French lessons maternal love. Analysis of the work "French Lessons" by VG Rasputin

The writing

Humanism, kindness and self-sacrifice of the teacher. V. G. Rasputin's story "French Lessons" takes us to a distant post-war time... For us, modern readers, it is sometimes difficult to understand all the circumstances in which people lived at that difficult time. Starving boy the main character story, not an exception, but rather a rule. After all, this is how most people lived. The boy does not have a father, and in the family, besides him, there are many children. An exhausted mother cannot support her entire family. But nevertheless, she sends her eldest son to study. She believes that he will have at least hope for better life... After all, until now, nothing good has happened in his life.

The main character tells how "he swallowed himself, and made his little sister swallow the eyes of sprouted potatoes and grains of oats and rye in order to breed plantings in the stomach - then you don't have to think about food all the time." Despite hunger, cold and hardship, the main character is a talented and capable boy. This is noted by all. That is why, as the protagonist recalls, "my mother, in spite of all misfortunes, gathered me, although no one from our village in the region had studied before." In a new place, the boy has a hard time.

No one needs him here, no one cares about him. In a harsh difficult time, everyone has a desire to survive on their own and to save their children. Nobody cares about someone else's child. The main character is a boy with poor health, deprived of the support and care of his loved ones. He is often hungry, suffers from dizziness, In addition, his products are very often stolen. However, a resourceful child is looking for his way out of this situation. And he finds it. The boy begins to gamble, although, from the point of view of the school authorities, such an act was a real crime. But it is the game for money that allows the protagonist to buy milk for himself: with his anemia, milk is simply necessary. Not always luck smiles at him - often the boy has to starve. “The famine here was not at all like the famine in the village. There always, and especially in autumn, it was possible to intercept, pluck, dig, lift something, fish walked in the Angara, a bird flew in the forest. Here for me everything around was empty: strangers, strangers' gardens, stranger land. "

A young French teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, unexpectedly comes to the aid of the main character. She understands how hard it is for a boy, cut off from home and family. But the main character himself, accustomed to harsh conditions, does not accept help from the teacher. It is hard for the boy to visit her, to drink tea with which she treats him. And then Lydia Mikhailovna goes to the trick - sends him a parcel. But how does a city girl know that a remote village does not and cannot be such products as pasta and hematogen. However, the teacher does not leave thoughts of helping the boy. Its output is simple and original. She begins to gamble with him for money, and she tries to do everything possible so that it is he who won,

This act shows the amazing kindness of the young teacher. The title of the story "French Lessons" makes us think about the role of this subject in the harsh post-war years... Then, study foreign languages seemed like a luxury, unnecessary and useless. And even more so it seemed superfluous French in a village where students could barely master the basic subjects that seemed necessary. However, in the life of the protagonist, it was the French lessons that played a major role. A young teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, taught the child lessons of kindness and humanism. She showed him that even in the harshest of times, there are people who can lend a helping hand. The fact that the teacher finds such an exquisite way to help the child, how to play with him for money, speaks volumes. After all, having encountered misunderstanding and pride on the part of the child when she tried to send him a parcel, Lydia Mikhailovna could refuse further attempts.

The director of the school, Vasily Andreevich, despite his considerable age, could not understand the true motives that guided the young teacher. He did not understand why Lydia Mikhailovna was playing for money with her student. Well, you can't blame the director. After all, not every person has a special sensitivity and kindness, which makes it possible to understand another person. Childhood is a special time. Everything that a person lives with during this period is remembered for a long time. It is no coincidence that it is memories that influence the entire further life... You need to educate not with words, but with actions. Beautiful words do not mean anything if a person does not behave the best way... The young teacher left in the boy's soul memories of kindness and sensitivity. And you can be sure that he will remember this all his life.

The humanism of the story is that in any conditions there is someone who can lend a helping hand, even if it will not be easy for him himself. After all, for sure, Lydia Mikhailovna herself was not rich, it was just as difficult for her financially as for everyone around. And yet she is ready to deny herself something for the sake of her student. True kindness is shown when it comes to the weak and defenseless. The boy is just like that. He may seem proud, not childishly harsh, and even somewhat embittered. Alas, such is life, harsh, to which he is already accustomed. Even the attention from the teacher cannot make the boy a little more malleable, But even despite this, the story leaves us good mood, it allows you to feel faith in people, in their humanity and mercy.

