Dial of Kuransk Spasskaya Tower. What flock of chimes is the new year? Star at the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin

Clock on the Spasskaya Tower - business card Moscow Kremlin. This tower has a gate to the Red Square, the gate was considered holy, and the tower was called "Spasskaya", because there was an icon of Sven Smolensky. The tower top of the tower is the authorship of the master of Bazhen Ogurtsov. There are chimes - tower clock with a set of customized bells.

History of the clock on the Spasskaya Tower

Presumably, the clock is installed in the tower after the construction in 1491 by the architect of Pietro Antonio Solario on the command of Ivan III. And in 1585, official watchmakers have already passed according to the documents.

The vintage "Byzantine time", the chimes were with the same arrow and showed the "bottom" and "nice" clock.

In 1624, after a fire, the clock had to be replaced. Under the start of the English mechanic and the watchmaker of the Christafor of Galovee, Russian smoothie-watchmakers waiting for a larger clock. 13 bells were cast by Russian Latchik Kirill Selfov. To accommodate bells and mechanisms, the tower had to be addressed. Strictly speaking, it was these clocks that were the first chimes, since they began to "call" at certain points in time. The mechanism was out of oak. Only the time on them was again ... "Starusskoye. Foreigners wrote:

At our clock, the arrow moves towards the figure, in Russia, on the contrary, the numbers move towards the arrow. Some Mr. Galloway is a very ingenious person - invented a dial of this kind. He explains this as follows: "Since the Russians do not do as all other people, then they made them must be arranged accordingly"

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Of course, Peter I replaced them to Dutch - with a 12-hour dial. Watch every quarter of an hour was chopped by a melody. The overseas thing was often broken, and in 1737 in general burned. They were not in a hurry to restore them - the capital was transferred.

In 1767, new hours were found - now English - and installed by Master Fatz. The song was "ah, my dear Augustine" - the only time in the history of a foreign motcher.

In 1851, the hours familiar to us were made and installed. It was a fundamentally new mechanism. Oak parts were replaced with cast iron, the special alloys were minimally reacting to the temperature difference.

Modern pendulum, more accurate move, melody - everything was fundamentally new. The clock was manufactured at the Russian Danish Breast District Plant. The musical part of the mechanism was improved, 48 bells were involved, some of which were transferred from other Kremlin towers, where there were once a clock. Hammers hit the bells.

Melodies "programmed" with the help of a special rotating drum. IN royal time Played "Kohl Sovlen are our Lord in Zion" and the march of the Life Guard of the Preobrazhensky regiment of Petrovsky times.

In 1917, a projectile hit the tower, and the clock stood in defective. At the direction of Lenin, the watches were repaired, and the other - the intermenimal and "you were a victim of fell ..."

But by the forties of the 20th century, the worn mechanism demanded a serious restoration. Yes, and the melodies were not purely played. This restoration passed only in 1974 - the clock was stopped for 100 days. The last repair is large dated 1999.

Until 1996, 58 years old, Kurats were silent, and on the inauguration of President Yeltsin performed a melody "Nice" Glinka, which at the time was performed as the anthem of Russia. Here is a modern drum responsible for "music"

The bell tower has its own rhythm, so it is difficult to guess that at noon, midnight, 6 and 18 o'clock marks the anthem of Russia, at 3, 9, 15 and 21 hours - the melody of the choir "nice."

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower is not the most accurate, but the most important. Four of their dials have a diameter of 6.12 meters, the height of the digits of 0.72 meters, the length of the clockwise direction is 2.97 m, the minute - 3.27 m. The total weight of the chimes is 25 tons. This is a completely mechanical watch, and therefore - the clock is unique. They are subject to regular lubricant (separately winter and summer lubrication composition), modernizations - they are "on pencil" in scientific institutes.

Important question: when comes New Year? With the first or last blow? So, the battle of the chimes for nothing. The new goal comes earlier, with the beginning of the chime!

The remile chimes are a tower clock with a set of customized bells, emitting a battle in a certain melodic sequence installed on one of the 20 towers of the Moscow Kremlin. Previously, this tower was called Frolovsky, and now Spasskaya, named after the icon of Sven Smolensky, placed above the passing gates from the Red Square. The tower goes to the Red Square and has a parade travel gate, which were considered saints. And in the tents of the tower, built by the Russian master of the Bazhenian cucumber, the main watches are installed Russian stateFamous Kremlin Quararants.

The history of the ancient SPAS chimes is inextricably linked with the history of the Kremlin and goes to the distant past. The exact date of installation of the clock is not known, but it is assumed that the clock was installed immediately after the construction of the tower in 1491 by the architect of Pietro Antonio Solario on the command of Ivan III. Documentary confirmation of hours refers to 1585, when the three gates of the Kremlin, the Spasski, Tainitsky and Trinity, were in the service of watchmakers. Were these clock first or not exactly not known, but they are conducted from them.

In all likelihood, the clock had an old-circuit (Byzantine) account of time. The then day, according to the time taken in Russia, was divided into "bottoms", from sunrise to sunset, and "Newest" clock. Every two weeks the duration of the clock with a change in the duration of the day and night gradually changed. The clock was unusual for us appearance with one fixed arrow in the form of the sun's beam slightly above the dial. Under it rotated the dial with old Slavonic letters denoting the numbers: a- unit, in - twice and so on. The designations were 17, in accordance with the maximum duration of the day during the summer.

