The history of the creation of the solar system. Solar System Differences of the Solar System from others

This is a platform system, in the center of which is bright Star, energy source, heat and light - sun.
According to one of theories, the Sun was formed together with the solar system of about 4.5 billion years ago as a result of an explosion of one or several supernovae. Initially, the solar system was a cloud of gas and dust particles, which in motion and under the influence of their mass form a disk in which it arose new star The sun and our entire solar system.

In the center of the Solar System is the sun, around which nine large planets rotate in orbits. Since the sun is shifted from the center of planetary orbits, then behind the turnover cycle around the sun, the planet is approaching, they are moving away in their orbits.

Planets of the earth group: and . These planets are small with a stony surface, they are closer to others to the sun.

Planets Giants: and . These are large planets consisting mainly of gas and they are characterized by the presence of rings consisting of ice dust and many rocky pieces.

And here It does not fall into any group, because, despite its stay in the solar system, too far away from the Sun and has a very small diameter, only 2320 km, which is two times less than the diameter of Mercury.

Planets of the Solar System

Let's start a fascinating acquaintance with the planets of the solar system in order of their location from the Sun, as well as consider their main satellites and some other space objects (comets, asteroids, meteorites) in the giant expanses of our planetary system.

Jupiter rings and satellites: Europe, Io, Gamornad, Callisto and others ...
The planet Jupiter surrounds a whole family of 16 satellites, and each of them has its own, unlike other features ...

Rings and satellites Saturn: Titan, Enceladud and others ...
The characteristic rings are not only in the planet Saturn, but also on other planet giants. The rings around Saturn is particularly clearly visible, because consist of billion of small particles that rotate around the planet, in addition to several rings, Saturn has 18 satellites, one of which is Titan, its diameter is 5000km, which makes it the largest satellite of the solar system ...

Rings and satellites uranium: Titania, Oberon and others ...
The planet uranium has 17 satellites and, like other giant planets, slimming thin rings, which practically do not have the ability to reflect the light, so they were open not so long ago in 1977, quite by chance ...

Neptune Rings and Satellites: Triton, Neretide and others ...
Initially, before the study of Neptune, the Voyager-2 spacecraft was known about two satellites of the planet - Triton and Nerida. Interesting factthat the satellite Triton has the opposite direction of the orbital movement, and strange volcanoes were discovered on the satellite, which mowed gas nitrogen gas, as if geysers, spreading a lot of dark color (from liquid state to par) a lot of kilometers into the atmosphere. During his mission "Voyager-2" discovered six more satellites of the planet Neptune ...

Our solar system began to be born 6 billion years ago. 1 step was the creation of a star.

Our star "Sun" appeared from star dust. Star dust particles attracted each other, forming small stones. These stones attracted each other with a greater force, forming already large cobblestones. Such a chain continued until a huge cosmic body was formed. Inside this body under the action of pressure and other substances, it began to highlight gases (hydrogen, helium, etc.), then the body begins to heat and gases during the heating are included in the reaction, and gas is ignition. Inside this body begins to form inner kernelAnd outside this body begins to appear a magnetic field. After the final formation of the kernel, the star begins to burn its fuel (helium). When the sun finishes its formation, then it shifts the remnants of star dust. From these residues, planets were to form, which rotate around the Sun along the ellipse (Ellipse is the planets orbit, for which they rotate around the sun). The planets were created on the same chain, but a little differently. When the core planets are formed to the end, they do not discard the shock wave of a particle of star dust, but continue their formation to the end. The planets do not discard the shock wave because they are not enough energy for this and with the final formation of the nucleus they do not burn their fuel, because the core of the planets (if the core of these planets is similar to the core of our planet) consists of iron, magnesium and other solid substances. Of course there are "gas" planets (for example: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus). They have the structure of the nucleus differ from the earth, but they also do not "discard" the shock wave. When the planets are finally formed to the end, the bark, the atmosphere and water begins to appear (if the conditions are suitable for water).

Star of the Solar System

The center of the solar system is a star. The center of our solar system is the sun. The sun has lived half of his life, and will live about 4.5 billion years. As the sun was formed, it was said in chapter 1.

Sun composition.

