Why died Schiller. Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller

Johann Friedrich Schiller lived pretty a brief lifeHowever, for those 45 years that they were released, he managed to do for world literature and culture as much as the Millennium was not enough. How did the fate of this genius man evolve and what had to overcome him on the path to recognition?


Schiller's ancestors lived almost 200 years old and worked in Württemberg Duchy. As a rule, they were people working, but not particularly outstanding, therefore for all these years they remained craftsmen or peasants. However, the father of the future writer Johann Kaspar Schiller was lucky to go on the military line - to become an officer and get to the service for the Vürttemberg Duke. As a spouse, he chose Elizabeth-Dorota Codais - a daughter of a local restaurant.

Despite not bad military career Chapters, the Schillers family always lived very modestly, so the only of their son Johann Christof Friedrich Schiller, who was born in early November 1759, had to count only on his talents, if he wanted to achieve something in life.

Friedrich Schiller: Brief Biography of Early

When the boy turned 4 years old, because of the work of the Father, the family moved to Lorch. Here they lived well, but quality primary education In this town, he left much to be desired, so Friedrich Schiller was sent to learn not to school, but to the pastor of the local church - Mosel.

It was under the leadership of this good-natured priest that, young Friedrich not only mastered the diploma, but also began to study Latin. Because of the new move to Ludwigsburg, Friedrich Schiller was forced to stop learning from Mosel and go to the ordinary Latin school.

Thanks to the careful study of the language of proud Romans, he was able to read the works of classics in the original (Ovigil, Vergilius, Horace and others), the ideas of which influenced his work in the future.

From lawyer to doctor

Initially, shillors were expected that Friedrich would be a priest, so his passion for Latin was welcomed. But progress in the study of this subject and excellent ratings The young men attracted the attention of Württemberg Duke, who in ordinary order sent a talented boy to study at the Faculty of Faculty of the Hohe Karlsschule Military Academy.

The career of a lawyer did not manifot Schiller at all, so he stopped trying, and his marks gradually became the lowest in class.

After 2 years, the guy managed to transfer to the medical faculty, which was closer to him. Here Friedrich Schiller fell on Wednesday of students and teachers with progressive thinking. Among them was the famous German philosopher Yakov Friedrich Abel. It was he who not only revealed the talent of the young Schiller, but also helped him to form. During these years, the young man decides to become a poet and begins to create its own poetic works that were highly appreciated by others. He also tries his strength and writing drama: from under his pen there is a tragedy about the mass enmity - "Cosmus von Medici".

In 1779, Student Schiller Friedrich writes a very busy dissertation: "Philosophy of physiology", but, at the destruction of the duke, she does not accept it, and the author himself is left at the Academy for another year.

In 1780, Schiller finally finishes his studies, however, due to the hostile relationship, the Duke refuse to assign an officer rank, which, however, did not prevent a graduate to get a doctor in the local regiment.

"Robbers": the history of first publication and setting

For the year of re-learning at the Academy, Friedrich had a lot of free time, which he used to start working on his own play - "Robbers". It took another year to bring it to mind. That's just when the playwright finished the work, he faced the fact that local publishers, although they praised the "robbers", did not risk typing it.

Believing in his talent, Friedrich Schiller took money from a friend and published his play. She was met by readers well, but for better effect it was necessary to put it.

One of the readers - Baron Von Dalberg - agreed to put the work of Schiller in the Mannheim Theater, the director of which he was. At the same time, the noble demanded to make edits. Straightening the heart, the young playwright agreed, but after the premiere of "Robbers" (in January 1782), its author became known for all duke.

But for self-consuming care from service (which he committed to get to the premiere), he was not only sent for 2 weeks to Gaupvataht, but also, by order of the Duke, forbidden to write any artistic writings.

On free holbeach

After the ban, before the complex choice of Friedrich Schiller: works to write or serve as a doctor? Realizing that due to the dislike of the Duke, he will not succeed in success in Poetic Niva in his homeland, Schiller sat down his friend-composer Strejher to escape. And after a few months, they secretly left their native places and moved to the Marcgrafy of Palatinate. Here the playwright settled in a small village of Oggsenheim under the fictional name - Schmidt.

The writer's savings were enough for a short time, and he practically sold his drama to the publisher for the publisher in Genoa's conspiracy. However, the fee quickly ended.

To survive, Friedrich was forced to ask for help from a noble friend - Henrietta von Walzogen, who allowed him to settle in one of his places in Baurbach under the fictional name Dr. Ritter.

Having received a roof over his head, the playwright began to create. He refined the tragedy of "Louise Miller", and also decided to create a large-scale historical drama. Choosing between the fate of the Spanish Infanta and the Queen of Maria Scottish, the author leans towards the first option and writes the play "Don Carlos".

Meanwhile, Baron Von Dalberg, having learned that the duke does not seek a runaway poet, offers Schiller to put his new plays "Plispiped Fiese in Genoa" and "Louise Miller" in his theater.