The mechanism of the clock was a marvelous woven gears, ropes, trees and levers. In the spas clock in the service consisted of watchmakers who watched the mechanism and reconfigured it. At the dawn and at sunset, the dial was turned so that the arrow would come in for the first hour - and, and the score of the clock began at first. In order to know what length is the day, and what - Night, the watchmakers were issued tables - wooden tags in which everything was noted. The task of the caretaker's watchmaker was strictly followed by these tables and in time to translate the watch dial on, as well as to repair them in case of malfunctions.

The clock at the Spasskaya Tower paid special attention to because they considered them the main. But despite this, frequent fires damaged the details of the tower hours, and the clock mechanism often failed. After one of the fires in 1624, the clock was so badly damaged that they were sold as scrap, on the weight, the Spassky Monastery in Yaroslavl for 48 rubles. In 1625, under the guidance of the English mechanic and watchmakers of Christphores, the Russians of the family, larger clocks were made under the leadership of the English mechanic and watchmaker of the Christaforian Christmaker, the Russian smokers-watchmakers.

For these hours, Kirill Self 13 bells were cast by the Russian Latchik. To install a new watch, the tower was sustained by four tiers. On the ancient fourthics of the Spasskaya Tower, under the leadership of Bazhen Ogurtsov, an arched brick belt was prescribed with white-changing parts and decorations. And on the domestic chimeka, a high tower top of the arched stalls was erected, on which watch bells hung. 7.8.9 tiers have established new main hours of the state. On the 10th tier, the bells are located in the amount of 30 pieces for the chime, which was heard more than 10 miles.

The clock had an old-Russian time account, and the mechanism consisted of oak ties, collapsible, bonded iron hoops. Thanks to the special mechanism, the clock from time to time was tied off a certain melody, they became the first Russian chimes. The diameter of the dial of a new hour was about 5 meters, weighed 400kg and was collected from heavy oak boards. The dial has rotated at these clock, and the fixed arrow was made in the form of a ray of the sun. The arrow was placed above the dial, pointing out both night and daytime time. The inner circle of the dial was covered with a blue azure and depicted the heavenly arch, on which gold and silver stars, images of the sun and the moon were scattered. The numbers were denoted by Slavic letters, and the dial was called the "Indicative Sliver Circle" (recognizable circle). The letters were made of copper and covered with gold. The dials deployed in different directions were divided into 17 divisions and were placed in the central keel of the prominent arch of the reinforcement belt over the ancient four. At the top on the wall, in a circle, the words of prayers were written and the signs of the zodiac, carved from iron, the remains of which are preserved until today under the existing clocks of the clock.

The watches of Christafor Galovee were less than modern on about the meter. The accuracy of the move directly depended on the watchmaker serving their. After installation, the clock did not even burn in fires, after which they were restored again. However, they stood and served the people of Galovei's clock on the Spasskaya Tower long enough.

By the decree of Peter I in 1705, the whole country moved to a single daily countdown. Returning after foreign journeys, he ordered to replace the English mechanism of the Spasskaya Tower clock, purchased in Holland with a 12-hour dial. New Kremlin Quararants beat off the clock and a quarter, and in addition, tied off the melody. Installation of purchased clocks on the tower, and the dialing dial led the Russian watchmaker Ekim Garnov. Complete installation of chimes was completed in 1709. For servicing the Dutch clock, the whole staff of the watchmakers, most of whom were foreigners, however, despite every effort, the clock often broke and rejected Muscovites for their chime for a long time. At that time, the clock was called "Assembly Dances". There were also arranged bells who knocked out "fire alarm".

Dutch watches had the 4th plant shaft: 1st for a clock mechanism; 2nd for the battle of the clock; 3rd for the battle of quarters of the hour; 4th for the execution of melodies. Shafts were driven in motion. After the Grand Fire of 1737, Petrovsky watches were very damaged. Then all the wooden details of the Spasskaya Tower burned down, and the shaft for the chimes was spoiled. As a result, bell music no longer sounded. Interest in the Kurantam was disappeared after the transfer of Peter I of the capital to St. Petersburg. The chimes broke and restored many times, and the service of the clock was carried out negligently.

Having entered the throne and visiting Moscow, Empress Ekaterina II became interested in Spasskit Quarants, but the clock would have come to complete disrepair by that time. Attempts to restore them did not bring success, and by order of Catherine II "large English courses", found in the grain ward, began to install on the Spasskaya Tower.

For installation, the German Master Fatz was invited, and together with Russian watchmakers, Ivan Polyansky, for 3 years, the installation was completed. In 1770, the Kurats began to cause the Austrian melody "Ah, my dear Augustine" because she really liked the watch master, German by origin serving the clock. And for almost a year, this melody sounded over Red Square, and the authorities did not pay any attention to it. It was the only case in the entire history when Kurats tied off a foreign melody.