1. Dense helium core

2. Zone radiant equilibrium

3. Zone convects

4. Chromosphere

5. Photosphere

6. Protuberans

8. Solar spots

The temperature of the Sun outside can reach from 6000 to 8000 degrees with?, And inside the star can be reached up to 15000000 s? The sun warms our solar system, but its forces on heating all the planets are not enough, such as Mars heat lacks for the occurrence of life. But scientists are trying to find this life! Our sun remains to live? 4.5-5 billion years. Scientists put forward these figures on the luminescence of the sun. I explain: if the star glows with a bright white color (not white dwarfs), then this star is still young and there will be a lot of billion years old. If the star glows a bright or simple orange light, then this star is as many years old as ours. If the star glows in red, then this star does not have enough fuel to continue life, and it is swelling to the Red Giant. If our sun would be a red giant, it would absorb everything on your way to Jupiter or Saturn. Fortunately, our sun is not such sizes. But when the star grows to the Red Giant, then this is not the end! When the stars finally end the fuel, it begins to turn into a small ball from the red giant. There is a star compression! The kernel of this star attracts the whole star to the center, i.e. in yourself. And in a second, the explosion of the star happens! Such an explosion is called "supernova explosion" or simply "supernova". This explosion destroys all the planets of the solar system. Only the kernel of the star "White Dwarf" remains. But this is not the end of the star! If White Dwarf finds another star, he will again be able to become a normal star. And if not, it explodes and this time nothing remains from the star.

Earth, like all the planets of our solar system, rotates around the sun. And their moon rotate around the planets.

Since 2006, when the planets from the discharge and translated into dwarf planetsIn our system there are 8 planets.

Planet location

All of them are located on almost circular orbits and rotate in the direction of the sun itself, with the exception of Venus. Venus rotates in the opposite direction - from the east to the West, unlike the Earth, which rotates from the West to the East, like most other planets.

However, the moving model of the solar system does not show so much small details. From other oddities, it is worth noting that the Uranus rotates almost lying on his side (the mobile model of the solar system does not show this either), its axis of rotation is tilted on, approximately 90 degrees. This is associated with the cataclysm that happened very long ago and influenced the inclination of his axis. It could be a collision with any major cosmic body, which was not lucky enough to fly past the gas giant.

What are the groups of planets

The planetary model of the solar system in the dynamics shows us 8 planets that are divided into 2 types: planets of the earth group (they include: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and planets Gaza giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune).

This model well demonstrates differences in the sizes of the planets. The planets of the same group combine similar characteristics, ranging from the structure and ending with relative sizes, the detailed model of the solar system in proportions is clearly demonstrated.

Belt of asteroids and ice comets

In addition to the planets, our system contains hundreds of satellites (one Jupiter has 62 pieces), millions of asteroids and billions of comets. Also, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter there is an asteroid belt and the interactive model of the solar flush system shows it clearly demonstrates.

Belt Coeper

The belt remained since the formation of the planetary system, and after the orbit of Neptune extends the beliement belt, in which dozens of icy bodies still hide, some of which are even more pluto.

And at a distance of 1-2 years of the year, the Oorta cloud is located, truly a giant sphere, a sinking sun and represents residues building materialwhich was thrown after the end of the formation of the planetary system. The West cloud is so great that we are not able to show you its scale.

Regularly supplies us long-period comets, which requires about 100,000 years to get to the center of the system and please us with your own command. However, not all comets from the cloud are experiencing a meeting with the Sun and last year's Fiaasco Comet ISON is a bright confirmation of this. It is a pity that this model of the flash system does not displays such small objects as comet.

It would be wrong to go around the attention of such an important group heavenly Telwhich was allocated in a separate taxonomy relatively recently, after the International Astronomical Union (Mac) in 2006 held its famous session on which Pluto Planet.

Prehistory Opening

And the background began relatively recently, with the introduction of modern telescopes in the early 90s. In general, the beginning of the 90s was marked by a number of major technological breakthroughs.

Firstly, It was at that time an Evin Hubble orbital telescope was put into operation, which was introduced by its 2.4 meter mirror made beyond the terrestrial atmosphere, opened a completely amazing world inaccessible to ground telescopes.

Secondly, high-quality development of computer and various optical systems allowed astronomers not only to build new telescopes, but also to significantly expand the possibilities of old. Due to the use of digital cameras, which completely supplied the film. It has the opportunity to accumulate light and keep records of almost every photon of the photodetector fallen on the matrix, with an inaccessible accuracy, and computer positioning and modern means Processing quickly moved, such an advanced science as astronomy, to a new stage of development.

