My plans are on. How to make a plan for a year

Drawing up a list of goals for a year is, perhaps, a long tradition of many people who follow on the eve of the largest holiday of the country. Dress up the Christmas tree, buy tangerines and champagne, they are planning a life change. This is exciting and not useless.

The meaning of the list

First, we are not just about some kind of list of tasks for the coming year, but about the preparation of the personal annual plan. Formation of such a list - the first step when moving to new level Self-development. And that's why:

  • A man is thorough to business. He asks for himself - what does he need next year? What would he like to strive for? What would you want to find? Where to be, and what to achieve? After that, gives himself answers, missing questions through the prism of personal values, and forms a goal.
  • By writing it on paper, he interprets his task again and visualizes it. Fixes in writing, it can be said, makes me a memo, which serves later an additional stimulus.
  • A man thinks how to become better. After all, the goal is the final result of the desire. And it is impossible without the desire to improve itself or his life. Making a list of purposes on whole year, a person once again appreciates his capabilities, resources, ability and thinks how and what he will have to work for the sake of the result.

Such a plan is a means leading to its compiler to achieve the desired, which also allows to grow and expand the boundaries of reality. At a minimum, such a list of targets, in sight, will "push" in the back and remind of a desire to strive for something when it will be raised to procrastinating and laziness.

Rules of compilation

The first thing to learn is the list of goals for a whole year should be structured, neat, clear and ordered. And it is better to write out the tasks not a single "web" separated only by dattoes, but to divide them into blocks. It is desirable that in each of them there were still distribution of tasks by months. For example, the block will be called "Finance". And inside: "January - to open a cumulative contribution under interest in the bank. Start keeping credit and income. February - learn everything modern methods Earnings and business options. " Etc.

And, of course, you need to be guided by the SMART goals system. According to her, any task should be:

  • Specific - specific.
  • MEASURABLE - measurable.
  • ATTAINABLE - achievable.
  • RELEVANT - relevant.
  • Time-Bound - limited in time.

Compliance with these principles allows you to put the most clear goal, and also makes it thoroughly think about your capabilities. Smart is a separate topic, and you can talk about it for a long time. But the fact is: making up a list on it, a person will ask himself a huge number of questions and clearly will introduce what he wants. He will not just turn on the list "buy a car", and will know what exactly when, for how much and how he earns it.

Personal goals

Above it was said that it is better to distinguish the list of blocks. It's comfortable. One of the main things should be the Block "Personal Goals". Everyone will give something to him. But those that most people of the world are most often set:

  • Lose weight.
  • Start writing a book.
  • Stop pronuncifying - to postpone affairs and dreams for later.
  • Love.
  • Observe true happiness.
  • Make a tattoo.
  • Spontaneously rush on the journey, deciding it literally in one second.
  • Start blog or diary.
  • Learn to save.
  • Read a lot of books.
  • Interesting and actively live.

In general, a list of targets for a person's year includes tasks not only having a special value for a person, but in most cases that require some effort and work on it. And then it includes dreams and hopes.


As many are known, this term is indicated highest level Self-regulation and development of mature, solid personality. Many want to become higher spiritual, but it requires capital work on themselves, their character and looks, so that can be formed in the goal of the list for the year. Here are examples:

  • Learn to be calm and imperturbable in any situation.
  • Try to meditate.
  • Learning to think coldly, quickly and soberly in particularly intense and emotional situations.
  • Exercise in gratitude.
  • Help someone free.
  • Refuse stereotypes and cliches, learn to understand and accept other values, respect them.
  • Overcome the three of their fear.
  • Find answers to important questions: "Who am I in this world? What is my role? What is the meaning of my life? ".

Also in this block of a list of goals for a whole year, you can include reading thematic books, the practice of various meditations and states, viewing educational lectures and programs.

Money and work

This unit also needs to be included in the list of objectives for the next year. Here, by the way, specific concrete is especially important. Benefit, it can be expressed in numbers, and in the future to strive for them. Here is how it might look like:

  • Monthly postpone from salaries 15 000 rubles per vacation.
  • Buy a new powerful laptop for ~ 70,000 rubles.
  • Going out in the summer of 10 days in Greece, the price of vouchers and accounting of expenses - ~ 70,000 rubles.
  • Increase your income at least by 20%.
  • Find a new scope of promising activities and try yourself in it.
  • Start looking blogs of successful people, read books about those.
  • Time management.
  • Improve productivity.

By constiting a financial list of goals for a year, you do not need to neglect the numbers. In the same block, several additional "windows" can be distinguished in order to clearly calculate the amounts needed to earn and accumulate them, which will then go to the purchase.

