Where and when there is a solar eclipse. When and where you can see solar eclipses

March 20, the inhabitants of the Earth were able to observe the largest over the past sixteen years. The total phase of the eclipse was visible in the north of the Atlantic Ocean and in the Arctic, partial in the western part of Russia and other countries of the world. The next phenomenon of the same scale will be held on August 12, 2026. But besides him, there will be other solar eclipses in the near future, which also promise to be spectacular. It can be an excellent pretext to go on a journey. Below is a calendar of solar eclipses for the coming years.

September 13, 2015: Partial - which in any section of the earth is not visible as complete. It will be seen in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria in South Africa, as well as in Namibia, Botswana and Madagascar.

March 8, 2016: Complete solar eclipse. It will be possible to observe it in south-East Asia (Best places - Sumatra and Indonesia) and Australia.

September 1, 2016: Ring-like solar eclipse when the moon passes in front of the sun, but does not overshadow his disk completely.

The annular eclipse occurs when the sun and the moon are built into one line, but visually the moon turns less than our star. As a result, the so-called "Ring of Fire" appears around the moon disk.

You can enjoy the spectacle in Central Africa and on Madagascar Island.

February 26, 2017: Ring-shaped solar eclipse. Where to see? Africa (South and West), South America (South and West) and the Indian Ocean.

August 21, 2017: Complete solar eclipse. Most seats in the United States and Canada will fall into the strip. The total phase of the eclipse will be visible everywhere from the east coast to Western. IN last time Such an astronomical phenomenon could be observed on June 8, 1918.

August 11, 2018: Partial solar eclipse. It will be visible to residents and guests of Russia, North and of Eastern Europe and Canada.

July 2, 2019: Complete solar eclipse. View of it will open in countries South America, especially in Chile and Argentina.

December 26, 2019: Ring-shaped solar eclipse. Countries for observing Eclipse: India and Sri Lanka Island in South Asia.

June 21 2020: Ring-shaped solar eclipse. You can enjoy the spectacle in Central America, in the south of China and in the northern part of India.

December 14, 2020: Complete solar eclipse. Observation will be observed in South America, South Africa, but the best view will open in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro.

June 10, 2021: Ring-shaped solar eclipse. It will be partially visible in London, in the east of Russia, the North of Europe, as well as in Norway. The best view will open in Canada.

October 25, 2022: Partial solar eclipse. Best Places for Observation - Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, west Side Russia, as well as the countries of Central Asia, including Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

What is solar eclipse?

Solar eclipse - Astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the moon passes in front of the sun, closing it from the observer on earth. The nature of the eclipse depends on the remoteness of the moon from the ground during the event.

\u003e Solar eclipse

What solar eclipse: Characteristics of the phenomenon, time, formation scheme, solar eclipse calendar, full, private, ring with photo, how to observe.

It happens at the moment when the moon, designing his disk in the sun, completely or partially blocks the stream of sunlight, directed to the ground. This event occurs only in the new moon phase, when the side of the moon turned to us is not covered. It is important to note that as well as the phases of the moon, the Sun has a scheme and phases of eclipse (species): full or private. In the first embodiment, it will be possible to observe the features of the solar crown (reminds the ring). You have already clear the essence of the solar eclipse, especially since the astronomical phenomenon is most accessible to observe.

Solar Eclipse Calendar

Solar Eclipse Calendar Indicates the dates and the year of future sun shading events. You can see what will be the most best region Visibility on Earth, indicating the point of the maximum phase and the territory of distribution of the solar eclipse. In addition, you can go to pages with descriptions of specific solar eclipses, where the characteristic is presented, more parts from the photo and the frequency of solar eclipses.

Solar Eclipse: Basic Concepts

Incredible beautiful phenomenonwhich is observed a large number of People, but in the description there may be not completely understandable terms and phases familiar to astronomy. Let's study them carefully. Also remember what conditions are needed for the onset of solar eclipse.

Saros (Greek Soros) or a draconic period - the time interval at the end of which due to the repetition mutual location The moon, the nodes of its orbits in the sky and the sun, in one sequence are constantly repeated by lunar and solar eclipses. Mention of Saros, dated by several centuries to our era, has scientists Ancient Greece and Egypt. Approximately the draconic period is 585 and 1/3 days or 18 years and 10 1/3 (11 1/3 days per leap year). One saros contains 28 lunar and 43 solar eclipses (15 private, 2 ring-shaped-complete, 14 ring-shaped, 12 full). However, due to certain circumstances, the number of eclipses in different periods may vary. Based on the draconic period, preliminary forecasts of eclipses are made, but it is still impossible to accurately predict their occurrence and location.