Alarm bells

Thanks to these successes, it became possible to open celestial bodies, quite large sizes, outside the orbit of Neptune. These were the first "calls." The situation was greatly aggravated at the beginning of two thousands, precisely then, in 2003-2004, Sedna and Erid were opened, which, according to preliminary calculations, had the same size with Pluto, and Erid and surpassed him at all.

Astronomers went to a dead end: either admit that they opened 10 planets, or something wrong with Pluto. And new discoveries were not forced to wait long. In 2005, it was discovered, which together in the Kvavar, open in June 2002, the Orc and Varuna literally flooded the transneptunoous space, which for the orbit of Pluto, before that, was considered almost empty.

International Astronomical Union

In 2006, the International Astronomical Union convened in 2006, he ruled that Pluto, Erida, Haumet and cerebral attached to them belong to. Objects that were in an orbital resonance with neptune in a 2: 3 ratio began to be called plutin, and all other objects of the Kuiper belt - Kubivano. Since then, we have only 8 planets with you.

The history of the formation of modern astronomical views

Conceptual image of the solar system and spacecraft leaving its limits

Today, the heliocentric model of the solar system is an immutable truth. But it was not always so, but as long as the Polish astronomer Nikolai Copernicus did not offer the idea (which was still expressed by Aristarh) that not the sun revolves around the Earth, but on the contrary. It should be remembered that some still think that Galileo has created the first model of the solar system. But this is a delusion, Galiley just expressed in defense of Copernicus.

The model of the Solar Copernicus system not everyone fell to taste and many of his followers, for example, Jordan Bruno monk were burned. But the model on Ptolemy could not fully explain the observed heavenly phenomena And the grain of doubt, in the minds of people, were already planted. For example, the geocentric model was not able to fully explain the uneven movement of the celestial bodies, such as the opponent movements of the planets.

In different stages of history there were many theories of the device of our world. All of them were depicted in the form of drawings, schemes, models. Nevertheless, the time and achievements of scientific and technological progress put everything into place. And the heliocentric mathematical model of the solar system is already an axiom.

Movement of the planets is now on the monitor screen

Immersing in astronomy as science, a person is unprepared, it is difficult to imagine all aspects of cosmic world order. For this, modeling is optimally suitable. The model of the solar system online has appeared due to the development of computer equipment.

Our planetary system was not ignored. Specialists in the field of graphics have developed a computer model of the solar system with a date input, which is available to everyone. It is an interactive application that displays the movement of the planets around the Sun. In addition, it shows how the largest satellites rotate around the planets. We can also see between Mars and Jupiter and zodiac constellations.

How to enjoy the scheme

The movement of planets and their satellites correspond to their real daily and annual cycle. Also the model takes into account the relative corner speeds and initial conditions of movement space objects relative to each other. Therefore, at each moment of time, their relative position corresponds to real.

An interactive model of the solar system allows you to navigate the time using the calendar, which is depicted in the form of an external circle. The arrow on it indicates the current date. The flow rate can be changed by moving the slider in the upper left corner. It is also possible to include the mapping of the phases of the moon, and the dynamics will appear in the lower left corner. lunar phases.

Some assumptions

So has the only drawback - the disproportionality of objects and distances between them. This is implemented due to the fact that when complying with the scale, assess the dynamics of the motion of the planets is very difficult.

This real model of the solar system allows you to visually explore the movement of the planets and their satellites around the Sun, facilitating the development of astronomy, which now becomes even more exciting and easy.

Other models

Another Flash model of the Solar System shows us not only information about the planets, their photos and the distance from the Sun, but also has the functions of approaching and removing celestial objects. This model differs from above from this so that it is impossible to introduce arbitrary dates and switch a geo or heliocentric look. This type is well suited as an alternative to the first, and will help estimate the scale of our planetary system in full.

Simplified scheme for children

If you want to tell your baby who is completely small, about how the planet rotates, you can show him this simplified scheme that does not contain reliable names of the planets, but very accurately displays the essence of their rotation around our shining.

