "

In February 1920, the younger daughter Irina died. Another brain on the heart, another gray strand ...


Unfortunately, this fateful year changed the lives of many poets, the fate of Marina Tsvetaeva did not exception. In 1921 he learned that her husband was alive - she got the first news from him. This ends the first part of the bitter and incredible fate of Marina Tsvetaeva. And the second begins - after Russia.

On Monday, a bright day On May 15, 1922, Marina Tsvetaeva came to the train station in Berlin. And in July after a long separation, she finally saw her husband. How long they stood both, hugging how they began to wipe their wet wet from tears cheeks. It was this summer day that predetermined another separation, a long, 17-year-old separation with Russia.

Naught to the shameful post
Slavic conscience of ancient,
With a snake in the heart and with stigma on the forehead,
I argue that - Nevinna.
I argue that in me peace
Party before the communion
What is not my fault that I'm with your hand
On the squares stand - for happiness.
Review all my good,
Tell me - or did I blind?
Where is gold mine? Where is silver?
In my hand - only a handful of ash!
And that's all that revenge and prayer
I screamed from lucky.
And that's all I will take with you
To the edge of kissing silent


And still existed on earth the place where it was absolutely happy and absolutely unhappy - the Czech Republic. Motherland of everyone who is without a country. The center of Russian emigration of the beginning of the 20th. Czech Republic, where she arrived 30 years old. In the Czech Republic, she lived exactly 3 years and 3 months, where the best of her poems were written, where the son of Georgy appeared. Very bright and happy period; The collection of "separation", "Psyche", "Craft", "Tsar-Maiden", "to block" is published. The block of her "knight without ukrizna, almost a deity." Although it was not familiar with him:

Your name is a bird in hand,
Your name is iceclock in the language.
One - the only lip movement
Your name is five letters.

And then - for many years of silence, in the emigration she, alas, did not fit - the society "Friendship from the USSR" arises; And her husband is an active figure of this union; In the West, they are perceived, almost as traitors and apostates. Tsvetaeva wrote: "The son of growing, the daughter of adultel. And Paris I do not need anyone. But what cold I feel constantly. All me pushed me into Russia, in which I can not go. Here I do not need. There I am impossible. "

In June 1939, the mother and son sat on the train. Husband and daughter already there. They have since 1937. Nobody spent her with her son from Paris. For another 2 years, the Golgotha \u200b\u200bmarina will last, the payback is for what? for dissolute? intolerance? Inability to adapt to whatever? For the right to be yourself?

In August 1940, M. Tsvevaeva sent a telegram to the Kremlin: "Help me, I'm in the desperate position, writer Marina Tsvetaeva." This telegram Moore sent by mail. Allocated the room in which she and her son lived before the start of the war.

June 22, 1941. "War"; He found out on the radio from the open window, when she went along the Pokrovsky Boulevard (recording M. I. Tsvetaeva).

August 8 is evacuated along with a group of writers sent to Chistopol and Elabugu.

August 18. On the steamer "Chuvash Republic" M. Tsvetaeva and several other families of the writers arrived in Elabugu. Immediately began searching for work.

August 21. M. Tsvetaeva and Son moved to the hut on Voroshilov Street (held a part of the room behind the curtain).

On August 26, the note is dated M. Tsvetaeva: "To the Council of Litfond. Please take me to work as a dishwasher in the opening-up Litfond dining room. " (The dining room will open only in the fall.) Not accepted.

On August 31, on Sunday, when there was no one at home, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva came up with him, having fun in the Seine of the hut. Leaving three notes: Son, Aseev and those who will bury it.

On September 2, Marina Ivanovna buried on the Elabuga cemetery. The grave was not found.

III. Theme of the Motherland in Poetry M.TSvetaeva

The works of M. Tsvetaeva are marked by a deep feeling of their homeland. Russia is for her - the expression of the spirit of rebounds, inconsistency, and timewise. Moscow Rus, her kings and queens, its Kremlin shrines, troubled times, Falstrium, Wolnitsa Stepan Razin and, Finally, the ridiculous, Kabatskaya, sub-selection, cautious Russia - all these images of one folk element:

Unprofitable way

Non-free fire -

Oh, Motherland -

Rus, an intense horse!