Full solar eclipse (Total Solar Eclipse) is a solar eclipse, which is accompanied by the intersection of the moon shadow cone of the earth's surface. At the same time, the satellite is located at such a distance from the ground, which completely overlaps the sun.

Partial (Private) Solar Eclipse PARTIAL SOLAR Eclipse) is a solar eclipse, which is accompanied by the intersection of the earth's surface of the lunar native. In this case, the shadow cone does not affect the surface of the Earth.

(Annular Solar Eclipse) is such a solar eclipse, which is accompanied by the intersection of the earth's surface by the cone-continuation of the shadow of the moon. At the same time, the moon is located at such a distance from the ground, which completely overlaps the sun. At the peak of the eclipse, the distance between the axis of the moon shade and the center of the Earth is minimal.

The point of the greatest eclipse is a plot of land where you can observe the moment of the greatest eclipse in the maximum phase. During the annular eclipse, the moment of maximum duration can be combined or not combined with the moment of the greatest eclipse. Such an eclipse reaches its maximum duration at the beginning or at the end of the eclipse path.

(Hybrid Solar Eclipse) is such a solar eclipse, which is characterized by intersection ground surface The vertex of the moon shade cone along the eclipse on its central line. At this moment, the eclipse from the ring-shaped can be complete or vice versa. Therefore, hybrid eclipses can be called ring-shaped. In most cases, hybrid eclipses change their nature twice: the beginning and end of their path pass as ring, and the middle part is like full.

During the annular eclipse, the moment of maximum duration can be combined or not combined with the moment of the greatest eclipse. Such an eclipse reaches its maximum duration at the beginning or at the end of the eclipse path.

With a full sunny eclipse, the moment of the greatest eclipse is combined with the moment of the greatest duration and the largest phase of the eclipse.

Do not everyone know how to observe the solar eclipse in Russia and the world, especially if it is a large-scale event. Do I need to buy a special telescope or go to search for filters? Exist basic ruleswho do not violate not to damage vision.

During the direct observation of the solar disk using optical devices, irreversible damage to the retina may occur. This concerns even observations of Bailey or solar crescent. The brilliance of one percent of the visible surface of the sun is tens of thousand times greater than the shine of the full moon. That is why the direct observation of the sun through the lens can be compared using a magnifying magnifying glass to direct the flow of sunlight on the retina, which is practically not restored even surgically. From here extreme an important rule: Never look at the sun without serious eye protection. The only exception is the full solar eclipse phase.

Polaroid or traditional sunglasses can be relaxed to a certain extent if you walk around the city on a hot sunny day, but they are categorically not suitable for use when observing the Sun, because they are not light filters.

With a full solar eclipse, the surface of the Sun is hidden from the eye of the observers, so it is possible to observe this phenomenon without special filters.

To date, several secure methods of observing partial phase of solar eclipse have been developed.

Point projection method

Using the "Obcker Camera" allows you to track the projected image of the Sun during a private solar eclipse. Complex designs of this kind are made of cardboard boxes, but the mobile version of the camera, made from a pair of thin dense sheets of cardboard, shows perfectly. white color. To do this, a small hole is made in one sheet, through which the sunlight is sent to the second sheet used as a screen. Thus, you can see an inverted image of the sun. To enlarge it, you need to place the screen at some distance from the opening. Do not make the hole wider to see the solar crescent, and not a blinding flow of light. Do not forget that the use of such a device is allowed only from the position of the back to the Sun. The light should pass through the hole right above your shoulder, forming an image on the bottom screen.

Do not try to consider the sun through the hole!

Light filters for solar radiation

Another observation method is using a specially designed light filter. Such filters are capable of passing only a small part of sunlight. Information on modern filters of this type can be obtained in the thematic editions of astronomy.

Some filters are made of aluminated polyester. But it is not necessary to forget that polyester, being plastic, is poured on its density. The full protection of the vision provides a metal coating, so carefully examine the polyester for the presence of the most minor holes capable of missing sunlight and deprive you of view. With the help of high-quality light filter, you can safely observe the luminescence of lamps with high incandescent intensity.

