Restaurant in Rockefeller Center. Rockefeller Center in New York: photo, observation deck, coordinates

On May 17, 1930, the largest construction site began in the world: architects, artists and sculptors from all countries of the world were used to build 14 skyscrapers decorated in Art Deco's skyscrapers. Construction was led by John Todd (John Todd), for the design of buildings and contracts with architectural firms, Raymond Hood (Raymond Hood) was responsible, which became known only by working with John Rockefeller.
Works were completed only after 9 years, November 1, 1939.

Article: Rockefeller Center Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Center (Rockefeller Center) is the largest office center, built right in the center of New York, USA (New York, United States) in the middle of the 20th century. His story originated in the 1930s, when a young businessman John Rockefeller (John Rockefeller) rented land from Columbia University (Columbia University); It was planned to build a opera and several theaters, however, the collapse of the 1929 securities market, a better known as "Black Tuesday", radically changed his plans. Now there was a "city of finance and money" on the site of the "city of art", spreading its buildings all the largest territory. Initially, John Rockefeller's plan was considered extremely stupid and not in the measure of adventurous: after all, it took a huge loan to take a huge loan, sell most of the oil shares, and also to buy land from Columbia University, for which those, in turn, bombarded an unnecessarily high price. However, adventurism is that it will always be distinguished by Rockefellers from the rest, and therefore the only one who absolutely exactly believed in the project was John himself: "I clearly saw that I did not have a workaround: either completely throwing the construction and" to fire ", Or put everything in it that I can, then make a profit."
On May 17, 1930, the largest construction site began in the world: architects, artists and sculptors from all countries of the world were used to build 14 skyscrapers decorated in Art Deco's skyscrapers. Construction was led by John Todd (John Todd), for the design of buildings and contracts with architectural firms, Raymond Hood (Raymond Hood) was responsible, which became known only by working with John Rockefeller.
Works were completed only after 9 years, November 1, 1939.
Unfortunately, soon after the end of the construction began the second world War; Some buildings began to be used as headquarters for various parties and organizations, the other part was occupied by the largest corporations of America, who struggled to survive the difficult period of war.
The war ended with the victory - followed by the rise of the economy, which launched not one ten years and brought the deserved millions to the elderly John Rockefeller. However, by the time it was no longer important for him - as the famous philosopher once said: "Poor thinks about money, and the rich - about others" - and John understood that his hands created a real work of art, who played a huge role not only For the city and its inhabitants, but also for the economy of the whole country as a whole.
Only in 1985, the land was completely redeemed from Columbia University, but the 400 million deal was no longer John, but representatives of the company "Rockefeller Group". Four years later, in 1989, her and the entire Rockefeller Center acquired the Japanese company "Mitsubishi Estate".
Today, the center is attended by millions of tourists from all over the world, but not high-rise buildings engaged in representatives of companies, but those attractions that were post "" Rosen are attracted. So, for example, Radio City Music Hall is the largest theater at the time of its construction in 1932 (even before the "Black Tuesday"). Even today the theater is popular for both tourists and indigenous citizens, who want to move away from noisy streets and offices at least a few hours and relax.
Of course, the most popular building for tourists is Center Art, a huge museum of arts, offering anyone to immerse yourself and re-survive the history of America. The museum contains the work of thousands of masters from all countries of the world, among which are celebrity such as Josep Maria Sert, Diego Rivera (Diego River) and many others.
For any American Rockefeller Center - not only the main economic custody of the city, but also a monument of history and architecture; Monument to all veterans and dead soldiers; Monument, which has absorbed the soul of the epoch and creating his micro-world. That is why, probably, the Rockefeller Center called the city in the city.

Rockefeller Center is not just one of the most popular attractions of New York, but also one of the main symbols of the city. The huge complex, conceived ever as the "city in the city" today attracts millions of tourists every year. In its material, the poster is divided with readers unexpected and not well-known secrets of this complex.

Rockefeller Center is one of the most important attractions of New York, built and conceived as a "city in the city" and a huge office center. Many people know about the date of its construction and the traditions of this place, but many secrets Rockefeller reveals only true New Yorkers. The poster presents the secrets of this beautiful symbol of New York.

Rockefeller Center was built from the first time

The initial plan of the construction, verified and approved already expected its revival in 1929. However, this was not destined to happen. In 1929, the US economy collapsed and no one in New York could have ever even to provide the construction of such a huge complex that would include a giant hotel and a new opera building. When the financial stability of the country was under the blow, Metropoliten refused to participate in a new huge project and John Rockefeller had to be engaged in the project alone, only with family support. Only due to his efforts the construction began in 1930.

During the construction, the project criticized many experts and not only

Today Rockefeller Center is a real symbol, a huge complex and a landmark. But then, in the distant 1930, only the lazy did not doubt the need to create such a complex and even its aesthetic appeal. One of famous people and urban planners of their time, which resolutely spoke against the ambitious project became Lewis Mamford.who said: "Planted chaos is impossible. I can not find any words for praise at least one of the elements of this building. " In his opinion he was not alone. However, it is worth noting that in 1940 his opinion easily changed when he reluctantly stated: "Despite all its drawbacks, Rockefeller Center turned into an impressive set of textures and structures."