Her poems are unusual and filled with a huge force of experience. The twentieth century - the epoch in which Tsvetaeva was created - was associated with many social upheavals, and therefore it is not at all surprising that completely new, tragic motives arose in the literature. But in this complex interweaving of feelings and emotions, the character of poetess is clearly visible, the origins of which in love for their homeland, to the Russian word, to Russian history, to Russian culture, to Russian nature. Russian Nature for M. Tsvetaeva - source of creativity. In the description of the landscape, it is always emphasized by Russianity:

Russian rye from me bow

Niva, where Baba will be interpreted ...

From damp and sleepers

Russia restore.

From dampness - and piles,

From dampness and serness.

"Sorry me, my mountains!
Forgive me, my rivers!
Forgive me, my Niva!
Forgive me, my herbs! "

Years of emigration

She did not leave his homeland for ideological reasons, as many did at that time, but he drove to his beloved, out of Russia. Marina Ivanovna knew that she would be hard, but there was no choice.

Her verses written in emigration are longing in their homeland, bitterness of separation from Russia.

Dahl, inborn like pain
So much homeland and so
Rock, which is everywhere through all
Dahl - carrying her whole with him.

Abroad, Tsveyev took enthusiasm, but soon the emigrant circles were cooled to her, since she did not want to write Paskville to Russia even for the sake of earlier. She remained a loyal daughter of the country, remembered every stone of Moscow bridges, familiar shorts and did not allow the idea that a new meeting with the homeland would not take place.

Did not leave anywhere - you yes i -
Wrapped with rugs - all seas!
Co-owners five ribany -
Oceans do not afford!

Thank you at home, Tsvetaeva considered himself temporarily left, and the poems helped her spiritually join the great community of Russians, whom she did not cease to consider compatriots.

About non-drawing tongue!
What would simply be a man.
Understand, singer to me! -

Russia, my homeland!

You! This hands are listed -
Although two! Lips subscribe
On the plate: the diverse of my land -
Pride, my homeland!

Following the great poets of Russia, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva carried in the soul and fired in the lyrics of a big and holy feeling towards his homeland.

"My real reader is in Russia," she argued, living in France. And stubbornly repeated: "I'm tugged in Russia - everyone would have found his own."

She was twenty-nine when she left Russia. Forty seven turned three months after returning to their homeland. Emigration turned out to be grave for her time, and at the end and tragic.

Let in poverty and non-recognition, but how much it created for these seventeen years!

And how many of these works it devoted to his beloved homeland!

The magic of German extravagancies,

Tomny waltz German and simple,

And meadows in abandoned Russia

Bloomed chicken blindness.

Cute meadow! We loved you so much

With the golden path of the Okey ...

Barrels sink cars

Golden May beetles.

It is important for understanding the poetry of the Tsvetaeva, which she took to the 30th year, has a cycle of "poems to the Son" and the collection of poems "Loans".

My edge, my edge, sold

All, alive, with a beast,

With wonderful gods

With rocks,

With whole nations

In the field without housing,

Moandering: -rodina!

My motherland!

Bogova! Bohemia!

Do not lie like a layer!

God gave both

And give again!

In the oath, the hand raised

All your sons -

Die homeland

All - who is without a country!

Longing in Russia affects such lyrical poems as "dawn on the rails", "mud", "Russian rye from me", "about the unfashionable language ...", woven with the Duma about the new homeland, which the poet has not yet seen and does not know:

Showing the day did not get up
With his passions whipped,
From damp and sleepers
Russia restore.

IV. Analysis poem M.TSvetaeva "Tosca in Motherland"

Homesickness! Long
Exposed Fero!
I am absolutely anyway -
Where completely lonely

Be on what stones home
Bare with a bazaar wallet
To the house, and not knowing what - my
As a hospital or barracks.

I don't care what among
Persons are sophisticated captive
Lvom, from which human environment
Be disheld - certainly -

In yourself, in the sole sense.
Kamchatsky Bear without ice floes
Where do not get along (and not survived!),
Where to humiliate - I am one.

Do not deplete and tongue
Native, his call Milky.
I am indifferent to what
Notponed to be counter!

(Reader, newspaper tons
Swallower, millet gossip ...)
Twentieth century - he,
And I - until a century!