Other light filters are made from black polyester. This material gives an image of the shone in a pleasant eye of yellow-orange tones. But it is worth saying again that no filter can provide absolute safety of your eyes if its density is less than 5.0.

In any case, avoid the stronger and long observation of the sun. Even through the filter, you can only consider the sun with short intervals, periodically removing your eyes and giving them the opportunity to relax.

Observation in binoculars

Astronomer's writer George Fovi loved to observe a complete eclipse with binoculars. For your research, the binoculars of any size will be suitable. Catching used binoculars 7x50. In her notes, he described his impressions so: "Even the true masters of photographs are not able to accurately determine the paints and the main details of the sun at the time of its eclipse. No film is capable of catching all the finest features of the crown. But the human eye is capable of such feats. " According to the writer, people seeking to fix the true image of the Sun at the time of its eclipse, are artists of the XIX century. They saw this magic phenomenon with their own eyes and moved his canvas, creating real masterpieces of "astronomical" painting.

People who want to apply binoculars during the observation of the eclipse, writing to common sense. He believed that it was possible to consider a complete eclipse without any filters, both in binoculars and a telescope or an unarmed eye at all. However, partial phases of eclipse (before the appearance of a light area around the darkened disc) can only be explored if there is a filter. After the end of the disappearance of this area, the filter can be postponed again. Also, resume work with the filter follows the appearance of a bright glow on the western edge of the moon disc and descending the complete eclipse.

At the same time, the binoculars design is such that it is a couple of small, located next to each other telescope. And the surveillance of the Sun with its help without any filter can seriously damage your vision.

Observation of the telescope

The historian-astronomer Ruth Freytag, as well as other observers, investigate the progression of eclipses with a small mobile telescope. It is very stable and does not cause fatigue in the study for a long time. Also, the telescope gives a clearer and detailed image of the eclipse. When the complete eclipse of light filters can be easily removed. And if you wish to consider a large-scale view of the crown, you can switch the scale of the crawler.

Some camera manufacturers and telescope offer light filters with a metallic coating. They are distinguished by high safety in the study of the sun. As a rule, they are more expensive than ordinary light filters, but are very popular among amateur astronomers, as they give a yellow-orange image of the sun. With the help of aluminated Mailara, the luminaire appears in the bluish-gray tones.

Do not confuse filters for installation on a telescope hole or camera lens with solar eyepieces for telescopes. Some models of amateur telescopes are still completed. Their security is subjected to serious doubts, since they are quickly heated, crack and pass the sunlight directly into the eye of the observer.

Fully exhibited and manifested black and white film as a light filter

An observation filter can be made with their own black and white filter. But for this, only a real black and white film is suitable, preferably Pan-X or KODAK TRI-X. After the developing on them, a layer of silver protecting the eyes is formed.

The filter manufacturing circuit is simple. To do this, you need to open the black and white films; and light it on sunlight During a couple of minutes. Then the film is manifested to obtain negatives. Two layers of negatives are an excellent filter to observe shone without any harm to health. To increase its safety, make such a filter a couple of days before the observation.

Refuse to use chromogenic black and white or color film. In its composition - only colored dyes that do not protect your eyes. If you do all the rules, you will be able to make amazing photos of the solar eclipse, the examples of which are presented below.

Solar eclipse - the thing is quite rare. And also, as it was called, they occur in places where it is not so easy to get. Therefore, all those who really want to see this ambitious astronomical phenomenon must necessarily know the exact time and place. For yourself and for others, we have made a map and a catalog of full solar eclipses from 2015 to 2035 to plan a trip in advance, so to speak, to the place of entry)))

The most interesting of the eclipse - it is full solar eclipse. With it, for a while, you can see the night and sunny crown in the afternoon. With other types of solar eclipses of these phenomena, it will not be possible to observe.

How to use full solar eclipse card

  • This card can be downloaded. It is necessary to click on the map, and then save on your computer as an ordinary picture.
  • Black stripes on the map are a trail of a complete solar eclipse. It is in this place that the observer will see a complete eclipse, in other places an eclipse will be partial.
  • A red circle on the trail marked the place where the time of the solar eclipse will be the most maximum.

