The main storyteller of the country. The storyteller Putin and his zaputintsy The main storyteller of the country

There is an old folk wisdom: what is the pop - such is the parish.

Putin and his supporters are the clearest example, confirming not only the justice, but also the relevance of this statement.

Here you can also find the answer to the question why Putin is supported by such a huge number of people, despite all the perniciousness of his policy, the obvious failures and lack of prospects.

The reason is that Putin's supporters are just like him.

Putin does not keep his promises? So his supporters do not need him to keep his promises. They don't care. They are quite satisfied with what they already have. They are quite satisfied that Putin constantly promises something new and tells fairy tales about the digital economy that will be built, then about the millions of high-tech jobs that will be created, then about something else.

Putin's supporters listen to his speeches, full of rosy reports, forecasts and promises, like bedtime stories - listen and sleep. And tomorrow there will be a new story. None of Putin's admirers is even going to find out whether something from the previous fairy tale was built in reality or not - it doesn't matter to them. It is important that there are fairy tales themselves, so that you can good mood fall asleep.

Putin and his supporters have found each other - the first is not going to keep his promises, and the second is not waiting for their fulfillment.

The storyteller and his listeners met.

The storyteller found his listeners, and the listeners found their storyteller. And they are happy with each other.

Putin's supporters like the illusion that he builds in his speeches - an illusion about the present and the future.

They like that Russia in Putin’s speeches is great and strong, it is respected all over the world, external enemies (especially the Americans) are afraid and build all sorts of insidious plans, but their plans will not come true, because we have an answer for them, and so on and so on. the like.

They are not going to find out if this is true or not. And when they are told that this is not so, it is easier for them to dismiss it and continue to listen to fairy tales that are pleasant to the heart in order to fall asleep in a good mood.

It's the same with the economy - Putin's supporters love fairy tales about the construction of a digital economy, nanotechnology and everything else that appears in Putin's speeches on the economic topic. They like to think that a new economy is being built in Russia, that the country is preparing to ride the technological wave, and so on and so forth.

In the same way, they are not going to check whether this is true - the fairy tale that Putin told is enough for them. And when they are told about the discrepancy, they again brush it off and return to fairy tales that are pleasant to the heart.

In reality, they are quite satisfied with what they already have.

At the same time, many of Putin's supporters do not have much. Millions of those who vote for Putin live on 20,000 rubles a month or less. But they adapted, they have enough food to pay for housing and communal services, so they come home in the evenings, have dinner and listen to uncle Putin’s tales, after which they fall asleep, in full confidence that Russia is great, the enemies are insidious, but stupid, we will defeat everyone, we will build a new one. economy and everything will be fine. They get up in the morning, go to work, come home in the evening, have dinner, listen to fairy tales again - and so on in a circle.

It's kind of like Groundhog Day, in which every day is the same - breakfast, work, dinner and bedtime stories to fall asleep in a good mood, with full confidence in the future.

The difference is that in the original Groundhog Day main character tried to break out of the vicious circle, while Putin's supporters, on the contrary, are satisfied with what is happening and do not want to break out anywhere. On the contrary, they are ready to make sacrifices so that only their "Groundhog Day" never ends, so that for another forty years they can come home every day, have dinner and listen to fairy tales at night, fall asleep in a good mood and the next day was all the same.

Putin's supporters are ready to sacrifice even a part of their salary and the quality of dinner, so that only everything goes according to their usual circle.

Of course, they would not want to sacrifice either one or the other, but if necessary, they are ready.

That is why, after the collapse of the ruble at the end of 2014, the number of Putin's supporters almost did not decrease. Of course, they were very upset that their income in dollar terms was halved overnight, and then they had to give up something in their usual diet and lifestyle, because prices quickly went up. But they survived it. They survived because they are ready to make sacrifices in order to stay in their "groundhog day", with their "best president", with their storyteller.

The only thing they are not ready for is to give up Uncle Putin's fairy tales. Because these fairy tales have become for them a very significant part of life, to some extent even the meaning of existence, a semantic drug.

They have lived with these fairy tales for so long that they have no idea how they will live without them. And they don't want to represent.

Putin, with his promises, jokes, with his "sandy" and "jelly" ones, which denounce the intrigues of enemies and report on successes, have become a part of life for the zaputints, part of the picture of the world.