Personal growth

Every day you need to become better. This is one of the most correct executing points block " Personal growth", Man at the end of the coming year must note with satisfaction - he did everything he wanted. He became better. These are the goals on the list on new Year You can enable:

  • Start learning a foreign language, by the end of the next year to master them on the domestic conversational level.
  • Read 12 scientific books.
  • Find an interesting, but not entertaining hobby. For example, start learning chemistry.
  • Sign up for any courses.
  • Rejoice to make "emotional" purchases. We are talking about the acquisition of those things that I want at the moment, but after two weeks, a person has a question, about that why did he take them?
  • Develop your vocabulary. On the day to memorize one new term and memorize its meaning.
  • Learn meterotechnics.

This unit can be included as educational goalsAnd those that are associated with purely personal self-improvement.


Also a very important block. Here is an example of a list of goals for a year related to health:

  • Fully abandon white sugar.
  • Start correctly eat, balance your diet.
  • Refuse the unfortunate use of alcohol, A la "Yes, I'm only a bottle of beer in the evening."
  • Sign up in the fitness club and hire a personal trainer.
  • Go to the pool.
  • Create a habit every day drink 1.5-2.5 liters of pure water.
  • Start running on the track. For the year to increase speed with minimal to maximum.

Here, too, there may be a number. Especially relevant for girls - in the list of targets for the year, many of them include weight loss and carefully paint, from what amount of kilograms they wish to get rid of the month.


Everyone knows that you need to work on them. And if the question arose about how to compile a list of goals for a year and what to include it, then you need to not forget about the topic of relationships. Here the list may be like this:

  • Learn to listen and hear your partner.
  • Take people as they are. It is understood that the attempts to "smooth out" are disrespectful, because so man as if he says that he is spitting on their true, sincere essence.
  • Learn to find the right, the necessary to the interlocutor at the specific moment of the word support, which could really console him.
  • Make pleasant gifts to friends and loved ones just like that.
  • Find a new joint hobby with the second half. To do something unusual, bring a novelty to the relationship.
  • Experiment more in the intima.
  • Learn to give constructive tips.
  • Create a habit to put yourself in place of other people to better understand them.

Well, the goals can be formed still a lot. But in this case, it is important not only the quantity, and also quality. The list needs to be made only what is really important and has value. And then, reaching it and beautifully issued, you can fix in a prominent place. Or even insert into the frame - it will be better to look and additionally inspire.

For me, the new year, this time to summarize, think and ask yourself ... Ask what happened, and what is not, thinking that you could do better or faster. Time unfortunately is not added, every year you are old and you understand that it is time to think more intensively, otherwise there is no way ...

From a long time, the opinion has happened that from the new year each of us has the opportunity to start life from a clean leaf. Well, there is something in it. We have holidays for a long time, someone goes to celebrate away, I have never seen sense in this special. Just, sometimes reaches the absurd, well, what is interesting to celebrate the New Year under water? Well, nothing like me. Although take the family and go to rest in the mountains, why not ...

But also, the fulfillment of desires ... Under the battle of the Kuranta, everyone says goodbye to the old New Year, and are waiting for from the new year that he will give them a magic wand that will do everything for them. But this is all, a fairy tale, gentlemen, the usual New Year's fairy tale ... I have to do it really, and the magic here does not smell.

Of course, no one forgates to make a wish, but hopefully hope for a miracle. In general, it is better to make a goal out of the dream, make a concrete plan and, while the idea of \u200b\u200bChista, and doubts did not overflow the head, GET TO WORK.

In general, a month before the new year, and we already think here and how to do ...

It turned out a small list, only 100 points \u003d) There are things serious, there are funny, there are simply spiritual. In general, I hope for those who will read it, it will bring inspiration and new ideas for their future plans for the New Year.