However, "Conspiracy of Fiese in Genoa" unexpectedly hesitated with the audience coldly and considered too moralizing. Let us consider this feature, the "Louise Miller" friedrich Schiller finalized. The ideas that he wanted to convey to the viewer through this work was to make more accessible to understanding, as well as dilute the moralizing dialoants of the characters, so that the new performance did not repeat the fate of the previous one. In addition, with the light hand of the artist of one of the main roles - August of Iffland, the name of the play was changed to "Deceit and Love".

This production exceeded his success even "Robbers" and turned his creator to one of the most famous playwrights of Germany. It helped a rungage writer to receive official status in the Marcgrant of Palatinate.

Schiller publisher

Becoming on the whole country by the playwright, Schiller began to publish his own magazine Rainskaya Talia, in which he published his works on the theory of the theory, setting out his ideas in them. However, this enterprise did not bring him special earnings. Trying to find funds for life, the writer asked for his help from Weimar Duke, but the adviser said to him did not particularly improve his financial situation.

Trying to break out of the paw poveties, the poet adopted a proposal from the society of fans of his work to move to Leipzig. In a new place, he made friends with the writer Christian Gottfried Kerner, with whom they supported close relationships until the end of the days.

In the same period, finally finishes his play "Don Carlos" Friedrich Schiller.

Books written by him during this period are on more high levelrather than the early works of the writer and indicate the formation of its own style and aesthetics. So, after "Don Carlos", he is taken for writing his sole novel - "Spiritsee". Also, Friedrich leaves no poetry - he composes his most famous poetic work - "Ode to joy", which Beethoven subsequently puts on music.

After having suspended the release of the Rainic Waist due to the lack of funds, the writer receives a place in the editorial office of the magazine "German Mercury". Gradually, he again gets the opportunity to release his own periodical - "Waist". There, he is already typing not only his theoretical and philosophical works, but also his novel.

Attempts to find earnings lead to the fact that the writer moves to Weimar, where for the first time it turns out in the society of the most famous writers of his time. Under their influence, he decides on time to leave writing artistic works And fill the gaps in their education.

Schiller teacher

Focusing on self-education, Schiller expanded his own horizon and took up writing historical work. In 1788, he published the first volume of the "History of Netherlands." In it, Friedrich Schiller briefly briefly, but quite thoroughly spoke about the separation that occurred, thereby deserving the fame of the historian's scientist. This work helped his author to receive a place of history teacher and philosophy at Jen's University.

A record number of students was recorded on the course to the famous writer - 800 people. And after the first lecture, the listeners arranged his grandiose ovation.

Next year Schiller took the course of lectures on tragic poetry, and also conducted individual sessions by world History. In addition, he began writing a "history of the thirty-year-old war." Also Friedrich resumed the publication of the Rainic Waist, which was printed its own translation of the "Aneida" Vergil.

It would seem that life was improved, but as a thunder among a clear day, the diagnosis of doctors - the pulmonary tuberculosis. Because of him, on the third year, Schiller was forced to leave teaching. Fortunately, the annual financial subsidy in 1000 thalers was allocated to the patient of the drama, which he was paid for 2 years. By their expiration, the writer was invited to the post of publisher in the magazine "Ory".

Personal life

As already mentioned above, Friedrich Schiller did not have brothers, but he had 3 sisters. Because of his frequent moves and conflicts with the Duke, the playwright did not particularly support relationship with them. Only fatal disease The father forced his prodigal son for a while to return home, where he was not 11 years old.

As for women, the writer, like a romantic nature, was a rather in love man and he intended to marry several times, but in most cases it was rejected because of poverty.

The first famous beloved poet was Charlotte - his daughter of his patroness Henrietta von Valkenty. Despite the admiration for the talent of Schiller, her mother refused the playwright when he launched her daughter.

The second Charlotte in the fate of the writer became the widow of the background of Calb, who was insanely in love with him, but did not find an answer to his feelings.

Schiller courted and behind the young daughter of the trader books Svan - Margarita. He intended to marry her. That's just a girl did not belong to his fan seriously and only teased him. When it followed a direct explanation in love and the offer to get married, she responded with refusal.

The third woman in the fate of the poet named Charlotte answered reciprocity on his feelings. And as in just he settled the teacher and began to receive a stable income, the lovers were able to marry. Four children were born from this union. Despite the fact that Schiller praised his wife in every way, the surroundings celebrated her as a woman and businessworthy, but very close.

Creative tandem Goethe and Schiller

After the start of the French revolution, all the Most Holy Europe was divided into her fans and opponents. Schiller (awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the French Republic for his creativity) was ambiguous, but he understood that the change of Zaraznovy Ostolev in the country would only benefit her. But many cultural figures did not agree with him. To interest readers of the magazine "Ory", the writer invited Goethe to join the controversy about the French revolution on the pages of the publication. He agreed, and it marked the beginning of the great friendship of two geniuses.

Having general views and inheritating the ideals of antiquity in their work, the writers tried to create a qualitatively new literature, free from Cleanism, but at the same time capable of raising high morality in readers. Both geniuses published their theoretical literary studies, as well as poems on the pages of "ORA", which often caused indignation of the public, which, however, went for the benefit of sales of the magazine.