And although Putin’s supporters sincerely believe that Putin and his courtiers are telling the truth, that the world is in fact exactly the way it is portrayed on Channel One and Channel Two, they still subconsciously feel that this is not entirely true, that much is embellished. And therefore they are very afraid - also subconsciously, but this makes it even stronger, because fear comes from the very depths of the psyche. Subconscious fear is the strongest fear possible.

Therefore, Putin's supporters do not perceive any arguments and arguments about the viciousness of his policy, no matter how strong these arguments are.

The more arguments and the stronger they are, the stronger the fear of Putin's supporters is that after his departure, the painted picture of the world will collapse and something that they absolutely do not want to see will be revealed behind it. And this only increases fear, causing a strong defensive reaction.

Putin's supporters, driven by fear, begin to defend themselves against arguments that destroy their worldview and use a variety of arguments, sometimes completely illogical and absurd, slipping into statements like "Putin is the best, period."

And they bring these arguments not for you and me - they bring them for themselves, in order to make sure for themselves that the picture of the world drawn by Putin is correct, of its relevance and inviolability, in order to thereby drive away their own fears, return to their favorite Putin fairy tales and fall asleep in a good mood, thinking that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and for another forty years everything will go on as it goes.

And they do not need any new high-tech jobs - they are satisfied with the places they occupy. Many, of course, want a higher salary, but they do not associate this with some new high-tech jobs, because they do not want to master any new technologies, but simply want to receive a higher salary for the same work that they are doing now.

Therefore, it does not matter to Putin's supporters whether he has created 25 million new high-tech places, as he promised, or not.

In the same way, they do not care what Putin does with the factories, because the vast majority of his supporters work not in factories, but in offices and shops. And they know very well that the vast majority of goods are imported. Therefore, they again do not care about the fate of the domestic industry.

And even those who work in factories - for example, at the GAZ plant, whose workers a year ago supported Putin's nomination for another term- they are satisfied that their plant continues to work, and what happens to the rest - by and large, they do not care.

For the same reason, most Putin supporters do not care how many schools and hospitals have been closed in the country. If the school their children go to hasn't been closed, that's fine. And if the children managed to finish school, even more so.

And most of Putin’s supporters don’t care about raising the retirement age either, because some of them are still far from retirement and they don’t think about it, while others are already retired and therefore this increase does not concern them at all.

Putin's supporters are selfish, who do not care about everything that does not concern their current life in the most direct way. And in this they are also very similar to Putin himself.

When something does concern them, when they have to give up something, tighten their belts and reduce rations, as happened after the 2008 crisis or the collapse of the ruble in 2014, it’s easier for Putin’s supporters to reassure themselves that they are to blame enemies, that it is even worse in Ukraine, that it was even worse in the 90s, that these are temporary difficulties - to calm yourself down, and then just get used to the “new reality”, adapt and live as before, listening to Uncle Putin’s tales at night and falling asleep with good mood to wake up in the morning and live another “Groundhog Day”.

And just like Putin, his supporters do not care how it all ends - no matter what the country is heading for, in which education, healthcare and industry are gradually being replaced by solid fairy tales.

Putin and his supporters found each other.

One does nothing and talks a lot, while others listen to this chatter and it completely suits them, because they do not need any business.

One promises a lot, but almost nothing of the promises is fulfilled, while others do not demand - the promises themselves are enough for them, they are happy with good intentions as such.

One is lying, while others are glad that they are lying, because the false picture of the world drawn by the storyteller is much more attractive than reality and it is very pleasant to be in it, even if virtually, sitting in front of the TV.

One egoist acts in his own interests and in the interests of his friends - and his supporters are exactly the same egoists who rejoice at their current well-being, “yards full of foreign cars” and other small-town achievements that are within their sight, completely without thinking about the future , not about the country as a whole, nor about how their current personal well-being is achieved and who has or will have to pay for it in the future.

One is a narcissistic narcissist, an overgrown kid, openly bullish internationally, bursting with self-importance and the idea of ​​greatness - and his supporters are the same, because they like it all - they like bullying, which they take for international influence, like the thought of greatness - they are the same narcissistic boys and girls who, after the frustration of the 90s, passionately desired revenge, but since for a true revenge they do not want to work, much less fight - they are completely satisfied with a virtual revenge, which boils down to the fact that their leader puffs up and bulls, and his court journalists talk about the greatness of the country.

They found each other.