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The moral meaning of V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons"

V.G. Rasputin is one of the largest contemporary writers. In his works, he preaches the eternal life values on which the world rests.

The story "French Lessons" is an autobiographical work. The hero of the story is a simple village boy. His family is not living easily. Mother alone brings up three children who know very well what hunger and deprivation are. Nevertheless, she still decides to let her son go to the district to study. Not because he does not know that it will be hard for him there, not because she is heartless, but because "it will not get any worse." The boy himself agrees to leave to study. Despite his age, he is quite purposeful and has a thirst for knowledge, and his natural inclinations are not bad. “Your brainy guy is growing up,” everyone in the village said to his mother. So she went "against all misfortunes."

Finding himself among strangers, the disadvantaged boy suddenly realizes how lonely he is, how "bitter and hateful", "worse than any disease." Homesickness overpowers him, for a mother's affection, for warmth, for a native corner. From mental anguish, he physically weakens, loses weight so that it immediately catches the eye of the mother who came to him.

The boy does not have enough maternal gifts, he is really starving. Showing emotional sensitivity, he does not undertake to look for who is stealing from him not rich supplies - Aunt Nadya, exhausted by a heavy share, or one of her children, half-starved like himself.

The little man realizes how hard it is for his mother to get these miserable pieces, he realizes that she is tearing the last away from herself and from his brother and sister. He tries his best to learn, and everything comes easy for him except French.

Eternal malnutrition and hungry fainting pushes the hero on the path of looking for money, and he finds him pretty quickly: Fedka invites him to play "chika". It cost nothing for an intelligent boy to understand the game, and, having got used to it rather quickly, he soon began to win.

The hero immediately understood a certain subordination in the company of the guys, where everyone treated Vadik and Ptakha with fear and ingratiation. Vadik and Ptakha gained the upper hand not only because they were more mature and physically developed than the others, they did not hesitate to use their fists, openly cheated, cheated in the game, behaved discreetly and arrogantly. The hero does not intend to indulge them in their un-good deeds and undeservedly endure grievances. He openly speaks about the deception he has noticed and, without stopping, repeats this, all the time while he is beaten for it. Do not break this small, honest man, do not trample on his moral principles!

For the hero, playing for money is not a means of profit, but a way to survival. He sets a threshold for himself in advance, beyond which he never enters. The boy wins exactly for a mug of milk and leaves. Aggressive passion and passion for money, which run Vadik and Pthaha, are alien to him. He has strong control over himself, has a firm and unbending will. This is a persistent, courageous, independent, persistent person in achieving the goal.

An impression that remained for the rest of his life was in his life a meeting with a French teacher, Lydia Mikhailovna. By right of the class teacher, she was more interested than others in the students of the class where the hero studied, and it was difficult to hide anything from her. The first time she saw the bruises on the boy's face, she asked him what had happened with good irony. Of course he lied. To tell everything means to expose everyone who played money, and this is unacceptable for the hero. But Tishkin does not hesitate to tell who and for what beat his one-grader. In his betrayal, he does not see anything reprehensible.

After that, the hero no longer expected anything good. "Lost!" - he thought, because for playing with money he could easily be expelled from school.

But Lydia Mikhailovna turned out to be not such a person that, without understanding anything, she made a fuss. She strictly suppressed Tishkin's ridicule, and decided to talk to the hero after lessons, one-on-one, as a real teacher should have done.

Learning that her student wins only a ruble, which is spent on milk, Lydia Mikhailovna understood a lot about his not childishly hard long-suffering life. She also perfectly understood that playing for money and such fights would not bring the boy to goodness. She began to look for a way out for him and found him, deciding to assign him additional lessons in French, with which he did not go well. Lydia Mikhailovna's plan was unpretentious - to distract the boy from trips to the wasteland and, inviting him to visit her, to feed him. Such a wise decision was made by this woman who is not indifferent to someone else's fate. But coping with the stubborn boy was not so easy. He feels a huge gap between himself and the teacher. It is no coincidence that the author draws their portraits side by side. Her - so smart and beautiful, smelling of perfume and him, unkempt without a mother, skinny and pathetic. Finding himself at Lydia Mikhailovna's home, the boy feels uncomfortable, awkward. The most terrible test for him is not the French language classes, but the persuasion of the teacher to sit down at the table, which he stubbornly refuses. Sitting at the table next to the teacher and satisfying your hunger at her expense and in front of her eyes is more terrible for the boy than death.