How to use full solar eclipse catalog

  • The directory specifies the card data. In the column "places", the countries and regions of complete solar eclipse are precisely prescribed. For the maximum phase (red circle on the map), its exact time, coordinates and duration are shown. Still in the table there is a shadow width: Well, it is more so, for general development.
  • In a word, all those who will observe a complete solar eclipse in the place that is marked on a red circle map can assume that they provided VIP-spaces. Well, the farther from these coordinates, the more mediocre your places to view.

Catalog of total solar eclipses from 2015 to 2035

date A place Time
20th of March
Faroe islands,
North Atlantic,
North Pole. Private:
Central Asia,
Western Russia.
09:46:47 167 463 64 ° 24'0 "S.Sh.
6 ° 35'59 "ZD
9th of March
Marshall Islands. Private:
Southeast Asia,
Korean ps,
Eastern Russia
Pacific Ocean.
01:58:19 249 155 10 ° 5'59 "S.Sh.
148 ° 48'0 "V.D.
August 21
USA. Private:
North America,
British Isles,
Central America,
North of South America,
Chukotka ps.
18:26:40 160 115 37 ° 0'00 "S.Sh.
87 ° 42'00 "ZD
July 2
Tuamot. Private:
South America,
Easter Island,
Galapagos Islands,
South Center. America
19:24:08 273 201 17 ° 23'59 "Yu.Sh.
109 ° 0'0 "ZD
December 14th
Polynesia. Private:
South America,
Southwest Africa,
Antarctic ps,
Earth Elsurat,
Land of the queen mod.
16:14:39 130 90 40 ° 17'59 "Yu.Sh.
67 ° 54'0 "Z.D.
December 4th
Antarctica. Private:
South Africa,
South of the Atlantic.
07:34:38 114 419 76 ° 47'59 "Yu.Sh.
46 ° 12'0 "ZD
April 8.
Canada. Private:
North America,
Central America.
18:18:29 268 198 25 ° 18'0 "S.Sh.
104 ° 5'59 "ZD
12th of August
Spain. Private:
North America,
West Africa,
17:47:06 138 294 65 ° 12'0 "S.Sh.
25 ° 11'59 "ZD
August 2
Saudi Arabia,
Somalia. Private:
Middle East,
Western Asia
South Asia.
10:07:50 383 258 25 ° 30'0 "S.Sh.
33 ° 12'0 "V.D.
July 22.
New Zealand. Private:
Southeast Asia,
Indian Ocean.
02:56:40 310 230 15 ° 35'59 "Yu.Sh.
126 ° 42'0 "V.D.
November 25
South Africa,
Australia. Private:
South Africa,
Indian Ocean,
06:51:37 224 169 43 ° 36'0 "Yu.Sh.
71 ° 12'0 "V.D.
30th of March
Eastern Russia
Alaska. Private:
North America.
18:02:36 157 781 71 ° 17'59 "S.Sh.
155 ° 48'0 "ZD
20th of March
Saudi Arabia,
China. Private:
West Asia. \u003e
10:18:45 249 159 16 ° 6'0 "S.Sh.
22 ° 11'59 "V.D.
September 2
Korean ps,
Pacific Ocean. Private:
East Asia,
Pacific Ocean.
01:56:46 174 116 29 ° 6'0 "S.Sh.
158 ° 0'0 "V.D.

On March 20 of this year, a complete solar eclipse will occur, which will block up to 90 percent of sunny. Eclipse will become the largest event in the last 16 years. On this day, the moon passes right in front of the sun, swinging the shadow to the ground. Solar eclipse can cause temporary turning off the electricity throughout Europe. Eclipse will occur on March 20 on Friday and will begin at 7:41 am UTC (World Time) and will end at 11:50 UTC.

· Start of the solar eclipse: 12:13 Moscow time

· Maximum solar eclipse phase: 13:20 Moscow time

· Ending solar eclipse: 14:27 Moscow time

· Maximum darkening of the solar disk: 58 percent

In the east of Greenland, in Iceland, on the Svalbard archipelago and the Faroe Islands will be observed a complete eclipse. In Russia, in Europe, the Northern and Eastern part of Africa and the Northern and Eastern part of Asia will be observed a private solar eclipse.

The last time the total solar eclipse of this scale occurred on August 11, 1999, and the next will take place in 2026. In addition, the eclipse can disrupt solar sources of power supply and lead to the disconnection of electricity.