This creative tandem jointly created a collection of caustic epigrams, which, despite their warliness, were incredibly popular.

At the end of the XVIII century. Goethe and Schiller together reveal the theater in Weimara, who, thanks to their efforts, became one of the best in the country. For the first time, such famous plays of Friedrich Schiller, as "Maria Stewart", "Messinskaya Bride" and "Wilhelm Tel" were supplied. Today, near this theater is a monument to its glorious founders.

Friedrich Schiller: Biography of recent years and death of the poet

For 3 years to death, the writer unexpectedly was given to the noble title. He himself was pretty skeptical to this grace, but he accepted her in order to his wife and children after his death were provided.

And betweenes, the health of the great playwright every year everything worsened. Tuberculosis progressed, and Schiller slowly faded. And in May 1805, at the age of 45, he died, and without adding his last play "Dimitri".

Mystery of the grave of the writer

Despite all attempts, it was not able to get rich by Friedrich Schiller. Therefore, after death, he was buried in a crypt of Kassengevölbe, organized for nobles who did not have their own family tomb.

After 20 years, the remains of the Great Writer wanted to be separately buried, but it turned out to be problematic among many many of others. Then the skeleton was selected at random and declared Schiller's body. He was buried in the princely tomb in the new cemetery, next to the grave of his close friend Goethe.

However, in the future years, historians and literary criticism has doubts about the authenticity of the body of the playwright. And in 2008, exhumation was held, which revealed amazing fact: The remains of the poet belonged to a completely different person, more precisely, the whole three. To date, Frederick Schiller's present body is impossible to find this body, so his grave is empty.

For your short, but a very productive life writer created 10 plays, two historical monographs, many philosophical works and beautiful poems. However, despite his lifetime recognition, Schiller could not get rich and spent the lion's share of his time to attempt to earn money, which was oppressed and undermined his health. But on the other hand, his work brought German literature (and dramaturgy in particular) to a new level.

Although more than 250 years have passed, and not only changed political situation In the world, but also thinking of people, to this day, most works of the writer remain relevant and many readers all over the world find them very intruder - is it not the best praise by the genius of Friedrich Schiller?

Schiller's brief biography is given in this article.

Friedrich Schiller Biography briefly

(Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller) is an outstanding German poet and thinker, a representative of romanticism in literature.

Writer was born November 10, 1759 In Germany in the city of Marbah-on-Nekcar. Schiller's father was a regimental hospital, and the mother came from the Bote family. His childhood and youth were held in relative poverty, although he was able to study in a rural school and Pastor Moser.

In 1773, he entered military Academywhere he initially studied a legal activity and then medicine. His first works were written during training. So, under the influence of the drama of the Leaseevitz, he wrote the drama "Cosmus von Medici". By the same period refers to spelling ODD "Conqueror".

1780 he received the post of a regimental doctor in Stuttgart, at the end of the Academy.

In 1781, he finished the drama "Robbers", which no publisher took. As a result, he published her for his money. Subsequently, the drama was appreciated by the director of the Mannheim theater and after some adjustments were delivered on stage.

The premiere of "Robbers" took place in January 1782 and had great success among the public. After that, about Shiller spoke as a talented playwright. For this drama, the writer was even awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of France. However, in his homeland, he had to serve 14 days on Haupwachte for unauthorized ability from the regiment to represent the "robbers". Moreover, he was now forbidden to write anything other than medical writings. This situation forced Schiller in 1783 to leave Stuttgart. So he managed to add two plays, started to flight: "Deceit and love" and "Conspiracy of Fiese in Genoa." These plays were subsequently delivered in the same Mannheim theater.

From 1787 to 1789, he lived in Weimara, where he met. It is believed that Schiller inspired his friend to complete many works.

In 1790, he married Charlotte von Lenhafeld, with which they subsequently had two sons and two daughters. In Weimar, he again fell in 1799 and there, for money of patients, published literary magazines. Then he, together with Goethe, founded the Weimar theater, which became one of the best in the country. Until the end of his days, the writer lived in this city.

1802 The Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Franz II complained Schiller the nobility.

The biography and creativity is exposed by the identity of the rebellion, a man who does not consider himself in the era of the Universal Putness of the property of feudal. His life feat was even an august person, what we will tell about. The life of the poet and the playwright itself reminds the theater drama, where the talent is struggling with discrimination, poverty and wins.

The Europeans elected the anthem of the European Union of His "ORD joy." Laid Music Ludwig van Beethoven, she sounded solemnly, elevated.

The genius of this person manifested itself a multifaceted: poet, playwright, art theorist, a fighter for human rights.

Born non-free

When Schiller Friedrich was born, the serfdom was still relevant in Germany.

The subjects of the feudalists could not lift beyond the possessions of their suzerena. And if one happened, the fugitives were returned by force. The subjects could neither change their craft to which he "attached" the feudal nor to marry without the enrollment of his Mr. In such a nightmare legal status, resembling the iron cell, Friedrich Schiller stayed.