In 1812, Muscovites rescued the Spasskaya Tower from destruction by French troops, but the clock was stopped. Three years later, they repaired a group of masters led by a watchmaker Yakov Lebedev, for which he was awarded the honorary title - the master of SPAS watches. The watches established under Catherine II successfully worked for eighty years without major repairs. However, after the examination in 1851 by the brothers Johann and Nikolai Butenopov (Danish subjects) and architect in Constantine, it was established: "Spasskiy tower hours are in a critical condition close to full disorder (iron gears and wheels were worn out, dials were muffled, wooden floors, oak foundation Under the clock rotted, the staircase requires alterations). "

In 1851, the Brothers Butenop, a famous installation of tower clocks in the dome of the Greater Kremlin Palace, took up the correction of Spasskit Quararants and instructed the manufacture of new hours of skillful Russian masters. In the drawings of the experienced architect tone were converted internal decorations of the Spasskaya Tower. In the new hours, it was used by the details from the old hours and all the events of the watch case of that time.

A large-scale work was carried out. Under the clock, a new cast-iron bed was cast, on which the mechanism, wheels and gears were replaced, and for their manufacture, special alloys were selected, which could withstand greater humidity and significant temperature differences. The chimes got the course of gragam and pendulum with the thermocompination system of Harrison.

The appearance of the Kremlin clock was paid special attention. New iron dials were made with gold-plates, leaving for 4 sides, for which there were digits from copper, as well as minute and five-minute divisions. Iron arrows wrapped copper and covered with gilding. The total weight of the watch was 25 tons. The diameter of each of the four dials over 6 meters; The height of the digits is 72 centimeters, the length of the clockwise arrow is about 3 meters, the minute arrow is still on a quarter meter longer. The digitization on the dial was made at the time Arabic numbers, and not by the figures Roman, as now.

Also the company "Brothers Butenop" was completely converted by a musical node. The old hourly bells were added bells taken from other towers of the Kremlin, whose watches did not work by that time (16 with Troitskaya and 8 with Borovitsky), bringing the total amount of bells to 48 for the purpose of a melodic chime and accurate melodies. The hours of hours was reached using the blows of special hammers along the surface of the lower base of the bell. The musical mechanism itself consisted of a drum with a diameter of one and a half meters, in the middle of which the gear wheel is fixed. In parallel, the axis of the musical drum is placed the axis for 30 levers of the mechanism of the platoon of hammers, providing the sound of bells located in the upper tier of the Spasskaya Tower. On a playing tree of hours, on the nominal command of the sovereign of the emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, the Melodia of the hymn "Kohl Sovlen is our Lord in Zion" (Music Dmitry Bortnyansky) and the march of the Life Guard of the Transfiguration Regiment of Petrovsky Times were gained. New chimes were summarized over the Red Square every three hours, and the melodies had important ideological significance and sounded up to 1917. At 12 and 6 hours, the march of the Life Guard of the Preobrazhensky regiment, and at 3 and 9 o'clock the anthem "Kohl Sovlen are our Lord in Zion."

In 1913, a full-scale restoration of the appearance of the Kurats was held, timed to the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanov. Brothers Butenop continued to serve the clock mechanism.

In 1917, during the artillery shelling during the storming of the Kremlin, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower was seriously injured. One of the shells hitting the clock to the clock interrupted by damping the mechanism of rotation of the arrows. The clock was stopped, and almost the year were faulty.

In 1918, by decree V.I. Lenin decided to restore the Kremlin Quararants. First of all, the Bolsheviks appealed to Pavel Bure and Sergey Roginsky, but after the recreation of the Holy Sumy, they appealed to the watchman Nikolai Bensha, working in the Kremlin. Berensov knew the device of the Kurats as his father worked at the company that served the chimes before. Together with his sons, Berens was able to launch the watches by July 1918, repaired by the mechanism of rotation of the shooter, hinged the hole in the dial and making a new pendulum with a length of about one and a half meters and weighing 32 kilograms. Since Berensk could not configure the musical device of the SPAS watches, as directed by the new government, the artist and musician Mikhail Cheremny sorted out in stroke bells, chief scores and scored revolutionary tunes on a playing shaft. In accordance with Lenin's wish at 12 o'clock, the bells were tied off "International", and in 24 hours - "You fell a victim ...." (in honor of the buried on Red Square). In 1918, the Mossovet Commission took the job, listening to every melody on Red Square three times. The first at 6 am sounded "International", and at 9 o'clock and 15 hours - the funeral march "You are a victim of fallen." After some time, the chimes were reconfigured. At 12 o'clock the bells were tied off "International", and at 24 hours you are a victim of fell.

In 1932, the external appearance was carried out and a new dial was manufactured, which was an exact copy of the old. On the gilding of the rim, the numbers and the shooter were spent 28 kg of gold, and "International" was left as a melody. At the direction of I.V. Stalina, the design of the mourning march was canceled. The Special Commission recognized the sound of the musical device of the chimes unsatisfactory. Frost and worn out of the mechanism have greatly distorted the sound, as a result of which in 1938 it was decided to stop the musical drum and the chimes were silent, becoming chucking clocks and a quarter.

In 1941, an electromechanical drive was installed specifically for the performance of "International", which was subsequently dismantled.

In 1944, a new anthem of the USSR was adopted to music A.V. Alexandrov and Poems S.V. Mikhalkova, and G.G. El Registan. In this regard, by decree I.V. Stalina, they tried to establish chimes on the disputation of a new hymn, but for an unknown reason for this did not happen.

