Heroes departed for the golden rune. Myth about Cason and Argonauts in Fine Arts

Jason (Yazon, Jason), Greek. - Son of Tsar Iwlka Eson and his wife eteoclimena (or polymented, or alimedes, or amphinomes), the leader famous in Collid.

Jason had all the right to become the king of the Fessensky Iola, who was founded by his grandfather Cherry. However, his father Eson lowered the Eson's consolidated brother, Peli, who, however, did not have rights to the throne, but it had armed supporters. When the son was born shortly after that, the son was born, Eson, fearing the goat Pestia, secretly took him to the mountains and gave him to the care of Mudrom Centaur Chiron, which raised many glorious heroes. Chiron raised the boy and taught him many useful things: handle with a spear and a sword, shoot from Luke, play on the lyre, behave adequately, as well as heal the wounds (so Hiron and called the boy Jason, which means a healer, but in fact at birth He was named Dometed). Twenty years later, Armed with all these knowledge and advice of Hiron, Jason came out of the mountains and went to Iola to force Pelia to return the power that he took away from his father.

To succeed in achieving its goals, the mythical hero certainly required the help of the gods, and Jason was lucky in this regard. On the banks of the Anavra River, he met some old woman who asked to transfer her across the river, and Jason willingly fulfilled her request. But it was not a simple old woman, and Hera herself, the spouse of Zeus, and this act Jason provided him with the favor of the goddess. True, carrying an old woman, Jason lost his sandalwood from his left leg, but it turned around for the better: as soon as the Penels saw Jason, he remembered that he was predicted death from a person who would come to him in one sandal, and so frightened that The first minute I was promised to return the power to him and his father Eson. But immediately she unwound and added that at first Jason needs to make some feat to prove that he is worthy of the Iolask throne. When Jason agreed with him, the peli offered him to bring the golden fleece from Kolkhida.

Of course, the peli was afraid not only the missing sandal: he frightened the mighty figure of Jason and his calm dignity, as well as the power of his relatives, ready to support his claims. Therefore, the pelia suggested that Jason's task, which inevitably had to destroy him. After all, the owner of the Golden Run was the mighty king of a distant colchis, the son of the God of the Sun Helios - Eet. (The story of the Golden Rune itself is told in the article "Frix".) EET very much treated the golden rune and so that no one stole him, hung him on a high tree in the sacred grove of the god of war Ares. Forest the runo terrible dragon, never wondered.

Weighing your capabilities, Jason realized that alone would not cope with this task. Therefore, he organized a real expedition and invited all the famous heroes of then Greece to participate in it. On the preparation of this expedition, how fifty heroes sailed on the Argo's shores to the shores of Colchis and after a multitude of adventures appeared before Eat, told in the article "Argonauts".

The appearance of fifty Greek heroes alarmed and scared Eeta, and when Jason asked him to give him the golden fleece, eti did not decide to refuse him directly. He said that he would give Runo, if Jason is able to make Hephaesta god of the god of the god of war, falls in the iron plow, the field of the god of the war, falls the field with dragon teeth, it will rise when armed warriors will grow out of dragon teeth.

At the same time, EET was guided by the same considerations as the peli, that is, he expected that Jason or refuses, or would die, performing this inconceivable task. However, Jason adopted the condition of Eeta and this proved that he was a genuine hero, especially since he had no idea about the events that took place at this time on Olympus.

Gera, who saw that Jason threatens an inevitable death, urgently urged the goddess Athena to himself and, together with her, developed an assistance plan to Jason. With the help of Athena, she bribed some toy of the young God of Love Erota and promised immediately fly to Collid and hurt the arrow of love for Jason's heart of the daughter of Eeta Medele, the priestess of the goddess hekate and a mighty wizard. Erota arrows reached his goal at that moment when Jason came to welcome her and ask for help. Medea at first glance fell in love with Jason and willingly agreed to help him. She gave Jason's magic ointment, who made a person for one day invulnerable and inseparable, and advised him to quit in the crowd of soldiers, grown out of a dragon sowing, a stone - the warriors will begin to fight with each other, and Jason will be easier to kill them. In addition, on the night before the test, Jason was supposed to bring the sacrifice of the goddess hekate.

Imagine the surprise of Eeta, when the next day Jason coped with the work entrusted to him - and the disappointment of Jason, when EET still refused to give him the golden fleece. Jason went to the copper again. At night, she led him to the grove of Ares, whipped the dragon, sprinkling his sleeping pills, showed Jason, where the Golden Fleece is located, and told him to leave him as soon as possible. Sick Jason offered his hand and his heart copper, and she gladly followed him to the ship.

The route and details of the return route are also described in the Argonauts article. Here we will only remind you that the wedding of Jason and Medeh occurred on the island of Feakov - rather under the pressure of external circumstances: Kolfi, who arrived to the king of Feaaki Alkino, demanded the issuance of Medea - and had the right to be right, since the unmarried daughter belongs to Father. On the advice of his wife, Alkinoa Arute was urgently played by the wedding, Medea began to be considered the wife of Jason, and the Kolf was offended not Solono Bread. But during the way to the homeland, the love and gratitude of Jason managed to cool, and he consoled only by the fact that the wizard's wife can still come in handy. In this purely practical sense, Jason was right. BUT B. further fate Brutally punished him for calculating in heart matters.