B Finally, I want to offer a video about how the Earth looks like the International Space Station

New version of the solar system

The order of the planet

Not so long ago, such an approval would cause a storm of indignation from any self-respecting astrophysics and most likely, everything ended with the usual listing of several options for the origin of our solar system. However, today a number of researchers not only do not reject this version, but also consider it the main one. What is the reason? Let's try to figure out.

It all started with the observations of the NASA Space Observatory called "Kepler". The satellite was launched in 2009, and in 2013 due to loss of orientation in space, it was out of order. The observatory was equipped with an incredibly sensitive photometer and is specifically designed to search for exoplanets, that is, the planets outside our solar system like Earth. The ability of the device to observe more than 100,000 stars at the same time very quickly made it possible to scientists to get incredible data on other solar systems.

In early 2010, the Observatory was opened by the Planetary System Kepler-33. The star of Kepler-33, located in the Constellation of the Swan, was superior to our sun, and planets rotating around it were very close to the parent star. But the main questions about scientists have caused not even these factors, and the fact that almost all 5 planets were located according to strict rank, that is, the dimensions of the planets declined as the star removed. The researchers initially attributed this observation to the exception from the rules, since in our native solar system of the planet are chaotic and this was considered the norm, but the further work of the observatory categorically changed the opinion of many of them.

The fact is that as 146 more star systems studied, the information about which was provided by Kepler, it turned out that in each of them the planet rotate around the shone in the same order as in the Kepler-33 system. That is, according to these observations, the solar system with the planet Earth is rather an exception to the rules, not the standard. After all, in our solar system, small planets are closer to the Sun, such as Mercury, Venus and Earth, and the largest Jupiter and Saturn are located in the middle. Such facts themselves came across many scientists to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artificial origin of the solar system.

Planets and Moon are focused on land

As the solar system examines the researchers a number of rather strange conclusions were made. Despite the fact of rotation of all the planets around the sun, it turned out that all of them are specially tuned to the ground. So Mercury moves very synchronously with the Earth and once in 116 rises on one straight line with the Earth and the Sun, and at the same time, which is interesting, always turns out to be rotated to the ground with the same side.

Similarly behaves and Venus - once every 584 days it approaches the ground as much as possible, but again, it is always the same sideways to our planet. Not to mention the fact that this planet is rotated counterclockwise, unlike others, there is still no explanation to this phenomenon.

The planets of our solar system are able to rotate in different planes, unlike other planetary systems, which discovered Kepler, where exoplanets fly in almost one plane and the angle of inclination of their orbits to this plane does not exceed one degree. After all, if we assume that some alien Kepler will watch our sun and track our planets on their transits, he misunderstoods, first of all Mercury and Venus.

It is worth saying about the only natural satellite of the Earth, the name of which the moon. The Earth's satellite is highly different from the satellites of other planets of the solar system. The overwhelming majority of satellites have very small sizes compared to the maternal planet. The moon is only 6 times less than the earth in diameter. It also turned out that from the surface of the Earth, the visible diameter of the moon coincides with the visible diameter of the Sun. And the laws of mechanics, regulating the interactions of the Earth and the Moon are so accurate that, despite the fact that the moon rotates around his axis, it is always facing the ground with the same side, that is, the rotation of the moon around the Earth and is synchronized around its own axis. Is it possible that synchronization of this level was formed as a result of natural processes?

Jupiter and Saturn - Defenders of the Earth

When in July 2009, the Australian astronomer Anthony Wesley, who devoted his life to the study of Jupiter, found that an object with the earth crashed into the planet, it caused an incredible excitement in scientists. Astronomers with fear looked at how southern Pole. Jupiter spreads a strange black spot. Then suggested that this is a huge comet or asteroid. If something like would happen on Earth, hundreds of millions of people would have died.

This is not the only case when Jupiter rises on the path comet. A similar phenomenon was observed in 1994, when fragments of the comet of the Schukeukorov-Levi came into the atmosphere of the giant at a speed of 64 km / s, causing incredibly powerful perturbations of the cloud cover. Nathan Kaib, an astronomer scientist from Washington University said on this matter that the land from a collision with comets and asteroids protect the gravitational fields of gas planets Saturn and Jupiter and for hundreds of millions of years they act as powerful shields, not missing in our planet Space objects.

