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Latest Reviews of RSSU

Ramis Aslyamov 13:26 08/01/2019

Sharacmontazh. I study remotely, only a robot is engaged with me, there is no living curator. Exams are accepted according to the incomprehensible scheme. Over the past 3 years, it will be able to reach 1 time - without seems. I do not advise this university to anyone particularly dialing training. Diploma through Skype, the Diploma did not allow the cause did not explain. Now 01.08 I am trying to contact someone since there is a question about recovery spent more than 2,000 rubles for answering machines, I will not call a living person ...

Anton Lifanov 01:11 30.07.2019

I am a student already the third year RSUs. Yesterday, I became an employee, one of the most famous gameiman magazines in Russia. I am writing this review from gratitude to my teachers who really were not indifferent to my fate. They invested in me a lot of knowledge and spent a lot of time. It is unlikely that you find such teachers, especially with our departments that not only can well and interestingly tell the material, but also can give advice and help. In my case, it became the head of the department, ...

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general information

Federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "Russian state social University»


Structure of RSSU

Relying on scientific research world-class, RSUs prepare the best specialists in Russia, as well as the management elite social sphere, forms active and responsible citizens of Russia, highly adapted to modern conditions The market contributes to the integration of graduates into the global community of professionals.

We try to reveal the potential of each student in accordance with the high demands on the specialists of the social sphere.

To date, more than 100 thousand students and a number of educational sites in Russia and the CIS countries are studying at the university. Those who wish to receive first-class education can choose any of 47 directions for the preparation of undergraduate and specialist and 28 directions of magistracy.

Additional education

The Russian State Social University provides and secondary vocational education. At the university, there is a college, conducting fast and high-quality training at the most sought-after directions:

  • Law and organization of social security;
  • Advertising;
  • Social work;
  • Design (by industry);
  • Hotel service;
  • Banking;
  • Teaching B. primary grades;
  • Economy and accounting (by industry);
  • Tourism;
  • Insurance business.

Experienced teachers of RGSU, who know the features of the holding and checks of the EGE, help:

Prepare for creative exams.

  • Russian language;
  • Literature;
  • Mathematics;
  • Social science;
  • Russian history;
  • Physics;
  • Biology;
  • Computer science;
  • Geography;
  • Composition and drawing;
  • Foreign languages.

Preparatory department

Free preparation To admission to the university for preferential categories of citizens. * Training with the use of remote technologies.

* According to paragraph 7 of Article 71 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

Directions of training activities

Admission to the university is carried out according to the results of the commission state exam. For those who graduated from secondary education until 2009, an alternative system of entrance tests is provided. At the university there is a paid and free form of training, students are given a delay from the army.

The spectrum of specialties of RGSU is really impressive. Students can choose training on master's, bachelor or specialist.

The undergraduate department implies training for 42 programs, most popular of which:

  • hotel business;
  • design;
  • journalism;
  • information Security;
  • management;
  • political science;
  • psychology;
  • sociology;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence.

Masters are prepared for 26 programs, including the directions of the undergraduate. In addition, students can choose such interesting specialties as social work, advertising, applied mathematics and many others.

For specialists in 2013, training was provided for 5 programs:

Social structure of the University

In RSUs, all conditions for learning students have been created. Spacious classic halls are provided for lecture classes, smaller offices - for practical events and business games. Each room is equipped modern technician and free access to the Internet. For each faculty created individual digital library with an extensive book array, scientific and research work.

Active student life - business card Russian State Social University. Each student can most fully realize their talents. For scientific discussions, a comfortable conference room was allocated for athletes - a whole stadium, a swimming pool, a skating rink and several sports halls. The university has its own recreation centers in the suburbs and in the south of Russia, students can have fun both a few weekend and whole holidays in a pleasant student company. Implement your creative component in the walls of the Native University allows the local Palace of Culture.

Non-resident students are provided with a hostel. RSUs has 4 comfortable buildings located in the north of the capital.