After the solemn arrival in Iolk and bring the gratitude victims, Jason's gods thanked friends for their help and wished them a happy way home, and he went to Pelia himself. However, it was a serious mistake: he would have followed first to go to the peli and only then to dissolve the squad of argonauts at home. Pelia, weighing his strength and the possibilities of Jason, refused to give way to the throne, despite the golden fleece, and Jason could not achieve his strength. Therefore, he decided to kill Pelia.

Medea, all the ways trying to keep the love of Jason, went for his crime for him. When the old father of Jason Eson began to complain that he could no longer live before that day when power in Iola returns to the legal king, Medea returned him to him with the help of a magical brave. Now, Medea decided to use such a reception - but for the murder of Pelish. She persuaded the pelia daughters to cut her throat, promising that he would flick the same decoction into his veins, who returned the youth of Eson. But when Peliads were listened to her, Medea calmly gave pelia to expire, and then threw his body into a fatal potion boiler. However, this crime brought the revenge of Aqasta, Son Pelish, and she had to escape from Iola with Jason, who this time finally broke up with the hope of Iolak throne.

After long wanderings, they found a refuge among the Corinthian king Creonte. There, Jason and Mede's sons were born to Mermer and Ferret, and Medea hoped that Jason would calm down, gaining family happiness. However, he was too ambitious and wanted to become king by anything. Therefore, I looked at the daughter of Creonte the master (or, according to another version, Cres), which was very impressed by such a famous hero, and decided to marry her so that after the death of Creonte to climb the Corinthian throne. Having received the consent of Master and Creona, Jason told the copper on the upcoming changes and began to appeal to her prudence. He, they say, loves her as before, but she must understand that his first duty is to take care of his happiness and the happiness of their sons. Medele's love turned into hatred - hatred to everyone, but first of all, to the Tamason's traitor. Taking the form that she reconciled with her destiny, Medea made the master's wedding gift: precious robe and a golden crown. Even the chapter put on these gifts, as the poison they were impregnated, began to act: poisoned clothing burned her body alive, and the crown squeezed his head like a hot copper hoop. Creonh tried in vain to save her daughter, tearing off her clothes: the poisoned tissue adhered to him and infected his blood to a murderous poison. Both were killed in terrible torment, but this was a little much - she killed her own sons. Jason she left alive, and it was the most terrible execution.

The unfortunate in which Jason was to blame, closed the gate of all cities and palaces in front of him. The famous hero, who once led the most famous heroes from all over Greece, wandered for many years as the last homeless exile (although on one of the versions, he immediately committed suicide after the death of sons). And his death was inglorious. Once, passing through East, he saw a witness to his former glory - the Argo ship, which drowned on the shore. Jason has come to rest in his shadow. When he fell asleep, he collapsed his feed and buried him under his wrecks.

The scenes from the life of Jason are depicted on numerous vases, both in connection with the adventures of argonauts and independently. Vase with the scene "Jason and Dragon" is located in St. Petersburg, in the Hermitage.

Jason appears in all works of literature and art dedicated to Argonauts. The statue of Jason created in 1802-1803. Torvaldsen, Bryusov dedicated him a poem. Opera "Jason" wrote at the end of the 17th century. Kusser.

Motherland Jason, Iwlk city, still exists. He moved to the north-west of his ancient ruins and on Novogreic called hair. About Yasore resembles a small model of the Argo ship with argonauts installed before entering the port.

The article used frames from the films "Jason and Argonauts" 1963 and 2000.

If you need Detailed Presentation of this myth, go to the "Argonauts Trek" page. There you can familiarize yourself with the history of the legend of swimming for the golden rune and proceed to links with a detailed presentation of its various episodes. Our list of pages dedicated to myths and epic will constantly replenish

Myth about the golden rune (summary)

According to Greek myth, in the city of Orkhomen (Boeotia region) once ruled by the ancient tribe of Mironets King Afamant. From the goddess of the oil clouds, he had the son of Fricca and daughter Gella. These children hated the second wife of Afamanta, IO. In the lack of town year, Io in a deception bowed her husband to sacrifice the gods to stop hunger. However, at the last moment, Fricca and Gella saved from under the knife of Zhetsa Baran with a golden rune (wool) sent by their mother's petroleum. Children sat down on the ram, and he brought them through the air far to the north. Hell during the flight fell into the sea and drowned in a strait, which since then began to call for her name Gellpont (Dardanelles). Fricca, Baran Hung in Kolkhid (now - Georgia), where he was brought up as the son of the local king Eet, the son of God Helios. Putting Baran Eeth brought sacrificing Zeus, and His Golden Runo hung in the grove of the god of war Ares, putting a mighty dragon to him.

Argonauts (golden fleece). Soyuzmultfilm

In the meantime, other descendants of Afamanta built a port Iola in the formalia. The grandson of Afamanta, Eson, who reigned in Iola, was overthrown from the throne with his stepbrother, sang. Fearing Pelish's Goat, Eson hid his son, Jason, in the mountains in the wise bank of Kentaur Hiron. She soon became strong and bold young men Jason lived at Hiron to 20 years. Centaur taught his military art and science of healing.

