Life in the post-war time of the USSR. Life in the USSR after the war

The difficulties of returning to a peaceful life became complicated not only by the presence of huge human and material losses, which brought the war in our country, but also difficult tasks of economic recovery. After all, 1710 cities and urban-type settlements were destroyed, 7 thousand villages and villages were destroyed, 31,850 factories and factories, 1135 mines, 65 thousand km were dismissed. railway paths. Sowing areas decreased by 36.8 million hectares. The country has lost about a third of his wealth.

The war took almost 27 million human lives and this is the most tragic her result. 2.6 million people became disabled. The population decreased by 34.4 million people and amounted to the end of 1945. 162.4 million people. Reduced labor, the lack of full nutrition and housing led to a decrease in the level of labor productivity compared to the pre-war period.

The country has begun to restore the farm back during the war years. In 1943, a special party and government decree was adopted "On urgent measures to restore farms in areas liberated from German occupation". The colossal efforts of Soviet people by the end of the war managed to restore industrial production by one third of the 1940 level, however, as the central task of recovery, the country rose after the end of the war.

Economic discussions began 1945-1946.

The government gave the instruction of Mamurn to prepare the draft fourth five-year plan. Proposals were made on some mitigation of the pressure in the management of the economy, the reorganization of collective farms. A draft new constitution was prepared. He allowed the existence of small private farms of peasants and handicrafts based on personal labor and excluding other people's labor. During the discussion of this project, ideas sounded about the need to provide more rights to regions and addicts.

"Bottom" were increasingly a call for the elimination of collective farms. They spoke about their ineffectiveness, reminded that the relative weakening of state pressure on producers during the war years gave a positive result. Conducted direct analogies with the new economic policy introduced after civil WarWhen the revival of the economy began with the revival of the private sector, decentralization of the management and development of light industry.

However, in these discussions, Stalin's point of view, who said in early 1946, was defeated on the continuation of the course taken before the war on the completion of the construction of socialism and the construction of communism. It was about returning to a pre-war model of superchangealization in planning and management of the economy, and at the same time to those contradictions between the sectors of the economy, which were in the 30s.

The heroic page of the post-war history of our country was the struggle of the people for the revival of the economy. Western specialists believed that the restoration of the destroyed economic base would take at least 25 years. However, the recovery period in industry amounted to less than 5 years.

The revival of the industry took place in very difficult conditions. In the first postwar years, the work of Soviet people was not much different from labor in wartime. A constant shortage of products, the hardest working conditions and life, high level The incidence of mortality was explained to the population by the fact that the long-awaited world had only come and the life was about to work out.

Some military restrictions were removed: the 8-hour working day and annual leave were introduced, forced overtime works were canceled. In 1947, monetary reform was carried out and the card system was canceled, uniform food prices and industrial goods were established. They were higher than pre-war. As before the war, from one to one and a half months salaries per year went on the purchase of bonds of a compulsory loan. Many working families still lived in dugouts and barracks, and sometimes worked at the open air or in not heated premises, on the old equipment.

The restoration was held under conditions of a sharp increase in the movement of the population caused by the demobilization of the army, the repatriation of Soviet citizens, the return of refugees from the eastern regions. Considerable tools left for the support of allied states.

Huge losses in the war caused a lack of labor. Rose Framework: People were looking for more favorable working conditions.

As before, to solve the acute problems was to increase the pumping of funds from the village to the city and the development of the work activity of workers. One of the most famous cohesives of those years was the movement of "speeds", the initiator of which was the Leningrad Turner G. S. Bortkevich, who performed on the lathe in February 1948 for one shift of the 13-day production rate. The movement has become mass. At some enterprises attempts have been made to implement Hosrat. But for the consolidation of these new phenomena, measures of a material nature were not taken, on the contrary, the rates decreased with increased labor productivity.

There has been a tendency to wider use of scientific and technical development in production. However, it was manifested mainly at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex (military unit), where it was the process of developing nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, rocket systems, new samples of tank and aviation equipment.

In addition to the military unit, the advantage was also given to mechanical engineering, metallurgy, fuel energy industry, on the development of which left 88% of all investments in the industry. As before, the light and food industry did not satisfy the minimum needs of the population.

In total, over the years of the 4th five-year plan (1946-1950), 6200 were restored and again large enterprises. In 1950, industrial production exceeded pre-war indicators by 73% (and in the new Union Republics - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Moldova - 2-3 times). True, reparations and products of joint Soviet-German enterprises were also included here.

The chief creator of these success was the people. Its incredible efforts and victims were achieved, it seemed impossible economic results. At the same time, the possibilities of a supercentralized economic model played their role, the traditional policy of the redistribution of funds from the light and food industry, agriculture and the social sphere in favor of the heavy industry. Reparations obtained from Germany (4.3 million dollars) were provided to considerable assistance (4,3 million dollars), providing up to half the volume of industrial equipment established during these years. The work of almost 9 million Soviet prisoners and about 2 million German and Japanese prisoners of war are also contributed to post-war recovery.

Agriculture of the country, whose products in 1945 did not exceed 60% of the pre-war level, was weakened.

The difficult situation was not only in cities, in industry, but also in the village, in agriculture. The collective farm village, in addition to the material deprivation, was tested by a sharp disadvantage of people. A real disaster for the village was drought in 1946, which covered the most European territory of Russia. The collective farmers exples almost everything. Residents of the villages were doomed to hunger. In the hunger-covered areas of the RSFSR, Ukraine, Moldova, due to the flight to other places and growth in mortality, there has been a reduction in population by 5-6 million. The alarming signals about hunger, dystrophy, mortality went from the RSFSR, Ukraine, Moldova. Collective farmers demanded to dissolve collective farms. They motivated this question to "live so there is no strength further." In his letter to P. M. Malenkov, for example, a listener of the Smolensk Military Political School N. M. Menshikov wrote: "... really life in collective farms (Bryansk and Smolensk region) is unbearable bad. So, to the collective farm "New life (Bryansk region) Almost half of the collective farmers have no bread for 2-3 months, there are no potatoes from the part. Not the best position and half of other farms of the district ... "

The state, buying agricultural products by firm prices, compensated for collective farms only the fifth part of the production of milk production, 10th part - grains, 20-y meat. The collective farmers did not receive anything. Saved their utility farm. But and on him was the state a strike: in favor of collective farms in 1946-1949. Ciled 10.6 million hectares of land from peasant household plots, and taxes from sales revenues on the market were significantly improved. Moreover, it was allowed to trade on the market only peasants whose collective farms made public supplies. Each peasant economy is obliged to give the state as a tax for the land plot of meat, milk, eggs, wool. In 1948, the collective farmers were "recommended" to sell small cattle to the state (to keep which was resolved by the Charter), which caused a mass slaughter by the country of pigs, sheep, goats (up to 2 million heads).

The monetary reform of 1947 was most painfully hit by the peasantry that kept his savings at home.

Roma of pre-war time persisted, limited freedom of movement of collective farmers: they were actually devoid of passports, they were not paid for days when they did not work on illness, they did not pay pensions by age.

By the end of the 4th five-year plan, the plight economic situation of collective farms demanded their reform. However, the authorities saw it, not in material stimulation, but in the next structural restructuring. It was recommended instead of the link to develop a brigade form of work. It caused displeasure peasants and disorganization of agricultural work. The resulting enlargement of collective farms led to a further reduction in peasant posts.

However, with the help of forced measures and the cost of the huge efforts of the peasantry in the early 50s. It was possible to achieve the removal of the country's agriculture on the pre-war level of production. However, the deprivation of peasants still surrendered incentives to work led the country's agriculture to the crisis and made the government adopted emergency measures to supply cities and army food. A course was taken to "twist the nuts" in the economy. This step was received by theoretical substantiation in the work of Stalin "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR" (1952). In it, he defended the ideas of the preemptive development of the heavy industry, the acceleration of the full defense of property and the forms of labor organization in agriculture, opposed any attempts to revitalize market relations.

"It is necessary ... by gradual transitions ... raise collective farm property to the level of nationwide property, and commodity production ... Replace the system of product transfer to the central government ... could cover all the products of social production in the interests of society ... It is impossible to make a abundance of products that can cover all the needs of society or The transition to the formula "Each for the need", leaving such economic factors as a collective farm-group property, commodity treatment, etc. ".

It was stated in the article Stalin and that in socialism the growing needs of the population will always overtake production possibilities. This provision explained the population to the domination of the scarce economy and justified its existence.

Outstanding achievements in industry, in science and technology have become a reality due to the tireless work and dedication of millions of Soviet people. However, the refund of the USSR to the pre-war model of economic development caused the deterioration of a number of business indicators in the post-war period.

The war has changed the socially political atmosphere in the USSR in the 1930s; The "iron curtain" was broken, which the country was fencepred off from the rest, "hostile" to her peace. Participants in the European campaign of the Red Army (and there were almost 10 million people), numerous repatriates (up to 5.5 million) saw the world that they knew exclusively from propaganda materials that exposed his vices. The differences were so great that they could not not sow in many doubts in the correctness of the usual estimates. The victory in the war gave rise to hopes from the peasants to the dissolution of collective farms, at the intelligentsia - to weaken Dictate's policies, from the population of the Union republics (especially in the Baltic States, Western Ukraine and Belarus) - to change national politics. Even in the sphere of the nomenclature referred during the war years, the understanding of the inevitable and necessary changes.

How was our society after the end of the war, who was to solve very difficult tasks of restoring the national economy and the completion of the construction of socialism?

Post-war Soviet society was mainly feminine. This created serious problems not only by demographic, but also psychological, distinguished in the problem of personal uneliving, female loneliness. Post-war "non-trap" and generated by her children's carelessness and crime from the same source. Nevertheless, despite all the losses and deprivation, it was thanks to the women's start, the post-war society was surprisingly viable.

The society, which came out of the war, differs from society in the "normal" state, not only by its demographic structure, but also by the social composition. Its appearance determines not traditional categories of the population (urban and rural residents, workers of enterprises and employees, young people and pensioners, etc.), and societies born by military time.

The face of the post-war time was, above all, "man in a gymnaster". A total of 8.5 million people were demobilized from the army. The space of the transition from the war to the world to the greatest extent touched Frontovikov. Demobilization, which was so dreamed at the front, the joy of returning home, and at home they were waiting for the unpleasurities, material deprivation, additional difficulties of a psychological nature associated with switching to new tasks of a civil society. And although the war joined all generations, but it was especially difficult, first of all, the youngest (1924-1927 birthday), i.e. Those who went to the front with school bench, not having time to get a profession, gain sustainable status. Their only thing was the war, the only ability - the ability to keep the weapon and fight.

Often, especially in journalism, Frontovikov was called "non-necopabars", meaning the potential of freedom, which carried the winners. But in the early years after the war, not all of them were able to realize themselves as active strength of public changes. This largely depended on the specific conditions of post-war years.

First, the character of the War of Russian Liberation, just suggests the unity of society and power. In solving the general national task - confrontation between the enemy. But in a peaceful life, a complex of "deceived hopes" is formed.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the factor of psychological overvoltage of people, four years spent in the trenches and in need of psychological unloading. People tired of the war naturally sought to create, to the world.