According to the data provided by the Dale Telegraph scientist, powerful gravitational fields are just on the way of most of the majority of major comets that appear from the so-called deort clouds. It turns out that without the protection of these two giants, the land would become the object of permanent bombings, but at the moment the earthlings are protected. Is it possible that such defense is just a coincidence of circumstances.

Question or statement

So, the solar system is created artificially - the question is this or approval? Of course, at this stage and most likely, another thousand years this topic will remain a matter. Because, human knowledge always relies on the proposed stock scientific discoveries And, often, scientists owning, in their opinion, an unshakable and unpretentious base in fact turn out to be the most real conservatives of science.

But let's look at the question on the other hand. During the entire history of human existence on Earth, millions of people existed, for which the artificial origin of our solar system is not a question. These are believers. The man since ancient times believed that he and the world in which he lives and is located - created. The image of God often looks different, depending on the religious orientation of the population of this or that section of our planet, but it is everywhere. The very existence of this image already suggests that human consciousness and understanding from the date of his occurrence laid some unshakable truth, which underlies behavior and morality, that is, what the whole intellectual and scientific activity man.

Or experiment on planet Earth

"21. I ask you to reconsider my ideas about the history of mankind and transfer them to ordinary people, explaining that the planet was always connected with the great space, and the solar system created by me corresponded to the requirements of the purity of the great experiment of heaven and contributed to the development of unique (divine) opportunities in people ! The whole negative, accumulated on the planet, is the result of disbelief, spiritual fornication and spiritual ignorance, and the people themselves are to blame for this, completely incorrectly oriented by someone about their origin! ".
("Past and Future", Message from 01/12/14)

The question of how the earth arose, occupies the minds of people no longer one millennium. The answer to it always depended on the level of knowledge of mankind. Initially, there were "naive" legends about the creation of the world of some divine force. Then the Earth in the works of scientists acquired the outline of the ball, which was the center Universe. In the XVI century, N. Copernicus, which placed the land in a row of planets rotating around the Sun appeared. It was the first step in a truly scientific solution to the issue of the origin of the Earth. Currently there are several hypotheses, each of which in its own way describes periods of formation. Universe and the position of the earth in Solar system.

The science

At the end of the XVIII century, the first serious attempt to create a picture of origin Solar system From a scientific point of view was the hypothesis of Canta Laplace. It is associated with the names of the French mathematics Pierre Laplas and the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. They believed that the ancestor Solar system is a split gas-dust nebula, slowly rotating around the dense kernel in the center

Under the influence of the forces of mutual attraction, the nebula began to flatten into the poles and turn into a huge disk. Its density was not uniform, therefore, there was a bundle on separate gas rings in the disk. In the future, each ring began to thicken and turn into a single gas bunch rotating around its axis. Subsequently, the clots were cooled and turned into planets, and rings around them - in satellites.

The main part of the nebula remained in the center, still not cooled and became the sun. Already in the XIX century, the insufficiency of this hypothesis was discovered, as it could not always explain the new data in science.

Soviet scientists were the most popular cosmogonic theory O.Yu. Schmidt, known as the theory of "Cold" Earth Education and other planets Solar system From a gas-pepped cloud surrounding the sun.

This process can be conditionally divided into two stages: first from the dust component of the clouds formed a "intermediate" body size in hundreds of kilometers. How did it happen? Schmidt believed that in the rotating gas-dust cloud, the dust under the action of gravity was lowered to the central plane - a dust disk was formed. Then, in the dust layer, the density reached critical sizes, and as a result of gravitational instability, this disk collided into a plurality of dust concentrations. The condenses came across among themselves, united and compressed - as a result, compact bodies of asteroid sizes were formed. It was the first stage.

At the second stage, planets were formed from the swallows "intermediate" bodies. At first they moved along circular orbits in the plane of the dust layer of them. They grew, merging with each other. Planets were originally cold. Heated them happened later as a result of compression, as well as the flow of solar energy.

Heating the Earth was accompanied by mass outpouring lavo on the surface as a result of volcanic activity. Thanks to this outpour, the first coverings of the Earth were formed. Gaza was distinguished from the lava. They formed a primary atmosphere in which there was no oxygen yet. More than half of the volume of the primary atmosphere accounted for a pair of water, and her temperature exceeded 100 ° C. With a further gradual cooling of the atmosphere, water vapor condensation occurred, which led to the rain and formation of the primary ocean. It happened about 4.5 - 5 billion years ago. Later began the formation of sushi, which is thickened, relatively light parts of lithospheric plates rise above the ocean level.