List of affairs for a year! 100 things you need to do in the new year

  1. . It is not surprising that this item took the first place in my list. After all, the development process involves constant improvement. Each of us knows that he needs to change in himself to become better. So I remember all such moments and make a list from 5-12 bad habits. And then, go to paragraph 2, and we work on them for a whole year.
  2. . The process is similar to the formation of a list of bad habits, only now thoughts are already specifically what to do to become more disciplined or healthy, or become an expert in some kind of area. This is your stream of fantasy. Because At the formation of a new habit you need about a month. The next year 12 new habits that make your life will appear in your arsenal. Think up these habits in advance or you can take from our list, because Points from the list below can be your new habit.
  3. Come up with and ways to implement them. Turn dreams in the target, because for this, our work plan has been created for the next year.
  4. Write your plan for a year and follow him.If there is a plan, then you know where to go.
  5. Sometimes getting ready to a quiet coffee shop, in order to be alone and make a plan for the next month.It is better to choose your favorite cafe.
  6. Once a month, highlight your time to cook a new dish.In this case, you can kill two hares: the first diversion of your menu or find your corona dish you will treat every time our guests.
  7. Learn new / or bring to mind Old Foreign Language (English / German / Italian).What advantages are in the introduction of this habit: firstly, you train your memory, and secondly, you train your brain. The main thing to understand that the language requires constant daily practice.
  8. Learn the poem.This item, like the previous one, trains our memory, and sometimes you can shine your intelligence. Who does not like to teach poems can learn a favorite song. And remember that the main constancy.
  9. Read the minimum.Or maybe more, it all depends on your appetite. By the way, if you decide to read specialized literature, then for the year you can become an expert in your chosen area.
  10. Watch only.How to find out what movie is good? Easy, ask for acquaintances, what kind of movie is your favorite, or read the reviews on the Internet before watching the movie. After this study, you can be confident that the film is worth looking for it. Do not waste time on stupid films and TV shows. By the way, you can arrange a joint view of movies with friends on Fridays. 😉
  11. Start cooking sweet home and completely eliminate purchased baking.
  12. To pass a medical examination or simply sign up for the necessary doctors.Watch your health, and it will thank you years later.
  13. . The ability to complain and feel the victim, this is why it is necessary to get rid of first. Of course, there is nothing wrong if you tell someone once about your problems. But when it repeats constantly, it can ruin your positive aura and your friends will begin to avoid you, so it is necessary to start getting rid of this destructive habit right now.
  14. (with vitamins and minerals) and stick to it.I think it's not worth a lot of talk about the benefits of proper nutrition. The only thing that I want to emphasize is that the melted menu will help you save time and money.
  15. To accustom yourself to a special mode (lifting 5-6 in the morning, post up to 23:00)Thanks to this mode, you have a bunch of extra time. After all, when the city wakes up, you have already done a lot of things.
  16. Say "I love you" every day. Himself surrounding close to people!
  17. Every month to plan with whom you need to meet this month. Do not forget the old friends, even if you rarely see, call them, and even better me.
  18. Plan a time when you can spend long-range relatives. If you are rarely seen with them.
  19. Learn your hometown as best as possible. Cafes, exhibitions, buildings, secluded corners. Decide yourself. Select once a month day when you can explore your city.
  20. . When people complain about something, they do not appreciate what they have now. And God is sooner or later takes away from them. So, start appreciating everything around you right now, without waiting for the new year.
  21. At least once a month, turn off the mobile for the whole day and shine the day to reflements.
  22. Learn at least once a week to think about the ways of obtaining income (passive and active).Refer to retirement in our time a very optimistic forecast. So, uncheck and create a passive income and postpone the future on your own.
  23. Write the story of your life. Start writing a diary. If you read this article after the beginning of the next year, then do not wait next year to start. Start writing right now, all that bothers you, motivates. And do not forget to analyze every day.
  24. Do one characteristic photo per day.Memories are quickly erased, and if you can capture what is important for you on this day. You will be remembered later. Make a separate folder on the computer. And sign each photo in a special way. In addition, this task will take you to discipline.
  25. Learn all the capital of the world. And make the plan of the places you want to see. Do not forget to explain why these places are. Make up detailed description each of the places. What places you want to visit there. It brings you to goal.
  26. Create a list of 12 achievements for the year. Very often happens, you come to the interview, you are asked about achievements. And you have nothing to answer. It seems to run the whole year, like a squirrel in the wheel, and you can not remember anything. Therefore, you need to record everything. Plan your achievements in advance. Think over the area in which you want to achieve something. And forward for achievements.
  27. Plan a budget (20% postpone, 10% charity, 50% permanent spending, 10% for entertainment)
  28. Make a personal budget. I think you have repeatedly discovered that the money is over, and before salaries still wait and wait, it seemed to buy nothing, and the money evaporated. Yes, they have such a property - disappear. But you can take them under control. For this you need a personal budget. If someone needs, then you can download the template .
  29. Buy things to sell. Save your budget usually in January and July you can buy things with a maximum discount.
  30. Start.If you are not you, then who? Asked themselves the question. And now begin to love yourself and indulge.
  31. Stop laying affairs for the future.This is probably one of the most complex tasks next year. But still feasible. Try to make small things right away. It is necessary to wash the frying pan do it now, you need to finish the report, quickly take over the robot. Of course, if this thing is not a five-minute reinforcement to this how to make a project for cleaning an apartment or a conservation project. And when it is done, you will be proud of yourself, because you have fulfilled a whole project.
  32. Spend less than you earn. Life loan is not life. Live for funds. Of course, there are force majeure, but it is a couple of times in life. If you want to spend more, find the opportunity how to earn more.
  33. . In the literal sense of the word, mentally get rid of unnecessary thoughts. If you are hard to do it in your mind, write these thoughts on paper and burn. This ritual will help unnecessary thoughts from memory. Do not rush to score your brain to all seen. Concentrate only on the necessary things.