He became a classic, rather, not thanks to the modern Hermann society, but against him. Frederich, figuratively speaking, managed to enter the temple of art through the door, closed for him by the state with the remnants of the Middle Ages.

Only in 1807 (Schiller died in 1805th) Prussia abolished serfdom.


Schiller Biography begins in Württemberg Duchy (the city of Marbah-on-Nekkar), where he was born 10.11.1759 in the family of an officer, the regimental paramedic of Johann Caspar Schiller. The mother of the future poet was from the family of pharmacist and innkeepers. Her name was Elizabeth Dorothea Korvais. The house of his parents reigned the atmosphere of clean, neat and intelligent poverty.

The father and mother of Johann Christopa Friedrich von Schiller (such a full name of the classic) were very religious and children were brought up in the same spirit. Pope of the future poet, a leaving of the peasant winery family, was lucky to get medical education. He became an official with his lord, a man smart, but non-free. He changed the place of residence, position, following the will of his master.


When the boy was five years old, the family moved to the city of the same county Lorch. Father received a government post of recruitment recruiter. Three years, Pastor Lorch was engaged in the initial church-humanitarian education of Friedrich, a good man who managed to interest the boy Latin, german languages, catechism.

When a seven-year-old Schiller moved to Ludwigsburg with his family, he was able to study in Latin school. At 23, an educated young man passed confirmation (right to approach communion). At first he dreamed of becoming a priest, following the charisma of his educators.

Feodal despot

The Biography of Schiller in his youth turned into a series of suffering due to failure to fulfill the will of the Duke of Württemberg. He instructed his serfs to study at the Military Academy of Jurisprudence of the lawyer's profession. Schiller could not live someone else's life, he ignored classes. Three years later, the young man was the last on the rating in the group of peers from 18 people.

In 1776, he switched to the medical faculty, it was interested in studying him. But in teaching medicine, it was attracted by secondary items - philosophy, literature. In 1777, the Solid Magazine "German Chronicles" published the first essay of the young Schiller, the ODU "Conqueror", written in the imitation of the beloved poet Friedrich Klopšku.

Schiller's biography, as follows from the above, not a "major" story. A guy who did not fulfill the prescription to become a lawyer, unbelievable Duke-Samodor. His will, a 29-year-old graduate of the Academy received one position of a regimental doctor, without an officer's rank. The despot seemed that he managed to abandon the life of an opaired young man, but Friedrich Schiller had already felt the power of his talent by that time.

Talent declares itself

32-year-old playwright writes drama "Robbers". No publisher from Stuttgart is not taken to print such a serious work of the slave, fearing the conflict with the Almighty Duke of Württemberg. Showing persistence, declaring himself a public, her Frederick Schiller himself publishes. His biography as a playwright begins with this essay.

The bold subject, who made the Drama "Robbers" at his own expense, was winning. And fate sent him a gift. A friend-bookseller brought him with an expert on art Baron von Dalberg, Steering Mining Theater. Drama After minor edit, it became a nail of the next theatrical season in Prussia!

The author covers a courage, he reckoned with talent. In the same period, Schiller publishes its first collection of poems "Anthology for 1782". It seems to be achievable any height! He competes for the championship in the Swabian poetic school with Gothald Steidlin, who had previously released his "Music Collection". To give an image of scandaling to your collection, the poet indicates the place of publication of Tobolsk.

Grass and escape

Schiller's biography at that time marked a banal flight to the Palatinate county. On this risky step, he decided on 09/22/1782, along with his friend Strejer, a pianist and composer. The Duke of Württemberg was unshakable in the desire to turn the future classics in the treasury servant.

Schiller was planted for two weeks on Gaupvaktu for left the regiment to visit theatrical setting "Robbers." At the same time he was forbidden to write.

Friends not without reason feared the goats by the Ertzgerce. Schiller changed the name on Schmidt. Therefore, they settled not in the city of Mannheim, but in the restaurant "Hunting courtyard" of the suburban village of Oggsenheim.

Schiller expected to earn a new written play "Plot Fiese in Genoa". However, the fee was meager. Staying in poverty, he was forced to ask for help from Henrieta von Walzogen. She generously allowed the playwright to live in his empty estate.

Life under someone else's name

From 1782 to 1783 he was hiding in the estate of benefactors under the fictional name Dr. Ritter Friedrich Schiller. Its biography during this period is a description of the life of the burden, who has chosen the risk to be able to develop their talent. He studies history and writes the plays "Louise Miller" and "Conspiracy Fiese in Genoa." To his friend's honor, Andrei Strejher, he made great efforts to the director of the Mannheim Theater, Baron Von Dalberg, drew attention to the friend's work. Schiller letters a letter to the Baron about his new plays, and he agrees to put them at himself!

During this period (1983), the estate visits Henriet von Valkenty with his young daughter Charlotte. Schiller falls in love with the girl and asks Mother permission to marry her, but he gets a refusal because of his poverty. He moves to Mannheim to prepare his works to the production.