The gravitational interaction of the "intermediate" bodies intensified as they were heightened, their orbits gradually changed. When combining many bodies to the planet, there was averaging of the individual properties of the movement of individual bodies, and therefore the planets were almost circular orbits. The largest planets are Jupiter and Saturn - at the main stage of accumulation, not only hard-wing bodies, but also gases were absorbed. One of the main arguments in favor of this hypothesis is a deficiency on Earth, Venus and Mars heavy inert gases: neon, argon, crypton and xenon compared to their sunny and cosmic abundance.

Not everyone has been agreed with the evolutionary scenario of the planets around the Sun. Even in the XVIII century, the French naturalist Georges Bouffon suggested, supported and developed by American physicists Chamberlain and Multon. The essence of these assumptions is: once another star swept around the sun in the vicinity of the Sun. Her attraction caused a huge tidal wave in the sun, stretching in space for hundreds of millions of kilometers. Running around, this wave began to spin around the sun and disintegrate on the clots, each of which had formed his planet.

The English astrophysicist Fred Hoyl was offered his own hypothesis. According to her, the sun was a twin star, which exploded. Most fragments were carried out into outer space, less - remained in the orbit of the Sun and formed the planet.

All hypotheses are interpreted differently Solar system And related links between the earth and the Sun, but they are united that all the planets occurred from a single throat of matter, and then the fate of each of them was solved in their own way. The earth had to go through the path of 5 billion years, to experience a number of fantastic transformations before we saw it in modern appearance. However, it should be noted that scientific hypothesis that does not have serious shortcomings and responding to all questions about the origin of the Earth and other planets Solar system not yet.

The most popular version of the descent of the solar system is that, like most galaxies, planets and stars, it was formed after a large explosion that occurred 15 billion years ago. A huge amount of matter escaped outwardly was gradually cooled, and cosmic bodies were formed, including our galaxy. It is not significantly known as a result of which processes, but about 5 billion years ago, clots of matter from dust and gas as a result of the action of the attraction force began to shrink and spin around each other. In the center of this action and the sun was formed. But inside the vortex began to unite other parts, forming "seals", which in the future and became planets.

However, the version of the origin of our solar system and the planet Earth as a result of a large explosion turns out to be insolvent when it has to explain the facts currently.

"25. If I tell you when and under what conditions the materialization of you and your planet happened, then all your theory of the big explosion will not only fall apart, but also it will be an empty attempt to material person to explain the divine origin of life not only on Earth, but also The universe!»
("The mystery of the origin of life", dictation from 09.10.10).

Scientific studies show that the change in the distance of the Earth from the Star-Sun is only 2 percent, will make life on our planet impossible. Just a few percent, the period of rotation of the Earth around its axis can change without prejudice to life on the planet. Earth orbit is almost round, which is important to preserve the constancy of the climate in contrast to the rest of the planets that have elliptical orbits. If the sizes and mass of the Earth were less, it would lose their atmosphere, such as the moon, and if more, then in the atmosphere would accumulate poisonous gases, such as methane and ammonia. Without a unique atmosphere, there would also be no life on earth. The same can be said about the marine and fresh waterabout such vital necessary elementslike carbon, oxygen, phosphorus, and much more. The Earth is prepared for life with many interrelated properties of the galaxy, stars, planets.

Researchers have over 40 characteristics, without a combination of which life on Earth would be impossible.

There are also some riddles and inconsistencies in scientists' theories: for example, it is not entirely clear why Venus rotates in the opposite direction relative to other planets. On this expense there are hypotheses that she faced his companion and he changed the directions of her movement, but there is no convincing evidence.

As a result, long observations of outbreaks in the sun in astrophysics and astronomers in last years There is more and more grounds to argue that the structure of the solar system is anomalously, and the version appeared from here that it was created artificially.