Lydia Mikhailovna is diligently looking for a way out of this situation. She collects a simple parcel and sends it to the hero, who quickly guesses that his poor mother could not send him either macaroni, much less apples.

The next decisive step of the teacher is playing for money with the boy. In the game, the boy sees her as completely different - not a strict aunt, but a simple girl, not alien to the game, excitement, delight.

Everything is ruined by the sudden appearance in the apartment of Lydia Mikhailovna of the director, who found her in the midst of playing with the student for money. "It is a crime. Deposition. Seduction, ”he shouts, not intending to understand anything. Lydia Mikhailovna behaves with dignity in conversation with her boss. She shows courage, honesty, self-esteem. Her act was guided by kindness, mercy, sensitivity, responsiveness, spiritual generosity, but Vasily Andreevich did not want to see this.

The word "lesson" in the title of the story has two meanings. Firstly, this is an academic hour devoted to a particular subject, and secondly, it is something instructive, from which one can draw conclusions for the future. It is the second meaning of this word that becomes decisive for understanding the concept of the story. The boy remembered the lessons of kindness and cordiality taught by Lydia Mi-khailovna for the rest of his life. Literary critic Semenova calls the act of Lydia Mikhailovna " higher pedagogy"," The one that pierces the heart forever and shines with the pure, simple-minded light of a natural example, ... in front of which one is ashamed of all his adult deviations from himself. "

The moral meaning of Rasputin's story is in chanting eternal values- kindness and human love.

History of creation

“I am sure that a person is made a writer by his childhood, his ability to see and feel at an early age everything that then gives him the right to take up the pen. Education, books, life experience educate and strengthen in the future this gift, but he should be born in childhood ", - wrote Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin in 1974 in the Irkutsk newspaper" Soviet Youth ". In 1973, one of the best stories Rasputin's "French Lessons". The writer himself singles it out among his works: “I didn't have to invent anything there. Everything happened to me. I didn't have to go far for the prototype. I needed to return to people the good that they had done for me in due time. "

Rasputin's story "French Lessons" is dedicated to Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova, the mother of his friend the famous playwright Alexander Vampilov, who has worked at school all her life. The story is based on the recollection of a child's life, it, according to the writer, "was one of those that warm even with a weak touch."

The story is autobiographical. Lydia Mikhailovna is named in the work by her own name(her surname is Molokova). In 1997, the writer, in an interview with the correspondent of the Literatura v shkola magazine, talked about his meetings with her: “Recently she was visiting me, and she and I remembered our school for a long time and desperately, and the Angarsk village of Ust-Uda almost half a century ago, and much of that difficult and happy time. "

Rod, genre, creative method

The work "French Lessons" is written in the genre of a story. The heyday of the Russian Soviet story falls in the twenties (Babel, Ivanov, Zoshchenko) and then the sixties and seventies (Kazakov, Shukshin, etc.). More efficiently than other prose genres, the story reacts to changes in public life, since it is written faster.

The story can be considered the oldest and the first of the literary genres. Brief retelling events - an incident on a hunt, a duel with an enemy, and the like - is already an oral story. Unlike other kinds and types of art, conditional in nature, the story is primordially inherent in humanity, having arisen simultaneously with speech and being not only the transmission of information, but also a means of social memory. The story is the original form of the literary organization of the language. A story is considered to be a completed prose work of up to forty-five pages. This is an approximate figure - two copyright sheets. Such a thing is read "in one breath."

Rasputin's story "French Lessons" is a realistic work written in the first person. It can fully be considered an autobiographical story.


“It's strange: why do we feel guilty before our teachers every time, just like before our parents? And not for what happened at school - no, but for what happened to us ate. " This is how the writer begins his story "French Lessons". Thus, he defines the main themes of the work: the relationship between the teacher and the student, the image of life illuminated by the spiritual and moral meaning, the formation of the hero, the acquisition of spiritual experience by him in communication with Lydia Mikhailovna. French lessons, communication with Lydia Mikhailovna became life lessons for the hero, education of feelings.