  34. Learn to meditate.With our mad pace of life, it is necessary to relax. Fashionable word came from yoga. If you do not have time to go to classes. Sit in silence or turn on tool music and try to throw out all thoughts out of my head. Enjoy silence. Learn to rest and distracted from the outside world.
  35. Limit social networks up to one hour per day. And even better, give up them. I just can't do it sometimes very important to keep in touch with old friends who are abroad. But it is necessary to limit the time, the hour is enough to respond to messages and view the tape.
  36. Forgive mistakes. Everyone can make a mistake. On errors, we learn. Stop thinking about them. Otherwise, you will live in the past.
  37. Learn to keep silence. I am a very sociable person by nature. It is hard for me to understand how people can be silent when they walk together. But you need to learn this. Because Silence also brings together people and you will not have time to say something superfluous.
  38. . There is a lot of concentration method. I advise you to read the book L. J. Palladino is the maximum concentration. It is in free internet access. Perhaps in this book you will find your way to concentrate. I have yet found one way for myself - this is the principle of Pomodoo (25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest)
  39. Stop out the sun without sunscreen. The sun is very dangerous for our skin. Take care of her.
  40. "Finger" your brain. In fact, now a bunch of ways to develop our brain: games, crosswords, solution of puzzles or logical tasks.
  41. Surround yourself successful people. Saying "Tell your friend and I will tell who you are" invented not in gift. Want to be successful people. Communicate with the same. And you will not notice how you will start changing.
  42. View the performances of famous speakers, study their habits and intonation. I really like the Internet channel Famous speakers are divided by their discoveries. It is very informative and on english language. Although there are Russian subtitles there.
  43. Stop communicating with people who do not belong to you. In fact, why communicate with people who do not appreciate you. Relatives are an exception. But with the rest you can safely say goodbye.
  44. . This is probably one of my bad habits with which I'm carefully struggling. Try to finish every matter to the end. Do not start new bookif not read the old one.
  45. Play boardgames.Winter is nearing, and this is the best to spend time with friends.
  46. More often call parents. Better daily.
  47. Learn to see good in people. This is the quality that is more valuable for money. Despite the fact that you are afraid of many people, it should not prevent you from seeing something good in them. Every person can learn something, and what is the choice for you.
  48. Stop comparing yourself with others.You are you. And you will never become another person. Do not compete with someone. Compare results only with the past you. With what kind you were and what results reached.
  49. . This quality will be useful to you in many areas of life. Sitting in the subway pay attention to the details, or remember something along the road.
  50. Stop pillings that you love. Let's admit yourself, each makes it with every one convenient case. What for? Unclear. Try to be distracted by problems when you are near close people.
  51. Find a job in the shower. This is what everyone needs to do. Everyone has the right to good work And good well-being and satisfaction from labor.
  52. Daily clean the apartment. In fact, it is difficult if you will devote to cleaning only 20 minutes a day. Share an apartment on the zones. And every day remove one zone.
  53. Find time to make sure. We are all children in the soul, and it is very important for us to dream. Do not limit yourself in this. Fantasize.
  54. Focus on what you get really good. This can be a new source of income.
  55. Get rid of the trash at home. If it is difficult to throw everything, give someone. The main thing is not to in the garage. It is intended for your Mercedes, and not for storing garbage.
  56. Get rid of the habit of scrolling the negative scenarios in the head.Do not attract the negative, of course, it is worth reinsurance, but you should not think about it.
  57. Find a common interest with your. Common business brings closer, make a general list with your half and gradually perform.
  58. Learn to keep the word. Want to get respect among friends and colleagues, keep your word. If you can't do it, it is better to refuse.
  59. Enter the rule of 10 minutes to your life. If you need to do something, and you absolutely do not have a desire, introduce a 10-minute rule into your life. Pay any case at least 10 minutes a day. After some time, you complete the task. Without applying to this huge effort. After all, 10 minutes fly very quickly.
  60. Conduct a weekend in another city or country.
  61. Make professional photo session In nature or in a beautiful studio.
  62. Likement / House. After all, plants make the house more attractive and cozy.
  63. Relief vacation in electronic form, make a list of things and necessary documents. Next year we will save time on planning.
  64. Pamper your body (Massage, Spa Salon, Manicure, Pedicure, etc.)
  65. Expand the circle of communication.
  66. Experiment in sex. Of course, if you are more than 18 \u003d)
  67. Try new entertainment (Quest room or fear room, jump on a trampoline or something else.
  68. Help in needing people. And it doesn't matter what kind of help is charity or simply translate grandmother across the road. The main responsible attitude to the case.
  69. Do something that never decided to do
  70. Learn how to create something with your own hands.
  71. Make a surprise to your beloved person.
  72. Tent
  73. Birthday in another country (or in the company of loved ones)
  74. Collect big puzzle (1000-3000 pieces). Came for six months are provided. 🙂
  75. Buy a diary next year. I advise you to buy not just a diary. And your diary. It is the one that you will fill. To do this, experiment during the year. If you throw a diary in a week. This is not yours. Do not worry, look further.
  76. Play friends on April 1
  77. Update your wardrobe and change style.
  78. Go to football and cheer for your favorite team Or just look. This is an incredible emotion release.
  79. Sign up for any training course from or similar sites.
  80. Learn new technology.
  81. Start creating passive income.
  82. Visit the conference in the specialty.
  83. Eat 5 kg strawberry. 🙂 And seriously, to do its nutrition and examine the principles of proper nutrition.
  84. Visit new town in his country or abroad.
  85. Become an expert in one area
  86. Go to friends on the weekend
  87. Ski and update a new ski suit.
  88. Drive on a bike At least 100 kilometers. If there is no bike, it means to run. It is not so difficult.
  89. Instill a habit more often walk. Wherever, anywhere that I like. Try to go out on nature every weekend.
  90. Go to mushrooms.
  91. In June, go to the forest for strawberries.
  92. Swift jam from dandelions. Useful and reminds childhood.
  93. Go to the cinema On a good large-scale movie.
  94. Create your website or blog.
  95. Invest 10% of learning. Man needs to develop. Buy books, go to courses, attend thematic conferences.
  96. Do something disinterested. Saw a girl on the street crying, give her flowers. Someone cannot go to the subway, pay for it.
  97. Go to a trial lesson on yoga.
  98. Kvun
  99. Stand in the "bar" 5 minutes