"Currently, 168 planets have been discovered in the nearest starry systems, - says the head of the library of the Institute of Physics Physics space studies Dr. Physical and Mathematical Sciences Leonid Xanfomaliti, - "There" Planetary Systems are built on the principle - the largest planet is located closest to its sun. A clear pattern is traced: the smaller the planet, the farther she is from his star. We also have a small Mercury "spinning" near the sun. And the orbits of the planets-giants of Jupiter and Saturn pass away from the shining. Of course, there are scientific models that substantiate such an abnormal location. But in practice, in telescopes, astronomers did not find similar systems. "

Perhaps systems like ours, and exist, we have studied only an insignificantly small piece of "sky," - he suggests Dr. L. Xanfomalithi. - But after all, the formation of Jupiter on its current orbit is extremely unlikely phenomenon. "

Six solar system mysteries that cannot explain astronomers:

The first mystery. In the planetary systems of other stars, the largest planet is closest to its sun. We near the Sun are the smallest - Mercury.

The location of the planets in our system: Sun - Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Asteroid belt - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptun - Pluto.

In all the starry systems known to us, our planets would be lined up as follows: Sun - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune - the belt of asteroids - Earth - Mars - Venus - Mercury.

With this location, the planets life on Earth would be impossible due to very low temperatures due to high remoteness from the Sun.

Second mystery. Sizes of the sun and the moon "selected" by someone in such a way that if you look from the ground, then during complete solar Eclipse The moon disk perfectly closes the Sun disk - their sizes seem the same. If the dimensions of the night (moon) and the day (sun) shine or the distance from the ground to the Sun and from the ground to the moon were a little different, then there would be no such effect.

Third mystery. The distance from the Sun to any planet can be calculated by the same formula. You just need to know the distance from the ground to the Sun

Rn \u003d 0.3 · 2n-2 + 0.4,

where RN. - distance from the sun to the planet; N is the ordinal number of the planet.

The result is obtained in astronomical units (A.E.). The distance from the ground to the Sun is 1 AE. (149,5 · 10 6 km).

According to these calculations, for example, for the Venus planet, the distance calculated by the formula is 0.7 A.E., the real distance in the measurements of astronomers - 0.72 AE. For Jupiter, these calculations are 5.2 AE, respectively . and 5.2 AE .. for Saturn - 10 A.E. and 9.54 A.E.

Substituting the fifth sequence number in the formula, we get the distance not to the fifth planet Jupiter, and to the center of the asteroid belt. According to one of the versions, on the site of asteroids was once the planet Phaeton. And the distance to Jupiter is obtained when substituting the figures 6, to the sixth planet - Saturn - 7, etc.

Fourth mystery. All detected exoplanets rotate around their shining by ellipse. In the solar system, the orbit of all planets are almost the perfect circle.

Fifth riddle. The moon is a strange and mysterious satellite. The period of its rotation around the earth is equal to the period of its rotation around its own axis (27.3 days). The influence of the moon on life on Earth is well known: marine rings and flows, earthquakes, epidemics, etc. are dependent on the lunar phases. Therefore, it is quite natural that throughout the history of mankind Moon gave birth to all sorts of legends. Human imagination even inhabited her reasonable creatures. It would seem that the development of space technology has finally allowed to answer many questions that the minds excitedly excited the mind for long centuries. But no, the satellite of the Earth still remains a mystery.

Sixth riddle. "Sunny Square". The solar activity cycle lasts a little more than 11 years. In the cycle there is a maximum (max) - when the most outbreaks and stains appear, and the minimum (min) - when there are few. The square of the time from "Max to Min" (b) is exactly 2 times larger than the square of the time from "min to max" (a): b 2 / A. 2 = 2

All riddles and problems when describing Solar system and processes taking place in it, not solvable from the point of view of materialistic science, are easily solved if we accept that everything was created with a brilliant accuracy only one single author - Space mind, God, the Father Absolute.

In all world religions, there is a concept of creationism, according to which the emergence of life on Earth could not be carried out natural, objective, naturally; Life is a consequence of the Divine Creative Act. According to the concept of creationism, the process of the divine creation of the world is considered to be once and, therefore, unavailable to observe. It is believed that this is enough to endure the entire concept of divine creation beyond scientific discussion. Science is engaged only by those phenomena that are observed, and therefore it will never be able to refute nor prove this concept.

But it is the science that is designed to discover the secrets of the origin of life in our Universe. Now many scientists are inclined to think that solar system was created artificially as we now know from the messages Creator,for the Great Experiment on the planet Earth.