Playing for money between a teacher and her student, from the pedagogical point of view, is an immoral act. But what is behind this act? the writer asks. Seeing that the student (in the hungry post-war years) is malnourished, the French teacher disguised as additional classes invites him to her home and tries to feed him. She sends him parcels as if from her mother. But the boy refuses. The teacher offers to play for money and, naturally, “loses” so that the boy could buy milk for these pennies. And she is happy that she succeeds in this deception.

The idea of ​​the story lies in the words of Rasputin: “The reader learns from books not life, but feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is, first of all, the education of feelings. And above all, kindness, purity, nobility. " These words directly refer to the story "French Lessons".

Main characters

The main characters of the story are an eleven-year-old boy and a French language teacher Lidia Mikhailovna.

Lydia Mikhailovna was no more than twenty-five years old and "there was no cruelty in her face." She reacted to the boy with understanding and sympathy, appreciated his purposefulness. She considered in her student remarkable learning abilities and is ready to help them develop in any way. Lydia Mikhailovna is endowed with an extraordinary ability for compassion and kindness, for which she suffered, having lost her job.

The boy amazes with his purposefulness, desire under any circumstances to learn and go out to people. The story about the boy can be presented in the form of a quotation plan:

1. "To study further ... and I had to equip the regional center."
2. "I studied well here too ... in all subjects, except for French, I kept the A."
3. “I felt so bad, so bitter and hateful! - worse than any disease. "
4. "Having received it (a ruble), ... I bought a jar of milk at the bazaar."
5. "They beat me in turn ... there was no person more miserable than me that day."
6. "I was scared and lost ... she seemed to me an extraordinary person, not like everyone else."

Plot and composition

“I went to fifth grade in 1948. It would be more correct to say, I went: in our village there was only Primary School, therefore, in order to study further, I had to equip myself from home fifty kilometers away to the regional center ”. For the first time, an eleven-year-old boy, by the will of circumstances, was cut off from his family, torn away from his usual environment. However, the little hero realizes that the hopes of not only his relatives, but also the entire village are pinned on him: after all, in the unanimous opinion of his fellow villagers, he is called to be a “learned man”. The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and homesickness, so as not to let his fellow countrymen down.

A young teacher approached the boy with special understanding. She began to additionally study French with the hero, hoping to feed him at home. Pride did not allow the boy to accept help from stranger... The idea of ​​Lydia Mikhailovna with a parcel was not crowned with success. The teacher filled her with “city” products and thus gave herself away. In search of a way to help the boy, the teacher invites him to play for money in the "wall".

The climax of the story comes after the teacher began to play with the boy in the wall. The paradox of the situation exacerbates the story to the limit. The teacher could not help but know that at that time such a teacher-student relationship could lead not only to dismissal from work, but also to criminal liability. The boy did not fully understand this. But when the trouble nevertheless happened, he began to understand the teacher's behavior deeper. And this led him to realize some aspects of the life of that time.

The ending of the story is almost melodramatic. Package with Antonov apples, which he, a resident of Siberia, never tasted, as if echoes the first, unsuccessful package with city food - pasta. More and more new touches are preparing this ending, which turned out to be not at all unexpected. In the story, the heart of an incredulous village boy opens up to the purity of a young teacher. The story is surprisingly modern. In him is the great courage of a little woman, the insight of a closed, ignorant child, in him the lessons of humanity.

Artistic identity

With wise humor, kindness, humanity, and most importantly, with complete psychological accuracy, the writer describes the relationship of a hungry student with a young teacher. The narrative flows slowly, with everyday details, but the rhythm imperceptibly captures it.

The language of the story is simple and at the same time expressive. The writer skillfully used phraseological phrases, achieving expressiveness and imagery of the work. Phraseologisms in the story "French Lessons" for the most part express one concept and are characterized by a certain meaning, which is often equal to the meaning of the word:

“I studied well here too. What was left for me? Then I came here, I had no other business here, and I could not yet be able to take care of what was entrusted to me ”(lazily).

“I hadn’t seen a bird at school before, but, looking ahead, I’ll say that in the third quarter he suddenly, like a snow on his head, fell on our class” (unexpectedly).

“Hungry and knowing that my grub would not last long, no matter how I saved it, I gorged myself to the bone, to a pain in my stomach, and then a day or two later put my teeth on the shelf again” (starve).