Freedom gains. Obtaining a formal position

If the play "Conspiracy Fiese in Genoa" on the stage of the Mannheim theater is undergoing as a ranking stage, then "Louise Miller" (renamed "Deceit and Love") brings noisy success. In 1784, Schiller enters the local German society, while receiving the right to legalize his status, becoming the Palatinate subject, and finally bring the line under the prosecution of the ERCGERSOG.

His own views on the development of the German theater are respected as famous playwright. He writes his work "Theater - a moral institution", which has become classical.

Soon, Schiller begins a short romance with a married woman Charlotte von Calb. The writer, prone to mysticism, led a bohemian lifestyle. The young poet, this lady examined as his next trophy in a series of female victories.

She introduced Schiller in Darmstadt with Ersgertzoga Karl Augustus. His playwright read the first act of the drama "Don Carlos". Surprised and delighted by the author's talent, nobleman complained to the writer the position of advisor. This gave the playwright only social status, no more. However, it did not change his life.

Soon Schiller quarrels and breaks the contract with the director of the Mannheim theater. He considers the author of his hits dependent on his will and money, trying to put pressure on Schiller.

Leipzig takes a desperate poet

All the same unsewered in life remained Friedrich Schiller. The biography is no longer for the first time prepares a blow to his personal life. Because of his poverty, he refuses Margarita Schwan, the daughter of the court bookseller. However, soon his life changes for the better. In Leipzig, it was appreciated by his work.

The playwright has long been insistently invited the fans of his creativity, organized into society managed by Gottfried Kerner. Brought to extreme (he still did not give a debt of 200 guilders, taken to publish the "robbers"), the writer turned to his admirers asking for material assistance. To his joy, soon he received a bill of exchange for an amount sufficient to pay off with debts and move to live there, where he was appreciated. Friendship with Gottfried Kerner tied the classics to the whole subsequent life.

04/17/1785 Schiller comes to a hospitable city.

At this time, the classic falls in love for the third time, but again unsuccessfully: he refuses Margarita Schwan. On the classic gone to black, the classic produces the beneficial effect of his benefactor, Gottfried Kerner. He discourages a romantic friend from suicide, to start inviting Friedrich to his wedding with a mine rod.

A friendship warned and survived a severe mental crisis, a brilliant ODU "to joy" F. Schiller writes to the wedding of his friend.

The biography of the writer, settled at the invitation of the same Kerner in the village of Hostor's adjacent to Dresden, marvels with remarkable works: "philosophical letters", the Misantropropus drama, a changed drama Don Carlos. On creative fruitfulness this period reminds Boldin autumn Pushkin.

Schiller becomes famous. The playwright rejects the offer from the Hamburg Theater to the formulation of its plays. Too fresh memories of difficulties in collaboration and rupture with Mannheim theater.

Weimar period: departure from creativity. Tuberculosis

On 21.08.1787, he arrives in Weimar at the invitation of the poet Christof Viland. He is accompanied by a mistress, old familiar, Charlotte von Calb. Having connections in the highest light, she introduces Schiller with leading Johann Herder and Martin Viland.

The poet begins to publish the magazine "Talia", is printed in the "German Mercury". Here he is almost a decade from creativity, engaged in self-education in the field of history. His knowledge is highly appreciated, and in 1788 he becomes a professor at the University of Yen.

He reads lectures in world history and poetry, transfers "Aneida" Vergil. Schiller gets a salary of 200 thalers per year. This is quite a small income, but he allows him to plan his future.

The poet decides to equip his life and marries Charlotte von Lenhafeld. But after four years, fate prepares a new test: speaking in cold audiences and infected from his student, schiller's tuberculosis ills. Interesting facts in his biography testify to charismaticness, integrity of the individual. The disease crosses his teaching career, cares for bed, but fate often wins calm human courage.

New stage of fate

As if at the marching of higher strength, friends help him in a difficult hour. So now, when the disease led Schiller to the impossibility of working, the Danish writer Yense Baggens persuaded Prince of Golsteinsky and Schimmelman's graph to appoint a classic to treat a subsidy to a thousand taler.

Iron Will and cash assistance raised the patient's lying feet. He could not teach him, and his friend, the publisher Johann Cotta provided the opportunity to earn. Soon Schiller moves to a new stage of creativity. He is ironically begins with the events of the tragic: the poet caused a dying father who lived in Ludwigsburg at that time.

This event was expected: the first father had a long time and was seriously ill. The classic, except for the sown duty - to say goodbye to the Father, attracted and the opportunity to hug and console their three sisters and the mother, whom he did not see as much as eighteen!

Perhaps so he did not go, but with his wife who stays in the position.

Being in his small homeland, the poet receives a powerful spiritual stimulus - to develop creativity.

After a month and a half after the funeral of the Father, he visited his Alma Mater, the Military Academy. He was pleasantly surprised by the fact that he was a cumier for students. Those met him enthusiastically: before them stood a legend - Schiller Friedrich, Poet No. 1 in Prussia. The touched classic after this visit wrote his famous work "Letters about the aesthetic education of a person."