After the war, the period of "healing wounds" and physical, and spiritual, is inevitable, a complex, painful period of returning to a peaceful life, in which even ordinary household problems (a house, family, many lost during the war) sometimes become unresolved in the category.

This is how one of the front-line V. Kondratyev spoke about sorely: "I somehow wanted to establish your life. After all, it was necessary to live. Someone married. Someone entered the party. It was necessary to adapt to this life. We did not know other options. "

Thirdly, the perception of the surrounding order as a given due to the generally loyal attitude to the regime itself does not mean that all the front-line, without exception, this procedure was considered as perfect or, in any case, fair.

"We did not take a lot in the system, but could not even submit any other," such unexpected recognition could be heard from front-line. It is a reflection of the characteristic contradiction of post-war years, splitting the consciousness of people by the feeling of injustice of what is happening and the hopelessness of attempts to change this order.

Such sentiments were characteristic not only for front-line (primarily for repatriates). The desire to isolate repatriated, despite the official statements of the authorities, took place.

Among the population escaped to the eastern regions of the country, the referee process began in wartime. With the end of the war, this desire was massive, however, not always fulfilled. Forced measures for the prohibition of departure caused discontent.

"The workers were given their forces on the defeat of the enemy and wanted to return to their native land," said in one of the letters, "and now it happened that they were deceived, taken out of Leningrad, but they want to leave in Siberia. If only it happens, then we, all workers, must say that our government has betrayed us and our work! "

So after the war, desires faced reality.

"In the spring of forty-fifth people - not without reason. - considered themselves giants, "the writer E. Kazakevich shared his impressions. With this mood, the front-line workers entered a peaceful life, leaving how they seemed to be behind the threshold of war the worst and heavy. However, the reality turned out to be more difficult, not at all as it seems to be from the trench.

"In the army, we often talked about what will happen after the war - I recalled a journalist B. Galin, - as we will live the next day after the victory - and the closer was the end of the war, the more we thought about it, and much Drew in the rainbow light. We did not always imagine the size of the destruction, the scale of the work that would have to hold to heal the wounds inflicted, Germans. " "Life after the war seemed to be a holiday, for the beginning of which only one thing is needed - the last shot," as it would continue this thought to K. Simonov.

"Normal Life", where you can "just live", without exposing every minute danger, in wartime seeing a gift of fate.

"Life is a holiday", life - a fairy tale "Frontoviki entered a peaceful life, leaving how they seemed to them the worst and heavy threshold. It was meant, - with the help of this image in the mass consciousness, a special concept of post-war life was simulated - without contradictions, without tension. There was hope. And such a life existed, but only in the cinema and in the books.

Hope for the best and fed by it optimism asked the rhythm to the beginning of the post-war life. The Spirit fell, the war was behind. There was a joy of labor, victory, the spirit of competition in the desire for the better. Despite the fact that it was often necessary to put up with severe material and domestic conditions, worked selflessly, restoring the destruction of the economy. So, after the end of the war, the front-line wars, but also survived the Soviet people in the rear in the rear lived with the hope of changing the socio-political atmosphere for the better. The special conditions of the war forced people to think creatively, act independently, to take responsibility. But hopes for changes in the socio-political situation were very far from reality.

In 1946, several noticeable events occurred, one way or another a raveled public atmosphere. Contrary to a fairly common judgment that in that period public opinion was exceptionally silent, real evidence suggests that this statement is far from fairly.

At the end of 1945 - early 1946, the company for elections to the Supreme Council of the USSR was held, which took place in February 1946. As expected, in official meetings, people mainly expressed "for" elections, supporting the policies of the party and its leaders. On ballots it was possible to meet toasts in honor of Stalin and other government members. But along with this there were judgments completely opposite.

People said: "I still will not be in our place, they will write, for the same voting"; "The essence is reduced to a simple" formality - registration of a pre-planned candidate "... etc. It was "sticky democracy", it was impossible to avoid election. The inability to express its point of view, without fear of sanctions of the authorities, gave birth to apathy, and at the same time subjective alienation from the authorities. People expressed doubts about expedient and timeliness of the elections to which large funds were spent, while thousands of people were on the verge of hunger.

A strong catalyst for increasing discontent was destabilization of the general economic situation. The scale of the speculation of bread has increased. In the queues for bread were more frank conversations: "We need to now need to steal more, otherwise you will not live," "the husbands and sons were killed, and we instead of facilitating prices"; "Now it has become more difficult to live than during the war years."

The modesty of the desires of people requiring just the establishment of the subsistence minimum is drawn attention. The dreams of the war years that after the war "everything will be a lot" will come happy life, started pretty quickly devalued. All the difficulties of the post-war years were explained by the consequences of the war. People have already begun to think that the end of a peaceful life has come, war again comes. In the minds of people, there will be a war for a long time to be perceived as the cause of all post-war deprivation. People saw the reason for raising prices in the fall of 1946 in the approximation new war.

However, despite the presence of highly decisive sentiments, for that period of time they did not prevail: too strong was the thrust for peaceful life, too serious fatigue from the struggle, in whatever form. In addition, most people continued to trust the country's management, believe that it acts in the name of the people's own good. It can be said that the policies of the first post-war years was built exclusively on the credit of confidence from the people.

In 1946, the Commission on the preparation of the draft New Constitution of the USSR has completed the work. In accordance with the new Constitution, direct and secret elections of folk judges and assessors were first conducted. But all the fullness of the authorities remained in the hands of the party leadership. In October 1952: The XIX Congress of WCP (b) took place, which decided to renaming the party to the CPSU. The political regime has tightened, a new wave of repression has grown.

The system of Gulag reached its apogee in the post-war years. To the prisoners of the mid-30-gg. Millions of new enemies of the people were added. One of the first blows came along prisoners of war, many of whom after the liberation from the fascist captivity were directed to the camps. There were also exiled "alien elements" from the Baltic republics, Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

In 1948, the special regime camps were created for the "anti-Soviet activities" and "counter-revolutionary acts", which used particularly sophisticated methods of impact on prisoners. Not wanting to put up with his position, political prisoners in a number of camps raised uprisings; Sometimes under political slogans.

The possibilities of transforming the regime towards any liberalization were very limited due to the extreme conservatism of ideological principles, due to the stability of which the protective line had unconditional priority. Theoretical basis The "hard" course in the field of ideology can be considered by the decision of the CSP (b) "on the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ", which, although the area of \u200b\u200bartistic creativity concerned, was actually directed against public dissent as such. However, it was not limited to one theory of the "theory". In March 1947, at the proposal, A. A. Zhdanov adopted a decision of the Central Committee of the CBP (b) "on the courts of honor in the ministries of the USSR and the central departments", according to which special election bodies were created to combat misconducts, the honor and dignity of the Soviet worker " One of the most high-profile affairs through the "court of honor" was the case of professors Keeva N. G. and Roskina G. I. (June 1947), the authors of the scientific work "The path of biotherapy of cancer", which were accused of antipatriotic and cooperation With foreign firms. For such a "lack of" in 1947. There were still a public reprimand, but already in this preventive company, the main approaches of the future struggle against cosmopolitanism were guessed.

However, all these measures at that time had not had time to take free into another company against the "enemies of the people." The leadership "hesitated" supporters of the most extreme measures, "hawks", as a rule, did not receive support.

Since the path of progressive changes in a political nature was blocked, the most constructive post-war ideas related not to policies, but the spheres of the economy.

D. Volkogonov in his work "I. V. Stalin. " Political portrait writes about the last years I. V. Stalin:

"All life Stalin is shrouded in an almost impenetrable veil, similar to Savan. He constantly watched all his associates. It was impossible to make a word or a word that "the leader" knew about this comrades.

Beria regularly reported on the results of observations of the observation of the dictator. Stalin, in turn, watched Beria, but this information was not complete. The content of the reports was oral, and hence the secret.

In Arsenal, Stalin and Beria have always been ready version of a possible "conspiracy", "attempt", "Terrorist".

The closeness of society begins with the leadership. "The light of publicity was distinguished only by the smallest Tolik of his personal life. There were thousands in the country, millions, portraits, busts of a mysterious man, whom the people idolized, adored, but did not know at all. Stalin knew how to keep the power of his power and his personality secretly, betraying the folk review of only what was intended for babysitting and admiration. Everything else was covered by invisible Savan. "

Thousands of "miners" (convicts) worked on hundreds, thousands of enterprises of the country under the guard of the convoy. Stalin believed that all the unworthy titles of the "new man" should have undergone a long re-education in camps. As Stalin appears from the documents, it was Stalin that was the initiator of the transformation of prisoners into a constant source of powerless and cheap labor. This is confirmed by the official documents.

On February 21, 1948, when the new round of repression has already begun, "Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR" was published, which sounded "the orders of the authorities:

"one. To oblige the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR of all serving sentences in special camps and prisons of spies, saboteurs, terrorists, trotskyists, right, left-wing, Mensheviks, Socialists, Anarchists, Nationalists, Beloamigrants and other persons who are dangerous in their anti-Soviet relations and hostile activities, after The deadlines to send to the appointment of the Ministry of State Security to a reference to settlements under the supervision of the bodies of the Ministry of State Security to the Kolyma areas in the Far East, to the districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Novosibirsk Region, located 50 kilometers of the North of the Trans-Siberian Railway Railway, in the Kazakh SSR ... "

The draft Constitution, held in general, as part of the pre-war political doctrine, at the same time, a number of positive provisions were kept: ideas sounded about the need to decentralize economic life, providing large business rights in places and directly to drug addicts. There were assumptions about the elimination of special vessels of wartime (first of all, the so-called "linear vessels" on transport), as well as military tribunals. And although such proposals were attributed to the editorial commission to the category of inappropriate (reason: excessive project detail), their extension can be considered quite symptomatic.

Similar in the direction of the idea were expressed and during the discussion of the project program project, the work on which ended in 1947. These ideas were concentrated in the proposals to expand in-party democracy, the liberation of the party from the functions of economic management, the development of the principles of rotation of personnel and others. Since neither the Constitution project, Neither the project of the WCP (b) program was not published and their discussion was conducted in a relatively narrow circle of responsible workers, the appearance in this environment sufficiently liberal for that time ideas testifies to the new sentiments of the part of the Soviet leaders. In many ways, these were really new people who came to their posts in front of the war during the war or a year or two later after the victory.

The situation was aggravated by the open armed resistances of the "twist of nuts", the Soviet power in the republics attached on the eve of the war and the Western regions of Ukraine and Belarus. The anti-government partisan movement retracted tens of thousands of fighters as convinced nationalists who were supported by the support of Western special services and ordinary people who have undergone a lot from the new regime that lost home, property, relatives. With rebusts in these areas, it was finished only in the early 50s.

Stalin's policy during the second half of the 40s, since 1948, was based on the elimination of the symptoms of political instability, a growing public stress. Stalin's leadership took action in two directions. One of them included measures to one degree or another adequate expectations of the people and aimed at the activation of social and political life in the country, the development of science and culture.