Argonauts leader, Jason

When Jasink turned 20 years old, he went to Iwlk to demand that the peli returned to him, the heir to the lawful king, power over the city. With its beauty and power, Jason immediately drew the attention of Iola's citizens. He visited his father's house, and then went to Pelia and presented him with his demand. Pelia pretended to give up the throne, but put the condition that Jason went to Collid and mined the Golden Fleece: rumors went that the prospect of Afamant's descendants depends on the possession of this shrine. Penels expected that his young opponent would die in this expedition.

Leaving Corinth, Medea settled in Athens, becoming the wife of Tsar Egea, the father of the great hero of Tereus. The former leader of Argonauts Jason is one of the options of myth, following the death of children committed suicide. Otherwise, the mythical story, he looked at the rest of his life in distressful wanders, without finding a permanent shelter. Passing Once through the estiments of East, Jason saw a dilapidated Argo, which was once removed here by argonauts on coast. Tired Wanderer Loe to relax in the shadow of Argo. While he slept, the feed of the ship collapsed and buried Jason under her wreckage.

Argonautov's traveling story - the first Greek myth telling about the far sea \u200b\u200bhike Outside the Greek World. He headed him Jason, Sovremnik Hercules and Teane. Event This can be attributed to about XIII century BC, for 20-25 years before the Trojan War.
Jason was the son of the Eson, the king of the city of the regiment in the fun. When his uncle Pelia captured power, the little Jason had to hide. Having reached the twenty-year-old age, he appeared to Pelia and demanded to return the kingdom legally. The pelia promised to do this, provided that the young man adds and brings it from the Cattle Golden Flee.
The task assigned to the cunning and cruel pefium was clearly impracticable. In those days, the Greeks usually flooded in the Mediterranean Sea and did not know that it was beyond. And sailing was to eastern part Black Sea. Kolkhida occupies the territory of the same lowland in the seaside part of modern Abkhazia and Western Georgia.
Shut off for the golden rune to such a long way there was no need. Golden sand met in Greece. Washed it with the help of lamb skins, which were then burned and obtained a gold ingot.

On the edge of Okumen.
Let's come back, however, to our myth. Deciding to swim in Collid, Jason, with the help of the goddess Athens, built a ship, when it was not yet. Collected the most famous heroes and craftsmen from all over Greece. Among them were the famous shipbuilder Carpenter ARG (in honor of him, the ship was called), the best feeding Ella Tifis, the fastest runner of that time Evuem from Tenar, twins Castor and Pollux, Spring riders and fisting fighters, sons north wind Borea Brothers Calaid and Zet. The latter could even fly. The great hero of Greece Hercules and the Sweet Singer Orpheus also rose on board the ship.
The first stop of the Argonauts was made on Lemnos Island. It turned out that there are some women there. A year ago, they interpret all their men for treason and therefore our travelers quickly disassembled home. Jason naturally went to Queen Island. Men quickly forgot about the purpose of their travel. And only Hercules with great difficulty managed to return the argonauts to the ship and continue the path.
Then they sailed only at night, because the kings of the Troy did not let other people's ships in their waters. True, Gellespont (Dardanelles) passed safely and entered the Marmara Sea. Near the city of Kizika in Frigia travelers had to fight with hexar giants that threw the clods of the cliffs passing ships. With the help of Hercules, the giants were interrupted. And then the gods gave Hercules another order - and he left the argonauts.
Ahead was the shed Bosphorus, the most dangerous portion of the path. The blind manner suggested to navigators how safely go through it, and most importantly, as before reaching the Black Sea (Pont Evksinsky) to overcome the converging and divergent rocks of the sympliga. On the advice of the elder, Jason sent his pigeon forward, and feeding Tifis, following the bird, managed to spend the ship between the rocks.

Now the argonauts, moving along the Black Sea coast of modern Turkey, passed the country of Amazons and approached the Caucasian Mountains. There, they noticed a huge flying eagle and heard loud moans. Orel This at the Teling of Zeus was tormented by Prometheus chained to the rock. Later, Hercules will kill this eagle and free the internet from the shackles ...
In colchide
"Argo" safely entered the mouth of the River Fasis (Rioni) and stopped at the city of Eya, the capital of the Kolkhida kingdom. Located to Jason's goddess Athena and Gera asked Aphrodite to send Erota so that he would be burned in the heart of Medea, the daughter of the Kolkhidsky king, the love of the hero. And when Jason with satellites appeared in the palace of the local king Eeta, Medea was already burning passion for the leader of the Argonauts.
Jason suggested the king to give him the golden fleece in exchange for help in his war with hostile neighbors. However, the king was not going to part with his treasure. He suggested that Jason hardened in a plow of two fire-haired bulls, plow the field and sow his dragon's teeth. From these teeth will grow warriors, whom Jason should have won. All this had to be done within one day. Only then the king agreed to give the golden fleece.
Such a test was not at least famous Greek heroes. Using their magic abilities, Medea helped an alien in the commission of this feat. And then Jason and Medea asspected the dragon, guarding the golden fleece, and, capturing the precious wear, fled from the capital.