Remember that it is impossible to look directly to the Sun disc during, as this can lead to irreversible eye damage. For observation, you need to take advantage of special solar light filters.

Eclipse falls on the day of equinox and noving, and the moon will reach the moon perigee - the nearest point to the ground on its orbit. Spring equinox comes on March 20, 2015 at 22:45 UTC (March 21 1:45 Moscow time). It represents the moment when the sun crosses the heavenly equator. On the day of equinox, the duration of the night and the day is the same and is 12 hours.

Martov new moon will be super littleness, which, although it will not be seen, but will have more than the usual effect on the oceans of the Earth. Eclipse occurs when heavenly bodyFor example, the moon or planet passes into the shadow of another body. On Earth, you can observe two types of eclipses: solar and moon.

During the solar eclipse of the orbit, the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth. When this happens, the moon blocks the light of the sun and throws the shadow on the ground.

There are several types of solar eclipses:

Full - it can be seen in certain areas of the Earth, which are located in the center of the lunar shade falling on the ground. The sun, the moon and the earth are on a straight line.

Private - this eclipse occurs when the sun, the moon and the earth are not exactly on the same line, and the observers are located in a half.

Ring-shaped - occurs when the moon is located in the largest point from the ground. As a result, it does not block the entire disk of the Sun, and looks like a dark disk, around which a bright ring is visible.

Before you an eclipse calendar for 2018-2022. For each year - a separate table, where the date, Moscow time, the type of solar or lunar eclipse, the degree and the zodiac sign in which the eclipse will take place, as well as the regions where this phenomenon can be observed.

Eclipses are not such rare phenomena, they happen every year. Solar eclipse It happens in the new moon when the moon rises between the sun and the ground, partly or completely overlapping the sunlight.

Moon eclipse It happens in full moon when the land is between the Sun and the Moon, and the Earth throws the shadow on the moon.

Effect of eclipse

Solar eclipses are more affected by physical health, lunar - on emotions and mental state.

People sensitive, emotionally unstable, as well as those who have cardiovascular diseases, are recommended for days near eclipses to reduce business activity and relax more.

Also, eclipses are more affected by those people in the horoscopes of which important points are addressed eclipse.

Eclipse. Calendar for 2018

In 2018 there were 5 eclipses - 3 solar and 2 lunaries.

date Time
GMT + 3.
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
31.01.18 16:30 Full lunar eclipse 11 ° 37'04 " a lion Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, West North America. Eclipse can be observed for most of Russia *
16.02.18 0:05 Private solar eclipse 27 ° 07'50 \u200b\u200b" Aquarius Private: Antarctica, South of South America
13.07.18 5:48 Private solar eclipse 20 ° 41'14 " Cancer Private: South of the author
27.07.18 23:20 Full lunar eclipse 4 ° 44'53 " Aquarius South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
11.08.18 12:58 Private solar eclipse 18 ° 41'42 " a lion Private: North of Europe, Northeast Asia. Eclipse can be seen in most of Russia, except for the southwest (Smolensk, Tula, Tambov, Saratov and south), Chukotka and Kamchatka. In Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova and Ukraine is not visible. In Moscow, the maximum phase of the eclipse occurs at 12:36 Moscow time.

Full lunar eclipse January 31, 2018. Visibility on the territory of B.SSR *

Lunar eclipse January 31 In one or another, it was possible to observe throughout former USSR. Fully all its phases were visible in the eastern and central part of the Russian Federation - in the Far Eastern and almost in the whole Siberian federal District. Observers in these regions, in order to learn the maximum phase of the full lunar eclipse, is enough to replace Moscow time at the table for the time of its time zone. So in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, the climax of eclipse took place at 23:30, the beginning of a private eclipse at 21:48, and the beginning of a complete eclipse - at 22:50. Below is the time the beginning of the private phase, start of full lunar eclipsewhen the moon completely goes into the shadow of the Earth and maximum phase eclipse in the largest cities This area.