One sits and does not want to leave, because he considers himself (most likely quite sincerely) a great and irreplaceable ruler, and his supporters do not want him to leave - because they completely agree with the myth of the greatness and irreplaceability of their idol. And on a subconscious level, they are even afraid that if he leaves, this myth to which they are so accustomed will collapse and reveal a terrible picture of reality for which they are completely unprepared.

It may be objected to me that the people are zombified, that all this is the result of propaganda ...

Partly so, but only partly.

Putin's supporters are zombified primarily because they themselves wanted to be zombified. They themselves wanted to be fed with promises and told tales.

Putin's supporters are people who do not want to do anything for the development of the country, but want to sit at the feeders and at the same time listen to how the country miraculously develops, according to the pike command. That is exactly what they got. True, the food in the feeders is getting worse, and fairy tales about the development of the country are farther from reality, but for them the main principle.

They were deceived because they wanted to be deceived.

And here we can recall another wise saying - "it is not difficult to deceive me, I myself am glad to be deceived."

That is exactly the case with Putin and his supporters.

The case when the pop and the parish found each other.

*Extremist and terrorist organizations banned in Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah ash-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra ”, “Al-Qaeda”, “UNA-UNSO”, “Taliban”, “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people”, “Misanthropic Division”, “Brotherhood” Korchinsky, “Trident them. Stepan Bandera", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (OUN)

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This man is the main storyteller. Truly the best years of Belarusian children's cinema are associated with his name. He made cult films of the generation of the current 30-year-olds "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "About Little Red Riding Hood", "Peter Pan", "The Tale of the Star Boy". All his films are not just bright, they are transparent, subtle, real.

Director Leonid Nechaev spoke about the best and worst stories In my life.

Boys and girls, and worse - their parents

Difficulties during filming arose not with children, with their parents. For example, when they filmed The Adventures of Pinocchio, young Dima Iosifov-Pinocchio should have been hanging upside down at the behest of the rogues Lisa Alice and the cat Basilio, Dima's mother was, of course, ardently against such mockery of her beloved son. Therefore, Dima himself carried out a cunning strategy: he whined that he really wanted to eat, and his mother rushed for provisions. While running, the scene was filmed.

After Pinocchio, my success began to be incredible. The famous Evgeny Evstigneev even called me once and said: “Lenya, I’m ready to play any mouse with you!” And he played, however, not a mouse, but an astrologer in the next triumph "About Little Red Riding Hood".
What to shoot here?

When we started shooting the film “About Little Red Riding Hood”, everyone was completely at a loss: what to shoot there, the fairy tale takes three pages.

But I came up with the idea to make a sequel, to tell what happened after the hunters saved the girl and her grandmother. new fairy tale Together with screenwriter Inna Vetkina, we wrote for two weeks without a break.

Poor Inna was so tired that once she even tried to light a cigarette from the tap! And what happened? Wolves are funny, stupid and safe, and the hunter, on the contrary, is a rare coward.

They are all like that, my fairy tales are historically incorrect, they do not support the party line. After the release of the film "Redhead, Honest, in Love", the entire Goskino was shocked - in the lives of the heroes the most important role money plays. And this is in the Soviet state, where children were taught that soon there would be no money at all. A real counter-revolution. And the kids loved it.

The film Crazy Lori was based on Paul Gallico's story Thomasina. First, if you can find it, read this tale by all means. I cannot understand why she is considered childish, but this does not negate her beauty and touchingness. The film, I would like to hope, turned out to be the same as a fairy tale, penetrating. Someone will be sad from him, and someone will think about a lot.

Kids don't care what the critics say

The most difficult thing is to write children's fairy tales, draw children's pictures and make children's films. Because the young ones are the most picky. They don't care what the critics and the press say, They don't care about the degree of stardom of the director or writer. They are indifferent to the social significance of the product. They have only one evaluation criterion: "Interesting-not interesting."


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In general, my childhood was not easy, post-war and hungry. And I saw very few movies. Maybe that's why I later got such original pictures of my own - there were no canons, there were no other people's examples that strive to stick to you without fail. And when I grew up and became a director, I never allowed myself to watch children's films, so that something would not stick, someone else would not grow.
Are the stories over?