Russian researcher I.V. Mashnikov, the author of the book "Defended secrets of ancient myths", put forward the idea that the argonauts floated to Colchida by no means for gold, but ... behind linen fabric. Rich Breaks loved robes from flax. Lyon in Greece was, but in the local climate it turned out low, with short fibers. Long-fastened flax brought to Egypt from Egypt and from somewhere from the east.
Cost such fabrics are very expensive. It was calculated that one gram of flax cost as much as 13 grams of gold. And thin linen fabric was even more expensive. For such a treasure, it was possible to go to such a long journey.
Some details of the myth of argonauts seem to confirm this hypothesis. For some reason, Golden Fleece, for some reason, it was necessary to poke two days in a mountain river. If there is a speech in the myth of the scurry, such a term is incomprehensible. The longer you hold the skin in running water, the more gold particles go there. But for the soaking of flax, such a term is just needed.
Another curious detail. Capturing the Golden Fleece, Jason hid it under the shirt. It is unlikely that a greater heavy skin, full of golden sand, it was possible to shove there. And the roll of thin linen fabric could be so hidden.
I.V. Mashnikov believes that the Argonauts sought not so much to bring linen fabric from Colchis. They had to learn how this flax is grown, as this extraordinary material is obtained from it. In antiquity, such secrets of production are usually preserved by priests. The royal daughter of Medea was the priestess of the temple of the goddess Hekati and, perhaps, these secrets knew. Because Jason and wipe the Medea secretly from the Father.
The Kolkhidsky king immediately blocked the passage to his ships black Sea Strait. However, the argonauts moved to another way. They rose upstairs (Danube) and in his tributaries reached the Adriatic Sea.
The myth of Argonauts has enjoyed great popularity in antique times. A lot of ceramic products came to us with images of individual episodes of this legendary travel. Apollonium Rhodes in the III century BC. E., working in the famous Alexandria library, gathered many materials on this myth and wrote the "Argonavta" poem, which, fortunately, reached us.

Route Argonautov
In the summer of 1984, Irishtz Tim Severin, guided by the content of the poem "Argonavta", repeated the way from Greece to Abkhazia. For this purpose, he built a copy of the Greek ship of the Bronze Age, the truth is somewhat smaller than the "Argo".
The expedition of Tim Severin covered the distance of 1,500 maritime miles, although few specialists believed in the possibility of successful swimming on such a primitive ship. Severin did not seek to confirm the veracity of the myth, the very fact of the existence of Jason and swimming argonauts. It was important for him to prove another: thirty-three centuries ago The ancient Greeks on a small ship could basically go through this path.
It is known that the Greeks began the colonization of the Black Sea region in the VII century BC. e. The bold experiment of the Irish showed that in five centuries before that the Greeks penetrated the Black Sea, as a result of which a fascinating heroic epic was born, who already lives the fourth millennium.

Frix and Gella. - Hero Jason, a man about one sandal. - Argo ship. - Women Lemnos. - Tsar Bebrikov. - Fineight and harpia. - Sympheld rocks. - Stampal birds. - Medea's wizard. - Bulls of Eeta. - Pelia daughters. - rage and messenger of cop.

Frix and Gella

Ancient Greek the myth of Argonauts There was probably under the impression of horrors who experienced navigators in those remote times when the art of driving the ship was only in the infancy and when the pitfalls, storms, rocks and a strong course were represented by the eyes of frightened travelers something supernatural.

This hike was taken with the aim of finding the Golden FleeceThe origin of which is told the following.

Hermes presented the Baran (Aries), whose wool was Golden, Tsaritsa Neke, the wife of the Mine Tsar Afamanta. This mythological gloomy ram was the son of Poseidon, possessed the gift of the word, could twist the sea and the faster wind tolerate from one place to another.

After the death of Nefamant's nebel married IO. The evil stepmother began to pursue the children of the deceased queen - Fricca and Gella - and brought his goats before the Tsar agreed to bring Fricca sacrificing Zeus. Then Fryx and Gell decided to escape. Since they knew about the extraordinary qualities of the gloomy ram, then Frix and Gella sat on him with riding, and the ram quickly suffered them across the sea. But when moving from Europe to Asia, Gella released the fur coating of the crown shelter, for which Gella was then held, lost its balance and fell into the sea, which received the name of Gellespont, that is, the sea gella. Fryx was safely reached by Kolkhid, where there was a friendly by the king of Eat.

According to Hermes, Frix sacrificed Zeusza Zlaotorunnaya Baran, and his skin (Mars) hung in a grove (Mars), and her terrible dragon, who was awakened during the day and night.

Hero jason, man about one sandal

This golden fleece was the personification of the welfare and wealth of the country. Transferred to another country, the golden fleece showed its strength, although it was to find and get the golden fleece was the indispensable desire and the desire of every hero, but it was located in a distant, little-known country, where few navigators were decided to go.

Here's under what circumstances an ancient Greek hero Jason, the son of Eson, the king of Iola, went to mine the Golden Fleece: Penels, the son-in-law of the Eson, sighing it from the throne, and Jason sent to the upbringing to Centaur Chiron. When Jason passed twenty years, he decided to go to Pelia and demand from him the inheritance of his father Eson. On his way, Jason met a niche old woman, in vain trying to go to the river. Touched her helplessness, Jason suggested to transfer her to her shoulders. The old woman was gratefully accepted the offer of Jason. During the crossing, Jason lost one sandalwood, but did not want to pull the old woman from the shoulders to look for his shoes. Going to the other side, the old woman took his real image: it was the goddess of Hera, who wished to experience the kindness of Jason. Gera thanked him and promised Jasason his help in all his enterprises.

Jason, satisfied with such an adventure, forgot that he lost his sandalwood, and went straight to Pelia Palace, who was predicted that he had to fear a person with only one sandalwood. The horror and embarrassment of Pelia increased even more when he found out in the arrival of Jason.