  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: 23:48-00:52-01:30;
  • Magadan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: 22: 48-23: 52-00: 30;
  • Birobidzhan, Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk: 21: 48-22: 52-23: 30;
  • Blagoveshchensk, Chita, Yakutsk: 20: 48-21: 52-22: 30;
  • Angarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude: 19: 48-20: 52-21: 30;
  • Abakan, Barnaul, Biysk, Gorno-Altaisk, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Kyzyl, Novosibirsk Norilsk, Tomsk: 18: 48-19: 51-20: 30;
  • Omsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan): 17: 48-18: 52-19: 30;
  • Khanty-Mansiysk: 16:48-17:52-18:30;

West could not be fully observed the beginning of the eclipse - its private phase before full eclipse, since in these regions of the moon to the beginning of the eclipse has not yet had time to climb. And the farther to the southwest, the most of the eclipse is hidden from the sight of the observer under the line of the horizon. In this group of settlements, we indicated the start time of the full eclipse, its largest phase and the end time with the transition to a private eclipse when the moon peeps out of the shadows.

  • Almaty, Astana, Karaganda ( Kazakhstan), Bishkek, Osh ( Kyrgyzstan): 18:52-19:30-20:08;
  • Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Perm, Ufa, Chelyabinsk; Dushanbe ( Tajikistan - All Territory), Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan ( Uzbekistan): 17:52-18:30-19:08;
  • Arkhangelsk, Murmansk: 15: 52-16: 30-17: 08;

Even further to the West there is a strip in which the full lunar eclipse can be seen, i.e. The moon disk is completely closed, but it is impossible to observe the beginning of the full phase and the moon is located near the horizon line. During the eclipse of the moon rises above and the visibility of the final phases of eclipse is better. In brackets beyond the title of the city indicated the time of the moon's sunrise, and at the end of each group of cities in different temporary belts - the end of the full phase.

  • Orenburg (18:01): 19:08;
  • Astrakhan (17:48), Samara (17:17), Saratov (17:40), Tolyatti (17:18), Ulyanovsk (17:20), Baku (17:56, Azerbaijan): 18:08;
  • Moscow (16:59), Volgograd (16:56), Vologda (16:32), Nizhny Novgorod (16:29): 17:08;

Finally, the area where the eclipse is visible only as a private at the rising moon. In brackets behind the name of the settlement indicated the local time sunrise.

  • Velikiy Novgorod (17:12), Krasnodar (17:30), Rostov-on-Don (17:21), Pskov (17:28), St. Petersburg (17:08). In Kaliningrad, the eclipse is visible only as a private semountain - after the sunrise of the moon at 17:16 local time - Russia;
  • Kiev (16:49), Dnipro (16:36), Donetsk (17:26), Zhytomyr (16:58), Zaporizhia (16:38), Nikolaev (16:54), Odessa (17:01), Kharkov ( 16:27), in Lviv, in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Ternopil and Uzhgorod, an eclipse can only be seen as a private seventeen - Ukraine;
  • Tallinn (16:35, Estonia), Riga (16:51, Latvia), Vilnius (16:55, Lithuania), Chisinau (17:07, Moldova), Tbilisi (18:14, Georgia, Yerevan (18:19, Armenia);
  • Minsk (17:49), Brest (18:13), Vitebsk (17:33), Gomel (17:38), Grodno (18:06), Mogilyov (17:38) - Belarus;

If your residence is in an unspecified place, then just choose the closest of the listed cities and do not forget about the time zones!

Full lunar eclipse July 27, 2018

Full lunar eclipse July 27/28 It was possible to observe most of the land of our planet, except Northern and Central America, as well as the Northern and Northeastern regions of the Russian Federation.

Eclipse. Calendar for 2019

In 2019, 5 eclipses will occur - 3 solar and 2 lunaries.

date Time
GMT + 3.
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
6.01.19 4:28 Private solar eclipse 15 ° 25'02 " Capricorn northeast Asia, North Pacific Ocean. Eclipse could be observed in the Far East of Russia (with the exception of the Northern and Northwestern regions). *
21.01.19 8:16 Full lunar eclipse 0 ° 51'34 " a lion central part of the Pacific Ocean, North and South America, Europe, Africa. **
2.07.19 22:16 Full solar eclipse 10 ° 37'34 " Cancer Private: South of the Pacific Ocean, South America
Full: South of the Pacific Ocean, Chile, Argentina
17.07.19 0:38 Private lunar eclipse 24 ° 04'09 " Capricorn South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia. ***
26.12.19 8:13 Ring solar eclipse 4 ° 06'52 " Capricorn Private: Asia, Australia. Apparently on the territory of B.SSR can be found below ****
Ring: Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra, Kaliman

Private solar eclipse January 6, 2019. Visibility in the territory of the Russian Federation *

Sunny Eclipse January 6 In Russia, it was possible to observe only in the Far East. Below is the time (local!) the beginning of the eclipse, maximum phase and embodiment ending in the largest cities. At the end of the green, the magnitude of the maximum phase of the eclipse, expressed in hundredths of the unit, is highlighted. The number closer to one, the more the moon closes the drive of the Sun.