In September 1945, a state of emergency was canceled and the State Defense Committee was abolished. In March 1946, the Council of Ministers. Stalin said that the victory in the war means essentially the completion of the transition state and therefore with the concepts of the "People's Commissar", and the "Commissioner is time to donate. At the same time, the number of ministries and departments grew, the number of their apparatus grew. In 1946, elections were held in local councils, the Supreme Councils of the Republics Supreme Council of the USSR, as a result of which the deputy corps was updated, which did not change during the war years. At the beginning of the 50s began to convene the sessions of the Soviets, the number of permanent commissions increased. In accordance with the Constitution, direct and secret elections of folk judges and assessors were first conducted. But all the fullness of the authorities remained in the hands of the party leadership. Stalin reflects, as the Volkogonov D. A.: "People live poorly. Here are the organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs report that in a number of areas especially in the east, people are still starving, poorly with clothing. " But according to the deep conviction of Stalin, according to Volkogonov, "the provision of people above a certain minimum only corrupts them. Yes, and there is no possibility to give more; It is necessary to strengthen the defense, develop a heavy industry. Countries should be strong. And for this, the belt will have to be delayed. "

People did not see that in the conditions of the strictest deficit of the goods, the price reduction policy played a very limited role in improving well-being at an extremely low wage. By the beginning of the 50s, the standard of living, the real wage barely exceeded the level of 1913.

"Long experiments, cool" implicated "on the terrible war, is not enough that they gave the people from the point of view of real lifting of the living stand."

But despite the skepticism of some people, the majority continued to trust the leadership of the country. Therefore, difficulties, even the food crisis of 1946, were most often perceived as inevitable and ever overcome. It can be definitely asserted that the policy of the first post-war years was built on a credit of confidence from the people, who after the war was quite high. But if the use of this loan allowed the leadership to stabilize the post-war situation and, in general, ensure the country's transfer from the state of the war to the state of the world, then, on the other hand, the confidence of the people to the highest leadership gave the opportunity to Stalin and his leadership to delay the solution of vital reforms, and Subsequently, actually block the tendency of the democratic update of the Company.

The possibilities of transforming the regime towards any liberalization were very limited due to the extreme conservatism of ideological principles, due to the stability of which the protective line had unconditional priority. Theoretical basis of the "cruel" course in the field of ideology can be considered adopted in August 1946. Resolution of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) "On the magazines" Star and Leningrad ", which, although the region concerned the region is directed against public dissent as such. The "theory" was not limited to. In March 1947, at the proposal of A. A. Zhdanov, a resolution of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) "On the courts of honor in the ministries of the USSR and the central departments", which was discussed earlier. These were the prerequisites of the approaching mass repression of 1948.

As you know, the beginning of the repression collapsed primarily on those who served their punishment for the "crime" of the military and the first post-war years.

The path of progressive changes in a political nature was already blocked by this time, narrowing up to possible liberalization amendments. The most constructive ideas that appeared in the first postwar years concerned the spheres of the economy of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) received not one letter with interesting, sometimes innovative thoughts on this. Among them are a remarkable document of 1946 - the manuscript "Post-war domestic economy" S. D. Alexander (non-partisan worked by an accountant at one of the enterprises of the Moscow Region. The essence of his proposals was reduced to the basics of a new economic model built on the principles of the market and partial expansion of the economy. . The ideas of S. D. Alexander I had to divide the fate of other radical projects: they were attributed to the category of "harmful" and written off in the "Archive". The center maintained a persistent commitment to the same course.

The ideas about some "dark forces", which "deceive Stalin" created a special psychological background, which arising from the contradictions of the Stalinist regime, in fact of its denial, at the same time was used to strengthen this regime, to stabilize it. The removal of Stalin for the brackets of criticism saved not just the name of the leader, but also the mode itself, this name is an animate. Such was the reality: for millions of contemporaries, Stalin performed in the role of the last hope, the most reliable support. It seemed not to Stalin, life would collapse. And the harder the situation was becoming within the country, the more the special role of the leader was strengthened. Attention is drawn to the fact that among issues given by people at lectures during 1948-1950, on one of the first places those associated with the concern for the health of the "Comrade Stalin" (in 1949 he turned 70 years).

1948 put an end to the post-war fluctuations in the leadership regarding the choice of a "soft" or "hard" course. The political regime has tightened. And a new round of repression began.

The system of Gulag reached its apogee in the post-war years. In 1948, the camps of a special regime were created for the "anti-Soviet activities" and "counter-revolutionary acts". Along with the political prisoners in the camps after the war, there were many other people. Thus, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 2, 1948, the local authorities were granted the right to evict to remote areas of individuals, "maliciously avidious activities in agriculture." Fearing the popularity of the military in the course of the war, Stalin authorized Arrest A. A. Novikova, - Marshal Aviation, Generals P. N. Pedelin, N. Kirillova, a number of sealing Marshal G. K. Zhukov. The commander himself was charged with the localization of the group of displeased generals and officers, in ungratefulness and disrespect for Stalin.

The repression was affected and part of the party functionaries, especially those who sought independence and greater independence from the central government. Many party and government figures were arrested, nominated in 1948 by a member of the Politburo and the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) A. A. Zhdanov from among the leadership workers of Leningrad. The total number of arrested in the "Leningrad case" amounted to about 2 thousand people. After some time, 200 of them were sent to court and shot 200 of them, including the Chairman of the Council of Russia, M. Rodionov, a member of the Politburo and Chairman of the USSR N. A. Voznesensky, secretary of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) A. A. Kuznetsov.

The "Leningrad business", which reflected the struggle within the senior leadership, should have become a harsh warning to everyone who even thought about something other than the "leader of peoples".

The last of the preparing processes was the "case of doctors" (1953), accused of improper treatment of senior leadership, entailed the death of a poison of prominent figures. In total victims of repression in 1948-1953 Steel 6.5 million people.

So, I. V. Stalin became the Gensen still under Lenin. During the period of the 20-30-40s, he sought to achieve complete one-chisty and thanks to a number of circumstances within the socio-political life of the USSR, he achieved success. But the domination of Stalinskins, i.e. Vsevladia of one personality - Stalin I. V. was not inevitable. The deep mutual interlacing of objective and subjective factors in the activities of the CPSU has led to the emergence, approval and the most harmful manifestations of the All-Russia and the crimes of Stalinism. Under objective reality refers to the multipliness of pre-revolutionary Russia, the enclavement of its development, the bizarre interlacing of the remnants of feudalism and capitalism, weakness and fragility of democratic traditions, and the impact paths of movement to socialism.

The subjective moments are associated not only with the personality of Stalin himself, but also with the factor of the social composition of the ruling party, which included the so-called thin layer of the old Bolshevik Guard in the beginning of the 20s, largely exterminated by Stalin, the remaining part of it for the most part Moved to the position of Stalinism. There is no doubt that the subjective factor includes the environment of Stalin, whose members became accomplices of his actions.

Despite the fact that the USSR suffered very large losses during the war years, he was not only not weakened on the international arena, but became even stronger than before. In 1946-1948 in states of Eastern Europe And Asia to power came the Communist Governments, which took the course for the construction of socialism-ma on the Soviet model.

However, the leading Western powers conducted force poly-tick in relation to the USSR and socialist states. One of the main means of deterring was atomic weapons , monopoly on the possession of which the United States used. Therefore, the creation atomic bombs It became one of the main goals of the USSR. These works headed the physicist I. V. Kurchatov. Institute of Atomic Energy and Institute for Nuclear Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1948, the first atomic reactor was launched, and in 1949, a test of the first atomic bomb was held at the Polygon under Semipalatinsky. In the work on it, the USSR secretly helped separate Western scientists. So, the second nuclear power appeared in the world, the US monopoly on nuclear weapons ended. Since that time, the opposition of the United States and the USSR largely determined the internal situation.

Restoration of the economy.

War material losses were very high. The USSR lost a third of his national wealth in the war. Agriculture was in a deep crisis. Most of the population was in a distinguished position, it was supplied with a card system.

In 1946, a law on the five-year plan of restoration and development of the national economy was adopted. It was necessary to speed up technical progress, strengthen the defense power of the country. Post-war five-year planit was noted by large construction sites (HPP, GRES) and the development of road-building. The technical re-equipment of the Soviet Union industry facilitated the export of equipment from German and Japanese enterprises. The highest rates of development managed to achieve in such industries as ferrous metallurgy, oil and coal mining, construction of machines and machines.

After the war, the village was in a more severe position than the city. In the collective farms, strict events were held on the bunch of bread. If earlier the collective farmers gave "to the overall barn" only part of the grain, now they were often forced to give all the grain. Dissatisfaction on the village grew. Sowing solved solved. Due to the worn out of the equipment and lack of working hands, field work was carried out late, which exposed to the harvest.

The main features of the post-war life.

A significant part of the Liberty Foundation was destroyed. The problem of labor resources was acute: Immediately after the war, a lot of demobilized, but in enterprises still lacked Ra-Bochich. I had to recruit workers in the village, among the students of Proftechilishi.

Even before the war, they were adopted, and after, they continued to act the decrees in which the workers were prohibited under the country of criminal punishment to leave the enterprise.

To stabilize the financial system in 1947, the Soviet practices conducted a monetary reform. Old money on new changes in the ratio of 10: 1. After sharing the amount of money in the population decreased dramatically. At the same time, the government reduced prices for mass consumption products many times. The card system, food and industrial goods appeared in open sale at retail prices. In most cases, these prices were above wrapping, but significantly lower than commercial. Cancellation of cards improved the position of the urban population.

One of the main features of the post-war life was the legalization of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. In July 1948, the church celebrated the 500th anniversary of self-government, and a meeting of representatives of local law-glorious churches was held in honor of this in Moscow.

Power after the war.

With the transition to peaceful construction, structural changes occurred in the government. In September 1945, GKO was abolished. On March 15, 1946, the Council of Ministers and the Ministerial Council and the Ministry of Justice and the People's Commissariat.

In March 1946, the Bureau of the Council of Ministers was created, the preparation of which became L. P. Beria . He was also entrusted to control the work of the internal affairs and state security bodies. Uply strong position in the leadership held A.A. Zhdanov,combined the duties of a member of the Politburo, the Organizing Bureau and the Secretary of the Party, but in 1948 he died. At the same time, the positions were strengthened G.M. Malenkov,which before that occupied a very modest position in the governing bodies.

Changes in party structures were reflected in the program-ME XIX Party Congress. At this congress, the party received a new on-Sha and Ie - instead of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) began to be called Communist Party Council and Wow Union (CPSU).

USSR in the 50s - Propy of the 60s. XX century

Changes after the death of Stalin and XX Congress CPSU.

Stalin Skon-tagged on March 5, 1953. The nearest colleagues of the leader proclaimed a course on the establishment of collective leadership, but in fact, the struggle for leadership began between them. Minister of Internal Affairs Marshal L.P. Beria initiated an amnesty to prisoners whose time was not more than five years. At the head of several republics, he set his supporters. Beria also proposed to mitigate a policy towards collective farms and made the discharge of international tensions, an improvement in relations with Western countries.