The pelians immediately appealed to Jason with such a question "the newcomer, what would you do with a man who, on the prediction of the oracle, will be dangerous for your life?" "I would send him to extract the golden fleece," I didn't hear, I answered Jason, because he, like others, considered such an enterprise very dangerous and believed that the brave, drunk at it, would never return. Jason did not suspect that his own sentence uttered his answer. Indeed, Pelia ordered Jason to go find the golden fleece.

The beautiful statue in Louvre depicts Jason at the moment when he binds the sandalwood, the main culprit of the campaign of argonauts.

Ship Argo

Hearing about the planned expedition for the golden rune, many mythological heroes wanted to take part in it. Between them were Texa, Hercules, Castor and Pollux, Orpheus, Meleagr, Zet and Calaid, the winged sons of the North Wind Borea, and many others. All participants in the campaign of Argonauts were fifty people - by the number of fun on the Argo ship; The feed on it was typhi, and the leader of Jason.

The story of the construction of the Argo ship under the supervision of Athens and all the journey of Argonauts indicates the beginning of sailing shipping. Antique bas-relief, preserved to this day, depicts an Athena showing the worker, how to attach a sail to the mast.

Ancient Roman poet Seneca points out the Cordic Tiffia as at the first navigator who used sails in swimming: "Tifiy kept the first to deploy sails over the unbarrous surface of the sea, he dared to give new laws to the winds, he won the sea and added to all the dangers of our life even dangerously of this terrible element "

It is wonderful that Seneca, as it were, the opening of America would forever. Seneca speaks further: "The time will come in the next century, when the ocean will expand the globe all over its entirety, and the new typhoid will open us New World, and Fula [so in antiquity called Iceland] ceases to be the end of the universe for us. "

The Argo ship was also the oars, as we see it on the vintage images of the ship. The Argo ship was built from Pelionskaya pines, and the mast was cut down in the sacred oak grove of Dodon and therefore possessed the prediction gift.

The newly built ship, despite the connected forces of all Argonauts, was not descended into the sea, and only Orpheus sounds with his lira forced him to voluntarily go down to the sea.

Women Lemnos

The first place of stopping the Argo ship was the island of Lemnos, all women, perturbed by the constant infidelity of their husbands, mercilessly killed them all to one. Aphrodite, perturbed by such a crime, inspired Lemnos women a passionate desire to marry again, but, surrounded by water from all sides and having ships to leave their deserted island, they could only shed bitter tears and languish. The visitors were accepted with them with open arms, and the inhabitants of Lemnos would be eagerly held them forever, but prudent Jason, having understood the danger, gathered all his companions on the deck of Argo ship, as if wishing to convey important information, crossed the rope, which was strengthened by the ship, and Russed into the future path.

While the Argonauts passed by self-defraquia, the terrible storm threw the Argo ship to the coast of Chersonesos, where there was a high mountain, lived by hexual giants of the valves. The giants of the valleys accepted the argonauts are far from as friendly as beautiful Lemnias, and the fierce battle was burned very quickly between the plots and argonauts. But Hercules launched his arrows and destroyed all the valleys.

In the Mission, Hercules left his companions: he went to find her favorite Gilas, whom Nymphs became fascinated to the bottom of the source.

Tsar Bebrikov

The heroes of Argonauts arrived in the Viphini, the country of Bebrikov, where the cruel and vain king of Amik reigned.

The king of Bebrikov Amik forced all the strangers to go to the fight with him, and many people had already sent Amik in this way to the kingdom of shadows.

Only only the king of Bebrikov noticed the approaching ship of Argo, he went ashore and began to bother to evoke the strongest and agony of the argonauts to measure with him. Dioskur Pollux, offended by more than others with this audacious challenge, takes it and after quite a long battle wins and kills the king of Bebrikov.

Pollux was considered as a patron of foul fighters and athletes.

Fineight and harpia

Thanks to the agility and the ability of their feed, typhia argonauts quickly moved forward. Argonauts arrived in Salmidess Thracian, where he lived the studio of the fithene. Apollo gave the end the ability to foresee and predict the future, but this dangerous gift ruined him. Fineight, forgetting due respect to the ruler of the gods, opened his most secret plans and decisions. The angry Zeus sentenced Finea to eternal old age, deprived him of vision and the opportunity to saturate.

Despite the fact that the Stinue was brought by different disdickery, all those who turned to him for predictions, the unfortunate old man did not get it: they barely brought them as the winged guards who commissioned Zeus to torment the unfortunate Finney, flew from heaven and kidnapped all the eats. Sometimes Garpia to increase the torment of the Finney, left him a pitiful residue of food, but they also watered mud.

These guards were first by the personification of a hard vortex, but in the myth of the Argonauts of Garpiya are already the personification of a terrible all-living hunger and therefore are depicted by disgusting wets: half the birds, half a woman with pale, distorted faces and terrible claws.

Hearing about the arrival of the Argonauts, the Finee, who knows that according to the will of Zeus, these strangers should free him from Garpius, goes to them, barely moving his legs. The unfortunate form of Finea causes a deep hero in heroes. Argonauts declare that they are ready to help the fin. They are becoming close to him and when the disgusting harpies arrive, drive them with their swords. And Zet and Calaid, the winged sons of Borea, pursue them to the Stroofad Islands, where Garpians are praying for mercy and give an oath promise not to disturb more Linea.