In 1974, a large restoration of the Spasskaya Tower and Kurats was held, the clock was stopped for 100 days. During this time, specialists of the research institute of the watch industry, the clock mechanism was completely disassembled and renovated, and the old parts were replaced. The system of automatic lubrication of parts, which was previously carried out manually was added, was added. electronic control clock.

In 1996, during the inauguration of B.N. Heltsin, the chimes, who were silent 58 years old, after the traditional chime and beat the watches began again. At noon and midnight, the bells began to perform a "patriotic song" M.I. Glinka, and every 3 and 9 am and evenings the melody of the choir "Walk" from the opera "Life for the king" (Ivan Susanin) M.I. Glinka. The choice of song was not accidental, "Patriotic Song" from 1993 to 2000 was the official anthem of Russia. In order to implement this project, research work was required by specialists by the account. As a result of the work, the records of the chime of bells on the Spasskaya tower came to our times were observed. At various times, the bells were up to 48 pieces, the tone of each of the 9 surviving bells was revealed. After that, it became clear that they would not be enough for the normal sound of the selected melodies, 3 more bells are needed. On a special spectral recording of the sound of each missing bell, new ones were made.

The last major restoration work was carried out in 1999. Works were carried out half a year. The arrows and numbers again gilded and restored the historical appearance of the upper tiers. Important improvements were made in the work and control of the work of the Kremlin Kurats: a special super-sensitive microphone was installed for more accurate timely control over the time of the hourly mechanism. The microphone captures the accuracy of the course, on the basis of which the software helps to establish the presence of problems and quickly reveal, in which node of the clock mechanism is disturbed by rhythm. Also during the restoration, they conducted a migration of the battle of the Kurats, after which, instead of the "patriotic song", the chimes began to execute the approved state anthem Russian Federation.

Kremlin Kurats in our time are located in the tents of the Spasskaya Tower and occupy 8, 9, 10 tiers. The main mechanism is located on the 9th floor and is located in a specially reserved room. It consists of 4 clown shafts, each of which is assigned certain functions. One - to keep the shooter, the other - for the battle of the clock, the third - for calling quarters and one more - for the game of the chimes. Each mechanism is driven by three weights weighing from 160 to 220 kg, tightening cables. The accuracy of the hour of hours is achieved thanks to the pendulum, weighing 32 kg. The clockwork is connected to the musical node, which is located under the tent of the tower in the open 10th zarus of the Zerov, and consists of 9 fourth and 1 bell that knocks off a full hour. The weight of the fourth bells is about 320 kg, the hourly - 2160kg.

The hours of hours is achieved with the help of hammer blows connected to the mechanism of each of the bells. At the beginning of the hour, the chimes arouse 4 times, and then the big bell beat off the clock. Every 15, 30, 45 minutes of an hour chime plays 1, 2 and 3 times. The musical mechanism itself consists of a soft copper cylinder with a diameter of about two meters, powdered with holes and pins in accordance with dialoys typed. It rotates the weight of more than 200kg. The drum during rotation causes the pins to press the keys from which the cables are drawn to bells on the bell. At noon and midnight, the anthem of the Russian Federation is fulfilled, and at 3, 9, 15, 21 hours - the melody of the choir "Nice" from the opera Glinka "Life for the king". Melodies among themselves differ very much on the rhythm of execution, so in the first case there is one first line of the hymn, and in the second - two lines from the choir "nice".

Today we see on the Spasskaya Tower of the Red Square those Kurants, which restored the Bathtop brothers in 1852. Since the appearance on the Spasskaya Tower, the clock was constantly reconstructed in connection with the development of progress in a particular field of mechanics, materials science and other sciences. Until 1937, the watches were manually twice a day, and then this process was mechanized, thanks to the 3 electric motors, the rise of the weight of the plant for the factory was made without applying great efforts. For each shaft of cast iron ingots, weights are gained weight up to 200kg, and in winter this weight increases. Preventive inspection of the mechanism is carried out every day, and once a month - detailed. The clock move is controlled by a duty watchmaker and a special device. The mechanism is lubricated 2 times a week, while applying summer or winter lubrication. The clock mechanism works more than 150 years.

Confirmation of the presence of the Kremlin watches can be found in the documents of 1585, but, presumably, they appeared earlier: immediately at the end of the construction of the Spasskaya Tower.

Probably, the countdown was different: then in Russia, the day was divided into "bottom" and "novice" time periods. Consequently, the duration of clock gaps changed in two weeks. Consisting on the posts of wizard-watchmakers reconfined the mechanism on specially issued tables about the duration of the day and night, was repaired with a breakdown.

The main tower hours were especially careful. But often emerging fires dismissed the mechanism, and the strong fire happened in 1624 turned the clock into scrap. Russian smoothie-watchmakers from the family waiting made new hours of impressive size. He led the work of the clock mechanic, the Englishman Christopher Galovei, and the Russian master Kirill Samoyleov cast thirteen bells for this device. On the built under the leadership of the architect Bazhen Ogurtsova, the bells were hung for chimes, whose chime was heard at ten miles. The accuracy of the movement of the mechanism invented by the Galovem was directly depended on the people serving it.

The watches have become the first Russians: they published a specially configured melodious ringing along the old-Russian sample. Created by Galovem Spasski several times were restored after the next fires, but served quite a long time.