In general, things are bad edge 🙂. But everything is overcome, the main thing is to be desire.

New Year, New Year, what will he bring to us?!

Dear readers, congratulations on your coming 2017! How did you meet, noted? Have you returned to the workplace?

What are your plans for 2017? Already painted a life balance wheel and amounted to a list of purposes?

For some reason, with the end of the year, it is customary to sum up, draw up plans for the next year. I know that some are not engaged in this and do not understand why others do it.

How? As for me, it is a great opportunity to reconsider your life, to look into my soul, decide whether you are doing, whether you receive pleasure from every day and life in general. Think what you can do this to squeeze out of every day to the maximum and improve the quality of life, make it brighter, saturated. In order after 5-10-20 ... I do not regret it, I didn't make something, I missed the opportunity, did not use the case.

Results of the Year and Plans for the Future

Naturally, it is not necessary to deal with this from the new year and analyze exactly 1 year. Someone has a "turning" moment - his birthday. Someone is planning for half a year, and for others, even a period of 3-4 months is very large.

And also ... I will say a secret ... There are people who do not plan at all! Yes Yes! They swim downstream, and the maximum that they plan - that in the nearest Saturday they will go with friends to drink beer!

Perhaps I am exaggerating)) But I believe that every person who is in normal psychological and physical health may have to set goals, at least in a minimum.

Results per year

I'll tell you about the way we have been with your husband for 4 years. I learned about him from mailing some psychologist (forgive me, I will not remember the name now).

The essence lies in the fact that every year after the expiration of the year respond to the same issues and record the answers to them (it is more convenient for us to the notebook, but you can also on the computer).

Questions any what you like.

For example, I will give questions from our "Yearbook":

  1. What a joyful happened in the outgoing year?
  2. What was the saddest?
  3. What was the offensive?
  4. What is most memorized?
  5. What were the successes, victories, achievements?
  6. what were the failures and what did you teach?
  7. What do you want to take with you in the new year, and from what to get rid of?
  8. What important purchases are made?
  9. What interesting books are read, films are viewed?
  10. What are your plans for next year?
  11. With which interesting people met?
  12. Insights, important conclusions, awareness

I really liked the video about planning and summing up the year. Stay it for you!

List of 100 goals per year

Approximately a year ago I looked at the blogger's video, which made a list of 100 goals and was shared by the effectiveness of this method.

And I was interested in checking this way. It is difficult to name it by planning, rather "dream."

In the video, the girl said how difficult it is to make this list! Despite the fact that women are usually a lot of desires and "Wishlists", this is not the task of simple.

"Yes Lan!" - I thought. Got your own lists of tasks, collages of desires and sat down.

20-30 points rolled down without difficulty. "Like two fingers on asphalt, then also cope with."

Yes, it was not there. The brain strains and stopped generating at least some ideas.

As a result, it was not possible to write a list of goals at once. Returned to him in a couple of weeks. And finished even during the year!

As expected, 30-40% was realized, about 10% lost their relevance, and the remaining 50% was rewrote to the list of goals 2017. I would strive to "finish" them this year.

In general, I liked to dream of a maximum! I highly recommend you check out this technique for yourself.