Sympheld rocks

Wanting to thank your delights, the landsli tells the argonauts: "Listen, my friends, what is allowed to tell you, because Zeus, justly angry with me, does not allow you to open everything with you. After leaving this coast, you will see two cliffs in the end of the strait, there are no longer a mortal between them: they are constantly moving and often shifted together, making up as if one whole, and the grief to those who fall between them. Before trying to drive, release pigeons; If he flies safely, then he is rushing as much as possible and hurry; Remember that your life depends on the strength and speed of your hands. If the pigeon will die, pressed by cliffs, do not make any attempts, bring the will of the gods and return back. "

Warned Finnish, Argonauts took a pigeon with them. Having arrived at the narrow strait, destroyed by pitfalls, the argonauts saw the spectacle, which after them did not see any mortal. Sympheld cliffs opened and moved one from another. One of the Argonauts released a pigeon, and all his eyes rushed after the bird. Suddenly, with a terrible noise and crac, both rocks are again connected, the sea with roar takes their foamy waves to their tops, the splashes fly in all directions, the unfortunate ship of Argo is very short and turned around, but the pigeon reaches the shore safely, leaving only part of his tail between the cliffs .

Typhy persuades its companions to use every effort and row as soon as possible, just soon to pass it terrible place; Argonauts obey them together, but suddenly a gigantic wave is raised before them. Argonauts already consider themselves dead and pray the gods about salvation. Athena, hearing the plenty of argonauts, hurries to his aid, and the Argo ship passes safely.

Since then, the symplagads are no longer shifted: they remained forever.

Stampal birds

Avoiding the dangers in the Sympheld Strait, the Argonauts approached the island of Areya (Mars), where the stampal birds lived, the feathers of which were sharp arrows, and they could throw them into the braveheads, driving themselves to approach their island.

Seeing one of his companions killed by a similar arrow, Jason resorts to tricks: he orders one argonauts to rare quickly, and to others to cover the rowers and at the same time hit with swords of helmets and emit loud cries.

The pimpal birds frightened by such a terrible noise fly away in the mountains, and Argo's ship continues his way without any adventure. Brave argonauts see the snow vertices of the Caucasus, hear the complaints of a chained promoter, whose liver is being tormented by an eagle, mourn the death of his skillful feeding tiph and, finally, reach Kolkhid, where the golden fleece is located.

Mesha's magician

Bulls Eeta.

Jason tells Eeta, the wizard and the king of Collums, about the purpose of their arrival and asks to give him the golden fleece. Tsar EET replies to Jasone: "Alien, your long speeches and your requests are in vain: before I give you a golden fleece, I must make sure that the blood of the gods are flowing in you and that you are a brave, so that belongs. Here is the test that I suggest you; You will withstand him, the golden rule will belong to you. I own two bulls, they have copper hooves, and the grazing of them will spew the flame and smoke. Catch them, harnessed them in a plow and plow the field, but instead of gifts demeters falling this field to the teeth of the dragon, which I give you; In the evening, armed giants will grow; Were and destroy them with your sword "(the ancient Greek epic poet Apollonium Rhodes, the poem" Argonavta ").

Argonauts with horror listen to the terrible conditions of King Eeta, and it must be assumed that Jason could not fulfill them if B Gera, his patroness, did not apply for help to Aphrodite. This goddess opened in the heart of Medea, the daughter of Eeta and the powerful wizard, strong love for Jasone.

Medea prepared an ointment and gave her to Jason, having ordered him to smear her whole body and hands. This miraculous ointment gave Jason not only terrible power, but made it invulnerable, so the fire that came from the mouth of copper bulls could not harm him.

Plowing and sewing the field, Jason waited, when armed giants increased from the ground, like countless ears. Following the advice of Medea, Jason took a huge stone and threw it between them. Like dogs who rushed to prey, the giants rushed to the stone, killing each other in the angry, and soon the whole field was covered by their bodies.

But EET, despite his promise, refused to give the golden fleece; Then Medea spent the night at night, where it was located; With the help of Charge, the hero Jason kills the dragon and masters the treasure.

Antique Cameo depicts Jason in a helmet and with a sword in hand; He admires the golden rune, hanging on a tree, around which the Dragon made like a snake.

Then, with Medea, Jason returns to the Argo ship and immediately starts in return trip, Fearing the chase of Eeta. Indeed, King Eeth chases them, but the cruel Medea, who captured his little brother with him, destroys him into pieces and, starting with his head, gradually throws these pieces into the sea. The unfortunate father, having learned the head of the Son, stops to pick up the remains of him, and it gives the opportunity to argonauts to leave.

Daughters Pelia

Returning to the Motherland, Jason recognizes that the peli, sending it to such a dangerous journey and hoping that he would die there, ordered his father Eson and the whole family.

Medega's magician, becoming a jason wife, takes revenge on Pelia.

Medea goes to Iwlk under the guise of the old woman and announces everything there that has a gift to turn the old ones in the young, and to confirm their words turns into the eyes of Pelia's daughters into a young girl. Similarly, turns the Medea of \u200b\u200bthe old sheep in the lamb, having previously craving the ram on the part and putting them into the boiler.

Pelia's daughters, believing the slower and wanting to return the youth to the father, cut the pelia into pieces and put it in the boiler in the boiler, but the cruel Medea refuses to revive the pecils.