In Ludwigsburg, his firstborn was born. He is finally happy. But only seven years left to live him ...

The poet returned to Jenu, staying in a state of creative lifting. His faceted talent shines with a new force! Schiller, after a decade in-depth study History, theory of literature, aesthetics, again returns to poetry.

He managed to attract everyone the best poets Prussia to participate in the magazine "Ory". In 1795, from under his pen, philosophical poetic works are published: "Dance", "Poetry of Life", "Nadezhda", "Genius", "Separation of the Earth".

Cooperation with Goethe

Among the invited Schiller to the magazine "OR" poets were and their creative souls were included in that resonance, which stimulated the creation of many priceless pearls from the necklace of the German classical literature of the XVIII century.

They had a general vision of the civilizational value of the Great french revolution, ways to develop German literature, rethinking ancient art. Goethe and Schiller criticized the interpretation of modern literature of religious, political, aesthetic and philosophical issues. The moral and civilian pathos sounded in their letters. Two brilliant poet who have chosen for themselves literary directionCompeted by each other in its development:

  • from December 1795 - in writing epigram;
  • in 1797 - in writing ballad.

The friendly correspondence of Goethe and Schiller is a wonderful sample of epistolary art.

The last stage of creativity. Weimar

In 1799, returns to Weimar Friedrich Schiller. Works written by them and Goethe served as the development of the German theater. They became a dramatic basis for creating the best German theater - Weimar.

However, Schiller's forces are dried. In 1800, he completes the writing of his swan song - the tragedy "Maria Stewart", the writings of a deep, which is successful and a wide resonance in society.

In 1802, the emperor Prussia complaints the poet nobility. However, Schiller ironically treated it. His young and best mature years were full of deprivation, and now the newly-made nobleman felt that he was dying. He liked him to reject the title for himself, but he accepted him, thinking exclusively about his children.

He often sick, suffered from chronic pneumonia. Against this background, tuberculosis was aggravated, which led him to a rapid death in the heyday of the talent and at the age of 45.


Without exaggeration, it can be said that Johann Goethe and Friedrich Schiller were and will be the favorite poets of the Germans for all times. The photo of the monument, forever displaced two friends living in Weimara, is familiar to every German. Their contribution to the literature is invaluable: the classics brought her to the path of new humanism, summarizing the ideas of the era of enlightenment, romanticism and classicism.

The creativity of the romantic rebellion, the poet of the XVIII century Friedrich Schiller did not leave anyone indifferent. Some considered the playwright the lord of the Dum of lyrics and the singer of freedom, and the second called the philosopher with a stronghold of bourgeois morality. Thanks to the ambiguous emotions of the works of the classic and managed to enter his name in the history of world literature.

Childhood and youth

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller was born on November 10, 1759, Marbakh-on-Nekcar (Germany). The future writer was the second of six children in the family of an officer Johann Kaspar, who consists in the service of Württemberg Duke and the housewife Elizabeth Dorothei Coduses. The head of the family wanted his only son to educate and grew up with a worthy person.

That is why the Father brought up Friedrich in rigor, punishing the boy for the slightest pregriction. To all of the time, Johann from the young age teared the heir to deprivation. So during lunch or dinner, the head of the family did not intentionally gave the Son what he wanted to taste.

Schiller's highest human virtues - Senior considered love for order, accuracy and strict obedience. However, there was no need for paternal strictness. Slender and painful Friedrich very much differed from their peers-friends, thirsting adventures and constantly falling into unpleasant situations.

Future playwright liked to learn. The boy could bump over the textbooks, studying those or other disciplines. The teachers celebrated his adjacent, craving for sciences and an incredible performance that he retained to the end of his life.

It is worth noting that Elizabeth was the exact opposite of her husband to emotional manifestations of her husband. Smart, kind, pious woman struggled to soften the Puritan severity of the spouse and often read Christian poems to children.

In 1764, the Schillers family moved to Lorch. In this old town, the father woke an interest in history in his son. This passion in the end and determined further fate poet. The first lessons of the history of the future drama was taught by a local priest who rendered such a strong influence to the student that Friedrich at one point even seriously thought about to devote the life to the divine service.

In addition, for a boy from a poor family, it was the only way to get out of people, so parents encouraged the desire of the Son. In 1766, the head of the family receives an increase and becomes the duccian gardener Castle, located in the vicinity of Stuttgart.

Castle, and most importantly, the court theater, which for free attended the staff worked in the castle, made an impression on Friedrich. In the monastery of the goddess Melpomen, the best actors from all over Europe. Game Museum inspired the future poet, and he, together with his sisters, he began to show home spectacles often to show parents, in which the main role was always delivered to him. True, a new passion for the sibling nor father nor the mother was seriously perceived. They saw the Son only on the church department with the Bible in their hands.

When Friedrich turned 14 years old, his father gave hotly Favorite Chado to the Military School of Duke Charles Evgenia, in which siblings of a poor officers were free to comprehend the subtleties with all the necessary Duccian yard and the army.