“But there was no point in locking myself up, Tishkin managed to sell me with giblets” (betray).

One of the features of the story language is the presence of regional words and obsolete vocabulary, characteristic of the time of action of the story. For example:

Lodge - rent an apartment.
Lorry - a truck with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons.
Tea room - a kind of public dining room, where visitors are offered tea and snacks.
To throw - sip.
Holly boiling water - clean, no impurities.
Blather - chatting, talking.
To poke - lightly hit.
Hluzda - a cheat, a deceiver, a cheat.
Filling - what is hidden.

The meaning of the work

The work of V. Rasputin invariably attracts readers, because along with the ordinary, everyday life in the writer's works there are always spiritual values, moral laws, unique characters, complex, sometimes contradictory, inner world heroes. The author's reflections on life, on man, on nature help us discover in ourselves and in the world around us an inexhaustible supply of goodness and beauty.

In difficult times, the protagonist of the story had to learn. The post-war years were a kind of test not only for adults, but also for children, because both good and bad in childhood are perceived much brighter and sharper. But difficulties temper the character, so the main character often shows such qualities as willpower, pride, a sense of proportion, endurance, determination.

Many years later, Rasputin will again turn to the events of bygone years. “Now that a fairly large part of my life has been lived, I want to comprehend and understand how correctly and useful I spent it. I have many friends who are always ready to help, I have something to remember. Now I understand that my closest friend is my former teacher, a French teacher. Yes, decades later I remember her as a true friend, the only person who understood me while studying at school. And even years later, when we met with her, she showed me a gesture of attention, sending apples and pasta, as before. And whoever I am, whatever depends on me, she will always treat me only as a student, because for her I was, is and will always remain a student. Now I remember how then she, taking the blame on herself, left school, and said to me at parting: "Study well and do not blame yourself for anything!" By this she taught me a lesson and showed me how a real kind person should act. It is not without reason that they say: a school teacher is a teacher of life. "

"French lessons" analysis of Rasputin's autobiographical story can be found in this article.

"French lessons" analysis of the story

Year of writing — 1987

genre- story

Topic "French lessons"- life in the post-war years.

French Lessons idea: selfless and selfless kindness is an eternal human value.

The end of the story suggests that even after parting, the connection between people is not broken, does not disappear:

“In the middle of winter, after the January holidays, a parcel came to school by mail… it contained pasta and three red apples… I used to see them only in the picture, but I guessed that it was them.”

"French lessons" problematics

Rasputin touches upon the problems of morality, growing up, mercy

The moral problem in Rasputin's story "French Lessons" in the education of human values ​​- kindness, philanthropy, respect, love. The boy, who does not have enough money for food, constantly experiences a feeling of hunger, he lacks transmissions from matter. In addition, the boy was sick, and in order to recover, he needed to drink a glass of milk a day. He found a way to make money - he played chiku with the boys. He played quite successfully. But having received money for milk, he left. Other boys considered it a betrayal. They provoked a fight and beat him. Not knowing how to help him, the French teacher invited the boy to come to her class and eat. But the boy was embarrassed, he did not want such "handouts". Then she offered him a gamble.

The moral meaning of Rasputin's story is in the glorification of eternal values ​​- kindness and philanthropy.

Rasputin thinks about the fate of children who took on their fragile shoulders the heavy burden of the era of coups, wars and revolutions. But, nevertheless, there is kindness in the world that can overcome all difficulties. Belief in the bright ideal of kindness is a characteristic feature of Rasputin's works.

"French lessons" plot

The hero of the story comes from the village to study at the regional center, where the eight-year-old student is. His life is difficult, hungry - post-war time. The boy has neither relatives nor acquaintances in the area, he lives in the apartment of someone else's aunt Nadia.

The boy starts playing chiku in order to earn money for milk. At one of the difficult moments, a young French teacher comes to the aid of the boy. She went against all the rules in force by playing with him at home. This was the only way she could give him money so that he could buy food. Once the school principal caught them playing this game. The teacher was fired, and she went to her place in the Kuban. And after the winter, she sent the author a package containing pasta and apples, which he saw only in the picture.

Composition grade 6.