On one antique vase depicted Medea with a sword in his hands and two pelia daughters, listening to her stories.

Mine rage and messenger

Medea hoped that after the death of Pelia, Jason would become a king, but the son of the son of the deceased sends the throne and expels from his possessions of Jason and Medea.

They went to Corinth to King Creonh, who offered Jason to marry his daughter, beautiful Creus; Jason agrees, and the king, fearing Medele's revenge, ordered her to remove from Corinth. In vain my molose Jason does not reject it, he recalls him everything that has done for him, but all the moles of Medea are in vain - Jason remains inexorable.

Then Medea asks for the permission to stay another day, pretending to forgive her treacherous husband, says that he wishes to make a gift to his happy rival, which he asks to take her two children under his patronage. Medea orders children to attribute these gifts - a golden crown and a dress made of beautiful shiny fabric. Restoring from gifts, the creatures immediately puts on, but barely dress and the crown are wearing, as she immediately begins to experience terrible suffering from poison, which the vengeful Medea helped her gifts, and soon dies among terrible torments.

But it still does not satisfy Copper: she wants to take away from Jason, everything he loves; And he loves children, and she kills them in a fear of terrible frenzy. Jason resorts to their screams, but cares for them already dead, and Medea sits in the chariot, harvested with loophole dragons, and disappears in space.

A terrible revenge of Medele served as a plot for many works of art. The ancient Greek painter Timanf perfectly expressed the cruelty and the frenzy of the Medea at the moment when she kills her children.

From the artists of the newest times, Rafael wrote a wonderful figure of Medele in one of his mythological sketches, and Eugene Delacroix depicted in his famous picture of copper in some grotto with the dagger in his hand: she, like a furry lioness, presses children, and the features of the face of Medele Perfectly express the terrible struggle that happens in it between a sense of love for children and thirst for revenge. This picture is one of the best works Delacroix - located in the museum in Lille.

The German artist Feuerbach wrote on the same topic very interesting in the expression and interpretation picture. It is located in Munich, in the Gallery of the Graph Shaka.

Hero Jason, so cruelly punished for treachery, wore his miserable existence for some time. Once, when Jason, as usual, slept beside his dilapidated ship of Argo, the mast of this ship collapsed on him, and Jason died under her.

Impair.ru, Yegor A. Polycarpov - Scientific editing, scholarship proofreading, design, selection of illustrations, adding, explanations, translations from Latin and ancient Greek; All rights are saved.

At King Boeotia Afamanta's spouse was unprecedented beauty. In addition, she was very clever and was formed, worn the name of the nebula (the goddess of the clouds). Family lived happily and raised kids: Gella girl and Fricca boy. Unfortunately, the people of Boeotia nusted with nebel. My husband had to part with his wife. From tears of the destroyed family and separation from the children of the nebula turned into a cloud and began to travel across the sky, watching on top of his family. So begins the Myth "Golden Fleece" - one of the most famous in the world. Legend of valor, honor and love.

In this article you will read summary Myth "Golden Fleece". For complete description All the feats and adventures of the Argonauts team are not enough and the whole book.

New king's wife

It was necessary to marry the ruler again, for he had no right to remain a bachelor. In his wife, he took a beautiful, but Calculating Tsarevna IOO. The new spouse did not love children from the first marriage and decided to sow them with the light. The first attempt was to send children to a mountain pasture. The road there was very dangerous, but the children returned unharmed. It was even more angry with a woman.

She began slowly to convince the spouse that the gods want him to bring Gell and Fricks to sacrifice, otherwise the whole country threatens hunger. In order to convince her husband in her rightness, she forced maids to fry the seeds that were stored for shoots. Naturally, after such a processing, a single spikelet appeared on the field. The king was very sad against it.

The country stood on the threshold of a disaster, Afamant decided to find out the fate of Oracle Delphs and sent the messengers to him. And here, IOO I stipulated everything, she grabbed people and bribed them with gifts and gold. They were ordered to tell her spouse that he had to sacrifice Gell and Fricca, so he will turn away the trouble from his people. Afamant did not know the place from grief, but still decided on a terrible step for the sake of the country's population.

At this time, nothing suspects have been playing the pasture with sheep. Here they saw among other animals a ram with sparkling wool. According to the myths of Greece, the golden fleece is a precious animal skura. They approached him and heard: "Children, your mother sent me to you. You are in danger, I have to save you from Russia, sending to another country, where you will be fine. Sit back to me. Frix will hold tightly for the horns, and Gella - Behind the back of his brother. Only down to watch it is impossible, otherwise there will be a strong dizziness. "

Gella's death

Baran suffered children under the most clouds. What was next in the myth "Golden Fleece"? They rushed across the sky to the north, and then grief happened ... The little girl was very tired to holding his hands for his brother and let them go. Flying the daughter of the oil right in the waves of the raging sea. Save the baby failed. Long mourned the goddess my child. Now this place is called and earlier, thanks to the myth of the golden rune, the strait of Gellespont - Sea Gella.

The boy animal brought to the distant Northern Colchid, where he was already waiting for the king eet. He raised the boy as a native, bald him and gave him an excellent education. When Frix Mature, he gave him his beloved daughter Halkiop. Spouses lived in the soul, and they had four boys.