Changing time counting

A single countdown on the day was installed in Russia as directed by Peter I. In this case, the king the English mechanism of the main watches was replaced by a Dutch, having a twelve-hour dial. New tower chimes were installed under the leadership of Russian watchmakers of Master Ekim Garna. A clock device serviced by the Dutch was serviced by foreigners, called "Assembly Dances" and "Anxiety", constantly broke. The strongest fire of 1737 destroyed the wooden structure of the tower, damaged the chimes installed during Peter. Bell music raised. There were few spas clocks, they served them carelessly, when the capital was transferred from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

The chimes on the Kremlin Tower caused interest in the empress Empress Empress that joined the Russian throne. The tower clock came to the perfect wealth were replaced with large English. Three years FATTS and Russian master Ivan Polyansky engaged in installation. Due to the indifferent attitude of the authorities since 1770. During the year over the Red Square, someone else's melody played about the "cute Augustine", which was liked by the watcher-German master.

Moscow residents were able to save themselves from the destruction of the Spasskaya Tower during the war with Napoleon, but the chimes were silent. A group of watchmakers headed by Yakov Lebedev, after three years he restored the main clock, then worked smoothly for many years.

The Dane Brothers, Butynopes, together with the architect, were examined by Kurats in the middle of the nineteenth century. Their condition was close to critical. The correction of all problems was entrusted with Russian watchmakers to the masters. Old details served as the basis for the manufacture of new Kremlin clocks. But the skilled watchmakers carried out a huge laborious job, which includes the replacement of many mechanisms with the selection of alloys, withstanding humidity and sharp temperature differences. Special attention of the masters was given to the appearance of new hours, completely changed the music node of the hourly mechanism. The bells were added (now they were 48) - the chime became melodious and more accurate.

Russian Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich commanded the Melody of the Hymn of D. Bortnyansky "Kohl Sovlen to our Lord in Zion" and the march of the transfiguration regiment existing under Peter I. With a break of three hours over the main square of Moscow until 1917, these melodies sounded.

Shelling artillery during the storming of the Kremlin in the period of the October Revolution seriously damaged the Spass clock. They stopped their move for almost a year. Began to recover in 1918 at the direction of Lenin. Locksmith N. Berens with sons were able to quickly repair the state mechanism became important. And the musical device set up a musician M. Cheremny, it installed revolutionary ringtones to play. Morning over the Red Square of the capital began every day from "International".

When I. Stalin changed the dial of Spasskit Quararants, the sound of a mourning march was canceled. But due to the worn out of the mechanism, the musical device in 1938 was stopped - the chimes were chosen only a quarter and hours.

People's silent for more than half a century, Quarants again sounded in 1996, thanks to the huge research work, making new bells. From the height of the main Kremlin tower, the Melodies "Nice" and the official anthem of Russia up to 2000. "Patriotic song" M. Glinka.

In 1999, the historical type of the upper tantle tiers of the Spasskaya Tower was restored, many work and monitoring of the hourly mechanism were improved. And with the fight of the Kremlin Kurats rang the anthem of our state.

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower now represent a huge complex device. Strokes hammer acting on the mechanisms of bells forced to beat the clock. The melodies of the anthem of Russia and the choir from the opera M. Glinka "Nice" sing the bells on a high Kremlin belfry under the action of a drum, forcing to work and other mechanisms.

Interestingly, the vast majority of Russians believe that the new year comes with the first or last blow of the bell. Whereas in fact, a new hour, day and year begin with the beginning of the chime of the chimes, that is, 20 seconds before the first blow of the bell. And with 12 bell, the bell has already passed exactly a minute of the new year.

The exact date of installation of the clock is not known, but it is assumed that the clock was installed immediately after the construction of the tower in 1491 by the architect Pietro Antonio Solaryo on the command of Ivan III. Documentary confirmation of the clock refers to 1585, when the three gates of the Kremlin, Spasski, Tainitsky and Trinity, were in the service of watchmakers, for which they received 4 rubles and 2 hryvnia per year, and 4 Arsshina Sukna on clothes. In all likelihood, the clock had an old-circuit (Byzantine) account of time. The then day, according to the time taken in Russia, was divided into "bottoms", from sunrise to sunset, and "Newest" clock. Every two weeks the duration of the clock with a change in the duration of the day and night gradually changed. Were these clock first or not, it is definitely not known, but they are conducted from them.
After one of the fires in 1624, the clock was so badly damaged that they were sold as scrap, on the weight, the Spassky Monastery in Yaroslavl for 48 rubles. In 1625, new, larger clock were made under the leaders of the defective clock in 1625 under the leadership of the Scottish mechanic and watchmaking. Wooden peasants of Virachev, Bells for "Switched" Lil Kirill Samoilov worked on the manufacture of clocks under the leadership of Galovei, and the architect Burents cucumbers built a magnificent tent for them, which became the decoration of the entire Kremlin ensemble.
The diameter of the dial of new hours emerging to two sides was about 5 m and was painted in blue. The clock device was unusual: the dial rotated, and not the arrows. The weight of the watch was 3400 kg. According to the testimony of contemporaries, these were: "... Wonderful urban iron watches, famous in the whole world in their beauty and device and the sound of their own big Bell.which was heard ... more than 10 miles. "
The first watchmakers were their creators - father and son of Virachev. Clock masters used in Moscow privileges, they paid great salary. The work of those who supervised for the turmoys were especially valued. In the special instruction it was said: "The case at the Spasskaya Tower in the watchmakers do not drink and not to be brave, grain and card do not trade and do not trade wine and tobacco." After installation, the clock did not even burn in fires, after which they were restored again. However, they stood and served the people of Galovei's clock on the Spasskaya Tower long enough.