Humanism, kindness and self-sacrifice of the teacher. VG Rasputin's story "French Lessons" takes us back to the distant post-war period. For us, modern readers, it is sometimes difficult to understand all the circumstances in which people lived at that difficult time. The starving boy, the protagonist of the story, is not an exception, but rather a rule. After all, this is how most people lived. The boy does not have a father, and in the family, besides him, there are many children. An exhausted mother cannot support her entire family. But nevertheless, she sends her eldest son to study. She believes that he will have at least hope for a better life. After all, until now, nothing good has happened in his life.

The main character tells how "he swallowed himself, and made his little sister swallow the eyes of sprouted potatoes and grains of oats and rye in order to breed plantings in the stomach - then you don't have to think about food all the time." Despite hunger, cold and hardship, the main character is a talented and capable boy. This is noted by all. That is why, as the protagonist recalls, "my mother, in spite of all misfortunes, gathered me, although no one from our village in the region had studied before." In a new place, the boy has a hard time.

No one needs him here, no one cares about him. In a harsh difficult time, everyone has a desire to survive on their own and to save their children. Nobody cares about someone else's child. The main character is a boy with poor health, deprived of the support and care of his loved ones. He is often hungry, suffers from dizziness, In addition, his products are very often stolen. However, a resourceful child is looking for his way out of this situation. And he finds it. The boy begins to gamble, although, from the point of view of the school authorities, such an act was a real crime. But it is the game for money that allows the protagonist to buy milk for himself: with his anemia, milk is simply necessary. Not always luck smiles at him - often the boy has to starve. “The famine here was not at all like the famine in the village. There always, and especially in autumn, it was possible to intercept, pluck, dig, lift something, fish walked in the Angara, a bird flew in the forest. Here for me everything around was empty: strangers, strangers' gardens, stranger land. "

A young French teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, unexpectedly comes to the aid of the main character. She understands how hard it is for a boy, cut off from home and family. But the main character himself, accustomed to harsh conditions, does not accept help from the teacher. It is hard for the boy to visit her, to drink tea with which she treats him. And then Lydia Mikhailovna goes to the trick - sends him a parcel. But how does a city girl know that a remote village does not and cannot be such products as pasta and hematogen. However, the teacher does not leave thoughts of helping the boy. Its output is simple and original. She begins to gamble with him for money, and she tries to do everything possible so that it is he who won,

This act shows the amazing kindness of the young teacher. The title of the story "French Lessons" makes us think about the role of this subject in the harsh post-war years. At that time, learning foreign languages ​​seemed like a luxury, unnecessary and useless. And the more superfluous the French language seemed to be in the countryside, where the students could barely master the basic subjects that seemed necessary. However, in the life of the protagonist, it was the French lessons that played a major role. A young teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, taught the child lessons of kindness and humanism. She showed him that even in the harshest of times, there are people who can lend a helping hand. The fact that the teacher finds such an exquisite way to help the child, how to play with him for money, speaks volumes. After all, having encountered misunderstanding and pride on the part of the child when she tried to send him a parcel, Lydia Mikhailovna could refuse further attempts.

The director of the school, Vasily Andreevich, despite his considerable age, could not understand the true motives that guided the young teacher. He did not understand why Lydia Mikhailovna was playing for money with her student. Well, you can't blame the director. After all, not every person has a special sensitivity and kindness, which makes it possible to understand another person. Childhood is a special time. Everything that a person lives with during this period is remembered for a long time. It is no coincidence that memories have an impact on their entire future life. You need to educate not with words, but with actions. Beautiful words mean nothing if a person does not behave in the best way. The young teacher left in the boy's soul memories of kindness and sensitivity. And you can be sure that he will remember this all his life.

The humanism of the story is that in any conditions there is someone who can lend a helping hand, even if it will not be easy for him himself. After all, for sure, Lydia Mikhailovna herself was not rich, it was just as difficult for her financially as for everyone around. And yet she is ready to deny herself something for the sake of her student. True kindness is shown when it comes to the weak and defenseless. The boy is just like that. He may seem proud, not childishly harsh, and even somewhat embittered. Alas, such is life, harsh, to which he is already accustomed. Even the attention from the teacher cannot make the boy a little more malleable, But even despite this, the story leaves us in a good mood, it allows us to feel faith in people, in their humanity and mercy.

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