Sololbenvshi, like a log,
The remaining alley,
I all - equal, I do not care
And maybe only equally -

Rodnaya former - total.
All signs with me, all the meta,
All dates - as hand removed:
Soul, born - somewhere.

So the edge did not save me
My as the most teer
Along the whole soul, the whole is across!
The big spot will not please!

Any house I am alien to me, everyone is empty for me,
And everything is equal, and everything is one.
But if on the road - bush
Rises, especially - Rowan ...

The theme of this work is homeland. The idea is love for the debris. The composition of the poem is rather unusual. Contrast plays a special role in it. Inner world The heroine is opposed to indifferent and cynical world. Tsvetaeva is forced to exist among the "newspaper tons of swallowers" and "Dovers of Gloven", which belong to the twentieth century.

However, heroine speaks about himself like this: "And I am to every century!". In this poem, M.TSvetaeva has many fine-expressive means:

contextual antonyms: Motherland - "Hospital or a barracks", native language - "indifferent - on what is not understandable to be counter!", "Rodnaya former - total" - "just equal."

Comparisons: "House ... as a hospital or a barracks", "Kamchatka Bear without ice floes", "Sololbenvshi, like a log that remains from the alley."

The words "Anyway" play a big role, "only equal", "completely lonely to be", "from which human medium to be displaced - certainly", "where not to get along", "where to humiliate". With their help, the loneliness of the heroine is pronounced, its dislike for someone else's country, as well as sadness and suffering from a break from his native land.

In the words "soul, born somewhere" sounds complete removal from a specific time and space. There was no trace left from the birth line at all.

Interesting and intonation of this work. From the singing and smooth it turns into an oratory, even driving on a cry:

Poem "Storm in Motherland!" It is written by a four-stroke yamb. There is a special Tsvetheevsky rhythm, which is dictated by feelings. The rhyme of this work M.TSvetaeva. It has no accuracy and coordination: in the first and third line, the exact rhyme (long-equal), and in the second and fourth - inaccurate (former-lonely), which indicates sincerity of speech lyrical heroine. She understands that the particle of her homeland will forever remain in her soul. She is forever connected with his native land.<неи<неи

V. Analysis poem "Motherland "

Oh, uncorrect language!
What would simply be a man
Understand, singer to me:
"Russia, my homeland!"

But from the Kaluga Hill
She opened it -
Dahl, threatened land!
Alien, my homeland!

Dahl, inborn like pain
So homeland and so -
Rock, which is everywhere through all
Dahl - I carry all her with him!

Dahl, who distinguish me blizzards,
Dal, saying: "Return
Home!" From all - to the Alpine Stars -
I take off the places!

No wonder, water pigeons,
I discard my foreheads.

You! His hands are listed, -
Although two! Lips subscribe
On the plate: the diverse of my land -
Pride, my homeland!


This is a work that needs to be womb. Features of Poetry Tsvetaeva: Romanticism, an increased role of metaphor, "Waiting" to the sky. Intection, lyrical associativity.

"On a non-drawing language!": Speech, the word does not always be accurate to express those feelings that man experiences. We remember F. I. Tyutchev: "The thought is the silent there is a lie."

"Why would you simply be a man, / understand, singer to me ...": "What would be simply" - a conversational expression; "Understand" - appeal to itself, before us - part of the internal dialogue; "Singer" - verb, denoting multiple actions (sang many times); "Man" here does not indicate a particular person, has a generalizing value.

"But from the Kaluga Hill / I was opened ..."; Kaluga Hill is a native, beloved Tsvetaee Tarusa is located on the Kaluga Earth, on the Oka River. It is in italic as italic as something old, sacred - and at the same time deeply personal, intimate.

The "threatened land" causes in the creation of a fabulous "threatened kingdom, the thirtieth state", something mythical, but nevertheless, all fabulous heroes keep the way there, there are all miracles, all the secrets are hidden. Homeland - Earth, which is real for the heroine and far away at the same time.

"Alien, my homeland!": We are familiar with your country, where we live. If you have to live in a foreign land, you get used to it. And the Motherland is already beginning to seem like someone else, unfamiliar, especially if there were big changes in this homeland.

"Dahl, inborn like pain ..." For a Russian person to see, feel Dahl, space, wicked fields - as an integral feeling as the eternal and inevitable opportunity of a person to experience pain.


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