However, in the summer of 1953, other members of the highest party manual, with the support of the military, organized a conspiracy and overthrow Beria. He was shot. The struggle did not end. Post-Peno, Malenkov, Kaganovich and Molo-Tov were removed from power, from the post of the Minister of Defense, G. Khukov was removed. Almost all this was done on the initiative N.S. Khrushchev Since 1958 began combining party and state posts.

In February 1956, the XX Congress of the CPSU took place, on the agenda of which were an analysis of the international and internal position, summing up the fifth five-year plan. At the congress, the question was raised about the exposure of the cult of the personality of Stalin. With a report "On the cult of personality and his consequences", N.S. Khrushchev. He spoke of numerous violations of Stalin Leninist politics, about the "illegal methods of the investigation" and the cleaning, which wanted many innocent people. Stated about Stalin errors as state Worker (For example, seeks to determine the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War). The report of Khrushchev after the congress was read throughout the country on party and Komsomol meetings. Its content shocked Soviet people, many began to doubt the correctness of the path that the country was going from October revolution .

The process of detonation of society passed gradually. At the initiative of Khrushchev, cultural figures were able to create their own works without total control of censorship and rigid party dictates. This policy has received the NEIMA "thaw" by the name of the popular I. Erenburg novel.

In the period of "thaw" in culture there were significant due to. The works of literature and art became more degrees and sincere.

Reforms in the field of economics. The development of the national economy.

The reforms held in the 50s - early 60s. XX century, they were controversial. At one time, Stalin outlined the economical frontiers to which the country had to go out in our time. When Khrushchev, the USSR came out on these frontiers, but in measuring conditions, their achievement did not give such a significant effect.

Strengthening the national economy of the USSR began with changes in both the rainstream sector. It was decided to establish acceptable prices for agricultural products, change the tax policy so that the collective farmers were financially interested in marketing products. In the per caption, an increase in cash income of collective farms, pension, mitigation of the passport regime was scheduled.

In 1954, on the initiative of Khrushchev began the development of virgin lands.Later, they began to reorganize the economic instrument-yes collective farmers. Khrushchev offered to build for rural residents of a city type building and conduct other measures to improve their life. Passport mode discovery opened gateways for the migration of the rural population to the city. The various programs of increasing agricultural efficiency were taken, and Khrushchev often saw a panacea in the cultivation of any one culture. The greatest fame received him in torture to turn into the "Queen of the fields" corn. The desire to grow-make it, regardless of climate, caused damage to agriculture, in the people of Khrushchev received the nickname "Caviar".

50s. XX century Characterized by great successes in industrial. Especially increased products of heavy industry. Much attention was paid to the sectors that provide the development of technology. The program of continuous electrification of the country had of paramount importance. New HPP and GRES introduced into operation.

The impressive success of the economy was caused by the leadership led by Khrushchev confidence in the possibility of even greater wearing the pace of the country's development. The thesis was put forward on the full and final construction of socialism in the USSR, and at the beginning of the 60s. XX century Course on building communism , i.e. societies where every person can satisfy all its needs. Co-Glasno adopted in 1962. The XXII Congress of the CPSU A new program of the party was supposed to complete the construction of communism by 1980. However, the serious difficulties in the economy began at the same time.

Difficulties in the development of industry were largely connected with ill-conceived reorganizations recent years The right of Khrushchev. So, most of the central industrial ministries was eliminated, and the economy's management went into hand sovvarkhozov,created in certain regions of the country. This innovation led to the rupture of links between the regions, Tor-Mozilo introduction of new technologies.

Social sphere.

The government conducted a number of activities to improve the welfare of the people. The law on state pensions was introduced. In medium and higher educational institutions, Otni-Lee fee for training. The workers of the heavy industry were transferred to a shortened working day without reducing the salary. The population received various cash benefits. Material revenues of workers rose. Simultaneously with the increase in the salary, it was reduced to lower prices for goods of mass consumption: separate types of tissue, clothing, goods for children, clock, medicine, etc.

It was also created a lot public foundationswho paid various preferential benefits. Due to these funds, many were able to study at school or university. Working day declined to 6-7 hours, and in pre-holiday and holidays The working day lasted even less. Work week I became shorter for 2 hours. From October 1, 1962, all taxes from the salaries of workers and employees were canceled. From the late 50s. XX century The sale of long-term goods on credit began.

Undoubted success B. social sphere At the beginning of the 60s. XX century Especially accompanied by negative phenomena, especially painful for the population: the products of the stores were disappeared from the stores of stores, right up to bread. There were several youths of the workers, the most famous of which was the de-monster in Novocherkassk, when the troops were suppressed by the arms, which led to many victims.

Foreign policy of the USSR in 1953-1964.

Foreign policy was characterized by the struggle for strengthening the position of the USSR and international security.

Important international importance was the settlement of the Aust-Riy issue. In 1955, on the initiative of the USSR, the State Treaty with Austria was sub-written in Vienna. Diplomatic relations with Germany, Japan were also installed.

Soviet diplomacy actively sought the establishment of a wide variety of ties with all states. Sigor test was the Hungarian uprising of 1956, which was suppressed soviet troops. Almost simultaneously with Hungarian events in 1956 arose Suez crisis .

On August 5, 1963, a treaty between the USSR, the United States and the United Kingdom was concluded in Moscow about the ban on nuclear testing on Earth, in air and water.

Relationships with most socialist countries were already ordered - those clearly obeyed the instructions of Moscow. In May 1953, the USSR restored relations with Yugoslavi-her. The Soviet-Yugoslav Declaration was signed, in which the principle of indivisibility of the world, non-interference in the volatroery affairs, etc. was proclaimed.

The main foreign policy theses of the CPSU were criticized by Chinese communists. They also challenged the political assessment of Stalin's activities. In 1963-1965 The PRC presented claims to a number of border areas of the USSR, and an open struggle unfolded between the two powers.

The USSR actively collaborated with the countries of Asia and Africa, who won independence. Moscow helped developing countries to create a national economy. In February 1955, the Soviet-Indian construction agreement was signed in India with the help of the USSR of the Metallurgical Combine. The USSR assisted the assistance of the United Arab Republic, Afghani, Indonesia, Cambodia, Syria and other countries of Asia and Africa.

USSR in the second half of the 60s - early 80s. XX century

The overthrow of N. S. Khrushchev and the search for a political course.

Development of science, technology and education.

The number of scientific institutions and scientists has increased in the USSR. In each Soyuz, the Republic was its own Academy of Sciences, in subordination of which was a whole system of scientific institutions. In the development of science, significant successes were achieved. October 4, 1957 was the launch of the first in the world artificial satellite Earth, then spacecraft reached the moon. On April 12, 1961, the first person in the history of a person in space took place. CSM CSM pioneer has become Yu.L. Gagarin.

Built new more and more powerful power plants. Successfully developed aircraft construction, nuclear physics, astrophysics and other sciences. In many cities, scientific centers were created. For an example, in 1957, Akademgorodok was built near Novosibirsk.

After the war, the number of schools was disastrously decreased, one of the tasks of the government was to create new environments educational institutions. The increase in the number of graduates of secondary schools led to an increase in the number of university students.

1954 in schools a joint training of boys and girls was restored. The fee for the training of high school students, students was also canceled. Students began to pay Sipen-Dia. In 1958, an obligatory eight-year-old education was introduced, and the ten-year school was translated into 11 years of study. Soon, labor in production was included in school curriculum.

The spiritual life and culture of "Developed Socialism".

CPSS ideologists sought as soon as possible to forget the idea of \u200b\u200bKhrushchev to build communism by 1980. This idea was replaced by the slogan about the "Developed Socializ-Me". It was believed that with the "developed socialism" nation and nation come closer, a single community has developed - soviet people.It was stated on the rapid development of the country's productive forces, about erasing the faces between the city and the village, about the distribution of wealth on the principles "from each of his abilities, each of his work". Finally, the transformation of the state dictatorship of the proletariat in the nationwide state of Ra-Bochich, peasants and the folk intelligentsia, between which the faces are also continuously erased.

In the 60-70s. XX century Culture has ceased to be synonymous with ideology-gia, it has lost its uniformity. The ideological component of culture retreated to the background, giving way to simplicity and sincerity. The popularity has acquired works created in the province - in Irkutsk, Kursk, Voronezh, Omsk, etc. A special status was recognized for the culture.

Nevertheless, ideological trends in culture were still very strong. A negative role was played by militant atheism. Increased persecution to Russian orthodox church. The churches were closed in the country, the priests shifted and deprived Sana. Warring boys created special organizations for the preaching of atheism.

from pravdoiskatel77.

Every day I get about a hundred letters. Among the reviews, critics, words of gratitude and information, you, dear

readers, send me your articles. Some of them deserve immediate publication, other attentive studies.

Today I offer you one of these materials. The topic affected in it is very important. Professor Valery Antonovich Torgashev decided to remember what the USSR was his childhood.

Post-war Stalin Soviet Union. I assure you if you did not live in that epoch, you will read a lot of new information. Prices, salaries of the time, stimulation systems. Stalinist price reduction, size scholarships of that time and much more.

And if you lived then - remember the time when your childhood was happy ...

"Dear Nikolai Viktorovich! I follow your speeches with interest, because in many ways our positions, both in history, and in our opinion coincide.

In one of his speeches, you rightly noticed that the post-war period of our history is practically not reflected in historical research. And this period was completely unique in the history of the USSR. All without exception, the negative features of the socialist system and the USSR, in particular, appeared only after 1956, and the USSR after 1960 was absolutely not similar to that country that was previously. However, I. pre-war USSR Also differed significantly from post-war. In the USSR, which I remember well, the planned economy was effectively combined with the market, and private bakeries were more than government bakeries. There were an abundance of various industrial and food products, most of which were made by the private sector, and did not exist a deficit concept. Every year from 1946 to 1953. The life of the population has noticeably improved. The average Soviet family in 1955 lived better than the average American family in the same year and better than a modern American family of 4 people with an annual income of 94 thousand dollars. ABOUT modern Russia And it is not necessary to talk. I send you a material based on my personal memories, on the stories of my friends who were older than me at a time, as well as on secret studies of family budgets that the USSR CSB conducted until 1959. I would be very grateful if you managed to convey this material to your wide audience, if you consider it interesting. I got the impression that besides me about this time, no one remembers. "

Sincerely, Valery Antonovich Torgashev, Doctor of N., Professor.

Remembering the USSR

It is believed that in Russia in the twentieth century, 3 revolutions occurred: in February and October 1917 and in 1991. Sometimes they call 1993. As a result of the February Revolution, a political system has changed within a few days. As a result october revolution Changed both political and economic system of the country, but the process of these changes was stretched for several months. In 1991, the Soviet Union broke up, but no changes in the political or economic system did not occur this year. The political system has changed in 1989, when the CPSU lost power both in fact, and formally in connection with the abolition of the relevant article of the Constitution. The economy system of the USSR has changed in 1987, when the non-state sector of the economy appeared in the form of cooperatives. Thus, the revolution did not occur in 1991, in 1987 and carried out it, in contrast to the revolutions of 1917, people who were then in power.