Firstly This makes it possible to better understand yourself, what are the desires, dreams, requests for life.

Secondly . Psychologists argue that in order for goals and dreams to come true - they should be spelled out.

I will share a couple of rules for writing goals:

  1. Writing in such a form, as if it is already you have. And specifically, it is desirable to describe the desired in bright colors. That is, not "buy an apartment", but "I buy and live in your spacious and cozy apartment."
  2. The result should be explicit, not virtual to clearly understand that you have achieved it. Do not "do in the gym", but "reduced the weight from .. before .., the volume of the waist with .. before ..".
  3. Goals should be yours! And not imposed by someone. All acquaintances argue, their main dream - the rest of the sea at the hotel "All Inclusive" and are you inclined to this? And your dream is the mountains? Well, write it! And at sea, let those who dream of the sea)))

In general, the rest of the principles of targets you can easily find yourself. I do not see the point of writing a lot, for for other authors in this matter I will not cry.

Thirdly When the targets are written, you can regularly reread in order not to forget. Rejoice when some desires have been realized. And seeks to fulfill the remaining items in the list.

Collage of desires

Surely you heard more than once about it, it is also called "a map of desires" in another way. I first made a collage somewhere in mid-2014. Found on the Internet pictures of what I would like to combine them on the A4 sheet, printed. And unnoticed one after one desire began to execute! AAA, what pleasure was to put "checkboxes" in the pictures with what I already have!

And what a fascinating occupation make this collage! As if you touch your dream with your dream, imagine that she was already implemented. So many emotions when you look at him! If you wish, you can show a collage to close, hint that you want as a gift for the nearest holiday)

Balance life wheel.

It was not heard of this only the lazy) now on the Internet, all the coaches and psychologists say about this wheel.

The essence is simple. A circle is drawn, divided into several segments. Each part is some sphere of life. On a 10-point closet, you estimate each sphere and paint the segment. Ideally (well, right in the perfect ideal) all positions should be 10-ku. Well, optimally - so that all areas of life are at about one level. That is, that the wheel, when rolls, not "prompted" and not "braked."

Draw it and analyze the current one will not take much time. But to make conclusions - how to establish life, "raise" seeding positions - this can take enough time. You may need several approaches. But if you make a plan and you will adhere to what you can "pull up" what you need.

After all, only from you depends on whether it will be the next year as you want. Load the results of the past year and think about the new plans for the future. And you will definitely provide new opportunities!

And go ahead! Let all your, even the most daring and intimate desires! I believe in you!

Have you previously been planning? What methods used? Were they successful?

If you have something to share - Write comments! It will be very nice to see feedback from my readers!

Tell me about this article to friends!

Read also on this topic:

They say if the goals are to write out 100 goals, and not just dream of them about them, they have a property come true. Truth.
Also, they say, if not to wash your head, it has a body fat.

You need to sit and visualize, watch motivating movies. And the person himself will not notice how it becomes famous and independent - the main spotting in the house. Will be a little home. Such a person will be independent even from the obligation to take garbage, make money and clean the house. Freedom and financial independence. Freedom to choose what to complain about: to the state, jews or unwashed hair.

The only goal that is achieved without difficulty is degradation.
In all other cases you need to plow.

Life with goals and without

No lime studies of Harvard about 3% of successful graduates will not kill you in maintaining the habit of living with goals. Remarkability of research will not compare with personal experience.

With a certain goal, a person becomes not only more efficient, but also feels better: as if he manage his life. Feels Promotion, every time shelving the scene, and the pleasure of awareness of the work performed. Rights self-confidence and self-esteem is useful when she is underestimated.

The best way Check all these statements - conduct an experiment in your life. Create a list of goals for 2019, and live on it. If you didn't have such experience, it is a great way to learn a new one about yourself, to experience a focused life. If you do not feel the benefit from such a life - come back to the old one.

List of 100 goals per year

The literal list will help those who want to try to live with goals. In the example - medium-term objectives: for a year, a maximum of 3 years. Read, choose yourself goals. Be sure to write down your list of objectives in a separate notebook. Make a plan for a year, or at least for the summer.

No need to immediately take for 100 goals. 10-20 goals for starts enough. You can choose the goals easier if you have a weak planning skill. Slide the targets to simple achievable steps.

Health and Sports

  1. Our online course. Create a fact card of your health.
  2. Practicing freeritic month.
  3. Listen to psychology lectures Eva Poplavskaya.
  4. Make yourself 10 massages throughout the year.
  5. Go to a holotropic breath.
  6. Planned month a new sport: martial arts, tennis, fencing, rowing.
  7. To shoot onion / crossbow / gun.
  8. Arrange half marathon.
  9. Consultation with a psychologist.
  10. Drive 50 km by bike per day.
  11. Two months learn dance: Hip-Hop, Step, Salsa, Conmp.
  12. For a woman: to highlight a clear time on yourself - hike in the salon, sauna, to the stylist.
  13. For a man: to beat a personal record - pull up more / bend from the chest / run on.