By the decree of Peter I in 1705, the whole country moved to a single daily countdown. Returning after foreign journeys, he ordered to replace the mechanism of the clock of the Spasskaya Tower, bought in Holland for hours with a 12-hour clockblast. New Kremlin Quararants beat off the clock and a quarter, and in addition, tied off the melody. Installation of purchased clocks on the tower, and the dialing dial led the Russian watchmaker Ekim Garnov. Complete installation of chimes was completed in 1709. For servicing the Dutch clock, the whole staff of the watchmakers, most of which were foreigners.
The chimes broke and restored many times, and the service of the clock was carried out negligently. Interest in the Kurantam was disappeared after the transfer of Peter I of the capital to St. Petersburg.
Having entered the throne and visiting Moscow, Empress Ekaterina II became interested in Spasskit Quarants, but the clock would have come to complete disrepair by that time. Attempts to restore them did not bring success, and by order of Catherine II "large English courses", found in the grain ward, began to install on the Spasskaya Tower.
For installation, the German Master Fatz was invited, and together with Russian watchmakers, Ivan Polyansky, for 3 years, the installation was completed. In 1770, the Kurats began to cause the Austrian melody "Ah, my dear Augustine" because she really liked the watch master, German by origin serving the clock. And for almost a year, this melody sounded over Red Square, and the authorities did not pay any attention to it. It was the only case in the entire history when Kurats tied off a foreign melody.
In 1812, Muscovites rescued the Spasskaya Tower from destruction by French troops, but the clock was stopped. Three years later, they repaired a group of masters led by a watchmaker Yakov Lebedev, for which he was awarded the honorary title - the master of SPAS watches. The watches established under Catherine II successfully worked for eighty years without major repairs.
However, after the examination in 1851 by the brothers Johann and Nikolai Butenopov (Danish subjects) and architect in Constantine, it was established: "Spasskiy tower hours are in a critical condition close to full disorder (iron gears and wheels were worn out, dials were muffled, wooden floors, oak foundation Under the clock rotted, the staircase requires alterations). "

In 1851, the company "Brothers Butenop" took up the correction of Spasski Kurats. A large-scale work was carried out. Under the clock, a new cast-iron bed was cast, on which the mechanism, wheels and gears were replaced, and for their manufacture, special alloys were selected, which could withstand greater humidity and significant temperature differences.
The appearance of the Kremlin clock was paid special attention. New iron dials were made with gold-plates leaving for 4 sides. There were digits from copper, as well as minute and five-minute divisions. Iron arrows wrapped copper and covered with gilding. The total weight of the watch was 25 tons. The diameter of each of the four dials over 6 meters; The height of the numbers is 72 centimeters, the length of the clockwise is about 3 meters, a minute - a quarter meter is longer. The digitization on the dial was made at the time Arabic numbers, and not by the figures Roman, as now. The musical node was also completely converted. Bells shot from other towers of the Kremlin, brought to the old hourly bells, bringing the total amount of bells to 48 for the purpose of a more melodic chime and accurate melodies.
In 1913, a full-scale restoration of the appearance of the Kurats was held, timed to the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanov. Brothers Butenop continued to serve the clock mechanism.

In 1917, during the artillery shelling during the storming of the Kremlin, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower was seriously injured. The clock was stopped, and almost the year were faulty. In 1918, by decree V.I. Lenin decided to restore the Kremlin Quararants. First of all, the Bolsheviks appealed to Pavel Bure and Sergey Roginsky, but after the recreation of the Holy Sumy, they appealed to the watchman Nikolai Bensha, working in the Kremlin. Berens knew the device of the chimes, as his father worked as a company that served the chimes before. Together with his sons, Berens was able to launch the watches by July 1918, repaired by the mechanism of rotation of the shooter, hinged the hole in the dial and making a new pendulum with a length of about one and a half meters and weighing 32 kilograms. At the direction of the new government, the artist and musician Mikhail Cheremny sorted out in someone's bells, chief scores and scored revolutionary tunes on a playing tree.
In 1932, the external appearance was carried out and a new dial was manufactured, which was an exact copy of the old. On the gilding of the rim, the numbers and the shooter were spent 28 kg of gold, and "International" was left as a melody. At the direction of I.V. Stalina, the design of the mourning march was canceled. The Special Commission recognized the sound of the musical device of the chimes unsatisfactory. Frost and worn out of the mechanism have greatly distorted the sound, as a result of which in 1938 it was decided to stop the musical drum and the chimes were silent, becoming chucking clocks and a quarter.