In addition to the above revolutions, there was another one that no lines have not yet been written. In the course of this revolution, cardinal changes as the political and economic system of the country occurred. These changes led to a significant deterioration in the material situation of almost all segments of the population, a decrease in the production of agricultural and industrial goods, reducing the range of these goods and a decrease in their quality, price increase. This is a revolution of 1956-1960, implemented by N.S. Khrushchev. The political component of this revolution was that after a fifteen-year-old break, the power was returned to the party apparatus at all levels, ranging from the partners of the enterprises and the end of the CPSU Central Committee. In 1959-1960, the non-governmental eco-nicca (enterprise of fishing cooperation and the gorgeous sections of the collective farmers) was eliminated by the production of a significant part of industrial goods (clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes, toys, etc.), food (vegetables, Products of animal husbandry and poultry farming, fish products), as well as household services. In 1957, Liquido-Van Gosplan and sectoral ministries (except for defense) was. Thus, instead of the effective combination of the planned and market economy, there was neither the other. In 1965, after removing Khrushchev, the Min Laman and the ministries were restored, but with substantially cut off rights.

In 1956, a system of material and moral incentives for improving the efficiency of production was fully eliminated, introduced back in all sectors of the national economy and ensured in the post-war period, the growth of labor productivity and national income is significantly higher than in other countries, including the United States, exclusively at the expense Own financial and material resources. As a result of the elimination of this system, the equalization of labor has emerged, an interest in the final result of the labor and quality of products has disappeared. The uniqueness of the Khrushchev revolution was that the changes were stretched for several years and passed completely unnoticed for the population.

The standard of living of the USSR population in the postwar period increased annually and reached the maximum per year of the death of Stalin in 1953. In 1956, the incomes of people employed in the field of production and science are decreasing as a result of the elimination of payments, stimula-lifting efficiency of labor. In 1959, the incomes of collective farmers in connection with the cutting of household plots and restrictions on private property restrictions are sharply reduced. Prices for products sold in the markets rise 2-3 times. Since 1960, the era of total deficit of industrial and food products began. It was this year that currency stores "Berezka" and special distributors were opened for the nomenclature, which had not previously needed. In 1962, government prices for basic food products are approximately 1.5 times. In general, the life of the population fell to the end of the forties.

Until 1960 in such areas as healthcare, education, science and innovation fields of industry (nuclear industry, rocket education, electronics, computing equipment, automated production) of the USSR occupied the leading in the world. If we take the economy as a whole, then the USSR inflounted only by the United States, but significantly, but awarded any other countries. At the same time, the USSR until 1960 was actively catching up with the United States and also actively leaving the rest of the countries. After 1960, the growth rate of the economy is steadily reduced, leading positions in the world are lost.

In the materials offered below, I will try to tell in detail how ordinary people lived in the USSR in the 50s of the last century. Leaning on their own memoirs, races of the people with whom life faced me, as well as on some document-you, that pores that are available on the Internet, I will try to show how far from real nose modern ideas About the very recent past of the Great country.

Eh, well in the country of Soviet live!

Immediately after the end of the war, the life of the USSR's population begins to improve dramatically. In 1946, 20% increases the salary of workers and engineering and technical workers (ITR), working at the enterprises and construction of the Urals, Siberia and Far East. In the same year, the official salaries of people having a higher and secondary special education (ITER, employees of science, education and medicine) increase by 20%. Rises the significance of scientists degrees and ranks. Professor's salary, doctors of science rises from 1600 to 5,000 rubles, associate professor, candidate of science - from 1200 to 3200 rubles, university rector from 2500 to 8,000 rubles. In research institutes academic degree The candidate of science began to add 1000 rubles to the official salary, and the doctors of science - 2500 rubles. At the same time, the salary of the Union Minister was 5,000 rubles, and the secretary of the district party is 1500 rubles. Stalin, as chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, had a salary of 10 thousand rubles. Scientists in the USSR of that time had additional income, sometimes exceeding salary several times. Therefore, they were the most respected part of the Soviet society at the same time.

In December 1947, an event occurs, which by emotional impact on people was commensurate with the end of the war. As stated in the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) No. 4004 dated December 14, 1947 "... From December 16, 1947, a card system of supplying food and industrial goods is canceled, high prices for commercial trade are canceled and united reduced state retail prices for food and industrial ...".

A card system that allowed during the war to save many people from hungry death, after the war caused strong psychological discomfort. The range of pro-needle goods that were sold on cards was extremely poor. For example, in bakery there were only 2 varieties of rye bread and wheat, which were sold for weight in accordance with the norm specified in the cutting ticket. The choice of other food products was also small. At the same time, in commercial stores there was such an abundance of products that could envy any modern super-marking. But prices in these stores were unavailable for most people, and the pro-Duk-you was acquired only for the festive table. After the cancellation of the card system, all this abundance was in ordinary grocery groceries at quite reasonable prices. For example, the price of cakes that were previously sold only in commercial magician-zin-ah, decreased from 30 to 3 rubles. More than 3 times the market prices for products have fallen. Industrial products before canceling the card system were sold on special orders, the presence of which did not mean the availability of the relevant goods. After the cancellation of cards, a certain deficit of industrial goods remained for some time, but, as far as I remember, in 1951 there was no longer this deficit in Leningrad.

On March 1, 1949 - 1951, further decline in prices occur, on average by 20% per year. Each decline was perceived as a nationwide holiday. When March 1, 1952 did not happen another price reduction, people had a feeling of disappointment. However, on April 1 of the same year, prices decline still took place. The last price reduction occurred after Stalin's death on April 1, 1953. For the post-war period, the price of food and the most running industrial products decreased by an average of more than 2 times. So, eight post-war years the life of the Soviet people every year significantly improved. For the entire well-known history of mankind, none of the country has not been observed.

The standard of living of the USSR population in the mid-50s can be assessed by studying the materials of research of the budgets of families workers, employees and collective farmers who conducted the Central Statistical Office (CSB) of the USSR from 1935 to 1958 (these materials, which in the USSR had a vulture "Secret" , Published on Budgets were studied in families belonging to 9 groups of the population: collective farmers, workers of state farms, industrial workers, industry industry, industry employees, teachers elementary school, teachers high School, doctors and medium medical staff. The most well-wired part of the population, to which employees of the projects of the overall industry, design organizations, scientific institutions, university professors, artist workers and the military, unfortunately, did not get into the field of view of the CSB.

Of the above-mentioned groups, the greatest income was among doctors. For each member of their families accounted for 800 rubles of monthly income. From the urban population, the smallest income was the employees of the industry - 525 rubles per month accounted for each family member. The rural population has a shower monthly income amounted to 350 rubles. At the same time, if the workers of the state farm had this income in clear money form, then the collective farmers were obtained at the calculation at the state prices of the value of its own products consumed in the family.

Product consumption was in all population groups, including rural, approximately at the same level of 200-210 rubles per month for a family member. Only in families doctors, the cost of the product basket reached 250 rubles due to the greater consumption of butter, meat products, eggs, fish and fruit while cutting bread and potatoes. Rural residents consumed more than all bread, potatoes, eggs and milk, but significantly less creamy oil, fish, sugar and confectionery. It should be noted that the amount of 200 rubles spent on food was not directly related to the income of the family or a limited choice of products, but was determined by family traditions. In my family, consisting in 1955 of four, including two schools, the monthly income per person was 1,200 rubles. The choice of products in Lenin-hail gastroneoms was significantly wider than in modern supermarkets. Nevertheless, the expenses of our family for food, including school breakfasts and dinners in the departmental canteens from their parents, did not exceed 800 rubles per month.

Very cheap was the food in the departmental canteens. Lunch in a student dining room, including meat soup, second with meat and compote or tea with a cake, cost about 2 rubles. Free bread has always been on the tables. Therefore, on days before issuing a scholarship, some students living independently bought tea for 20 kopecks and founded bread with mustard and tea. By the way, salt, pepper and mustard, also always stood on the tables. Scholarship at the Institute, where I studied, starting in 1955, was 290 rubles (with excellent estimates - 390 rubles). 40 rubles in non-resident students went to pay for a hostel. The remaining 250 rubles (7,500 modern rubles) were enough for a normal student life in big city. At the same time, as a rule, nonresident students did not receive help from home and did not work in their free time.

A few words about Leningrad grocery groceries of that time. The greatest different-ways was distinguished by the fish department. Several varieties of red and black caviar were exhibited in large bowls. A full range of white hot and cold smoked fish, Krasnaya fish from Keta to salmon, smoked acne and pickled media, herring in banks and barrels. Living fish from rivers and inland reservoirs was delivered immediately after the catch in special tankers with the inscription "Fish". Fish ice cream was not. It will appear only in the early 60s. There were many canned fish, of which I remember bulls in a tomato, omnipresent crabs of 4 rubles for the bank and a favorite product of students living in a hostel - a cream liver. Beef and lamb divided into four categories with a different price, depending on the part of the carcass. In the department of semi-finished products, Lantietes, enthlekots, schnitzel and escalopia were presented. The variety of sausages was essentially wider than now, and I still remember their taste. Now only in Finland, you can try a sausage resembling Soviet from those times. It should be said that the taste of boiled sausages has changed already in the early 60s, when Khrushchev ordered soy to add to sausages. This prescription ignored only in the Baltic RES-Pub, where in the 70s it was possible to buy a normal doctoral sausage. Bananas, pineapples, mango, grenades, oranges were sold in large groceries or specialized-cyanged stores all year round. Ordinary vegetables and fruits our family were purchased on the market, where a small price increase recovered with a higher ka-horshi and the possibility of choice.

So she looked the shelf of ordinary Soviet groceries in 1953. After 1960, this was no longer.

The poster below refers to a pre-war, but banks with crabs were in all Soviet stores and in the fifties.

In the materials mentioned above, the materials of the CSS provide data on consumption in families of workflows in various regions of the RSFSR. Of the two dozen naimemal products, only two positions have a significant scatter (more than 20%) from the consumption level environment. Creamy oil, with an average level of consumption in case of 5.5 kg per year per person, in Leningrad, it was consumed in an amount of 10.8 kg, in Moscow - 8.7 kg, and in the Bryansk region - 1.7 kg, in Lipetsk - 2.2 kg. In all other areas of the RSFSR, the shower consumption of butter in families workers was higher than 3 kg. Similar picture and sausage. Middle level - 13 kg. In Moscow - 28.7 kg, in Leningrad - 24.4 kg, in Lipetsk region - 4.4 kg, in Bryansk - 4.7 kg, in the rest of the areas - more than 7 kg. At the same time, income in the families of workers in Moscow and Leningrad did not differ from average income in the country and amounted to 7,000 rubles a year for a family member. In 1957, I visited Volga cities: Rybinsk, Kostroma, Yaroslavl. The range of food products was lower than in Leningrad, but also butter and sausage lay on the shelves, and the variety of fish products, Mo Lui, was even higher than in Leningrad. Thus, the population of the USSR, according to the least, since 1950 to 1959 was fully provided with food.