Scientific activity

Active development on the basis of RGSU received research activities. Those who want to enter graduate school can choose more than 14 sought-after areas and 32 profiles: Ecology, historical sciences, economic theory, criminal process, sociology of culture and much more.

IN scientific work The university involved the entire university community: administration, professorical and teaching staff, students. This approach allows you to build a trajectory of a business scientific career from the implementation of research under the guidance of experienced scientists. We publish three scientific journal, Two of which are included in the list of wak.

Student this university: In this educational institution A lute nightmare since 2017 is going on when Mrs. P ***** was headed. In the subtleties of its biography, it is not worth going to go, suffice to say that the pedagogical experience of its activities was less than 2 years old when she headed such a large and solid institution.

It will be about the faculty of management, where I entered learning in the summer of 2016. By understandable reasonsI will not disclose your specialization, I will say that training is conducted in a similar key in all directions of the faculty.

The advantages include a good infrastructure of some university premises. There are good audiences, classes, repaired. Another thing is that these things do not affect the quality of learning, which remains at the unsatisfactory level.

Smoothly go to disadvantages. They are in any university, of course, only here exceed all available norms:

1. The disgusting work of the dean.
If you have anything to happen and you will need to know something, then be prepared for the fact that with a probability of 85% you will not be able to find out the answers to your questions. On the phone, the Decanat systematically does not respond from 9 to 18 hours, although they have a huge number of additional numbers. Decanates of other units (Stromine, Losinoostrovskaya) are responsible normally and without expectations.

Also, I also strongly recommend that you read all the laws in advance, because the dean itself does not understand how training is based and students have any rights. There was a case when Dean Workers stated that I could not make a social deduction, though, by law I had full right. Accordingly, certified copies of the license did not give me on hand.

Separately, I will say about the receipt for payment of training: Keep all copies in huge quantities, because the dean loves them to "lose" and demand payment of training, even if you all paid on time and brought confirmation.
2. Senseless items in the schedule.
In order to stretch learning time, countless items are added, which are not related to your specialty. To some extent they could be useful for the horizons, only these couples are less than the fingers on one hand, and they all are completed by exams and credits with very high demands.

3. Electronic system training system.
Flame and raw site, where teachers are asking for discharge work. There is no meaning in 90% of tasks, it is equivalent as adequate evaluation criteria.

There were stories when this system flew on the day of the exam and the teacher could not improve the appreciation to students. As a result, the teacher put them from the bald. By the way, most of the group does not take any participation in classes and does not fulfill tasks. Some of these "activists" received good assessments, and the guys who worked normally got the top three and could not justify them.

By the way, the dean loves to lose dubs, statements, so do not be surprised that there may not be the estimates that you earned or expected.

Here I strongly advise you to independently track absolutely all the estimates that you get: maintain statements, ratings, even work. In the form of photos, or copies so that you can protect your position in the critical situation.

4. Low quality knowledge, no prestigidity of the university.
My native sister studied in this university is not a faculty of journalism a few years ago. Then a huge scandal broke out due to the fact that parts of the doctors / candidates assigned scientists of the title On the basis of RSU on the works that were fully borrowed from other people. That is, they took someone else's work and only changed the name there. You can familiarize yourself with this story (investigation of the "discons") on the Internet, there are many confirmed information.

It is the opinion that RSUs is a very prestigious university. In fact, he is not included in any objective ratings of universities, except for those are located on third-rate sites, where RGSU becomes neither its place higher than HSE, RUDN or any more or less worthy establishment. The situation of such "success" is marketing, as in synergies - articles, reviews, awards are bought. It is quite common and in the field of movies, music, business, so, there is nothing to be surprised.

In vacancy in the company with a big name you can find points with education. Employers are asked to respond to MSU / Ranjigs graduates, there are even technical universitiesBut for now, no one from my acquaintances came across a vacancy with RSUs.

5. There are no strings with large brands and employment organizations and practice
In all major universities there are partnerships with brand companies, organizations that can take you into practice and even work.