"6. You need to know that the information is exchanged among themselves the entire perfect space, and only people, and only solar system, which is a platform for performing the Universal Transfiguration Program Spacewas excluded from the information exchange of the main space in order to give people the opportunity to independently pass the process of evolution (improvement) of their own knowledge to the level of perfection of the gods (to the level of Christ aware) capable of opening for everything Great Space Sunny Systemas a sample of spiritual perfection, as a sample of a great evolution, in which the rest of the Eternal Movement of ESM Great Space!»
("Passing", message from 02.01.14).

"five. Your unprepared, and therefore imperfect co-knowledge could not even assume that solar systemperiphery Universe It was created so that nothing prevented humanity to go through the difficult path of the evolution of SO-Knowledge from the Godhead to the man-God, and that everything was done in the solar system, or rather, I could not have any accident, including the fantasies of people, could not Stop the Great Experiment of the Gods! "
("Past and Future", Message from 01/12/14).

Created Creator Planet Earth has become the main test landfill for all of us. The ultimate goal of tests for all mankind was achieving Love. Having learned to love, we could like Creator, produce that energy of creation that is necessary for maintaining Harmony of eternity. The purpose of the infinite chain of reincarnations was also in achieving people of higher frequencies of vibrations at the expense of knowledge acquired on grains. Our monads, full of hot desire to implement designs Creator, Tests on this extraordinary planet were ready, being embodied in ordinary biological objects. We were ready to check on themselves, whether we will be able to develop high vibrations and thereby increase the level of vibration of the planet, if we, for the time of the "forgotten" about the conducted experiment, leave alone with you.

The task of earthly humanity was to, developing independently, intuitively find the path to Creator, relying only on the program embedded in our subconscious. We needed, raising the level of development of our knowledge, increase the level of vibration of our planet. If the experiment ended in failure, then the same apocalypse would have occurred, which John theologians, the priests of the Maya tribe, Nostradamus and others. In case of successful outcome, our planet, possessing increased level vibrations, perfectly fit into the new round of the galactic spiral, passing independently through Quantum transition.

The task of earthly humanity was
to develop independently, intuitive
find the way to the Creator, relying only on
located in our subconscious program.

Unfortunately, all the power of the human mind, free from finding the meaning of life and the essence of being, was aimed at studying the physical world in order to create material benefits. The question of why we live, aside aside and forgotten. The man declared himself a higher creature and the most frequent owner of the world. As a result, by the end of the 19th century, materialism was firmly rooted in the world. Announcing the actual only reality of matter, science narrowed the world to appear, brought a person to his physical body, and its needs are to find a comfortable life and pleasure.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the energy and vibration level of the planet, the testing of which was carried out from the moment of the appearance of spiritual humanity on earth, was very low. The option was more and more looked at which the end of the millennium had to become the end of all his life on Earth. It was planned to put a point in this failed experiment and convert the planet to organize another Divine school. But for the preparation of a new school would take another thousand years. In the middle of the last century, testing showed the potential possibility of a favorable completion of the experiment. This instilled hope that not still lost.

The Higher Divine Forces decided to preserve the Genetic Foundation of Humanity and, giving people the fifth race the necessary knowledge, make us the basis of the emerging sixth race. To prevent the death of mankind, all divine forces included in the process of our salvation.

Since 2004, people have become transmitted to the knowledge from Creator Father Absolita. They are set forth in ten volumes of books"Revelations of people of the new century" . Messages from the Most High Dr. Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician L.I. Maslov. In the preface to the messages say:

"To facilitate the existence of a person in the material world, to explain the tasks of it in this world and prepare it for a meeting with me, I convey the modern interpretation of the structure of the structure of the world in which people are now, and the structure of the structure Spiritual worldin which they will be at the end of the earthly life path. "

Since then, as the experiment unfolds, all the galaxies began to watch us. The reason for such attention was the speed with which we evolve. Everything happens incredibly quickly, none of the famous form of life even approached what we do very naturally. Our spiritual growth is increasing.

In connection with going in space Quantum transition New portals opened, and high-frequency energy flows come to the ground.

Time inexorably pushes us to active actions, and our passivity is now quite right away. In times, changes only actively seeking will definitely find its way of salvation.

Larisa Chetoshnikova, doctor of Technical Sciences

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