The situation with food is drastically worsening since 1960. True, in Leningrad it was not very noticeable. I can remember only the disappearance from the sale of imported fruits, canned corn and, which was more significant for the population, flour. With the appearance of flour in any store, huge queues were built, and no more than two kilograms were sold in one hands. These were the first queues that I saw in Leningrad from the late 40s. In less major cities, in the stories of my rod-vein-nikov and acquaintances, in addition to flour from the sale disappeared: butter, meat, flaska, fish (except for a small set of canned food), eggs, cereals and pasta. The range of bakery products has declined dramatically. I myself watched empty shelves in Smolensk grocery stores in 1964.

I can judge about the life of the rural population only by several fragmentary inspection-tolens (not counting the budget research of the CSS of the USSR). In 1951, 1956 and 1962, I rested in summer on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In the first case I traveled with my parent, and then - on my own. At that time, the train had long parking at the stands and even small half-windows. In the 50s, local residents with a variety of products were released to trains, among which were: boiled, fried and smoked chickens, boiled eggs, homemade sausages, hot cakes with a variety of fillings, including fish, meat, liver, mushrooms. In 1962, only hot car-tosh-ku with salty cucumbers took place from food to trains.

In the summer of 1957, I was part of a student concert brigade organized by the Leningrad Regional Committee of the WRCSM. On a small wooden barge, we sailed downstream of the Volga and gave concerts in coastal villages. Entertainment at the time in the se lah was a bit, and therefore practicing all residents came to our concerts in local clubs. Neither clothes nor in the expression of individuals they did not differ from the urban les. And the dinners with which we were treated after the concert, testified that there was no pro-blem with pro-content even in small villages.

In the early 80s I was treated in a sanatorium located in the Pskov region. Once I went to the nearby village with the goal of trying the village milk. Memo-coming word, the old woman quickly dispelled my hopes. She is a story that after the Khrushchev ban in 1959 for the maintenance of livestock and cutting the prize-de-home plots, the village completely reached, and previous years were remembered as an army of the age. Since then, the meat has completely disappeared from the diet of the villagers, and the milk was only sometimes issued from a collective farm for young children. And before meat, it was enough for our own consumption and for sale in the collective farm market, which ensured the main income of the peasant family, and not at all collective farm earnings. I note that according to statistics of the USSR CSS in 1956, each rural resident of the RSFSR Potre-blond more than 300 liters per year, while urban residents consumed 80-90 liters. After 1959, CSU ceased its secret budgetary research.

The provision of the population by industrial goods in the mid-50s was high enough. For example, in working families, more than 3 pairs of shoes were acquired annually. Quality and variety of consumer goods exclusively domestic production (clothing, shoes, dishes, toys, furniture and other household goods) was much higher than in subsequent years. The fact is that the bulk of these goods was not issued by state enterprises, but by artels. Moreover, sold products of artels in ordinary state stores. As soon as new trends appeared in fashion, they instantly followed, and after a few months the fashionable goods appeared in abundance on store shelves. For example, in the mid-50s youth fashion arose on shoes with a thick rubber sole white color In imitation of the artist in the style of rock and roll Elvis Presley in those years in those years. These domestic production shoes, I have acquired in the usual department store in the fall of 1955, along with another fashionable pre-met of a tie with a bright color picture. The only product that could not always buy is popular grams. Nevertheless, in 1955 there were plates bought in a regular store, almost all popular at the time of American jazz musicians and singers, such as Duke Ellington, Benny Gudman, Louis Ar-Strong, Ella Fitzherald, Glen Miller. Only Elvis Presley records, illegally you are-half-nhenium on the used X-ray film (as then they spoke "on the bones") I had to buy from the hands. I do not remember that period of imported goods. And clothing and shoes were released in small batches and differed in a wide variety of models. In addition, the manufacture of clothing and shoes was widespread in individual orders in numerous sewing and knitted studios, in the shoe workshop, in the composition of the fishing cooperation. There were a lot of tailoring and booze nicknames, work-tavs individually. The most walking goods at the time were fabrics. I still have a name of the fabrics popular at that time of fabrics as a drape, chevyot, Boston, Clavo de-tire.

From 1956 to 1960, the process of eliminating fishing cooperation was passed. The main part of the arteels became state-owned enterprises, and the rest were closed or switched to an illegal position. Individual patent production was also prohibited. The production of almost all widespread consumption goods, both by volume and the range, has sharply reduced. It was then that there are imported consumer goods that immediately become deficit, despite a higher price with limited assortment.

Illustrate the life of the USSR population in 1955, I can an example of my family. The family consisted of 4 people. Father, 50 years old, Head of the Division of the Project Institution. Mother, 45 years old, geologist Lentsontroy. Son, 18 years old, high school graduate. Son, 10 years old, schoolboy. Family's income consisted of three parts: official salary (2200 rubles at the father and 1400 rubles at Mom), a quarterly premium for the implementation of the plan is usually 60% of the salary and a separate premium for superplan works. Has such a premium received such a premium, I do not know, and my father received it about once a year, and in 1955 this award was 6,000 rubles. In other years, she had about the same magnitude. I remember how my father, having received this award, laid out a lot of storubluble bills at the dinner table in the form of a card solitaire, and then we arranged a festive dinner. On average, the monthly income of our family amounted to 4800 rubles or 1,200 rubles per person.

Of this amount, 550 rubles were deducted for taxes, party and trade union contributions. 800 rubles went to food. 150 rubles was spent on the payment of housing and utilities (water, heating, electricity, gas, telephone). 500 rubles spent on clothing, shoes, transport, entertainment. Thus, regular monthly expenses of our family from 4 people amounted to 2000 rubles. Unsumed the money remained 2,800 rubles per month or 33,600 rubles (million modern rubles) per year.

Our family's revenues were closer to the average level than to the top. So higher incomes were among private sector workers (artels), which accounted for more than 5% of the urban population. High salary were among the officers of the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, MGB. For example, the usual army lieutenant of the platoon commander had a monthly income in the amount of 2600-3600 rubles, depending on the place and specifics of the service. At the same time, the income of the military was not taxed. To illustrate the revenues of the Defense Industry workers, I will give only an example of a well-known young family, working as a pilot design of the Ministry of Aviation Industrial Messenger. Husband, 25 years old, senior engineer with salary 1400 rubles and monthly income with studies of various premiums and travel 2500 rubles. Wife, 24 years old, senior technician with salary 900 rubles and monthly income of 1500 rubles. In general, the monthly income of the family of two was 4000 rubles. About 15 thousand rubles of non-consumed money remained per year. I believe that a significant part of urban families had a possibility to postpone 5 - 10 thousand rubles annually (150 - 300 thousand modern rubles).

From expensive goods should highlight cars. The range of cars was small, but there were no problems with their acquisition. In Leningrad, a car salon was located in Leningrad in the Big Department Store. I remember that in 1955 cars were exhibited there: Moskvich-400 for 9000 rubles (economy class), victory for 16,000 rubles (business class) and winters (subsequently seagull) for 40000 rubles (representative class). Our family savings were enough to acquire any of the cars listed above, including winters. And the Moskvich car was generally available for most people. Nevertheless, there were no real demand for cars. At that time, cars were considered as expensive toys creating a lot of content and maintenance problems. My uncle had a Moskvich car, where he just a few times a year went beyond the city. I purchased this car uncle back in 1949 only because in the courtyard of my house in the premises of the former stables he could equip the garage. Father at work was offered to buy a written off American Willis, a military SUV of that time, just for 1500 rubles. The father refused the car, as it was nowhere to keep it.

For the Soviet people of post-war pores, the desire to have as much money supply as possible was characterized. They remembered well that during the war years the money could save their lives. In the most difficult period of life of a blockade Leningrad functioned a market where you could buy or exchange any food on things. In the Lenin-History notes of my father, dated December 1941, these prices and discovered equivalents in this market were indicated: 1 kgmuki \u003d 500 rubles \u003d boots, 2 kgmuki \u003d ka-ra-coolery fur coat, 3 kgmuki \u003d Golden clock. However, a similar situation with food-VIM was not only in Leningrad. In the winter of 1941-1942, small provincial go-ro-yes, where there was no military industry, not supplied with food at all. The population of these cities survived only due to the exchange of household goods on products with a resident of the surrounding villages. My mom at this time worked as a teacher of junior classes in the old Russian city of Belozersk, in his homeland. As she later, she called, by February 1942 she died from hunger more than half of her students. My mother and I survived only because in our house there were still quite a lot of things with pre-revolutionary times, which were valued in the village. But my mother's grandmother also died of hunger in February 1942, since he left her food for granddaughter and four-year-old great-granddaughter. The only bright memory of the pore is a New Year's gift from Mom. It was a piece of black bread, slightly sprinkled with sugar sand, which Mom called Pi-Rozhog. I tried this cupcake only in December 1947, when unexpectedly became a rich Pinocchio. In my children's piggy bank turned out to be more than 20 rubles of the little things, and Mo-non-you remained after the monetary reform. Only since February 1944, when after the blocade's removal, we returned to Leningrad, I stopped experiencing a continuous feeling of hunger. By the mid-1960s, the memory of the horrors of war was smoothed, a new generation was entered into life, which did not want to postpone the money about the reserve, and cars, to the time of time, which were 3 times the price, became a deficit, like many other goods . :

After the cessation of 15-year experiments on the creation of a new aesthetics and new forms of hostel in the USSR since the beginning of the 1930s, the atmosphere of conservative traditionalism was established for two years. At first it was "Stalin's Classicism", which, after the war, the "Stalin Ampire", with severe, monumental forms, whose motives were often taken often from ancient Roman architecture. All this very clearly manifested not only in architecture, but also in the interior of residential premises.
What were the apartments of the 50s, many well represent on films or on their own memories (grandmothers and grandfathers such interiors were often preserved until the end of the century).
First of all, it is chic oak furniture, calculated to serve several generations.

"In the new apartment" (snapshot from the magazine "Soviet Union" 1954):

Oh, this buffet is great for me! Although the picture is clearly not an ordinary apartment, such buffets had many ordinary Soviet families, including my grandparents.
Those who were cooled, scored a collectible porcelain of the Leningrad Factory (which no price is now).
In the main room more often than having fun lampshade, a luxurious chandelier in the picture gives a fairly high social position of the owners.

The second shot shows the apartment of the representative of the Soviet elite - Laureate Nobel Prize Academician N .. Semenova, 1957:

A high resolution
In such families, they already tried to reproduce the atmosphere of the pre-revolutionary living room with the piano.
On the floor - oak lacquered parquet, Palace.
On the left, it seems, the edge of the TV is visible.

"Grandfather", 1954:

Very characteristic lampshade and lace tablecloth on a round table.