  • Blagoveshchensk: 08: 40-09: 58-11: 23 ☀️ 0.56
  • Vladivostok.: 09:38-10:57-12:24 🌞 0,49
  • Irkutsk: 09:11 (with sunrise) -09: 16-09: 48 🌞 0.28
  • Komsomolsk-on-Amur: 09: 48-11: 12-12: 42 ☀️ 0.61
  • Magadan: 11: 11-12: 37-14: 04 ☀️ 0.70
  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: 12: 17-13: 48-15: 18 ☀️ 0.66
  • Ussuriysk:09:39-10:58-12:25 🌞 0,50
  • Khabarovsk: 09: 44-11: 07-12: 37 ☀️ 0.58
  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.: 10: 50-12: 18-13: 52 ☀️ 0.59
  • Yakutsk: 09:40 (with sunrise) -10: 14-11: 36 ☀️ 0.66

Full lunar eclipse January 21, 2019. Visibility on the territory of B.SSR **

This eclipse is the only full lunar eclipse in 2019. It is noteworthy that it occurs during the so-called. Superlunia - when a complete (or new) moon in its elliptical movement around the Earth is in the point nearest to it. In addition, "Superluna" during the eclipse has become "bloody" - when passing on the fellow of the Earth, the lunar disc has acquired a browned hue. In Europe, it is still very difficult to observe the eclipse, since the moon was located low above the horizon, and the easter - the lower.

Click here to deploy the text and read about the eclipse Read more

Moon Eclipse January 21 It was possible to observe the larger territory of the former USSR, with the exception of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and East of Kazakhstan. In Russia, the eclipse was not visible at all in the southern part of Siberia and Far East. The largest cities that have passed this eclipse: Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok. Below, the table shows the local time of the full phase, the maximum and end of the full phase, when the moon looks out of the shade of the Earth. Cities in which eclipse can be seen as a private or semolio, not included in the table.

City The beginning of the full phase Maximum eclipse End of full phase
Arkhangelsk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Vilnius 06:41 07:12 07:43
Volgograd 08:41 08:39 08:51 (with an approach)
Voronezh 07:41 08:12 08:25 (with an approach)
Dnieper 06:41 07:12 07:29 (with an approach)
Donetsk 07:41 08:12 08:16 (with an approach)
Kazan 07:41 08:00 08:05 (with an approach)
Kiev 06:41 07:12 07:43
Kishinev 06:41 07:12 07:43
Lviv 06:41 07:12 07:43
Minsk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Moscow 07:41 08:12 08:43
Murmansk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Nizhny Novgorod 07:41 08:12 08:29 (with an approach)
Permian 09:41 09:39 09:49 (with an approach)
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 17:41 (with sunrise) 17:46 17:43
Riga 06:41 07:12 07:43
Rostov-on-Don 07:41 08:00 08:05 (with an approach)
Samara 08:41 08:39 08:47 (with an approach)
St. Petersburg 07:41 08:12 08:43
Tallinn 06:41 07:12 07:43

Private lunar eclipse July 16-17, 2019. Visibility on the territory of B.SSR ***

All phases of eclipse can be observed in the southwestern regions of Russia, in Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, almost all of Uzbekistan and in the west of Kazakhstan.

The shadow of the Earth at the eclipse maximum will close the Moon disk by about 65 percent. How much will the eclipse begin? The table below shows the start time of the private (non-half-blooded) lunar eclipse, its maximum and the end of the local time.