In 1974, a large restoration of the Spasskaya Tower and Kurats was held, the clock was stopped for 100 days. During this time, specialists of the research institute of the watch industry, the clock mechanism was completely disassembled and renovated, and the old parts were replaced. The system of automatic lubrication of parts, which was previously performed manually was performed, electronic clock control was added. In 1996, during the inauguration of B.N. Heltsin, the chimes, who were silent 58 years old, after the traditional chime and beat the watches began again.
The last major restoration work was carried out in 1999. Works were carried out half a year. The arrows and numbers again gilded and restored the historical appearance of the upper tiers. Important improvements were made in the work and control of the work of the Kremlin Kurats: a special super-sensitive microphone was installed for more accurate timely control over the time of the hourly mechanism. The microphone captures the accuracy of the course, on the basis of which the software helps to establish the presence of problems and quickly reveal, in which node of the clock mechanism is disturbed by rhythm. Also during the restoration, they conducted a reconfiguration of the combat of chimes, after which, instead of the "patriotic song", the Kurats began to fulfill the approved state anthem of the Russian Federation.

The clock-famous clocks on the Spasskaya Tower of the capital of the Russian Federation appeared for a very long time, according to historians, in 1404. However, they were installed for the first time not at the Kremlin Tower, but were located near the Annunciation Cathedral, right in the royal court at Vasily Dmitrievich. The name of the master who made them was forever captured in the chronicles of those years: "Announced the privately - the prince himself, the clock installed Monk-Serb Lazar."

Clock on the Spasskaya Tower: History

The word "chimes" with french Translated as "Current". We all since childhood famous Kremlin Kurats, for which we meet the new year, have an amazing story. They are a tower clock, which thanks to the set of confused bells make a certain melody musical battle. This clock tower goes to the Red Square and has a traveling front door, which at all times, except for revolutionary, were considered holy.

Only in 1658, the Spasskaya Tower received such a name, before that she was called Florovskaya and was one of the 20 kremlin towers, built it in 1491 by the Italian master and architect Antonio Solari. According to historical documents, the clocks on the Spasskaya Tower were installed in the XVI century watchmaker masters, who for the year received a good salary and on the clothes of four Arsshin Sukna.

The clock was fully earned in 1585. That they existed earlier, indicate another evidence: it turns out that at the three gates of the Kremlin's tower structures - Spasski (Floor), Trinity and Tainitsky - were listed in the "Chapels" service. IN beginning of XVII Century over the Kremlin towers (except Nikolskaya), tents appeared, and thanks to this, the ten-story Spasskaya Tower began to reach a height of 60 meters. The watchmaker in 1614 was Nikifor Nikitin, his duties included service, repair and timely mechanism plant. It is also known that the fighting hours who came to full dissent were sold in 1624 to the Spassky Yaroslavl monastery for weight.

The mechanism of Christopher Golluea

The watches of the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin at that time were the most primitive, in addition, they strongly suffered from frequent fires, and then the famous English watchmakers of Christopher Golluea were invited to Moscow. He helped him Russian blacksmiths - waiting, his son Shumila and grandson Alexey. In 1626, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower burned down and re-restored Galloweem.

The Russian artist Bazhen Ogurtsov in 1636 created the most magnificent tent for them, which became the decoration of the entire architectural ensemble of the Kremlin. Wooden peasants worked on the production of hours - the father and son of Virachev, and led this process Galuelway. For "reprimanding" by the Cyril Kirill, 13 bells were cast.

At that time, the salary of the English master for the year was 64 rubles. The old hour mechanism was sold for 48 rubles. It said that the watch masters in Moscow enjoyed great respect and privileges, they paid great salary, they were especially valued by those who followed the turmoils. Even a special instruction was created for the workers, in which it was written that in the Spasskaya Tower it was impossible to drink, play cards, trade tobacco, wine, etc.

Description of watch

According to the testimony of contemporaries of that time, these were wonderful urban watches made of iron. Thanks to its beauty and the device, they were famous all over the world, and their noble sound was heard more than 10 miles. The dial was painted in a blue color. The main and central part of its circle remained fixed, while the outer side, the width reached 1 meter, rotated. On the clock there were letters from slavic alphabet, the weight of the clock was 3,400 kg.

The clock on the Spasskaya Tower was measured by day and night, designated and letters (copper covered with gilding), and played music. Instead of the shooter there was a sun with a long beam attached at the top of the most basic large dial. The disk was divided into 17 equal partsWhat was due to the maximum longitude of the day in the summer. The middle of the disk was covered with blue enamel, and silver and gold stars and images of the sun and the moon scattered on it. There were two dials (diameter of 5 meters). One was turned towards the Kremlin, the other went to the China City.

Peter I.

By the end of the XVII century, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, made by Christopher Holluem, became completely unsuitable, and then in 1704, from Holland on the sea Peter I brings new ones. They were brought from Arkhangelsk for thirty bastards, more than 42,000 Efimkov (Western European silver coin) were allocated from the treasury (Western European silver coin). The whole country at this time goes to a single daily countdown. Three years later, these huge watches with a 12-hour dial were installed on the Spasskaya Tower. Ekim Garnov, and a few more submasters, who adjusted and launched a mechanism for 20 days.

Master Fat

However, after a while, and these watches were dilapidated, and after the Great Fire, 1737 and were in disrepair at all. True, by this time the capital was already St. Petersburg, and therefore nobody rushed them with repair.

When Ekaterina II rose to the throne, she became interested in the Kremlin Quararti. Later, the Berlin watchmaster Fatz (Fats) will replace the clock with large English chimes found in for three years under his leadership, they will be installed Ivan Polyansky - Russian Master, in 1770, work will be completed. Since the main master was discharged from abroad, the song o du Lieber Augustin (Ah, My dear Augustine) sounded over his will over the Kremlin. This is the only case when they played a foreign melody.