In a new house on Borovsky Highway, 1955:

A high resolution
The 1955th was a turning point for the year, since it was this year that a decree on industrial house-building was adopted, which began the beginning of the crunching era. But in 1955, "Malenkovsky" was built with the latest hints of the Quality and architectural aesthetics of Stalinok.
In this new apartment, the interiors still dohrushchensky, with high ceilings and solid furniture. Pay attention to the love of round (sliding) tables, which then for some reason will be rare.
Bookcase at an honorable place is also a very typical feature of the Soviet home interior, like anything, "the most reading country in the world." Was.

Nickel-plated bed for some reason neighboring a round table to which the place in the living room.

The interiors in the new apartment in the Stalinist altitude in the picture of the same Nauma Granovsky, 1950s:

For contrast photo D. Baltermanza 1951:

Lenin in a red corner instead of an icon in the peasant hut.

In the late 1950s, a new era will begin. Millions of people will move in their individual, albeit completely tiny, apartment of Khrushchev. There will be completely different furniture.

Russian history. XX century Balkhanov Alexander Nikolaevich

§ 4. Life after the war: expectations and reality

"In the spring of forty-fifth people - not without reason - they considered themselves giants," E. Kazakevich shared his feelings. With this mood, front-line entered a peaceful life, leaving - as they seemed to them - behind the threshold of war the worst and heavy. However, the reality turned out to be more difficult, not at all as it seems to be from the trench. "In the army, we often talked about what will happen after the war," recalled a journalist B. Galin, - how we will live the next day after the victory - and the closer the end of the war, the more we thought about it, and much we Drew in the rainbow light. We did not always imagine the size of the destruction, the scale of the works that would have to hold to heal the wounds applied by the Germans. " "Life after the war seemed to be a holiday, for the beginning of which only one thing is needed - the last shot," as it would continue this thought to K. Simonov. Other ideas were difficult to expect from people, four years under the psychological press of an emergency military situation, and near the cost of consisting of non-standard situations. It is quite clear that "a normal life where you can" just live ", without being subjected to every minute danger, seeing the gift of fate in wartime. War in the consciousness of people - front-line and those who were in the rear, brought the revaluation and pre-war period, to a certain extent, idealizing it. Having experienced the deprivation of military years, people - often subconsciously - corrected and the memory of the past peaceful time, retaining good and forgetting about the bad. The desire to return the lost promptly suggested the easiest answer to the question "How to live after the war?" - "As before the war."

"Life-holiday", "Life-tale" - with the help of this image in the mass consciousness, the special concept of post-war life was simulated - without contradictions, without tension, the development of which was actually only one factor - hope. And such a life existed, but only in cinema and books. An interesting fact: during the war and in the first postwar years, the libraries have noted an increase in demand for the literature of the adventure genre and even fairy tales. On the one hand, such interest is explained by the change in the age composition of working and using libraries; During the war, adolescents came to the production (in individual enterprises, they ranged from 50 to 70% of employed). After the war, the reader's audience of the adventure library was replenished with young front-line, the process of intellectual growth of which interrupted the war and which, because of this, after the front, returned to the youthfulness of the reading. But there is another side of this issue: the growth of interest in this kind of literature and cinema was a kind of reaction to the reality of the cruel reality, which the war carried with him. I needed compensation to psychological overloads. Therefore, in the war, it was possible to observe, evidence, for example, Frontovik M. Abdulin, "the terrible thirst for everything that is not connected with the war. I liked a degrading film with dancing and fun, the arrival of artists to the front, humor. " Thirst for the world, supported by faith that life after the war will quickly change for the better, remained for three to five post-five years.

The "Kuban Cossacks" film used tremendous success with the audience is the most popular of all post-war film. Now he is sharp and in many ways a fair criticism for the inconsistency of reality. But the criticism sometimes forgets that the film "Kuban Cossacks" has its own truth that this film-fairy tale carries very serious mental information, transmitting the spirit of the time. The journalist T. Arkhangelskaya recalls interviews with one of the participants of the film filming; She told how the hungry were these elegant guys and girls, there were fun on the screen with fruits, abundance from Paper-Masha, and then added: "We believed that it would be so and that there will be a lot of bicycles, and saddles, and What you want. And we needed it so that everything was smart and to sing songs. "

Hope for the best and eating optimism asked the strike rhythm to the beginning of the post-war life, creating a special one - the post-post-public atmosphere. "All my generation, with the exception of some of some, experienced ... difficulties, - recalled the time of the famous builder V.P. Serikov. - But the Spirit did not fall. The main thing - the war was behind ... There was a joy of labor, victory, spirit of competition. " The emotional rise of the people, the desire to bring to the labor of truly peaceful life to bring up to its work of truly peaceful life. However, this mood, despite his tretency of another kind: Psychological installation on a relatively painless transition to the world ("The hardest thing is behind!"), The perception of this process as in general consistent, the farther, the more They entered into a conflict with real reality, which in no hurry to turn into a "fairy tale".

Conducted in 1945-1946. Inspector trips of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) recorded a number of "abnormalities" in the material and domestic living conditions of people, primarily residents of industrial cities and workers' settlements. In December 1945, the propaganda and campaign management team of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) conducted such inspection of enterprises of the coal industry of the Shchekinsky district of the Tula region. The results of the survey turned out to be very disappointing. The living conditions of the workers were recognized as "very heavy", the repatriated and mobilized workers lived especially well. Many of them had no sleeve, and if it was, then the Old and dirty. The workers did not receive soap, in hostels - a large closest and crowding, workers slept on wooden tapes or bunk scams (for these topchains, the administration subtracted 48 rubles. From the monthly earnings of workers, which was its tenth part). Workers received 1200 g of bread per day, but despite the sufficiency of the norm, the bread was poor quality: there was not enough oil and therefore the bread forms were lubricated with petroleum products.

Numerous signals from the places indicated that the facts of this kind are not isolated. Groups of workers from Penza and Kuznetsk treated with letters to V.M. Molotov, M.I. Kalinin, A.I. Mikoyan, which contained complaints of severe material and domestic conditions, the absence of most necessary products and goods. According to these letters from Moscow, a team of the People's Commissariat, which recognized the complaints of workers justified according to the results of the inspection. In the Nizhny Lomoma of the Penza region, the working plants No. 255 opposed the delay in bread cards, and the working plywood plant and the match factory complained about long waste delays. Heavy working conditions after the end of the war were preserved at the reconstructed enterprises: it was necessary to work under the open sky, and if it was in winter, knee-deep in the snow. The premises were often not covered and not heated. IN winter time The situation was aggravated by the fact that people often had nothing to wear. For this reason, for example, the secretaries of Siberia's committees of Siberia appealed to the Central Committee of the CSP (b) with an unprecedented request: to allow them not to hold on November 7, 1946. Demonstration of workers, motivating their request to the fact that "the population is not sufficiently provided with clothing."

The difficult situation was stolen after the war and in the village. If the city did not suffer from lack of working arms (there the main problem It was to establish labor and life of existing workers), then the collective farm village in addition to material deprivation experienced a sharp disadvantage of people. All the cash population of collective farms (taking into account the demobilization returned) by the end of 1945 decreased by 15% compared with 1940, and the number of able-bodied - by 32.5%. The number of able-bodied men (from 16.9 million in 1940, 6.5 million) remained at the beginning of 1946 in 1940). Compared to the prevailing time, the level of material security of the collective farmers has dropped: if in 1940, about 20% of grain and more than 40% of cash revenues of collective farms were allocated for distribution by workload and more than 40% of cash revenues of the collective farms, then in 1945, these indicators decreased by 14 and 29%. Payment in a number of farms looked purely symbolic, and therefore collective farmers, as before the war, often worked "for wands". A real disaster for the village was drought in 1946, which covered most of the European territory of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova. The government used drought for the use of rigid measurement measures, forcing collective farms and state farms to pass 52% yield to the state, i.e. more than during the war years. Seed and food grain was seized, including intended to be issued by workload. The bread assembled in this way was headed in the city, residents of the village in the areas affected by the fault, were doomed to mass hunger. Accurate data on the number of victims of hunger 1946-1947 No, since medical statistics carefully hid a true cause of mortality during this time (for example, other diagnoses were made instead of dystrophy). Especially high was the child mortality. In the hunger districts of the RSFSR, Ukraine, Moldova, the population of which consisted of about 20 million people, in 1947 compared with 1946, due to flights to other places and growth in mortality, it was reduced by 5-6 million people, from The victims of hunger and the epidemic associated with it amounted to, according to some calculations, about 1 million people, mainly rural population. The consequences did not slow down to affect the moods of the collective farmers.

"Throughout 1945-1946. I confused very closely, I studied the life of a number of collective farmers of the Bryansk and Smolensk regions. What I saw forced me to appeal to you as the secretary of the Central Committee of the CCP (b), - so began his letter addressed to G.M. Malenkov, Listener of Smolensk Military Political School N.M. Menshikov. - As a communist, it hurts me to listen to such a question from the collective farmers: "Do not know, soon the collective farms will be dissolved?". As a rule, they motivate the fact that "living is so no strength further." And indeed, life in some collective farms is unbearably bad. So, in the collective farm "New Life" (Bryansk, region) Almost half of the collective farmers have no bread for 2-3 months, the part does not have potatoes. Not better position And in half of other collective farms of the district. This is inherent not only for this area. "

"The study of the state of affairs shows, it has been a similar signal from Moldova, - that hunger covers an increasing amount of rural population ... an unusually high increase in mortality, even compared to 1945, when the title epidemic was. The main cause of high mortality is dystrophy. The peasants of most areas of Moldova use various ill-quality surrogates in food, as well as the corpses of fallen animals. Recently, there are cases of cannibals ... Emigrant sentiments are distributed among the population. "

In 1946, several noticeable events occurred, one way or another a raveled public atmosphere. Contrary to a fairly common judgment that in that period public opinion was exceptionally silent, real evidence suggests that this statement is not quite fair. At the end of 1945 - early 1946, a campaign for elections to the Supreme Council of the USSR was held, which took place in February 1946. As expected, in official meetings, people were mainly expressed by "for" elections, unconditionally supporting the politician of the party and its leaders . As before, at the election ballots on the day of the election could be found toasts in honor of Stalin and other government members. But along with this there were judgments of the exact opposite sense.

Contrary to official propaganda, emphasizing the democratic nature of the elections, people talked about a friend: "The state spends funds in vain in the election, it will still hold those whom she wants"; "All the same, we will not be in our place, they will write, for the same voting"; "We have too much money and energy is spent on preparing for elections to the Supreme Council, and the essence comes down to simple formalities - registration of a pre-planned candidate"; "Our upcoming elections will not give us anything if they were held, as in other countries, it would be another thing"; "Only one candidacy is included in the ballot box, this is a violation of democracy, since if you wish to vote for another, the indicated in the newsletter will still be elected."