For example, graduates of the humanitarian directions of Moscow State University love to take in the field of Piara / Advertising, MGIMO - diplomacy and international relations, HSE - in the media sphere and journalism. In RSUs, you can offer vacancies of sellers with a salary of 25 thousand rubles (they are posted on their website). There is no practitioner and internships, as you will be held in RGSU. Summer practise It takes place in the Introductory Commission of RGSU under the GPC Treaty. Often, such practitioners are misleading applicants, there are no disadvantages about the prestige of the university. Many students are forced to volunteering in exchange for points. It is clear that this is not officially regulated, but the refusal may be pretty to spoil your estimates.

Bottom line: I study for the third year in this "University". The attitude of the university to Students Skotsk. No matter, you learn on a paid or on a budget, RSUs is not a "social", but, on the contrary, an antisocial university that will make you doubt own power and prospects.

A separate item for people who experience difficulties in paying training: if you yourself pay for training in financial difficulties (you have a low sn, there are mortgages, loans), and you expect quality from learning, then it is better to see other universities. Get ready for what you have to think very often about this university, about resolving any questions that you should not have to concern, because it is the responsibility of the university under the contract that you have concluded.

If you want to learn for the sake of a diploma (as I study for the sake of the management of the management) and for you a matter of material is not a problem, then we ask for mercy. But remember that at any time you can be on the list on the deduction.

Admission to training under undergraduate programs is carried out according to the results of general educational entrance tests. As the results of general educational entrance tests are recognized eME results or the results of the introductory tests conducted by FGBOU in RGSU independently for individual categories of incoming.

  • Documents required for admission
  1. Identity
  2. Document on the formation of the established sample
  3. Document on changing FULL NAME (if available)
  4. Military Accounting Document (if available)
  • Format of entrance tests
  1. Issued on the territory of the Russian Federation - any year of completion
    Only on the results of the ege *
  2. Issued in the territory of a foreign state
    . By the choice of applicant on EGE * or by internal introductory tests
    . Avdant until 2018 - only by the results of the EGE *
  • Diploma of Middle Professional Education - College

On the choice of applicant on the ege * or by internal introductory tests

* EME results are valid since 2015

  • Minimal scores of the University of Ege * /
Thing Score
Russian language 46
Mathematics 36
Social science 46
History 40
Literature 38
Biology 42
Physics 38
Chemistry 38
Geography 40
Foreign language 46
Professional and creative test 40

* EME results are valid since 2015

  • Reception
  • Categories of persons coming on special law

The right to receive training at the expense of budget allocations within the established quota ( special quota) have children with disabilities, people with disabilities I and II groups, disabled since childhood, disabled due to military injury or disease obtained during the period of military service.

The receiving quota of these categories of incoming is established annually RGSU in the amount of at least 10 percent of the total control figures Receptions allocated by RGSU for the next year, in the direction of training.

Persons S. limited features Health, people with disabilities have the right to choose: to count the results of the exam or pass the introductory tests in the format of the university.

  • Special rights and advantages
  • Reception of foreign citizens

Foreign citizens students on the main educational programs (on all courses) who have issued documents issued on the territory Russian Federation, There must be a procedure for recognizing foreign education (the so-called nostrification). For citizens of some states, nostrification is not required.

  1. Citizens Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstanand Tajikistan
    (appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 22, 1999 No. 662)
  2. Citizens Armenia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Georgia permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation
    Prerequisite in this case
    - Availability from a foreign citizen of a valid residence permit (not to be confused with a temporary residence permit!)
    (Agreement on cooperation in the field of education of May 15, 1992. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2, 1994 No. 43)
  3. Compatriots- Persons living outside the territory of the Russian Federation and relating, as a rule, to peoples historically living in the Russian Federation.
    Upon admission to the general reasons, the compatriot provides:
    . Cleaning about the birth of an applicant (original or notarized copy)
    .Documents confirming the permanent accommodation of applicant and his parents abroad (original or notarized copy)
    .Documents confirming the relationship in a straight upward line with the specified persons - for descendants of compatriots

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