Financial, work

  1. Buy 5 books to enhance professionalism.
  2. Increase income by 20-50%.
  3. Complete training in the specialty.
  4. Take part in the professional conference.
  5. Lead expenses during the quarter.
  6. Examine 5 lectures on marketing: Ilya Balahnin.
  7. See 10 interviews "Business Surruties" or "Business Arena".
  8. Improve Time Management Skills: Implement Practice from Time Drive or GTD.
  9. Try 1-2 directions for future specialization in them.
  10. Master a basic level of adjacent to your specialty.
  11. Increase their responsibility zone at work.
  12. Buy yourself a "toy", which I wanted in childhood.

Friends and surroundings

  1. Organize with friends a sabotage on nature with overnight.
  2. Get to know the talk club.
  3. Play 5 times in the mafia.
  4. Make a gift to a friend.
  5. Buy desktop game and play 3 times: train ticket / colonializers / carcassonne.
  6. For women: give a friend to paintball ticket / airsoft.
  7. For men: Give flowers not a close girlfriend.
  8. Congratulate a friend happy birthday video greetings.
  9. Give a t-shirt with a cool print, which is associated with the character of a friend.
  10. To learn the ability of the active hearing.
  11. Go hiking with an unfamiliar group.
  12. To manage a boat / sailing yacht with friends.
  13. Try extreme sports with the best friend.

Family, Children, Personal Relationships

  1. Arrange a romantic dinner in nature.
  2. Give a ticket for joint activity / master class.
  3. Listen to lectures on Ruslana Vassevich's relations.
  4. Three weeks of Mom's forgiveness meditations and dads.
  5. Month to develop a habit: count to 10; breathe deeply; listen attentively.
  6. Cancel moments when you do not respect the partner.
  7. Three new experiments in sex.
  8. Examine 2 volumes about children's development.
  9. Find mini hobbies, interesting to you, and baby.
  10. Sex outside the house.
  11. Learn and reread age of the child's age.
  12. To do chalinger's family alignment on a causing question.

Brightness of life, impressions

  1. Take part in the master class.
  2. Enhance the average score on 2 points of the wheel of life.
  3. Drink coffee in the best coffee shop in the neighboring city.
  4. Learn to make a flip on a trampoline.
  5. Go to the theater for an unusual setting.
  6. Visit 3 exhibitions / art galleries.
  7. Visit a big music festival.
  8. Spend the night in another country.
  9. New feelings: do not drink in the company drinking / drinking in the company of sober rooms.
  10. To drink tea under living music in the restaurant.
  11. Eat 3 dishes unusual for yourself.

Personal growth, mind, skills

  1. Go to a conversational club.
  2. Raise foreign language.
  3. Read 12 N. artistic books per year.
  4. Plan a month and live according to plan.
  5. Conduct a timing of 3 days.
  6. Read the story in English: adapted or original.
  7. Listen 5 lectures on the brain of Tatyana Chernigov.
  8. Master the basic course of the Command.
  9. Write an article on any topic from 7000 characters.
  10. Go to speakers' courses or theatrical.
  11. Disassemble the books "Black Swan" or "Thinking, Fast and Slow".
  12. Learn to program: write simple program.
  13. View season of the "Star Path" series in the original.
  14. Do not make emotional purchases. BUY in 2 weeks what "it seems like" I want now.

Creativity and spontaneity

  1. Read the book "How people think."
  2. Make 10 Origami in memory.
  3. Draw 5 simple illustrations to the article.
  4. Take 1-3 lessons on the drums.
  5. Shower a couple of minutes in the forest for all power.
  6. Breakfast in the restaurant with something exotic.
  7. Traveling for the weekend: tickets to buy a day before departure.
  8. Playing a simple melody on flute.
  9. Drain the cup, and drink from her beloved tea.
  10. To displacing an unusual thing / glasses / hat for yourself.

Spirituality and awareness

  1. Make a personal mantra, a month to repeat it.
  2. Practice month

Productive, bright life is impossible without overcoming obstacles and achievements. A common practice is a formulation of tasks, the solution of which automatically introduces new emotions, paints. Today is a list of 100 goals for a year, the achievement of which will raise the lives of any person to a new level.

So, we give a list of tasks, spreading the boundaries of the effectiveness of life in the most different areas: Business, self-development, creativity, education, family, travel, shopping, sports, finance. Of course, you should not be enough for all of these goals, it is enough to choose a few of what you are interested in, or from the sphere where you feel the maximum incompetence and have a gap in knowledge / skills.