The people about the elections were rumored, and a variety of different. For example, conversations went in Voronezh: voter lists are checked in order to identify non-working to parcel in collective farms. People closed their apartments and left home to not get into these lists. At the same time, special sanctions were relying for evasion from elections; In the statements of some people, a direct condemnation of this kind of "sticky democracy" is read: "The elections are carried out incorrectly, one candidate for the election district is given, and the ballot is controlled by some special way. In case of reluctance, vote for a certain candidate, it is impossible to strike, it will be known to the NKVD and will be sent to where it follows "; "We have no freedom of speech in our country, if I tell anything today about the shortcomings in the work of the Soviet bodies, then tomorrow will be put in prison."

The impossibility of expressing his point of view, without fear of sanctions of the authorities, gave birth to apathy, and with it subjective alienation from the authorities: "Who needs, that alone, and hesitates, and studies these laws (meaning the election laws. - E. Z.), and we are all tired of all this, choose and without us "; "I'm not going to choose and I will not. I did not see anything good from this power. Communists appointed themselves, let them choose. "

During the discussion and conversations, people expressed doubts about the feasibility and timeliness of the elections to which large funds were spent, while thousands of people were on the verge of hunger: "The bread is not careless in the fields, but have already begun to" call "about government reissibration . There is no benefit from this. " "What to do idleness, they would feed the people better, but you will not feed the elections"; "They choose them well, but the bread in collective farms do not give."

The strong catalyst for the growth of discontent was destabilization of the general economic situation, primarily the situation in the consumer market, coming since the times of the war, but at the same time having the post-war reasons. The consequences of the drought of 1946 were limited to the volume of carbon mass of bread. However, without that severe food situation, it was aggravated due to the increase in gasket prices conducted in September 1946, i.e. prices for goods distributed by cards. At the same time, the contingent of the population covered by the card system was reduced: the number of supplied population living in rural areas, from 27 million people was reduced to 4 million, 3.5 million non-working adult dependents were removed in the cities and workers' settlements from rational supply of bread and 500 thousand cards were destroyed by streamlining the card system and the elimination of abuse. In total, the flow rate of the ration supply was reduced by 30%.

As a result of such measures, not only the possibility of guaranteed supply of people with the main foods (primarily by bread), but also the possibility of acquiring food products in the market, where prices quickly crawled up (especially on bread, potatoes vegetables). The scale of the speculation of bread has increased. In some places it came to an open protest expression. The most painful news about increasing rational prices was met by low-paid and large workers, women who lost her husbands at the front: "Nutrition costs expensive, and a family of five. Family money is missing. Waited, it will be better, and now again difficulties, yes, when will we survive them? "; "How to survive difficulties when not enough money to buy bread?"; "From products will have to or refuse, or buy them on some other means, nothing about buying clothes and think"; "I used to be hard, but I had hope for the progress with low pricesNow and the last hope disappeared and I will have to starve. "

There were even more frank conversations in queues for bread: "Now you need to steal more, otherwise you will not live"; "The new comedy - the salary increased by 100 rubles, and the prices for products were raised three times. Made so that it was not profitable not worked, but the government "; "Music and sons were killed, and we instead of facilitating prices"; "With the end of the war, improving the situation was waiting for and waited for improvements, it was now harder to live than during the war years."

The unauthorization of the desires of people requiring only the establishment of the subsistence minimum and nothing more than that is notification. War years dreams that after the war "everything will be many", happy life will come, they began to launch quite quickly, devalued, and the set of goods included in the "dream limit", hesitated so much that the salary, giving the opportunity to feed the family and the room The communal apartment was already considered a gift of fate. But the myth of the "Life-Fairy Tale", living in an ordinary consciousness and, by the way, supported by the major tone of all official propaganda, any difficulties of present as "temporary", often interfered with adequate awareness of causal relationships in the chains of exciting events. Therefore, not finding visible reasons for explaining the "temporary" difficulties that would fall under the category of objective, people sought them in the usual emergency circumstances. The choice and here was not too wide, all the difficulties of the post-war period were explained by the consequences of the war. It is not surprising that the complication of the situation inside the country also binds to the mass consciousness with the factor of war - now the future. Questions often sounded at the meetings: "Will the war be?", "Will there be no price increases for a complex international situation?". Some have expressed and more categorically: "It has come to the end of a peaceful life, the war comes out. So prices have raised. They hide it from us, and we understand. Before war, the price is always raised. " As for rumors, the folk fantasy did not know the borders at all: "America has broken a peace treaty with Russia, will soon be war. It is said that echelons with wounded have been delivered to the city of Simferopol. " "I heard that the war is already in China and in Greece, where America and England intervened. Not today, tomorrow they will attack the Soviet Union. "

War in the folk consciousness will be perceived for a long time as the main measure of the difficulties of life, and the sentence "only no war" is to serve as a reliable excuse for all the extravagance of post-war time, which, besides her, there were no reasonable explanations. After the world crossed the line " cold War", These sentiments only enhanced; They could stay under prove, but with the slightest danger or hint at the danger immediately gave themselves to know. For example, already in 1950, during the war in Korea, panic sentiment in the residents of the Primorsky Territory were intensified, which considered that the war is around nearby, it means that it does not pass the borders of the USSR. As a result, the goods (matches, salt, soap, kerosene, etc.) began to disappear from the stores: the population created long-term "military" reserves.

Some seen the reason for increasing the soldering prices in the fall of 1946 in the approach of the new war, others considered such a decision unfair to the results of the war of the past, in relation to the front-line and their families who survived the hard time and having right On something greater than half-beetled existence. In many statements, this is not difficult to notice the feeling of offended advantage of the winners, and the bitter irony of deceived hopes: "Life is painful becomes more fun. For a hundred rubles, the salary increased, and 600 was taken away. Provided, winners! "; "Well, so lived. This is called concern for the material needs of workers in the fourth Stalinist five-year plan. Now it is clear to us why on this issue are not held. Bunta will, uprisings, and workers will say: "What did you fight for?".

However, despite the presence of very decisive sentiments, at that time they did not become predominant: too strong was the thrust for peaceful life, too serious fatigue from the struggle, in whatever form, too large was the desire to free themselves from extremality and related She has sharp actions. In addition, despite the skepticism of some people, most continued to trust the leadership of the country, to believe that it acts in the name of the people's good. Therefore, difficulties, including those that brought with them the food crisis of 1946, most often, judging by the reviews, were perceived by contemporaries as inevitable and ever overcome. There were quite typical statements like the following: "Although it will be difficult to live low-paid workers, but our government, the party never did nothing bad for the working class"; "We came out the winners from the war that ended the year ago. The war brought big destruction and life can not immediately enter the normal framework. Our task is to understand the activities of the USSR Council of Ministers and support him "; "We believe that the party and the government thought well a conducted event in order to quickly eliminate temporary difficulties. We believed the party when under her leadership fought for Soviet power, believe and now that the events held temporary ... "

Attention is drawn to the motivation of negative and "approving" sentiments: the first rely on the real position of things, the second one goes exclusively from the faith in the justice of the leadership, which "never did nothing bad for the working class." It can be definitely asserted that the policy of the first post-war years was built exclusively on the credit of confidence from the people, who after the war was quite high. On the one hand, the use of this loan allowed the leadership to stabilize the post-war situation and in general, to ensure the country's transfer from the state of the war to the state of the world. But on the other hand, the trust of the people to the Higher Guide made it possible to last to delay the solution of vital reforms, and later actually block the trend of the democratic renewal of the Company.

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The completion of the Great Patriotic War has become a huge relief for the residents of the USSR, but at the same time put a number of urgent tasks before the Government. Questions whose solution was postponed during the war, now it was necessary to solve urgently. In addition, the authorities needed to equip demobilized redarmeys, to ensure the social protection of the victims of the war and restore the destroyed economic facilities in the west of the USSR.

The first post-war five-year period (1946-1950) was set to restore the pre-war level of agricultural and industrial production. A distinctive feature of the recovery of the industry was that not all evacuated enterprises were returned to the West of the USSR, their large part was rejected from scratch. This made it possible to strengthen the industry in those regions that did not have a powerful industrial base before the war. At the same time, measures were taken to return industrial enterprises to the charts of a peaceful life: the duration of the working day was reduced, and the number of weekends increased. By the end of the fourth-year plan in all the most important industries managed to achieve a pre-war production level.


Although the small part of the fighters of the Red Army returned to their homeland in the summer of 1945, the main wave of demobilization began in February 1946, and the final completion of demobilization was necessary for March 1948. It was envisaged that demobilized warriors will be provided with work within a month. Family and disabled families of war received special support from the state: their homes first provided with fuel. However, in general, demobilized fighters did not have any benefits in comparison with citizens who were in the years of war in the rear.

Strengthening the repressive apparatus

The apparatus of repression, surviving the flourishing in the pre-war years, during the war was changed. The key role in it was played by intelligence and SMERS (counterintelligence). After the war, these structures were filtered by prisoners of war, Ostarabiters and collaborants returned to the Soviet Union. The NKVD bodies on the territory of the USSR fought organized crime, the level of which immediately after the war increased sharply. However, in 1947, the power structures of the USSR returned to repression civilian populationAnd in the late 50s, the country shook high-profile trials (case of doctors, Leningrad, Mingral business). In the late 1940s and early 50s, from the new-appointed territories of Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, Moldova and the Baltic States were deported by the "Anti-Soviet elements": intelligentsia, major owners, supporters of the UPA and the "Forest Brothers", representatives of religious minorities.

Foreign farmers

Back in the years of war, the future of the winning powers laid the foundations of the international structure, which would regulate the post-war world order. In 1946, the UN began its work, in which the five most influential states of the world had a blocking voice. The entry of the Soviet Union to the UN Security Council strengthened its geopolitical position.

In the late 40s, the USSR foreign policy was aimed at creating, strengthening and expanding the block of socialist states, later than the Socialist camp known as the socialist camp. The coalition governments of Poland and Czechoslovakia emerged immediately after the war were replaced by one-party, monarchical institutions were eliminated in Bulgaria and Romania, and in East Germany and North Korea, the proper government proclaimed their republics. Shortly before that, the Communists took control of most of China. Attempts by the USSR to create Soviet republics in Greece and in Iran were not crowned with success.

Internartian struggle

It is believed that in the early 50s, Stalin planned another cleaning of the highest party apparatus. Shortly before his death, he also conducted the reorganization of the Party Management System. In 1952, the CPSU (b) began to be called the CPSU, and the Politburo was replaced by the Presidium of the Central Committee, in which there was no position of the Secretary-General. In the life of Stalin, there was a confrontation between Beria and Malenkov on one side and Voroshilov, Khrushchev and Molotov, on the other. There are such an opinion among historians: the members of both groups realized that a new series of processes was directed, first of all, against them, and therefore, having learned about Stalin's disease, they took care that he would not have the necessary medical care.

Results of post-war years

In the post-war years, which coincided with the last seven years of the life of Stalin, the Soviet Union from the winning power turned into a global power. The Government of the USSR was able to relatively quickly rebuild the national economy, restore state institutions and create a block of allied states around them. At the same time, a repressive apparatus, aimed at eradicating dissent and the "cleaning" of party structures, was intensified. With the death of Stalin, the process of developing the state has undergone sharp changes. The USSR entered a new era.

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