Aries, so called an unusual ram, EET sacrificed Zeus. And he placed the skin on the old oak. Hence the name of the myth - "Golden Fleece". The predictors warned the king that his reign is not threatened while this wool is on the tree. EET ordered to put a dragon to him, which never slept.

At the same time, Ino gave birth to Afomanta more children. Later they created a port called Iola in Fessia. In this area, the rules of grandson of King Beotia. His name was Eson. His pelia consolidated brother arranged a coup and overthrew the relative. The Aason had the son of Jason, who was also a heir, and he threatened the danger. Fearing that the boy can kill, the father hid it in the mountains, where he was guarded by the wise Centaur Chiron. Everyone has it modern man The name of Jason is associated with the myth of the golden rune.

I lived a child from Centaurus a long 20 years. Chiron taught him sciences, grown strong and strong. Jason owned the basics of healing and succeeded in military art.

Argonauts leader - Jason

When the guy was 20 years old, he decided to return the power of his father into his hands. He turned to Pelia demanding to return to him the throne of his father. That allegedly agreed, but decided to destroy the guy. He told him about the golden rune, which brought good luck and good to the descendants of Afamanta. At the insidious plan, Pelish Jason was supposed to die in this expedition.

Jason began collecting a team. Among his faithful friends were:

  • Hercules;
  • TEXE;
  • Castor;
  • Paldhevk;
  • Orpheus and others.

The vessel, which was ordered to build for them, called "Argo". Hence the expression "Argonauts". Patrons of travelers were the goddesses of Athena and Gera. By singing Orpheus, the ship went towards hazards.

Myth about swimming Argonauts in Collid

The first stop of the Argo was on Lemnos Island. The locality was interesting story. There were practically no men here because they were killed by his wife. Unfortunate paid for numerous treason. Rowed them to the crime Terrible Queen Hypsipil.

Argonauts came up to the ground and have been entertained for some time with beauties, drank and rested. Having liked the way, they remembered their mission and followed.

The next stop of the travelers was on the Kizik peninsula (Propontide, Marmara Sea). The local ruler accepted the argonauts well. In gratitude for this, they helped him to overcome the hexual giants that lived near and attacked the inhabitants of Kizika.

According to the myth of the golden rune, the next chapter of the Argonauts was the area in the field of Mizia. Nymphs lived in this place. River beauties liked Gilas, which was very good. They lured him to her bay. Hercules went to search for a friend and lagged behind the Argo. In the situation intervened the mastercaster. He told Hercules that he had a mission: he needs to take 12 feats in the service from the ruler of Eurisfay.

Clairvoyant of Frakia

Arriving in Frakia, travelers met the former King of Terrain Finea. He was clairvoyant, whom the gods punished for predictions. They blinded him and laughed at his home Garpius, winged villains, halftiz. Those took away from the unfortunate person any food. Argonauts helped him cope with evil spirits. Clairvoyant for it revealed them a secret, how to go through the rocks that converge. He also told that the golden fleece would help them to get the Athena.

Below you see an illustration for the myth of ancient Greece "Golden Fleece".

Further, the argonauts fell to the island of Arethia, where the attack of the pimpal birds was attacked. By coincidence of the circumstances of these terrible creatures, Hercules were driven out of Greece. Birds had feathers from bronze, from which the warriors were covered with shields.

Argonauts mining the golden flee

Finally, the argonauts arrived in Collid. As stated in myth about the golden rune, it was almost impossible to get the precious skin. Here and came to the aid of Aphrodite. She opened in the heart of Medea, the daughter of Eeta, an ardent passion for Jasone. Loving girl and held the argonauts to the king.

Medea was a wizard, and if it were not for her ability, then Jason would have died. At the audience with the king, the leader of Argonauts asked Eet to give him the golden fleece in return for any service. The ruler was angry and invented for Jason very difficult task. According to his plan, the main argonav was to die, fulfilling it. Jason had to open the field of the god of the war of Ares with the help of fire-haired bulls. On him, Argonaut should have put the teeth of the dragon, and the warriors of the warriors had to kill from them.

The task was no power to anyone, and Jason could perish if it were not for a loving wizard. Medea took the Argonaut to the temple and gave him a miracle ointment. She did any warrior invulnerable.

Cleaning Meha

Jason took advantage of the gift of Medea and received from Eet Dragon Teeth. Bulls of the king almost killed the head of the Argonauts, but Polytech and Castor helped him, two brothers stronging. All together they were injected by bulls in a plow and plowed the field. There were warriors in the lats that grew out of the teeth. Honey before the battle advised the beloved to throw a stone in the crowd of warriors. Without realizing who did it, they began to attack each other. So gradually they themselves destroyed themselves. Those who remained, to finish with their sword Jason.

King Eeth was amazed by the victory of Jason and guessed that his daughter helped him. Medea realized that the entire team of Argonauts and her threatens the danger from the angry father. At night she led his beloved for the golden rune. Dragon she whipped with his witching potion. The head of the Argonauts got preciously fleece, and they went to Greece together with Medea and the team.

So ends the myth "Golden Fleece" about ancient Greece. There is a whole cycle of the legend of Cason, which shows the connection between Ancient Greece and the Caucasus. For example, Colchis is modern Western Georgia. In the mountainous country, there is also a legend that gold from the rivers was washed here, the casing of the shelter. On his wool sedated particles of precious metal. The content of the myth "Golden Fleece" should know every educated person.

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