Stay in this educational institution Steel for Schiller - the younger nightmare. A barrage discipline reigned at the school, the teachings were forbidden to meet with her parents. Everything else, a system of fines existed. So for the unplanned food purchase was supposed to be 12 blows with a stick, and for inattention and untidiness - money recovery.

At that time, the consolation for the author ballads "Glove" became his new friends. Friendship became Friedrich a kind of elixir of life, which gave the Writer forces in order to move on. It is noteworthy that years spent in this institution did not make a slave from Schiller, on the contrary, they turned the writer in the rebellion, whose weapons - no one could take an excerpt and the strength of the Spirit.

In October 1776, Schiller was transferred to medical office His first poem "Evening" was published, and after the teacher of philosophy gave a talented student to read the creations of William Shakespeare, it happened, as the Goethe will say, "Awakening Shiller Geniya."

Then impressed from the works of Shakespeare Friedrich and wrote his first tragedy "Robbers", which became the starting point in his career of the playwright. At the same time, the poet caught fire to write a book that would deserve the fate to be burned.

In 1780, Schiller graduated from the Faculty of Medical Faculty and left the Hattle Military Academy. Then, by order of Charles Evgeny, the poet went to the regimental lane in Stuttgart. True, the long-awaited freedom did not please the Friedrich. As the doctor he did not go anywhere, because the practical side of the profession was never interested in him.

Burning wine, disgusting tobacco and bad women - this is what distracted the writer who failed to realize themselves from bad thoughts.


In 1781, the Drama "Robbers" was completed. After editing the manuscript, it turned out that no stutgart publisher wants to print it, and Schiller had to publish a work at his own expense. Simultaneously with the Robber Schiller prepared a collection of poems, which was released in February 1782 titled "Anthology for 1782"

In the fall of 1782 of the same year, Friedrich made the first sketch of the version of the tragedy "Deceit and Love" tragedy, which in the draft version was called "Louise Miller". At this time, Schiller for the meager fee also printed the drama "Plispander Fiese in Genoa"

In the period from 1793 to 1794, the poet graduated from the philosophical and aesthetic work of "Letters about the aesthetic education of a person", and in the 1797th he wrote the ballads "Polycrats", "Ivikov Zhuravly" and "Diver".

In the 1799 Schiller completed the writing of the VALENLStein trilogy, which consisted of the Wallenstein camp, Piccolomini and Death, and Wallenstein, and a year later, published the work of Maria Stewart and Orleans Deva. In 1804, the light saw the Wilhelm Tool drama, based on the Swiss legend of a skilled arrow named Wilhelm Tel.

Personal life

Like any creative gifted person, Schiller searched inspiration in women. The writer needed a muse, which would inspire him to write new masterpieces. It is known that for his life the writer was measured to marry 4 times, but the chosen was always rejected by the playwright because of his material insolvency.

The first lady, captured the thoughts of the poet, was the girl named Charlotte. The lady was the daughter of his patroness Henrietta von Valkenty. Despite the admiration of the talent of Schiller, the chief of chosen refused the playwright when he launched her hotly beloved Chad.

The second Charlotte in the fate of the writer became the widow of the background of Calb, which was insanely in love with the poem. True, in this case, Schiller himself was not eager to create a family with extremely annoying special. After her, Friedrich looked at the young subsidiary of the merchant books - Margarita.

While the philosopher was thinking about the wedding and about the children, his faithful entertainment in the company of other men and did not even intend to associate his life with a writer with a hole in his pocket. When Shiller suggested Margarita to become his wife, the lady, barely holding back laughter, admitted that he was just played with him.

The third woman for which the writer was ready to get a star from the sky, was Charlotte von Lengefeld. This lady, examined the potential in the poet and responded to his feelings of reciprocity. After Schiller got a teacher of philosophy in Jen's University, the playwright managed to scat the money, which was enough for a wedding. In this marriage, the writer was born Son Ernest.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that Schiller praised his wife's mind surrounding that Charlotte was a lady of economic and faithful, but very close.


For three years to death, the writer unexpectedly was given to the noble title. Schiller himself skeptically reacted to this grace, but he accepted her in order to his wife and children after his death were provided. Every year, the playwright, the painful tuberculosis, was getting worse and he literally faded in front of his family and friends. A writer died at 45 May 9, 1805, and without adding his last play "Dimitri".

For a short, but productive life The author of the work "Ode to Joy" created 10 plays, two historical monographs, as well as a couple of philosophical works and a number of poems. However, to earn literary work at Schiller did not work. That is why after the death of the writer, they buried in a crypt of Kassengevelbe, organized for nobles who did not have their own family tomb.

After 20 years, it was decided to reburial the remains of the Great Writer. True, they turned out to be problematic. Then archaeologists, pushing his finger into the sky, chose one of the skeletons unknown by them, stating the public that the remains found belong to Schiller. After that, they again betrayed the land in the princely tomb on a new cemetery, near the grave of a philosopher's close friend, the poet Johanna Wolfgang von Goethe.