All my life I have been shooting light and good tales. And I try to continue doing new projects, although every year it becomes more and more difficult: no one wants to invest in children, everyone is interested in net profit. And who can say how much and what brought the USSR "Little Red Riding Hood"? I can say for sure about Pinocchio: after watching this tape, all the children stubbornly insisted that they wanted the same hat as the wooden truant school lessons, and boys everywhere fell in love with Malvina.

I don't know if they will be the same good stories show the children of my children. Probably not. Their place will be taken - so what, they have already taken it - silly spider-men, stupid goblins and foreign wizards, who can do nothing compared to the village fool Emelya, who had a livelier pike, and a richer fantasy ...

What happened to the little actors?

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How petty hotel “businessmen” set up the Kremlin, and Mr. Churov helped them. And how he helped. Just like the government of St. Petersburg in the person of Poltavchenko with a bridge, and everything must be done at the same time.

As a result, a mine was laid under the unity of all political forces in Russia. A blow was dealt to the head of the presidential administration, S. Ivanov.

Yes, and Medinsky also became an accomplice of Churov, if he changes his mind, I write one thing yesterday, and today I say another.

There is a way out, remove the Mannerheim board - the costs for the authorities will be less. And then it turns out the hair on the tail of the dog, twists his head

The event was held under the auspices of the Russian Military Historical Society.

We will not now discuss how correct it was to open the board to an ally of the Nazis, but we will talk about the background.

Many years ago, a group of “businessmen” leased large areas at 41 Shpalernaya Street from the Military Logistics Academy.

This is also the building of the Military Academy, only a different facade, facing not Zakharyevskaya Street, but Shpalernaya Street. They rented it for "fairy tales" about scientific and technical production - the benefit of the company is called JSC "Technopark VITU".

It is clear that no high technologies"businessmen" did not think - they simply opened the Marshall Hotel dedicated to Mannerheim and a museum in honor of this Finnish military man. Business prospered well, and the heads of the Military Logistics Academy also used the apartments.

But here's the bad luck, the Ministry of Defense discovered the hotel on its territory and began to survive from it according to the court of "businessmen".

What to do in such a situation? Of course, it is necessary to come up with a grandiose project in which to involve those in power, so that later, using their name, to oppose the just actions of the Ministry of Defense.

The organization of the "grand project" was taken up by the owner of the hotel, Sergei Lyaskovskiy, who is also the head of the department of scientific and educational work of the Central Naval Museum.

Somehow he persuaded the RVIO to make a board for Hitler's ally Mannerheim. Everything would have been fine, but last year its installation on the Promenade des Anglais failed. The RVIO clearly did not have enough administrative resources to resist the protests of the population.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense continued to survive the Marshal Hotel from its territory. But Lyaskovsky finds support from Vladimir Churov, an admirer of the White Guards, who has become the chairman of the scientific council of the RVIO. Lyaskovsky suggested to Churov that the board be installed in the patrimony of the hotel "businessmen", the Military Academy of Logistics. Fortunately, the management of this institution was a frequent guest of the hotel.

Churov, who now frankly has nothing to do, lobbied for the idea of ​​​​re-installing the board, first in the RVIO, and then in the Presidential Administration. And the deed was done. This time, the administrative resource was enough to overcome the protest wave.

Interestingly, after the installation of the memorial plaque to Mannerheim, the Ministry of Defense refused to comment on the Vedomosti newspaper about the lease of space at the Military Logistics Academy.

This is how the hotel "businessmen" framed the Kremlin, creating the appearance of support for Hitler's ally by the leadership of the country. Precisely the appearance, since the Kremlin did not even think about honoring Mannerheim as an ally of Hitler.

As a result, a “split point” was created between the long-reconciled supporters of the Reds and Whites, and a mine was laid under the unity of all political forces in Russia, which arose both during the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation and during the recent march of the “Immortal Regiment”.