In Rockefeller Center there are secret gardens right under the roof

One of the Gardens Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Center is not only the treasure of progress in construction and architecture, but also a whole mass interesting facts. Secrets that keep this complex are almost countless. One of them is the presence of secret gardens under the roof of the center. The hidden oasis is located in the attic gallery, which is part of the building. Thus, if a meeting occurs in the building summit, Guests can, during serious conversations about the business, watch the real beauty.

At one time was the place of deployment of British intelligence

In the mid-1930s, Rockefeller experienced serious lease problems. For this there were several reasons, the main of which was still not a stable economic situation. Many Rockefeller offers noted himself, and many tenants simply could not pull the cost of the room in this magnificent complex. Soon it became known that British intelligence needs a strong and good room, because their activities in the framework of the German destination required more people. Rockefeller did not think long and greatly enjoyed 3 floors in his center. This fact was public the public, which could not believe it for a long time.

Home New Year Trees Cities

The first tree at the Rockefeller Center

Today, each of us knows that the biggest and beautiful Christmas tree of New York is located at Rockefeller Center, as the most popular rink in New York. However, few know about how this beautiful tradition originated. For the first time, the New Year's Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center was set back in 1931. This year was a sign not only for New York, but for all America. Huge New Year's Beauty Christmas tree then marked the end of the Great Depression period and the beginning of a new life for each of the residents of New York and America. Workers and builders who were busy at the construction site of the Rockefeller Center installed a 20-foot Christmas tree to show the world that they have something to pay on accounts. In 1931, they decorated a huge fir with cranberries, paper garlands and tin cans.

History Rockefeller Center pays many more secrets, secrets and interesting facts. Stay with us and you will definitely learn them all!

Read the poster - be in the epicenter of events!

Rockefeller Center (USA) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Rockefeller Center is a complex of 19 buildings located in 9 hectares between the fifth and the sixth Avenue, in the very center of Manhattan. Rockefeller Center, built on the initiative of the financial magnate John Rockefeller Senior in the 1930s, in 1987 was declared a national historical monument.

Now this "city in the city" is the main attraction of New York. At the Rockefeller Center buildings, offices, shops, restaurants and television studios are located here, there are also an excellent Top of the Rocks sightseeing platform, from which the height of which offers stunning views of the Central Park and Empire State Building.

From October to April in the Rockefeller center there is a skating rink, in Music Hall Radio City are premierers of the Broadway musicals and movies, and in the winter, the most famous Christmas tree of New York is also dressed in the rockefeller center.

Rockefeller Center

For those who wish, tours are organized on the most outstanding structures of the Rockefeller Center, as well as "for the scenes" of one of the most famous film studios, in NBC Studio. Address: 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

NBC Studio film studio is open to visitors daily from 08:30 to 17:30, on Sundays from 09:30 to 16:30. Tours are organized every 30 minutes in Mon.-t. And every 15 minutes in PT.-VSS.

10 Rockefeller Plz # 3 New York, NY 10020-1903

Rockefeller Center (Rockefeller Center) is a complex of entertainment establishments, shops, restaurants and office buildings in the center of Manhattan. Here you can spend a whole day and get a lot of pleasure.

Rockefeller Center was opened in the midst of the Great Depression. John Rockefeller took the land in Liz from Columbia University, initially having a plan to build on this place a new building The Metropolitan Opera, however, the screaming of the exchange in 1929 he changed everything. How is such difficult time you could build a complex of 14 buildings (now they are 19)? You can get answers to these questions you can visit the Rockefeller Center tour - tickets can be bought on the spot, tours (in English) begin every day at 10 am.

"Mandatory" program in the Rockefeller Center includes:


Climb the roof of the skyscraper, and you will open a stunning view of New York and New Jersey. Top of the Rock and Empire State Building compete with each other, who has a better observation deck. It is difficult to say, both skyscrapers allow you to get incredible impressions from being somewhere under the clouds in the capital of the world.

Ceremony of burning christmas tree

If you are in New York at the end of November - early December, visit the Rockefeller Center to see how the chips of the Christmas tree is held in New York: decorated with Swarovski star, thirty thousand garlands and lanterns, this is the main tree of New York.


$ 27 for the entrance and $ 10 for renting skates. Specify prices and schedule in Rockefeller Center.


If you are in New York in November or December, do not miss the best New Year's show Radio City Christmas Spectacular.

restaurants and bars

Top of the Rock: Top Of The Rock:

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Rockefeller Center - Ge Building in the Rockefeller Center. Rockefeller Center (Rockefeller Center) A huge office center that was built in Manhattan Midtown for the money of financial magnates of Rockefellers in the 1930s. The most famous 14 high-altitude buildings with ... ... Wikipedia

Rockefeller Center. - Rockefeller Center (complex of skyscrapers in New York). Includes 15 skyscrapers between the 48th and 51st streets in which several large corporations are located: radio broadcasting, information agency "Associated Press", the editorial office of the largest ... ... Toponym Dictionary

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New York - I New York (New York) staff in the USA, on the Atlantic coast, at the border with Canada. The territory includes about. Long Island. Area 128.4 thousand km2. Population 18.2 million people. (1970), incl. Urban 85.6%. Administrative center G. ... ... Big soviet Encyclopedia


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