Tomb with empty coffin Friedrich Schiller

After a couple of years, biographers and literary criticism had doubts about the authenticity of the body of playwright, and in 2008, exhumation was held, which revealed interesting fact: The remains of the poet belonged to three different people. Now Frederich's body is impossible to find the body, so the grave of the philosopher is empty.


"Only one who owns one is free"
"Parents are least forgiving their children those vices that they themselves pledged"
"A person grows as its goals grow"
"Better a terrible end than endless fear"
"Great souls suffer from suffering silently"
"A person is reflected in his actions"


  • 1781 - "Robbers"
  • 1783 - "Conspiracy Fiese in Genoa"
  • 1784 - "Deceit and love"
  • 1787 - "Don Carlos, Infant Spanish"
  • 1791 - "History of the Thirty-year war"
  • 1799 - "Wallenstein"
  • 1793 - "On the grace and dignity"
  • 1795 - "Letters about the aesthetic education of a person"
  • 1800 - "Maria Stewart"
  • 1801 - "On the sublime"
  • 1801 - "Orlean Virgo"
  • 1803 - "Messinsky Bride"
  • 1804 - Wilhelm Tool

Johann Christoph Fritrich von Schiller was born in Marbach-on-Noquar, Württemberg, Sacred Roman Empire. His parents were Johann Kaspar Schiller - Military Feldscher and Elizabeth Dorothea Coduse.

In 1763, his father appointed a recruiter to german city Schwebysh Gmund, because of which the entire Schiller family moved to Germany, settling in the small town of Lorch.

In Lorha Schiller visited primary schoolBut because of discontent with the quality of education, he often stripped classes. Since his parents wanted him to become a priest, they hired a local priest who trained Schiller Latin and Greek.

In 1766, Schiller's family returned to Ludwigsburg, where his father was transferred. In Ludwigsburg, Schiller drew the attention of Karl Evgeny Vürttemberg. In a few years, Schiller graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Charles Württemberg Academy - " Higher School Charles. "

His first work, drama "Robbers", was written during his studies at the Academy. She was published in 1781, and the next year in Germany there was a performance on it. In Drama, it was told about the conflict of two brothers.


In 1780, Schiller appointed a regimental doctor to Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He was not glad to this appointment, and therefore once left the service without permission to look at the first stage of his play "Robbers".

Since he left the location of the part without permission, Schiller was arrested and sentenced to 14 days of arrest. He was also forbidden to publish his work in the future.

In 1782, Schiller through Frankfurt, Mannheim, Leipzig and Dresden escaped to Weimar. And in 1783 in Bonn, Germany, the next setting of Schiller was presented with the name "Plispiped Fiese in Genoa".

In 1784, a play of five parts "Deceit and love" was presented at the Schauspiel Frankfurt Theater. A few years later, the play was translated into French and English.

In 1785, Schiller presented the "Ode to Joy" play.

In 1786, he presented a "crime due to lost honor", which was written in the form of a criminal report.

In 1787, his dramatic play was presented in Hamburg in five parts of Don Carlos in Hamburg. In the play we are talking about the conflict between Don Carlos and his father - Spanish king Philip II.

In 1789, Schiller began working as a teacher of history and philosophy in Jena. There, he begins to write his historical work, one of which is the "History of the Netherlands."

In 1794 it comes out of his work "Letters about the aesthetic education of a person." The work was written on the basis of events during the French Revolution.

In 1797, Schiller wrote the Ballad of "Polycrats Run", which was published next year. In the same year, he also presented the following ballads: "Ivikov Zhuravly" and "Diver".

In 1799, Schiller completed the writing of Valenettein's trilogy, which consisted of the Wallenstein camp plays, Piccolomomini and Death of Wallenstein.

In 1800, Schiller presented such work: "Maria Stewart" and "Orleans".

In 1801, Schiller introduced the plays of "Carlo Gogia, Turandot" and "Turandot, Princess of China" translated plays.

In 1803, Schiller presented his dramatic work "Messinsky Bride", which was first shown in Weimar, Germany.

In 1804, he presented the dramatic work of Wilhelm Talla, based on the Swiss legend of a skilled arrow named Wilhelm Tel.

Main works

Schiller's play with the name "Robbers" is considered one of the first European meloders. In the play, the viewer shows a prospect for the viciousness of society and a look at the class, religious and economic differences between people are offered.

Awards and achievements

In 1802, Schiller was poured by the noble status of the Duke of Weimar, who added the background "background" to his name testifying to his noble status.

Personal life and heritage

In 1790, Schiller married Charlotte von Lenhafeld. Couple has four children born.

At the age of 45, Schiller died from tuberculosis.

In 1839, a monument was established in Stuttgart in his honor. The area on which he was set was called in honor of Schiller.
It is believed that Friedrich Schiller was Frankmason.

In 2008, scientists held the DNA test, which showed that the Schiller Schiller in the coffin does not belong to him and therefore his grave is empty.

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