Napoleon times

When Napoleon's troops expelled from Moscow, the clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin was a thorough examination, and it was revealed that their clock mechanism does not work. Then the master of Jacob Lebedev in February-month of 1813 offered to repair him for his money. He entrusted this case, but before that they took a subscription that he would not fully dismiss the mechanism. And after 2 years, the watches were launched again, and Lebedev was awarded the title of the hourly master of SPAS watches.

After a few decades, another attempt was made to clean the mechanism without stopping the course of the Kurats, but this was not possible. Then for major repairs was hired by the company Bottenop brothers. In 1850, the clock was dismantled, the mechanism went over, which came to the dissent of the part replaced. By this time, a new bed was cast, its weight was 25 tons. For the performance of this work, the company received money in the amount of 12,000 rubles. As a result, in March 1852, all the work was completed, and for the first time, the quarants began to perform the "Preobrazhensky march" melodies and "Kohl Slanged our Lord."

The updated watches worked for 25 years, and in 1878, for 300 rubles, they took them to repair Master V. Freimut, which became the next watchmaker of the Kremlin Tower. Initially, it was necessary for the chimes to play a melody "God, the king!", But the sovereign Nicholas I did not allow this to do, wishing to sound any musical compositionsexcept the hymn. In 1913, a full-scale restoration was held for the anniversary of the Romanov House. The company BUTENOP brothers continued to serve the mechanism.

The revolution

Different times have come october revolution, and in 1917, the battle projectile hit the dial and badly damaged the legendary clock. In the summer of 1918, when Moscow, V. I. Lenin, became an indication of the authority of the urgent repair of the Kurats.

Masters were looking for a long time, everyone was afraid to take on this job. Eminent watch brands (Bure and Rogian) were requested huge amounts, which at that time could not allocate a new state. And then the then repairing them took the then Kremlin Locksman N. I. Bens. He knew how a complex mechanism was arranged, since his father once worked in the company previously serving the chimes. And the artist Ya. M. Cheremnoy agreed to help him in this case, he also made a part of the music "You're a victim" and "International" at the request of the leader of the proletariat.

And then at high costs, a new pendulum was created about a length of about one and a half meters and weighing 32 kg. Restoration work was completed in September 1918. Then Muscovites first heard the watch on the Spasskaya Tower. After some time, in 1932, the Kurats will need to repair again. The masters manufactured a new dial (an exact copy of the old) and re-gilded rims, numbers and arrows, for which about 28 kg of gold went.


At the direction of Stalin, the clock tried to set up a new anthem of the USSR of the authorship of Alexandrov, but unsuccessfully. In 1991, again, they wanted to fulfill this task, but, as it turned out, the three bells were lacking for this. In 1996, after 58 years old, the Kremlin Kurats played a melody at the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin ("Patriotic Song" and "Walk" M. I. Glinka).

The last restoration took place in 1999, she lasted six months. The arrows gilded again, restored the entire appearance and instead of the "patriotic song" the clock was finally played by the Anthem of the Russian Federation.

Clock on the Spasskaya Tower: photos and sizes

The clock occupy special floors on the Spasskaya Tower: from the 8th to the 10th. Their main mechanism is located in a special room on the 9th floor. It is driven by three weights weighing from about 160 to 224 kg. The musical mechanism consists of a set of bells (all of them are based on a certain gamma) and the so-called software cylinder, the diameter of which reaches two meters, it rotates a gigantic weighting weight of 200 kilograms.

The cylinder pins lead the bells, each of which weighs 500 kg. The bells are given the tenth floor. By the way, on one of them it was written that Claudius Forma was made in Amsterdam in the summer of 1628.

It is difficult to imagine the size of the whole device, because only the dial has a diameter of 6.12 m. How much is the length of the minute arrows at the Spasskaya Tower? And what are the size of the clock? Let's reflect. Based on the fact that the magnitude of any of these elements should not exceed half the diameter of the dial, it can be assumed that the big arrow will be approximately 3 meters. And small, respectively, will be slightly smaller. And now we turn to official data. So, the minute clock arrow on the Spasskaya Tower in length is hours 30 cm less - 2.97 m. The watches are boating twice a day. With the help of the electric motor, weights rise, each shaft is gaining weights of cast-iron ingots weighing up to 200 kg, in winter their weight increases.

Control and service

Every day, the clock mechanism is subjected to a prophylactic examination and once a month - in detail. The clock move on the Spassky duty watchmaker is checked in a chronometer and controlled by special devices. The whole mechanism is lubricated twice a week, and summer and winter lubricant applies.

The mechanism of the Kremlin clock on the Spasskaya Tower works fine for almost a half century. On the cast-iron side, they are written that the clock is redone the brothers Butenop in Moscow in 1851. At noon and midnight, they beat the anthem of the Russian Federation, and in the intervals - "nice."


Many are interested in the question: "On which tower, in addition to Spasskaya, there is a clock?" In the Moscow Kremlin, except for chimes, clocks are also installed on the Big Kremlin Palace, Trinity and

Legendary Quarants and still measured history great countryThey became the main symbol of Great and Mighty Russia.

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