100 goals per year

  1. Launch your own business (registration as an IP or PUE);
  2. Increase business income 5 times;
  3. Typing the team for the development of a business project;
  4. Learn to delegate authority;
  5. Create a company website;
  6. Create and develop a group of companies in social networks;
  7. Hold a successful PR company on the Internet;
  8. Learn a foreign language;
  9. Read a book in a foreign language;
  10. Take a course of oratory skills;
  11. Take advantage of horse riding;
  12. Master autotraining;
  13. Master and regular meditation;
  14. Master the speeding equipment;
  15. To master mnemotechnics to effectively memorize important information;
  16. Master daily planning;
  17. Pass neuro-linguistic programming courses (NLP);
  18. Write five artistic stories;
  19. Write and publish your own book;
  20. Learn to draw;
  21. Learn to play guitar;
  22. Under the educational course on algebra and geometry;
  23. Learn an excel;
  24. Explore the school course of physics at a high level;
  25. Explore the school chemistry rate at a high level;
  26. In detail to pass the course of the history of its own country;
  27. Pass advanced training courses in the area where you earn money;
  28. Under the course of a family psychologist;
  29. Fulfill the dream of a loved one;
  30. Make a surprise for a loved one monthly;
  31. Arrange a date in nature;
  32. Find a small hobby, interesting to you and child;
  33. Capture a family of conflict situations within a month;
  34. Carry out a car interesting places in its own region of living, in which you have not had not yet;
  35. Make at least two travels to other countries;
  36. Learn to do one hundred pushups per approach;
  37. Learn to do twenty pull-ups on the horizontal bar for the approach;
  38. Learn any dance;
  39. Learn juggling;

  40. What goals to put?

    Learn to swim;

  41. Sign up for a gym and attend training at least 3 times a week;
  42. Improve the results in basic exercises with a barbell (bench press, squatting, rowing);
  43. Prepare and run a marathon;
  44. Sign up for yoga;
  45. Start running training;
  46. Pass the courses of self defense;
  47. Sign up to the Sport Martial Art section;
  48. Speak at amateur competitions for any kind of martial arts;
  49. Do the splits;
  50. Jump with a parachute;
  51. Take a jump from the taris;
  52. Remove excess weight;
  53. Build a sport figure;
  54. Dial muscle mass;
  55. Make a tattoo;
  56. Cure all the teeth;
  57. Improve vision;
  58. Pass a comprehensive medical check;
  59. Master and use proper nutrition;
  60. Drink a day at least 5 cups of pure water;
  61. Insure life and health;
  62. To buy a car;
  63. Buy sports bike;
  64. Buy a new laptop;
  65. Change 50% of the wardrobe;
  66. Throw from home things that were not used at least half a year;
  67. Buy a new mobile phone;
  68. Read the Bible;
  69. Read the Quran;
  70. Read the book on atheism;
  71. Looking at lectures on the evolution of man;
  72. Make a personal mantra and practice to practice daily;
  73. Read five scientific and popular books;
  74. Read five famous classical works for the year;
  75. Read five modern novel for the year;
  76. Go to the theater to "loud" formulation;
  77. Visit the concert of the beloved, modern singer;
  78. Visit the museum using the guide service;
  79. Visit for the year of all remote relatives;
  80. Make a gift to a friend without reason;
  81. Phoned with all friends with whom did not communicate long ago;
  82. Open a cumulative account, where to postpone the minimum of 25% of income monthly;
  83. To engage in charity;
  84. Month practice freeriting;
  85. Drive for a day 50 km by bike;
  86. Weekly go to the bath / sauna / pool;
  87. Start holding accounting of expenses;
  88. Listen to marketing lectures;
  89. Plan a month and live on this plan;
  90. Overcome for the year two of any fear;
  91. Write on paper a description of the ideal day and try to live as one day;
  92. A month to go shopping with a finished list and buy only from it;
  93. Learn to prepare three new dishes;
  94. Drink coffee in the best institution of the neighboring city;
  95. Spend the night in a nearby town;
  96. Shoot from firearms;
  97. Shoot from bow or crossbow;
  98. Get new sensations: do not drink in a festive company, where everyone uses alcohol;
  99. Get new sensations: shout several times in the forest for the lung volume;
  100. Get new sensations: Eat three new, unfamiliar dishes.

Such a list is desirable to compile independently, but if there is no such experience, you can use ready. However, if you take an alien list (at least from this publication), do not forget to upgrade it to him. For example, 20 pull-ups and 100 push ups for a woman with overweight and lack of experience in fitness in one year.

And further. The main thing is not easy to have a list of 100 goals for a year, the main thing is to control the achievement of the tasks. It is necessary to work daily! And try to enjoy, call the wait and anticipation of the moment of achieving the next goal. So you will learn how to enjoy the process itself and the effectiveness of life will increase repeatedly.

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