Since the time of Alexander Pushkin, Pyotr Ershov and Pavel Bazhov, Great Storytellers have not been born in Russia anymore. And finally, a new Great Storyteller appeared in Russia - Vladimir Putin! (He, concurrently, is the President of the Russian Federation, as we know...). This historical event It happened on January 30, 2018 at the meeting of President Putin with his confidants, to whom the Great Storyteller told a fairy tale, which he called “Run, so tear!” Here is the key idea of ​​this wonderful tale:
“The super-task of the entire people of Russia, and my super-task, is to understand the state of the state, economic, political, social sphere understand where we stand in the world. (* A.G. It is very unfortunate that Putin still has not figured this out!) We must clearly understand the main trends in world development and "ensure such a breakthrough in the development of the country, give such dynamics that after SIX YEARS PASS ( *6 years of Putin’s last presidential term), even if there are disruptions and unforeseen circumstances in the life of the country, so that the momentum is so strong that Russia always goes forward”,... (* A.G. This is the kick Putin is going to give under Mother Russia's ass....)
“Awareness of this super-task should come to everyone. We need to understand that without modern healthcare, education, infrastructure, without modern science, technology, robotics, without genetics, biology, it will simply be impossible for us to survive”, …..
Like this wonderful fairy tale, which overshadowed Pushkin's tale about the fisherman and the fish, was told to Russia and the World by the Great Storyteller Vladimir Putin, however, he did not outline specific ways to achieve the goal (* obviously, he does not know himself .. The main thing is to beautifully state and hang fragrant noodles on your ears .. .). “This is a top priority. And to concretize it in a conversation with specific people - YOU WILL DO THIS no worse, but better than me, ”he told his confidants.
So, gentlemen, in fact, to solve this mind-blowing puzzle "How to jerk in order to jerk ?!" not to Putin, but to his confidants, such as rapper Timati, sports commentator Guberniev, musketeer Boyarsky, saxophonist Butman, cavalry officer Alexander Maslyukov Sr., composer Igor Krutoy, singers Gurtskaya, Gagarina, Leshchenko, humorist Vinokur ....
Well, who doubts that these professionals in the field of "economics and government controlled» will not find the way to the Great Pull?!
We know that our Great Storyteller, Vladimir Putin, before composing this brilliant tale of his about the Great Dash, was also fond of writing no less wonderful fairy tales.
Here is one of them. Our Great Storyteller keeps repeating from day to day that the State (*and the State in Russia is Putin...) conscientiously fulfills all social obligations to its people (*and beyond the brackets there is a miserable level of pensions, their under-indexation and fall, over the past 7 years, real income of the population).
And here is another, no less wonderful tale. American director Oliver Stone, who made a big documentary about Putin, during an interview, said to Putin: “Have you reduced the level of poverty in Russia by two-thirds?” And Putin, with a sweet, modest smile, replied: “Yes! This one is." In fact, Putin uttered an outright lie. After all, he “succeeded” in “reducing” the level of poverty in Russia by as much as 2/3 only thanks to the transition to new methodology calculation of the poverty level. And if we count according to the old methodology, then the number of poor people in Russia has CONSTANTLY GROWN during Putin's power, and now exceeds 50 million people ....
Let's remember another story. In 2017, after 10 years of stagnation of the "Putin economy", the GDP of the Russian Federation grew by 1.5% (exclusively due to rising oil prices), Our Storyteller hastened to declare that economic growth had begun, which allegedly testifies to the correct economic strategy of his state .. .
A new fabulous lie... Putin's economic model of the "Oil Needle" has long been exhausted and led Russia to a dead end, beyond which a yawning abyss. If there was a new collapse in world oil prices, and Russia would fall into this abyss .... And Putin, contrary to his previous views on the model economic development, January 30 this year nevertheless, he admitted that without a miracle breakthrough “it will simply be impossible for us to survive”, ..... One, completely “naive” question arises: What prevented you, Comrade Putin, for 17 years of your absolute authoritarian power, from making this Miracle Leap ? Over the years, China has performed such a miracle! And you, comrade Putin, can only be “proud” of the fact that Russia, under your brilliant leadership, has not yet collapsed into the abyss, but lingered on its edge ....
Here is such a wonderful Magic Tale about the Great Rush was invented and voiced by our Great Storyteller Vladimir Putin a month and a half before the presidential elections in the country. In fact, Putin is telling the people: give me another 6 years, and I will be so torn, so torn, that it will not seem enough! I will make Russia a Great Power, and every Russian will live in luxury, like an Arab Bedouin fattening on oil! True, as it turns out, our Great Storyteller has no idea how to make this Miracle Leap.... But this is mere trifles! Rapper Timothy, covered in tattoos from head to toe, will explain to us in his vulgar rap which path Russia will take in the next 6 years, and when, finally, the people will see the light at the end of the tunnel ....
I was going to put an end to this, but suddenly it dawned on me: Lord! Or maybe we need to nominate rapper Timothy for President?

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