City Start of private eclipse Maximum eclipse End of private eclipse
Arkhangelsk 23:01 (16.07) 00:30 (17.07) 01:59
Vilnius 23:01 00:30 01:59
Volgograd 00:01 01:30 02:59
Voronezh 23:01 00:30 01:59
Dnieper 23:01 00:30 01:59
Donetsk 23:01 00:30 01:59
Yekaterinburg 01:01 02:30 03:59
Irkutsk 04:01 04:55 05:02 (Sunset)
Kazan 23:01 00:30 01:59
Kiev 23:01 00:30 01:59
Kishinev 23:01 00:30 01:59
Krasnoyarsk 03:01 04:21 04:27 (Sunset)
Lviv 23:01 00:30 01:59
Minsk 23:01 00:30 01:59
Moscow 23:01 00:30 01:59
Murmansk Eclipse is not visible
Nizhny Novgorod 23:01 00:30 01:59
Novosibirsk 03:01 04:30 05:15 (with sunset)
Nursultan 02:01 03:30 04:59
Permian 01:01 02:30 03:59
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Eclipse is not visible
Riga 23:01 00:30 01:59
Rostov-on-Don 23:01 00:30 01:59
Samara 23:01 00:30 01:59
St. Petersburg 23:01 00:30 01:59
Tallinn 23:01 00:30 01:59
Ufa 01:01 02:30 03:59
Khabarovsk Only as half-blooded. Maximum at 05:08.
Chelyabinsk 01:01 02:30 03:59

Ring solar eclipse on December 26, 2019. Visibility on the territory of B.SSR ****

Ring Solar Eclipse December 26 As a private in Russia can be observed in some southern regions and in Primorye. However, the eclipse phase will not be very large. On the territory of the former USSR, the best visibility will be in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. But if you are an enterprising person, this eclipse makes it possible for quite an opportunity to observe "almost complete" solar eclipse, as the maximum corridor passes including the territory of the United Arab Emirates. It is likely that getting into the desert from Abu Dhabi for such a spectacle will not be difficult.
Local time is given below. the beginning of the eclipse, maximum phase and embodiment ending in the largest cities. At the end, the magnitude of the maximum eclipse phase is highlighted, expressed as a percentage. The percentage is larger, the greater the moon closes the Sun drive.

  • Astrakhan: 08:30 (with sunrise) -08: 34-08: 54 🌞 12.0%
  • Ashgabat: 08:20 (with sunrise) -08: 48-09: 58 ☀️ 46.0%
  • Baku: 08:02 (with sunrise) -08: 05-08: 53 ☀️ 40.9%
  • Vladivostok.: 15:23-16:15-17:03 🌞 9,6%
  • Vladikavkaz: 07:31 (with sunrise) -07: 34-07: 52 🌞 11.4%
  • Grozny: 07:28 (with sunrise) -07: 28-07: 52 ☀️ 17.7%
  • Derbent.: 07:14 (with sunrise) -07: 17-07: 53 ☀️ 28.7%
  • Yerevan: 08:23 (with sunrise) -08: 26-08: 51 ☀️ 20.0%
  • Makhachkala: 07:20 (with sunrise) -07: 23-07: 53 ☀️ 22.2%
  • Tashkent: 08: 01-09: 00-10: 07 ☀️ 26.2%
  • Tbilisi: 08:26 (with sunrise) -08: 26-08: 52 ☀️ 19.8%

Eclipse. Calendar for 2020

In 2020, 6 eclipses will occur - 2 solar and 4 lunaries.

date Time
GMT + 3.
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
10.01.20 22:21 Hustled lunar eclipse 20 ° 00'13 " Cancer Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia *
5.06.20 22:12 Hustled lunar eclipse 15 ° 34'03 " Sagittarius Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
21.06.20 9:41 Ring solar eclipse 0 ° 21'23 " Cancer Private: Africa, South West Europe, Asia
Ring: Central Africa, South Asia, Pacific Ocean
5.07.20 7:44 Hustled lunar eclipse 13 ° 37'48 " Capricorn North and South America, Africa
30.11.20 12:30 Hustled lunar eclipse 8 ° 38'01 " Twins Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, North and South America
14.12.20 19:17 Full solar eclipse 23 ° 08'15 " Sagittarius Private: Pacific Ocean, South of South America, Antarctica
Full: South of the Pacific Ocean, Chile, Argentina, South of the Atlantic Ocean

Hustled lunar eclipse on January 10-11, 2020. Visibility on the territory of B.SSR *

All phases of eclipse can be observed throughout the territory of the former USSR and almost all of Europe. Eclipse will begin at 20:08 Moscow time, the maximum phase will reach at 10:02, and will end after midnight - at 0:12 on January 11. To determine the eclipse time for your residence, you must take into account the difference with Moscow time. So, for example, in Vladivostok, the maximum eclipse will take place on January 11 at 5:10 am local time.

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